GetUp have pulled out all stops and produced their most convincing science and economics advert to wow “the nation’s decision makers” (they actually use that phrase). Don’t hold your breath waiting for the cost-benefit analysis though — the closest they get to science is a picture of a chimp. The jokes though, could go over well with the under-ten-set.
If this the progressive movement maturing, I can only say congratulations to them, they’ve made double digits.
The reasons to eschew our cheapest form of energy, to pay even more tax to not-build-more-hospitals-schools-and-roads (and not do more medical and physics research) is so obvious, apparently, that any brainwashed 13 year old can see it. It’s all to do with piggy banks and caricatures of what the business world is like. Get it?
Watch the video here:
As you watch it, ponder that someone in GetUp either thinks this will impress “decision makers”, or else cynically thinks the people who donate to GetUp are stupid enough to believe that. “Our team of media buyers are searching for availabilities in the programs that we know decision makers watch“. As if our Senators and M.P.’s have time to watch TV… Strike that – they will be watching Bolt on Sunday. Just let GetUp run the ad then please!
Those who can’t reason, throw names. “Polluters.”
When they can’t think of a good reason to take your money, they smear and slur instead. This is just gutter talk and a clumsy hate campaign. The cheap joke with the monkey is really going to win over the people who prefer Abbott to Gillard in polls eh?
There’s also the banal undercurrent of class warfare, and of jealousy: the GetUp team are feeding those who didn’t make it up the ladder of economic success with crass excuses to hate those who did. The so-called polluters are the law abiding bedrock of essential services. (If they had broken a law, they would be charged wouldn’t they?) Coal executives aren’t angels, but turn off the coal power stations for a week and see what happens to the country.
A union funded resort to smear and innuendo
GetUp still deceptively claim that they don’t support any particular party and “receive no money from any political party or the government.” No No! “We rely solely on funds and in-kind donations from the Australian public.” Yet they were caught hiding the $1.2 million donation from the CFMEU during the election campaign, which makes them a form of disguised Labor Party activist group.
At the same time that they took money silently from the CFMEU, they supported a ban on political donations from unions and business.
As for the CFMEU, it supposedly serves mining employees. As the Union says “We build the mines and power plants that fuel our economy and the ports that handle our trade”. So where is the CFMEU protest to GetUp at the denigration of the mining industry for being uncaring profit-hungry chain-smoking polluters and at the crazy economic plans that will put thousands of their own workers out of work?
Psst Miners? Where are you?
Your union seems to be working to put you out of a job and raise your electricity bills, petrol bills, and food costs. Why be a serf to the self-anointed elites whose great hope for you is that you’ll have less holidays, less heating, fewer trips in the car or by plane, and less choice at the supermarket?
The Carbon Tax is not about shifting money from “big polluters” to you. That’s the big lie. It’s about taking money from all of us (through higher costs) and feeding the jobs-and-junket market for the anointed green police who want to tell us how to live, while they pork barrel and hand-out trinkets to their pet mascots and patrons.
GetUp is the low base arm of the Nanny-State, come to tell you how to live.
H/t to Caroline. Thanks.
This is a really stupid ad. If we needed any evidence that GetUp is funded by left wing politics then here it is. As usual, no facts presented. BTW, all those who think the Government compensation will make up for this oppressive new tax, what will make up for the lower economic activity, exports, lost jobs, lower superannuation returns, and lower corporate tax revenues for the government!
Why not just, inflate your tires ; )
Worst climate ad I’ve seen since this one:
The first one is a absurd but the series is cleaver and no exploding childen is a plus:
Animals Save the Planet: Animal Planet Production
Jaymez: #1
Actually, and with all due respect, it is not. It is what is known in propaganda theory as a “penetration ad”.
They are usually used at the beginning of attack campaigns, to get people talking about a particular idea, or issue or event. It doesn’t matter how bad the ad is (in fact the worse the better), but people have to notice, and have to be laughing at how stupid it is.
Once the authors have people’s attention, they then follow up with the “grand reveal” , which is designed to shift the focus onto the real target (in this case, it may well be Tony Abbot). The thoughts of how stupid the original ad was, also get transferred to the new ad, and hence the real target.
