After 4.5 billion years, finally climate change has a new logo.
But even some fans of the the Big Scare Campaign don’t like it. I can’t think why…

(It is dying – the fear of a carbon crisis.)
It looks to me like an inverse-SEO campaign designed by someone deeply afflicted with ASE (Artistic Status Envy — see also its Literary equivalent). Is the aim here just the banal trickery of ambushing the new skeptics who type “It’s not warming” into their search engines? Will gullible teens type in the phrase and find nothing but links to soft-green propaganda? (This could so easily backfire).
Or is this a new form of mental programming for the inductees into the climate faith? Now, when they hear “it’s not warming”, they’ll be getting confirmation — warming means “bad stuff”, now not warming means “bad stuff too!” It’s a form of deep psychology — so deep it’s done right through the magma and come out the other side.
If it looks upside down, that’s because it is.
Jeremy Porter on Grist is not impressed:
“It’s not warming, it’s dying.” That’s the message from the man behind the “I ♥ NY” logo, Milton Glaser. The message comes with a logo and buttons that people can buy and wear. Glaser says that “global warming” is not good language. On that, he’s right, but reframing it as “global dying” is worse.
In an interview with WNYC’s Brian Lehrer, Glaser said, “Global warming in its own way sounds sort of reassuring and comforting … that’s terrible. You begin by attacking the phrase itself — the word and what the word means — because the truth of the matter is that the earth is dying. And wouldn’t it be nice if today was the beginning of the most important date in human history which is the date we decided not to let the earth die?”
Arguing that the earth is dying is serious error and will probably do more harm than good. Two reasons why:
- “Global dying” keeps the issue firmly in the abstract.
- The earth isn’t dying. People are.
How could you knock back buttons this compelling?
No self respecting climate-goth would be without one.
Porter finds something nice to say: “At least the buttons don’t have any words on them.”
That really sums up their arguments perfectly.
Me I think this is a case of over-reach. It’s a clumsy attempt at a segue from the not-so-scary “climate change” and the failed “global warming” to see if they can get to “global dying”. And there they go following a hero again. Glaser is a “legend” who designed something “iconic”. What could possibly go wrong?
h/t to Joe.
Black and green?
Black usually means darkness and/or cold. Green, well that’s pretty obvious.
As for me, I prefer the original watermelon button, green on the outside and red on the inside.
Green & black are the colours of decaying & necrotic flesh.
This creeps me out, namely becasue I think it signals the end game run of all this – where they seriously ramp up open persecution of “un-believers”
“Oscar nominee Robert Kenner‘s latest documentary looks at professional skeptics — those who are hired to cast doubt and delay action on climate change. Sony Pictures Classics has picked up worldwide rights to Merchants Of Doubt from Participant Media and Omidyar Network.
“Merchants Of Doubt is that rare triple threat: well made, entertaining and destined to immediately become part of this volatile cultural debate,” Sony Pictures Classics said in a statement. The film is inspired by the book from Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, which takes a satirical look at the heart of conjuring American spin. Kenner (Food Inc.) focuses on a secretive group of charismatic pundits-for-hire who present themselves in the media as scientific authorities – yet have the contrary aim of spreading maximum confusion about well-studied public threats ranging from toxic chemicals to pharmaceuticals to climate change. Jeff Ivers negotiated the deal for the film on behalf of Participant Media with Sony Pictures Classics.”
It’s pretty pathetic art work. To create it would take less than 30 seconds in Photoshop. Make a circle, swipe down with the gradient tool. A decent artist could have at least made it look spherical.
Earth is mostly a blue water planet. And it’s been greening up the last 30 years. What relevance does this green/black symbol have with reality?
Plenty if you are talking about global warming on Venus but as always the greenies lack that most important facet of the english langauge……………………context
Strangely enough, Crakar, the results of my observations reveal that it is yourself who has the most yet to learn about the English langauge.
LOL, we have a sniper in the balcony firing cheap shots, get a life moron
So is this the scary Green image of our inconvenient future, a dark Green ball lit only by windmills and solar panels in the fading light of civilization as primitive people huddle around the camp fires with fading pictures of Al Gore?
Yes, it does look like someones turned the lights out.
A bit like Earth Hour.
Has Earth Hour changed anything? ’nuff said.
Global dying? One almost has to pity such naked desperation. Silently, and without any fuss. the lamps of CAGW are slowly being extinguished. (Apol. Van Vogt)
The globe, like all things, is dying. And so what? Whether it happens tomorrow or a couple of billion years from now, the day is not ours to choose. We totally lack sufficient power.
The way the human race is at war with itself right now it looks like we’re in a lot greater danger from our willingness to kill each other than we are from CO2.
Physician, heal thyself!
Media Vita In Morte Sumus (In the midst of life we are in death) yes no one had taken any notice or given a second thought to this so just be thankful for Milton Glaser and a T shirt logo to immortalize this concept.
This button more represents the dying of the CAGW movement/religion than the planet in a cruel twist of irony, RIP CAGW you won’t be missed.
When I recently told my doctor I had long ago gotten used to the fact that life is a fatal disease, he roared with laughter.
Maybe we can convince these warmists to adopt a similar attitude about the planet (Ha, ha, ha!). If we could it would surely bring down the level of tension and allow some reasoning to take over instead of the finger pointing and everything that has gone along with it for so long.
I’m in some doubt that climate change fear is dying. If it goes away it seems more likely to have morphed into something equally “dangerous” (their definition, not mine or yours). The numbers of believers may be coming down but remember, the Nazi cause is still alive 69 years after the total defeat of it’s author. I have some hope that common sense can regain control but with climate change now embedded in popular culture the way it is, I don’t hold my breath.
