UPDATE: Commenters are reporting that the bio page has changed. Does anyone have a screenshot of the original? – Jo
A friend at Curtin University, Western Australia reports that a new mysterious and imposing mural appeared on the facade. It is as if passers-by can look through the bricks and see a Saint-of-Science himself working.
The words on the plaque (which must be something like 5m wide) read “Inside our walls Professor Richard Warrick is continuing the climate change research that led to a Nobel Peace Prize. “ (Sing Hallelujah and praise Al Gore).

Richard Warrick [Jo particularly likes the aura effect Curtin create around this Saint.]
“We were showered with press releases when Richard Warrick joined Curtin last year… we have our own piece of the IPCC here with us! It’s the closest most of us will ever get to touching the holy hockey stick. (I heard stories that blind students have regained their sight after touching Curtin’s sacred wall)
“Warrick’s bio pages say that he is a “co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize” and that “he shared a Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and other selected IPCC authors in 2007.” And the Nobel Prize appears in that mural, too, and this official Curtin page too. If he stretches the facts so much in his own bio, shall I trust the results of his research?
Everyone knows these Nobel claims are just an empty fawning political embellishment. Firstly, good scientific work gets a science prize, not a peace prize. Secondly, a peace prize is worthless even as a peace prize since Obama got one for 11 days of just being in office.
Not only is the peace prize meaningless, but Prof Warrick didn’t get one, even the low-standard Nobel committee themselves say so. With every tom-dick-and-michael-mann connected to the IPCC suddenly claiming to be a Nobel Laureate, the Nobel committee declared that it was not so.
The official word as quoted by Donna LaFramboise:
“the IPCC issued a statement contradicting Pachauri’s 2007 proclamation. It says the prize was awarded to the IPCC as a whole “and not to any individual associated with the IPCC. Thus it is incorrect to refer to any IPCC official, or scientist who worked on IPCC reports, as a Nobel laureate or Nobel Prize winner.”” h/t to Chris Horner at WattsUp.
What’s most disturbing about this is that this pandering obsession with turning scientists into Gods is profoundly unscientific. It’s a mark of how weak the intellectual standards are. Not only did the Nobel committee award a political organization with peace prize for achieving exactly no peace, they lauded a group who call themselves scientists but behave as political activists. IPCC-science means hailing hockey-sticks created from misused-maths, the wrong proxy, and hidden and censored data. The Hockey-stick will achieve fame like the Piltdown Man, and the Nobel Prize now deserves all that glory. Far from seeing through the fake aggrandizement, the intellectuals in Academic-world crawl in servility to it, as if it were an achievement instead of a joke.
The dissident says:
“I remember Medieval historians pointing out that there were hundreds of true pieces of the Cross everywhere in Europe, several heads of the Baptist, who knows how many fingers of St Peter, etc. One day we should try to count how many “recipients of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize” are populating academia these days.
“For those who want to worship on site — look for the John Curtin Building/BankWest Lecture Theatre.
One day when it is safe to talk about climate at Australian Universities I shall reveal the dissident’s name. The spy, by the way, is as much “a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize” as Warrick is. (Like “everyone” else eh?).
I don’t like it one bit, but to be fair the mural is not actually claiming he one a Nobel. It just says his work “led to a Nobel Peace Prize.”
It’s semantics, true.
And yes, I hate my autocomplete/autocorrect.
While the mural does not say that he won a Nobel prize, his bio page certainly does.
Makes him a charlatan, much like those who claim to be war veterans but aren’t.
Shane, here is how Warrick is described on the Curtin University website:
As part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he shared a Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and other selected IPCC authors in 2007.
And here is how John Christy is described at the end of an article written by himself and Richard McNider which appeared in the wall street Journal and on WUWT:
Mr. Christy was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore.
Is Christy also a charlatan?
I’m not Shane, but the answer to your question is “Cristy or Watts or whomever gave this designation of sharing in the peace prize” is lying. None of the researchers “shared” the prize. This dishonesty is very wide-spread. Shame on WUWT for stooping so low–it’s very, very tacky.
“The prize was awarded to the IPCC as an organization, and not to any individual associated with the IPCC.”
I will go back and change my answer: WUWT/Cristy is engaging in “spin” that would make a liberal soooo proud. If you look carefully, it says Cristy was a member of the IPCC panel that shared the prize. If you correct this to “Cristy was a member of the IPCC panel (the panel that won the Nobel Prize as a group, not any individual)“, then it would be accurate. The implication is clear that Cristy somehow was given the Nobel Peace prize. Which he did not. He was included in the prize in any way. Cristy would not have included that statement I don’t think unless he was attempting to mislead. I still consider it highly dishonest.
Should be “He was notincluded in the prize in any way. My bad.
Philip, I believe the answer is yes. While the Nobel award was made to the IPCC, none of the scientists, staff or assorted hangers on can consider themselves recipients of the award.
The Nobel committee will occasionally award a prize to a group. In cases like that, if I remember correctly, no more than 3 co-recipients are named. The committee will also occasionally award the prize to an organization itself. In those cases the award is quite specific and no staff, members etc can consider themselves personally as Nobel laureates.
It might be harsh, but I do label anyone who claims that they’re a laureate as a result of their association with the IPCC as a charlatan.
Sheri and Shane. I agree with you both.
PS I am more prepared to give Christy the benefit of the doubt in that the attribution may have been made by the Wall Street Journal (WUWT reproduced the article).
I am less forgiving when it comes to the graphic presented with the article in both sources:
The graphic purports to show the disparity between observed temperature and models.
But the temperature data shown is for the mid troposphere. According to AGW theory the temperature increase is expected to be lower than at the surface or lower troposphere, becoming a decrease in temperature wiith increasing CO2 concentration in the stratosphere.
Here are the lower troposphere satellite data indicating almost twice the temperature rise as for the mid troposphere:
The graphaccompanying christy’s article gives no information on what the 102 model runs are of. They are not in the reference given below the graph, and do not have the individual runs which supply error margins.
However, comparison with the model run profile and temperature range from 1979 here indicates that in both cases they are for the lower troposphere, not the mid troposphere.
Philip, you are mistaken. The enhanced greenhouse theory repeatedly suggests that the mid and upper T (especially) will warm faster than the surface, not slower. See the missing hotspot, plot A.
That graph is similar to the graph of Christy’s that I posted last July. The data for models is listed as KMNI. I asked John Christy at the time about the graph and mid-troposphere and why he chose it. He replied:
Philip Shehan…”And here is how John Christy is described at the end of an article written by himself and Richard McNider which appeared in the wall street Journal and on WUWT:
Mr. Christy was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore.
Is Christy also a charlatan?”
You have implied that Christy wrote this about himself. The article you linked to does not show this.
Is Philip Shehan also a charlatan?
There was no good reason why WUWT could not have noted that Cristy did NOT share in the prize. This is flat out dishonest, from a blog that railed about Mann making the same claim. All this does is add fuel to the global warming believer’s arsenal. Why put false information in a blog post and not note that it is false????
Also, Cristy added and abetted in this. He wrote “My Nobel Moment”. Yes, he was making fun of the idea. He wrote to the WSJ with the same “joke” (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1919858/posts) in 2007. Climate Depot carries the same statement WUWT did about Cristy–clearing implying he was a Nobel recipient. In a CNN interview, Cristy reportedly did not deny the claim which was in the WSJ. (http://www.perishablepundit.com/index.php?article=15)
If skeptics are going to critize Mann and others, they had better make absolutely sure they don’t engage in the same behaviour or the battle’s lost.
His bio page has been altered – he is no longer claiming to be a Nobel Laureate.
I can’t see where he altered his bio page. It still says “2007 Along with other long-standing major contributors, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “. Maybe we are looking at different pages? (I’m looking at: http://oasisapps.curtin.edu.au/staff/profile/view/Richard.Warrick)
He is listed as lead author on IPCC reports, which would put him at the same level as Cristy.
This one. It’s the one I was referring to earlier and it seems to have a had a fair rewrite.
Wow–he really does look like one of those cheesy religious cult leaders! I could have lived without that image in my head! 🙂
(Yes, it was definately altered.)
They missed one: http://news.curtin.edu.au/media-releases/internationally-recognised-climate-scientist-joins-curtin-university/ 🙂
To whoever is feeding this back to Curtin uni: You’ve updated both his bio pages to remove his claim to being a Nobel Laureate, but you left the caption on the picture on this link.
It’s good to know we serve a purpose here!
But what did this mural cost?
Who authorized this ridiculous use of tax payers money?
marketing dept of course
Maybe Adelaide University provided funding from the $100 million former prime minister, now honorary professor, gifted Adelaide University with borrowed taxpayer’s money. Maybe the UN IMF education fund that she now chairs gave them some of the $300 million she arranged to be paid to that fund from taxpayer’s borrowed monies?
Bringing this to the attention of the Federal Government as they look for ways to cut unnecessary expenditure looks like a good idea (for the taxpayer).
Whitlam took down pictures of the queen and put ones of himself up.
The climate pagan religion continues to metastecise…..
This is desperate stuff.
It has echoes of that famous WWI poster of the child saying to her father :
“Daddy – what did you do in the war”
All we need now is candles and a shrine set up and the transformation into a religion will be complete.
Ironically – I think individual scientists mean well, this whole claimet achange nonsense has got completely out of hand and needs to be stamped on by the adults.
Arbeit macht frei
Yes, they’ll be lucky to get a job in MacDonalds after this.
Sorry – I should clarify – my post at 1.5 is directed at the climate change religion, ****not**** the professor in any way, shape or form.
My post does not imply in any way,shape or form, that the professor is linked to anything of the nazi era or nazi thoughts or ideas or concepts.
I recall visiting Bebelplatz – the site of the infamaous book burning.
“When books are burnt ( harassment of deniers ) so too are people burnt.( paraphrasing )”
One only has to see the systematic harassment of deniers and supression of opposing thought to see echoes of nazi germany.
I’m confused Steve. It it the scientists who are burning the books, or is it that someone is burning science books, or what?
[Steve made it clear he was paraphrasing. Your attempt at literal interpretation is a bore -Jo]
[SNIP .. please substantiate those insults – Jo]
[SNIP. Nil contribution – Jo]
[SNIP – ditto. Jo]
It tends to be the dimmer types that the book burners would recruit to their cause.
Says it all for Climate Science really, as Dr Lindzrn explained to the UK Parliamentary Committee
Who’s been burning books?
[Will either has low reading comprehension or he is deliberately baiting with non-sequiteurs. Let’s not bother biting back unless we convert Wills point back to a topic worth discussing. -Thanks – Jo]
[SNIP, clever snark, but let’s not turn this into the “Will” thread. – Jo]
[SNIP, you are right, but Will the anonymous is not worth discussing. – Jo]
FFS Will. It wasn’t book burning but unacceptable books that were burnt. Steve is worried (like the rest of us) that we are heading down the same path.
I noticed a comment the other day on a article about Dr Roy Spencer on Andrew Bolt’s blog.
VIc, you are correct
My main concern is we are seeing the Nazi mask coming off those who knowingly perpetrate the bigegst scam ever shoved on humanity.
Its not even a fair fight – you have massive organization with huge money and massive influence slamming/deluging the majority of people who have limted science knowledge and browbeating them into submission. That isnt science – its bulling, harassment and plain evil in my book.
This is the same path tyrants have taken in the past, and we are seeing the same spirit of evil showing its ugly face once again.
UN Agenda 21 = Climate Change = Communsim/Fascism ( take your pick )
Time to multilaterally defund the UN, and start a class action against all Collaborators ( I use that word intentionally ) who promote this scam.
Ironically – a small group of skeptics who just play the staright bat of proper science have almost cut all the heads off the Hydra…..
I worry that the same sprit of evil ( a term I use intentionally ) is going for broke now as its close to being unmasked for what it is.
This is the final rallying call really – the final push, a climate change Normandy D-Day……
I also have been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.
Um, ah
Oh, um, well my excuse is I cannot help myself; just like those ‘climate scientists’ I like to exaggerate my achievements.
I would just like to point out that the Nobel Peace Prize is handed out by the Norwegians. The real science based Nobel Prizes are handed out by the Swedes which is line with the wishes of Alfred Nobel who was Swedish.
The Norwegians are just giving out a shadow of the the real thing …
Ah, like a “Clayton’s”Nobel.
The peace prize you have when you have no peace.
And it’s basically politicians promoting their own ideology by giving the prize to other politicians that are conform?
As are the Logies handed out for acting ability!
At least Monckton makes it clear he is doing it in jest when he claims a partial claim on the IPCC Nobel Peace Prize. Perhaps Curtin should follow Monckton’s example.
The mural may not say he won (or one) a Nobel Peace Prize, but the Curtin web site states he shared in one as a member of the IPCC:
Perhaps Curtin needs to edit this?
The Norwegian Labour party giving the Nobels peace prize to Al Gore for his unscientific political film and to the political UNFCCC propaganda creation IPCC, that pretends it’s scientific but isn’t, must be a new low?
