It’s another warmy story:
Worst year in NSW for Salmonella, E.Coli as global temperatures increase
NSW recorded its worst figures in at least five years for diseases caused by food poisoning and mosquito bites, as doctors warn climate change is looming as a public health emergency.
Statistics released last week show 2016 was the worst year on record for diseases including legionnaires’ disease, salmonellosis, listeriosis, E. coli and dengue fever, which flourish in warmer conditions.
–-Harriet Alexander, Sydney Morning Herald
More scary than 4000 cases of salmonella is the state of intellectual rigor among medico-unions:
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians [RACP] has released a position paper that described climate change as a “global public health emergency”.
The RACP called for a national climate and health strategy and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases.
With reasoning like that, they could make a lot more people very sick. Are they advocating we use solar panels to stop salmonella?
There has hardly been any warming in the last 20 years anyhow. And if we are doing cosmic epidemiology, so far global warming seems to come with longer lifespans, health, wealth, food, and less polio.
It’s likely that climate change will make you throw up, but it won’t be gastroenteritis. Salmonella is spread through bad food handling — by mixing up a bit of manure with dinner, say. (Wash your hands. Wash your salad. Wash. your. hands).
Coincidentally, on Jan 5th, researchers announced that hot weather didn’t make any difference to salmonella stats. So much for that theory:
Hot weather not to blame for salmonella on egg farms
New research conducted by the University of Adelaide shows there is no greater risk of Salmonella contamination in the production of free range eggs in Australia due to hot summer weather, compared with other seasons.
The findings are further evidence that the hygiene around egg handling in the supply chain and in household and restaurant kitchens is critical to reducing food poisoning from eggs.
People need to wash their hands.
The big question then, do we cripple the economy to solve this one, or give out bars of soap and teach people why it matters?
Many of the tropical viral problems are spread by the movement of people through those parts of the world where these problems are endemic. With more people travelling and greater contact with infectious diseases, you get nasty viruses in your population.
In a grid down/3rd world situation, my theory is that lack of access to basic stuff like soap, clean water and safe to eat food ( and enouygh of it ) is an accurate predictor to death by common diseases.
In a situation where the grid collapsed in this country, should it occur, disease would be spread by un-sanitary practices and lack of basic working sewers. They proved that in London by building the sewers in the 1800s.
The reality that a small cut can lead to blood poisioning or death is very real without stuf like iodine and clean water……
Other stuff they say that stops spread of disease ( apart from isolation of the infected ) is as yet not 100% proven.
Your car causes diseases?, what twaddle, most cars on the road today have auto immune transmissions.
In the USA, these are called CVTs. I think that’s from a Latin phrase for what you said.
So continuously variable transmission of pathogens then?
I don’t suppose that a lack of refrigeration caused by extended power outages would have anything to do with an increase of food born infections?
Wait until ‘smart’ meters decide when you shall have refrigerated safe food, and see what happens to the numbers.
Not only that, but it’s things like reducing hot water heater temperatures to reduce electricity bills and/or using warm/cold water to wash dishes for the same reasons, thereby encouraging bacteria growth and spread. How much of these salmonella etc issues are caused by people doing such things?
I can imagine some restaurants etc doing exactly this so that their electricity bills don’t skyrocket. Or raising their refrigerator, Bain Marie etc temps to do the same.
That should have been ‘…and lowering Rain Marie etc temps…’
Aaargh! Bain Marie!
Ban Marie? Why?
Don’t Ban Maire — Maire’s hot!
I believe Australian standards require that hot water services be heated to a minimum of 60C to kill most bacteria. I would say a lot of domestic and commercial users have lowered temps below this to save inappropriately high priced electricity or gas.
For safety with children or elderly you install a tempering valve AFTER the heater to drop temperature of water at outlet.
Just another example of how Green madness is destroying our civilisation.
When we moved into our rural home, I couldn’t believe how cool the hot water in the kitchen was, 50C, such that I could hold my hand under it without issue. I then discovered that our home had the old hot water system, where there was one line only coming from the hot water heater to the kitchen as well as the bathrooms, so the tempering valve was providing 50C water throughout the house.
Eventually I got our local plumber to remove the tempering valve so we could get proper hot water. It’s been a bit of an adjustment job to get the temperature right, as initially it went too high (nice hot water) and our electricity bill for off-peak quadrupled (twice our peak usage). We’ve now got it down to a reasonable compromise.
What a crazy times we live in. With all the benefits of modern technology and potentially cheap energy available, we’re risking our lives because those things are becoming unaffordable.
It’s madness in my view to heat water with electricity, but if you’ve no choice you do what you have to. If you have a good southern exposure using solar hot water panels to pre-heat the hot water can be very doable. The one area where solar can really, ahh, “shine”. Or put in a demand hot water heater. No need to keep a tank at the right temperature, just heat what you use. They are pricey, however, and you may not have sufficient electric service to support one.
Ah yes, but think of all those Gaia-hating humans you could bump off by lowering health standards by raising electickery prices….
All of this makes sense if people understand the unhinged NWO psychopaths hate all of humanity….
Salmonella is increased by anthropogenic omissions.
Like more people not washing hands due to increasing poverty for example. The anthropogenic omission of washing hands is just one example of increasing human/anthropogenic omissions….
Nice turn of phrase “ES”.
The meticulous blood testing of parent stock for the Broiler industry (commercial chook to cook) and commercial egg production, limits the passing on of Salmonella, through to the progeny of that once off production stock!
Yes there are problems/risks with vermin, and wild birds entering any controlled environment system. This is where the so called, free range system is extremely vulnerable.
The proliferation of back yard chook’s, exacerbates that risk in many areas, and please don’t forget bird flu either. Once Salmonella is introduced to a back poultry, and they start breeding, little fluffy chicks, the spread of Salmonella is virtually guaranteed.
Then take home some of my lovely eggs.. so if you do, start getting used to more Technicolor yawns!
There are two things that help us humans in fighting infections.
1. The amazing immune response of healthy humans to infective agents. Yes we all have natural inbuilt factors that fight “bacterial invasion and dissemination strategies, as well as the nature of the Salmonella-specific immune response to oral infection. Innate and adaptive immunity are rapidly initiated after oral infection, but these effector responses can also be hindered by bacterial evasion strategies. Furthermore, although Salmonella resides within intramacrophage phagosomes, recent studies have highlighted a surprising collaboration of CD4 Th1, Th17, and B-cell responses in mediating resistance to Salmonella infection.”
2. Humans are very inventive, with our antibiotics and investigations into how bacteria cell work. Currently an investigation of a natural preservative has lead to new and novel method to fight bacterial infection.
“Researchers have discovered and received a patent for a naturally occurring lantibiotic — a peptide produced by a harmless bacteria — that could be added to food to kill harmful bacteria like salmonella, E. coli and listeria. “
Some people’s natural resistance is better than others. Emma Morano, who is 117, is thought to be the oldest person on the planet, and attribute her long life to her daily intake of three eggs per day.
At sometime she must have eaten some salmonella infected eggs but still she lives on.
If there is an increase it’s likely due to an increase in the use of ‘organic’ fertilizers (poop) over chemical ones.
It shouldn’t be a problem if people observe proper hygiene while preparing food.
or when preparing manure to spread on the garden.
(They have shed-loads of pure manure over at the Conversation!)