“…its author,” dummy!
I agree it’s probably more of a morphing into another ‘pseudo danger/threat’ than dying, a great essay into the Nazi/green beginnings by Martin Durkin a good read if you haven’t already. 🙂
I would have made a similar argument against the anti capitalists and their whole rotten act. And it’s growing thanks to the president and his supporters.
I’ve probably said this before but if it wouldn’t hurt me and those I care about I could wish they get what they want and find out how badly it works. On the other hand, they could simply look around and see how badly it is working in the few places where they hang onto it instead of allowing at least some free enterprise. But wisdom is justified of all her children.
I suspect those pushing this expect that they can avoid all the difficulties themselves, being somehow superior to the rest of us who can’t see the problem or the benefit of their solution.
I was once a member of the Anglican Church and I’ve watched their descent into what they are now with great dismay.
I am a member of the Anglican Church and I am sick at heart at the way it’s gone.
I’ve been saying for some years that Life is a disease with a 100% mortality rate!
When I hear death rates talked about these days I always sneak in the undeniable fact that no matter where it is or whose point of view is being pushed, the death rate is always one per person. That changes the game immediately.
I think far more useful figures would be the age at which someone died and the cause. And I mean the actual cause of death determined by a medical examiner (U.S. term) or pathologist (maybe a more general term). Estimates of how many die from dirty air or other reasons that are not documented by age and real hard evidence of the cause no longer interest me. They have been abused and misused for far too long.
I maybe should change that and say the important figures are the age at death and the official cause as listed on the death certificate. It’s not always necessary to have an autopsy done. For instance if someone dies in the emergency room and the attending MD is willing to state the cause and put his signature on it then that’s the only thing required in the U.S.
For a badge I prefere –
Nature, the best anti-entropic we have.
I was always fond of:
“Entropy Always Wins”
Pretty sure the laws of thermodynamics have something to say about entropy increasing. Everything is dying in the long term.
As Lindzen would say, we know this to be trivially true.
“That’s entropy, man”…Flanders and Swann
Except in the UK, where the turbines march relentlessy on!
Were the buttons made using petrochemicals and hydrocarbons?
You know it.
All those nasty industrial processes, but its ok when they say its ok.
Tweeting your hatred of fossil fuel products on your iPhone is not incongruous at all is it?
Always tweet eco-friendly-news and hatred of fossil fuel products on this little beauty. At only US$15million you can show your commitment, and how you really care.
This badge will definately sort the wheat from the chaff.
In my opinion, this is a major blunder on the part of the
This badge exposes you completely. You and your views will have
nowhere to hide.
I predict that it will prove to be a lead balloon.
Perhaps you could provide us with a special “I just spotted one”
section. I am looking for a new hobby.
A friend of mine sold his car two months ago and has been regretting the sale.He spent a lot of time on it.When I showed him the new greeny button he is now a happy chappy.The car he sold was painted the same as the greeny button.I know that the new owner is no greeny,so he could cop a little flack.
The message comes with a logo and buttons that people can buy and wear.
The new buttons are more subtle than wearing rubber boots on their heads yet still identifies them in a crowd as a warning to others.
They forgot the red core.
What a sad indictment on the modern consumer – alarmist advertising changes more frequently and more urgently because we are becoming desensitised to b#ll sh#t…
The scoundrel always has the advantage of being able to justify lying and exaggeration, whereas we do not have that luxury.
It’s worse when government, universities and UN agencies are in on the scam.
Last time I checked nobody lost a dime betting on public fear.
Glaser spoke with art mag Dezeen about the initiative:
“If half the people on earth wear the button…”
“plunk down $5 for five buttons with the logo”
(7B people-means 3.5B buttons at a dollar each).
Make them out of oil & pop them out of China for < 10¢ ea.
Plus federal promotion and free advertising.
Follow the money.
Works every time.
Ahhh, that’s 17.5B buttons, as everyone has to buy five. I will reduce the environmental damage by not buying any as I am sure someone will give me one. Placed at 50 feet would make it a sporting target for the 9mm.
They should be bio-degradable of course.
I was under the impression that “Greens” are bio-degradable, and lead can be recycled.
Our badges are all 100% pure, green and recycleable (into a less attractive badge).
These are ethically sourced, made with continuous oversight and monitoring to ensure efficient, green, and highly profitable manufacturing process. These products are manufactured using the finest child laborers shipped in from somewhere, working in hygenically contaminated chemical atmospheres until they drop, then ethically buried when their relatives fail to claim their decomposing remains.
All green materials are sustainable and ethical, really, so don’t worry about that ( as long as the money keeps coming in. )
So buy a lucky bag, and get 5 stupid badges for free.
They should have used stickers instead of buttons so that those inflicted with climate hysteria could wear the sticker in the middle of their forehead where it would look like a giant green/black hole in an empty head. This certainly would have been a more accurate symbolism for the level of empty headedness required to join in on this new anti-science anti-human death cult campaign.
I think you have corectly identified it as a death cult. The Nazi SS had a symbol of a deaths head. We know how that went….
I think were in dangerous waters now. Clearly they are desperate and as we know thay have very few morals, expect the worst from a cornered animal.
Hey, there is nothing stopping the Green Worrier from implanting a badge on his forehead, is there?
Looks more like “Legendary Designer Milton Glaser” found an old mood ring decoration.
My next T shirt (with apologies to Monty Python) THE GREENS ARE REVOLTING they certainly are.<:o)
The surface temperature of Australia. This is the result of displacement of the polar vortex.,-34.92,635
Looking very cold over s/e Oz.
