Tower of Hope
The Death of Property Rights
Please and join us for the
Funeral Service
To be held on the steps of
Parliament House Perth
11:00 a.m.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Followed by the
Burial Ceremony
Cottesloe Beach,
Approximately 1:30 p.m.
“wear black, and bring your truck”
Are you fed up with our government stealing assets, destroying good businesses and ruining families? Are you sick of inordinate red tape being used against you?
Monday lunchtime next week join us at Parliament House in WA, meet Matt and Janet Thompson, Peter Spencer (the 52 day hunger-striker who has won the right to challenge in the High Court), and Maxwell Szulc (a WA farmer who, I understand, cleared fire breaks on his own land, and was jailed for it. Incarcerated! He is being released this Monday morning, which is why the protest is Monday).
I know you have other things you need to do, but if the government keeps growing, when will any of us be less busy?
This is about free speech. What is happening to Matt and Janet is a warning to all of us. Speak against the Establishment and face targeted ruin. The DEC admit they didn’t follow procedure, and have treated the Thompsons unfairly. Why won’t they fix their mistake?
Matt and Janet Thompson are now down to simultaneous opposing injunctions and writs. They’ve launched several against the DEC in WA, and against the constitutionality of the EPA regulations (wait til you hear how obscenely silly the fine print is on those laws). The NAB (or receiver) immediately returned fire and issued one against them. The Thompsons have got no legal aid, so they’ve been doing almost all of the research themselves. This is what it comes down too. We have to stand up for ourselves.
If you can make it (I know it’s a work day) or just pop in, it would help so much, and it’s a rare chance to meet people who are true gems, and to let our representatives know we won’t stand by and let the injustices pile up.
It’s down to the wire…
Please pass this along to anyone you know who has had enough of the arrogance and ineptitude of a government that is supposed to serve the people.
Bring your truck
This is a protest of producers — who are all busy, committed and have no spare time — it’s much harder to get masses of people from far distant places and within tight schedules, but where producers are short of unemployed student rent-a-crowds, we own machinery. Lets make that difference work for us. Anyone who has to turn up in a ute, a truck, or a tractor (road rules permitting) please bring that capital equipment and allow it to add its weight to the protest.
UPDATE: Local Fishermen are coming too, with some boats!
UPDATE 2: Please wear your blackest black…
Jo Nova
(All my posts tagged Matt and Janet Thompson, & Peter Spencer)
A note from Janet
Guys, fyi…we’re looking to lend the Premier a bit of support in his commitment to taking action on property rights this year. If you have been affected by Native Vegetation Clearing Bans, Groundwater Protection Notices, Heritage Listing, Planning Regulations, Licencing Impositions, or other assaults on what you thought was your private property, come along and lend your support to this important PEACEFUL demonstration.
Please spread the word in any way available to you. If you have questions, my contact details are below, but please do not ring just to chat. We’re flat out fighting for our own survival, in addition to attempting to organize details for this event.
As Property Rights Australia says, STAND YOUR GROUND.
Kind Regards, Janet
Janet H. Thompson
Narrogin Beef Producers
PO Box 1148
Narrogin, WA 6312
Phone: +61 (0)8 9881 5595
Fax: +61 (0)8 9881 5585
Janet: 0417 815 595
Matt: 0427 815 595
The central page for information on The Thompsons is now listed on the blogroll on the right hand column so it’s easier to find.
Images: WA Parliament House Nachoman-au, Cottesloe Beach: WA Tourism
Wishing the Thompsons and Mr Spencer the very best of luck. I’d love to support them in person but, being half a world away, I can only cheer them on from the sidelines.
I hope that justice and common sense eventually prevails. If it doesn’t then we are all in deep trouble because the international political “elite” seem to have gone collectively mad. They have to be stopped.
Keep up the good work, Jo.
Jo, thank you for this. You’re tireless (and no doubt tired!). We cannot thank you and your readers enough. Sorry we’ve been so short on communications… but I know you will all understand.
Hope to see some of you on Monday. Wear black, don your sunnies, and bring your best manners. This will be a service to remember.
Mega Cheers,
I’d support too, even take a morning of work to do so, but being in Moscow, Russia, its a little tricky, so other than posting the event on my Facebook page, not much I can do.