Who would brag about getting a prize for being involved in UNEP/IPCC policy based science?
Maybe semantics, but once a liar always a liar. How could you trust anything that comes out of his mouth. No wonder he can come across with the climate change crap. Liar, liar pants on fire etc….
Yes, the sort of semantics that would get a mining company massively fined by the ACCC. The dumb voter test shows this to be blatantly misleading. Defund this cesspit of arrogance and stupidity.
It’s deliberately misleading, like everything else with the Church of Global Warming.
A number of my Scots Clan have been awarded the VC,I am a part of that Clan which must make me a VC recipient,woohoo wait til my wife finds out she married a hero.
“One day when it is safe to talk about climate at Australian Universities I shall reveal the dissident’s name`’
makes me wonder how many others there are out there working in the AGW environment who are never going to rock the boat as after all it is a job.
I remember getting freelance work from a government department many years back, golden years as it paid really well. Eventually the department was closed down, I am sure it was a waste of money but if i had been asked if the department had a value of course i would have said the the world cannot do without it.
As Richard Lindzen said [parahrase]: “Scientists will never admit to finding a solution as when they do the funding stops”.
@Harry – yes, and the same applies to finding there is nothing to worry about.
On a similar vein, one wonders about life on Mars. This should be fairly easy to demonstrate either way. Mars is extremely windy at times. If there is microbial life anywhere some it it is probably everywhere. If NASA can land a rover the size of a small car then surely they can answer this simple question with a number of rover based tests. A resounding “yes” or “no evidence with exhaustive tests”. One cannot prove a negative but the lingering question of life on Mars along with the pyramids and the face at Cydonia is the best PR/ marketing NASA can get to keep the spigots open in a bankrupt country that is suffering a debt collapse.
When it comes to rocking the boat one has to ask just what is wrong with university students today? Have they no spine?
That wall art should have been had overnight additions. It should be flanked with the inspirational (party approved) images of Dear Leader Obama and Peoples Scientist Al Gore. Ipods and speakers powered by gel cells should be hidden around the quad playing the appropriate music to inspire the students in their glorious struggle against the traditional scientific method.
Despite the nonsense, the mural itself is quite cool.
I had to agree. It should be on the art wing not the science wing.
That’s very unfair, Mark. Look at the mural. Where else would you find greenhouse gases but inside a greenhouse?
Winston 3.1.1 — The lower GI tract.
Too bad it’s not a greenhouse, then I could throw a brick through it. Maybe that’s why it isn’t a stained glass window?
Deification of climate saints? It is more analogous to the defecation upon science in general and climate science in particular!
Oh well, it could be worse. It could be on a building dedicated to the greatest environmental huckster of them all, Rachel Carson!
I agree.
It does also remind me of the “sainthood” afforded to scientists who developed antibiotics – I recall seeing images similar to this.
The fifference is antibiotics save lives, the climate change religion destroys whole countries.
Reminds me of a Kim Il Jong portrait
Dare I say it, but you are doubtless aware that the indiscriminate and routine use of ‘antibiotics’ for common and self-limiting infections in the usually well have resulted in a burden of disease associated with resistance to ‘antibiotic’ therapy?
Old hat. Did a bunch of those for a 2012 apocalypse party –
(and I’m guessing this is what “Dr. Lysenko” and his fellow travellers wish would happen to free market democracy)
You mention the aura around Warrick’s head and seem to assume that Curtin have created it in some way.Maybe that is not so and the aura is intrinsic and a genuine manifestation of Warrick’s saintliness.
In any event, he looks scarily like one of those American fake evangelists. Says it all really.
‘ he looks scarily like one of those American fake evangelists’, its been a long time since your looks have led to a guilty verdict in a court of law! If it ever was.
BA-4, Please remember to take your medication before commenting here. It saves everybody a lot of grief.
grief ?
I only ever laugh at his moronity.
He is a prime example of the CAGW brainlessness.
[SNIP – Talwin wrote Satire. Look it up. One comment is enough. No more on this. Jo]
[SNIP. Sorry – you are right, but no more on this. -Jo]
[SNIP. Sorry – you are right, but this side thread is too silly. -Jo]
[SNIP. Sorry – you are right, but this side thread is too silly. -Jo]
bau;….”‘ , its been a long time since your looks have led to a guilty verdict in a court of law! If it ever was.”
‘Youtube’ is not a recognised jurisdiction.
Court of law? What are you talking about?
It seems that he hasn’t got a YouTube link about American evangelists.
BA4th gets a little lost without his daily briefing sheet from his BFF Richard Alley.
No one is criticising his “looks”, but the strange preoccupation with religious symbolism and self-aggrandisement though the reflected glory of unearned and meaningless “awards”.
Rather, it’s actually more accurately a reflection of inherent narcissism of the whole neo-pagan CAGW cult as a whole, and the relentless sanctimony of its acolytes.
Just as an aside, I am concerned that Mr Warrick’s peroxided teeth and snowy white locks are adversely affecting planetary albedo. So if the globe cools abruptly, then I think we’ll know who to blame.
[Spirit of /sarc applied here. Otherwise let’s stick to people’s work, not their appearance. – Jo]
What Winston said !
Hi BA-4
Sorry my obviously inadequate stab at irony and tongue-in-cheekery passed you by. If I comment again, I’ll flag up what is to come for your own benefit.
You have to keep it really simple for BA4 to nave any chance of understanding.
BT4 said:
Yeah, being an evangelist is not a crime in this country. Still, he looks awfully confessed of being one. Isn’t that aura that surrounds him, the actual power of Gaia?
I was going to post something to that effect, but I see you beat me to it Tal.
Wasn’t the running joke back in the day that the two Jimmy’s (Swaggart and Bakker) were having a chat about a new collaborative book title “Should the Church do more than lay people?”
I could never understand why people watched those shows or took the presenters seriously. As an agnostic I find it all vaguely bemusing … in a sad way. I am having trouble distinguishing between televangalists and the likes of Gore and Suzuki. They seem to be cut from the same cloth. Perhaps they could be re-purposed…
Seeming is reality for these people. Warrick’s science is as real as the hole in the wall.
G’day JO,I used to deliver flour to a prize winning bakery,do you think I should ask for recognition for their award.The fact that the two bakers are now deceased could complicate things.Makes you wonder about the methods some use to advance themselves.
Far from complicating things, as they are both deceased they can’t lodge objections.
Mind you, I think you will get odd looks when you claim to be “a prize winning bakery”.
Thats a bit harsh No3,I got more chance of being a prize winning bakery than most warmers have of being intelligent or shyoung has of being a credible politician.
His bio does clearly state he was a recipient. Michael Mann and his university were forced to remove that claim. The University of Wyoming used to make such a claim about two professors there. I looked and it seems they have removed those false claims from the site. I noted once in a letter to the editor that the University was falsely claiming Nobel Price recipients and asked why they found it necessary to lie about this. I think it’s more problematic in the US, since people can sue for the “false advertising” achieved through the lie.
The culture of the AGW opinion leaders seems rife with a demonstrable lack of integrity.
thanks to a comment from JeremyeP form WUWT.
“@ConfusedPhoton says: February 20, 2014 at 1:14 am
These guys are *still* claiming to be Nobel Laureates? Peter Higgs of Boson fame was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 the other day. It was a fascinating interview. (Still available on the iPlayer at http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03vdx7m/The_Life_Scientific_Peter_Higgs/ – you may need VPN or a UK proxy to access from outside the UK).
Higgs noted at one point that the Nobel Prize is awarded to at most three people at the same time. So the idea that tens of them all got the Nobel Prize is a preposterous display of preening and stupidity.
“A maximum of three laureates and two different works may be selected per award.”
There are still good people out there.
The Illinois State Climatologist Office tracks US tornadoes for example and writes the following at their site:
“The third figure shows the upward trend in the number of the weakest F0 (EF0) tornadoes. These rarely cause any damage and traditionally were ignored. The upward trend in recent years is the result of better radar systems, better spotter networks, and increased awareness and interest by the public. Combined these factors have allowed for a better documentation of the weaker events over time. As a result, the number of observed tornadoes has increased without an indication of any underlying climate change.”
In Australia we’re having “serious” problems well into our cyclone season.
We’ve had none!
We’ve had some form off the north east coast but by the time they reach the continent they’re just large depressions that dump heaps of rain.
None of the catostrophic alarmists seem to be saying much.
Here is a list of all recipients:
Obama received the prize “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”. Considering Putin is more effective at international diplomacy and cooperation amongst people, how anyone can seriously care about this prize any more amazes me. Generally, I figure if the prize was awarded, it means the recipient was a politcally adored nobody who accomplished little and destroyed much. Known terrorists have won the “peace” prize. It has lost all meaning.
Why is it that those most deserving have never received the peace prize? People like Mahatma Gandhi.
Putin is at least more adept at international cheating and meddling. But I wouldn’t call that diplomacy.
Barry is far more adept at national cheating, lying, and coercion.
You left out, “And is giving his country away as fast as he can.”
If any name should be on that list it’s Ronald Reagan. He actually made some useful, productive steps toward a more peaceful world. But of course, peace because you are not going to let yourself be pushed around isn’t so popular with the very left leaning Nobel Prize Committee.
Jimmy Carter was and still is the DC village idiot and how he got the peace prize escapes me to this day. What did he actually accomplish?
Jimmy Carter was a failure in Washington, but after he left, he set up Habitat for Humanity. He didn’t win the peace prize during his presidency–it was after he went into the Habitat project. Too bad he did start the Habitat and skip the presidency.
Help me out here, Sheri.
I understand Habitat for Humanity and Carter’s work there has been of considerable, even critical service to many people. But that contributes to world peace exactly how?
In spite of Habitat for Humanity Jimmy Carter is a nonstarter on the world stage where efforts that actually contribute to peace among nations are carried out and should be judged. Carter has even failed after his presidency. Remember the famous agreement he negotiated with North Korea a few years ago that the North Koreans were wiping their collective behind with before his airplane was even off the ground on his flight home.
In addition to Habitat for Humanity, which is international, he also has the Carter Center that promotes international aid, etc. Yes, I remember Carter and North Korea. I also remember Clinton and North Korea. And I would not deny that one of the reasons people receive the Nobel Prize has to do with how leftist they are. Would you consider Mother Teresa an inappropriate choice? All she did was help the poor, which is very little different than helping the poor obtain housing?
Mother Teresa would be a very good candidate for a Nobel Humanitarian award or anyone’s humanitarian award for that matter, as would Carter for his humanitarian work. Something that actually helps people is always worthy.
However, my question remains. Carter’s work or Mother Theresa’s contributes to world peace exactly how?
Achieving anything useful toward a meaningful, lasting peace in this world doesn’t happen in the slums where Mother Teresa worked so long or in the places where Habitat for Humanity builds homes for people. It happens where disputes between nations, ethnic and racial groups get either resolved or prevented.
Those things, as evidenced by the state of the world right now, are a lot harder than feeding the hungry or building a house. And the places where it happens are pretty much nonexistent at the moment.
Now, by that standard George Bush should get the peace prize because he got the two longtime-enemy Muslim factions in Iraq to trust us (not each other but us) enough to start cooperating and work toward a constitution and a democratically elected government. That was a huge start in the right direction for which Bush will never get a shred of credit. And now his successor and the stupid among the American people have thrown that all away, those two factions are now at each other’s throats again and everyone who died in Iraq has died in vain. The current Iraqi government will soon fall. They can’t handle the outside interference from Iran, Syria and elsewhere.
Don’t anyone tell me that the Iraqi government’s intransigence was the reason we left either. Because I know that Obama never even tried to get a decent status of forces agreement. Neither was he willing to piss off the complainers at home by leaving enough force in Iraq to give that fledgling democracy a chance to survive even if the Iraqis had agreed to it. And his failure will come back to bite us hard in the not too distant future. But of course, Obama gets the peace prize for standing around on the world stage with his head up his ass like the fool he is.
I rest my case. 🙂
I suppose if you only consider diplomacy on the international level, then neither Carter nor Mother Teresa should have the prize. However, if you use that criteria, then only politicians can be awarded the prize, it would seem. I guess I see small steps like improving people’s lives as contributing to peace. It’s why we build schools and send humanitarian aid. It depends on whether you think only politicans can contribute to world peace, I suppose.
As for Bush versus Obama, we all know Obama did not in any way deserve the prize. It was nothing more than a political “attaboy” for a politician who’s views on socialism they admired and one-half of whose race they adored (hint: It wasn’t his mother’s race.) Even at the time, many people were offended by the move. When you give extremely subjective criteria to a committee to deal with your money after you are gone, only a complete fool would beleive there would be no abuse of the money. It seems Nobel was not all that concerned.
At this point, the prize is more an indictment of “progressives” than anything else. It has lost any actual peaceful meaning it may have had. We can’t stop people from behaving badly and awarding prizes for bad behaviour, but we can just roll our eyes and say “who cares?” when the Nobel Peace prize comes up.
