A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Thank you for weekend unthreaded
You’re welcome.
A great place to post the latest advancements in the cult of capitalist/communist reality builders:
This comment was also posted on
Apologies for the x-post (from one I made at BH) but I felt a mention on ‘unthreaded’ might pass:
“I guess it’s a bit early for any comments on the HFC (banning of) conference in Rwanda (why there?). I was not surprised that China and India – as legally defined ‘developing countries’ (a definition that cannot be changed) – have got away with long exceptions from the rule and that the developed world will have to pay. My scam-meter went off-scale as I wondered which politicians have share/fingers-in-pies of the companies that will have to develop the gasses that will have to replace HFCs. (I wonder if the Clinton Foundation has an ‘interest’)”
Why Rwanda?
youtube, Obama: ‘The Planet Will Boil Over’ If Africans Are Allowed Cars and Air Conditioning
Is there white coal?
He best hand back his limo then… a bike…..El Prez in lycra, accompanied with puffing secret service…now that would be a sight….presumably he’d walk to all his official engagements too….
I have a simple question about ozone.
After seeing that solar spectrum shifts toward UV light in sync with the solar cycles here.
and that phytoplankton provide up to 85% of the worlds oxygen supply here.
and that DMS from phytoplankton exposed to UV reacts with ozone here, am wondering why the huge quantity of phytoplankton in the sun cannot be blamed for the ozone area below 220 Dobson units?
Good question
And there may be a simple answer.
I had an email from a friend recently, complaining about the usual one track, closed mind attitude of Melbounre University. They send a newsletter to alumni ( in the hope that we will send them some money). The most recent edition includes the claim that the ozone hole is “healing due to international action”. However the NASA site Ozone watch shows no evidence of the hole getting smaller. And there are no records before 1979 so the cause of the ozone hole is conjecture at best.
One intriguing issue is why the ozone hole should be located over the Antarctic?
Your mention of phytoplankton reminded me of this article “Micro-critters Rule”, by Caleb Shaw which appeared on WUWT in November 2015.
It is well worth the read for those who have a little time.
He describes how micro organisms flourish in the cold waters of the Antartctic, how they are whirled up into the upper atmosphere and how they destroy ozone!
So perhaps the whole ozone thing is another misconception and we have shot our
Ourselves in the foot again.
The simple answer, Peter C, is that the inflated egos of world leaders today are like those in 1543, when Copernicus first reported that Earth moves in orbit around the powerful source of energy that powers the whole solar system.
A paper now in press will show that neutron repulsion in the Sun also generates solar eruptions, flares, cosmic rays, electrically charged clouds, lightening, thunder and rain – a bitter pill for the inflated egos of Noble Laureates like Al Gore and the UN’s IPCC to swallow.
Solar eruptions, cosmic rays, electrically charged clouds, lightening, thunder and rain storms are produced by neutron repulsion in the Sun’s pulsar core.
The sloping baseline used to hid neutron repulsion is illustrated in three other papers (Manuel, 2016 a,b,d) published this year in different research journals and conference proceedings.
Found the estimate of solar ejecta compared to that for the two more distant objects interesting.
Our Sun did it.
On another tack, how much influence does galactic material from outside the solar system have.
I remember a mention of this in comments some months back?
All, or essentially every atom of, material in the solar system came from the Sun.
Oliver , its good to hear your still around and fighting the good fight , there is much that I disagree with what you have said over the years , but the treatment that you have had on other sceptical sites has been despicable , that’s the great thing about JO’S blog and why I still visit here , she allows everyone to have their say no matter how or what you have to say is perhaps seen as hostile , I well remember a commenter on WATTS UP named NICK FROM NEY YORK who was very hostile to you and cast aspersions against you on a regular basis , Nick is long gone but you are still around , again that is whats great about Jo’s blog , its a discussion blog not a bubble , I hope you and your family are well mate
Thanks, doubtingdave, I am well. The above paper was accepted for publication on my 80th birthday. My research mentor noticed the error in theoretical nuclear physics on 13 June 1936, four months before I was born.
As tom0mason notes below, AGW is the bastard love child of theoretical science and green politics.
The world is indeed mysterious to the arrogant offspring of green politics and consensus science:
Thanks Peter C.
I was thinking that the holes are at the poles because of those electric currents that make the light shows possible becoming part of the chemical reactions. Also cosmic dust and comet ash etc being dragged in toward the magnetism.
At that Watts flower dust page found a link back to wiki that says “A large amount of the naturally occurring halocarbons are created by wood fire, dioxine for example, or volcanic activities. A second large source are marine algae which produce several chlorinated methane and ethane containing compounds. There are several thousand complex halocarbons known, produced mainly by marine species. Although chlorine compounds are the majority of the discovered compounds, bromides, iodides and fluorides have also been found.” Bold mine
There is a record before 1979, and I haven’t seen it mentioned, except when I did go looking. The “hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica” wasn’t discovered in 1979 or 1983. It was discovered in 1957 by Gordon Dobson.
“Holes at the poles”? That’s the first time I’ve heard that plural mentioned. It’s logical, and I never went looking, but I never heard or saw that before.
When I first heard of the HITOLOAntarctica and that it was caused by hydrofluorocarbons I was sceptical, because this had been “discovered ” by a satellite which had only been up there for about five years. A hole, maybe yes. But who knew what was up there before, and that it was caused by HFCs? Old records are sparse indeed in Antarctica. It was only in recent times that Google told me that Gordon Dobson discovered it, but that is a minute record.
The cynic in me said ‘Follow the Dollar”. This new announcement caused the whole world to ban the use of a group of refrigerants, which were in universal use. This ban compelled the whole world to change to a new refrigerant. So did somebody hold patent rights over this new refrigerant? I didn’t go looking to find out.
However when in recent times I read, perhaps here on JoNova, that a resident of Montreal, a major shareholder in the big US chemical company which owned the patents on these new chemicals had spent $250 million on a science hijacking program to get the Montreal Protocol in place, that sounded absolutely feasible.
The biggest lurk in business comes in three grades.
1. Persuade a government to mandate the use of your product,
2. Persuade a government to prohibit the use of your competitor’s product, and
3. Persuade a government to prohibit the use of your less profitable product, thereby mandating the use of your more profitable product.
This wasn’t the fist time we saw this at work. We saw it with DDT and the other chlorinated hydrocarbons, and we saw it with the herbicide 2,4,5,T.
My brother was a small appliance repairman so he repaired refrigerators. I don’t remember the names and details he gave but he always said that the people/company that owned the patent and produced the new refrigerants were behind the whole scare.
It maybe DuPont, they were the largest manufacturers of CFC and pulled out all stops to make Freon.
I was of the impression that Dobson theorized about ozone and postulated that once we had the ability to measure it we would find a decrease mainly over the Antarctic but sometimes to a small degree over the Arctic as well.
I also have read that Dupont organized and basically paid for the Montreal conference.
They apparently held the patent on the old refrigerant which was about to expire, but had also developed and patented a new refrigerant, therefore if the conference banned the old one they would be able to sell their new one at twice the price.
Sounds like a bit of a conspiracy theory to me, but you never know their may be some truth in it. You never know these days.
[It would be good to see some document to substantiate the speculation. Cheers, — Jo]
I worked for DuPont of Canada from 1969 to 1972.
Somewhere in the annals of the company, formed in Delaware when monsieur E.I. DuPont immigrated from France, it is written that he supplied ammunition and ordnance to both sides in the American Civil War, making a great deal of moola in the bargain.
Also DuPont of Canada went through quite a rough patch during the 1970’s. I recall that in 1972 only one of seven plants were actually producing a profit.
So it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if a cunning plan developed in and around the Montreal Protocol.
Having dispensed that aspersion on teh company’s morals, I should point out that it was an excellent employer.
RexAlan. Gordon Dobson was in Antarctica in 1957. And, yes, he did theorise about what he found.
He invented the Dobson Spectrophotometer in 1924 see
It would be interesting to see that Swiss record from 1925.
I dug a little more. Thanks, ABC, for storing this where I could find it. Gordon Dobson did explain the hole over Antarctica, which isn’t replicated over Arctica, for a very straightforward reason.
Until somebody produces evidence to the contrary, I’ll run with that. It reminds me that when first I heard this story, it didn’t make sense that with most of the man made CFCs being in the northern hemisphere, the hole should be in the south.
Here is another 27 pages. Page 26 queries the CFC manufacturers’ activities.
Back again. Wikipedia, on the subject of the Dobson Spectrophotometer, says “Joe Farman of the British Antarctic Survey discovered the Ozone Hole in 1984.”
There’s a bit they’ve missed.
Not just in Rwanda – India will be denied A/C as well. Just as many are finally able to afford it.
Not something I would deny those in climates such as theirs. Another way to keep the already poor in poverty and heap punishment upon them for daring to exist.
Those making the decisions HAVE the money – and the A/C – and just don’t care.
And, hey presto! I found this link which, OK, is not a smoking gun, but it shows that the CF was in the loop early on.
Maybe as POTUS Hillary can have the FBI & CIA investigate what Bill has been up to the last few years -’cause she can’t remember things.
Michael Smith News has been investigating the CF connections with Oz, and has uncovered considerable Mafia-like activities, confirmed in Podesta e-mails which link it all together. The ties with Pacific Islands, PNG, and climate change activism, looks like many rorts of donor’s cash including our own governments, past and present.
From Pickering Post;
Yoko Ono, when asked, said of Hillary, “We met many times during the New York Vietnam War protests in the 1970s, and became very intimate. We shared many of the same values about sexual equality, fighting against the authoritarian, patriarchal, male-dominated society we were raised in”. “We had a brief romantic fling when I was with John in Manhattan and Hillary was studying at Yale”, she told reporters at a press conference.
So Hillary had a bit on the side also?
Yoko O Yes
Is this the real story of O ?
I don’t care, as long as it doesn’t have pictures!
Inside story on Clinton here:
FBI Anon on 4chan
Lord Jim, extraordinary. Reads like a Ludlum novel. Credibility?
Follow Wikileaks on twitter and read for yourself.
FBI Agents Furious at Top Brass for Letting Hillary Clinton Off the Hook
“Long-rumored dissent in the FBI ranks over Director James Comey’s refusal to refer indictments against Hillary Clinton to Attorney General Loretta Lynch is finally boiling over, according to a Fox News report.”
Make up your own – everybody else does.
The way I read it; it looks scripted to get a message out there. I cannot conceive of an individual FBI Agent taking that sort of line with Anonymous, unless it was a sting operation, of some description.
To the FBI, and with their technical resources, there is no such thing as anonymity on the web. A bona fide Agent would know that. So it was probably somebody playing the part of an Agent, to make good drama, in the hopes it will go viral, and have an influence on how people might vote.
We are in the season of dirty tricks, and nothing will be how it appears.
Wow, Manfred – just wow! If only half of that is true it is the end for the Clintons.
As RW says, unlikely to be the real thing.
Still, it’s an interesting concoction and very likely painting a real image of reality.
The good thing is we don’t need the “inside” story on Trump. He gets out there and tells it himself. 🙂
Anyway, he’s obviously is and always has been a mole in the Republican’s for the Democrats.
Why don’t you go read some evidence instead of shooting your mouth off.
Oh, and this is not ‘republican’ v ‘democrat’.
Do you want to live in a country under the rule of law?
It will be interesting to see the outcome of the Trump tilt at the presidency, but that will take patience and examination of the next US political cycle.
I do see a possible long to medium term hope here for the somewhat out there, RW/Teaparty wing of the Republicans? That is that although Trump comprehensively thumped them, he has now made such an egregious hash of things that in comparison to him, their candidates now look, in relative terms, at least arguably sane or at least not crazy.
Donald is not insane, he just sounds like he is.
I blame the liberal media for everything.
I had an excellent Saturday at a CO2 manufacturing event, supplemented by numerous BBQs etc, we finally managed to achieve some warming in our small township: .
What a fantastic turnout, let me guess the ones opposing are eco SJW’s outraged that decent people can openly enjoy their choice of transport and religion without the guilt laden misery of the Victorisatni thought Stasi.
Well done to everyone involved and keep the rubber side down.
There is a certain ‘Green’ element in the township and a few old timers that believe they own the town, and so complain about anything that doesn’t meet with their approval. The Township has an annual ‘Arty Gras’ that similarly closes off the street, but doesn’t bring in a cent to the shops etc, yet no one complains about that. It’s a sort of ‘small town’ syndrome that I’d say is, thankfully, fast disappearing. But as I said, now that the TAC is supporting the event, these perpetually offended had better find other things to complain about.
And for anyone into motorcycles, this is one amazing event.
The photos are great, regardless of your personal interests you have to admire a decent collection of anything in one place.
The township looks very picturesque, Australia is a beautiful country well worth protecting.
Aussie version of the Rolling Thunder event which I was able to witness in Washington DC on 29 May this year
Harley-Davidson to pay $12 million fine over motorcycle emissions
. . .
That would explain the late snow …
Falls Creek Victoria Snow report: Last fall of snow; October 4.
You know it makes sense.
Interestingly, these things have been legal, I’m fairly curtain everywhere in the world, for the stated purpose ie competition.
You expect nothing less from the EPA. If a law is poorly written, it allows those who interpret the law, quite some leeway. Given this, the EPA could conceivably stop all motorised racing events in the US, as no race vehicle complies with EPA regulations (and if there are any electric vehicle races, I wonder where they get their charging power?).
Looks like we’ll have our own CO2 event on the Central Coast next weekend!
A few weeks ago we had another CO2 event that I unfortunately missed. A large number of turn of the century cars came huffing and chuffing into town and I’m sure that there would have been any number of Green oxygen thieves turning purple at the thought.
SA weather: No link between blackout and renewable energy, experts say
ABC: “It doesn’t matter what the power source is if the transmission lines are down.” Grattan Institute report’s author, Tony Wood.
Wait. What?
“Blackout during heatwave in Melbourne…” due to climate change. Coal is the cause. (theguardian)
Whoa! Wait. What?
It doesn’t matter what the power source was to the storms:
ABC: “Federal Government, SA Opposition push for reopening of Port Augusta power station”
. . .
How much renewable energy must South Australia install before South Australia prevents it’s first drought?
Try the link at
oh no…this old MEME has been dragged out in MSM worldwide today:
For Clinton, A Daily Dose Of Faith Along With Politics
Fox News – 6 hours ago
Oct 2016: Associated Press: Jocelyn Novek: For Clinton, a daily dose of faith along with politics
At about 5 a.m. each day — and maybe a little later on weekends — an email from the Rev. Bill Shillady arrives in Hillary Clinton’s inbox.
It’s no secret that Clinton is a lifelong Methodist.
But Shillady feels that many people don’t really know how much her faith “is a daily thing.”
July 2009: Associated Press: Obama says he gets daily prayers on BlackBerry
2010 & 2011: HuffPo: Obama Gets Prayers Emailed Daily To His Blackberry
According to The Hill, Obama’s daily diet includes a ‘prayer devotional’ that he gets delivered to his Blackberry…
2010: UK Daily Mail: David Gardner: How Barack Obama worships with prayers sent to his trusty phone
He may be too busy to go to church as often as he would like.
But President Obama can always find time to check his Blackberry.
