One hundred thousand years too late, the AAP warns parents that climate change can affect their children:
Today, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy statement that links climate change with the health of children, urging pediatricians and politicians to work together to solve this crisis and protect children from climate-related threats including natural disasters, heat stress, lower air quality, increased infections, and threats to food and water supplies.
“Every child need a safe and healthy environment and climate change is a rising public health threat to all children in this country and around the world,” said AAP President Sandra G. Hassink, MD, FAAP. “Pediatricians have a unique and powerful voice in this conversation due to their knowledge of child health and disease and their role in ensuring the health of current and future children.”
This is the climate change that children without cars and electricity dealt with:
This is the climate change babies who are 30 and under have to deal with:

UAH satellite data — the same range as the Vostok graph axis.
All those parents leaving their children out in floods and storms, be warned:
“Children are uniquely at risk to the direct impacts of climate changes like climate-related disaster–including floods and storms–where they are exposed to increased risk of injury, death, loss of or separation from caregivers and mental health consequences,” explained Samantha Ahdoot, MD, lead author of the policy statement
Why are paediatricians selling out their good reputation by pandering to odious political correctness? What parent hears this and thinks suddenly “I must act now — I thought climate change only happened to adults!”
And if children in poor countries are affected by climate change, then lets get them some damn coal fired electricity.
I beleive that once Obama and his green sycophants finally leave office next year, his bizarre war on coal will come to an end. And organizations like the AAP, and dozens of others, will quietly drop their ridiculous climate politics.
I wouldn’t take that bet.
1) If another Democrat is elected President it will be business as usual – i.e. the funding and policies will continue. The only change might be a bit less grandstanding on the issue, as the next President won’t be scrambling to create a “legacy” as the current one is.
2) Too much of the motivation to continue is already ingrained in the system. One would have to take on multiple bureaucracies across the federal government to change direction and even cut funding. No President is going to have time for that.
Two things might slow the momentum. The courts could scuttle the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. The temperture could continue to bump along at its current pace (or start to drop). And even if the latter happens, people’s memories are short and the same folks warning us about warming due to climate change will simply switch focus and warn us about cooling due to climate change.
Maybe, but the solution to global cooling is to build lots and lots of coal-fired power stations… isn’t it?
You are dreaming Klem. There’s far too much money and power at stake for the global warming Pharisees of the AGW scam to let go of the climate politics. In fact it’s gaining strength as each year passes. Just go to a public school to see the propaganda being peddled. There’s a wealth of guidelines and other materials on the internet for schools that keep spreading the propaganda, such as the Teachers’ Guide to High Quality Educational Materials on Climate Change and Global Warming. Do a Google search of “public school climate change” and you will be amazed.
The next generation will be convinced that we must stop climate change. To turn around this trend of lies, the governments of the world must put an immediate stop to this false religion being taught at our schools. I don’t see it happening any time soon.
I find it hard to supress a laugh when people start tlaking about climate change….I did have a near stand-up with a hard-core leftie one day about it, despite being polite until he started really arcing up, then my fuse started to shorten. Mind you, he also picked fights within the smae workplace and almost had his lights punched out by an old trade unionist in our office…..
not certain which one to support, the unionista of the fruitbat.
I suppose “teachers” have to “teach” climate change because younger teachers are products of the current system and know nothing useful worth teaching.
Here in the UK We have seasonal climate change every year, in winter we protect or youngsters from the cold by providing them with good quality winter clothing, hats , scarves , gloves ,coats and warm winter boots or shoes that have a good grip, when they come home we rely on a affordable energy supply to get warm food inside them and heat their home, in summer when we get the odd brief spell of hot weather, we keep them safe with a bottle of sun screen. Why are these doctors not coming out to support a warmer world if they have the best interests of our children at heart , why not promote a warming world with increased levels of co2 as net beneficial .
At the moment, at the end of October, climate change is especially severe. The plummeting temperatures are causing the leaves on the trees to die. Just a few short weeks ago they were a deep green. Now most are turning brown and orange. Dead leaves litter the ground. At this rate most of the the trees will be completely bare of all foliage.
Even worse, the days are rapidly getting shorter. At this rate sometime early next year Britain will be in permanent darkness.
I can vouch for that. The age of enlightenment seems to be drawing to a close.
The biggest risk for children is their parents stop behaving like adults, when the elites desire a population that will develop to a set level then the ability to control is much easier, consider the percentage of adults that have the ability to produce children but fully believe the CAGW meme word for word even though they have lived in this so called unprecedented disturbed climate.
Then observe the behaviour of these adults when their beliefs are questioned, the internet is a spectacular invention but for many it’s a haven for the frivolous and easily distracted that leaves them in the condition of children and barbarians in which instinct has learned nothing from experience.
h/t to George Santayana.
The nanny state is all about fostering a child like state in adults since independence is seen as a major hazard by the ruling class.
You can see this in people’s response to problems. Out here in the country after the last hurricane we got out the chainsaws, chains, trucks and tractors and cleared the roads of the downed trees in a day, a week before the state showed up. In the city everyone sits on their rump and waits for the nanny state to take care of them.
In Massachusetts the people complain of the high taxes and move to New Hampshire where they immediately start whining about the lack of state provided goodies. They seem incapable of connecting a high tax rate with state provided goodies. Is it any wonder that they can not see the CAGW con-game for what it is?
Yep, which is also why the UN Agenda 21 favours moving people into heavily dense cities where control ( and culling by pathogen of choice ) is easily adminsistered. Its also easier to shut off food supply to a city than in the country too.
The Elite who are running the show are ruthless but completely messed up in the head and evil to boot.
Aren’t the greatest risks to children malnutrition, disease, poor water quality, poor air quality etc. Everything that is perpetuated by the lack of first world technology. Or are we simply talking about the suffering of first world children?
You are right.
If we stick to first world children, climate doesn’t enter into it. Cold Sweden and hot Australia both score pretty well in child health. The greatest risk to the health of first-world children is the lack of a decent national health service. But I can only think of one first world country that does not have a proper national health service. It does not score well in child health.
How I long for a return to the times of our marriage. When you needed medical consulting, you did an unspoken private contract with the practitioner who gave you a paper invoice to be paid with paper money.
Have you ever seen the cost per person to support the massive, non-productive paper shuffle named Medicare? Have you ever thought how concealed the full and final figure is?
Whereas 50 years ago there were some stragglers who needed help (often given a good job with the council) these days the simple plan can work. All that is needed is a lasting cure for the widespread ailment named ‘dependency’.
In reality, the warmenistas and associated Leftist brethren are only interested in appealing to emotions of first world worriers, because they are the ones that matter as far as ‘their’ interests are concerned. To wit, the third world exists in poverty and must remain so, in order that first world trough feeders can continue to suck donations (private and public) in order to remain in business.
“These Adults” have only one source that they believe is always correct: Facebook! If it’s not on Facebook it’s a lie…..
As usual, a broad-brush idiot comment which goes thus: “Lyme disease affects approximately 300,000 Americans each year, with boys, ages 5 to 9, at greatest risk. Climate warming has been linked to northern expansion of Lyme disease in North America, putting more American children at risk of this disease.”
Can a microbiologist or epidemiologist out there please offer a sensible comment as to the real reasons for the apparent spread of Lyme disease instead of invoking ‘climate change’ ?
The tests for Lyme disease were not available 40 years ago. It was only recognised as a separate disease entity in the 1970s. If you are interested, there has been ONE confirmed case of Lyme disease in Australia, but that was imported from Eastern Europe. That does not ,of course, mean that hundreds of people have not been “treated ” for Lyme disease in Australia. Belief is a peculiar thing.
