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The Climate Scare (and our Govt) is so ripe for mocking, a cartooning giant comes out of retirement

Pickering has it in a picture 🙂

Let’s applaud the brilliant Larry Pickering.

It says a lot about the state of our nation, that after retiring 30 years ago, the esteemed cartoonist felt the inescapable urge to come back now.

The Australian government and the Big Climate Scare are both achieving once-in-a-generation status. They are both ideas so preposterously absurd, they are Fertilizer for Funnies.

Pickering cartoon

When a government is so bad, that it brings long retired cartoonists out of retirement, you know this era is the end-game stage of a historic low.

Cartoons like this are exactly why the Big Scare Campaign is scared to death of free speech.

Pickering uses comedic exaggeration to the full, but people don’t need to take this literally. It cuts through.  This captures a dangerous idea. What if the government was milking the scientific system? Imagine if they treated some scientists different (what, you mean like calling them names?).

Gillard may control the Army but we skeptics have the best cartoonists. It’s no match. The Tax is temporary.



“On Pickering’s return” (Aug 28 2011):

THE distinctive signature has not changed, nor the wit. More than 30 years after retiring from political cartooning, Larry Pickering has picked up his tools again, inspired by the lunacy of Australian politics.

”I’ve got itchy fingers,” he says.

”I thought nothing could be more absurd than Canberra in the ’70s, then I wake up and here it is. It’s such fertile material, it’s hard to stay away from it.”  [Source Sydney Morning Herald]

H/t to Cohenite, Ian B, GrazingGoat and  Andrew Bolt.

Thanks of course, to Larry Pickering, who gave permission (and do see more of his cartoons at his own site). 🙂

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