Mr OAKESHOTT, Federal Independent Member for Lyne, talked about the failure of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in the Australian Parliament, and wanted to name and shame those responsible:
“I take this opportunity to raise the issue of the smoking guns that I have seen over the last six months. I smelt a rat in the shift that I saw and what looked to be—to their credit—a very well organised and very well-funded campaign from the likes of JoNova and Viv Forbes.”
— Hansard record of Parliament, 27 May 2010
Golly — I’m a smoking gun, a smelly rat, and a paid mercenary of undisclosed groups, and Viv Forbes of Carbon Sense is too!
I’m bowled over by the compliment. Is he really giving me and Viv the joint credit for the sweeping poll changes? (As if). I’ll just ask my PR department (me) to arrange with my cartoonist (me too) to throw together a parody of parliament, which the web-editor (me) can code into a page. All of us are delighted to be described as well organized. (It’s true we communicate like we are all in one head.) **

Rob Oakshott, M.P.
We’re a bit confused about the “well funded” term though, since we write pro bono, and are essentially a charity operator. My husband is generous, and supporters toss donations in the tip jar (thanks greatly to you all). The donations so far cover the bandwidth and site costs, but not my time … yada yada yada, no salary, no paychecks. There is no chance anyone of sane mind would do what I do to get rich. But it is intrinsically satisfying. Thousands of people who share my point of view have emailed me to say cheerio and thanks. I’ve met top-notch people, and if I could just get away, I’ve got offers of houses, apartments and spare rooms in Adelaide, Hawaii, Seattle, Washington, Scotland, Florida, and the list goes on. In a way I’m powered by positive feedback, which is all the more ironic, since I’m such a champion of feedback that’s negative (the climate kind).
Am I mad? Possibly.
Doesn’t it occur to Oakshott that precisely because I don’t have a major news-mast, government department or corporation behind me, I can’t really afford to be dull, boring or wrong?
Why do I do this?
I hate to see a good civilization going to waste.
Plus I’ve got an odd skill set: science, media, pro speaking, and an ability to think. (I don’t understand why this seems so rare among the intellectual class. I swear I am just connecting the dots that should be obvious to anyone.) Bizarrely, I have also done graphic design and cartooning, and I used to be a Green activist. With that kind of CV, not many career paths make sense. Debunking illogical intellectuals in scientific blog-land is just about it.
Surprisingly, Oakshott used to be a Nationals Member (conservative). He has his own blog. If anyone wants to try to sum up his two pages of speech into a coherent paragraph, be my guest.
Thanks to Viv Forbes for letting me know of our joint success (and for that spy J who spotted it).
*Well organized? Anyone who knows me knows I’m not. (Can I take this moment to say sorry to the thousands of people who have emailed that I have not quite responded too (I’m there in spirit)… if you email me, please be careful with keywords in the subject line. There have been people I want to reply to but can’t. I forget their name, and the keyword was: Re, my post title – so I’ll never find it among the 17946 emails in my intray. (That’s down about 2000 on last week when I cleared a lot out.)
** And it’s late, we just settled for a decoration–cartoon. Wallpaper stuff.
* Lyne, is Port Macquarie NSW
Edited July 2014, because nothing is ever perfect.
Oakshott typifies the real problem with our politics today. Check out his background – grows up in Lismore, moves to Sydney and attends university and studies law. Joins a lobby firm then becomes a media officer for a politician and then becomes one himself.
At no stage has he ever worked in the real world.
High praise indeed JO. Congratulations.
It’s not a rat he smells. It’s the truth.
Well funded? How about the billions the government is spending in various ways to present AGW as fact. Yet you and Viv have succesfully countered it.
“Debunking illogical intellectuals” reminds me of Bob Hoye’s statement (financial guru from Vancouver, BC) about nonsense so ridiculous only an intellectual could believe it.
I found the Bob Hoye quote: “Nonsense so blatant only an intellectual could fall for it.”
If things had gone in Australia in the same way as they usually had used to go in the Czech Republic then Jo would be first declared a public enemy by the political establishment for her heresy, later been thrown to a jail and after the subsequent overthrow promoted to the President authority.
To me who lived the Communist Soviet Block and remembers fall of the Berlin Wall the current situation strongly resembles the former situation prior to the collapse of communism. I find it there is a similar Carbon Wall about to collapse.
Oakshott should “put up or shut up”. His comments were probably made under parliamentary privilege (if your parliament works the same as ours in NZ) and therefore cannot be legally challenged outside parliament.
However, he should be willing to make an estimate of how much funding the well-funded skeptics are receiving, and then have KPMG audit them and be willing to make up the difference out of his own pocket.
As you say Jo, he has no evidence for the AGW proposition and is further willing to make baseless allegations.
Jo, maybe he needs to read reports such as these: This one from Climate Realist.
Full report can be found here:
The link seems not to have worked I’ll try again.
Oh how the politicians must be jealous. Self motivated members of the public, working towards a common goal, for free.
But, it occurs to me that somewhere there’s a whole heap of oil money waiting for us sceptics. We just need to find the appropriate claim form. Are we sure we’ve checked Big Oil’s web sites? Perhaps we should be making a secret handshake when we go to buy petrol? Is there a tick box for sceptics when you swap utilities suppliers?
You’re rather like Pooh-bah in the Mikado, as when Ko-ko referred to Pohh-bah’s concurrence on a point from the positions of his many roles in the government:”Never have I seen such unanimity on a point of law.”
Congratulations. Remember – no press is bad press.
I suppose that in the post-modern mind set of today’s politicians, such luminary groups as the American Continental Congress (unpaid volunteers working for an ideal against the tide of human ploitical experience) would be labeled as paid-off shills of the French government trying to undermine Great Britain’s power.
To paraphrase our own B. Franklin: A revolution is only illegal when it is ‘their revolution’: never when it is ‘our revolution’.
Time for another donation;
Amr marzouk
Makes me think of the old Steeley Dan lyric, “A wise man has the power to reason away what seems to be”.
Super job. The cockroaches know what light is when it shines on them. No big OIL money?
Algorr is headed for a divorce. It means he will have to split his snake oil.