First thing I was do is check if there has been a rise in temperature.
Oops, that’s is that alarmism busted. !!
was= always43
Getting new glasses today, they “might” help with typos…. or not. !
… sigh
What prevents typos is proof-reading then editing before pushing the “Post Comment” button.
The reason for my mild irritation is the prevalence of the breathless “I must push the button now so my comment reaches the masses more quickly” syndrome.
[BTW, I am not immune to making typos, I just detest them – especially mine]
These current glasses give me a somewhat fuzzy screen at normal distance.
I do re-read, but sometime don’t pick up errors.
The new ones will have a slightly different script, and hopefully will fix the problem.
I’m checking this post up really close, without glasses.
If you’ve a simple prescription, go for contact lenses, and have a supply of reading specs in a range of dioptres ready at all locations. Cheap solution and it gets you out of the hands of the optometrist.
(But it won’t help much with proof-reading efficiency if my experience is anything to go by. If you wrote it, you’ll see what you intended to write, and not what you actually wrote. Confirmation bias in action!)
Tried contact lenses, my eyes got really sore, and I often work in dusty environments. ie, they just didn’t work for me.
And I’m absolutely certain that the computer keeps changing what I intended to type.
A proof-reader’s trick I learned while working for my college newspaper is to read your work backwards. The inverted word order keeps your brain from anticipating the next word based on context.
I proof read like anything before posting but typos still get through with annoying regularity, so I often just ignore them, as I assume readers will get the message. However, if I didn’t have spell check looking over my shoulder, it would be a wealth of embarrassment every time.
Read what I meant rather than how I said it.
With the turbines producing only 10% of their capacity in SA yesterday no wonder there isn’t enough power to cook or refridgerate their food properly! Stop eating and try fasting until the wind blows again and reduce obesity, good for your health.
Unreal South Australia, their theme song
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy, (poor boy)
I need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come, easy go
Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to me
Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen.
Easy come
Easy go
Come and watch the wind blowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t have a link for this, but in the USA eggs are cleaned and sanitized before going from the source to the consumers. Other countries (EU) feel the hen has provided a protective coating that is better left in place. Washing and sanitizing is not allowed.
Can someone comment on this for AU, States, and Territories?
[Folks with chickens (‘backyard growers’) near us pick up eggs, put them in a carton, and sell them to neighbors. No cleaning is the norm.]
Hi john,
That (EU) comment “Washing and sanitizing is not allowed.
That was contrary to practice in Britain when I was younger, any form of soiling on an egg and it was washed in a sanitizing solution, in those days semi automated, drop in baskets into a purpose built washing machine. Prior to then packing into cardboard egg trays,then into wooden cases/or transporting boxes, pending the collection by the regional marketing body.
Colorado, thirty years ago. A giant silver tanker, like a milk tanker heading in the traffic down College Ave. through the centre of town. On the side, just one word in a circle. Eggs.
How many eggs I do not know, but they do things differently in the land of twelve egg omlettes. Not so sure about the shells.
In USA mass produced chicken is washed in a mild chlorine solution to help efforts to control food-borne illness including salmonella. The EU is against this process!
European Activists Say They Don’t Want Any U.S. ‘Chlorine Chicken’
Yep, good old FoE, fighting hard against free trade (again).
I think Harriet of the SMH should “wash her hands” of that ludicrous article. Quoting JMac – “you can’t be serious!!!!” Can someone please tell me if they are aware of one single article in any of the “Fairfax MSM outlets” that has ever questioned the “Theory of AGW?” I am not holding my breath.
Well just yesterday there was yet another pro-NWO F*******x “we must go vegie” article .
( border mail is now just another regional F*******x leftist echo chamber )
“It’s becoming more difficult to ignore Mother Earth’s warning signs. But we can reason with her.”
Yep…talkiing to a pile of rocks is a good use of time, of course…..
FYI – The NWO consider humanity nees to be eventually FORCED itno vegetarianism if it doesnt happen voluntarily.
This is of course based on protecting their mythical “Gaia” at threat from an equally mythical CAGW….
Forced into Vegetarianism? You mean Soylent Green?
I have never seen one. Just yesterday and today, there have been a bunch. I think they’re doubling-down on the lies preparatory to the Trump inauguration.
If you want to read reliable news, you should try The Australian. Also the Telegraph Mirror is pretty reliable except on weekends when they have a socialist editor.
It’s always been a puzzle. How did anyone ask Ella Fitzgerald if she wanted smoked salmon?
OT but a necessary illustration. Simple question.
Does this graph show any “warming”?
TdeF, did you figure out the Excel linear trend of that one I graphed list night?
How does that earn a red thumb.. Is that you Phil Jones? Can’t use Excel ???
Seeing nobody wants to attempt it…
The linear trend calculated in Excel (or any other trend calculator) for this graph…
Is ZERO !! (actually Excel gives a trend of -3E-O7, for those that know what that means).
Linear trends through cycle patterns requires a bit more thinking that a monkey applying a trend calculator!
Here’s a simple task for the mathematically non-inclined.
Go to Woodfortrees and graph a 3 cycle sine curve
Now add the linear trend for the sine curve over that period.
(I’m not doing that for you, because I want you to do it.)
It is just a sine curve with an obvious linear slope. There is a steady drift upwards under a regular oscillation.
This I confirmed roughly in Excel quickly, but did not see the point in doing this?
Yes its a sine curve with a linear slope.
Now draw it in Excel and calculate the linear trend of the graph.
See #13.1.1 above
Heck.. I’ll show you….
In the graph below the end point is 0.6074352. (not the 0.5 you estimated)
The linear trend calculated by trend calculation is zero
Ok. Not used to Excel. Odd. Without debugging Excel, there is something wrong here in the assumptions. The core question is whether the trend line is some sort of moving average or a projection of a simulated curve with a hyphothesis like a complex polynomial say a least squares weighting. These are two quite different approaches. Excel may only be designed for smooth or monotonic curves like cumulative interest or prices of housing. Your wildly varying average might be affected by where you finished the sine curve when what you might be expecting is a straight line at a slope. It does show the intrinsic error in using such tools to analyse data at all without understanding the methods, assumptions and implications and without caution, so your point is made.
“might be affected by where you finished the sine curve when what you might be expecting is a straight line at a slope. It does show the intrinsic error in using such tools to analyse data at all without understanding the methods, assumptions and implications and without caution, so your point is made.”
Yippeeeeee.. At least someone has caught on.. Well done TdeF.
You will get the same answer no matter which “linear trend” calculator you use.
Here is another great example. (Ignore the dates, its just the simplest way to illustrate the issue.) We have 4 wavelengths of the negative sine curve, and it has a calculated positive trend because we have been mathematically unaware of what is being calculated. Why did I choose the negative sine curve ? … another post
The use of linear trend calculators on oscillations is fraught with issues that can trap the mathematically unaware.
Absolutely, cutting off at arbitrary points (start and ending points) on the waveform will always cause such problems.
Just like when editing sound files, spurious pops and bangs are generated if the cutting point is not at a zero crossing point.
Wow, another sound engineer..
I did a bit of that in the old days of analog.
Live bands , some studio work etc.. fun as a hobby.
Just trying to remember my physics, like interference and so on? It’s all a long time ago
It’s just an old hobby of mine, resurrecting old and often damaged recording (early 78-100rpm and other recording I’ve found) and attempting to clean them up.