Whenever one hears a reference to “the children”, get ready to be scammed.
And that any doctor can spend time worrying about as yet non-existent “future” children when hundreds of millions of real children are impacted by real health problems caused by poverty is immoral and disgusting. There is not a single “future” life worth more than that of one person living today.
Rent seekers in the CAGW scam come in all manner of work or idleness.
Their treadmill has reached unprecedented speed in the final lead-up to IPPC in Paris.
In the US, Planned Parenthood is a bigger threat to children’s health than climate change.
An exercise in brainwashing the masses.”I WILL COMPLY” this is one sad joke laid on; guilty- as charged of defiling the planet! A fear for our times to be sure.SAVE THE PLANET t-shirts abound.Save the planet from stupidity(and cupidity).
Antartica should be returned to its former glory.
“This particular plesiosaur hails from an era when the Southern Ocean was warmer and Antarctica was covered with conifers and ferns, its climate more similar to today’s southern South America than the frozen land we now know.”
“the deposits of coal discovered by the Shackleton and Scott expeditions in the Antarctic will perhaps prove to be one of the largest unworked coalfields in the world. Wild, of the Shackleton expedltlon, discovered seven seams of coal outcropping in a great cliff face of sandstone and shale.”
“Scott’s geologists traced this field for a distance of 650 miles, extending northward from the head of the Beardmore Glacier.”
“Rear Admiral Byrd, after a short conference with the leaders reported that the party had found extensive deposits of coal and fossilised plant’s and leaves, sections of prehistoric, tree trunks, some a foot to 18 inches in diameter.
Nature has that well in hand. It should only take about 50 million years to bring the continent northwards, so you’ll just have to be patient.
Ain’t Plate Tektonix wonderful? It’s almost like Plate Trektonix … 🙂
“Pediatricians have a unique and powerful voice in this conversation”
And that’s why this organisation has also been hijacked to do its’ bit.
Just like Australia and Canada, the members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have no say in the government of their organisation which acts and speaks publicly on their behalf.
Good point KK,
That is the main reason I resigned from the Australian Medical Association. Now they don’t speak on my behalf anymore.
Much the same confused panic from Doctors here in Australia!
Dr Brian Owler, president of the AMA
Dr Steve Parnis, vice president of the AMA
Dr Fiona Stanley, school of Child health UWA.
All calling on our governments to stop us polluting the world with our CO2 emmissions.
Not to mention Turnbull’s recent appointment of the new Chief Scientist who is calling for zero emissions and a closure of our coal industry. Fortunately, Turnbull has turned down his recommendations, but for how long?
Indonesia overtook Australia in coal production in 2013, and is growing strongly.
The only country that would be hurt by us not exporting coal… would be us.
It would make no difference whatsoever to world wide coal usage.
So true. Then why is Turnbull keeping him as our new Chief Scientist? It’s an embarrassment to real science. I don’t care what he has achieved in his career. Coming out with statements like the ones he did are so dumb I’m beginning to question his intelligence. Anyone with half a brain knows that placing a moratorium on our coal industry would collapse our economy and send us bankrupt far worse than Greece. I would fire him on the spot!
“Then why is Turnbull keeping him as our new Chief Scientist?”
So that he can get the votes of the AGW believers. Turnbull is a politician. He wants to pander to everybody.
…which makes no sense ….*unless* the plan is to turn australian into a 3rd world nation using CO2 fairy stories to do the trick.
It occurs to me the popularity of zombies is in effect an subliminal embrace of a subconcious projection of peoples collective state of mind….
In otherwords, we have a Stokholm Sydrome & Jim Jones Kool Aid but it applies across the board at all levels of society.
Now that we have a systematic sell out by all levels of the “professions” ( and I use that term very losely, as “profession” is now a mockery ) what happens next?
CAGW Skeptic/Denier pogroms are next……
The CO2 zombies are coming.
I have been saying this for so long that the keyboard just wrights it by itself:
The greens and all the Australian Warmist have only one goal in mind: depopulation and regression of the continent to a pristine condition, so that eventually they will be able to have it all for themselves in a complete “natural” state. I can see the sign floating on the Great Barrier Reef: “World Park Australia nobody leaves here and YOU are not welcome!!”
Until he wins an election and then reveals his Rudd
I wish people would realise that Turnbull must NEVER be elected PM
I distrust Turnbull also for the same reasons, and more. He’s a hundred times more dangerous than Rudd. Rudd was an imbecile. Turnbull is a conniving megalomaniac, not much unlike another socialist supremo although not of the left but the right; Hitler. But then again I hope I’m wrong for all our sakes.
He a totalitarian socialist with his want to RULE…
…his self-entitlement ego complex, as his driving meme.
I might be going out on a limb here Andy but I get the feeling you don’t like Malcolm…. 🙂
Ya think !! 🙂
Spent all his time under-mining Tony Abbot.. not one ounce of support.
Refused to bring the ABC into line.. in fact fawned to them, almost certainly encouraged them on the quiet.
He’s a conniving, back-stabbing low-life with an ego that will hopefully be torn to shreds in the near future.
The psycho-phants in the ABC etc see in him a greater version of themselves and are totally prepared to bend down and lick his feet.
What amazes me is that half the Liberal MP’s seem to have the same ego worship.
I thought that medicos had some understanding of biochemistry; isn’t the glucose, which is the energy of animal life, derived from the carbohydrate produced by plants from CO2? If not, please explain.
Of course, if the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) truly believes that a climate crisis exists, then it has avoided recommending the obvious climate action that can be taken by individuals at no cost.
Every child born in America adds 9441 peer-reviewed tons of climate-crisis CO2 to the carbon skidmark of the parents.
The AAP should recommend that Americans immediately stop having children.
This could lead to the eventual dissolution of the AAP, but so be it.
Remember, it’s for the children.
Brilliant ! Like the UN electing to reduce bureaucracy & dissolve itself. Won’t happen, at least not until they’ve created something worse in it place.
Won’t happen, at least not until they’ve created something worse in it place.
I suspect they already have…..
Absolutely terrifying….
CHEAP ENERGY is THE most important thing to the overall health of a nation. The rising number of winter deaths in the UK show this.
Death toll soars as cold snap hits UK
What I loved was Obama pointing to asthmatics and saying Global Warming was causing them problems then having his EPA take Primatene Mist off the market. There are more than 3,600 deaths due to asthma each year and asthma mortality in the U.S. about 5,000-6,000 deaths/ year.
Primatene Mist is an emergency OTC drug that any one could get if they are out and about and forgot their prescription medication. It is also something available to those who can not afford a doctor or have a mild asthma attack once every couple of years.
Also air conditioning especially on the east coast of the USA is a life saver for asthmatics. We had our A/C die last year and the mold from opening the windows during a humid summer just about did me in. Especially when combined with a lack of Primatene Mist and the fact the almost useless substitute (It clogged too.) was impossible to find.
I still have yet to get an answer to the question…
“Tell me something untoward that has happened to the climate?”
Andy, he was always Flying in the Face of Reality.
I doubt that he has ever had a real world experience in his whole life.
An engaged child of the net and can’t extricate his mind.
“Tell me something untoward that has happened to the climate?”
If I was gullible believer in 97% Doomsday Global Warming who comments here, I would be quoting Al Gore, with an up-to-date link like this:
“Climate change is here and now and scary as hell.”
“Gore says the old caveat about how no individual storm can be attributed to climate change is no longer true; warmer oceans and higher humidity are now permanent features of the environment, adding fuel to every storm.
He even blames climate change for making poison ivy more poisonous.”
. . .
But, they never do.