That explains what happened to my email to you, telling you that BP contacted me saying they’re sorry but our cheques for this month and next have been cancelled due to the Gulf spill saga.
I’ve taken the liberty to contact Exxon, else we’re gunna be $20,000 short this month.
ps I told you we shouldn’t have knocked back Centennial Coal. Now I have to take back the Gold Coast apartment from my 3rd girl friend. Thanks a lot Jo 🙁
Well Jo you have a new chapter in that family history for the grandkids to read and it will be a very nice legacy you leave. Well done. Although, if Big Oil can’t find the tip jar you could publish a bank account number for them to use.
Mr Oakesshot is trying to score political points with cheap shots. Your simple, honest answer exposes him as an idiot. If he used half his brain and did some due diligence he could have given at least a half educated answer – guess that was too much effort for him. Nonetheless – the good side Jo is more people are hearing and listening. Keep up the good work.
Congrats Jo, and you can stay at our beach house for a holiday anytime!
You should try working for Big Coal- I do, to the extent that coal royalties contribute to the Qld government budget which pays me. Does that count?
By the way, do we need to book for Anthony Watts in Emerald? I tried , but no result from message left.
Can you pass some of your funding my way, Jo? Thanks!
What a slimeball Oakshott is. I wonder where his interests lie in carbon pricing?
Since you are well aware of what these bastards will take away from you if they win (pretty much everything), I would argue that you are working to avoid being poor.
For what it’s worth, these a blog to read …
Congrats from me too, looking forward to meet you when we get sent to same reeducation camp.
Let them condemn themselves with their own words and actions.
Here’s another thought: Oakeshott is mistaking “well funded” for “knowing what one is talking about”. Obviously, he’s very short on funding.
congrats Jo.
absolutly no science in this one:
1 June: Reuters: Climate change to hurt Egypt farming, tourism
as always, CAGW is a non-partisan thang:
so-called rightwing UPI picks up press release (in reallity, P.R. for the Milliband brothers Labour leadership ambitions) which the so-called leftwing UK Guardian published two days ago:
1 June: UPI: Maldives urges climate change action
“What we really need is a huge social ’60s-style catalystic, dynamic street action,” said President Mohamed Nasheed, noting that the United States was the biggest obstacle to a global agreement on climate change…
The president told the Hay audience that moving the people of the Maldives wasn’t a solution. “Even if we go, I always think where would the butterflies go? Where would the sounds go?” he asked…
now for the good news:
1 June: WSJ: Cash Call for Carbon Cuts Conference
… the United Nations is struggling to find enough money to organize talks ahead of the next international negotiation in Mexico at the end of the year.
“I set a deadline for the end of this week to get clarification on financial pledges, because (…) I can only spend money I have on my bank account,” said Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, during a press conference on the first day of a two-week negotiating stretch in Bonn, Germany…
De Boer said that many countries have pledged money to finance the organization of two other meetings to prepare for the big Mexico negotiating round at the end of the year, but not enough promises have yet materialized to allow for it…
31 May: Deutsche Welle:nrt/AFP/Reuters/dpa: UN climate talks resume but no deal on the horizon
Last month UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon named Costa Rica’s Christiana Figueres to replace de Boer. Analysts expect her to shift the emphasis from legally binding emission cuts to developing green technologies…
Faced with the ongoing debt crisis in the eurozone, the EU appears to be backpedaling on its initial goal of unilaterally cutting CO2 emissions by 30 percent by 2020 against 1990 levels to “kick-start” climate action in developing countries.
EU Commissioner for Climate Change Connie Hedegaard said last week that conditions for a 30-percent move “are clearly not met.”…
“Of course, it’s not an easy time to discuss money that comes out of the public purse right now,” said Hedegaard.
France and Germany – the EU’s two largest economies – have warned member countries to tread carefully on the issue. …
Developing countries, meanwhile, have raised new demands and pressed developed countries to take greater responsibility for climate change. In a 42-page document prepared ahead of the 12-day Bonn talks, Bolivia asked rich nations to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 100 percent from 1990 levels by 2040.
Environmental groups, such as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), have tried to breathe new life into the stalled talks….,,5633009,00.html
Contact your local MP to have the Member for Lyne’s misleading statements to Parliament exposed as such. Hopefully just in time for the next election.
Congrats. Jo. This shows you are really being effective with your work and this guy has just given more publicity.
Re Bob Malloy @ 8. EVERYONE should read the article Bob has linked, very carefully. If this does not get some real traction then we have problems. I also hope the USA legal system goes into high gear over this.
Yep, keep up the good work Jo. Next step is to be vilified by Rudd 🙂
By the way, for some reason Python jumped into my scone when you said:
It got better!
LOL I just browsed through some of the Oakeshott pages and he has a blog:
One response in the last three threads… way to go! I think we can see the reletive relevance of Jo versus Rob (Oakeshott).
Congratulations Jo,
Mr Oakshot is a start, but he’s really not a household name.
Keep going and eventually Komrade Rudd might blow his fuse at you – Now that would be fantastic. All you need to do is hide his hair dryer, apparently:)
Al and Tipper Gore to separate after 40 years
So she gets the house by the sea. It promptly gets submerged and he can stop paying alimony. Cunning plan.
Well done! A person can be defined by the friends they have and the enemies they attract. It looks like you just received a glowing endorsement, courtesy of the honourable member.
Jo Nova – the enemy of idiots everywhere.
Grant: #6
Grant has a point Jo. You could always write to him (with a copy posted here of course) cordially inviting him to repeat his statement outside of Parliament.
You could even write it as an open letter to him and try to get it published in the newspaper. Journo’s like a bit of fun occasionally.
Then it would be put-up or shut-up time …
Worth a read!
NASA Charged in New Climate Fakery: Greenhouse Gas Data Bogus
Briab @ 34
I reckon Louis would love this article! He’s been saying this for ages.
These supporters of the global warming FRAUD are mind boggling!!!
Maybe Tipper has “turned” on him … become a Climate Realist… what a delicious thought!
