Kevin Rudd, 7.30 report May 10, 2010
Kevin Rudd let slip yesterday that he has a vision for bigger-more-malignant ETS than the one he dropped.
“We need to make sure that the Senate becomes, shall I say, positioned in a manner which is able to deliver that change to Australia’s domestic laws,” Mr Rudd said at a news conference with the Maldives president.”
We missed the bullet in December. As a nation we came within a butterfly-wing-flap of sacrificing ourselves to the carbon-Goldman-Sachs-socialist-nightmare. But it could still happen, and it could be worse. The national orbit has swung again slightly, like a pendulum with an elliptical chaotic path. With Rudd destabilized, so are we all collectively far from center.
Australia could be headed for an election where climate change is still a central issue, or worse, it won’t be, and the nasty surprise will spring afterwards.
The Greens are gathering power (16%) from disillusioned Labor voters. If, at the next election, Rudd wins, and the Greens control the senate, what we get then will be far worse than the ETS we fought before. They will have carte blanche to run the chainsaws through the intricate branches of business, careers, and livelihoods.
Let’s consider what kind of cuts the Greens have in mind:
The Greens want greenhouse gas emissions slashed by 40 per cent by 2020, a faster start to an ETS, and less compensation to business.
Forty percent! &&*$#!
It’s not the five percent cut (which, with population growth, still translates to a mighty 25% cut in our carbon footprints). Forty per-cent of our total emissions (and with even more people here) and in only TEN years. So everyone, let’s sit back and imagine which half of the day you’ll turn off the electricity for? Let’s say midnight to lunch… everyone walks to work, reads with LED torches, and has their first cup of tea at 12:10pm as they turn the kettle and their computer on. The Australian Stock Exchange goes back to cardboard punch cards delivered by carrier pigeons for their morning sessions. Police and ambulances are the only cars on the road in the am: they have to dodge the horses and bicycles.
At the moment, the Greens have five senate seats. The two senators that saved us from the ETS are Steve Fielding and Nick Xenophon. And Fielding, of course, we owe a big debt to. As I wrote last year, Steve Fielding, the former Engineer, was one of the only politicians around the world to do what politicians should do. He asked for evidence. As it happens, Dr Dennis Jensen (Liberal MP for Tangney, in Perth) has been speaking out as a skeptic for years, back when almost no one else would, and far ahead of the pack, but it was Fielding who held the crucial vote Minister Penny Wong so wanted last year, so it was Fielding that captured media attention. Both men are trained in physics — Jensen having the only science related PhD in Parliament.
Kevin Rudd will do whatever he thinks he can to rescue a position that is fast becoming openly derided. Even former Labor prime ministers are not averse to publicly discussing “the next Labor leader”. The man is a bully. Rather than negotiating and peacemaking to find compromises that everyone can wear, he makes loud declarations that “he will not be intimidated”, “he will not give in” and he “will not be railroaded”, as if it was all about “him” and not about 21 million people and 7 million square kilometres. It forestalls any discussion of the shades of grey of how we find the tipping point between too much, and too little. If he was dealing with a terrorist, it might be the winning approach, but it’s no way to run a nation. Skeptical scientists or productive miners are not the enemy.
Like all careers built on aggressive bluffs — when it starts to unravel — it goes exponentially.
The image comes from this 7.30 Report interview where Rudd was grilled over the ETS back down.
Rudd is very misguided. If he thinks he is better off when people that disagree with him are worse off, he is a miserable man.
Punitive taxation will never bring joy and happiness.
Politicians are naturally thick skinned as many political drives are faulty but powered by emotion not sense. Everyone knows Rudd is not talking climate but left wing taxation. All socialist governments bankrupt their country. Gordon Brown bankrupted Britain, Obama is bankrupting the USA, and Rudd is on the same path.
Probably just as well he speaks a foriegn language. That way he will get the drinks orders correct in his next job.
We have the same problems here in the US. With prez BHO and Lurch Kerry pushing Crap@Tax again!
