With every baseless scare come the inevitable victims: those who are gullible, through no fault of their own, like children, graduates of eco-science degrees, and people who think the ABC gives them impartial information.
Psychoterratica: or earth related (terra) mental health (psyche) states or conditions.
© 2013 Glenn Albrecht.
GlennAlbrect did a Ted talk, if you can bear to watch it, tell us the best quotes: I spot a “Tipping point of the brain”. He’s a philosopher. If only he understood the philosophy called science, he might be useful.
We live in the richest, safest era of human life on Earth. For a hundred thousand years everyone was afraid of dysentry, snakes, and the marauding tribe next door. They all starved periodically and buried their children often. They said prayers to pagan gods they hoped would save them. Now 1 – 2 billion lucky sods have escaped that dreadful fear, and live a life rich beyond the wildest dreams of the neolithic grinder. Some that won the lottery worry instead that burning coal in Queensland will melt arctic ice and create homeless polar bears. Or they think there are climate death squads.
Apparently the ABC is funded to make Psychoterratica worse, and they are doing the best they can.
Kirsty Melville will present a radio program on Monday.
Climate of emotion: despair
Though I think there is a secret honesty to this program — look at this sentence in the advertising blurb:
If you don’t fully grasp the wide ranging and complex facts, it can feel like ‘too much’.
So if you do grasp the facts, it’s all cool. Is this Freudian, or just bad English?
One day perhaps people will be able to sue those who caused unnecessary psychoterratica. At least the citizens should get their tax back from the ABC / BBC/ CBC / NPR reporters who do absolutely no cross checking, ever, of anything issued by the IPCC or Greenpeace et al. Will the psychoterrorised get compensation for the superannuation funds that bombed after being disinvested in coal, or for the healthcare we can’t afford because the government frittered away the research funds on windmills?
If the poor petals want to be less afraid, the answer is simple, learn what the scientific method is, fight your instinct to follow the herd, and read skeptical sites. You’ll find out how the climate has always changed, the models are pathetically wrong, and the energy trapped by CO2 just reroutes and escapes to space through water vapor emissions. (That’s Dr David Evans research). Or they could just demand some real public debate instead of stopping it with namecalling and threats to sack, evict, blackball, terminate, punish, vilify and generally bully everyone, not to mention blowing up their kids (as a joke) or throwing a RICO investigation at them.
If there was real debate then the “herd-think” has a half a chance of being sensible.
ABC “teachy” moment coming. The subtext here is that those who turn away are not as smart as ABC presenters and climate scientists.
…consequences which will occur a few years down the track can be harder to come to grips with. Many of us turn away, with more immediate concerns taking priority. But some people can’t turn away, and this two part series examines the personal impact on those on the frontline of climate change. We ask scientists young and old, plus activists, philosophers and psychologists, ‘how do you feel, about global warming?’ Their responses will move you.
H/t David M.
One of the most terrifying things about being a scientist and understanding the reality of global warming is that I can see and appreciate the extent of the lies being told about the non event called Global Warming.
The manipulation of public perception via the daily bombardment on radio, TV and print is appalling but the worst aspect of the whole thing is that the presenters don’t have a clue that they are propagating a lie.
What may be even worse is that they don’t care that the information that’s being put out may be false and that they also are being manipulated.
If I’m watching TV, the mere mention of the words, ‘climate change’ has me scrambling for the remote. I am aware that too much exposure to lies is dangerous
Coincidence? Some old lies may be exposed now that the FBI realized there may be a new commander-in-chief soon:
I don’t think I’m the thickest person on the planet, but having engaged over about 15 years with some contemporary philosophers, I really do believe that
after Aristotle none of them are worth a damn.
Give me a decent anthropologist any day.
The last, and maybe only, time I had anything that could be called environmentally induced mental distress it was linked to, and directly caused by, a 3 day full-gale blizzard AND record cold spell on the weekend I tried to throw a birthday party. (http://www.newsnet5.com/news/video-vault-the-frigid-snowy-winter-of-1981-1982)
A few other storms, and a sunburn, have come close, but nothing equaled being trapped for nearly a week in a house that held spinach dip, cold pizza and assorted chips for food and 1 bottle of rose, 2 beer balls and a few sodas (plus tap water) as refreshment. BTW, I detest beer.
