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Das Skeptiker-Handbuch has arrived!

Good news! The Skeptics Handbook has been translated into German and now you can email all your German speaking friends (or enemies 😉 ) with a link to this page or the German site it’s on.

It’s a first. Thanks to the power of the internet, and the passionate international resistance to propaganda in science, I’ve now written a book I can’t read. (No seriously, it’s a measure of just how dedicated are the army of unpaid volunteers willing to donate time and effort to spread the word. Thanks!)
German Translation of The Skeptics Handbook

“Das famose “Skeptiks´ Handbook” der australischen Umweltjournalistin Joanne Nova liegt jetzt in deutscher Übersetzung vor!… Frau Nova ist jahrelang überzeugte Anhängerin der Treibhausthese gewesen, bevor sie endlich Argumente und Gegenargumente auf die Waagschale legte und erkannte, daß Begriffe wie  “Treibhauseffekt”, “Extremwetter”, “Klimaschutz” etc. reine Fiktionen sind, die aus politischen und finanziellen Beweggründen von Interessengruppen in die Welt gesetzt wurden. Und dass deren hartnäckiges Bestehen allein der mangelnden Aufklärung der Bevölkerung zu verdanken ist, die per Auflage und Wahlverhalten in unseren Medien-Demokratien das gesamte Geschehen bestimmen. “

Being a nation of people who get-things-done, I was swamped with offers to translate The Handbook from sprechers des Deutschen – more than any other language. Though there are also other translations on the way and very close (French and Norwegian), and I’ll report each one as it becomes available. Anyone who wants to do a Spanish, Italian, or other version please email me: joanne AT joannenova.com.au.

A big Thank you to Hermes and to Henric Willberg
for their work in translating the text and artwork.

I like being ‘Frau’ Nova. It could catch on…

Printed copies of Das Skeptiker

The Germans will probably be the first to get a translation of the Handbook printed. We are working out details with The Hayek Institute, which has generously offered to organize to print and post copies. Watch out here for more news.

We need help to get copies out to the UK

The land from where the native language of The Skeptics Handbook originated may well get printed copies of the Handbook after the Germans do. We’ve got interest from the UK, and some support, but are looking for a sponsor who can assist with the rest of the printing and distribution costs. Do speak up if you have ideas or contacts, or even better, money. (Yes, we’ll take donations specifically to enable British politicians and journalists the chance to be exposed to some logic, reason and basic facts of climate ‘change’  😉 )

Thanks to Derek Tipp for launching the idea and finding at least one potential sponsor…

Find the English speaking version here.

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