The outlandish policy:
[One Nation] wants the teaching of climate science in schools to be based on “the scientific method of scepticism”.
It’s hard to overstate how disastrous this would be to the indoctrination program. Life on Earth depends on hiding alternate views from impressionable minds. Students should continue to be taught that scientists are of one-mind, or they may grow up to think scientists are supposed to be skeptical, instead of gullible.
How did it come to this?

Malcolm Roberts
The man responsible for this travesty is Malcolm Roberts who most skeptics will have come across as Project Leader for the Galileo Movement. He has been in the trenches of the climate debate for years in Australia, and he’s the second name on the One Nation ticket in Queensland for the Senate. He has been remarkably tenacious. The man has drive and energy. (See for yourself at his site.) He also has a BE (Honours in Mining) and an MBA from the Uni of Chicago Booth School of Business.
The Turnbull coup converted the Liberals to a center left party, leaving a galactic vacuum in Australia on the right. Pauline Hansen did so well, getting 1.2 quotas on first preferences, or 9%, that it’s quite possible, as more preferences flow, that Malcolm Roberts will become a Senator for Queensland. Good luck to him. Hansen outpolled the Greens.
Federal election 2016: Potential One Nation senator wants climate scepticism taught in schools
The One Nation candidate with a strong chance of joining Pauline Hanson in the Senate, Malcolm Roberts, wants climate scepticism taught in schools and says the CSIRO and United Nations’ peak climate body endorse corruption.
Mr Roberts’ views appear to be driving One Nation’s extreme climate policy agenda, which includes pushing for a royal commission into climate science and abolition of the Renewable Energy Target.
It also wants the teaching of climate science in schools to be based on “the scientific method of scepticism”.
One Nation wants the Bureau of Meteorology reviewed, including “public justification of persistent upward adjustments to historical climate records” and a review of the CSIRO to determine whether funding has influenced its climate claims.
The scale of the disaster is apparent on NewMatilda:
Australia Is Being Swamped By Climate Change Deniers
Fellow Austraiyans. If you are reading me now it means that I have become murderous.
Murderously, apoplectically incensed.
Pauline Hanson appears to have picked up a spot in our Senate at the time of writing, possibly even two or more.
Tony Thomas finds Hanson’s One Nation climate policy “brilliant”. A few choice picks:
- Hold a Royal Commission (or similar) into the corruption of climate science and identify whether any individual or organisation has misled government to effect climate and energy policy.
- Remove all subsidies and financial advantages offered to the renewable energy industry and make them compete on an even playing field with other energy sources.
- Establish an independent Australian science body replacing the UN IPCC to report on climate science. It will be the beyond politicisation and be the basis of Australian policy on insurance and response to weather events.
- Abolish the Renewable Energy Target (RET)
- Cancel all agreements obliging Australia to pay for foreign Climate Action and payment to the United Nations and foreign institutions…
- Remove from the education system the teaching of a one-sided view of climate science. Teaching of climate science will begin in secondary school and will be based on the scientific method of scepticism until proven.
One Nation platform:
Climate change has and will continue to be used as a political agenda by politicians and self interest groups or individuals for their own gain. We cannot allow scare mongering by people such as Tim Flannery, who make outlandish statements and are not held accountable. Climate change should not be about making money for a lot of people and giving scientists money.
[Emissions Trading Systems are] not going to wave a magic wand and stop nature changing the climate. It will only make it harder for Australian families and businesses to make ends meet…
…Instead of so-called ‘alternative energies’ that are really ‘alternatives to energy’, we will work to reduce energy prices, and bring back dependability and reliability through environmentally responsible energies. Low cost energy enables efficiency and productivity that generate wealth to protect the environment.
Obviously The Guardian, the SMH and the ABC are already training readers on the correct response: it’s dangerous, red-necked, and extreme right wing. They can dig out the files from 20 years ago, and mock, mock, mock. Under no circumstances should any of her policies be discussed.
Notice that in Queensland Hanson got 139,000 first preference votes in the Senate. Compare that to the well financed major incumbent Party (the Libs) which got 520,000.
What about those election results?
Good news. There’s no sign yet that Australia knows which team will be steering the ship next week. The torture continues for Turnbull. The ABC site says Libs 70, Labor 67 in the race to “76”. In the undecideds, with still 15- 25% of all votes not even counted, the Libs are ahead in 3, Labor in 5. That leaves Turnbull and Shorten doing deals with 5 “other” crossbenchers. Libs start one seat ahead (maybe), but the crossbenchers mostly lean leftish. Dead heat. I think Australia should skip a government for the next three years and see if anyone notices.
h/t David B
” I think Australia should skip a government for the next three years and see if anyone notices”.
Could we also skip paying the elected ones?
Unfortunately, I was drinking coffee when I read that line.
I have just spent the last 20 minutes trying to clean the screen.
Sorry about that RW.
Spain has been without one for some time and everything continues as normal, actually better than normal.
The world record for a democracy going without an elected government is held by Belgium, which went 589 days in 2010-11 because the opposing Flemish and Walloons were unable to agree on policy issues.
Sounds like bliss!
Holland had a similar experience. No one actually noriced apart from the politicians who were not being paid 🙂
Well, I wondered out loud about not getting around to counting the votes for a couple of days and extending that ad infinitum a little while back. Those without democracy would scorn the seemingly relaxed delay. Be that as it may, the chances are that no one in Australia (or NZ) would notice. It would in fact be a period of national relief only marginally marred by the low wattage MSM scraping about in the Progressive global dustbin, looking for propaganda to manufacture. There is no such thing as ‘news’ any more.
But there has been climate change. It’s now getting colder, very quickly, after the 1980s – 1990s warming.
The new cold is from entry into the new Little Ice Age.
The 1980s-1990s warming was from Asian industrialisation; more aerosols reducing cloud albedo, but it self-regulated about 15 years ago.
[There is no significant CO2-AGW.]
The really interesting issue is the rate constant governing how fast politicians change their views once they realise the band wagon is now coming in the opposite direction!
“The really interesting issue is the rate constant governing how fast politicians change their views once they realise the band wagon is now coming in the opposite direction!”
They will merely reverse the undeniable consensus of lies once again with nary a hiccup in policy! See:
Politician lemon laws…… sounds appealing. KK 🙂
A comment doing the rounds in NZ and probably Australia
“Malcolm Turnbull cannot fall on his sword. It is still stuck in Tony Abbott’s back.”
“Could we also skip paying the elected ones?”
If we take the Greek example/template being adhered to in the rest of the world especially including here, ……
The process of not “paying the elected ones” is a function of debt finance. For a government to be paid, like in Greece, it needs a good credit rating.
To be paid, it needs to issue IOU’s called ‘government bonds’. Then the bonds are converted into currency by a user friendly bank out of thin air. With this money, first it is necesarry to bail out any banks, like in Italy right now for example…..and later the elected ones can take their cut… 🙂
So you see, the process of “paying the elected ones” is not handled by the government or the people, it is all about having a good credit rating from a ratings agency.. If an international ratings agency gives the voters and politians a poor credit rating, then nobody gets paid. If it is good, then heaps of banks and other ‘tOo bIg To fAIl’s’ can be rescued first and the government of the day can be paid later somewhat in that order…. hmmmm
If more economist wanted to teach how money is created in schools, then “ShoCkINg as it might seem, at least not so many people would generally not be confused about how politicians actually get paid and by who. 🙂
My apologies Kinky Keith… After ranting previously, i was shocked to find out my keyboard is not working so the last sentence should read….
“If more banks/creditors wanted to teach how money is created in schools, then “ShoCkINg as it might seem, at least not so many people would generally be confused about how politicians actually get paid. 🙂 ”
Or how wind farms get paid, solar,
Some further notes: How to ‘not pay’…..
“The Dominoes Are Fallling”: Three Largest UK Property Funds Freeze $12 Billion In Assets, More To Come”
“Domino #3: M&G Suspends Trading In $6 Billion UK Property Fund”
“After Losing $100 Billion On Terrible Stock Investments, The World’s Largest Pension Fund Is Doubling Down”
“A Look Inside Europe’s Next Crisis: Why Everyone Is Finally Panicking About Italian Banks”
This would be a shock….If Turbull loses, maybe he could in spare time teach about how money is created by private banks in schools as he used to work for Goldmen.
Some of the University and Industry (aka Union) super funds which have been investing in renewables & other green things, and pulling out of minerals processing etc could lose lots. It would be great to see some professors (eg Steffen, Pitman, English, Hoegh-Guldberg etc) and union leaders relying on the old age pension.
Thank you Mike! much to ponder! At least for those that can still afford to ‘ponder’!