I now see your position more clearly and I think maybe we have different definitions of peace. To me it’s not freedom from want but freedom from physical danger and discrimination. And I’m unable to see how Carter or Mother Teresa have contributed to these goals. Carter was a total incompetent politically. Mother Teresa was dedicated to alleviating basic want for food and shelter. Carter’s work was aimed squarely at providing shelter.
It has been said that politics is how we keep from killing each other. I read that so long ago there’s no hope of remembering who said it. But I believe it to be absolutely true, even in spite of the destructive elements we see in today’s politics (and yesterday’s too). To my knowledge feeding the poor or housing the homeless never prevented a war, ended discrimination or stopped armed thugs from murdering anyone. So you’re right, work to achieve peace, peace that’s more than a farce written on paper, certainly falls in the realm of politics. And as I said above, may require force or the threat of force to insure your security.
I don’t see it only on the international level though. The end of slavery and finally the end of segregation in the south are examples of politics solely within this country. The first was a failure of politics and the second was a great success.
Yes, we do have different approaches to peace. I see education and lack of poverty as making it less likely a tyrant will take over. I see empowering the people as a way to avoid wars.
Not sure if politics is actually how we keep from killing each other. Right now, politics in the US is bordering on pushing people toward killing each other. As noted, slavery and a difference of opinion did push us into a war. Dictators often foster war and kill in the name of maintaining order. Maybe a democracy keeps us from killing each other, but when education fails and jobs run out, democracy loses its effect.
I will grant you that if we had to have someone who affected politics internationally and did so in a way that promoted peace, there would be a lot more years of “no prize awarded” and the money would last a lot longer.
I suspect we should end this. But I have to say, you debate like a pro and I’m going to concede this point to you because it certainly could lead in the direction we both want.
I still think politics is how we avoid killing each other and has the better chance of doing what we want. But I’ll also concede that there’s a lot of political malpractice going on, as we both know. However, when you have leaders with the vision and resolve of a Ronald Reagan, history shows us what’s possible.
Agreed! 🙂
It has been enjoyable reading from people I can agree with. Roy I do think that this:
Properly constrained with a Constitution, like we enjoy, makes this mostly true. However, politics also works to bring peoples to war. Wars great and small started with politics. Kiev is a good recent example that thankfully hasn’t expanded but easily could.
Politics is tricky at best. It is the hearts of men and women that have to be pure(r) in order to keep peace. How do we do that?
The situation in the Ukraine is not yet resolved.
The opera isn’t over until the fat lady has sung.
And in this case, the fat lady is Russia.
Mark D.,
In my defense — if I need a defense — I never said politics is infallible. Those who really want to fight instead of resolve their disputes are going to fight. That’s where having the ability to discourage someone from messing around with you comes in. But you make a very valid point.
That reference to opera reminds me of something I’ve been a bit curious about. Kiri Te Kanawa, probably the best female operatic voice ever, is Maori. And I wonder about the origin of your name, knowing that you live in New Zeeland. Is it also Maori? Or is it none of my business?
I’m asking because such things as the origin of words, particularly names, has become something of a hobby interest since I read so much J. R. R Tolkein with his details of the origin of the whole set of Middle Earth Languages.
Sheri, I’m keeping this one and passing it around.
It deserves nothing less.
“was a politcally adored nobody who accomplished little and destroyed much.”
We have had so many of these nobody’s in such a short time in Australia as political flavor of the month.
Flannery and his predictions are a stand out.
In Flannerys case the self serving back slappers made him Australian of the year.
Let’s say it again.
“was a politcally adored nobody who accomplished little and destroyed much.”
There is no end to the lengths these self serving back slapping fraudsters will go.Simply to promote their own and advance their fraud.
Normally I’d probably get a laugh out of these clowns.
But not when I’m paying for it!
Thank you–Bones and Leigh.
The closing date for nominations was 10 days after his swearing in!!
“Lost all meaning” … except to the recipient’s bank manager …
Amazing, the hole climate ‘science’ is a exposed fraud since at least since climate gate (mainstream. They should be canon folder for humorists since a long time. They can’t stop the propaganda despite the data that show almost equal time of no warming to the warming trend they got all exited about.
Hmmm… relics … perhaps we could start collecting heads of Al Gore?
Brains of members of the IPCC (to keep in a matchbox)?
..that’s being very generous.
perhaps we could start collecting heads of Al Gore?
I believe he has two. The other is said to be like a pig’s!
All augurs well for Al, especially the flock. Oh, the pain.
They would all be empty skulls anyway. No brainer.
Wonderful ! it should be cherished like bits of the Berlin wall,or various statues of Stalin, A link to a time when propaganda overruled common sense.
Seriously , I don’t know if Australia is old enough to have national monuments , :b , but this should go down in history as the first nod in artistic terms , to mass hysteria. I will buy it now for Aussie 10,000 and expect to make a massive return in the future as a really odd piece of graffiti. I,m sure Banksie would be very proud,
Hmmm… that’s not a bad idea. I wonder what it would take to apply for a heritage listing for the wall & mural. Would make removing it difficult when the politics turns.
Not sure what rogue element that should be but 451 rang a bell!
Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by Ray Bradbury published in 1953. It is regarded as one of his best works.[3] The novel presents a future American society where books are outlawed and “firemen” burn any that are found.[4] The title refers to the temperature that Bradbury understood to be the autoignition point of paper.[5][6
You got it , the first one anywhere to do so .That’s the trouble though ,I spend so much time winding up Warmista luvvies on The Guardian , that I sometimes forget where the smarts are. Well done to you Peter.C
The name is meant to provoke the druids who insist that Deniers should have no right of reply , but mostly it floats over their heads.
Surely that 5m sign is a “Hate Crime” by the University.
To call attention to their colleges dishonesty at this time, is equivalent to painting a target on his back.
As public confidence in the confidence men of Catastrophe Climate, implodes, the singling out of this saint of CAGW, is an invitation to the long suffering, impoverished taxpayer to look here.
Sure CAGW is an intelligence test, one our academics have rather spectacularly failed, but to highlight a parasites incompetence and stupidity in such a graphic way, thats almost cruel.
More signs please.
[…] Nova writes: A friend at Curtin University, Western Australia reports that a new mysterious and imposing mural […]
Within these walls Professor Warrick is currently:
* on the phone to his wife
* making a cup of coffee
* sitting on the toilet
* anyone care to make any further (decent) suggestions?
Too bad he didn’t get a Nobel in one of the sciences. Just take a look at the company you are in if you win the Peace Prize…
Anton I can’t do decent with this one but if you put the lyrics of Pink Floyds “Another brick in the wall” in comparison it makes for a great description http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5ApYxkU-U&feature=kp
Of course it must be retitled “Another Pr*^K in the wall.”
Within these walls Professor Warrick Lysenko is currently leading our student’s glorious struggle for Post Normal Science!
“Within these walls Professor Warrick is currently:”
Sitting at his desk with his hand under the table.
Interesting that climate science should be represented as being done behind a brick wall …
Perhaps there are bars on the windows also…
And padding on the inside walls…
Are there candles for sale and a collection box at the foot of the wall? Couldn’t see them on the picture…
you may have to watch this one closely, he could be lickspittle lackey of the traditional science running dogs. Are those revisionist plant stoma studies he is doing in the photo? He would have to be purged!
Certainly looks like Richard Warrick is getting the show pony treatment.
The IPCC gang never had strong evidence of inevitable catastrophe, just some half-baked opinions and political hype. Right on cue, he’s shown actually standing in a greenhouse where he’ll learn nothing about warming in the atmosphere and a whole lot about CO2 boosting C3 plant growth.
Regulatory reform = evidence * credulity * hype. The more the Pause looks like an End and the more skepticism grows the more the scientists have to be hyped up to sainthood to grease the regulations at a constant pace.
This move by Curtin is like Coca-Cola flooding the market with brands they control. No matter which scientist you pick for advice, by chance they’re probably IPCC-owned. Out-shout and out-hype the competition. I guess next he’ll be shown sparkling like Twilight characters.
Perhaps the sceptical counter-offensive should be a song and dance?
Hey! Professor! Leave Nobel alone.
All in all you’re just a Warrick with some gall.
This looks fake. Can you confirm? Why break bricks, and in a haphazard manner? Then put a very formal rectangle for the sign? On the left edge of the sign, the brick pattern can be seen underneath.
John: Guess you’ve never heard og Trompe L’oeil’. And the sign looks like a banner.
John, I agree with you. Upon zooming in you can see that the supposed missing bricks don’t fall on the real brick lines. These lines are something that a real Trompe L’oeill’ painter would have made better use of. The rectangle sign looks quite digitized to me as well.
I agree John,
You can see the brickwork through the banner, and the ‘broken’ bricks don’t line up with the bricks on the wall.
I think it’s a badly Photoshop’d joke (a bit like the Nazi photos that were posted on John Cook’s sick-inducing SkS forum)
My source is good. It’s real. Any flaws in the artist quality merely another reflection of the intellectual depth at said uni…
Intellectual Depth Of Curtin University is in doubt then!
Thanks Jo. I know a lot of academic types and have been on many campuses and this is strikingly out of the ordinary (bizarre). More than that, I’ve never seen anything such as this. I would not be surprised to see such a thing on Harold Camping’s Church with an image of the approaching “Rapture.”
Fair enough Jo.
Now I know it really is genuine I’m shocked that the Uni would put such a ridiculous painting on their wall.
What were they thinking?
It’s just like a religious painting in a church. Are we supposed to kneel before it in reverential awe?
I’m half inclined to think someone is “having a go at” this Warrick guy, tongue in cheek like. ie , its satire,
It has “Fabian” all over it. They are so steeped in hate and a very low brow understanding of religion that its not a coincidence. They are trying to emulate a religion and think that people will flock to it.
This type of cheesy self adoration will only help the skeptical side of AGW, as pointed out in the previous thread the general public can not only smell BS but desperation also, even if the people behind this display believe otherwise it’s still a free goal for skeptics.
As I see what the offerings on television are these days I wonder if cheesy self adoration isn’t going to help them instead of hurt them.
The intellectual situation is terrible. BS is believed by more people than you may think.
Yes, it is. But the more the BS is forced upon people, the closer the collective mind gets to a tipping point, where they say, “Hang on a minute?”.
At that point they realise that, perhaps, the skeptic view might just have some merit, after all, and perhaps all of the derision aimed at skeptics was part of the BS? That is the evangelical moment when they switch, and once they do, the switch will be permanent.
Of course, the big loser in this is the rest of science. If one group of scientists can lie to the populace, then how can you trust any scientist?
That is the challenge that the vast majority of scientists have to step up to. They are not part of the 97% of climate scientists who agree, they are actually part of the 97% of non-climate scientists who should be speaking out.
The point you touched on about science being the loser is I think part of their plan.
Destroying sciences credibility is a form of destroying academia, that socialists love to do – as it means there is no one of knowledge with credible standing, who can dispute them?
Society ultimately through this mess is being trained to distrust scientists – becasue they went along with the scam.
You can see how it could go.
Stalin, Pol Pot, Lenin – all big believers in murdering academics.
Tyrants hate knowledge – it eviscerates them.
Knowledge is power.
goes all the way back to the time of Jesus if not even farther. It was feared then and it’s still feared now.
The deification of error is the perversion of knowledge under the illusion of wisdom…….an apparent role of ‘Cli-fi’ , according to possibly one of the more fantastical interviews promoted unsurprisingly at The Conversation.
Skeptics need their own version of cli-fi, discussing deaths due to fuel poverty, wars over scarce resources, angry crowds protesting their return to pre-industrial poverty for nothing. If it’s a war of propaganda, then one supposes it’s completely fair for both sides to use the technique. After all, it’s not really about the science any more, is it?
Indeed yes, Sheri. But who can spend the time and money to get it all together and then manage to spread the word around. The UN and various governments get your money and mine to run this climate change charade from a position of relative financial security if not outright wealth. Jo and others run their efforts out of their own pockets and have no supporting staff except a few volunteers.
Where is our equivalent of George Soros or Bill Gates?
I thought it was the Koch brothers. 😉
Propaganda from one side, cannot overcome propaganda from the other. Voice of America had little impact on Eastern Bloc propaganda, during the cold war.
The antithesis of propaganda, which has a tendency to self-contradiction (as we have seen), is a response of consistent and rational truth.
As Roy points out, that is why Jo puts her time and energy into this site, for little or no return. Her subscribers may be a bit off the wall, but again, that is part of normality, it is part of the truth. Compare the joking on this site with the “Seriously Serious Single Issue Fanatics”, who frequent some of the climate science promotion sites.
