UN makes power play against Trump
International governments have made a power play against Donald Trump by ratifying an international climate deal earlier than expected, effectively preventing him from “canceling” the deal as he has promised to do.
That means Trump, should he be elected president in November, could not “cancel” or renegotiate the terms of the agreement.
Which army is going to make the US pay?
More than anything else the Global Parasites are afraid of free voters and November 8th. That’s why this “Paris Agreement” charade had to be rushed in to pip the US election, and the news headlines are full of meaningless terms like “coming into force”. There is no international force. There are no auditors or policemen that are going to turn up to Fort Knox and take the money, or jail the “wrong doers”.
The UN says the Paris deal is done, because it wants to fool the voters into submission. But the US voters can choose a Congress that disagrees. Nothing stops the US from simply ignoring an international law. Which army is going to make the US pay?

It’s a bluff designed to fool US voters into thinking it is a done deal. It’s fake in so many ways — most of the countries signing up have signed up to do nothing, they are not even legally bound to achieve that low bar (should, should, should, not shall, shall, shall.) The internationally “legally binding” stuff is only that — oo-err: countries have to make up a plan and report on it. And what does “legally binding” mean when it is only backed by “international law”?
US citizens are not part of an international government, nor bound by laws and fantasies concocted by foreign committees they didn’t elect.
The Climate-by-force group know they are selling a vision the voters won’t buy if they have a choice, so at every step the plan now is to not offer voters a choice about paying for climate change “action”. The Trump phenomenon is completely foiling those plans. He’s giving US voters a choice. In Australia whenever they’ve had a real choice they’ve said “No” to climate taxes and trading schemes. Polls show US voters rate climate at the bottom of every list, a third think it’s a hoax, and 42% of US adults don’t want to pay even $12 a year to stop climate change. Fully 61% say climate debate is not over.
The only real international force that applies is the force of shame — of badgering by diplomats to say “tut, tut”. Who cares?
It’s time real democracies remembered what thousands of men fought and died for — not to be ruled by foreigners.
Obama was elected by the people and for the people, but so was the US congress.
Trump could ignore the goals that Obama has set — and some conservatives expect he would do just that.
William Yeatman, a senior fellow at the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute, said Trump could also insist the Senate needs to ratify the deal and send it to lawmakers, who would likely vote it down.
But Trump would have the power to shape American policy in other ways, including by nominating a ninth justice to the Supreme Court.
The high court is likely to decide the fate of Obama’s biggest climate change regulation, likely in its next term. — The Hill
h/t pat
Politicians are eager to please,
And oblige the U.N. on their knees,
But Mr. Trump ‘s not P.C.,
And may set nations free,
By rejecting their climate decrees.
— Ruairi
UPDATE: The Washington Post agrees (though in fear). What President Obama gave by simple decree could surely be removed just as easily:
A President Trump could wreck progress on global warming
IT TOOK global negotiators a quarter-century to strike the Paris climate agreement, an international accord aimed at slowing global warming. The agreement represents the best hope for a world in whichno one country acting alone can do enough to fight this global threat. Donald Trump could destroy the agreement with a stroke of a pen, and with it any hope that the world will keep the planet’s temperature within the boundaries scientists say are safe.
The Paris deal represents a major U.S. commitment, but it is not a treaty with the force of law. President Obama submitted the U.S. emissions goal; Mr. Trump could withdraw it just as easily.
UN Non-Elected
Top-Down Tyranny,
U once-free US Cits.
Never trust any organisation with a name that could come straight out of a 1950s Superman comic. So, UN, EU, IPCC, World Bank…sheltered workshops for well-dressed, well-credentialed mediocrities who couldn’t run a sandwich shop but think they can run a world.
Brexit! Globxit!
You’d best add IMF to that list of dangerous organisations. The UN so wants a single world currency & the IMF is their vehicle to achieve that.
Actually its a bigger sting than that – the UN is aiming to be a global govt ( read global slavery for dissenters ) with The Big Lie as the main mechanism to achieve that.
Bear in mind the UN is funded by individual national soveriegn member govts.
Bear in mind the individual govts of this world are falling over themselves to lick the boots of the ( occult ) UN.
The UN is a Communist organization.
The UN hates anything to do with the Westminster system of govt ( read : its a tyrannical organization )
The Westminster system of govt was founded by Britain, and is based on a Christian foundation.
Does anyone honestly think that the UN once it attains power, will not come after anyone who has railed against it? I have my cell picked out….I suspect my family will be billed for the bullet too….
No grabbermint or corporation has the Right to order anything of a man or woman without a signed contractual agreement between all parties.
You chose your cell, I chose my weapons.
Were here’s some food for thought:
Assumption: Global govt formed under UN, creating brutal occult dictatorship world wide. All citizens accept or are tolerated initially, eventually executed.
Assumption : All govts of the world are in on it
Option 1: World wide armed rebellion against UN and all sovereign govts around the planet. Problem – UN controls all armies and bio-weapon facilities
( note – I am not advocating armed rebellion, just saying its likely )
Option 2: Wait on God. Seems to me that this would be a globally unprecedented action. Rise of the antichrist not far behind ( antichrist to head up UN ) and break mid-east political log jam over Israel
The central issue has only now been identified on Professor Judith Curry’s blog:
“Will science be used to advance or to enslave humanity?”
LOLs.. 🙂 +1
If ‘the Donald’ wins, it will be bon voyage to the Paris CAGW true b’lvers Hajj.
Trump for Pres. Hitlery for jail!
Trump is not the intellectual giant one would like for US president. But I sure as hell hope that he wins!!!
There is a third option, whom the msm studiously ignore, in the Libertarian Party, who are all for reducing government, taxes, etc…
Realistically, a third party isn’t a viable option at this time. Elect Donald for 1 term to see how he does. At all cost, we must keep crooked Hillary and her band of pirates out of the White House. (We US citizens that is)
The early US Presidents were elected on their intellect, and are still revered.
The latter US Presidents are elected on borrowed money, and are expected to earn their keep.
It just may be that Trump represents a third way, bypassing both of the above.
If (and I deeply hope) that Trump gets in then the UN’s shallow demands will be treated with the disdain it deserves, note to UN, drawing a line in the sand and daring a far superior force to step over it reminds me of a paraphrase of Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto regarding the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor,
It did stir the Americans out of their isolationist slumber, otherwise Japanese would now be our second language.
Unfortunately the giant is not sleeping at the moment he’s drunk and passed out. He’s become flabby and dull and apathetic. It would probably take something much bigger than Pearl Harbor to cause the oaf to come around.
There is an ever increasing threat of atomic bombs being tossed around. The Un-stable leader in North Korea is, in addition to being unstable, completely unpredictable. And here we sit with the mother of all hangovers about to start, one way or another, no matter who becomes president.
It should be fun, at least if we could only watch and not become participants.
Kim Jong Un may be lacking in emotional stability, but intellectually, he is very much aware that he would be severely punished, if he did anything to naughty.
And yet he rattles his bombs and missiles as though he would at any minute set off a war he, as you say, should know he would lose. Unfortunately the rest of us would also lose.
I have thought for a long time that all his noise making was aimed at a sort of blackmail of the U.S. in which we send him lots of money to keep North Korea going. The entire country is trashed and according to what I have read over the last several years, it appears that Mr. Un may be afraid of an uprising of the North Korean citizenry. I cannot tell if this is the correct reading of the situation but it would account for this otherwise pointless claims of interference in North Korea’s affairs. But he does appear to have the power to launch a strike against a large part of the world around him and he is quite obviously unstable…
In the long run he could be a big problem.
The oaf’s children then must take up the sword until the oaf is rehabbed or replaced!
