From now forward nothing will be quite the same for climate skeptics. It’s true that there is still a major war against unreason, and massive vested money which will fight all the way from the bank, but the ClimateGate story has taken on a reality that cannot be stopped.
Jon Stewart is a liberal (meaning leftie) comedian in the US, and watch him mock Gore, and give people the real import of “hide the decline”. …it’s just scientist speak for using a standard statistical technique for recalibrating data in order to… …TRICK YOU!. He delivers the blows beautifully.
[ Darn. This youtube video was removed from youtube…]
Most people in polls might say they believe we should do something about the climate, but only 10% of them are truly committed followers. The other 90% are dutiful. And because the dutiful followers of the greenhouse crisis are well… dutiful, they aren’t going to object too hard when someone tells them it was all scam, and… they don’t have to pay more money, or apologize for taking long flights, or swap their dog for a goldfish (which has a smaller carbon footprint). That’s why, once this begins to fall, there won’t be any resistance in the polls.
And things are changing fast in the trenches of the campaign against the Big Scare.
The grassroots effort to inform our representatives has scored a major win. The Australian Senate has finally rejected the ETS. Only two Liberals crossed the floor. Only a week ago there were 33 speakers in the Liberal Party who supported the ETS. Party discipline means some of them still do, but none the less, it’s a transformation. The Australian media reported this awakening as if it were a blood bath of disarray, and it would have looked that way if you believe in the theory of man-made catastrophe. Instead the conservative opposition were picking up the courage to give a voice to suppressed views, and they were reborn in the process.
The lack of free speech was what had kept the Australian conservatives down for so long.
The lack of free speech was what had kept the Australian conservatives down for so long. I wrote in October that Turnbull’s bullying was the core problem. It’s even worse in the Australian Labor Party, where Rudd throws a nasty mix of names at anyone who disagrees. If there was corruption or irregularities in the science, who among Rudds closest allies would have the courage to face the intimidation and speak up? Bullying and suppression of views is never the path to strength. That’s why Turnbull’s leadership failed, and why Rudd’s will too.
Christopher Monckton provides a 43 page comprehensive Summary of ClimateGate with the full sordid details of the corruption of scientific process. While Phil Jones head of the East Anglia Climate Research Unit is forced to step down, and Michael Mann is being investigated.
Today the Daily Express in the UK did a ground breaking front cover, and no holds barred story. This is significant and curious. The main dailies have had 10 days to phone Professor Plimer and interview him, yet the tabloids are faster to get the core of what this means.
THE scientific consensus that mankind has caused climate change was rocked yesterday as a leading academic called it a “load of hot air underpinned by fraud”.
Professor Ian Plimer condemned the climate change lobby as “climate comrades” keeping the “gravy train” going.
Fake Scare Meets Real Scare
Frightening people with the truth is usually known as discussing the news
Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change, who hasn’t provided any empirical evidence in support of the Emissions Trading Scheme was utterly hypocritical and rather petulant: “When you cannot fight the argument you run a scare campaign”. Is she talking about the opposition? Her department is built around a scare of biblical proportions “The seas will rise, famine and pestilence will reign, the earth will be barren and struck by drought.” Skeptics meanwhile are trying to scare people by calling the big new tax a waste of money (using their numbers), and pointing to clauses in their international agreements where new undemocratic world governments are specifically referred too. Sure Penny, our claims are scary, but if your team didn’t write these all encompassing globally ambitious legal documents, we wouldn’t have anything to “scare people” with. Frightening people with the truth is usually known as discussing the news.
Tribal Witchdoctor Mocked
In The Guardian Fred Pearce declares that If Australia does not silence its sceptics and reduce its emissions there is a real risk of the nation becoming uninhabitable.
Pearce has no answers to sceptics, so he calls them names, and insists they mustn’t speak. Somehow, if I just talk, it’s enough to make Australia uninhabitable. Really?
You’d think if I was exaggerating bogus scares and repeating the words of giant organizations without checking them, the editors would see through it, and my words would vanish from the press, impotent without an audience. Not so. It seems the penalty for repeating baseless PR is to be given extra column inches to fill.
Many commentors know more than the journalist.
paulevans18: Climate Change Alarmist scientists …proved ‘mann made global warming’ to be a deceitful lie, perpetrated by corrupt scientist getting rich, avoiding FIO requests, avoiding tax and ‘hiding the decline’. Over 1000 email threads and 3000 pages of text prove the fraud.
rod1575: The Alarmists are the deniers now!