It’s not necessarily Government Bonds that finance the Govt … Government Bonds only finance the Budget Deficit component of the gravy train, Personal and Corporate Taxes make up the lions share of revenue. If a Govt cannot sell enough bonds at any particular time they simply hike taxes. It’s possible when the Govt is running a surplus to sell no bonds at all and keep the government supplied, but ‘them good’ol days are over now’ that we don’t have a small Govt Party.
The Labor Party will sell Bonds where possible as they always run a deficit unless riding a bubble (ie, mining) setup by global growth phenomena to which they were not at all instrumental. Labor only hike taxes as a last resort unless using a specific ‘big business’ tax as an election issue – which almost always raise no net positive tax increases – whereas the Liberal Party *HISTORICALLY* were mandated to reduce both Taxes and Bond sales, as well as reducing the size of Govt.
Turnbull however services the off-shore (price-transfer tax reductionists) Monopoly Capitalist/Corporate Welfarists at heart, so raising domestic taxes is not a problem for Mr Goldsacks because it only attacks the competition of offshore Multi’s, and reducing Govt expenditure is not usually a priority for large offshore entities that love to lobby for Govt contracts attached to large Govt Agencies (ie, Climate Cartel Industrial Complex).
Turnbull is like the anti-Abbott, and represents a totally ideologically incompatible Trojan horse takeover of our only Center-Right party. He represents everything that a true conservative should hate, and it’s no coincidence that the Primary Dealers of Govt Bonds includes TBTF banks like Goldman Sachs … Debt … Fees .. Debt … Fees … Everyone becomes a Muppet (in Goldsacks speak) and our children become debt slaves no matter who we vote for. Turnbull is a traitor to the true ‘Liberal’ cause.
Great comment Jo about Turnbull taking the Libs into Center-Left territory – I couldn’t agree more. Any disenfranchised socially conservative Labor voters that swung right during the last election of Abbott (one of the best results the libs ever had at an election, in stark contrast to Turnbull’s dismal result) have now returned left: They can’t tell the difference between Labor and Libs now on social and scientific public policy, so they return to their old Hope-ing ground (Western politics now is merely an expression of hope of any positive or constructive change).
It would be ironic if Turnbull was switched up as leader by Abbott with a minority government having to cooperate with One Nation Senators, because Tony Abbott was in fact the political hit-man who went after Pauline Hanson in the 90’s. Without Abbott, I don’t believe she would have been under so much legal scrutiny, and maybe she would not have been sent to the big house.
Malcolm Roberts is 100% correct on Climate Science, and will now get to be the face of skepticism nationally because the Libs have foregone their duty to the electorate, but this will unfortunately give fuel to the left-wing political constellation to conjoin the racist past policies (anti-Asian) of Pauline Hanson, with climate skepticism. I’m not sure this is a positive outcome, but at least it highlights the travesty that the Liberal Party has become, completely decimating a balanced, moderate, and sensible right-wing political representation.
Turnbull has been exposed as a complete construct of left-wing and government (ABC) media bias. The true victim in all of this is the truly conservative voter and the swing voters who ensure that traitorous policies are punished at each election. Let’s just hope that Malcolm Roberts and Hanson tone down any of their/her anti-Asian sentiments, because the left wing media will have a field day with skepticism otherwise. They will jump at the opportunity to conjoin racism with APGW skepticism as sure as the sun rises every morning, because there is NO SHAME at all on the left when it comes to issues involving virtue signalling.
TurdBull is going to have to go completely feral on the climate change parasites and follow Pauline’s lead if he’s going to pull any cred, otherwise he’s gonna get rolled in the not too distant future!
He won’t because Hunt controls him on this issue. Hunt out manoeuvred Jensen the only scientist and a sceptic and now Jensen is gone. Malcolm is a different kettle of fish though; he has had extensive dealings with Hunt and knows him for the alarmist zealot he is.
I hope he prosecutes his scepticism more effectively than Jensen did and brings to account the alarmist advocates in the CSIRO and the BoM.
That’s Malcolm Roberts not Turnbull!
You had me worried there for a while.
Go back a couple of years!
A Billionaire Miner spent a mint on getting a HoRs seat & 3 Senators
The Guardian, ABC, Fairfax and others were all over him like a rash (since cleared up)
But now a Fish & Chip Lady gets a couple of seats
The Guardian, ABC, Fairfax and others go into rage?
She is what:
1. A Skeptic?
2. Tell it as she sees it kind of woman?
3. Relates to Australians?
4. Or simply an ex-jailed person who is bitter at TWO MONGREL parties (ALP & LIB) who conspired to lock her up!
I for one agree with a of of what she says!
I don’t care on how she says it!
THE PC LEFTIES are in apoplectic overload over ONE PERSON?
The hysteria whipped up by the Pauline Hanson phenomenon, many years ago caused my family a lot of distress and pain.
This was a sad time for us but at another level I could see why she had been able to gain the support of her electorate
which was sending a message to Canberra about being fair and reasonable.
I was mindful that she came from the electorate which Bill Hayden had represented and he gave the impression of being a very decent bloke.
Perhaps many years ago she was sent as an early version of the Trump protest.
Now in helping Malcolm Roberts push real science she is making a new contribution to politics.
The original Pauline Hanson came straight out of middle Australia. She was a token Liberal candidate in a safe Labor seat.
John Howard created The Hanson Phenomenon, starting before the election when he disowned her for political incorrectness when she raised a few matters which were of concern to ordinary Australians.
He magnified the problem by boycotting her maiden speech in the parliament. Never had a new prime minister been given such an opportunity to present his policies on a wide range of everyday matters with everybody paying attention. The little dope squibbed it, insulting not only Pauline Hanson, but the voters of Oxley, and all the people around Australia who held the same concerns.
After that every fringe dweller around Australia rushed to her côterie, making it difficult to maintain stability. But it was Kerry Packer who eventually destroyed the One Nation push, when The Women’s Day one week before an election in which One Nation was expected to do very well published a story about Pauline Hanson’s other son that we hadn’t heard of. That halved the One Nation vote in the bush.
Congratulations Pauline. Australia owed you this.
Interesting comment.
it always seemed that she was made into something larger than life by those attacking her.
She was indeed. They deliberately misrepresented what she said. Her real crime was to pinch a seat in the house from the major parties. Howard couldn’t even acknowledge that that was to his benefit.
Quite ironic that in the end, Howard had to adopt some of her policies as the obvious became painfully so.
Yes, one of the things that I disliked about JH was that he tried to “out Pauline” Pauline.
There was also the disgusting groveling to the French over atomic testing in the Pacific.
Before those events he had seemed OK.
It is common for political parties in Australia to test a candidate in an unwinnable seat. If they run a decent campaign, and do better than expected, then they might be rewarded with a winnable seat sometime in the future. If everyone had ignored Hanson, then she would not have won back in 1996, and in most likely hood would have fallen into the dustbin of history. She would have continued in the fish and chip business.
Nobody gave a rats about Hanson until she polled 13% in senate election then both parties saw the danger and went full feral on her.
At the time, I remember Allan Jones commenting that Abbott was going after Hanson, when Carmen Lawrence, who was involved in the Penny Easton affair, had far more to answer for:
The Marks Royal Commission investigated the honesty of Carmen Lawrence and the West Australian Labor Party under Ms Lawrence after private and confidential documents on an Australian citizen, Penny Easton’s, private life were tabled in the West Australian parliament.
The Commission challenged the honesty of Carmen Lawrence – Federal Parliament records challenge the honesty of the entire Australian Labor Party (ALP) Cabinet in 1995.
Penny Easton, a young respected Perth lawyer, committed suicide a few days later after the documents were tabled.
Note: ABC, 1999, Earlier today, a jury found the former high-flying federal minister not guilty of lying to a royal commission four years ago.
Some news clippings from yesteryear:
SMH, 2003: Abbott set up slush fund to ruin Hanson
**SMH, 2003: Tony Abbott’s dirty Hanson trick – and he lied about it, of course
**Here is frightbat Margo Kingston in 2016, still writing & sticking up for Hanson.
here is missing link:
Tony Abbott’s dirty Hanson trick – and he lied about it, of course
By Margo Kingston
August 22, 2003
Another shoot the whistleblower exercise, would you really condemn a citizen who reported a crime to the police?
It is ignored that the Liberal Party and the Labor Party were concerned about the rise of One Nation, the Liberal Party assisted a whistleblower with funding for legal costs, the matter was referred to the Electoral Commission for investigation and they decided to refer it to the Queensland Police. They investigated electoral fraud and decided there two people had been involved and they were referred to the Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions, and a hearing date was established in a Court of Law.
