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It’s a deadly cold Russian winter: minus 50 in Siberia

Photo: Telegraph  REUTERS/Marian Striltsiv

Spare a thought for people in Russia. Its the coldest winter since 1938. Temperatures may hit -25 in Moscow this weekend. They have already hit -50C in Siberia. Twenty-one people froze to death in one day. (See the Telegraph photo gallery)

Down to -50C: Russians freeze to death as strongest-in-decades winter hits

Russian Times

Russia is enduring its harshest winter in over 70 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -50 degrees Celsius. Dozens of people have already died, and almost 150 have been hospitalized.

­The country has not witnessed such a long cold spell since 1938, meteorologists said, with temperatures 10 to 15 degrees lower than the seasonal norm all over Russia.

Across the country, 45 people have died due to the cold, and 266 have been taken to hospitals. In total, 542 people were injured due to the freezing temperatures, RIA Novosti reported.

The Moscow region saw temperatures of -17 to -18 degrees Celsius on Wednesday.

Over the weekend, meteorologists predict temperatures will plunge even lower in the Moscow region, hitting -25. The Russian capital is also expected to be swept with snow, RIA Novosti reported.

Temperatures have been 7 degrees lower than the norm for five days already, which is considered an anomaly, according to the Meteonovosti.ru website

Apparently some Circus trainers thought it was a good idea to feed Vodka to their elephants and swear it saved them from the Siberian cold. Though doctors are warning that alcohol is a bad plan for people…

h/t William Happer (who is in Siberia) and Gordon Fulks who passed on the message. Darren Porter too. Thank you!

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