It’s worse in the UK. All three major parties are sold on cutting CO2 emissions by unachievable amounts to “tackle climate change”. And as Tony said above, Gordon Brown has essentially bankrupted the country so there is no money to waste on the mad schemes being proposed – like building thousands of wind mills at sea and connecting them to the mainland with massive new grid lines – without any thought to what happens when the wind doesn’t blow in winter when electricity demand is at its highest.
Tim Garrett a believer in AGW ideology but a scientist has tried to test a hypothesis that the human civilization works actually like a heat machine as are all living entities. Thus quantity of vital effort must be proportional to quantity of energy consumption. In case of humane civilization quantity of energy is proportional to GDP of the world. There are countries that differ in energy consumption per dollar but the civilization as a whole keeps the proportion constant. He discovered that 9.7 mW x year produce 1 US dollar in GDP of the world in prices of 1990. The paper is here:
Curbing energy consumption means inescapably curbing production and actually humane life. It means loss of competiveness, loss of jobs, fell of standard of living. It means also taming of internal competition in societies with shift of economic power to the privileged capital group with monopoly status and the economic asymmetry brings about corporativism instead of liberalism.
Curbing of CO2 is a weapon of monopolization and corporativism against liberal society.
I also like the article about the “climatism” and its motives here:
There is also very important notice in the article. Vinod Dar writes that if the climatists wouldn’t take over the western civilization by an oppressive power in time their campaign begins scrambling within two years and their fail. He wrote it two years before ClimateGate and the Copenhagen collapse. This is a very accurate prediction unlike to the predictions based on the IPCC’s climatic models.
What the Greens “want” and how it might be delivered are two completely different things.
What, or who, is the source for their demand for a 40% cut? Are they suggesting any method(s) of delivering that, or are they literally poking around in the dark? It might be even worse than Jo is suggesting here.
Making such demands might make people who at present feel environmentally “guilty”, feel all warm and gooey inside, but I’ll bet they’ll be feeling very cold and afraid if the Greens let on exactly how this 40% is supposed to happen.
I’t will be interesting to see how the labor rejectors vote, Fielding has done a good job and family first may end up with a few more seats. Even though I strongly disagree with a few of their more religious based policies, its nice to see a poly being something other than a mouthpiece for an industry group or mad greens.
On a positive note its nice not to penny wrongs face all the time!
If Rudd goes, we may get worse! And the Greens may have a stronger voice next time as ALP votes leak to Greens rather than LNP.
The high numbers for the Greens are worrying, but as someone pointed out on Andrew Bolt’s blog the Lib/Dems also had strong support before the UK election. On the day itself, it pretty much evaporated.
There will always have their hardcore followers – how come the MSM doesn’t refer to them as ‘rusted-on’ Greens? – but they more than any group are open to mockery for their do as I say, not as I do lifestyle. Jetting off to Copenhagen: not a good look. And what is it with Gaia-lovers and their big houses?
The double standards are so glaring that all but the most committed can see them. Voting Green for most people – well, Joseph Heller once said that he and his wife often though about moving to the south of France. Then he added: “But the south of France continues to be an appealing fantasy for us as long as we do nothing about it.”
The Greens have been taken over by socialist/marxists long ago. The liberal green, who started the Green party, has been totally pushed out. Fabian socialism and the closely related Eugenics society are the backbone of the new labour/socialist movement. The aim is not helping the working classes. It never has been. It’s about controlling the working classes. The abominable social engineering which is in full sway across the globe is not some sort of coincidental accident. It was/is planned.
The only thing that they really fear is the individual who stands up and says NO.
Also, Jo, excellent capture of Der Kruddfuhrer in mid-sneer. “-k you, Kerry…”
We are paying for the Greenwashing of the children in schools for the last couple of decades. I fully expect the Green vote to increase as they age. Don’t blame the kids… it’s not their fault they were indoctrinated in school.
The funny thing is when you question Greens on their beliefs… it becomes like a Monckton interview. I would love to see Bob Brown explain how a 40% CO2 emission cut is to be achieved. I absolutely garuantee you that he has no idea. But then politics is all about perception, not about truth. So Mr Abbott found when he truthfully amitted politicians bend the truth in the heat of discussions… his polls plummetted right afterwards. In other words the public is saying “lie to me.” We prefer it that way… and so it is with the Greens. Everyone likes a nice fluffy fairy story with a happy ending.
