David Archibald
Rally 1st July 2011
We can thank the global warmers for one thing. Their claim that the sky is falling got people like me to investigate. What I found was that global warming is exactly wrong. Instead of warming, our planet is cooling as solar activity weakens.
The heating effect of carbon dioxide is minuscule. It is lost in the noise of the climate system. That is why the temperature of the planet today is exactly the same as it was thirty years ago. On top of all that, the carbon dioxide level of the atmosphere is dangerously low. All living things would be better off if we had more of it in the atmosphere.
You have not been told that before because the global warmers have corrupted all the institutions that are meant to serve us. The CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology, the universities, have all sold their souls, and sold the Australian People down the river. Those institutions we once respected are now venal and not to be trusted.
Global warming is a litmus test for our politicians. If they believe in global warming, they are easily deluded fools.
That leads me to a useful outcome from this debacle. Global warming is a litmus test for our politicians. If they believe in global warming, they are easily deluded fools. Either they are easily deluded fools, or they are Australia-haters. Because surely by now they would be aware of the economic damage the carbon tax would do to Australia. Yet they persist, and this tax has come back from the dead.
So far, it has been people like you and me who have taken on the responsibility to protect Australia against the depredations of the carbon tax. Our politicians are easily cowed, and a lot of them don’t seem to care even if they could tell the difference between right and wrong. Our academics have met our lowest expectations of them.
Dante said that the darkest recesses of hell are reserved for those who remain neutral at a time of great moral crisis.
Missing in action are the major companies who have the resources to sort right from wrong, and who should be working to protect their factories, their workers, their shareholders, their customers and the society they operate in. The society that has trusted them with a role to provide for the common good. But they do nothing, and have reneged on their side of the bargain with Australian society. This madness would be so easy for them to stop, if only they would choose to do so.
Dante said that the darkest recesses of hell are reserved for those who remain neutral at a time of great moral crisis. That time is now, and most of our major companies have condemned themselves to the darkest recesses by their inaction and silence. Then there are those who do worse than that, and actively connive against the Australian people.
On the 24th of March, the Prime Minister herself provided us with a list of the names of these companies. These are companies who, instead of contributing to greater wealth for all, would rather feed on the shrunken carcass of an enfeebled Australian economy. I will now read the Prime Minister’s list of conniving companies.
Origin Energy
Insurance Australia Group
These are the companies that wish ill on you and your children. They would sell the Australian people into the slavery and oppression of the carbon tax so that they can get their own snouts deeper into the trough. It is your patriotic duty to avoid these companies as much as you can.
These are the companies that wish ill on you and your children. They would sell the Australian people into the slavery and oppression of the carbon tax so that they can get their own snouts deeper into the trough. It is your patriotic duty to avoid these companies as much as you can. Withhold the blessing of your custom. If you need petrol, and it is a choice between Shell and some other brand, for Australia’s sake, for your children’s sake, for God’s sake, choose the other brand.
If any of these companies don’t actually support a carbon-constrained economy, they have yet to make the effort to correct that misperception. By their silence, they are complicit. Make no mistake, the carbon tax they wish upon us will devastate the Australian economy. A couple of months ago, a minister of the Federal Government visited the steelworks in Port Kembla and cheerfully, tearlessly considered its closure.
This government is quite happy to sacrifice our greatest industrial enterprise on the altar of this bizarre cult of carbon. These people are remorseless killers of whole industries, and whole communities. Once industries like steel and cement are gone from our shores, no amount of wishing or hoping or endless tears will bring them back again. Skills that have been passed down generations will be lost forever. And in a few short years, Sydney will start having blackouts because nobody will build a new power station while the carbon tax stalks the land.
Beyond the economic damage, the carbon tax is putting Australia’s very existence at risk. Our oil self-sufficiency is falling rapidly now. It will be down to 25% by 2015. We will be scrambling to buy oil to keep our farms and factories running. We can’t do anything about the price of oil. But we can make our own transport fuels from low grade coal and keep the money we pay for them in Australia.
The facilities we need to secure our fuel supply won’t be built while the carbon tax is alive. To kill off that tax, and send the right signals to the animal spirits in the economy. Federal Parliament needs to repeal the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act – because that act is the auditing basis of the carbon tax. A politician is not fully enlightened on global warming unless he wants to repeal that act. Only then will our nation have any hope of being secure and happy.
It was four hundred thousand emails, letters and phone calls which stopped the carbon tax in late 2009. We need to resend those four hundred thousand emails, letters and phone calls – but this time with a sharper edge. Belief in global warming cannot be forgiven.
…the world has entered a sharp cooling phase. Growing conditions will shrink three hundred kilometres towards the equator by the end of the decade. The Canadian wheat crop will be wiped out..