Here is our BoM- July 24, 2014:
Worst of winter likely over as warming trend begins
“After what was Australia’s hottest year on record, it’s quite staggering to have yet another spring-like winter,” said Agata Imielska, senior climatologist for the Bureau of Meteorology.
Models run by Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, NOAA and other agencies continue to tip the likelihood of an El Nino forming later this year.”
11 August 2014:
The days 15cm of snow fell in the Adelaide Hills
. . .
F for Fail.
Handjive,a good use for the new colourfull button,holding your coat together in the high winds and biting cold.Who would of thought the greens would come up with something useful.
F for F###en Cold at -8C here the last few mornings and despite zealots like Phil Sheehan who try to distort facts and dissasemble the hard evidence of direct observations as anecdotal – this is the coldest winter I have witnessed on the Southern Tablelands for about 40years which is about the time our science class was told to prepare for a new ice age.
New logo or old, the scam is the same. If you can’t shame the deniers into agreement one way, then do it another. 🙁
It’s a shameful act either way.
Sorry for the term, denier. But it’s their choice of terminology these days, not not ours — unfortunately.
Come to think of it, if I wore one of these badges no one would know what it means. And just as certainly, either out of fear to get involved with something or courtesy, no one would ask.
Perhaps we should all march around wearing one upside down..? That would really p*** them off!
“Come to think of it, if I wore one of these badges no one would know what it means.”
It’s the flag of Greenland isn’t it?
Just like this one is the flag of Japan.
Perchance the green logo should be something like
If this is the best that they can come up with then we are well into the endgame. How many of the worlds peasants will have a clue as to what it represents. At least the humblest soil turner in Mali will have heard (and dreamed) of New York. Mind you I doubt that sales of the tee shirt are very big in Tehran or Pyongyang (or for that matter Mali).
For what its worth I do love New York – I was there independence day 2002 – it was inspiring (and perspiring, it was 98F at midnight) – but I didn’t buy his overpriced tee shirt or fridge magnet!
Expec a big close-out sale before Paris 2015!
Standing on street corners wearing a sandwich board with a slogan is much more effective.
“The end of the world is nigh” is the the tried & tested one.
If no-one is listening, Jim Jones in Jonestown recommends kool-aide.
It’s a win-win.
> Population goes down for the environment
> Regressive gene pool of gullible idiots is diminished
> peace & quiet as kooky doomsday alarmist squealing is stopped
Hey, do they come in different colours?
I want a BLUE one, Please.
Oh, and an ORANGE one for alternate days.
A CAGW ‘Mood Button’ it changes color as often as warmists change data.
Now that would have to be nearly PSYCHOdelic. !
I wonder if they burn well?
Or turn it upside down, and add the words..
the World.
Thank you Griss, you just came up with a great idea for a T shirt.
Now, that’s an idea! Good one, Griss.
A bit of alliteration needed:
Greening the Globe.
How about, “Greening Gaia” ?
I have sent this alterative (lol) button to Jo.
I hope she posts it.. 🙂
I like Another Graeme’s idea: it’s going on a t-shirt or two! For me 🙂
A bit like this?
Here is the button, wot I did. !!
Feel free to use it if you want.
That’s a definite improvement mate.
With you permission Griss [IMG][/IMG]
Ok, this on Griss
Go for it !! 🙂
A bit late at #19.4.2 :¬(
Are you implying that the Griss is full of gas.
I can assure you , I always try to make sure I expend any excess gas. 😉
Lets just say full of life giving sustenance.
It’s perfect. There are no words, so when they change their tune from “Global (cooling or warming,)” or “Climate (change|disruption|catastrophe|boo-boo etc.)” they don’t have to update the button. There is no pesky graphic device that requires an explanation as to what it symbolizes… with the added bonus that it cannot be satirized as easily… but I would describe it as the plant kingdom’s dying gasp as their life-giving CO2 is destroyed. Or for those of us in the USA it is our money being sucked down the government regulatory singularity at the center of this Ponzi scheme.
He got something right.
It is not warming !!!
But the rest.. well.. the world biosphere is actually expanding.
The small additional atmospheric CO2 content is already having an effect.
Here’s a poem I wrote in frustration at the lack of open discussion in Sweden. It’s called “Life is a Gas!” which could be a good motto for a button. Anybody like to design one?
Life is a gas – CO2 –
(And oxygen, of course)
But to say that it drives the climate
Puts proverbial cart before horse.
What Al Gore said in his lecture,
Unbacked by observable proof,
Turned out to be pure conjecture –
An inconvenient truth…
The ice-core samples from Vostok
Plotting temperature change over time
Revealed that in fact CO2 change
Lags hundreds of years behind.
Greenland was green when the Vikings
Settled a millennium ago;
While Frost Fairs were held on the Thames
Six centuries later, or so.
The IPCC used a Mann-made stick
To flatten this bumpy graph
To prove to us all – Q.E.D. –
That this life-giving gas ‘ain’t no larf!’
They say, thanks to human endeavour,
Our carbon footprints expand
Playing all hell with the weather
And flooding both ocean and land.
Once upon a time, CO2
Was a colourless, non-toxic gas;
Now: ”an anthropogenic emission”
On a mission to fry us, en masse.
The bottom line is that this substance,
In solid or gaseous form,
Will turn the world into a greenhouse
Globally warmer than warm!
Mass production and consumption
Took off at the end of the war.
Despite Kyoto, COPs and Cap’n trade
CO2 levels continue to soar.
Fossil fuels, factories and flying machines
All add their bit to a graph
That rises each year relentlessly
When it ought to be falling by half.
The temperature curve, however,
Just will not play the game:
Rise, fall, rise for a century
Then 17 years the same!
Elaborate computer models
Are the IPCC’s crystal ball
None of which have predicted
The recent no-warming-at-all!
