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Brexit: Lots of countries want to do trade deals with UK. (Surprise, Surprise)

The fifth biggest economy in the world suddenly frees itself from worlds biggest bureaucratic basket case, and everyone else is knocking at the door?.

Daily Mail:  Countries are lining up to enter trade talks with Britain in the wake of the decision to leave the European Union, it was claimed last night.

American politicians are clamouring for an agreement, while talks could soon begin with Australia, South Korea and India.

Otherwise, Brexit is a disaster. Indeed it is so unthinkable, half the pundits are still thinking up reasons why it might not happen. Today uncertainty is what Tony Blair wants, and for as long as possible — “Let’s keep the options open” he says, as he thinks up a list of excuses to ignore a Yes:No vote, like an opinion poll.  “People can change their minds” he points out. And they do, which is why we elect governments then throw them out two weeks later when their polls fall below 50%.

On the Twelth Day of Brexit the excuses are hitting the Orwellian-Turbo-Booster: If Britain leaves the EU it will lose sovereign control says some guy in Ireland. Black is white. Up is down. And freedom is slavery. In order for Britain to have more sovereignty it needs to stay in the EU and let a bunch of faceless men tell it what hair-dryers they should use.  Makes sense. The EU aims to change the climate with household appliances — hair dryers, kettles, lawn mowers, and vacuum cleaners too.

If Britain leaves the EU, Merkel is going to send some really nasty weather.

Oh, and Nigel Farage has resigned from being leader of  UKIP. Sigh. He may well be tired, and deserves a break, but the UK hasn’t left the EU yet. (Bold words, link, added, sorry about being a bit vague).
h/t Another Ian, Pat.
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