You have come here today to protect our country from harm. As a scientist, I have a duty to warn you about what is happening to the Earth’s climate. What is happening is that the world has entered a sharp cooling phase. Growing conditions will shrink three hundred kilometres towards the equator by the end of the decade. There will be a major reduction in agricultural productivity in the mid-latitudes. The Canadian wheat crop will be wiped out.
Our Prime Minister spoke recently of the benefits of reading Bible stories. The Bible story that all governments should be paying particular attention to is the one in Genesis about the seven years of fat followed by the seven years of lean. Otherwise another Biblical character will make his appearance – the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse, Famine.
David Archibald
Sydney, 1st July 2011
Lol. What a loon. “our planet is cooling” And you ask WARMISTS for evidence! You call WARMISTS ALARMISTS???
Does he have any practical solutions or has he just got the sandwich board? “The End of the World is Nigh”
You can now add NAB to that list.
WOW …. I agree …
One minor point …is that the fight is going up a notch ,
The miners etc are preparing to fight !,
All hope is not lost .just watch what big business with real money can achieve , not to mention a bit of truth being forced out into the public arena , the Australian people will make the right decisions , as soon as they are given a chance ….as I’ve said elsewhere , it’s gone beyond science …. It’s now political .. LET THE HEAD KICKING BEGIN !!!
Ahh troll Matt
I believe our world is cooling … Like me to prove it !
Like me to prove when and where it’s happened before !
Like me to show you just how easily it could happen !
Another pair of jackboots for mattb please , he’s got bulls..t on his old ones ! 🙂
How was David’s May 2009 prediction?
predict… anomoly -0.6C.
Actuual… anomoly +0.4C
“I believe our world is cooling … Like me to prove it !”
Oh Correction….. when I say big business I do not mean banks , they are in general parasites motivated by greed ! 😉
Mattb .. Now toddle off and check out what happened in 1815 to the worlds weather.
When you are finished we will debate further ….be aware the body count for that climate event is very conservative so just stick to the facts OK ..
Raven – #8 is not related to my #6.
Also – you do realise that past periods of cool that may or may not have been solar related are quite independent of AGW due to greenhouse gases. BOTH can occur.
Go away MattB, you are an idiot!
I notice that you now have two avatar’s and that they frequently change between threads.
I prefer the one on this thread, ‘The Real MattB’.
Having two avatar’s might lead some people to assume that you were Schizophrenic or even two Faced.
MattB – If you don’t believe Archibald try this simple exercise. Plot previous solar cycle length against a long term temperature dataset. HadCRUTv3 and CET are available, and SCL is available from DMI. You’ll see a significant negative correlation, R^2 around 0.4 or so – which is pretty strong when you consider all the volcanic eruptions and other stuff that happens.
Now, R^2 is one thing, regression line slope is another. The slope of the negative correlation is ‘way higher than the slope you get if you graph TSI vs temperature. Why? Well, we have the Uni of Aarhus results to explain it. It is not solar radiative output that is important it is solar magnetism.
And that is why the low solar magnetic event announced by the American Astronomical Society means cooler temperatures are coming. They dared not link the low magnetism with lower temperature as they have salaries to pay and grants to apply for. But anyone with a spreadsheet can see it coming.
It is not the end of the world, but Ms Gillard will look pretty silly bringing in a carbon tax to save us all from global warming only for the world’s temperature to go down a degree or two.
MattB: http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/rss/from:2001/plot/rss/from:2001/trend
What’s the matter, has everybody gone to sleep at the wheel. Did everybody hear about the Brisbane Broncos cancelling Monckton’s talk at the club.
The BULLSHIT reason given, was that they have had a heap of calls complaining about Monckton appearing there.
I also asked for a list of the complaints, I don’t think i’l get it. Just one minute ago I got a call from my brother who on this site as well, and he just heard on Michael Smiths program on radio 2ue that the COMMUNIST group “getup” were behind this push to oust Monckton.
The event had been moved to the nearby Gambaro’s restaurant, owned by the family of the Liberal MP Teresa Gambaro.
This is the email address of the manager of the Broncos leagues club, Geoff Kuehner.
[email protected]
He just stated on radio 2ue, that his reason for cancelling the Monckton appearance, was because he made fascist comments about Ross Garnaut.
Number one ticket holder for the Broncos: Queensland Treasurer, Andrew Fraser. Patron of the Broncos, Kevin Rudd. Corporate sponsorship for Broncos, Queensland government departments.
Need I say more.
By the way, Monckton did not call Garnaut a Fascist and he did apologise !
“The Conversation”
Another recent Climate Change website!
This time, Sponsored by our once revered but now discredited Government-funded Institutions.
The site actually has a special unique ad hominem Category – “Monckton Watch”!
The editors have posted a copy of the infamous attack on Lord Monckton by the University of St. Thomas Associate Professor,John Abraham
but without any reference to Lord Monckton’s rebuttal of the accusations.
Maintaining their inimitable and non-scientific stance of refusing any dissenting input, the site does not provide for Comments!