A well chosen quote Yonniestone, and one I sincerely hope comes to fruition against the UN eco-globalist elite, who “leaked” their intentions, as if they weren’t already obvious. One of the glittering faces of the Soros Euro-elite may be seen here tirelessly at work in London for Hilliar. There is no understatement in considering that the outcome of this US election may well determine whether the West has a viable future of freedom and prosperity. Whatever the outcome, I think there is enough evidence to suggest that the US and possibly what remains of the ‘free’ World is tragically poised at the cusp of a messy, violent paroxysm. The Progressive eco-Left have inveigled their way to power, repeatedly betraying themselves by warning us with their actions that they will not easily allow the matter of a US Presidential Election specifically, and Western democracy in generally stop them. We are have witnessed how readily they suspend civilisation when they anticipate being called out or fail to get their way. But then, isn’t impoverishment one of the eco-Marxists double-benefit goals?
You have to wonder of the point of enslaving the entire planet in Collectivism.
Once the planet is actually subdued – then what?
Job done?
Go home?
Of what benefit is it to run a planetary fiefdom unless all you enjoy is people being brutalized and killed just for the fun of it?
Unless that is the plan – a brutal planetary regeime.
However human history tells us its short lived – its always gets removed one way or the other. So you wonder, often very unpleasantly. Ask Nikoilai Ciescscu….
Nicolae Ceausescu ruled with an iron fist for 25 years until he was overthrown and executed on Christmas Day in 1989. A quarter-century after …
Wouldn’t it be great if POTUS Trump and President Putin joined forces and told the UN to go jump.
Wrong button. Vodka wobbles.
Now all that remains is for Donald Trump to win the November election. And that is far from certain, polling data saying he’s pulling ahead of Hillary notwithstanding.
I will admit that I find myself a bit more confident that Hillary can be defeated. But much can happen in the remaining month.
Regrettably for Trump someone has released an unpleasant audiotape of some private and vulgar remarks he made 11 years ago. The hypocritical double standard of the MSM and Hillair are now in full swing. I make no bones about hoping that the current Wikileaks release of 2050 Hilliar campaign emails will balance the tu quoque scales of relative moralism. Tomorrow’s debate has all the healthy promise of the pot calling the kettle black. One hopes Trump can transcend the moment.
He has been his own worst enemy from the start of his campaign. Why would we expect anything different at this point?
It’s just locker room talk he says. Well the only locker rooms I’ve frequented were those I used going through school phys ed classes and I certainly heard some comments that were, shall we say, not PC. And I thought it unworthy of those who did it then and I think it’s unworthy of Donald Trump at the age of 59 or whatever age he was at the time.
And here we are. The debates so far have been terrible on both sides but they influence voters nonetheless. Yesterday’s debate was worthless as far as figuring out what either one of them will actually do if in office. There is one more to go and my only comfort is that Trump at least appeared to be much more prepared last night than he was the first time. For that matter, he was never prepared throughout the whole campaign. He can tell you what the problems are but he’s just shooting first and asking questions later about the details. And as he goes he’s ticking off no end of people whose cooperation he’ll need if elected.
He really deserves to lose by any metric I know of for judging a candidate for any public office. Yet we need him to win. Talk about irony… 🙁
The recent “leakage” of old recordings – Trump being a typical braggart and claiming he has the power to grab what he wants when he wants – of The Donald yakking on about fondling, groping and lusting loudly after women, that’s going to sting. Don’t know about hurt, but it will sting.
Of course, that won’t change the minds of most who already decided to vote for him. And I don’t know that the “undecided” are great enough to change things. My own experience is that many of the “undecided” are simply not wanting to argue with the poll workers – we’ve had 3 different groups walking my neighborhood pushing for Hillary and every other democrat running – most responses, even from those who have decided are “I don’t know yet” as no one wants to spend 20 minutes listening to why they are wrong. I was told, point blank that my non-committal noises affirmed a desire to elect Hillary. Snort. If this is how the numbers are being created, then even the pro-Hillary numbers aren’t all hers, just the result of overly-hopeful poll workers and literature carriers.
It’s going to be interesting.
Here’s an interesting view by a well known and often very accurate market forecaster. It sounds extreme but if you think about what’s been happening around the world and in the US lately, it’s not totally out of the question. Of course it won’t be too long before we find out what actually happens after election time. For all our sake I hope it’s amicable and above board. What I’m actually hoping for is Trump to win and him to build a close and peaceful relationship for Russia. Both sides have done wrong so it would be nice to start with a clean slate and move on.
Source: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/russia/russia-warns-obama/
Russia wants to continue bombing children and babies in hospitals
I saw a clip on the ABC the other night with the white helmets in Aleppo (“moderate” rebels supported by US).
Guess what they were doing?
The index finger salute to Allah.
Now, where have we seen that before?
The US needs to get out of Syria and stop their attempts at regime change.
Just watched this on the satellite version of RT. Who the white helmets are is a very good question. This video brings up a few shocking things about them that our media have not. That we do not know will surprise even the most propaganda resistant.
Remember also in Kunduz,Afghanistan where an American gunship wiped out a hospital-causing many casualities.Looked like intent to most observers.
The US bombs children and babies too. It’s called collateral damage. At least Russia doesn’t murder soldiers of a sovereign nation but the US does – Syrian soldiers. Don’t get me started. Both sides should just get out and leave Syria alone. If we had to overthrow every nation that has committed atrocities to their own people a significant proportion of the world would be at war b now and there would be millions if not billions of innocent civilians murdered by both sides. That’s not the real reason why the US is there. It’s all about power and control of the region, and it’s not just about the oil.
Must have great weed.
There was a ( NWO ) document written in 2004 called “The Pentagons new Map” which outlines the systematic overthrow of any despot and dictator in any region around the world.
The general idea is to remove all resistance to the NWO , which stand-alone dictators pose.
Incidentally, it also talks to redistributing land in the mid east, precisely as outlined in the document thus far.
Iraq war was planned over 50 years ago – it wasn’t meant to be won – the plan was to divide up Iraq amongst religious and ethnic lines. Mission accomplished.
Saudi will lose most of its land – it will be redistributed. Look at how badly things are going. Iran is the big winner out of all this.
Ironically – the world is being divided into Super Nations – 10 of them, exactly as the Biblical prophecy in Daniel fortells with the statue with head of gold ( we are in the “10 toes” part )
Biggest bluff since the 1936 occupation of the Rhineland.
You know what happens if you don’t call it.
I wrote a piece entitled “What was actually agreed at the NY Climate Conference of 2014.” It could equally apply to the sham in Paris.
October 7, 2016 at 8:16 pm · Reply
I wrote a piece entitled “What was actually agreed at the NY Climate Conference of 2014.” It could equally apply to the sham in Paris.”
I’d like to read it but all I get is the title and Comments.
Precisely Margaret. Nothing was agreed, nothing was committed to, no emission limits were set, there are no sanctions on any country who choses to do nothing about global warming and everyone proclaimed it a great success.
Sorry for being a slow there!
No Pointman, something was agreed. It was agreed that the “developing” countries, responsible for over 65% of global GHG emissions, are exempt from any obligation – moral or legal – to reduce those emissions: https://ipccreport.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/cop-21-developing-countries-_-2.pdf.
China, the biggest emitter, is not a developing country, it’s a rich country. It just flexed its muscles, got a free pass to emit as much as it wanted for giving absolutely nothing in return.
From a logical position it’s not – nor are South Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia and arguably India. But they were classified as “developing” by the UNFCCC in 1992 and Western negotiators were too feeble to change that in pre-Paris negotiations. Now the world’s stuck with it – enshrined by the soon-to-be-ratified binding Paris Agreement.
What exactly does the Paris agreement “bind” anyone to do?
Very little. My point however is this: we will soon have an Agreement enshrining in international law the exemption of the “developing” countries (comprising about 82% of humanity and responsible for over 65% of global GHG emissions) from any obligation – legal or moral – to reduce those emissions. It means that any hopes of substantial and urgent reduction that some in the West may have had are now meaningless.