The third phase is a series of ads that pile on the sound bites, that can be attributed to the real target, and use all of the photographs (whether photoshopped or not) that help to make the case.
Since the original ad shows the chimp multiple times, I suspect they will try to depict the real target as being similar (it has been done in respect to other eminent persons with obvious ears).
This is left-wing propaganda at its worst.
Or best, if you are a connoisseur of this type of filth – I can imaging most of the modern PR dweebs having wet dreams over the possibilities – it is from the same type of mind that would create prime-time snuff movies. /rant
The following relates to the last post as well as this one. It covers the real issues in the USA related to energy and “green” technology.
Comparing consumption and production in the US to Australia, I find it very difficult to understand how anyone in Australia can possibly believe it makes sense to tax the stuffing out of everything that moves with ZERO benefit to all concerned.
About 15 minutes in length but worth the time:
Here’s some links which cast light on where GetUp get their funding:
I note a couple other unions on the donations page:
The CPSU and ASU. It’s interesting to follow some of those names through Google and see where you end up. Heyede, for example, led me to a major investment fund (CHAMP) which you can read about here:
Anywho… back to reading the news. Back with some hot snippets shortly I bet
The full implication the name GetUp has just hit me. It’s a subconscious call for a rocket up the kollective khyber.
GetUp has firmed in the running for propagandist of the year, and is Up there with 10:10 Campaign’s No Pressure clip for having the reverse effect for which it was intended. They even have the audacity to ask viewers to donate so they can air it. One wonders about the age and maturity of the GetUp team…..
There is an in-depth piece at The Australian about the impact of Dullard’s carbon (sic) price (sic) on power generators:
Interesting to see that the Australian Coal Association is approaching advertisers… expect another mining tax war of ads IMHO. They won’t sit idly by and watch the Rainbow Coalition flush billions of dollars of assets down the gurgler.
Get Up! eh ………sounds like the frustrared cry of an angry feminist.
Darn, I can’t get their online donation system to accept a negative donation.
If this proves to be true all our troubles are over.
But is it true or just more BS, who knows? We’ll have to wait until October this year.
LOL .. thanks for promoting the video!!
I work in mining related construction currently (and have spent a number of years on mine sites). I had a conversation with one of the blue collars (yes they still use in the construction industry, blue and white collars to define the types of roles).
We were talking about the tax, the cover up of the debate, and how it will affect everyone. Bear in mind, the cleaners here are on $150,000 a year, the T/A’s are also on $150k, and the tradesmen start at $180,000 (a lot of the white collar workforce start at a third of those salaries).
The conversation went like this:
Me: “You know, you guys in the field won’t get any relief, much like with the flood levy, medicare, and FTB, and as happened in the UK, and Brittish Columbia, industries like steel fabrication and cement production will simply relocate to places like India and China”
Him: “Nah it’s all good. We’ll get the unions to black ban imported goods, and get a wage rise to cover our costs”
Me: “How can you ban the import of goods when the Australian industries have shut shop and gone off shore. Where are you going to get all the materials from?”
Him: “Nah, that won’t happen. The unions will sort imports out”
Me: “But if you also get a wage rise, the cost to the companies will sky rocket. Which means everything costs more as they have to cover the costs”
Him: “Nah we’ll be right”
Trying to explain hyper-inflation and sudden cost of living increases is impossible with that mentality.
She’ll be right, the unions will sort it out… WTF???
also from the donors to GetUp website:
Mr/Ms Jo Skrynski 15/12/2008 $137,500.00
so much money for GetUp, but who pays the SBS chairman?
New SBS Chair appointed
The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy today announced the appointment of Mr Joseph Skrzynski AO as the new Chair of SBS…
Mr Skrzynski was appointed to the SBS Board for five years as a non-executive Director on 27 March 2009, one of the first appointments made under the Rudd Government’s merit-based process announced on 16 October 2008.
Mr Skrzynski will take up his position as SBS Chair on 17 December 2009. He is appointed as part-time Chair of the SBS Board for a five year term from 17 December 2009 until 26 March 2014…
what chance SBS reporting the facts about CAGW?