The debate is not over!
LeoLane: You might help us out by publishing something about the emails which make clear how this scam was attempted, by scientists who peer reviewed each others attempts to “hide the decline”, and pretend the world was warming.
The message about the fraud has got through. The popularity of the climate crisis could all fall over before Christmas. Even if it does fall over quickly, and the mainstream media awaken, the fight to stop government bloat from getting in the way of the people the government is supposed to serve will surely go on ad infinitum.
Greens Senator Bob Brown accused the Coalition of being “led by climate change sceptics”.
“If we don’t act on climate change our children and grandchildren will pay the penalty,” he said (rather scarily).
But if we do act on climate change, our children, our grandchildren and we ourselves will all pay the penalty, starting now, and on for the foreseeable future.
Lol I have a goldfish not a dog…
Just for entertainment, here’s another comment below the Fred Pearce article that I almost included. Here’s a believer, with paranoid delusions of “roving packs of denier bloggers.” But he does seem to be arguing that perhaps Fred ought not call for silencing of sceptics…
Fred. Your attempt to lob blame down under or ‘over there’ and use stereotypes has simply encouraged deniers to come out from under the woodwork. In what appears to be a planned effort of roving packs of bloggers.
Journalists need to stop being selfish by encouraging comment – just to get comment. Your article really was below your usual standard.
You guys have a responsibility to act fairly and honestly. Be fair to potential allies. Be honest and clear with your facts and let the deniers spread their lies.
Casting blame onto other nations or belittling them, is simply denying the facts. Plain and simple. It will not help and it will certainly divide us – at a time when the flat earth brigade have their backs up.
Now is a time to unite. Division plays into the hands of the sceptics and their mass of rabid bloggers.
My hat is off to you Jo and to your fellow Australians (the ones who believe in truth, anyway)!!! I have been intently watching (via the internet) the developments in Australia and the defeat of the ETS. You Australians have struck a blow for truth and freedom! I had feared that you were lost and that those of us in the United States would have to fight this climate change fraud without you. Your victory will make our fight that much easier.
Keep up the good work! Your website is tremendous! As you are well aware, the fight is not over (but, the masses are awakening to the fraud). As one of our most revered patriots, Thomas Jefferson, once wrote “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Be vigilant!!
“I had feared that you were lost… ”
So did we! Every second day I’d wake up thinking it was D-Day, and it would all be over soon. Then we’d win a bit, I’d relax, and wake up the next day to find things has changed and it really was D-Day… It went on for 9 days.
I’m still smiling.
No doubt though, the 1800 page, full gloss Copenhagen Report is on the way. Shock News, It’s Worse Than Even Our Most Extreme Climate Astrologers Modelled Last Week. Prepare for the Shut Down of The Ocean Currents!
Thomas Jefferson was a wise man.
Wong has presented herself as a target. She should now be pressed to explain her own recent sea level forecasts, which uses IPCC data incorrectly, and manipulates tidal data. Her department produced this report – she is responsible. She must go.
the questions i’ve never heard asked are:
if satellites can determine the earth’s temperatures, can we determine the temperatures of other celestial beings within our planetary system? can we look at the temperature variations of said planets – and compare them to our planet?
if solar energy is the main culprit in our ecosystem, shouldn’t the same effects be seen on other planets/ moons?
if a correlation can be drawn, doesn’t AWG become debunked?
we need to think simply. the truth is usually the simplest explanation.
I understand that Wong has made a career out of outlandish, unsubstantiable (is that a word?) claims. I believe she has been asked to justify them on many occasions, and she just doesn’t seem to get it. I doubt that she will see any difference now, in the need to justify her statements. In fact, it really appears she doesn’t even understand the basic concept of “factual basis”.
I guess you meant “celestial bodies” rather than “celestial beings”.
I’m sure that others here can put their fingers on specifics. But I can say that I have seen a number of references that indicate that the climate is changing on Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.
What is the lattest from Penny Wrong?
Has she stepped forward with an updated announcement?
To coincide with this blog post, let me post an article from Reason Magazine. I think the author’s main point – that Climategate has bee a tragedy for climate science – is poignant. After all, if we can’t have faith (heh) in the scientific process to give us proper answers, then how can we truly address the problem of changes in climate? I think this whole mess has actually been a lost opportunity for mankind and this entire climategate will make for good study for future scientific historians about how multiple generations went off their rocker when it came to “saving the planet”.