Somewhat O/T but in the vein of “funny warmy stories”
Wow…classic marxist class warfare putting kids right into the firing line….
Thge gloves are off now, lads….fight for your kids minds like never before, or better yet, homeschool them…
The irreversible momentum of clean energy
by Barack Obama 1-9-2017 The release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) due to human activity is increasing global average surface air temperatures, disrupting weather patterns….
(and so marxist class warfare is necessary)
Robin @Invisible Serfs Collar recently wrote a series of posts
re K-12 core curriculum -(Desirable) “Outcomes Education,” using
neuro – science knowledge to mould students’ brains for future
progressivist righteousness. Not autonomy but internalizing the
State’s desired values.
“Outcomes Education”. I reckon there’s a dungeon under some grim government building where creepy intellectuals spend the whole day coming up with creepy jargon that stimulates globalists, warmists, leftoids, greenoids, collectivists, corporatists and other zombies while chilling the blood of actual humans.
We must fight them with our own language: bodgie, drongo, dill, mug…I feel better already. Go humans!
I think, in ingsoc, the jargon’s called ‘newspeak,’
mosomoso, like ‘oldspeak,’ ‘upsub’ ‘n ‘joycamp’ and
of course, ‘thoughtcrime.’
dungeon of the week prize goes to (who else??):
I live in the Australian town of Canberra. Since it is the national capital, it tends to have a hard leftist lean to it’s thinking. It was the only Australian state or territory that voted in favour of the deeply flawed republican referendum.
This is because the typical Canberran’s day starts with taking the taxpayer’s money on Monday. By Friday that money has been given to a bunch of oxygen thieves. Money goes to the dole, (unemployment benefits) the pension, disability pension, single parent’s pension, to medicare (think ObamaCare on steroids). 75% of the budget is spent on a variety of unproductive things. The average Canberran thinks they have better things to do you your money than you have.
The point to this: this is exactly the sort of thinking that infests Canberra’s educators.
Salmonellageddon! Thanks for the heads-up, Jo. I’ll add it to bananageddon, malariageddon, box-jellygeddon, mozziegeddon, warmageddon, snowmageddon, floodmageddon…all the other geddons.
I would never have known, since I don’t read the Fairfax press due to my dread of click-baitageddon.
Armageddon. Tired of all these silly scares. All over much less than 1 degree in an average? All as likely as the Lion King being a vegetarian. The reporters must suffer from Disney spells.
One day one of them will wake up and say to him/her/its-self, “Ahmageddonoutahere”.
Re the media!
Maybe it is me but my reading across a lot of media stuff over the last few weeks [ when I am not as flat as a lizard drinking busy in my workshop on my major market project for the this year ] seems to be showing a clear trend towards the only real supporters of the media left today are the media themselves.
The trend that I think I am seeing is subtle but it is there and is starting to create waves in some circles as reality about the media’s attempts to impose its own agenda on society starts to sink in to the psyche of the general population.
Just about everybody else in the “liberal progressive” line of brain washing has gone very quiet when it specifically relates to anything media right through to the open and blatantly harsh hostility of the hard line “deplorables” towards the media in just about every department .
And it is also beginning to include some of the media showing signs of turning on their own media kind in a dog eat dog display as the entire media moves into a melt down with its reputation for truth, honesty and integrity amongst the public at large falling into the cellar of irredeemable reputation loss.
Nowadays as we all here can testify to, those absolute essentials that any media needs to continue to exist in today’s world with all its alternative sources of news and information, the ideals of total truth, honesty, integrity and believability are definitely not included in the lexicon of most media entities today or amongst the media’s editors and reporters.
And most of all amongst the media’s owners who could fix the problems with a snap of the finger or a fast shutting of the cheque book.
And some of them might just do that as the media they own and control continues to sink into the abyss of utter and profound unbelievability and irrelevancy .
Looking at the fast moving political changes of the latter half of 2016 [ May says there is a hard Brexit ahead for Britain; EU will probably be kaput especially as Merkel’s star continues to sink plus all those other plusses both known and unknown, ] followed no doubt by the some seriously big economic outcomes with both – and + signs before them towards the end of this year plus all the other international and national goings on and we might see the world and the media and its no longer hidden agendas are at a that very feared “tipping point” of the climate catastrophists.
The problem for the climate catastrophists and their media supporters is that it is they themselves and not the world who are most likely to be skun alive financially, academically and metaphorically in their personal reputations as we pass that tipping point, something I seriously doubt that they ever thought might just happen to apply to themselves.
OT again, for the USA guys and gals here.
USCRN is now in for December
Confirms the MASSIVE drops in temperatures for December 2016
In Celcius, changes in anomalies are…..
USCRN… -3.03℃
UAH USA48… -1.85℃
RSS3.3… -3.29℃
Get those heaters pumping , guys !!!
And be very glad you haven’t gone to much for the unreliables !!!
Where we live (Washington State east of the Cascade Crest), December was not especially cold.
However, in anticipation of January cold, we loaded the wood stove {a very nice and efficient wood stove} and have continued through this evening. The regular heat is an electric air-sourced heat-pump. When the air temperature is well below freezing, say -10 C°, there is not much energy to be gotten and electric resistance heating is necessary. That runs the cost up.
If we ever build a new house, the better way is to use a ground source heat pump.
Back on topic: January will show as cold also.
Yet another OT.. from the Deplorable climate blog
Dr. Roy Spencer forecasts that RSS TLT data will be altered :
“I expect there will soon be a revised TLT product from RSS which shows enhanced warming, too.
Here’s what I’m predicting:
1) neither John Christy nor I will be asked to review the paper
2) it will quickly sail through peer review (our UAH V6 paper is still not in print nearly 1 year after submission)
3) it will have many authors, including climate model people and the usual model pundits (e.g. Santer), which will supposedly lend legitimacy to the new data adjustments.
Let’s see how many of my 3 predictions come true.
If they keep moving the goal posts its going to become increasingly hard to score, so I’m ignoring temps and concentrating on precipitation.
Umm, time to pay more attention to the variation in the size of the thermosphere…
The medical Colleges normally and quite properly confine themselves to setting curricula for advanced/ post graduate medical training and the assessment there of, determining who gets to practise as a specialist. And they largely do that very well in Australia.
HOWEVER, like the AMA, they have been hijacked by doctors who have political aspirations.
For example, Dr Brian Owler, neurosurgeon, recent president of the AMA, would bang on about climate change any chance he got. Expect to see him wearing a Labor guernsey some time in the future.
Rest assured, people like him, and the other colleges and the AMA in general, DO NO speak for all doctors.
Too many commas in the last sentence there. Do you mean “Rest assured people like him. The other colleges and the AMA in general do not speak for all doctors” or “Rest assured people like him and the other colleges, and the AMA In general, do not speak for all doctors”?
My first reading was the first. Sadly, if you meant the second that “him” should be “he” (as in “He and the other colleges do not speak for all doctors”).
He wouldn’t be elected if he wasn’t lovable so my initial interpretation follows logically from the previous sentence. The squashed up paragraph breaks don’t help.
Hi gnome,
Technically you may be correct about “he” but common usage votes against that.
Also correct about the comma but a full reading of the sentence gives the right meaning :-).
I couldn’t agree more KK. It sounds really silly to say “he” in that sentence, but it would be correct. There is just about nothing I hate more than people saying he when they should say him, but if I’m going to pick on one, I must also pick up the other.