2013: Associated Press: Josh Lederman: The Privately Religious President: Obama’s Prayer Circles, Daily Devotional Readings
Each morning for the past five years, before most of his aides even arrive at the White House, Obama has read a devotional written for him and sent to his BlackBerry…
IMAGINE “their ABC” putting out glowing articles about Tony Abbott’s faith! lol.
MSM is a joke.
Here’s why this meme is in circulation:
“[The Emails Illustrate] The Open Anti-Catholic Bigotry Of Her Senior Advisers, Who Attack The Deeply Held Beliefs And Theology Of Catholics.” – Joseph Cella, Founder Of The National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
On the anti-trump smears read (eg) here:
Ugh! Please pass the sick bag!
Courting the folks that the Hillary press machine believes will be put off by the sudden release of egregious lewdness on his part. Something that might have been released much earlier, but may have given Republicans a more, er, viable candidate – or at least one with less OMG!!!! baggage.
Trump may be a crude, crass, lecherous freak, but he didn’t go stealing any elections.
And he isn’t getting any Koch money, so he is truly someone who’d make the powers-that-be nervous. That alone is likable.
Has anyone noticed that today’s Age has had what appears to be a head explosion over Trump? Are they trying to influence the US elections from Downunder?
Very definitely.
It’s just a flow on effect from left compliant media paid to convey the narrative, monkey see monkey do type of thing.
Trouble is the useful fools peddling this tripe aren’t quite aware just how disliked they are by the plebeian majority.
Yonnie quote for the day: ‘There are no safe spaces in nature.’
… the useful fools peddling this tripe aren’t quite aware just how disliked they are by the plebeian majority
Yes, they are … but they just don’t care.
Nor do the plebs. What time does that new reality TV show start, now ?
‘Yes, they are … but they just don’t care.’ Ok we can safely place them in the at-risk Genotype behaviour category then. (pun intended)
Its kind of like self limiting behaviour, that through excessive risk taking and dangerour activities, eventually thankfully removes those poor genes from the gene pool…well we can only hope…
I’ve only just realised how impartitial the MSM is towards Trump , Shrillary could be drunk and run over someone in a wheel chair but all you would get in the media is how Donald did this or Donald said that .
The ABC it seems is only interested in anything bad to do with Trump, Shilliary can do no wrong and if she does we won’t report it .
Of course they have to be carefull if all you hear is Trump , Trump ,Trump when people vote it may be the only thing on their mind so they vote Trump .
The real question is what will the USA public do, if anything, after the election re the MSM ? Just forget what has gone in the last 12 months–probably. But I think the MSM will eventually die a slow death. People will realise there are many good alternative views on the Internet –many YouTube journalist popping up. I know my eyes have been opened ( with regard to alternative news options) in recent months as I’ve followed the USA elections, for the first time.
That’s so true. Clinton can do anything she likes and the media ignores it, even if it’s totally illegal but it’s OK to bring up false allegations against Trump as though they are fact. I hear that he is about to get his lawyers to start searching out these “thugs” int he media and get serious. Even if he loses the election he could do so much damage to the attackers. I hope he gives them all hell. Who knows he might even be more “problematic” to the corrupt establishment outside of the White Office then in it. We live in interesting times. In any case I have now doubt the US is on the big decline regardless of who wins, and the Americans have brought it all upon themselves. Why they voted for Obama twice is begin any reason. Once is bad enough.
I saw this appalling article in the MSM on how Trumps’ suits didnt properly.
I wrote in and said I considered their “journalism” a complete joke and that they should be hosting Q&A now, and I wouldnt be bothered reading their publications any more.
“suits didnt -fit- properly.”
Still cant believe they wrote such dross…..shallow end of the pool….
For those interested in some good old fashioned CO2 generating steam engines and the like you might be interested in the next steam rally held by the Lake Goldsmith Steam Preservation Society. It is on Oct 29 and 30th and about 2 hrs drive from Melbourne. I go twice a year and it is great. The enthusiasts there have built almost their own private town in the middle of nowhere.
Note, I am not involved, I just like attending.
I love those sorts of events, they are a tribute to what helped make western civilisation and bring so many out of poverty. I’ll bet windmills etc bring not one person out of poverty.
I have made a few videos that give an idea of what goes on.
The last video is my favourite engine, a Ruston and Hornsby oil engine, not a steamer. Those engines will burn just about any liquid hydrocarbon you feed them, even crude oil straight out of the ground as long as you filter the sand out.
In that first video, at about the 11 sec mark, there a green steam engine chuffing on and it looks like one my neighbour has and who promises to fire it up one day. I can’t recollect whether the one my neighbour has is a steam engine or a really old diesel one, as I haven’t seen it for some time.
The moment steam engines became available they were used extensively to replace unreliable windmills. As soon as reliable diesel engines were available they replaced the less efficient steam engines. Real progress at each step.
Steam is infinitely preferable to wind power, and diesel’s compact efficiency is better still.
Now the luny-tune greens have got some political power they’ve pushed for a regression to back to windmills and unreliable power for all!
We should make the most of it. The great people that made Western Civilisation the finest achievement of the human species are now gone and those now running the show are actively dismantling it and replacing it with a political ideology disguised as a religion (not allowed to name it here) that represents among the most depraved achievements of mankind.
If you have some young people the Animated Engines site is a great introduction to mechanical history (also for us that forget) 😉
Years ago I repaired a cast iron wheel on one of those machines but forget which one, had to position it with a 3 ton overhead crane to weld it, good fun though.
And, admonished the abolition of the slave trade.
Not far from me David, the huge traction engines are something to behold when running, note the flood warning on the page it flooded in 2011 and can dry out just as easy, must be all that rolling coal eh?
If you can make it, Steamfest Maitland is always worth a visit.
Puzzled at exactly how the wind farm lobby has killed off cheaper, more reliable and existing power stations?
This seems a good apolitical analysis Richard Blandy is an Adjunct Professor of Economics in the Business School at the University of South Australia.
“Wind farms and other renewable-energy generators also undercut the prices offered by efficient, base-load, coal and gas power plants, because they receive guaranteed, non-market, returns from selling Generation Certificates to electricity retailers under the Commonwealth Government’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) Scheme”
Two comments. “Well done, wind farm lobby.”
and a prophetic one
“In the long run, the Government’s main option could be to pay for even more interconnection to Victorian, New South Wales or Queensland coal or gas-powered electricity generators.
South Australian businesses face electricity prices in 2016-18 of between $87 and $90 per megawatt hour, compared with $37-$41 in Victoria and $43-$48 in New South Wales.”
Compensation to the Dutch smelter Nyrstar at Port Pirie are in the hundreds of millions for electricity supply and to cover possible interruptions.
“South Australian irrigators are said to be facing electricity price increases of more than 100 per cent next year”
“It will have to do so to protect the stability of the electricity grid in South Australia soon, anyway, as well as to put a cap on wholesale prices (the price of base load electricity interstate plus the cost of shipping it here through an interconnector). This will also be costly.”
And the typical Union drive Labor approach to attack privatized formerly public generators.
““What we need to do is smash the monopolies … by interconnecting with other jurisdictions so we can get our renewable energy out to other markets,” energy minister Tom Koutsantonis said. What the conservatives are proposing, he said, will simply entrench the power of the monopolies. ”
It is not about cheap, reliable, sustainable electricity. Come to innovative, agile South Australia. Pay at least double for Victorian power, when you can get it.
Really, we the people of Victoria sold Hazelwood for $2.5Billion. We kept the money. Also Union strikes which regularly crippled Victoria stopped. The workforce dropped x4. We finally had cheap, reliable power and the investor had a return set by free market forces. They took the risk.
So what does Labor want? “Smash the monopolies”. Under the RET private companies have to buy wind energy when available, whether or not they can sell it. Worse, the cash is used to build wind farms and undercut them. It is in fact cheaper to close coal power stations. This is still all about Union control of electrical power and to punish companies who invested in Australian assets. Apparently South Australia does not need to make cars, smelt ore, build things. All money comes from the Government and everyone works for the Government. A Green paradise. Too bad the lights went out.
Trying to understand how these Large Scale Generation certificates work.
Accredited renewable energy power stations are entitled to create large-scale generation certificates based on the amount of eligible renewable electricity they produce above their baseline. As a guide, one large-scale generation certificate is equal to one megawatt hour of eligible renewable electricity.
Large-scale generation certificates are usually sold to liable entities (electricity retailers), who are required to surrender a set number of certificates to the Clean Energy Regulator each year.
Now here’s the pretend ‘market’ like the ETS.
Large-scale generation certificates are sold through the open large-scale generation certificate market (LGC market), where the price varies depending on supply”
Now what sort of ‘market’ exists when the customer is forced by law to buy something they do not want or need and in a fixed quantity dictated by someone else for no benefit to themselves or their customers? This is a licence to extort, a tax by wind generators on everyone else to force them to pay for something which is generally unwanted and for which no one benefits.
This is a scandal, not a ‘market’. It is communism pretending to be a market system when bureaucrats force the public to pay the middle men and give the money to their friends for nothing. Trading, market, open, these are pretend words. It is none of these things. Extortion. The Mafia would dream of such a scheme, a huge and massively damaging Environment Protection Racket.
15 Oct: GatewayPundit: Jim Hoft: Matt Drudge: Media Can’t Report on Wikileaks Podesta Emails Cuz They’re All in Bed with Hillary
Matt Drudge knows why the liberal media is not reporting on the leaked Podesta emails.
Because they’re all involved!…
***Drudge went on to say it will take the media a generation to recover from the current corruption…
The Wikileaks Podesta emails involve the CEO of Google Eric Schmidt and Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg, who shared research with the Clinton Campaign.
And as reported earlier — Thanks to the Podesta emails we know that numerous prominent journalists are actively working with the Clinton campaign…
CNBC Crank John Harwood Abused GOP Candidates at Debate – Then Trashed Them in Email to Hillary Camp
DNC Chief Donna Brazile Conspired with Hillary to Defeat Bernie; Media Assisted Hillary
The List of Reporters Were Taking Marching Orders from Hillary (LINK)…
Hillary Campaign thanking Univision’s owner Haim Saban for its moderators handling of Hillary against Sanders…
Hacks Have Exposed Journalists In Clinton’s Corner…
WASH POST bureau chief protected Podesta…
NYT Gave Hillary Veto Power On Quotes…
BRAZILE BUSTED: DNC Chief Shared CNN Town Hall Questions…
FOX News Mole Leaked Town Hall Question to Clinton Campaign…
WSJ: ‘Nation Now Has Proof’ of Hillary Scandals, But Leftist Media ‘Devote Its Front Pages to the Trump Story’
Great speech by JFK:
Drudge went on to say it will take the media a generation to recover from the current corruption…
Silly thing to say. The MSM do not NEED to recover. The mass of the populace accept the fact that they are lied to every day.
Here’s a very good, recent post by Dr Roy Spencer looking at crop yields and rainfall since 1900. Here’s the link.
Global Warming be Damned: Record Corn, Soybeans, Wheat
October 14th, 2016
For many years we have been warned that climate change is creating a “climate crisis”, with heat and drought reducing agricultural yields to the point that humanity will suffer. Every time there’s a drought, we are told that this is just one more example of human-caused climate change.
But droughts have always occurred. The question is: Are they getting worse? And, has modest warming had any effects on grain yields?
We have yet to experience anything like the Dust Bowl drought of the 1930s, or the mega-droughts the western U.S. tree ring record suggests occurred in centuries past.
And even if they do occur, how do we know they were not caused by the same natural factors that cause those previous droughts? While “global warming” must cause more precipitation overall (because there is more evaporation), whether this means increased drought conditions anywhere is pretty difficult to predict because it would require predicting an average change in weather patterns, which climate models so far have essentially no skill at.
So, here we are with yet another year (2016) experiencing either record or near-record yields in corn, soybeans, and wheat. Even La Nina, which was widely feared would cause reduced crop yields this year, did not materialize.
How can this be?
How has Climate Changed in the U.S. Corn Belt?
Let’s start with precipitation for the main growing months of June-July-August over the 12-state Corn Belt (IL, IN, IA, KS, NE, ND, SD, MO, WI, MN, MI, OH). All data come from official NOAA sources. Since 1900, if anything, there has been a slight long-term increase in growing season precipitation:
In fact, the last three years (2014-16) has seen the highest 3-yr average precip amount in the entire record.
If we examine temperature, there has been some warming in recent decades, but nothing like that predicted for the same region from the CMIP5 climate models:
That plot alone should tell you that something is wrong with the climate models. It’s not even obvious a statistically significant warming has occurred, let alone attribute it to a cause, given all of the adjustments (or lack of proper adjustments) that have been made to the surface thermometer data over the years. Note the models also cannot explain the Dust Bowl warmth of the 1930s, because the models do not mimic the natural changes in Pacific Ocean circulation which are believed to be the cause.
So, has Climate Change Not Influenced Grain Yields?
Let’s assume the temperature and precipitation observations accurately reveal what has really happened. Has climate change since 1960 impacted corn yields in the U.S.?
As part of some consulting I do for a company that monitors grain markets and growing conditions around the world, last year I quantified how year-to-year variations in U.S. corn yields depend on year-to-year changes in precipitation and temperature, over the period 1960 through 2014. I then applied that relationship to the long-term trends in precipitation and temperature.
What I found was that there might be a small long-term decrease in yields due to climate change, but it is far exceeded by technological advancements that increase yields.
In fact, based upon studies of the dependence of corn yield on CO2 fertilization, the negative climate impact is even outweighed by the CO2 fertilization effect alone. (More CO2 is well known to fertilize, as well as increase drought tolerance and make plants more efficient in their water use).
The people I know in the grain trading business do not even factor in climate change…primarily because they do not yet see evidence of it.
It might well be there…but it is so overwhelmed by other positive factors, especially improved varieties, that it cannot be observed in corn yield data. In fact, if varieties can be made more heat tolerant, it might be that there will be no climate change impact on yields.
So, once again, claims of severe agricultural impacts from climate change continue to reside in the realm of science fiction….in the future, if at all.
My cousin in Florida just sent me this. The American people are angry and upset.
This may be the best and most honest political promotion statement you will ever read. It decidedly does not brush objections aside.
You hate Hillary? READ it. You hate Trump? READ it. You think there’s no choice? READ it. And, read it with your grown-up hat on.
We’ve all been dealt huge responsibility with this election. The first step toward accepting responsibility is accepting it, and the first step toward accepting it is recognizing it.
READ THIS. Read every single word. It’ll take you about three minutes. Be sure to read to the end (take a few minutes and read all of it!)
Are you sickened and despondent with the current campaign and upcoming presidential election?
I consider myself a conservative and do truly believe our country is at a political/economic/moral/ social crossroads. I need to let you know I could/would never vote for Hillary Clinton to lead this country. To me, she represents everything that is wrong with our current political structure. On the flip side, I look and listen to Donald Trump and I cringe at every rude, insulting comment he makes.
If you find yourself in a similar state of mind, please read the following article:
A Message For Christians About Donald Trump
Here’s a famous joke about God and how he talks to us.
“A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof at home with massive flooding up to the 2nd floor. Rowboat comes. He says “No, I’m waiting for God. I prayed and I know he’s coming.” 2nd Rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.” 3rd Rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.”
