UPDATED! It’s rocketing up the rankings 🙂
NEWS: Can you believe there are 570 Apps in the Canadian weather apps list! No neither can I.
But Our Climate has made it to number one 🙂

“The Our Climate App will prove to be an enduring tool for all open-minded individuals who yearn for the uncensored truth about the Earth’s weather-climate system.
Dr Willie Soon
Center for Astrophysics
Our Climate
Behind the scenes a veritable who’s-who of the skeptical world has been working away on yet another way to reach people, especially young people.
For those of you with iphones, if you want the latest graphs, blog information, or answers to questions at the pub debate, there is an option from the iphone store with dozens of excellent articles of the right size, lots of pictures, graphs, quizes, world-wide polls, and more.
The skeptics community grows stronger through projects like this. Kudos to Lubos, and Willie Soon especially, as well as Richard Lindzen, Roy Spencer, Fred Singer, Henrik Svensmark, Will Happer, Bob Carter, Craig Idso, Paul Reiter but also folks such as yours truly, Lord Christopher Monckton, and Anthony Watts.
The big credit goes to Paul at Aeris Systems in Perth — it’s been his baby and untold hours of work over more than 6 months.

One of the main screens so you can zero in on the information you need.

Information at a click


Quiz’s just for fun

All your favourite graphs
It’s a work in progress
Just look at the professional graphics finish! Though this is draft 1.0, and it is being edited, sharpened and updated continuously, it’s already available ready-to-use.
To get a copy
To get a copy for your iphone (assuming you have one), click on the icon at the top, or go to ourclimate.info URL. AppShopper has a page, too. To buy the app, you’ll need an Apple ID. When you have it, run your iTunes, search for Our Climate in the right upper corner, filter by apps, and you will see the tree logo once again. Link itunes.com/apps/ourclimate
All sold for an extraordinary USD 0.99 (or EUR 0.79) .
Thanks to Baa Humbug here for helping me help Paul…
PS: If you’re thinking “What’s an iphone…” click here.
UPDATES from Paul on how well the App is doing
40 hours into release and we are already in 3rd place on the US iTunes Store’s top 25 category for paid weather apps, and already in 2nd place for the same top 25 category on the UK iTunes store! See attached screen shots.
This is critically important, because it means the App is in “the zone” to have self-sustaining customer awareness going forward. People evidently use these lists to make their iPhone App purchasing decisions.
It further appears from anecdotal statements that people are downloading the App and are then taking it down to the Pub to persuade their friends! This is precisely the sort of activist capability what I wanted to “catalyse” with this portable format.
The term “this is a truth weapon” has appeared already a couple of times on some of the blogs. It is encouraging (so far) to see that kind of language being applied…
We have also cracked number 1 position in the New and Noteworthy category on the Canadian App store.
My understanding is that this positioning an editorial decision on the part of whoever is inside Apple managing that App store and/or category.
I see it, but don’t quite believe it….
I am delighted to advise that we made it to the Number 1 paid weather App position in the Canadian iTunes store (out of 570 paid weather apps)! Took us 40 hours to get there…. See attached screen shot for evidence.
We are also number 2 in both Norway and the UK, and number 3 sales rank in the US for ITunes Weather Apps. We have broken into the top 10 list for iPhone Weather Apps in 7 countries already.
Apple (bless them!) has also put Our Climate in the number 1 position in their “New and Noteworthy” featured panel (in the weather app category – see screen shot) in a number of iTunes jurisdictions, including the US, the UK, Australia, the Netherlands and Canada. This is very encouraging news!
In the countries where the App is gaining user reviews, we are generally (read: invariably) gaining 3.5 to 5 stars average ratings. This is reflective of very good customer satisfaction metrics. In addition the software is proving highly stable with no reported crash logs.
The list below is a sampling of how we are doing in various countries so far.
Brackets denote current sales rank in ITunes “top paid weather apps”
Featured in New and Noteworthy (generally number one spot – top left):
Australia (5)
Canada (1)
Netherlands (12)
New Zealand (9)
UK (2)
US (3)
Not featured in New and NoteWorthy, but good sales rank
Norway (2)
Sweden (6)
7.8 out of 10 based on 4 ratings
Thanks Jo, I am going to get it for my iphone right now!
It is definitely worth US 99 cents. Although I am familiar with the information contained in the App it will make it more convenient to talk to others about the CAGW scam because I will have so much information in one app. It is a great start. I am sure the creators of the app will be getting a lot of positive feedback and suggestions on how to improve and expand the app.
Well, I have been waiting for something to get me to upgrade from the 3GS to the iphone 4. I bet the graphs will look even better with the latest version of the iphone.