Mr Oakeshott is well known for his expertise in climate science. He is a lawyer of course and has some interesting qualifications. According to his bio and unlike any other lawyer in Australia he has a B LLB (Macq). This presumably is a double batchelor degree in law from Macquarie University. If so, this is very impressive.
Of course it might also mean that he’s too bone idle to proof read his official Australian House of Representatives biography.
Of course hubby is generous. And the adoring fans are like sheep aren’t they?
Has he handed back the salary he was provided in misguided “rocket science” with the AGO.
Now that you’ve both “seen the light” and are setting high standards.
Jo you’re not that clever – put David on.
Brian @ #36
Now that is simply unfair. If Al Gore gets divorced then that would contribute more to global warming. That is outrageous. That’s just putting the boot in. Next you will be accusing him of hypocrisy.
The other story about Gore is that he has been allowed ( by the authorities ) to take his slide to audiences in China !!
Ann @37 that thought crossed my mind too!
From the ABC 7:30 Report, watch the replay of Kerry O’Brien surprisingly being a hard-hitting, investigative journalist and making absolute mincemeat of the Treasurer:
Wayne Swan defends Mining Tax ads
Apart from being quite delightful to watch, in a horrible kind of way, it also touches unintentionally on the question of Big Oil funding of climate sceptics:
This at approx. 7:54 –
Kerry O’Brien: “It’s interesting to compare your urgency and concern in this case [taxpayer funded “information campaign” on great big mining tax] and your concern to curb what I’m sure you would have said was misinformation over the Emissions Trading Scheme, which the Prime Minister described as the Greatest Moral and Economic Challenge of our time. There was no advertising money brought in to spend to try and prevent any misinformation or to counter any misinformation on the ETS. You allowed it to go down the chute!”
Swan: “Kerry, there wasn’t $100 million in a war chest being spent making misleading statements about what the Government was proposing!”
AHA! Can we now quote you on that, Mr Swan, speaking as you were on behalf of the Australian Government?
That there has been NO “Well-funded campaign” by sceptics like JoNova and Viv Forbes to discredit the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme?
Perhaps you should tell Mr Oakeshott?
Oakshot just lost my vote – I live in his electorate.
He was interviewed this morning on radio national about the possibility of him … as an independant … having the balance of power in the event of a hung parliament.
Australians … be afraid …. be very afraid.
With that kind of CV, not many career paths make sense.
Actually Jo, you would probably make a good farmer. Intellectually independent, multiskilled, strong work ethic, and value job satisfaction over financial return.
Now you know you have really made a point and different when you get uber slimed in Hansard by an uber troll.
Frame it and take a photo of your Ceo and CFO, Science Editor and Science Journalist, Site manager and creative team, your Corporate and Government sponsors smiling for the Camera and send him a copy.
Send it email as the Public relations budget wont cop it for a stamp.
(as a taxpayer you are part of government).
That’s something I’m sure we would all love to see.
Jo, I think you’ve arrived at the top. You know your hurting them when they start to trash you by name. So keep on slugging away. You’re major league now! Christians 1, lions 0.
Jo said…
I’ll give it a (Oak)shot Jo
Speaker: The member for Lyne has the call to waste parliaments time.
Oakshott: Thank you Mr Speaker….Mr Speaker, it will become apparent to you that I know sweet eff all about climate change, renewable energy options and all that complicated stuff, but last week we were wined and dined by those lovely nice people from the Climate Works Australia group who seemed to know what they were talking about.
And I believe them Mr Speaker because they are a non-profit organization whos board consists of ex-politicians, university professors, sustainability managers from the private sector with no conflict of interest, and of course the nice young heir of the main sponsor who spends all his time at charities and functions and knows how to save our fragile planet.
Mr Speaker, things happen so fast in this parliament it makes my head spin. One minute we had to have an ETS scheme, next minute Jo Nova and Viv Forbes sack Malcolm Turnbull and the whole thing has gone arse over tit. And while I’m at it, I want to talk about the small schemes where households can become energy generators but Nova and Forbes won’t let them……
Speaker: order order the honourable mebers time is up, thank god for that.
I sent OakSHORT a message…
Can’t say it was overly courteous!
Anne-Kit Littler:
June 2nd, 2010 at 2:14 pm
This will mean nothing to those not from Australia, but he reminded me of John Hewson trying to explain the effect of a GST on a birthday cake. Watch it here and see the caliber of Australian political leaders.
LoL an army of one…. Good stuff Jo. And damn well written as usual.
You’d have made a damn fine fisherman I reckon. Work all hours for nothing to make a small fortune out of the large one you started with…;-)
Anyway, I hope Oakeshott gets chucked out and has to retire on his ridiculously generous parliamentary pension, while eating the best food and finest wine that our money can buy….?
….Hmmm, sometimes it just doesn’t sound at all fair:-(
Baa Humbug #26,
I think Speakers are chosen for the specific skill of NOT speaking their mind.
I would like to thank you JoNova!
You keep us well informed of the craziness that people in power think we are cattle without brains.
If you dig deeper, there is a great deal more mistakes with science than you could ever fathom.
but of course they are Tel. Funny pieces usually get a little lattitude, don’t they?
I presume the Australian Parliament runs pretty much to the same rules as the UK parliament, and that MPs can libel people in parliament under parliamentary privileges. What is a no-no is telling lies to parliament (very much frowned on if you get caught) seems to me that your man has told parliament a porky pie when he referred to “well organised and well funded” If neither Viv nor Jo are well organised and well funded then he should be made to apologise to parliament.
I,m addicted to this site, scaptical science (stuck in belief thanks to peer reveiw)and WUWT. Climate science is just beginning to get its S*it together, and theres a long road to consensus to tread.
The CSIRO needs you
Thanks to you all for your kind words, and I’ll just repeat the apology for all the emails I meant to reply to and booklets I meant to send. Please feel free to remind me… Remember – I’m not blogging about organizational management techniques. I don’t take it personally 🙂
Yes, janama, I did that CSIRO survey a few days ago, and in the box where it asked if I “felt angry” at any point, I let them know exactly why.
PS: New post up. No diplomacy involved.
Congratulations, Joanne, it is truly an honor when your enemies start raging. At that point, you know you’re doing some good.