BTW if you want to join in the ‘debate’ (or rather one side insulting the other for using facts and science to prove logical points) visit the Say Yes Australia Face Book page. Its very easy to get them to show their true colours; so enjoy.
Also the donation system seems a bit suss to me, the rate of donations seemed rather too ‘regular’ for me.
Bulldust @ 9
Interesting to see Big Coal getting concerned.
Some time ago when the debate was more concerned with the science I urged various players in the Big Coal arena to use the scientific expertise of their employees or consultants to test the Gore/IPCC argument. No reply.
They didn’t want to make the mental effort to get to the facts? Believed they could get their lawyers to talk their way out of the problem?
Instead of moaning about the tax they should attack the real problem…the lack of testable/factual scientific evidence!
I suspect the cost of a physics based analysis of the role of CO2 in climate change will be a fraction of the cost of what Big Coal will spend on advertising.That will be just what their shareholders want??
The use of children by the green movement and the anti-AGW crew is despicable and masks a deep hatred of humanity:
Having said that the response of the energy sector generally and the coal industry in particular has been craven. Instead of fessing up to past mistakes and acknowledging continuing, REAL environmental issues like particulates, water contamination and conflict with rural production, the coal industry has hideen behind the joke of carbon capture, a technology whose shortcomings are well described here:
Even the malignant greens have seen through this and by avoiding the issue the coal industry has not been able to refer to its great benefits: the cheapest source of energy upon whose back Western civilization has developed and, given, the advances in generator technology in China which is building more new generators, an energy source which is still the yardstick.
Blimey @13
If we for a minute assume that everything the IPCC says is true (obviously it isn’t, but let’s play pretend).
All the attempted ETS schemes set up so far have:
1. Not reduced emissions by a single cow-fart
2. Provided mammoth opportunities for theft and fraud, which ultimately will be paid for by consumers
Even if we assumed that the world was going to end in 20 years unless we reduced emissions, why on Earth would we be talking about an ETS to prevent it when we know they don’t work?
If this was a really serious thing that the pollies actually believed in, that was really going to cause us damage in 20 years, we’d be building nukes and researching methods for making coal stations run clean immediately. It would be an effort similar to the Manhattan project or the space race, regardless of whether the voters thought it was a good idea or believed in climate change, we’d be put on a war footing and economics suspended to get this fixed.
But we’re not, and the ‘solution’ they’re proposing is taxing people more and then they get all vague about how that tax will be used to actually stop CO2 getting into the atmosphere. It’s not a real crisis, you’ve drunk the kool-aid and believed the propaganda.
No-one who is in a position to do anything about this actually believes in it, or they’d be behaving differently. They’re using it to further their own ends, and it’s got nothing to do with the climate. Watch the money. If it was a real crisis the money would be being pumped into research and engineering to solve the actual problem. Instead the money’s going to ‘raising awareness’ and propaganda efforts, incredibly inefficient domestic solar rebates, Gaia-friendly causes and ‘think tanks’. Not a single actual real effort to get anything done about the ‘problem’ because the aim is not to change the climate but to change public opinion.
Luckily, the temperature is evening out, and the climate changes all the time for perfectly natural reasons, the feedbacks are mostly negative, and the whole system is much more stable than any ‘climate scientist’ gives it credit for.
So if we could just stop panicking and get on with bringing the rest of the world up to a decent standard of living so they’ll stop breeding so much, that’d be great, thanks.
[…] GetUp — got hate and monkey jokes, but missed the science…… […]
Blimey: #13
All hits are belong to us!
[…] Jo Nova. Who is this pitched […]
I wonder, can I donate 1 cent to their campaign and have processing fees cost them more money than I gave?
Jo-anne, you make a big point about there being no “hot spot” in the stratosphere, contrary to what AGW would predict. I wonder if you could respond to this claim from an ardent warmist on Andrew Bolt’s blog:
“In the 1950s scientists theoretically showed that if the lower atmosphere (troposhere) was trapping more heat from man’s CO2 emissions then less heat would be escaping to space and hence the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) would be cooling.
