Matt and Janet ponder their future
From Agmates (and many emails), news comes that The National Bank served notice today that the Thompsons have to be off may lose control of their property in four days. (See Update #3).
This is a family with four young children, who ran a profitable business; they filled in every form and ticked every box. They have broken no laws, and there are no outstanding environmental notices, but yet, they came to Western Australia with their life savings and they are losing everything.
Don’t bring your investment dollars to Western Australia — not while the Department of the Environment effectively controls the state.
The Thompsons waited a full year to get Works Approval for a 15,000 head feedlot. After they had already committed the capital, the rules kept shifting. They discovered they’d need ongoing licenses as well. After several years of ramping up the capacity on these licenses, things changed. Matt spoke out as a skeptic. About that time, the renewals were delayed, then the numbers were cut in half, and new conditions were added that were impossible to meet. To feed and supply water for thousands of cattle the Thompsons had to sign agreements in advance to pay for hundreds of thousands of dollars of goods they could not use, but had no way of knowing that at the time. When they appealed, it took 18 months to get “vindicated” but by then there was only six months left on the “two year” license. Not enough to set up all the contracts and run a business. The new sub-clauses meant that even licenses for a qualified “10,000” head had vague untestable conditions: the license you have when you don’t have a license.
I am ashamed of what our government has done.
If the media won’t cover this, shame on them too.
I’ve written before in more detail:
Tyranny: How to destroy a business with environmental red tape
Smell that evidence
There is much discussion on Agmates, and a call for donations (see below):
URGENT HELP – Thompson family in trouble
NAB had not long ago told Matt & Janet that they were not going to move on them before December 31st. But it appears that they have changed their mind.
Those familiar with previous discussions on Agmates will know that the Thompson family have no funds available to them to face being thrown out on their ear by the bank. Donations are needed ASAP to help provide a roof over the children’s head. Please consider donating what you are able into the following bank account that has been set up so as any donations can’t be seized with all other assets of Matt & Janet including the few dollars left in their own bank account.
Account name – L&S Ballard
BSB – 016 770
Account number – 439863697
Discription – Kate/Abby/Will/LukeUPDATE: for international transfers:
I’ve set up a special paypal donation button (in US dollars). This will go to my bank account, with an ID that means it will be recorded as a donation for The Thompson Children (Kate Abbey Luke and Will). I will transfer it. Thanks — JNANZ: Bintamilling Arcade, Egerton Street, Narrogin, Western AustraliaSWIFT Code: ANZBAU3M
Thank you all for your kind words.
I know it helps Matt and Janet and that they read these comments.
Added a paypal button for International money transfers, or payment by credit cards (thanks!) See the grey box above.
More details are coming to light. Apparently the exact notice was that they were given 4 days to pay the notes off in full. An administrator is waiting to come in after that. They are working on how to file something that will stay eviction. What they received was “Notification of cancellation, default and demand notice,” in which the bank states that “all we have is theirs, and they will move on that after 4 days”.
My intray is long overrun with emails of notification of donations. Thanks to one and all! I had intended to write a short personal thank you to each of you, but I’d be writing all day tomorrow and next week… The tally is now up to $6000 plus USD.
It has been overwhelming. There are over 470 donations. The emails are still rolling in.
They’ve come in from Canada, Panama, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Japan, Denmark, New Zealand, UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, quite a lot from Australia, and many, many from the US. Wow. (When people in the United States of America get motivated, their response dominates.) Great to see the UK and European ones are coming out now as the timezone swings. Janet is humbled.
It is an excellent media headline all of it’s own, and ought to buy us some attention (better than advertising) 🙂
A little more information on Janet and another nice photo of the children is here.
We have international bank transfer details (see above in the grey box with the account numbers). I don’t know how useful this is. I think you have to go to a bank, and I think it costs at least $20 -$30, and maybe more (you need to ask, because some banks charge a fortune).
The donations are still flowing in — over 620 people from around the world. We are amazed, and getting legal advice before we issue more tallies. Thanks to you all.
Have you any more details on that bank account? I will happily send a small donation, but I’m in the UK, and I’m not sure if the “BSB” is the same as a “Sort” Code” that we are familiar with. The banks branch name and address would probably help as well.
On top of everything else, just 4 days notice? Are there no protections against such arbitrary and capricious behavior? I am appalled!
Like Dave Ward I will make a donation. But I know nothing of international money transfers and we leave shortly on vacation. So unfortunately it will need to wait until we’re back.
I feel a deep shame that these events as they have unfolded can occur in my country. I grew up believing Australia was as open, honest & fair as any with mature Westminster style government & judicial system. To think we boast a “fair go” as part of a proud national tradition.
If there was ever any honesty in the public stand of your newly elected WA member Mr. Crook, now is a time for him to step up & show his colours.
Further, I would dearly love to see Tony Windsor in particular, as a former National Party man, face full media scrutiny while being questioned over this whole saga.
I am appalled at the story as anyone should be. This is a very extreme case. Meantime I think a lot of Australians don’t seem to be aware of land rights vs mineral rights. In QLD there is a big fight going on about the use of arable land for mining coal and coal seam natural gas. There are also other arguments regarding land rights and mining rights. Confusion arises because many land holders wrongly believe that what is below the ground belongs to them. This is wrong. If gold, coal, whatever is found on a property, even that under your house, it belongs to the Crown via the Commonwealth of Australia government and state governments. In USA it is different. A landholder owns the land right to the core of the Earth. That’s how Jeb Clampet in ” The Beverly Hillbillies” became rich by discovering oil on their property and moved to California. Here, the best a person can do is stake out a claim and register the claim at a claims office. The more claims the merrier. But it costs. That’s what sparked the Eureka Stockade rebellion in the 1800s when the claim licences were raised too high. So, no, in Australia we never really own our land even if it is freehold. The best we can hope for is some compensation.
