Your air conditioner is causing people to emigrate — possibly because they want one too. But other researchers see the chain like this: Air conditioners, cars and heaters increase global CO2 emissions by 4%, which makes no difference to the Global Drought Severity Index in the last 60 years, nor to global temperatures in the last 18 years, but may possibly, maybe, have made one drought a bit drier (while making others a bit wetter). People living in a country where other people want to burn them alive, crucify them and cut their heads off, decide that they can live with the medieval barbarity, but not with the water shortage. Meanwhile other unrelated people in other countries get urges to throw away passports and join in the rush.
Oddly, the countries people most want to get to are the ones that produce the most CO2.
Even as Europe wrestles over how to absorb the migrant tide, experts warn that the flood is likely to get worse as climate change becomes a driving factor.
More than 10,000 migrants and refugees traveled to Western Europe via Hungary over the weekend, fleeing conflict-ravaged and impoverished homelands in the hope of finding a more secure life abroad. Even as Europe wrestles over how to absorb the new arrivals, human rights activists and migration experts warn that the movement is not likely to slow anytime soon. Intractable wars, terror and poverty in the Middle East and beyond will continue to drive the surge. One additional factor, say scientists, is likely to make it even worse: climate change.
From 2006 to 2011, large swaths of Syria suffered an extreme drought that, according to climatologists, was exacerbated by climate change.
There are people reading tea-leaves who can achieve the same level of cause and effect correlation for a lot less money. Modern science would be a lot cheaper if we just employed them.
Where are the Global Worriers who say “No, thanks” to using human suffering, and baseless reasoning for their own political gain?
Commenters usual guidelines apply. This is not about religion but about the shameless way some people will milk any topic for PR.
If floods are the worry how come people living on the shore line here in Australia are not migrating as well? Why are global warming alarmists so illogical even a 2-year old would make more sense?
Whatever your view on the scale of sea level change over time, the fact that people are not being threatened with death in their homes at sea level in Australia is the very boring answer to your repulsive question.
Go to Co2 Science and check out all the SLR studies and don’t forget that the planet hasn’t warmed for over 18 years. ( RSS and UAH )
Also there has been no SS warming for at least 26 years. ( McKitrick) Why do you choose to believe in your delusional nonsense? OH and just 0.8 C warming over the last 165 years. (HAD 4 )
Thanks for writing something completely unrelated
Whoops, Sorry Gee Aye.
I missed the “not”
You peters are having some comprehension problems
I think this bit refers to people like Gee Aye.
Time for that cuff, I think.
Yep. I hope you brought enough cuffs for the other 12 people who upvoted his comment.
Seems reading is too difficult for some, much easier to have kneejerk reactions to keywords like “flood”. At least ‘Ruprecht’ was only pretending.
(For Peter’s sake, the flood of refugees was caused by this and is exacerbated by drought, not by rising seas.)
Dunno, Andrew,
The vibe from the piece is any spurious connection to climate change is now enough to make a cause for ‘climate refugees’.
After all that fella from Tuvalu already made a claim for rising sea levels to apply for ‘climate refugee’ status to the New Zealand High Court – and lost.
Peter5’s comment is valid and supported by legal precedent, Gee Aye, and if that’s not enough – Jo’s moderator allowed it.
Thank you James for your explicit support. I apologise to anyone who is offended but I still stand by my remarks. I have a very sensitive BS detector.
I am offended.
I am offended that you would apologise for pointing out the politically incorrect truth that many “rich” western countries are being shamelessly harassed by the “keepers” of the truth in positions of power, such as the UN, The Vatican and more recently a high ranking Christian spokes person for Archbishop Des in South Africa.
We are being enslaved to work for “moral” issues for which our hard labour will be put, a point which I previously expressed.
I have long been of the opinion that, when “experts” and politicians agree, that is the time to start checking your purse. When the two agree, there is obviously something dodgy going on, and will most likely involve a raid on your savings.
The alarmists over at the Fairfax comments page have been hyperventilating over sea level rises. I posted a comment regarding Paul Kench’s paper that found there needed to be a rethink regarding the coral islands as they appear to be coping quite well with rising sea levels, with many increasing in size. One response was to accuse me of claiming that the sea levels hadn’t risen. Another koolade drinker thought he had pwned me on a point that I hadn’t actually made and then demanded I provide supporting links for that imaginary claim! Quite odd really.
It is interesting over there, as soon as they suspect you are not an alarmist, they stop reading what you post and respond with something quite different. Their only position is that if it is cold or hot, it is completely the fault of mankind and generally, their responses are based on and appeals to authority.
Yes Syria has never had droughts before activists became the soothsayers of faux moral outrage, if these economic opportunist’s think a dry climate isn’t appealing just wait for the next record breaking European winter to hit, it’ll be the fastest protest retreat in history.
Yonnie, it is false moral outrage, false concern for others, and false science. Are not the people in the Middle-East suffering enough from the barbarism of terrorists, without taking advantage of their plight, and thereby minimizing it, to hijack their suffering for the personal financial gain of the radical leftists and their false global warming hysteria?
I am not actually sure if it really is false moral outrage, sadly many people seem to be genuinely outraged at whatever it is they are told to be outraged about.
I agree that the majority of concern is false, evidenced by its voluminous sanctimony. The science too, is largely manipulated, and often seems to be well outside the limits of what one should expect from genuine attempts at a scientific approach to the subject.
They tried it on polar bears and it didn’t go far so now they are focusing on people. It’s absolutely disgusting and hypocritical of global warming alarmists to use people in distress as an argument to support their false religion of climate repair, which actually destroys the very same people who could become more advanced using cheap fossil fuels. It’s a double whammy of hypocrisy.
[A little jest might be in order IMO due to the very serious nature of this topic that is contrasted with the difficulty of getting verifiable data, or an objective ‘reliable’ information free of bias.]
The other thing that could happen is if there are enough refugees in the ocean, this would displace water causing sea levels to rise.
You could also calculate the weight of refugees in the ocean using Archimedes principal by measuring the sea level rise. The displacement.
“Archimedes’ principle indicates that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces. Archimedes’ principle is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics. Archimedes of Syracuse[1] formulated this principle, which bears his name.”
“new low”. A quagmire of disinformation that needs duckboards and stilts to traverse.
Delete this comment if you like Jo, and the one above. It should have been in response to Jaymez’s comment.
Since the entire population of the world, all 7 billion or so, would displace less than one cubic kilometre of sea water, the resultant seal level rise would be microscopically small
Jo – what is happening to my comments – am I on stoppage?
[I found the comments in the Spam Filter] ED
Time magazine have hit a new low with this article. I wonder if the author Aryn Baker or any of the scientists quoted are aware that based on data from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), there have been over 94,000 conflict events “spanning violence in Africa from 1997 to 2014”.
Remarkably that coincides with the pause in global warming. Surely this is no coincidence?
Jaymez, “new low”. A quagmire of disinformation that needs duckboards and stilts to traverse.
I’ll try for the third time.
Time magazine – “the flood is likely to get worse as climate change becomes a driving factor” – yeah – right!!