There is a segment of the population that feels a need to be a victim. For the most part, their life is going great with no major problems. So they have to invent some so they can “empathize” with real victims.
I know some people who are always the victim. After years of observing them, my conclusion is that they just aren’t able to put themselves forward, get above the situation and look beyond it. They play the victim to gain sympathy and/or something out of the victimhood. From the government, from their friends, from their family. It’s essential a “something for nothing” state. Similar to being “deserving”, but they have some reasoning behind their deservedness. I’ve tried to help them, but they are trapped in victimhood.
I suspect it a similar psychological trap like depression. You know you’re there, but you can’t just “will” yourself out of depression. It’s a lot harder than that.
I think its all about Socialism – Socialism is all about creating a dependency on govt to that in the end people whip themselves into a self induced Stockholm Syndrome situation….mainly because they are a bit “odd” to start with ( and I’m being polite here…)
Socialists are strange though – their solution for failed govt control of everything – is even more govt control of everything.
Its the old story though – if the basic foundational thinking is wrong, more of the same only makes it more demented and faulty.
Its should be noted that Marx was bought and paid for by the establishment…..the establishment controlling both sides of the fight through classic helegian dialectic struggle….
A very good observation Greg.
It’s a new art form to the point that being able to portray yourself as a victim is a very good method of attack in today’s society.
An interesting breakdown of victimhood & where it leads from a social psychologist https://twitter.com/thesafestspace/status/792515215770476546
A good antidote would be to take a look at the kind of doom mongering that was going on in the 1960s. Did even one of the dire predictions that were made back then come true?
Speaking of, “… the kind of doom mongering that was going on in the 1960s.” I want to know where the WWF got that second photograph from?
It is a very old photograph! I haven’t worn that shirt in years.
Yes but back then that shirt was off the scale…….
What have you started?
We’re going to be in puns up to our gills.
Right on Stonyground,I can remember people coming to school in the 60’s to talk about the poor starving people in India and we should give our pocket money to an organisation called Freedom from Hunger. So a man called Peter Huxley I think was the accountant for Freedom from Hunger and he had a gambling problem,so Bill Waterhouse a big bookmaker at the time took Huxley on at the track and guess what,most of the money for the starving Indians ended up with Big Bill. Meanwhile the Indians have got rid of their Marxist/Socialist economic model and are doing a bit better,though they could do a lot more from what little I know about that country.
Poor old ‘Sage Flannery”!
Looks as if he has misplaced something important to his well being.
His straight jacket! To keep him from harming himself!
Definitely one to be not seen nor heard, especially not heard.
Or is it in fact time for another round of yet more dud predictions from this Australia Dud of the Decade?
Australian of the Year?? Only the kookoo leftoids can come up with these choices.
Gillard/Rudd leftovers and remnants of incompetence/corruption and scientific medievalism.
Its back to the ‘Pre-Enlightenment’, soon to devolve to witch burnings, safe schools and other Marxist rot.
A little “Off Topic”but why hasn’t Bob Dillon put his hand out for his”Nobel Piece prize”?Might it be that he knows how worth-less it is?
Bob Dylan said he would pick up the gong if he has time and his utterances over the years on global warming indicate that Bob is a member of the Denialati.
Which piece did Bob get?
Michael Mann got one of those some years ago. Along with a few others (aka Et Al of the IPCC). He claimed his Piece of the Prize was a Nobel Peace Prize. It was just a Small Spelling Mistake but everyone jumped all over him for it, even the Nobel Committee.
There will be a direct to TV movie soon. Psychoterratica is too good a title to ignore.
The movie stars Bill McKibben as the afflicted environmentalist. A legal thriller: he murders oil company executives and is caught in an attack on the Koch brothers. Michael Mann plays his lawyer. They win the case on the basis of Noble Causes, McKibben is cured by electric shocks from hospital solar panels, and as the credits roll to swelling violins, the audience watches the seas around the Statue of Liberty recede.
There is a note at the end directing viewers to a Donation Site For Disturbed Greens. It is hosted by the Clinton Foundation.
Sounds like a real winner, if Hillary is not behind bars before the movie is release.
A Weiner may derail Hillary’s campaign:
I can’t believe the dollars spent investigating shrillary since first being elected , the figures are mind blowing . Even was a member of some obscure black hate group and very proud of it .