A copy of the 99 page rebuttal is available here in PDF format:
You truly are a door knob ,
..and further proof as to the benefits of contraception ,
OK file the next one under “How the world really works”:
1) Remember a certain chap who made the headlines getting dropped like a flaming piece of excrement by the IMF?
2) Remember someone else getting his job recently?
3) Oh looky looky … the case is falling apart: http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/9767240
I shall let you draw your own conclusions. All I can say is… at that level it’s a high stakes game and there are no rules. The guy may have had dirty laundry of some sort… heck, I’d be surprised if he didn’t, but this is a real eye-opener IMHO.
These are the people, mind you, that determinje whether countries get a stay of sentence or whether they default… somewhere, someone is writing a movie script.
BTW guys … not all MattB’s are MattB’s … the gravitar keeps changing. Someone is screwing around. Either that or I don’t get how the site works.
Well said David, Indeed the mindless DOOM-say’s fail to look at the on-line web sites that track CLIMATE. http://wattsupwiththat.com/reference-pages/
If the debate where about how to advance cost effective alternatives to OIL and COAL derived energy ALL would participate
for a common good. But it s NOT, simply because the AGW would be exposed as total frauds.
But when the Promoters of AGW conclude that Hydro Electricity, One of the most economic 24/7 is NOT renewable then the plot
thickens, However investing 1000 times that on Wind power that is not 24/7 and needs just as much backup generation spent on it makes one question the whole exercise. More alarming are the Comments by the “OBAMA” that Coal plants in the States WILL be forced to close up-shop with NO plan for alternative supply only emphasises the DUPLICITY practised by the unquestioning AGW sycophants .
Great speech by David Archibald.
AND MattB: you twit I just posted previous the latest temp from NOAA-15. UAH data (oh sorry the satellite was paid for by um BIG oil..? um Coal? um NO NASA! Paid US Govt CAGW stooges well some of them)
Which shows that the northern (NH) Dec Jan temps at 600mb are 1 deg C COLDER.
“Global warming is a litmus test for our politicians. If they believe in global warming, they are easily deluded fools. Either they are easily deluded fools, or they are Australia-haters”
Or cynical opportunists who jump on the AGW train for political or financial gain.
A new avatar is given to a differnet IP address. I think MattyB is using his Vincent Council computer and his own – nhence separate avatar for each one. It’s cheaper for poor MattyB using the government computer until his GREEN GRANTS come in!
Oh! Brooksie – has the Swan River returned to normal or is it still rising, & had any rain there yet? Goose!!!!
Well said David. But a little less on global cooling please. It will almost certainly happen and it will be much more serious when it does than global warming. But I think the evidence that serious cooling is underway is weak. Enough to refute the theory that catastrophic warming is occurring but not yet a case for catastrophic cooling.
What a shame your mother was not aware of methods of “birth control”…..
A terrific article from Bolt !
Why do warmists run from debate?
home pc – work pc = different gravitars I guess. There is no City of Vincent PC.
p.s. guys one reason that models do not incorporate solar cycles is because they are cycles of an unpredictable length, but generally predictable magnitude… therefore in say 50 years we have no way of knowing what point of solar cycle we will be in therefore rightly any given “future year” scenario would only be +/- solar cycle influence.
A slightly cooler solar low over the next x years has no influence on the global temp in 50 years.
Also: Damian and Raven… cut from the same cloth… what strange comments to make about my mother.
Bulldust @ 18:
I’ve been paying attention to MattB. His posting routine is:
1. Get up in the morning and write a post
2. Go to work post on blogs in the first hour, reply to responses of morning post*
3. Post comment during lunch which he usually has at his desk
4. Last hour of work make post*
5. Go home respond to replies of afternoon work post
6. Make posts before going to bed
* only posts when the topic is interesting and a followup discussion is desired
Obviously, these don’t happen everyday or with any regularity but, these are the windows for blog postings and match the changing gravitar. MattB is a real person and not a troll. He just thinks he’s smarter than he is.
To all the new posters, there are trolls on this blog, but their trolling is fairly subtle and I’ve found don’t realise they are being trolled.
Btw, did anyone hear that sound? That’s right. It’s the sound of me putting up my prices by 10% to offset the damage to my standard off living imposed for no reason whatsoever by a fascist, greedy government. I seem to spend my entire existence trying to keep my prices as low as possible but government insists, year after year, on forcing my hand. My message to all those insulated by their government jobs, this is how real world economics works. I don’t want to raise prices, really. But, it’s that or close shop and get back into the lucrative world of big business contracting with the suit and tie and all the politiking BS that goes along with having incompetent co-workers,
Weird because mine never changes and I post from several different IP addresses. In fact I reset my router again a couple days ago at home because the router gets tired from time to time after a month or two online. I get new IPs any time I do this with iiNet, so I don’t buy the new IP, new gravitar argument. Call me a sceptic I guess…
PS> It is possible that MattB is the same person logging in with two different email addresses of course… that would be one explanation, or two different people preteneding to be MattB. Maybe there is no real MattB… all MattB’s are fake :p
@Athena comment 15.