Hands up all those who have played “straws”.
In this game, you dump a pile of sticks on a table, and then try to remove them, one at at time, without dislodging any others. As soon as another moves, you loose your turn and somebody else has a go. Get the picture?
Well modern economies are like that, only worse. The Australian economy is one pile of “straws”, and the New Zealand economy is another, and the Chinese economy is a huge pile of “straws”, and so on. And guess what, all of the piles of “straws” are interconnected by very fine threads so that if one “straw” moves in one pile, something else moves in another.
And the Greens, with their liberal studies degrees think they can fiddle around with this without destroying the whole of civilisation. They are so dangerous they give me cold sweats.
A lot of food gets shipped around the world. Not for fun, or because we can, but because some parts of the world are hungry and some have food to spare. If you disrupt industry, you disrupt the patterns of trade, and food cannot be shipped, and people get hungry, and angry, and militant, and that is how territorial wars start.
It is like little kids playing with explosives.
Don’t under estimate Abbott’s alternative to the ETS. A major part of his policy hasn’t actually caught on yet and has basically been dismissed without scrutiny.
Part of his plan is soil sequestration of CO2. And this is the lady behind it:
here’s a Landline program on her research.
and here’s an interview with her by supergreenie Philip Adams!
All this must be very attractive to The Greens because it may actually work as opposed to the renewables which have a dreadful record of achieving nothing and killing birds.
Keep this matter to the fore Jo.
Rudd will probably be watching what’s happening in NZ , as well. We are getting the media bliz now leading up to the ETS scheme starting on July 1. Todays MSM have spreads trying to explain the scheme to the public –not very convincing or clear. (eg. apparently electricity generation has increased emmissions by 120% since 1990. Given that the majority of it comes from hydro and geothermal and a small percentage from gas fired stations which were in place before 1990 it will be fun to see how they explain that figure. But maybe they have learnt from Jones and Mann !! )
For those interested in how the push may happen in Australia in your elections here is the sales pitch fom NZ
The Coalition needs to be making far more noise about “a vote for the Greens is a vote for Rudd’s Labor”.
The intellectually bereft Greens are rat-cunning enough to portray themselves as koala hugging warm fuzzies, and how often do we hear the vapidly stupid or ignorant proclaim, ” oh well, I’ll vote Green” ?
Of course the ABC encourages such deception – witness Jon Faine’s disingenuous advice on radio this week for a disaffected Laborite to consider the Greens!
So far the greens haven’t been put under the microscope. However if their poll results continue with 16+% support, they will be under the microscope during the election campaign. The more Bob Brown opens his mouth, the clearer it will become that he and his party are wackos.
Preferences are also important. (Oz uses a preferential system of voting)
If Rudd does a deal with the Greens for preferences, he will alienate more Labor voters. (swings and roundabouts).
Rudd has already lost the public, especially in Queensland, the state that helped him win last time. The key will be can Abbott convince enough people that he is ready to govern? If he can’t, Rudd will be begrudgingly voted back in much like Paul Keating was in 1993.
The Conservatives have had huge problems with party finances, (lack of a war chest if you will). The mining tax saga will see good dollars flowing the conservatives way.
Interesting times.
You’d think Capt’n Kev of the planet Smirk would have noticed his feet were dry?
There is a very real possibility that something like Jo predicts will come to pass. To prevent this, there are two things that need to happen:
1. The Liberals need to win the next Federal election – which is looking increasingly likely.
2. The Liberals need to get rid of Malcolm Turnbull.
I think a far more insidious and more probable possibility is that Tony Abbot will win the next election and then be white anted by Turnbull who will then inflict the ETS and his Goldman Sachs agenda on the Australian economy. Especially with Nick Minchin out of the picture next year. The realists and rationalists within the Liberal Party ranks need to start thinking ahead to prevent this.
Courier Mail, Brisbane.