“Now” meaningless? You mean even more meaningless.
‘Seven-in-ten liberal Democrats (70%) trust climate scientists’ a lot to give full and accurate information about the causes of climate change, compared with just 15% of conservative Republicans.’
Pew Research Center / The politics of climate
This is a huge divide on the science and its obvious conservative are less gullible than the liberals.
Gullibility aside, “Liberals” are scared witless by words. Isn’t the plea for barricaded safe-spaces ironic given the obvious, that ubiquitous personal connectivity and hive social media dominate the lives of youth? Perhaps it is after all, simply peace and quiet that they unconsciously seek?
I hope it’s OK to x-post a comment I left at BH as it seems pertinent to this post:
I think you have just described slavery…
This is biting the hand that feeds you. The UN apparatchiks are trying to preempt the wishes of the American people. The affront may be useful for Trump, the picture of the communist bureaucrats of the UN trying to lock the US into a position. It feeds Trump’s view that the power of the US is diminished greatly by the UN who presume to speak for the world, while living the high life in Manhattan at US expense. The question is whether Trump reacts to this provocative presumption.
Indeed Christiana Figueres today equating the hurricane in the Caribbean, heading for Florida, to be a symptom of climate change on the BBC today, as she joyously reveled in thanks from the BBC interviewer for the ratification of the Paris agreement.
No questions from the BBC of how the such a weather events are linked to CO2 levels, nor why there has been such a long hurricane drought in the face of rising CO2 levels.
Figueres unquestioned was allowed to continue, outlining that national mandates and laws were now required to ensure that the Paris agreements were fully met, fully funded.
No questions on accountability of the funds, no questions of what right the UN has to be able it to tell sovereign governments how to act.
Figueres has already shown her true colour;
This could backfire and actually make more people vote for the Don .
There are many ways to put the Paris Treaty in the dustbin.
1. First, the US Constitution requires all treaties to be submitted to the Senate. Trump could simply submit it to the Senate as a treaty (it will never pass a Senate vote).
2. Trump could, or at the same time, simply issue an Executive Order instructing all Federal Agencies to ignore it and send a withdrawal notice to the UN.
3. Congress could pass a law making the treaty invalid AND not reviewable by SCOTUS under Atricle III, Section 2, using the “with such exceptions, and under such regulations as Congress shall make” clause.
SCOTUS would be in a dilemma: If they upheld the Paris Treaty without Senate approval they would have to hold that one President can bind the nation but another President cannot unbind the nation. I.E., a President, on a whim, can forever change the laws of the nation. And they would have to rule the Paris Treaty is not really a Treaty. Further, they would have to rule that Congress does not the the power to use the exceptions clause of Article III.
And, of course, Trump would appoint a justice to current vacancy on SCOTUS. And furhter, Trump, if he acted like Obama, would simply ignore SCOTUS.
Deluded Obama fails to comprehend that Hurricane Matthew has no regard for nobodies signature on a piece of paper.
How many agreements need to be signed by Obama before Obama prevents his first hurricane?
King Canute?
I’m sure the Clinton Foundation will rescue those unfortunate Haitians like it did after the 2010 earthquake, surely a monument will be built to honour these living saints of charity and good will……
Hopefully Trump will use this to demonstrate to the populace that they are being bullied and gulled by the UN/IPCC vermin.
The trouble is that 47% of the US population appear to enjoy being “bullied and gulled”. At least as long as they perceive it’s on somebody else’s dime.
All treaties have to be ratified by Congress. Obama’s “ceremonial” signing of the accord has no authority vested in it. The bluff, like the signing is all smoke and mirrors and only works if people accept it.
The UN, as it was originally conceived, might still have value. however, as it is currently working, has little real value to the world at all. It creates more problems than it solves. the destruction of Libya is a perfect example since that wouldn’t have happened if there had been no UN to authorize military action in the form of the no-fly zone. The destruction of Yugoslavia wouldn’t have happened without the authorization of the UN to again, suppress the nation’s ability to fight its own insurrection. And do I need to point out the destruction of Iraq and the suppression of the growth of nations towards the world community through authorized sanctions? Isolating anyone does nothing but create a barrier to prevent them from growing towards the world community.
We do have a use for an organization that can function as an impartial arbiter in disagreements between nations, helping to prevent actions like what is going on in Palestine. Too bad we didn’t have such an organization, but instead have one that believes it, alone, should RULE the world, not be the great assistant to peace.
I don’t get why the congress has not passed a motion on this to effectively say to the UN that the treaty is not ratifiable by the president. They have that power to shut it down now? Why haven’t they exercised that?
Maybe Roy can enlighten me
Article VI of the U.S. Constitution provides that “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land.”
Since the Paris Agreement is not a law of the United States (i.e., an Act of Congress) and it has not been submitted to the Senate for approval, it is at most an executive agreement. Executive agreements, as a general rule, may be changed at the will of the executive. The strategy though is to invest so many institutions with oversight and power to oversee the climate that it will be impossible for Congress (or a future executive) to take a different path.
In the meantime, there is little that Congress can do to shut it down. It can try to cut funding, but it would be hard to make the executive branch take a different position on climate change.
What is empowered by the stroke of the pen, can be disempowered by the stroke of a pen. There is a principle that one President (or Prime Minister) cannot legally bind a successor.
If it is an Executive Decree, then that is one thing. Getting funding for it, “to invest in so many institutions with oversight and power to oversee the climate …”, will require it to go through Congress. In short, Obama is just blowing smoke.
What this is really about though, is Obama trying to goad Trump into over-reacting, thus allowing Clinton to appear more restrained and measured. It is all just theatre, for the masses.
Politicians are eager to please,
And oblige the U.N. on their knees,
But Mr. Trump ‘s not P.C.,
And may set nations free,
By rejecting their climate decrees.
re: Paris. The rules of courting in Paris apply to CLimate in Paris: they will say anything.
I am sitting in Florida in a still active hurricane, listening to the daft souls in the media blame climate change.
I blame, with higher probability, a herd of rebid unicorns.
There is a time when this climate stuff crosses the line from idiocy to venality.
A politician saying that closing coal mines will stop hurricanes demonstrates that Will Rogers was right: congress is our native criminal class:
One of two things is true.
climate enthusiasts are too stupid or uneducated to evaluate the evidence.
or the know better but can’t resist flogging the climate religion as lever of power.
On this very windy, rainy day, anarchy seems appealing
Hence the utter bilge trotted out by the usual offenders since the SA disaster!
The entire process is a charade to fix a problem that is not real.
Obama’s so-called ratification should not be considered when determining whether the required numbers have been met for the simple reason that the president on his own cannot make law.
The next president can and should simply withdraw from the treaty or agreement and explain that it never had any force under U.S. law and therefore has no force under international law either.
Or, as one person suggested, submit the agreement to the Senate for approval – something that a Republican Senate would never do. Dead as a doornail.
But he could say, “Shove it,” and then ignore it altogether. He’s not a man who likes to be told what to do — I’ll say that much for him.
I hope he would do exactly that. But his first problem is to get elected.
The province of Ontario in Canada went “green” shutting down coal power going big on wind. It now arguably has the distinction of having the most expensive electricity on the planet, except for some isolated areas.
It took 25 years to come up with this agreement? Really? Are we all not dead by now? So nobody has died, the world has not come to an end in these 25 years like it was supposed to? Talk about fraud!!!
[If you avoid words beginning with “fraud” you won’t end up in moderation. In this case I can approve the comment as is.
No one should assume this is a license to claim fraud in just any situation you want to, however.] AZ
For someone who they keep saying can’t possibly win the presidency, the Democrats are sure resorting to almost desperate measures to stop Trump. They must be sitting on indications that Trump stands a better than even chance of winning.