St Thomas University is really nothing more than a CAE/polytechnic. JP Abraham’s scientific publication record is rather unimpressive – a handful of papers each year (mostly in obscure low impact journals). http://courseweb.stthomas.edu/jpabraham/
I do use my home email address from home… maybe that is it. Also it is possible one is MattB the other Mattb or Matt B If I’ve had PC issues and reinstalled I forget which one to use on what blog sometimes? I don’t believe two independent people could both sound like me (yes left myself wide open there). You’ll figure it out.
Just an addition to Raven and Damian, it is funny you mention my mother, as she knows David Archibald. But not 38 years ago so there is no Darth Vader moment coming up for this Luke Skywalker. Anyway if he takes offence he can mention it to mum.
Heres another one for the Green wakkos!
From Greenie watch its great. Obvious but missed by many green supporters i bet mainly because theyre tech ignorant!
“Joseph Moser at The Daily Caller highlights the one of the bigest condundrums for environmentatlists. The technology they’re counting on to rid us of our on foreign oil requires a lot of copper – a veritable crapload of the stuff.”
Yes wind turbines , electric cars, all use A Crapload of it, Cu, yes lets stop mining that too! mmm 19th century coming to a place near you soon..
“In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of betrayal of one’s sovereign or nation”
The carbon tax is treason.
Some of the listed companies are quite surprising, given that they have been getting some high quality geopolitical and market analysis over the last few years. Perhaps they are not quite as committed as the Prime Minister believes? Perhaps they are just seeing how far she is willing to go? Perhaps they have a Plan B that will pull the rug out from under. Perhaps pulling the rug is their Plan A, and they are actually showing the Prime Minister their more compliant and subservient Plan B. Perhaps they have a plan C that none of us can fathom …?
None of this is what it seems.
When many on our side were cringing over the Adolf Hitler remarks I had the inkling that it might work out OK. And so it seems – the other mob are outing themselves quite well at present. The publicity is working.
Better than winning lotto
Add Brooksie
Rereke I agree. Same as Tony Windsor when he sold Cintra for 3 plus million then leased it back from a Chinese coal mining company, he was told he was betraying the Liverpool Plains who he was batting for to stop coal mining there. He said
in defense ‘He had nothing against coal?” Now he buys up
three properties in Coonamble, known for high agricultural production but has gas mining licenses for exploitation earmarked around the area. He says ‘I don’t know if my properties are involved?’ Then votes to tax LPG gas? Then announces his ‘Save the farm’ private bill about foreign companies buying up farming land. Ehh – anyone smell some twisted logic here too.
Just back to Tony Windsor. I bought a hundred acres back in 1983 that had an oil and coal exploitation license attached. It explained that this only gave the company permission to geologically survey the land in question. They had to leave
the land as they found it. However, the land in question was beneath two twin old volcanic tuffs, and in the rain erosion
trenches caused from rain running of their peaks, one could see
brown coal near the surface. But I can’t imagine if you bought
any property nowadays one wouldn’t now if an mineral or mining
exploration licenses were not already established. Even if not
you can’t stop them issuing one on your land.
I refer to the statement: “Global warming is a litmus test for our politicians. If they believe in global warming, they are easily deluded fools.”
Sadly, both sides of politics are now drinking from the same trough by believing that humankind is now driving global warming and that we need to reduce our Co2 emissions. The Coalition is simply different in that it says “… but not by a carbon tax”. It’s a bloody shame!
When Abbott originally implied that the climate science was crap, he was so right… yet it is clear that he really did not know why he was so right. And he has since reversed his view on catastrophic man-made global warming. He believes in it! He has publicly acknowledged that.
What Abbott did not appreciate at the time is that the IPCC had created a a hoax, by selecting the science that supported the global warming mantra while ignoring the wealth of science that did not. Consequently, the so called “gold standard in climate science” i.e. the IPCC AR4, in fact, was simply a biased one sided report advocating catastrophic man-made global warming… not a balanced and objective report. Furthermore, the IPCC placed too much emphasis on flawed climate computer model-based predictions, which do not represent science… just ‘garbage in garbage out’ worthless scenarios and predictions.
In effect, the IPCC AR4 was, and still is, crap! Abbott was right when he said the climate science was crap. But as he has dug himself into a hole, the global warming mantra is sadly here to stay, and dare I say that the carbon tax looks like it is going to be a reality because the incompetent Gillard government is now in a position to make it law, thanks to her Green buddies in the Senate.
Sadly, Australians are to blame for the following reasons;
1. Having a deficient preferential voting system, found only in Australia, Papua New Guines and Fiji that manipulates election outcomes.