I’m cynical about the farmers who claim it is about protecting arable land from mining. Give them permission to chop it up into lifestyle blocks or hobby farms and make a few million dollars and that’s what they will do in a flash.
Flew right past the Cougar Energy plant (underground coal gasification) yesterday on approach to Kingaroy. That’s the one which looks like going broke after the State government suspended its operations because of minute amounts of benzene etc allegedly found in the ground water. Frankly I’d be surprised if ground water near any coal bearing strata didn’t have minute amounts of benzene in it.
The State is not your friend.
No real surprises here for anyone in rural Australia. You cross the green bureaucracy, you pay the price. Perhaps the Thompsons coming from America, wrongly thought that being landowners gave them some rights.
The travesty is the garbage that does get reported on TV and real stories like this don’t get a look in. I can’t speak directly on certain stories, but I heard (second hand) that someone (an Aussie citizen) got in front of a camera regarding a business in WA with whom I deal making quite ridiculous claims. The problem in that case is slightly different but not unrelated, and that business is huge and can afford to deal with negative public perceptions and onerous environmental conditions.
The Thompsons case is different in the sense that they are not a multi-billion dollar business, but DEC still seems to think that conditions they may expect of a major heavy manufacturing industry should be equally achievable for a family farm.
Ironically the big business I deal with in paragraph one also considers odour emissions from its operations but is at a loss how you would measure and deal with it. It is an extremely subjective issue. I seem to be running over the same ground repeatedly in my mind at a loss as to how this all came to be.
Somewhere in the Thompson’s case there was a complete loss of common sense in the licencing arrangements and the process became tainted. It is difficult to see it any other way and difficult to see how this can be changed and averted in future cases.
And Gillard backtracks – but there will still be plenty of victims.
Lets just hope the labor/green marriage ends up onthe rocks sooner than later, and it could be on. Christine Milne will be gnashing the teeth this morning.
Done. The Greens are a disgrace to humanity.
Thank you Jo for bringing this to your site. I am so angry at the injustices against this family!
It is time that people unite and fire up – UNITE Matt and Janet are now another notch in the EDO and DEC’s belts – how many more people on the land have to go through this! FIRE UP AUSTRALIANS!
In case anyone is wondering about the licence itself, here it is from the DEC site:
I think my personal favourite (sarcasm) is the following nebulous licence condition, A1:
So technically anyone outside the premises could complain that their “amenity” had been “unreasonably” interfered with and therefore put the Thompsons in breach of their licence. This is unmeasurable, and from the Thompsons’perspective, completely unachievable. It is a licence condition set up to ensure failure.
It should be noted that it is DEC’s policy that this condition will be added to other locences as well, so expect other businesses to close down across the state where vexatious complainants are present:
From: http://portal.environment.wa.gov.au/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/OAC/ADMIN_CONTENT/DECISION_SUMMARIES/2010/024-10_MINISTER%27S%20APPEAL%20DETERMINATION.PDF
Now the Act referred to is the Western Australian Environmental Protection Act 1986 which can be found here:
For your convenience here is section 49 in full:
This is from Part V of the Act which deals with licensing. It’s pretty much carte blanche to allow you to close any business down in the state. Heck it is probably an offence to fart near your property boundary…
PS> What I find rather amazing is how often the word “reasonable” is used in the Act. As far as I can see it is never defined what constitutes “unreasonable” intereference when it comes to odour emissions. Hence my quip about carte blanche interpretations. Who is to judge this?
it isn’t only the farmers suffering from these absurd laws. builders are complaining about environmental regulations making construction economically prohibitive, while union leaders give money to the Greens!
the MSM stays silent as the economy gets wrecked by these laws and regulations.
and abc is too busy on bush tele, landline etc pushing CAGW.
SBS – too busy showing hitler docos.
I have put my few dollars in. Please, everyone send this link to as many people on your email list as possible. I have. I have met the Thompsons and am very sympathetic that their property rights and human rights have been utterly tossed aside by the Environmental Defender’s Office. Where is Wilson when you need him?
The Greens are irresponsible vandals who excell in brainwashing our gullible “Save the World” youth.
Bob Brownout, Hanson-Yapyap, Christine Muddle-head and the rest should be hauled before the Courts for the Spreading of False Reports and Public Mischief-Making.
Along with the Union/Labor miscreants, they are saboteurs of the well-being of our nation.
Horrible humbugs.
Thumbnail @15:
By Wilson I presume you mea ole Ironbar… it isn’t his jurisdiction (for lack of a better word), because this is State legislation. So the relevant local member is “Tuck”, Terry Waldron:
The closest thing to a vaguely relevant media statement on his site is:
I see there is mention of a WA Lot Feeders Association rep (Ivan Rogers). But then I am sure the Thompsons know all these chaps already.
So either Tuck doesn’t know about the Thompsons’ plight or doesn’t think there is much to be gained from getting involved politically.
Bulldust # 11&12.
With these sort of provisions in the Act one has wonder why there a licensing proceedure
( except maybe just to collect fees !!). It would seem that it has been set up so that if they over look anything on the licence they have a way out. Also it helps explain why Matt and Janet would have major issues if they went court over this.
The other interesting aspect is this a law that goes back to 1986 so you’d think the regulators would have had quite abit of experience in administering it and could easily advised Matt & Janet of the potential issues right at the start ( such as these very general provisions outlined by Bulldust).
It seems reasonably obvious where the real odour is coming from.
Wilson Tuckey has been at the forefront of this battle for Matt and Janet – in many ways. He stood by and is standing by this family.
Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilisation – and they intend to be. I have donated $100 to the family and sent all links, including charts (sniff tests versus complaints) from this story to my local member and various parties for urgent perusal and consideration. A “how dare you!?” including all the above was sent to those responsible for this “environmental” fiasco.