Climate Science is now a religion
Where AGW is PC
And the MSM censure everything
Bar the Gospel of IPCC.
So worship the great god Consensus,
Believe what it tells you is Truth;
Or else you’ll be branded Denier
And your views will be taken as proof!
High Priest Strong said at Rio –
Leaving Greens to fill in the gaps –
”Isn’t the only hope for the planet
That the industrialised nations collapse?”
Now that’s hardly a secret agenda;
The Club of Rome endorsed it too:
”All we need is the right major crisis…”
And the scapegoat is – you know who!
So now parties of all creeds and colours
Kowtow to this climate-smart code:
Nature should be a museum
Back in pre-industrial mode.
The Germans have ‘Energiewende’,
Swopping nuclear power for coal;
The Brits import timber from Canada
To spruce up their CO2 goal.
The rest of the Greens look to EU
To tax us all off the map.
Survivors will catch the Royal Virus,
Prince Philip – jolly old chap!
Meanwhile, in the real world, the Future
Has billions of new mouths to feed.
So ‘power plants’ must be provided
To supply them with all that they need.
Electricity and food for all
Means carbon dioxide, you see,
In South America, Africa, Asia…
Rather than just you and me.
Now 120 parts per million –
The parts that we’ve added, let’s say –
Plus a period of gentle warming
Have made the Earth greener today
Yet ask any market gardener
What the Greenhouse Effect means to them
And they’ll tell you that king-sized veggies
Crave 1200 ppm.
The more CO2, then, the better;
Photosynthesis thrives on the stuff.
So frack up both shale gas and oil,
Of which there is more than enough!
And let us pray Global Warming
Doesn’t take a turn for the worse
As its cousin, Global Cooling,
Is definitely more of a curse.
For the Little Ice Age was no picnic:
No sunspots, no food, no fun;
And the sun’s present spotless condition
Suggests a new cold spell has begun.
So the IPCC have a problem if –
Despite the hot air they exhale –
Their cheeks and the climate start turning
A whiter shade of pale.
For Climate Change is the default,
The null-hypothetical state.
On those that say Man overrides this
The burden of proof is great.
For the climate has always been changing;
Change is here to stay.
As King Canute showed on the seashore,
Man cannot keep Nature at bay!
So, historians, when you review our time
And our hysterical CO2 Show,
Lay not the blame on us poor clowns
For your landscape of ice and snow…
Don’t need to! Take the ‘It’s not warming, it’s dying’ green button, turn it upside down (so the green is to the top) and add your motto: LIFE is a gas (CO2) wherever you think it looks best! 🙂
Let’s get these buttons ‘n T-shirts and things out there FIRST!
As you can see, a pale yellow text works really nice.
Just another way to sell merchandise and extort donations via fear.
Can someone explain what the difference between terrorism and environmentalism is these days?
Both groups have the basic message of “give us money or your doomed”. Im struggling to see why Greenpeace isn’t a declared organisation.
The only thing dying is the apocalyptic scenarios, that can really scare people. Now, for those most susceptible, a black and green badge is all that is needed.
In Britain there was a threat of nuclear war for nearly half a century. On Sunday I visited RAF Holmpton, a new tourist attraction near to Hull. It was a major radar station during the cold war, containing 120-140 personnel in a bunker beneath 10m of soil, 3-4m of concrete and 30cm of tungsten. But if it received a direct hit from a one megaton nuclear warhead, the site would have become a 400 meter wide crater. The Soviet Union had two such monstrosities targeted at the station.
This is the result of huge amounts of energy concentrated in one spot in a very short period of time. But dispersed across the globe it is very little. It would take the energy of around 1.5 x 10^16 such bombs (or 6.2 x 10^17 Hiroshima bombs) to raise the top 2000 metres of ocean by just one degree.
OT sorry but apparently actor Robin Williams has been found dead this morning, there was a fake twitter death report in 2012 but tragic if this ones true.
Funniest person who ever lived. Really sad.
Fantastic commedian and actor. Had some really serious roles which he excelled at in “One-hour Photo” and “Insomnia” among others.
He was gullible when it came to global warming, but so is most of Hollywood …
Makes me quite sad – he was one of the brightest lights, but always leant a tragic tinge to his more serious roles. Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, Patch Adams, the Fisher King, Awakenings and so on. You wonder to what extent those reflected his own inner battles. One of the very few that earnt the title comic genius, in my humble opinion.
woke up this morning to the following program on the radio. i don’t even like Stephen Sackur, the BBC interviewer, but compared to the arrogance, rudeness & madness of Rifkin, Sackur was almost likeable:
25 mins: BBC Hardtalk: Economist – Jeremy Rifkin
First broadcast: Monday 11 August 2014
What if we lived in a radically different world? An internet-driven, smart world where individuals and communities generate their own free energy, produce and share the things they need and build an economy defined by collaboration, not competition.
For economist and author Jeremy Rifkin, this is no utopian fantasy – it is the unfolding story of the next century. Are we really entering a post-capitalist age?
funny thing is the above states the program was first broadcast 11 August, but i have the feeling the following is the same program, tho 5 minutes longer. it has the exact same summary. no way am i listening to find out:
30 mins: BBC Hardtalk: Jeremy Rifkin – Economist
First Broadcast Wed 30 Apr 2014
Last on: 1 May 2014
This marketing campaign is based on generating fear. That’s the last refuge of the unscrupulous spin doctor and aimed at soft targets like the naïve and uninformed. You could say: “Suckers.”
naturally, Rifkin is popular at ABC!