As one that uses real photos, no time-traveling people, no talking animals, etc, I can understand the sentiment. However, this is not the cold war era–this is the social media era. And I’m not talking propaganda–it’s science fiction. Science fiction can go any direction–why let the climate scientists keep putting out things like “The Day After” with nothing from the non-alarmist side? I’m not suggesting we stop putting out the science. Science fiction can be done without the “man is killing us” mantra. I watched a “disaster” movie that actually featured a “megaquake” that was naturally occuring and they listened to the expert on how to deal with this. It is not required that man cause all disasters and the hero be some poor guy everyone laughed at so he’s hiding in a cabin in the woods and someone fetches him to save the world. It’s just easy and lazy.
“with nothing from the non-alarmist side?”
Seinfeld had a comedy series in which nothing happened. But they all seemed to get real het up about it anyway.
That’s the problem.. How do you make a movie about nothing alarming happening?
It doesn’t get anyone’s attention.
And in today’s society, that seems to be what its all about.
Your point is the critical one. Good news is not news. No one ever wrote a successful novel or play that says, “Dick met Jane one day. They fell in love, got married and lived happily ever after.” And that’s always been the case.
Without that critical factor of a problem looming large, you have nothing to say. And this climate change nonsense is a critical problem as things get worse and worse. I’m with Sheri on this point. It would be a good thing to simply document the harm and spread that bad news far and wide.
Yes, I mean a look at the future if the climate change movement gets what it wants–removal of fossil fuel usage, including introduction of millions of useless turbines and bird-frying solar panels, electric cars and not enough electriticity to recharge them, unemployment as manufacturing dies, etc., etc. I will note that science change advocates say this is not what they want, but when ever I find lists of what we need to do, it either is so minimal as to be rediculous (and proof of no apocalypse coming) or so draconian that it seems likely this is what they want. You could do a cloak-and-danger about the brave skeptic who liberates the proof of the scam and how he is hunted by the climate scientists in order to stop his getting the proof out. You could send the world back into an ice age–unintended outcome of cutting CO2 or just a concidence that no one was ready for because they were too busy preparing for heat. How about a war as third world countries angrily start attacking the rich companies because of the dangers of climate change, only to find out wars are really much worse than climate change, no matter what the Kerry one says? So many possibilities.
If Hollywood could be trusted, we could finance a finale to one of my favourite action series. I even have the title, (A Cause To Die Hard). Cast two Hollywood heart throbs, Matt Damon and George Clooney as the villains, financed by the UN to rob the world of it’s wealth, through climate change. I’d even bring James Cameron out from behind the camera and make him the chief conspirator.
I admire the talent all three have in their chosen professions, they just have too much to say when it comes to “climate change”, it would be good to see them exposed as being on the wrong side of the science.
How about a movie about them all going to gaol for bearing false witness then, to something that wasn’t happening.
Just think of the kind of rackets they could run inside.
Not on this site anyway!
I’ve seen James Bond movies where the monkey is more intelligent than you .
And they were acting.. just following directions.
Cli-fi is however remains a core intellectual plank of the catastrophist Green movement. Sometimes it’s referred to as ‘models’.
There is some skeptical cli-fi 🙂 . See here for a free-to-read skeptical sci-fi / cli-fi novelette that featured at WUWT and also in Judith Curry’s cli-fi review at Christmas 2012. Also listed on the Wiki cli-fi page.
Doesn’t follow your model really, but I think it satifies the purpose you propose. And I agree that in what amounts to a war of narratives (CAGW is a social phenomenon that is very distanced from anything that may or may not be happening in the real climate), then skeptical cli-fi most certainly has its place in that war, and we need more of it…
Thanks, Andy. The list at Judith Curry’s blog is very interesting. My model was just something to get people thinking. We just need to catch people’s attention that there is another side to all of this. It’s good to know there are those already starting on that path.
Manfred: Too cute……
You are quite right. Old warriors always have a temptation to interpret the present, in terms of the strategies used in a past conflict.
This is especially true, when they are focused on matters that directly stem from that previous conflict.
But as you say, you have to get people thinking, and a discussion going, or you get nowhere. Thank you for that.
I don’t disagree Sheri. My apologies. I can easily imagine some cinematic extravaganzas that would ram home the MSM sanctioned, humanity crushing Green totalitarian primitivisation ennacted in the name of ‘save the planet’.
I had just finished reading the article advocating Cli-fi at The Conversation and found myself uncommonly sensitised by the drivel, strangely in spite of it fulfilling and surpassing all expectations.
We do need to use every tool available to portray, reveal and depict those that would definitively deprive us of any means and ability to do so. Cli-fi is potentially an imaginative and attention grabbing tool.
I think I have posted this here before but its more than appropriate again now. . .
And there was I thinking saints, like Royalty, never needed to deificate – if you’ll pardon the pom.
“……..And there was I thinking saints, like Royalty, never needed to deificate…..”
Certainly they do, Matty, but, it’s all noise and very little signal!
If you sufficiently torture the noise it’s amazing what signals can be perceived with statistics ( a la Santer, Hotspot et al.)
As an EU Citizen and co-recipient of the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to the European Union I would like to ask if anyone knows if the greenhouse that Professor Richard Warrick is depicted in the wall mural utilizes a CO2 generator(as many Greenhouses often do)?
Do plants thrive on BS just as we’ll as on enhanced CO2 ?
Enrich your atmosphere with this DIY CO2 generation kit.
Yep, glad someone noticed that.
The greenhouse he is in will almost certainly have an enhanced CO2 atmosphere.
And we all know what a Nobel Peace Prize is worth. And tacky, tacky, tacky for ringing your own bell! 🙁
Credentials only go so far.
Nobel Peace Prize winner is awarded by the Norwegians, for some obscure reason. Among previous winners are mass murderers as Menachem Begin, Yassir Arafat, Henry Kissinger. Absolutely outrageous!
I’ll agree about Yassir Arafat but not the others.
One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.
And there was Nelson Mandela. All were rewards for trying to find a peaceful path, eventually.
There is every reason to beleive mandela was a communist.
I don’t deny Began’s past or Mandella’s either. Mandella was justly imprisoned for cold blooded murder. And if that had been all there was to either man I would still condemn them.
Before I try to be a man’s judge I try to understand him, his times, the attitudes and the pressures that were on and around him. Walk a while in the man’s shoes and then see what you think of him.
As for Henry Kissinger, he gave not so good advice to be sure. But he gave that advice from the background he had to work with. I don’t believe him to have been malicious. And just exactly who did he kill anyway?
Mandella grew from an immature angry revolutionary more than willing to murder, to a mature man with genuine good will toward those he had previously been killing. Such things count for much.
Arafat was dedicated not to any form of peace with Israel but to eradication of the Jewish state. How he got any recognition from anyone is beyond me. I understand his complaint but not his solution.
Cristopher Hitchens put together the case pretty well that at least two of Kissinger’s actions constitute war crimes, and the USA’s double standard on war crime prosecutions is the issue.
It’s the attitude of letting sleeping dogs lie that makes these large scale crimes remain profitably feasible for aspiring sociopaths everywhere.
That’s a rather broad indictment.
I have never been a fan of either Henry Kissinger or Christopher Hitchens and what I’m reading and seeing in the links you provide falls far short of something that will stand up in a court of law. But if these allegations are indeed true and can be proved, then Kissinger should certainly be held to answer them.
I do hope you’ll forgive me a bit of skepticism though because I’ve seen a lot of this kind of accusation against George W. Bush that I can’t begin to find substantiation for. And with regard to Kissinger, I cannot tell how much of it is something real for which a trial would be justified and how much of it is simply politically motivated. I also know that some make allegations of war crimes or crimes against humanity that have their basis only in the opinion of the accuser — I’ve seen some of them. And most of all, I don’t have the time to look into Henry Kissinger to the extent necessary to figure out what’s what.
So all I can say is thanks for pointing out Hitchens case. And remember, I never liked Kissinger at all. I’m not defending or supporting him.
While there seem to be plenty of peaces to go round you are still lucky to get a peace of it.
That the professor in question went along with this Stalinist lunacy says all you need to know about him and his work. What a complete and utter tosser. As for Curtin, in my day it was just an “Institute of Technology” but now it looks like an Institute of Scientology ( i.e. actually a religeous establishment). That said, I can’t wait to see what UNSW puts up to honor the Ship of Fools. LOL. These guys would slay em at an international comedy festival. They could make satire redundant.
Here’s a good FACTUAL response to the Kerry numbskull.
The Lambeyeque people of pre-Spanish Peru built man-made ‘mountains’ so large that the later Spanish thought they were natural geographic features. Took huge resource. The purpose was to control / predict the climate, specifically the terrible flooding in their territory that occurred at certain points of the El-Nino / La-Nina cycles. They thought that weather came from mountains, and that the elite atop their own mountains would be able to control it. This elite lived like gods, with everything they needed brought up to them, until of course the next flood. Then they and all their palaces atop the ‘mountains’ were burned. It seems we still pour big money and resource into ‘mountains’ that are supposed to predict (models) or control (emissions reduction) climate. Very fortunately, we’ve moved on from burning folks. But when, as seems increasingly likely from model performance, the climate elite of our own time are seen to have failed, many will wish their pictures were not up on a wall, or the web, or anywhere. Quite apart from deep shame, there will likely be legal and financial retribution.
Have a close look at the photo…
What are the odds that when the tree grows to obsure the mural, it will be chopped down in the middle of the night?
These Norwegians mean well with their awards, but the award doesn’t translate well to other cultures. These blowers of their own trumpet might do well to know something of Jante’s Law, which is supposed to permeate Scandinavian thinking.
The tenets of Jante Law are:
You shall not think you are special.
You shall not believe you are smarter than others.
You shall not believe you are wiser than others.
You shall not behave as if you are better than others.
You shall not believe that you know more than others.
You shall not believe that you can fix things better than others.
You shall not laugh at others.
You shall not believe that others care about you.
You shall not believe that you can teach others anything.
Norwegians view themselves as egalitarian people whose culture is based on democratic principles of respect and interdependence.
They like people for themselves and not for what they do for a living their professional accomplishments or how much money they earn.
No wonder scandanavia is a basket case…..
Its socialist group think and learned dependency.
They boot me out for sure….
OK , I guess that was never going to go down well on a libertarian forum. The Norwegian psyche is strong on self reliance though, but on using it to assist each other. That makes sense in a rough and sparsely populated environment. What sets them apart from the Green parasite socialists is not expecting others to do for them. I’m sure a lot of Australians can relate to it, well the types that manned and supported the Convoy of No Confidence anyway, but not the metropolitan socialist scumbags whose indifference they encountered in Canberra.
Jante Law is much more severe than your cleaned-up list.
It has caused great conflict in the more rural communities of Denmark where the young and better educated turn against its boorish tenets. Family divisions occur as the students return from university and are regarded as up themselves.
In social gatherings a newcomer will not be introduced – to do so would be to infer he is more important than the group members.
It is fortunately dying out, but the ‘feeling’ still exists among some older folk.
Try organising an event in Dk and you’ll know all about it. I have and it’s a bloody nuisance.
Thanks for the insight James. I guess there may be many flavours and nuances and foreigners may never understand it .
“Professor Warrick, a leading climate change expert, has served as lead author on all four of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment reports.
In 2007, Professor Warrick’s contributions to the IPCC Assessments were recognised through sharing the Nobel Peace Prize with former American Vice-President Al Gore and other selected IPCC authors.
“Professor Warrick will work with IIAFS researchers on projects covering a range of issues including farm resilience, biodiversity and the assessment of impacts in a changing climate.”
~ ~ ~ ~
If the saintly Professor worked on UN-IPCC ar4 2007, agriculture, he would be responsible for this:
In 2006, the United Nations concluded that the livestock industry was a big contributor to climate change.
In its report “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” the U.N. concluded that livestock were contributing 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases — allegedly more than the entire world’s transpiration. The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change used the report to forecast that Himalayan glaciers might vanish within 25 years.
Mitloehner convinced the U.N. to recant its claim in 2010.”
* * *
UN admits flaw in report on meat and climate change
IPCC officials admit mistake over melting Himalayan glaciers
. . .
It appears the good UN-IPCC professor is well qualified in the ‘AlGore style science’ needed to qualify for one of them there ‘Nobel Obama peace prizes’.
2nd link fixed:
IPCC officials admit mistake over melting Himalayan glaciers
I thought April 1st was another 2 months,
Perth is further away than I thought
For deification the standout model in Australia is Professor Dr Tim Flannery, Australian of the Year no less! Flim Flannery’s school science marks were so bad he managed only to get into English at LaTrobe around 1971 when it was a farm. To get a science PhD from there without any tertiary mathematics, physics or chemistry qualifications is remarkable. He makes pronouncements on every science question and announced that “the technology was straightforward” with the SA Hot Rocks company in which he had shares and which then received $90Million in Gillard funding. We all know his elevated position as our former ‘climate commissioner’ on $180K for 3 days undefined work a week, but at what stage did this graduate in English become our leading climate scientist? What actual experience did he have in say, meteorology or computer modelling? We have honored a science fiction writer as Australian of the Year. Perhaps a brass statue. It is appropriate.
