Nope, nothing that looks like a post, looks more like a web page. Was it supposed to be a Corinthian column type of post or your plain old wooden 4×4 type of post?
Over at is an interesting headline that caught my eye: “Student movements rise up in Quebec, Tunisia”.
That’s interesting, I thought. I have never heard of a place in Tunisia, called Quebec, so I went and had a look.
Well, you can imagine my disappointment when I looked at the article and discovered that there had been small protests in both Quebec, Canada, and also in Tunisia, at approximately the same time, but otherwise unrelated.
Whether you like the idea or not, words frame the way we communicate what we think. If you don’t have command of an appropriate language, you could have wonderful concepts, but be unable to share them.
Math, art, music and the formal use of languages, are the only ways that ideas can be shared. Math is very precise, but narrow in its application. Art and music convey ideas but only imprecisely. Language is the bridge that can encompass the other three, but these revolting students seem to be a bit lacking in that department.
Reading comprehension appears to be an issue as well. Many writers are as piss poor at their craft as they are because their reading skills are piss poor. One of my professors had a number of students ask him how they could improve their writing skills, so he asked the class one day what our suggestions for our classmates would be. I was the only one there who answered: read.
So it isn’t any surprise to me that we have writers insisting what they wrote means something that anyone that has developed their reading skills can see it does not. My favorite is when they do the “I didn’t say THAT” routine when it was implied by the context of what they did write.
Now, that being said, I can read this:
“but these revolting students seem to be a bit lacking in that department.”
To mean: “these students involved in the revolts…”
Or this: “these horrendous, revolting, disgusting students…” (extra adjectives added for clarification)
Personally both meanings seem appropriate in the context of your comment.
found this on Bishop Hill, and this is on behalf of the British Conservative Govt. screens “The Age of Stupid” – how appropriate:
14 Feb: British High Commission, Tanzania: UK and US host film screening on Climate Change
Recently, the British High Commission in Dar es Salaam held a “Climate Change Sunday” for young people including members of the Tanzania Youth Environment Network (TAYEN), Dar es Salaam School of Journalism, and the Tanzanian Civil Society Forum on Climate Change (ForumCC).
The event was held at the British Council and the British High Commission was happy to partner with the US Embassy…
In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Dossett noted that “the United States of America and Great Britain share a historical ‘special relationship.’ He said that “today we share a ‘special program’ with our Tanzanian friends to consider a topic that affects all nations without exception: global warming. We still have an opportunity to combat global warming, not just for ourselves, but for our children and future generations.”…
British High Commission Climate Change Officer Hannah Wood then introduced the film “Age of Stupid”, a British-made documentary film which examines climate change causes and potential future effects…
Here in Tanzania, climate change is already having a tangible effect on people’s lives eg. It is vital that we all work together to enhance climate resilience, and to ensure that Tanzania develops a cross-sectoral low carbon approach to growth. This could turn the threats posed by climate change into opportunities, open doors for Tanzania in terms of climate financing and sustainable development, and give the country a head start on leading the region into the future.
The enthusiasm of the young people in attending an event such as this and engaging in debate about their future is encouraging for us all.
20 Jan: FCO: UK in China: Climate change & energy section
The climate change & energy section of the British Consulate-General, Guangzhou, works to support a shift to a low carbon economy in southern China. We are part of Britain’s Climate Change & Energy Network in China, established in 2007 with teams at the British Embassy in Beijing and at the Consulates in Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong as well as Guangzhou…
Events and resources…
FCO: UK in Australia: Climate Change and the Low Carbon Economy
Climate change is one of the gravest threats to our security and prosperity…
The UK firmly believes that the best way to reduce emissions is by pricing carbon through the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), combined with other policies to reduce emissions from parts of the economy not covered by the ETS…
30 March: FCO: Lord Nicholas Stern’s visit to Ecuador
The author of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change participated in conferences in Galapagos and Quito…
On Friday 30 march Lord Stern participated in a breakfast workshop organised by the British – Ecuadorean Chamber of Commerce. The breakfast had presentations by Kevin Houston, CEO of the British firm Carbon Masters, and Lord Nicholas Stern…
The visit was organised by the British Embassy in Quito and the Ecuadorean Ministry of the Environment, with the support of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA), FUNDAR Galápagos, Conservation International (CI), World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), and the Charles Darwin Foundation.