8 July: ABC Four Corners: Power to the People
By Stephen Long and Karen Michelmore
Newspapers, telecommunications and the entertainment industry have all felt the chill winds of change brought on by new technology. Now science is revolutionising power generation. Technology is making alternative sources of energy cheaper, more user-friendly and, crucially, it’s decentralising production to the rooftops of homes and commercial buildings across Australia.
So why is the Federal Government moving away from its commitment to renewable sources of energy? Why would it consider reducing renewable energy targets, favouring greenhouse-gas emitting coal and gas?…
All this leaves the Federal Government in a difficult situation. If it decides to wind back the policy clock and downplay renewables, it will lose a high-tech cutting-edge industry while it props up old-style big polluters. As economist and author Jeremy Rifkin puts it, the choice is stark:
“It’s ridiculous. Australia’s the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy. There’s so much sun, there’s so much wind off the coast, and so it makes absolutely no sense when you have an abundance of renewable energy, [to] rely on a depleting supply of fossil fuels with all of the attendant consequences to society and the planet.”…
(FROM TRANSCRIPT) JEREMY RIFKIN: We now have millions and millions of small players, home owners, small businesses, cooperatives, even large businesses that are producing their own solar and wind generated green electricity at near zero marginal cost.
In 10 years from now, 15 years from now, we’ll have tens of millions of local sites producing green electricity on micro-grids. In 20 years, from now we’ll have hundreds of millions of people producing their own green electricity.
Economist and author, Jeremy Rifkin, argues that green energy and new communications technology are ushering in a period of radical economic change…
STEPHEN LONG: There’s also a risk that global action on climate change will push up the price of fossil fuels, leaving Australia with stranded power assets and soaring electricity prices.
JEREMY RIFKIN: So we have enough of these renewable energies distributed in every square inch of Australia and the world to power our species’ needs till kingdom comes, at near zero marginal cost, without pollution to the planet.
So what kind of cockamamie thinking, if I may say this, keeps us into these old polluting dinosaur energies and technologies of the 20th Century, when we could be in the new energies of 21st century and have unlimited amount of renewable energy?
STEPHEN LONG: Yes, it costs money to create the infrastructure for renewable energy, a lot of money.
But existing fossil fuel generators and power utilities were subsidised: by and large, built with public funds.
If renewable energy becomes ubiquitous, the economies of scale should deliver a radical reduction in power prices that could transform the world economy.
Will Australia be leading the revolution, or will it be left behind?
May 2012: ABC Big Ideas: Jeremy Rifkin on the Third Industrial Revolution
Writer and thinker Jeremy Rivkin delivers this address to the Royal Society of the Arts (RSA) in London on the critical need to develop our economies into a post carbon Third Industrial Revolution, or else we’ll spiral into a ‘dangerous endgame’…
Rifkin is compelling in addressing the coming convergence of internet technology and digital communications with energy and environmental issues. He has been an advisor to the European Union since 2002 and in that capacity has been the principle architect of the Third Industrial Revolution long term economic sustainability plan addressing the global economic crisis, energy security and climate change.
Well if we all went solar that’s a question Four Corners would have to ask during daytime hours only.
“Writer and thinker…”
Those imposing qualifications could well describe me. I await my invitation to address the RSA.
That’s strictly reserved for tax-eating Stinkers in Residence nowadays Tim
no wonder the EU is an economic mess!
Wikipedia: Jeremy Rifkin
He is also the founder and chairperson of the Third Industrial Revolution Global CEO Business Round Table, composed of the world’s leading renewable energy companies, construction companies, architectural firms, real estate companies, IT companies, power and utility companies, and transport and logistics companies…
In 1988, Rifkin brought together climate scientists and environmental activists from 35 nations in Washington, D.C. for the first meeting of the Global Greenhouse Network. In the same year, Rifkin did a series of Hollywood lectures on global warming and related environmental issues for a diverse assortment of film, television and music industry leaders, with the goal of organizing the Hollywood community for a campaign. Shortly thereafter, two Hollywood environmental organizations, Earth Communications Office (ECO), and Environmental Media Association, were formed…
In 1992, Rifkin launched the Beyond Beef Campaign, a coalition of six environmental groups including Green Peace, Rainforest Action Network, and Public Citizen, with the goal of encouraging a 50% reduction in the consumption of beef, arguing that methane emissions from Cattle has a warming effect 23 to 50 times greater than carbon dioxide…
The Third Industrial Revolution was formally endorsed by the European Parliament in 2007 and is now being implemented by various agencies within the European Commission….
In 2011, Rifkin’s Third Industrial Revolution vision and economic development plan was embraced by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)…
On May 29, 2012, Rifkin delivered the keynote address at the European Commission Conference: Mission Growth; Europe at the Lead of the New Industrial Revolution. At the conference, hosted by José Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission, and Antonio Tajani, the Vice President of the European Commission and the Minister of Industry and Entrepreneurship, Rifkin presented the European Union’s long term economic development plan to transition the European economy into the Third Industrial Revolution era…
Rifkin has been an advisor to the European Union for the past decade. Rifkin also served as an advisor to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister Jose Socrates of Portugal, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero of Spain, and Prime Minister Janez Jansa of Slovenia, during their respective European Council Presidencies, on issues related to the economy, climate change, and energy security. He currently advises the European Commission, the European Parliament, and several EU heads of state…
The Union of Concerned Scientists has cited some of Rifkin’s publications as useful references for consumers and The New York Times once stated that “many in the scholarly, religious, and political fields praise Jeremy Rifkin for a willingness to think big, raise controversial questions, and serve as a social and ethical prophet”…
Foundation of Economic Trends: Morgan Stanley Conference – European CEO Forum
Jeremy Rifkin: Keynote Address: “Sustainability and Climate Change”
Venice, Italy, 12 May 2007
The Summit brought together the world’s leading CEOs of global corporations. Mr. Rifkin discussed the urgent need to address climate change, the rising price of oil and gas on world markets, and global energy security. In his address, Mr. Rifkin called for a third industrial revolution and the ushering in of a hydrogen economy. The event was attended by Zeo Cruz, Co-President of Morgan Stanley, Peer Steinbrueck, German Finance Minister and Peter Mandelson, EU Commissioner for External Trade, as well as CEOs from Fortis, ENI, Aviva, Royal Bank of Scotland, Deutsche Post, France Telecom, Munich Re, Lloyds TSB Group, EADS, Philips, Deutsche Bahn, Bertelsmann AG, Merck, and Linde AG, among others.
from the FOET website – no surprise!