Trump has well made plans to undo Obama’s frail climate alarmist legacy from the get go:
There is nothing the American Left would not do to stop Trump. The media already tell lies about him. I seriously would not put it past the Demoncrats to murder Trump if they thought they could get away with it (and they probably would since the US Government even refuses to prosecute Clinton).
Trump doesn’t have to worry about international obstacles or pressure , he can dismantle the whole circus from within , he could appoint Ted Cruz ( now they’ve kissed and made up ) to a position in supreme court or DOJ , where he can be a ” Mccarthy ” style attack dog to sniff out the crooks that infest the major institutions like NOAA and the EPA , this entire scam would implode in on itself , especially when you remove the dollars that fund it .
True, take away the food and the rats will eat each other.
There’s only one problem with putting in another Joe McCarthy. He ultimately backfired. As much as we need the problems weeded out it needs to be done by good old fashioned detective work and prosecutions in federal court to keep it strictly out of the political arena. McCarthey finally turned even those who supported him against him in large numbers.
I think, by the way, that roughly half the country would not accept Ted Cruz as Attorney General. And that will be a big problem for a newly elected President Trump. I even have reservations about Cruz after watching him for just the few years he’s been in the nation’s lexicon. Cruz seems to be a do or die zealot who makes a lot of noise. And that’s not good. We need someone who can work quietly as much as possible, someone who can tell which fights to take on and which ones to leave alone because they can’t be won. Whether in the courtroom or on the battlefield, you can’t start fights you can’t win without doing more harm than good.
Only one problem – Trump has no chance of winning. He has proven to be his own worst enemy. But the good news is that the UN, the IPCC, the EU, a thousand Paris Accords, Hillary Clinton even General Patton and the entire US Army cannot change the weather – only Mother Nature can.
John , I wish I had a pound for every time someone has said Trump can’t win , only to have been proven wrong especially during the primaries , still perhaps your correct , votes don’t decide elections , those that count them do
So lets assume the Clinton oligarchy gets back into power, the new broom still has to convince the senate to pass this business. What are the odds?
Control of the senate is not guaranteed. Republicans are running scared about losing both. And if they do lose, it’ll be their fault because no one has any confidence in them anymore.
I, a lifelong Republican, don’t even have any confidence in them anymore.
Okay thanks.
John, that is by no means correct. Trump is doing as well as you can expect the mejia to report. I believe that polling is 10 to 15% below reality simply because Trump likely voters are not admitting their preferences during the pollsters questions.
Mark D
I think you are right , just as it happened to some extent in the Brexit vote. The way the Democrats seem to be panicking suggests their internal polling might also agree with you.
John _ don’t write Trump off yet! . .
‘Do not make the mistake of arguing with Democrats when it comes to climate change and weather. On Wednesday, a MSNBC reporter basically said that Barack Obama’s climate deal is designed to stop hurricanes.
‘This is their reality and we are forced to live in it.’
Well he is full of wind …..
What can you do with MSNBC? They’re as hopeless as anyone or anything I’ve ever seen. And unfortunately Fox News, a place where they have their heads screwed on facing straight forward, at least by comparison, does not report accurately on climate change either. I have all but given up on Fox and particularly their 3 prime time opinion hosts because they’re always looking out for their ratings. When Megyn Kelly spent week after week going on and on about Malaysian flight 370 when there was absolutely nothing new to report I was at first flabbergasted at the waste of time and finally, furious that she did that. Out of all the experts’ speculation and all the other hoopla about it I got maybe 10 minutes worth of actual information. But the public sucks up such stuff as, “Obama’s climate deal is designed to stop hurricanes.”
With that kind of reporting, what can you hope to do but get out misinformation, speculation and frankly, a lot of garbage where there should be good red meat handed out.
I hear you Roy, they seek out the lowest common denominator across all walks of life. Its not difficult to reinforce unscientific ideas onto a narrow minded brainwashed populace.
Journalism is only a trade.
This rhetorical question constantly haunts me. When will the majority of people of Australia and New Zealand wake up from their half-witted infatuation with the UN and their addiction to MSM eco-pap and Cultural Marxism, and lay claim once again to the independence, prosperity and self-determination that they fought so hard to achieve as they built their countries and joined the fight to save Western civilisation from tyrannies? How were they bought off?
Here,here! Well said, Manfred.
Hillary claims she can stop hurricanes like Matthew.
“When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”
Unfortunately for deluded Hillary, Hillary failed to stop Matthew.
Ted Cruz would have humiliated her in front of the whole world. Does Donald have the bottle?
The scientific consensus supports the hypothesis that global warming decreases hurricanes.
The apostle Matthew? So she can raise the dead, cure lepers, arbitrate on social justice and control the weather, even a hurricane. Does she really believe this?
Isn’t her team Democrat in charge of the weather? So is she blaming Obama for the hurricane? After all, he has been President for 8 years, not Trump. What did she personally do about the world weather as Secretary of State? Hillary has a lot of explaining to do about Hurricane Matthew. She was warned by email.
Under Hillary’s wrath and now Kerry we have seen the devastation in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and the growth of Pakistan and Iran and North Korea as nuclear armed states. No wonder she wants to talk about the weather.
The apostle Matthew? So she can raise the dead, cure lepers, arbitrate on social justice and control the weather, even a hurricane. Does she really believe this?
Isn’t her team Democrat in charge of the weather? So is she blaming Obama for the hurricane? After all, he has been President for 8 years, not Trump. What did she personally do about the world weather as Secretary of State? Hillary has a lot of explaining to do about Hurricane Matthew. She was warned by email.
Under Hillary’s reign and now Kerry we have seen the devastation in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and the growth of Pakistan and Iran and North Korea as nuclear armed states. No wonder she wants to talk about the weather.
(no idea who wrote wrath? It’s not even a dyslexic anagram)
If Donald could say something like this…
‘The reality is that Matthew will be the first major hurricane to hit that millions of children 12 years old and under can remember. And already no child on the planet under 18 years of age has seen any real global warming at all. Climate scientists could not have been more wrong.’
Notricks Zone
Hillary is, to put it in polite terms, both a proven liar and a complete ignoramus when it comes to science. So by all means we should follow her, right?
And with the world the way it is today (and maybe always has been), if I went to the board of supervisors or city council meeting and claimed that climate change had attracted aliens to my backyard, someone might well believe me and want to come take a look.
Such is the state of mankind at the moment.
Now, consider what science background Donald Trump has. I think not much.
The more we depend on technology, especially computers and their software, the more vulnerable we become to leaders who are ignorant of technology and science in general. And it’s frightening to contemplate.
Our shrill pro-alarmist media will no doubt celebrate and point the finger at “bad” politicians who do not toe the UN line.
O/T – this is about falsified dire arctic sea ice predictions:
“We will soon see an ice-free summer in the Arctic but there is a real danger of ‘crying wolf’ and that does not help anyone.”
18mins in:
Ben Rich, BBC Weather: in 44 years up to 1969, there were 14 Cat 4 or 5 hurricanes that made landfall across the USA; in the 46 years up to 2015, there have been only 3, so it’s just been a quiet period for hurricanes.
Owen Bennett-Jones, BBC presenter: what about all those extreme weather events, you are saying they are getting less?
Ben Rich jumps in excitedly: no, no, no, no, not at all, not if you take the world as a whole.
Bennett-Jones: right.
***Ben Rich: in fact you could argue, playing devil’s advocate, i suppose, you could argue that the fact there have been SO FEW hurricanes over the United States for the past 45 or 46 years, has in itself been an EXTREME in the global climate…
Bennett-Jones: okay. thank you very much.
AUDIO: 7 Oct: BBC Newshour: Listen from 18 mins in
Thanks. I needed reminding that if you look for trouble you can always find it; just as if you look for normal you can always find that also.
don’t waste your time looking for normal at the BBC.