Maybe the press will attract some credible warmists whose logic can be deconstructed.
Congratulations Jo!
Re Jack Walker #46
Maybe Jo needs to create a campaign medal?
Well done Jo!
Keep up the good fight.
Good and truth will triumph over evil!
Just for everybody’s edification, here is Rob Oakshott’s email address:-
[email protected]
Send him your thoughts and information debunking the global warming FRAUD!!!
[Thanks Brian. People please keep in mind that polite and pointed emails are the most effective. The man may just be a good intentioned victim of our deficient education system and wildly incompetent media. I have no idea, he may be open to finding out some of the things that the ABC and SMH have not told him… Jo ]
This is Rob Oakshott’s Contact Web Page:-
Tell him what you really think of him!!!
I already did and even got a reply. I’m thinking of sending him Bulldust’s summary of his speech to Parliament.
Pacific islands getting bigger and NOT sinking.
What’s drowning is not Tuvalu but the alarmists
Janama (#58):
The CSIRO questionaire has at least one “Have you stopped beating your wife?” question:
Very difficult to answer without dissection of the question. Very easy to get wrong. I am not concerned. 🙂
If they paid attention to my comments, Nick Abel and Anthony Ryan should by now be handing in their resignations and seeking gainful employment; lest they rely on the “Nuremberg Defence”.
Climate change ‘increases island size’
The latest scam: “free” solar power
But.. But… We pay climate scientists millions to generate postive PR to support wealth creation schemes based on energy subsidies, gas trading recycling etc. How can these pesky sceptics be generating counter PR without at least matching funds? Too bad sceptic funding seems to be hiding in the same place as Trenberth’s missing heat.
As for rising sea levels, I have a solution. Start making sea level offsets. Dutch are busy in Melbourne working on deepening Port Philip, removing 23,000,000m3. If that was dumped on land would offset sea level increases. Anyone know a good patent lawyer?
Jo you have indeed gained notoriety, well done! Hansard is a forever document. Your name will live in infamy. I do think this government is on the nose. Kev needs to watch his back, anyone familiar with the Carry on movies will remember Caesar running and yelling “infamy infamy they all have it in for me”
The main battle is won, recalcitrant fools remain, that is their problem.
I vote for YOU smelly rat and while we are about it call me a smelly rat too. Thanks for your efforts Jo
OT, but re:
“had their emails stolen and used for an effective assault on climate science via out-of-context quotes and baseless allegations. This dustup, referred to by many as ‘climategate,’ helped foster the notion that climate science is controlled by a tight-knit cabal of experts determined to rig the science to suit their best interests. ”
Stolen? Nah. I’m a working software developer and network engineer. It is possible that is true, but hardly likely and not at all proven. This is just the usual ‘misdirection’ nonsense attempting a sort of ‘shotgun ad hominem’ attack on the people asking questions.
Effective Assault? Not so far, it would seem. Despite the preponderance of evidence of malfeasance, there has been nothing but whitewashes and crazy media articles like this one.
Climate Science? Please. Admittedly, I went to a pretty good high school, and she was tough, but the complete rubbish being purveyed by the Climategate gang would, seriously, not have been accepted by my high school Geology teacher.
Out-of-context quotes? You keep hearing this as if it is true for any reasonable value of ‘true’ in this discussion. You don’t see anyone putting out a credible ‘context’ within which these quotes look any better. As the context gets wider from quote to Email to body of Emails to the public debate, the quotes look *worse*, not better. Even the author of some of them called them ‘awful’.
Baseless allegations? This is rich. Is it yesterday that the UEA refused to release one of the referenced attachments, even under FOIA? If the allegations are baseless, then why the whitewashes by rigged committees? I have background, including education and experience in pure science and am have been a working software developer for decades. I can do the math — better, it seems than Michael Mann. I have looked at the stuff behind the curtains. Most don’t realize, but the Climategate Emails only confirm part of what was causing the smell. That stink in the air had been around a long time.
Referred to by many as ‘climategate,’? Oh really. Would it not be more accurate and truthful to say ‘most’?
Climate science is controlled by a tight-knit cabal of experts determined to rig the science to suit their best interests? The Wegman report was delivered years before Climategate. Here is one of the things they had to say about Michael Mann and Co:
“In our further exploration of the social network of authorships in temperature reconstruction, we found that at least 43 authors have direct ties to Dr. Mann by virtue of coauthored papers with him. Our findings from this analysis suggest that authors in the area of paleoclimate studies are closely connected and thus ‘independent studies’ may not be as independent as they might appear on the surface.”
I encourage others to read the Wegman Report and judge for themselves. The Emails did not cause some sort of paranoid innuendo to develop about these guys working together. It merely confirmed the worst suspicions behind what was already known.
What is the point of this type of article except to misdirect people? If this is not a scandal, it should be dead simple to point to the crucial supporting research that shows human activities that generate CO2 are responsible for changing the climate and will be responsible for disastrous changes. Changes whose consequences are even worse than the disruption of the world economy on the order of draining or redirecting Trillions of dollars. Guys like the author keep attempting to shift the debate away from the onus on the ‘Climateers’ to live up to their burden of proof. Why? Because they cannot deliver. Though not proven (and not up to me to prove) it is almost certainly because their main thesis is wrong. We can’t control it to any significant degree positively or negatively and what is happening is net positive anyway.
I am so tired of the nonsense and stalling from this camp. Either they have credible evidence and a point to make or they do not. It is time for them to stop with the pointless arguing and either put up or shut up.
Sorry for the (specifically, but not generally) OT post. I just had do get this out there before I exploded. I gotta stop reading about this.
Jo — great work on everything here — keep it up.
Every once in a while she sends an email saying “That was a good comment”, which delights me.
Sometimes people in newspaper comments call me a Jo Nova fan, as if that were a bad thing.
I correct them and say “You got that backwards. Jo Nova is a fan of mine!”
TinyCo2 #9
Did I miss a meeting? This is the first I’ve heard of the secret handshake. Oh and I still haven’t received my ceremonial silly hat.
Wait a minute. I get it. You’re playing “let’s freeze out the Yank”.