Greenies despise the modern world, however use and live comfortably within it with endless complaint. I suggest all contact their local members and those responsible as I did to ensure the message (and our disgust) is duly noted and, hopefully acted upon in a very favourable manner.
Pattoh @ 3
Just read your reference to like to see Tony Windsor questioned over this.
I can partly tell you how he would react – he wouldnt mate.
He let my husband, our 4 children (two of whom are Janet & Matts kids ages) my family suffer the same fate as what Matt and Janet are now forced to endure.
You see you have to have a spine to stand up and be counted – and Tony Windsor does not – and Tony – i really hope you are looking at Jo Nova’s site and reading this – i will NEVER forgive or forget your lack of support for us.
You have a chance here to prove me, and thousands of others wrong in my opinion – STAND UP AND BE COUNTED TONY WINDSOR – help Matt and Janet Thompson and their 4 children!
did you get my email on this?
My heart sinks every time I see that photo of Matt and Janet.
Matt looking forlornly into the distance, possibly contemplating his familys future.
Janet looking behind, as if to say “what’s happened to us?”.
I don’t normally “hate”, but I sure hate these do gooders who’ve never experienced the real world, who’ve spent all their lives on the teat of public payroll. From school to uni to public purse.
Damn each one of them.
This is my first post on this site, although I’m a regular visitor, admire Jo tremendously and enjoy the discussion.
I wish Matt and Janet all the best and have made a donation to assist them in some small way.
Olaf said it best
I’d be carefull about donating money to them directly – if foreclosure is imminent, then so is bankruptcy, and if that happens, the bank accounts are frozen and used to pay creditors.
Bulldust @13
“Reasonable” is a term that appears again and again in the law. It is perhaps best described as “what the common man in the street would think is acceptable or not”.
“Reasonable” is best tested in a court of law. Even then it’s up to a judge and different judges make different judgements of “reasonable”.
BTW – all the EPA acts are much the same. Where I live the same kind of “reasonable” applies – even to noise pollution. In my case my neighbour who likes very loud amplified bass guitar at 3am thinks that for him, it’s “reasonable”. I don’t. Kind of hard to say who’s right in all cases, but usually the first port of call for “reasonable” in EPA cases is either your EPA office or Mr Plod, depending on the circumstances.
The media are scared of the big, bad bank; I know, they covered my story in September last year (aired in October I believe; I’ve posted it on my bankslayer channel on you tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo_EQA8SZM8 ) and didn’t mention what the bank actually DID. Instead the story was a bit of fuzzy nothing that didn’t tell people the extent of the corruption and downright illegal activity this bank is engaged in. I haven’t posted my full story on my website (http://www.ihatethenab.com) as I am still looking for a lawyer to take them on (long story …sigh) but the gist of it is on there. I think Matt & Janet might have had the same bank manager we had (we were in Boddington). I know that the bank doesn’t care, in court they claimed they were a victim of their own employee yet didn’t allow for the possibility that if they were a victim of the bank manager then so were we. The bank doesn’t have to play fair, or be reasonable or look into extenuating circumstances, they are above the law and not afraid to wield a sharp axe. I know the family has a lot of support and wish them only the best for the fight they have ahead of them.
The bank account is in the trustees names – not at the NAB – it has their 4 children on it – and this is exactly what this account is for – the essentials of living.
No where are Matt or Janet in any position of authority on this account – please donate – time is of the essence here – anything that you can afford will help this family, the children.
I’ve added a new paypal donation button dedicated to Matt and Janet (see the UPDATE #2 on the post).
This solves the problem of international transfers and BSB codes.
Thanks to everyone for your help.
If we don’t stand up and put a stop to this now, the Thompsons will be the forerunners of what so many more of us will face one way or the other.
Joanne- Thanks for setting up the paypal link. Donation is on its way.
I donated, posted on my site, will be tweeting this all weekend. How about a list of Aussie A-holes in charge of this so we can send them some nice e-mails? I’d love to send them some vituperation.
I have been made aware of this sad story on Anthony’s WUWT blog site.
I hope my $100 donation helps a little.
Thanks to you all. The Paypal account has come to life, it’s a joy to watch, each donation reminding me of how many good people there are out there. More than $1000 in under an hour. If only we could solve the egregious wrongs.
The Thompsons are the front line victims of the creeping sweeping trend of Big-Government expansion. There but for the grace…
Just sent a donation via Paypal (via WUWT) from the UK. Good luck and best wishes to Matt & Janet and especially those four children. DLTBGYD.
Yeah, I sent a donation via WUWT, too. I’ll write my comment here as well to the Thompsons, which was: ‘Hope this small donation helps a bit? Best of luck to you’ll!’
Donation on it’s way.
If you think it would help to protest to NAB please advise us of the appropriate person to protest to and their contact details.
If you live in a rural area next to farms and agricultural practices you should expect to have ‘rural’ smells which will vary depending on the current operations of the neighbouring rural properties and the weather patterns including humidity and wind. If you live an an industrial area you would expect to smell industrial exhausts from time to time which will also vary based on those variables. If you live in an urban area you have a similar expectation. Just this morning I drove through the Perth hills and foothills and my nostrils were assailed with the scent of burning and my eyes were effected by smoke. It appears there were a number of wood fires operating due to the overnight temperatures and some property owners were taking the opportunity to safely burn off garden refuse and/or dangerous fire fuel. Later I was at my home in East Perth sitting on my balcony and I was strongly aware of the cooking smells from the nearby Chinese and Pizza Restaurants. It is true some people would not appreciate the smell of burning, the smoke, or the smell of food cooking and would complain that their amenity is being affected. But is it a reasonable complaint? That is very subjective. I would say that if the smell is not unusual for such an area, and not dangerous, and not continuous, then such a complaint would be unreasonable. I believe the Minister is pandering to a vocal minority in Narrogin to the detriment of the wider community.