The “flood” would be a lot worse if Israel hadn’t stopped ISIS getting access to nuclear facility – see here.
[Found the posts in the automatic spam filter. It has been catching posts for no known reason lately. Sorry.] ED
They can’t afford their own so they want to move in with you so they can enjoy yours!
But then you already said that.
And I thought I was being clever.
Serves me right for jumping right to the comments before reading.
Great minds … :- )
France will be 40% M…m in 20 years. The king Martel that saved Europe from Is…m has been defeated by air conditioning. Colonisation of weak western Europe is a forgone conclusion. In 20 years time there will be a push for formation of independent M…m republics proceeded with the usual violence. This was already attempted in Denmark a few years back.
The greens will be put to the sword first, the same people that fight for MM freedoms so diligently. Democracy, Homosexuals, women in any western attire gone. Female circumcision will be a norm.
No one will be worried about climate crap as poverty will descend with co2 dropping through poverty, not through some crazy idea.
But the worst of all this nightmare will be faced by my son when I am gone. He will wonder about what our generation did to stop it just before with all likelihood he gets blown up on the last barricades of democracy. I hang my head in shame and despair.
Europe better hurry up and get some leaders with cojones like Charles Martel, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar and Vlad the Impaler.
I’ll head off to Europe on my Northern Spring campaign next year in order to retrieve the situation;) My Dresden friends are not amused- and they are the peaceful types.This situation is social chaos in the wings.
“Head off” to Europe????
Re the chucked passport thing, I have a friend in border control in Europe. He and all his colleagues have recently mastered the Arab phrase “Do you come from Syria/Libya?”. They get a blank uncomprehending stare about 50% of the time. Are we dealing with refugees or economic migrants hurdling over border controls, you decide, but I’ve never seen such well dressed refugees …
Meanwhile real refugees with no options wait in UN camps or somewhere worse, and so called compassionate greens cheer on those who game the system.
With good reason. The disruption that those who are gaming the system is causing is exactly what the compassionate greens want. Anything that disrupts Western society and governments is good thing as far as they are concerned.
“… I’ve never seen such well dressed STRONG YOUNG MALE refugees….”
There corrected it for you.
The leaders of the EU are absolutely nuts not to see that these ‘refugees’ are an invading army infiltrating the area.
ISIS Releases Map of 5-Year Plan to Spread from Spain to China
The map originally came from Twitter. Twitter and Facebook have been used for recruiting by ISIS, however the ‘experts on Middle Eastern history and Islamic studies’ say “The idea of the map is kind of screwed up,”
Given that the day after 9/11, the radio here in North Carolina had one of these professors on the air saying the USA DESERVED to be blown up, I am not sure exactly whose side academia is on but it certainly doesn’t look like they are on our side.
Seems they all missed the day when the history teacher was teaching about the Trojan Horse, or maybe they are hoping we forgot about the Trojan Horse.
your spam/mod filter caught another one. It seems to be doing a lot of fishing lately.
[You’re squeezing in by staying just within the limit of what we can allow. So please remember, the subject of this blog is climate change and comment accordingly. Thanks.] AZ
Oh Bummer! I forget his name. You know, that ‘organizer’ fella.
Agreed. The “refugees” from Central and South America pouring into the USA with Obama’s help were all very well-dressed. They did not look like they have travelled for miles on trains or walking. These are not “refugees”—that seems pretty clear.
I noticed that too Pointman. I am all for caring properly for genuine refugees but those well-dressed young men should be in their own countries working to improve conditions locally.
Oh, it’s such a worry!
Three quarters of Australian homes have either air conditioning or evaporative coolers, and it’s about half and half, so three eighths have reverse cycle air conditioning. It’s used as heating in Winter and cooling in Summer, so, half the year, as it’s rarely used in the benign Months.
So that’s half of three eights, or around 18% when in use.
Air conditioning makes up an average of 15% of residential power consumption.
Residential power consumption (here in Australia) is around 28 to 30% of overall power consumption.
So, here we have 18% of 15% of 30% of all power consumption is made up from home air conditioning.
So, that’s 0.81% of the total power consumption of Australia is the root cause of global warming.
That’s impressive.
Let’s even round it all the way up to 1%.
There is a simple solution.
The Greens and Labor, once they get back in can just send around the trucks to gather them all up from those filthy rotten disgusting immoral people who are burning us all to hell with their wanton disregard to live the simple life.
I await the knock at the door.
1% of Australia’s total power consumption.
These people wonder why some of us just laugh at them.
If one delves into the factual basis of the many prognoses of the climate change cadre, such as A/C, one finds the data does not support the assertion which is generally false; we have to stop global warming when it hasn’t warmed for 18 years. However, we are still inundated by the media, e.g. the current meeting of the Pacific nations talking about the dire effects of sea level rises due to a 2 degree warming whenever and Aust. and NZ not playing their part in combatting it.
Unfortunately, the vast majority don’t laugh at them and actually believe the majority of the tripe that they expound, because there is no MSM to dispute their claims. Blogs have great value, but they don’t cut it when it comes to the mass media, which is what guides most of the voters.
I notice that they forgot to blame George Bush, as well as climate change, for this calamity.
Somebody please contact the ABC.
Funny thing. All my air conditioner is doing is keeping me cool in the middle of one of the hottest months of the year where I live.
If you want to lay blame for the surge of refugees, lay it at the feet of our failure to secure our win in Iraq. That should be enough said.
Some information most are not aware of.
First since 9/11 the quota, the number of people per year allowed to immigrate to the USA, for Muslim countries DOUBLED! This adds up to 1.6 Million Immigrants from Predominantly Muslim Countries Since 9/11
The number of immigrants from Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, Somalia and Pakistan is 710,920 almost 3/4 million people.
With Bush declaring a War on Terror why were Saudi Nationals flown out of the USA without questioning?
New questions about FBI probe of Saudis’ post-9/11 exodus
They did not even try to figure out who they were!
While native born citizens including Senator Ron Paul boarding a private plane, are subjected to Grope ‘n Fly why are Saudis given an exemption?
U.S. Grants Saudis ‘Trusted Traveler’ Privileges to Help Them Through Airport Security
Here is the answer to these puzzling questions.
We will look at all the players in a bit. But first some background on an issue that was brought to the attention of FrontPage magazine on February 25, 2010.
I tremble quietly and helplessly every time I think about what’s happening.
It seems here in Australia the Left generally including academia and headed by the ABC and Fairfax press has two great loves, ACC (the result of (Christian), Britain’s Industrial Revolution so they tell us) and Muslims and their religion. That seems without doubt to be fueled by the Left’s hatred of Christianity. That was evident by its hysteria when members of the Coalition government suggested it would seek to have a focus on persecuted minorities, including Syrian/Iraq Christians in its 12,000 refugee intake.
It seems the Left is not only intent on stuffing up the free West by reversing all the benefits of the IR through the politically motivated Climate Change scam but also through its specific hatred of one religion.
