Sigh. Time to party right? Heigh Ho and ra ha ha and all that. Yes, forgive me for not cracking open the champagne. Rudd (Australia’s PM) has finally admitted what skeptics have known for two months, that he doesn’t have the courage of his “convictions” and that all the pious rhetoric was a bluff.
A week before the National Budget comes out, he’s announced he’s shelving the Emissions Trading Scheme that was a defining part of his election campaign for Kevin ’07. It shocked some of the pundits.
Naturally, it’s not bad news, but let’s face it, a green tax is still on the agenda, literally billions of dollars is still being wasted in government programs, we’re still “signed up” for UN agreements worth gadzillions, and to top that off, we have a Prime Minister who’s so unprincipled that in his own words he’s a donothing delayer, an inactivist, a man who gambles recklessly with our childrens future. He’s a political coward, and a failure as a leader, and he’s acting against what he believes is Australia’s best economic interests. He said all that, and all the quotes of his faux anger (see below) come from just one speech.
He’s not going to push for a double dissolution, he’s not trying to negotiate, and he’s not going to even try to defend his passionately favored scheme at the next election, but he still “wants it”, and still thinks it’s the right thing to do.
He howled that the skeptics were only acting for the money–holding the world to ransom, and so now he what, stoically… caves in? If skeptics are “too dangerous to be ignored” and this is all the response he can muster, what chance does the country have against a real enemy? (Skeptics toss unauthorised emails, but enemies toss nukes.)
The answer of course, is that Rudd was never that convinced–not in a “save my grandchildren” kind of way. He just took the easy option of bluff and bluster. He tried to bully the nation into helping him pass the legislation that would make him look like a hero to the UN.
But the price of the big bluff is steep and the cost is measured in credibility. Paul Kelly in The Australian describes just how big the back flip is. If Rudd were a statesman he would have sought out the skeptics and asked what they were searching for and why they felt so strongly. If he had researched the contrary opinions he would have been so much the wiser–forewarned about the weak science and informed about the motivations and the money. He would never have painted himself into the Corner of Abject Derision. Nor would he have risked signing Australia over to Goldman Sachs and co. for so little benefit. How stupid would Australia look if that one vote had gone the other way last December? We would have nobbled our sovereign economy in a “symbolic display” of national gullibility.
Kevin Rudd, November 2009, Lowy Institute (selected lines from a 6000 word speech)
“The resolve of the Australian Government is clear we choose action, and we do so because Australia’s fundamental economic and environmental interests lie in action.”
“The challenge we face, and others around the world face, is to build momentum and overcome domestic political constraints. The truth is this is hard, because the climate change skeptics, the climate change deniers, the opponents of climate change action are active in every country. They are a minority. They are powerful. And invariably they are driven by vested interests. Powerful enough to so far block domestic legislation in Australia…”
…these three groups of climate skeptics are quite literally holding the world to ransom, provoking fear campaigns in every country they can, blocking or delaying domestic legislation.
“It is time to be totally blunt about the agenda of the climate change skeptics … It is to destroy the CPRS at home, and it is to destroy agreed global action on climate change abroad, and our children’s fate and our grandchildren’s fate will lie entirely with them. It’s time to remove any polite veneer from this debate. The stakes are that high.”
The clock is ticking for the planet, but the climate change skeptics simply do not care. The vested interests at work are simply too great. …these donothing climate change skeptics are prepared to destroy our children’s future.
What absolute political cowardice.
What an absolute failure of leadership.
What an absolute failure of logic.
Climate change deniers are small in number, but they are too dangerous to be ignored.
They are reckless gamblers who are betting all our futures on their arrogant assumption that their intuitions should triumph over the evidence. The logic of these skeptics belongs in a casino, not a science lab, and not in the ranks of any responsible government.
Malcolm, Barnaby, Andrew, Janet, even Lord Monckton shouldn’t even bother with the pretence of science and just admit the currency of their prescription for inaction has all the legitimacy of a roulette wheel.
The Government I lead will act.
I wrote one of my most passionate polemics against that same Rudd Lowy speech.