Hey, where are all the alarmista trolls..
that truly is SAD, isn’t it 🙂
Come on, there MUST be one of you out there with something to say ???????
Here’s the question again..
“Tell me something untoward that has happened to the climate?”
One could argue that from an alarmist perspective, the current climate is ‘untoward’, as it has not behaved as the models said it should…
Gees its QUIET around here. 😉
Apart from the cricket’s chirping….
and the red thumber thumbing
This headline needs to be reversed: Children linked to health of Global Warming!
. . .
The Conversation: How family planning could be part of the answer to climate change
“You’ve changed your lightbulbs, you recycle, you’ve retrofitted your house, cycle when you can, and drive an electric car when you can’t.
You’re doing your bit to reduce your carbon emissions and prevent dangerous climate change.
But if you have two children, your legacy of carbon emissions could be 40-times higher than those you saved through lifestyle changes.”
~ ~ ~
Guardian: UK aid helps to fund forced sterilisation of India’s poor
Tens of millions of pounds of UK aid money have been spent on a programme that has forcibly sterilised Indian women and men.
Many have died as a result of botched operations, while others have been left bleeding and in agony.
A number of pregnant women selected for sterilisation suffered miscarriages and lost their babies.
Yet a working paper published by the UK’s Department for International Development in 2010 cited the need to fight climate change as one of the key reasons for pressing ahead with such programmes.
The document argued that reducing population numbers would cut greenhouse gases …
Ah yes…Eugenics rearing its ugly head again…..
The nazis loved eugenics, the infamous Nazi T4 Program involved killing off “life unworthy of life” as thye put it i.e. killing the mentally retarded , terminally ill etc
Note the comment about “uesless eaters” – which is how the Green movement basically sees huamnity as a plague on “Gaia” :
“T4 Program, also called T4 Euthanasia Program, T4 Program [Credit: Dralon]T4 ProgramDralonNazi German effort—framed as a euthanasia program—to kill incurably ill, physically or mentally disabled, emotionally distraught, and elderly people. Adolf Hitler initiated this program in 1939, and, while it was officially discontinued in 1941, killings continued covertly until the military defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.
In October 1939, Adolf Hitler empowered his personal physician and the chief of the Chancellery of the Führer to kill people considered unsuited to live. He backdated his order to September 1, 1939, the day World War II began, to give it the appearance of a wartime measure. In this directive, Dr. Karl Brandt and Chancellery chief Philipp Bouhler were “charged with responsibility for expanding the authority of physicians…so that patients considered incurable, according to the best available human judgment of their state of health, can be granted a mercy killing.”
Within a few months, the T4 Program—named for the Chancellery offices that directed it from the Berlin address Tiergartenstrasse 4—involved virtually the entire German psychiatric community. A new bureaucracy, headed by physicians, was established with a mandate to kill anyone deemed to have a “life unworthy of living.” Some physicians active in the study of eugenics, who saw Nazism as “applied biology,” enthusiastically endorsed this program. However, the criteria for inclusion in this program were not exclusively genetic, nor were they necessarily based on infirmity. An important criterion was economic. Nazi officials assigned people to this program largely based on their economic productivity. The Nazis referred to the program’s victims as “burdensome lives” and “useless eaters.”
[Commenters – lets not follow this sub-thread too far — Jo]
The “program” actually began in April 1937, with the developmentally and cognitively disabled, followed a year later with the mentally ill (including senile), physically disabled (without powerful famiies to protect them) and then the homosexuals. Documentary evidence suggests that the plans were laid as far back as 1930 before the Nazi’s rise to power. (Source: the Nuremberg Trials Archives)
[Lets get back on topic.Thanks – Jo]
A bigger threat would be a manipulated education system or maybe war…. not sure though, I mean if the climate changes, those poor kids might not be able to cope with another 2DegC…. As an adult, +2DegC, I wouldn’t even bother to add another ice-cube to my drink.
Oh wait – corrupt government, that must be the winner on threats to kids (or Religion)…
In the USA, how many children have died due to “Climate Change”?
And how many children have died at the hands of pediatricians?
Perhaps the AAP needs to reassess its priorities?
How many people have suffered because of pediatricians giving advice way outside of their competence? Ever heard of Helen Caldicott? You know, the one whose fear-mongering around e.g. Fukushima contrbute to the misery of millions in Japan; and who keeps seeing dead hundreds of thousands of dead from Chernobyl when the actual count is less than one thousandth of that? Caldicott whose education in matter nuclear seems to have been from reading the apocalypse novel “On the Beach”.
While it’s not impossible for bright MD’s to be politically active and to profit fairly from fiction (e.g. Michael Crichton), the urge for activism is not tempered by available intellect in those seeking to prove themselves as scientific authorities.
The level of fraud and corruption from these donkeys is mind boggling.
Goklany has tried to wake people up to this perverse fraud over the years, but they still persist with their lies.
The fact is that deaths from extreme events over the last 100 years have dropped by 97% and the whole population of the planet has enjoyed a much higher standard of living since 1900.
Let’s face it if we want a better outcome for children we need to make sure they get access to coal, gas and oil etc and the sooner the better.
A medic should be so precise,
With climate-change-children advice,
But it’s not at all clear,
If the youngsters should fear,
More sunshine or more snow and ice.
I think ice will suffice,
especially when yr low in
fossil fuel reliable energy.
We are winning! From power line blog, read the whole thing!CC
Climate realists are routinely charged with bad faith or worse for pointing to uncertainties in climate science, and especially the computer climate models on which predictions of future warming are based. Right now I’m picking myself up off the floor over a piece on a few days ago by David Roberts about climate modeling uncertainty “loops.” Floored—because Roberts is a deep green climatista who coined the term “climate hawks” for people like himself who want drastic action, and who once called for Nuremberg trials for climate skeptics. Here’s what he wrote in 2006:
” Here’s what he wrote in 2006:”
please continue …. 😉
even back in 1871 ” a plentiful crop of speculation from weather prophets and projectors,
and half-instructed meteorologists” were trying to con the world.
“…every month one of the driest or wettest, or
windiest, coldest or hottest, ever known. Much
observation, which ought to correct a tendency
to exaggerate, seems in some minds to have
rather a tendency to increase it…
….and many seem now to regard three dry hot years in
succession as betokening some general change
of climate, as if it was not perfectly certain, in
the wide range of the table of what we call
chances, that with our existing condi-
tions of climate such a combination must
every now and then recur.
Good catch Richard.
Yes a great find Richard, you should send that to Steve Goddard ( Tony Heller ) he loves that kind of stuff
I should have said , it comes from him-
h/t to steve goddard.
Organizations do not always act in the best interests of their members. Political activists and attention seekers are the ones attracted to politics and not necessarily reasonable people. Doctors are no exception. Then such attention seekers can utterly ignore the wishes and opinions of their members. Take the American Association of Physics or even the Royal Society. They presume to represent their members because they were elected when in fact they often speak for themselves. Remember ‘there will be no carbon tax in a Government I lead’.
In Australia in the 1980s you had the Pilots Association who took all the pilots out on strike for better conditions when they had the best conditions in the world and subsequently lost them, their jobs and all their superannuation. Organizations often do not act in anyone’s best interests.
Worse, medical doctors are very busy people and while qualified scientifically, in truth have no time for their own research and professionally have to accept the opinions and pronouncements of others. It is their job. So they are particularly vulnerable to manipulation, fashions in medicine and received opinions. One year it is slip, slop, slap and the risk of skin cancer and the next you have to get out in the sun without protection and get more Vitamin D.