2. Tolerating the undemocratic way in which two independents could act contrary to the wishes of their electorates.
3. Trusting an incompetent Labor, which has now lost its way twice.
And to think that Labor wanted everyone to believe that the sky was falling in over Work Choices? Well, look what’s now happening to our Australia! It’s a bloody shame – worse than Work Choices… and happening so soon after the “economic purple patch” of the Howard era!
Dave there is a MattR on Andrew Bolts blog, who writes in the
same fashion, maybe his other nom de plume. Maybe MattB is a paid lobbyist for GETUP who just wanted to stop Monckton from
talking – alternative venue arranged by the way.
MattB at #26
Matt – the solar cycle that ended in 2009 was just shy of 13 years long (NASA like to say it ended in 2008, but I can eyeball a curve as well as the next guy, and I don’t take money from governments). That says a 1.5 C cooling over the next decade in the Northern Hemisphere. Can’t fake solar cycle lengths, stand out like dog balls, though error bars are probably around +/- 0.5 of a year.
Now that you can’t predict how long a solar cycle will be does not mean you should ignore it in your GCM’s. If I did that sort of thing in my process model work I wouldn’t get paid. The climate sensitivity of solar cycle length (ie proxy for the magnetic cycle) is something like seven times the sensitivity of CO2 in the last century (OK, I’m comparing apples with cheeses here but the effect is much more powerful than pCO2).
As soon as you include the solar magnetic sensitivity in your GCM, because like any model you are fitting to the global temperature record, you statistically reassign the variance to solar magnetism and away from pCO2. Remember both pCO2 and solar magnetism increased over the 20th century – if you ignore the solar magnetic effect you over-egg the derived pCO2 climate sensitivity value because you’re smooging your algorithm to fit the temperature record. I see this all the time in the models I do if I miss a variable or underestimate it. That is unfortunately the problem with least squares statistical analysis – it only works properly if you have all the significant variables. Leave one out and you get odd results as the missing variance gets scattered over all the other variables.
That is why the direct measurements of CO2 sensitivity by the likes of Lindzen and Spencer are much more likely to be right – empirical measurement measures what is happening, GCM’s measure what we think is happening. Which is not always correct. Their measurements of short term CO2 sensitivity on applied forcing cluster around 0.5-0.7 C for a doubling. That fits with what I see also when using the long term relationship of pSCL and temperature – the variance left over fits neatly with a sensitivity of about 0.7 C or a bit less.
This is all science. I don’t really expect you to do any. Nor do I expect government sponsored climate scientists to poke holes in the bottom of their own feed troughs. The data is available, all you need to do is look at it. I do have a bit of advantage though since I do modelling and stats as part of my work.
Ying Yang
The following couple of snippets are from ‘Climate Spectator’.
You would have thought that they would at least have read their own propaganda before contradicting it.
“In the UK, Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Huhne said the UK economy had already cut its emissions by 28 per cent since 1990, while growing the economy by 48 per cent.”
The UK Goverment’s ‘Committee on Climate Change’ (CCC) said, In its latest report to Parliament, that UK greenhouse gas emissions rose by around 3 percent last year, mainly due to a COLD winter.
So, It looks like in the UK, the COLDER it gets, the greater the CO2-e emissions, and the WARMER it gets, the lower the CO2-e emissions, a bit of a Ying Yang effect.
They had better pray for ‘Global Warming’ so that they can meet their loony emissions reduction targets.
Hi Bruce @42
Nice post . I have always been fascinated by the volcanic forces at play on earth and there effect on climate change, is there any reliable method of modeling the emissions put out by a certain volcano ? or would measurements be more generalized to encompass volcanic activity globally ?or do you have to get up close and personal for individual measurements ? My experience is from reading trace evidence in fossil layers , which show some very interesting facts on the scale and timeline of some of our largest eruptions alas this is hind site at work .anyone else please .
Well written David.
The possible outcomes continue to fascinate me.
A) I think energy shortages (and subsequent high cost) are a given. Let us hope things are not cooling!
B) Will the AGW scam collapse in a spectacular style? or just slowly drift away?
C) As David points out “science”, “scientist” and “expert” are now mistrusted by the general public.
D) Will the warmists become social pariahs when the wheel turns?
If we get David’s cooling on top of energy shortages, social and political upheaval are the most likely short term outcomes.
Gillard claims her carbon DIOXIDE (PLANT FOOD) tax isn’t a tax…. WHAT A LIER !!
MattB says How was David’s May 2009 prediction?
Yes he was out by a whole month. Whaf % is that of geological time.
The Warmists are like Camping. The predictions have been made, and the dire consequences detailed. But as each year passes and the predictions fail to materialize, the public grows more unbelieving. So what are they to do? They lash out in anger and vitriol and try to muzzle the skeptics. If they control all information, then they can say that up is down and down is up! And no one can question them.