I’ll just go back to my roulette wheel…
Welcome back Jo.
We were starting to get a little bored and slightly fractious. It also got silly at one point (I blame Speedy
Great article once again Jo,
Good work to everyone who helped to make sure the ETS wasn’t put through parliament into law by stealth by this government. Good work everyone. It was close and it was just about a done deal, until the readership of this blog and many others made their concerns known. Small movements En Masse can and did change the course of things.
Rudd irreversibly tied his wagon to the whole AGW rubbish. Both Rudd and his government must be held accountable and go down with the ship. Of course I am using the term government very loosely here, they really have been proving that they really can’t govern properly, IMHO.
Let’s get rid of this failed diplomat and his ideological wonks from power.
And yes, my resentment to Rudd after his ignorant and abusive comments regarding sceptics is and always will be palpable. This Government holds the australian people in Complete Contempt, IMO.
Mr Rudd:
The political consensus appears to be in…. AGW is a croc….
Politics may be about consensus. Science is not!
Ho hum – so much for Australia leading the world, the greatest moral challenge, blah blah blah…
Take down the posters, boys and girls.
Thank God the ETS is dead at least for the moment (and I am a resource economist) but it was almost too easy. I wonder what David Borthwick, the Head of the environment department had to do with this? He is also an economist.
K Rudd the dudd is now a dead weight to the Labor Party. Having wasted an entire term doing nothing except bungling incompetence and flushing billions down the toilet. Guess the UN wouldnt want him now either with such a reputation.
John Coochey: #
You know, you are right, it was too easy.
Rudd is a pugilist, of the old school. He is a street brawler – quick to start a fight, and slow to admit it is finished, and even slower to walk away.
To quote somebody wiser than me, “We may have won this battle, but by no means have we won the war”.
The ETS will return in a new guise, and with a bland name, and will slide through the legislative processes unseen by a compliant media.
This is not over yet.
When it comes before very long to the next federal Election, I will vote against Rudd, who has proved to be very much an idol with feet of clay when hit by the deluge of stupid decisions. But it seems there is no suitable alternative to vote FOR. We must get rid of Rudd. He’s already done enormous damage. If only Labor could treat Rudd the way the Libs treated Turnbull!
Gotta love the “vested interest” line that alarmists spin. If it weren’t for their own “vested interest” in taxing the population in a delusional effort to save mankind, they’d be doing nothing, which is exactly what they want skeptics to do.
Kevin: my concern is simply to not have our economy ruined in order to chase something you simply cannot change. How’s that for a “vested interest”?
Rudd seems to admit his hand slipped off the rudder.
As comes up from time to time, dishonest people make claims you posted that are convenient to prove he contradicts himself.
Weren’t we confronting the greatest moral challenge of our time? Weren’t we embarking on a truly noble enterprise to save the world, even at the cost of destroying the Australian economy and sacrificing ourselves?
“What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain an election, and lose his own soul?”
(removes tongue from cheek and apologises to St Mark & King James)
Thank God he didn’t see this one before he pulled the plug. He might have stuck to his guns, nah maybe not its even further out there with the fairies.
Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness
( – A new government report says global warming could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental illness worldwide, and it calls for more federally funded research to determine how that might happen.
The report, A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change, was published by the Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health – a combination of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIH, State Department, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Agriculture, the EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
Yeah the salient lines are ‘it calls for more federally funded research’ – follow the money trail!
Don’t minimise the value of this victory. With any proposed tax you have to defeat it before it can be passed. Once passed the excuses to keep the money are just too easy to come up with.
By 2013 the cooling cycle will be so bleeding obvious that no one will get an ETS up. It’s sufficiently uncertain now that pollies can try to make a case, hence the action in the US, UK. When we get the predicted Dalton/Maunder-style cooling and the PDO down-cycle cooling kicking in it will be very hard for the CAGW activists to overcome the data (ie very obviously cooler world temperatures).