Other than the senate, when has Hillary ever been elected? She has been out of elected office for 8 years.
I wonder if size matters?
Perhaps its such a tiny-weeny weiner that no one will take any notice.
Dr Bill
Psychoterratica is one of the ills,
For which warmists will need to take pills,
To find some relief,
And cure climate grief,
Especially when green ’round the gills.
Be careful, you will win a Nobel Prize!
So don’t just stand there! Nominate him.
I am so fed up with Polar Bears that I want to shoot them all.
And if I did, how much money would it save?
They would fight back. When I was at Berkley, quite a few years ago, now, there were lots of placards that read, “Defend your right to arm bears”. Them critters is getting organised!
Rereke, that should remind us all of this classic: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FQMbXvn2RNI
Strangely enough I was a pasture researcher in my working career (trying to grow more grass for cows in Queensland’s rangelands). So when I visited the Berkeley campus in 1971 I thought I was amongst a very intelligent and friendly group of students, with most of them wearing lapel badges proudly proclaiming “Grass is a Gas”. I managed to obtain several of these badges to share with my fellow pasture workers in Queensland’s boondocks. It was some time before I learnt what Berkeley’s “Grass” actually was. Anyway you will all be relieved to learn that the growing of “Grass” has just been legalised in the Sunshine State – for medicinal reasons only of course!
The satirical UK magazine ‘Private Eye’ had a place for junk like this called ‘Pseuds Corner’ where the pretentious, pseudo-intellectual quotation from BS spouting morons like this were ripped apart.
The psychology of burying you head were the sun doesn’t shine.
oops typo–
The psychology of burying your head were the sun doesn’t shine.
typo correction–
The psychology of burying your head WHERE the sun doesn’t shine.
Thanks for the correction. Much appreciated.
I need yet another mocha,
To fire-up my reluctant Broca.
Gees tom0, if you learnt to spell people wouldn’t have to always correct you.
Hey, you did say you needed another mocker. !!
Drop the ‘t’ in that psycho word for better accuracy of meaning.
Yeah, that too. And here I was thinking that one was just YASAY (Yet Another Symptom of Advancing Years).
Unfortunately I’m sure I’m getting worse, or maybe that’s worser.
worserer and worsera.
I just noticed that an anagram of Psychoterratica is —
‘Characters I typo’
‘Errata Psychotic’
‘Theocatic prays’
‘A cart hypocrites’
I anagram therefore I am?
Arf arf.
Now just where is Broca’s area and what does it do?
I too, tend to be creative with my spelling.
I see it as a mark of genius, for it is so intellecutally narrow, and tedious, to limit oneself to just one single way of spelling any word.
theirtherethe’re right to avoid spelling rigure in schools. It is sew limiting.71
I sympathise, Rereke.
I can remember one class I had in primary school. We were learning to write. I was in constant trouble for not manufacturing perfect clones of all the lower case letters. My Pencil Sharpener (made in USA Japan) had become erratic making for a psychotic pencil (made in Birmingham, Japan). I advanced a pretty complete theory of Letter Evolution. I didn’t see what part of the floor it crash-landed on …
I could, with a little effort, turn out almost perfect copies of the glyphs used in the morning newpaper’s Times font, complete with serifs. That also met acute Ack Ack fire. (Our teacher didn’t need SAMs …)
The fear of kiln fired clay products.
Along the same lines
A name for what the Clinton camp has after this?
And seems Wikileaks is tuning up for another release
“If there was real debate then the “herd-think” has a half a chance of being sensible.” Is there is a reason to believe that will happen it is eluding me. Here in the US National Geographic has been hyping their “premier” of ‘Years of Living Dangerously’ and other such bilge. We have shows on supposedly “science channels” titled ‘Angry Planet’ and a special highlighting all the ways the life on earth could possibly be wiped out. Even the natural history and science programs I like manage to slip in their two cents on “climate change” on occasion. Hillary had plans to go to the SE coast where ever hurricane Matthew came ashore if it were a big enough disaster. I can’t say I blame her since Trump got rare positive press for showing up in Louisiana after a storm caused heavy flooding and Hillary was castigated for not doing so. Disaster sells, even if it’s imaginary or totally fictional BS. It is a manifestation of a developed society that more people have idle hours and a considerable number of lazy people seem to fill those hours taking such superficial crap to heart,
National Geographic would no longer be recognized by its founders who put together such a magnificent concept of simply documenting the world the way they found it back in 1888. In a couple of decades the reputation and the value of over a hundred years of patient work has been walked all over.