The BBC does produce some good mystery series and we watch several of them. The Australian ABC also produces a good mystery series which we watch.
Then there’s the good comedy like, Keeping Up Appearances, that is absolutely hilarious.
So the BBC and ABC both can get some things right. And that programming is broadcast on our Public Broadcasting Stations so there are no commercials. How can we lose?
Now if they just had that same kind of act with the truth it would be a much better world.
Reads like a skit from The Goons.
Good reporting Pat, where would wue be without you.
6 Oct: PBS Newshour: The Paris accord won’t halt climate change, but it’s a step
JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, at a time, Mr. Schmidt, when I think many of us certainly in the United States are focused on this big hurricane heading for the United States mainland, this has to give — and we know scientists have spoken about this, these big storms, the concern that they’re going to get even bigger.
JUDY WOODRUFF: How should Americans and others think about climate change in the face of something like this?
GAVIN SCHMIDT: So, one of the key things is sea level rise.
So, sea level has risen about 10 foot, is actually rising faster on the Eastern Seaboard than elsewhere. For every extra foot of sea level rise, a storm surge, even if the climate of storms doesn’t change, the storm surge has more damage.
There is many, many thresholds, that, you know, if the water rises five foot, you’re fine, but if it goes up six feet, then it overtops a levee, it over — it floods a subway. It has much greater damages.
So, sea level rise is one of those aspects of change that multiply the damages that are caused by just the natural variation of climate and the natural variation of hurricanes and storms that we see.
Plus, we have some expectation that hurricanes themselves and storms themselves will become more intense, perhaps less frequent, but more intense, and then that, obviously, adds to the damages as well.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, it’s an occasion to think about all of this and to think about the interconnection..
Mooney says whatever he likes, to insinuate a CAGW connection:
7 Oct: WaPo: Chris Mooney: Here’s what we can — and can’t — say about climate change and Hurricane Matthew
“Scientists have pointed to Hurricane Matthew as the sort of fierce lashing that will become more common due to climate change,” adds Oliver Milman in the Guardian.
“Hurricane Matthew’s Strength Is Yet Another Climate Change Indicator,” says the Huffington Post…
***Researchers now think that a warming climate, by heating the oceans, will indeed make hurricanes more intense (on average), even though it may not increase their overall numbers (in fact, those may decrease)…
And yet, when it comes to a storm like Matthew, there are reasons to think that the way we’re changing the planet is relevant to some attributes of the storm. As Kevin Trenberth, a researcher with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., put it to me, there seems to be a combination of the overall warming trend and natural variability, such as the El Nino-La Nina cycle, behind what we’re seeing…
These storm traits aren’t proof of anything, of course — they’re merely consistent with the notion of warming making storms worse.
In truth, though, perhaps the most direct way in which a changing climate affects the storm involves sea level rise, several researchers said…
So in sum — even as people will inevitably invoke climate change to discuss Matthew, any precise attribution remains complex and the science isn’t settled on precisely what is happening with hurricanes in the Atlantic.
Still we’re living in a warming world with more moisture and higher seas, and it’s hard to dispute that that matters.
Lots of things ‘matter’ most of all the truth, particularly regarding the routine 100% over-inflation of sea level rise.
The Lempriere-Ross mark is still visible (By Jonathan Amos)
Sea levels rise in direct proportion to the amount of tax money on offer from the first world countries. Sea level rise will stop when island nations, which keep crying that they are drowning, realise that there’re is no funding available for their fiction. They’ll just have to work harder & smarter.
These sinking island nations; All they need do is ask the Chinese for some help !!! Get it?!
They’re calling me names like “dinosaur” on Facebook becausr only dinosaurs believe on fossil and nuclear fuels and hydro.
Evidently modern people believe in solar, wind, solar-thermal and tide/wave power, LOL.
No apologies. Facebook is as Facebook does. It’s a total waste of precious real time.
Good for you; at least they’ve noticed you! I’m always pleased to get ‘Ole Red Thumb reacting; he/she/it never says why! I see it’s been active again today; a pity it doesn’t engage brain a bit more. For example, why red thumb a statement of fact like the sea-level mark in Tassie? How daft can you be?
red thumbs = school holidays…..
or work experience kid……
Don’t fret Dave,the dinasaurs lived for a long,long time. . .
We can never match them.
Remind them that dinosaurs dominated the world for a hundred million years, and that during that time the largest mammal was the size of, and looked very much like, a rat.
Its official, the 6 wind farms that failed triggering the blackout suffered from a “technical glitch” which of course is code speak for design flaw.
The question is can a design change get rid of the glitch?
Intelligent design might.
Crakar 24,
Does your article define “technical glitch”, and could it mean “automatic cut out”?
Dave B
Sorry using a stupid windows phone please see response below, in addition to that I wanted to say I suspect they have fudged the numbers and 70% capacity is actually 100% and it reached its max rotation and so cut out
Technical hitch myarse! Those windmills had been working for too long in the heavy winds and they just spat the dummy.
The correct design change to get rid of the glitch is to disconnect the windmills from the grid and replace them with an ultra-supercritical coal plant or nuclear plant.
Most but not all media have been trying to sell the global warming scam out of pure self interest . A desire for government subsidies .
Their business model no longer work . Revenues down and quality staff no longer affordable . The internet has killed it and many are running on fumes .
The problem for some in the media is despite pumping the scary global warming tires for so long they haven’t been able to cash in
and time is rapidly running out .
The thought of a Republican President ensures the payback could be off entirely .
Some notable exceptions like Canada’s National Post have not lost their core journalistic integrity and courage so there is hope .
When newspapers become desperate toadies dependant on government handouts or are afraid of government they no longer align their interest with the public and
the public know it . They then shop elsewhere .
Amazon: Trumped by David Stockman
In TRUMPED! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin… And How to Bring It Back, David Stockman brings us an insider-turned-iconoclast’s report on how 30 years of financial and political misrule by the Washington/Wall Street elites have brought the U.S. to the brink of ruin.
He shows that the Fed’s destructive ZIRP and QE policies have buried Flyover America in debt while clobbering it with shrinking real wages and vanishing job opportunities…
Stockman argues that Donald Trump’s improbable candidacy happened because Flyover America has had enough of a rigged system that benefits the few but has failed to delivery economic recovery and real prosperity at home and a safer and more stable world abroad.
Stockman’s book is no testimonial on behalf of Trump’s candidacy, and contends that much of what he advocates is wrong-headed or downright reprehensible. But it does salute him as the rallying force for Main Street political insurrection because the existing regime of Bubble Finance on Wall Street and statist aggrandizement in Washington threatens incalculable harm.
Stockman also argues that there remains a way forward. He suggests the “political outlaw” who considers himself to be the world’s greatest dealmaker would need to “make ten great deals” to bring American back from the brink. These include a Peace Deal, a Jobs Deal, a Sound Money Deal, a Super Glass-Steagall Deal, A Liberty Deal and five more.
In this trenchant, wide-ranging and unvarnished account, Stockman draws on his unique 40-year career in Washington and Wall Street. After a career as a Capitol Hill staffer, two-term member of Congress and ultimately as President Ronald Reagan’s budget director, Stockman then went to Wall Street. For two decades as an investment banker and private equity investor he had a front row seat as the nation’s financial markets mutated into today’s Bubble Finance casinos…
worth a listen:
4 Oct: Keiser Report: Episode 975
12mins30secs in: In the second half, Max interviews Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, author of ‘Trumped: A Nation on the Brink of Ruin’… And How to Bring It Back.
