- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

Manuel du Sceptique Climatique

French, Skeptics Handbook, Joanne Nova, Translation

Parlez-vous français? The French version of The Skeptics Handbook is just released!  Send it to your friends who speak French; send it to your friends who don’t speak French but would like too, and send it to schools in the hope that students might learn logic and reason in their language classes, because they probably won’t learn it in science*.

UPDATE: There is also a translation for the Skeptics Handbook II La Tyrannie Climatique en veut a votre argent.

A big Thank you to Pierre Allemand and to skyfal.free.fr for their dedication and skill in translating the text and artwork.

Thanks also to Wilbert Robichaud for assistance and an anonymous expert (you know you are!) who carefully checked the translation so I could feel confident that another book with my name on it (that I can’t read), said what I thought it said.

Yet again, that this exists, after hours and hours of unpaid work for all involved, tells us all how odd the situation is. Where else in science is there such a grass-roots movement of people who are so appalled at the way the science is being misused for political, financial and personal point-scoring, that well educated people all over the world are willing to give up their time, money and expertise to help spread the message about logic, reason and science?

That this exists at all… tells us how odd the situation is

NEWS! More Translations are on the way:  There is now a Swedish version-in-the-making.

*No disrespect intended for those science teachers who DO teach logic and reason, but they appear to be the rarities, and are not supported by the curriculum. Please, anyone who knows of counter examples (where curricula do specifically refer to rhetoric, logic or reason), please email me….joanneAtjoannenova.com.au.

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