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Hot new search tool for Climategate – I and II combined

Behind the scenes, I’ve been playing with a new neat tool for hunting hypocrisy, corruption, bias and unprofessional behaviour and I’m pleased to announce its ready to share with the world. The kudos for this all belongs to, as usual, a skilled volunteer. Thanks to EcoGuy for turning his rapid-fire coding ability onto this.

On the  EcoWho site he has helpfully placed all of Climategate I and II together into a combined searchable database. It’s fast, easy to scan, it copes with tricky search requests and provides a link to the full email from the results page of the search.


Welcome to the ClimateGate FOIA Grepper !!!


Ecowho FOIA Grepper

  Click on the image or the link above.

Happy Hunting!




UPDATE: EcoGuy tells me that searches are coming in a stream about  one-every-5-seconds. Do tell us what you find!


UPDATE: Ecoguy adds: you can put ‘.*’ between words you are looking for to find them apart but in the same order (i.e. paper.*fraud) – you can do what is called basic Regex matching, so if you know Regex you can really go to town. Putting a space at the beginning and end will just match the word enclosed only.


UPDATE: Ecoguy has just added in the ability to turn on matching by case or to restrict to just matching whole words – should make it easier to find exactly what you are looking for.


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