A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I am getting quite tired of the Trolls who have nothing new to say but just keep repeating the same old green stuff (and I don’t mean money).
To add some interest to their ravings I suggest we run the Trolls Handicap.
Each entry can be voted on by contributors by giving them a thumbs down, and the total each article will be divided by the number of troll mouthings. At the end of the race, say just before Christmas, we decide on a winner. We will need to send them a prize; I would suggest a small bag of mouse droppings to boost their brain size.
What do you think?
Declared runners
Blackadder the fourth
Michael the Realist
John Brookes
Vince Whirlwind
any others? Nominate them now.
I was going to suggest a title but apparently a Douchebag is actually something useful so after a quick search it seems a Paperweight is considered universally a completely useless item.
I suggest the Greenest Insanity Masquerading as a Paperweight of the Year award, or GIMPY for short.
Well, Brooksie is a plodding stayer, more suited to a Sunday morning hack round the pubs than competition. Michael the Unready (Unready as in medieval Anglo-Saxon = witless) invariably turns up too late to make meaningful contributions and is known for chasing his tail half-way down the home straight after the race has finished. SlackBladder is probably worth an each-way bet. Vince has fleeting spurts of form and is new to the game, could be a surprise package. Margot is a real battler, who keeps coming back like a Friday night prawn curry , but is always likely to slip the bit and gallop off the course totally out of control. Gee Aye has power, pace and endurance. Unlike the other runners, he has not had his sense of humour removed, which saves him from the more outrageous utterings but affects his form.
My Book:
Margot: 5-2
Vince 3-1
BlackAdder IV 9-2
Michael 15-2
Gee Aye 10-1
JB. 20-1
25-1 bar
Generally, these are the nags you bet on if you are trying to pick the wooden spoon !
ps.. so far the VW is most likely to take out this position.. Shows zero understanding about anything.. a blustering vacuous non-entity..
Followed closely by BA4…… irrationality personified
GeeAye is running in a different race in a different event…. on a different planet
The M&M’s have run off together and are dancing hand in hand along a beach somewhere, as far away from reality as they find.
JB.. even he doesn’t know what he’s doing.. so how the heck can anyone else !!!
hummmmm.. I seem to have skipped a word or two here and there.
Nice Pinot… this 🙂
Yes, there are some nice ones around, but before bedtime I would like the new version Pinot more.
We also had a guest appearance from Hope Forpeace. She wasn’t a stayer, but she was an excitable filly, and very fast out the gate.
Another problem is if it’s a slow track (we know it still rains) they’re all Mudders!
Yep this one could be harder to pick than a broken nose but I think the standout will be the troll who has waded into a fight with their hands down most often, I’m thinking who has taken on the “Power Kraken” the most times without even a replica Medusa head for backup.
Vince for me, he’s classic. The kind of person who would turn up at a BBQ with a salad and berate everyone for eating harmless animals.
Good one Kevin, but I think that you underestimate Brooksie.
Recently margit has racked up 107 on a single post. what’s the best achievement for a single comment?
I thought a good prize might be a coal mine tour like this or this.
Brett, -107 is indeed an exceptional achievement. There are few who reach the 100 mark. Unfortunately we lost some thumbs numbers on older posts in the crash last year :- ( I seem to recall the record was a phenomenal – 200, and I think it might have been from JB, who made the opening comment on a thread and managed to say exactly the wrong thing. (I’m trying to remember). The wayback machine before Sept 2012 records thumbs (though it mashes numbers like “11 0” to look like 110).
John Brooks has a sence of humor, and he does make good points every now and then.
Michael never reads the thread (or post) before posting the usual.
Blackadder is just anoying.
Margot has got me stumped, such wrongness of thought I find stunning.
VW is rude, wrong and often off subject. I think he’s a winner.
Not a bad idea!
Funny really – every time I begin think some of the trolls will never grow a brain (a critical-thinking one, that is), along comes an inspired idea to lighten up the day!
Good one, Graeme!
I am really upset by this.
I have been trying to be disruptive on this blog for several years now, and nobody takes me seriously. Do you know how hurtful that can be?
Tell me about it.
“nobody takes me seriously”
Yes I do 😉
chuckle… !
Rereke is a Troll and no one recognised it! How bad is that.
We were just pretending to take you seriously, if that makes you feel better.
Rereke, I’ve got to ask; What is your avatar image of exactly?
Cloak and Dagger
really, so why is your head a conch? Or is that not a head?
Hmm …
I suppose it does look a bit like a conch, if you squint, stand on one leg, and are accustomed to thinking in mollusc.
Personally, being a bit of a groupie for William of Ockham, I have always seen it as just a hat.
But the whole cloak and dagger thing is a bit of a joke anyway. I am a researcher and analyst, and we sometimes get referred to as “spooks” which my avatar plays to. No big deal.
But having done some work for the fishing industry, over the years, I will certainly dine out on the conch perspective.
the conch is what I initially saw there and I can’t shake it. At least it looks like the opening is pointing upward so that if there is a living conch in there it wont try to feed off of your head or worse.
from the early time I recall seeing your Avatar, the first thing I thought of was those old Spy vs Spy cartoons from Mad Magazine, so popular during the 60’s.
I’d just love those simple little 4 to 6 panel cartoons on a single page, and the white spy didn’t always come out on top either.
That leads me into a music clip from Paul McCartney when he was asked to provide a Bond Theme.
While nearly every clip shows the band performing the song live, I chased down the original film clip for the song, because it has a quirky little story attached to it, that in fact nearly did serious damage to McCartney, and that was also based around the white/black spy thing as well.
I have that story at the following link with the clip for the song as well.
Sunday Music – Live And Let Die
Tony, I agree about spy vs spy – that was a first impression. The conch came second but does not extinguish the first.
and just to ramble further from whatever topic this is, I also saw “v. Spy v. Spy” quite a few times in the 80s
Wow never seen that video Tony, embarrassingly for a long time I thought Rereke’s avatar was a full moon with a bat and dagger 🙁
I guess Rorschach would’ve had any interesting analysis with that one.
There was also an animated series:
Mad Magazine and Spy Vs Spy are now so old now that instead of black and white spies they are just shades of grey.
Bada boom tish
Rerede’s avatar always looked like a leather punch to me. Not quite right, but that was the nearest match I could make.
