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Czech translation of the Unskeptical Guide to the Skeptics Handbook

The Scientific Guide to the Skeptics Handbook (Czech translation)

The Guide to the unSkeptical Guide to the Skeptics Handbook (Czech translation)

Who would have thought?

SkepticalScience.com has a Czech translation of their attempt to debunk the Skeptics Handbook. And so, as the wheel turns,  we have a Czech translation of my debunking of that debunking:

My most sincere thanks to Mirek Pavlicek.

He’s a fast man!

The original English version:

The Guide to the Unskeptical Guide to the Skeptics Handbook.

And I’ve done up an PDF version of the original English language debunking for those who want to have a printed copy to sit side by side.

I would not have guessed the Czechs would beat me to it.

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