Water rises. The man drowns. Now he’s meeting God in heaven. The religious man says, “Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?”
God says, “Hey, I sent you 3 rowboats.”
Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?
Maybe God is trying to tell us something important–that now is not the time for a “nice Christian guy” or a “gentleman” or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished. Maybe the rules of gentlemen don’t apply here. Maybe a gentleman and “all-around nice Christian” would lead us to slaughter.
Or do you want another Mitt Romney, Bob Dole, John McCain, Gerald Ford or Paul Ryan? Did any of them win? Did they lead the GOP to “the promised land?” Did they change the direction of America ? No, because if you don’t win, you have no say.
Paul Ryan couldn’t even deliver his own state, Wisconsin ! And as leader of the House, Paul Ryan rolls over to Obama like my dog rolls over for a scrap of food, or a steak bone. Nice, but obedient. I mean Paul Ryan…not my dog. My dog is actually a pretty good defender and loyal.
Maybe God is knocking on your door loudly, but you’re not listening. Maybe God understands we need a “war leader” at this moment in time. Maybe God understands if we don’t win this election, America is dead. It’s over. The greatest nation in world history will be gone. Finished. Kaput. Adios.
And with one last breath, maybe what we need to save us at the last second, is someone different. Someone you haven’t ever experienced before– because you weren’t raised in rough and tumble New York where nothing good gets accomplished unless you’re combative, aggressive, outrageous, on offense at all times, and maybe just a tad arrogant too.
Someone with a personality you’ve never seen on stage at your church. Maybe, just maybe, being a nice gentlemanly Christian would not beat Hillary and her billion dollars, and her best friends in the media who will unleash the dogs of hell upon the GOP nominee.
I guess you think God is only nice and gentlemanly. Really? Then you’ve missed the whole point of the Bible. When necessary, God is pretty tough. When necessary, God strikes with pain, death and destruction. When necessary, God inflicts vengeance.
Maybe you think God couldn’t possibly be associated with someone like Trump. Trump is too vicious, rude and crude.
When we won WWII, was God “nice?” Were we gentlemanly when defeating Hitler? Were we gentlemanly when firebombing Germany? Were we gentlemanly when dropping atomic bombs on Japan ? Is God ever “nice” on the battlefield? Or does he send us vicious SOB’s like General George S. Patton so the good guys can defeat evil?
It’s pretty clear to me God sends unique people to be “war leaders.” That’s a different role than a pastor or church leader. God understands that.
And maybe it’s time to re-define “nice.” Maybe Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan aren’t nice at all–because they led us to defeat. And losing again would mean the end of America . And God can’t allow that. Maybe Romney and Ryan mean well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or maybe they’re just jealous they had their chance and blew it. Maybe they’d rather help elect Hillary than allow a Trump victory that would make them look weak, feckless and incompetent.
“Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (Isiah 40:30-31)
God is about miracles. We don’t need a “nice guy” or a “gentleman” right now. It’s the 4th quarter and we’re losing 14-0. We need a miracle.
So let me repeat my message to Christians: “YOU’RE MISSING THE BOAT.”
I believe Trump is our miracle. I believe Trump is our rowboat. Except he’s more like a battleship!
No one is saying Trump is perfect. No one is saying Trump is a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot. He is a warrior. He is a capitalist. He is the right man, at the right time. Yes, he’s a bit rude and crude and offensive. But that may make him the perfect warrior to save America , American exceptionalism, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values. The choice should be easy for Christians.
It’s Trump…or it’s the end of the American dream.
If anything in this article strikes a positive chord with you, please pass it on.
Interesting thoughts there Rod, I had a conversation with an American yesterday who held similar views and mentioned a current conspiracy theory that Trump is really a Democrat plant chosen because they knew he would resonate with the disgruntled centre while destabilising the traditionalist GOP base, plan is that he’ll self implode in the last week handing Clinton the election.
Problem I have with this is the very real incriminating evidence surfacing that exposes the Clinton’s and Globalists for what they are, then again Hillary could BBQ babies on the White House lawn and the left wouldn’t bat an eyelid, I do agree this election is important for everyone on this planet.
I have, as I suspect you have, been accused of being a “conspiracy theorist”.
“How could so many people be fooled? How could so many be involved in a scam that fits your conspiracy?”
Thanks to the Wikileaks dumps this week, only a fool would deny that the Clinton Foundation extends its tentacles into not only every facet of the American administration, but that of virtually every county in the “free world” and many that are not in the free world.
There can be no doubt that a Clinton win will extend the corruption and deceit of past administration on into the future.
Will a Trump win forestall the inevitable? Who knows? But at least there is a chance. Hope springs eternal in the human breast.
I have been following Donald Trump more closely than I should. I believe that he is sincere. I hope that he is sincere. I know that there are few players in the game that are. Just as Liberals are no longer discernible from the ALP of the Green menace, Left and Right, Donkey and elephant, cops and crooks, are no longer discernible in the American sphere. (Apart from non-RINOs Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, and possibly Ted Cruz.
My fear is that they think Hillary can give them a win. But she is dying. She refuses an AVR (aortic valve replacement). That can cause a phenomenon known as “sudden death”. If there is a Clinton win, and then she croaks, that F*?!3*&% grinning undertaker Kaine becomes POTUS, and if that assessment is correct, it is definitely GAME OVER.
As one of the senior FBI leakers resonded to the suggestion that someone kill her, “It wouldn’t change a thing if she were assassinated. There are so many federal departments involved, it wouldn’t change anything.
Does Donald Trump look like “DNC plant” to you?
No I don’t believe Trump’s a DNC plant, main reason being he’s thrown some serious mud at all sides, if he was a plant then he’s gone rogue and actually going for the finish line himself, the DNC MSM has gone into overdrive to dictate the narrative due to Trump’s refusal to abide by PC political rules, if the GOP had anyone else contending this fight they’d be toast as the arena has devolved to zero rules thanks to a decade of Marxism having its head, and we all know how that usually turns out.
Isn’t it strange the one could say the same thing about Turnbull? He could be a Labor plant. He certainly acts like one. I tend to think not but one can’t be so sure. I find it less likley though that Trump is a plant by the Dems. If he was then he’s not really doing a good job of it given the way the polls are going. Depending on which ones you use, he’s either just behind or way ahead. Not the sought of play one would expect. Anyway, who cares. We all know the US is on the big decline no matter who wins.
We are lucky Turnbull is kept in check by a narrow majority.
He needs to be replaced ASAP.
You mean we are unlucky Trunbull is kept in power by a huge majority (from within).
If any Donald Trump supporters are still thinking he’ll be elected I would advise writing him off and getting used to Hillary. After the accusations by a growing number of women and then his lamebrained defense of himself, I see no future in government for Mr. Trump. If he’s elected it will be a miracle equivalent to the parting of the Red Sea.
How this man ever succeeded in business I’ll never figure out.
Don’t know if you read Powerline’s Week in pictures Roy, I like the “I’d rather be called fat by Donald Trump than be left for dead by Hillary Clinton.” particularly. 🙂
Roy, it seems to me that an obsession with sex is no hindrance to the oval office.
In fact, it seems to me that it is bloody well a PREREQUISITE.
Even Andrew Jackson eloped with another man’s wife! (Although he did in fact love Rachel, and rescued her from a fiend of a husband)
The MSM have smeared him. Does this sound anything like the fantasy the MSM have created:
“I am completely shocked and bewildered by my cousin, Summer Zervos, and her press conference today. Ever since she was on The Apprentice she has had nothing but glowing things to say about Mr. Trump. For almost a decade, my cousin would talk about how much she looked up to Mr. Trump and viewed him as an inspiration – a success story she wanted to copy. Summer would also talk about how kind and caring Mr. Trump was on the show, and how he would even visit children in hospitals without telling the press. She has praised the good things he’s done for her life, and in fact she converted her friends and our family to become Trump supporters even though we’ve never been active in politics before.
“That was until Summer invited Mr. Trump to her restaurant during the primary and he said no. I think Summer wishes she could still be on reality TV, and in an effort to get that back she’s saying all of these negative things about Mr. Trump. That’s not how she talked about him before. I can only imagine that Summer’s actions today are nothing more than an attempt to regain the spotlight at Mr. Trump’s expense, and I don’t think it reflects well.” – John Barry, Mission Viejo, CA (first cousin of Summer Zervos)
If you can’t tell from my other replies that I agree with you then I’ll say it in so many words.
But it’s not worth the energy I spent typing my agreement if he isn’t elected. 🙂
“How this man ever succeeded in business I’ll never figure out.”
That should tell you something about the false picture that has been implanted.
Don’t you remember climategate and the MSM refusal to report.
We are seeing the same thing here.
Now Amber Lyon of CNN has come clean with the collusion of CNN.
CNN has always had the ability to raise the hair on the back of my neck. In other words, suspicion that not all is on the up and up and trouble is always nearby if I believe CNN too quickly. On the other hand, I think I want some independent corroboration of this before I swallow it. And so far I haven’t found it. Much of the story may well be true but this is plain old bribery by the United States Government to control CNN.
I wouldn’t easily believe either Obama or CNN (owned by Ted Turner) would pay or be paid to do what Lyon describes but if I did find out they were doing it I might not be surprised. It’s a rather bold move for at least CNN to risk being found out — Obama too actually. On the other hand, maybe the number of people who care anymore is too small for either of them to worry about.
But back to reality. Snopes has been unable to determine if this is true or false.
I could not find any other site with a similar objective to Snopes that would confirm this either. In fact, there appears to be considerable evidence that it’s not true and it’s strong evidence, even though it appears to be all circumstantial — lack of any mention of it on Lyon’s web site for one thing. And if I was blowing the whistle on something like this and had a web site that’s the first place I would put my allegations.
Conclusion: Don’t believe everything you read.
It appears to be true, but it’s not “new”.
Seems to be 2,3, or 4 years ago!
I am always a little skeptical about people coming forward, at a critical juncture, with “me too” stories.
In a Presidential race, where both sides have the motive and means to engage in dirty tricks, I don’t think any creadence can be placed on anything said by any extrinsic actors.
Had the offended parties made formal complaints at the time of the alleged offence, and if those formal complaints could be produced, then I would believe them. Otherwise they are blowing smoke.
Personally, I don’t want either of the current candidates to be, “The Leader of the Free World”. If something is free, then those with the means, feel that they can help themselves.
Likewise, for me, it is the timing. Add to that the recent spread of “everything” being offensive in some way, and the touchiness of any semblance of lust for under-age girls and boys (oh, the CHILDREN!!) despite the realities of pageantry, modeling, back-scenes TV and etc., and you’ve got something that just screams of low-down dirty call him a pig-fscker political trickery.
Up to date the Donald was pretty good at brushing off those attacks. We’ll see how he weathers this one.
There has been some noise about how Hillary’s green creds are opportunistic and profit-based, plus politically convenient. I don’t trust her enough to count on that, but a small sliver of potential-stabbing those greenies who supported her is lurking.
My wife, who holds a degree in marriage and family therapy would disagree with you. I won’t try to speak for her but I think she could shoot you down sufficiently well that you would lose on this point. These allegations could easily be true, notwithstanding the lack of timely reporting to the appropriate police precinct.
So I’m in a position where I can’t tell yea or nay, about them. And so is everyone. But I think Trump’s own defense of himself gives them far too much credibility that they would not have if he had handled it right.
I think you are right that Trump has already lost this election.
His own party is spending money shoring up the Senate vote while not actively defending him.
This is a terminal sign.
His ‘argument’ that Hillary covered up Bill’s philandering just helps her cause as the jilted wife
prepared to do anything for her philandering spouse and stay married.
Her own manifest faults, no doubt to be leaked as slowly as Trump’s ‘locker room’ discussions,
make her a survivor, pragmatist and triumphant feminist despite the odds.
No doubt behind the scenes she is a difficult person to relate to or debate with, but the US wants some certainty
even if its a bad one.
Being a tough customer is not a bar to US Presidency.
Many actually like her.
Modern medicine will keep her cognitent and sufficiently active for the term of this Presidency.
Modern USA stays sharply divided, a road that we are heading along.
The have nots out vote the haves who generate the income,
business divests its US assets and exports manufacturing.
If Coca Cola decides not to invest in Altona, its subsiduary, it lets it go bust, or eficcient taxpayers here
subsidise this US giant or people lose jobs,
increasingly US businesses divest working parts of their companies by sale till all that is left is a shell
each generation of business leaders retire with a golden handshake,
watch IBM,
there is no national consensus on immigration, defence or religious freedom while the power generation is becoming ad hoc
and unstable.
They are obsessed with climate change, to the detriment of good governance.
Just look what SA has done to our power grid, ditto California.
The US elector has a hobson’s choice.
I hope they muddle through.
This election is much bigger than USA, it is the people v the globalists (of which CAGW is just one symptom).
The Republicans and Democrats are both full of globalists that do not serve the people.
That is why the Clinton foundation is such a scandal (receiving payments from foreign governments).
And that is why Trump is cutting Republicans lose and why they do not support him.
The MSM is ignoring devastating revelations about Hillary and smearing Trump.
So, I suggest everyone support Trump (who is pro freedom) and post in support of him everywhere you go.
I have spoken the truth about Trump all along. Before he can do anything and before he can prevent Hillary from doing anything, he must win the November 8 election. And he is throwing that down the drain as fast as he can.
I will vote for Trump. I will do that no matter what he says or does because he cannot possibly me as malign a president as Hillary Clinton will be. But he’s still throwing away his chance to win by refusing to stop putting his big foot in his mouth with every statement he makes.
It does no good to argue how much we all need him when it’s getting more and more obvious that he cannot win.
The allegations against him are anyone’s guess for truthfulness, nothing more than a finger pointing contest. But Trump has given them a full head of steam by continuing to make BS denials when all he needs to do is say, “These allegations are not true.” And then go on with the message that counts. But no, no, no, not The Donald. He has to make a fool of himself.
If he can’t avoid throwing away his chance to win when trouble comes, what will he do in the White House? Will he be cool headed enough to stick to the point and do what’s necessary instead of bloviating like a Jackass? Your guess…
I rest my case.
another “journo” to add to this ever-growing list…and a “big one” at that:
15 Oct: VesselNews: Wikileaks: Reuters Reporter leaked chief outline of Benghazi Committee meeting objectives to John Podesta
More on Hosenball:
Mark Hosenball is an American investigative correspondent at Reuters. Prior to joining Reuters in September 2010, he worked for Newsweek. He started there in November 1993, after working at Dateline NBC as an investigative producer. He also worked at The Sunday Times, the Evening Standard, Time Out, and contributed articles to The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The New Republic. He has also done commentaries for American Public Radio. (Wikipedia)
one of the funniest videos u’ll ever see. judging from the 1 comment, “healthy” was in there somewhere, maybe i didn’t notice it in the video, but it’s not in the text as it is now:
VIDEO: 1min47secs: Westchester News12: Democrats attend rally for Hillary Clinton in Mount Kisco
VIDEO CAPTION: A large crowd came out Saturday to support Chappaqua’s own Hillary Clinton in Northern Westchester
MOUNT KISCO – A large crowd came out Saturday to support Chappaqua’s own Hillary Clinton in Northern Westchester.