I had jsut finished watching the Stewart video clip and then popped back to your page. There is literally NOTHING which exposes the idiocy of any issue better than honest laughter. What argument can anyone maintain in the face of people genuinely laughing at them?
Cheers (literally)
I watched the clip. I felt that not all of the audience found it funny. I bet there were a few uncomfortable people in there.
Go Aussies!
Congratulations again.
This one surely will be a problem at Copenhagen.
Good all the way around.
[…] Nova talks about the tipping point, Andrew Bolt talks about Googlegate, Alan JOnes of 2GB talks to TonyAbbott, Air vent on science, […]
Wow! I just stumbled across this video – “Message to the Environmental Movement – Climategate”. Not everyone here will agree with everything said, but I really relate to it. It is very well done, and very powerful.
In the UK, the opposition conservative leadership (equivalent to your liberals), led by green whimp David Cameron, is coming under pressure from its own party.
His recent blog on how important Copenhagen is got a barrage of comments telling him the truth from his natural electorate. And they will flock to UKIP at the election next year, which wants out of the EUSSR and is anti-man-made global warming.
Mars, Jupiter, even Pluto. All getting hotter.
Good find Steve. Fantastic movie. I’m going to post it all over the place.
A dispatch from 3 platoon, A coy, 1st battalion the Waterloo roving denier blogger pack regiment of old Sydney town. a spy tells me that the whilst the Danes are rolling out the red carpet for the new world climate glitteratai with one hand they sweep with the other the embarassing news that twice this year they have been busted as Denmark is at the centre of a comprehensive tax scam involving CO2 quotas, in which the cheats exploit a so-called ‘VAT carrousel’, reports Ekstra Bladet newspaper. …. a border obs post notes that the Germans have brought some heavy duty equipment which they`ve had in storage for some time, to the german/danish border inorder to interdict our roving partisan pack (baltic sea div)bloggers who have some tricky questions to attack the meteorological monarchy with. meanwhile Lord wong wong aka `copenhagen Rose` will hit the airways with the latest from the backroom boys of IPCC sci-fi-ence, a mankind frying 7c rise in temp by 2100. things are indeed warming up….. Blackballoons Incoming!!!!
Selected “wisdom” from the Wikipedia, my emphasis in bold.
Radiation from molecules
As well as the electronic transitions discussed above, the energy of a molecule can also change via rotational, vibrational and vibronic (combined vibrational and electronic) transitions. These energy transitions often lead to closely-spaced groups of many different spectral lines, known as spectral bands. Unresolved band spectra may appear as a spectral continuum.
Molecular emission is the mechanism behind the sulfur lamp and the deuterium arc lamp.
Absorption spectra
When light passes through a material, it is absorbed at characteristic frequencies. The absorbed photons are converted to heat, re-emitted in a different direction or in some other way removed from the original beam of photons. A spectrum of the light after it has passed through the material will have dark lines (absence of light from the continuous spectrum) at characteristic frequencies. The pattern of dark lines is known as the absorption spectrum. Absorption lines occur at the same frequencies as emission lines for a given material, but the relative intensities of the lines differ between the emission and absorption spectrum.
From a university lecture series on radiative transfer….
ii) Kinetic collisions, by changing the translation energy, influence rotational levels strongly, vibrational levels slightly, and electronic levels scarcely at all.
Right, the picture is getting a bit clearer now, CO2 molecules (or H20) that absorb blackbody Infrared radiation from the earth’s surface become vibrationally excited and re-emit in the same range of wavelengths as their absorption spectrum (because the absorption and emission spectrums are the same, I have also read that molecular collisions apparently cause spectral broadening and the vibrational energy is not transferred in molecular collisions to any great degree (in a gas). So my question is, if we just consider the radiative transfer (since there is no conduction of the absorbed energy via molecular collisions) and given that the absorption/emission spectrum for CO2 is essentially unique at 4.3 and 15 microns, how can CO2 molecules do significant ‘work’ on other molecules with different absorption/emission spectrums?
Reply to Michael in 6…
Check out the following link. It’s a nice, easily digestable summary with charts. About one third down is a section titled “Warming on Other Planets”.
Sorry, link didn’t appear.
The page is:
Hi Jo,
I have been doing a lot of reading on plants and co2 including searching for: plants harmed co2.