This has now been confirmed by satellite measurement.
If the warming we are seeing was caused by the sun then the temperature distribution would be more even – you would not be seeing the stratosphere cooling.
This is unquestionable proof of an enhanced greenhouse effect from human emissions as the Earth’s lower atmosphere is trapping more heat.”
It sounds very fishy to me: cooling is proof of warming, but where is this guy coming from? Where is he getting his “information”?
[…] The full implication the name GetUp has just hit me. It’s a subconscious call for a rocket up the kollective khyber. Have a look at this video clip advertisement. Get up has the audacity to ask viewers to donate so they can air it. GetUp has firmed in the running for propagandist of the year, and is Up there with 10:10 Campaign’s No Pressure clip for having the reverse effect for which it was intended. Jo Nova nails them as only she can: […]
MurrayA: #24
The ‘nice’ thing about propaganda, is that it doesn’t have a “best before” date label.
So a message, once it gets released, can circulate forever, going feral, and breeding indiscriminately.
Messages like this are only given credence by the sort of person who believes what they are first told, and then actively resists any attempt to modify that belief.
Sadly, that is a large proportion of the population.
It is a straw dog argument which devalues what should be seriously debated, a misappropriation of funds on an enormous scale.
Murray – see my response to John Cook and skeptical science. The fingerprint of a cooler strat and a warmer trop doesn’t tell use much. It could be CO2 growing, but falling ozone also cools the
tropstratosphere (Sorry – typo). In any case this fingerprint only relates to direct CO2 warming, not to the amplification which only comes from water vapor and should show up 10km above the tropics at the boundary between wet and dry air. ie. it tells us maybe 1 degree of warming is coming. The lack of a hot spot rules out anything bigger.Blimey:
Don’t think they’ll be getting too many donations around here…
“LOL .. thanks for promoting the video!!”
Good to see the Get Up ‘youth movement’ in action.
Now, let me think, who else was it that had a ‘youth movement’?.
New Jersey PullsFrom 10-State Climate Initiative
Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday that New Jersey would become the first state to withdraw from a 10-state trading system, (the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative), declaring it an ineffective way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
One down Nine to go – New Hampshire next.
The video is customarily pathetic, I was relieved to see how bad it was. It will have a cost a bit of money and they will have high hopes for it’s effectiveness of course. It won’t get hounded out of reality like the exploding kids did but it is an embarrassment none the less to anyone associated with it. Insulated in leftist groupthink as usual – you would have to be to think that would work. Another miscalculation.
Jo @28 I think you mean falling ozone cools the stratosphere?
David Hume – regarded as one of the most important figures in the history of Western philosophy:
Fear and ignorance are the true source of superstition. They lead a blind and terrified public to embrace any practice, however absurd or frivolous, which either folly or knavery recommends.
Mike, #28 thanks. Of course. I’ll fix that.
MurrayA @ 24, I recommend reading the follow up reply that addresses Nova’s reply.
Oh and for those that are honestly interested in the science, this research has some good insight too.
You took the words right out of my brain! Well written. These kind of stupid ads have to be respected for what they are doing, not denigrated because intelligent people think they are stupid (after all, most people do not think – they feel).
Worthwhile reading about these Communist Subversive Traitors from “getup”……
GetUp and its strange but well-heeled bedfellows
Broken promises? GetUp! takes a month to count them
GetUp! hides Labor’s broken promises
GetUp a SellOut
Sanctimonious hypocrites GetUp our nose
If GetUp keeps up this hateful rhetoric, someone might get hurt
The Desperation of GetUp
GetUp exposed: George Soros’ tentacles reach into Australia
The Soros Plan To Kill Capitalism – Big Government
Why Don’t We Hear About Soros’ Ties to Over 30 Major News Organizations?
You continue to amuse us all by quoting Lies and Propaganda from this GAIA CULT website the NON “skeptical ‘science'”.
You are indeed and Ignoramus !
Read these !