So newspapers and TV can manipulate such busy people, by having headlines which do not reflect the facts, news summaries which leave out important balance. The Climate Change lobby is particularly good at misinformation and manipulation, so medical doctors are besieged with information like this. They are also professionally caring, so especially vulnerable to Green misinformation. It is a real triumph for Green activists to get professional associations to push their agenda. The fact that it is science nonsense is not clear for some time. Remember the push for Trans-fats in the 1980s? They were lifesavers then and anyone who refused to switch to hydrogenated vegetable oils was criminal. McDonalds and other big chains came out of that as heroes, not villains. Trans-fats are strong carcinogens. The science was wrong.
I think you have down played the increased risk for children left locked in cars because of global warming.
As you can see from statistics, the child mortality rate in Angola has dropped 30% during the pause. Can you imagine what will happen when that heat hidden in the deep oceans comes back during this Godzilla of an El Nino? (if the pause is real).
(just in case, I am being sarcastic).
Actually while called a ‘pause’, the warmist propaganda is that it is still (much) hotter now than thirty years ago, so increased temperature has obviously caused decreased infant mortality, 10% world wide. Think of the children who would be saved by another 0.5C and fed by that extra CO2.
Extending their dumb logic, if we enter an ice age they will say global warming has paused rather than admit they got it totally wrong.
Really interesting to note that those countries with high death rates per 1000 (over 100) are all those countries without cheap and plentiful power, hospitals, air conditioning, refrigerators ……. Do I need to say more?
Those of you who have seen the Bjorn Lomborg file “Cool It”, will have seen the scenes of schoolchildren who have been so indoctrinated with the Thermaggeddon mantra, that they think that the entire planet could literally catch fire any day, or who think that the endpoint – which will happen ‘soon’ – is that the entire planet will be underwater and all animals will die.
So ‘climate change’ can certainly harm children, especially psychologically… by inculcating deep anxiety over a largely-made-up set of nonsense tropes that is indistinguishable from the sort of nonsense peddled by those other manipulators-of-children – organised religion.
Of course it doesn’t help that the sort of people that one finds in the teaching ‘profession’ these days, are the Betas (and below) of their graduating classes; I have never heard of any individual who got better than a IIB who went into teaching (I’m talking about their underlying discipline, not their ‘Bachelor of Education’in which anyone who can fog a mirror and regurgitate nonsensical leftist sociological tropes, gets a First).
That Lomborg film is reasonably good: even though Lomborg has bought into the “Western industrialised society contributes measurably and meaningfully to climate change, through CO2 emissions” nonsense, he at least puts hard numbers on the absolute tosh that is being touted as remediative (by the parasites and charity-vampires who flit – first class and five-star – from climate event to climate event… usually on the public dime).
My grandchildren, all boys, go to an upmarket private school in Sydney. Last week we went to Grandparents’ Day for our youngest in his last year in primary. I inspected his project book and, as expected, found a project on “evil coal” and how it could be fixed with “clean wind power”. I confronted his (young male) teacher and asked him if he was aware that CO2 was a plant food, the planet was greening, temperatures had been static for 18 years, etc, etc, (you all know the story). He said, yes, he was vaguely aware of these issues, but that was the curriculum he was given and he had to teach it!
Unfortunately, there is little I can do about it as my son-in-law is left wing, a confirmed believer in “pollution”, and climate change is NOT to be discussed with his children (despite the fact they are my grandchildren).
Agreed. The only thing I would add for the children and the teacher is that (evil) CO2 is not just plant food, it is the ONLY plant food. What else do plants eat? Their energy comes entirely from sunlight, which they use to capture CO2 and turn it into carbohyrdrates, which as the word says, is CO2 and H2O. The Chemical formula is just so, (CO2)m(H2O)n.
So all plants are made entirely from CO2. Plus water. Vertbebrates have Calcium for bones. The trace minerals are negligible. That is why plants and we burn, like wood. Only ash, the trace elements, are left. Without CO2, there is no life on earth. Pollution? I don’t think so, but the Greens seem to think (other) people are polluting their planet.
Vertebrates. Sorry.
“My son in law is left wing”. That says it all. Global Warming is political science, not real science. Real science is based on facts.
Just as most people think that renewable electricity is 24/7/365, when it only operates somewhere between 16 and 27% of the time, they also do not understand photosynthesis which is essential to life itself. Put it down to a failure in our education system, too many B.A.’s, LL.B.’s, and B. Ec.’s, and not enough B.E.’s and B.Sc.’s.
Hi Peter
Few people realise that CO2 is an absolutely essential part of our lives.
Without it we would be dead and gone in about 20 minutes.
CO2 is not poisonous or dangerous to humans as you probably know, quite the contrary, it is an essential neurological regulator in humans.
Under normal condition we are constantly breathing air to do two things: first to get oxygen into the bloodstream and then to get rid of
excess CO2 build up from the blood.
It is CO2 which triggers our breathing and mostly we are talking about breath rate here.
At low levels of activity there can be a problem with over oxygenation of the blood. CO2 levels drop and this can be an issue.
If we die normally, the last thing we do is EXPEL ALL OF THE CARBON DIOXIDE FROM OUR BLOODSTREAMS.
It’s the LACK of CO2 in the bloodstream that takes us over to the other side.
There must be a small amount of CO2 in the bloodstream to trigger the next breath.
I love my CO2.
KK 🙂
As PeterC has indicated above there are several doctors who for one reason or another have chosen to speak outside of their areas of expertise.
The reasons may be completely altruistic but nevertheless they are at best misguided and if the truth be known , probably self serving, in that those mentioned seem to enjoy being in the public eye and can envision a career as a “leader” rather than as a practicing doctor.
I first became aware of the man made CO2 thing about ten years ago.
By 2009 I had refined my views and the following post shows how little things have changed.
The following was posted in 2009 but Robert Gottliebsen has put it outside the pay wall at the business spectator:
Anonymous, February 22, 2013 12:48 ( wrong date probably related to pay wall)
“”Robert, as a scientist, engineer and chemist I must thank you for your article Hidden perils of Copenhagen.
Most people must be puzzled by the conflict between so called ‘scientists’ in the global warming debate.
The reality is that most scientists pushing the global warming barrow are possibly qualified in one particular area of science but in terms of understanding the basics of the puzzle are as much in the dark as the politicians, economists and bankers who for various reasons can use the confusion to their own benefit.
Those scientists who can combine and integrate the many intersecting areas of science such as geology, orbital mechanics, oceanography and
industrial and biochemical processes see a picture far different from that painted by the global warming alarmists.
There is no denying that the world would certainly be better off without the pollution of nitrides, sulphides and particulate matter which results from coal combustion. This is a scientifically agreed position. Elimination or reduction of these pollutants is certainly a worthy aim but the problem of scientific distortion remains. The carbon dioxide given off with these pollutants is not, never has been and never will be a pollutant nor will it cause or contribute to changes in the Earths atmospheric temperature as claimed by the IPCC. The very real problem of chemical pollution is being neglected in the unscientific demonification of CO2. The most interesting aspect of this whole business is that it will provide psychologists with a fascinating case study on group behaviour. The sad fact is that we should be moving towards other modes of energy generation out of a natural instinct to explore and grow as a species but are doing it because of a lie””.
Link not working.
May be accessed by googling: Hidden perils of Copenhagen
The eco-marxists pervade all organs of The UN, which includes the WHO. The WHO has been predictably aggressive on its CAGW stance, roping in every risk-mongering eco-epidemiologist up for hire. CO2 is routinely conflated with particulate pollution as it is with allergies. It’s an alarmists wet dream, the blank canvass filled in by an epidemiologist with a job description and a large funding cheque.
It stinks. It’s nothing more than eco-politically orchestrated risk-mongering. The WHO, like the UN, are deeply engaged in top-down regulation and the meme feeds into their trough beautifully.
