- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

One day to go before Australia wins Global Hair Shirt

Australia will — bar asteroid impact — get its Carbon Tax on Tuesday.

Otherwise, it’s business as usual in skeptic-world: Wild unheard-of snow started falling early in the US; there’s another story about masses of fossil fuel energy somewhere under Australia, another western nation makes it stark raving clear that it won’t be getting an ETS (Yay for Canada eh), while a different one pulls the pin on solar panel subsidies (Go Britain). The G20 leaders give Julia Gillard the deadly “you are so incredibly brave” speech, and said they aren’t going to follow.

“PM Julia Gillard told by G20: you’re on your own on carbon”

“It’s courageous and innovative and has obviously learned the lesson of every systen that is out there” said Daniel Schwanen (Senior fellow at the Canadian based G20 watchdog, the Centre for International Governance Innovation).

… as far as climate change was concerned “Europe has other fish to fry…”

“I think the leadership of Australia should be acknowledged but it’s not going to be a case of follow the leader,”

Dennis Shanahan reported that all through the G20, climate change is dropping lower down the order of importance.

Tell me again the point of this tax? The reason was obviously not to reduce world temperature by 0.00 C —  it was to “lead the world”, right? The rest of the world has been there, done that, and moved on.


See  StopGillardsCarbon Tax for more.

PS: Sorry about that apostrophe. (But hey, I noticed it myself 🙂 )

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