LoL Ok
“Highly organized”, heh heh that’s a good one.
The climate change or AGW is political. And when politicians or advocates are being threatened (not physically) because they can’t substantiate the millions of dollars paid to prove AGW, then they will start rebelling and making excuses.
I support the ideology of sustainability. Particularly in the region of food production in Australia. Some call it organic, I call it shifting to biological farming methodology, and getting rid of harmful pesticides and herbicides. And improving gradually the soils fertility and basic production values. Britain’s onto this and pays farmers to shift to biological farming
methodology by subsidising them for 5 years during the transition.
I’m studying my diploma of Agriculture (organic) preparing as I speak compost tea. This to breed microbiology that is needed for healthy plants to grow.
Anyone with an aquarium air pump can do it. I’ll give you a recipe if you like. But get the little buggers
active in any soil, and you will have healthy plants.
Our creed is feed the soil not the plant.
Now climate gets hotter (that is good, as there will be more precipitation) or colder (generally less precipitation) we will survive.
Gone of the subject I feel, but hope you can get my gist.
Dear Jo,
I feel partly responsible for your elevation to Hansard. Rob Oakeshott is my local member and as such the recipient of many emails and articles concerning the fraud that is AGW. My friend is also a frequent writer to Mr. Oakeshott and often passes on tidbits found on this and other blogs. I’m pretty sure Rob is completely peed off with our rebuttals of his beliefs. He was sure the seas were rising at such a rate that he organised meetings to prepare for the inevitable inundations. the man is an idiot. I should also point out that we are doing our best through letters to the editor etc to ensure that good old Rob only serves one term just as his hero, Kevin. He calls himself an Independant but Krudd has no greater supporter. keep the ammo coming and we will keep firing it Rob’s way. WE might have him rattled.
Thanks Lawrie, and thanks to all who pass on my blogs to the editors and politicians. I guess you must feel pleased. He’s noticed your work! I’m very guilty of not sending my thoughts on, so thanks to those who do.
As someone who gets a lot of emails, can I say that the short ones -just one paragraph (or two) with a link are the easiest and most inviting to read. There is probably a lot of room out there for a few people to pick out the paragraph or two that has the most impact for them, and send it around with the link.
Politicians do notice, and so do the papers. I think it’s time we started to rescue the SMH and the Age.
In the US and the UK, I don’t have a chance of being able to debunk all the zealots, but if anyone see’s a big-name unleashing the ad homs, do pass it on…
Mr Oakeshott’s register of interests entry lists his private residence as Matthew Flinders drive, Port Macquarie. Checking Google maps shows this street running along a beach front, though one end turns inland and overlooks the caravan park. I doubt Mr Oakeshott would live at that end of the street !
Yeah, a real believer in climate change – not.
The register shows Oakeshott as a director of Boraras Pty Ltd (if I read his writing correctly). The company doesn’t have ABN, that I can see….
I noticed in this speech, he singled out ClimateWorks Australia for great praise. Checking their website indicates they are a non-profit, backed by several other non-profit “foundations”. Such is the intellectual strenght of Oakeshott. I guess he thinks non-profit means not well funded..
ClimateWorks also gets support from Monash University.
All aboard the gravy train.
What a goose. Yes, Oakeshott could sue me for that comment, while Jo and Val have no redress to whatever he says in the House.
You can use ASIC’s search to look up ACN/ABN. Boraras Pty Ltd has an ACN but an ABN is not shown. The ABN should be on all tax-related correspondence.
Don’t worry to much Joanne, they say all publicity is good publicity and I don’t think his statements were meant as derogatory. I bet you got heaps of hits after his announcement. If the independents have any say in the next election, ETS and climate change will be one of the arch polling points. As will the mining tax.
Why don’t you email him and tell him that your website has many credited international members, and there are some who do get space who do not agree with you one bit. Like Matt B… provided they are not insulting.
Although the greens are getting a bit more notice, in the latest polls, then this means some still approve of their policies. Or they are swinging from both ALP and the coalition. The Nationals might do better though.
I would not target Oakeshott make him an ally, folks! Look
at Malcolm Turnbull and his association with Goldman Sachs
he’s the
niggerfungus in the woodpile.Now Al Gore and Mrs are separating after 40 years of marriage anything is about to happen in the AGW momentum.
Mark my words.
Oh with the tornado over Lennox Head, guess what was the
cause. Climate Change! Give me patience our Lord of the
Thanks Bernd. That’s where I was looking. I guess I missed it.
[…] High Praise – I'm “insulted” in Parliament « JoNova […]
Just finished the CSIRO survey. At the current rate of 170 mm per century I think they have some time up their sleeve. AS for entering into an agreement with the government allowing them to resume your coastal property my only question is “can they be trusted?” Judging by governments Native Vegetation laws, mining leases and water allocations the answer is NO.
Lawrie, well done. I have received a reply through Richard
Torbay from Frank Sartor. (NSW) He is basing his knowledge
on a CSIRO report/s on sea level rises and also temps.
Over just 60 years mind you? They are so mild, you wonder
what all the alarm being generated.
Sartor has also announced there will be no more coal fired
electricity plants built in NSW. However, there is news
that gas found in the sea will be used to start a gas plant
around Casina Northern NSW to service 35k homes.
But the expense eh?
Sent this email to our dear member on 9th. No response yet.
Dear Mr. Oakeshott,
I read, with some alarm, your attack in Parliament on Jo Nova. Asserting as you did that she receives funding from the energy sector is a downright lie. Lying to parliament is a serious business and to do so shows a lack of integrity. I have been a reader of and corresponder to Jo’s blog for over a year. She goes to a lot of effort to ensure her articles and the ensuing comments are scientifically sound. We who know her also know that she funds her blog through her own efforts and small donations from her readers.
Perhaps if you followed her blog and those of her respected and respectful peers you would have developed a more open stance on climate change and global warming. Probably the most damaging argument against man made warming/climate change is the fact that the earth is not conforming to the computer predictions. If the highly qualified scientists who do not support the man made hypothesis are correct we are due to start a thirty year cooling phase. Cooling and warming phases of about thirty years duration have been happening since at least 1850. The last warming phase was from 1976 to about 2000. Since then temperatures have remained high but constant. I.e. no discernable warming. Even Dr. Phil Jones, of CRU fame, has stated that there has been no significant warming for the past fifteen years.