As I said. Disgraceful.
WHO’s on first. Let’s keep them there. If they ever make it to second, much less home, we’re in for a world of hurt.
Flannery is in Toronto, Canada right now, preaching on CBC to shut down the oil sands and set up a “green bank” to handle money for “climate change” etc. Makes me want to vomit.
Must have flown. ! 😉
On his way to Paris for the climate cash festival.
I hope they make him swim back, via the North Pole.
PETs Brat has already promised to sign onto anything the parisites demand.
“Global warming? We wish! As Archibald persuasively argues, it’s global cooling which is – and always has been – the far greater threat. And now the worst is almost upon us: rising energy prices; food shortages; cooler summers; and harsher winters.
What do we do? Read this terrifying, fascinating, well-informed book*, for a start. and act before it’s too late.”
James Delingpole, author of the Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism.
[*Twilight Of Abundance by David Archibald]
This says it all >>>
‘Man-made global-warming hypothesis’ is dead in the water – Godfrey Bloom MEP
The end is upon us >>>
A picture of Thermaggeddon hiding in the deep ocean >>>
I envy the day when the final plug is pulled on this global fiasco !
I don’t envy that day, but I will trumpet the end of the AGW scam.
The medical profession in Australia is on the same wavelength as their American cousins.
The root cause of this malaise appears to be mass brainwashing.
While i have respect for most of themedical profession ( who just want to help people ) its living proof education doesnt guarantee intelligence.
That said, I know many doctors wont speak out for fear of ridicule and it seems the only way attitudes changein the medical ( and probably legal profession too ) is as older doctors retire, new ones come along with different views. It seems few change their tune while still practicing.
‘…new ones come along with different views.’
Perhaps, but a lot of those have already been brainwashed coming through the education system.
The problem with professionals is that they put too much faith in the authority of other fields, such as climate change science, for which they have neither the time or inclination to get involved.
Compare the pair: A Tasmanian child and a Queensland child. A Natural experiment available.
ABC RN ran BBC’s Business Report this morning…program began with soundbite from Helena Morrissey, CEO of Newton Investment, “it’s real, it’s happening, climate change is not something that is scientifically disputed now – it’s much more ‘what is the financial impacts on the companies that might be investing in it’?”
AUDIO: 29mins: BBC Business Report: EU To Abolish Data Roaming Charges
(the full piece on the Guildhall meeting begins at 17 mins in)
Plus the countdown to UN climate change talks in Paris continues. We find out whether a good deal for the planet would be a good deal for investors. And we have a report from France on a wind turbine that it’s hoped will reconcile people with wind power – the wind tree.
MSM is very quiet about the Guildhall meeting which, no doubt, has little representation, if any, from the developing countries who were at Bonn, & probably took place under ***Chatham Rules!
read all of the following:
27 Oct: Blue&GreenTomorrow: Christiana Figueres & Adair Turner flag financial risks of climate change ahead of Paris Summit
Today an unprecedented gathering of some of the world’s leading figures from the finance sector are meeting at the historic Guildhall in the City of London with carbon risk and climate experts to discuss the financial implications of the upcoming COP21 summit in Paris in December.
Key speakers at the event will be Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and Lord Adair Turner, former chair of the FSA and the UK Committee on Climate Change.
The event will also include a specially recorded video address from HRH The Prince of Wales in which His Royal Highness will say: “Climate change is becoming an increasing source of risk to the finance community. There are therefore two factors to consider: firstly whether to divest from sectors especially those directly involved in fossil fuels, which will be severely impacted by any agreement to limit global temperatures to a 2 degree rise.
“Secondly, whether to invest in sectors which support the low carbon economy and are therefore better positioned in terms of risk and opportunities. Some investors, such as philanthropic trusts and foundations, will also have to consider whether continuing to invest in high carbon assets represents a significant conflict to their overall mission and objectives.”
Panelists during the event include CEOs, Chairs and senior executives from Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Newton, Carbon Tracker, Overseas Development Institute, ***Chatham House, Sarasin & Partners, Mercer, CCLA, MSCI and Aviva. Also attending will be Lord Mountevans, the incoming Lord Mayor of the City of London.
The event, organized by the City of London, Ashden Trust, Mark Leonard Trust, and the Carbon Tracker Initiative, and supported by the Local Authority Pension Fund, Aiming for A, IIGCC, Church Investors Group, and ShareAction will see over 300 attendees including many CEOs and leaders from the worlds of finance, business, government, policy, civil society,
faith, philanthropy, higher education and health…READ ALL
btw MSM loves Helena Morrissey who loves Mark Carney:
17 Oct: UK Telegraph: The lesson from climate change is how we must learn to adapt
There are many financial risks in climate change and investors are significantly exposed.
By Helena Morrissey, CEO of Newton Investment Management
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s recent speech to the insurance industry on climate change sharply divided opinion – a clue perhaps as to its importance.
Central bank governors generally give rather conventional speeches on monetary policy, financial risks, the economy and markets – so why the focus on climate change, a topic more typically associated with the green lobby?
The Governor linked climate change with risks to financial stability and, since he was speaking at insurance broker Lloyd’s of London, specifically to the increasing risks borne by the insurance industry. As he put it, while others have been debating the theory of climate change, insurers have been dealing with the reality.
Since the 1980s, the number of weather-related loss events has tripled, and the value of these losses has increased from about $10bn (£6.5bn) to $50bn each year over the past decade.
There are many financial risks associated with climate change – and investors are significantly exposed…
***I think this speech and its warnings are both insightful and a motif for the difficulties in coming to terms with the multiple transformations of our time.
The move from analogue to digital, the internet revolution in shopping habits, the relentless rise of social media, the backlash against traditional political structures and politicians, the fierce – and ongoing – debate regarding Scotland’s relationship with the UK and now over our relationship with the EU, and, yes, even the unstoppable march of gender and other equality movements are all real, seismic shifts…
***Michael Liebreich, chairman of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, echoed the need for new thinking in a recent, brilliant article, where he noted that the future system is “going to be more open, more accountable, more answerable to the community, and more socially inclusive”. He was referring to clean energy – but his words could apply to politics,
diversity, financial markets, media and technology…
this open, accountable, answerable system obviously doesn’t extend to any detailed reporting on the Guildhall meeting.
27 Oct: ReutersCarbonPulse: Ben Garside: Poland’s president vetoes Kyoto 2 ratification
Polish President Andrzej Duda on Tuesday vetoed the ratification of an extension to the Kyoto Protocol to 2020, a largely symbolic move that is a sign Poland will adopt an even tougher stance against EU climate policy than in recent years.
He added that he first wants the potential impacts of the treaty’s second phase on the coal-reliant Polish economy to be studied.
Duda’s eurosceptic Law & Justice (PiS) party is on course for a parliamentary majority after Sunday’s elections on the back of pledges to seek an opt-out of EU climate policies…
The EU, and a handful of other developed nations including Australia and Norway representing less than 15% of global GHGs, agreed to extend their Kyoto emission targets to build trust with developing nations in negotiations towards a wider global pact due to be signed in December in Paris…
no real detail, but read all:
28 Oct: Guardian: Damian Carrington: Prince Charles warns financial sector and charities of fossil fuel risk
Prince of Wales speaks out on the benefits of divesting from oil, coal and gas and investing in renewables on financial and ethical grounds
The Prince of Wales addressed finance and investment executives in London’s Guildhall, the heart of the financial district, at a meeting opened by the UN’s top climate change official, Christiana Figueres…
Investors controlling funds of $2.6tn have already committed to divest (LINK) their fossil fuel assets…
Even Goldman Sachs is telling their clients that the chances of a recovery in the worst polluting sector, the coal industry, looks bleak.”…
just the basic agenda:
PDF: 2 pages: Europeans for Divest Invest: Managing Value At Risk For Portfolios From Climate Change
What Are The Financial Implications Of COP21?
at The Guildhall, London on Tuesday 27th October 2015
You sure find some interesting stories.