But the Internet Genie is out of the bottle. What was possible 30 years ago, is not possible today. And that is the Achilles heel of their plan. They thought they could control the information and thus ram through their Utopian ideals. But Technology sabotaged them, ironically by the piece of technology that the Emperor of Global Warming, Al Gore, “created”.
Do not think just because they are being shown the fools that they will go quietly into the night. They are going to get nastier, and deadlier as they attempt to maintain their hold on their failing power. The are a cornered animal right now. Soon they will be a wounded one, and the latter is always more vicious.
Here’s our litmus test , the deluded Brown Queen believes he represents A wide view and gives a hint of what’s in store for us ARE YOU LISTENING GG !, dissolve this Government . Get rid of this traitor to our country !
The only good thing this treasonous bastard is doing, is making the Red queen and her jesters look as bad as him , guilt by association etc , the faceless men of the ALP must be filling their undies in anticipation of the next election , no one is going to forget this pack of traitors for a long , long , long time . Will Abbott have the guts to take brown on in an open debate ? Or will there be limits ?
Whatever is the “thing” with MattB it can’t be as simple as the IP address. I keep my same gravatar when I post from different computers with quite different IP addresses, in fact, different ISPs.
There’s nothing more in a picture than there is in a name — just a handle to get a hold of someone by. So I wouldn’t worry about it.
In Norway back in the 50’s the Norwegian labour party had pretty much full control over the country.
Food and other commodities where mostly rationed. And in that time when the people of Norway in some degree “stayed alive based on the food stamps etc from the labour government” Labour won all elections with a majority.
Later came liberalisation and since the 60’s they have slowly fallen to 30%.
Gro Harlem Bruntland(Labour) joined forces with the international radical greens(greenpeace, WWF etc etc) in the 80’s and helped them get a foothold in the UN system with the establishment of the UNEP.
Later came the UNFCCC and the Agenda21.
An Agenda 21 society means
Minimum area use for urban areas, housing etc
Minimum of consumption, only what you need to survive
Mostly collective solutions, individual transport etc is no longer possible
Mostly like what USSR was in the good old days?
And yes Greenpeace, WWF etc was radicalized by excommunists and expeaceactivist after the wall fell down!
It is not about saving the planet or the climate.
It’s actually mostly about saving socialism and communism.
Raven @44
I would like to find some research on volcanoes and CO2 also. Seems currently we only monitor a few only at the crater. I understand that a great deal of CO2 leaches from ground around the volcanoes. So I figure there’s a lot which is not monitored. Maybe Jo knows of some references?
PhilJordan @48
Internet information spread. Yes and that’s why the US has net neutrality and we have NBNCo
Watch our for censorship as more regulation is installed. The other strategy which is employed to try and control the information flow is to hire people to change info supply. Just like Google (Al Gores mates) employing 21 scientists (sic) to improve (sic) the search results on climate change.
Raven at #44
Raven – Sorry I’m not well up on that, although if you look at various papers you’ll see there is an official volcano sensitivity dataset though I haven’t ever hunted up the data itself. See slide 13 of this presentation (page 14 of the PDF). The effect of volcanoes is much bigger than that of TSI, which is in the graph just above.
One interesting event that happened in the last few weeks is the eruption of the Nabro volcano in Eritrea. Though not a high latitude one, it has been shoving out shed-loads of SO2, which has a significant cooling effect. You can see this from the satellite data – no one has gotten near the volcano, which is in about the worst place in the world – a 50 C burning desert warred over by armies and infested by bandits and kidnappers. I don’t know what the climate sensitivity of SO2 or H2SO4 aerosols is, but given the hit that Pinatubo had on the global temperature it must be pretty chunky.
There is a lot of interesting info hear on volcanoes and their effects on climate:-
Terrorists are being brought to justice in criminal courts these days…
Al Gore and the global warming alarmists such as left wing politicians, pseudo scientists, journalists, the Hollywood idiots, have been inflicting psychological terrorism upon a whole generation of children all over the world for the last 20 years.
These charlatans should be brought to justice as the perpetrators of the biggest scam in the history of this planet.
The social,financial and psychological damages that they caused are beyond comprehension.
No criminal organization in history has ever come even close to having such a dezastruous impact on so many people, for such a long time, and make so much money in the process.
They should not be permitted to get away with it.Hundred of billions have been wasted on a fraud, social and economical policies have been altered based on a fraud….the moral authors of this fraud should be in jail for the rest of their lives and their fortune seized.
Anthropogenic global warming is a total fraud, an international effort of power and money grabbing based on the marxist concept of “wealth redistribution”.
On April 28 1975 Time magazine had on its front cover the title THE BIG FREEZE!!, with an article, signed by climate scientists, concluding that the Earth is cooling to the point it will all be covered in ice and all living creatures will die.
The “scientists” even came up with a solution: collect all the ashes and residues generated by coal-burning power plants and spreat it over the North Pole, to capture the heat generated by the sun….
