- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

Welcome to a “Hung” Democracy

And so it came to pass that a small band of the selfish or deluded came to steal the blood, sweat and toil of the many.

They lied, broke solemn promises, failed to provide evidence, and displayed a singular lack of good-manners. They viciously insulted anyone who disagreed, they hid the models the public were forced to pay for, they gave patrons highly paid jobs to advertize their scheme.

They speak arrant nonsense as if it is the bleeding obvious: telling us that we will grow rich if we use energy that costs more; that coal miners are to blame for heavy rain; that more taxes will bring investors; that we’ll lose jobs if we don’t pay more than we need to for energy; or that 6.98 billion people will follow the 0.02 billion who lead us on the path to the Land of Stupid. They made prophesies that failed time after time, yet speak on, as if  only they have the vision to guide us.

The polls show the public would not have elected people who wanted to bring in a Carbon Tax. Yet it is law.

The narcissistic self-anointed activists have overreached, and it will be their undoing.

The narcissistic self-anointed activists have overreached, and it will be their undoing.

“We’re copying the EU” except the EU took $1.50 per capita over 5 years, and we’re taking 250 times as much.

The selfish include the parasitic members of the species homo-sapiens — they who produce little of value, but demand the rest provide them with food, housing and rewards. These demands are enacted through the government, under the guise of “helping” to prevent a non-existent threat.

The deluded include many people of good will, who are too busy (working to support the parasitic class) to  check that their news sources, schools, and government officials are giving them both sides of the story, or that their search engines are behaving fairly (who would know?).

People can simultaneously belong to both groups. Some of the parasitic class, deceive themselves that they are helping. They take no responsibility for the children who drowned in floods they said would never come. They will never know, nor apologize to those who die prematurely of diseases that could have been cured. They think not of all the invisible jobs that were gone before they were offered, or the factories that moved overseas.

Australians, Bob Brown just knocked on your door and demanded your house pay somewhere from $390  up to $1,000 per person each year (depending on your model)  from July 1, 2012, for ever. For this money, you will receive in return a change in the climate too small to measure. If you don’t pay, you will be incarcerated.

You no longer have the opportunity to spend that $1,600 – $4,000 per household each year on things that are more important to you. Money that could have been used to teach our children, or cure diseases, or give clean water to the poor will now be used to employ people to audit, market, and manage schemes that enrich bankers and traders and feed the mafiosi.

If that makes you angry, there is plenty you can do. We don’t have to accept this, but it will take work. All around the world the vacuity and self serving nature of this false alarm is spreading by word of mouth. Photos of thermometers in car-parks, and cartoons or charts of rivers of money, are spreading from intray to intray. The flow of believers becoming skeptics is one way and cumulative, and the tipping point is near when it will be open knowledge that the great CO2 scare amounts to nothing.

You too, can send a letter to the editor of every major newspaper.

Bob Brown wants you too: “Feel like your Government is not listening to your concerns?” he asks… “Then use our letter writing facility “. The Greens helpfully provide us with a page to write to the editors of all the national newspapers. I recommend you use it. Politely.

The financial day of reckoning (think Greece, think the Eurozone) will hasten the process of putting the climate scare in its place.

Labor will live to rue the day it fell for the most blatant of scams.

It will be marked for a generation as the gullible patsies of global financial houses.

Thank the Greens and Julia Gillard for waking up the citizens, for they could have kept growing their power through stealth and calculation, but instead they’ve bet double or nothing on one card which turned out to be The Joker. They are one cutting documentary, or one scathing feature film away from going down in history as the sock-puppets of banksters who thought they could change the weather.

Who is cheering today as the legislation goes through? Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays,….  The Greens are unwittingly acting as agents for large financial institutions who want monster profits from a trading scheme of paper credits in an atmospheric nullity.

(Yes, I too, was once a Green who believed in man-made global warming .)

Last year, $142 billion turned over in global carbon trading markets, and …the climate kept changing.


The Nation can never be compensated.

Send a  letter to National Editors and vote in the SMH poll.

But yes, there is hope. Abbott has vowed to repeal it, and most of the rest of the world is abandoning it.

The IPA and Ian Plimer are calling for donations. http://donate.ipa.org.au/

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