A poll shows the Federal Government is in electoral trouble in Prime Minister Keven Rudd’s home state of Queensland.
The Galaxy poll published in The Courier-Mail has the Coalition ahead of the Labor Party on a two-party-preferred basis of 52 to 48 per cent.
The poll says 54 per cent of respondents are opposed to the Government’s proposed resources tax, while 37 per cent support it.
The poll found 68 per cent of respondents say the Government has done a bad job explaining the tax.
Mr Rudd and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott are neck-and-neck in the preferred prime minister stakes, with 44 per cent supporting Mr Abbott and 45 per cent supporting Mr Rudd.
Support for the Greens has increased from 9 per cent to 13 per cent since the last poll in February.
I try not to comment on Australian politics as it is not my place to do so as an American. In America, we have our problems, too. We have Obama trying to turn the gulf oil spill to his political advantage by saying that the spill is a good reason to support the Kerry cap and trade bill. Fortunately, we have seen the momentum in the U.S. turn against the CAGW cabal. If the Virginia attorney general is successful in obtaining the records regarding Mann, et al. then it is really going to get bad for the hockey team. Chris Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute is taking NASA to court to force compliance with his FOIA request regarding NASA emails related to global warming. As events continue to unfold and more fraud is uncovered the American taxpayer is really going to get angry. In fairness to Obama, he did say that under his policies electricity prices would necessarily skyrocket. What were the voters thinking? If he can’t get electricity prices to skyrocket through his support for cap and trade his opposition to domestic drilling should get the job done. It amazes me that CO2, which is great for the biosphere, is anathema to pandering politicians like Obama!
I don’t think the next round of the ETS debate will meet with the meek opposition it did last time. The ongoing repercussions of climategate and corruption in the IPCC process are still expanding and deepening. And the politicians have had time to catch up on their briefings. Thanks to the Internet and tireless champions of transparency in science, such as our host, it’s become more and more difficult to pretend to be ignorant of the fraud and ulterior motives that animate the ETS legislation. I can’t imagine ETS running the gauntlet again.
What really breaks my heart, is the fact that without free Internet access the whole Orwellian fraud of Climate Justice would be the most powerful gestalt driving socio-economic policy in the Western world today. Our democracy has been literally saved (for the moment) by a mere bit of technological evolution. Not by our leaders.
Imagine if our only source of information was our government controlled media, the ABC? We would quite literally be living in a kinder gentler version of a George Orwell novel. And history has shown that the kinder, gentler part usually wears thins as leaders like Rudd grow more all-powerful. Witness his attacks on our nation’s most productive industry. Wouldn’t it just be easier to jail a few miners for “spreading lies” and be done with it? Those days are closer than we might think. There is nothing standing between us and the drift towards totalitarianism than a handful of IP addresses. This is not a sustainable situation.
An addendum to my comment @ #21 for non Australians.
To “white ant” someone is an Australian colloquial term meaning to undermine their leadership or position using treacherous devious tactics.
The worst type of politician is one that knows to keep his big mouth shut and let others have a slip of the lip.
Once in a majority, then they can dump whatever scheme they want in the first year and wait it out.
[…] a climate skeptic ; The wounded are dangerous ; K Rudd’s new ETS ; How the greens hate prosperity, happiness and abundance ; Bildeberg […]
Just goes to show that the “Dept of Hot Air” is still actively scheming away in their $90M/year “operation”. Chairman KRUDD will keep flipping from one issue to the next to deflect attention. One moment it’s the ETS and the next the RSPT. Toy stores sell kids toy slime which comes in many colours, is slippery, non-toxic and fun to play with.
Unfortunately, the KRUDD and WRONG version only comes in green, and is highly toxic!
SHELL shocked!
Excellent article Jo! I agree wholeheartedly with what you have said.
It is definitely not the time to become complacent. Because what will happen, is what always happens in a fight between ideologies…. Yep, it is not science being done here, but politics.
Like all adversaries beaten in a battle, they will regroup. We will advance over the battle-space seeking to consolidate. They will plan their counter attack…. and it will come.