I can’t the cloak and dagger personnaly. I’ve watched the medieval re-enactor group Prema Spada do cloak and dagger fighting. Fascinating swordplay.
I think the challenge should be that they have to explain in their own words what evidence they require to prove that man made global warming caused by co2 is not a a threat.
This puts the onus back on them to actually put up or shut up.
I nominate that guy who thinks the sun is iron and all the trolls who think that photons have brains.
Bishop Hill has a wonderful troll who calls itself “Zed’s Dead Bed”. (We think it’s a woman who lives in Cornwall somewhere… alone…) A most curious creature.
I believe she owns a large number of cats.
Says it all, really.
We don’t see much of JB anymore.
He has his own blog now.
It’s called “random thoughts” and, to use the vernacular, it is pretty damned ‘random’.
Obviously we haven’t convinced him that it’s not getting warmer; it’s getting colder. Neither have we been able to convince him that sea level is more of a concept than a measurement, as he still rambles on about ‘rising sea levels’ as though it were anything other than a fairy tale. To his shagrin, nobody ever comments.
Rod I was having a pretty average day but this has turned that around, that blog is both hilarious and disturbing!
The clincher for me is the ONLY member there has the last name ABBOTT! seriously I couldn’t make this stuff up.
“Random thoughts” fits John Brookes perfectly. I think he’s finally found his vocation.
I wonder how many daily hits that blog is getting. 🙂
Good Morning Everyone,
I think you’re giving these trolls a lot more attention than they deserve. Do we really want to discuss them on a thread before they’ve even posted a single word?
I go after some of them pretty hard. But I’d rather be reading more interesting and informative comments if there’s no one to object to. 🙂
Just a thought…
There’s more on the secret meeting between the RS and the GWPF from Christopher Booker.
half-time of the rugby league world cup final replay, & i finally got this New Scientist link to work – it was broken all day. how anyone could still subscribe to publications like New Scientist is beyond me:
1 Dec: New Scientist: Michael Slezak: Extreme weather could become norm around Indian Ocean
Journal reference: Nature Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2009.
What do the torrential rains that swept across a swathe of East Africa in 1997 have in common with the record-breaking drought that Australia has just emerged from? Both can be blamed on El Nino’s Indian Ocean sibling.
A study looking at how climate change will affect this ocean oscillation pattern has predicted that if the world is allowed to warm uncontrollably, these kinds of extreme events will become the norm by 2050…
Now Wenju Cai from the Australian research agency CSIRO in Melbourne and colleagues have used the latest climate models – employed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – to replicate those events…
But all 54 climate models the team examined predict that this wind will weaken as the world warms. This means that rather than oscillating between positive and negatives events, the dipole will get increasingly stuck in the positive direction, oscillating between less positive phases and more positive phases. This will bring rain of varying intensity to Africa that once would have fallen on Australia and Indonesia…
Nerilie Abram from the Australian National University in Canberra, who led the 2007 work that used fossilised corals, says the projections in the new study are important, underlining the importance of the IOD, a phenomenon only properly recognised in 1999…
This thing on the IOD is bunk, but it could get some traction so might need some debunking work.
IIRC IOD positive west side, El Nino east side, 1974. Big cyclone, major floods. Exactly the same for the same reason in 2011. Didn’t all go to Africa did it.
Last week, NS pondering “When intelligence really began”. I’d like to know where it disappeared to …
Blackudder would only get an ecohardon being nominated troll of the year. They don’t deserve the attention.
Can I recommend a video (and a book) by Evan Sayet, which explains the behaviour of the Green/Left in very clear terms.
So clear, in fact, it became known as the ‘Unified Field Theory of Liberalism’
The basic argument of Liberalism is presented thus:
Part 1: Nothing humanity has done in the past has eliminated war, injustice and suffering. That is because people have always thought there is a “right” way to proceed, when in fact the discrimination between “right” and “wrong’ is simply a product of our environment and circumstances. Rational thought leads to discriminatory choices between “right” and “wrong”, and hence is mere bigotry. The only truly moral stance is therefore “mindless indiscrimination.”
Part 2: If nothing is “better” than anything else, then the concrete successes and failures we see in the world must be “unfair”, that is, the effect of “exploiters” on “victims”. The only way to achieve “fairness”, and hence morality, is to elevate the bad and the failed, and to drag down the good and the successful.
Thus Liberalism is against — must be against — anything that is good and successful, and must support everything that is bad and a failure.
Compelling viewing. The book’s a good read, too (Kindle version available).
The Wilderness Society, aided by Fairfax reporting abandon common sense and decide to take to the courts to fight the oil and gas industry. This is going to require extra supplies of popcorn …
Highly ironic after Jo’s last post on oil and gas …
Not having a idea about what’s going on makes agwers sad little gnomes.
Some times you must just wonder how stupid one must be to believe its one writing.
This is from Topshelfmeteo a Dutch weather forum.
Its about the strange behaver of the models from agwers witch out of nothing predicted a ice age.
Ye how could the model do such stupid thing, bad model, bad model.
Sorry this is whit Google translate:
With the given links to the sites everyone the activity of the sun in the monitor and see for yourself whether a CME comes our way , and therefore an increase in auora activity at hand , and how far reaching down and perhaps see ‘s .
For me it was never the northern such data , I ‘ve seen that several times here in Friesland and go kijen with an expected greater visibility on a pretty dark place also to the north is reasonably free of artificial light , which is sometimes difficult when you think ….
Propagation of radio waves is my first approach , and aurora adds interesting features to it again to experiment .
Even if we would go back to the Maunder minimum solar activity than the effect of the warming caused by us greater if the cooling that could be expected , and will also be a new ” ice age ” does not take place .
You can only see a plateau a few years constant temperatures after the disappearance of this solar minimum comes back with an accelerated increase .
What we see is since 1950 a small decline in the heat generated by the sun to the earth , and despite the global temperatures risen firm.
Also, global temperatures since 2000 years been declining have reversed our influence this .
We are on the verge of landing the constantly frozen tundra is thawing and additional methane are released which is a shorter-lived but 20 x worse greenhouse gas.
In the sea , we see the gigantic frozen methane ice stocks slowly thaw and come to the surface as methane by the warming oceans .
Hence my contention that a new ( Maunder ) glaciation is passé .