The Court decided that the two accused people were guilty of fraud and sentenced them to prison sentences. Later a Court of Appeal decided that the matter should not have gone to court and that the defendants had not received good legal advice. The decision was complicated however the two people were released from prison.
The matter was not prosecuted and judged by politicians.
Pauline was elected to the local council in Ipswich as an independent in 1994.The labor party had their backside kicked so hard at that election that they have not run endorsed candidates in the local council in the Ipswich area since. Labor candidates have run as independents. In 1995 the GOSS State Government amalgamated the councils of Ipswich and West Moreton Shire to form the current council and an election was held on new seats.
Please read this work of Malcolm Roberts and see if you can find any error? I cannot find such!
[The graphic on page one is called a “blaze” in publishing terms. They are often used in professionally published documents that will be available to the public, so that the reader is not greeted with just a page of words. You could have looked that up for yourself Harry, and even done it all on your own, and without any help from a grown-up. -Fly]
“whose core claim is that human carbon dioxide
(CO2) caused Earth’s latest modest cyclic global atmospheric warming—that
ended in 1998″
1998 – really? Who is claiming that? So error number 1, the current global warming finished in 1998. Not off to a promising start.
[As for the rest of your comment, I suggest you read it again, but keep your preconceptions in check. -Fly]
Bully-moderating again I see. It is a great way of avoiding answering my questions.
Ummm do not take your readers for granted, I say to you again. Some of them will understand when “poisoning the well” tactics are being used.
It is lucky institutions etc in Australia cannot sue for defamation, otherwise this blog and other parties would have been in court by now.
Vote One ‘The Hanson’ !
Just the fact that she is no CAGW fool says a lot.
And anybody that Fairfax and the ABC hate more than justifies support towards her and her party!
Finally someone that stands their ground against the Mainstream Presstitutes and CAGW ratbags.
Just so true Dave;
I have heard so many people call Pauline Hansen a ‘racist’ for expressing her opinion that I just wonder that she does not make a court issue out of such allegations. People voted for her and they have the right to their views. Where is our freedom of speech?
Right where Turdbull and the other 54 Liberals left it.In the garbage bin.
Will Malcolm Roberts be permitted to speak in the Senate without the obligatory ABC style “denier” disclaimer?
What a refreshing change it would be to see the gag loosened just a little.
Bob, the fact is that teachers in government schools are already teaching ‘science philosophy’, without any real training or credentials, when they (mostly) cover climate change from a Leftist POV.
Two observations
the count continues and the distribution of preferences hasn’t started in the close seats. I think the ABC has given two seats to Labor which may need to be wrested back before the end of the week, and almost all the other doubtfuls may well go to the coalition. I predict 66:79 final tally.
Where would we find teachers in numbers and skills adequate to teach the philosophy of science? It won’t happen in our lifetimes and probably shouldn’t.
The reports are two party preferred. TPP. Many preferences are included already. That would start with the tickets that followed party recommendations.
“Where would we find teachers in numbers and skills adequate to teach the philosophy of science? It won’t happen in our lifetimes and probably shouldn’t.”
In primary ans secondary schooling, teachers teach only what is in the teaching materials. The teachers are fine. It is just the written political BS that needs to be destroyed.
“The teachers are fine. It is just the written political BS that needs to be destroyed.”
I’m afraid, Will, that my experience is that the teachers ARE part of the problem. The education system has been captured by the Left and the unions, along with every other public institution, and many (most?) teachers are progressive, happy to push a Leftist agenda.
This fact is that it remains a huge deterrent to those that would teach from a different foundation and who cannot stomach a Progressive institution and the intellectual prostitution required to stay on the payroll. If an appointment means enslavement by the Progressive Left, then many will not accept that trajectory.
Eventually, the wider public will ensure that there is a political vote to create alternative educational and tertiary pathways that liberate students (and faculty) by imbuing them with apolitical knowledge and critical thinking skills. The Progressive dullards will unfailingly anchor themselves like Luddite limpets to their beliefs and their established institutions, consigning themselves to their richly deserved destiny of irrelevance.
“I’m afraid, Will, that my experience is that the teachers ARE part of the problem. The education system has been captured by the Left and the unions, along with every other public institution, and many (most?) teachers are progressive, happy to push a Leftist agenda.”
I disagree! The actual teachers, not over priced administrators, Just love to teach whatever the young kids would like to learn about.
The kids, with all that kid power, wish to learn everything! let them learn everything! Help them learn by doing, complete with ‘aw shit’, the most important part of learning!
All the best! -will-
Sorry, I originally replied to the wrong OP.
“Where would we find teachers in numbers and skills adequate to teach the philosophy of science? It won’t happen in our lifetimes and probably shouldn’t.”
The fact is that teachers in government schools are already teaching ‘science philosophy’, without any real training or credentials, when they (mostly) cover climate change from a Leftist POV.
Teachers teach what they have been taught to teach. I remember 25 or more years ago our daughter stood up a geography teacher who declared that in Australia the farmers had destroyed all the cultivation land. The teacher was not a mug, and our daughter was easily able to carry the argument to a satisfactory conclusion. But in 95% or more of Australia’s classrooms that would have gone unchallenged.
When the elected head of the Teachers’ Federation is a communist, you know what at least half of the teachers are teaching.
And the only way to rectify that,is for the powers that be to DO THEIR JOBS.
Steve of Cornubia July 6, 2016 at 3:14 pm
You seem to have the most bizarre concept of learning or teaching of the young! In groups of young the young mostly teach each other! A skilled instructor can indeed help a wee bit.
“Sorry, I originally replied to the wrong OP.”
“Where would we find teachers in numbers and skills adequate to teach the philosophy of science? It won’t happen in our lifetimes and probably shouldn’t.”
Good God what violent hubris!! Earthlings one or all know little or nothing of what is physically. Any earthworm knows much more of ‘is’ than all humans combined!
“The fact is that teachers in government schools are already teaching ‘science philosophy’, without any real training or credentials, when they (mostly) cover climate change from a Leftist POV.”
Grinn 🙂
Another two observations-
if not for the gerrymander enshrined in the Constitution, which gives Tasmania Island five seats where they should only be entitled to three, the result would be even better. But it was ever thus.
Malcolm Turnbull has come out and claimed full responsibility for the campaign. He probably now agrees with me, that the eventual seat count will give the coalition a clear majority over Labor. He wouldn’t claim credit otherwise.
In my opinion the Senate voting system is badly flawed, it is ridiculous that the population of small states have the same number of Senators to represent them as the population of the larger states.
Secondly, the preferential voting system is also flawed and enables candidates with very small primary vote numbers to arrange preference swapping deals and win. In the example of a Tasmanian Senator in 2013 around six per cent of the primary vote.
Yes but
Well, as they say, Turnbull can’t fall on his sword, because it is still sticking out of tony Abbott’s back
One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts wants to reveal the truth about the “AGW Myth” – fantastic. His view will be like poison to the other Malcolm. It seems Malcolm T will indeed continue as PM – the latest ABC Election website has the L/NP on 70 Seats & the ALP on 67 Seats with 8 Seats in doubt – bye bye Billy Boy. The best scenario for Malcolm R to have some clout is if the final numbers are 73 L/NP & 72 ALP. That way Malcolm T may well have to deal with One Nation along with preferred Minor Parties Katter & NXT (Xenophon).
Just to clarify the L/NP will have to negotiate with One Nation in the Senate, not the House of Reps. The likely House of Reps vote is 74 L/NP, 71 ALP & 5 Minor Parties or 75 L/NP, 70 ALP & 5 Minor Parties. It unlikely that the L/NP will get the 76 Seats to govern in its own right.
“Just to clarify the L/NP will have to negotiate with One Nation in the Senate”
Gunna be fun watching Turnbull trying to negotiate with Pauline 🙂 KARMA !!!!!
This is so, so hilarious.. 🙂 🙂
Are you suggesting Malcolm T will age rapidly during his next term? Maybe he will be spared but can you imagine the L/NP Senators trying to negotiate with Pauline, Hinch & Lambie? One’s worst nightmare.
I’d like to see Malcolm chowing down on a Chico Roll. 😉
The mental image can’t be unseen . . .
I just he knows the golden rule:
‘Nice boys eat their Chiko Rolls sideways’
Chiko Rolls?
Yep Chiko Rolls
They still look foul. Do they come with a couple of rice balls?
No – but they do come with their own wax paper bag that can also be used to funnel about half a bottle of tomato sauce around them. Kiwis are such cretins when it comes to cultural dishes.
Probably why you Mozzies claim Pavlova as your own?