This could only have come from sick, perverted minds, but at the time it was viewed as a real option.
After a few years, when it obviously turned out that such a theory was nonsense, the so called climate scientists, in their quest for government grants, have invented a new fantasy, that of global warming……the world is warming due to us, human beings and we are all going to die unless we give up all of our liberties to one big world government which is going to regulate every single aspect of our lives, how many times to flush our toilets, what kind of cars to drive, where, for what reason and how far, how many children to have , what kind of food to eat, etc.
In 1992 Al Gore said that “the time for a debate is over, the science is settled”…..
This obviously is a lie for the time for a debate is never over and the science is far from being settled.
Science does not work as a democracy , meaning that in science, the majority does not rule as it does in a democracy.
If 1000 scientists have a debate and 999 of them agree on the subject, but only one of them disagrees, it may very well turn out , as it has so many times in history, that the lone scientist is the only one that is right.
After 20 years of advancing a false theory based on fraudulent data, the “scientists” noticed that the planet is not warming, so they changed the name of their theory yet again from global warming to “Climate Change”, just in case, to have all possibilities covered.
Soon the whole thing will be unequivocally exposed for a premeditated fraud.
People who perpetrated this scam, will then be held responsible for the enormous psychological, social and financial damage that their actions have caused.
There must be parents out there whose children have suffered mental trauma because of this great scam.
All these parents should get together and get a pit bull of a lawyer to file a class action law suit in a civil court and take the global warming crooks to the cleaners.
Thanks everyone , I’ll investigate a bit harder , Im really interested in the current amount of activity in the pacific , from what I have been able to search it would seem at present there is more activity than usual in the ring of fire and globally .
Not being polluted with CAGW scientists certainly leaves very little new research in this area ( sigh ) let’s just hope we don’t have another Krakatoa or Tambora , now that would be an inconvenience to the CAGW religion !
“…the world has entered a sharp cooling phase. Growing conditions will shrink three hundred kilometres towards the equator by the end of the decade. The Canadian wheat crop will be wiped out..”
What a load of rubbish, last years was one of the warmest years on record, the last decade was the warmest directly recorded and you claim Global cooling is happening, what planet are you on?
This insanity is far more widespread than just the AGW meme. Here in Western Australia we have abundant cheap energy in enormous coal and gas reserves sufficient to run the state forever, an enormous sparsely populated land mass, and practically all the water we could ever need, and a landscape littered with valuable resources. Yet we have land shortages (look at housing prices), water shortages (we are still on restrictions that were originally temporary decades ago), and energy prices are exploding. Why? What the hell happened here? We should be one of the richest states in the world.
Because the insidious anti-human “green” philosophy has infected every level and political persuasion of government to the point that even conservative governments dare not contradict their public service Rasputins. I doubt they or their political masters will now ever be capable of recognising the absurdity of their policies.
Why are we short of water? Well the Water Authorities haven’t built a new water supply dam for Perth in 30 years. In that time the population of Perth has nearly doubled. We are not short of water anywhere in WA. What we are short of is water capture, storage and supply infrastructure. We are short of water because the government and water authorities stopped doing their job for 30 years and instead decided to ration water.
Why are we short of land? Because the government at the urging of public servants have decided to ration land for the last 20 years in order to increase density because it is more “efficient.” For this read “we don’t have to invest in actual transport and infrastructure.” Remember the Stalinist style “urban in-fill policies. This now the orthodoxy. This is not just in Perth. Take a look at the modern cheek by jowl housing forced upon people even in Karratha (a place surrounded by endless plains of nothing.) We are short of land because the government has chosen to ration it. No other reason.
I could go on but you get the picture. The AGW meme is simply another tool they hoped to use to frustrate the modest aspirations the average Australian, whom they don’t understand and frankly don’t like. A premier who announces no one needs air conditioning because you can just open a window, then drives home to his beach side cottage in Cottesloe. Seriously why aren’t people pointing and laughing at him in the street?
Got to see David Archibald speak in Canberra twice now.
Found a YouTube vid of the Him at the Carbon Tax Rally March 2011.
I am convinced he is correct and cooling is coming on fast!
Darwin – Coldest June ever
The AGW fraud is also a litmus test for right-wing politicians in these United States.
Notorious RINO Mitt Romney (beloved of the “Liberal” fascist mainstream media) has exposed himself as a True Believer in the man-made climate change duplicity, trying to secure some sort of “centrist” appeal among ‘viro voters (most of whom are too brain-dead ever to be wooed away from our Mombasa-born Fraudulence-in-Chief anyway), and has thereby gotten radio commentator Rush Limbaugh to condemn Romney’s presidential campaign as Dead Right There (D.R.T.).