If I didn’t someone would point it out.
(I wouldn’t mind “He and the other colleges, they don’t speak for all healthcare consultants” because that also wipes out the other structural problem in that sentence and removes the grating taste of “he”.)
Maybe Dr Brian Owler thinks medical research should advance based on indirect assessments of symptom anomalies, and diagnosis by modeled outcomes to different (modeled) procedural scenarios.
“Yes, I’ve modeled your illness on the International Human Computer Ensemble models, and the projected scenario indicates that if we remove your head I have 97% confidence that your condition will improve. OK?”
My advanced computer models show that you should have a high temperature, so I will put you into an oven until you are hot enough.
Most medical practitioners don’t have doctorates but call themselves “Doctor” No one seems to know why this is. Their register is for Medical Practitioners, not doctors.
I discussed this with my primary healthcare consultant and he stated a preference to be referred to as a “general practitioner”. I continued to call him my primary healthcare consultant because the possessive fits with “consultant” in a way that it doesn’t with “practitioner”, so he moved to Tasmania.
Don’t you just hate a Quitter?
I suspect that the bozo from the The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, who penned the dire warning, has not caught up with his colleague, Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet who recently said:
Also instructive is Donna Laframboise’s latest foray into climate naughtiness, well worth careful study.
Physicians beware!
I was under the impression the AMA was more of a doctors union. There is a licencing board that regulates and controls doctors, but the AMA was a lobby group in effect….
As such, being involved in politics would be fair game….
The AMA is very much like a guild. It tends to try to keep competition out and therefore profits high.
Antoine –another leading Neurosurgeon, slightly more politically relaxed!
Dean Martin and Foster Brooks – The Bar Brain Surgeon
Don’t forget millenial medical doctors born 1990+ are now coming out of training and will have been dumbed down in the usual ways with belief in climastrology and an improperly taught scientific method (if it is taught at all).
Climastrology. Great. A cousin to Climatology (Climate Scientology) or Climastrophe or Climageddon above. Science Fiction supported by Arts graduates Tim Flannery and Al Gore. Medieval doomsayers. Nice work if you can get it.
But pushed into politics by a Chemistry graduate: Margaret Thatcher.
Who later retracted but the damage was done.
Margaret Thatcher believed what she was told as do so many. No one said the idea did not have some plausibility and the UN said it was true along with some senior scientists. After all, why would someone make it up? No one really would have expected the Royal Society to endorse and promote Man Made Global Warming if it was make believe.
However when the issue became huge and questioned, she did retract her previous support. No one seriously expected this was political science when it first appeared and wild hypothesis became fact and became an end of world scenario, the greatest moral challenge of a generation according to our PM in 2007.
Now after 20 years of nothing much happening, total failure of the predictions, it was clearly another attempt to herd the sheep, this time using the most popular topic in the world, the weather. The fact that so many people and politicians jumped on this money-go-round was unexpected and possibly unprecedented.
“However when the issue became huge and questioned, she did retract her previous support.”
Big deal. While in office she pushed the idea in international forums.
By the time she retracted, no-one was paying any attention to her.
One of the great mistakes in history is to judge events by hindsight, by the standards of today. In context Margaret Thatcher behaved sensibly. She was wrong to support the idea in hindsight and she recanted, but it is important not to judge people in hindsight. How was she to know the IPCC/UN/Marxist lobby would seize on this as a major way to redistribute wealth and that it would become the cause celebre of the late 20th century? This was completely unexpected.
At the time it looked like just another scare like the ice age scare, not the massive $1Tn a year sinkhole it has become. It has also exposed the creation of a new class of social scientist, political scientist and even fantasist scientist and science fiction scientists like Tim Flannery and Al Gore who lack the basic skills of hard science. This was the rise of the career social scientist, the profiteers of Doom.
You also have to recognize in the time of Arthur Scargill and the miners’ strikes and the violence, that breaking the power of the coal industry was part of Thatcher’s platform. Global Warming was a gift from heaven which allowed the growth of nuclear power and alternative power and development of North Sea gas and oil. Warming was credible and a handy excuse. It has since grown into a monster.
I would say one of the main reasons for the spread of these diseases in recent times is the spread of third world immigrants posing as “refugees” throughout the Western nations.
They bring with them no knowledge of Western hygiene practices and many from a certain culture bring unacceptable toileting practices such as not using toilet paper and “wiping” with the fingers instead.
Furthermore, they are mostly not vaccinated and are bringing to the West diseases we eradicated with vaccination many decades ago.
For US examples of diseases imported from the Third World by illegal immigrants see:
National Geographic campaign against “climate change”.
WOW, they have some real scientists on that list !!!!
Arnie, Sigourney, Jack Black, David Letterman……..
but where’s Di Caprio.. ZERO credibility without him !!
Doesn’t soap cause global warming?
Grandma would probably say that global warming climate change deceivers should use soap to wash their mouths out.
Dropping soap leads to disease outbreaks in prisons.
“soap caused global warming?”
Depends on how many rendered down penguins it takes to make…
“The Royal Australasian College of Physicians [RACP] has released a position paper that described climate change as a “global public health emergency”.”
If I was a member I would be furious that some of my colleagues had dragged the good name of the membership into climate change politics and in so doing damage our reputations as trustworthy professionals.
Medical doctors are expected to make evidence-based decisions.
This is a disgrace to their profession and also represents a concern about their professional abilities to make decisions based on evidence.
If you go to the RACP website and search on “climate change” you will find a lot more warmy bunk. Oh dear – so much stuff that needs referring to the wayback machine, and maybe not much time left before the mass deletions start?
I’m not sure if he’s an RACP member, but my GP is a climate skeptic, according to his wife, who is my wife’s GP. She (the GP) is pro-Brexit and pro-Trump, so it looks like we might have two reliable people looking after us.
Now …..look further down the track….
Once the main body of Psychologists declare anyone who doesnt “beleive” in CAGW is worth locking up, well then the fun begins….parents loose children, peopel are locked up, a form of medical and mental martial law….an mental form of the infamous T4 program mashed up with the Pol Pot approach to problem solving….ever wondered why so many schools in Oz have 6′ high black fences around them? Pretty sure they will be used….
I predict literal bloodshed in the streets eventually, as people realize the NWO is locking them down from all sides….( and no, I dont advocate violence in any form, I do know history though…)
Huh, I’ve never been an AMA member.
A couple of decades ago I was being pressured to join the fold.
I replied that I would never join any any club that was prepared to have Brendan Nelson as its president, and I’ve never been bothered since.
***Susan Crockford gets it!
99 Jan: Washington Times: Valerie Richardson: Polar bear zoologist blasts Obama’s climate alarmism: ‘Sensationalized nonsense’
The Obama administration warned Monday that polar bears may disappear unless something is done about climate change, despite recent research indicating that the bears are actually thriving.
In its final Conservation Management Plan, the Fish and Wildlife Service painted a grim picture for the future of the massive Arctic-dwelling mammal, warning that its fate will be determined “by our willingness and ability to address climate change.”
“The current global polar bear population is estimated to be 26,000,” said the FWS press release. “If greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise at the current rates throughout the 21st century, polar bears will likely disappear from much of their present-day range.”