Situation at the time :
Well , the end of 2013 is upon us , and so is a very active Sun . October 27th , 28th, and 29th all saw X -class flares , the strongest and most dangerous variety . NASA reported three X -class flares between October 23rd and 28th, Accompanied by more than 15 M -class flares , one level down .
So far , the flares have not proven Particularly hazardous , having shot off radiating winds in directions other than Earth . But with our view of the Sun hört pockmarked with 132 visible sunspots , ripe breeding grounds for flares and coronal mass ejections , we can be pretty sure that more is yet to come .
In the meantime , keep an eye out for some great aurorae at higher latitudes as we see the impact of flares already Emitted and look ahead to more to come . Welcome to Solar Maximum 2013 Part 2 .
This one is a dude jasneker who claims to be a radio amateur and he needs to study the sun for his work as a amateur.
In short it comes to this.
Yes SC24 is at its peak and still weak but human influences on global warming makes an ice age impossible because of the fact that we put more heat in the atmosphere than an ice age will cool it. He also talks about methane witch correct is 20 times stronger than CO2 but what he doesn’t know is that methane is 40 to 60 times less in the atmosphere as CO2.
He also doesn’t know that SC 24 is weak, so weak in fact that it’s maximum peak is lower then at least 15 of the earlier SC. In fact if we look back we here in Holland had much eleven city skating events skated in times whit solar minimums higher than to days SC maximum. Also he doesn’t know that SC25 will be even weaker then SC24.
I don’t know but is there any memo that says “to become a agwer you must be brain dead”.
For the fun of all. Would someone like to help me whit some pranking? Its tote lay free but fun.
To answer at Topshelfmetheo you must register. Its easy and takes only 5 minutes. The only thing to do is answer this question. Waneer start de zomer when starts summer. You must answer that whit 21 juni.
You get an email and your in. And than you cane answer jasneker about his claim. And to point to him and all who’s looking some realty. Don’t want to over do it but its nice to have a different sound.
Like to thank you for it.
I caught our Fearless Leader PM on the Bolt Report this morning, singing the praises of “our” ABC.
Apparently today treason is not a drawback, it’s virtually a prerequisite for a top managerial position in a taxpayer-funded organisation.
Also highly regarded on CV’s from potential GG candidates.
What next? IED-making classes at the local TAFE for recent arrivals and/or converts?
Just apply at your local Centrelink – no passport required.
(Endangered bird smuggling available as an optional unit – C130 supplied courtesy the grovelment).
Yep.. TA seems to be coming out as a limp-wristed sort of nothingness…. Another Ballieau, so to speak.
With some balls he could have actually helped the country. Seems it is not to be.
Now probably destined to the scrapheap like Gillard and Rudd
I wonder if he will last even one term !!!
NEXT !!!
Just so long as it isn’t that other non-entity, Turnbull !!
“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” ― Oscar Wilde
“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” ― Abraham Lincoln
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte
All good Tim. I would also add that Hitler made the mistake of trying to battle on too many fronts. Had he not done so we would almost certainly be speaking German or Japanese today!
Know your enemies. Keep them close to you.
Big Oil (bless ’em) appear to be doing a very good job.
Just thought I would put down a few ideas about what could happen in the UK and its insane climate/energy policies.
1. There appears to be some truth in the reports that Prime Minister David Cameron’s actually made the recent comment of: “We have got to get rid of this green crap.” The first cracks in the previously unchallenged policies of green idiocy are starting to appear.
2. Green fantasies versus practical economics – we seem to be at the equivalent of around October 1942 in WWII terms, or “The end of the beginning.” In other words, the white hatted guys (the sceptics) are now in the ascendancy. Nevertheless, the black hatted guys (the alarmists) are not going to go down without a big fight.
3. January 2014 – a massive influx of unwelcome Bulgarians and Rumanians into the UK begins, which stokes anti-EU sentiment and the general public starts watching local crime statistics in a way not seen before.
4. January/February 2014 – cold spells (alarmist claims of this being yet more evidence extreme weather caused by global warming fall on deaf ears)result in tens of thousands of elderly deaths, as a direct result of energy poverty, which is correctly blamed on goofy green energy policies. Public sentiment in the UK grows steadily more anti-green. For the first time, the cause and effect of these mostly unnecessary deaths become a major political issue.
5. May 2014, UKIP – the only political party in the UK with a sensible energy policy – trounces the three main establishment parties in the EU elections. Part of this is undoubtedly a protest vote, nevertheless it scares the poo out of the Conservatives, they ditch Cameron and replace him with someone much less green and far more pragmatic.
6. Mid 2014 – Strong rumours begin of the UK government about to require green energy suppliers to guarantee their (next day) electricity supplies, plus also not being paid when their windmills stand idle. The UK government announces green energy prices will decline significantly for future projects. Already slowing wind farm construction steadily grinds to a halt. As a direct result, the upward march of UK wholesale energy prices slows significantly.
7. This may be a bit of stretch – the UK general public increasingly realises that economic and strategic salvation lies in fracking, as witnessed by what has recently happened in the USA. As a result, a new more pragmatic UK energy policy begins to focus on the construction of reliable gas fired generating facilities.
8. 2015 – The Conservatives, realising they are probably going to lose the general election to the populist Labour and Lib Dem parties, enter into an electoral pact with UKIP, resulting in a massive outright win for the UKIP/Conservative coalition at the polls on May 7 that year.
9. 2015/16 – The economically insane 2008 Climate Change Act is scrapped and the UK enters into a prolonged period of prosperity, compared with the Eurozone countries, burdened by the Euro, pointless bureaucratic rules and regulations, and green directives.
10. 2017 – The UK government is unable to negotiate meaningful concessions on its relationship with the EU and a referendum on continuing membership is held, resulting in the UK leaving the EU. After some initial difficulties, the UK is soon heralded as having the economic model the rest of Europe should follow.
Ah, one can but dream!
I am not sure if the UK is saved just yet! Here in Aus we are still a bit tentative but Tony Abbott seems to be pushing forward tentatively.
He must have been greatly supported in his judgement by this Blog! Thanks to Jo and all the contributors!
In the UK Andrew Montford has done a fanstastic job.
Peter Miller,
You were doing alright up to point 9.