It appears there are some 4000 experiments on the effect of elevated co2 levels on plants, it is all good news.
Global agriculture is benefiting from increased co2 levels without higher input of artificial fertilizers, atmospheric fertilization is taking place.
Why is this being shouted from the roof tops, from every politician, from the news media, I suggest good news stories are not what people want to hear. Doom and Gloom sell newspapers.
Suggest your site could highlight these facts on co2 and plants.
Thanks, Clive. I would be grateful if you would mention which articles/sites you found particularly valuable.
Michael: Post 6,
Michael, I agree if only it was that simple..Logic and Reason has got me thru most of my Life but I’m also Humble to know when I’m wrong and state such! This is not going on in the AGW crowd..The Alarmists do not see it this way..All they see is “Control and more Control” upon others. Money also controls if you look at it hard enough…it controls you, Michael as much as everyone else…Alarmists have “Closed Minds which follow Closed Eyes, and with Closed Ears, All Has Befallen”…need I say more towards the fact that what you’ve seen is “Befallen Upon Them”?
Now after having a more of an outlook of what’s going on here’s the latest!
Pielke Sr: ClimateGate Emails Just a Small Sample of a Broad Issue
And here: ClimateGate, Copenhagen & The Collapse of Climate Change by The Resilient Earth
and this in reference to the 450 Skeptical Peer Reviewed Papers article Open Letter to Mr. Achim Steiner-Executive Director, UNEP
lastly this article from Dr. Tim Ball…Do you agree??? Time To Cancel IPCC and Withdraw Nobel Prizes From Them and Gore
Denny (#26)…
Just wondering… when you post links to articles and resources, would you be willing to link directly to the source, rather than to the scraped/pasted copy? Sorry, but that would feel much better to me. Call me old-fashioned, but I still support the concept of copyright. Thanks.
Don’t applaud Down Under too much just yet. None of Climategate is appearing in the press here. One wonders how long they can keep the news of the page (and off the TV). I think Oz journalists are in shock and denial.
But remember that the green lobby are masters of moral violence. They tell the truth, nothing but the truth, but never the whole truth, and it’s the bits left out that turn it into a giant lie. I have no doubt they’ll all be working overtime on Climategate as mere peccadillo. Don’t underestimate their abilities.
So, Tipping point is now. We’d better get some idea of how this is to be pitched. If this issue is marginalized and we get bundled into extreme views, people will switch off (I know I would).
The way I see it, the other camp have the negative aspect –the world is gonna end and it’s all your fault and don’t question me or I’ll bully you type approach. Goebels would have been proud.
So we’re pretty lucky really, we take the positive, warm approach. So let’s talk more about the positives like the following:
1) No, the world is not going to end due to man made global warming. You can rest easy on that one.
2) Don’t worry, the cute polar bears are doing fine.
3) Increased C02 has been proved to increase crop yields to help more people put food on their table
4) We’re the poor ones, it’s big business that wants an ETS
5) The Environmental movement seems to have become big business. What a shame, don’t you think?
6) We’re not lying to you, we just want a good clean debate because we’re not convinced(something that hasn’t happened yet as far as I can tell).
etc etc.
What are your thoughts?
Clive Popham (23 above):
Hello. I am interested in this subject, too. Thanks for raising it.
I think it’s a but more complicated than “all good news” though.
I’m not a scientist but my imperfect understanding is that the “fertilisation” effect in higher CO2 levels results from plants being able to use CO2 and water more efficiently. But there are potential downsides. Crops, for example, might grow more vigorously but so would weeds. Bigger plants might take up more water, too, leaving less to run off into rivers and dams.
As well, you have to consider the role of increasing ozone near the land surface (as opposed to the ozone layer), which can damage plant leaves and make them less efficient.
Then there’s light – check out global dimming, for instance. It had been suggested that increasing particulate emissions in the air – from industry, fuel-burning and so on – might scatter and diffuse sunlight and so make photosynthesis less efficient. Turns out that didn’t happen: in fact, diffuse sunlight seems to make plants even more efficient photosynthesisers. This paper estimates that plants took a whole lot more carbon out of the atmosphere over the past 40 years than previously thought.
Ironically, if we clean up particulate air pollution, sunlight would become more direct and plants less efficent at removing carbon from the air.
My take on this is that the deeper you dig, the more you realise the complexity of the inter-connections between the atmosphere, the oceans, the sun, the land surface, the icecaps, plants, animals and human activity. I’m increasingly wary of anyone who tells me they have a simple explanation or a simple solution to this or that climate issue.
