- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

Patrick Moore in Australia – book your tickets now

Have you booked your place? He’s in Melbourne today and Monday; Canberra, Thursday; Perth next Friday and Saturday; Hobart, Brisbane and Noosa the next week. Post bumped up as a reminder. Book Now!  -Jo

Patrick Moore explains why, 15 years after co-founding it, he left Greenpeace to establish a more sensible, science-based approach to environmentalism.

His book: Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist (Kindle) Paperback version

 Patrick Moore’s public appearances are set for Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, Hobart, Brisbane and Noosa. October 22 – November 6th. Details below… some require RSVP’s. Don’t miss it!

Watch Patrick Moore’s presentation at the Heartland  International Conference on Climate Change.


22nd October
5 for 5:30 Sydney RSL, L3 Function Room, 565 George Street
A $20 donation at the door is requested to cover costs.

23rd October
6:30 pm for 7pm The Mirrors Room, Club Five Dock, 66 Great North Road, Five Dock
A $20 donation ($10 for students) is requested at the door to cover costs
RSVP: Jim Simpson – 0417 285 884 or [email protected]

12:00-13:00 Carslaw Lecture Theatre 373  MAP: http://ow.ly/CPo93


Friday 24 October
5 for 5:30pm CQ Functions, 113 Queen Street
A $20 donation at the door is requested to cover costs

Monday 27 October
12 for 12:30 The Australian Club 110 William Street
2-course lunch $110 p.p. (dress code)


Thursday 30th October, Hughes Community Centre Wisdom Street, Hughes

$20 donation ($10 for students) requested plus $2 for afternoon tea payable at the door


Friday 31st October 2014, Upstairs at the Astor Theatre

Saturday 1st November, C3 Church, 95a* Waratah Avenue, Dalkeith


3rd November


5th November


6th November


– Sunday 19th October at 6.30pm on the Miranda Divine Show – 2GB
– Tuesday 21st October at 7.10am on the Allan Jones show – 2GB

Australian tour itinerary

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