6 Oct: Keiser Report: Episode 976
14mins in: In the second half, Max continues his interview with Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, author of Trumped: A Nation on the Brink of Ruin… And How to Bring It Back
Warmism seems to be in its death throes. The Paris agreement ratification only appeared on p 9, one column only, of the Sydney Morning Herald
To all the angst being expressed above;
Remember, Today is the Tomorrow that you were so worried about Yesterday
Now list all those worries you had in all those “Yesterdays” about all those imminent “Tomorrows” that became “Today’s” when the expected was to appear down through the years and see how many came out as you and everybody else expected and often feared and sometimes hoped for.
SA’s Whirling Windmill Weatherill, Dopey Despot Dan of Victoria, Palace-chick of Queensland, a couple of dozen large scamming wind turbine farm corporations, dozens and dozens and dozens of advisers, lawyers, media specialists, ex politician board members and etc were believing they were about home, hosed and about to be filthy rich on the truckloads of OPM coming their way as the eco crucifixes sprung up across Australia under State Premier’s mandate, a mandate made with no reference to their citizens.
A forest of eco-crucifixes not unlike a new version of the infamous Prickly pear cactus of the late 1920’s was about to appear once again across Australia’s hinterlands .
It was a done, signed deal!
The Hammer was falling!
The cash, truckloads of it, of OPM was about to hit the rubber to road on the way to the eco-crucifixe’s salivating, dribbling in greedy anticipation directors and investors.
And then;
SA Blackout:
Three towers
Six windfarms
and just 12 seconds to disaster.
And in those 12 seconds the lavish, greedy, grasping scamming world of the eco-crucifixes and the ignorant of realities Premiers and the even more rabidly renewable energy cultist greens and climate activists had changed yet again in a way nobody had foreseen.
For good or bad we do not yet know nor will we know for a long time yet but it has changed and in a big way.
And so it will be with all the pseudo climate agreements made without reference to the will of the peoples of this world !
How many of such “world changing” [ ? ] pseudo climate agreements announced with great fanfare down through the last two and half decades have already come and gone and the details cannot be remembered even by those who were supposedly there.
Can anybody count them?
There is no definition given for”technical glitch” however automatic cut-out when running at 70% capacity would qualify as one. Hopefully the final report will give more detail.
The guy from AGL did say something about software problems on the radio the other day so perhaps you are right, which makes me think this problem cant be fixed
So if they cut out at 70% capacity does this mean someone is lie-ing about the nameplate rating? E.g. If it is rated at 1MW it’s maximum useable power is only 700kW on the rare occasions that the wind actually gets high enough?
Thanks crakar,
The specification tables I’ve seen so far, just 3, have given cut out figures of either 20 or 25 metres per second of wind speed, with no reference to performance within the operating range that I registered, or looked for.
But yesterday I stumbled upon two graphs which gave differing responses to increasing wind speeds: both showed increasing output up to their design maximum, then one showed that maximum continuing to be produced until cut out, the other showed a drop in output before cut out.
I didn’t follow that further, and didn’t keep the links. Sorry.
Dave B
no real surprise:
Sept 2016: EconJournalWatch: Faculty Voter Registration in Economics, History, Journalism, Law, and Psychology
by Mitchell Langbert, Anthony J. Quain, and Daniel B. Klein
We investigate the voter registration of faculty at 40 leading U.S. universities in the fields of Economics, History, Journalism/Communications, Law, and Psychology. We looked up 7,243 professors and found 3,623 to be registered Democratic and 314 Republican, for an overall D:R ratio of 11.5:1. The D:R ratios for the five fields were: Economics 4.5:1, History 33.5:1, Journalism/Communications 20.0:1, Law 8.6:1, and Psychology 17.4:1. The results indicate that D:R ratios have increased since 2004, and the age profile suggests that in the future they will be even higher…
The data support the established finding that D:R ratios are highest at the apex of disciplinary pyramids, that is, at the most prestigious departments…
7 Oct: CarbonPulse: Better late than never: North Korea releases its Paris climate plan
North Korea’s climate plans under the Paris Agreement were published by the UN on Friday, with the reclusive nation unconditionally pledging to cut its GHG emissions by at least 8% below business-as-usual (BAU) levels by 2030…SUBSCRIPTION REQD
anyone notice what a NON-EVENT yesterday’s meeting of energy ministers was?
8 Oct: Sky News: SA blackout a wake-up call: energy minister
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten accused the Prime Minister of backflipping, renewing calls for more clean energy investment.
Treasurer of SA Tom Koutsantonis says he feels vindicated by the explanation for why his state’s blackout occurred.
‘It wasn’t the intermittent nature of wind energy, or renewable energy, that caused the system… what it was, was a system glitch, a software error,’ Mr Koutsantonis said.
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said the storm was ‘just a thunderstorm’ and ‘unremarkable’ in a global sense, linking the blackout to the state’s reliance on renewable energy…
Mr Frydenberg said the real breakthrough was the agreement to create and develop a blueprint for energy security across the national energy market…
The federal minister said a review of the national target will be held in 2017.
read all:
8 Oct: Australian: Chris Kenny: SA blackout shows need for energy security instead of windmills
By plunging itself into darkness and flailing itself with prohibitive, self-imposed electricity costs, South Australia provides the nation with a critical warning about energy policy. It also demonstrates how our political and media debate has been complicit in this damaging delusion…
Weatherill and Shorten’s excuses seemed desperate to anyone familiar with the situation. The transmission towers that were taken down by the storm were 250km north of Adelaide and no longer carried baseload power from coal generators to the populated areas — yet the blackouts took out the entire state. Still, as they do, most journalists and political commentators immediately echoed these Labor lines, jumping to defend renewables. Yet the more we learn the worse it gets…
Even worse, wind energy was next to useless when it came to restarting the system; it needs synchronous baseload power to re-energise and stabilise…
Journalists, politicians, activists and business interests indulge in emotive barracking for renewables.
On Radio National last week Paul Bongiorno agreed with Weatherill’s claim that we were seeing agendas being pushed — not by those chasing renewable virtue but those pointing out the cost and supply implications. “Oh we certainly are and it’s close to disgraceful,” Bongiorno said…
8 Oct: Courier Mail: Opinion: National renewable energy plan up in the air
by STEVEN WARDILL, state political editor
With SA powered by 40 per cent wind and with coal-fired power stations closed down to achieve its renewables target, the question has been raised whether Labor’s promise threatens Queensland’s energy security.
The Queensland Renewable Energy Panel, which is investigating how to implement Labor’s target, insisted the policy was technically possible but raised issues of reliability.
“This requires careful consideration of the technical details of operating a grid, which can differ depending on the characteristics of the local load, and the availability of electricity supply from interconnecting regions,” the panel said.
“For example, Queensland is a long network with limited meshing which means it may be more likely to suffer operational problems with renewable technologies compared with deeply integrated grids in Europe, the United States and China.”
So, like South Australia, the Queensland interconnector becomes integral…
Queensland has 12,400MW of grid-connected generation capacity with 85 per cent coming from coal and gas and only 5 per cent from renewables…
To reach a 50 per cent renewable consumption target, the Government will have to mothball gas or coal-fired power stations.
Energy Minister Mark Bailey this week acknowledged such shutdowns could be part of the equation…
Yet, because Labor is targeting renewables rather than carbon emissions, it could be the less polluting gas stations that are displaced. And the Queensland scheme could have the perverse impact of increasing our power prices while cutting interstate energy costs and their coal power use…
Put the technical hurdles and the effectiveness of a state-based renewables target aside for a second and ponder the cost. The subsidy required to ramp up to 50 per cent renewable use by 2030 in Queensland has been estimated at $10.8 billion.
That’s cash the Queensland Government can’t afford…
To achieve it by Labor’s 2020, ACIL Allen found the Government would have to introduce a 45¢/kW feed-in tariff to attract investment, the same scheme which is now costing Queenslanders up to an extra $276 annually on their power bills…READ ON
Unfortunately, I have a different take on this Paris Agreement: I believe that it definitely has teeth.