Democratic State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin kicked off the rally for Clinton outside Mount Kisco Village Hall…
Many more rallies for Clinton are scheduled in Northern Westchester.
The Cortland Democratic Committee says they have one coming up on Nov. 4, just before Election Day on McKinley Street in Mount Kisco.
Jim Porter: A healthy–meaning large, I presume–crowd? I’ve seen more people lined up to use a payphone.
15 Oct: Twitter: Randy the Deplorable: 3.5 hours before Trump takes the stage, and the line is out to the road, traffic is gridlock, and the sun is shining here in Portsmouth NH.
STOP THE PRESSES! LOL. watch this now…
Youtube: 1min49secs: Media Publicly Shamed by 20,000+ People
posted by Millennial Millie
Prior to commencement of a Donald Trump Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, approx. 20,000 people in attendance shamed the mainstream media as they entered the credentialed press area. Millie Weaver confronts them asking “how does it feels to be called out by thousands of Americans for lying and being corrupt?” Hallie Jackson from NBC flees from Infowars Reporter Millie Weaver when asked her thoughts.
Some of those reporters looked really scared. Perhaps they went off to write articles about how Trump supporters incite violence, or perhaps they got the message.
It strikes me, looking at what has happened over the last few months, looking at the very poorly attended rallies that Clinton has and the standing room only Trump ones, that the fact that Clinton is claimed by the media to be 11 points ahead of Trump could work against her. As voting is not compulsory in the US, should the weather be inclement on voting day, then Clinton voters will not bother turning out (the Brexit effect) while Trump’s will turn out in the 100’s of millions.
We can hope!
Two comments in moderation?
The filter must’ve been triggered.
Is Australia a coral in the sea?
how’s this?
some may know of the relentless MSM attacks on Trump re his comments about this Judge:
15 Oct: GatewayPundit: Jim Hoft: WIKILEAKS: Wife of Mexican-American Judge suing Trump is BIG Podesta and Hillary fan
Gonzalo Curiel the activist judge (who is a member of is a member of a “La Raza” Lawyers Association) is ruling over a case where Trump is sued…
Carolyn Curiel made it into the Podesta emails leaked this week by Wikileaks.
Teresa L. Amott wrote this to Podesta “Carolyn Curiel was just here with a group of Purdue students that visited the debate site. She and I exchanged raves about the two of you.”
Podesta replies “Wow! Small world.”
wait, there’s much more to consider, thanx to a comment at the above:
Purdue Dept of English: Carolyn Curiel
Clinical Professor; Executive Director, Purdue Institute for Civic Communication
Carolyn Curiel has been a United States Ambassador, Senior Speechwriter and Special Assistant to the President of the United States, and an influential journalist at top news media organizations.
Before returning in October 2008 to her alma mater, Purdue University, she served as a member of the Editorial Board of The New York Times, writing opinion pieces on politics and a range of foreign and domestic issues…
As White House speechwriter, Ms. Curiel concentrated on President Clinton’s “opportunity agenda” — education, health, environment and race relations. The President credited her for writing what many have called his most memorable speech, on every American’s right to equal opportunity…
Ambassador Curiel joined The Times Editorial Board in 2002. Another New York paper, The Observer, noting her role as the director of The Times’ elections endorsements, called her “the most powerful person in New York politics.”
In previous positions, she was an Emmy-nominated producer and writer for Ted Koppel at ABC News Nightline, head of the Caribbean Division for United Press International, and an editor at The Washington Post…
She serves on the Advisory Board of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, and she is a member of the somewhat secretive Judson Welliver Society of former White House speechwriters.
how wonderful is the internet?
La Raza has benefitted from the mortgage crisis slush-fund – that not one homeowner has seen a penny of.
“The most egregious recent example is the mortgage settlements between DOJ and various banks, where millions of dollars were channeled to third parties for such services as housing counseling, or credit abuse education. The problems are documented in the House Report, and more extensively in two set of hearings conducted by House Judiciary. (Here and here.)
The Heritage Foundation has been instrumental in spotlighting the issues, noting that payments have gone to a gamut of groups ranging from La Raza to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to Acorn…”
Jo, I wonder if there is any merit to the following suggestion: In Australia we have the 18C legislation which is designed to stop personal vilification or something like that.
People who very correctly question the popular scientific AGW theory are repeatedly and publicly called “climate change deniers”. I have one member of my own family who does this very deliberately with the unstated intention of humiliating and belittling others.
Are there any grounds for using the 18C legislation in these instances. I have no intention whatsoever of taking any form of action against my family member but I wonder if this could be used elsewhere in an attempt to stop unpleasant name calling and perhaps direct attention to the actual science.
Any Lawyers out there with an opinion?
Not a lawyer, just someone who has normal English language comprehension skills.
“18C” is a classic case of storm meet teacup meet idiot commentators on the MSM with relevance deprivation syndrome.
To be specific to you question, are “climate change deniers” a race??
If yes, 18c may apply. 🙂
If no, 18C does not apply. 🙂
18C applies to “ethnic groups” whatever that is. Depends on how you identify really…. 😉
Considering its part of the “Racial Discrimination Act” that a pretty good indication to a reasonable person of the context of the term “ethnic groups”.
worth recalling another judge:
10 Oct: IndependentJournalReview: Seton Mutley: If You’re Looking to Rent a Leftist Attorney General, New York’s Is For Sale
New York Democrat Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is on the market – and open for business. And you don’t even need to contact him – he’ll contact you.
Schneiderman is worse than pay-to-play. He is pay-to-play – in reverse. He will launch insufferable Leftist Quixote campaigns first – and ask for campaign cash later…
Schneiderman and some of his co-awful cohorts wasted a year-plus attempting to eviscerate the First Amendment rights of oil company ExxonMobil…
Washington Times: Democratic Attorneys General to Police Climate Change Dissent:
“Standing beside former Vice President Al Gore, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said the state officials are committed to ‘working together on key climate-related initiatives,’ including queries into whether fossil fuel companies like ExxonMobil have committed fraud by deceiving the public and shareholders about the impact of man-made carbon dioxide emissions”…
New York Post: Schneiderman Tried to Contact Eco-Tycoon Amid Exxon Probe:
“In March 2016, four months after announcing the Exxon probe, the Democratic AG tried to arrange a phone meeting with hedge-fund mogul Tom Steyer, an environmental activist and Exxon enemy.”
“‘Eric Schneiderman would like to have a call with Tom regarding support for his race for governor . . . regarding Exxon case,’ reads the March 10 e-mail”….READ ON
because he, unsurprisingly, created yet another MSM anti-Trump storm recently:
9 Oct: NY Post: Isabel Vincent: Clinton Foundation was late to file paperwork, but got pass from AG
A search of the New York charities database by The Post found that for the years 2010 through 2014, the Clinton Foundation was years late in submitting the required paperwork to raise money in New York — waiting until 2016.
Yet this is the same state questionnaire that recently landed the Trump Foundation in hot water…
Last week, the office of Democrat Schneiderman issued a cease and desist letter to the Trump Foundation ordering it to stop fundraising in the state for failing to complete the government form for every year that the group raises money in the state.
But the Clinton Foundation, which has had offices in New York since 2001, only completed much of its paperwork retroactively. The 2010-2014 forms were all signed on a single day — Jan. 12, 2016 — by Clinton Foundation executives Andrew Kessel and Kevin Thurm.
And in 2005, 2006 and 2007, the Clinton Foundation answered “no” to the question, “Did the organization receive government grants?” — even though foreign governments donated tens of millions of dollars to the non-profit during those years.
Last week, a day after the Trump Foundation was ordered to stop raising money in the state, the Clinton Foundation voluntarily and urgently submitted documents to Schneiderman’s office that the group’s executives said were missing from its previous filings…
u have to laugh.
It seems that the cost of electricity in SA is so high that it could be worthwhile for individuals or companies to go off grid and produce their own electricity from diesel or natural gas generators.
What do you think?
I read recently that the Whyalla steelworks has been talking to the SA Government about moving off the grid.
I worked there 5 years ago, BHP founded the town and generated it’s own electrical supply,
The Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP) was responsible for bringing electricity to the townships of Iron Knob, Whyalla, their associated mines and ultimately the Whyalla steelworks. This was achieved by the construction of three powerhouses and network infrastructure to reticulate the power.
BHP commenced power supply to Whyalla in 1908 and Iron Knob in 1922.[12] A second powerhouse was built in the 1920s to replace the first and was decommissioned in late 1941 (though it was still standing in the 1990s). The third powerhouse was built in 1941 as part of the No.1 Blast furnace. It features two turbo alternators and two turbo blowers and remains in operation. It provides electricity for use around the plant and air to the blast furnace. Compressed air is also utilised around the plant by a number of other departments.
The South Australian grid, run by the then Electricity Trust of South Australia (ETSA), was extended to Whyalla by the late 1950s. While the town’s supply was progressively transferred to ETSA during the 1960s, BHP continued to supply much of its own needs and those of some other customers that were not economic to transfer to the ETSA network. As BHP’s power needs grew it began to use grid power for a greater portion of its own needs.[12] However, as of 2016 the steelworks continues to generate its own electricity to lower its energy costs and increase security of supply.
As of 2005, the Whyalla Steelworks has 66.5 MW of dedicated electricity generating capacity on-site. 57.5 MW of this capacity consists of three turbo alternators driven by steam raised in various boilers, fired primarily by waste blast furnace and coke oven gases. The boilers can also be fired with supplementary fuel oil and natural gas. The boilers also provide steam for process use around the plant. Two 4.2 MW gas turbines operate exclusively on purchased natural gas.[12] Despite this on-site capacity, the plant relies on purchased electricity for a substantial portion of its needs, and only exports power to the grid occasionally.
Thanks for that information.
I had been unaware of some of it.
A number of factors will drive people to go off grid and power vehicles from alternative energy sources. These include:
Rapidly rising costs.
Governments are increasingly reliant on energy taxation for revenue. They foolishly consider demand for energy from sources they can easily tax to be inelastic, so they keep squeezing their fist tighter.
Reliability issues.
Forced introduction of unreliable intermittent power from Big Wind and small solar are destabilizing and damaging power grids. ACSR transmission cables can accumulate annealing damage form load surges such as seen in SA. In the UK home back-up generator sales are booming.
Legislative risk.
With governments addicted to energy taxation and now CO2 taxation, people can no longer trust that increasingly punitive legislation will not be introduced in the future. Remaining on grid and powering vehicles from government controlled fuel carries increasing legislative risk to citizens. (This risk means that natural gas fuel cells are not the answer, as government grip on gas supply is too dangerous).
Rapidly improving micro-generation technologies.
This does not include PV solar or small wind, because storage systems make going off grid too expensive. However wood chip/ pellet MCHP (micro combined heat and power) systems are looking like a future proofed home power source. When both heating water and producing power from integrated Stirling engines, new automatic feed systems are reaching 90% thermal efficiency.
Attempting to tax wood chip production is a dead end. It is carbon neutral so it cannot be claimed to produce CO2. Scrubbing technologies are too good to ban it on false claims of particulate pollution. Wood chips and pellets can be produced and transported by hundreds of thousands of suppliers, too many to track and tax.
If governments continue gouge citizens and make energy ever more unreliable, citizens will turn to energy like wood chips and bio-fuels that governments can’t control.
Funny you mentioned wood. Firewood collecting from public land was recently banned in the People’s Republic of Victoria.
I replied Konrad but comment stuck in moderation. I have no idea why.
I wonder at what point you have to buy certificates from the wind power generators, even if you do not want their electricity when they choose to generate it?
The basic LGC certificate is 1 MW Hr which for a household is 6MWHr per year, so six certificates a year. This is currently about 6x$85, or $500 a year.
Alternatively consider this means every household in Australia is paying $500 a year in their electricity to build windmills we don’t need and only the Greens and Labor want.
Plus the blackouts, which cost hundreds of millions a time apart from the human cost. For South Australia with say 500,000 households, this means about $1,000 cash a household just to repair the damage from a single event, if closing cities like Whyalla permanently can be repaired. No tax deduction for that either.
This $1000 cash per household also applies to Tasmania for the cost of flying in 400 diesel generators just to keep the place going because the water was sold off.
Also the SA Government compensation to Nyrstar, the Dutch operated smelter at Port Pirie for power problems previously referenced, currently at $291million and set to soar. For 500,000 households, that is a permanent $582 per year, set to rise dramatically.
The very idea of using taxation money to compensate companies to NOT produce water or power is objectionable, but that is precisely what will happen. How much will the private coal power providers charge to backup unreliable, erratic wind? Vastly more public money flowing for a Green fantasy and Labor Union control of power.
Bureau eyeying major weather system likely to wreak havoc in state’s far North West
October to April is the peak time for cyclones.
Last season we had an unusually low number of tropical cyclones.
3 developed in the Australian region, the lowest on record and only 1 crossed the coast.
This season we expect to see an average to above average number of cyclones forming.
These patterns are also associated with increased rainfall & flood risk.
0.58: Winter 2016 was Australia’s 2nd wettest on record.
Above average rainfall has continued into spring, with September receiving almost three times the ‘normal’ rainfall for the month.
This means soils are wetter than usual across large parts of the country, particularly eastern Australia.
With the outlook for the remainder of the year for average to above average rainfall, soils are likely to remain wet, and we should continue to see higher than average stream flows in many areas.
2.20: Heatwaves can have a significant impact on human health, agriculture and infrastructure.
Wet soils inland mean early spring heatwaves aren’t quite as likely as in recent years.
But, periods of extreme heat are a risk in any Australian summer.
And as our climate has warmed (see adjusted-truncated graph beginning 1910), the number of heat waves has increased.
. . .
ABC Landline, Flannery, 2007:
“PROFESSOR TIM FLANNERY: We’re already seeing the initial impacts and they include a decline in the winter rainfall zone across southern Australia, which is clearly an impact of climate change, but also a decrease in run-off.
So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush. “
PIC: Clinton VP Tim Kaine Miami Rally Sat 15 Oct
TV news Miami/AP has video, but no shot further back than front row, & no shot wider than the truck, but it sounds CROWDED:
15 Oct: 7NewsMiami: Associated Press: Tim Kaine campaigns for Clinton in rally at Miami Dade College
At a block party held at Miami-Dade College’s North Campus, U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., made a final push to get potential voters registered.
Wearing a shirt with rolled up sleeves, jeans and sunglasses, the vice presidential candidate stood on the flatbed of a black pickup truck with Clinton’s campaign logo as he encouraged his young audience to get fired up for the Nov. 8 showdown at the polls…
Several local leaders, like U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., joined Kaine in urging the CROWD to voice their choice and volunteer…
Meanwhile, Kaine called on everyone in the CROWD at Miami Dade College to get to the polls…
PIC: Trump’s VP Mike Pence rally, Liberty University, 12 Oct
hard to find the Pence pic in the MSM, whose coverage was headlined:
NBC/MSNBC: “Mike Pence gets lukewarm reception for Liberty University speech”; WaPo: “Liberty University students protest association with Trump”; USA Today “Pence at Liberty University calls on Christians to forgive Trump”; CNN: Some Liberty University students rebel against Falwell over Trump
OK, so it was a Christian University and Clinton is surely popular at churches where her voters are strong!!!
the first pic has Clinton addressing the “crowd”, so it’s not prior to her arrival:
2 Oct: American Mirror: PHOTO: Hillary plays to empty pews at NC black church
Today I had a conversation with an elderly man who has lived in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia for many decades and he remarked about the position of the Sun and that it is not in the same position that it was in in years past according to his observations from a home with an expansive view from the hills.