The announcement prompted pushback from zoologist Susan J. Crockford, founder of the Polar Bear Science website, who blasted the service for igniting a rash of “sensationalized nonsense” by fueling alarmist media reports.
Since 2007, “summer sea ice coverage has declined to levels their sea ice colleagues said would not occur until 2050 yet 2/3 of the world’s polar bears did not disappear as [U.S. Geological Service] biologists predicted,” Ms. Crockford said in a post.
The polar bear was listed as threatened in 2008 as a result of declining Arctic sea ice, but its population has proved remarkably resilient, although the Fish and Wildlife Service plan doesn’t mention that, she said.
“They also don’t tell folks that the recent decline in population size recorded for the Southern Beaufort Sea was caused by thick spring sea ice in 2004-2006, not reduced summer sea ice,” said Ms. Crockford, an adjunct professor at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature pegs the polar bear population at between 22,000 and 31,000, which she called “the highest estimate in 50 years.”…
The release of the final plan comes as the latest in a flurry of environmental actions issued in the final weeks of President Obama’s tenure, which critics have slammed as a parting shot aimed at hamstringing the incoming Trump administration.
***“Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that this old hype is being recycled as ‘news’ prior to the inauguration of President-elect Trump?” asked Ms. Crockford, author of “Polar Bears: Outstanding Survivors of Climate Change.”
Those physicians now hoping for gain,
By riding the great gravy train,
Claiming illness is caused,
By the warming now paused,
May have symptoms of heat on the brain.
Ha ha ha. One of the biggest improvements in health outcomes in HOSPITALS in the last 20 years has been through reinforcing that the medical staff need to WASH THEIR HANDS.
No good deed goes unpunished by the Establishment… the last para….
“Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis[Note 1] (born Semmelweis Ignác Fülöp; 1 July 1818 – 13 August 1865) was a Hungarian physician of German extraction[2][3][4] now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures.
Described as the “savior of mothers”, Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever (also known as “childbed fever”) could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics. Puerperal fever was common in mid-19th-century hospitals and often fatal, with mortality at 10%–35%.
Semmelweis proposed the practice of washing hands with chlorinated lime solutions in 1847 while working in Vienna General Hospital’s First Obstetrical Clinic, where doctors’ wards had three times the mortality of midwives’ wards.[5] He published a book of his findings in Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever.
Despite various publications of results where hand washing reduced mortality to below 1%, Semmelweis’s observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community.
Semmelweis could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings, and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands.
Semmelweis’s practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory and Joseph Lister, acting on the French microbiologist’s research, practiced and operated, using hygienic methods, with great success.
In 1865, Semmelweis was committed to an asylum, where he died at age 47 of pyaemia, after being beaten by the guards, only 14 days after he was committed.”
Puerperal fever survived at least until 1901 in Australia. My maternal grandmother died of it several days after giving birth to my mother.
Arrogance and slow learning go hand in hand.
Also a good idea whenever returning home or to the office after being in public places.
Our pilot son uses hand gel and antiseptic wipes on the flight deck when he takes over his A380. I use it on shopping trolley handles!
Alcoholic hand gel is great for keeping hands free of most pathogens & for disinfecting public handles as you go.
Do they really make special hand gel for alcoholics..
I learn new things each day
Yes hand washing has save lives.
Also we all try to keep our kitchens and bathrooms clean and bacteria-free. But how clean are our offices, computers, and keyboards? Most of us spend many hours every week typing at a computer. That computer may be digitally disinfected, however computer borne infections could be of a more personal interdigital type? So when was the last time you cleansed the keyboard or mouse?
Are There More Bacteria on Computer Keyboards Than Toilet Seats?
The story just proves one thing, if you reduce the temperature far enough, let’s say minus 273 C, none of these bugs will be viable, or capable of infecting humans. Problem solved. It could be a few years before humans climate control plans and action can reduce world temperatures to this point. We might need the help of a few colliding asteroids or even our sun experiencing a bit of cooling, but the goal can be achieved, Just think about it zero diseases!
Maybe those worthy journalists at the Sydney Morning Herald, “Our” ABC, the BBC, etc etc can write about all those deaths in Eastern and Southern Europe caused by the current extreme wintery conditions there. Or, is that all due to Anthropogenic Global Warming as well?
Actually I thought “La La Land” was referring to the thought processes of many of our journalists but I find out that it is a Hollywood musical instead.
“Or, is that all due to Anthropogenic Global Warming as well?”
Of course it is. How could you doubt it? The hot air concentrating at the North Pole has pushed the cold air south.
(And 97% of us call it Anthropogenic Climate Change, now, just in case people start expecting actual warming.)
Really? and its impacted only NSW? What about the rest of Australia and the world even? – Is there any additional properly researched data that can prove this – claim? Is there any correlation at all in these claims? Are there other aspects of this that hasn’t even been considered?
Fake News Alert:
6 Jan: NYT: Nicholas Kristof: As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die of It
Climate change, disproportionately caused by carbon emissions from America, SEEMS to be behind a severe drought that has led crops to wilt across seven countries in southern Africa. The result is acute malnutrition for 1.3 million children in the region, the United Nations says…
For the next half century or so, we will see students learning less in school and economies held back, because in 2017 we allowed more than a million kids to be malnourished just here in southern Africa, collateral damage from our carbon-intensive way of life…
I flew halfway around the world and then drove for two days to get to these villages, pumping out carbon the whole way…
8 Jan: Newsbusters: Meteorologist: Climate Change and Trump Have Driven Me to Therapy
By Tom Blumer
Meteorologist Eric Holthaus, who has appeared a couple of times on these pages in the past (more on that shortly), is in therapy…
But get a load of what has driven Holthaus into therapy: “I know many ppl feel deep despair about climate, especially post-election.” And it’s because of this, “There are days where I literally can’t work,” and “We don’t deserve this planet.”…
In his previous NewsBusters posts…READ ON
Nutrition is usually a direct result of whether 3rd world countries’ govts allow much donated aid to get to the intended recipients or not…..a lot of it is syphoned off by corrupt officials and sold on at inflated prices.
People die of starvation and are easy prey for diseases in their weakened state…..had they been more robust, its likely many diseases would have a much much lower mortality rate. Then add in poor sanitation and open sewers…..
As usual, the important bits are never covered….but the reality is that the demented NWO consider Africa an open air slave market and human laboratory ( see the movie “The Constant Gardener” which tackles this head on… )
Sorry…Pat, I was saying “bollocks” to the article, not you…
OriginalSteve – I got your meaning.
Fake news, false opinions, and counterfeit currency …
‘With air pollution responsible for the deaths of about 10,000 Londoners per year ….’ ABC
London and Beijing are becoming uninhabitable, thankfully it has nothing to do with global warming. Oh wait, fossil fuel kills.
7 Jan: UK Telegraph: Christopher Booker: It’s the facts the BBC leaves out about climate change that are important
Last November, when news that the “climate denier” Donald Trump had been elected president reached the thousands of climate zealots gathered in sunny Marrakech for the UN’s annual dronefest on how to save the planet from global warming, they were reportedly plunged into an almost clinical depression, many bursting into tears.
Last Tuesday, the BBC’s Roger Harrabin picked up on this harrowing scene in a much-trailed Radio 4 documentary, Climate Change: The Trump Card, which was like the BBC’s first major fightback against the horror that was looming up.