Let’s see if I can correct it for you:
9. 2015/16 – The economically insane 2008 Climate Change Act is scrapped and the UK enters into a prolonged period of decline into obscurity, as it becomes apparent that it is getting colder at an ever increasing rate, pensioners and others are dying in ever-increasing numbers, Germany is outbidding the UK for electricity from France bringing UK industry to a standstill, and it is realised no matter what is done, previous decisions have bankrupted the country both financially and in power generation, and it is going to take at least a decade or more to reverse the trend.
10. 2018 – Germany is belatedly declared the winner of WWII.
As you probably realise, I am no fan of the UK’s current energy policy, but it is not as dire as you suggest.
The UK currently has a theoretical generating capacity of 80,000MW. Of course, this assumes, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining and no maintenance is needed, so in reality it is about 50-60,000MW.
The power line under the English Channel has a capacity of 2,000MW.
So, usually there is no problem in accessing the French electricity. And it is only strategically vital during periods of high maintenance or extreme cold. The problem here, of course, is that if it is very cold in Britain, it is extremely cold in Germany – but do not forget the Germans (despite their nuclear lunacy) are much more more pragmatic than the Brits over energy (at least they have woken up to the consequences of green energy lunacy) and are currently building lots of new, reliable,highly efficient, coal fired, power stations.
The point you make about the Germans belatedly winning World War II is not correct, it should be winning World War III and without firing a shot being fired this time around. The Eurozone could be interpreted as being the first stage in the formation of the Fourth Reich.
What you are reporting is that the David Cameron and his party are, at last, slowly beginning to perceive that their relationship to green energy is similar to that between Leon Trotsky and mountaineering.
I reckon it is China which has already won WW3. As it stands, they are taking delivery of all the physical gold & the whole world owes THEM money.( while the EU is building windmills & the US is tilting at them)
Perhaps they are re-running the Opium Wars against “the City” & playing with a stacked deck.
Not yet. They still have a 118 year old loss-of-face to settle with Japan.
Hmmm… weren’t outcomes like this part of Maurice Strong’s agenda all the while?
I made an off-topic joke about spelling checking software on a previous thread, and promised to put the full version on the “next” unthreaded weekend. So here it is:
Eye halve a spelling chequer.
It came with my pea sea.
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.
Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your sure your glad two no.
Its vary polished in it’s weigh.
My checker tolled me sew.
A checker is a bless sing,
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
And aides me when I rime.
Each frays come posed up on my screen
eye trussed too bee a joule.
The checker pours o’er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule.
Bee fore a veiling checker’s Hour
spelling mite decline,
And if we’re lacks oar have a laps,
We wood bee maid too wine.
Butt now bee cause my spelling
Is checked with such grate flair,
Their are no fault’s with in my cite,
Of nun eye am a ware.
Now spelling does knot phase me,
It does knot bring a tier.
My pay purrs awl due glad den
With wrapped word’s fare as hear.
To rite with care is quite a feet
Of witch won should be proud,
And wee mussed dew the best wee can,
Sew flaw’s are knot aloud.
Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays,
Such soft wear four pea seas,
And why eye brake in two averse
Buy righting hit too pleas.
Pure Chaucer. Worthy of a thumbs up.
Insufficiently bawdy for Chaucer. No donkey, innkeeper’s daughter, goosefat or monk. I doubt Chaucer’s work (in Middle English) could be politically corrected for the sensitivities of today’s popular culture.
BTW: The “correctness” of ſpelling iſ a relatively novel concept.
I’ve been reading the translated version of Newton’s Principia; and I’m astounded by the liberal spelling.
Here is the complicated, University version, of the history of the language.
My comment was directed at style, not content.
Bit hard to be bawdy about spell-check.
This looked silly until I had a friend read it.Looking at the text while he read it with his heavy kiwi accent it made sense.The consensus was ninety sivern percent funny.He also liked the use of “ewe” instead of “you”.At the time he was working under duress ’cause we made him leave his wellingtons at the back door
The world’s oldest toilet – an artist’s impression
And you thought carbon(sic) was to blame.
If only they had a toilet tax.
My wife had hysterics when I told her about the dicky-no-don’ts. 🙂
Ancient poo gives clues to human impact on environment is itself a BBC commentary piece by the BBC environment correspondent Matt McGrath regarding a paper published in Scientific Reports entitled: The oldest known communal latrines provide evidence of gregarism in Triassic megaherbivores Fiorelli et al. (2013).
What is an interesting example of BBC Green Spin is the use of toilet humour (derived from the inital study cited) as a hook for the reader’s attention, presumably in order to facilitate exposure to Green spin. Now, the original study had a specific focus on dinosaurs (megaherbivors of the Triassic Period) putative behaviour – in this case (gregarianism), if you will, a happy collective gathering of dinos for a crap and the resultant creation a giant toilet (whose contents are now fossilised).
So far so good.
The Green Spin occurs when the BBC article misleadingly and seamlessly segues into commentary from Robert D’Anjou a PhD student at Climate System Research Center, UMass Amherst, Department of Geosciences, MA, USA who describes his research interests as:
I am most interested in developing new methods and proxies that can improve our ability to reliably reconstruct the timing and magnitude of anthropogenic impacts on past environments, ultimately helping improve our ability to effectively disentangling natural and anthropogenic signals in Holocene paleo-records.
to wit his quoted comment in the BBC fossilised dino-poo piece:
FYI Coprostanol is formed from the biohydrogenation of cholesterol (cholest-5en-3β-ol) in the gut of most higher animals and birds) and importantly not mentioned in the BBC article is that…IT IS NOT SPECIFIC TO HUMANS.
Mr D’Anjou goes on to blather for the BBC:
and here comes the Green Spin clincher:
So, the BBC Environment Correspondent Matt McGrath puts a bundle of ideas next to each other desirous of an unconscious mental merging QED: fossilised dino-poo leads us to humans who not only torture the envrionment by crapping all over it, but who undertake an unspeakable ‘slash and burn’ agricultural practice clearly implicated in small changes of temperture in climatically marginal agricultural northern zones.
They don’t stop trying do they?
Did anyone else see ABC’s special tonight about preparing for disasters?