And so, here we are, commenting on the superficial nature of lazy people. Does that not appear ironic to you?
I’m an on call truck driver that is paid a salary to cover the loads that other drivers call off of for what ever reason or to recover loads that have been disrupted by accident, driver illness, weather, etc. I’m on call to leave for anywhere in the US or Canada 24 hours a day from 06:00 Sunday till 06:00 Friday. If they work me past the designated time, which they have done most weeks this summer, I my salary is prorated to reflect the extra days. This is the longest weekend I’ve had off the entire summer other than a weeks vacation. I got to mow my own yard for the first time 6 weeks last Saturday. My neighbor has been doing it for me. I have never applied for or received any help from any level of government or any unemployment or workmans comp my entire 61 year life time. So what do you think? Was my statement ironic?
I apologise. No offence was meant or implied, RAH.
My question was intended to be hypothetical, and addressed to the denizens of this blog in general, and not directly towards you, even though that is how it seems.
I sorely miss George Carlin, for his wit and ability to see through the manure. So my original question was, “Does that not appear ironic to you, this week?”, which is closer to what George might have asked. Removing the phase “this week”, makes it less generalised, and that was my error. Sorry.
Irony or not, we humans can’t find anything of interest if there’s no problem to solve, no impending disaster. Heck, there’s no plot if someone isn’t in some kind of mortal danger or distress.
Look at it this way, if your favorite TV programs didn’t involve some kind of problem that had to be solved but instead went right from the opening to the ending, “…and they lived happily ever after,” would you watch it? Even good comedy is this way — also the bad comedy along with the good.
Gene Roddenberry, who loved those, “…they made up and lived happily ever after,” endings, who’s world consisted of elimination of want, hunger, … …the safe, easy life, at least knew he had to open each Star Trek episode with an antagonist worthy of his heros, Captain Kirk, Spock, Scotty. Bones, Uhura and the crew, to do battle with. You just don’t go flying away from star to star without trouble, man made and otherwise.
It’s the stuff of life when you come right down to it. And most of it is at the level of trivia and superficial. Look what most news broadcasts are made up of. They don’t report in depth, in fact not at all on what our governments are doing (to us). They report who shot who, who slept with who, who robed who, every remark a presidential candidate made, anything to keep up viewe interest.
We are that way, Rereke.
Australia has two great poems about our climate
After 130 years of records, the best one, My Country by a homesick 19 year old Dorothea McKellar (1885 -1968) was about the Federation drought in Australia, a hotter,longer and more disastrous drought the the turn of the 20th century, one conveniently left off BOM records as they were only created in 1909 after Federation and haven’t had time to incorporate the decades of State Records.
The second is the funny Said Hanrahan by Father Patrick Hartigan under the pen name of John O’Brien. “We’ll all be rooned, said Hanrahan”, the mythical Flannery of 100 years ago.
There is a place in every society for doomsayers and they are the backbone of every religion but only a Labor/Green government would make our modern Hanrahan a well remunerated, part time public servant and Australian Climate Commissioner with no qualifications at all in hard science or meteorology but a PhD in ancient kangaroos. We’ll all be rooned, say Flannery all over the country.
Still he is as qualified as any in the Figueres family who infest the UN, particularly IPCC Head Christiana Figures being an anthropologist. Sister of a former President of Costa Rica and daughter of the founding President, her family live at the UN. At least she openly says the IPCC is about wealth distribution, not the Climate. Her favorite model is communist China. Quelle surprise.
Doomsayers expect to be paid for the entertainment, Monckton’s “Profiteers of Doom”. They know perfectly well it is fantasy. Despite his predictions of rapid and massive sea level changes, Flannery lives right at the water’s edge on an island in the mouth of the Hawkesbury river. Paradise at sea level. It is doubtful that he has yet evolved into a fish like Kevin Costner and his ability to survive and prosper is clearly part of natural selection. As for Australian of the Year, that award is now so debased it must be an embarrassment. Currently it is held by an ex General who promotes the rights of gay soldiers and their right to sex change operations on the public purse.