The essence of Harrabin’s message was that whatever the dreadful Mr Trump does to reverse President Obama’s world-leading role in keeping global temperatures from rising by more than two degrees, at least we can look for hope to India and China, both now firmly committed to clean, green, “renewable” energy…
No mention of the fact that, before that Paris conference, China and India formally notified the UN that, to keep their economies growing, they intend between them to build more than 800 new coal-fired power stations; and that by 2030 – as already the world’s first and third largest emitters of CO2 – they plan to double and treble those emissions. Even by the BBC’s standards, as one expert observer put it, this farrago of “deluded groupthink was stunning”…ETC
9 Jan: ClimateChangeNews: Ed King: Why is the UK selling its flagship climate bank?
Theresa May’s government is set to flog the once-prized Green Investment Bank to an Australian outfit nicknamed the “vampire kangaroo”
Reports on Sunday suggest Macquarie – known as the “vampire kangaroo” in financial circles – has already identified the GIB’s offshore wind and biomass assets as ripe pickings.
The news prompted a mini twitter-tornado from Lord Barker of Battle – a former UK climate minister and Cameron’s climate envoy from 2014-2015…
What disappoints many UK observers is that the bank does appear to be working, and last year turned a profit for the first time, a modest £9.9 million.
This month it is expected to close an oversubscribed £1 billion offshore wind fund deal, which has attracted a significant proportion of capital from local authority ***pension funds…
The outlook is already bleak: analysis by the Green Alliance think tank published last week suggests investments in UK renewables will fall 95% by 2020 due to cuts in government subsidies for energy infrastructure projects.
Another, “bigger issue” is also troubling the government, said Caldecott. With Brexit looming, support from the European Investment Bank (slogan: “the EU’s bank”) is in doubt. In 2015, it invested £7.8 billion in the UK, 24% in the energy sector…READ ON
… Macquarie – known as the “vampire kangaroo” in financial circles …
I hadn’t heard that one before … very droll !!

In mining circles, McBank has a nickname unpublishable here.
On the cause of the whole thing, the political non science body known as the IPCC, a part of the UN.
From DuckTracy in Pickering’s blog Top Daily Headlines&utm_content=TNA Top Daily Headlines Jan 9 17
A real bill in Congress on 3 January 2017 to eject the UN, the “Dictator’s club” from America and America from the UN,
Beyond just being a waste, it is also a threat to U.S. interests, sovereignty, allies, and liberties, the Alabama Republican warned. “Why should the American taxpayer bankroll an international organization that works against America’s interests around the world?” he asked. “The time is now to restore and protect American sovereignty and get out of the United Nations.”
Donald Trump described the UN as a club for people having a good time
According to the story, Reagan took them out of UNESCO and WHO. However that was recent? Israel too.
Here in Australia, many organizations have lost their purpose. Al Grassby’s SBS is one, a third of a billion dollars for ‘ethnic’ broadcasting when satellites and the internet do the same job for free? Organizations like the IPCC need to be closed but they want to grow and metastatise, infecting many other groups through Agenda 21. We can only hope the Don closes them down, as with a lot of Environmental groups and charity groups (like the Clinton Foundation) which serve themselves. The former head of the IPCC, Pachauri flew 360,000km a year to lecture people on the evils of flying. That beggars belief.
I am sure you know the socialism side of the UN and that they infiltrated the UN soon after it was established early 1950s to assist WW2 refugees and rebuilding of war torn countries.
An Australian Labor Attorney General (Communist) Evatt, a lawyer, created the plan for the UN to sign as many treaties with member nations as could be dreamed up. The overall plan was to have international laws that a sovereign nation government might use to get around the laws of a nation if needed, as in signing on to the EU if and when the people voted against it. Or signing over control to a central world government.
And the UN has expanded and grown ever since recruiting like minded people to run those organisations, funded with monies extracted from member countries. Very clever and cunning mission statements created to fool people, protecting forests for future generations, for example, but real agenda locking up valuable resources and prohibiting dams and forestry. Not long ago a Labor alliance Tasmanian government handed over State Forest lands to National Parks and locked out the logging industry. The following Coalition government with support from the Abbott federal government attempted to overturn the UN registered National Park decision but the UN refused.
The sooner the UN socialists are cast adrift by denying them funding the better off the world will be.
If you read quite a few of the Bills going to Oz parliament, where relevent, most of the Bills are based around UN treaties, in effect making the Communist Occult UN The Hague, the highest court in the land… and this by an ( allegedly ) “right wing” govt…
Mind you, the “SafeSchools” thing is pure marxist trash, and endorsed by an allegedly “right wing” education minister….which kind of proves my point.
As I have alsways said, both sides of politics of the major parties are controlled by communist globalists. Its the Helegian Dialectic at work.
“SafeSchools” thing is pure marxist trash’
Steve is referring to the pseudo Marxists, nothing to do with Karl.
In Europe and North America – where it is well-documented – far more people die in Winter months than in Summer months.
“The mystery of the most fatal week of the year”
“Killer cold: Winter is deadlier than summer in U.S.”
The RACGP is a scam. They openly refused to let me publish a letter pointing out that sugar and obesity and diabetes are intimately linked and their recommendations – written by a director of Nestlé – do not mention the word sugar a single time. Unbelievable
“Obesity – Recommendations for management in general practice and beyond”
Having studied Diabetes in some detail I can concur with your alarm at the RACGP guidelines.
Type 2 should respond to lower calorie intake, i.e. STOP EATING LIKE A GLUTTON, and also greater levels of activity.
Talking about referral to weight loss clinics and surgeons for gut banding is just side stepping the prime responsiblity of given good advice.
The mechanism behind type 2 diabetes was discovered post World War 2 through an event known as the Dutch Winter hunger.
Similar findings were later found in comparable groups in Britain.
Many years ago Australian aboriginals originally living on very low calorie diets we found to be particularly susceptible to type 2 diabetes when they came in from the bush and began living on a high calorie diet including sugar and flour.
On return to the bush their diabetes disappeared.
Of course since then the situation has changed because many aboriginals now have lived for several Generations on high calorie diets.
Political correctness, it seems, now rules even very basic medical care.
I have a comment on T2 diabetes in moderation.
knew this was a ***Holthaus copy-catter the minute i read the headline:
9 Jan: Mashable: The emotional toll of covering climate change in the Trump era
By Andrew Freedman
I never found covering climate change to be difficult on an emotional level until two years ago. When I became a father…
Not only is Trump hostile to climate science findings, calling climate science a hoax and stacking his administration with hardcore climate deniers to lead top environmental agencies—including the Environmental Protection Agency — but he’s also stirring up widespread anti-media sentiment, lashing out at what he sees as a “dishonest” and “fake” news industry.
So, if being a journalist sucks right now in general, being a climate reporter doubly sucks…
What changed in November wasn’t just the way in which vitriolic comments on Twitter and elsewhere got even more personal and menacing. It’s that there’s also, now, a sense of hopelessness that’s crept into my emotional core, and that of many of the sources that I talk to over the course of my reporting…
But when it comes to climate change, it’s hard to ignore the way American voters made a terrible choice in their pick of President…
I’m not alone in struggling with feelings of despair, confusion, frustration and even depression where reporting on climate change is concerned, either.
On Friday, ***Eric Holthaus, a fellow climate reporter who’s written for Slate and the New Yorker, among others, took to Twitter to discuss his battle to come to terms with the severity of climate change at this point in time…
One of my relatives is a green voter…..