More details are coming to light. Apparently the exact notice was that they were given 4 days to pay the notes off in full. An administrator is waiting to come in after that. They are working on how to file something that will stay eviction. What they received was “Notification of cancellation, default and demand notice,” in which the banks state that “all we have is theirs, and they will move on that after 4 days”.
My intray is long overrun with emails of notification of donations. Thanks to one and all! I had intended to write a short personal thank you to each of you, but I’d be writing all day tomorrow and next week… The tally is now up to $6000 plus USD.
Sorry I can’t stay up to keep up with the tally! 🙂
Donation sent. I replied at WUWT and will here too.
I grew up on a farm and have mucked out my fair share of barns. All living creatures produce waste, including humans. The sulfurous stench of a municipal waste treatment systems is far worse than that coming from animals. Yet, somehow the enviro-maniacs have little to say about the imposition of that stench on country people and animals living within their proximity.
Words fail me, nobody should be put through what the Thompsons have had to deal with.
Donation sent.
Hi Jo and all you guys Down Under.
I’ve made a modest contribution to the fund. Things are a little tight for me right now so it’s not a fortune, yet my situation is nowhere near as tight or unjust as those that face the Thompsons.
Jo, please keep up your superb efforts. To think that people like me can access your incredible work from the other side of the planet – for nothing – is truly amazing. Your style, wit and commitment is fantastic, not to mention hugely entetaining.
To the Thompsons, I’d like to wish you every good fortune. Times may be tough for you right now but they will improve; you WILL have your life returned to you in due course.
Best wishes.
David, England.
The US Libertarian Party pioneered the use of “money bombs” – part fund raising and part demonstration of how many supporters there are. Some of them have brought in a remarkable amount of money for various political campaigns.
You may want to start thinking about how to use the extra money that may show up. As for mine (through WUWT), you have my permission to use it any way you think appropriate. My recommendation is public education about the excesses of your government, followed by starting something like the opposite of Greenpeace, paying some of your costs in this effort or the rest of your work, or lots and lots of chocolate. Oh wait – I can only speak for my money. A pound or so of good chocolate is all you get. 🙂
Ross @ 18:
Section 49 is a little more recent than the Act itself, but I hadn’t included the footnotes. For section 49 quoted above the vintage is decsribed here:
So it was introduced into the Act in 1998 and amended in 2003.
Jaymez @ 36:
Almost sounds like you live in our building in East Perth 🙂
Just made a small donation.
Made Matt & Janet’s plight known on the 2SM radio network last night, this network broadcast to over 20 stations in NSW and South East Queensland.
I publicised Joe’s web-sight and Agmates for those wanting more information, I hope it helps.
P.S. I sent Jo’s two articles to the Presenter (Carter Edwards) he pushed the Peter Spencer case heavily, and is always publicising these sought of stories.
Donation sent.
This is an utter disgrace and just demonstrates what happens when the lunatics take over the asylum. Where do they think their food comes from? This really needs a lawyer to challenge the eviction notice, then the licence conditions to stop this happening to anyone else. First they come for the livestock farmers, then they’ll come for arable if pollen gets added to ‘unreasonable emissions’. I hope this works out well for the Thompsons and think a suitable form of punishment for the people that did this to them might be to fence them into a patch of land, stick up some webcams and watch them try to be self sufficient and sustainable.
Morning all (can’t say good as this news is just waaaay toooo depressing??)
In response to both Bulldust (#7) & Jaymez (#36) – resp. ..
Yes its extremely disgusting that our main-stream media is so ‘lame-stream’! (Thank God for media visionaries like; Joanne Nova, Anthony Watts, Tim Ball & Viv Forbes.) Consequently I’ll be sending multiple press releases to tv & radio for next 2 or 3 days & urge others to do likewise. I’m also a mortgage-holder with nab & will be contacting them 1st thing mon (& urge others to do likewise).
I’ll be making a sml donation on mon.
I’m pretty much a lapsed-Christian, but I’ll be saying a prayer for the Thompsons tonight, and wish that God blesses them in coming days (because sure as hell the green-washed mafiosa public servants of the WA. environment department don’t seem to be giving the Thompson’s anything in the way of service at present??!!)
I think it would might a good idea for everyone to also voice their objection (or appeal) to the WA Premier. Here is the contact link for Colin Barnett:
Perhaps a link could be included in the main article.
Tony Abbott could also be made aware of this. He, at least, has taken a tentative stand against Warmunism. Here is his contact link:
Thanks Jo, Anthony and everyone for this response to green stupidity. Proud of you all!
Anybody who thinks the Thompsons plight is in a distant land, applies only to farming and won’t happen to them, ought to look at this video of the plight of this community caused by eco-fascists.
This isn’t environmentalism, this is anti-humanism, and environmental thuggery.
Pls note, video 19mins long.
thnks to Greenie Watch
Piping Mad: Fair People at the Mercy of a Government Gone Fowl from Kevin Hicks on Vimeo.
Dear Jo,
My son visited Australia this summer and fell in love with your country and its people. What you and your readers are doing to help the Thompsons mirrors Zack’s description of a generous, independent, caring people. Please accept my contribution. Thank you!
LS from the US
Dear Friends-
We’re overwhelmed — not with our problems, but with YOUR goodness. The extremists of this world would have everyone believe that people are bad and a blight to this planet. We have ever increasing proof that the truth is anything but that. Cash donations, offers of housing, offers of legal advice, food… your generosity is moving, to say the least.
“Thank You” seems utterly inadequate, but it’s all we can say. We hope to repay you by continuing to fight, and hopefully using our atrocious story to make a positive difference.