Is he right?
He’s probably just shrunk with old age, it happens.
He was definitely not talking about his son.
Compared to what?
Hi Jo
I just saw on the news that 200 countries have signed up to an agreement to ban HFCs to save us from the global warming monster, you know, the gas that replaced HCFCs to save us from the ozone eating monster. Phase out begins for the developed world USA, Aus etc. in 2019, for China in 2029 (because one of the largest economies is still regarded as developing!), and for India in 2032.
John Kerry and 200 of his best friends quietly turned up in Rwanda, of all places, to sign this agreement. Did anyone else know this was coming? It wasn’t reported on until afterwards when all the usual suspects were cheering and slapping themselves on the back on what a great thing they have achieved i.e. another great leap forward into the neo-dark age.
The Greens are completely outraged, as usual, that Indians will be allowed to improve their standard of living until 2032. They just hate the idea of all those poor people wanting a lifestyle reserved for the environmentally aware class in inner city Sydney or Melbourne. Who would want air-conditioning in India anyway?
Does anyone know what alternative gas will replace HFC and will I need to have my car aircon rebuilt to use it? Looks like we won’t need to worry about wind farms generating our electricity if we won’t have refrigerators or aircon to power with it anyway.
Why wasn’t this signing discussed during the recent federal election in Australia and why has it not been spoken about during the current US election? Ever get the feeling you’ve been had?
Maybe we should all go back to using ammonia as the refrigerant of choice, after-all a leak of that stuff tends to kill and injure quicker than waiting for the atmosphere to warm-up.
Strange you should say that tom0mason because ammonia is one of the European Commision’s green-friendly alternatives.
I was surprised when I heard it as well. I had no idea it was coming. Ammonia is one of the suggested green alternatives.
“An increasing number of lower global warming potential (or GWP) refrigerants are available in Australia or are expected to become available in Australia over the next few years. As the GWP of a refrigerant is reduced it tends to see an increase in flammability.”
I’m not sure I could sleep at night knowing the AC is full of a flammable gas.
Maybe just another example of the law of unintended consequence that seem to go with every greeny thought bubble!
Travelling in SA I have been told a number of times about business losses due to freezers and refrigerators not operating during the electricity grid shutdown. The combined losses must be substantial, including to insurers.
Every household lost the contents of their freezer. Every cool store. Every supermarket. No one is counting this cost. More $$hundreds for every household. Act of God according to the Premier who denies responsibility, so no compensation. All to save the planet? Really?
Quite a few supermarkets in SA have their own generators. This wasn’t the first blackout this year, just the worst. Buying a generator is a capital cost but ‘repaid’ by the first blackout.
As for the Premier he doesn’t know what to do, if he ever did. There is no way that SA can build a new coal or gas fired station or get a new interconnector before the next election in early 2018. He cannot stop the wind farms dumping electricity (and dropping the price) all at the same time and thus destroying the economics of any conventional producer, so existing gas fired generators will continue to shut down. Any attempt to regulate wind farms will just increase legal expenses. Thus he faces 18 months of blackouts leading to the election. His only option is to subsidise the gas fired plants but the state of SA’s economy after 14 years of Labor means that there is limited funds available so electricity prices would have to go up yet further, making SA even less attractive(?) for employers.
So higher electricity bills, higher unemployment, more blackouts leading to the election he has to have. I reckon he will retire before it and shoot off overseas with a load of money, claiming that he leaves SA in good hands (possibly a reference to the Boston Strangler).
Generators are a sign that people do not trust the supply and were burnt before. I bought one too, some years ago. However generators can break down too if untested and unused, as happened with at least one hospital in SA. The very idea that people have to buy generators themselves is just another private cost for the social engineering behind the Climate Protection Racket. All these individual costs add up and you have to think clean coal generation is much better for the environment that going backwards to large numbers of generators, as happened in Tasmania. The generator manufacturers, importers and agents must be happy though. Who would have though Australia with all that coal and working reliable power generation would need thousands of them?
I remember why. We lost our gas supply in Victoria and had restrictions and like South Australia we have become heavily dependent on Bass straight gas. I consider this a waste as gas too is precious and supplies are limited, more so every year. Still it is preferred by the Greens as there is half the CO2 per kw, but it is not sustainable, as if that really matters to the Greens, the most selfish sector in society, the ultimate NIMBYs. Who are against nuclear, fracking, coal (brown and black), more dams, mining, smelting and farming, cars and trucks and aircraft and all manufacturing and packaging. God will provide. God appears to be the taxpayer.
on 11 Oct, i posted a longer version of the following on jo’s previous “Unthreaded” thread, as it had been picked up by CBS Local at the time, & was obviously ready to be rolled out:
Gothamist: Gloria Allred Says More Women Are Contacting Her About Trump Misconduct
by Jen Chung Oct 10, 2016 1:58 pm
Allred, a Clinton supporter, was a delegate at the Democratic National Convention…
You could also contribute to the GoFundMe dedicated to a legal fund for anyone who leaks Apprentice outtakes…
only one of Trump’s “accusers” has so far been directly tied to Allred, but as Breitbart’s Joel Pollak tweeted:
Twitter: Joel B. Pollak/Breitbart: Media won’t note Gloria Allred was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. Not just a disinterested lawyer.
Tweet: Red Pencil: Gloria trots these women out every election cycle. Americans need to remember that Ds also destroyed Romney’s rep…
Tweet: She EDITS DNC propaganda. Search DNC Leaks with Gloria Allred-3 pages of emails!
BTW “In 2011 she dragged out Sharon Bialek who accused (Republican) Herman Cain of sexual abuse” (Gateway Pundit)
when u have the MSM on your side, it’s a winning tactic.
BUT Wikileaks have thrown a spanner in the WORKS, so to speak:
14 Oct: IndependentSentinel: S. Noble: Sleazy Plot: DNC Planned a Fake Trump “Assault” Scandal in May
A disgusting, sleazy plot was planned by the DNC in May and it was approved by DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda. The DNC planned to put a fake craigslist jobs post up for women that would be laced with heavy sexual innuendo. It was a precursor to the current tactic with hoax women and hoax lawyer Gloria Allred.
Christina Freundlich, the DNC operative responsible for the fake ad, had previously made headlines when she infamously took a smiling selfie in front of a deadly New York City apartment fire that claimed multiple lives. She’s a piece of work…
ConservativeAngle: Wikileaks: Democrats prepared fake Trump “grope under the meeting table” Craigslist employment advertisement in May 2016
Hillary and the party of treason knows it can count on the treacherous enemedia propaganda machine to churn out this Trump garbage non-stop no matter what is happening in the world, ISIS, war threats with Russia, wild wikileak bombshells. Silence. Trump’s libido is on an endless loop. Hillary has actually stopped campaigning – she is leaving it all to NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and the rest of the savages.
They had planned this for months.
Wikileaks Official Twitter: Democrats prepared fake Trump “grope under the meeting table” Craigslist employment advertisement in May 2016…
BTW Allred was an alternate delegate way back in 1976, but also a delegate for Clinton in ***2008:
Aug 2016: New Yorker: Sheelah Kolhatkar: Gloria Allred for Hillary Clinton
Allred was an elected delegate from California, where she’s been a Hillary Clinton supporter since ***2008…
“They’re Bernie supporters from our delegation,” she said, rolling her eyes.
They comprised two hundred and twenty-one out of the state’s five hundred and fifty-one delegates, and some had booed during their delegation breakfast, the previous morning, whenever a speaker mentioned Clinton…
Allred tried to be empathetic. “Eight years ago, I was a Hillary delegate, and we felt grief and disappointment when she lost.”…
When it was over, Allred collapsed into a chair, still holding her Rosie the Riveter “Elect Hillary Clinton” sign. “To finally be able to cast a vote for her,” she said, choking up. “This is history…”
never mind:
15 Oct: BizPacReview: Scott Morefield: Gloria Allred inserts herself into the presidential race and it’s a WIN for Donald Trump
I’m planning a week driving around Tasmania. What are the best things to see and do around Bicheno, Launceston, Cradle Mountain, and Strahan?
Any touristy tips appreciated.
I already had the first two on the To Do list as they are famous.
The 3rd one is out as unfortunately I don’t think my schedule allows me to get as far as Stanley.
Black Cow sounds popular, and it’s usually a good sign when a restaurant is open only for dinner, but don’t know if I want to make a booking.
Will probably use Mt Elephant Pancakes as a rest stop between Bicheno and Launceston, thanks for the tip.
Tassie is a small place – you get to place surprisingly quickly. A dinner at the Stanley pub is well worth it – best pub meals evah.
If you going to the east coast you should visit the Freycinet peninsula. Lovely.
If you meet any Taswegians, give them some GST.
And once you have seen the promotion, come to New Zealand for the real deal. 🙂
Try to include Port Arthur, it is a climate change icon due to the tide mark on the Isle of the Dead. Unfortunately you need a boat to see it.
Strahan and Maquarie harbour are good. A boat trip takes you up the Gordon River.
The moonscape around the Mt Lyell mine has shown remarkable revegitation
It sometimes seems that I ‘know’ some of the folks on here, but have never met them face to face.
If you are in the Launceston area I would like to catch up with you, Andrew, for a coffee, a beer, or a wine tour through the Tamar Valley.
Being retired I have time on my hands. If you like you can get in touch with me through Joanne.
As for your question, it’s hard to say without knowing what interests you.
As someone said, Port Arthur is a Mecca for the history buff. If you appreciate old machinery perhaps Waddamana power station, or the Lake Margaret power station are your cup of tea. Perhaps the famous Salamanca Markets if you are in Hobart on a Saturday morning, or the Evansdale Market south of Launceston. Charles Wooley wrote a little book about a walking tour of Launceston from a historical perspective that might interest you. Perhaps the Bass and Flinders Centre in George Town. Or the Kentish town of Sheffield in the Central Highlands.
Has Jo or anyone seen this website?:
It has no identified author but is specifically and aggressively anti-Jo Nova. It was used as a defence against me quoting as a good source of climate facts and argument.
Where does the massive heat gains in the oceans as portrayed in its graphs come from?
Who are the people who run this blog and what is their beef?
Peter, a guy called Brendon trolled here and I eventually stopped him after posting 93 of his comments. He had wasted a lot of time. He went on to set up itsnotnova, but got almost no traffic, so I never really bothered responding, though it was flattering. He gave it up a year or two ago.
As far as oceans go:
1/ The massive heat gains are fractions of a tiny degree, far far below our measuring ability.
2/ Even the best new system (Argo), a magnitude better than anything before, started in 2003 – before that is a complete joke (Buckets off boats and things). And ARGO has 3000 thermometers which sounds big, but that’s one for every 250,000 cubic kilometers, and they pretend they can measure to 0.01 degree!
3/ Actual errors of ARGO are more like 0.2C at least: ” Hadfield et al found that the Argo network made errors around 0.5° C, and up to 2° C in one area.” And with this whizz bang new “accuracy” ARGO warming is only around 3 hundredths of a degree since 2003. In other words, no scientist would definitively state there has been any warming with any certainty at all. They talk about heat content because talking about absolute degrees C is too embarrassing for them. Heat content in joules looks so much more scary!
4/ ARGO has, like all datasets, been adjusted and inconvenient cooling “errors” have been removed.
5/ Sea levels have not accelerated — they’ve slowed in the same era that they supposedly warmed a lot “faster”.
I may in the past have said statements about how much warming there “is” or “isn’t”, but I no longer think it’s realistic to say that we know anything much about ocean temperatures. The errors are huge.
Let me know if you need more.
This little chart shows just how little of the ocean was covered with any sort of measurement before 2003.
Anything before 2003 is meaningless because it is just modelled fabrication.
ps, if you look at the so-called “heat content” graphs you will see them miraculously level off as soon as even remotely proper measurements started in 2003/4.
Thanks Jo,
Some very good (and damning on ocean heat) info there.
Something to watch for on the 18th Oct, —;orb=1
A near earth object, TY55, that is coming within 2.6 LD of earth (1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers).
Now that’s quite close, but not as close as TZ55 got on 15th Oct 2016, at 2.1 LD.
I also would like to note that NASA and others have spotted quite a few near earth objects heading our way.
Parhaps ve is under attack, by ze rogue asteroids?
no doubt MSM were at the Premiere, but no-one else is reporting this!
15 Oct: Hollywood Reporter: Alex Ritman: Rainforest Charity Barred From Entering London Premiere of Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘Before the Flood’
Members of the Bruno Manser Fund charity were stopped from entering a screening of the eco doc after protesting against DiCaprio’s alleged links to a major corruption scandal.
Not everyone, it seems, is allowed to hear Leonardo DiCaprio’s message about climate change…
At the European premiere of the star’s environmental documentary Before the Flood in London on Saturday night, two execs from a rainforest charity were barred entry to the film by security guards working at the Odeon cinema in Leicester Square.
Lukas Straumann, the executive director of the Bruno Manser Funds charity, which fights against deforestation in Malaysia, alongside the organization’s campaign manager Johanna Michel, were both stopped from entering the theater, despite having tickets. The two had previously unfurled a large banner on barriers outside the cinema that called on DiCaprio to return money he allegedly received connected to a multi-billion dollar corruption scandal in Malaysia.
“This is outrageous and unheard of as we had done nothing apart from exerting our right to the freedom of opinion in a public space,” said Straumann…
As for DiCaprio, the newly-minted Oscar winner arrived in London Saturday to give a brief introduction to the film on stage with director Fisher Stevens. Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that security was tighter than usual inside the Odeon…
15 Oct: Townhall: Steve Sherman: SpaceX Attempt to Shift Blame for Exploding Rockets is a Joke
The recent case of the failing aerospace manufacturer SpaceX trying to hang on to billions in government contracts is embarrassing and will cost taxpayers billions in waste, substandard service and damage if it continues…
On September 1st another SpaceX rocket burst into flames. This time destroying a $200 million satellite as well as the Falcon rocket carrying it. Last year’s Falcon 9 explosion incinerated more than $112 million in government cargo. You might think that Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, just likes to blow stuff up in spectacular fashion. Musk definitely likes to give speeches with lofty claims of his company placing a colony of human beings on Mars in the not too distant future…
According to the Los Angeles Times Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies…
He’s trying to blame a competitor of sabotage and even a shadowy figure on a rooftop. It’s laughable. I’m waiting for a grainy picture of an alien being sitting atop the missile to be produced next…READ ON
15 Oct: USA Today Network, Florida: Gil Smart: Amendment 1 could burn solar firms, customers
But it’s the second part of the proposed amendment that galls opponents. It reads: “State and local governments shall retain their abilities to protect consumer rights and public health, safety and welfare, and to ensure that consumers who do not choose to install solar are not required to subsidize the costs of backup power and electric grid access to those who do.”