This is an example of Globalist Inertia, and if we look for an example of a similar creeping slime of globalism, we need look no further than the European Union treaties.
What started off as a rather mild co-op, turned into a full fledged end-run-around national sovereignty in the EU. These treaties and agreements started off written in mellow bureaucraties (akin to legalese, but with a political edge), but ended up being pretty much LIVING DOCUMENTS, that could be expanded in scope and power by the un-elected bureaucrats that the same treaties created.
Take the TPP for example: This is a Living Document that can be amended AFTER the signing and ratification by nation states, by the central committees the deal itself creates. This Paris Agreement will be no different. It can simply be amended by popular consent after the fact, especially during an economic crisis, as I will discuss below. As the national parties to the agreement which have been captured by the special interests that drove this organ of global governance submit their Billion$ to this beast, it will become immensely strong at politically bludgeoning any country who does not conform.
In my estimation, it will be entities such as national ‘science’ bodies, and conformist left-wing media such as the ABC and BBC which will be the #1 way in which globalists at these United Nations bureaucracies apply their pressure on non-conformist political parties. There will never be enough money for this black hole, and no amount thrown into the black hole will be enough. In fact, the more money that is thrown in, the more brazen the media will be at blackmailing and extorting more money out of national treasuries.
I know that everyone thinks that Trump will reverse this agreement, but what if that is just rhetoric? It’s not like Trump is free of rhetoric. And what if Killary makes it into the White House? The United States is one Democratic Presidency away from NEVER being able to escape from ‘global governance’, and Trump could still stab all of his supporters in the back.
*** This Paris Agreement is far more dangerous than most people think ***
… but what happens when the majority of editors and producers are captured by special interst groups that hold their purse strings, and the purse strings of their advertisers and/or budget prospectus in their hands?
In a world where media and vocal activist organizations (and NGO’s) generate perception, and rule politics … and the markets … and thus governments routinely act against their constituents best interests without any shame or loyalty whatsoever, such an Agreement (Paris) will give *CRITICAL MASS* to the move towards an actual global government … (U.N.) now headed by Guterres, a former 6yr President of the Socialist International !!!
The threat that the Paris Agreement poses is quite serious, and I think most people will be surprised at how quickly this agenda plays out now to full term, especially if the world has another economic meltdown (well overdue now … look at Deutsche Bank!).
Christine Legarde made this quite clear in her 2012 seminal speech on CARBON PRICING:
The carbon pricing policy white paper spoken of in this speech became available at the following link:
More recently, published on April 21, 2016, the day before the Earth Day Paris Agreement love fest:
IMF: After Paris: Fiscal, Macroeconomic, and Financial Implications of Climate Change
(The manual for the IMF and United Nations to get their hands on the remaining available $$$’s in world circulation).
“Today, I believe that we are facing a triple crisis—an economic crisis, an environmental crisis, and, increasing, a social crisis.” – How convenient that the IMF has all of it’s ducks lined up ready for a TRIPLE CRISIS to activate the innocuous Paris Agreement into a hard wired linkage with what will be a new Economic *AND* MONETARY (SDR) model … no doubt requiring ‘fiscally responsible’ national governments to grovel on their knees during the next liquidity crisis for SDR denominated (the fiat of all fiat’s) funds, which since Oct 3rd 2016 conveniently includes Chinese Yuan in its basket of goodies. Was the Chinese ratification of the Paris Agreement the required application to be included in the SDR basket? It would seem that the export reliant Chinese have been made to heel to western desires, or to face a much quicker domestic economic crisis.
Problem-Reaction-Solution … Hegelian dialectic built around a ‘triple crisis’
(Economic-Environmental-Social: A full-spectrum technocratic world government)
So, my point is, that the Paris Agreement might look like a toothless tiger today, but in the first few weeks after the next Economic Crisis, its true (and planned) nature, will become evident for even the most skeptical of people … and needless to say, the ‘conspiracy theorists’ (like Lord Monckton, who warned about a Global Government no less) will seem like the seers of yesterday, whose warnings went unheeded. It’s not like these people such as Christine Lagarde have kept their agendas secret, it’s just that the average westerner has been too busy watching the Sports Industrial Complex; because our prioritization exposes the pathetic state of affairs of a hyper decadent western culture which cares not about their ancestors or their children (in my opinion).
The ‘democratic’ mass, as we can see with the South Australia blackout, are totally reactive rather than proactive, but the reaction to the U.N. and IMF takeover will be too late, because these people build their models out of crisis, and have all their ducks lined up and ready to go, with complete media and activist/NGO capitulation ready to swing into gear selling their ‘new order’.
A most interesting post! I would add that we, everywhere, are increasingly being governed by bureaucratic policy rather than by branches of representative government at any level.
V interesting comment, EWO. As someone looking forward to the imminent exit from the EU of my country, I can identify with many of the things you say. And with the fact that Chris Moncton will be seen as a prophet without honour in his own country.
Congrats on the Brexit, but I’m thinking David Cameron’s allowance of the referendum had more to do with the Frankfurt vs City of London monetary and economic disputes, and the legal wars (that the UK MSM almost totally ignored, even though it was one of the biggest stories in geopolitics) between the European Banking Authority and the City+BoE.
The City of London and Canary Wharf registered corporate entities create and trade more Euro-denominated Securities and Derivatives each year than ALL Eurozone countries combined, and the EBA was trying to gain jurisdiction over City regulation, which Westminster and the Anglo-American TBTF banks were furiously fighting against. Juncker represents the segment of Eurozone business that vociferously opposed this dominance by London when the UK wasn’t even part of the Eurozone, and refused to ever join the Eurozone. This refusal was not because of the failure of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in the 90’s, it was because of the effective lack of regulation, and secrecy, in the square mile.
The war between David Cameron and Jean-Claude Juncker’s appointment was sitting at the center of a City of London vs Frankfurt financial and regulation war, and really had nothing to do with Cameron (and most of everyone in Westminster) caring about the average Brit – much like our own Malcolm Turnbull takes his orders from special financial interests (he worked at Goldman Sachs, as most of the politico’s implementing carbon fascism seem to have originated from).
Be very cautious though. This Brexit doesn’t mean that the UK won’t be in lock-step with the Paris Agreement and associated fascist carbon tax/trade implementations … most of the corporate prospect$ for carbon trading are centered in the City of London or dovetailed with the Isle of Jersey and other Crown dependency secrecy jurisdictions. Both of Al Gore’s green funds are incorporated in the City and on the Isle of Jersey, not in the United States. Also, the DTCC repository, which monopolizes all US Equities and Derivatives as a central counterparty, is domiciled in the City of London, not in New York City (which should speak volumes about who really controls U$D-denominated financial regulation).
Thus, the lions share of the new market will be ‘regulated’ within the square mile or in Canary Wharf, which is a special economic zone operating as a legal satellite of the City of London Corporation via Financial Police and Crime Directorate centered in the City. The City Dragon is an illusive beast that most people aren’t aware of, and it doesn’t care much about the average Brit.
London is attempting to dominate both U.S.Dollar denominated and Euro denominated securities and derivatives markets, of which Carbon Trading will be the BIGGE$T EVER, allowing this dynamo to secure all other types of markets through a financial synergy effect. New York City and D.C., have already capitulated to the City of London in this respect. It is as if the City of London is the big black hole at the center of the financial galaxy, and Frankfurt has been desperately trying to suck everything into its own orbit, unsuccessfully, and is now sitting on a time bomb called Deutsche Bank, which is headquartered in the Frankfurt Twin Towers (synchronicity?).
Britain needs another Wat Tyler if you ask me! 😛
The UN ‘Treaty’ is textbook leftist rubbish; a lie that technically doesn’t actually lie but gets the desired screaming headlines. Subterfuge and duplicity rolled into one worthless piece of junk ‘law’. It’s entirely in-keeping with the whole climate charade.
