- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

Australian petition for a cost-benefit inquiry on all plans to reduce carbon

The Australian government is curtailing Climate ActionTM. But there are still billions of taxpayer dollars headed for Direct Action and renewables and other efforts to change the Global Weather. This petition from Des Moore has been circulating in email for a week or so. Des is a former Deputy Secretary of the Australian Treasury and he wants a Royal Commission to consider both costs and benefits. If you agree, like I do, please print, sign and post it, and email to friends. Responses must be signed on paper.

— Jo


Petition for a Cost/Benefit Inquiry on Programs to Reduce Emissions

Click for the PDF

Dear All

I am sending you this message to ask if you would sign the attached petition. A number of colleagues and I  have become concerned that billions of taxpayers’ dollars are being spent by our Federal Government on programs designed to reduce fossil fuel emissions but without undertaking a cost/benefit study. The petition seeks to have an inquiry that would do that. I anticipate that an appropriate motion will be moved in the House of Representatives.

By contrast, the Coalition has severely criticised the Labor Government for launching into the National Broadband Network without a cost/benefit study.  It would be anomalous if it now proceeded  to spend billions of taxpayer dollars on efforts to achieve its carbon dioxide emissions target without doing an objective investigation of the benefits that would accrue to the Australian taxpayer as a result. From spending on infrastructure, health, education, defence and even foreign aid it is possible to see benefit, but the value to Australians from climate programs needs to be made clear.

Des Moore

 PDF Version of the Petition

Formal Preamble

This petition by citizens and taxpayers of Australia draws the attention of the House of Representatives to large sums of Government income that are being spent on programs, subsidies, compensations, commissions, etc. with the aim of achieving a national target of a 5% reduction in the human production of carbon dioxide from that of the year 2000, by 2020, without a high-level, incisive cost/benefit study having been conducted.

The aim is to have the House agree to request that this inquiry be conducted by a Royal Commission to ensure that all evidence is presented under oath.

The Principal Petitioner is Mr Des Moore.   Des has a BSc (Hons) degree from the London School of Economics in 1958 after first graduating in law at the University of Melbourne. He then worked for 28 years in the Commonwealth Treasury, the last five as a Deputy Secretary.

Parliament continues to require petitions to be on paper with handwritten names and signatures.  A large number of such signatures should get the attention of the Government.  Please print the petition form (attached) and obtain actual signatures from people, then please mail your signed petition forms to the dedicated P.O. Box address:…

Petition,  Noosaville L.P.O,  P.O. Box 651,  Noosaville,  Qld 4566

Also, please forward this email to family, friends, business associates and acquaintances.  It is to be expected that you will receive this email from various people as the widest possible distribution is being aimed for.

Apologies if this is a totally unwanted email.


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