What is really odd is that any people at all take this seriously when despite a trillion dollars a year to prevent the temperature changing even slightly, it hasn’t changed detectably in satellite measurements for the last twenty years. So the taxes must be working? Maybe one day the world will thank the South Australian government and Tim Flannery for saving mankind. In the 1960’s nuclear war was the threat. 50 years later, it is the fear of a tiny and debatable increase in the average temperature, the greatest moral challenge of our generation according to a former PM. So Flanrahan is right. We’ll all be rooned!
Every Sunday newspaper I look at Calvin in the comics. In case you don’t I point out it involves a child from hell with a vivid if bizarre imagination and a cloth headed tiger. Every so often there is a bit where they are terrified by the unseen monster under the bed and it often reminds me of local politicians; although thinking about it I supposed the tiger better represents various ‘environmentalists’.
As for South Australia there is unlikely to be much in the way of thanks as they stumbled blindly into frequent blackouts. The ignorance and stupidity of the local politicians and the mess they have made of the electricity supply has encouraged others to do the same. Qld. has their own problems and might well be helped by NSW but the impending closure of Hazlewood power station will be a disaster for SA and Vic. and possibly Tasmania. Victorian Premier Andrews believes that more wind farms will give a steady and reliable electricity supply in its place, surely making his nickname of Dopey Dan redundant; Delusional, Dangerous or Disastrous Dan will soon seem more appropriate. Nor is there any sign of commonsense at the Federal level, where all it would take is for the Government to say that RECs will not be issued for new wind farms etc. to stop the rush into plundering the public in the name of stopping the hidden monster appearing from under the bed. The same lunatic fears and delusions are permeating our national capital as well. Hardly surprising given the cossetted isolation from the rest of Australia of what might well be called burleycrats.
The only sign of intelligence is that in SA sales of generators are booming, so the public know full well that our “leaders” are stumbling head long into the blackness. So the claims that emissions will be reduced are even more spurious than usual. By the end of next year the politicians will have left with their benefits and the public will appreciate the old phrase about “rewards for the guilty, and punishment of the innocent”.
Calvin and Dilbert – the only ones I read. I love his snowmen pictographs!
… in SA sales of generators are booming
In the eastern States, too.
Large sections of the population are now awake to the real threat. Hasn’t translated into votes because all significant Parties are in accord with CAGW – based on their fear of the media campaigns if they demur.
Not commented on yet as far as I can tell, is the absolutely monstrously stup!d decision of the LINO NSW Cabinet to fine sevice station owners for customers NOT buying E10 !!. Most people (8 in 10) deliberately avoid E10 as it increases consumption, lowers power output, rots hoses and other components and generally shortens engine life (no point in denying it, only 2 customers in 10 persist with it). So LINO Baird’s solution is to fine servo’s very large sums ($2m per annum)until 6 in 10 of their CUSTOMERS buy E10 … so there !!
An ex-Cabinet Minister (Phelps) resigned recently over this. He has stated that Cabinet agreed with him that this was genuinely moron!c, but their justification is: “What else can we do ?” I need only add that almost all of the Aus ethanol (C2H5OH, drinking alcohol) is sourced from agribusiness in Mildura, which donates large $$$ to the Libs, and has since the Howard days when Howard as then PM promoted this “food for fuel” idea.
We kids sat at my mother’s knee by the open fire, over 60 years ago, as she read John O’Brien to us by the light of a kerosene lamp. We lived near Albury N.S.W which was part of his patch and so felt some kind of special connection but that, I think was part of his genius. Your post prompted me to search for his “Said Hanrahan” poem.I welled up a little with the memories coming back. Not only was O’Brien a brilliant poet but I was also somewhat startled by the prophetic nature of this poem. He could not have known of course that his doomsdayer character (of similar name) would return 100 odd years later with talk of droughts, floods and bushfires.
Thank you TdeF, I enjoyed you post on a number of levels.
Appreciated. A great poem from a great Australian. By the way, the red words are links. You did not have to search for the poem, just click.
Do these people take this seriously?
Do they know how foolish they look?
Do they know how sick I am of their ever escalating efforts to get me to sign on when I can see the lack of evidence, the desperation in their efforts, their irrational fear, their hunger for money, their hunger for power, etc., etc., etc…?