EyesWideOpen –
and then there’s this:
7 Oct: World Bank: Speech by World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim at the Annual Meetings Plenary
DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, DC, United States
In my first year, you endorsed two ambitious new goals for the institution: to end extreme poverty by 2030, and to promote shared prosperity – by boosting the income growth of the bottom 40 percent of the population in every developing country.
In pursuit of these goals, we agreed on a World Bank Group strategy that outlined a basic blueprint for reform…
We know we can’t end poverty without ensuring that we protect the planet and its people. You responded to this reality by approving a new Environmental and Social Framework. This new framework will promote better – and lasting – development outcomes.
You have given us permission to be bold…
In almost all parts of the world, extreme weather events, whether record rainfall or droughts, are becoming more common.
Right now, our thoughts are with the people of Haiti, whose country was devastated this week by Hurricane Matthew with the death toll nearing 300 (since revised upwards)…
Disasters like this remind us of the need to help countries build greater resilience against ever-more frequent shocks.
More often than not it is the poorest people in the world who are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, making action on climate change core to our mission of ending extreme poverty…
on today’s Keiser Report, Rickards talks of SDRs, China, etc.
(for those not familiar with Rickards, he is an American lawyer. He is a regular commentator on finance, and is the author of The New York Times bestseller Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, published in 2011, The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System, published in 2014, and The New Case for Gold, published in 2016 – Wikipedia)
8 Oct: Keiser Report: Episode 977
(Rickards begins at 13mins45secs)
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss how central bankers must be made to pay for their bubble economy sins. In the second half, Max interviews Jim Rickards, author of The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites’ Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis.
Pat, Rickards is a member of the CFR, and his books are all approved by CFR publishers for pre-sale distribution; so, his seeming advocacy for ‘hard money’, whilst speaking out of the other side of his mouth about the merits of SDR’s, reminds me of a character from George Orwell’s 1984 – DoubleThink epitomized.
When these people talk about an ECONOMIC RESET, they are actually talking about kicking the can down the road to maintain an ill-gotten debt empire that is so unstable they need some new propaganda and PR stunts to sell people into a bigger and more fiat plantation. SDR’s have always been their desired plantation scrip, and CARBON TRADING and the engineered APGW Crisis is simply the mechanism for them to balance the can kicking operation, whilst also building more Empire.
Also, Governments love this kind of control, because it is a Technocrats pleasure-dream to be able to audit and control all human carbon transactions. It’s pretty obvious to anyone with any real idea about how the Securities and Derivatives market networks and their associated political rivalries work, that Carbon Trading will be the key to create a Global Government that is TBTF Bank friendly (ie, Fascist).
Also, did you see all the news lately about the British Pound being hammered, with them blaming it on Brexit? … well, take a look at the new SDR weighting now that the Chinese Yuan has a basket share since Oct 3rd, and look at which currency lost the most basket percentage ratio … it was the British Pound! We simply don’t have any financial news in this country, just scripted rubbish that blames macro-economic changes that are actually designed in trans-national board rooms, whilst the talking heads blame whatever political developments the left-media like the ABC and SBS would like to blame (ie, Brexit and ‘nationalism’ etc…).
Here we have a great example of the good-for-nothing, intellectually dishonest, morally defunct, left-wing and government media, blaming a Globalist Policy initiated at the IMF, on a populist Nationalist Policy which was enacted about 100 days ago! And the average Aussie and Brit has no idea what the heck is going on, while we are paying the wages of these shills at our government broadcasters. The BBC is also a damn joke. It’s pretty depressing actually.
Hi Pat. I posted a reply to your comment but it seems to have been lost in the wash or perhaps I didn’t submit it properly. Anyhow, thanks for the links!
have been watching tennis in Japan & China, but a friend dropped by and mentioned the MSM is going nuts over some “guy talk” from Trump 11 years ago, involving a member of the Bush family, which someone just happened to have recorded and kept for future use.
so MSM ignores today’s leaks of excerpts from Hillary’s highly-paid Goldman Sachs speeches, and all the other Hillary scandals exposed in other recent email leaks, etc., while demanding Trump drop out of the race for President!
whilst the following didn’t begin when Bill Clinton was Governor, it continued during his time, and is just another chapter in the decades of sleaze surrounding the Clinton family:
Youtube: 1hr31mins: Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal
For more than two decades, the Arkansas prison system sold blood plasma from inmates infected with viral hepatitis and AIDS. Thousands of unwitting victims who transfused a product called Factor 8 made from this blood died as a result. Follow along as filmmaker Kelly Duda uncovers a tragedy many consider a crime. This documentary follows the story of how tainted blood was sold to patients in Canada and other parts of the world while Bill Clinton was governor. It offers an unsettling look at the complex issues surrounding prison corruption, blood safety and government oversight. Factor 8 also raises tough questions about public accountability. Did leaders knowingly sell a dangerous product for profit? Criminal investigations and class-action suits in Canada, Europe and Japan over tainted blood infections underscore the global significance of this issue. Families are still grieving. Victims are still dying. Yet while the rest of the world looks to America for answers, the story remains largely untold.
Wikipedia: Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal
Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal was screened at Slamdance 2005 and at the American Film Institute’s Los Angeles Film Festival in November 2005. It won a special mention award at AFI and received a commendable review from critic John Anderson in the industry newspaper Variety. A special screening of the film was held in Soho, London on May 5, 2006. On May 9, 2006, AIDS victims demonstrated against former US president Bill Clinton’s visit to Glasgow where he gave a speech about global politics…
10 May 2006: BBC: Clinton warning on global warming
Former US President Bill Clinton has warned that global warming presents a bigger long-term challenge to the world than international terrorism.
During an engagement in Glasgow, Mr Clinton said the problem could transform life on earth…
He addressed 800 business people in Glasgow. Each table of 10 cost £5,000 for lunch with the former US leader…
He said: “There may be other terrorist attacks. Some of the attacks over the next 20 years may involve small-scale chemical, biological or nuclear materials but there has never been a nation destroyed by terrorism alone.
“It is not about to start now.
“But I think this climate change has the capacity to change the way all of us live on earth.”
He later added that there were great opportunities in the development of clean energy sources.
In a response to a question from the chairman of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Sir Ken Collins, he said: “If I was 25 again and I was setting up a career in the private sector, not as a public servant, I would go into clean energy.
“I would be a billionaire before you could turn around.”…
Mr Clinton’s visit provoked protests from some groups.
Andy Gunn, who contracted HIV and hepatitis from infected blood products, said that while Mr Clinton was governor of Arkansas, contaminated blood from prisons was exported to other countries.
He said: “They were making a lot of money. In fact, blood was worth more in weight than gold at the time.
“They knew the blood was infected with HIV and hepatitis and the prisoners were themselves dying of these conditions.
“It was actually illegal to use the blood in America and they secretly sent it up to Canada where it was turned into Factor VIII and punted around the globe.”
[…] Jo Nova covers the big bluff on the Paris climate accord […]
doGs above it is getting hilarious to see just how badly and how often Trump is shooting himself in the foot and other parts during this campaign. 🙂 There is just not enough popcorn in the world is there?
Presidential race seems substantially over barring unphotoshopped images appearing of Hillary, a Shaved Goat and Mango Butter.
However, the results form their other level elections will be interesting. Seems that the Repugs are now going to effectively write Trump off as a lost cause and look to limiting the damage elsewhere. Probably the least worst outcome.
Sorry Phil, I do not agree with your analysis except the part about the goat. Yes there are “Repugs” running away and that is because they really have no spine and probably no oysters either (see Rocky Mountain Oysters). That has been the problem for too long.
Never Hillary. Never, ever, ever.