They will try to counter our facts and figures with their lies, they may even try to outflank us, by making the facts irrelevant and simply declare that the citizens are not smart enough and thus, like all socialist revolutions, that it is the vanguard of thoughtful elites who have the people and nations best interests at heart and together they will override the democratic process in this time of crisis… blah, blah.
Yes. There is definitely interesting times ahead of us.
Eddy Aruda @ 23,
When does cap and trade actually get voted on over there ? I thought it had been pushed off the Congressional/Senate calendar.
All the alternative governments have to do is ask us people rowing with the other slaves the following three questions:
1) How does your power bill compare to what it was before the current people came into office?
2) Do you honestly feel any better off than before said oxygen thieves got into power?
3) Do you believe that the current powers have done anything about these problems in practical terms?
4) Do you honestly believe that raising taxes on primary industry won’t end up coming out of YOUR POCKET?
If the answer to question 4 is No, I would suggest the respondent would be either naive or delusional. Any politician or bureaucrat that even entertains the idea of suggesting the answer to question 4 is no should have their wages docked both permanently and immediately and be moved into the departure lounge.
Game, set, Match, I would suggest.
There is quiet fury in Queensland. I haven’t been out on the Northern Downs in a few years but those mining projects were on the table in 1994 1997 so they have been a long time coming onstream and those communities really need them.
Prime Minister Rudd will be toast.
I reckon it’s a one term government.
Jack Walker: #32
Bags I am first with the fork …
Baa Humbug,
Last election Rudd with over 50% wasn’t put under the microscope.
Compare the MSM scrutiny of his ETS with, say, Hewson’s GST.
The lefty MSM these days give their own a very easy passage.
This is the way it seems to go: “We con the world”.
Spangled this aint the blog.
Me I look at the balance.
The casualties.
I aint no fan of terrorists. But that was not Entebbe and moderator this aint a war blog.
I took me terrorists down in me time, I know mug and enemy, pity Iraeli Commandoe did not. Paint guns.
Vide @ 28
Gave your post a thumbs down, not you.
It’s chronically disappointing that the people we pay to provide leadership can betray us through either stupidity or corruption.
Either description would cover Mssrs. Rudd, Brown or Obama.
I blush for the stupidity and intransigence re climate change of the current misguided NZ government. Power bills there have just gone up on average of 3 bucks per week per household since ETS came into force on the 1st of this month. Great thinking when the recession has not yet departed.
However, not nearly as extreme as the position of the new UK Environment Minister, who is wedded to the ultimate Green cause – total control of everybody on a poor, starving and very cold planet.
Wow 40% reduction in 10 years!? You Aussies always do things BIG!
Could this be the latest trick where you present an awful proposal so that people settle for the less awful alternative (ETS)?
As far as
Cap and TradeCrap and TAX, here in the US the Democrats are looking to make the gulf oil leak into a lever. I don’t think it will be popular for the Dems. to push Cap and Trade. That doesn’t mean they wont try though. The Dems. are pretending to not notice the winds of change coming in November. (election time)http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/677-e2-wire/101307-reid-pushes-to-move-energy-bill-in-july
June 5th, 2010 at 4:29 pm
Eddy Aruda @ 23,
When does cap and trade actually get voted on over there ? I thought it had been pushed off the Congressional/Senate calendar.
Sen. John Kerry and his cosponsor Joe Lieberman have sponsored another version of cap and trade. Sen. Reid is trying to see if he can get it to the senate floor this year for a vote. If the senate cannot pass a bill before the congressional term expires then they will have to start all over again next year.
See: http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2010/06/obama_pushes_ke.html
I knew KRudd as a zombie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5IRI4oHKNU) ..as PM he’s just not there.. It’s all voodoo stuff..
Well no one told me about KRudd the way he lied
Well no one told me about KRudd how many people died
But it’s too late to say we’re sorry
Why didn’t we know why didn’t we care
Please don’t bother tryin’ to find KRudd
he’s not there
Well let me tell you ‘bout the way he looked
The way he’d acted and the colour of his flair
His voice was harsh and cruel
His were eyes were enraged to fright
But he’s not there..