In other words, if you have solar panels on your roof, you’re generating less revenue for the utilities; you are paying comparably less to maintain the grid. That — according to this language — amounts to a subsidy, with your non-solar neighbors footing the bill…
Perhaps, in the name of fairness, “net metering” will have to go…
John Eriksen, owner of JDL Solar in Stuart, worries about it. Net metering is a major factor when consumers decide to purchase a solar system, he said. “Even now, it’s difficult to sell solar projects with an estimated return on investment of around 10 years,” he said.
If net metering disappears, it will take even longer for customers to see a return on investment. That could mean fewer customers…ETC
AUDIO: Gaddafi advisor Mohammed Ismael talking to Pentagon Intel warning that unseating Gaddafi by #Clinton State Dept would cause Chaos
“The Clinton Record,” by John Perazzo, FrontPage, October 14, 2016:
Never in American history has anyone as unfit and undeserving as Hillary Clinton run for U.S. President. While she stands on the threshold of being elected to the White House, she quite literally belongs in a prison cell. This article lays out the case against her, chapter and verse….”
Donald Trump, despite his flaws, may be the only hope for escape from totalitarian rule by an election.
He would make a good president and the only hope of saving democracy from a corrupt oligarchy.
The problem with modern thinking is that so many people have confused technology with science. Technology is just the application of proven science through employing practical engineering skill. Whether it is worthy or even worthwhile is up to the individuals and markets.
Technology is not science, technology relies on science to function. Also it is evident that for science to progress in a meaningful way, it relies on technological progress to accomplish better understanding through gifts of better observational methods and measurements technology creates. To that end science and technology are a effective feedback mechanism for each other, as one must be true in order that the other can better itself and vice versa.
Science is the philosophy of understanding nature’s reality. To correctly understand in science it was normal to ‘prove’ a hypothesis true by careful, validated, verifiable and repeatable observation and measurement. By these methods science was deemed worthy, theory was proven true (or not) until the day a better, deeper understanding was found.
From the realms of possibility came the theoretical sciences, and theoretical physics. Science as a branch of imaginative ideas where true known physical rules are tested in the mental fantasy land of virtual reality. Where the big bang of mathematical models reveal the blackholes in our real knowledge of the universe.
And now, like bastard love child of theoretical science and green politics we have theoretical climate change.
This is were outlandish guesses are made about future and past probabilities; guesses made without properly understanding that all major the interactions of all the major parameters of the subject in question must be known to a given level of accuracy for meaningful ‘projection’ (predictions) to be made. Theoretical climate change, where error bands are absent, where readjusted proxy data replaces the known quantity, where models of aggregated proxy data sets meld together and replaces real observation and measurement.
And with all that, reality and proof has left the room.
Yes, tom0mason, theoretical climate change is the bastard love child of theoretical science and green politics, fertilized by giving NAS (National Academies of Sciences) control over review of annual budgets of all federal research agencies, billions of dollars each year!
Theoretical physicists – Weizsacker (1935) and Bethe and Bacher (1936) – hid NEUTRON REPULSION, the source of energy that controls human destiny, sustains our individual lives, powers the Sun, and expands the cosmos.
That is why life was overlooked as a cosmic phenomenon.
If I understand you correctly, I think that you are saying that there is a lot more mass contained in the binding energy of the nucleus than has been recognised so far (except by Aston and Kuroda).
Is that correct?
Peter, Einstein and Aston correctly concluded mass is energy.
Weizsacker and Bethe incorrectly assumed a sloping baseline to calculate nuclear energy.
Yes, I got the Einstein mass energy thing. I am grappling with the sloping baseline. Is that a function of atomic mass? You seen to say that there is some sort of energy well. I did not understand that graph.
Einstein (1905) discovered, Aston (1922) measured, then Weizsacker (1935), Bethe and Backer (1936) obscured the exact mass (m) stored as energy (E) in atoms of the chemical elements that comprise all matter.
That misunderstanding of nuclear energy is illustrated by the sloping base-line across the top of Figure 2:–social-costs-from-overlooking-this-power/
That error:
_ a.) Underestimated neutron-neutron repulsion
_ b.) Exaggerated proton-proton repulsion
_ c.) Isolated humanity from reality
Thanks Oliver,
I will read that. I think I see what you are getting at Maybe a few more questions next weekend.
Oliver K. Manuel
And the essential difference between theoretical science and theoretical climate change is —
As technology progresses theoretical science hypotheses can be check against the measurement methods that the new technology offers. The truth found within nature will eventually be revealed and understood. Progress is maintained.
With theoretical climate science, technology is used to repeat the same old methods to come to the same conclusions faster. No insight is revealed, no progress made as the overarching hubris the UN’s elitist have already defined the reasons, already knows what the future holds.
Stasis is maintained.
Putin Issues a Ultimatum to the United States
“Putin demands not just apologies, but a change in America’s entire policy Translation courtesy of Russian View… The Russian president plans to act as an equal, whether or not the U.S. wants to treat him as one. Vladimir Putin asked the US to remove its defense infrastructure from Eastern Europe and from the territory of new NATO members in the Balkans and the Baltics (Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland) as well as its troops stationed there in recent years. He also insists that Washington’s sanction are lifted and compensation paid for the damage caused by them.”
Hillary’s policy for a no-fly zone in Syria will lead to war with Russia.
The Clinton campaign has had a lot of fun citing Trump’s 2012 tweet claiming that,
But interestingly there an element of truth in it.
Of course China didn’t create the concept – on the contrary, Ding Zhongli, VP of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has suggested that the intention of the developed countries in putting “an arguable scientific problem” on the negotiating table is “for the restriction of the economic development of the developing countries, and for keeping their own advantageous positions”. (LINK)
However, despite its scepticism about AGW, China is happy to ratify the Paris Agreement. Why? Well, it’s an agreement that, while exempting “developing” countries, of which China – absurdly – is one, from any obligation, moral or legal, to reduce their emissions, imposes obligations on the “developed” countries that it could well … ahem … “undermine US manufacturing”.
I find it amusing is a sick sort of way how Russia is preparing for war with the US if Clinton wins, and world peace if Trump wins. Where are the “I’m for world peace” crowd these days? Have they all moved to the dark side? Has the new left now become the war mongering extreme right neo-Nazis? Stranger things have happened.
BTW, just in case no one knows the US has moved it’s DEFCON level to 3 as of last Thursday as tensions between Russia and the United States have reached levels beyond the cold war. Any sane US leader (Obama is not) would pull out of Syria and let Russia and Syria take care of the terrorists groups once and for all. Syria is not worth going to war over.
Unless your intent is to get the US into a situation they can’t recover from even after you’re out of office.
Sectarianism is pathetic and starting WW3 because of inhumane collateral damage shouldn’t be considered.
16 Oct: Youtube: 4mins56secs: Bill Still: Donald Trump Widens Lead in Daybreak Poll Over Crooked Hillary
Sooner or later, we predict, the MSM polls will have to start showing Donald Trump’s poll numbers tightening significantly with Crooked Hillary Clinton’s.
Why? Because, if the latest pre-and-post-debate polls taken in Ohio are any measure – and we suspect that they are – the MSM are skewing polls by about 13 total points in favor of Crooked Hillary now, but that can’t continue.
Why? Because in the end, these pollsters rely on getting it right – at least their final numbers before election day. That’s the way they sell their services the next time to customers who want accurate polling. Of course, probably half the MSM are no longer interested in accurate polls – only polls that provide the correct answer to suit their political goals.
However, overall, bottom line, they don’t want to risk some reporter like me noting two years from now that such-and-such poll was among the 10 worst in the nation in the previous election.
The USC Daybreak poll has been the best so far and we believe it has forced both the UPI state-by-state poll and now Rasmussen to steer their polling towards the truth as well.
In today’s Daybreak poll, there were several significant developments. First of all, Donald Trump has increased his lead nationwide over Crooked Hillary. Trump now leads by a .6% margin – 44.5 to 43.9.
Now remember, none of this counts in the unmeasureable “Monster Vote” which we suspect will be an additional 5 to 10%…
meanwhile, this week’s polls’ internals shows they continue to over-sample Dems…
WaPo D+8
Fox D+9
NBC D+12
Reuters D+15
NBC/WSJ Poll D+18.9
15 Oct: Youtube: 3mins56secs: Bill Still: SR1267, Two Ohio Polls Show Donald Trump Way Ahead of Crooked Clinton
VIDEO: 22 Jan 2016: Bloomberg: George Soros Talks EU, China, Fed and Donald Trump
(with Francine Lacqua at the World Economic Forum in Davos)
Lacqua: But what does the fact that Donald Trump is not fading, right, that he – he is still very popular – tell us about the angst or fears about voters and – and what are the polities – policies that the voters in the U.S. should be focusing on?
Soros: Well, here, I have to confess to a little bit of bias, so take that into account. I think it all – it’s going to lead to a landslide for Hillary Clinton in the popular vote, not in the electoral vote, because there, paid political announcements will have a big role. And so the electoral thing will be closer. But the popular vote will be a landslide…
Lacqua: But you think Hillary Clinton is a done deal for – for the Democrats?
Soros: Yes. And I do think, actually, she’s the one who’s most qualified, but that’s my bias…
Electronic voting remains a big worry:
Smartmatic (whose Chair, Lord Mark Malloch Brown, is also heavily-connected to George Soros), is involved in 16 States – Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin – representing some 243 electoral college votes:
Smartmatic: US Elections
Smartmatic: Chairman, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
Mark Malloch-Brown is a former number two in the United Nations as well as having served in the British Cabinet and Foreign Office. He now sits in the House of Lords and is active both in business and in the non-profit world…
Other positions have included vice-chairman of George Soros’s Investment Funds, as well as his Open Society Institute.
Open Society Foundation: Mark Malloch-Brown, Global Board Member
He is on the boards of Investec and Seplat, which are listed on the London as well as Johannesburg and Lagos stock markets respectively. He is also on the board of Kerogen, an oil and gas private equity fund…
He served as deputy secretary-general and chief of staff of the UN under Kofi Annan. For six years before that he was the administrator of the UNDP, leading the UN’s development efforts around the world. He was later minister of state in the foreign office, covering Africa and Asia, and was a member of Gordon Brown’s cabinet. Other positions have included vice‐chairman of George Soros’s investment funds as well as his Open Society Foundations philanthropy, a vice president at the World Bank, and the lead international partner in a political consulting firm. He also has served as vice chairman of the World Economic Forum. He began his career as a journalist at the Economist…
He chairs or is on the board of a number of nonprofit boards including the International Crisis Group, the Open Society Foundations, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, and the Centre for Global Development. He is a former chair of the Royal Africa Society.
Malloch-Brown is also a distinguished practitioner of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University and was formerly a visiting distinguished fellow at the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization…
He was knighted in 2007 for his contribution to international affairs.
He is the author of The Unfinished Global Revolution and in 2005 Time Magazine put him on its list of the 100 most influential people in the world…
one Republican commenting on the 16 Smartmatic States, wrote on Freerepublic forum:
I wish these werent in there – Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin
Wikileaks: On Thursday, May 14, 2015, John Podesta wrote:
High importance. I met with ***Jim and Mike in Denver. They are both old friends of the Clintons and have lots of experience. Mike hosted our Boulder Road Show event. They are reliving the 08 caucuses ***where they believe the Obama forces flooded the caucuses with ineligible voters. They want to organize lawyers for caucus protection, election protection and to raise hard $…
To Podesta from ***James M. Lyons:
John, following up: can you get us an org chart and the names of the persons in charge of caucus organization and super delegates here? Mike and I are eager to help and have a number of lawyers willing to pitch in …
***Clinton friend, Jim (James M. Lyons):
Wikipedia: James M. Lyons is an attorney at law in Denver, Colorado. He is a commercial trial lawyer with extensive public service…
Lyons served as general counsel for the Clinton Transition Foundation and as counsel in the Office of the President-Elect from November 1992 until February 1993…
In February 1992, Lyons was engaged by the Clintons to investigate their involvement in the real estate investment later known as Whitewater. Within a month, Lyons issued a report which concluded that the Clintons had not been involved in the management of the Whitewater real estate venture or the failure or Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan. He also concluded that the Clintons had invested and lost substantial funds in connection with the Whitewater venture.
Two subsequent investigations resulted in reports, including the Final Report of the Independent Counsel. These two reports confirmed the conclusions of the so-called Lyons report
back to Smartmatic – as one reader at a Reddit thread suggested, it wouldn’t take much to swing a swing State. it’s not a partisan thing either. if, as is more often suggested, leaders are “selected”, not “elected, then it should be simpler than ever this November, given so many “Republicans” continue to be totally against Trump:
REDDIT COMMENT: Florida and Pennsylvania?
Dear God… That’s how they steal the election. By a small margin in each of those two battleground states.
I’m positive they are smart enough to create an algorithm to change as few votes as possible.
How many would they really need in the right states? 100,000? Maybe only 50,000?…
REDDIT COMMENT: It’s not even really hard:
totalD = 0
totalR = 0
input =, party)
if input[party] == ‘R’:
totalR += 0.85
totalD += 1
…or something, basically it’s stupid simple…
an anti-Republican piece, but well worth a read. there are plans this year for an Exit Poll citizen’s army to try to thwart some of the shenanigans but, if this is still how it goes, with MSM in control, Trump truly needs to win in a landslide to overcome any cheating. (btw some may recall John Kerry was ready to make his victory speech in 2004, because the Exit Polls favoured him):
Oct 2012: Harpers: How to Rig an Election
By Victoria Collier
Still, Election Day exit polls make a compelling case that somebody may have been tampering with the presidential vote count, in Ohio and elsewhere.
Late on Election Day, John Kerry showed an insurmountable lead in exit polling, and many considered his victory all but certified. Yet the final vote tallies in thirty states deviated widely from exit polls, with discrepancies favoring George W. Bush in all but nine. The greatest disparities were concentrated in battleground states – particularly Ohio. In one Ohio precinct, exit polls indicated that Kerry should have received 67 percent of the vote, but the certified tally gave him only 38 percent. The odds of such an unexpected outcome occurring only as a result of sampling error are 1 in 867,205,553. To quote Lou Harris, who has long been regarded as the father of modern political polling: “Ohio was as dirty an election as America has ever seen.”
The statistically anomalous shifting of votes to the conservative right has become so pervasive in post-HAVA America that it now has a name of its own. Experts call it the “red shift.”…
Exit-poll data is provided by the National Election Pool, a corporate-media consortium consisting of the three major television networks plus CNN, Fox News, and the Associated Press. The NEP relies in turn on two companies, Edison Research and Mitofsky International, to conduct and analyze the actual polling. However, few Americans realize that the final exit polls on Election Day are adjusted by the pollsters – in other words, weighted according to the computerized-voting-machine totals.
When challenged on these disparities, pollsters often point to methodological flaws. Within days of the 2004 election, Warren Mitofsky (who invented exit polls in 1967) appeared on television to unveil what became known as the “reluctant Bush responder” theory: “We suspect that the main reason was that the Kerry voters were more anxious to participate in our exit polls than the Bush voters.” But some analysts and pollsters insist this theory is entirely unproven. “I don’t think the pollsters have really made a convincing case that it’s solely methodological,” Moore told me…
In Moore’s opinion, the NEP could resolve the whole issue by making raw, unadjusted, precinct-level data available to the public. “Our great, free, and open media are concealing data so that it cannot be analyzed,” Moore charges. Their argument that such data is proprietary and would allow analysts to deduce which votes were cast by specific individuals is, Moore insists, “specious at best.” He adds: “They have a communal responsibility to clarify whether there is a vote miscount going on. But so far there’s been no pressure on them to do so.”