We’re scrambling to figure out our next move(s). We have no idea what to expect, but are getting advice from all quarters as to how we can respond when action is taken.
In the mean time, know that we are buoyed by your kindness, your support, and most importantly, your recognition that we fight something dangerous and much bigger than just us. We are but one example of the “unintended consequences” of centralised control.
The principles of our story apply to many, many stories right around the world. When non-producers stand over producers and have the power to stop production through complaints and activism, our society is in big trouble.
Warm Regards and Mega Thanks,
Matt & Janet
Kate, Abby, Will & Luke
My family is pulling for Matt, Janet & family.
Small donation sent.
God Bless Matt, Janet and your children.
The courage to continue to fight is an inspiration to us all, and the strength that you have shown by your comment above is very powerful.
You are so right when you have written “The principles of our story apply to many, many stories right around the world. When non-producers stand over producers and have the power to stop production through complaints and activism, our society is in big trouble.”
There is the truth. So many producers are going through what your family is enduring now – this is just one battle – we have yet to enter the “war”!
Let commonsense and accountability, property rights be restored for us all.
Matt & Janet.
Although you are on the other side of the country, I suggest you contact (Carter Edwards) on the 2sm network between 6pm and 12 midnight tonight Eastern Standard Time.
I raised your plight with Carter last night, however stories are always stronger first hand and I could never relay the intricacies of your story. I did not listen to a great deal of his show after I rang, “footy finals to watch”, however it did raise some discussion after my call.
Carter conducted a number of interviews with Peter Spencer while he was up the Mast and they created much discussion over here.
All the best.
Bob Malloy
Matt & Janet,
What am I thinking, I didn’t leave a number for the Carter Edwards show. It’s 131269, the price of a local call.
I’m a Yank from Washington State; originally from ND. Grew up on a dry-land wheat farm my Grandfather homesteaded 111 years ago. Traveled fairly extensively around Australia in the 1980s; great place; good people.
The writer is a regular reader and occasional poster to WattsUpWithThat.com, where Anthony Watts has nailed this saga to the top of his home page. 189 comments on that thread on WUWT so far (many people say they have contributed).
This is my 1st post to JoNova’s website; just wanted to pop up say it is distinctly sad to see that the ”bureaucratic infestation” that is plaguing us over on this side of the Big Pond, has also spread to the good land Down Under. .
Looking at the familiar names here and at WUWT, this issue is on its way around the world. well done!
Irrespective of smell, the planning and licensing for the feedlot have been handled appallingly and on the face of it there is no recourse for the Thompsons. The position in which they find themselves today has much to do with government/bureaucratic ineptitude with no consequences for the bunglers in their air-conditioned offices.
Most interestingly, many others see similar governmental/bureaucratic nightmares happening across the globe. When development projects are held up by councils, obstructed by NIMBY protestors, or dare I say misanthropic environmentalists, the matter is often resolved in the Planning and Environment Court. Surely we need a specialist Planning and Environment Ombudsman for ‘after the event’ scenarios like this one? If bureaucrats knew their actions could be subject to scrutiny at the highest level they might just get things right in the first place.
Sent some Yankee dollars their way.
I grew up on an upstate New York dairy farm. We also ran some pigs, chickens, ducks, bees, you name it. I always thought it smelled good. : ) Whenever I run across the smell, it reminds me of my youthful home.
I’ve just made a donation and also e-mailed the story to some of my contacts and asked if they could do the same. The Thompsons are genuine and their story touched a lot of people.
We have not heard the last of them.
As a side story have the smells in the town stopped or are they as bad? Who is being blamed now and who is next in the firing line?
[Richard, thanks. The Thompsons have had hardly any cattle on their property since last October or November. Prior to that the evidence showed that there was some smells recorded in town that were detectable (but not large) on some days when the winds blew from the right direction – but that includes smells from the piggery next door to Matt and Janets. The smells didn’t correlate well with the cattle numbers. Most days there were no detectable smells. Some days there were smells even though the wind direction was wrong, so there are other sources too. I believe the small group of local activists were well aware of when the cattle were removed and made sure that the complaints stopped. It would be a pretty obvious thing to do. As far as we know there are still only 13 or so verified, substantiated complaints. But it is a cattle farm (or was) so of course there are odours. Matt and Janet live in the middle of the farm. The Piggery next door has been there for over 20 years. I hate to say it but there is an anti-American component to this as well as the anti-feedlot passion. — JN]
“First they came …” is a famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. The text of the quotation is usually presented roughly as follows:
They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
Despite reporting earlier that I had sent some of Jo’s stories to Carter Edwards on radio 2SM, I keep getting failure to deliver errors, if someone else could try it would be appreciated.
His email is [email protected].
Doing it now Bob, cheers mate 🙂
It has been overwhelming. There’s over 300 emails so far of donations.
They’ve come in from Canada, Panama, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Japan, Denmark, New Zealand, UK, quite a lot from Australia, and many, many from the US. Wow. When people in the United States of America get motivated, their response dominates.
We Australians are so lucky we have never had to fight for our independence. We’ve never been under the thumb of tyranny. The only downside is that our population is under prepared. There is a swathe of history lessons that were never taught nor handed down.
It does not help that most Australians have no idea of what is happening to Matt and Janet because they’ve had no media exposure.
One of the great things about this outpouring is that we can use it to impress upon our media that there is a story begging to be told.
And the charity is so strong. Donations are coming from people like Jim who was wiped out by Hurricane Katrina, and Steven who is unemployed. Every contribution helps.
I spoke to Janet today and she is humbled.
We are all conscious that we need to be careful (thanks for the advice) about protecting these donations that are intended for the four Thompson children.
Thank you for doing this Jo. I have donated and have been writing letters, one that I am told will reach the right politicians. There are a few non-left newspaper columnists to whom I will also write. One thought Jo, do you think it might be an idea to have an alert to this page on each of your new stories? That way it wont fade through being shuffled down.