Cultural dishes?
You’se guys obviously ain’t tried Hu-hu grubs:
You blokes think fishbait is a delicacy.
Hehe . . just to be clear, I meant Malcolm Turnbull should be chowing down on that Chico Roll.
A whiff of humility wouldn’t do his public image any harm either.
There was one I was looking at yesterday, Flynn
They have it going to Labor but there are a lot of One Nation preferences to sort out, and I would have thought would heavily favoured the Libs.
Same with Herbert
No idea how the ABC is splitting the preferences for One Nation
I don’t think anyone will know until they actually count them.
Deaf I heard BJ said Flynn has 10,000 postals.
Same with Longman, given to Labor by the ABC, but I expect it to come back.
Do you guys always have this confusion, at every election?
How in Hades do you know who or what you are voting for, or against, for that matter?
Or doesn’t it matter?
I voted against Turnbull’s loathsome ego mania.
Just interested in the numbers, is all.
Hoping for 74 or 75 and Turnbull…… GONE !!
From the One nation climate policy ” to do ” list above : cancel all agreements obliging Australia to pay for foreign climate action and payment to the UN and FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS : whilst in the senate why can’t Hansen and co call for a investigation and full inquiry into why the Julian Gillard government gave several million dollars , of your tax payers money , to the so called Clinton charitable foundation , when ( as Charles Ortel has shown ) the said organisation , WAS NOT REGISTERED as a international charitable foundation and DID NOT HAVE A LICENCE to solicit funds from either your government or you tax payers , seems like a no brainer to me , have ONE NATION got the courage to take them on ?
Yes I would love to see an enquiry into why Julia Gillatd gave our money to the Clinton foundation.
Yes I would love to see an enquiry why the Clinton foundation accepted your money knowing they were not registered as a international charitable foundation and did not have the license to solicit funds from your government or tax payers.
And why the Coalition Minister For Foreign Affairs continued to pay.
“have ONE NATION got the courage to take them on ?”
Donno! What would such cost? What can be any possible gain? Is any of that money to be returned? Are there not less expensive feel goods?
doubtingdave said:
” . . . . . seems like a no brainer to me , have ONE NATION got the courage to take them on ?”
If so . . . . . would hope for a better outcome than this one . . . .
America Died At 11:00 ET 7/5/2016
The Market Ticker ® – Commentary
Its almost as if Malcolm Roberts and One Nation have been listening to me rant on blogs about climate change.
They agree with basically everything I have said 🙂
Or are you actually Mr Roberts?
Who did it??? USNavy 60’s tin can! Never gave that film back! Played every night on the fantail, with local cast! 🙂
Ignore red thumb.
We could even do it backward! Sounds lot like Klingon!
Yeah, what-eva.
If the One Nation Climate Change Policy is brilliant it is likely because Malcolm Robrerts wrote it. I am a big fan of Malcolm Roberts. I really hope he does get a s Senate seat. That would just make the election result the best outcome ever.
Its great to see another sceptical senator in waiting, but what Australia needs is for a few higher profile sceptical politicians to come out of the closet. There are a number of high-profile sceptics in British and American politics, but they are thin on the ground in Australia. What about Tony Abbot to start the ball rolling? He has ruled himself out of leadership contention so why not publicly reaffirm that the science of human-caused climate change is crap ? Come on Tony, the unintended consequence of such honesty may see you back on the front bench after Turnbull is given the flick !
Turnbull doesn’t have to be given the flick to make Tony Abbott deputy leader of the Liberal Party. Heads must surely be rearranged, and the current deputy is ripe for demotion.
Something that few if any have realised is that energy could be a practical source of tax income. We already have taxes on some fuels quite independent of the AGW issue.
However the basis on which the AGW push seeks to impose a tax on energy is corrupt. So there must be no tax levied on this basis.
Another problem we face is that corruption of productivity in our economy has to date been offset by the availability of cheap energy. If energy is made more expensive, lifestyles will deteriorate badly. This has already been visible.
Ted O’Brien:
When the local (Adelaide) Current Affairs come sob stories can find pensioners who have switched off their electricity to the hot water because of the expense, and when Australia’s base price is twice that of the USA (excluding California) I think the claim that electricity is cheap lacks conviction.
I note your comment about productivity but with the Union rules and Laws there is often limited room to move.
Hope Hanson’s One Nation get their 3 senators or even possibly more!
If that happens, she has done better than Palmer without his money and will start to threaten the Greens …. the real maniac threat to our country!
Imagine proper science being taught in schools, rather than that Safe Schools Marxism from that Ratbag Andrews in Vic, and CAGW Indoctrination by the new CEO for NSW education, Marxist Scott, ex ABC ceo.
There’s lots of cleaning and taking the trash out to do, but at least now there are some at a federal level that can start the process.
We need to take back our country and get the Mainsteam Circus parties to work for us, not their own BS agendas and personal self interests.
CAGW is BS, always has been and always will be, and the Shysters and Scammers propagating this garbage need to be exposed and prosecuted!
The world history of political outliers is quite interesting.
Enough so that serious vilification might well be taken as a badge of honor.
Sometimes they have facts on their side, but can’t escape the onslaught of the establishment.
Joe McCarthy, US Senator.
Sometimes they are part of the group but wax and wane in estimation as circumstances dictate. Winston Churchill.
Many rise from imprisonment – in all flavors from Adolph Hitler to Nelson Mandela.
Some rise from ridicule — Fidel and half a dozen followers in the jungle was an ex-minor-league pitcher with delusions of grandeur.
Some cross from real life to politics, as the Trump is attempting.
Looks like Oz has a disruptor in their senate. Good on y’all.
Sometimes the reality of decay and corruption needs but a single ray of light to begin to crumble, and history doesn’t always package its heroes and heroines in readily recognizable forms.
But most politicians are hopeless because they are voted in by non-thinking voters and there is not much to choose form, and there is very little we can do about.
Tell it to the Greens(closet Marxists)!
“But most politicians are hopeless because they are voted in by non-thinking voters and there is not much to choose form, and there is very little we can do about.”
This is the message that “The Donald” is trying to give to the ‘merican public, and the politicians, both. True ‘democracy’ cannot be! Folk vote emotionally never logically! As such all can be flim-flammed by really good flim-flammers such as ‘The Donald’!
Until the concept of continual vigorous preservation of self, and those held dear is re-established, to replace the pablum of ‘do not hurt anyone’s feelings’, there can be no democracy! If you have children, “Go get then belt”, is the most important lesson you can ever lovingly give to them!
The US Constitution as written remains an excellent example of the organization plus required limitations on government, with no limitations on the populous whatsoever! 🙂
If this is the thin end of the wedge you will need a good solid mallet to drive it home and not only set yourselves free from the UN climate change fiasco but also the agenda 21 regime, bur most western nations as well.
Try this in parts!!
ivan July 6, 2016 at 1:42 am
“If this is the thin end of the wedge you will need a good solid mallet to drive it home and not only set yourselves free from the UN climate change fiasco but also the agenda 21 regime, bur most western nations as well.”
Many, many pitchforks and torches would do as well! The agenda 21 promoters think their vast hired thugs can protect them! China has 2,200,000 troops not well armed. US combined 1,200,000 armed with the finest weaponry ever produced!
Will some fool order the combined US forces against the 300 million US folk?
The soldiers would be selling tickets, and setting up booths to provide beer and Chiko Rolls, for a mere pittance, for the spectators! 🙂 Any named politician can be provided, well dressed, at the next scheduled venue! 🙂
All the best! -will-
Perhaps it’s a part of the grand cycle of things. Most countries appear to need a civil war as part their civil maturation process. Perhaps in a global sense this requirement also asserts itself. Totalitarian bureaucratic emplacement is set to coalesce by 2030. By then the choice will be clear. It will be reason against delusion, science against belief, democracy against eco-totalitariansim, capitalism against eco-globalisation. It may be a bit of a mess, but it is also very, very clear who will triumph.
It will be good to see people like Mr. Roberts get into parliament instead of the usual inexperienced arts/law/economic graduates entering via the union or party office staff routes.
One can argue that it doesn’t matter that a Minister for Science or Agriculture or the Environment lacks knowledge on the subject because he is advised by others who are. However, Ministers have their own political advisers on their staff as well as departmental advice.
In the case of global warming the advice coming from BOM and the CSIRO and the Academy of Science, as well as the hundred odd bureaucrats who went to Copenhagen with PM, as well as the renewable energy lobbyists, is that it is a dire problem. One can see that Minister who happens to be a lawyer just weighs the advice and goes with the prevailing opinion. At least if the Minister knew something about it he could ask some pertinent questions such as why isn’t there any correlation between levels of CO2 and global temperature, why are global temperatures as measured by satellites falling, why do we use adjusted data to show trends, how can we rely on renewable energy when it is intermittent and unlikely to supply enough electricity for our needs,etc.!