Some argue that the Democratic victories in 2006 and 2008 ***disprove the existence of the red shift…
16 Oct: Fox News: AP: Trump campaign denounces Ohio GOP chair, deepens party rift
GOP Chairman Matt Borges has been organizing the state party’s resources behind Trump’s bid and offering advice to the nominee. But Borges also is an ally of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, one of Trump’s primary rivals. Kasich has been critical of Trump and recently told Ohio reporters he may not vote for him in the race against Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Trump’s Ohio chairman, Bob Paduchik, says Trump is not happy…
With its 18 electoral votes, Ohio is crucial to winning the presidency as Trump sees his prospects diminish in other closely contested states such as Virginia (SMARTMATIC)…
Paduchik also accused Borges of being more focused on becoming the next chairman of the Republican National Committee than on helping Trump…
15 Oct: Breitbart: Patrick Howley: John Kasich’s State Party shuts down Trump ground game as Trump campaign cuts ties
I love CO2!
Sorry, had to say it.
David, you posted up how The Great Barrier Reef was dead in the previous thread.
I guess Adani can get cracking with the Carmichael Mine, then.
And GetUp! can refund the money from their campaign–3/adani-video-report/help-stop-adani-from-destroying-the-great-barrier-reef
Many people think koalas are cute and cuddly, however they are among the world’s most stupid mammals. It has one of the smallest brains in relation to body weight of any mammal and the brain occupies only 61% of the cranial cavity.
From Wikipedia:
Because of its small brain, the koala has a limited ability to perform complex, unfamiliar behaviours. For example, when presented with plucked leaves on a flat surface, the animal cannot adapt to the change in its normal feeding routine and will not eat the leaves.
One Nation support soaring – up 400% nationally, 1000% in NSW
Cory Bernardi had better start a dialog with them.
Suck it up, The Greens.
In a conversation today I was hit with a statement that there is always running or flowing water underneath a glacier. I still remember my geology courses well enough, even if a long time ago and that just didn’t sound right, whereupon I was hit by the, “…very good research of a well regarded writer of historically based fiction,” as justification. But it still doesn’t sound right to me, at least not as a general statement covering all glaciers as it was apparently intended. I can’t remember a single thing in my physical geology course that would indicate this to be true, nor can I think of any reason why it would be. And now I need an authority I can rely on to set the matter straight.
So, would one of you geologists out there tell me who is right and why?
And thanks once again.
Pressure from the weight of the ice – this is why a glacier flows.
Here is a cool video of what goes on underneath a glacier. A glaciologist dug a tunnel to access it.
Thanks guys. I owe you one. It’s too bad we’re so far apart that we can’t get together for a beer or two. I’d be obliged if you’d be my guest.
The CO2 song.
The Queensland Government’s 50% Renewable Plan site has now included a list of the Submissions at their site, and mine is one of those Submissions.
I’m going to work my way through them slowly, but as you will see, it seems most of them are from Industry sources.
The Rockhampton public meeting is on this Wednesday night, and I will be attending, and, I hope, given the opportunity to speak, and highlight just some bullet points, although I’m not holding out that I will be allowed to say anything.
The link to those submissions is as follows. At that link you’ll see the Submissions highlighted in green at the right side of the page, and thank heavens my name (Anton Lang) starts with an A so it appears in that main window there.
QREEP Issues Paper
Tepid response from Engineers Australia. No wonder the public faith in engineers is fading.
Full listing of submissions (skip John Sheehan – his are Beyond Zero Emissions documents)
Good luck, Tony. Let’s hope you get a chance to put your arguments forward. You never know, each grain of sand ………
How does Adani manage to make a 4-page PDF file into a 6.03MB download? All that renewable energy?
Logo! That would be my guess.
Canadian joke:
Pinocchio, Snow White and Superman are out for a stroll in town one day.
As they walk, they come across a sign:
“Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“I am entering,” said Snow White.
After half an hour she comes out and they ask her,
“Well, how did you do?”
” First Place ,” said Snow White.
They continue walking and they see a sign:
“Contest for the strongest man in the world.”
“I’m entering,” says Superman.
After half an hour he returns and they ask him,
“How did you make out?”
” First Place ,” answers Superman. “Did you ever doubt?”
They continue walking when they see a sign:
“Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?”
Pinocchio says “this is mine.”
Half an hour later, he returns with tears in his eyes.
“What happened?” they asked.
“Who the hell is Justin Trudeau ?” asked Pinocchio.
there’s been much talk about how Clinton has no rallies planned between now and the election:
16 Oct: GatewayPundit: Joe Hoft: STUNNING! Hillary Clinton will end September with JUST FIVE CAMPAIGN RALLIES
Hillary Clinton has no rallies scheduled on her calendar into the future but she does show an “organizing event” in Philadelphia on 19th (October) where she is scheduled to attend…
but Drudge now has banner headline:
this links to the following:
16 Oct: WaPo: As Trump stumbles, Clinton weighs a striking choice: Expand the map or stick to the plan
By John Wagner, Abby Phillip and Jose A. DelReal
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton faces a striking choice in the final three weeks of the campaign: ***to expand her efforts to states that Democrats haven’t won in a generation, or to stay a current course that, if conditions hold, would deliver her a resounding electoral college victory…
One such tally, maintained by The Post’s blog The Fix, projects that Clinton would win 341 electoral votes to Trump’s 197 if the election were held today.
***how to expand efforts when u have been doing/will be doing virtually no campaign events?
NYT basically called the election days ago:
12 Oct: NYT: Jeremy W. Peters: Early Voting Could Point to Hillary Clinton Victory Well Before Nov. 8
Nowhere is the trench warfare over registration and early voting closer or more vital than in Florida…
And Robby Mook, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager, said he was confident of where they stood in ***Florida and other swing states…
***those good old Smartmatic States.
Fox is insinuating the same thing, with Pence the one saying they’ll acept the results:
16 Oct: Fox News: Team Trump relentless on saying media ‘rigging’ election but vows to accept results
26 Sep: WaPo: Dear readers: Please stop calling us ‘the media.’ There is no such thing.
following: Cuomo is the son of Mario Cuomo, the former Democrat New York Governor and the brother of Andrew Cuomo, the current Democrat Governor of New York:
16 Oct: Youtube: 22secs: Watch CNN (CHRIS CUOMO) tells viewers it is illegal to read the wikileaks Hillary emails
CNN tells viewers it is illegal to read the wikileaks emails so they must only learn about them through the lens of the media.
Megyn Kelly (Fox News) to Trump Media Critics: We’re Easy To Hate But What We Do Actually Is Important
Real Clear Politics, 15 Oct
Kelly: “The committee to protect journalists has condemned Trump now, saying, like this is too far. There is — I get it, the media we’re easy to hate but there is a First Amendment and what we do actually is important.”
16 Oct: NBC/WSJ Poll: Hillary Clinton Extends Lead Over Donald Trump to 11 Points (WSJ.COM)
Today’s polls:
LaTimes/USC has trump ahead
Rasmussen has trump ahead
Pundits poll has Trump ahead
MSM polls at Real Clear Politics:
ABC/WaPo, NBC/WSJ, Fox News, Economist, Reuters all have Clinton ahead. Average, FIVE POINTS
COMMENT FREEREPUBLIC: The WAPO is D+8, Fox D+9, Reuters D+12, NBC D+12.
“Every vote for [Hillary] Clinton is a rubber stamp for elitist corruption,” says Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein… (Breitbart)
Wikipedia: Newspaper endorsements in the United States presidential election, 2016
Daily newspapers 2016 endorsements
Hillary Clinton 127 Donald Trump 1 Gary Johnson 6
Weekly newspapers
Clinton 33 Trump 1
College & University newspapers
Trump 0
17 Oct: Freerepublic: Federal judge lambastes Florida secretary of state over discarded mail-in ballots
(The Naples Daily News)
A U.S. District Court judge issued a rare but fiery order Saturday lambasting the Florida secretary of state’s response to a lawsuit filed by the Florida Democratic Party to change rules for vote-by-mail ballots to prevent thousands of them from being tossed…
Walker already ruled in favor of another request by the state Democratic Party this week to extend the deadline for voter registration until Oct. 18 due to Hurricane Matthew. Gov. Rick Scott had denied the extension.
The judge found that state law may not provide Scott with the power to move voter registration due to an emergency, but the governor still should have done so in the spirit of voters’ rights, Walker ruled…
COMMENT #1: by bobsunshine:
The AP link to this story LEFT OUT the part about State Law considering the ballots illegal and that the Governor can not change the registration deadline. Pure Media slant and bias…
#36: BoomerOne:
The interesting thing is that the ballot has no place for a signature. Instead the outside of the envelop is signed. That in itself creates a high potential for fraud…
#41: itsahoot: I currently live in a state that is 100% mail in, so really I have no idea who counts the ballots or how or if they are counted. Voting machines are absolutely the tool of tyrants everywhere.
16 Oct: Townhall: Bruce Bialosky: Clinton Cash Worse Than You Thought
For someone who has held the Clintons in disdain for 25 years, I did not believe I could be stunned by any activity in which they participated. Still, you read Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer and you sit there slack-jawed. Is there nothing these people will not stoop to?…
His two most recent books before this were Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich off Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Prison and Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets. Two clear attacks on the bipartisan graft and crony capitalism being done at the highest levels of our federal government…READ ALL
Wikileaks: Re: FOR REVIEW: Statement for NYT story on Clinton Cash
More about solar cycles. From Tallbloke’s Talkshop:
“We have
investigated the implied link between solar barycentric torque cycles and sunspot cycles and
have found that the unsigned solar torque values from 1610 to 2058 are consistently phase and
magnitude coherent in ~179 year Jose Cycles.”
This was also identified by Rhodes Fairbridge here:
“No alignment of the planets in relation
to the Sun repeats itself exactly, because the solar system is
chaotic, containing intrinsic randomness. As a result, no two
epitrochoid-shaped solar orbits are the same. Nevertheless, they
can be classified into eight distinctive patterns, each of about 179
years’ duration, which is also the time taken for the planets to
occupy approximately the same positions again relative to each
other and the sun.”
“The four previous epitrochoid cycles began in about 1790, 1620,
1430 and 1270 respectively. Solar activity diminished during the
first several decades of each of these epitrochoid cycles, resulting
in a cooling of the earth. For example, Europe between the 1620s
to the 1710s (the Maunder Minimum) was a time of intense cold,
causing extensive havoc and misery.”
Maybe the climate has something to do with the sun after all (sarc)!
The link between solar cycles (cycles of deep-seated magnetic fields protruding through the photosphere as sunspots) and Earth’s climate was well known, long before politicians decided to use climate change to scare and control the public.
The modern “Wizard of Oz” and his well-paid pseudoscientists do not want the public to know the Sun controls human destiny, instead of the “Wizard.”
I preferred the piece from Tallbloke — Proxima Centauri has Sun-like cycle
Refreshing to read less hubris and more open minded investigation in science, albeit theoretical science. What could they find out and how this will this reflect on our understand of the sun?
Science under attack in South Africa. Calls for science to be “decolonised”.
Wikileaks has tweeted:
16 Oct: Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans
earlier Trump’s friend Roger Stone tweeted:
Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr
John Kerry has threatened the Ecuadorian President with “grave consequences for Equador” if Assange is not silenced @StoneColdTruth
16 Oct: Newsbusters: CNN’s Stelter: It’s ‘False’ and ‘Ludicrous’ that the Media Colluded with Clinton Campaign
By Nicholas Fondacaro
In spite of Media Research Center data (LINK) which shows how lopsided recent coverage of the candidates had been, CNN’s Brian Stelter denied any such effort by the media to sway the election on Reliable Sources Sunday. “This is not just false, it’s ludicrous and it’s damaging,” he complained…
The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan didn’t know how they could convince people and described beliefs of a colluding media as “absurd.” “Nobody is sitting in a room with each other and planning to, you know, do anything evil to a candidate. It’s just not the case,” she explained. She even went so far as to say that there was no such thing as “the media” …
He didn’t bat an eye when Univision’s Jorge Ramos argued for journalist to toss objectivity out the window. Before the first presidential debate he demanded that Trump receive harsher treatment than Clinton from the moderator. He even attacked Associated Press reporters for exposing connections between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton State Department. Obviously, Stelter’s claim that the liberal media does not aid the Clinton campaign is also “ludicrous,” or maybe he’s trying to land a spot in Clinton’s next media party. (TRANSCRIPT)
2 headlines on Drudge this morning:
Republican HQ in NC firebombed…
CNN blames Trump…
truly novel-length, hundreds of links, much of which we know already, covers some Wikileaks emails in the updated sections at the end. worth keeping as a reference piece, and for identifying the crony capitalists threatened by a Trump presidency:
19 Jul Updated 29 Sep 2016: The Green Corruption Blog: Hillary’s Horrendous Hypocrisy: Clinton bankrolled by Big Money, Dark Money and the wealthy “Green Gangsters” robbing US taxpayers to “save the planet”
by Christine Lakatos
Lakatos’s sometimes research colleague, Marita Noon:
Energy Makes America Great: Marita Noon
For nearly two years, with researcher Christine Lakatos, Marita coveredObama’s green-energy, crony-corruption scandal. The collaborative efforts resulted in the biggest single body of work on the topic. Mairta wrote more than 30 columns on it and Lakatos’ blog: The Green Corruption Files, contains a book’s worth of research. The message was been magnified due to citations by many media outlets and commentators includingRush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin.
The green energy columns are just a portion of our efforts to keep energy in the public dialog. Each week, Marita writes a news-based, energy-issues column that is published every Monday on both industry sites such as and and on politically oriented sites including, and Additionally, organizations with compatible missions, such as The Heartland Institute and CFACT publish the weekly column. We are excited that the influential American Spectator also publish each week’s column…
Raddatz, who inserted herself into the 2nd presidential debate, cannot respond to Gingrich’s many references to the Wikileaks emails. when she plays a clip of an idiot Trump supporter threatening Clinton, Gingrich should have brought up the thousands of threats to kill Trump on Clinton supporters FB and Twitter pages. and, when the interview is over, it’s evident from what Raddatz says, that her show will continue with pure anti-Trump propaganda:
VIDEO: 16 Oct: DC Whispers: Newt Gingrich: Political Coup Is What Is Happening To America Right Now
The former Speaker of the House didn’t hold back in describing the truth of what is now happening to the election process in America, including those who are responsible, and how Donald Trump is the only figure in the modern era of American politics, who has taken the corrupt, colluding machine head on.
This is a must-watch: VIDEO
(ABC’s) Martha Raddatz tries to mock the idea of election fraud, while Gingrich reminds her this country’s own history has proven fraud takes place. He also explains that without the media, Trump would be defeating Hillary Clinton by fifteen points and poised to win in a landslide.
Is this an important omission? On all of the radiative balance charts I have seen there is no figure given for reflection of backradiation which i suppose you could call night time albedo.