Well done Paul, Jo and Baa.
Dismayed when this app was released, I wrote to Apple and protested. Al Gore is on the board at Apple so after several months of climate via iPhone bias, he and other warmists no longer have the advantage or the huff and puff seen here at the launch! Last drinks anybody?
It also runs on an iPod Touch (looks quite interesting so far on my “Touch”) and an iPad. The included quiz is interesting!
What good news! I wish I had an iPhone …
This looks like an inspired piece of work that will no doubt help those already on the side of the angels, but also reach and help many more not there yet.
Well done all of you! A toast to you all will be raised in my house tonight.
Are they going to make one for Android? Hope so.
This is fantastic,
I really hate it when having a pub debate when I can’t remember exact percentages of stats – I always make sure I state if I am not sure of the exact percentages, which, of course weakens the argument.
It is interesting how opponents often don’t care if their statements are factually incorrect or exagerated.
This is more than an app, it’s a truth weapon and is going on my phone now.
Hey Jo, this looks like a great app, but as an Android phone user, I was wondering if they’re considering releasing it for that platform?
Generation Net: you don’t publish, you make an iPhone app. Since iPhone and Android can both browse the web anyhow, putting it on a web page would be just as good.
Watching a genuine grassroots movement, build and continually gain momentum is both educational and inspirational.
Australia’s farmers can learn a lot from the skeptical movement.
For decades we have been frustrated by the difficulty of getting the truth out, and combating green propaganda aided and abetted by the MSM.
This gives us a successful model that we can follow.
Just aced the quiz. Thanks Jo and the contributors to this blog, you’re obviously very effective communicators. I wouldn’t have aced it about 9 months ago, I don’t think
I love the use of green and, err, another green in the poll results pie charts – very subtle, but nicely done.
The trolls won’t be happy, though. Poor trolls, sniff.
kudos to all involved.
remind me again why taxpayers are paying for the NBN? lots of detail in here:
30 July: Mercury: Sue Neales: Broadband rollout blackspots
TASMANIANS will today get their first glimpse of exactly which local towns and regions will be linked to the high-speed National Broadband Network and which ones will miss out on the internet revolution for at least the next decade…
Towns to miss out on the benefits of high-speed internet access include major regional centres such as Dover, Kempton, Woodbridge, Kettering, Oatlands, Strahan, Coles Bay, Hamilton, Stanley and the entire Tasman Peninsula.
These 10 per cent of Tasmanian residents in rural areas will have to rely on less reliable wireless or satellite links. The omission will affect the speed at which these places can receive their computer and internet services in the future.
When Telstra removes its old copper phone lines into every home over the next six to eight years, these towns and regions will also have to depend on variable line-of-sight wireless transmission for their vital telephone services, rather than new optic fibre cables wired direct to their homes…
I am now the proud owner of this app.
Sometimes the old memory fails me and I do need to dig up facts when talking on the subject, so this should make it much easier for me. Actually being able to show real data rather than just quote it from memory will be a bonus for sure.
Slightly OT but this item just spotted – the iphone app may be a darn good idea given that it seems part of the duties of the “Climate Commissariat” will be to “advise” the 150 of the Citizens` Assembly;
Oh crap I need an Iphone now?????
🙂 🙁
Great, awesome, inspired thinking! A real time anti warmist presentation of facts … a truth weapon.
I expect it will go run on an iPod Touch also … most iPhone apps do.
I love it.
I’ll perhaps save Matt a little work and write his comments here for him:
“It doesn’t say anything about the drought.”
“”What about the barrier Reefs? Does this let people know the reefs will be gone by (next year)?”
“A foray into pop culture by someone with nothing to do who lives in Perth. Big deal.”
Shouldn’t that be “Kudosh for Lubosh” ?
Brian @ 18
That’s not very nice! Next thing you’ll be getting Matty replaced by a fairly trivial Excel macro!
It’s reported the majority of Australians want action on climate change.
When people, especially young people have been bombarded with only the believers side and there has been no debate, the majority figure is misleading and it’s just a product of dishonest politics. If both sides of the argument are taught in our schools and universities, I believe action on climate change will only have minority support as it may achieve nothing and at a prohibitive cost.
I’m sure we all want a sustainable future, green issues should be addressed directly without hiding them behind the banner of climate change.
Oh yeah?
Which do you think would be more enlightening? Entertaining? Imaginative?
keep the answer to yourself
Yay! Realease! Been stuck in project management training all week and finally managed to get my life back. I noticed… in catching up with the news that Mr Rudd is in hospital:
One doth wonder whether this is a complication arising from the knife in the back a few weeks ago…
No doubt Chaser’s will run with this.