Anyone who wants to read about this check out Joe d’Aleo’s latest on ENSO and solar cycle 24 cooling here:
Don’t get me wrong, I personally think that there is a CO2/N2O/CH4 warming signal in the temperature anomaly data, just not much of one, maybe 0.3 C/century. Not enough to run screaming and have hysterics about.
twawki: #6
April 29th, 2010 at 7:59 am
In fact KRudd has the perfect resume for the UN, they’d love him.
Spend 3 years running around in circles, lots of feel good speeches, lots of promises, lots of big numbers yet not a single thing achieved except the waste of billions.
Seems like the quintessential UN employee to me. They’re probably rolling out the red carpet for him now.
As climate change and carbon trading, fade into the dustbin of history. I wonder how many people will remember, just how close it really was.
Because one thing is for sure, if it had been passed. Getting rid of it, would have been the Devil’s own job.
Just watch them try to stop the ‘Department of Climate Change’ gravy train. My bet is they will just relabel it the ‘Department of Energy Efficiency’ and let it keep chugging on.
Don’t take your eyes off the war –
Why are this crew being kept on?
We should not be lulled into a false sense of security in thinking the AGW, CPRS, ETS and Carbon Economy are finished. The religion is still very much alive and followed by both Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott. The only difference between the two is how much of our money are they going to donate to the Church and which Church is going to be the beneficiary.
Rudd has already indicated that he is going to spend more on Wind and Solar Power stations.
While I have no problems with research in these fields, we already have enough large installations to enable full economic scrutiny to be done and made available to the public. There are also additional engineering problems associated with numerous, large, fluctuating power installations and these costs should also be included in the economic studies.
Expect to hear more from businesses which have an interest in the Carbon Economy if their access to easy money is perceived to be drying up. We pay for their subsidies and they have already received too much to willingly give it up. The government will bow to them.
Santos Ltd chief executive David Knox said the Adelaide-based oil and gas company supported a carbon price in the economy that will lead to a lower carbon future.
“A carbon price allows gas to have a more level playing field to compete with coal,” he told reporters in Adelaide on Wednesday.
“It’s very important for businesses such as ours to have certainty, we won’t invest unless we have certainty.
We need to keep up the pressure.
Of course if we had followed this pansy’s lead we would now be in the poo, emitting just 1.2% of emmissions and stranded, with perhaps only NZ ( 0.1% ) to keep us company.
Why do we have a fool like krudd as PM of Australia, what a total embarrassment to our great country.
And The Australian this morning with another damning climate change acrobatics article:
Somehow the SMH is still spinning the tired old “long term decline in Arctic ice coverage” garbage:
To quote the learned scientist *cough*:
After all… long term straight line interpolations are what is important when you are looking at a cyclical system 9.9
Bob Malloy: #12
WTF. The words, “could”, and “might”, along with “if”, and “possibly”, are conditional statements that should never, ever, be used in any document that is advising policy. Especially so, if they purport to represent a scientific opinion.
Had they used “will”, “shall”, “definitely”, and “certainly”, then they would have some credence.
If the news item reports this correctly (always in doubt), the scientists who co-authored the paper should be sacked. It is just plain shoddy.
now the fight (for the moment) is against renewable energy (see)
PM switches to renewable energy scheme
and as to how effective is renewable energy see
the latter has a link to part 2
just one quote from green-or-not-so-green above
Robert Bryce, author of the new book, Power Hungry: The Myths of ‘Green’ Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future, explains:
Unfortunately, solar and wind technologies require huge amounts of land to deliver relatively small amounts of energy, disrupting natural habitats. Even an aging natural gas well producing 60,000 cubic feet per day generates more than 20 times the watts per square meter of a wind turbine. A nuclear power plant cranks out about 56 watts per square meter, eight times as much as is derived from solar photovoltaic installations. The real estate that wind and solar energy demand led the Nature Conservancy to issue a report last year critical of “energy sprawl,” including tens of thousands of miles of high-voltage transmission lines needed to carry electricity from wind and solar installations to distant cities.
Nor does wind energy substantially reduce CO2 emissions. Since the wind doesn’t always blow, utilities must use gas- or coal-fired generators to offset wind’s unreliability. The result is minimal — or no — carbon dioxide reduction.”
and see how well green technology is working in Europe!