That’s my two cents.
here is a copy of a post of mine at that was in a response to a guest log by Steve McIntyre. Although it was about our experience in America it essentially applies to any democracy. Mr. McIntyre is a personal hero of mine as are you, Jo. Although, you are a lot nicer looking! As another hero of mine, Thomas Jefferson once said, “When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.”
Lets fast forward this Climategate debacle to its obvious resolution. Most of the deleted emails are probably stored at the ISP. I know in the U.S. they are required to be, the question is has that time expired? Because taxpayer dollars were fraudulently acquired and squandered on a non problem there will be a paper trail. As the investigation unfolds somebody will spill the beans to avoid prison time. Then, it will be CYA time on steroids. The spineless politicians will do whatever it takes to keep their jobs. The real question is, how high up the food chain does the conspiracy go? Remember, Dear Leader Obama claims that he got his start in politics with the help of the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters. Whether you like the president or not there is no denying that he is a smart man and an astute politician who needs to win just one more election. Since, for politicians the end justifies the means, who will be sacrificed so that the president can continue to “do the work of the people”?
Most Americans, even in these hard times, enjoy a standard of living that most of the world envies. The average American DOES pay attention whenever a politician attempts to reach into his wallet. As the true magnitude of this scandal unfolds everybody involved will be so busy driving the bus over everyone else that it is going to look like a destruction derby. What is sad is that when future real environmental concerns arise nobody will believe the environmentalists. Any sane human being cares about the planet. The good news is the far left will not be able to execute their master plan for world domination through control of the world’s energy. BTW, I despise the far left as much as I do the far right. All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Thank you Steve for having the courage to do that which is right.[You too, Jo!]
the consensus measure of empirical to empire building. Mike Hulme UAE and Jerome Ravetz Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) at Oxford University patiently explain how `old` science just don`t cut it in the AGW enlightened world. How science has evolved and how
The understanding of science as a social activity has changed quite radically in the last 50 years. Thus, The classic virtues of scientific objectivity, universality and disinterestedness can no longer be claimed to be automatically effective as the essential properties of scientific knowledge…… or so these eminent purveyours of snake oil, dribble. peer reviewed by Lewis carrol and Hans christian anderson p.94
I truly hope your prediction is validated. But my innate suspicion of politicians and lack of visible management/leadership skills commonly evident in university executives, leads me to expect drawn-out investigations and likely a lot of misdirection and double talk in the reports.
I would probably put my money on them finding a couple of fall guys long after the public is focused back on entertainment, celebrities and twittering, while exonerating the newly contrite individuals who “really” didn’t understand, directly take part, or themselves modify data for the express purpose of skewing results.
I hope I am proved to be far, far too pessimistic.
Hi All,
CimateGates’ impact on science in General?
Something on the politicization of Science:
Once again, how this can be sat on by the Lamestream media absolutely beggars belief.
Despairing #28
Here in the USA we have the same problem.
Here’s your link.
And yet with ‘global warming’ and ‘Al Gore’ in its dust, ‘Climategate’ now surpasses ‘Barack Obama’ in Google search results.
So lets have ourself a little smile.
Attention, American and Canadian citizens we are so close to losing our Sovereignty and our Freedom, is barely hanging by a thread! Make your voice and your rights known, as you are the boss not the politicans you voted into power!
Time is getting short and it is coming down to the fact, that soon ( December 7 to December 18 ) I will have to pray to the good Lord to maintain our freedoms and that God will not allow our leaders to sign the Copenhagen Treaty, which will take away our liberties, let go and let God, this being a challenge to our Lord and Saviour? However, while there is still time to prevent the loss of a lifetime, perhaps loss of life it’s self – I will do what I am able to fight for our freedoms! The whole Climate Change agenda is a proven fraud and racketeering, but the United Nations and Globalist governments don’t care as that is just the excuse instrument they have used to ensnare us, they are going to try to push it through anyway! Has everybody out there become a tree hugger? The tree will be standing 100 years from now, but will you be looking at the tree, from inside the fence of a Concentration Camp? Anyone out there want to fight to maintain their freedom anymore? Please do all you can to preserve freedom in North America!