Carbon Masters UK: Kevin Houston, Partner
After successful sales,marketing and consulting careers with Procter & Gamble, Price Waterhouse Coopers and IBM, which included international assignments in Turkey and Germany, Kevin took up the cause of climate change in 2006 . He returned to Edinburgh University in 2008 to do postgraduate studies in Carbon Management where he carried out research on ICT and climate change including primary research on the use of virtual world technologies to dematerialise business travel emissions.0n graduating he co founded Carbon Masters a carbon management company that works with businesses and communities to assist them to measure ,manage ,reduce and report their GHG emissions.Since January 2010 he has been advising the European Commission in Brussels as an independent expert,working with the ICT Industry to establish a common methodology for measuring the embedded energy and carbon in ICT goods networks and services.He currently represents the EC on the International Telecommunications Union ( ITU ) Study group 5 and contributes to this groups work on establishing new ICT standards based on IS0 14040 and 14044. He is also a member of the Steering group of a joint initiative between the Carbon Trust and GeSi ( Global e sustainability Initiative) which is developing ICT guidance to measure the carbon footprint of ICT goods networks and services based on the emerging WRI /WBSCD scope 3 standards.
Kevin is a native of London but now resides in Edinburgh . He has an honours degree in Chemistry from Liverpool University as well as a MSc in Carbon Management from the University of Edinburgh.
Som Narayan, Partner
Som has been working in the area of climate change for several years. Previously his main focus was in the policy review area, carrying out analysis on adaptation models for developing countries with Greenpeace-India. In the UK he worked on feasibility of low carbon technologies for energy sector and an Emissions Performance Standard (EPS) as a credible policy for coal power generating plants with Friends of the Earth and World Development Movement Scotland. As a part of his Masters in Carbon Management from University of Edinburgh his research was on the economic impacts of the UK Governments Carbon Reduction Commitment legislation. Som also holds an Environmental Engineering degree and Post Graduate diploma in Environmental law from National Law School of India University.
Robert Fisk of The Independent[1] and some other bloggers [2] suggest it is world bankers who promote globalization (United Nations) and post-modern, consensus science in exchange for loss of constitutional “Bill of Rights” [3].
They even suggest that current unrest in the Middle East, the great Arab/Muslim awakening, is in response to this new form of world tyranny.
Unrest is worldwide, but I doubt if the unholy alliance is limited to bankers [4].
On the Anita Heiss book “Am I Black Enough For You” Random House has still not closed. Hard to call it a debate ’cause not many “Stop Free Speech” proponents have raised their heads. Some lively and thoughtful comments though. Enjoy it while you can!!
I should have put this here and not on yesterdays thread.
Have sceptics noticed that the Govt has advertised for a new Director for the BoM ? Newspaper ad appears Easter Saturday ?
I have the press advert scanned – plus a summary of what is a fairly involved story – starting with the Review of BoM “capacity” commenced last July and slated to finish in Nov 2011. Note the review Terms of Ref beats up extreme events – and includes “..the Bureau’s capability to conduct seasonal forecasting..”.
so much yet to play out.
… the Govt has advertised for a new Director for the BoM
Now that is interesting.
“Great Events”, such as the Climate Scam, or the outing of a dictator require dedicated people on the ground. The word “dedicated” here has two meanings. (1) They have to be in their role full time – no days off; and (2) they have to really believe in what they are doing in order to be convincing. One leads to the other, and the two meanings of the word become mutually supportive.
But what if the “Great Event” starts to fizzle? What if the scam doesn’t work? Or perhaps the dictator gets wind of what is happening?