Jo no offence but can you really tell us what you think of PM Rudd.
Come on admit it you secretly like him. Those steely eyes, that rugged chin, those wide shoulders and devil may care grin. His rakish ignorance to popularity.
I know snip OT.
On Topic I agree with Mad Jak, there was and can never be an excuse in a debate to be so bigoted and they are nothing but feral bigots, the point of origin for their scientific bigotry their lack of scientific empirism.
What a mad decade we had.
Rudd passionately believed in the ETS, CAGW et al, but only for the convenient purpose of wedge politics and winning an election.
The fact that he has delivered virtually none of his mmay, many promises is a sad reflection on our country, our dopey MSM and the majority of easily conned people who voted for him.
I agree Jo, Kevin Rudd has no principles. No values. No moral fiber, indeed, he seems devoid of scruples.
How a man like him was elected to the highest echelon of our political system is something that demands attention and correction.
It’s OK Kev, I’m sure Malcolm will appreciate the company.
Gee I never thought about what I’d do if this AGW thing goes away……NOW what do I do????
Bob Malloy (#12):
“… A new government report says global warming could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental illness worldwide, and it calls for more federally funded research to determine how that might happen.” (my emphasis)
What a classic example of rent seeking “research scientists”! It brings to mind this snippet from “The Great Global Warming Swindle”, where Richard Lindzen and Nigel Calder (ex-Editor of New Scientist and co-author with Henrik Svensmark of “The Chilling Stars”) talk about how the government budget for global warming research has spiralled out of control:
(Nigel Calder): “If I wanted to do research on, shall we say, the squirrels of Sussex, what I would do, and this is any time from 1990 onwards, I would write my
grant application saying I want to investigate the “nut-gathering behaviour
of squirrels with special reference to the effects of Global Warming”, and that way I get my money. If I forget to mention Global Warming, I might not get my money.”
J.Hansford @25
He basically won the political lotto, by being in the Labor leadership musical chair.
At the precise instant that the electorate grew bored with John Howard.
Once he finished spending all the money that was left to him. He has been floundering about completely out of his depth. With no idea what to do next.
Labor is headed for a landslide loss.
I am not sure if it is my imagination, but I reckon that over the past 3-4 weeks, the ABC has been treating KRudd as “a dead man walking”. Perhaps the “decision-makers” at the ABC (not the management) have decided it is time for Julia Gillard to take over?
I heard a talk back host this morning talking about the “overwhelming” evidence of man made climate change. They are still out there and the masses are not being presented with the other science with which we are so familiar. The danger persists. Tony Abbott is still talking about a direct action plan to reduce emissions so he still doesn’t realise that the nexus between CO2 and temps have been well and truly broken.
We have to keep writing to the papers and the pollies about the flaws in the accepted science. The war will not be won until a leading politician says unequivocally that the AGW/CC is bunkem and a con.
The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is. (W Churchill 1916)
We know that he has, more than any other man, the gift of compressing the largest number of words into the smallest amount of thought.(W Churchill 1933)
Does that mean the voters are going to wise up and vote the bum out soon?
If they do not then they are as Rudderless as he is.
Come on Aussies,wake up and save your asses!
And a very, very final one that sums it up perfectly…
Binny –
u were right unfortunately:
20 April: Canberra Times: Chris Johnson: Climate changes for public servants
Some public servants who had been preparing to roll out the Government’s doomed emissions trading scheme will instead be put to work on short-term renewable energy initiatives..
Climate Change Minister Penny Wong has not responded to questions about the future of these positions. But the Prime Minister said there would be an acceleration of renewable energy plans to keep people busy in the short term.
”Very soon the Government will be announcing short-listed projects from the $1.5 billion solar flagships program,” he said.
”Secondly, the Government very soon will be making announcements concerning two renewable energy projects to commence in the not too far distant future to generate some 53 megawatts worth of power.