Check out what Government is doing behind your back at:
Canadians: To request that PM Harper doesn’t sign the Copenhagen Treaty, thereby causing
Canadians to lose their Sovereignty and Freedom, email the PM at:
Any lawyers want to help out by filing this Copenhagen Treaty be classified as an illegal Treaty, in order to, help save Freedom in North America? ( Unlimited Promotion Opportunity Here For a Law firm to Gain a favorable high profile credibility! )
Oh and don’t let anyone bamboozle you that climate gate isn’t a fatal blow to global warming.
Your own guy Warwick Hughes is slicing and dicing Jones et al over on his blog for all the world to see. Sorry I don’t have the link handy.
As Jones et al goes so goes Hansen of Nasa, and Karl of Noaa.
Their data is all overlap. AGW is circling the porcelain.
Well, climategate is now up to 22.5 million google search matches. For a new word, this has to be a record, 0 to 22.5 million in a couple of weeks. The lack of coverage by main stream media is making them a laughing stock. ‘NBC News’ is at 7.6 million google matches, and they’ve been at it for a while.
Media Self censorship perhaps?
Odd that the article in the UK Daily mail entitled ” Dont hold your breath expecting that [CRU] climate change data will be released” has only four comments, all by the one contributor, contradicting the article, and all other comments appear to have been frozen out.
link : DailyMail
To: Rod Smith
Politicians, especially American, are animals. Animals have a strong instinct for self preservation. Rats always desert a sinking ship. Obama’s popularity is dropping like a rock (43% approval rating) and congress’ approval rating is even worse (23%). A recent poll shows that 73% of Americans are angry or very angry at the government. For the first time in decades Americans are putting (55%) the economy over the environment. People are starting to wisen up. Abraham lincoln once said, “You can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” What is amazing is how slow the mainstream press is on covering the story. The NY Times and CBS are starting to cover it. Most of the leftwing press in the US take there marching orders from the NY Times. Fox News and the Wall Street Journal are all over it like a cheap suit. Fox News has higher ratings than MSN, MSNBC and CNN combined. Fox News is almost even with NBC. The WSJ is huge in the states. Sometimes you just have to have faith, Rod. Have a Merry Christmas and a cool yule! Fight the good fight! If three hundred Spartans could hold off the entire persian army at the pass of Thermopylae just think of what they could have done if they would have had the internet! As co2isnotevil has so lucidly pointed out, the hits on Google for Climategate are massive and keep on rising. So be of good cheer and take no prisoners. After all, the left never has and never will.
Australia’s ABC (A Government funded, Labor run, Pravda like TV station, radio network and Internet news outlet)Hasn’t mention the word “Climategate on it’s internet site and has barely mention the CRU emails at all on the other outlets…. A lockdown in denial mode exists within the ABC. No facts can interfere with the Collective. AGW remains a glittering jewel of pure ideological thought for them.
It’s sad watching the depths people will go in order to deceive themselves.
Close to doubling in only one day.
Google: 27,700,000 hits for Climate-Gate.
It was ~16,500,000 yesterday.
Google: 22,200,000 for ClimateGate.
It was ~12,000,000 yesterday.
The way Google works ClimateGate, Climate Gate, and Climate-Gate is included in Climate-Gate.
Its a tsunami washing past the drying up trickle that was once the Main Stream Media.
The political class will keep trying to get away with their schemes. Their conclusion from this experience will be that the mistake they made was failure to get control over the internet. Before they do that, we need eliminate the political class and reduce it to having to work for a living. I suggest that, since they wish to return us to the stone age, the work should be using big rocks to break bigger rocks into little rocks from dawn to sunset.
Steve at post#7 wrote:
Penny Wong is a lawyer. In court, “FACT” is determined by a judge based on the arguments put before the judge. Penny is being a lawyer – where fact is determined by the best argument (or the most tiring) – not be observation of the thing being studied. Scientific fact, and legal fact are by no means one and the same thing!
@Btok: I just received an email from each of my Florida Senators today. One is a Democrat, the other a Republican. Both use non-facts to explain that the Earth is rapidly warming and remark that immediate action must be taken to thwart AGW. They did not even mention ClimateGate. Both letters are just so much boiler plate.
They will receive emails tomorrow, probably followed-up by snail mail, raking them over the coals. I think I will link to Joann’s handbook and follow with a set of snail mail copies. Joanne’s jewels of rationality are just unbeatable, but I doubt they will change closed minds. It is difficult task if money, power, or party politics are involved, and though I have no proof, or even a hint about these things, I suspect they may be responsible here.