They got to a section on how a warming of the ocean leads to a greater percentage of the year being above the cyclone threshold temperature. It was a cheesy and glossy presentation by a fellow whose name is surely familiar to all of you. I couldn’t refrain from blurting out at the TV “Bloody Braganza!” 😀
They wasted no time in moving the whole distribution diagram further to the right to show how even more of the year would be above the climate doom level.
They moved the curve so far above the threshold that every day would be a cyclone! They expect us to take this seriously ?
They should stick to treason, they’re good at that.
Their continuing alarmism is flabbergasting.
How can so many people be blind to the real world? I fear that in another place, they’d gladly don the suicide vest and set it off in the middle of a shopping mall at peak hour.
There was a piece on Junk Science talking about the precautionary principle that does a good job of talking about how people become sheep:
You say
If average temperatures increase, then it is reasonable to expect the distribution to shift to the right. But climate is anything but normal. From the GWPF last week
To spell it out. If there had been a rightwards shift in the distribution, that would mean a lot more time with temperatures above zero, so an acceleration in the rate of ice melt in the area. The lack of a rightwards shift does not conform to the global warming hypothesis either.
Wait, I thought everything fit the warmists’ theory. A shift upward in lows would certainly indicate warming is happening. Personally, I think of it as the “warming of the bottom layers of the distribution”, you know, kind of like the warming of the deep ocean. There, problem solved!!
I’m going to bed now.
But before I do, I’d like to leave behind a comment made on Booker’s latest article on the British Daily Telegraph. I think it is worth repeating, from a science point of view. Comments requested, especially from the “luke-warmers”. Jo? David?
Here’s how to generate a multi trillion $$$ scam that sounds like it’s got science in it. Start with reality. The earth emits an energy flux of 240W/m^2. That is a fact, much touted by the warmists. Then, in order to sound scientific, shout, and keep shouting, that therefore, the earth must receive, from the sun, an energy flux of 240W/m^2. To sound even more scientific, chuck in reference to the Stefan/Boltzmann (SB) law, which provides a means to convert energy flux to an equivalent temperature, certain other things being equal. Cranking the SB equation, it is rapidly ‘concluded’ that the natural ‘average’ temperature of the earth, without an atmosphere, must be -18C.
Still with me CSA (immunologist)? Then, point out to the great unwashed and the BBCO2 that the ‘average’ temperature isn’t -18C, it is more like +15C. Therefore, the entire planet is being heated by a frigid fluid bath (the atmosphere) to the tune of +33C, by an amazing ‘back radiation’ by ‘greenhouse’ gases (GHG) – hey presto, the ‘Greenhouse Effect’.
This is more than enough already to convince mouth breathing PPE grads all over government and the civil service that there is a huge problem (there isn’t). The Chief Scientific Adviser, the President of the Royal Society, all of the main stream media, Hollywood, all lefties – especially the BBCO2 – are convinced that the non-warming since 1998, despite the poster boy GHG (CO2) increasing by 8%, is all our fault. Further, we should hand our money to governments, the banks, the energy companies and the UN to crave indulgence. There has been no science for a while; that is typical.
Back on the science. There is no physical law that governs the notion that energy flux must be conserved. There is, however, a physical law which mandates that energy must be conserved. The difference, lost on the PPE grads, the Royal Society, the BBCO2 etc, is the difference between energy flux and energy. Energy flux depends upon how many square metres are hit by the incoming energy.
The sucking chest wound in the UNIPCC ‘settled science’ is that they average the incoming solar flux over the entire earth’s surface, 24 hours per day (see the Kiehl/Trenberth Earth Energy Budget cartoon). This is physically meaningless, as it simply doesn’t happen in nature. On the contrary, the solar energy lands on exactly half of the square metres claimed by the UNIPCC etc. This is the genesis of the fraud.
If you stick with the ‘settled science’ UNIPCC ‘cold sun’ delusion, then sunlight can’t generate enough heat at the earth’s surface to melt ice or evaporate water (it’s -18C, they say). If you get real, with the same sun shining on half of the square metres and run that through the SB equation, you see that it can generate a (linearly averaged) temperature of +30C. All of a sudden, sunlight can make things hot, including you, melt ice, evaporate water and generate and sustain the hydrological cycle. Gone is the artificial need to have a frigid fluid bath (the atmosphere) heat the already warmer surface by +33C.
Cold never makes warm even warmer, anywhere. Ever. It’s the worst case of scientific fraud and wild groupthink that I could possibly imagine. People need sacking, pensions need to be revoked, and the instigators and key helpers need to go to jail.
Bed time for me too. Here is a more complete discussion using valid physics that supports everything that Booker is saying in your quote.
Yes it’s the genesis of the fraud, but even if their numbers were all fully correct and meaningful, they would still be several non sequiturs away from even beginning to make a case for any policy action whatsoever, because:
a) it wouldn’t follow from a mere trend to increasing temperatures that therefore the ecological consequences would be bad rather than good
b) they still would have no rational way of knowing the human valuations in the proposed policy action versus the human valuations in the counterfactual of no policy
c) they would have no rational way of discounting for futurity. They would either calculate the value of a hypothetical life of a person 2 million years into the future at the same value of a person today, which is absurd, obviously. Or they would have to know and be able to calculate the discount for futurity, which they have no rational means of doing.
What these scientistic idiots refuse to comprehend, is that the problem is not one of value-free science about temperatures for gossake, it’s a problem of human valuations.
The entire belief system assumes exactly the same erroneous premise as full communism: that government has the knowledge, competence, and disinterestedness to solve the quintessential economic problem, namely to allocate scarce resources to their most valued social ends. Their belief has no basis in reality or rationality. It amounts only to asserting only that “we” need to kill people now so that people in the indefinite future don’t die. (They never define who they mean by “we” of course. Translation: the State, the police.)
Ludwig von Mises has irrefutably demolished their theory, or rather assumptions, as mere babbling in his dynamite short essay “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth” well worthy of a read by all skeptics and warmists:
Recommended light reading. Section 8.7 will help with interpretation of figure 3a&b, which has simple implications.
Would be nice if you could give a short summary, and the significance.
Is it a coincidence that George Clooney and Matt Damon are CAGW mouthpieces and both do commercials for Nespresso. Enjoy your latte.
I wonder if we are getting any closer to finding out about the temperature ‘adjustments’ the scientists have been very reluctant to explain?