New Jersey governor Chris Christie – who had been noised as a potential Republican Party candidate in 2012 – plussed himself by withdrawing the Garden State from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a ten-state cap-&-trade arrangement, and then minused himself badly by professing his religious belief in the preposterous bogosity of anthropogenic carbon dioxide temperature forcing as a real threat to the climate.
Ah, well. In the words of H.L. Mencken, “In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.“
James at #59
James – are you aware that there is a forecast of snow in parts of Canada this week…in summer?
We all understand that 2010 was quite warm. It had a big El Nino for the first part of the year. You may also be able to read the temperature record, which has been slowly declining for the last decade. This is not consistent with the high sensitivity hypothesis for CO2. It is consistent with the low sensitivity hypothesis, where solar magnetism is a major driver of global temperature. If you accept that the data supports the latter hypothesis, which it does, then you can move forward one pace and ask ‘what does this imply for the next decade?’
Answer: cooling, lots of cooling. Its the Sun, my friend, that you might want to look at, just a little.
@Raven at #59
Can you let me know what you find out? I’m curious as well, as I read somewhere (but I can’t find the link again) that someone is investigating the link between solar activity and tectonic/volcanic activity (with the view that reduced magnetic fields from sol=greater tectonic/volcanic activity)
“James” ,
You must be a lumberjack..
Pillock !
New York is being sued for its Carbon Tax, its illegal and unconstitutional.
The Broncos Football Club has no respect for free speech or the future of Australians !!
The despicable Traitors cancelled Monckton scheduled appearence there !!
If people have just a spare minute, consider making a phone call to :
a) the Broncos Leagues Club Venue Feedback Ph: (07) 3858 9003
b) ask for the General Manager Geoff Kuehner Ph: (07) 3858 9000
c) board member Jim (James) Petersen 0407 739 677 [email protected]
And, you can also send an e-mail to [email protected] to let them know that the GetUp! paid extremists do not represent Australia!
But we should not stop there. Call talkback radio, write a letter to the editor – help us do something to show that this stifling of free speech can not be tolerated.
All our families are already struggling with the costs of living… just think how much worse it will be under this unnecessary, destructive tax.
We’re going to win this fight – the science and truth is on our side – but it’s going to be a long battle before finally win. And if we allow GetUp! to get away with being able to censor people for speaking their mind… it will make things a lot harder.
The Bronchos said they cancelled because they received a few phone calls from fans (ie GetUp! stooges) opposed to free speech. Well, let us all call them now and make them know what a mistake they have made!
Kevin Moore,
The page on vulcanism from your link has vanished.
Is it the work of those scientists at google “improving” links ?
Keep doing your thing, Jo. The people are listening so don’t concern yourself with the hardcore sheeple.
Great article. I wish you could come here to America and educate the left-wing nuts.
Thank you.
At 5:42 PM on 1 July, bananabender had written:
Not being familiar with Commonwealth-speak (what the hell does “CAE” mean, anyway?), I still have to observe that “polytechnic” is precisely what the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) is emphatically not, and has never been.
It’s an old Roman Catholic all-male liberal arts college that went co-ed in the 1970s.
Insofar as I can tell, what are dismissed as “polytechnic” schools in the Brit-speak universe have their equivalents in these United States as very highly respected technical institutes like MIT, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Stevens Institute of Technology, CalTech, and Drexel University.
Liberal arts colleges like St. Thomas had been founded for purposes entirely different from “polytechnic” schools, and though many of them have grown into “university” status with fair-to-middlin’ programs in the hard sciences, they’re not on the level of schools like Stevens or RPI, much less CalTech.
That understanding aside, condemning J.P. Abraham on no basis other than his publication record and the school at which he teaches is nothing more or less than the same argumentum ad hominem crap we keep getting from los warmistas, playing “dueling CV” games in order to evade addressing the points of argument in the debate.
Mr. Monckton, it should be noted, did not try to counter Dr. Abraham by snerking at the university of St. Thomas but by reviewing the substance of Dr. Abraham’s attack and refuting it.
Mr. Monckton took Dr. Abraham seriously, and responded responsibly, in detail and with telling effect.
Those of us participating even in online fora like this one should hew to the same line. Let the fallacies of logic be perpetrated by the AGW True Believers.
After all, it’s their stock in trade.
You Aussies are much too hard on yourselves. Currently you are ranked as one of the seven “Free” countries of the world.
The USA, thanks to our rapid progress towards European Socialism is now ranked “Mostly Free”.
Whatever it is that you are doing, do more of it for the good of humanity!
Slurred by a coral whisperer………
Gbees : @ 52
Did you see how the latest volcanic data That has been hashed together by the cult ? , apparently more learned people than myself have asked the rather pointed question , as to why undersea volcanoes were left out of the study ….this too I am wondering …maybe it’s like sticking your head in the sand , if you can’t see me I can’t see you “..good grief ..
I’ll try and find the link
[…] David Archibald’s Speech: Global warming is a litmus test for our politicians David Archibald […]