The Foundation on Economic Trends is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization established in 1977 and based in Bethesda, Maryland…
FOET is funded by private foundations and individual donors. Contributions to FOET are tax-deductible.
I hope that they consider the issue of campaign medals to embellish the badge for CAGW foot-soldiers who fought on many individual scare fronts!
Let’s see; there could be campaign medals for:
Himalayan glacier melt
Polar bear extinction
Snow no more
Dams without water
Angry summer 2013
Why the campaign medal list could go on and on!
Nobel Peace Prize winners.
Data manipulation. The gold medal for the GISS temperature records’ gatekeepers, for services to climate alarmism above and beyond bureaucratic expectations.
GIGO climate modellers.
Record cold winter sufferers – eastern United States 2014
UHI Denying
17 year pause deniers
Guardian readers
ABC believers
Juliar fans and friends – all two of them.
Railway engineers who write soft porn.
As you say, the list could go on and on.
Its not warming and Mann et al are crying
actually we should be asking why warmists are not happy that their alarmist predictions are not coming true, do they want people to suffer or even die?
It should be its not warming be happy with a smiley face drawn in the circle
Ok, that’s blown it. Design for “The Biosphere LOVES CO2” coming soon!
To plagiarise an old joke,
“They had to make them that color so little kids wont put them in their mouths”
Actually my reaction was probably quite a lot different to most when I first saw that logo a couple of minutes ago after bringing up Jo’s site.
My reaction was what a bloody good way of sticking it to the alarmists and the climate “wackavists” [ trade marked by Allen @ WUWT ]
Just swipe their logo and turn it against them
–[ logo ]
(It is dying – the fear of a carbon crisis.)
Not at all sure if that last bit underneath belongs to the logo but it sure rings a bell for the skeptics.
It can be translated as meaning the exact reverse of what the climate wackavists meant it to mean.
A small change of some sort will do the trick for the skeptics .
I’m not good at this sort of image changing subtlety but just maybe
—[logo ]
Or maybe;
— [ logo;]
Maybe the round logo to be blue with white on the bottom which seems quite appropiate at present
Thanks ROM – I was about to say EXACTLY the same thing.
I too initially read the logo as the complete opposite of its intended meaning.
After all, the first 3 words (the most important for a “hook”) are: IT’S NOT WARMING. Why not say “IT’S NOT JUST WARMING” or “IT’S NOT ONLY WARMING”?
What no images of Greenies holding up school kiddies exploded heads?
Are these Ayatollahs of Alarmism true believers or not?
They would look awesome as buttons on my daughter’s new pink Satin dress, which I will sew as soon as the material arrives from Thailand.
Any idea if I can get some clothes buttons versions?
Not a problem Eric. Everything you need is here:
I really like the dotty ones the best.
more hypocrisy:
8 Aug: Courier-Journal: James R. Carroll: McConnell’s wife sits on board that opposes coal
While Sen. Mitch McConnell is traveling Kentucky portraying himself as a friend of coal, his wife, former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, sits on the board of Bloomberg Philanthrophies, an organization that is supporting an anti-coal campaign.
McConnell, a Republican seeking his sixth term in one of the nation’s most-watched Senate races, also has been a staunch defender of tobacco interests. But, again, Chao is advising the Bloomberg group even as it backs a global battle against tobacco.
Furthermore, Bloomberg Philanthrophies is the creation of former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an independent billionaire who as an individual has given $2.5 million to the super PAC aligned with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev…
The Bloomberg Family Foundation, as the philanthropic organization is formally known, has committed $50 million over four years to a campaign against coal…
On a Bloomberg website entitled “Beyond Coal,” the group states that it is partnered with the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign “to move the country from coal to clean energy.”….
8 Aug: Bloomberg: Eric Roston: Bet Against the Seven Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Even people still squeamish about one or another global mega-risk must, deep in their seats of reason, twitch at the thought of these things taking a toll:
#1) Climate change…etc
Well, we’ll see. The latest helpful but infinitesimal step comes from Morgan Stanley Research, which asked its equity research analysts to pick stocks from companies that are either girding themselves for or trying somehow to forestall at least one of these seven “sustainability themes,” as they call them. Or “horsemen of the apocalypse,” as we’re calling them…
same Bloomberg Sustainability page:
7 Aug: Bloomberg: Mexico Oil Is Boon for Exxon to BP as Frontiers Teeter
By Zain Shauk and Jim Polson
Mexico’s vote on rules for the end of its 76-year state-oil monopoly couldn’t come at a better time for global energy companies from Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) to Royal Dutch Shell Plc…
With reserves holding $1.3 trillion of crude at yesterday’s prices, Mexico offers a new opportunity for deep-pocketed producers as well as pipeline and power companies to try and mimic an energy revolution that has spurred U.S. oil output to a 26-year high and pushed Canadian production to records…
you have to laugh…and then got on with doing what is in the best interests of Australians and the Australian economy.
kudos to AFR for publishing this dose of reality:
12 Aug: Australian Financial Review: Coal always wins and will stay No. 1, says carbon king Boyce
by Amanda Saunders
Peabody Energy chief executive Greg Boyce is calling on coal producers to spend more time and money fighting “symbolic” movements against the industry and is confident China will not adopt a cap on carbon emissions.