Judge Orders NASA to Release Climate Change-Related Documents
The controversy started in August 2007, when statistician Stephen McIntyre found an error in NASA’s temperature data sets that he said caused temperatures in the U.S. from the year 2000 onward to be overstated. After posting “his findings on his website,” according to Judge Barbara Rothstein’s decision, McIntyre “emailed them to NASA climate scientists” at the Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS), which quickly “revised values in its temperature data set…[and] did not issue a press release announcing or explaining the corrections.”
Sensing a potential scandal, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) submitted three Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to NASA, two in August 2007 and one in January 2008. After NASA released 2,500 pages of data in response, CEI filed a FOIA lawsuit in federal court in the District of Columbia in 2010.
Among the materials NASA withheld were two electronic directories referred to as the “Steve” and “alternate cleaning” directories, media inquiries about the data corrections, and two email accounts of Dr. Gavin Schmidt, a NASA scientist who teaches at Columbia University and contributes to a blog called Although CEI wanted all that and more, Judge Rothstein ordered NASA to release only the “Steve” directory and one of Dr. Schmidt’s email accounts, finding that the other materials either held no responsive documents or fell within a valid FOIA exemption.
I love the pictures you’ve been putting up on these weekend threads. Life is too full of things we complain about and we forget the beauty that is all around us. Keep it up. Australia is a beautiful place I wish I could get to and spend some time exploring.
Thursday was our national Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. It goes all the way back to those first settlers at what is now known as Plymouth, Massachusetts in the year 1620. The Thanksgiving holiday traces it’s roots to the successful harvest of 1621. How accurately it was all recorded and whether it was unique to the occasion is all somewhat disputed. But one thing is certain. All around the world we have much to be thankful for, even sometimes our problems and trials, which teach us perseverance and build character.
I thought this thread would be an ideal place to reflect on the things we all have to be thankful for.
– Love
– Family
– Friends
– A full stomach
– The ability to speak, to hear and the gift of language with which to communicate
– The beauty that we live in the middle of all the time and sometimes never notice
– You can all probably add to this list, I know I could
Though the future may look uncertain, today I have all those things that count the most and I will concentrate on keeping them intact. And for today at least, I will not complain.
A matter of importance to the Slayers (of the Sky Dragon), at Principia Scientific International is the environmental lapse rate of the Troposphere. Lapse rate means that the atmosphere is cooler at the top than the bottom
A lapse rate has been found in all the planetary atmospheres that we have been able to measure so far.
The cause of the lapse rate is a matter of heated debate.
According to some scientists it is caused by gravity. If a molecule has a total energy equal to its kinetic energy (temperature) and potential energy (height above the ground), the lapse rate can be calculated as 9.8C/km.
According to Dr Rob Brown however the equilibrium situation should be isothermal from bottom to top. In that case I imagine that the lapse rate is a thermal gradient caused by solar heating of the ground and radiative heat loss at the top of the Troposphere.
The average measured lapse rate is about 6.5C/km which is between the two cases above.
It would be nice to know which theory is correct. An experiment which might prove one of the theories could consist of an insulated vertical pipe, with thermometers at both ends. It has to be about 1000 ft high to show a temperature diffenece of 3C (if theory 1 is correct). For some reason no climate scientists have yet carried out the experiment. They probably don’t need to do it since they already know that the Earth’s surface temperature is maintained by the Green House Gas Effect.
Was down with a gastro illness last week so decided to revisit 911. After a day or so still could not determine if it was an inside job but stumbled onto other stuff.
What is happening in America? Fema Camps (~800) that have been constructed to hold Americans? Acres of stacked plastic coffins? Fusion centres and black helicopter training exercises?
What really raised an eyebrow was the DHS purchasing over a billion rounds of 223 hollow points. How does the DHS plan to utilise such ordnance?
I’ve used 223 hollow points for pig hunting. If one wants to skin or eat their kill hollow points are not used. They are designed to mince their targets.
The conspiracy theorists believe that there is going to be a civil breakdown caused by the government and Americans are going to be disarmed and the radicals are going to be locked up in the camps.
I am sceptical but that ordnance is a worry.
What’s happening is that the current administration is preparing to hold on by force if necessary. Worse, they will ultimately be looking for excuses to imprison guys like me who oppose them. They are fearful of violence when society breaks down, as it must if we keep spending money we don’t have and if we don’t get rid of this Obama care abomination.
Need I go on?
I have no proof of any of this but no one does the things the federal government is doing without a reason.
Here’s a message to all of the “green” governments out there. I’ll vote for the first one to hand back all of their oil revenues to the oil companies.
The British Labour Party at last recognize that energy prices are rising. They blame it solely on the increasing profits of the energy companies. No mention of the switch from cheap fossil fuels to renewables.
Their leader, Ed Miliband, has announced a solution. Freeze energy prices.
In the rush to announce this solution, they have omitted to actually publish the document with all the details. Links on Labour’s website lead you round in circles. A web-reference on a short, but expensive, video does not exist either. I have published details for you to follow here.
I think this is all smoke and mirrors.Cameron has said that he wants to get rid of “All the Green Crap”Lab.are also seeing that their Green Looney policies will be damaging to their re-election chances.
Don’t be fooled by what they tell you.Vote UKIP,you really don’t have a choice.
Richard Nixon tried that when he was president. He froze all wages and prices (by executive order, legality very questionable) in order to solve the problem of rapidly rising interest rates and associated cost of living increase. It failed miserably because he couldn’t keep it all frozen forever and when the freeze was lifted, guess what? The problem was still there. Millband will find out what Nixon found out — price
freezingfixing is not a solution.Can we please freeze politicians instead and then let a free market sort things out the right way?
Like Nixon, Miliband fails to understand the true cause of the problem. On inflation Nixon had the excuse that the dominant economic theory of the time – Keynesianism – advocated the policy that he recommended. I have now obtained a copy of the document that tries to justify the price freeze. It basically tries to imply that the vast majority of the 30%+ increase in the cost of electricity and gas to British consumers over the last 3 years is down to increased profits by the big 6 energy companies. I show that nearly all of the increase is likely down to other factors – particularly subsidies to renewables. Compare and contrast the arguments to reach your own conclusions.