I would also suggest to Jo / Matt / Janet that setting up a Facebook cause/page can be a really good way of getting an email distribution list and mobilising supporters…
I really wish I could attend, and Adelaide’s a lot closer than Moscow and the UK, but family and sporting commitments (umpiring) make it impossible at such short notice. One doesn’t just “pop” over to Perth, even from here!
I’ll be certainly thinking of you all.
Unfortunately I will be in Darwin and then Barkly Tableland, so I have to miss this crucial demonstration, and my heart and thoughts will be with all you who attend the demonstration.
This is a war between freedom and the Greenshirt totalitarian system being set up under our noses.
I second the thoughts and wishes from those too far away to help with our presence.
A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan – because the smell of her frying bacon ‘offends’ Muslims.
Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after being told her next-door neighbour’s Muslim friends had felt ‘physically sick’ due to the ‘foul odour’.
Councillors at Stockport Council in Greater Manchester say the smell from
Read more:
See what precedent this case causes? If you stink you will be removed.
Good luck to the Thompsons.
Meanwhile Donna over at is looking the qualifications of IPCC lead authors etc with some strange results
Wish I could be there – but it is a long way from San Diego (although the pictures you have on the story page remind me somewhat of San Diego). Have contributed to the Thompson’s fund, and encourage others to do so. Their children need every penny at this trying time in the Thompson’s lives.
God bless all of you in Perth on the 25th, and good luck!
Good luck at the funeral, hopefully the local and global MSM will pick it up. Can not be there though as Austin TX. is a long way off.
Like far too many others aware of this “service” I am too far away to attend (UK) but I shall be there in spirit!
Make it a goodie that cannot be ignored!
Best of luck – Wales is too far away (from anywhere!)
I’ll see you there!
Well done Jo – I will pass this on to my friend who was fined $10,000 for clearing some land of regrowth despite him having huge areas of his land dedicated to plantations.
The next major cause in this direction is the beach front properties on the coasts. The small town of Wooli is facing having all their houses removed to protect them from impending sea level rise!! These homes are currently worth over $1 million.
Interesting that the balance of power in Australia is now held by rural independents. You would think that this would be good news for rural people, whether feed-lot producers in WA or irrigators in the east. You would think that, wouldn’t you?
Sadly, Tony Windsor is serenely leading a parliamentary enquiry when he should be leading a riot. Oakeshott can’t be distracted from his own fascinating navel.
I’m calling it the Silence of the Watermelons. Let’s hope that we rural dwellers have been cured forever of voting for these phony mavericks.
Personally, I’ll vote for Pazuzu from the Exorcist if he’s prepared to keep rural communities and their livelihoods at the very top of the agenda. And, please, no more cant about “providing certainty”, “green jobs”, “sustainability” etc. Let’s start hearing the words “profit” and “production”.
After all, the people throwing up the barriers against agriculture would scream if their regular pay was a few dollars short. Just try telling them that they need to be paid less to make their jobs more “sustainable”. (In their case, it would be quite true.)
Like many above I regret not being able to attend, work commitments in Newcastle. I truly hope for a big attendance, may it get good coverage and achieve something for the Thompsons and all the others on the land that are feeling the green squeeze.
Being also from the Midwest USA (and as much as I’d like to visit) unfortunately I cannot. I will be thinking of you and cheering you on from afar. If anyone wants to make a cardboard cut-out with my name on it I’d be proud to “be there” in effigy.
[…] And it would be nice to hear them on another subject: the scandalous attack on the property rights of WA farmers. […]
A quick thought… I haven’t read the thread yet, but just so you know, Parliament went into recess after yesterday (21/10/10) until 9 November. I am not sure you will see many politicians around on Monday but maybe you wanted to avoid the session dates?
Thanks for all the support…even if you can’t be in Perth on Monday, your spirit matters!
I need some help. Anyone able to make signs or banners or know sign makers? I’m making wreaths out of eucalyptus leaves, and we’re going to lay a wreath on the coffin for each imposition on private property. I need nice “Miss Universe” type banners to go across each wreath, and I need posters and placards. If anyone can help, please contact Jo and she’ll get you in touch with me.