”Third, the Government … will also be announcing the successful proponent of the smart grid, smart city demonstration project. There is a truckload of work about to happen when it comes to renewable energy plans for the entire nation and these projects will be rolled out one by one.”
The Coalition, however, questioned the need to keep the department’s numbers…
welcome back jo.
Rudd lacked the nerve to go early with a 12 point lead so no chance now. That means around seven months till we go to the polls which could be calamitous for labor and word has it the Gillard factor might come into it before that. They feel betrayed and they don’t like being played for fools. Basically the gallery is stunned. I’ve never seen journo’s saying the stuff the are at the moment and that trickles out to the people sooner or later in one form or another. Lets not forget this happened because Rudd backed himself into a dumb place and Julia would have to find some way out of it too because the average aussie is not prepared to “lead the world” on this even if the science was all good. If they don’t change leaders and go full term Rudd may crash the ALP in 3 years.
Rudder seems to have earned the apellation “oncer” by the msm here.
You left out the “delay is denial” quote. Rudd didn’t use it in the Lowy gutspill, so maybe it doesn’t qualify. I think it was used in parliament at some stage, but remains my favourite, particularly now.
Rudd has now delayed the CPRS, so according to his own definition, he is a denier.
I guess this is just another one of those unintended consequence thingys that Rudd seems to have so much trouble with in just about every policy area.
Someone mentioned that Rudd is getting smaller by the day. I said he was mistaken, it’s just that the yellow streak has grown, making him appear to shrink in comparison.
Matty @ 38
I’ve never seen journo’s saying the stuff the are at the moment and that trickles out to the people sooner or later in one form or another
Let it be sooner rather than later. Let’s have a few mea culpas because BY GOD WE DESERVE THEM.
The MSM have sprinkled happy dust and sugar on Rudd and his gang of incompetents for three years. With regard to GW they shamed themselves beyond measure – so far up Kevin’s backside, the only time they saw daylight was when he yawned.
Let them come out with all those ‘behind the scenes’ tales they’ve been keeping in the bottom drawer.
Rudd has shelved the CO2 emissions trading for just long enough that the public can forget about it for the next election. After that, out it comes again.
Tel, that’s the plan no doubt. But some of us have long memories.
RE: Gregoryn06 #41
I just humg up the phone from a former member of the Canberra press gallery who reckons they will turn on him soon. He says they are gutted, but the 7.30 report tonight only wanted to talk about tobacco!
I also read that the CPRS has sucked up 30.6 million in consultants, and that Penny Wong has taken up knitting to kill the next 3 years.
RE: Tel #42
I don’t see Rudd as a believer like Turnbull. He could have called a snap poll with a 12 point lead. Abbott could not have made it up in 4 weeks. He could deal with the greens today to get a bill up. I think he is a shallow opportunist who has outed himself.
They’re gutted. Tear-shedding will commence in three, two, one – nope, sorry. Can’t do it.
Problem for Labor is all their stuff ups will haunt them for decades to come. And in the short term they have the ETS to unravel, the insulation debacle to fix, the school fraud to resolve, etc
All K Rudd has shown is how vacuous he is and how nothing he says can be believed.
I think the title of this post is quite apt. “Bluster Comes Back to Bite Rudd”.
The MSM is really quite sick of him. Where once they were scared of him, now they smell blood (and a viable alternative in Gillard waiting in the wings). Payback time.
I read at Bolts blog that Rudd chastised a group of Herald-Sun execs in a restaurant loud enough to be heard by all. They won’t forget. First chance they’ll do a Brutus on him. e tu?
On behalf of the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, I’d like to (belatedly) congratulate all the sceptics frequenting this do nothing delayer Nova weblog.
From his infamous Lowy institute speech..
Each of you have played your part. Congratulations.
We are totally confident of our hand Kevvie. We stuck it out and stared you down. Guess who folded?
Run Mr Rudd, run. Running away seems to be your best trait.
…but without ETS, the Continent will become uninhabitable!
There will be no no more Coral Barrier reef!
Just ask Tom Flannery, he knows all about it.
I just hope New Zealand (or maybe Antarctica) has room for all of you.