I have environmentally induced mental distress a plenty already, never mind any fear of climate change. And it’s these. “Disaster is right around the corner,” pushers who’re causing it.
Let them heal themselves before they try to heal the planet and me along with it.
How low can they sink?
“Do these people take this seriously?”
You need to get out and about more, Roy.
Yes, there are people that take things seriously that most people hardly notice. AGW is one such thing.
Spiders! … the boy’s 35-year-old mother, Angela Kipp of Syracuse, had been backing the car out of her driveway on Sept. 18 when she discovered a spider on her shoulder and jumped out of the car while it was in reverse.
I had a 17/18 year old college student miss a week of classes because (back home) her pet Gerbil died.
I think this is called fragile personality disorder.
Look at: Emotional Support Animals – – – incl. a grown Turkey
My question was rhetorical of course.
It’s only too obvious that they do take it very seriously.
It would be far better that they take two Aspirin and call me in the morning than to run around crying wolf all the time. But their headache persists because neither voices of reason nor Aspirin can prevail upon them and they go off on every imaginable tangent.
If they could limit their distress to only themselves it would be one thing. But they’re trying to create it in me, someone who doesn’t have it. And I get a little hot under the collar about it — actually, very hot under the collar.
As I said, let them heal themselves before they start working on me. If I need any kind of emotional support I’ll call a psychologist and pay their rates at $180/hour and up before I’ll swallow climate change to ease my distress.
Holy cr@p!
It’s already happened.
That fish faced guy lives in my neighborhood.
I do not!
“But some people can’t turn away, and this two part series examines the personal impact on those on the frontline of climate change.”
It is like standing in front of a glacier and knowing that eventually you will be swallowed by the ice. It must be horrifying.
But if you believe that the glacier is shrinking and that is bad, then your fears are even more irrational than usual. Stand by for Flannery or others of that ilk claiming that melting ice is raising the sea level…. oops, they have already done so. Well that will depress the price of desirable real estate with wonderful sea outlook…hmm? I wonder. Flannery, Gore, Gillard, Rudd all buying places by the sea recently. Can anyone add others to the list?
Won’t happen till winter!
I suppose if a philosopher has the chutzpah to invent a new psychosis with 6 sub-categories, all cases apparently confined to rural NSW;
“A paper published by Albrecht and collaborators focused on two contexts where collaborative research teams found solastalgia to be evident: the experiences of persistent drought in rural New South Wales (NSW) and the impact of large-scale open-cut coal mining on individuals in the Upper Hunter Valley of NSW. In both cases, people exposed to environmental change experienced negative affect that is exacerbated by a sense of powerlessness or lack of control over the unfolding change process.”
I suppose he deserves a passing reference in ‘The Lancet’ some 6 years later but, lets face it, a new Zika virus it ain’t.
I always thought that Solastalgia was painful sunburn – but, even after 55 years in healthcare, you never cease learning.
Judging by the symptoms
“people exposed to environmental change experienced negative affect that is exacerbated by a sense of powerlessness or lack of control over the unfolding change process.”
I would imagine quite a few cases in Mosul and Alleppo at the moment.
I’m sure Jo you are proud that your tax dollars are proving so productive.
“psychoterratica.com was registered 3 years 7 months ago. It has a alexa rank of #26,207,883 in the world. This domain uses the .com extension. It is estimated to be worth $ 8.95 with a daily income of $ 0.15. As no active threats were reported recently, psychoterratica.com is SAFE to browse.”
“… if a philosopher has the chutzpah to invent a new psychosis with 6 sub-categories”…..
Follow the dollar.
The Climate Anxiety Doctor Is “In”
“[Doomsday Global Warming] can affect mental health both as a result of individual significant weather events, and as a result of more gradual changes in climate.
Climate scientists, who spend their working lives detailing the nuances of the planet’s increasingly grim prospects may be particularly susceptible to climate-related mental health issues, but the general public is also at risk.”
. . .
If the people who believed in a carbon (sic) tax/overpopulation just visited their doctor for an assisted suicide note, the planet would be saved.
How much longer do we have to endure actors like Tom Hanks promoting the repeatedly debunked Malthusian overpopulation scare?