Total insanity.
read all:
27 Oct: ClimateChangeNews: Megan Darby: IMF to factor climate risk into world economic forecasts
The International Monetary Fund is to start factoring in climate change to its macroeconomic models from next year, Climate Home has learned…
At a conference in London this week, delegates heard the IMF plans to integrate climate risk considerations more fully, including into macroeconomic assessments.
High-level guests were speaking under the Chatham House rule, which means the source cannot be identified. The IMF was not able to confirm the account at time of writing.
On the fringes of another event in London, on the financial implications of climate action, experts told Climate Home such a move would be welcome…
The precise language (Paris draft) has yet to be agreed, said UN climate chief Christiana Figueres.
***“The point is, over the next fifty years, we have to completely transform the global economy to very, very deeply decarbonise our structures.”
An estimated US$90 trillion will flow into infrastructure over the next 15 years, mostly in the developing world, which she said must be invested sustainably…
Sarah Butler Sloss, Chair of the Ashden Trust, revealed on Tuesday that Blackrock, which manages over US$4.5 trillion worth of assets, is preparing to set up a climate-friendly fund…
“There are many countries that have fossil fuels as their main source of foreign currency income,” said clean finance veteran James Cameron.
***“We are going to go through a phase of revaluing those assets. Those countries have to be prepared for that. They either have to hedge against that by investing in low carbon abroad or starting to transition at home – or both.”…
above includes Figueres Tweet: Speaking at @carbonbubble event in London about the financial implications of #COP21
more tweets:
Twitter – CarbonTracker @CarbonBubble
The Medical associations have long been sold out for $$ probably owned by the same people trying to control the climate (well control us thru taxation for a non-problem). Cannabis, an amazing plant with wonderful healing powers and many other uses such as making paper, soaps, clothing, rope, oils, fuel, etc etc has been banned for almost a century despite being used down thru man’s history. When children are being cured almost instantly from seizures using CBD oil after spending big dollars on useless and often dangerous medications and many people are being cured of cancer by many methods including THC oil, methods banned and targeted by the FDA with men with guns and full battle gear like they target raw milk farmers. The system is very sick and overrun with $$ interests. If you explored the medical industry like you have the ‘climate indu$try you will find it is just as or even more corrupt.
[You have gone a long way off topic.] AZ
[.. And we don’t have the resources moderate a discussion where these off-topic claims can properly be tested. – Jo]
This is s scientific blog in a sense. What you are saying is unscientific.
Cannabis and raw milk have one thing in common. You didn’t know that did you.
They are both Dangerous.
[snip about snipped]
[I’ve published his point because there is corruption in medical research and that’s a valid point. I’ve published yours because you have a point too. But no more on this diversion, thanks.] Jo
Can we stay away from the pot myths, science demonstrates ample harm with few “benefits” (other than the munchies). Back to CAGW etc.
the smearing begins in earnest. let’s pretend the entire ***developing world is expressing anger, & then quote all of the usual suspects:
27 Oct: ClimateChangeNews: Ed King: Polish president vetoes Kyoto Protocol, pending new analysis
Andrzej Duda says he wants to see impact of treaty’s second phase on economy in decision that sparks anger in ***developing world
“It’s unwelcome news at a time when we have momentum towards agreeing a long term strategy to do with climate change,” said Giza Gaspar Martins, an Angolan diplomat who represents the world’s Least Developed Countries group at UN talks…
An EU official said Poland’s move was unlikely to impact its negotiating strategy for the upcoming Paris summit, but said it could affect the EU’s wider low carbon planning…
Julia Michalak, a Polish climate and energy expert at Demos Europa said the announcement was “posturing” by the incoming administration…
Liz Gallagher, head of climate diplomacy at the E3G think tank called the move “opportunistic and rash.”…
Jan Kowalzig at Oxfam International described the move by the newly-elected party as “flexing muscles” before the Paris summit. “Yet is a very unhelpful signal,” he said by email…
Poland generates over 85% of its electricity from burning coal, and despite receiving funding from the EU to invest in cleaner forms of energy appears reluctant to diversify…
Or how a career building credibility – see brilliant CV- went down in one press release…
Americans use the term MD for what we have as the MBBS. Their sergeants are equivalent to our lance corporals. What to the yanks have for our equivalent of a proper MD?
That CV certainly proves the pediatrician to be “authoritative”.
Substitute “Children” for “Pets” and this press release could be used by the pet society to scare the pants off your dog, cat or snake…..
Other “concerned” bodies should be able to use it too, I hope is not copyrighted….
Even Newcastle is involved in the u n web. Everyone wants to be sprinkled with the magic u n glitter dust.
The Lord Mayor wants a trip to Geneva to sign a memorandum of involvement with an organisation based in Geneva and like Julie she wanted to travel first class.
This is what resulted; see this clip from our local newspaper:
Total chaos in “our town” and as usual our local pooliticians show clearly tha they don’t care two hoots about us or the city.
Yep, particularly disgusting after the job Ken Gouldthorp has done trying to bring council budget back in line.
Just because he wants them to fly with “normal” people, rather than 1st class.
More Lab/Green totalitarianism.
Another leftist ego trip for the self appointed elite of the city.
Decommission the lot of them.
the MSM CAGW enablers…
how the Guildhall stakeholders must love the MSM and the pathetic little “campaigners” they never fail to publicise:
Eco protest closes climate change sceptic’s coal mine
The Times (subscription)-26 Oct 2015
Campaigners calling themselves “Matt Ridley’s Conscience” said they were seeking to protect the climate by ending mining of the “dirtiest fossil …
Anti-coal protesters arrested after storming climate change sceptic’s land
The Guardian – Oct 26, 2015
Nine protesters have been arrested after storming a coalmine on land belonging to Matt Ridley, a prominent climate change sceptic and Conservative member of the House of Lords, causing operations to shut down. The group, called Matt Ridley’s …
Northumberland coal mine site occupied by climate protestors
BBC News – Oct 26, 2015
Climate protesters chained themselves to a Northumberland mine. The “Matt Ridley’s Conscience” group occupied Shotton surface mine in Cramlington on Conservative peer Viscount Matt Ridley’s Blagdon Estate. The campaigners blocked the road, locking …
Viscount Matt Ridley: Protesters storm coalmine on prominent climate change …
The Independent – Oct 26, 2015
Protesters have stormed a coalmine on the Northumberland family estate of Viscount Matt Ridley, a prominent climate change sceptic and Conservative member of the House of Lords, halting production by chaining themselves to a giant excavator. It is the …
I Watched Climate Change Activists Shut Down a British Coal Mine
VICE – 10 hours ago
“This coal mine is on the land of climate sceptic Lord Matt Ridley. He says climate change is good for the environment; he says fossil fuels are not a bad thing and funnily enough he owns this land that has an open-cast coal mine on it. His ancestral …
A reminder about the British Met Office announcement that a new little ice age is now possible.
Of course like our BoM the Met Office has a climate change division who stick to the UN IPCC con.
‘This research shows that the regional impacts of a grand solar minimum are likely to be larger than the global effect, but it’s still nowhere near big enough to override the expected global warming trend due to man-made change.’
Interesting theory.
‘This means that even if we were to see a return to levels of solar activity not seen since the Maunder Minimum, our winters would likely still be getting milder overall.’