When I mentioned trump she couldnt even stay in the same room…..she became agressive and highly emotive.
Scary stuff…..
If the Left truly gain power, expect leftist thugs like Brown Shirts having close to free reign….self defence will be necessary via any reasonable means, non-lethal or otherwise….
Except you won’t be allowed to practice self defence. That would infringe their rights to impose their beliefs on you.
The real health crisis of Doomsday Global Warming – the poor Mental Health of the ‘believers’.
Waking up every day ‘believing’ doomsday is imminent can’t be good for your mental or physical health.
The Climate Anxiety Doctor Is “In”
“Climate scientists, who spend their working lives detailing the nuances of the planet’s increasingly grim prospects may be particularly susceptible to climate-related mental health issues, but the general public is also at risk.
Climate change can affect mental health both as a result of individual significant weather events, and as a result of more gradual changes in climate.”
~ ~ ~
Climate bedwetters are uninstitutionalized mental patients — and they currently dictate public policy.
Delingpole on ocean acidification
Thanks A I,
It’s a fascinating read. I’ve not yet tried to follow his internal links, but I have, after some effort, forwarded this one on. My failed attempts were from within his article using Safari amd its email facility. My attempt started out as usual, then just disappeared… I had to revert to basic copy and paste into a normal email to get it away.
Is Breitbart so close to the bone that it’s being sabotaged? (Normally I’d suspect my own finger trouble, but this was far more persistant.)
Dave B
A joy to read.
[I would like to make it clear if I haven’t already that I apologise profusely to any paedophiles who may have been offended at being linked to the wind turbine industry]
pedophiles like children!
Nothing at all like torturing a disabled old fart in his bathroom!!
40 Climate Groups Organize #DayAgainstDenial to Reject Trump’s Cabinet
On Monday, January 9th, a coalition of climate and environmental organizations will be joined by people across the country at rallies for the ‘Day Against Denial’ aimed at stopping Trump’s cabinet…
Monday’s rallies are being organized by local leaders across the country with support from, Greenpeace, CREDO Action, the Sierra Club, and many more.
no pics or video but 100 (if true) is hardly the number you would expect from this big CAGW coalition!
9 Jan: CBS Local: Pat Loeb: Philadelphians Brave The Cold To Prevent Climate Change
More than 100 Philadelphians braved freezing weather to participate in a nationwide protest of four proposed cabinet picks who say they don’t believe in climate change…
rugged up, couple of dozen protestors:
VIDEO: 9 Jan: WCAX Vermont: Tyler Dumont: ‘Day of Denial’ protests call attention to Trump nominees
incredible 3 minutes-plus TV time given to a few dozen in New Jersey; lots of organiser quotes; shows pics allegedly of a couple of other poorly-attended protests, including NYC. everyone rugged up.
VIDEO: 9 Jan: WMBC TV: NJ Day of Denial
no pics or video, which might indicate low turnout. only audio with Greenpeace rep:
9 Jan: WMNF Florida: Sean Kinane: Activists protest Marco Rubio over climate denial
funniest piece – is it written by a computer? all rugged up, looks more like 30 than 100 protesting:
9 Jan: Snow Did not Sluggish Down Denial Rally For Amy Klobuchar
Over 100 folks of all ages gathered in a light-weight snow in entrance of Amy Klobuchar’s workplace, Minnesota’s senior senator, in Minneapolis on January 9 as a part of a nationwide day of denial on January 9 towards Courageous Donald Trump’s Local weather Denial Cupboard organized nationally by 350 (, and regionally by MN350 ( and TakeAction Minnesota.
The purpose of the rally was to ask Senator Klobuchar to face up and deny these appointments. The group chanted, “Resist” after the speeches concluded…
9 Jan: PRESS RELEASE: Heartland Institute Experts React to Today’s ‘Day of Denial’ Protests by Radical Environmental Groups
A little message for the louts…
Pat January 10, 2017 at 1:39 pm
“9 Jan: PRESS RELEASE: Heartland Institute Experts React to Today’s ‘Day of Denial’ Protests by Radical Environmental Groups”
Why not do this rejection of some political BS?
pat January 10, 2017 at 12:37 pm
“knew this was a ***Holthaus copy-catter the minute i read the headline:”
All here appreciate your excellent coverage of the media spouting, and your evaluation of the BS therein. I hope that someday perhaps us peons can catch up with you! None here wish to attack or bite. Petting softly upon head would be so nice!
“So, if being a journalist sucks right now in general, being a climate reporter doubly sucks…”
The biggest factor behind food poisoning is compromised gut flora. Not enough good bacteria that kill salmonella etc.
Good call! Thank you.
Abdussamatov has been certain that the sun controls the temperature for a long time.
This time he is projecting it into a prediction.
What some people fail to understand is that the 2015 El Nino and NE Pacific blob were a large release of energy from the Oceans. A balancing mechanism against the sleepy Sun, perhaps?
But a large release of energy from the ocean, while it has a transient heating effect on the thin shell of the atmosphere, is a global COOLING event !!
Rod Stuart January 10, 2017 at 3:42 pm
“Abdussamatov has been certain that the sun controls the temperature for a long time.”
Fine. Just what is it that controls the Sun?
“This time he is projecting it into a prediction.”
Abdussamatov Has knowledge, insight, conjecture, that no one else has. Abdussamatov has no clue of how to convey that to others, that do not agree.
‘Just what is it that controls the Sun?’
Saturn and Jupiter influence the sun, which is clearly illustrated on earth as a 61 year cycle.
***who believes egomaniac Obama had anything to do with writing the following? UNBELIEVABLE:
6 Jan: ScienceMag: The irreversible momentum of clean energy
Author: Barack Obama
Author Affiliations
President of the United States, Washington, DC 20500, USA.
Private-sector incentives help drive decoupling of emissions and economic growth…
And it is smart planning to set long-term emission-reduction targets and give American companies, entrepreneurs, and investors certainty so they can invest and manufacture the emission-reducing technologies that we can use domestically and export to the rest of the world. That is why hundreds of major companies—including energy-related companies from ExxonMobil and Shell, to DuPont and Rio Tinto, to Berkshire Hathaway Energy, Calpine, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company—have supported the Paris process, and leading investors have committed $1 billion in patient, private capital to support clean-energy breakthroughs that could make even greater climate ambition possible…
We have long known, on the basis of a massive scientific record, that the urgency of acting to mitigate climate change is real and cannot be ignored…
Prudent U.S. policy over the next several decades would prioritize, among other actions, decarbonizing the U.S. energy system, storing carbon and reducing emissions within U.S. lands, and reducing non-CO2 emissions…
Of course, one of the great advantages of our system of government is that each president is able to chart his or her own policy course. And President-elect Donald Trump will have the opportunity to do so. The latest science and economics provide a helpful guide for what the future may bring, in many cases independent of near-term policy choices, when it comes to combatting climate change and transitioning to a clean-energy economy.