Great web site…max population in….wait for it…2030
Now where have I seen that 2030 thing before? Hmmmm
It’s strange – this post has been here for many hours now and there are no comments, except this one.
Oops, I thought the page had refreshed and it hadn’t.
South Australia recently had Erin Brockavitch as a guest speaker at one of our festivals and I heard a young lady ask her about the fate of the Barrier Reef.
It was disturbing to hear the apparent pain and fear of disaster in the tone of the questioner as if the reef was in immediate danger of disappearing. Scaring the young appears to be working, at least for that young lady.
Erin’s response was to be expected at these types of ‘ideas’ gatherings. The reef is a ‘National treasure’, ‘unique’, ‘must be saved’, ‘worth doing everything we can to save’, etc. Maybe she has not read the counter-investigations declaring the reef to be far from in danger as it does not fit the CAGW meme.
I have spent time schooling my 11 year old child in the reality that the schools lie to her but the teachers have to do it, and the gummint is forcing the teachers to do it through faulty curriculum.
I thin its important to point the finger of blame where it squarely needs to be, so kids know…..
I couldn’t care less if my kid’s teachers, friends and their families think I’m a right wing “denialist”. The truth is too important.
Agreed. I always tell my child to be respectful of the teachers, as they don’t have a choice.
However, to make sure the truth is told, we have to point the finger squarely at the govt and tell the kids that the govt is telling the teachers to teach a lie to them.
It is what it is.
No spin can change that.
Socialism is a failed experiment. It is anti-human. It is one huge lie. CAGW is just one branch of Socialism.
It has failed too……
Alea Iacta Est.
“its important to point the finger of blame where it squarely needs to be”.
Steve, so true. And it is the only way to fix the problem, the people must be untaught the garbage that has been promoted through our education system. The whole system must be debunked.
The purpose of the political hype about “education” is to prevent young people from learning to think for themselves. Our high schools cannot possibly function efficiently because they are cluttered up with kids who are really adults and who would rather be out in the workforce managing their own lives.
“Their responses will move you”
Yes – directly to the “outhouse”
Jo and Tony in Oz
“We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”
Link to Euan Means in
‘The whole aim of practical politics
is to keep the populace alarmed – and hence
clamorous to be led to safety -by menacing it
with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of
them imaginary.’ HL Mencken.
Beththrserf the way it always and will be.Profoundly stupid people leading profoundly stupid people.
Yes – the Cold War was basically one big scare exercise…..
How good is this? The eco nutters at the WWF reckon global warming will do this! I cannot begin to imagine how much ice cream I can fit in one bite. The future is looking GREAT!!
woke up to the following on RN today, & like to think Geraldine and Mr. Barmsey were “live” and knew about the explosive political events taking place in the US of A.
the entire piece is extraordinary, including info on all the Aussies in “climate finance” around the world! love how he talks of “doing climate” too:
GCF is “fundamental to transforming the global economy to one that doesn’t interfere further with the climate, says Barmsey!”
AUDIO: 12mins53secs: 29 Oct: ABC Saturday Extra: Geraldine Doogue: Australian to head Green Climate Fund
The Green Climate Fund will this year approve hundreds of billions of dollars towards projects that help poorer nations mitigate the effects of climate change and transition to low-emission technologies.
Howard Barmsey, a former Australian climate change envoy and former head of the Global Green Growth Institute, will lead the GCF which will play a role in trying to fulfil the Paris Agreement to limit the world’s temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius.
Guest: Howard Bamsey, incoming Executive Director, Green Climate Fund.
meanwhile, I’ve posted plenty of Trump/Clinton stuff on jo’s “Molotov” thread, for those who might be interested.