I am one to charge head on into the nub of problems without too much regard to how folks “feel” about them, but I’ll go down charging anyway!
OT: Has every one heard of the ‘Roach Letter”? It os likely apocryphal, but the story is that several years ago a man bought a compartment ticket on a (US) rail line for an overnight trip. He found the compartment filled with cockroaches, and wrote a letter to the head of the rail line.
Shortly he received a nice letter in return thanking him for this information and outlined the steps that were being taken to cure the problem. It was a very impressive letter. After reading the letter the man noticed a scrap of paper on the floor. On it was handwriting saying: “Send this guy the roach letter.”
Perhaps it is the tipping point. Certainly it’s emboldening one scientist here. From “The Australian”
‘Gagged’ scientist resigns from CSIRO
11:56AM SCIENTIST Clive Spash has resigned from the CSIRO and called for a Senate inquiry into the science body following the censorship of his controversial report into emissions trading.
Here’s the full URL
I’m happily surprised, not at the censorship, but that Spash has publicly quit to speak out. Since the mid-1990s, I have been aware of apparent multiple censorship and data manipulation exercises. But Australia’s appalling libel laws mean one can usually do or say nothing about it (truth and fact are not defences in a libel action!) Most people don’t have the courage to walk.
Just did some searches on, and came up with this…
Climategate – Results 1 – 10 of about 197,000,000 for climategate. (0.07 seconds)
Obama – Results 1 – 10 of about 47,100,000 for obama. (0.12 seconds)
Global Warming – Results 1 – 10 of about 10,900,000 for “global warming” [definition]. (0.34 seconds)
Copenhagen Summit – Results 1 – 10 of about 7,220,000 for copenhagen summit. (0.15 seconds)
Here’s an interesting list. Way to go Joanne, you’re about 1/2 as linked as MSNBC!
sex 96.6 M
microsoft 78.6 M
fox news 44.2 M
rock and roll 41.8 M
CBS News 40.8 M
intel 36.1 M
ABC News 39.7 M
climate-gate 27.7 M <*******
drugs 22.4 M
climategate 22.2 M <*******
paris hilton 18.4 M
naked 16.2 M
global warming 10.4 M
NBC News 7.69 M
MSNBC 3.54 M
joanne nova 1.22 M
If you think you have problems with the ABC, check out what this CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp) journalist wrote for today’s Guardian in response to Monbiot’s column…
Co2isnotevil (#47): “joanne nova 1.22 M”
Hmmm, going off topic a bit here I guess, but… it doesn’t really work like that.
I haven’t touched Google in a long, long time, and I don’t intend to do so now. But if you enter your search term as:
joanne nova
… it will return everything in its index that contains the word ‘joanne’ or the word ‘nova’.
If you put it in quotes, i.e. “joanne nova” you will get a more realistic result.
For the record, Bing returns 16,500,000
And what’s more, Fred, if you keep it up we won’t come and save you poms from the krauts next time. Have some gratitude, if you can’t have poise, polish and good sense.
Wong’s Parliament House website address has been shut down.
Guess she can’t take the heat! (Just a joke)
I tried to get Wong’s department to explain the basis of the sea level rise “forecast” but they won’t.
@co2isnotevil: beaten by sex, drugs and rock`n`roll….! is looking good.
Well, at least someone may be made to answer a ‘few’ questions.
Is that “7C by 2100” from an official statement? I’m thinking of Ray Hibbard’s bet from sometime earlier:
I didn’t reply at the time to cover that bet because I thought Ray’s estimate was too close to correct. In the light of new data, if the “7C by 2100” is official then I’d like to take the bid a step higher and put the ten USD onto a 9 degree estimate before 2nd half 2010 because “it’s worse than we thought”.
Probably we need some agreement on what counts as “official” estimate for these purposes. I propose that any government employee making a public statement should suffice.