Yeah, don’t they all. They don’t understand wealth, they don’t understand money, they don’t understand business and they don’t understand human nature. And ignorance is not bliss. 🙁
I have no doubt that what you say is true, even without reading the data you link to. I’ve watched the world go by for too many years to be fooled by the BS we get from our
leadersmorons.Sorry for the harsh language but it’s time (past time) to call a spade a spade.
what chance this will get coverage in the MSM?
2 Dec: The Rural: Irrigators call on senate to scrap carbon tax immediately
THE NSW Irrigators’ Council has completed significant research showing the Carbon Tax is having a massive impact on food and fibre producers…
“Australian irrigators have – with government insistence – moved to ‘efficient’ irrigation techniques that require significant energy inputs. We’re now being slugged with hundreds of thousands of dollars in carbon tax as a result with no way out of it.
Council’s Economic Policy Analyst Stefanie Schulte says her research clearly shows that the carbon tax has been a major driver of recent cost increases for irrigation food and fibre producers.
“The carbon tax made up between 5 and 11 per cent of an irrigator’s electricity bill in 2012-13. This has translated into $200 000 in additional electricity costs for our trial group of 6 producers – the equivalent of over 100 residential customers in Sydney. Just one single producer received a carbon tax related increase of $80,000…
on the other hand, how perfectly does this fit with the MSM CAGW agenda? fact-free-zone, another CAGW conference, more proof Unions are not worker-friendly, plus a few laughs:
1 Dec: Toronto Star: Raveena Aulakh: Global warming at work: how climate change affects the economy and labour
Some jobs will change; others may disappear. Still, experts at a climate change and labour conference say environmental protection needn’t come at the expense of the economy.
“These things are never easy,” says (Hassan) Yussuff (secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Labour Congress). “But conflict is also unnecessary. We have been consistent in saying that we need to slow down the pace of development there … because of its incredible impact on the environment locally and nationally.”
If workers can be assured that by slowing the pace of development, technology can be improved to limit the effect on the environment, he says, “they will recognize that change needs to happen.
“What they are not prepared to see is shut the industry down.”
Yussuff was one of dozens of speakers at Work in a Warming World, a conference held at the University of Toronto’s Woodsworth College from Friday to Sunday.
The conference brought together academics, environmental groups and trade unions to debate the impact of climate change on labour practices: how we work, what we produce and where we produce…
A warmer planet directly affects postal workers, landscape workers, construction and sanitation workers, “and that means they need different kind of protection,” says (Carla) Lipsig-Mumme (professor of work and labour studies at York University, and director of the conference). “These jobs will have to be done radically differently.”
At the other end, global warming can wipe out jobs completely, she says.
“You see that in low-lying areas in poor countries in Asia. You see it in areas that are being desertified in Africa. It’s not just the work that is wiped out … but livelihood in the community.”
In Bangladesh, considered ground zero for climate change, millions of farmers on the coast have left their villages and moved to the capital city of Dhaka because rising sea levels have devoured farmland and monsoon rains, on which farmers depend, are unpredictable…
Some jobs, on the other hand, will become more important as the earth grows warmer.
***As an example, Lipsig-Mumme says, accountants now do risk assessments and evaluations of greenhouse gas reductions. “Carbon tax, like the one in B.C., has to be audited for their environmental responsibility, and accountants have added a topic to their work,” she notes.
Alex White, a board member of Greenpeace Australia Pacific and the Wilderness Society (Victoria), says emergency workers such as firefighters, police officers and paramedics face genuine dangers in a warming climate…
Front-line officers are the first to respond to bushfires, which White says are not only starting earlier but also burning hotter and longer. This year has been one of the warmest on record in Australia.
Even after a bushfire is subdued, danger still lurks in asbestos that must be cleared from the burned homes, says White.
A changing climate has made our lives more complicated, says Yussuff, but he adds it needn’t be a struggle between jobs and the environment.
“As I see it, there is potential to create thousands and thousands of well-paying green jobs … there is transportation, retrofitting of homes, energy efficiency,” he says.
“The statistics speak volumes.”
***”that meets the exacting standards of emissions accounting”??
2 Dec: Australian: Andrea Koch: Answer to carbon conundrum is beneath our feet
(Andrea Koch is program leader of the Soil Carbon Initiative, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney)
In fact, Australia is leading on greenhouse gas abatement through soil carbon sequestration…
***What is new, however, is the need to monitor and measure the changes in a way that meets the exacting standards of emissions accounting, at a cost that makes it worthwhile. Much headway has been made under the Carbon Farming Initiative. The government has indicated that a prototype soil carbon methodology will be approved for use during the first half of next year.
This will pave the way for the market to innovate and develop a range of measurable approaches that increase soil carbon…
Age editorial claims “the climate is changing”! bring on a congestion tax:
2 Dec: Age Editorial: Premier, get serious about climate change
In July 2010, when the Brumby government passed laws committing Victoria to improving environmental protections and cutting carbon emissions, the Coalition’s Denis Napthine damned the Labor government as ”hypocritical when it comes to climate change”. Dr Napthine, who is now Premier, railed at what he called Labor’s broken promises, saying the Bracks and Brumby governments had failed to meet emissions-reduction targets set in 2002. He said Victoria and Australia needed to do ”everything that we can to reduce our electricity consumption”.
”Everything that we can” is a fine cry in opposition, but it appears to mean little in government…
Victoria’s greenhouse gas emissions are continuing to rise, and the biggest contributor is cars. Professor Auty suggests an independent panel should be convened to consider ways of discouraging car usage through congestion taxes, for example, or by deploying more buses…
The Coalition’s lack of commitment – at both federal and state levels – to force curbs on carbon emissions and introduce sustainable energy initiatives is bewildering. The science has been delivered. The climate is changing and, even from this small point on the planet, we can do much more to protect our environment…
File Under:
Tropical Fish-Global Warming-Settled Science- Climate Change
17 August 2013: Climate change sees tropical fish arrive in Tasmania
Not all tropical fish …
29 November 2013: Warmer oceans making fish lethargic
“Fish are cold-blooded and the way their body works depends on ambient temperatures, so obviously global warming and ocean warming has potential to impact these fish,” Dr Johansen said.
Just like human beings, the coral trouts also appear to get lazy in warmer conditions.
Another chapter in the Settled Science of Global Warming settled.
Well in 2004 Catalyst didn’t call it climate change.