People need to read some of The Greens policies to be aware how treasonous and dangerous they are!
Some examples from their own website……..
The Greens support One World Government:-
The Greens oppose the establishment of new coal-fired power stations, new coal mines and the expansion of existing mines.
Rudd’s wife in court stoush over share buy:-
Kevin’s got a gun…..
If you put the Greens back to the wall and force them to make a decision and take RESPONSIBILITY for it. You will find they make Kevin Rudd look like a decisive and courageous leader.
Rudd did a backflip. Here in NZ we have Nick Smith who pushed a full blown ETS through. We used to suffer from the communistic labour/green socialists. Now we are suffering from the National Socialists… Sigh. Not an improvement at all… Better be very, very weary of your next move, Australia.
I’m very new to all this. Until a couple of months ago I thought a discussion on climate change was like a discussion about sport ie not intrinsically useful, and I more or less came into it by accident. Now I’m reading up (catching up) on it all.
Thanks to Vide @ 28 for leading me to this after a few links, at “Skeptico” discussing Argument From Authority;
One of the first articles I read was Ross McKitrick’s paper about the Hockey Stick debate and how someone emailed David Deming to say “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period”. Well I just put the paper down and shook my head. If the scientists working on climate change for the IPCC are doing that, any trust I had in what they are doing has instantly disappeared. Nothing else matters.
I’d like to see Kevin Rudd asked his opinion on that.
This is the type of thing that The Greens support………….
They should be called for what they really stand for Green COMMUNISTS (WATERMELONS – Green on the outside, RED on the inside)
Revealed: the UK government strategy for personal carbon rations:-
Bugs in our wheelie bins:-
Netherlands Turns Green with GPS Road Tax:-
Climate Research News » ‘Big Green Brother’ Wants ‘Smart Meters’ in Our Homes:-
Excellent ANTI Mining Tax commercials……….
Hi Joanne and posters,
I feel Australia may sail into the abyss if Rudd is re-elected with the Greens popularity on the rise.
I don’t see either major party withstanding an onslaught of carbon trading policy uptakes around the globe.
If the US pass the legislation, it will become an excuse to push it through here also.
No matter if the Liberals are in power or not.
In the run up to this election, I feel that the average Australian on the street, hasn’t got a clue about the ETS.
Just read these posts at the punch where people are critiquing Rudd:
Most think that Rudd’s inability to implement an ETS is one of his weaknesses.
And this is a (slightly) more informed ‘political’ audience.
I feel that the Liberals are just too slow and too complicit with the banksters to really divulge the truth.
Have you thought about or been approached by anyone to print and distribute your handbooks Australia wide?
I feel that it is now up to all of us to inform others and get involved in distributing this information to the general public who are still unaware of the murkiness surrounding this issue.
Can you imagine if your handbooks were given out free to people in peak hour traveling from work on the trains/ trams/ buses?
What about leaving them on shop counters or having handbooks arrive inside the local paper as inserts?
Whilst we can debate and discuss the issue here, sadly most Australians think the ETS is going to be good for the environment.
They believe it is a way for them to do their bit.
They need to start to question the mainstream media babble.
How can your handbooks be distributed Australia wide through a formal campaign?
Do you need to set up a distribution fund?
Are there any companies that might support or bankroll this?
It’s time to get this information out.
Information is power and the truth will put this scam to rest no matter who wins the election.
Please give this serious consideration.
Hi Sellie, a donor in the US paid to have both Handbooks printed (about 10,000 copies) – partly because I insisted (since I was giving away the copyright at no charge for the US print run) and partly because it was an aim of theirs too (the fall of the ETS in Australia would help those who wanted it to fall in the US). About 3000 copies of both have been distributed by ACSC through parliament house and for journalists. But of course we would need thousands upon thousands to really make a “footprint”.
There is much work to be done. I still have copies here, which you can get delivered to you in Australia or overseas. I ask people to help out with the costs of doing this. Some people buy multiple copies then post them out. That leaves an impression on those who receive them. It’s not a mass mailout.
Obviously I’d be happy to help.
Column – It’s over for Rudd