Similar story
Jo, what is the IBAN for the account? If we know this, then anyone outside Auistralia can donate directly to the bank account. Btw, this would answer Dave Ward, who said: “I’m in the UK, and I’m not sure if the “BSB” is the same as a “Sort” Code”…”.
IBAN :: International Bank Account Number
Also, how much do they need? I couldn’t find this immediately.
@dave ward
@Roy Hogue
@John Campbell
Just hit the donate button and use your Credit Card, its actually much faster (for me at least) to use than International money transfer
..and “international” money transfer is mostly an European thing
International Bank Account Number
Do bank in Australia operate with IBAN?
I reckon people should be very careful how they approach this story. The fact that people are sending money from other countries demonstrates a degree of emotional hysteria. A story like this is NEVER black and white, no matter how much Jo nova loves to hate the left. It’s all a bit Michael Mooresque.
From a libertarian.
Why do you feel you have to post this ?? – your comment is unwanted, unnecessary, evil and uncalled for !
[…] the story now being told here at Jo Nova, and at WUWT, is becoming all too common in societies we once believed to be free, just and civil […]
Because I can and I have every right to, whether I’m right or wrong, Jonova isn’t infallible.
Greenies do exactly the same thing Jonova is doing. Pulling at the heart strings for political ends.
No offence to the family involved.
SamG @ 68
You have made your point which ended with – “From a libertarian.”
I think that you maybe a little confused as what to a “libertarian” is, and according to Wikipedia, it is someone that puts forward the “advocacy of individual liberty, especially freedom of thought and action.”
Additionally and again from Wikipedia under “Liberalism” (etymology and definition) – “Words such as liberal, liberty, libertarian, and libertine all trace their history to the Latin liber, which means “free”.”
So what does the first “libertarian” (you) say to a second “libertarian” when the totality (cumulative effects) of Government regulation sends the second “libertarian” bankrupt ? – (A) Give me a minute while I just find an excuse to bury not only my integrity but my “libertarian” principles as well.
There is no conspiracy theory here mate, just humanity at work and, it is well appreciated and respected that you are perfectly entitled to keep your property (money) in your pocket to the exclusion of all others.
Anthony – please can you tell us the BIC (aka SWIFT) number for this bank? My internet banking system won’t work without it. Thanks.
Nup, not confused.
People get screwed on a daily basis and often by the exploits of capitalism, except Jo doesn’t report on that stuff because she has an axe to grind. I feel the same about Anthony Watts because neither of them are impartial.
I’ll let natural laws sort this one out because surely partisan politics won’t.
Again, I hate these ratings with a passion and they only serve to bolster the consensus.
(Actually they dislike what you are doing here,with your lack of empathy and lack of decency) CTS
It’s just a view but Jo supported this as well.
SamG @ 74
On the contrary, yes you are, otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but also you are confused with the expression – “natural laws”. Natural laws are derived from the Common law which embodies the entrenchment of “natural Justice” and the rules of equity. Government laws (Statutory laws or Public laws) especially “Environmental laws” write down or out altogether any concept of the Common law, Equity and Natural Justice.
Looks like you need to brush up on a few things, and don’t trip over your own personal preconceived notions.
SamG @ 68 & 71
I think it demonstrates merely that people worldwide are human. I read the story yesterday morning and became teary. I couldn’t possibly continue the day without donating immediately. Both the Australian and Western Australian Governments ought to be very embarrassed by the overseas response.
Yeah, sure. I imagine Jo is rubbing her hands with glee at the Thompson’s predicament – not. Please! Greenies make a big deal about a polar bear on a small patch of ice. Do they stop to think where that bear was 10 minutes earlier? Most likely on a large patch of ice a few hundred metres away. Jo, on the other hand is in the best position in the world to obtain real and urgent assistance for a family of six.
I can’t imagine what they would have done if this happened in the days before the internet.
For an alternative take on this story have a look at the comments by Jerry on the Bishop Hill Blog which has also taken up this story.
SamG@76 That newspaper story you posted about Spencer doesn’t change a single thing about the principle he is protesting about and for which Jo was supporting.
He owned the farm and had a reasonable expectation that he could use the far for genuine farming purposes. Then the Government decided it would be in the interest of all Australians to stop farmers clearing their land with no compensation paid for this restriction. When a government decides to build a highway or railway for the greater good of the people, they have the power to compulsorily acquire land. They can force people to leave homes they have owned for decades. But they are required to pay the owners appropriate compensation.
When the Federal Government decided the Murray Darling water flows needed increasing, they didn’t compulsorily reduce farmer’s water allocations, they have purchased allocations from farmers. In Spencer’s case, had the Government not taken the action it had, he would have been able to have a more productive farm and perhaps he would have been able to make the payments to the bank and avoid borrowing from a family member to save his farm.
I am not one to fall for any bleeding heart story. For instance I have little sympathy for those family’s we see all the time who have lost everything in a fire and weren’t insured. If they couldn’t afford to insure the house they should have bought a cheaper one!
In the case of Janet and Matt Thompson, they have had a totally professional approach to the business from day one. They sought and were granted approvals and licences before making the huge capital commitment. After they commenced operating, because of a minority of complaints (they have support from the large majority of locals), their licence conditions were amended. They have done their best to satisfy the requirements, but the goal posts and the standards they are expected to meet, and the limitations on their operation have been continuously moved.
It is hard enough to manage a family and a business without the extra and unreasonable burdens the Thompsons have had to deal with. They could have long ago disintegrated as a family, or become very bitter. The fact that they have continued to be positive members of the community throughout this ordeal is not only remarkable, but it should be an inspiration to all of us.