I think it is obvious by their past actions that they hate at least 2 religions, but I got into trouble last time I said that here, as it was indeed off-topic. France (at least) has been preferentially taking minority groups (so, Christians and Yazidi) on emergency visas for 1-2 years, yet do the Left in Australia condemn that? No, well, how could they, it’s not Tony Abbott doing it, and France has a nominally socialist President, on top of the fact that it seems quite a few of the noisiest protestors are either wilfully ignorant, or just plainly ignorant about global events which don’t directly involve Australia, Tony Abbott, or the LNP.
In a rare moment of optimism, i can’t help but wonder if such articles will end up doing more harm that good to ‘The Cause’, simply because people will ignore, or at best, start questioning such outlandish claims about “climate change” being responsible for everything bad that everyone does, all the time. (I notice it’s never ever ever reported as causing people to do good things, aside from hollow, and pointless gestures and publicity stunts like ‘earth hour’,…).
Between half and two thirds of the Syrian population has been displaced.
This is a diaspora similar to scope to that of the Jews of biblical times, or European Jews in the thirties. The death toll is also approaching holocaust proportions.
To the degree that writing about air conditioners and climate change allows one to avoid the truth of the matter is simply more of the bunnies and unicorns I’ve written about before that inhabit the minds of the progressive in politics.
One can only hope that bombast against western civilization, ignored in favor of CO2 prattlings, does not become an actualized threat.
Reducing CO2 emissions is not an effective response to a theocracy or suicidal autocracy with modern weapons.
And as far as I can see, nobody, apart from you, is reaching that conclusion.
Linking the non-issue of CO2 levels, to the very serious, and real, situation that is developing in Europe, was no more than a literary device to indicate a departure from the normal focus of this blog. The regular readers all got that. We are now being serious. Do try to keep up.
Also, and while I have your attention, linking the holocaust, which was a deliberate attempt at genocide, with a migration of peoples who are, or were, voluntarily overfilling small unseaworthy boats, and paying for the privilege, is an incredibly long bow to draw. And, the Syrian population has been displaced? By whom?
The Syrians have been displaced (largely) by Syrians, as you know. The problem is the eternal war between the Shia and the Sunni, with both using sections of the Syrian and Iraqi population as proxies. And others get involved.
The Shia ( Iran, much of Iraq and Hezbollah in Lebanon) are supporting Assad and his Alawites (now declared acceptable Shia) while the Saudis (and Jordan and other Sunnis) were keen to topple him. Factor in that Israel, Turkey and Russia are all stirring the plot, and who knows what the USA, China, France and the UK are up to. Then ISIS decided to massacre all non-believers (Shia, Alawites, Christians, Yezidis) and Kurds as well.
It is not a nice place to live and these activities have been on-going since approx. 860 AD. Given the collapse of hope and on-going violence in Iraq, the Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Sudan there are many who will claim to be Syrian to get to the western welfare states. Some will be christians forced out of Iraq (as well as Syria) and Lebanon and other places Some may even want to work, although most have exaggerated ideas of the financial rewards in the target countries. It is interesting that Hungary, Denmark and the UK have all come out against resettlement, and many of the eastern EU countries also. The EU is unlikely to survive much longer.
Excellent analysis, Graeme,
I say that because I totally agree, and therefore share in the qudos.
When it comes to Islam, it is rarely about religion, per se. It is invariably about politics, using religion as a justification.
What is the exchange rate for kudos in NZ dollars?
With climate-change warnings widespread,
From activists grossly misled,
Which skeptics for years,
Call irrational fears,
Or alarmism gone to the head.
Moderators, I hope you keep an eagle eye on the spam filter for this thread. Already my last two comments got kicked into moderation.
I am sure a lot of trigger words will be tripped in the quotes used.
[It seems the spam filter is not as agnostic as we might wish. We are doing our best.] Fly
What a waste of time!! According to the climate skeptics by 2020 we will start to see the climate starting it’s neo Dalton or Maunder Minimum cycle temperature plunge. Watch the [emigrants] scramble to trek back to warmer climates! :p
‘…by 2020 we will start to see the climate starting it’s neo Dalton or Maunder Minimum cycle temperature plunge.’
Actually I think the Northern Hemisphere winter of 2015-16 should see that tipping point and there is nothing to fear.
Oceanic carbon sink still works
‘The Southern Ocean has recovered its ability to suck vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, overturning fears the natural “sink” had stalled with dire consequences for future climate change. Acting like a giant lung, the Southern Ocean …’
Oz / Graham Lloyd
el gordo,
Some think that is why there is all this distraction. All this turmoil and mayhem because time is getting short. The elitist need to be in control of all sources energy when the cold moves in …
Not sure about that Tom, methinks its chaos out there and nobody has a clue as to what the future holds.
My punt on a negative NAO (if it comes to fruition) might see the Syrian refugees in northern Europe reconsider their position.
el gordo,
‘Plausible deniability’ rules diplomacy, ineptitude runs any lethargically proposed action, and willful ignorance (aka useful negligence) is the politically expedient rule of it all.
How could anyone in the EU and the UN not see these problems coming as the conflicts grew?
How could anyone in the EU and the UN not realize that these growing conflicts would cause growing migration pressures on regional borders? How can they not see that this violence will be exported at a later date?
The EU has failed to be brave and address the real underlying problems in these regions.
In Yemen it is water, food and the entrenched Al-Qaeda movement. In Afganistan and in Syria’s civil wars, in Libya, and with ISIS problems the EU has danced to the US/NATO tunes. Problems in Africa have been all but ignored by the Eurocrats.
And now the EU enacts policies that are no more than trying to stop these ill winds by hold-up their hands, while back in New York the UN sit on theirs.
The UN needs to be revamped or dissolved if found to be completely useless.
‘Problems in Africa have been all but ignored by the Eurocrats.’
For hundreds of years the Europeans exploited Africa, plundered might be a better word. So now we have China’s Great Silk Road, meandering through those countries which are its biggest trading partners, like Saudia Arabia, Iran and possibly Turkey.
Its oil security they are after and there is little the US/NATO alliance can do about it. China is elsewhere on the continent, but I won’t go there.
OK People,
Wanna LOL? Here’s how!
How’s the “New World Order” going for you?
Clever banks and bankers always find profit in war.
Some Arab and African nations have been in continuous conflict for more than 10 years now. In both regions, nasty diseases and illnesses that the local authorities/UN/WHO are/have been slow to take control of are still around.
Syrian, Yemeni, and Turkish civil wars are being left to develop into regional conflagrations, while Afganistan continues to fester violently.
All this causing unchecked population flows throughout all these regions, and into Europe. How long will it be before, say, skirmishes in Turkey spills into the Balkans, reigniting old resentments?
While Somalia/Eritrea, Nigeria’s Boko haram, Sudan and Central Africa embers of conflict still glow bightly. And African migrants set sail from Libia, helping to keep the Mediterranean body count at an all time high.
Asia is seeing more bombings and terrorism.
And always there is the Arab/Israeli conflict brewing in the background.
How long before conflict(s) walks into Europe because the EU can’t be bothered to put the effort into immigration checks, or make the neccessary effort to resolve these difficult problems at their source?
How long will it take the people of Europe to realize that their unelected, and unaccountable, elites running the EU do only the minimum effort to put off/deflect these problem, but ensure it is done at maximum cost. When will the people of Europe realize the EU elites are safe in their gold-plated ivory towers, safe knowing they can quickly escape any coming hardships.
And in the background —
How long before these real distractions allow Putin to move in on Ukraine?
Can China contain itself over disputed areas in the South China seas, or Taiwan’s and Tibet’s sovereignty questions.
The Americas are safe by comparison — why all the war this side of the Atlantic?
So how’s the “New World Order” going for you?
I never realised you were an optimist.
Optimist? Yes usually but today…
Sorry, forgot the /sarc
“From 2006 to 2011, large swaths of Syria suffered an extreme drought that……”
2010-“Syria grapples with surging population”
‘Syria now has a population of 20 million people, with a growth rate that remains one of the world’s highest at about 2.4 percent. But it has declined since averaging 3.2 percent from 1947-94, according to the Syrian Commission for Family Affairs.
“We have a population problem, no question,” said Nabil Sukkar, a Syrian economist formerly with the World Bank. “Unless we cope with it, it could be a burden on our development.”
That problem has been solved because of war, not drought.
Australia is taking Christian refugees from Syria because we don’t allow a man to have more than one wife at a time.
“People living in a country where other people want to burn them alive, crucify them and cut their heads off, decide that they can live with the medieval barbarity, but not with the water shortage.”
I love the irony!
Your Air-conditioner is causing Syrians to Emigrate
Those who can afford it:
ABC: Heating or eating: More Victorians choosing between the two, welfare agency says
Good catch HJ.
Brewing up some other likely migrations too?
“America is voluntarily shutting down its energy production after only a little more than a century since the industrial revolution. In fear of a nearly undetectable amount of warming from CO2, in the face of massive and well known benefits of this particular gas in the atmosphere, we have decided that fear of the unknown will dominate and destroy our progress.”
More at
Hi Jo,
I’m a grand master at reading tea leaves and I don’t charge much.
In fact, for a small extra, I will read the tea leaves of tea from China, India, Sri Lanka, Australia or where ever.
Last month there was terrific heat in Iraq and although everyone had air conditioning there was no electricity to run it.
As Jo points out the spin machine is in full wind-up. The end is nigh and December grows ever closer. The concerted focus on COP21 supplants everything as the UN drives relentlessly forward in its endeavour to install greater global governance and the global governance funding spigot. This is the end game. The UN is clearly a Government-in-Waiting. The evidence is there for all to see and the occasional proclamation from the UNFCCC, Ms Christiana Figueres, reminds us that climate was never the goal. Our way of life is.
In point of fact there are 4,150 NGO’s listed here by the UN, that cover about every aspect of global life. The list epitomises the community reach of this totalitarian bureaucracy.
The tentacles of the UN permeate every aspect of society now. The MSM is controlled at best and managed at worst. Government policy is also being focused and directed toward this end game, unwittingly or otherwise. Governments collude for reasons that remain unclear, aside from those that resort to the old accusatory backstop of moral torpitude.
The totalitarian UN has the Bureaucracies, Ministries, Institutions and the MSM quite well in hand. Peddling the climate meme through the current deluge of ‘refugee’ is de rigeur, business as usual and almost beyond comment. It is certainly no less than the spin being reportedly applied to the intelligence information fed to POTUS and The White House about the Middle East.
Now that is true ‘deniability’ in action.
Spinning and fiddling with ‘climate’ or ‘refugees’ is mere child’s play.
Their arrogance is breathtaking, and they betray themselves at every turn.
tell Dr. Kaye:
behind paywall:
Greens MP Dr John Kaye accused of energy hypocrisy
Daiy Telegraph – 7 hours ago
EXCLUSIVE: THE NSW Greens solar & shy;energy spokesman, who wants the state to run on 100 per cent renewable energy, does not even have solar panels at his own house…
11 Sept: Ozpolitic: Greens MP Dr John Kaye accused of energy hypocrisy
Dr John Kaye has been accused of hypocrisy after The Daily Telegraph discovered he did not use solar energy at his own home, even though he proposes NSW shuts down all coal and gas-fired power stations by 2030.
In a tense budget estimates exchange with Energy Minister Anthony Roberts, Dr Kaye questioned the cut to solar feed-in tariffs, which the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal is reducing to between 4.4c and 5.8c per kilowatt hour, and asked if “that cut will have an impact on the already low uptake of solar rooftop panels in NSW?”
When Mr Roberts asked Dr Kaye if he had solar, he replied: “I make no comment.”
Dr Kaye confirmed to The Daily Telegraph he had failed to install renewable energy at his house despite wanting the entire state to do so…
Mr Roberts said Dr Kaye was a hypocrite for trying to force the state to 100 per cent renewable energy, which would cost $95 billion over 15 years.
“The Greens would have us adopt this policy at the expense of providing funding for services like our hospitals, roads and schools,” he said.
“Yet its biggest proponents like Dr Kaye have not even set an example by installing solar themselves.”
Dr Kaye said he and his partner would install solar panels at their eastern suburbs home at the end of this year, or next year…read on
Strange!! i thought the Arab Spring was the start of the Syrian and Libya civil wars??
The driving factor is Islam taking advantage of the democratic nations enslavement to political correct notions of wealth redistribution.
They must be getting very scared that Paris is the end of the line for the climate scam.
First Obamy sends his minion out to try and coerce the Indians and Chinese, seen here.
Then there is the UN Secretary General (good communist naming there) calls for a meeting of western heads of state to try and pressurise them into doing what he wants.
And now we have them trying to ride on the back of public sympathy for a dead child. A child whose death was caused by the father because he wanted more than the free housing the family had in Turkey.
You do have to wonder just how low the green climate change religion will stoop to get their message that they want to keep feeding at the forced public provided trough.
Manfred wrote “the end is nigh”.
behind a paywall, The Australian has:
We’re all going to die! – The Australian
8 hours ago – We’re all going to die! … Andrew Trounson … A survey of more than 2000 people across Australia, Canada, Britain and the US has found that
here is a ***misguided interpretation at Catallaxy:
Catallaxy Files: Thursday Forum: September 10, 2015
comment by TopEnder:
We’re doomed. The sky is falling.
***Interestingly, climate change is not up there in front. The floggings will continue until we all get it right.
If you have ever wondered why doomsday cults are so popular, it is apparently because deep down a lot of us think it is a fair bet the world is going to end surprisingly soon.
A survey of more than 2000 people across Australia, Canada, Britain and the US has found…The biggest concerns cited were worries about social ills such as violence and crime, as well as threats from moral decline.
These were ahead of concerns about the environment and the threats of economic collapse, according to research by the University of Wollongong published in the international journal Futures, owned by publishing giant Elsevier.
In the Oz – no link.
naturally, it’s pretty much all about CAGW!
31 Aug: Uni of Wollongong: Media Release: Jacqueline Wales: The far future is rapidly drawing closer – and it worries us
Almost 80 per cent agreed “we need to transform our worldview and way of life if we are to create a better future for the world” (activism)…etc
The results of the study, conducted by Dr Melanie Randle of the School of Management, Operations and Marketing at the University of Wollongong, and Richard Eckersley, a Director of Australia21 Ltd, a non-profit strategic research company, is published in the journal Futures…
***Richard Eckersley said many of the threats we face – such as climate change, depletion and degradation of natural resources and ecosystems, nuclear and biological war and terrorism and runaway technological change — are not new. Scientists and other experts and reputable journals have warned of the dangers for decades.
“Nevertheless, the evidence is growing stronger, especially about climate change, and never before have the possible impacts been so powerfully reinforced by actual events, including natural disasters and calamities, and their sustained and graphic media coverage.”…
“It shows a loss of faith in a future constructed around notions of material progress, economic growth and scientific and technological fixes to the challenges we face. This loss is important, yet barely registers in current debate and political discussion.”…
Mr Eckersley added: “Despite increasing political action on specific issues like climate change, globally the scale of our response falls far short of matching the magnitude of the threats…
“Ultimately, the far future is rapidly drawing closer – and it worries us.”
(LINKS to Futures: Public perceptions of future threats to humanity and different societal responses: A cross-national study, Science Direct)
Participants were also presented with six statements reflecting nihilist, fundamentalist and activist responses to the future…
re Activism:
under Strong:
we need to transform our worldview and way of life if we are to create a better future for the world.
under Weak:
hope for the future rests with a growing global movement that wants to create a more peaceful, fair and sustainable world.
some author bio material to come.
So, Then,
Being behind a pay-wall, unlike, shall we say, Jo, where you have to walk the talk, we can assume that we can not talk of those who walked down to the bottom of the garden, with the faeries.
Failing that, those who have not yet met the Faye, who think, for some ungodly reason, that they represent the peak of landscaping and ancient ancestor belief.
Not to mention, other strange weird .. yeah. OK .. Moderator
OK, what he said.
World peace. On a planet of Carnivorous omnivores.
Well, more Carnivorous than omnivore.
As for Activist, we used to call them flippy dippy hippies.
At least we can now sum up most of the nutters in a word.
Although most people think it has something to do with long life batteries.
As for the future, I have been living it a day at a time.
Oddly enough, so have all of the others I have met, the following morning, or some what later, as things may be.
Yet, bugger, some five decades odd later, here we all are.
Still end of the Universe as we know it, not yet.
Swamped by the Einstein calculation of those Less Blessed. Well, rapidly approaching critical mass there.
Finite Universe.
Well juries still out on that one,
Australia21’s Eckersley:
Richard Eckersley website
Eckersley, R. 2015. Why we need a politics of the far future. Online Opinion, 4 September. Article.
Randle, M., Eckersley, R. 2015. Public perceptions of future threats to humanity and different societal responses: A cross-national study. Futures. Full paper.
About me:
About Me
I am an independent researcher and writer on progress, sustainability, culture, health and wellbeing. I am a founding director of Australia21 Ltd, an independent, non-profit, public-interest, research company. I was, from 1998 to 2010, a fellow and visiting fellow at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the Australian National University…
I have published about 180 journal papers, book chapters, monographs and specialist magazine articles, and written many articles for leading Australian newspapers and for broadcast on national radio…
Wikipedia: Australia21
Australia 21 is a non-profit organisation started in Canberra in 2001. The organisation discusses some of the issues that challenge the future such as climate change, energy, land and water use, drug reform laws, and the way Australia relates to its neighbours…
CEO Paul Barratt (LINK) (Paul Hunter Barratt AO is a former senior Australian public servant and policymaker. He is currently Deputy Chairman of the Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite Structures and Chairman of Australia 21.)…read all Barratt’s Wiki page…
and speaking of fuel poverty – here’s the Uni of Wollongong at work:
10 Sept: University of Wollongong: Media Releases: Don’t Let the Costs Rise When Temperature Changes
An innovative social marketing program launched this week is helping elderly low-income earners become more energy efficient.
It’s part of the Energy+Illawarra ‘Winter Warming’ campaign. Energy+Illawarra is led by a collaboration between Regional Development Australia Illawarra (RDAI), the University of Wollongong, Macquarie University and a number of key community partners.
The seasons-based social marketing program uses marketing techniques for social good, and features community workshops, newsletters, web-resources, retrofits to people’s houses, and energy use support packages among other activities to open up conversations about energy efficiency and support people in using energy efficiently…
RDAI was awarded a $2.3 million grant from the Australian Government Department of Industry and Science; and consortium organisations have contributed $1.2 million of in-kind work on the Energy+Illawarra project…
And the Grand Mufti of Muslims in Australia has the temerity to criticise us for religious discrimination in saving non-Muslims from the Islamic State beheaders?
Michael Smith News website.
Christopher Monckton did warn us:
11 Sept: Daily Telegraph: Simon Benson: Tony Abbott has been fed to the lions
The question is whether it will be soon enough for some in the Coalition party room, from where chatter is once again focused on the intentions of Malcolm Turnbull.
In particular a Press Club speech he is scheduled to deliver three days after the September 19 Canning by-election — straight after a Coalition party room meeting.
The speculation is Turnbull isn’t doing it to talk about the NBN. There has even been a suggestion that he will announce he is resigning to go to the back bench in a Rudd style campaign to re-ignite his leadership ambitions. Of course, he could also be planning to talk about the NBN.
What is not in doubt among his colleagues is that Turnbull will at some stage challenge Abbott for the leadership — this time properly…
11 Sept: Bolt Blog: The media class at war with Abbott – and all those who voted for him
Maurice Newman, former chairman of the ABC, is rightly alarmed by the tsunami of anti-Abbott propaganda in the media. The media Left is rampant and strident…
Your speculation regarding Turnbull does have credibility.
Unfortunately, the total incompetence of Tony Abbott does give him a lot of traction.
So we really are between a rock and a hard place: continue with the gormless incompetence of Tony Abbot, or return to the Manchurian incompetence of Malcolm Turnbull.
I think Clive Palmer is looking pretty good right about now.
Maurice Newman is correct and I predict, with total confidence, that Abbott will be the PM at the next election.
and after the election?
Abbott is going to get a boost in the polls because of his statesman like approach to the Syrian crisis, a strong arm and big heart thingy.
And he should win the election handsomely with his infrastructure program.
People under estimate or ignore the fact that the Trade Union Royal Commission into lack of union governance and union based corruption has already referred thirty witnesses to legal agencies, and that the Leader Of The Opposition Bill Shorten has already given 15 files of evidence of bad behaviour when he was a senior union official and that he is due to return to the TURC as a witness soon.
Between now and the 2016 federal election voters will be much more aware that the unions control the ALP now and have placed many former union officials into the Parliament, upper and lower houses.
Union membership has fallen to below 20 per cent of the workforce, and estimated to be even lower when deals between unions and employers to sign employees up as union members without their knowledge is taken into account, as revealed at the TURC. Remove public servants from union membership numbers and the union’s real supporter base shrinks to minor status.
And note that the Coalition LNP won government in a landslide of electorate seats won and therefore, even when the usual protest against governments with substantial majorities are considered, removing the Abbott Coalition from government will be difficult.
Despite union smokescreens and mirrors attempting to sway voter perceptions.
I work with a Syrian and we had a discussion on this very issue a few days ago. He told me that the fertile valley that produces the majority of food for Syria is not only NOT a conflict zone but has been merrily producing food quite well for the past few years. In the desert areas where they do not produce food they may have indeed been more droughts but not so that it has affected the food producing areas.
Thanks for that anecdotal evidence, which supports the argument that war and not drought is driving mass migration.
It seems they are both facing their own frosty climate change demons:
AP Posts Harrowing Pic Of Obama “Staring Down A Melting Glacier”…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott may find he has more foes than friends in Port Moresby as he prepares to stare down leaders from some of the most climate change-vulnerable countries in the world.
Abbott to face frosty crowd at Pacific forum
Abbott said he is not budging. Hopefully this trial-run will beef-up the troops going to Paris.
Here is an interesting exchange between Abbott & Dutton:
ABC: Peter Dutton overheard joking about rising sea levels in Pacific Island nations
, , ,
Was he being cynical?
Was Abbott?
They were a bit cynical, thankfully Morrison told them to pipe down before they did any real damage.
Abbott is renowned for his gaffs and Dutton has a Keating swagger which is bound to get him into trouble.
A reshuffle is coming up and I don’t think Dennis Jensen will get a seat on the front bench.
peddledmanaged this piece of news on Radio & TVNZ this evening at peak hours. The propaganda was read as though by a high priest reading out a liturgical proclamation of mortal sin…..leaders laughing about UN klimate khange…..unbelieveable.Behind pregnant pauses and a hint of things best left unsaid, one could almost hear the believers beating their breasts, ripping their garments and gnashing their teeth, all the while sucking their breath, inhaling noisily in the manner one understands signals severe disapproval and condemnation, the manner that regrettably endorses the death sentence, ‘for their own good’ you understand.
How this World needs a dose of cataclysmic reality /grandest sarc.
I like that Manfred so a green thumb for you
Could you do an item one on America’s black Nero as well?
And that ain’t said in jest!
All one can say is..
WELL SAID, Mr Dutton
I’m just, well I guess you could say cherry picking only the phrase from the title of this Thread, ‘air conditioning’, and I know I might mention this a few times, but it’s probably the hardest thing for me to try and get across.
The problem, (if it is even a problem in the first place) might indeed be air conditioning (per se) but everyone is looking at the wrong area ….. those air conditioners in homes, and be aware that not all homes have these units. Residential air conditioning is a relatively tiny amount of the overall total power consumption, of not just Australia, but of any Country. Do as those greenies want, and remove residential air conditioning from homes, and, umm, good luck with that, and you’ll find that overall consumption, even at the height of Summer would show very little difference at all.
Okay then, now think of that one place on Planet Earth which has the absolute far and away highest power consumption of any one place ….. Manhattan Island.
Why is that?
Obvious really. That extreme concentration of sykscrapers.
The same applies here in Australia, and for any city, large or small. There is a plethora of high rise buildings, virtually all of them places of work.
Think of a skyscraper as a collection of homes, all stacked one of top of the other. Each floor is probably around the size of perhaps 2 or more homes, so a typical large high rise might make up a collection of the equivalent of a hundred or more homes.
Every morning, that work place fires up all its power consuming things, and there’s a lot of them. A typical large scale high rise might have an average daily power consumption up around the equivalent of 1MW, some more.
However, that’s not the half of it. Think of the structure itself. A huge glass tower. Now, it’s not like you’re working on the twentieth floor, and you just walk across to the window and open it up to improve airflow. On nearly every one of them, you cannot do this. They are sealed structures, mainly for the integrity of the structure itself, with the only real opening the door into and out of the place on the ground floor.
Every one of those structures taller than two levels has a large unit on the roof, and while this is referred to as the aircon unit, it’s MAIN purpose is to supply circulated breathing air into, and out of, the structure, and, as part of that the unit conditions the air on the way. The temperature is basically set at the one level year round, so it feels cool in Summer and warm in Winter, and all they do is reverse the cycles on the set dates each year for the warmer and cooler periods. So, those units on the roof work 24/7/365 to circulate the air throughout the high rise, fans to move the air around and compressors to condition the air, set at upper and lower temperatures for the compressors to cut in and out.
Now, again, look at the structure itself. basically just glass towers, the big ones, well, most of them really.
In the Summer Months all that glass focuses the outside heat and the inside of the structure gets hot, so those compressors are working overtime, during virtually all daylight hours, as the temperature differential (outside versus inside) tends to heat up the inside, and those compressors are the huge power consumers on that scale for large structures.
In the Winter however, that temperature differential is not as high as the benign outside temperature is around the same as inside, even though all that glass still focuses the heat, but not on the scale of Summer.
Now, while you may think I could be just saying all this to make some point or other, this is completely borne out when you look at the daily power consumption load curves and compare the Summer one with the Winter one, and there is an example of this at an earlier Thread at Joanne’s site, and that is at this link.
Look closely at those two load curves, and the top one is for Summer, and the one under that is for Winter. These are not cherry picked curves to emphasis the point, but are the same for virtually all the Summer and Winter Months. While these are for the whole of Australia, they are similar for towns, cities both small and large, regions, States, and Countries, not just here in Australia, but across the World wherever there is a constant and regular regulated supply of electrical power.
Note the rise from that AM dip point, when everyone gets up from sleep, and goes to work and work fires up. In Summer, it just keeps on rising rolling across the top, and then decreasing. In Winter, that morning spike eases off and then the curve dips a little and then stays relatively low, and then rises again in the afternoon as people get home and residential consumption again rises. That Winter dip for consumption is also similar for Summer, only hidden as the work consumption is superimposed over those two humps.
This VERY effectively explains all I have said above.
The same applies for all workplaces across the Country, and also for all the schools across Australia, as nearly all of those places are air conditioned, virtually now a safety aspect for all these places, so a necessity.
Air conditioning in THESE areas is the root cause of all that daily consumption in Summer.
Note also that it is one reason why that Base Load is high, because even though those structures are unoccupied when everyone goes home at night and it cools down inside, the airflow has to be maintained. You CANNOT turn it off at all. During the benign and lower night time temperatures, the fans are all that are working to circulate the air throughout the building.
So, while air conditioning may be ….. perceived to be some sort of problem, it’s most definitely NOT residential air conditioning.
Now, I understand this is a long Comment, and sorry for that to the Moderators, but until people are aware of this, then you will never see any change in overall power consumption, other than fiddling around at the edges.
You want to cut back on airconditioning, then that means the closing down of every high rise structure in every town or city, large or small, and just think about it, virtually every building, work place, and school. That will NEVER be allowed to happen.
Residential home air conditioning is the tiniest part of any perceived problem supposedly caused by air conditioning.
It may be perceived as a luxury in the home, but it is an ABSOLUTE necessity in the overall scheme of things.
Thanks Tony. I only ever vaguely suspected something like that might be true, but had no facts to support the idea. Great Post.
Dave B
i found AAP attribution to Lisa Martin at EchoNetDaily. what is the evidence for her claim the Australian & NZ leaders were “celebrating the result”?
11 Sept: Sky News: AAP: (Lisa Martin): Pacific islands must now take on the world
After failing to convince Australia and New Zealand to back stronger global warming temperature restrictions, Pacific islands vulnerable to climate change will gear up to take on the world…
Small island nations facing rising seas pushed hard for the 1.5 degree target, saying anything higher risked their survival.
But Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and NZ counterpart John Key refused to give ground during the ‘robust’ discussions at the nine hour meeting.The pair were seen celebrating the result over beers at the Grand Papua Hotel bar after the press conference…
of course, it is Martin’s “celebration” piece which has been picked up by Guardian, SBS, etc.
attention Maurice Newman –
from Carbon Brief Daily Briefing 10 Sept:
A Post-GDP World? Rethinking International Politics in the 21st Century
The authors look at how, as new indicators emerge and countries move past GDP, we may witness a shift to a NEW WORLD ORDER, in which more equitable and sustainable economies will play a leading role. – Global Policy
linked from Global Policy Journal:
9 Sept: Wiley: A Post-GDP World? Rethinking International Politics in the 21st Century
Lorenzo Fioramonti
In contemporary politics, the power and status of a country are intimately connected with its economic wealth. In particular, GDP has become the benchmark by which the global pecking order is defined. Initially designed as a mere survey of a nation’s income, GDP has become an ordering principle in international governance. Yet the convergence of socioeconomic, environmental and energy crises currently questions the sustainability of GDP maximization and its political relevance, strengthened by a growing consensus among policy makers and experts that GDP is an inadequate metric of economic success. As countries move beyond GDP and new indicators are introduced, the overall international political order may also change…
We may be witnessing a gradual shift to a new Bretton Woods, possibly leading to a profound restructuring of globalization with the emergence of new forms of supranational regionalism in which more equitable and sustainable economies will play a leading role…
Wikipedia: Lorenzo Fioramonti is professor of political economy at the University of Pretoria and director of the Centre for the study of Governance Innovation (GovInn)…
He also holds the UNESCO/UNU Chair in Regional Integration, Migration and Free Movement of People…
He is a fellow of the Centre for Social Investment of the University of Heidelberg, of the Hertie School of Governance and of the ***United Nations University…
is this money well spent?
9 Sept: Energy Matters: $350 Million For New Large Scale Solar In Australia
$350 million in funding initiatives from the CEFC and ARENA will see as many as ten new large scale solar farms constructed across Australia.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) announced a $100 million programme this morning; offering grants of up to $30 million for solar projects with a minimum generation capacity of 5 MW (AC)…
Mr. Frischknecht said the initiative’s main aims were to reduce the cost of large-scale solar developments in Australia and for large-scale solar to achieve cost parity with wind energy by 2020.
Also earlier today, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) announced a complementary $250 million large-scale solar financing programme.
“When fully deployed, the CEFC finance will be the single largest debt financing commitment to the Australian large-scale solar sector,” said CEFC CEO Oliver Yates
” The CEFC’s provision of fixed-rate longer-dated senior debt finance is designed to directly support the network of financiers, project suppliers and developers in the delivery of additional large-scale solar in Australia.”…
The CEFC, which invests for positive financial return, has committed more than $1.4 billion in finance to investments in clean energy projects valued at over $3.5 billion since the Corporation came into being. Most recently, the CEFC announced it had provided $4.7 million in finance for a 1.8MW solar project at Ayers Rock Resort…
amazingly fair BBC program on the Calif drought. only mention of “climate change” is near the start & it is only to say it’s not possible to make connections. previous 100-year droughts mentioned:
AUDIO: 23mins: Sept: BBC Global Business: The Californian Drought
Some farmers believe that this year is the tipping point. If rain does not fall in the winter, they will be unable to farm next year. But others have had some of their best years during these testing times. Peter Day explores what happens when water becomes the most valuable commodity there is.
10 Sept: RTCC: Megan Darby: Shell exits Prince of Wales climate group amid row rumours
Controversial plans to drill in Arctic said to be last straw for fellow members of influential European climate grouping
A source familiar with the matter told RTCC the oil major departed after internal rows over its continued presence.
As the only fossil fuel company in the group, Shell’s membership had always been contentious, the source said…
Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, director of the CLG, said: “We have worked with Shell for ten years. They were one of the first in the group…
Other members of the group, which is supported by the UK’s Prince Charles, include GlaxoSmithKline, Tesco and Unilever…
A spokesperson for Shell said: “Energy experts accept that hydrocarbons will remain a major part of the energy system for many decades, as demand for energy grows.
“This is particularly the case in developing economies, whose people rightly aspire to the same standard of living that those in the developed world enjoy.”…
divorced from reality:
10 Sept: RTCC: Isatis Cintron: How a UN climate deal can help prevent refugee crises
(Isatis Cintron is a PhD student at Rutgers University, New Jersey, studying the intersection between climate change socio-economic impacts and atmospheric chemistry. She is also a climate tracker for the Adopt a Negotiator project.)
A study in the Sahel region of Africa found that migration occurs when environmental degradation or extreme events affect people’s livelihoods. This is not to undermine the complexity of social, religious, repression and political dynamics involved, but certainly climate change is a “threat multiplier”…
As soon as 2050, climate disruption is projected to cause the permanent displacement of 200 to 250 million people worldwide.
With these alarming numbers, its time that the international community stops shying away from effective intervention…read on
10 Sept: San Francisco Chronicle Blog: Jerry Brown to Ben Carson: Do your homework on climate change
By Carla Marinucci
California Gov. Jerry Brown, who has taken his campaign on climate change around the globe, is now schooling Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on the issue.
Brown released a letter Thursday in which he told the retired neurosurgeon that it’s time to “use your considerable intelligence” to get the facts straight.
***Then he sent Carson a flash drive containing a comprehensive UN IPCC report on the subject — the work of leading 800 scientists from around the globe assessing 30,000 scientific papers on the subject.
Here is his correspondence with Carson…
“I know there are a lot of people who say ‘overwhelming science,’ but then when you ask them to show the overwhelming science, they never can show it,” Carson said in an interview Tuesday with The Chronicle after his sold-out appearance at the Commonwealth Club. “There is no overwhelming science that the things that are going on are man-caused and not naturally caused.
“Gimme a break.”
9 Sept: LA Times: Chris Megerian: Gas reduction dropped from California climate change bill
Gov. Jerry Brown faced a cascade of setbacks Wednesday as climate change legislation was stripped of his targets for reducing gasoline use, his effort to fix dilapidated roads was delayed, and there was no deal in sight to shore up funding for public healthcare…
But Brown said he was undeterred. He pledged to redouble his efforts to fight climate change by slashing the amount of gasoline burned on California roads…
Although supporters described the remaining provisions of the bill as landmark steps, they were clearly frustrated by their inability to persuade enough fellow Democrats to support the gas component…
Other climate-related legislation is still hanging in the balance…
During War and major conflicts there was always fear and paranoia from journalists which prevented them from reporting what was happening.
However, in this article from the Time Journalist Aryn Baker she is under no pressure to censor the truth.
just making it up as she goes along I suppose…
ATTENTION JOANNE – Maybe a clue for a new Thread. (and sorry about going off topic like this, but this was just too delicious to pass up)
I’m linking (against my better judgement really) to a Comment from BilB at this link.
He mentioned something that has come up in the news recently, the possibility that the melting permafrost is releasing superbugs which will (inevitably, so he said) lead to the mass extinction of human life, you know, the usual scare campaign.
Say, I wonder if in the lead up to Paris, that Hollywood, as expected, is playing along, as they have often done before to make scare campaign movies, using climate change as the theme.
Then, as sort of a precursor ad campaign, they get the word out in, well, you know, those gullibles who will fall for anything.
It gets reported, and then, say, surprise surprise, a new movie comes out hot on the heels of those scary media reports. And how lucky was that, that they had a movie jut ready for that sort of thing.
Watch this trailer for a new movie, called, and, umm, wait for it ….. THAW!
Link to movie trailer for Thaw
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Oh, and then laugh out loud.
Surely, BilB, you weren’t sucked in now, were you?
Sorry, forgot the hat tip.
It goes to P.J. Gladnick at The NewsBusters site in an article at this link.
And in my rush, I should have read the whole article. The movie was an eminently forgetful one which went straight to DVD back in 2009.
Bet you it gets revived now.
I am glad this issue with the M….s was raised. The falsehood of “global warming” and the expansionist political ideology of the M….s – by far the top two issues confronting Western Civilisation. It could very easily see the demise of our Civilisation if we don’t get some proper leadership.
At least people on this blog understand what’s going on.
A few months ago ISIS cut off water to four provinces, its an artificial drought, but in Syria its a mixed bag.
…to four provinces in Iraq…
Fairfax/Sky & the rest of commercial MSM can carry on as much as they like, but ABC are taxpayer-funded, so they should not be allowed to get away with the carrying the following…difficult to copy/paste the way Bolt has presented it:
11 Sept: Bolt Blog: Abbott-hatred and warming sanctimony makes the media mad, you know
A similar article to this one appeared on Andrew Montfords blog a couple of days back,in which Andrew shows that the study kelly et al in PNAS consentrated on the greater fertile plain that stretches from Turkey across the borders of Iran and Iraq to Syria.That is where the Arab marshes are and where the indigenous people have a fascinating culture that can be traced back almost to the begining of time, A culture that Saddam attempted to eradicate mainly by draining the marshes. I wonder if Saddams actions show up in the Kelly et al drought paper ? Andrew wrote that the Independent newspaper were amongst the first to push this latest scare story yet back in 1993 they did a big spread on the Arab marshes and what Saddam was doing there : The Independent Saddam drains the life of the Arab marshes:( sorry i can’t directly link from works PC) So is the drought man made or madman made ???
Since I…m has been raised in the context of global warming I would like to compare the thought process that apply to both.
Western Civilisation is based on the Golden Rule and Critical Thought.
I…m and Global Warming believers base their thoughts on Dualistic Ethics and Authoritative Thought.
I tend to think global warming believers are simply naive. Global warming alarmists (as distinct from believers) are a different species, and no better than other varieties of death cults. In this case the primary subject matter of the death is science. So, the idea they have any ethics and thought of any kind are misnomers. Given there has been no warming at all over the past 19 years, and that the gradual rise in temperatures over the past 100+ years has been insignificant at worse and beneficial at best, mostly as a result of coming out of the ice age, one wonders what’s all the fuss? It can only be a scam perpetrated by groups of people whose aim is to kill science and replace it with a false religion that aims to enslave the masses for their own financial and dictatorial benefits, sometimes using devilish advertisements, such as showing people being exploded for not following the mantra (remember that ad?). If that’s not a definition of a death cult at least in thinking then I don’t know what is.
Bloomberg July 22, 2015:
Americans’ Air Conditioning Habit Is Eco-Friendly
“You could argue that if Americans had not migrated en masse from the temperate north to the blistering sunbelt, we would need less energy for climate control.
You could argue that, but you’d be wrong.
Americans still expend much more energy heating their homes than cooling them.
On average, the move from cold areas to warm ones has actually saved energy, not caused us to use more.”
Unlike a cold winter with no heat, a hot summer with no cooling won’t definitely kill you.
Is Air Conditioning Killing the Planet? (
OUCH !!!
That little Syrian boy that drowned.
Read the update at the top of this post on BoltA
A radio news report said that he had a job in Turkey.
He left a safe refuge and now has the blood of many on his hands including his wife and children.
A Canadian comments on Curry’s website:
The MSM is despicable, irrespective of location … but a large segment (perhaps a bare majority) of the population believe them
I predict they’ll emigrate right on back, as soon as they get a carbon-tax renewable-enhanced power bill, and realize they actually liked it a whole lot better in Pakistan, where electricity is on only 3 hours per day.
Its going to be rather cold in places like the UK, Germany, Sweden etc etc this year..
Will be fun to see how these Syrian refugees/infiltrators respond to the cold weather..
… especially as housing could be a major issue.
Ha! The warmists will say that won’t be a problem. As it will be the hottest (insert time period) ever…
I’m not laughing. People fleeing for their lives get my sympathy and support, not the cagw nuts.
WOW, the chronic thumbs-downer finds people fleeing for their lives to be funny? Or just has no sympathy for those less fortunate (not part of the cagw narrative)?
instead of a blind thumbs down, why not provide an intelligent comment? (Reaching, I know)
Hi Bill
No I didn’t give a red thumb, nor do I have any conflict with your comment.
What I would say however, is that possibly others on this site see the same methods used to control people with regard to the
CAGW – Global Warming Paradigm now being used to shame westerners into accepting unlimited responsibility for feeding, clothing
housing and education many hundreds of thousands of people leaving Syria.
A better solution may have been put in place much earlier when IS or ISIL or Daesh began their totally off the planet rampage.
Surely the United Nations, PO Box 514 Hudson On the River New York USA. could simply have cancelled the Paris non conference on
fleecing the west still further and put their efforts into getting a peace keeping mission together and sending it to halt ISIL in it’s tracks.
Think of the beheading, rapes and other gorey activities that could have been stopped IF THE UN REALLY CARED.
Obviously they don’t.
The Paris Confab MUST go on.
Compared to the absolutely disgusting unconcern of the UN hierarchy for the people fleeing rampaging armed mobs in the Middle
East any slightly flippant remark concerning the resultant refugees is likely to be a sarcastic comment pointing to the lack of
concern in places where action is expected; The United Nations.