Well Alan Bond was an Australian of the Year .. enough said!!
This tawdry painted mural could well become the target of Lourdes-style pilgrimages by Warmistas, keen to worship at the feet of the idol of CAGW known as Baal…Head of gold, Chest of silver, Thighs of bronze, Legs of iron, Feet of clay.
And probably with about the same level of success people experience from visiting Lourdes, eg. no effect distinguishable from blind luck.
The flock will flock like the flockers they are.
Dr Roy Spencer is biting back.
(if you look through the comments, Peter Gleik has left a comment and I have left a reply …)
He makes the exact point I was making to someone in conversation yesterday. The modern green movement and particularly the Australian Greens share more in common with the 3rd Reich than any other group I can think of apart from genuine Neo Nazis.
– National Socialist Ideology = Check
– Hatred of anyone who disagrees = Check
– Genuine aspirations to rid the world of disagreement by force = Check
– Genuine aspirations to dramatically reduce population via extermination of undesirable humans (poor, 3rd world, deniers and dissenters)
– Genuine aspiration to expand the power of The State to compel the populace to follow the doctrine
– Genuine aspirations to increase taxation to assist compulsion and agenda building
– Espoused position to put individual freedoms well behind their own perception of “whats best for all”
They are a scary bunch of mentally unstable idiots basically. They do not think through their positions on anything and are prepared to take radical action completely regardless of the consequences for society, provided it suits their ideology. The demands to shut down coal fired power in Australia and their agreement with the suspension of funding for coal power plants in developing nations are the tip of their eugenicist ice berg.
The only irony is that they still try to present themselves as radicals and progressives, when they are ultra conservatives. Their idea of progress is destruction of society not enhancement. In any civilised society, their movement would be a listed terrorist organisation.
Have to take issue with”Ultra Conservatives”
Let us use their own label, they are modern progressives, as regressive as a zealot can be.
Progressive/Labour speak, is lie by compulsion, these are the creatures gnawing at the roots of civilization, they seek to destroy all, self loathing humourless prats.
What ever they say, the opposite stands.
Conservatives are cautious, conserve their resources and do not fix what ain’t broke.
Conservatives do not fear the sky is falling.
Hey John mostly agree.
I use the term conservative in terms of conservation I would say, not sensibly conserving. By which I mean they (greens) tend toward the conservation of the status quo in terms of the development of society. I think the correlation between a nation’s industrial CO2 output and their standard of living in modern terms is pretty well established. Green conservatism seeks to either maintain or reduce the level of industry, one of the easily predictable outcomes of which is a lower standard of living.
Which incidentally makes the irony of the fact that unions find themselves aligned with greens quite often lately, even more laughable and even more of a sad indictment of the appalling lack of a historical grasp of left politics in the modern labour movement. Imagine the bizarreness of the party that stands for the dismantling of a substantial part of the economy aligned with the group representing the works of those industries. Ain’t life grand sometimes. Its like watching an ant farm except all the ants are fed is psilocybin. Its a circus of the mad.
We see it right now in Australia the attempt to take a conservationist approach to Australian industry has led directly to a suite of policies that have priced both energy and wages out of the reach of a good portion of our economy. The result of which is less industry and therefore less jobs and now a debate about the wages and conditions of everyone.
When the wages and conditions fall, overall economic growth will take an initial hit too. So in about 3-5 years when the last effects of 10 years of ultra conservationist policies are flowing down the S bend of political history and the changes the Libs are proposing now are starting to flow through (assuming the same bunch of conservationists don’t continue to block them indefinitely) we might see some sustainable industrial growth start to get going again, but it will be from a lower base of living standards, than could have been the case if we hadn’t blown our own feet off trying to change the weather by reducing cow farts. Its really that mad.
So in summary lol… I mean conservative in the sense of a mendacious desire to maintain the status quo of economic development or preferably reverse it. I don’t use the word conservative in any way that should be interpreted as positive.
Safety Guy in doing so you let these liars control the language.
Your greens must be different to North American and the NZ loons I have met.
They despise the status quo unless they hold absolute power.
They are not capable of conserving a logical thought, let alone the basic necessities of society and civilization.
I am a person who protects my environment, my resources, my kind but I will not accept being labelled an environmentalist as the modern versions are mental.
The root word is conserve, where as progress is meaningless, progress in what direction?
Growth? Decay?
To me the CAGW clowns, environmental industries and progressive politicians are all rust.
Jo: do you ever worry about this kind of stuff? I mean, are you really sure it’s a good thing to incite guys like this and pander to their paranoid fantasies?
Will – incite what exactly? That someone might try to ‘list them as a terrorist group’. Your friends want to give us the death penalty or think it’s funny to mock-explode skeptical kids on the big screen. Did you or The Greens protest that that was a “step too far”? – Jo
Gleick’s comment is amazing! Typical left and progressive abuse!
That particular sub-thread just got a whole lot funnier …
Is the comment verified to be from him?
Gee Aye, are you suggesting that Peter Gleick is the victim of identity theft?
Can you define “irony”?
I see your point but is it him? Not being sceptical about that post (even if it proves to be genuine) has its own multilayered irony I think
Gee Aye, I have no reason to suspect that the person who has commented at a blog under the name “Peter Gleick” is not Peter Gleick. If you have some evidence that this is not the case then please present it, otherwise I will go with the evidence that I have and not the evidence that only seems to your wishful thinking.
one line of evidence (ie a person typed a name for their blog comment) is not enough for me. I think you might have already done the wishful thinking.
It’s a pity that Idolatry is a common trait in our culture and marketing techniques have been developed to capitalize on this. There’s money to be made from peoples infatuation with sports heroes, movie stars and other false gods. It’s marketing, pure and simple and this movement is rolling it out on a global scale. People buy into it, and this is an example of it. Add some truth-stretching claims of medals, awards or prizes and the hero becomes larger than life.
I almost won a Nobel Peace Prize. I might have another go.
Vic, I would give you 10 green thumbs if I could.
If you want to check out a real sicko check out Alfred Nobel.
He was indeed brilliant as inventor, entrepreneur and capitalist. But been given the impression he was a repentant arms manufacturer? He couldn’t manufacture enough, transforming the industry and stepping up production right to the end. Not surprisingly for a misanthrope, he was also a peacenik leftist and writer of foul, demented, anti-capitalist etc Scandinavian literature (which even the luvvies have trouble luvvin’.)
The prize is like the man. Creepy. It’s Eurovision for the pensive classes and should be ridiculed as the embarrassment it is.
He bought Bolfors two years before his death, ten years after it started making canons. His father was a weapons manufacturer while Alfred made his money from his dynamite invention and Big Oil. I’ll take the rest of the spiteful propaganda with a pinch of salt until I read what he had written.
Care to give us a link?
Excuse me for typing with my fists again.
Vic, Bofors was an old iron business and had moved into weapons, but it was antiquated and on the verge of bankruptcy. The brilliance and energy of Nobel changed all that. Combining “chemical” expertise with steel improvements made a whole lot of modern armaments possible. This was Nobel’s interest in his final years, despite ill health and personal unhappiness. The vision of a complete Swedish mega industry for arms was fulfilled when Nobelkrut merged with Bofors after Nobel’s death.
The play “Nemesis” was destroyed on his death but Esperanto copies survived. You can buy on the net if you want. I wouldn’t.
Nobel was a great entrepreneur and good employer. He was also conflicted to the point of twisted. He was devoted to armaments right to the end (for sale, not for the defense of little Sweden) while pretending a devotion to peace. He was a sicko. And that prize is a sicko institution, manipulated in bizarre ways by some committee which always thinks it’s making a statement or saving us from ourselves – or god knows what. Don’t want to know.
Well Obama got a nobel for doing nothing.
Its a worthless award now once you start doing dumb things like that.
I think the reason he got it was because the Norwegian Labour Party knew that Obama was a socialist and that they wanted to encourage and build him up further for their International Marxism project, climate treaty Copenhagen 2009.
I remember the Norwegian prime minister from Labour on the evening the red/green had won the election fall 2009 saying that what he really looked forward to and was really exited about was the later climate meeting in Copenhagen.
That later turned out to be an attempt to establish an climate treaty UNEP global government.
That I find pretty radical and Its strange he never mentioned this during the election?
The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to The European Union in 2012.
I guess there are, what, about 500 million holders now? An extra professor or two downunder does not appear to be a
statisticallysignificant addition.20
Robert, please remember there are two types of Nobel prizes. The science based prizes are awarded by the Swedes (Alfred Nobel was Swedish) and the Peace cereal box version is awarded by the Norwegians. Maybe the Norwegians want to sully the name of Nobel which is why they give the prize to such hyprocrits as Al Gore …
Nobel had odd reasons for many things, but it was he who specified the Peace Prize be determined by a Norwegian committee.
There’s some doubt as to whether her nomination was valid, but let’s not forget the impossibly brave and good lady mentioned as a potential recipient in 2007:
…and let’s not forget who actually received the Prize.
Maybe there was a Norwegian slant to this particular award. Maybe getting rich through the export of oil while you have the perfect geography for hydro can make you a bit smug about the carbon other people have to burn.
The Prize? Hold it up to the ridicule it deserves.
The Norwegian Labour Party. have turned the Nobel peace prize into a political tool to promote their own ideology and political aims internationally.
It has been politicized.
Is Nemesis like Brecht’s Galileo, Marxist propaganda?
A while back QUT had a professor bloke as well claiming a Nobel prize for climate study … wonder if Curtin enticed him from there ? They have clearly been deliberately misled by his bio and should ask for their money back, then sack him. Otherwise, they are misleading prospective student through their fraudulent claim. Now, where’s the Advertising Standards Board ?
The tragedy is that this does not represent a step away from the Marxist
cesspit that pretends to be dedicated to the fearless pursuit of Truth.
‘Steve’ (in comments above) drew comparisons with the Nazis, later qualified.
This does, disturbingly, reflect authoritarian State art of socialist regimes.
Yes Virginia, there is an ideology to which students must conform.
The wheels on the bus go thump, thump, thump …
John Cook throws William Connelly under the bus:
“Environment Minister Greg Hunt has followed the Prime Minister’s lead. The fact that Hunt used Wikipedia rather than scientific experts to inform his views …”
The wheels on the bus go thump, thump, thump …
(warning: link is to theconverstation)
It’s all over Curtin’s website Jo, for example, here and in propaganda pages as here (stay away from my tomorrow is what I say).
Really, these people are shameless.
You know, when I spend my time poking around blogs, now and then, tryin’ to get the real “skinny” on what this whole “climate science” business is all about, and everything, I’m pretty much usually just left scratchin’ my head and reduced to estimating the altitude of the contrails streaming behind all that science-geek chit-chat passing over my head.
But the one thing I got–really understood about “climate science”–was that Australian climate scientists get “death threats” and, even, “death and rape threats” directed at their families!!! And that’s why Australian climate scientists have to be kept in secret lairs with special, access security-controls and everything!
Remember all that? No? Well, maybe this will help jog your memory. Remember there was about to be a vote in the Australian Parliament on a nasty piece of carbon-tax legislation? And then, suddenly, just before the vote, the news of Australian climate scientists, being peppered by “death threats”, exploded into the public consciousness, seemingly out of nowhere, as every eco-friendly blog in the blogosphere, as one, went all hype-booger about the deal. Now remember?
And I recall thinkin’, at the time, that Australian Parliamentarians had better pass the carbon-tax bill because the only opposition to the tax was from anti-science, flat-earther, “denier”-type “headless chickens” who threaten death and rape to Australia’s beloved climate scientists and their families. I mean, like, I still worry about Australian climate scientists and their imperiled families to this very day!
But what do we see now?–Curtin University has recklessly put up a glamour-puss, larger-than-life picture of its resident, well-coiffed, super-star climate scientist on the VERY BUILDING IN WHICH THE GUY WORKS AND, EVEN, ADVERTISED THE SAME IN A BANNER UNDER HIS PICTURE!!! What’s the matter with these Curtin University crazies, anyway?–ARE THEY CRAZY OR SOMETHING?!!!! ARE THEY TRYING TO GET THE POOR SAP KILLED?!!!!!!
P. S. And, oh by the way, any one seen the police report of investigation on that earlier epidemic of “death threats” that so opportunely pestered Australia’s brave climate science community?
Catch of the day goes to mike!
+ 10 green thumbs
I think it is the truth as they understand it.
If that were my likeness on that wall, with that message, I would be too embarrassed to be seen anywhere near there.
To each their own.
That 5 metre hole in the brickwork could be a fine advert for a Bofors.
(This should have followed 41.1 btw.)
Pull yourself together Curtin’s.
Its all very well to say in hindsight and all that but I will anyway. You’d have thought a ‘Behind the Curtin’ kind of a theme would have been rather better judged than a ruddy great hole blown in the side of a building.
I think that the artist here must be takin’ the piss with the obvious reference to ‘illusion’ – much like da Vinci’s coded references in his works.