Next Thursday, 17th, Anthony Watt of Watts Up With That is presenting a lecture in the Newcastle Town Hall at 6.00 pm. Come along and I’ll shout you a ticket. Anthony will be supported by two well regarded Australian scientists,Drs. Archibald and Stockwell. You may be surprised by the real data that contradicts the computers best guess. You might also apologise to Jo who is a very intelligent scientist in her own right and who does not like the idea that Australians should be lied to about the effects of emissions. Fundamentally there is NO evidence that connects temperature and climate to CO2 alone. The feedback mechanism assumed by the modellers to be positive, leading to higher temperatures have been shown to be negative. The earth is self regulating. There will be no catosrophes other than the economic ones brought about by poorly advised politicians.
Yours faithfully
Lawrie Ayres
Well done, Lawrie, the power of the pen eh? Frank Satinor, sent me a reply about global warming. I should be concentrating on a reply, but I’m immersed in this oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. However, he was basing his statistics on 60 years provided by the CSIRO and the Met Office. Also stated there will be no more
coal fueled electricity plants in NSW. But of course the off shore gas off the NSW coast will be exploited instead and a gas fueled electricity plant take over the coal fired
one in Casino. Plus that stupid CSIRO Coastal Survey.
This BP oil spill is evil, and worse than they are making out. Some feel with Goldman Sachs, Tony Hayward and other BP executives off loading their shares before
the explosion are guilty of trying to get the US of A
to bring in carbon trading again.
The 60 minutes programme last night was good. One rig
survivor who jumped off the rig into the sea from 10 stories high (no mean feat) says that a worker on the rig
damaged a safety valve weeks before, and the operators wanted to shut the rig down. But the BP executive said NO under protest from the operators. The survivor described it as a chest pumping meeting. Now that doesn’t look good does it. If they can’t curtail the oil spill it is pumping out 13 million barrels per day. That spill will spread, and if it gets into the Gulf Stream it will keep going – It make Exxon look so small in comparison.
Plus the fact the environmental destruction of marine life is heart breaking, but also the incomes of local sea food industries have ceased, and one operator said it will take 50 years for this environmental disaster to recover. So the price of lobsters, fish and prawns will sky rocket, so eat fish and seafood while you can.
If this spill gets into the North Atlantic it will ruin
fisheries and this will create a man made disaster of proportions we have never seen.
They haven’t given up have they – ?????
About my last message @ 89 I mean to say ‘Chest bumping exercise’. Now some bloggers are blaming the Brits. Yet Gulf BP is owned by Kuwait and the US, oil goes to the US of A. and supplies 25% of their oil supply. And BP is into green energy too.
With Goldman Sachs involved should we wonder if they want
to push for the Carbon Trading permits and investors interests not the environment.
You know Bush Bunny – sometimes there are things best just to discuss at Birdy’s blog. You’ll start seeing conspiracies in the patterns on your carpet if you’re not careful.
Matt B., did I mention Graeme’s blog. I can assure you
I am talking about 60 minutes programme last night, and also many respectful blogs that are emerging, including
Graeme I will admit. And if you don’t feel that politics and financial manipulations, not science is behind this climate and AGW crap., but there are some very understandable facts emerging, that anyone with a teaspoon of nous can’t ignore.
Now the way to back out is to blame that Joanne et al, and those that support her blog and sensible objective are swaying people’s attitudes against AGW, the ETS and
cap ‘n trade. However, their are trillions of dollars
invested in Carbon trading investments, and to say that
they have been conned ain’t going to happen overnight.
Now this oil spill will shake up people and it seems strange, one, a survivor said their was problems with the safety valve before the explosion, and 2, people were off loading their shares before the explosion, when the rig operators were told to increase their production?
And were told not to shut down the rig to make repairs?
Probably it was an avoidable accident at worse, but there is always a cause and effect, and this will have to be investigated.
“Oh with the tornado over Lennox Head, guess what was the
cause. Climate Change! Give me patience our Lord of the
I heard Piers Corbyn saying something to the effect of disturbances on the suns surface taking 4 or 5 days to make it to earth. It is on this basis partly that he makes some of his extreme weather predictions.
I don’t suppose any one of us trying to make that link one time would mean much. But if it became a bit of a habit amongst a bunch of people it might throw some light on things. One would want to look for extreme weather events, upsurges in volcanic activity, and earthquakes, and see if they might coincide with solar activity 4-5 days prior.
So I looked up when this freakish tornado came in and flattened those sinners at Lennox Heads. That was the 3rd of June that they were chastised mightily. Going to I just followed the dates backwards from June 3. When I got to June 1 I read the following:
“MEMORIAL DAY FIREWORKS: On May 31st, around 2100 UT, a magnetic filament erupted on the sun. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the action with 10-times HDTV resolution. Click on the image to play the movie–and be alert for “the twist!….”
Okay I know thats kind of cute. A bit rich. Somewhat like astrology. A twister on the sun, setting up a twister at the known den of Sodom and vice that once was Lennox Heads. Anyone ought to know it wasn’t the twister on the sun. On account of the fact that the people of Lennox Heads had it coming due to their presumed ungodly lifestyles.
But I think this practice ought to continue. Without the vanity of thinking that any one, ten or twenty setups like that amount to much. May 31st to June 3rd is four days. One can look for the date of the beginning of an earthquake (like the Chile earthquake) or a volcanic reaction, or anything in the weather totally extraordinary and out of the blue.
Just going with this methodology in realtime. That is to say with no editing after the fact. I will use the same technique for the earthquake in Chile. I will place a guess that this time the delay may be five days rather than four, being as the earthquake probably starts deep down.
Going to google we see that the Chile Earthquake was on the 27th of February. Bearing in mind that time-zone differences could effect this. Wait a minute. The time of the earthquake was 6.34 UTS.