As the anti-coal collective gathers more mainstream backers, St Louis-based Mr Boyce says the industry needs to do more to counter the attacks, particularly the global fossil fuels divestment campaign.
But he is confident that “coal always wins out”.
“If as an industry if we spent more time educating, if we all spent more money, we would have less of these symbolic moves, which are really done without a full knowledge of the equation,” he said in an exclusive interview.
If the coal industry “spent more time and money explaining the good that we do . . . people [would] understand what the new coal industry looks like”, he said.
Mr Boyce expects global coal demand to grow by 700 million tonnes over the next three years, driven in the main by China…
“From a global perspective, 80 per cent of our energy comes from fossil fuels. It’s going to be that way for the rest of our lifetimes and beyond.”…
Like BHP Billiton boss Andrew Mackenzie, Mr Boyce argues that coal is crucial to pulling the world’s poorest out of “energy poverty”, and says divestment proponents are largely from developed countries…
And Mr Boyce was scathing of climate change advocates who argue it is the most critical issue facing the world today, pointing instead to the challenge of pulling 3.5 billion people out of poverty globally.
“I think energy poverty is the biggest environmental and human problem that we have; I don’t believe that it is the changing climate,” he said. “The environmental issues that are driven by global poverty far outweigh anything we might model looking at climate models for the next 50 years. And remember, that’s all they are: models…
compare Peabody’s Boyce with the unreal views of Jeremy Rifkin at an earlier RSA appearancee than the one i posted about this morning:
March 2010: Jeremy Rifkin: The Empathic Civilization
An Address Before the British Royal Society for the Arts
The fossil fuel energies that make up the industrial way of life are sunsetting and the industrial infrastructure is now on life support…
yet Rifkin is an MSM darling, and the coal industry is maligned by the MSM daily. go figure.
Like a good politician he says what pleases his audience on the day.
before going offline, here’s the latest begging piece from the World Bank!
11 Aug: World Bank: Why Business Leaders Support a Price on Carbon
More than 250 companies have joined a statement that is being organized by the World Bank Group and partners including the World Economic Forum, UN Global Compact, and the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group encouraging governments to explore carbon pricing methods and set their own predictable price on carbon…
For investors, transparency and sustainability are important. A price on carbon helps bring to light the risk of stranded assets and connects the damages caused by burning fossil fuels to their sources, costs that are rarely reflected in stock prices today…
The French public service pension fund ERAFP proposes that companies report their carbon footprint as a proxy to assess how businesses are preparing to deal with climate change…
Public money alone will not be enough to shift the world to low-carbon growth than can reduce missions to safer levels. Nearly two-thirds of finance for projects today that help mitigate climate change, such as renewable energy development and expansion of energy efficiency, comes from the private sector, and the combined total is far short of the investment needed…
Actually if you turn it upside down and squish the sides a bit it looks like an unopened Alien egg………does anyone else see that or is it just me?
Just don’t put your face too close, or you’ll end up with indigestion from hell! 🙁
C’mon guys – this is a no-smirking area.
What is desperately needed is a button that you can press to make all of the global warming/climate change/end of the world alarmistas shut up and go away.
How about “global warming/climate change/end of the world alarmistas really press my buttons”……..sorry that was a really bad joke apologies in advance.
There is, the problem is getting them all in one location.
I suspect that the whole thing was inspired by the news that a Chinese button factory had screwed up a batch and we knocking out ten ton pallets of duff green buttons at bargain prices.
Or there was a stuff up during the color drying process on one side, I wonder if they used lead paint?
Milton Glaser, the designer of the button is 85 years old and a full on warmer cultist.
I would suggest, tongue very much in cheek, that Milton Glaser’s subconscious is hard at work here as his design is more representative of the short term prospects for life, his in this case, being black above with a fading green below plus the glow in the dark which may subconsciously represent certain well known, possibly very hot coal fueled fires he fears might be awaiting him in the his next stop in the after life.
Slightly less tongue in cheek; Even the guts of the show, the wording “it’s dying,” repeated twice, points that way!
One thing not in doubt is that the denizens of Jo’s blog are thoroughly enjoying themselves in letting their imaginations and sarcasm run rampant on the whole subject.
Of course they have all had a fair bit of practice of late what with the increasingly regular displays of utter imbecility so prominently displayed in the almost hysterical and ever shriller pronouncements of a fair sample of the more rabid warmistas and assorted greens, all of which metaphorically provides food and drink for those of a skeptic inclination to snigger about and for the denizens to practice their oft times humorous and disparaging sarcasm on.
It sounds like Milton will go sooner than the planet. At 85 years of age, I’m would say his age is the motivator for the catch line.
A page that should be bookmarked to show to your warmist friends
Show it to your warmist friends during a party. They will be shocked and “turned” LOL
[…] […]
The graduates of wrongology at Salon are bemoaning the end of civilisation now. They’ve woken up to the fact that the planet will still be here and there will still be life of some sort no matter what the temperature does. But they still think that the seven or so gullible drones that will wear the green dot badges will start a social revolution. Presumably the way clicking to retweet got all those abducted schoolgirls back ….. not.
Universal suffrage is a BAD idea. The unwell should not be forced to vote. The delusional should not be allowed to.
Given the depressive nature of alarmists, it is surprising that more do not commit suicide. That has 2 benefits from their view point. #1 – it helps the world and saves it from dying and #2 – it puts them out of their misery.
