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Kyoto II is dead. EU bails out (as Australia tries to “save Earth”)

The End Game of the Great Global Warming Myth draws closer

With impeccable timing the Australian Government is snatching defeat from the jaws of what could have been a glorious victory. Just as Goreactivists and then Hansen admit they lost, the infighting among the big scare campaign begins, the EU pulls the pin on Kyoto, and UK news outlets are asking if a Little Ice Age is on the way…

No one in officialdom is admitting the science has changed, or that they got it wrong, but the world is behaving as though it no longer believes.

What are the odds? Today the Australian Government is voting on the “Clean Energy Bill” (which will henceforth be known as the “Costly Energy Bill”) and at the same time the EU is saying: Enough! The big boys have to play or we are out. Which means the impossible trio of USA, China and India need to sign up to Kyoto II.

They might as well have said: “It’s all over for us. Kyoto II is dead”.

EU sets conditions for signing up to Kyoto II

LUXEMBOURG – European Union environment ministers — responsible for only 11 percent of global carbon emissions — said they would commit to a new phase of the Kyoto climate change pact, on the condition that nations blamed for the rest join up too.

“What’s the point of keeping something alive if you’re alone there? There must be more from the 89 percent,” EU Environment Commissioner Connie Hedegaard told Reuters.

The European Union stated the need for a road map that would indicate when the biggest emitters — led by the United States, China and India — would sign up. The milestones on the way, however, were imprecise.

A first commitment phase of the Kyoto Protocol — the only global, legally-binding contract on tackling climate change — ends at the end of next year and analysts say time has run out to get a new world-wide deal in place before then.

[Source: Reuters]

Five years late to the Party, and yet paying for everyone…

The new Australian legislation will cost Australians $390 pa compared to the EU’s per capita contribution of $1.50 each (over five years!). And Australia is cementing in the laws property right clauses like no other land on Earth.


Everyone knows that solo action won’t help the environment (and now everyone knows that everyone knows it too):

It is in agreement with environmentalists and analysts that unless everyone joins in, it cannot solve global warming.

“If we do that (agree to a second commitment period) without any conditions attached, some would say we have saved Durban, but Durban would not result in one less tonne of carbon dioxide,” Hedegaard told reporters.

[Source: Reuters]

Tom Nelson gets the message in Australia:  The Australian CO2 swindle: It’ll be painful, and involve heavy lifting; it’ll also allegedly be painless, and will allegedly result in most households being overcompensated…

 Meanwhile the news in the UK is warning that a Little Ice Age might be coming

The timing! It’s like the Gore Effect has gone Global (or could it be the Gillard effect?)

(thanks to Global Warming Policy Foundation, and WUWT)

BRITAIN is set to suffer a mini ice age that could last for decades and bring with it a series of bitterly cold winters. And it could all begin within weeks as experts said last night that the mercury may soon plunge below the record -20C endured last year. Latest evidence shows La Nina, linked to extreme winter weather in America and with a knock-on effect on Britain, is in force and will gradually strengthen as the year ends. It coincides with research from the Met Office indicating the nation could be facing a repeat of the “little ice age” that gripped the country 300 years ago, causing decades of harsh winters. –Laura Caroe, Daily Express, 10 October 2011

Some scientists predict that the Sun is heading for a long slump in solar activity known as a Grand Solar Minimum. If this happens, it is possible that Britain could return to conditions similar to those 350 years ago when sunspots vanished during “the Little Ice Age”, when ice fairs were often held on the frozen Thames in London. –Paul Simons, The Times, 10 October 2011

Follow the money…

And for those that keep pretending that the skeptics have the money, note this paragraph in a related story on European Voice on fast track financing for developing countries. Imagine what kind of influence you could hold over poor countries with a pot of gold like this one? Too bad it isn’t being used to help the people or the environment.

The EU has agreed to provide €7.2 billion in fast-track financing in 2010-12, out of a total of $30bn (€22.7bn) from developed countries. The EU and national governments provided €2.34bn in 2010. The EU has also committed itself to contributing to the $100bn (€75bn) in financing that developed countries will give to developing countries from 2020.

Ahead of its time

Can I just say, this beautiful banner was from December 2007 at the UNFCCC.

That is Monckton, Balle, Nova, McShane, Evans, Gray, and Leyland. Click for the flashback to see more photos.

It’s taken nearly 4 years…. 😉

Bali UNFCCC, The Kyoto II is not needed banner
H/t Stefan in Switzerland, and Climate Depot

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