Watched some YouTube videos of Pauline Hanson. She seems to be pretty intelligent to me, and aware of all the important issues of the people who live in Australia. She knows the history of UN Agenda 21, and that one alone is good enough for me.
I missed the posting a couple days ago here about “Independence Day” which was yesterday, July 4th here in the USA, I admit, I never read our Declaration of Independence so I posted it on WUWT under the Pauline Hanson article. I have now read the complete Declaration and it is actually a good read. There are some passages that relate to today’s world problems even though the document is 240 years old – worth a read:
[Even though the American Declaration of Independence is not applicable in Australia, the rest of this is. And Upon reading that document again I think Peter is right. Some of it easily applies today.] AZ
Well, he doesn’t look like having much chance from where I sit.
Skeptical about climate change? You can’t do that, not even here in the land of free speech guaranteed by the Constitution. And being mentioned favorably on this blog will surly make him a marked man, doomed to be ignored or worse by all who worship the great god, NoCO2 and his acolytes.
But I hope he raises unholy hell about it until he gets the attention of enough to tip the scales at least a little bit.
Remember that something infamous can become famous, that is after all how the CAGW baloney got into the psyche of the general population, all it takes is a catch that triggers the very short memory span of Mr & Mrs average.
We have to reclaim our education system from the left as they have become factories for green compliance, in 10 to 20 years time the kids of today will be voting against any progress made now where conservative values are concerned, look at the recent anti-Brexit protesters and think them but worse, I for one am keeping fighting fit as I get older.
About time Malcolm got some exposure here!
Yeah the man is a political pillock and I won’t even start on Hunt (the most successful minister in the world) except to say we need a Royal Commission into his behavior.
Damn, that’s the second time I’ve been caught out. All future reference to Malcolm Roberts should be clearly stated.
Don’t worry I took your train of thought and had Mr T in mind. Who else would fit that description.
(my bold)
Does this mean the laws of radiative heat transfer from gases in the atmosphere has been rewritten? If not, then a lot of greenies are going to be in trouble.
“Does this mean the laws of radiative heat transfer from gases in the atmosphere has been rewritten? If not, then a lot of greenies are going to be in trouble.”
No it is realizing that the CO2 component is most active above the tropopause and not below it.
See HERE for more.
“No it is realizing that the CO2 component is most active above the tropopause and not below it.
See HERE for more.”
Could you please explain just what you may mean by ‘most active’? Cheifio’s article is good reading but contain many EMR related errors. Most radiative exitance in the 14-16 micron band originates near the tropopause not from Earth’s surface. The so called ‘laws of radiative heat transfer from gases in the atmosphere’,are not scientific laws at all! Such is but illusion created by Climate Clowns from toilet water specifically in order to create the SCAM. All Radiative power generation and transmission are subject to interpretation by consideration of Maxwell’s equations, not thermodynamics, not meteorological pseudo-science.
Here we go
“Truth about Hanson no.2’s wacky world view”
Courier Mail headline this morning – paywalled to me
Try this:
Sorry, It doesn’t work.
Here is a quote:
A QUEENSLAND One Nation candidate who could be elected to the Senate believes climate change is linked to the “privately owned” US Federal Reserve, which is manipulating the global economy to benefit a small but powerful cabal of UN bureaucrats.
Malcolm Roberts is a member of the Galileo Movement, a group of climate change deniers, and is in the final group of contenders vying for the final Queensland Senate spot depending on the final votes being counted and preference flows.
Mr Roberts said he believed there was “a cabal involving people in the UN and banking sector” who were behind the “fabrication” of global warming and were using the “corrupted climate science” to make money.
“I don’t use the word conspiracy. I use the word cabal,” he said.
“Mr Roberts said he believed there was “a cabal involving people in the UN and banking sector” who were behind the “fabrication” of global warming and were using the “corrupted climate science” to make money. “I don’t use the word conspiracy. I use the word cabal,” he said.”
I have found this Malcolm Roberts to be a bit over the top on his take on the intelligence of his stated cabal, they certainly have the power! There seems evident much plotting however to maximize financial and political gain!
Mr. Roberts could use lotsa help on the technical details of the fluid dynamics and electrodynamics operating on Earth’s atmosphere. No one actually has adequate understanding, to offer a testable hypothesis. Malcolm is quite correct when he states that none of the Climate Cabal has ever produced ‘any physical evidence’ supporting the claim of ‘man made atmospheric CO2 increasing surface or ocean temperature in any manner’!
All the best! -will-
And again
What went with Pauline Hansen earlier should come no surprise, in a way. That sort thing has probably gone on in politics, the world over for decades, but before the Internet the average citizen did not hear about it.
Looking at what has happened with Clinton in recent hours ( re FIB saying no charges are applicable) is it any wonder voters are totally disillusioned with the political class.
“Looking at what has happened with Clinton in recent hours (re FIB saying no charges are applicable) is it any wonder voters are totally disillusioned with the political class.”
The US repugnicansin the senate seem to now be now the mode of adjusting the leadership of the demoncrat FBI! I wish them well in that needed effort.
Art imitates life …
The Onion, 2010 – Christian Groups: Biblical Armageddon Must Be Taught Alongside Global Warming
. . .
Inserting a rational, positive third view that there is no Imminent, self-flagellation Global Warming Doomsday. What’s not to like?
Bonus! – “Church of AGW: “Gore is prime example of danger of seeking relig. purpose in life thru polit. interests & activism”
Jul 6: Bloomberg: Laura Millan Lombrana: Green Cars Cause Damage of Their Own as Flamingo Flocks Shrink
Electric car revolution has sent demand for lithium soaring
Flamingos depend on shallow lagoons above lithium deposits
Tesla Motors Inc. and General Motors Corp.’s Chevrolet are preparing to bring out mass-market electric cars next year. If you plan to buy one and help save the planet, people who live near the Atacama salt-flat ask that you spare a thought for the flamingos…
Prices for battery grade lithium carbonate are expected to soar 40 percent over the next ten years, according to a report from consultancy firm Stormcrow Capital Ltd. Total lithium battery demand is expected to increase 30 percent over the same period…
I am always astounded at how far some people will go to salve their conscious, appear PC and Ecologically Aware, and show the rest of us how much they’ll do to “save the world”
Lets just cover the whole planet in plastic, like gamma used to do with her furniture, and only visit on Sundays for a nice supper.
It will be nice and clean and no pesky animals will be left to mar the mineral mines or bloody the windmills with their life-forms. (ok, a little creative license there, but really? Save the planet by killing anything that’s where the greenies need to get materials from or put up their shiny new toys? That’s what it is starting to sound like)
There is a god after all.
1). Teaching kids to think for themselves.
2). Turnbull is in for an overdue beating from the electorate. He is “toast”. His total demeanour toward leadership had the light of day on it and he & his misguided government will never recover any credibility.
Pack & leave Mr Turnbull we can do much better without you.
The Nicole Hasham SMH article says, “The One Nation candidate with a strong chance of joining Pauline Hanson in the Senate, Malcolm Roberts, wants climate scepticism taught in schools…”
That’s a twisting of the words of the One Nation policy which says teaching will be based on the “scientific method of scepticism”. That is a different thing (even though the result may well result in people becoming “climate sceptics”).
6 Jul: Shoba Rao: ABC show’s Catalyst presenter Dr Maryanne suspended after review of ‘Wi-Fried’ story on Wi-Fi
A CONTROVERSIAL ABC program about the health effects of Wi-Fi has led to a presenter being suspended, after it breached impartiality standards.
ABC presenter Dr Maryanne Demasi from the popular science program Catalyst has been suspended until September this year, after a review of the episode titled “Wi-Fried” was conducted by the ABC’s independent Audience and Consumer Affairs (A&CA) Unit.
The “Wi-Fried” episode was broadcast in February this year and contained information about the safety of wireless devices such as mobile phones.
In a statement released by the ABC, the investigation was initiated after the ABC received complaints from viewers about the episode…
The A&CA found the episode breached the ABC’s editorial policies standards on accuracy and impartiality.
“The A&CA Report found several inaccuracies within the program that had favoured the unorthodox view that mobile phones and Wi-Fi caused health impacts including brain tumours,” the ABC’s statement said.