Henry chance:
October 22nd, 2010 at 1:48 am
I’m afraid that’s just the Mail going off on one as usual. The lady in question installed an extractor in her cafe without planning permission, and pointed the exhaust at her neighbours. They didn’t complain because they were offended by the smell of bacon for religious reasons: they complained because she was pumping greasy air and smoke at them. She didn’t want it in her cafe, and surprisingly enough they didn’t want it either. She’s now been ordered to build a proper height chimney for the fan, as she should have done in the first place.
The Daily Mail crying wolf all the time doesn’t help people like the Thomsons.
@Dave # 21
The couple had never applied for planning permission as they had simply replaced an existing extractor fan with one of the same size and in the same position, but, following further complaints from their neighbour, they were informed by the council they would have to apply retrospectively as an objection had been raised.
This type of repair/replacement would never require planning department permission in any jurisdiction I have been in where I dealt with repairs and renovation of electrical machinery. It might require an electrical permit (to remove and attach wiring) — but that issue has not been discussed and no information is provided. In many jurisdictions if they do the work themselves as owners — they do not need an electrician. If the fan has a plug it would not normally require an electrician or permit.
You really do have to read the original article and the journalist does seem to have most of the facts assembled logically and coherently.
I think that this story is an example of more PC run amok!
Bulldust, thanks – yes we are aware that Parliament doesn’t sit til Nov 9. Monday is the day Max gets out of jail, and when Peter Spencer will be in town. Media I hear, have also promised to come.
I am tempted to come up there for an hour … hoping to hit the prime time, whenever that happens to be.
I hope it isn’t a career-limiting move for me
Good news, a major op ed writer on the East Coast has picked it up and it looks likely we’ll get press coverage in very large dailies finally. (I’ll post more details as we get more certainty, No it’s not the obvious opinion writer you may be thinking of…).
Wootage! this is good news. If it wasn’t already this will elevate the issue ro the political level.
I am glad the Thompsons don’t have to spend two months up a tree or down a hole to get into the media (no disrespect, obviously, to our mates Peter Spencer and the miners in Chile).
Maybe the Thompsons can bring some token rewards for the folks at DEC… I was thinking along the lines of a variation on the rocks Super Mario gave the distinguished guests in the Chilean mine rescue.
I know Collie miners have dumped coal in the past… I don’t suppose it would be legal to provide some fertillizer for the Parliament lawns…
Don’t worry… I’ll behave.
As a regular visitor from Tassie I’m sending my support to all who attend.
I fly in to Perth (belching CO2 out the back of the Airbus A300 I’ll be on) for work on the Wednesday after it, so I’ll miss this by two-bloody-days! Pity it wasn’t the following Monday.
All I ask is that someone (Jo?) puts up some commentary with lots of pics, and, I reckon along with a lot of visitors here, hope that the MSM covers it properly.
Jo #25 – Is it The BoltA? God I hope it is.
Timdot @28. It would be better if it were not Andrew. He is my main source of daily news but he is considered too right of centre for some. I think he gets it right most of the time after; all he only reports the news.
Janama @14. I heard Frank Sartor being interviewed by Alan Jones (a Peter Spencer supporter BTW) regarding the new beach erosion laws. Apparently not one council on the NSW coast has an approved coastal erosion plan. That’s why Sartor is giving affected property owners access to his department by-passing local government. It would seem the only way of stopping this green madness is to vote them out at council elections which will mean campaigning against individual green candidates.
I managed to attend both of the Pater Spencer rallies earlier this year but Perth is just too far away at short notice. A bit more notice and I would have made the trip. I just hope you have a good turn out. The ABC and the left press will underestimate the numbers anyway. Have people sign in so you have a record of the number attending. It worked well the second Spencer rally. GO JANET, MATT and JO.
Bulldust re CLM may I suggest:
Dark, wrap-around sunnies. Duct tape over the mouth. Then just stand on the side-lines with arms folded, looking angry. How’s that?
(And don’t forget to put any ID tags out of sight!)
Western Queensland is a bit far away too, but good luck.
The extremely large areas and low population densities associated with farming has always put us on the back foot when it comes to protests. In the past it has tended to backfire, especially with the ‘count a crowd’ attitude of modern politics and the mainstream media.