So we head to
On the 23rd of February the main story was:
“GREAT FILAMENT: The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is tracking an enormous magnetic filament on the sun. It stretches more than one million kilometers from end to end, which makes it an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Readers with iPhones can inspect the filament in 3D. (Hint: In the app, tap the “Wavelengths” tab and select the orange sun.)”
I would judge that as less successful. Since the filament had already been on the build for some time. I’ve just checked for the 22nd and its basically the same headline. Of course this is no refutation of a possible link. Earthquakes may take some time to set up as it were. Not a negative result. But something to keep looking at.
Come to think of it I checked with the 21st and no such headline. The 22nd-27th is five days. And I did say that I would take a punt on a 5-day delay. Now that I’ve said this you are going to think I’ve edited after the fact. This was done in realtime I promise you.
Alright just one more. Haiti earthquake:
From wiki: “The earthquake occurred at 16:53 local time (21:53 UTC) on Tuesday, 12 January 2010.[5][6]”
Okay I reveiwed the headline pages for the 12th, all the way back to the 7th. And the main story was the explosive growth of a solar flare that subsequently got to be several times larger than the earth. Its hard to know if this ought to be considered evidence or not. Certainly you wouldn’t have suspected that there was much action on the 7th or 8th. But maybe there was more happening than what met the eye and the four day delay may have been sound after all.
See how this narrative develops.
SUNSPOT CORPSE: After a two-week trip around the farside of the sun, sunspot 1035 has returned, but it not a sunspot anymore. Where there was once a dark-cored behemoth crackling with solar flares, there is now just a quiet splash of magnetic froth. Call it a “sunspot corpse”:
SUNSPOT RESURRECTED: Old and decaying sunspot 1035, declared to be “a corpse” just yesterday, is showing signs of renewed life. Pete Lawrence sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Selsey, UK:
SOLAR ACTIVITY: Today has brought an uptick in solar activity. Sunspot 1040 (a.k.a. old sunspot 1035) is crackling with minor solar flares and seems to be gathering itself for something more. Just hours ago, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory captured this C1-class eruption:
BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 (a.k.a. old sunspot 1035) is growing again and is now at least four times wider than planet Earth. A blink comparison of SOHO images shows how the sunspot has expanded in the past 24 hours:
BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 is busy growing again. In only 24 hours, it has expanded from a barely visible “sun-speck” to a planet-sized active region with 15 dark cores and a tangled magnetic field. Steve Riegel sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Santa Maria, California:
ACTIVE SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 is still growing. During the past two days it has doubled in size–and then doubled again–to produce an active region with more than 25 dark cores and a tangled magnetic field. Dennis Simmons sends this picture of the behemoth from Brisbane, Australia:
WIDE SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 has grown so large (ten times wider than Earth) that only a fraction of it fits on the page. Click on the image for the big picture:
Very strange. I wouldn’t count this as failure. Quite the contrary. We get what seems like feeble beginnings four days prior to the Haiti earthquake. But looks can be deceiving. And since we subsequently found out that the sunspot expanded at terrific pace and to a magnificent size, its not too much to imagine that the potential energy for this massive disturbance was right there at the time of its humble beginnings. It ought to be possible to then look for spikes in the solar wind early on.
So far I think this has not been a bad experiment. Had the solar flare merely started and fizzled again, and we get this massive earthquake in Haiti … well then .. you know … that wouldn’t be that much of a tie-up because there is usually at least something in the works on the sun, and so you would be able to make links after the fact for any occurrence:
Ones birthday. The dog biting you. Being late for work. It could be any excuse. But clearly this massive expansion of the sunspot wasn’t the normal daily event, and the Haitian earthquake was no normal, business-as-usual, occurrence on earth either.
This is getting addictive. I promise I won’t crowd out the blog but just one more time:
“Seismic activity started at the end of 2009 and gradually increased in intensity until on 20 March 2010, a small eruption started that was rated as a 1 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index.[1]
Beginning on 14 April 2010, the eruption entered a second phase and created an ash cloud that led to the closure of most of Europe’s IFR airspace from 15 until 20 April 2010. Consequently, a very high proportion of flights within, to, and from Europe were cancelled, creating the highest level of air travel disruption since the Second World War.”
So the only significant date is really the 14th of April. But for some reason the natives had been restless clean back into the previous year.
INCOMING CME: Decaying sunspot 1060 delivered a parting shot on April 8th. The active region’s magnetic field erupted, sparking a B3-class solar flare and hurling a faint coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. Geomagnetic disturbances are possible when the cloud arrives on April 11th or 12th.
THE ACTION IN ICELAND: Sometimes both heaven and Earth erupt. Such was the case on April 4th when an outburst of auroras met an outburst of lava in southern Iceland:
INCOMING CME: Decaying sunspot 1060 delivered a parting shot on April 8th. The active region’s magnetic field erupted, sparking a B3-class solar flare and hurling a faint coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. Geomagnetic disturbances are possible when the cloud arrives on April 11th or 12th. [UPDATED: aurora gallery]
SUNGRAZING COMET: Today, the sun had a comet for breakfast. The icy visitor from the outer solar system appeared with no warning on April 9th and plunged into the sun during the early hours of April 10th. One comet went in, none came out. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) had a good view of the encounter:
More or less the same as for 10th. If we are going on a four day delay, then its from when the comet struck where we seem to get the action. But it rather looks like, where volcanoes are concerned, some of the action is almost in parallel. This theory ought to be tested. Some effects may be at a four day delay. Some may be in parallel. when it comes to volcanoes. This may imply a common source for both. I say this because I’ve encountered similar examples prior.
April 12
GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A coronal mass ejection hit Earth’s magnetic field at approximately 12:30 UT on April 11th. The impact sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm with auroras over Scandinavia, Scotland, Canada and northern-tier US states such as Maine, Michigan and Wisconsin.
April 13
OMG! HUGE PROMINENCE: One of the biggest prominences in years erupted from the sun’s northwestern limb today. The massive plasma-filled structure rose up and burst during a ~2 hour period around 0900 UT.
April 14
Same as the day before but with this:
Updated: The eruption hurled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME, movie) into space. The expanding cloud could deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field around April 15th. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of polar geomagnetic activity when the CME arrives.