“ABC TV is reviewing the strategy and direction for Catalyst with a view to strengthening this very important and popular program…
The finding comes just two years after a separate investigation was launched into a Catalyst program about the use of cholesterol-reducing medications…
ABC – never censured for breaching impartiality standards when it comes to matters involving CAGW science/policies. TonyfromOz & others might like to assess the following:
Feb: ABC Catalyst: Battery powered homes
There’s a power revolution heading for our homes – a device that allows you to take power into your own hands. Its batteries, home batteries, and they’ve been called the holy grail of renewables – the key to the transition away from fossil fuels. Australia is at the vanguard of this revolution – we will be one of the first countries in the world to experience the transition to the battery powered home. Find out how you can be part of it…
Dr Jonica Newby: Home batteries are really the holy grail of renewables and the transition away from fossil fuels…
Dr Jonica Newby: Here, in Australia, we have a unique confluence. We are a place with a lot of sunshine, we are a tech-savvy community, we have high electricity costs, we have a population really wanting this change, and the world is watching…
Dr Jonica Newby: Well, up until early 2015, you couldn’t get a seven kilowatt battery plus inverter, plus installation, for under about $15,000. But in the last six months, prices have suddenly dropped by a third or even more…
Dr Jonica Newby: We always used to be told by the people who were the experts that solar is good, wind is good, but it’s not base load power. Well, we now have base load power with the battery revolution. It’s as simple as that.
Dr Jonica Newby: We all know fossil fuels have got to go, and this is a way of you and your family being able to contribute to that, or your business or your local community, and it is a way of contributing to a future that everybody will look back and say, ‘Yes, I was in there first!
Newby: “WE(?) all know fossil fuels have got to go”!
ABC profile: Dr. Jonica Newby: In 2006, and again in 2011, she was awarded Australia’s premier science journalism prize, the Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Science Journalism.
Dr Jonica Newby has a Bachelor of Science degree and a first-class honours degree in veterinary medicine and surgery
So you can get a lithium battery set-up for your home for $10,000. That gives you no more than 3kWh if you want to get a long life out of your investment. That is just under 11,000kWh or at $0.30 per kWh a return of $3300. WOW! I can think of better investments.
And see
Graeme No.3 mentions this: (my bolding here)
And the average residential power consumption is 20KWH per day.
A 3KWH battery. That’ll work.
Please don’t tell me this guy Musk just did it for the money.
“Please don’t tell me this guy Musk just did it for the money”
If the guy can actually get 6KWh power storage per buck for ten such storage cycles, he is doing much better than pumped hydro! Please run your numbers again! 🙂
What!!!!! I just saw this.
Please Jonica, stick to being a vet.
So, let’s see then, with that Powerwall giving 3KWH of power a day, and with Australia’s Base Load at 18,000MW a day, hence 432,000,000KWH, that’s only, umm 144 MILLION of those Powerwalls. (and that doesn’t take into account WA and the NT)
Elon must be rubbing his hands with glee.
Why do these people just naturally think that battery technology is going to save us.
It works in my doorbell. If the power goes out, the battery keeps my doorbell light on. It is wonderful … I can’t get over the joys of living in a technicologicamal age.
comment #27 is in moderation.
6 Jul: Bloomberg: Jessica Shankleman: Coal Power Restrictions Seen at Risk From Brexit Government
Only one of the five candidates vying to replace Prime Minister David Cameron in September has a defined energy policy, according to Michael Jacobs, a former government climate adviser now at the Institute for Public Policy Research. Bloomberg New Energy Finance wrote in a research note that a new Tory leader may opt to ditch a commitment to phase out coal by 2025.
“Anything that changes policy at this point is a huge problem,” Jacobs said, “The coal phase-out should create some space for gas and renewables, which is good for investment and jobs.”…
With attention fixed on how and when Britain intends to extract itself from the EU following the June 23 referendum, climate policy hasn’t featured prominently in any candidate leadership bid…
‘Torrid Times’
“If somebody more friendly to coal or more of a climate skeptic becomes the new leader, they may ditch the coal phase-out or just shove it to one side,” said Meredith Annex, an analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance who co-authored research note titled, “Which Tories herald torrid times for U.K. energy?”…
down to three now:
6 Jul: UK Daily Mail: The girls are on top! Theresa May wins first round of Tory race with over half the votes while Andrea Leadsom finishes second – but Liam Fox is kicked out and Stephen Crabb quits
The Work and Pensions Secretary also urged everyone in the party to forget about the ‘remain’ and ‘leave’ labels because it could risk ‘splitting the party’.
Speaking to Sky News, he said: ‘We are all committed to taking Britain out of the EU and respecting the outcome of the referendum. Theresa has said she will do that.’…
read the comments:
5 Jul: RenewEconomy: Giles Parkinson: Hidden climate report could help Malcolm find the middle
The CCA (Climate Change Authority) report had been expected to be released in late June, but was delayed until after the election, to the obvious relief of the government. So, too, was a report on options for the electricity sector, which had been due for release in April or May, and which leaked reports suggest strongly supported some form of mandatory carbon price.
Those reports by the CCA, despite its board being stacked by Turnbull government appointees following the resignation of former chairman Bernie Fraser and other directors, would not have suited the Coalition election platform.
They were expected to reaffirm the position that Australia was trailing the world in emission reductions, needed to do more, and would need to adopt a carbon price. And, they would likely note, this would not be anywhere near as expensive as many suggest…
As Mark Kenny writes in Fairfax Media, “taking his government further to the centre is about the only clear mandate he (Turnbull) is left with.” It is obvious to most – particularly in light of the ferocious response of the Far Right to the election result – that he has no choice.
Even former leader John Howard recognised this on Tuesday, noting that Liberals represented not just conservatives, but “small l” liberals. It was a deliberate intervention to warn the “del-cons” as they like to be known, to back off.
It was hoped in policy circles that Turnbull might have used the planned review of climate and clean energy policies in 2017 to start to shift towards a more realistic policy – one that not only accepted the science but also recognised the massive opportunities in leading a shift to a clean energy economy…
The CCA reports are now likely to be released in a few weeks…
Indeed, they could lay the foundations of a much-needed bipartisan approach to climate policy. Labor’s policy for an emissions price based loosely round a “baseline and credit” scheme is seen as similar to that which would naturally evolve from Direct Action, and its so-called Safeguard mechanism.
It’s just that the Coalition couldn’t allow itself to say so ahead of the election…
To add to the delicious intrigue, Nick Xenophon, whose party will hold one and possibly two lower house seats, and whose support will be crucial in the Senate, is also a supporter of the baseline and credit scheme…
Yes Pauline Hanson and her running mate, the head of climate denier propaganda website Galileo Movement, got elected, but the overall majority favour more ambitious climate and clean energy policies…
Business now understands the importance of a meaningful policy, and of the opportunities that could be missed without government support…
It’s not a matter of if, but when, Australia effects its own energy transition. And business ***is just salivating over the opportunities behind solar, battery storage and electric vehicles. ***Or at least they should be.
Business will be spitting mad about the increase in electricity prices.
If these fools are so keen on cutting emissions why don’t they go Off Grid AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE.
Not only did Pauline get 139,000 1st pref vots but The Greens only attracted 115,000!
That’s terrific, do you have a link?
el gordo,
Link to Senate Results
Scroll down to Queensland and before you note the figures there where she easily outpolled The Greens, note that the count in Queensland is still under 54%
Also note that all The Greens Senators (elect) are in the bottom six in each State, so all Greens will be up for re-election in three years, and any State with a probable two (probably Victoria and Tasmania and maybe WA) will struggle to get one full quota at a Half Senate election, so it will take the next Half Senate after that to get back to where they were before this election, and there’s every probability that they may lose 2 Senators this election. Sort of not the result De Natale hoped for I’ll bet.
Way to political, stick with your expertise in producing useful energy. Virtual energy BS is the means of transfer of wealth in contradiction to the second Law of thermodynamics! Have Fun!
-will- 🙂
Thanx for that.
pity the MSM has shown little scepticism when it comes to “driverless” cars:
5 Jul: Detroit Free Press: Greg Gardner: Southfield art gallery owner survives Tesla crash
Albert Scaglione’s 2016 Tesla Model X was in Autopilot mode when it crashed July 1 on the Pennsylvania Turnpike
The crash came just one day after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued a report on a fatal crash in May involving a Tesla that was in self-driving mode.
Albert Scaglione and his artist son-in-law, Tim Yanke, both survived Friday’s crash near the Bedford exit, about 107 miles east of Pittsburgh…
Tesla says that before Autopilot can be used, drivers have to acknowledge that the system is an “assist feature” that requires a driver to keep both hands on the wheel at all times. Drivers are told they need to “maintain control and responsibility for your vehicle” while using the system, and they have to be prepared to take over at any time…
Autonomous vehicle advocates argue that over time they can make a quantum improvement in safety. But regulators must operate in the present…
The other risk illustrated in the Florida crash is the tension between what automakers call automated driver assist features, such as emergency braking, lane departure alert and adaptive cruise control, and a more daring level of autonomy that is touted as allowing occupants to text, e-mail, watch movies and otherwise disengage from driving.