Those dedicated people can start to become a liability, for there is no way to turn them off. The only recourse the Government has is to move them out of the way, entirely.
When Governments seriously start to move away from climate alarmism as a strategy, we will see an exodus of “once-useful” people being replaced.
What makes this news interesting is a) why the current Director is leaving, and b) the attitudes of the new Director towards climate change.
… hiring someone who can make climate change happen
That would be Professor Dumbledore, I presume.
What I am waiting for is multiple replacements of the key people in the Government’s climate change scare machine. The Government won’t make any announcements, they will just move the current people out, and put in people who can let it wind down quietly. That is the way things are done. Move along quietly folks, nothing to see here … Five years down the track, it will all have been a great success.
9 April: ABC Rural: Meat processor slams carbon tax
A Queensland meat processor says its most efficient abattoirs will be hardest hit by the Federal Government’s carbon tax.
Teys Brothers says it’s hoping for government funding to help the company reduce carbon emissions.
Spokesman Geoff Teys says the cost of the carbon tax will have to be passed on to producers.
He says the largest plants in the Rockhampton and Brisbane regions will be greatly affected.
“Lakes Creek and Beenleigh are our two efficient plants with volume and it’s a hideous tax because it’s creating a cost to the most efficient plants,” he said…
7 April: Farmonline: Greens back northern abattoir
THE Australian Greens have backed calls from Australia’s largest cattle company for the Gillard government to provide transport infrastructure to support a proposed new Darwin abattoir, saying it will create new jobs, relieve animal cruelty and help end live exports.
Greens NSW Senator and animal welfare spokesperson Lee Rhiannon said – in reference to the media reports on the calls this week – the Gillard government should get behind a new Darwin abattoir proposed by the Australian Agricultural Company which is estimated to create 270 jobs…
9 April: eFinance: Rebecca Hampson: Traders hope the smoke clears over emissions
Traders hope new EU measures to reduce the oversupply of carbon credits in the European Union’s emissions system might inject some life into the foundering market…
To address this and prevent the price of carbon falling further, the Commission has proposed a “set-aside” system, which will reduce the number of credits available, increase competition among industrials and, it hopes, stimulate the market.
As the proposal goes to plenary vote at the European Parliament in June, it raises the issue of intervention by institutions, which has divided the market. Various member states are opposed to the system because it could increase costs for the power and heating sectors.
Sara Stahl, managing director at carbon exchange GreenX, said: “Critics say that letting institutions intervene will open up Pandora’s box and that letting governments intervene in the carbon price could have wider implications.”
However, analysts predict that the lower than expected verified emission numbers that were released on April 2 could increase support for the scheme. Stahl added: “The price has got so bad that this is an extreme case and there needs to be some stimulation to help the market pick up again.”
Chicago Mercantile Exchange buying out some of the rats deserting a sinking ship is how i interpret this:
3 April: Bloomberg: Matthew Carr: CME Buys GreenX Shares It Didn’t Already Own From Group
CME Group Inc. (CME) (CME) bought out its partners in GreenX Holdings LLC, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) (GS) and ICAP Plc (IAP), for an unspecified price.
GreenX Holdings, an emissions-trading bourse, boosted its volumes by 21 percent in the first quarter to 106.9 million metric tons, compared with the three months through December, according to e-mailed data. The total represents 5.9 percent of the volume of EU carbon allowances and United Nations credits handled by ICE Futures Europe in London, the biggest exchange in the greenhouse-gas market.
CME, the world’s largest futures exchange owner, bought 100 percent of GreenX as ICE has gained ground in the crude-oil market. Carbon has grown to become the second-biggest European energy market by open interest after crude, exchange data show…
After the deal with GreenX, carbon traders will be able to offset margins held across CME’s energy contracts, including coal, said Allan Schoenberg, a CME spokesman in London. Schoenberg said CME was previously GreenX’s biggest shareholder, declining to provide details…
On Feb. 21, CME and Oman Investment Fund said they will raise their respective stakes in the Dubai Mercantile Exchange to support expansion at the Middle East oil bourse.