Knowing about this case, I could not with clear conscience do nothing and just hope that good sense would prevail on behalf of the government agencies involved. In any case, the law the agencies are relying on, as explained by Jo are far too vague. To say the Thompsons can operate provided they don’t cause ‘unreasonable interference in amenity etc’ is far too vague and plays into the hands of vexatious complainers driven by whatever ideologies they may have. Even the Minister for Environment herself cannot define how ‘unreasonable interference’ would be measured. It is far too subjective.
In any event, as I have previously pointed out, if you live in a rural area, then rural odours which will increase and decrease depending on weather and operational factors are to be expected. Can you imagine if farmers had to guarantee dust didn’t float off their farms when harvesting of tilling, or when a wind comes up? As for complaints from the Agricultural College nearby; if any students and staff are having problems with the odours, then they are in the wrong industry because they won’t be able to manage a cattle round up or a sheering shed, or loading cattle trucks or exposure to sale yards or any of the dozens of other smelly activities involved in farming.
donated 30 $
Made our donation over at WUWT.
I hope it will make a difference.
I only read here once in a while and think that it’s great that you have gone this far out of the way to help some good people !!
I’m almost speechless as to what I read here. Thanks to all of you. I can’t stop myself from crying when I read every post. The generosity is overwhelming. My own legal matters over a Son I’m not allowed to see pale into insignificance (well, almost). It simply boosts my confidence in humanity. Everything today just feels “right”.
I’m like you Olaf- the global generosity is BRILLIANT.
We are aussie sheep and cattle producers and my kids are 5 th Generation on this old block. I have met Matt and Janet and there are no shades of grey in this disgusting action by the DEC and the EDO. This story is every bit as important as Peter Spencer(also a friend) and they both represent a battle line in the sand where we say enough is enough.
The likes of Shoombee the WA -attorney of the year that charged $4000 for the advice to M&J that they should apologise to the DEC for their actions and later it is found he is the main solicitor for the dreaded EDO! Conflict of interest surely?
We have to remind ourselves that Matt and Janet have done nothing WRONG. Usually in these situations there has been a combination of bad luck and bad judgement. None of that here- they and their 26 staff ( including poor Lindley) would have been highly productive business model given the good season and fairly cheap cattle.
I am proud to be part of the fightback team- we owe it to the anzac spirit and to Lindley to get this up and running again!
These faceless b.stards in the DEC and EDO- look out.
Onya Rob Moore! Fire up people fire up! Together we can make a difference – and WE ARE!
God bless Anthony Watts for being compassionate and for having a strong sense of justice to make a difference.
Proud Aussie Wild Violet!
lol – Jo – i was reading yours and Anthony’s site at the same time – God bless you too – so much to do hey mate? 🙂
A thought occured to me which is bothering me more by the day. Why has there been no press coverage on this story (other than a brief column by Andrew Bolt). ACA, TT and Landline, to name but a few, should be fighting over each other to get a story like this. Also, why is Terry Waldron (the local member, National and Parliamentary Minister) silent?
This stinks of behind the scenes strings being pulled. I can’t fathom the silence being so deafening while shows like ACA are more interested in comparing asparagus prices across the metro area or some tripe like that. What has made this story untouchable for the lamestream media?
To think that the Sydney Morning Herald ran a headline story about some silly women protesting their ‘right’ to wear body bags (burkas) and here are good men and women whose lives really are at risk due to the mindless bureaucracy of government and the green elites, and not a mention, anywhere. The priorities of our MSM are appalling and a disgrace to the good people of this country.
Sent my donation. Wish it was more. Keep up the good fight Jo.
@ Ian Hill #78, we went through a similar situation with the nab over the past 2 years (the bank finally got our farm this February and we still have the right but not the resources to sue them for damages) and while I am heartended with the response this story is getting (and am trying to encourage the family to fight for their right to keep their property) I must confess the emotions this story is once again making me feel I could well do without. You see, when we were going through this great trauma we were alone. I started a website, went on TV, talked to various Government departments and basically I am still fighting for my rights – on my own; so I found the internet to not be such a great resource (although my website; http://www.ihatethenab.com is getting lots of hits). I can only hope that the advice the Thompsons are getting is good advice; I can only hope that with everybody speaking out that both Government departments that keep changing the goal posts on a whim and the bank which approves loans before all the basics are properly in place (such as permits approved in writing even if only in principle) are called to shoulder their share of the burden of responsibility. But from my experience that will not be the case 🙁
Rosie Cornell
[…] The Thompsons waited a full year to get Works Approval for a 15,000 head feedlot. After they had already committed the capital, the rules kept shifting. They discovered they’d need ongoing licenses as well. After several years of ramping up the capacity on these licenses, things changed. Matt spoke out as a skeptic. About that time, the renewals were delayed, then the numbers were cut in half, and new conditions were added that were impossible to meet. To feed and supply water for thousands of cattle the Thompsons had to sign agreements in advance to pay for hundreds of thousands of dollars of goods they could not use, but had no way of knowing that at the time. When they appealed, it took 18 months to get “vindicated” but by then there was only six months left on the “two year” license. Not enough to set up all the contracts and run a business. The new sub-clauses meant that even licenses for a qualified “10,000″ head had vague untestable conditions: the license you have when you don’t have a license. H/T JoNova […]
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Caffeinated Barry and nilk, rosiecornell. rosiecornell said: Currently reading href=http://joannenova.com.au/2010/09/4-days-notice-the-thompsons-are-served-notice-of-eviction/ […]
Donation sent Jo
It occurred to me this morning that the eco policies will have unintended consequences to the banking, materials, energy, oil and gas, food industry, insurance, and mining sectors in Australia.