“driverless” cars should never ever be allowed on public roads !
It is sheer lunacy !!
Election now!
Dont be greedy, you’ve just had one.
Unlike automobiles, the motion of trains is severely restricted–they must follow tracks. It’s true that a few local rail systems operate without engineers–take for example connections between terminals at major airports. However, as far as I know, no one has figured out how to run trains across a country without on-board human oversight and control. When we’ve totally converted a rail system to “driverless,” maybe then I’ll support driverless automobiles. Maybe.
One Nation is calling for a Royal Commission into Climate Change.
Well good luck with that. The Govt will set the terms of reference and the make up of the Commission. The likes of BoM, CSIRO. Climate Commission, university professors etc etc will all line up to push the AGW cause. The Commission is unlikely to dismiss the “advice” from these people.
Who, with enough authority and standing in the community, will be able to put the sceptics case?
Lord Monckton, Professor Lindzen, Murry Salby etc etc could put a convincing case but would they be heard?
So save the cost of the Commission and put resources into the education system to counter the brain washing current being inflicted on our children.
A Realist
“Well good luck with that. The Govt will set the terms of reference and the make up of the Commission.”
You have yet to politely ask your Royalty for ‘give me some relief’!! QE2 may well wish to be rid of William and his charming wife for a while, just now! What better training for a young Royal than “would you please go fix that nasty AU thing”? 🙂
Good to see that we will have actual sceptics in politics that will speak their mind in place of towing the party line.
It seems that One Nation got more votes than even highly publicized Xenathon, and from almost nothing.
Unlike his eminence, the TurdFull of Goldman and Sachs Carbon Credits!
And then there is Carbon Bill yellin’ out ‘Austraya’ from the back of a ute.
There he is running around bragging about coming 2nd in a two horse race!
Reminds me of Seinfeld, that said “coming 2nd means you are the best of the losers”.
Only Carbon Bill (union lackey) and the ALP economic destroyers would see losing as a victory.
Explains somewhat how the alp clown show can never achieve a surplus or even maintain one that they have inherited.
Yes, a royal commission into the CAGW scam and let us see all the ‘planet saviours'(shysters) that have and are benefitting from this.
And don’t forget the banks(malcom’s mates), with their shady dealings in and around CAGW and other areas of corruption they specialize in.
Can hardly wait for the ‘Please Explains’ everywhere around Parliament House and even Derryn Hinch’s resurrection of ‘The Shame File!
Both will have plenty to work with.
students should also be taught the consequences of CAGW policies:
6 Jul: ABC: Energy concessions paid to dead people ‘not acceptable’, SA Minister Zoe Bettison says
Communities and Social Inclusion Minister Zoe Bettison acknowledged issues with the system in a response to an auditor-general’s report that energy concession payments were paid to 4,350 deceased people.
Andrew Richardson revealed on Tuesday the Government approved thousands of energy concession payments for dead people, some for up to eight years.
He also found $1.25 million of concessions were paid by the Government despite Centrelink records showing the client receiving them was ineligible…
Ms Bettison told 891 ABC Adelaide the problems were “not acceptable” and an extra 12 people had been employed to the Government’s energy concessions area…
“We estimate that overall that if you look at the concession over that six-year period we gave out $800 million in concessions, approximately about 3 per cent of that might have been of concern,” Ms Bettison said…'not-acceptable'/7572498
Daily Mail appears to be the only major National media that carried the following Press Association piece but, fortunately, scores of regional newspapers have carried it, though they don’t show up in a google search until you click at bottom of small grouping of results – DM, Morning Star, Guernsey Press – where it says: “repeat the search with the omitted results included”
30 Jun: UK Daily Mail: Press Association: Number of households in fuel poverty rises to 2.38m
Levels of fuel poverty are highest in the private rental sector, where one in five (20%) households struggle with their bills…
People in the West Midlands, south west and north east of England have the highest levels of fuel poverty, with more than 12%, or nearly one in eight, households classed as fuel poor…
Levels of fuel poverty are much higher among the unemployed, with 28% of such households facing high bills and low incomes, but 9% of working families are also classed as fuel poor…
A Department of Energy and Climate Change spokeswoman said: ” This Government is committed to providing vital support for those in our community who need it the most…
5 Jul: Daily Caller: Andrew Follett: Germany To Halt Construction Of Offshore Wind Farms
The revision of the law will come into force at the start of 2017, and will sharply limit the construction of new offshore wind farms, reports Reuters. The motivation behind the law is that Germany’ over-reliance on wind power “has pushed up electricity costs in Europe’s biggest economy and placed a strain on its grids,” the article reads…
“Germany now has electric rates for consumers that are among the highest in the world. Energy poverty has become a reality for millions of German families,” Myron Ebell, director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the free market Competitive Enterprise Institute, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “The German government, instead of changing course, is trying to get away with minor policy changes in the hope that people will put up with sky-high current electric rates if the rate of increase slows down. Note that electric rates for industry are higher than in the coal states in the U. S., but much lower than retail rates that German consumers pay. If that were not the case, German automakers would move all their production to eastern Europe, the U. S., etc.”…
Despite the cut backs to wind power, the German government estimates that it will spend more than $1.1 trillion financially supporting wind power, even though building wind turbines hasn’t achieved the government’s goal of actually reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to slow global warming…
multiple links:
5 Jul: Daily Caller: Andrew Follett: Brexit Won’t Impact UK Green Energy Goals, There’s Already No Chance Of Meeting Them
There’s no scenario where Great Britain could get 15 percent of its electricity from green energy by 2020, even if the country had voted to remain in the European Union, according to research published Tuesday by the U.K. government’s National Grid…
The study found that even in the best scenarios for wind and solar power, 70 percent of British homes would still use gas for their heating requirements by 2030…
Despite this lack of progress, Britain’s attempts to use wind or solar power have been immensely costly. U.K. residents paid a whopping 54 percent more for electricity than Americans in 2014, while energy taxes cost residents roughly $6.6 billion every year. Green energy subsidies in the U.K. regularly exceed spending caps and account for roughly 7 percent of British energy bills, according to the U.K.’s Office of Gas and Electricity Markets…
Polling indicates that 38 percent of British households are cutting back essential purchases, like food, to pay for high energy bills. Another 59 percent of homes are worried about how they are going to pay energy bills. Companies are getting hit by pricey British electricity as well, and some are even leaving the country because of it, threatening up to 40,000 jobs…
The U.K. will be more vulnerable to blackouts than it has ever been for at least the next four years, Paul Massara, the former CEO of one of Britain’s largest electricity companies, told The Times in March. Britain’s dependence on wind and solar power could lead to massive blackouts this winter, which have already impacted the U.K.. To comply with European Union mandates, Britain planned to to shut down 1.5 gigawatts of conventional electrical capacity and replace it with unreliable wind or solar power…
Talking about variable wind power, have a look at East coast turbines at the moment. The western ones have dropped to around 5% production and the eastern ones are still doing about 50% as the high crosses the southern coast. Come tomorrow there will be very little production at all and S. Aust. will be reliant on Yallourn coal again.
Not sure how 50% renewables is gloing to keep the lights on.
(subscription required for CarbonPulse)
5 Jul: CarbonPulse: EU Market: EUAs sink as energy markets lose ground
EU carbon prices gave back most of the previous session’s gains on Tuesday as Brexit fears pushed up the dollar to send the energy complex reeling in afternoon trade…
5 Jul: CarbonPulse: UK MEP Duncan to stay on as EU ETS reforms lead -sources
Scottish MEP Ian Duncan is to continue as the lead EU Parliamentarian steering post-2020 EU ETS reform negotiations, sources told Carbon Pulse, after his resignation following the UK Brexit referendum was rejected by colleagues
5 Jul: Bloomberg: Jonathan Stearns: Brexit Foretaste Already on Menu in Brussels as U.K. Loses Perks
Ian Duncan, a U.K. Conservative member of the European Parliament, resigned his lead role crafting rules for the next phase of the EU program that caps carbon dioxide from power plants, factories and airlines — one of Europe’s most important environmental initiatives.
***The environment committee has put the resignation on hold pending higher-level deliberations in the EU assembly on how to treat lead legislative work by British members in general…
Christiana “we can transform social and economic growth” Figueres farewell video:
5 Jul: Twitter: Christiana Figueres
Today is my last day in office as @UNFCCC Executive Secretary. Here’s my farewell video message!