GreenX was previously owned by a group of organizations also including Constellation Energy Group Inc. (CEG) (CEG), Credit Suisse Group Inc., Evolution Markets LLC, J.P. Ventures Energy Corp., Morgan Stanley (MS) (MS), RNK Capital LLC, Marex Spectron Group Ltd., TFS Energy LLC, Tudor Investment Corp. and Vitol SA, according to a statement distributed by PR Newswire.
3 April: Fox Business: Dow Jones: CME To Buy GreenX Holdings To Boost Carbon Derivatives Trade
CME, which operates the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade, said acquiring a 100% equity interest in the parent company of Green Exchange LLC would benefit customers by integrating the companies’ energy products and providing access to CME’s clearing and margin offsets…
The deal comes amid an ongoing push to trade derivatives on the price of carbon, as carbon is seen as a new class of tradable commodity…
The environmental movement is borderline insane, not one of their projections have came to pass, they are even worse at predicting the future than Paul Elrich. The insane homeless man on the corner of the street is far more accurate than these so called scientists. Lets get back to REAL science, like this…
A zombie Apocalypse is far more probable than CAWG.
Yes, I have noticed that the quality of the comments is not as good as as it was previously. You got some class comments on the old site. Better than this rubbish, anyway.
If I have learned anything…it is that the banking system is very inventive. No matter what happens, they come ahead with a greater profit which sucks more capital our of our pockets. The economies of our countries get poorer and poorer due to our governments backing this system totally with no regard to the future.
Politicians are created and backed by these guys to help change the laws and policies. Back room deals are not uncommon…especially when the politician leaves office and next becomes part of a company that lobbied his support or is hired as a “consultant” for the company.
I don’t see a very bright future to what is coming for our future in the system that we are in now.
Climate threats? …so what MUST read here..
Fukishima – major disaster in waiting:
The storage pool in the No. 4 reactor building has a total of 1,535 fuel rods, or 460 tons of nuclear fuel, in it. The 7-story building itself has suffered great damage, with the storage pool barely intact on the building’s third and fourth floors. The roof has been blown away. If the storage pool breaks and runs dry, the nuclear fuel inside will overheat and explode, causing a massive amount of radioactive substances to spread over a wide area. Both the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and French nuclear energy company Areva have warned about this risk.
Given that nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says that an earthquake of 7.0 or larger could cause the entire fuel pool structure collapse, it is urgent that everything humanly possible is done to stabilize the structure housing the fuel pools at reactor number 4.
Gundersen (who used to build spent fuel pools) explains that there is no protection surrounding the radioactive fuel in the pools. He warns that – if the fuel pools at reactor 4 collapse due to an earthquake – people should get out of Japan, and residents of the West Coast of America and Canada should shut all of their windows and stay inside for a while.
Here is an entertaining article care of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard for Jo and the gold bugs who are out there (not me, as I did uni vacation work in gold mines twice so the mystique has worn off). Link.
“Mr Steel said the “marginal cost” for mining gold is around $1450. That is when miners leave low-grade ore in the ground and weaker producers shut down. It creates a natural floor of sorts. Besides, `peak gold’ is a more immediate reality than `peak oil’, he said. There has been no equivalent to the shale revolution seen in oil and gas. World output has been stuck for a decade at around 2700 tonnes a year despite a fourfold increase in investment. There are no great finds, no Wittwatersrand this time.”
I don’t know about ‘peak gold’ when on my calc there is a cool 14.3 million tonnes of gold in the world’s oceans (NOAA says 20 million, but they’ve occasionally been known ahem normalise their data). But if the Indians keep on buying it up like there’s no tomorrow at very least the law of supply and demand will kick in…eventually. Don’t hold your breath though.