References and Notes
***24. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: B. Deese, J. Holdren, S. Murray, and D. Hornung contributed to the researching, drafting, and editing of this article.
while trying to track down S. Murray and D. Hornung from the Acknowledgements (without success), I came across the following. Willis questions authorship too:
9 Jan: WUWT: Barack Obama, Climate Scientist
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach
I fear that Science magazine has beclowned itself as badly as the Nobel Peace Prize Committee. They’ve published a “scientific” policy paper by the noted climate scientist Barack Hussein Obama. Not a paper with Obama as one of the signatories. No, Science magazine claims that the President wrote the deathless prose all by himself, not a co-author in sight…READ ON
unlike Obama and Clinton…a classy moment from Bernie:
9 Jan: The Hill: Cyra Master: (Bernie) Sanders: ‘I give Donald Trump his due’
During a CNN town hall style interview Monday night, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was challenged to compliment Donald Trump…
“You think I should say something good about him now?” Sanders asked with a smile.
“That’s not a hard question for me to answer,” he added.
“Trump took on the Republican establishment, he took on the Democratic establishment, took on the media establishment and he ended up winning the election to become president of the United States. And that is an extraordinary accomplishment. And it talks about perseverance, it talks about very strong political instincts, it talks about a way to connect with people.”
“So I give Donald Trump his due,” he added.
thanx to Stephen Rasey in the WUWT comments:
Shailagh Murray currently serves as Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications.
From Linked in:
Daniel Hornung
Special Assistant to the President and Senior Policy Advisor at The White House
(what I note about his CV is that he was an Intern in 2009, 2010, 2011.)
Deese & Holdren should be familiar to all.
I usually presume that readers will check WUWT
But in case some haven’t
Ley at a higher level?
RACP should stick to their own area of expertise. Reminds one of the Garnautbabble we were subjected to a few years ago.
It’s very important to wash the lettuce… mainly to keep the frog alive
Not to mention the live worm of some kind that I once found in the middle of a head of lettuce.
The critters are everywhere and they have no problem with eating our lunch or taking shelter in it.
The fact that salmonella is found somewhere doesn’t mean it was attracted to that spot by the world’s getting warmer. It just means the same thing as the worm and the frog. Salmonella looks for a good place to live like anything else and we shouldn’t help any of them to make a home anywhere near our food supply.
I took the lettuce back to the store for a replacement. I wonder if we can get a replacement planet — one with no global warming.
posted about this on a previous thread. latest developments:
10 Jan: EurActiv: Northern Ireland faces elections, raising fresh uncertainty over Brexit talks
The collapse of the relationship between Irish nationalist leader McGuinness and Foster, a pro-British unionist, risks paralysing the region’s response to Britain’s planned exit from the European Union as London prepares to trigger divorce talks before end of March…
“Sinn Fein will not tolerate the arrogance of Arlene Foster and the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party). We now need an election to allow the people to make their own judgement,” he said…
The scheme aimed to encourage businesses to burn wood pellets rather than fossil fuels…
Sinn Fein, which campaigned for the UK to stay in the European Union, says Foster has failed to properly represent the 56 percent of Northern Ireland voters who voted “Remain”.
Foster, who campaigned to quit the EU, said she must instead respect the opinion of the 52% of UK voters who wanted to leave…
10 Jan: Belfast Telegraph: Martin McGuinness resigns: The key questions answered
Martin McGuinness has resigned as Deputy First Minister and this could trigger a new Assembly election.
Q: Why did it run into difficulties?
A: It was supposed to pay a proportion of fuel costs, but tariffs were set too high, meaning that for every £1 participants spent on fuel, they received £1.60 in subsidy payments. This created a ‘burn to earn’ incentive – with applicants able to access free heat and make a sizeable profit while doing so. Claims of widespread abuse include a farmer allegedly set to pocket around £1m in the next 20 years for heating an empty shed…The total cost is now projected to be more than £1bn over the next 20 years…
Q: What happened when efforts to control costs were announced?
A: A move to introduce a tiered payment scheme in 2015 was met by a flurry of applicants trying to get on to the old system before the date set for the changes. Almost 1,000 applied in three months. The deluge of new applications is a key factor in the massive overspend and Opposition politicians have demanded answers around the spike…READ ALL
10 Jan: UK Sun: Amanda Devlin: Shock resignation Who is Martin McGuinness, what is the Renewable Heat Incentive scandal and why is he resigning as Northern Ireland deputy first minister?
The politician says it is in protest against the handling of a botched heating scheme which left the region facing a £490million overspend…
The Renewable Heat Incentive scheme was set up in November 2012 in a bid to encourage businesses and other non-domestic to use renewable energy resources.
It offered a financial incentive to install renewable heat systems on their premises, including biomass boilers, mostly burning wood pellets, solar thermal and heat pumps.
But it is alleged this cash motivation led to fuel being pointlessly burnt.
The scheme was run by then Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI). The DETI minister at the time was the now First Minister, Arlene Foster.
A lack of interest in the scheme meant that it underspent by £15million in 2014-15…
But suddenly in September, October and November 2015 a record 984 applications were received after officials said they would cut the subsidy before the change took effect.
The scheme was shut down in February 2016, the same month an investigation was launched.
It’s after a whistleblower contacted the Northern Ireland Executive in January claiming the scheme was “being abused”.
Businesses and other non-domestic users have been accused of using the scheme to exploit millions of pounds by installing boilers in places that had never been heated…
13 Dec: BBC: Q&A: What is the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme?
Why was it introduced?
Northern Ireland Executive ministers wanted 4% of heat to come from renewables by 2015, with a further target of 10% by 2020…
In one example cited by a report from the Northern Ireland audit office, a business taking part in the same scheme in Great Britain could collect about £192,000 over 20 years by using a boiler all year round, but a Northern Ireland firm doing the same could earn £860,000…
1,946 applications were approved under the non-domestic RHI scheme – a 98% approval rate.
The assembly’s Public Accounts Committee was told that a subsequent independent audit had found issues at half of the 300 installations inspected.
14 of those fell into the most serious category where fraud was suspected and payments to five of these have been suspended…
The scheme was closed to new applications but still continues to make payments to successful applicants.
As a result, more than £1bn of public money is due to be paid out over 20 years.
About £600m of this is money coming from the Treasury, but a £400m shortfall over the 20 year term will have to be paid out of Northern Ireland’s block grant…
Officials from the Northern Ireland Executive will inspect all non-domestic claimants of the scheme and will write to them to seek permission for their names to be made public in a bid to restore public confidence…
BBC page has links for the following etc:
9 Jan: BBC: Timeline: Renewable Heating Scheme scandal
First Minister Arlene Foster has promised that every beneficiary of a botched energy scheme will be inspected for abuse of public money…
Whistleblower contacts DETI Minister Arlene Foster.
A follow-up email is sent on 12 May 2014…
October 2016
Senior members of Ofgem E-Serve appear before the assembly’s Public Accounts Committee.
They reveal there were no minutes taken of formal meetings between themselves and departmental officials between August 2014 and November the following year.
8 December 2016
A whistleblower tells the BBC’s Nolan Show that “five minutes” of research was needed to discover serious flaws in the RHI.
She says she contacted Arlene Foster in 2013 to warn the then enterprise minister about the issue…
I don’t know about anyone else’s car but all mine causes is a drain on my bank account at the gas pump and the mechanic’s shop.
Think of anything bad that could happen, no matter what and the severity. Then make a connection to “Climate Change”, not to GW, GW is too specific.
It is so easy, and the many articles show it.
Is it our pessimistic nature that demands stories of horror, because you cold just as well make the same connection between climate change and any good happening.
The harvest was so good this year, it must be climate change, what else could it be.