The only thing that politicians and the media want to know is how many people turned up, before they even ask what the message is.
That is why you need to develop a reputation for conning some wantabe models (footballers for the girls?) into getting their gear off or hireing some porn stars. That way everone turn up for a look,regardless of the message!
Input from my wife – Definitely no footballers, just pass the word around that there will be a lot country boys in town, some of them may take their shirts off, and afterwards they will be at XYZ pub. She reckons, that will guarantee every office girl in Perth will be there with bells on.
Big day tomorrow – Good luck everyone! Hope you get a great turnout.
Just checked todays weather for Perth, It appears favourable for a good turn out. All the best everyone, wish I could be there.
How those EPA creeps assume too much power is by saying we( meaning me or I) represent the people of Western Australia. This is what the people want. You only represent yourself. They use this false logic to impose their views on their target, regardless of natural justice. They, then give themselves powers above and beyond the law.
The reply of course is that you are paid by the people , you do not represent them or you would be in parliament. The laws are made by parliament governed by the constitution and you are obliged to obey them, not change them to suit yourself. You are not the parliament.
Bugger. Just found out about this from Bolta. Sorry we’re a no show in body but we’re there is spirit!
Hope your rally is a pearler!
How did it go?
Matt & Janet have given quite a bit of detail of how it went over on the Just Grounds web site. (just Grounds was formally Agmates, is now under new management & had to change it’s name in the hand over agreement)
Janet started a discussion called, Funeral at Parliament House on Oct 20th. The discussion started just like this one leaving people know that this event was occurring. I’ll give a link where the reports started to come in on how it went & you can read it from there. [click here]
Thank you Dale. It certainly was a success. Maxwell and Peter – absolute heroes to the ordinary person, although most of them don’t know it yet, but they will.
Marvellous speeches by Matt and Janet. The simple example of how to explain the precautionary principle will be very useful to me. It’s like those wimps who say they never try anything because then they cannot fail, except it’s the inverse.
I think it’s time this country had a referendum or three to sort out issues like property rights, carbon taxes, red tape removal, etc etc. Then all the arguments will be put to the public.
How is this climate change happening?
I am an EX Mt Lawley Ite, 8 Highroyd Street, May I lead you into a prime understanding of Climate theory by asking another question.
Why is it that our Moon oscillates between our magnetic poles and not over them?
My answer is that it is orbiting between the North and South magnetic poles because, each pole is emitting a magnetic flux potential, and our Moon is being pushed between these two polarities, resulting in a swaying motion, called: Oscillation, and it is between these continuous emitting magnetic fields, the Moon magnetically reacts to equalize its Mass to its orbital velocity: twenty nine and a half Earth Days, as we observe.
So what has this to do with changing our Climate?
It gives us an elementary understanding of how our Earth is orbiting and reacting to our Sun’s Magnetic Heliosphere. Our Earth is responding to a similar magnetic emission from our Sun, and has a similar oscillating orbital pattern between the Sun’s two magnetic Heliospheres poles. Because of this new understanding, each cycle lasts for an averaged period of eleven years, and over the last ten years, our Earth has been orbiting within this positive magnetic intensified sector. On the 22 December 2012, this cycle will come to an end, when our Earth will conclude a 25,800 year Processional cycle and enter the balanced Negative sector of the Sun’s Heliosphere to begin another 25,800 Precessional cycle.
Because Earth has been orbiting within this Positive emission Heliosphere, it has responded with heavy rain that effectively fell during our summer season, and since 1st December 2010 to the end of February, 374mm/square/M of rain fell and this has been the reversing effects of our climate.
Additionally, since 1st March 2011, to the 31st of June, 47mm/square Meter was recorded in Bell Post Hill, at home.
Carbon Dioxide has had no direct influence, or indirect affect to change this climate.
This whole Carbon Dioxide is a complete white lie told to make the human race guilty of something they all do, and that is the breath out Carbon Dioxide with a base volume of 40,000 parts per million by volume.
Nature takes great care not to overload its atmosphere, so it grows trees and green grass and this in turn accepts the excess Carbon Dioxide and changes it to oxygen. And so continues this natural process synthesis.
Why is the IPCC saying, Carbon Dioxide is continuously raising?