Nope – Don’t see nuffink here …
Bit of an echo though …
Nope, don’t see nuffik here …
Bit of an echo though …
Nope, nothing that looks like a post, looks more like a web page. Was it supposed to be a Corinthian column type of post or your plain old wooden 4×4 type of post?
Could be a parcel post – that got lost in the mail, perhaps?
Steel fencepost?
Using a mac. Everything appears normal.
Try a link:
April 5, 2012
Climategate Heads to Court
By S. Fred Singer
Great Article, God, Mann is a sneak!
Seems to be a website.
Something for debate:
Over at is an interesting headline that caught my eye: “Student movements rise up in Quebec, Tunisia”.
That’s interesting, I thought. I have never heard of a place in Tunisia, called Quebec, so I went and had a look.
Well, you can imagine my disappointment when I looked at the article and discovered that there had been small protests in both Quebec, Canada, and also in Tunisia, at approximately the same time, but otherwise unrelated.
Whether you like the idea or not, words frame the way we communicate what we think. If you don’t have command of an appropriate language, you could have wonderful concepts, but be unable to share them.
Math, art, music and the formal use of languages, are the only ways that ideas can be shared. Math is very precise, but narrow in its application. Art and music convey ideas but only imprecisely. Language is the bridge that can encompass the other three, but these revolting students seem to be a bit lacking in that department.
Reading comprehension appears to be an issue as well. Many writers are as piss poor at their craft as they are because their reading skills are piss poor. One of my professors had a number of students ask him how they could improve their writing skills, so he asked the class one day what our suggestions for our classmates would be. I was the only one there who answered: read.
So it isn’t any surprise to me that we have writers insisting what they wrote means something that anyone that has developed their reading skills can see it does not. My favorite is when they do the “I didn’t say THAT” routine when it was implied by the context of what they did write.
Now, that being said, I can read this:
“but these revolting students seem to be a bit lacking in that department.”
To mean: “these students involved in the revolts…”
Or this: “these horrendous, revolting, disgusting students…” (extra adjectives added for clarification)
Personally both meanings seem appropriate in the context of your comment.
found this on Bishop Hill, and this is on behalf of the British Conservative Govt. screens “The Age of Stupid” – how appropriate:
14 Feb: British High Commission, Tanzania: UK and US host film screening on Climate Change
Recently, the British High Commission in Dar es Salaam held a “Climate Change Sunday” for young people including members of the Tanzania Youth Environment Network (TAYEN), Dar es Salaam School of Journalism, and the Tanzanian Civil Society Forum on Climate Change (ForumCC).
The event was held at the British Council and the British High Commission was happy to partner with the US Embassy…
In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Dossett noted that “the United States of America and Great Britain share a historical ‘special relationship.’ He said that “today we share a ‘special program’ with our Tanzanian friends to consider a topic that affects all nations without exception: global warming. We still have an opportunity to combat global warming, not just for ourselves, but for our children and future generations.”…
British High Commission Climate Change Officer Hannah Wood then introduced the film “Age of Stupid”, a British-made documentary film which examines climate change causes and potential future effects…
Here in Tanzania, climate change is already having a tangible effect on people’s lives eg. It is vital that we all work together to enhance climate resilience, and to ensure that Tanzania develops a cross-sectoral low carbon approach to growth. This could turn the threats posed by climate change into opportunities, open doors for Tanzania in terms of climate financing and sustainable development, and give the country a head start on leading the region into the future.
The enthusiasm of the young people in attending an event such as this and engaging in debate about their future is encouraging for us all.