Seriously I wish Latham’s new punching bag all no ill will… have a speedy recovery, Mr politician formerly known as Prime Minister.
Brian you missed “Oh so wikipedia is not a trusted source but some IT bloke from perth’s Iphone ap is fair dinkum?”
and “Can he come up with a tinfoil hat ap?”
and “.99 USD to simply be reminded that AGW breaches the 2nd law of thermodynamics? What a ripoff.”
“If both sides of the argument are taught in our schools and universities it may achieve nothing and at a prohibitive cost.”
Speaking of costs, here`s an interesting take on the Citizens` Assembly, well worth a read. Not quite sure why da gummint would even consider the concept…
About time there was an app for that
Brian G Valentine: #18
July 30th, 2010 at 2:29 pm
Very funny Brian, thnx for the chuckle.
C’mon MattB, add some of your own to brians list. We need some friday funnies.
Hey Albert
Perhaps “dishonest politics” is arguably a tautology
Being in government & staying in government is driven by a positive feed back loop. You find out what holds the punter’s attention & play to it (while moving the shells & pea as fast as you can)
To me in this case our government uses BoM & the CSIRO for shells (& has chosen very carefully those who speak for them). They chant from the same manual while the education system & MSM are along for the ride.
You can confident that any shell game show Citizens Assembly would be fairly well vetted as well. There won’t be too many discordant farting cosmonauts on that space ship
I know this is OT but I just came across a good quote from Winston Churchill that seems to fit the way that the Warmists continue to ignore the evidence.
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.”
To respond to you in the same erudite and clinically logical manner as you seem to demonstrate, given your apparent level of intelectual development;
Lots of windmills to tilt at elsewhere with that style, man.
Its so good to read Dr Roy Spencer…http://www.drroyspencer.com/.
The sheer balance of the man is extrodinary.
“The total amount of CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere in the last 100 years has upset the radiative energy budget of the Earth by only 1%. How the climate system responds to that small “poke” is very uncertain. The IPCC says there will be strong warming, with cloud changes making the warming worse. I claim there will be weak warming, with cloud changes acting to reduce the influence of that 1% change. The difference between these two outcomes is whether cloud feedbacks are positive (the IPCC view), or negative (the view I and a minority of others have).”
We will look back i years to come and marvel at his ability to stick to the data and where it leads you. hot or cold? so what, its gonna happen.
Lets deal with it via adaption!
Pay huge $$ to big government and self flagellating hangers on ( read most universities and Quango’s here)? no way.
I’ve seen enough close to home from the Aussie BOM temperature ‘adjustments’ to send me running as a skeptic for AGW – catastrophic or otherwise.
To get back ON topic, the app works on the iPad as well. Very nifty.
AS per post #15 and many debates around how the IPCC conducts business as usual GET ME ON THIS GIG!!!
“THE five climate change experts Julia Gillard hopes to inform public opinion on the issue will be paid an average of $300,000 a year. It reveals the $6 million Climate Change Commission will have five commissioners, each earning an average of $300,000.
The commission, ..lasting four years, blah blah blah….
give me the $1.2M and I will provide one hell of a finding. just tell me what you want most (LOL)
Matt, why not go over to Deltoid and invite your fellow travellers to come trash the iPhone app
On second thought, don’t
MattB, you (snip). There’s been an pro AGW app for the iPhone for quite a while now.
The iPhone has a higher IQ than those who buy that app, though.
Well done to all those involved. A wonderful use of technology.
Unfortunately technology does not always work. Something to have laugh over with your morning coffee
Take note of who wrote the software.
First good reason I’ve ever seen to own an iPhone. Send my personal thanks to the authors.
Christians 1 once again. Lions another 0.
July 30th, 2010 at 2:10 am
Thanks Treeman! I clicked onto the link you provided at #3 and was appalled by what I saw. They feature on their iphone app “The Ten Most Used Arguments.” I picked one at random and here it is.
“If the planet accumulates heat, global temperatures will go up.” Wow, you could knock me over with a feather! They then make an unsubstantiated claim that CO2 is causing an energy imbalance and that past climate change provides evidence of the climate’s sensitivity to CO2! So, if CO2 levels were lower in the medieval warm period and temperatures were warmer than today that is evidence that the higher CO2 levels today are causing global warming!!! What a crock!
I pity the fool who breaks out his skeptical science iphone app if there is someone around with at least normal intelligence who is capable of critical thinking!
When you have 150 responses from Oceania, you should prepare a report and publish it.
Then explain to Joolya that you should be given the funds she was going to commit to the
brainwashingcommittee.You could explain that “the consensus is in”!