Many of us invest in foreign companies but I’m definitely going to take a second look this morning at the hidden eco policy investment risks in Australian companies like these:
Adelaide Bank
ANZ Banking
AXA Asia Pacific
Bendigo Bank
BHP Billiton
BlueScope Steel
Coles Group
Commonwealth Bank
Foster’s Group
Insurance Australia Group
Leighton Holdings
Macquarie Bank
National Australia Bank
Origin Energy
Qantas Airways
QBE Insurance Group
Rio Tinto
Toll Holdings
Westpac Banking
Woodside Petroleum
Australian living in Moscow, Russia here. Donated.
And will do so again if there’s a need to. Keep us posted Jo, Matt and Janett.
(If you’re looking for somewhere to hide from environmentalism, can I suggest a holiday to Russia – I’d be happy to play host!)
Donated $100.
For poor people suffering from the effects of global warming.
This doesn’t surprise me. I think what you’ll find, is the Western Australian DEC is stacked full of over-zealous anti-development graduates who ‘get off’ on having the power to control. We’re seeing this in the minerals industry – totally laughable developmental conditions being placed on all companies that just reinforce the notion that these guys simply have no idea and have never worked in the real world.
We’ve had many a laugh in the environmental departments in my organisation reading through the new conditions the DEC and others dreamed up over their skinny-no sugar-decaf-non-GM soy-free trade lattes.
The private sector are picking up the best students out of university and those are typically the ones the best business acumen. The remaining average students, who invariably are those anti-business green idealists who stumble their way through their degree pick up the low-paying dregs in the employment pages, namely DEC and other public sector jobs. The salary discrepancy in WA and QLD is huge, and its no coincidence that is where we’re seeing the most conflict between Departments and primary industry in those two states.
Believe you me, after six years studying at university in the early 1990s in the natural and environmental science fields – I have seen this first hand, and funnily enough those eco-fascists who sat next to me in the lecture theatre, are back at it, in the public sector making life hell for farmers, fisherfolk, businesspeople, miners, graziers and even the indigenous community.
This is a significant problem across all jurisdictions – the anti-enterprise student is the one that enters the public service and loves to exercise their ideals through Departmental privledge, and in the process becomes ‘institutionalised’ in their role, never to work in the real world, but only ever as a power-drunk public servant.
Apologies to those decent hard working public servants out there who I may have offended, but at the same time Im pulling no punches – good citizens like Matt and Janet and their children have been persecuted by these ‘ecocrats’ who should be facing charges (as a minimum) for professional negligence.
In US elections, candidates call this requesting a Money Bomb. They raise hundreds of thousands of dollars overnight! Surely, we can do at least that well on a global scale! The good guys are supposed to win. Let’s make it happen!!
NAB is spruiking itself as “more give less take” in their advertising & emblazoned on their cars ( as seen yesterday )
When I get a chance to buttonhole the local manager I’ll ask him how it applies.
@pattoh #97; lol, I didn’t get a positive response even from their Customer Advocate guru when I pointed out that their marketing guys got it wrong; the nab is “all take no give” maybe if enough of us complain I can stop having their rubbish ads come up on my various online pages (facebook, gmail et al need to interpret my endless anti nab comments as meaning I don’t want their marketing rubbish in my face 🙁 )
Hi Rosie (@89). I often think the internet is both the best thing and the worst thing to ever happen to the community. Best because things like this appeal can happen instantaneously all over the world and worst because all the idiots out there have a powerful new toy. In the old days there were telethons, but they wouldn’t have set one up for the Thompsons.
Thanks for the link to your site. I watched the video and recommend others do too. I’ve never been a NAB customer but of course you have to be a customer of some bank.
Good luck.
Lets face it -M&J are the first (real) victims of the global warming scam. I just left a message at the NFF for Crombie and Fargher to get on and have a look- Not in the National Interest to support Narrogin Beef -they told me.
I told them and David Palmer head of the MLA $480000 per year man that this problem is squarely on their patch and to do something to help! Pointed out that it would be like leaving the scene of a car accident to not do so. They all should resign and wind up there farcical offices!
Could see them thinking- who the hell do you think you are Rob Moore. I am a nobody but we have good and loyal and powerful friends. Lets cream these gutless Departments and politicians.
It retores my faith in humanity when I see the generosity of all you decent people from overseas.Our family fought in wars for this country but it disgusts me -the apathy and laziness of so many Aussies and the pathetic standard of our main stream media
There’s a report on perthnow; some guy robbed the NAB in the city today – I’m so sorry but I’m sitting here laughing my head off – did he picked the right bank or was he angling for publicity for this story? Wouldn’t be surprised lol and if they try to lock him up I’ll be there cheering for him; he’s my hero atm. I’ve left a post on the site (naturally) but I don’t think it lets us link to other sites, I might have a go at linking this story to it anyway. Here’s the link to the story – maybe with the extra publicity the bank might just rethink its current policy??? http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/police-appeal-for-help-to-identify-city-bank-robber/story-e6frg13u-1225927352598
To Rosie Cornell, thanks for the link, I got my comment in yesterday:
Richard of Brisbane Posted at 8:16 PM September 21, 2010
In my opinion it makes a change from the NAB robbing Matt & Janet Thompson…..
Matt & Janet….Keep fighting, don’t give up, they will win if you do. Make a stand. Don’t leave your property. Make them drag you off! I’m so sorry that they have done this to you. Typical beuracratic Bullshit. They did this to Peter Andrews. Too many pen pushers that wouldn’t have a clue how hard it is on the land. Heads Up, we are thinking of you at this time.
Ian and Jodi James
To Matt and Janet,
Donated $100,from Washington State USA.
Wish you success.with warm regards,
Thomas Pearson
Matt and Janet,
Donation sent as soon as I could get online this morning after returning from vacation. Unfortunately we left before I could see Jo’s Pay Pal link or it could have been much sooner.
Remember that you have many friends behind you. Many must be praying for you as I am. Prayer is effective, more so than those who may disagree would believe.