There was also a Professor David ??? who was appointed head of Monash University’s climate department around 2009 or 2010 or so he claimed when he came to Horsham to give the local Catholic college’s forum and seminar on Global Warming some three years ago before global warming became climate change, extreme weather or whatever the latest buzz word is being used to try and frighten the horses all over again.
He claimed he had been involved with the CRU cabal of climate data corrupters previously [ he didn’t very obviously say it quite like that! ] and through that organisation’s role in the IPCC claimed in big bold print that he too was a Nobel Prize winner, no if’s and but’s included.
All he seemed to be able to present at the college seminar was the outdated and thoroughly discredited even by then, Mann’s Hockey Stick and every bit of pre-Climate gate, pre Copenhagen climate catastrophe propaganda that he could apparently lay hands on, most of which even three years ago was becoming quite passe and increasingly doubted and discredited.
For a supposed Nobel Prize winner it was a truly pathetic presentation and a disgrace to science of any standard.
The hubris and the openly blatant arrogance despite a considerable level of ignorance of some of these global warmers -eco catastrophists is really difficult to comprehend by any person with a modicum of climate science knowledge and background and some understanding of the need for realism, truth and scientific skepticsm and a level of humbleness for the realisation of what they and science in it’s totality what they don’t know or understand when contemplating science of any type..
Alfred Nobel ; from Wiki
[quoted ]
Alfred Bernhard Nobel (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈɑlfred noˈbɛl] 21 October 1833 – 10 December 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, and armaments manufacturer.
He was the inventor of dynamite. Nobel also owned Bofors, which he had redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a major manufacturer of cannon and other armaments. Nobel held 350 different patents, dynamite being the most famous. His fortune was used posthumously to institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after him. His name also survives in modern-day companies such as Dynamit Nobel and AkzoNobel, which are descendants of or mergers with companies Nobel himself established.
The following is the relevant section of Alfred Nobel’s last Will and Testament setting up the Nobel Prizes.
[ Note that there is no Prize for Mathematics, the reasons for the absence of mathematics, a major branch of the science disciplines, is something that has intrigued historians ever since the Nobel Prizes were first awarded ]
Alfred Nobel’s Will
On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his third and last will at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris. When it was opened and read after his death, the will caused a lot of controversy both in Sweden and internationally, as Nobel had left much of his wealth for the establishment of a prize. His family opposed the establishment of the Nobel Prize, and the prize awarders he named refused to do what he had requested in his will. It was five years before the first Nobel Prize could be awarded in 1901.
The Establishment of the Nobel Prize
In this excerpt of the will, Alfred Nobel dictates that his entire remaining estate should be used to endow “prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind.”
“The whole of my remaining realizable estate shall be dealt with in the following way: the capital, invested in safe securities by my executors, shall constitute a fund, the interest on which shall be annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind. The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics; one part to the person who shall have made the most important chemical discovery or improvement; one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine; one part to the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction; and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses. The prizes for physics and chemistry shall be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences; that for physiology or medical works by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm; that for literature by the Academy in Stockholm, and that for champions of peace by a committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Storting. It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration be given to the nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be Scandinavian or not.”
And how Alfred Nobel made his fortune
The Great Dynamite Factory at Ardeer 1897
meanwhile, a more earthly matter, EU democracy at work:
20 Feb: Reuters: Aircraft face fines as deadline looms for EU pollution penalties
By Barbara Lewis and Valerie Volcovici
(Additional reporting by Ben Garside in London, Tim Hepher in Paris and Daniel Fineren in Dubai; Editing by Dale Hudson)
U.S. airlines have stepped up the pressure on EU countries not to impose fines for alleged breaches of emissions rules in the latest twist to an international row over aircraft pollution.
The warning coincided with a deadline on Thursday for European Union nations to start enforcing rules covering 2012 emissions that could lead to fines of millions of euros against aircraft operators…
The European Commission says most airlines, covering 98 percent of emissions, have complied and it relies on member states to punish those that have not. It can take EU nations to court if they fail to enforce EU law.
Thomson Reuters Point Carbon analyst Emil Dimantchev calculated total fines owing could be as much as 39 million euros ($54 million) on the basis of an allowance price of 7.5 euros per tonne on the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).
***By far the biggest fine would fall to Italian airline Blue Panorama, which filed for bankruptcy protection in 2012, adding to the problems for EU nations in trying to enforce their law…
A spokesman for Blue Panorama said the company disputed the “unfair and unreasonable” penalty because the bankruptcy procedure had prevented it from fully complying.
Under EU rules, the penalty is 100 euros per tonne of emissions for which an operator failed to submit carbon allowances, plus they have to buy permits to make up for the shortfall…
Following a closed-door meeting of member states on the issue, an EU diplomat said on condition of anonymity that there was “a broad consensus among member states and the Commission that EU law needs to be implemented”.
In response to the opposition, the European Union suspended its law for intercontinental flights landing or taking off at EU airports, but the legislation has remained in force for flights within the European Union…
A first round of talks on Tuesday focused on how generous a deadline to set for U.N. negotiations to deliver a global deal on aviation emissions and whether revenues in the EU should be earmarked for environment purposes…
***Point Carbon’s Dimantchev said there were political sensitivities, but enforcement was “an important test” for the role of aviation in the EU ETS.
Environmental campaigners say EU states will set a dangerous precedent unless they enforce the law as it stands.
The EU tried those taxes on the international airline industry in 2011 and promptly got told by IATA [ International Air Transport Association ] that European airlines would be banned from operating into a number of non European countries if the tax was applied.
The EU at that time was going to tax each flight for the total mileage of the flight if it entered EU airspace, not just the mileage done in EU airspace.
The extremely arrogant EU bureaucracy in short is attempting to inflict a European socialistic ideology and a form of EU mandated eco-colonialism onto the rest of the world.
Somehow I don’t think that the European white man knows what’s best for you will go down very well with the other 6.5 billion inhabitants of this planet.
such precise(?) figures from models, sufficient to get published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management & the MSM:
19 Feb: LA Times: Louis Sahagun: Climate change brings more crime
The study by Matthew Ranson of Abt Associates, a research and consulting firm in Cambridge, Mass., suggests global warming will trigger more crimes including murders and rapes over the next century, with social costs estimated to run as high as $115 billion.
Between 2010 and 2099, climate change can be expected to cause an additional 22,000 murders, 180,000 cases of rape, 1.2 million aggravated assaults, 2.3 million simple assaults, 260,000 robberies, 1.3 million burglaries, 2.2 million cases of larceny and 580,000 cases of vehicle theft, the study published this week in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management says.
Compared with the number of crimes expected to occur during this period in the absence of climate change, these figures represent a 2.2% increase in murders, a 3.1% increase in cases of rape, a 2.3% increase in aggravated assaults, a 1.2% increase in simple assaults, a 1% increase in robberies, a 0.9% increase in burglaries, a 0.5% increase in cases of larceny and a 0.8% increase in cases of vehicle theft, the study says.
The social costs of these increases would be roughly $38 billion to $115 billion, based on dollar values of per-offense losses established by earlier research…
The study merged monthly reports on criminal activity from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting files with temperature and precipitation records for 2997 counties from the U.S. National Climatic Data Center’s Global Historical Climatology Network Daily and projections of future climate drawn from 15 global circulation models.
The data set covers a 30-year period and contains 891,000 unique county-by-year-by-month observations.
Pat, what if he is right for the wrong reasons/
As the CAGW scam is exposed, all of these crimes may occur, in his eyes.
An impoverished and enraged public, has been known to meet out punishment in somewhat excessive ways, to those who ripped them off.
In a cult members eyes, public executions for treason, massive fraud and piracy could be seen as murder.
Otherwise normal BS of climatology
New South Wales has just had new laws to cover drunken assaults now the govt will have to do it again.Just imagine the courtroom,the defendant kills a person and his reason is “it’s not my fault,climate change made me do it”.Does this socalled climate arguement get any sillier than this?
“The Deification of climate saints” At last. The linking of sham science to religious zealotry. The notion is that science sainthood is conferred as a result works approved of by the scientifically apostate heads of certain organisations. True believers in and practitioners of the scientific method, meanwhile, are pilloried and disenfranchised as the zealots look on, hoping for an auto da fe.
NOBEL’S WILL (peace prize)
‘The whole of my remaining realisable estate shall be disposed of in the following way…and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of peace congresses.
27th November, 1895, Paris.
Alfred Bernhard Nobel would have reached for the nitroglycerin (again), when on 12th October, 2007, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the winner of his annual Peace Prize. Shared between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr., it was awarded: “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.”
The Committee was “seeking to contribute to a sharper focus on the processes and decisions that appear to be necessary to protect the world’s future climate, and thereby to reduce the threat to the security of mankind. Action is necessary now, before climate change moves beyond man’s control.
The Swedish chemist, inventor of dynamite and armaments manufacturer, would have been surprised – as others were and still are – by this choice. He, like them, would have struggled in vain to find any link between “climate change” and his three qualifying criteria.
Has Al Gore done anything to reduce the US military’s – or his carbon (dioxide) – footprint, in or out of office? Has the IPCC encouraged fraternity between nations, or the spread of peace – instead of climate change – congresses? Will United Nations insistence on “climate reparations” from the developed world – and less coal-fired power for the developing world – contribute to international harmony? (No, no and no.) And what is “peace”? How did Nobel’s conception of it become mixed up with environmental evangelism?
The committee struggled to justify its choice. “With the [pseudoscientific] precautionary principle uppermost in our minds, indications of changes in the Earth’s future climate had to be treated with the utmost seriousness”, it declared. “Such changes will place particularly heavy burdens on the world’s most vulnerable countries. There may be increased danger of violent conflicts and wars, within and between states.”
Why is the Nobel Peace Prize more controversial than his other awards? Its judges are politicians (and lawyers), not scientists. Unlike the scientific Nobel Prize, usually issued in retrospect two or three decades after the awarded achievement, the Peace Prize is often awarded to individuals for more recent achievements – or unusually in 2007, also for future hypothetical “achievements”.
Trenberth Tendency: 1. Psychology: An inclination, predisposition, or propensity observed mainly (but not exclusively) in the climate science establishment, to omit the word “peace” in oral or written references to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. 2. Origin: First identified in a poem celebrating the award. Written by a group at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research’s 2007 Christmas party, it was circulated to colleagues by Kevin Trenberth, a Distinguished Senior Scientist in the NCAR Climate Analysis Section – and lead author of the 1995, 2001 and 2007 Scientific Assessment of Climate Change reports. The poem can be sung to the tune of The First Noel. (Source: Climategate 2.0 FOIA file).
“Season’s greetings to all my fellow Nobel Laureates, even if we did not get to go to Oslo,” wrote Trenberth in an email to colleagues on Friday 14th December, 2007. “I just want to wish you and your families all the best for the holiday season, and Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate that festival.”
Our First Nobel
Our First Nobel for the IPCC
Goes to Beth, Bette, Bill, Jerry, Kathy and Guy.
Kevin, Linda, Paty, Re-to and so many more,
And we’re sharing the honor with Mister Al Gore.
Nobel, Nobel, a story to tell,
We hope our co-workers’ egos don’t swell.
The First Working Group said to sound the alarm,
Rising CO2 levels are causing great harm.
Temperatures and greenhouse gases are racing up neck and neck,
Soon the whole Earth will be hotter than heck.
Nobel, Nobel, the planet’s unwell,
This is the future the models foretell.
The Second Working Group said that change is assured,
From the melting of glaciers to migration of birds.
From loss of land and crops to habitats,
How can they make it much clearer than that?
Nobel, Nobel, the oceans swell,
Polar bears search for new places to dwell.
We must work to mitigate, tells us Working Group Three,
Change from fossil consumption to clean energy.
If we all do our share in reversing the trend,
Our children might have a clean Earth in the end.
Nobel, Nobel, sound the warning bell,
Let’s make a future where all can live well.
Nobel, Nobel, we are stars for a day,
Can an Oscar be far away?
Beeeeeeutiful! Me lid is dipped…
Brilliant Alice!
It took a bit of concentration but the read was well rewarded.
I’m sorry that I didn’t pay enough attention the first time. Is he hedging his bets? Has he left a hint that he wasn’t stupid but being clever?
I think the subtle message relates to the saying about bashing your head against a brick wall, in this instance as the Church collapses.
“Nobel, Nobel, the oceans swell,
Polar bears search for new places to dwell.”
Thanks Alice that was a great chuckle
***barely a word in the following that hasn’t been thoroughly debunked, but that doesn’t stop Seumas from throwing in everying, including the hilarious claim that the MSM has reframed the CAGW debate in favour of CAGW sceptics!!!!!!!!!!! what world does Seumas live in?
20 Feb: Guardian: Seumas Milne: Climate change deniers have grasped that markets can’t fix the climate
The refusal to accept global warming is driven by corporate interests and the fear of what it will cost to try to stop it
It’s an unmistakable taste of things to come. The floods that have deluged Britain may be small beer on a global scale. Compared with the cyclone that killed thousands in the Philippines last autumn, the deadly inundations in Brazil or the destruction of agricultural land and hunger in Africa, the south of England has got off lightly.
