- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

Skeptikerens håndbok er her!

History will record that a dedicated team of experts offered their services for free to help rescue science from the coming of a second dark ages (or at least from the clutches of politicians pursuing Nobel peace prizes). Here’s another example of people wanting to do their part to spread the word.


The Norwegian version of The Skeptics Handbook can be found here – click the image! Soon it will also appear on klimarealistene the Norwegian page for, as Tom Wulff says, “people that do not believe in Al Gore and his flock.”

“Hev deg over skittkastingen i den globale oppvarmingsdebatten. Her er strategiene og verktøyet du trenger for åtrenge inn til sakens kjerne og unngåfellene . Det finnes nemlig ikke bevis for at CO2fører til global oppvarming.”

Thanks to Tom Wulff for his hours of work in translating it, changing images and artwork and laying it out. Thanks also to J.-E. Solheim and to Morten for providing cross checking suggestions and proof reads.

Tom writes from Norway that there is a very active community of skeptics in Norway (indeed so far this year more than 1,000 Norwegians have visited this site alone, and all without a single word in Norwegian posted here until now).

And other good news… the worldwide volunteer network expands, and before long there promises to be versions available in Turkish and Spanish as well. (Please speak up if you are a Spanish speaker and would like to help). The English version is here.

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