20 Jan: FCO: UK in China: Climate change & energy section
The climate change & energy section of the British Consulate-General, Guangzhou, works to support a shift to a low carbon economy in southern China. We are part of Britain’s Climate Change & Energy Network in China, established in 2007 with teams at the British Embassy in Beijing and at the Consulates in Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong as well as Guangzhou…
Events and resources…
FCO: UK in Australia: Climate Change and the Low Carbon Economy
Climate change is one of the gravest threats to our security and prosperity…
The UK firmly believes that the best way to reduce emissions is by pricing carbon through the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), combined with other policies to reduce emissions from parts of the economy not covered by the ETS…
and of course the Coalition will go along.
with videos:
30 March: FCO: Lord Nicholas Stern’s visit to Ecuador
The author of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change participated in conferences in Galapagos and Quito…
On Friday 30 march Lord Stern participated in a breakfast workshop organised by the British – Ecuadorean Chamber of Commerce. The breakfast had presentations by Kevin Houston, CEO of the British firm Carbon Masters, and Lord Nicholas Stern…
The visit was organised by the British Embassy in Quito and the Ecuadorean Ministry of the Environment, with the support of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA), FUNDAR Galápagos, Conservation International (CI), World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), and the Charles Darwin Foundation.
Carbon Masters UK: Kevin Houston, Partner
After successful sales,marketing and consulting careers with Procter & Gamble, Price Waterhouse Coopers and IBM, which included international assignments in Turkey and Germany, Kevin took up the cause of climate change in 2006 . He returned to Edinburgh University in 2008 to do postgraduate studies in Carbon Management where he carried out research on ICT and climate change including primary research on the use of virtual world technologies to dematerialise business travel emissions.0n graduating he co founded Carbon Masters a carbon management company that works with businesses and communities to assist them to measure ,manage ,reduce and report their GHG emissions.Since January 2010 he has been advising the European Commission in Brussels as an independent expert,working with the ICT Industry to establish a common methodology for measuring the embedded energy and carbon in ICT goods networks and services.He currently represents the EC on the International Telecommunications Union ( ITU ) Study group 5 and contributes to this groups work on establishing new ICT standards based on IS0 14040 and 14044. He is also a member of the Steering group of a joint initiative between the Carbon Trust and GeSi ( Global e sustainability Initiative) which is developing ICT guidance to measure the carbon footprint of ICT goods networks and services based on the emerging WRI /WBSCD scope 3 standards.
Kevin is a native of London but now resides in Edinburgh . He has an honours degree in Chemistry from Liverpool University as well as a MSc in Carbon Management from the University of Edinburgh.
Som Narayan, Partner
Som has been working in the area of climate change for several years. Previously his main focus was in the policy review area, carrying out analysis on adaptation models for developing countries with Greenpeace-India. In the UK he worked on feasibility of low carbon technologies for energy sector and an Emissions Performance Standard (EPS) as a credible policy for coal power generating plants with Friends of the Earth and World Development Movement Scotland. As a part of his Masters in Carbon Management from University of Edinburgh his research was on the economic impacts of the UK Governments Carbon Reduction Commitment legislation. Som also holds an Environmental Engineering degree and Post Graduate diploma in Environmental law from National Law School of India University.
Robert Fisk of The Independent[1] and some other bloggers [2] suggest it is world bankers who promote globalization (United Nations) and post-modern, consensus science in exchange for loss of constitutional “Bill of Rights” [3].
They even suggest that current unrest in the Middle East, the great Arab/Muslim awakening, is in response to this new form of world tyranny.
Unrest is worldwide, but I doubt if the unholy alliance is limited to bankers [4].
What do others here think?
On the Anita Heiss book “Am I Black Enough For You” Random House has still not closed. Hard to call it a debate ’cause not many “Stop Free Speech” proponents have raised their heads. Some lively and thoughtful comments though. Enjoy it while you can!!
I should have put this here and not on yesterdays thread.
Have sceptics noticed that the Govt has advertised for a new Director for the BoM ? Newspaper ad appears Easter Saturday ?
I have the press advert scanned – plus a summary of what is a fairly involved story – starting with the Review of BoM “capacity” commenced last July and slated to finish in Nov 2011. Note the review Terms of Ref beats up extreme events – and includes “..the Bureau’s capability to conduct seasonal forecasting..”.
so much yet to play out.