But the message has started to get through. This is exactly the kind of disaster predicted to become ever more frequent and extreme as greenhouse gas-driven climate change heats up the planet at a potentially catastrophic rate…
Of course there have been plenty of floods in the past, and it’s impossible to identify any particular weather event as directly caused by global warming. But as the Met Office’s chief scientist Julia Slingo put it, “all the evidence suggests that climate change has a role to play in it”…
The basic physics may be unanswerable, 97% of climate scientists agree that carbon emissions are dangerously heating up the planet, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warn it’s 95% likely that most of the temperature rise since 1950 is due to greenhouse gases and deforestation, the risk of a global temperature rise tipping above 1.5–2C be catastrophic for humanity.
But the climate flat-earthers are having none of it.
***As a result, what should be a pressing debate about how to head off global calamity has been reframed in the media as a discussion about whether industrial-driven climate change is in fact taking place at all – as if it were a matter of opinion rather than science…
When it comes to the incompatibility of effective action of averting climate disaster with their own neoliberal ideology, the deniers are absolutely right. In the words of Nicholas Stern’s 2006 report, climate change is “the greatest market failure the world has ever seen”.
The intervention, regulation, taxation, social ownership, redistribution and global co-operation needed to slash carbon emissions and build a sustainable economy for the future is clearly incompatible with a broken economic model based on untrammelled self-interest and the corporate free-for-all that created the crisis in the first place. Given the scale of the threat, the choice for the rest of us could not be more obvious.
*This article was amended on February 20. The third sentence of the ninth paragraph originally stated that Tony Abbott, Australia’s prime minister, had repealed a carbon tax on the country’s 300 biggest polluters. This has now been corrected to read “has pledged to repeal.
Seumas – why do you write the following, other than as an attempt to maintain a greens/left tribal identity (or keep your job at The Guardian) because, many of us who have seen through the scam, who make up large numbers of those polled who no longer BELIEVE in the scam, are not conservatives at all. and, btw Seumas, i don’t believe that u believe a word of what u have written either:
“What lies behind the political right’s growing refusal to accept the overwhelming scientific consensus? There’s certainly a strong tendency, especially in the US, for conservative white men to refuse to accept climate change is caused by human beings. But there shouldn’t be any inherent reason why people who believe in social hierarchies, individualism and inequality should care less about the threat of floods, drought, starvation and mass migrations than anyone else. After all, rightwing people have children too.”
grow up, Seumas.
Those plants look like they need a little more CO2.
Keep breathing on them Professor.
Have today sent an email to the new Vice-Chancellor at Curtain University (Prof Deborah Terry) with the subject matter of “Erroneous Claim/Professional Misrepresentation” bringing the content of Jo Nova’s article to her attention and respectfully requesting that the matter be investigated and remedied.
I’ll let you know of any reply.
Thanks Andre — please keep us informed. – Jo
Apparently this guy is a game changer ( I think that what the banner says) What exactly has he changed? Dodgy Graphs, Dodgy Statistics, Dodgy Qualifications and Awards? Was he involved in ClimateGate ?
I thought game changers were cheats?
CAGW is dangerous:
21 Feb: UK Daily Mail: Tamara Cohen: Could Met Office have been more wrong? Just before floods, secret report told councils: Winter will be ‘drier than normal’ – especially in West Country!
Worst weather prediction since Michael Fish reassured the nation in October 1987 there was no hurricane on the way
Forecasters said the Somerset Levels and the rest of the West Country would be especially dry
Last night, it was confirmed the UK had instead suffered the wettest winter since records began
The three-month forecast, which a Met Office spokesman conceded was ‘experimental to some extent’, was given to councils, the Environment Agency and other contingency planners to tell them what they could expect from December to the end of this month.
The forecasters – using ‘cutting-edge science’ – assured councils there would be a ‘significant reduction in precipitation compared to average’ for most of the country, adding that there was only a 15 per cent chance the winter would fall into the ‘wettest category’…
The Met Office stopped publishing its long-range forecasts for the public to see in 2010, after its disastrous prediction of a ‘barbeque summer’ in 2009 – which ended in washouts throughout July and August.
The three-month forecasts are now sent only to contingency planners, such as councils, government departments, and insurance companies…
Using the Met Office’s super-computer, which can perform 100trillion calculations a second, experts in November predicted there would be high-pressure weather systems across Britain ‘with a slight signal for below average precipitation’…
A spokesman for the Met Office said: ‘Our short and medium-term forecasts are the ones relied on by emergency responders to help them manage the impacts of severe weather.
‘The Met Office’s five-day forecasts and severe weather warnings have provided excellent guidance throughout this period of exceptionally stormy and wet weather.’
no wonder i am sick of all politics. we all know Labour was in charge when CAGW policies led to sky-rocketing energy prices, yet Labour continues to milk the situation in the UK for all its worth, while the public are the real losers:
20 Feb: UK Daily Mail: Matt Chorley: The lights will go out if politicians don’t stop bashing us, British Gas boss warns as profits fall 6% to £571million
Centrica boss Sam Laidlaw hits back at politicians criticising energy firms
Attacks Labour’s energy freeze and government’s review of profit levels
2% of British Gas customers switched to rivals after 2013 price hikes
Caroline Flint, Labour’s shadow energy secretary, said: ‘However you look at it, there’s no hiding the fact that on David Cameron’s watch the energy companies have made their profits on the back of spiralling bills for hard-pressed consumers.
‘That’s why the next Labour Government will undertake the biggest overhaul of our energy market since privatisation.
‘Our plans will break up the big energy companies, put an end to their secret deals and make tariffs simpler and fairer. And until these reforms kick in, we will put a stop to unfair price rises by freezing energy bills until 2017, saving the average household £120.’…
Random thoughts:
1. Presumably we can now all rightfully claim to be a “Co-funder” of work awarded a Nobel Peace Price …. ( our taxes) and if we did it might just make some of these Nobel prize ‘winners’ stop and think ….
2. Estimates suggest 1 million people are starving to death each year due to food shortages and excessive food prices as a direct result of Bio-Fuel production; presumably the UN needs to be lobbied to investigate the genocide caused by EU, US and other government’s policies …… Like North Korea these governments know their acts are killing people in developing nations.
Sorry but I first looked at the heading and read “Defecation” and having read what they are up to I think it fits!
James Bull
Since it was a Nobel Peace Prize he is probably growing weed overthere. Peace, brother!
That’s where the CO2 instructions came from.
Blow your own at Creating Carbon Awareness since 1993
That’s where the CO2 instructions came from.
Blow your own at Creating Carbon Awareness since 1993
Certainly blowing some kind of smoke up his lower GI tract.
What is so wonderful about a Nobel prize?? I recall a certain president receiving a prize for just being president for 2 weeks and not achieving anything to warrant a prize. That president by the way has achieved in dividing his nation and being proved to be a liar of proportions almost equaling the reputation of one of our own!!
Nobel prizes mean nothing anymore. I do not however refer to holders of that office prior to the award to THAT excuse for a president.
In case nobody has spotted it yet, Bishop Hill has a new post about Mann v. Mark Steyn case.
Mark is now counter-suing Mann!
This promises to become very entertaining; let’s see how the bullyboy reacts to this.
I wonder where he gets his money to back him from? Barristers are expensive pieces of flesh.
These clowns are fully entitled to their Nobel prize.
Eliza alluded to the cause of confusion at comment 29.0.
The Norwegians misspelt “peace” in the translation to English.
It should have been “piece”.
Thus if these clowns toe the line, they all get a “piece” of the action.
I think from now on it should always be referred to by sceptics as a Nobel Piece Prize.
Gives it the credibility it deserves.
By the way Jo, love your blog and the standard of comments.
Been a long time lurker.
: -) from Jo. Thanks! Good to see you commenting. – Jo
BBC sneaks a little CAGW in at the end, but this is another blow for the CAGW crowd:
20 Feb: BBC: Marshall Islands: Islands ‘grow back’ after Pacific storm
A powerful typhoon in 1905 killed all but two inhabitants of the Nadikdik Atoll – part of the Marshall Islands – and washed away most of the islands’ landmass. But the islands seem to have re-established themselves – one has become a fully vegetated, stable island again – while several smaller islands have reappeared and formed into a single, larger landmass, the New Zealand Herald reports…
Aerial photographs taken across seven decades since 1945 show that vegetated areas on the previously barren islands has grown by nearly a quarter, a report on the NZCity website says…
The phenomenon could have huge significance for low-lying islands across the Pacific threatened by rising sea levels, scientists say…
…those that peddle the catastrophe.
[…] The Jo Nova blog reports that Richard Warrick claims to be a “co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize” and that “he shared a Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and other selected IPCC authors in 2007.” […]
Evening all
Picture yourself sharing anything with Al Gore – getting all close and intimate with ANYTHING about this bloke. Nobel Prize? A tonguey, anyone?
Makes your flesh creep, doesn’t it?
It does for me.
Forgive me if someone else has mentioned this but Richard Lindzen told the UK committee that when he asked the senior science academics at MIT were the top students studying climate? they replied NO – the best students were studying Mathematics and physics and chemistry. Only the dregs studied Meteorology and Climate.
I sense much gnashing of teeth. What does a denialist have to do these days to get a Nobel Peace Prize!!?
Hint: discover real science and the real world.
[It is a pity you insist on using the terms “denier” and “denialist”, because they prevent perfectly good comments from being published. -Fly]
(It is a pity that so few alarmists can generate a decent name calling free counterpoint to anything) CTS
I don’t see why you shoukd have problem with the term, Fly. Yawl here use warmist and alarmist with gay abandon. I call it as I see it. If I don’t refer to those with a limited appreciation of the natural forces as as deniers, how can I refer to them as the “converted” when they finally cross over into the greater understanding that awaits them. Sadly it is going to take an extreme baptism of water, fire, wind, heat, and the loss of everything that hold dear before they do finally understand at which point everything is lost for us all, but just maybe enough will get there in time for us to take action and limit the damage.
[Then he does an outstanding job of proving he’s an alarmist. Too funny.] ED
[BilB – you are most welcome to use denier if you can substantiate it with accurate English. This is a science debate, so what observation, or what law of science do we deny? If you can’t come up with anything, then it must be pure name-calling. Unlike us, we use the term “alarmist” to mean someone who wants to alarm us, and can’t justify it – See my post The Evidence (top right col) for our substantiation. Thanks, Jo]
I am an alarmist!! Without any doubt.
I don’t find our Global Environmental situation in the least bit funny. Nor am I amused by people who actively cloud perceptions of our dire future simply to improve their profitability for personal gain.
There’s a lot of excellent material around for a practicing satirist.
Yeah. It tends to upset alarmist activist w@nkers when their dire predictions are becoming more and more separated from reality. Not funny at all when you are made to look like a goose.
This was a reply to BilB at #89
BilB it is a shame you have such a negative view of your fellow human beings. Oddly, I too am not amused with people that foster needless fear in order to halt rising standards of living for many. You and your ilk are driving up food costs, causing people to die from cold because they can no longer pay to heat their living spaces. All because you BELIEVE in fearmongering. You really should be ashamed of what is happening and instead you become even more shrill. But then I’ve never seen a leftist admit to feeling shame.
I have one question: How long before your lack of amusement causes you to become violent?
Well this the thing here, NarkD. I say exactly the same about those who choose to ignore the fact that climate change is devastating crops and farm land all around the world destroying livelihoods, driving prices up, and lowering standards of living, and these people not only fail to take action they intentionally frustrate the efforts of those are prepared to act.
Look in the mirror and you will see one of those people. Take a photo and give it to your grand kids so they can see who to blame for their desperate plight oppressed by destructive climate change.
Your objection here is total nonsense, Jo. This thread is not about science, it is an attempted put down of an institition applying a some creative advertising. Had the subjects Nobel Prize been for Medical research then you would not have had any interest, but because it is for climate research you feel a need to say
“Everyone knows these Nobel claims are just an empty fawning political embellishment. Firstly, good scientific work gets a science prize, not a peace prize. Secondly, a peace prize is worthless even as a peace prize since Obama got one for 11 days of just being in office.”
…….this nothing short of jealous bitchiness.
[Although I’ve approved this comment BilB, I’d ask you to be polite when addressing the blog owner. In the end it would be easy to slam the door shut on your face, but then we’d miss out on reading your highly intelligent, logical and reasoned comments, and you’d miss out on our satire. mod oggi]
It’s not jeolous b**ness if we thought the peace prize was a useless prize given to people who were undeserving long before Warrick LIED about recieving it. The Nobel Committee has clearly stated that Warrick’s claim is a LIE. The prize went to the IPCC itself (NOT contributors) and Al Gore. The Nobel Prize committee says he lied. That’s not jeolousy–it’s called the truth. Perhaps that’s an alien concept to you????