Hmmm … on the evidence that seems highly unlikely.
I wonder what the US is playing at with China over disputed international waters surrounding the man made islets?
If Obama thinks China’s verbal pre Paris agreement means open global posturing at their expense then he might get a diplomatic lesson from a very experienced civilisation.
Leave the real action to the adults Obama, I’m sick of watching you waste the lives of good Americans from ineptness.
27 Oct: Reuters: Nina Chestney: Climate change deal will not include global carbon price: U.N. climate chief
A climate change deal to be agreed in Paris in December will not be able to come up with a global carbon price, the United Nations’ climate chief, Christiana Figueres, said on Tuesday.
Big multinational companies and investors, and most recently oil majors, have called for a global carbon price to help spur investments in low-carbon energy…
***When the European Union launched a carbon trading scheme in 2005 there were expectations this would eventually lead to a global carbon scheme by 2020 worth around $2 trillion.
But the difficulties of bringing together different carbon schemes from countries around the world means the goal of a global carbon price remains elusive.
“(Many have said) we need a carbon price and (investment) would be so much easier with a carbon price, but life is much more complex than that,” Figueres told a climate investor event in London.
“I agree it would be more simple … but it’s not quite what we will have,” she said, adding that the world would move towards that in the future…
I remain stunned at the size of the gene pool of the ignorant. Given the rate of abortion of members of that cult I can’t explain the growing numbers. I can only assume that CO2 increase causes more than half the population to be below average and that number is growing. I know that seems impossible, but the conclusion is supported by models.
How much ignorance is genetic, rather than conditioning.
Wisdom comes with age (& un-conditioning). Are people taking taking longer to grow-up ?
“How much ignorance is genetic, rather than conditioning.”
Harry’s somewhere about.. ask him.. first person.
lol. read it all…
28 Oct: Crikey: Richard Denniss: Turnbull fails debate, economics and science with dumb coal defence
Malcolm Turnbull doesn’t seem to understand the basic laws of the market — or the science of climate change, writes Dr Richard Denniss, chief economist at The Australia Institute.
Malcolm Turnbull either doesn’t understand how global commodity markets work or he is betting that most Australians don’t. Either way, the PM’s #coalisamazing moment yesterday was not a great way to start a new conversation about the reality of the Australian economy and the choices we face.
The Prime Minister dismissed calls for a global moratorium on new coal mines from the likes of Sir Nicholas Stern and former Reserve Bank boss Bernie Fraser by saying a moratorium was “not sensible from an economic point of view”. Let’s be clear, Nicholas Stern and Bernie Fraser are economists; the Prime Minister is not…
Echoing the lines of the Minerals Council of Australia and his Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg, Mr Turnbull also went on to argue that exporting coal was ‘an absolutely critical ingredient’ in alleviating hunger and world poverty.
The Prime Minister’s debating skills are widely renowned, but while clever arguments might win court cases they don’t solve real world problems like climate change. Sadly for those hoping that our public debate might have turned a corner under our new PM, if we break his arguments down we see that not only are they flawed, they aren’t even that clever.
First, there is a fundamental contradiction in the PM’s argument. On the one hand he argues that exporting more coal will help reduce “energy poverty”, and on the other he argues that our coal exports can do nothing to help or harm global emissions. Logic tells us that at least one of those arguments is complete bollocks, and empirical evidence suggests that both are…
Struggling debaters often lurch for a “call to authority”. Unfortunately for Turnbull, he clutched for the International Energy Agency to back up his belief that the world will need to burn a lot more coal while it is tackling climate change…
“The Prime Minister dismissed calls for a global moratorium on new coal mines …. by saying a moratorium was “not sensible from an economic point of view”. Let’s be clear, Nicholas Stern and Bernie Fraser are economists; the Prime Minister is not”
Perhaps he is a realist. All those new coal fired power stations (~1200) have to get their fuel from somewhere.
Imagine this, eh!
With a projected 1200 new coal fired plants, (and that’s the low figure) there is a NEW and added 12 Billion tonnes of emitted CO2.
I wonder if the UN will tell these Countries that because of the dangers supposedly caused by those CO2 emissions, they cannot construct any of those plants.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Umm, sorry, I need to be more specific. That’s an added 12 Billion tonnes of CO2 each year.
Yep Tony.
Plenty of CO2
CO2 India !
CO2 Holland
CO2 Germany (continuing to grow their lignite burning)
CO2 Japan (43 new coal fired plants planned or being built)
CO2 Turkey….
CO2 China (massive increase for at least another 15 years ,, with Obama approval, of course)
CO2 Indonesia (just over taken Australia in coal production in 2013)
CO2 Vietnam
CO2 Kazakhstan
“”Kazakhstan is currently seventh in the world in terms of coal reserves. This means that there is enough coal to last us around 300 years at current rates of production.
CO2 Global
and many, many, many others.
And any new power stations will have a 50+ year lifespan.
So there will be…
The plants will be very happy!
can’t believe I’ve found something to like about the TPP:
VIDEO/Transcript: 27 Oct: Democracy Now: Joseph Stiglitz: Under TPP, Polluters Could Sue U.S. for Setting Carbon Emissions Limits
Nobel Prize-winning economist and Columbia University professor Joseph Stiglitz warns about the dangers of the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. “We know we’re going to need regulations to restrict the emissions of carbon,” Stiglitz said. “But under these provisions, corporations can sue the government, including the American government, by the way, so it’s all the governments in the TPP can be sued for the loss of profits as a result of the regulations that restrict their ability to emit carbon emissions that lead to global warming.”…
Stiglitz has been trumpeting that line for years. Nothing in treaties or international law would allow a company to trump National law. They can sue, just like anyone, but if thier case is bad they lose. Just more fear mongering.
check out the cartoon:
28 Oct: AFR: Finkel’s future is in la-la land
Letter by Costa Tsesmelis Wembley Downs, WA
Chief scientist-designate Alan Finkel sees a world where we don’t use coal, oil or natural gas because we have zero emissions electricity…
Dr Finkel must be thinking of battery-driven electric cars and hydrogen production by electrolysis, but also the synthesis of “non-fossil” jet fuel and diesel (and petrochemical feedstock) from syngas (hydrogen and carbon monoxide). I say this because you can’t fly commercial planes or power global shipping fleets with electric motors using batteries or fuel cells. Also, about 10 per cent of the oil barrel is used for petrochemical feedstock, to make the myriad of products we use on a daily basis in our modern industrial world.
Abundant electricity would indeed be required, even with state-of-the-art steam electrolysis, to produce the hydrogen needed to synthesise this oil replacement…READ ON
It is of concern that the new Chief Scientist is a warmist.
imagine having Beeson as your teacher! starting with the headline, you know this is a fact-free piece:
28 Oct: The Conversation: Everybody loves Malcolm – for now
by Mark Beeson, Professor of International Politics, University of Western Australia
I’ve been feeling uncharacteristically optimistic about the future of the country. Like most Australians, it seems, I’m infatuated with Malcolm Turnbull…Be still my beating heart…
Sadly, my budding bromance with our leader is already facing its first major test. When confronted with a real opportunity to do something important and far-sighted which could make a tangible difference to our collective future, the prime minister has – like so many of his predecessors before him – caved in to powerful vested interests…
True, trying to do something about climate change has already cost him his job once before, but he presumably knows in his heart and – more importantly – his head that coal is helping to destroy the planet. How can he look his army of admirers in the eye and say our actions in Australia don’t matter?…
Do try and keep the (non-coal-fired) flame burning a bit longer, prime minister.
the same Prof throwing insults at Maurice Newman:
10 May: The Conversation: Mark Beeson: Maurice Newman: mad, bad or sad?
One thing Newman is not short of is opinions, and very consistent ones at that. But as I never tire of telling students, having an opinion is one thing; having a decent argument that is actually supported by some relevant evidence is quite another. Clearly there’s a case for speculative and provocative op-eds that don’t necessarily pass the fact-check test, but that doesn’t mean that such facts should be wilfully ignored.