Zoe still gets in plenty of SPIN for Clinton but, amazingly, she does give ***George Tilda a voice:
29 Oct: ABC AM: FBI reviews Clinton email investigation
Report from Zoe Daniel
Guests include:
George Tilda, Ohio resident (who says Clintons & Obamas, they weren’t into the coal; they shut down, put different regulations, on power plants, & made it harder for them to stay running, and they don’t realise it affects a lot of people. you need trucks to haul coal, so you have to manufacture trucks…etc etc. And when you shut all that down, it takes jobs away from people & they’re sitting there on welfare, some have run out of unemployment and are in a bad situation).
pseudo-intellectual claptrap , have any of you ever tried to understand what we are going through , using astro theology if you even know what that meanns
Hi Jo, I have been meaning for ages to let you know that every time I click on ‘keep reading’ I’m told the page can’t be displayed. If I use the back arrow and try again the next page always appears. I’m wondering how many people only half read your articles if this happens to them. I’m not particularly computer literate, and certainly never even did science at school, but love your website and would hate others to be put off because of a little glitch. Penny
Thanks Penny. :- ( Sorry to hear that. I do need to update some software, maybe that will help. The feedback is useful. Cheers, Jo
Jo Nova,
The Internet is so fickle that it is hard pinpoint cause, but I frequently encounter internet problems when posting information that is politically incorrect information.
A few months back, my ResearchGate and my Disqus accounts were both suddenly closed and locked when I was criticizing the Paris Climate Conference.
I do not think Al Gore designed the web, but I strongly suspect purposeful, non-random difficulties with internet communications.
Yes like the anti govt protests in London when all the security cameras suddenly turned off….
Always click on the title. I never have a problem.
Hi again Jo. I just had the same problem posting this comment. Pressed post comment and got the message this page cannot be displayed, pressed back arrow and message still there so pressed again and it went through. Don’t think its just this computer. Think it was the same with my last. Penny
Thanks PEnny. Hmm. It would help if others can report their problems too. – Jo
I use Google Chrome — it currently is asking me to update.
I had a lot of trouble with Firefox.
Moving to chrome stopped it.
why is there any difference , between the Emperor Constantine having his councils at Nicaea , where he gathered priests from several popular religions at that time to discuss what would go into the new testament , why is that any different from the councils at Paris gathering different faiths from around the world and drawing threads from those faiths to decide what might go into the new religion of Global warming , after all its easy to persuade Christians to go along with the Global Warming bullshit , simply because they believe in stewardship of the earth , sorry just trying to stimulate discussion amongst friends
” people who think the ABC gives them impartial information.”
Or any other mainstream media. They all peddle the views that the global elite want them to.
The average punter has a strong belief in the ABC and not so much for the commercial outlets. In their hearts they believe auntie is fair and balanced.
Silly, silly, people.
Who “owns” the ABC? How many share holders does it have? Who appoints the Senior Management? Does it have a Board of Directors? If so, who appoints them? Yes, the Board is nominally independent to act within The Charter, but who interprets the terms of the Charter? Who conducts the staff performance appraisals? Do staff salaries reflect the said performance appraisals?
Yeah, its a crying shame that it has become the propaganda wing of the green pink blob pseudo Marxists.
Hi Jo,
Here’s another problem . . . .
Was needing some emergency chocolate and thought I would buy some. When I click on the $Aus button I get a paypal page with nothing on it but a graphic of a lock with a rotating square surrounding it.
Haven’t experienced this before. Where to from here?
Is that a fact?
Or did you hear it on the ABC.
Despair as Hazelwood power station’s end looms
French energy giant Engie is set to walk away from the Hazelwood power station at the end of March next year, triggering 1000 job losses in one of Australia’s most economically depressed regions, along with power price increases of up to 25 per cent.
French Environment and Energy Minister Segolene Royal has been strongly pressuring Engie, which is one-third owned by the French government, to close Hazelwood as part of its total exit from coal power.
Via Sen. Malcom Roberts @twitter: https://twitter.com/SenatorMRoberts
It will be interesting to watch and listen to politicians attempting to explain what went wrong as energy security disappears, replaced by the ridiculous push for so called renewable energy dependence that is mission impossible.
It appears we have been living in a bubble of deception. We each saw it in our own fields of study, unaware that it was in fact worldwide.
The Anti Communitarian Manifesto may be a good source of information on our history.
What’s with the WWF poster of Admiral Ackbar?
lol “It’s a trap…”
..and for those that haven’t seen the alternative WWF logo:
A new clothing line named after our very own ‘Climate Premonitionist Tim’!
Previously termed the ‘Gaia Attire’, but now known as The ‘Flannery Tuxedo’ >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straitjacket#mediaviewer/File:Straitjacket-rear.jpg
A worthy tribute to our Australian ‘Dud of the Decade’!
I’ve got their “environmental stress” right here.