Steve Schapel: Post 27,
Steve, on all of my articles unless it’s mine; have the word “Source:” at the left bottom of every article. So if you want the original article, just go to the source and click on “LINK”! Sometimes there’s added info and sites included in articles I copy..If they are important in getting the word across then I will post what I have found, then the article will still have the original source! If the author ask’s for permission to use their article, I will ask or not copy it. I give a lot of respect towards Authors…Since I’m involved in articles on Climate Change, I proof-read, check for paragraph spacing,etc. etc.. The one I refered to you yesterday was the Pielke Sr. interview with PJM! That took me over an hour to do! I highlite sentences and state such “if” the author is trying to make an explicit point and didn’t do this..So I think I’m OK with the posts! I know there’s a gray background in the articles at Sometimes I will put color into the article to give contrast, otherwise their’s eye strain as you go thru the article, especially big ones..I’ve noticed other Authors do the same. I duplicate this or inhance it at Steve, hopes this helps you where I’m coming from and I apprecieate your comments…ALL articles are at least the original..Little photos I most generally I don’t bring over. Also any picture’s that are in Bitmap format! cannot take them…Integrity of the article is upmost important!!! I take this very seriously!!
found this podcast, it talks about how the vanguard of the deniers
is made up of the “truth” movement…worth a listen
The hacked emails – have a look at this video:
Hey, Arie, nice to see you back. It’s been a while.
Congrats – you found a youtube segment that’s trying to make climategate look well… not so bad.
I’m sure it will convince lots of people that if you just repeat “hide the decline” enough times it becomes meaningless… Oh. Or maybe not.
And just because the rest of us don’t need an official investigation of Jones to pronounce this as fraud, lets get real. Jones et all have had two weeks to explain which emails are false, and defend them, or pronounce them as fake, and all I can say is Jones admits he said “hide the decline”.
There is nothing anyone can say that justifies that.
If 100% of the population watched this video I bet 90% of them would feel less enthused abut trusting the East Anglia CRU after they saw it.
Jonova, you have been , as usual, too eager to lap up news that feeds your skepticism. You could at least have the decency to wait until the thing has been investigated. But, of course, when the conclusion is that there was nothing untoward here, you will call it a ‘whitewash’ won’t you. To me it looks like a manufactured scandal and now there are even rumors that the whole thing was engineered by the KGB (Russia is to a large extent dependent on its fossil fuel industry).See yesterday’s Daily Mail on Sunday (a conservative paper as far as I know). Well, at this stage it is only a rumor but I must admit that I will permit myself some discrete glee when it turns out to be true. Imagine that; all those good folk who claim that ‘global warming’ is just a socialist plot and an attempt to get world government who would now have to reconcile these sentiments with their lingering distrust of Russia.
Ahh “Decency”, There’s a good word. I don’t suppose Obama, goldman sachs and Rudd et al will have the decency to wait for the investigation before they give away our sovereignty to a world government we can’t vote for?
No. Didn’t think so.
So why should we lie down like suck-it-up passive pawns and beg for someone else to tell us how to live, where to holiday, what kind of car we can drive and what we are allowed to say.
Jones has admitted he said “hide the decline”.
Who pays you to defend big bankers or do you voluntarily work to sell out your countrymen to banker profits?
What a double standard. I can’t condemn a man for a statement he agrees he made, yet you think rumours of a KGB scam make the emails questionable? It could just have well have been an insider acting as a whistleblower. And who cares either way?
The larger crime is going on at Copenhagen where science based on fraud is being used to rob all of us.
Arie Brand thinks the whole CRU thing might have been engineered by the KGB …
I thought we skeptics/deniers were supposed to be the conspiracy theorists?
This is really funny – made my day. Thanks, Arie!
Oh conspiracy here, conspiracy there. I am just a humble reporter on what was said in a conservative British newspaper. By the way the suggestion was not that the KGB has actually composed these emails. And of course it was known from the start that the server where the stolen emails came from was located in Russia. This makes the KGB-hypothesis rather more plausible (unless one assumes that Swiftboat engineer Morano sent his underlings all expenses paid to Russia for a Swifthack).
It is true that Obama, Brown, Rudd and quite a few other world leaders are not waiting for the outcome of that investigation, probably because they never believed there was anything in this whole thing anyway. Being professional politicians they are quicker in spotting a con game than most of us. Brown very recently even talked about you lot as ‘flat earthers'(but he is of course one of those socialist conspirators who wants to spoil Jonova’s holidays).
You sceptics have been celebrating far too early about all this. Reputable journals like Science and Nature have come out in support of these scientists. And even such a conservative organ as The Economist kept its wits together. It is all highlighted on this video:
“Reputable” journals like Nature owe the world a humbling apology for not correcting the errors and fraudulent science they mistakenly promoted.
They have lost all credibility.
Have I lost the ability to add thumbs up and down?
“They have lost all credibility.” Do I spot some wishful thinking there?