UN-believable. footy fans should boycott matches & let the AFL try to fill the seats with the ABC & Green Party mobs:
6 Jul: Tim Blair blog: BAN KI-MOONBALL
UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres laments U.S. democracy is ‘very detrimental’ in war on global warming — Lauds one-party ruled China for ‘doing it right’ on climate change
UN climate chief: Communism is best to fight global warming
Says it all really !!!
Preparing a post about ?
Thanks for the link.
“Please explain”, as PH used to say.
You are absolutely no fun at all!
This is interesting………
Election 2016: Cory Bernardi ‘in talks’ to break away from Malcolm Turnbull’s Liberal Party
see #39. I beat you to it.
Where shall we send the chocolate fish … ?
Gee Aye’s first win in 7 years ! Well done G !!!
We’re heading the way of the dinosaurs:
“We’re heading the way of the dinosaurs:”
The dinosaurs had it easy. They did not have any WAR with fool Climate Clowns!
Oh come on …!
Dinosaurs were just cold blooded over-rated reptiles.
Whereas climate scientists are … oh, I see what you mean.
“cold blooded over-rated reptiles”
Thanks, I just got a vision of Turnbull ! 🙁
I have experience of Naval aircraft and the operators of such! The 2 Ossifer Pilots are fine, they get to borrow aircraft for combat, or combat training. However the owner (mommy) of the craft is called “crew chief”, generally an enlisted Chief petty officer, or First Class petty officer. They allow the ossifer only to borrow, Best bring my child back, no-matter how many bullet holes!
All the best! -will-
Yes, 5 million years of volcanic action followed by giant asteroid, so it must have been caused by Climate Change©️.
I wish they would make up their mind about volcanic action. Variously there have been claims that volcanoes don’t release CO2, then that they do. Also claims that the ash cools the climate or, as here, warms it. They still insist that CO2 causes warming, and if there is warming it MUST be due to CO2. Periods of higher CO2 and cooling are not allowed on the BBC (nor ABC).
For the record there is nothing new about this story, it has been ongoing for about 7 years, with people arguing what had greater effect, including acidic sulphur gases from the volcanic action. North America was getter drier and cooler before the impact for millions of years, which hardly supports their claim that the world was warming. The Deccan traps now cover about a quarter of India, which would cover a lot of Europe, but evidence of lava flows from the eruption have been found 1500km. offshore. (India was moving rapidly northwards (geologically speaking) at the time and eventually slammed into Asia forcing up the Himalayas (no jokes about women drivers please)).
” (no jokes about women drivers please)).”
Have you seen just what that all fmale navy carrier squadron has done? These ladies are GOOOOOD!
A link would be good too …
Na! each lady is good!
CO2 does diddly squat, as in nothing, (luke warmers learn thermo please!) to the climate, circulation or any other atmospheric phenomena.
Dumb and Dumber – Turncoat, Shortafewbob. No wonder the natives are revolting.
When can we have the real debate about only spending what we earn, not promising more and more handouts from borrowed money?
When will the penny drop that governments can only create jobs and wealth by getting themselves and the rogue unions out of the way?
The professional politicians have all failed us.
Michael Smith of Michael Smith News has referred Mr Shorten to legal agencies accusing him of giving false evidence to the Trade Union Royal Commission.
Recently another TURC witness was charged, found guilty and sent to prison for the same offence.
It is extremely frustrating that to date mostly small bit players have been charged with offences, the bigger fish have been put back in the pond.
“It is extremely frustrating that to date mostly small bit players have been charged with offences, the bigger fish have been put back in the pond.”
Welcome to politics 101. Do you wish to continue such or to change such? Please note if you wish any change whatsoever you must be macerated into the soil and paved over. Have a nice day!
Interestingly the PM Hawke Accord was an attempt to bring the unions into line to boost economic prosperity in Australia. Later amendments by PM Keating Labor to the Industrial Relations Act legislated provisions to reduce union powers. The Howard Coalition Work Choices legislation was engineered to modernise industrial relations and boost economic prosperity and related productivity.
And later the Rudd Labor Government, Minister Gillard, reversed the good work of Coalition and earlier Labor governments and turned back the industrial clock with (un) Fair Work Australia legislation.
But everybody is doing it. First one to blink, loses.
You gots to be kidding!
More on the Conservative break away movement.
Former Liberal MP and party member Mr Cameron would not comment on reports he has been approached as a possible “conservative party” leader.
But he said it was “completely natural that conservatives who feel abandoned have got to figure out where they live”.
“The refusal of the Liberal party of NSW to reform its pre-selection process has left many feeling a small cabal of lobbyists who have privatised the Liberal party are running it for their commercial benefit, with no interest whatsoever in the merit principle,” he said.
Mr Cameron said there was “no product differentiation” between Liberal and Labor on key issues including climate change, gay marriage, industrial relations and budget repair.
Read more:
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This is the man who could be a charismatic leader, former federal Liberal MP Ross Cameron.
OT, but it looks like the north and south Pacific are now releasing their built-up energy (from the recent strong solar cycles) into the atmosphere.
I hope everybody has good insulation, good blankets, and good heaters for the next few decades !!
So here we are..totally racist and anti immigrant party anti AGW and ‘climate change’ GOOD but at what price!
It’s not racist to hold immigration concerns. I am of the opinion myself, that it is the duty of a government of a sovereign nation to defend the borders of that nation and the culture those borders contain…..
There is a reason your house has a door with a lock on it. There are equally valid reasons why nations have restrictions on entry.
“There is a reason your house has a door with a lock on it”
very good point J.H.
There is a distinct difference between reasonable immigration and uncontrolled invasion!
The same difference between inviting someone in to your home or someone kicking your door down and ransacking your house.
I would say to the bleeding hearts: why is it that everybody has to pay for what only they advocate for!
Let they who advocate be they that pay, and then we will see how principled with high morals they truly are!
Totally of topic but congrats to JPL for the Juno probe success..hope it doesnt get blown away but extra protons.
But my Granny was always telling me to eat up my protons.
NO! that was eat up peas, beans, carrots, other vegges on plate! Only way to get special Granny hugs!
True scientific skepticism is fine, faux scientific skepticism is not.
I know this is all just political pandering. The scientific method is already part of the high school science curriculum.
A Senator has about as much chance of adding faux climate change skepticism to the science curriculum as Intelligent Design – it is not going to happen.
Tonight on Paul Murray Live, the human headline Senator elect Derren Hinch stated that he could work with Malcolm Turnbull especially if Turnbull reverted to his former greeny self (embracing Climate Change,Renewable Energy and the carbon Tax???? ) and that would be exactly what Turnbull and his progressive (but much reduced in size)carbon tax buddies would want to hear, and this will be used to neuter the remaining conservatives especially in a knife edge ruling position. So brace for many dirty deals and much money diverted to buying enough votes to get their agenda through the parliament.
I do agree with the idea of creating a conservative organisation to counter the shadowy influence of the Fenton style communications spin off that calls itself GetUp and dresses itself up as a concerned and democratic group that embraces all sorts of emotional concerns and issues, soliciting people to join, give their email addresses, in support of environmental issues, animal welfare, refugees, and other hot emotional topics, and then that email list is manipulated and bombarded with propaqanda using huge union supplied monies and diverted taxpayer monies.
They then dress issues up to convince people that a popular vote has been taken on an issue and they urge everyone to get behind a boycott of businesses, a form of Greenmail coercion, much like the militant unions do, the would be do-gooder effect is worked into a crowd fervour and all controlled by a very small group of people – an effective strategy well used in the United States and well funded by foundations, a veritable money pit for environmental activism while serving profit agendas and truly the predator dressed up as innocent lamb skins. !!
The Green ecofascists will be losing their minds over Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts. Great stuff.
It’s the fascistic mindset that seeks to stop any system that puts evidence before ideology, promotes truth before dogma. It must sting the Greens mightily that they are the fascists while Pauline Hanson is the defender of the Scientific Method.
Green heads are exploding everywhere. 🙂
Vote One ‘the Pauline’,One Nation, strong anti CAGW and anti great big new co2 tax.
Suck it up Greens(closet Marxists)!
Suck it up Get Up (Get Lost)!
And as for Carbon Bill (bragging about coming second in a two horse race): Don’t forget to yell out ‘Austraya’ from the back of a ute.
Carbon Bill and Mr Goldman and Sachs of Carbon Credits Malcom , are both in urgent need of the Bum’s Rush Out.
D LEYONHJELM, D. and a one nation senators elect in NSW