Now that is interesting.
“Great Events”, such as the Climate Scam, or the outing of a dictator require dedicated people on the ground. The word “dedicated” here has two meanings. (1) They have to be in their role full time – no days off; and (2) they have to really believe in what they are doing in order to be convincing. One leads to the other, and the two meanings of the word become mutually supportive.
But what if the “Great Event” starts to fizzle? What if the scam doesn’t work? Or perhaps the dictator gets wind of what is happening?
Those dedicated people can start to become a liability, for there is no way to turn them off. The only recourse the Government has is to move them out of the way, entirely.
When Governments seriously start to move away from climate alarmism as a strategy, we will see an exodus of “once-useful” people being replaced.
What makes this news interesting is a) why the current Director is leaving, and b) the attitudes of the new Director towards climate change.
Leaving? Or fired because climate change isnt happening. So theyre hiring someone who can make climate change happen.
That would be Professor Dumbledore, I presume.
What I am waiting for is multiple replacements of the key people in the Government’s climate change scare machine. The Government won’t make any announcements, they will just move the current people out, and put in people who can let it wind down quietly. That is the way things are done. Move along quietly folks, nothing to see here … Five years down the track, it will all have been a great success.
Garnault opted out months ago.
9 April: ABC Rural: Meat processor slams carbon tax
A Queensland meat processor says its most efficient abattoirs will be hardest hit by the Federal Government’s carbon tax.
Teys Brothers says it’s hoping for government funding to help the company reduce carbon emissions.
Spokesman Geoff Teys says the cost of the carbon tax will have to be passed on to producers.
He says the largest plants in the Rockhampton and Brisbane regions will be greatly affected.
“Lakes Creek and Beenleigh are our two efficient plants with volume and it’s a hideous tax because it’s creating a cost to the most efficient plants,” he said…
LOL…see Teys Bros story above:
7 April: Farmonline: Greens back northern abattoir
THE Australian Greens have backed calls from Australia’s largest cattle company for the Gillard government to provide transport infrastructure to support a proposed new Darwin abattoir, saying it will create new jobs, relieve animal cruelty and help end live exports.
Greens NSW Senator and animal welfare spokesperson Lee Rhiannon said – in reference to the media reports on the calls this week – the Gillard government should get behind a new Darwin abattoir proposed by the Australian Agricultural Company which is estimated to create 270 jobs…
9 April: eFinance: Rebecca Hampson: Traders hope the smoke clears over emissions
Traders hope new EU measures to reduce the oversupply of carbon credits in the European Union’s emissions system might inject some life into the foundering market…
To address this and prevent the price of carbon falling further, the Commission has proposed a “set-aside” system, which will reduce the number of credits available, increase competition among industrials and, it hopes, stimulate the market.
As the proposal goes to plenary vote at the European Parliament in June, it raises the issue of intervention by institutions, which has divided the market. Various member states are opposed to the system because it could increase costs for the power and heating sectors.
Sara Stahl, managing director at carbon exchange GreenX, said: “Critics say that letting institutions intervene will open up Pandora’s box and that letting governments intervene in the carbon price could have wider implications.”
However, analysts predict that the lower than expected verified emission numbers that were released on April 2 could increase support for the scheme. Stahl added: “The price has got so bad that this is an extreme case and there needs to be some stimulation to help the market pick up again.”
Chicago Mercantile Exchange buying out some of the rats deserting a sinking ship is how i interpret this:
3 April: Bloomberg: Matthew Carr: CME Buys GreenX Shares It Didn’t Already Own From Group
CME Group Inc. (CME) (CME) bought out its partners in GreenX Holdings LLC, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) (GS) and ICAP Plc (IAP), for an unspecified price.
GreenX Holdings, an emissions-trading bourse, boosted its volumes by 21 percent in the first quarter to 106.9 million metric tons, compared with the three months through December, according to e-mailed data. The total represents 5.9 percent of the volume of EU carbon allowances and United Nations credits handled by ICE Futures Europe in London, the biggest exchange in the greenhouse-gas market.