Let’s see that wimp Krudd become Secretary General NOW, bye bye chances of ever becoming leader of Word Government
Julia Gillard Tells Fabian Society of Labor’s Plans:-
Why hasn’t Gillard been honest?
Fabian Socialist Contribution to the Communist Advance
Buy gold, you get gold – Vote Labor, you get Fabianism
Eleanor Duckwall’s Spotlight: Microchips, EDLs, Creeping Incrementalism, Fabian Socialism and Obama
Beware Obama’s Fabian Window
Large Image of Fabian Window
Now, by virtue of Chairman rudd’s OWN words that “delay is denial”, he is OFFICIALLY a DENIER!
Given the fact that James Hansen from NASA (obviously stands for had this to say…..
‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’ — ‘Shouldn’t we start punishing them now?’:-–Shouldnt-we-start-punishing-them-now
Maybe Chairman rudd can be the first in line!!
Now, by virtue of Chairman rudd’s OWN words that “delay is denial”, he is OFFICIALLY a DENIER!
Given the fact that James Hansen from NASA (obviously stands for Not A Science Agency) had this to say…..
‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’ — ‘Shouldn’t we start punishing them now?’:-–Shouldnt-we-start-punishing-them-now
Maybe Chairman rudd can be the first in line!!
Double post – sorry!
Whoa Brian Pace yourself!
ABC are still at it. Story in the news yesterday about “scientists” measuring sheep farts to see which breed has the least “harmful” farts.
If only they could hear themselves!
This is all Penelope Wong and Tim Flannery’s fault. They just couldn’t scare the public into believing them!
That’s why Fabians are so vital – to just plough ahead, to hell with “voters” – what do they know, anyway, all they care about is eating and watching the tube and making love and sleeping –
what does the “public” care about “the end of the world” so long as they don’t have to suffer without their stupid “cars” and “refrigerators” and what not
Hell, count yerselves lucky Ozzies, our Prime Minister is still going ahead with New Zealands ETS.
Every time honest Kiwi’s point out the myth that NZ can catch up with Australia’s per capita income,
our politicians smile, sell another state asset, and promptly look for another way to permanently main our economy.
Oddly, our minister for the enviroment says we must align NZ’s policies with Kevin & Oz, re:Kyoto etc.
Geuss they didn’t get the memo from Kevins office,…..
Good on ya Australia, kudos to Jo and all the Nova bloggers, long may you throw a spanner in the Greenzilla works.
Actuall Fitzy #60, news just in, NZ will ditch the rest of it’s ETS as scheduled beyond 2013.
The Dominos Falling
The rest at the link
Sure, I believe in Climate Change..
We have Summer, Autum, Winter & Spring.
It changes all the time.
I reccon that we ought to have more than one Climate Change Minister.
We could have a Minister of Summer, Minister for Autumn, Minister for Winter, Minister for Spring.
And then a Minister for All Seasons presiding over all of them.
When the “weather” changes ie. Summer/Autumn etc they could all get together and try to form a “consensus”, making sure that it was “peer reviewed” of course!
Brian @62
Bureaucracy is always muli-layered and with over 400 staff and nothing to do for the next three years we could have ministers for every day of the year to share the high work load of the seasonal ministers.
Can we please see 400 less beurocrats in Canberra please? I’m serious, there is no point in the Ministry of climate change anymore.
Get rid of it. Maybe their redundancies can be paid for out of the $1B Home insulation damage control budget? -oh, wait, that’s right, that $1B is borrowed money, so scratch that idea. Just sack em anyway, please….
Maybe Centrelink should spin up a “thought I was gonna get rick from the Man Made global warming” benefit.
ETS might not be gone–Turnbull’s staying in politics.
Jack – thanks for the link. As allways, I find the commentary most enlightening.
One comment really blew me away, I would be interested in knowing if the following is true (I have reworded it for clarity):
Can anyone else confirm this? If so, how on earth could these guys represent the working man? They haven’t worked in the big bad world enough, which explains why they’re so useless at getting anything done…