So now we get one of the biggest eruptions in years on the sun, and the next day one of the biggest volcanic eruptions in years on the earth. Its almost TOO close a match. Maybe spaceweather is big headlines every day. Maybe its just one explosion after another on the suns surface. Maybe the people who set up are just bursting with excitement every day.
But then again, maybe we just have to accept, that the electric universe people, are on the right track.
Graeme! There are 1000 earthquakes a day on this planet,
of course few are noticed by the inhabitants. Earth tremors, etc.
This solar flare etc., does stuff up satellites, and generally they are turned off if a solar storm is heading their way. But it doesn’t stuff up aeroplane electronics etc.
This theory seems to suggest the theme of the movie 2012
the sun interfering with the Earth’s molten interior.
But solar activity does effect clouds by diverting sub atomic particles (from Supa Novas) from joining water vapor and forming clouds.
The big sun god does effect life on earth, but so far has been to benefit life and not destroy it. Unless you sun worship a lot and get skin cancers etc, or dehydration.
Well then we would interpolate some sorts of shocks that are filtered out by the earths magnetic field. And some sorts of shocks that are not filtered out by the earths magnetic field. We don’t want to be thinking we have a handle on everything that is going on here.
The mainstream doesn’t even have a sound theory of light and gravity. So we don’t want to suppose that we know all methods of transmission.
Seems reasonable to construct something akin to the “Accumulated Cyclone Energy” but for earthquakes. Find a reasonable estimate of energy released in seismic activity and add them all up.
As usual, the problem is getting data sharing happening between all parties on an open and cross-compatible basis.
Well the thing tel is this. All forces are in balance as you know. They come in pairs. Equal and opposite. So the massive forces of gravity must be balanced by an equally massive force. The force is compression. Since we don’t know what the gravity force is exactly we cannot assume it cannot be disturbed. In fact it would be bizare to think this. It is a real force and no occult phenomenon.
Think what happens if the gravity force is disturbed by a small amount for a fraction of a second. The compression and gravity forces are now out of balance and the equalisation of forces will be made up by inertia-under-acceleration. Hence an earthquake and volcanic action.
Or consider it from another perspective. The electric force is fantastically stronger than gravity on the micro level. The earth is absorbing electrical energy all the time. Electrons and electrical energy? Where do all these electrons go? The expanding earth people would imagine they have an answer for that.
In any case, what if the earth is forced to absorb more electrons and electricity then it can take? If it is force-fed these electrons/electrical energy, one might expect it to spew up an electrical discharge. Hence volcanic action. Volcanic output laced with lightning as they often are. Or failing that earthquakes, since this may be volcanic action that does not make it to the surface. It might cause an upsurge of volcanic activity in the mid-ocean ridge. But for one reason or another doesn’t manifest itself to the landed volcanoes.
These are real possibilities. Todays physics is buttressed by the cult of personality and priesthood scoffing. But in reality they haven’t done their job. There are ancient questions that they will not resolve.
Have a look at this. Here we see the most massive earthquake since at least 1979. Two days later it is followed up by a gamma ray burst 100 times stronger than anything recorded before or since. Coincidence? Surely the respective relative magnitude of each of the phenomena rules out conincidence.
The BP Deep Water Horizon explosion is in my own backyard. It’s my country that’s affected by this tragedy. So far there are more voices hell-bent on demonizing BP, even our worthless president, than there are people willing to first get the damned blowout stopped. First things first! That well is spewing environmental and economic death all over the gulf coast of the United States. There’s going to be plenty of time to figure out where to point fingers after the problem is fixed.
Just think what might be accomplished if president worthless were to say to the CEO of BP, “Tell me how we can help get this leak stopped and let us help.” The same goes for environmentalists, the also worthless Attorney General and the even more worthless head of Homeland Security. Include the Coast Guard too. Or maybe it’s no longer true that you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar?
I have had it with the finger pointing, the political opportunism and the whole shameful act going on and on and on. They get an F-, less than an F- from me.
This has put a whole lot of people to a severe test and they’ve all flunked it!
It ought to be about homesteading. Its an emergency. So every oil drilling outfit in the world ought to be told that royalties will be free if they are pulling up oil within 1 kilometre of the site. That way you get a whole lot of what amounts to “relief-wells” being drilled in the near vicinity.
Actually my scale is all wrong since the rigs are so huge. It would have to be 20 kilometres, or something more of that order of magnitude.
Then comes the big oval office meeting between BP executives and President Worthless on Wednesday – oh, and Vice President Worthless as well. Out of this BP agrees to put $20 billion in an escrow account to pay damages. Of course no one knows the extent of the damage yet.
But the worst of it has yet to come. Are you ready for this? VP Worthless, according to a reliable account said to BP that, “If you don’t it will be done to you!” Now the executive branch has neither Constitutional nor statutory authority to demand money of anyone, much less take it by force as was plainly threatened. So now we have the White House engaged in just plain old extortion.
And his Oval Office address to the nation Tuesday clearly said that he’s going to use this tragedy to renew his push for passage of cap-and-trade.
The man is worse than worthless. He’s dangerous.
Keep an iron grip on your government because Obama and Rudd are two rotten peas from the same pod.
Former Labor leader Mark Latham said the party’s moral core had been eroded by its defence of Mr Slipper and embattled MP Craig Thomson.
He described Mr Slipper as one of the parliament’s least respected figures, whose “clownish foibles” were well known to all.
“He is one of the most egregious Good-Time Charlies to ever prance around the edges of Australian politics,” he wrote in Fairfax newspapers.
As reported by phone from Malaysia , Nick Xenophon was teargased by police ! I believe the Prime minister Gillard should of had all its ministers there front, back and independants as well as Herself so they all could of been teargased ! It proves to me that the Malaysian deal to immigration was not worthy of its time to be considerred ! Dont you realise Prime minister that Malaysia and Indonesia are both the same types of Government ! They are both evil governmets ! And for peats sake release the HSU , Dept of Fair trading reports to the mis conduct of Craig Thompson ! Or is your plan to cover it up ? What liars and wankers are our politicians