SKEPTICALSCIENCE WEBSITE DEBUNKED – How John Cook unskeptically believes in a hotspot (that thermometers can’t find)
(Un)Skeptical Science uses unmeasureable fudge factors
Well that article was an interesting read. I excerpt a small quote for those who are too busy to read it all : —
Emphasis added. Really liked the first and last sentences!
The future of atomic energy, however, does not depend upon whether or not this new idea is scalable or not as there are equally safe and reliable systems already producing electricity and that produce no waste which could be brought into production without taking decades to build.
(Amber golden light flickers on the face of Gorp, bundled in a robe made of baby Harp Seal skins, now widely available since other forms of economic activity have ceased and people have little more to do than bash animals over the head for nutritional and clothing purposes).
Gorp: So tell me Mann-san (the future seems to have a creepy Japonaise feel to it a la Bladerunner) more about the Precautionary Principle.
Mann: (close-up of a chubby face peering out of a snorkel hooded jacket made of Polar bear fur) Well, the idea was to absolutely destroy all economic activity that is not sustainable so as not to destroy the planet. (He evinces a bright “school boy” look, smiling at Gorp, a look spoiled by the spider web cracks in his glasses, unrepairable since lens making is not a sustainable activity, the Ministry of Glass having determined that there is insufficient recycling of Silicon products to justify lens production. Plenty of broken glass but no way to tote it around).
Gorp: Destroying economic activity. Brilliant! Perfect for a guy like me. (Picking up his bloody and brain splattered club, feeling the weight of it in his fingers. Talent: Improvise! Gorp shows us that he and his club now rule the Nattering Nabobs-the name of the tribe, and anybody else with the misfortune to be around him).
Mann; “Um.”
Gorp: “Do you know that I can kill, skin, and clean a rabbit in about ninety seconds. My record was 81 seconds back when we had clocks, and I really think I have beaten that record since, but since I think it is unethical to splice the clock record with the new drum/hourglass method I cannot be sure. AND THAT PISSES ME OFF!
Mann:I don’t think splicing is a problem! (Hopefully) Besides, who says rabbits aren’t sustainable?
Gorp: “Um.”
Mann: “Look, OK, mistakes may have been made, honest mistakes. For instance, the whole Sustainable National Defense Protocol concept, maybe a little ahead of its time.” (Looking feelingly at Gorp’s club).
Mann: Not that there’s any thing wrong with clubs! In the right hands a weapon for change is a weapon for good!
Gorp: What I like about you, Dr. Mann, you…(trying to thing of one thing).
Mann: (Sensing an opening). Gorp. Um, Mr. Gorp.(not there yet) Dr. Gorp, alright. Who’s the doctor here? Come on! Dr. Gorp, Gorp, Gorp, Gorp! (Crying out to the crowd, well, the five or so cave men gathered around the fire). Can I get somebody to testify! (playing the religion card).
Gorp: OK, OK, OK. Calm yourself. OK? ( Dr. Mann, quiet as a mouse).
(Gorp contemplating for a moment, does he really want to say this… With a touch of vulnerability…) I think I might actually be a god. OK, there I said it!
Mann: You know…I didn’t want to say it but, Wow! There is a glow about you! Until you said that…CLUELESS!!! (hopeful, spinning his fingers about his temples to represent his cluelessness). Heh.
Gorp: Could we just…(gestures to Mann who comes a little closer)… maybe come up with a little something…I don’t know…
Mann: Gorp, I mean Dr. Gorp, BABY, I have this algorithm…
Bernal @ 41
You Sir are a Playwright. Can you get funding to produce the video?
I certainly liked it and have cited it.
Not just GetUp that hasn’t a clue, check out the Cate Caton ad, it’s hilarious, they included a UK Power Station that closed 30 years ago.
ON Bolt and Blair, or here:
Cate Blanchett and husband Andrew Upton’ Sydney Theatre Company received over $4.5 million of taxpayer money for calendar 2010. Perhaps she should arrange for it to be repaid because she now has a moral conflict of interest.
He remind me more of a Union Czar, than any Industrialist, that character the Get Up Video is putting up as a strawman.
[…] GetUp — got hate and monkey jokes, but missed the science…… Share this:ShareDiggEmailRedditPrintStumbleUponTwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]