The take-away message is that it is not warming. People don’t read second lines on buttons.
13 Aug: Australian: Sid Maher: Senate may kill carbon market
At risk will be 153 projects around Australia which include efforts to harness waste gas from landfills run by councils, tree planting and deforestation prevention schemes, and the prevention of emissions from piggeries.
They are run under the existing Carbon Farming Initiative which was part of Labor’s carbon pricing scheme…
With the carbon tax scrapped, the projects need the emissions reduction fund to be passed to create a market for their emissions reduction units…Environment Minister Greg Hunt said he was inviting Labor, the Greens and the crossbench senators to work with the government to ensure that the CFI “is not just maintained but extended”…
Under the legislation to be debated in the Senate existing projects would automatically transferred into the emissions reduction fund and be able to sell their permits to the government as part of its auction process.
The emissions reduction fund if passed will be expanded to include energy efficiency projects and other emissions reduction activities…
Labor, the Greens and the Palmer United Party have vowed to oppose direct action, but now face lobbying from proponents of the emissions reduction projects to pass the fund to maintain a market for their projects.
Otherwise the only remaining domestic market will be that for voluntary carbon offsets which has been depressed by a glut of international permits
Chris Mitchell, managing director of advisory CO2 Australia said if the legislation failed to pass the Senate by net February there would be a “massive gap’’ and the country would effectively be left without a program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
***Dr Mitchell said given the abolition of the emissions trading scheme “there is no incentive to reduce emissions at all without the emissions reduction fund’’.
***that would be a good outcome then.
13 Aug: SMH: AAP: Industry warns against carbon bill block
The projects need the emissions reduction fund to be passed to create a market for their emissions reduction units, worth about $600 million a year over four years.
12 Aug: Fox 31 KDVR: Eli Stokols: President Carter calls for carbon tax at Aspen renewable energy conference
Carter, 89, who received a lifetime achievement award on the final day of the American Renewable Energy Day summit, spoke during a luncheon attended by a number of conservationists as well as Ted Turner, T. Boone Pickens and Tom Steyer, the California billionaire pledging to devote his personal finances to political candidates willing to take action on climate change…
“We’ve seen some countries devote themselves to renewable energy,” Carter said, noting that Canada now gets 60 percent of its energy from renewable sources…
“The biggest problem we have right now is some nutcases in our country who don’t believe in global warming. I think that they are going to change their position because the evidence of the ravages of global warming is coming or is already there.”
Wikipedia: Renewable energy in Canada
Canada generates a significant majority of its electricity from hydroelectric dams (59% in 2006)…
Geez Pat! Do you have to subject these poor Australians to Carter? Have a heart! We have to live with him, they have their own buffoons!
some may have noticed WUWT has a thread on the fake Tuvalu CAGW refugee story i posted on in an earlier thread of jo’s.
WUWT: WAPO – ‘Has the era of the climate change refugee begun?’
Story submitted by Barry Brill
The Washington Post’s recent story that New Zealand might admit climate refugees from Tuvalu has no basis in fact…
well, in the manner of all CAGW propaganda, the fake story continues to spread:
includes video with Ove Hoegh-Guldberg!
12 Aug: TheWeatherNetwork: Cheryl Santa Maria: New Zealand accepts climate change refugees from Tuvalu
According to news agency UPI, this is the first time refugees have blamed climate change on their displacement…
Experts suspect the family was granted special status because they had been living in New Zealand since 2007 and have close ties to the country.
Still, climate change migration expert François Gemenne told the Washington Post that “bilaterial or regional arrangements” may be necessary in the future to ensure the protection of people displaced by climate change…
saw this mentioned in The Seattle Times – check the Editorial Reviews. guess they realise the public is tired of the doom and gloom approach!
Amazon: The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change – June 2014
by Yoram Bauman & Grady Klein
Climate change is no laughing matter — but maybe it should be. The topic is so critical that everyone, from students to policy-makers to voters, needs a quick and easy guide to the basics. The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change entertains as it educates, delivering a unique and enjoyable presentation of mind-blowing facts and critical concepts.
“Stand-up economist” Yoram Bauman and award-winning illustrator Grady Klein have created the funniest overview of climate science, predictions, and policy that you’ll ever read. You’ll giggle, but you’ll also learn—about everything from Milankovitch cycles to carbon taxes…
The authors know how to get a laugh—and they know their facts. This cartoon introduction is based on the latest report from the authoritative Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and integrates Bauman’s expertise on economics and policy…
If economics can be funny, then climate science can be a riot. Sociologists have argued that we don’t address global warming because it’s too big and frightening to get our heads around. The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change takes the intimidation and gloom out of one of the most complex and hotly debated challenges of our time.
12 Aug: UK Telegraph: Edward Malnick: Wind farms paid record sum not to produce electricity
Windy weather and low demand for electricity led to wind farm owners being paid a record amount to switch off turbines on Monday
Wind farms were paid a record sum of almost £3 million in a single day this week not to produce electricity.
Strong winds amid the remnants of Hurricane Bertha left the electricity network unable to cope with the amount of energy being produced by turbines on Monday.
As a result National Grid paid owners £2.8 million to shut down their wind farms, at up to double the rate they would have received in subsidies had they actually generated electricity.
A further £1.1 million was given to other power stations to generate electricity to make up the shortfall created by shutting the wind farms down.
The money – detailed in figures provided by National Grid – will ultimately be added on to household bills and paid for by consumers…
On Monday the strong winds caused a spike in the amount of electricity produced by wind farms, leading to a “bottleneck” of energy leaving the network from Scotland, where many of the country’s turbines have been built. …