For starters the University does not make any claim on the Peace Prize, from what I can see in the poster. What they say is that one of their researchers contributes to the body of knowledge that was recognised with a Peace Prize. Nothing more.
You’re inflating this beyond all recognition, along with the usual suspects,..Bolt, Catallaxy, and Herald Sun..by association (with an idiot), and your prejudices are showing like witches warts.
Now Warrick may have made an improper claim against a prize and if that is the case then that is foolishness on his part, but you really do need to be careful to not defame the university for one of their staff’s improper actions.
Read the post again. Obviously we are not. See the links to his Bio and other pages at Curtin. Please try to read the posts before you comment. – Jo
In discussions with global warming believers, I gave them the option of being called “cultists”, “unscientific”, “blind faithers”, “sheep” and numerous other terms that apply, if they want to use the “d” tag. Not one ever picks said terms, always shrilly stating that it does not fit them. Really, did you care at all if we claimed the same about the “d” word. No. So if the believer uses “d”, I use one of my appropriate terms. If you can’t take being called names you consider derogatory, you shouldn’t practice that behaviour yourself.
Funny. Will J. Browne used the same argument a few threads ago. A mate of yours?
Unlike ‘denier’ which is a term that is rarely used in context, the terms ‘alarmist’ (one who advocates alarming the population with scary exaggerated predictions) and ‘warmist’ (one who believes absolutely that the world is warming) are accurate.
These terms aren’t lazy vague comparisons with holocaust denial that you alarmist warmist activist [snip] love to use to denigrate anyone who doesn’t 100% comply with the catastrophic view of AGW.
Deny is less accurate than another ‘d’ word, ‘disagree’. Many skeptics merely disagree with the ‘mainstream’ opinion on AGW.
Disagreement can be healthy but calling someone a denialist or a denier just means you are a typical activist [snip] following the herd.
Good News.
John O’Sullivan:
At last, after 3 years of legal wrangling, it is made clear why I was so bold as to formally undertake an indemnity to fully compensate Dr Ball for my own actions in the event Mann won the case.
Respected Aussie climate commentator, Jo Nova was one of the few to commend my unparalled commitment to Ball’s cause.
It will likely be open season on Mann.
Anyone may now freely dismiss him in the harshest terms as a junk scientist who shilled for a failed global warming cabal.
Without fear of his civil legal redress, we may now refer to Mann for what he is: a climate criminal, a fraudster.
. . .
As my comment above about the UN-IPCC authored ” Livestocks Long Shadow” report, and the shrine erected to a UN-IPCC climate scientist, it seems fraud & failure is something to aspire to at Curtin University.
More on same. “Being that Mann’s suit in the BC court was filed 3 years ago before he filed against Steyn, it appears Dr Ball will be first in line with his counterclaims and pipping Steyn for the well-deserved $10 million compensation prize. That’s if Mann’s financial backers (most notably, the David Suzuki Foundation) aren’t bankrupted first.”
We can only hope.
Yep, wouldn’t be lovely to Suzuki having to sell his mansions and islands and end up having to live in the suburbs 🙂
I read the title as The Defication of climate saints – Curtin University’s sacred Nobel wall
Move over Mary McKillop here comes Oz’s second saint, St. Warwick of Curtin. Was going to be St. Flimflannery but the chief Abbott excommunicated him.
I once wrote an email to someone who used to deliver pizza to the cousin of a guy who was a janitor at the IPCC’s main building. Does that mean I can put the Nobel Peace Prize on my resume now?
Aside from the sheer deception, dishonesty and disingenuity involved, what sort of person would allow such an overt and gross advertisement for them self to be plastered on a wall of an academic institution?
What poor form guides Warwick’s life that he allows this ratbaggery to flourish? His grinning visage is now an advertisement for falsehood and raises the question about other aspects of his life.
Anyone would now be forgiven for raising an eyebrow or two if they read his CV. What other accolades are as reliable as this piece of knavery?
What other false claims does Curtin make?
Where is the vice-chancellor of Curtin?
The same type of person that ran Germany into the ground, last century!
Hi scaper, I’ve just been banned at Trash so I might hang around here and keep you company.
Banned from the Trash? I’m impressed!
There is an aspect of Climate Change never mentioned. Sure, the global warming from Global CO2 increases is not happening. In fact it has taken 18 years for the IPCC to admit that it stopped 18 years ago! Imagine not paying your mortgage for 18 years and then saying OOPS! Surely they might have noticed before.
Anyway, at least Global Temperature is now a measurable, defined thing, which is in itself remarkable given the days and nights, the countries, the storms, the seasons, the latitudes. I would have thought it an impossible thing to measure, but now we have one, it has been steady for a long time, even if it went up very slightly in the 1990s, something which has happened before the industrial revolution.
No the aspect of the new hobby horse, Climate Change which has escaped everyone is that there is no climate. Most of the world is covered in water 4km deep. Within any one country like Australia, there is no ‘climate’. Cairns is not Portland and Darwin is not Hobart. Each has their own climate. The tropics never gets warmer and the rest was changing slowly anyway, so how is this ‘climate change’ defined? Will some parts get more rain and others less? Wow. Then do you define climate as a yearly thing or is it over 10 years. Given the sun has an 11 year sunspot cycle, at least 20 years but droughts and rain and storms occur and some years are quite different from others, so how does anyone define ‘climate change’ and how do you separate that from changes which happen anyway?
So they, the warmists, have retreated into nebulous fantasy. Still, whatever happens is the fault of the Industrial West and greedy industrialists and the Oil and Coal industry. Too bad there is no scientific explanation for all this. If 0.035% of the atmospheric CO2 changes to 0.040% and there is no change in temperature, how does the ‘Science’ predict climate change or Extreme events? There is no science.
Climate originally referred to how the typical weather changed with latitude (only temperature).
Sorry, 0.035% of the atmosphere which is CO2 changes to 0.040%..
‘so how does anyone define ‘climate change’ and how do you separate that from changes which happen anyway?’
Our understanding of climate change is still in its infancy, its chaos out there and impossible to predict seasonal weather. Separating the noise from the signal is the task of the Klimatariat, but unfortunately for them CO2 doesn’t cause global warming and we are stuck with natural variability.
The Warmists are praying (it takes faith) for a large El Nino to lift temps from this hiatus, which is pretty ironic. On the other hand, the sun worshipping Denialati believe 2014 will be a global cooling tipping point year and who am i to disagree.
Technically speaking, 30 years is climate and presumably anything less is local weather.
What and odd piece. While publicly airing your sour grapes like that may be considered courageous in some circles, it lowers your standing in the eyes of reasonable people. Can I suggest that you spend more time looking at the science and less time navel gazing? Of course a thorough examination of the science may lead to a change in the tone of this blog, but a good scientist accepts the evidence. Anyway, will check in later this year to see if you’ve learned anything.
Perhaps you should try reading more than the first entry on the blog. A good scientist would do that.
“What and [sic] odd piece” – indeed.
A false and dishonest impression claiming a Nobel prize is mere “sour grapes” in your book, Paddy. What a book of exceedingly low standards. Apparently those low standards are shared by “reasonable people”. How about that.
These same “reasonable people” then judge anyone who reveals the knavery to be of “low standing”. Golly, begorrah, who would have guessed.
But there’s more: “the” science gets another run. Ah yes, the “the” sort; it’s some time since this particular brand of “science” was recommended, even a “thorough examination”, no less.
When you do come back, Paddy, come back armed with the philosophy of science and an understanding of the scientific method and the crucial role of empirical evidence in supporting or negating hypotheses.
That will be essential learning for you; it will help you avoid posting highly embarrassing lines as if you’ve had to leave school very “early”.
Look to it!
‘…it lowers your standing in the eyes of reasonable people.’
Strongly disagree, this blog is a voice of reason.
Pat you have been severely brainwashed into thinking CO2 is a pollutant, it is not. Mass delusion is a terrible thing and a grim reminder that we are still easily swayed by propaganda.
You have been cruelly deceived by scientists, media and politicians into thinking our spaceship is overheating, but that is not happening. So I’m supporting Bob Carter’s Plan B.
Strange how people with an Arts degree majoring in irrelevance are happy to join in the discussion by saying “Why don’t you spend more time looking at the science?” Many of the people here have a science, engineering or other mathematical background and love looking at graphs, formulas (what happened to formulae?) and that’s how they became sceptics.
At least he didn’t say “listen to the science”. The trolls are improving.
PatrickB you sound rather like an alarmist in denial.
“Technically speaking, 30 years is climate and presumably anything less is local weather.”
A big NO on that.
That is what Trenberth and his mates wanted to use because they know it is half the climate cycle.
We have had those 30 years of the upward arm of that cycle (1970-2000). Now it has levelled off, and may be starting to decline.
It is those 30 years that the “Klimatariat” must use if they want to show global warming.
They even like to combine the latter part of that slight warming with the post 1998 ElNino temps to show continued warming. Don’t be fooled by them.
That, and massively adjust earlier records so the previous high point around 1940 disappears.
The 30 year figure comes from the 1935 World Meterorological Association usage. It existed before climate change was even a twinkle in the eye of Hansen starring at Venus. Whether or not it is used because of tradition or because it’s handy, I cannot say. However, if you consider that 15+ years of flat temperatures will start to affect that 30 year choice, you may see it expanded in the hopes of not losing the warming. Also, trolls here often insist on longer periods for the same reason. Look for the interval to change in the near future.
(Reply to Sheri at #84.1)
Yes, I know its a WMO thing..
maybe some of them needed to do maths and look at period function a bit more.
In an approximately 60 year cycle, 30 years is probably the worst they could have chosen, because it is so easy to just choose that half of the cycle that you want to use. And even if the temp really does start to drop, you still have increases from 20-30 years ago affecting the calculations.
Quite silly really
So your theory is in 1935 some psychic at WMO came up with this cycle anticipating that in 1988 Hansen would go to Congress with a climate scam based on that 30 years? Really–maybe you should rethink this one. I made it clear that warmists may revise it later to suit their purposes. Perhaps you need to provide evidence of why the original number was “wrong” and why they stuck with it as part of what?
ps. Think of being on a swing, you have reached the top of the arc, and are about to start on the downwards swing..
And some alarmist say.. “careful, you are still trending upwards, and you might go right over the top.”
I say that–all the time. Upward trends can turn downward.
‘A big NO on that.’
Thanx for that.
In our neck of the woods the IPO seems to hold sway, with the 60 year cycle clearly visible throughout the paleo record.
What do I have to do to get into the split thread where you are?
Use the reply function.
I remember one of my profs of maths once saying that if you are looking at chaotic cyclic system, it best to look at trends that are about 1/5 to 1/10 of the major identified cycle. Also that one should try to get an understanding of what drives the major variations from the basic cycle. (eg ElNino is one of these drivers)
That way you can stitch together a curve that at least resembles the original, picks up step changes etc etc.
Looking at the satellite record, 1979-now, and just drawing a single linear trend is a monkey’s job, devoid of any understanding.
The whole idea of linear trends should be to break the chaos up into identifiable parts, so you can see how things have changed, what has happened, and most importantly, to see what is happening now.
The satellite record (RSS) is obviously a very slight warming trend from 1979-1998, then a step jump of approx. 0.3C at the ElNino, once that settled down, we appear, maybe, to have a very slight negative trend in the temperature.
What happens next.. That is the big question. 🙂
I suspect a slight steepening of the downward trend.
Looking at trends that are any longer in length is not sensible because starting points can be easily cherry picked to show anything you want. (which is what the Klimatariat do, starting in the 1970’s, either at the start of the natural cycle or part way along the upward trend)
‘What happens next’
The hiatus may end this year, or continue for another decade. Assuming CO2 doesn’t cause global warming, we still can’t discount the possibility that temperatures will naturally climb again like in 1976 to 2000.
Coming doen from the Medieval Warm Period we should be able to spot similarities in weather patterns, which would indicate if our Modern Climate Optimum has reached its use by date.
OT, I see that Mark Steyn is countersuing Mann for around $10M.
Found it at Bolt’s place.
That guy’s hairpiece looks like it cost more than my Harley.
#97 is directed to BilB, as is this reponse:
I’ll proudly take a picture to show to anyone’s grandchildren to show I fought the scam and the socialist agenda known as global warming. I will proudly tell them I opposed massive waste and fraud and fought against useless regulations that stifled business and threatened their way of life. Not a problem. (Crops have been devastated for centuries–nothing new. In fact, nothing is new in the weather, just in the scam presentations that say it’s extreme or apocalyptic or whatever. You can call a pig a princess all you want–it doesn’t change reality. Weather is weather and is not worse thatn it has been in the past.)
Sheri, thank you for saving me typing. I have raised three children to adulthood all are extremely skeptical. God willing I’ll have many grandchildren to help educate. Thank you BilB for providing me examples and curriculum for those little ones.
Curtin University has now pulled the Nobel prize winner bit and edited it. 🙂