Malcolm Roberts

Tim Ball

Tony Heller
Three events on this week in the evenings:
Dr Tim Ball and Tony Heller (aka “Steve Goddard” who writes RealClimateScience) are visiting Australia!
One: Canberra, Tuesday evening at Parliament House with Senator Roberts, Tim Ball, Tony Heller.
Two: Melbourne, Wednesday, 9 November 2016, Tim Ball to give the Bob Carter Memorial Lecture
Three: Sydney, Thursday, 10th November, 2016, Five Dock.
Details below for anyone interested. You must RSVP for Canberra, and book for Sydney.
Tim Ball — former Prof of Climate Science, has been in this for years, involved in three lawsuits, even one from Michael Mann for joking that he “should be in the State Pen, not Penn State”. Tony Heller regularly stirs up trouble against NOAA and NASA in the most irreverent, no-holds-barred, way.
— I would love to spend time myself with these remarkable men (tho’ the 4,000km distance will stop me this time). Don’t miss it. — Jo
Canberra, Tuesday Nov 8th
Release from the office of Senator Malcolm Roberts.
Be a part of an Historic event
Hello Friends,
Next week Senator Malcolm Roberts will be announcing his report on the Climate Science evidence of CSIRO.
This is the first time anyone has been able to pin down and report on the exact evidence that Australia`s Government Climate Policy is based upon. On Tuesday, November 8th at 8 pm Senator Roberts, Tim Ball, and Steve Goddard will present the evidence in detail that Senator Roberts report is based upon.
It will be in the main House of Representatives committee room (Level 1) in Parliament House, Canberra:
The report will be precise and conclusive.
We believe this will be a turning point in the Politics of climate policy.
- A video will be made of the event and released on youtube.
- A question time will conclude the meeting.
- You are invited to be a part of the audience of this historic occasion.
- Free supper provided.
- Please ph 0435423636 to book a seat for this free event and
- Arrive at 7 pm so we can escort you in.
- If you cannot attend , please try to view the event on social media and email or tweet in questions to Tim Ball, Steve Goddard.
Senator Roberts looks forward to you celebrating this important occasion with him.
Leon Ashby
Office Manager for Senator Roberts, Ph 0435423636
Date Tuesday 8th November, 2016.
Time Arrival at 7pm for Commencement at 8pm
Panel Members: Senator Malcolm Roberts, Professor Tim Ball, Dr Steve Goddard, Darren B Nelson
Location: Main House of Representatives, Committee Room, Level 1, Parliament House.
Access to Committee Room: Please arrive promptly at 7pm as all visitors to Parliament House are required to be signed in and escorted.
RSVP: to Leon Ashby essential. You cannot gain entry to the committee room without an escort.
M: 0435 423 636
E: [email protected]
Further Details
This is an historic turning point in the politics of climate policy;
This event will be videoed, live-streamed to Facebook and released on YouTube;
A Q&A session will conclude the meeting;
Supper will be provided.
Unable to Attend?
You can view the event on social media and we encourage you to email or tweet questions for the members of the panel. If you are planning to watch the event live on FaceBook, we invite you to tweet the panel members. The live broadcast can be found on our Facebook page – @malcolmrobertsonenation
Melbourne Wednesday Nov 9th
Tim Ball to give the Robert Carter Memorial Lecture

The late Bob Carter.
Tim Ball is a Canadian environmentalist, public speaker, consultant, author, and columnist. From 1988 to 1996 he was a Professor at the University of Winnipeg. Tim holds a BA (Honours) in Geography from the University of Winnipeg, an MA from the University of Manitoba and a PhD.(Doctor of Science) from Queen Mary College at the University of London.
Tim is the author of The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, which was published in 2014, His latest book is Human Caused Global Warming. The Biggest Deception in History, which is an abbreviated, illustrated, version of Deliberate Corruption for those who are overwhelmed by the science.
Tim is visiting Australia to participate in a climate science seminar in Parliament House, Canberra, next Tuesday 8 November.
The Board of the Australian Environment Foundation has invited Dr Ball to give the inaugural Robert Carter Commemorative Lecture in Melbourne on the evening of Wednesday, 9 November 2016
The Lecture will be at CQ Functions, 113 Queen Street, Melbourne. Drinks will be served at 5:30 pm. The lecture will commence at 6:00 pm and conclude at 7:30 pm.
The entry fee to the event is $25 and is payable at the door. It is not necessary to book a place for this event.
All inquiries should be directed to Jeffrey Rae. His mobile number is 0434 828 132 and his email address is [email protected].
File under Brazenly commercial promotion
Sydney Thursday Nov 10th
Climate Realists of Five Dock: Climate Corruption – Tim Ball & Steve Heller
Canadian climatologist Tim Ball and Tony Heller (AKA Steve Goddard) who runs http://www.realclimatescience.com will be discussing the corruption of climate science.
6.30pm for a 7pm start LIMITED SEATING
You are welcome to dine at the club (from 6.00pm) before the event and the bar will be open throughout.
Venue: Tigers On The Park
Corner Barnstable Road & Ingham Avenue
Five Dock, NSW 2046
Bookings can be made here: https://www.trybooking.com/Booking/BookingEventSummary.aspx?eid=241613