What makes Newman’s views so noteworthy is not just their predictability and consistency, but that they are so dramatically and wilfully at odds with the prevailing scientific consensus in the area about which he claims to speak with authority…
The fact is, as Robert Manne among others has pointed out, that the Murdoch press generally and The Australian in particular really do give a lot of space to climate contrarians, sceptics and outright denialists, such as Newman…
the mad, bad, sad state of academia.
oh dear!
27 Oct: Reuters: France warns thorny issues unresolved as climate summit nears
(Reporting by Emmanuel Jarry; Writing by Bate Felix; editing by John Stonestreet)
Delegates to a climate summit in December remain divided over fundamental issues including a framework for measuring carbon emissions, the envoy of the host nation said on Tuesday, though she believes a deal to cut global warming will be signed…
Several thorny issues had yet to be thrashed out, she told Reuters in an interview.
They included disagreements over what range of carbon emissions to measure, with oil producing nations arguing that the focus should not only be on fossil fuels but also on emissions from agriculture and other sectors, she said.
There were also still differences over how to measure and verify emissions, and over the issue of state contributions to fund greenhouse gas cuts in developing nations…
***”There were nevertheless some advances, although they are difficult to spot,” Tubiana said. “We added some amendments.”…
Cherry-picked graphs.
I thought his name was Michael !
We only have grapes to pick in our area Dave.
Cherries are only found in low CO2 regions where it is cold.
Young !
Now why the red thumbs just for mentioning Young, the cherry growing capital of NSW?
Am I in your minds, CLRTs? Do you think of me all the time… I hope so. 😉
Hey Keith! You could be onto something there. Maybe that’s why cherries grow so well around Washington DC. They may have managed to make it a CO2 free zone by executive order of the president. He has an awful lot of power with that pen and telephone you know. 😉
Hi Roy
When we passed through there a couple of years ago it seemed too warm for cherries but then O’Bama didn’t need to prove himself useful as he does now.
Maybe he needs to perform a miracle, reduce CO2 around Washington and cool it!
🙂 KK
Performance of miracles by the dozen has been promised by every candidate for president since God made cherries in the first place. Not one of them has done it yet. So don’t hold your breath. 🙂
Personally I think the dogwood and azaleas in bloom a little south of DC in Virginia is much more spectacular.
I arrived just as it was all on full display and I’ve never seen anything like it.
Hi Harry ,(just for fun) i have noticed that when you comment here i form a mental image of you as a mad albino monk like the character Silas from the Da Vinci Code, i can see you now sat at your computer , wearing a monks habit and tightening the barbed metal cilise thats wrapped around your leg everytime someone comments in a way that leads you to question the dogma of your faith, whilst at your side to slake your first is a large glass of kool aid. On the other hand when i read more rational comments from skeptical bloggers i imaging them relaxed in their favourite chair and within reach a glass of their favourite alcoholic beverage ,please give a green thumb if this is you, and then follow this link i came across this morning in the Mailonline . So whats your favourite tipple whilst reading this blog 🙂
Bit short funded this week.. so its a Wolf Blass Red Label cab-sav
Earl Grey here, but only if it’s Dilmah.
doubting dave.
Yeah some people have difficulty discussing science, such as yourself.
Poor Harry, NO-ONE can discuss science with you. 😉
The trouble is Harry, that you don’t come here to ‘discuss science’ you only appear to want to preach your version of it, if not why not reply to the comment made by ANDY above earlier in the thread at comment #12 ” tell me something untoward that has happened to the climate” at least that you can nail down to mans co2 emissions with ,as you would have it , proven peer reviewed science
doubting dave.
Try to stay on subject, it is not difficult really – just focus.
If ANDY wants to have a discussion about my comment, all good. If you are referring to AndyG55, don’t bother it is just another troll account.
The only troll around here is you Harry.
You have yet to produce anything by rabid ranting..
Because that’s all you have.
And you telling someone to stay on topic.. the height of irony.
So once again Harry twatter….
“tell us something untoward that has happened to the climate”
What’s really funny is that you come here as an anti-science brainless troll..
and can’t string a coherent argument together about anything without ranting on about ‘consensus‘ or ‘peer-review‘.
They are the only arguments you have…. and its actually Quite pathetic.
Have you been browsing SKS again, Harry.
We have warned you about them many times….
Yet they still surprise you ?!
Harry Twinotter should stop DRUG POSTING……..
Why do you claim the graphs are ‘cherry-picked’? Is it based on numbers of graphs? Are you one of those misguided people who thinks that more graphs = better data?
Can you point to a suitable “non-cherry-picked” set of data which we should refer to instead? Then you can explain why your choice is superior, if you have the intellectual, and scientific capacity for doing so, that is.
You don’t do too bad a job of cherry picking yourself, Harry. You so very carefully pick exactly the spot in the climate change debate where you can most easily display your ignorance or make a pointless statement.
Why don’t you put that ability to work and volunteer to pick crops here in California. I hear they need cherry pickers right now.
28 Oct: Bloomberg: Eric Roston: The Air in There: Offices, and Issues, That Seem to Make Us Stupid
CO2 in office air slows our thinking, a study finds. But the air is bad partly because we’re getting thriftier in our use of energy.
It’s tempting to conclude from the climate change debate that all that carbon dioxide in the air is making everybody dumber.
In fact, all that carbon dioxide in the air is making everybody dumber.
Workers showed diminished cognitive functioning after spending several hours in office air that had normal levels of CO2 and chemical pollutants and ordinary ventilation, in a study published this week in Environmental Health Perspectives…
The research was supported in part by a United Technologies gift to Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. United Technologies, which makes building systems, wasn’t involved in the experiment itself…
***Research for a sequel to the study has already been conducted, and the results are expected within a couple of months. They will show how cost-effective it is to improve office air…
If only cleaning the air outside were as straightforward.
Hi Jo,
I am wondering if you would like the results of some scientific experiments that are under way, should have all results in a couple of weeks. The results so far will put a spanner in the works of all standard models. Not AGW but physics and the standard model of the universe. You have my email. Wayne.
Email coming. – Jo
Pre-conceived ideas versus the data.
Professor Hans Rosling’s Gapminder
How long before protection from climate change is touted as a “human right”?
“Protection” from ourselves is almost a “human right” as it is. Hillary is counting on our wanting more of the same.
Never mind that those same “disasters” have been around and endangering children for as long as there have been children to endanger. Where was the great concern of the “experts” through all those thousands of years until we reached the point where they realized they could get to the adults through their children using modern mass communication?
When Ben Franklin wanted to get out the word about something he had to do a lot of work, all at his expense, to print and distribute information. He was a prime mover in the revolution but it didn’t come free. He had to stick to relevant stuff if he wanted to accomplish anything. These experts get the same power of the written word with no more effort and expense than it took for me to type this. And they can dish out alarmist drivel endlessly.
Somewhere along the road we lost our way. 🙂
I feel no guilt, experts or not. Problems are an everyday part of life. So what? 🙂
Ah. Jolly good. It used to be “grandchildren” that one had to care for with regard to the climate.
Now it’s “children”.
Logical, I suppose.
My suggestion? Get a sodding life.
“Children are uniquely at risk”
Well, at least we don’t have to worry about the rest of the Third World then. That’s a relief.