CME, the world’s largest futures exchange owner, bought 100 percent of GreenX as ICE has gained ground in the crude-oil market. Carbon has grown to become the second-biggest European energy market by open interest after crude, exchange data show…
After the deal with GreenX, carbon traders will be able to offset margins held across CME’s energy contracts, including coal, said Allan Schoenberg, a CME spokesman in London. Schoenberg said CME was previously GreenX’s biggest shareholder, declining to provide details…
On Feb. 21, CME and Oman Investment Fund said they will raise their respective stakes in the Dubai Mercantile Exchange to support expansion at the Middle East oil bourse.
GreenX was previously owned by a group of organizations also including Constellation Energy Group Inc. (CEG) (CEG), Credit Suisse Group Inc., Evolution Markets LLC, J.P. Ventures Energy Corp., Morgan Stanley (MS) (MS), RNK Capital LLC, Marex Spectron Group Ltd., TFS Energy LLC, Tudor Investment Corp. and Vitol SA, according to a statement distributed by PR Newswire.
3 April: Fox Business: Dow Jones: CME To Buy GreenX Holdings To Boost Carbon Derivatives Trade
CME, which operates the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade, said acquiring a 100% equity interest in the parent company of Green Exchange LLC would benefit customers by integrating the companies’ energy products and providing access to CME’s clearing and margin offsets…
The deal comes amid an ongoing push to trade derivatives on the price of carbon, as carbon is seen as a new class of tradable commodity…
The environmental movement is borderline insane, not one of their projections have came to pass, they are even worse at predicting the future than Paul Elrich. The insane homeless man on the corner of the street is far more accurate than these so called scientists. Lets get back to REAL science, like this…
A zombie Apocalypse is far more probable than CAWG.
My favourite from Tim Blair
Notice how they label the picture of an iceberg floating in the sea, “A melting iceberg in Newfoundland, Canada.”
It couldn’t just be AN iceberg, it had to be an environmentally challenged MELTING iceberg.
When have icebergs not been melting whilst floating out in open sea?
Positive Proof of Global Warming =
Melbourne Australia Catastrophic Global Warming Update.
9.8 degrees and raining.
@ Sonny LOL
Catastrophic weather here in the UK too – it is much worse than we thought:
Norfolk, UK, 8 Deg C and raining…
yup – it’s serious stuff when you upgrade any computer stuff – empathise Joanne.
Yes, I have noticed that the quality of the comments is not as good as as it was previously. You got some class comments on the old site. Better than this rubbish, anyway.
Be the change you want to see.
If I have learned anything…it is that the banking system is very inventive. No matter what happens, they come ahead with a greater profit which sucks more capital our of our pockets. The economies of our countries get poorer and poorer due to our governments backing this system totally with no regard to the future.
Politicians are created and backed by these guys to help change the laws and policies. Back room deals are not uncommon…especially when the politician leaves office and next becomes part of a company that lobbied his support or is hired as a “consultant” for the company.
I don’t see a very bright future to what is coming for our future in the system that we are in now.
Global Weirding….The new threat to British politics….
Good news people…
Climate threats? …so what MUST read here..
Fukishima – major disaster in waiting:
Here is an entertaining article care of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard for Jo and the gold bugs who are out there (not me, as I did uni vacation work in gold mines twice so the mystique has worn off). Link.
I don’t know about ‘peak gold’ when on my calc there is a cool 14.3 million tonnes of gold in the world’s oceans (NOAA says 20 million, but they’ve occasionally been known ahem normalise their data). But if the Indians keep on buying it up like there’s no tomorrow at very least the law of supply and demand will kick in…eventually. Don’t hold your breath though.
National socialist = Nazism
Environmental socialist = Envizism ?
“Worlds Top Minds Turn Up Dead Under Gruesome and Suspicious Circumstances”