As an Australian Taxpayer who is paying way too much to the commisariat, you have my full and utter support.
Just a quick to say “thank you!” for all you kind comments on the Our Climate launch – this feedback has made the nine months or so that we have spent on research for this project highly worthwhile.
Madjak 40, good idea. I’ll let you know when we hit that target!
For $0.99 I guess you get what you pay for. After having time to look more deeply into this I might repent of my statement at 38. On the other hand it’s spreading like wildfire and getting out the basic skeptical position.
Update Number 3 from Paul :-)!
I am delighted to advise that we made it to the Number 1 paid weather App position in the Canadian iTunes store (out of 570 paid weather apps)! Took us 40 hours to get there…. See attached screen shot for evidence.
We are also number 2 in both Norway and the UK, and number 3 sales rank in the US for ITunes Weather Apps. We have broken into the top 10 list for iPhone Weather Apps in 7 countries already.
Apple (bless them!) has also put Our Climate in the number 1 position in their “New and Noteworthy” featured panel (in the weather app category – see screen shot) in a number of iTunes jurisdictions, including the US, the UK, Australia, the Netherlands and Canada. This is very encouraging news!
In the countries where the App is gaining user reviews, we are generally (read: invariably) gaining 3.5 to 5 stars average ratings. This is reflective of very good customer satisfaction metrics. In addition the software is proving highly stable with no reported crash logs.
The list below is a sampling of how we are doing in various countries so far.
Brackets denote current sales rank in ITunes “top paid weather apps”
Featured in New and Noteworthy (generally number one spot – top left):
Australia (5)
Canada (1)
Netherlands (12)
New Zealand (9)
UK (2)
US (3)
Not featured in New and NoteWorthy, but good sales rank
Norway (2)
Sweden (6)
Can you believe there are 570 weather Apps??? –JN
Hmmm… Is it time to get an iPhone , after all perhaps ?
This is great news, enough to tempt me to use a mobile phone.
When I first found out that AGW was total Bad Science, I wrote up my story which encompassed all the science and rebutted all the official “answers to skeptics”. It’s helped many people… but… though it is immeasurably simpler than the work I had to do to reach certainty myself, it is still long-ish.
Then I saw Jo Nova’s draft book and wrote her as thorough a criticism as I could, as the best way I could support this vital work – vital because it stays with the essentials and is simple enough to grasp in one bite.
Then Climategate – as the cryptic note at CA said, “A miracle has happened” – a miracle whose effects are still unfolding. Yet three official reviews still whitewash the event, and all the official science bodies maintain the lie, while stonewalling skeptics and tarring them with the crimes of which the scientific establishment is the main guilty party.
I put much thought and effort into helping build up a skeptics’ wiki, to provide the necessary “truth weapon” in bite-size pieces. But I think some higher power stopped that – the platform literally disappeared from the Internet one day, and never reappeared.
Now this app seems like the tool we need, handy for conversation. I’d like to see it include an issue-by-issue refutation of Skeptical Science’s “debunks” of climate skeptics’ issues – to counter the iPhone app that Treeman (July 30th, 2010 at 2:10 am) protested. I was planning to do this on the wiki anyway. If this speaks to anyone here, please email me and I’ll try to write a preliminary script.
43Joanne Nova:
August 1st, 2010 at 3:29 am
Nothing short of amazing and something that can’t possibly be missed by politicians everywhere in the Democratic world.
[…] JoNova, July 30, […]
LOVE the app ! Best thing on my iPhone
I bought it! At 99-cents it’s a great way to support you guys AND get an app for on the go.
Nice job with the interface, look, and feel.
A request: It would be great to add a “share” feature so that news can be sent to Twitter, Email, etc… That’s another way to get the word out on your app via social sharing.
[…] either a skeptic, undecided or an infuriated hippie if you’re reading this. Well, now there’s an app for skeptics, because urban hipsters and smug iPuritans can’t have all the fun, all the […]
I find it odd that scientific debate on this issue is stifled and those that are skeptical are branded heretic or apostate. Just like a religion with nonbelievers, Hmmm…
I still ask for an Android app !
It seems the world has been caught up in not only a climate-frenzy
but also have bought into the Apple/Iphone frenzy..
When will people start thinking by themselves?
Once again: When will there be an Android app?
Do I have to settle for “the other side’s” Android app?
I might become brainwashed into a global warming religious again.
Bye for now
Anders, Sorry – we’re a non profit unorganized non-collective. There is no head office.
I hear that Paul would like to do an Android… it’s a great idea. In a perfect world there’d be lots of funds to develop what would obviously be a big success too…
Hopefully it won’t take too long.