Concerning Handjive’s links: Of course the fish are less active–it’s warmer does. I suppose one could argue that warmer weather would make humans lazier–oh, wait, the article did. But in the world of climate change, that should be a good thing. People won’t move around as much, consume as much, produce as much or care as much. In fact, they might get so lazy that they give up and go extinct. I would think warmists would be having a giant party on this one. I suppose they have to pretend otherwise, but at this point, they must be hoping people listen to the skeptics so the world warms and humans go extinct.
As for the migration of the fish–if scientists had anything but one tiny eye in the middle of their head that sees Michael Mann only in it, they might look at the real world and see if there might be other reasons for the changes. I’m sure a competent kindergartner could find some possibilities. The fish found better food, the fish actually like warmer waters and now have a larger range, etc. There is a scientist, Jim Steele, who writes a blog and has a book on how much of what is blamed on climate change is better explained by changes in landscapes and how when we try to “fix” things, we often make them worse because we don’t see the whole picture.
Climate science is desperate. They have to keep the fear going. So blame everything on warming and hope no one notices the failures–or flaunt the failures to increase fear. When using fear, you can generally try any ridiculous notion if you do it with a straight face and sound sincere.
Truth be known, the way things are going I feel a little desperate myself — desperate for relief from all the BS.
Can’t we put these people to work doing something useful? Maybe they could pick up all the trash along California highways and city streets. I’m thinking they’d be in demand in other states too.
Problem solved! Let’s all go home.
NSW Irrigators did manage to get a line in The Australian:
2 Dec: Australian: Brendan Nicholson/David Uren: Farmers plead for parliament to repeal carbon tax legislation
FARMERS and irrigators have called on the Senate to pass the Abbott government’s carbon tax repeal bill in parliament’s last sitting fortnight, which begins today…
The chairman of the National Farmers Federation sustainability committee, Gerald Leach, said farmers had led the way in emissions reductions without the carbon tax, but had still been hard hit by it.
He said research by the Australian Farm Institute in 2008 indicated that, depending on the commodity produced, the average farm business would incur additional energy, fertiliser and chemicals costs of up to $10,000 a year.
The NSW Irrigators’ Council said the carbon tax was having a massive impact on food and fibre producers with energy costs for one producer up $80,000…
no articles on the Farmers/Irrigators at Fairfax or ABC, as yet. however, Greg Hunt manages to air their concerns on AM…and Naomi Woodley totally ignores him & changes direction!
the whole piece is so agenda-driven, i’m glad i’m only reading it, rather than listening to it:
2 Dec: ABC AM: Govt pushing for carbon vote in final sitting fortnight
TONY EASTLEY: …The looming Senate vote on the package of repeal bills could provide a distraction from the Coalition’s brawl with some states on education funding, and the slow work of repairing Australia’s relationship with Indonesia.
A quick fire Senate committee into the repeal is due to report today, but the bills are still likely to be rejected by the Greens and Labor…
The Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, has told Naomi Woodley that the Senate should respect the Government’s mandate…
NAOMI WOODLEY: But on all the available evidence, a vote in the next two weeks would be a vote against your bills. Are you setting it up for a double dissolution?
GREG HUNT: Well, we certainly want to take every step to bring forward the passage of the carbon tax repeal bills, for a very simple reason: these bills are set to increase from $24.15 a tonne if they’re not passed to $25.40 as of the 1st of July next year. In other words, another hit on electricity.
So we want to do everything we can to bring forward the abolition of the tax so as we can move to practical measures rather than an electricity tax.
NAOMI WOODLEY: But one poll last week put support for direction action below public support for the carbon tax. Now that is just one poll, but still, for a policy that you’ve had for two elections now, wouldn’t you want public understanding to be a bit higher than that?…
GREG HUNT: Oh look, I think that there was a very significant poll on September 7th, which is when Australians voted; changed the government. They voted for a government which was proposing to abolish the carbon tax and to very simply bring in a carbon purchasing fund, an emissions reduction fund.
My understanding is that, even today, the National Farmers Federation and the New South Wales Irrigators Association are clearly and categorically calling for removal of the tax over the coming fortnight.
***NAOMI WOODLEY: Is there any chance that the Senate won’t vote on these bills in the next fortnight?…
Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year record high Saturday
“baffling scientists seeking to understand why”
“baffling climate scientists seeking to understand why the earth is not doing what their 99% accurate models predicted.”
Maybe the answer , Warcroft, is simply this is one statistic or piece of observable evidence they cannot adjust to suit the narrative.
Like my comment No.1 where I listed 5 trolls and got 5 thumbs down.
Is this coincidence?
But Kevin Lohse at 1.2 lists 6 trolls and only gets 1 thumb down.
Did they lose interest after the first comment? In which case should we head every article with a comment that scares the trolls off?
Or is Global Warming making them tired and listless?
Kevin put odds on them, which the trolls would have found flattering (they are easily impressed, as we all know).
And beside, Kevin has a beard, so he obviously more sage than the rest of us.
“You are old, Father William,” the young man said,
“And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head—
Do you think, at your age, it is right?”
“In my youth,” Father William replied to his son,
“I feared it might injure the brain;
But now that I’m perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “As I mentioned before,
And have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door—
Pray, what is the reason of that?”
“In my youth,” said the sage, as he shook his grey locks,
“I kept all my limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment—one shilling the box—
Allow me to sell you a couple?”
“You are old,” said the youth, “And your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak—
Pray, how did you manage to do it?”
“In my youth,” said his father, “I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose—
What made you so awfully clever?”
“I have answered three questions, and that is enough,”
Said his father; “don’t give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I’ll kick you down stairs!”
Lewis Carroll.
I think Kevin is the real “Sanity Clause.” 🙂
Sanity clause.
It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when Lewis Carroll, who wrote children’s stories and poetry, makes more sense than Al Gore. 😉
Whereas Carroll wrote children’s stories, Al writes childish stories.
We should remember that Carroll was a thinker, whereas Gore was a politician. The difference is as wide as the Grand Canyon. And just as hard to jump from one side to the other.
Not yet. Give them time.
They are now so convinced of their scam that they believe it themselves.
The poor babies! Can’t get mother nature to cooperate? How sad!
Those who prefer their imagination over real evidence are always confused it would seem.