It is rising because of the fact that the IPCC’s used the official values from an observatory, situated on a extinct Volcanic Hill called Mauna Loa on the Island of Hawaii. There are fissions situated all around it and has up to nine other active volcanoes surrounding this observatory, and all emitting Carbon Dioxide. This is why it is continually rising, for this fact; it has nothing whatsoever to do with their statement that humans are responsible for this constant rise in Carbon Dioxide. Applying the true records from the Vostock Ice Core report, CO2 follows the rise of Earth’s temperature by some 180 years, as it has for the last 450,000 years Carbon Dioxide is a molecule and will not hold heat when Infrared rays come from our Sun, for these rays pass through this molecule, and if just one does hit, then it is reflected back to space within 20 milliseconds. Reference: Interview with Dennis’s short, informative & funny..posted at (link) and at
There is no increased energy being emitted from this or any other CO2 molecule. As for H2O water molecule, this will hold and give off a small amount of energy from the Earth and will hold back this energy especially when overcast, the Earth’s temperature is held warm. Clouds will assist and hold the warm air in stop it from escaping to space. You have possibly noticed this when there are no clouds at night; it becomes very cool because the clouds are not there to hold in the Earth’s expanding heat. In fact clouds accept up to 41% of all the Infrared radiation from our Sun, during a normal cloudy: 33%, on a sunny day. The Earth accepts 154W per sq Meter and this factor is nowhere near the 240W per Sq. meter mentioned by the IPCC. You would also appreciate the fact that the air molecules are getting thinner as the altitude is increasing, and again, this is where the clouds levels are controlled by the atmospheric pressures, and we measure this as, Barometric pressure. Over the last seven to eight years, these barometric pressures have completely reversed. Take this week of June, the High covering the Australian continent was 1030mb. This is a Summer High and these are regularly passing over Australia, slowly gathering its potential to change the temperatures and rain conditions and forcing cumulus clouds to a higher altitude, over 1400 Meters.
Finally, the answer from Professor Tim Flannery’s comment on talk back radio (774) on 1st April 2011, was to a final question from Mr Andrew Bolt’s, says it all when he was asked: ‘What is the total time we have to wait before the halt effect of our industries with their emissions of Carbon Dioxide have to our Climate?” Professor Flannery’s reply. “If we stop producing Carbon Dioxide today, it may have an effect to change our climate within the next 750 to 1,000 years from now.”
This percentage he is referring to, can be illustrated this way. Consider the whole CO2 molecules being all bought together from all the sources of CO2 in the world to our Atmosphere, they would compress into a cube of 3 Cubic Miles. This represents approximately 0.006% of our Atmosphere volume. Now consider the percentage of the Australian population and to the world’s population and this percentage would be greatly insignificant. So where is the IPCC getting their records from?
I sincerely hope this helps, in a small way, to those who believe that Human’s expressing our Carbon Dioxide is not the cause for this Climate to Change.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Thomas T S Watson – Author of Climate Change-Explained by Magnetism? ISBN9780646477220
32 Kinlock Street
Bell Post Hill
Geelong 3215
Ph:03 52787628
Ps: I received a book titled: ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse theory ISBN 978-0982773413 that shows the total misadventure of the IPCC involvement into the realm of Climate Change being initiated by the emission of Carbon Dioxide from Humans, is a totally false. This book is supported with recorded printed statements, graphs, and mathematical work out that has sound support addresses that verify their statements, as well as printed support claims showing that industries have been conned and will be totally surprised to learn that they have spent their millions of dollars in preparing for this Labor Government’s Carbon Tax to find that they have been involved in a fraud, greater than the Y2K scenario.
In the publishers statement on the back cover is includes in part:
“Eight leading experts methodically express how wilful fakery and outright incompetence were hidden within the politicized realms of government climatology. Applying a thoughtful and sympathetic writing style, the authors help even the untrained mind to navigate the maze of atmospheric thermodynamics. Step by step the reader is shown why the so-called greenhouse effect cannot possible exist in nature.” End of quote.
Thomas, Thanks. Be aware that many skeptics (including me) disagree with parts of the Slayers books. See:
Why greenhouse gas warming doesn’t break the second law of thermodynamics
And So what is the Second Darn Law?