It turns out that plants keep cool by reflecting infra red but absorbing photosynthesis (mostly visible) wavelengths. So it would need to be the albedo at CO2 and other greenhouse back radiation wavelengths. Absolutely NOT just a flat wideband number.
I wonder if the amount reflected is far greater than the supposed radiative imbalance?
Now if CO2 has made the planet greener then it has possibly increased the reflected back radiation.
Looks like the long wave albedo of a lot of plants will be near 50% or 0.5
It’s good to see that the Paris Agreement is having immediate benefits by allowing China and India to increase coal use and add considerably to the available CO2 in the air aiding beneficial plant use, growth and food-crop production.
ABC softening up the population (again) for government reasons…
ABC reports
13 Oct: CatholicWorldReport: Anne Hendershott: Fake Catholic Groups and the “Catholic Spring” Emails
It is now impossible to deny that Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United have worked for years to undermine and manipulate Catholic leadership
Beginning in 2007, orthodox Catholic writers including myself wrote dozens of articles in an attempt to expose the funding and duplicitousness of two fake Catholic groups: the George Soros-funded Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United. (For example, see here and here and here.) Now, with the release of the leaked emails this week from longtime Democratic Party operative and current Clinton campaign chair, John Podesta, there is confirmation that Podesta personally helped to launch these two progressive groups to infiltrate the Catholic Church in an attempt to provide a liberal revolt against the US bishops. Calling it a “Catholic Spring,” Podesta acknowledged that he “created” these groups to begin a progressive revolution in the Catholic Church…
Once President Obama was elected, he appointed Alexia Kelley, formerly the founding Director of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, to head his Obama’s Center for Faith Based and Community Initiatives. Her office became heavily involved in helping to pass the Affordable Care Act—despite protestations from the USCCB. Kelley brought a decade (1993-2002) of experience of working on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development for the Bishops Conference—during which time she helped funnel more than seven million dollars to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). Under criminal investigation in several states, ACORN’s voter registration drives helped to elect President Obama…READ ON
17 Oct: CommonSenseEvaluation: Wikileaks Exposes The Clinton Campaign Held Secret Dinners With Reporters
Days before Hillary Clinton announced she was running for President, top aides organized secret dinners with multiple reporters from CNN, MSNBC, AP, ABC and more, to coordinate the campaign’s media strategy…
The email below confirms a list of State-Run media reporters that were set to attend “off-the-record” dinners planned for April 9th and 10th in 2015 at the homes of Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta and pollster Joel Benenson…
Wikileaks: Date: 2015-04-07 12:28
Subject: RE: Press Dinners – Full Info
Here is the current RSVP list to the Thursday Night (4/9) dinner at Podesta’s. As a reminder, this is with the 25 reporters more closely following HRC (aka the future bus).
17 Oct: BBC: Russia Today: NatWest ‘freezes RT’s bank accounts’ in UK
RT says the bank gave no explanation for its decision.
It said the entire Royal Bank of Scotland Group, of which NatWest is part, was refusing to service RT.
The broadcaster, previously known as Russia Today, says NatWest wrote to its London office saying: “We have recently undertaken a review of your banking arrangements with us and reached the conclusion that we will no longer provide these facilities.”
The bank said its decision was final and it is “not prepared to enter into any discussion.”…
17 Oct: Russia Today: RT bank accounts blocked in UK – editor-in-chief
The RT press office pointed out that NatWest is part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, which counts the UK government as a significant shareholder…
“This decision is incomprehensible, and without warning. It is however, not at odds with the countless measures that have been undertaken in the UK and Europe over the last few years to ostracize, shout down, or downright impede the work of RT. RT UK will continue its operations uninterrupted,” RT press office stated.
“We have no idea why it happened, because neither yesterday nor the day before yesterday, nor a month ago, nothing special happened to us, nobody threatened us in any way. Hypothetically, this may have something to do with new British and American sanctions against Russia, which may be announced soon. It may not. Our legal department is dealing with the issue now,” Margarita Simonyan told RBK business news website…READ ON
in comments on the youtube version of this, people are suggesting a possible connection to Max’s last program and the shutting down of RT’s accounts at NatWest/RBS. i saw this program on RT on Saturday & they didn’t pull any punches. however, the date of the NatWest letter posted in RT link earlier has the date removed.
15 Oct: Russia Today: Keiser Report Episode 980
Max and Stacy are joined by Joel Benjamin, local authority debt audit campaigner with Debt Resistance UK, and Nigel Henderson, who lost his hotel business to (Royal Bank of Scotland) RBS’s restructuring division, to talk of the ‘stunned commoners’ in awe (at the brazenness) of the Royal… Bank of Scotland. Nigel recounts his own encounter with RBS’s smash and grab unit which saw him lose his hotel in Scotland. They discuss the tens of billions in fines the bank, taxpayer-owned RBS, faces from US authorities for the bank’s role in the mortgage backed securities fraud and whether or not there will be anything left for compensation of the thousands of small and medium sized enterprises destroyed in the UK.
note from updated RT story:
17 Oct: Russia Today: UK bank to close RT accounts, ‘long live freedom of speech!’ – editor-in-chief
***She added that RT’s assets were not frozen and can still be withdrawn from the accounts…
UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s office has denied any involvement in NatWest’s decision.
“It’s a matter for the bank and it’s for them to decide who they offer services to based on their own risk appetite,” May’s spokeswoman told reporters, as cited by Reuters…
Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
Lord Jim –
just think of all the MSM coverage of that contrived “violence” which was usually described as “Trump protesters incite violence” or similar, which always made it seem like it was Trump supporters being violent!
however, apart from Hannity and Breitbart, MSM is so far remaining silent on the MANY revelations in the Project Veritas investigation. MSM is in a death spiral.
how’s this?
CBS News/YouGov Utah Poll: Trump Leads by 17 Points
Breitbart News – 1 day ago
New poll shows Trump leading Clinton by 17 points in Utah
The Salt Lake Tribune – 1 day ago
A new poll released Sunday by YouGov/CBS shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton in Utah by a margin of 17 percentage points.
The poll of likely voters, conducted Oct. 12-14, shows Trump at 37 percent, with Clinton at 20 percent.
Independent candidate Evan McMullin is tied with Clinton at 20 percent…
17 Oct: Heat Street: Louise Mensch: EXCLUSIVE: Evan McMullin Utah Poll: Independent Conservative Ties Trump
The poll of likely voters, conducted Saturday and Sunday by Rasmussen Reports shows a sensational result in Utah, where two points separates the top three candidates. Donald Trump has 30%, conservative Evan McMullin has 29%, and Hillary Clinton has 28%…
first, Scott Rasmussen left Rasmussen Reports in 2013.
***second, what did Heat St omit to say:
A new ***HEAT STREET/Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey of Likely Utah Voters finds the presidential race is a virtual three-way tie: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump earns just 30% support to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s 28%, with spoiler candidate Evan McMullin, a Republican turned independent, picking up 29%…
McMullin, a former CIA operative, Goldman Sachs investment banker and senior House Republican staffer, says he is the true conservative in the race…
Additional information from this survey and a full demographic breakdown are available to Platinum Members only.
15 Oct: Breitbart: Ben Kew: Murdoch’s Louise Mensch: ‘Everyone’ Who Votes Trump is ‘Scum of The Earth’
Former British politician and self proclaimed “committed Republican,” Louise Mensch has taken her opposition to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to the next level, declaring “everyone” who plans on voting for him to be “scum of the earth.”
Mensch, who is currently the editor of the Rupert Murdoch funded blog Heat Street, argued that “If you vote Trump you are the scum of the earth, a colluder in racism and ‘deplorable’ is too good for you. This means everyone.”…
As well as editing Heat Street, Mensch also holds the title of ‘Vice President, Creative and Strategy’ at News Corporation, Fox Entertainment’s sister company, which are both owned by conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch,
It emerged through WikiLeaks this week ***(LINK) that Mensch, who describes herself as a “committed Republican,” actually pitched her idea for an advertisement to the Clinton campaign, which she suggested be based on having the first female president, entitled ‘Our Time.’
***read the Wikileaks email link above.
Wikipedia: Louise Daphne Mensch is an English author and politician. She was the Conservative MP for Corby from 2010 to 2012. She is currently the head of the news website Heat Street. (worth checking out the rest online)
an indication where Rasmussen stands today.
they recently hired “faux” conservative Amy Holmes who’s been at virulently anti-Trump Glenn Beck’s The Blaze for years, & has been one of the MSM’s token “conservatives” forever:
9 Aug: RasmussenReports: Rasmussen Reports: Introducing Political Analyst Amy Holmes
Ms. Holmes already appears regularly as a political commentator on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher and PBS. She has guest anchored MSNBC’s Way Too Early and WNYC’s The Takeaway with John Hockenberry. Ms. Holmes also has appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press, NBC Nightly News, The Weekend Today Show, Sunday Today, CBS Morning News, ABC’s The View, NPR’s All Things Considered and Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore.
She served as anchor for The Blaze TV and radio from its launch in 2011 to 2016. Along with writing and delivering the daily news, Ms. Holmes interviewed national newsmakers, hosted the nightly round table, Real News, and wrote and hosted The Blaze Hot List, a daily online report.
“We are very excited that Amy Holmes is joining the Rasmussen team this election season,” said Ted Carroll and Earl Macomber, Managing Members of Noson Lawen Partners, Rasmussen Report’s majority shareholder…
Ms. Holmes is also slated to appear this later this year in 20th Century Fox’s drama, “Shots Fired,” opposite Oscar winning actress Helen Hunt, and CBS’s “Bull,” executive produced by Dr. Phil…
Union involvement, as outlined in the Project Veritas video, is also telling. some of it is (AFL-CIO) is referenced in this Breitbart piece, but not the mentions of SEIU:
17 Oct: Breitbart: Joel B. Pollak: Exclusive: O’Keefe Video Sting Exposes ‘Bird-Dogging’ — Democrats’ Effort to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
The goal of “bird-dogging”: to create a sense of “anarchy” around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support. Often, the tactic uses the most vulnerable people — including the elderly and disabled — to maximize shock value…
In another video, Foval admits that his organization is responsible for an incident in Asheville, North Carolina in September, where an elderly woman was allegedly assaulted outside a Trump rally.
In that incident, the 69-year-old woman, wearing an oxygen tank, heckled a visually impaired 73-year-old Trump supporter, then pursued him. She claimed he then punched her in the jaw, though she had no visible injury; his attorney claims she touched him on the shoulder first, and then fell to the ground as he turned around. The national media covered her claims widely, while largely ignoring his. Foval explains that the woman had been “trained” as a part of his operation…
Wikileaks reveals that at least one “bird-dogging” operation was approved directly by Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. In an email dated July 4, 2015 (LINK TO EMAIL), Mook approved a plan “to bird dog” Donald Trump, meaning specifically to infiltrate volunteers into his campaign events and ask him questions about immigration…
Creamer, who is married to Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), is a Saul Alinsky acolyte who trained many of the key political figures in the Chicago clique that surrounds Barack Obama. He went to prison in 2006-7 for a check-kiting scheme, but was hired by Obama to train volunteers for his 2008 presidential campaign.
In 2011, Creamer opened Democracy Partners together with other veteran left-wing organizers, including Heather Booth. Creamer’s occasional columns at the Huffington Post also provide talking points to left-wing activists throughout the country, and are circulated among key Democratic staff.
(Full disclosure: the author ran against Schakowsky for Congress in 2010)…
welfare for everyone, says Andy “most frequent visitor to the Obama White House” Stern, former SEIU President:
17 Oct: Vox: Why we need to plan for a future without jobs
Andy Stern spent his career organizing workers. Here’s why he thinks work is doomed.
Andy Stern is the former president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which today represents close to 2 million workers in the United States and Canada. He resigned his post in 2010 and accepted a position as a senior fellow at Columbia University’s Richard Paul Richman Center for Business, Law and Public Policy.
For the last year or so, Stern has argued that a universal basic income (UBI) is the best response to the social and economic disruption caused by technological change…
UBI is a form of social security in which citizens receive an unconditional wage from the government. In his new book, Raising the Floor, Stern says a UBI will become essential as automation wreaks havoc on the labor market.
I spoke with Stern recently about UBI, the collapse of unions, and the future of work in America…READ ON
u have to laugh:
17 Oct: CNBC: Everett Rosenfeld: New FBI release on Clinton email probe refers to ‘Shadow Government
(NBC News and Reuters contributed to this report)
The 100 pages, released Monday morning, include claims that Clinton “blatantly” disregarded protocol. Other claims include that a group of powerful State Department employees attempted to coordinate a document release, and that a department official asked for a “quid pro quo” related to the former secretary of state’s emails.
The documents, part four of four to be released by the FBI, include notes and interview summaries that may illuminate more about the bureau’s decision not to recommend Clinton be prosecuted for her actions…
One revelation in the documents came from an interview with an unidentified person who suggested that Freedom of Information Act requests related to Clinton went through a group sometimes called “the Shadow Government.”
“There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as ‘The 7th Floor Group’ or ‘The Shadow Government.’…READ ON
A cartoon video apparently going viral in the USA
re the ‘Shadow Government’ that some referred to as ***‘The 7th Floor Group’ – comment #72 CNBC link.
some online are suggesting a possible link to George Soros!
Open Society Foundations – London
***7TH FLOOR Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank
London, SW1P 4QP
Twitter: James O’KeefeIII
1hr ago – Tomorrow’s video is so damning, we’ll have the corporate media forced to cover this. Even if they’re dragged kicking and screaming…
2hrs ago – For the record, I reached out to Fox News reporters a week ago willing to have them take a look at everything. I’m waiting for a call back.
Twitter: Brit Hume, Fox News: James O’Keefe is beefing his latest video not being played on news outlets. That’s because it needs to be checked out before being aired.
REPLY: Michael Pullmann: That’s never stopped you before, Brit.
Brit Hume: The hell it hasn’t. Buddy you have no idea. Stuff pours in over the transom here all the time. It has to be checked out.
Deplorable Fubaglady: LOL…you mean like those phony Trump groping allegations? If you hadn’t noticed 70% believe “journalism” is DEAD.
Youtube: 5mins15secs: Lynne Patton “The Trump Family That I Know” – A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks
SYNOPSIS : Never Mind the Lies and Distortion of the Mainstream Media, Lynne Patton, a Female Trump Org Executive Will Tell You the Truth.
17 Oct: Breitbart: Dustin Stockton: Rigged Media: Politico’s Chief Political Correspondent Glenn Thrush Identifies Himself as ‘Hack’ for Podesta
Glenn Thrush, the chief political correspondent for Politico, told John Podesta that he was a “hack” for sending an entire section of an article pertaining to Podesta for approval before publication. To conceal his lack of journalistic integrity, Thrush asks Podesta to “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this.”
The exchange between Thrush and Podesta was revealed by Wikileaks (Podesta Email 12681). In the email, Thrush sends several paragraphs about Hillary’s fundraising operation and leads into the article by admitting, “Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u.” After asking Podesta not to “share or tell anyone I did this,” Thrush seeks Podesta’s approval on the article by saying, “Tell me if I f****d up anything.”…
The article was co-authored by Thrush and Anna Palmer. Ken Vogel was also credited as a contributor.
Winter has arrived early in Russia. Here we have frozen waves on Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal