By Jo Nova
The crime of the century
“Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about this state of affairs is that most Americans don’t know it’s happening.”
“…this death count in one year is 5.2 times the number of men killed in ten years of combat in Vietnam.”
— John Leake
Ed Dowd’s Vaccine Damage Report is finally here. It looks at excess death in the healthy working age population of the US — the 148 million Americans aged 18 – 64 who are employed. Shockingly, an estimated 300,000 people have died due to Covid vaccines, and another 1.4 million are now classed as disabled. Around the world this would translate to about 5 million deaths and 46 million with disabilities and as many as 900 million people with some injury.
A Rasmussen poll just out, corroborates that something awful happened in America.* It shows 10% of people in the US say that someone in their own household died and they suspect their death was caused by the vaccines. This number was spread evenly across Democrat and Republican voters showing it is not a politically driven response but probably just a sad reflection of the situation anger. About the same number of people (11%) said a household member died of covid. What is remarkable is that without media headlines, many of these 1 in 10 households may think their suffering is a “rare” event and they just got incredibly unlucky. Surely the outrage will flow when they connect the dots.
UPDATE: The Rasmussen poll surely reflects a protest vote, not actual deaths. All the people (from both sides of politics) who suffered harm, or saw harm, or know someone who suffered, presumably ticked the box because they felt voiceless in the face of the worst corruption. Think of it as an emergency flare over a crime scene.
@DowdEdward via Peter McCullough
This isn’t going to go away, the numbers are just too big. If one in ten lived with someone who has died, far more than that would know of them. A similar survey in January found a quarter of those polled said they personally knew someone who had died, they believed, of the vaccines.
Shocking rates of injury in people in the prime of their lives:
Essentially, 82% of people suffered no ill effects following the vaccine (at least as shown in this data). But about 18% suffered a mild to moderate injury. This remarkably high figure is corroborated by data on absentee rates from work in 2022 which were 29% higher than in 2019. As Ed Dowd reminds us this is off the charts — an 11 standard deviation from the norm. It’s a radioactive red hot signal. Nothing like this has occurred in the data before. Nothing like this has occurred to the workers of the USA before.
Almost 1% suffered some kind of disability, and worse, 0.05 – 0.1% died — perhaps as many as 1 in 1,000 people died, and this is from the healthy 18-64 age group. It represents a 23% increase in excess deaths in this otherwise healthy group during 2021 and 2022. In his interview with Tucker Carlson a few weeks ago Ed Dowd explained then that the excess deaths were higher in the healthy working age part of the population than in the unemployed — probably due to medical treatment mandates that applied to workers and not to unemployed people.
2021 was a terrible year for people under 75
Four different levels of harm were categorized, explained in this chart:
Edward Dowd is calling for support to perform this analysis on other countries, like Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan and others. Governments should be doing these assessments, but they’re not. In Australia the largest medical vaccine safety trial is being dropped only one year after it was started. 14,000 Australians died of something mysterious last year and no one wants to research it.
If the vaccines were safe and effective they’d be doing a hundred studies. Instead private citizens need to do the research the government won’t.
The Australian figures for 2022 show broadly similar death rates to the US ones. The US population is 15 times larger though only 70% vaccinated, and their figures above came from 2021 and 2022, whereas the Australian data comes from just one year and spread across the whole population, not just the workers.
US Vaccine Damage Report Report (2022) Phinance Technologies.
- See the Overview, the V-Damage Project
- The V-Damage Project, The Human Cost, and
- The V-Damage Report, the Economic Impact.
Art by Syaifulptak
*Edit: On the Rassmussen poll, the word “this” changed to “that something awful happened in America.”
I expect the report will be ignored by the Lamestream media and censored on social(ist) media (not Musk’s Twitter) and ignored by governments and medical “authorities”.
We have seen this reaction from government and media before. When a major error is exposed rather than accept the mistake they double down and in the end it costs far more. The live cattle industry shut down under Gillard and the mad destruction of coal fired power station when replacement was unavailable. The ignoring of simple ways to prevent the spread of Covid by being outdoors in the sun for example. Sending police to stop people sunbaking. Idiots all and now they are still promoting further jabs. It will continue until some employers are taken to court for making employment conditional on taking the vaccine. Until then tell all of your friends to keep the needle away. Write to your representatives and support Senator Antic for fighting this in the Senate.
nDon’t expect permission for a inquiry. The authorities have too far to fall.
Thus, people who foolishly rely on the major media for their information not be able to connect the dots.
If you’ve had a hard day and need a good laugh, check out this article from the SMH posted today. This “Science Writer” has been consistently advocating covid vaccines for the last few years, particularly Pfizer products. He’s continually cited these vaccines as the way to reduce transmission. As we all know, Australia had around 95% covid vaccine coverage for people aged 16 or over near the end of 2021. Such high coverage numbers were only possible because of mandates. Yet when we opened our borders in late 2021, Omicron swept in and its offspring has never left, it picks off our elderly and immuno-compromised at will. On the other hand, high excess mortality rates in the last two years prevail in Western countries. People would be wise to source information supplied by Doctors Malhoptra and Ladapo. As you read this link, l can assure you that other people will be reading the link below and nodding their head in agreement. Anyhow The forums, especially for The Age in Melbourne, are a pro-vax echo chamber, rarely will a contrary fact or opinion be admitted. Anyhow, I don’t tell people what to think, have a look for yourself, make up your own mind
Here it is
And still, MSM is blind, deaf and dumb on the subject! Which just goes to substantiate their compliance with government edicts.
I commented on one of those stories in The Oz as follows:
“So that’s why my comments mentioning Ivermectin were rejected”.
It was rejected.
At least you tried and once more raised the question of why you subscribe to an outfit that heavily censors any comment that is critical of an approved meme. They won’t accept the information contained in this post that is for sure. Why do I pay them $36 a month? Why do you pay them $36 a month?
They are the best we’ve got.
I stIll buy copy occasionally but against my good judgement. I read perhaps a quarter and breeze the rest. I resolve crosswords and quizzes with my wife. I’m afraid it’s gone all soft and gooey – a bit like a fine Brie cheese only less appealing.
Yes, Ted, that is what I think too, but like you, any mention of antiviral, not just ivermectin, results in immediate banishment, even now. A couple of weeks ago I again tried to get a comment in on the tremendous results in Uttar Pradesh, but it never saw the light of day.
“…never saw the light of day.”
So, obviously, it never happened.
The Australian has become just another woke media outlet. Today’s coverage of Yunupingu’s death was beyond ridiculous. It was ten times the coverage of, say alien landings or the invention of a time machine. It’s all about active support of The Voice of course. Just further evidence of The Australian’s establishment credentials.
I saw that and thought no. The deceased was an elitist who had a splendid house on the Gove peninsula. The mawkishness around his death is sickening and over the top.
MSM were given tax free status during the scamdemic by morrinson and co. They were bought off and even created their own ‘vaxx up Australia’ ads featuring transexuals of course.
The word you seek is “COMPLICIT”.
Penguinite, I don’t think that the MSM are “blind, deaf and dumb” as you say. More they are obedient to those globalists pulling their strings. ToM
There were so many warnings in advance, it should have been known before starting the roll-out.
In my eyes, these vaccinations were / are a crime against humanity – at least.
Here is full Oz article. Going around a lot on Twitter
Media to blame for Covid vaccines’ wall of infallibility by Adam Creighton
The dam wall has finally broken. In the US and Australia, the chapter of silence on reporting Covid-19 vaccine injuries appears to have slammed shut, due in no small part to Christine Middap’s excellent series of reports in The Australian.
Throughout the pandemic criticism of masks or lockdowns was permissible, if frowned upon, but the vaccines attained an almost exalted status that ensured any critics – no matter the quality of their evidence – were unfairly disparaged as “anti-vaxxers”, “cookers” or simply ignored.
Why this was so remains hard to explain, but some fault must lie with a too credulous, incurious mainstream media, naive to the political and financial forces that pushed governments to eschew the more sensible path of voluntary Covid-19 vaccination. At the very outset, compelling entire populations to take a scientifically novel vaccine, produced on a political timetable, against a disease that for the bulk of people was a bad cold, was a highly questionable policy, arguably trashing traditional medical ethics about informed consent.
Yet even as it became clear throughout 2021 and 2022 that the experts pushing vaccine mandates had been wrong over and over again, “safe and effective” remained the mantra.
Governments and experts insisted vaccines stopped transmission when they clearly didn’t, even though Pfizer later admitted it hadn’t even studied that question.
There was never a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. Breakthrough cases were never “rare”.
It remains an awkward fact that far more people have died from or with Covid-19 since the vaccine rollout (which targeted the most vulnerable groups first) than before, a weak prima facie case for a supposedly “highly effective” vaccine.
Warning signs were flashing bright red about safety all along. Throughout 2021 the US government’s own vaccine injury reporting system, VAERS – for which it is a felony to file a false claim, not to mention time-consuming – suggested a massive, unprecedented increase in potential injuries. Sure, many would be spurious, but how such a surge was largely ignored continues to boggle the mind.
On top of that, most countries are nursing unprecedented and largely unexplained increases in excess mortality, which a recent study from Norway concluded was partly attributable to the share of the population that was vaccinated in 2021, alongside a host of other variables.
Let’s pray that conclusion, which has received next to zero media coverage, falls apart when it reaches the peer review stage. In October, I wrote to Conny Turni, a scientist at Queensland University, after I read her new assessment of Covid-19 vaccines in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology. “An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous,” she and co-author Astrid Lefringhausen concluded, arguing the vaccines presented a greater health risk to young healthy people than Covid-19 itself.
It was one of the most shocking things I’d read in years; a detailed review, scrupulously referenced, pointing to the growing plethora of scientific studies around the world that were casting doubt on the effectiveness and safety of the Covid-19 vaccines from 2021.
“The only media attention I have received was from the UK,” she told me when I asked what attention her research had attracted.
“It is very worrying, especially since there are networks here in Australia of doctors and scientists … echoing my findings and they are just not heard.”
The point of a free media is to challenge authority, especially massive incursions on human rights, but many of us became cheerleaders for the health bureaucracy and politicians, assuming all were faithfully acting in the public interest. It’s well established the global financial crisis was the product in large part of the capture of financial regulators by powerful banking interests, leading to far lower levels of capitalisation than socially desirable.
The latest batch of Twitter Files revealed a systematic effort by US government-funded NGOs to remove even true stories of vaccine injuries where they could promote “vaccine hesitancy”. In an Orwellian twist of history, any posts throughout 2021 that warned of vaccine passports, mandates or argued for natural immunity were removed.
“Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is,” Winston Churchill once famously said of truth.
The mountain of bias and ignorance that’s weighed on reporting on Covid-19 vaccines is starting to crumble.
It may very well be that the vaccines did overwhelmingly more good than harm, but with proper media scrutiny the harms could have been less.
Veteran British journalist Piers Morgan recently apologised for his earlier histrionics. It might be an opportune time for many others to follow his example.
Thanks for the story Ozzie.
We can only hope that this is just the start and that the MSM get off their backsides and do some research…like journalists are supposed to do.
I think we all know that our government won’t.
“safe and effective” is the mantra that all officials should be embarrassed, ashamed and kicked out of office for.
Oh and let’s not forget this one which I hate with a passion…
“we’re all in this together”
ColA @ #4.2.
You don’t need hindsight to condemn the prohibition on early treatment. And you don’t need hindsight to condemn the prohibition on private research.
Both were put into effect by the rush to deregister anybody who put his/her head above the parapet.
This was a bunch of elitists exercising the excessive power they had been given. They turned out to be ignorant elitists, ignorant even of basic business principles. Like e.g. how can the residents in a nursing home get care if everybody that works in a facility is summarily quarantined? How can transmission in a facility be minimised if standard infection protocols are dismissed?
Don’t forget at the start of all this in 2020 the health and media were succeeding in scaring the life out of everyone with models of COVID-19 wiping out 1/2 the population and the hospitals being over run by the crying and dying – what a great way to fortify the nation for a serious situation!
Then, this was the first virous that “Authorities” had no early treatment or prophylaxes for, that’s never happened before! WHY??
Hind sight is 20/20 but surely we should learn something from all this, that’s why a Royal Commission is so necessary. The problems started to show up in late 2021/early 2022 with reports from the US DOD and the US insurance industry. and there have been many similar reports from a host of different sources – all ignored!
Here’s just 1 more
I doubt there’ll ever be a serious inquiry because the those who committed serious fraud and also ignored alternative expert opinions will be among those that decide about the inquiry. Almost the entire parliament in each Australian, state plus federal and numerous public serpents, state and federal plus Big Pharma employees are all guilty at some level and should be prosecuted where possible.
Sadly, it’s quite difficult to sue politicians and public serpents. But it may be possible if fraud can be proven.
When it gets to the stage that Albo & ALP & Greens need to act, all they will do is just throw people under the bus … and so they will do an BIASED “Inquiry” that will target Liberal/National politicians like Scomo, Hunt, Peritot, etc., the CHO’s who are not ALP aligned, and the ATAGI etc., people who are not ALP aligned.
Dan Andrews & Pluckaduck & the WA guy will all be overlooked.
And so the people of Australia will be shown “these are the people who killed you”, and the ABC, Gaurdian, etc. will hype it up.
The TRUTH will never see the light of day.
So, we live in a fascist state.
Who knew?
He has another equally interesting post focusing on NZ, and comparing them with Nigeria!
“…too credulous, incurious mainstream media, naive to the political and financial forces…”
If anybody find the above surprising or news they must have their head examined. This is the explanation for everything woke from climate change right through all of the culture wars we are currently living through.
This is indeed an excellent article by Adam Creighton.
The Oz is a bit late to the party, however, and appears to be a leopard that hasn’t entirely changed its spots: I submitted a comment on Creighton’s article, pointing out that in September 2021 I had submitted two on-topic comments questioning the push for vaccinating healthy children against Covid-19, and that both comments had been rejected. My latest comment was, guess what, also rejected …
Adam Creighton is doing excellent work from America and that is despite suffering the lying and dishonest US media coverage he must peruse every day.
Media saying now they weren’t aware is just CYA, blaming the govt for something they were a party too, and would not have been if they were doing their job.
”…naive to the political and financial forces that pushed governments to eschew the more sensible path of voluntary Covid-19 vaccination.” – from Old Ozzie’s quote
“Naive” my foot. They were all co-conspiritors, just like when they push climate dysfunction or any of the other leftist narratives so popular with the gullible consumers of their swill.
From Philip ALtman:
You can never trust the mainstream media again
Apr 3
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It had to happen…….today (3 April 2023) THE AUSTRALIAN Newspaper published the first significant editorial on the government lies and deceptions they called the “COVID Pandemic”.
The full article is reproduced below.
The media censored anybody who tried to tell the truth and children of all ages and adults died needlessly by the tens of thousands in Australia and probably by the millions worldwide. They should hang their heads in shame for their disgusting performance over the last 3 years and desist from engaging in wilful blindness regarding the claimed “safety” of “vaccines”.
If this has taught us anything, it is that most of the medical profession, so-called “health experts” and most of our politicians cannot be trusted to act in our best interest. They knew people were dying and seriously vaccine injured. They have lied repeatedly and not apologised. In my view, they are criminally liable but you can bet those responsible will circle the wagons to protect each other. I can hear it now – “but, but, we were only following the expert advice”. In fact, it is only their careers and well paid jobs that matter – you don’t. They are cowards and despicable people of the worst kind.
Some brave politicians have stood tall and refused to bend. You know who they are. They have now been exonerated and they deserve our full support going forward.
Read the article – hopefully, this will be followed by more brave real journalists writing the truth to prevent this nightmare from repeating itself.
[1 typo fixed]
– – –
The Australian article can be downloaded from Philip Altman’s Substack – use ‘Save’ above (but I think you have to subscribe).
I’ll be following this and see whether any group tries to unravel the Aussie data or perhaps a Senator may try to ask pertinent questions of our clueless govt?
I doubt an Aussie version of Ed Dowd will emerge, but I hope I’m wrong.
BTW I know many people and relatives who’ve had the jab( myself included) and so far I’m not aware of anyone who has died in any of the categories.
A couple of friends in their nineties both had CV-19 and the wife had a spell in hospital and the husband took anti-virals and both are well again.
I doubt an Aussie version of Ed Dowd will emerge
Thanks for that Earl and I know Senator Rennick is always game enough to ask awkward questions.
But I’m still hoping a data analyst will have the time to look at the Aussie deaths in detail, like Ed Dowd did in the US.
Malcolm Roberts has held an enquiry that provided clear evidence on vaccine injury from individuals and expert opinion:
As far as I can tell it has resulted in no action.
Senator Antic has questioned the excess deaths/safety of the vaccine during senate estimates .
Senator Antic (South Australia) gave a brilliant speech to an empty Senate last week about this very subject. The government cannot claim ignorance but what I find confusing that even with the information they are still promoting booster shots. It’s as if they want to cull the population.
. “It’s as if they want to cull the population.”
Like I said to my doctor who was after my 2nd shot. Once was enough I proclaimed. GP’s are subservient to their bureaucratic masters and seem unable to think independently. Over the years I have lost trust in everything government has to say.
Grasshopper! You are wise and have achieved the knowledge of your elders.
Unfortunately memories fade, dying off with those who suffered and sacrificed against what may be evolutionary forces within our genetics. Their teachings are dropped from the curriculum by those who, though lazy have the cunning to achieve power and wealth by taxing and living off the labour of others.
That is to the point in the cycle we now come to where the workers are exhausted, realizing their endeavours are futile.
The music has stopped and now it is time to grab a chair!
Which chair due you choose when many of those left in the room can vanish by decree and any good chairs were given to private equity holdings in exchange for a killer of a cure?
My brother, a prominent Adelaide doctor, passed away 18 days after his first dose of Pfizer.
This was mandated by SA Health otherwise he was disallowed to practice medicine in his own clinic.
Although very pro vaccine, he was very suspicious of this so called “vaccine” and did NOT participate in the governments mandated program for his own patients. I respect him immensely for this decision.
His death is registered as Pfizer “causal” on the TGA website.
I personally know of one other “suspicious” death following Pfizer in direct family and one of my next door neighbors employees, a very fit young man in his early twenties who died after his second jab.
Within our circle of friends there have also been two others passed away in hospital “with” Covid. One was mid sixties and also sadly, his son who was in his mid twenties.
My recommendation for what it’s worth: DON’T ever, EVER agree to have an MRNA jab and NEVER let anyone admit you to hospital if you have the flu or “Covid”. Hospitals are still using Remdesivir and intubation as standard practice on admittance to hospital with “Covid” – both of these, particularly together, are a DEADLY combination!
There WILL be a reckoning for all who have perpetrated this on the human race I’m certain – until then I suggest everyone do their own research and BEWARE!
If you have a fb account, this is a great example of the fiasco which occured in a patient in Australia. His wife documented it all and recorded conversations as the treatment progressed.
Exactly as you said above. Spoiler alert – fortunately he lived.
Good doco ” On a knife edge”
Thanks; yt-dlp.exe has downloaded it from your link without any need to authenticate to fb.
Of all the evil perpetuated under Covid policy, I feel the mandates (I am a health professional) were the worst. Many medical practitioners were fully aware that the jabs were dangerous, ineffective, untested, and being pushed by people who have not the faintest idea about medicine. To hear Brad Hazzard, Chairman Dan and Mark McGowan labelling people such as myself as idiots, dangerous and stupid was the ultimate insult. These people are truly criminals.
Dr T – I’m a retired medical specialist. I have never seen or heard of governments sending people home until they are “blue” nor have I seen/heard governments banning therapeutic agents during an allegedly severe pandemic, let alone abandoning standard pandemic practices to install their severe and coercive measures (which caused more harm than good). I spent many years in ICU and to me ventilating patients for hypoxemia when just an increase in FiO2 and CPAP is called for is malpractice and yet intensivists went along with it. Why did they not question the the proscribed practice? Unfortunately our profession failed to stand up to the bullying by government and for their ethical beliefs. If enough had said no we could have stopped our governments. It makes me quite sad to think this of my colleagues.
“ventilating patients for hypoxemia when just an increase in FiO2 and CPAP is called for is malpractice and yet intensivists went along with it.”
Was the justification for this that the FiO2 and CPAP would facilitative spreading the contagion within facilities …
and the vent isolated the patient’s air flow reducing infectious spread?
The choice being to err on the side of increased danger to the patient for protection of staff?
Perhaps an understandable reaction for unsuspecting subjects of carefully crafted hysteria.
I’m a not-yet-retired medical specialist, and practicing through the last 3 years feels like living in a parallel universe.
The vast majority of doctors have no insight into what they are participating in. There is more insight and knowledge from informed patients than there is within the profession.
mRNA “vaccines” were always known to be dangerous in their present state of development and were not brought to market because they would not have passed safety or efficacy testing.
But then something magical happened…
Covid gave an opportunity to try them out.
But they were untested and dangerous.
There were safe antivirals known to be effective against covid such as HCQ with published protocols for taking it (E.g. Zelenko). HCQ was banned EVEN BEFORE THE EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES WERE ON THE MARKET (at least in the more extreme Nanny States like Australia).
Then another safe antiviral, Ivermectin (also with published protocols for taking it), was banned after the untested vaccines were released.
The experimental untested vaccines could only approved by the pharmaceutical regulators in various countries for “emergency use” on the basis there was no suitable existing treatment options. Clearly there was, hence the Government, Big Pharma and their partners, the Useful Idiots of the Left (including Lamestream and social(ist) media) waged a misinformation campaign against the effective, safe, inexpensive antivirals.
Consistent with the ways of the Left reversing the true nature of everything, they called their misinformation about HCQ/IVM “fact” and the truth “misinformation”. Exactly as warned about by Orwell.
Dr Suneel Stand discusses some history of mRNA and its known dangers hence it not being previously brought to market: (10 mins)
Dr Pierre Kory talks about IVM on his visit to Australia, including comments about the infamous “horse dewormer” campaign here:
A girlfriend (from 20 years ago) phoned last week to say she’d just got back home after weeks in hospital after suffering a ‘heart attack’… Being ‘fully shot’, and knowing my outlook on the scam, she thought it prudent to advise me of her ‘rare side-effect’… Luckily she survived, and is in the process of wrapping-up her business (landscaping) to enjoy the benefits of retirement and being a first-time grandmother.
Amongst my old surfing buddies, I’m the only one who HASN’T lost a friend or family member to this sudden-onset ‘rare side-effect’ modern-day drop-dead malady, yet the ‘new & improved’ No.5 Shot was launched yesterday… b**turds.
With only a very few exceptions, most GPs (family medical doctors) in Australia under about 60 years of age have been dumbed-down and are mostly incapable of independent thought and are subservient to government and Big Pharma.
Admittedly, their subservience to government is somewhat beyond their control as any questioning of the covid narrative (for example) would have and still would see them deregistered. However, they should have gone to their woke lobby group, the AMA and demanded they say something e.g. permit them to use approved drugs off-label as they have always been allowed to do until now.
Incidentally, there is now also a non-woke, pro-science, pro-medicine medical organisation as an alternative to the AMA:
The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS).
Joined up a few months ago David.
Barely past ten comments and the writing is incredible.
Concise, detailed and highly relevant and informative.
As one writer said, this ugly episode in the march of humanity must be clearly defined and the perpetrators identified and punished.
Democracy is almost gone, but we do have a chance to push back .
Can we do it?
Here is a good one. For those who haven’t seen it, Dr Phillip Altman’s report.
That didn’t work. I’ll look for a better link.
Well, whaddaya know! My first search came up with this. “This video has been removed for violating Youtube’s terms of service”.
But there appears to be a transcript. I haven’t read it yet, but here it is.
I haven’t found a better way yet. I got that .pdf report by clicking the link in the first paragraph here.
Had a go at the transcript but it’s a bit long and takes too long to get to the point.
The transcript of the interview with Dr Erlich is good. No doubt the .pdf Altman report would be good too, but 107 pages.
At first reading I didn’t pick up why Youtube blackballed the video. Somebody with a bit more understanding of their system should ask youtube for an explanation.
And even today, simple, cheap, non-prescription off-patent prophylaxis for covid such as various published protocols including daily vitamin D, zinc, Quercertin etc. (see appropriate protocols) are not even discussed.
In fact for vitamin D alone (a deficiency of which leads to much greater susceptibility to covid) for which large numbers of people are deficient, especially during the ruthless covid lockups in Australia whereby people got insufficient sun, government web sites and Their ABC even today warn about vitamin D “toxicity”.
And yet, the simple measure of “authorities” (sic) encouraging people to correct any vitamin D deficiency was never done, despite it being a proven fact that vitamin D deficiency renders people much more susceptible to serious or deadly covid disease. Imagine if nursing home patients were all given vitamin D? Thousands or millions (worldwide) of lives would have been saved.
And then we get nonsense like:
24 August 2022
Burden on healthcare and the environment ‘avoidable’
Whatever the cost of Vitamin D testing, it will be far cheaper than the cost of diseases caused by a deficiency.
It found the number of tests for vitamin D deficiency in Australia rose sharply between 2000 and 2011, from 0.4 to 36.5 tests per 1000 population.
‘So the doctor needs to ask themselves, “Is it appropriate to do [this test]?”’
Whatever the cost of Vitamin D testing, it will be far cheaper than the cost of diseases caused by a deficiency.
it is B’Hard to try and get Vitamin D added to Blood Test – after 34 blood tests every 3 weeks over 2 years of Covid, no Vit D – then after 9 1/2 hour Major Op, during week in Servere Burns Unit with daily blood test, finally got night nurse to add Vitamin D to blood test – as had been taking anti-virals for over 2 years, was fine.
Retired 83 year old here, so could tell them where to go with their jab, & did.
I did take my daily vitamin D, zinc & Quercertin, but took no special precautions like avoiding public places etc. I did go to the hassle of importing 12mg Ivermectin tablets, & Ziverdo kits from India, & this has proved wise.
Well it finally happened. Friday morning I felt dreadful, all the symptoms of a bad dose of flu. Did the home Covid test & it said positive. Only mild congestion, & no loss of taste, but weak as a kitten.
Pulled out a Ziverdo kit, & started taking as directed, one Ivermectin, one twice a day Doxycycline, but not the zinc as I was already taking it.
Sick as a dog, & slept most of Saturday. Sunday took the third & last Ivermectin, plus continued the Doxycycline in the kit, & by afternoon was feeling well enough to water the garden & do some mowing. Another test still showed positive, but the symptoms had totally gone by Monday.
The success had by the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh with these Ziverdo kits is well recorded. Just 3 Ivermectin tablets in the kit, but my attack was all over in about 52 hours, for a cost of about $20.
Just imagine how much better it would have been if we had rejected the jab for these kits.
I do believe if Morrison had been a brave man, & not succumbed to the pressure from the media & the left to go with the jab, many lives would have been saved. I believe my experience confirms it. belief
Thank you for that account Hasbeen.
It is lower cost just to take a pill if you are not getting regular exposure to sunlight than having the test done regularly. That way, the vast majority of people will never be deficient.
The average cost for Vitamin D testing in Australia is $160 per test. A year of supplements costs about $35. So why spend $160 on everyone regularly to find out if they are or are not deficient when the vast majority of people can guarantee they are not deficient by taking a daily supplement at much lower cost than testing.
About 25% of the Australian population are Vitamin D deficient at any point in time. A much larger proportion will experience a deficiency under circumstances that they have difficulty controlling. Something like 60% of the population will experience vitamin D deficiency at some point in their life. Unless you are aware and able to get sufficient sunlight then just take a daily supplement.
From a community perspective, it is lower cost for everyone just to take a supplement unless they know their circumstances ensure plenty of regular sunlight. People who work indoors for long hours and do not have outdoor recreation should just take supplements. A test at any point in time may not be reflective of their normal situation.
All that said, I have never had any difficulty getting the test added to a blood test. The last time was in 2021.
What is more David, how many people avoid the sun for fear of Melanoma? Would that brainwashing be as effective if it were widely known that 2/3 of Melanoma are not sun related- they pop up “Where the sun don’t shine”.
Which leads me to another question Simon.
When parents are covering their kids with 50+ sunblock before going outside, are they reducing natural vitamin D intake?
I have looked for an answer with mixed results, nothing definitive.
It depends on skin colour Grogery- dark skin does not need sunscreen. Certainly Low vitamin D is seen in Asian immigrants to England- the kids can get rickets. There is evidence that melanoma can originate from sun exposure at a young age. In my 40’s I have had both BCC and SCC on my face even though I didn’t get burnt. My personal habit is to apply sunscreen if I am out in the middle of the day- I cycled across Australia (Melbourne to Perth) without getting sunburnt! There is beneficia UV in the morning and late afternoon.
I have very fair skin (freckled as a child), and spent my childhood playing outdoors without hats or sunscreen. I do recall getting severely sunburnt in the late 70’s whilst sailing.
I regularly got burnt as a boy, now 80 I have had 1 BCC cut out of a shoulder, nothing off my face.
I’m mixed British Isles heritage so must have some Roman [Mediterranean] genes.
I remember going to school on Mondays, with a few of us boys it was “Don’t toucha da back”.
“dark skin does not need sunscreen”. I disagree. We used to go from the UK to the French Riviera to be sure of some sun. Every year there would be a cheerful mob of younger people whose parents had been migrants from the Caribbean to the UK, laughing at “Whitey” slapping the stuff on. Every year, within three days of their arrival, they would be rushing to the pharmacies and slapping it on as well.
I’ve been trying to find more about UVA and UVB and the balance of the two and which carcinoma is affected. We have a predominance of UVA in the early morning and UVB midday and afternoon. Winter gives us more UVA. It is all about UVB absorption by the atmosphere. The more atmosphere the more absorption. From what I understand UVA is important for melanoma and B for SCC and BCC. Why do very sunny countries like Australia have such high melanoma rates? Maybe it’s because of the way we react to sun. It’s OK to go out in the sun before 10 but must have sunscreen and hats and clothes to protect us from the sun thereafter. Do we get an imbalance of UV A and B as a result? Just a thought.
Melanomas don’t necessarily come up where the sun hit. Damaged cells travel around looking for a home.
“Damaged cells travel around looking for a home.”
When I was young, I spent a large proportion of my time as a body-surfer, inhabiting the beach in summer, when not playing cricket.
A couple of years ago I hit my head on the corner of a wooden beam… OUCH.. It never quite healed properly.
Thought I better get it checked out… basal cell carcinoma. 🙁
Had to get it removed, and some skin grafted on, from the front of my shoulder (about a 2 months ago)
Now I have a dent in the skin on my head about the size of a 50c coin.
Did the initial injury give the cancer somewhere to “find a home” (as you said)? or was it just sun damage… hmmm.
Just to be clear, this case was nothing to do with the jab… which I have avoided getting.
If the skin specialist does not look between your ‘cheeks’, behind your knees, the souls of your feet etc; go see a real doctor.
If they freeze, they may scar and mask the cancer. If they biopsy a potential melanoma, they take an enormous risk with your life. If they excise without carefully identifying margins and paying attention to pathology, watch out.
As learned from one who cared.
Thanks David.
It’s interesting that the article does all that “detailed analysis” but somehow doesn’t mention the importance of vitamin D to the functioning of the immune system. That it is critical to the moderation of that functioning Is something which is worth emphasising. And it’s the blood levels which provide, and indicate its effectiveness. Yet there’s no consideration of either within the article.
Dave B
If testing is considered too expensive, forego the tests and just put out a blanket recommendation for 5,000 iu daily for adults.
How easy is that?
For years now endocrinologists have known of the link between low Vitamin D and diabetes type 2. Yet the diabetes world is silent ….and part of the problem I think is that Drs generally are not shouting out about what they know about prevention of disease. It seems they don’t see their role as anything more than treatment of conditions or for some treatment of symptoms.
But, is low Vitamin D causal or simply an effect that runs parallel to the diabetes?
This article may help KK ……
Thanks Gerry,
Have filed that link away for future reference.
Dave B
G’day K k,
Interesting question, but I think it’s a bit too binary, and Gerry’s link below is instructive.
I’ll try some wording to reflect my understanding:
Our immune system needs enough vitamin D for it to be effective, so if we become infected with a cancer it can detect and stop that cancer. But if it is lower than required it may not be able to deal with the situation completely or at all.
I think that means it is complicit, but not causal.
A bit like confronting a gun man without wearing a bullet proof vest. Is the vest the cause of death?
Or, closer to home: Is IVM the cause of death when not given to Covid sufferers?
Note that I don’t attempt to quantify “enough” here, as I suspect that that’s a variable amount.
Dave B
Thanks Dave, sounds as though my original idea was close to the mark.
Vitamin D is probably a very peripheral issue compared with the basic facts of the D2 problem.
Vitamin D may help but the major issue is to balance calorie intake and insulin capacity.
Ref the Dutch Winterhunger, again.
A note about Vitamin D.
In case you don’t know, there is not a lot of point taking Vitamin D to correct a deficiency once you get covid. It takes time to build up. It’s something you should take every day.
Do your own research to establish an appropriate dose if you are deficient.
Covid infection is not a serious condition for most people whereas vitamin D deficiency is a serious condition.
Big Pharma encourages the deficiency, usually citing the hypercalcemia risk of vitamin D3 supplementation in doses beyond what is required to protect against the osteoporosis manifestation of severe deficiency.
The risk threshold for hypercalcemia starts at a daily supplement of between 40 to 100 (1000IU) capsules a day over three months.
Once infected an “aware” GP should give an IV dose of the active form immediately.
There is no reason for anyone who doesn’t spend time outdoors not to be taking a daily dose. Measured in “cups of coffee” it is less than 1 per month.
G’day DM,
I agree, partially. Taken orally it won’t be as effective as taken as IV, if you can find a doctor who’ll do it. But in addition I suggest that any Covid infection is itself an indicator of a less than ideally functioning immune system, which is an indicator of insufficient vitamin D, so it should be worth while starting taking some immediately and hopefully reducing the severity and longevity of the infection.
Dave B
Considering that less than 10% of fatalities attributed to coronavirus infection in the USA were employed working age people, Dowd’s report suggests that the vaccines have killed three for each one killed by the virus in that cohort.
And now, having recreated the Spanish flu in the laboratory after it had disappeared from the face of the Earth, the mad scientists in USA are using ‘gain of function’ to make the bird flu, formerly only affecting birds, now reportedly crossing to mammals, to also infect humans ! And we think that USA is a ‘friendly’ nation ?? Something is very wrong over there.
The USA is indeed a friendly nation.
However, there has been a hostile takeover from within by dark forces committed to the destruction of the USA and Western Civilisation in general.
There was a ban on government grants going to gain of function research, but that was lifted in 2017. They are preparing for the war to end all wars.
‘We the People’ is the target along with their cumbersome and difficult to have total control over Constitution.
Australia was cactus as soon as began paying our elected representatives. The difference in Australia is that free speech is not protected, nor is the right to bear arms. The monkeys in our Parliaments can smear faeces over us without fear of reprisal. Pre-selection will keep them in comfort as long as they toe the party line.
The plan is proceeding successfully.
The complexity of this issue is demonstrated in the discussion initiated by Kevin’s comment;
The benefits of working at the level of approach used in this current thread are obvious.
Lots of human damage so let’s hold off for a bit and check the VaXXines before further use.
This is 100% nonsense.
You’d think that when grifters like Peter McCullough make up their lies, they’d at least try to make them plausible. Apparently not.
For instance, in the HEADLINE of this story we can read these two impossible to reconcile claims:
• that 300,000 Americans were killed by Covid-19 vaccines, and
• that 10% of Americans had a member of their household die from vaccination
Let’s do a little bit of arithmetic:
The USA is variously reported to have 83.9 million to 123.6 million households, with an average household size of 2.7 to 3.1 people.
300,000 is just 0.336% of 83.9 million. Do you begin to see a problem?
For 300,000 to represent the households of 10% of Americans (i.e., 33.4 million Americans), the average household size in which those 300,000 people lived would have to have been 111 people.
I don’t know anyone who died from vaccination, I don’t know anyone who lives in a household of more than a dozen people, and, AFAIK, I don’t know of anyone who knows anyone who died from vaccination.
I have, however, known people killed by Covid-19. In fact, I lost a dear friend to Covid-19 just seven weeks ago.
The truth is that, while it is impossible to say with assurance that nobody died from bad reactions to vaccination, we do know beyond any doubt that the incidence of any such cases was too low to be statistically detectable, and that Covid-19 vaccination saved many lives.
These are U.S. figures:
The last time a pandemic swept through the USA, in 1918, it killed about 0.65% of Americans. This time, in large part thanks to the vaccines, the pandemic only killed about 0.35% of Americans.
Yep those figures are suspicious.
Do you want to know what I find even more incredible?
So Dave, The Rasmussen survey reflects a protest vote — it changes nothing about Edward Dowd’s report which took months and used insurance and BLS data, and about which you don’t have any comment.
Do 300,000 deaths matter? Let’s not lose sight of the crime of the century here.
The survey results are easy to reconcile. I’ve added two lines to the post:
A Rasmussen poll just out, corroborates that something awful happened in America.
Maybe their daughter-in-law suffered a miscarriage after vaccination, or an old school friend died, or they were forced to get an injection and they hate that. When Rasmussen asks the question, they can’t say “nothing”. They just want to be heard.
10% of Americans are angry.
You may hate McCullough (though I don’t know why) but the man took a big risk with his career, and so did Paul Marik, and all the FLCCC team. Some of them lost jobs, and were taken to court. Their FLCCC protocols are the best researched on the internet, provided free for you to use with full referencing.
And one, Simone Gold was imprisoned. As well.
The only thing “awful [that] happened in America” w/r/t the vaccines is that grifters and nutcases like Peter McCullough, Simone Gold, RFK Jr, Alex Jones, Jon Rappoport, Mike ‘Health Ranger’ Adams, Br. Alexis Bugnolo, Joe Mercola, Thomas Renz, etc., managed to dissuade many Americans from getting vaccinated, by telling them the LIE that vaccination is dangerous, and by blaming deaths and illnesses on the jabs which had nothing to do with the jabs. Those lies have KILLED hundreds of thousands of Americans.
I know a very nice lady who is now a widow, because she and her husband believed such lies. Their young son is now fatherless. Here’s a family photo (with faces obscured):
They were both young and healthy when they got Covid-19. As you can see in the photo, she’s very thin, and she recovered easily. But her husband had more of a “dad bod,” which put him at much greater risk. Covid-19 killed him slowly and gruesomely. If he’d been vaccinated, he’d almost certainly be alive today.
The mistake people make is confusing correlation with causation. Blaming every death after a vaccine jab on the jab is the same mistake as blaming every storm on “climate change.”
The fact that storms have not worsened is what proves that it’s wrong to blame them on climate change. Likewise, the lack of a statistically detectable elevation in risk of death after vaccine jabs means it’s wrong to blame those deaths on the jabs.
About 24 hours after I had my 2nd Moderna jab I got a very sore foot. It hurt a lot, and it swelled up so badly that it was hard to get my shoe on. (I cut the top of the toe section out of a tennis shoe, to make it fit over my swollen foot.) Do you think my ailment was due to the vaccine jab?
I don’t. I think it was due to the nail that I stepped on.
That might seem like a silly example, but people have things go wrong with their health all the time, and very often there’s no obvious cause. What if my ailment hadn’t had an obvious cause? What if I’d had a heart attack, or come down with flu or Covid? Do you think that the fact that it happened only about 24 hours after a jab would mean that it was caused by the jab?
The answer is obviously no. The fact that a health problem happened shortly after a vaccine jab DOES NOT MEAN the jab caused it. Only if there’s a statistically detectable elevation in frequency would there be evidence of causation.
With respect to deaths, there isn’t. That means the claim that the Covid-19 vaccines killed many people is a lie.
To understand how we can know that, you need to do some arithmetic. Please work through this with me:
Fact #1. On a typical day, when there’s no pandemic, about 7500 Americans die, of all causes. That’s 0.0023% of the American population.
Fact #2. So far, Americans have gotten a total of about 677.52 million Covid-19 vaccine jabs.
So, just by random chance, you would expect 0.0023% of those jabs to have been followed by the jab recipient dying within 24 hours, from a cause UNRELATED to the jab. Do you understand that?
0.0023% of 677.52 million is 15,582.
Do you understand the significance of that large number?
What’s more, that’s actually much too low, because the elderly, who’re intrinsically at greatly elevated risk of death from all causes, also have a much higher vaccination rate than the general population; and because the young, who’re at low risk of death from all causes, also have a lower vaccination rate. The real figure is probably at least twice that:
So we can estimate that roughly 30,000 Americans DIED within 24 hours of a vaccine jab, from causes completely UNRELATED to the jab!
Obviously that also means 10× that many Americans (300,000) must have died within ten days of a vaccine jab, for reasons completely UNRELATED to the jabs.
It also means that roughly 900,000 Americans have died within one month of a vaccine jab, for reasons completely UNRELATED to their jabs.
Now do you understand how we can know that when people like McCullough, Dowd, and Simone Gold blame such deaths on the vaccines, they are LYING?
No comment needed, you have clearly illustrated your position.
Dave, really sorry your friend died of Covid. You didn’t read the post did you?
Ed Dowd’s team is well ahead of your concerns. You raise the most basic points in actuarial studies. His team analyzed national records of healthy working age people, not old folks, not sick or disabled people. They looked at their normal annual death rates. The team knows exactly how many people in that category die in a normal year. They also know their rates of absenteeism, conversion to disability, loss of productivity, plus insurance costs and payouts. They adjusted (with three different methods) to calculate the baseline deaths expected in every age category each year. After that, they calculated the excess deaths in every age category over and above that.
He calculates absentee rates were 11 standard deviations above the norm. Deaths in 25-75 year old people rose in younger age groups after vaccines were rolled out in 2021, much more than they did in 2020 after Covid came. (See the graph in the post above).
Bear in mind Dowd was a successful hedge fund executive manager for blackrock that was accustomed to betting billions of dollars on knowing what SD and correlation means. He did get those financial bets right and made money through the dot com crash and then through the GFC. So maybe he has screwed up here, but won’t won’t have made “obvious” errors. Unless you read his papers (or even my three paragraph summary of it), you won’t know how will you?
PS: Paul Marik and Peter McCulloch have been warning people from the start not to take Covid lightly, and they’ve been treating people in ICU’s. Search for FLCCC treatment protocols to find ones that will reduce both your risk of getting a bad case of Covid and also your risk of side effects from the vaccine.
Your friend may have had a 90% better chance if he’d been using ivermectin prophylactically. If he was carrying a little extra weight, maybe his vitamin D levels were too low?
I read it, Jo. I even read a little bit of Dowd’s “Report.”
Thanks for the kind words about my friend, Ron. He was in a very high risk category. He was 84yo, with a lot of health issues. He’d been on on supplemental oxygen for a few years. He’d recently gotten out of a hospital, and was in a rehab unit — which, it turns out, didn’t have good enough infection control protocols. Just when everyone was starting to relax, thinking that the Covid-19 epidemic was about over, Covid got started in that rehab unit, and ran through it like a dose of salts. Ron almost made it out; he was scheduled to be released from the rehab unit, when he caught Covid, which killed him.
Dowd’s “Report” is absolute garbage. Here’s a telling excerpt:
Do you see it? Dowd blamed all the 2021 and 2022 Covid-19 deaths on the vaccines!!!
Using Worldometers data…
…here’s the number of Covid-19 deaths the USA had in 2020, 2021 & 2022:
2020: 376,413
2021: 852893-376413 = 476,480
2022: 1120776-852893 = 267,883
2021+2022: 1120776-376413 = 744,363
So Dowd is blaming nearly a quarter of a million Covid-19 deaths on vaccines.
I’m reminded of an old joke:
So, riddle me this, Batman:
How many vaccine deaths were there, if you call the people killed by Covid-19 “vaccine deaths?”
Typo correction:
I wrote, “Dowd is blaming nearly a quarter of a million Covid-19 deaths on vaccines.”
I meant, “Dowd is blaming nearly three-quarters of a million Covid-19 deaths on vaccines.”
Sorry about that!
Dave, it’s good that you’ve started reading the material. Thank you. The Facts and “simple arithmetic” #1-3 your wrote in # clearly don’t apply at all. I assume you realize that now?
In your latest comments — see the first and most obvious diagram on the Overview page. Perhaps you didn’t read that far? Clearly they put the upper bound as total excess deaths, and the lower bound as just those reported to VAERS.
Then consider that the SARS-2 death rates in people under 64 are relatively small. Your friend Ron, for example, is not included at all in the Phinance study. He’s not of working age and health. When Covid hit the US in 2020 the death rates climbed in the over 75 age group, and especially in the 85+ category, but those deaths (most Covid deaths) aren’t included in this study.
The Worldometer data is mostly not relevant because it counts deaths in these older vulnerable age groups.
Looking at the excess costs of the lost worktime were purely calculated in 2022 when Omicron was running and deaths due to the virus were low in the under 64 age group.
To understand more of the methodology download the links from this page to see the 15 page report on the three different methods. See especially the changes in death rates in each age group in 2020 and 2021 (Figures 9 and 10).
In the graph I posted above, notice that in the 25-44 age group excess deaths in 2021 were nearly twice as high as 2020? Was Covid in 2021 twice as deadly to this age group but less deadly to older people? By 2022 the excess deaths in that same age group were the same as when Covid first hit, but we know that Omicron was far less deadly than the original Wu-Flu of 2020. In that age group, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that vaccination killed as many or more people than Covid. The first wave of Covid in 2020 would have taken the most vulnerable (see the 85+ category). Then in subsequent waves the population was increasing its natural immunity. Why did deaths fall in the 75+ age group in 2021, but rise in all the Under 74 categories? Is there any evidence that covid became more deadly for younger people? We do know that myocarditis and autoimmune diseases are more likely post vaccination in younger age groups than in older ones.
Jo wrote, “they put the upper bound as total excess deaths, and the lower bound as just those reported to VAERS.”
Blaming all VAERS deaths on the vaccines is just as wrong as blaming all Covid-19 deaths on the vaccines. If you understand the Facts and “simple arithmetic” which I wrote in #, then you’ll understand why.
VAERS deaths are not deaths caused by vaccines. They are deaths for which the timing and/or circumstances suggested to someone (anyone!) that they could plausibly have been caused by or contributed to by vaccination. That’s a huge difference — to which Dowd was apparently oblivious.
I had a foot injury about 24 hours after my 2nd Moderna jab. If, instead, I’d had a heart attack, then there surely would have been a VAERS report about it. That would not mean that my injury was necessarily caused by the vaccine.
The purpose of VAERS is to compile data which can be analyzed to determine whether there’s statistical evidence of an elevation in risk due to vaccination. The “simple arithmetic” which I showed you calculates estimates of the expected background rate: the deaths soon after vaccination which were unrelated to vaccination, because the timing was purely coincidental.
The “simple arithmetic” showed that the USA should have expected nearly a million purely coincidental deaths within one month of a Covid-19 jab. Many of those would not be blamed on vaccination, because another plausible cause was obvious. But if only 1/3 of those purely coincidental deaths were surprising enough that someone thought a connection to a jab was at least plausible, that would explain, not only all the VAERS deaths, but also Dowd’s entire 300,000 high end figure.
Jo wrote, “The Worldometer data is mostly not relevant because it counts deaths in these older vulnerable age groups.”
It counts all Covid-19 deaths. In the USA. About 1/4 of them were under age 65. Here are the data:
AGE COVID-19 deaths
——– ————–
All ages: 1,122,220
0-17: 1,558
18-29: 6,893
30-39: 19,595
40-49: 45,755
50-64: 200,703
sum 18-64: 272,946 (24.32%)
(Aside: is there any way you could enable <PRE> blocks in comments, Jo? That would make formatting tables much easier!)
Jo wrote, “in the 25-44 age group excess deaths in 2021 were nearly twice as high as 2020? Was Covid in 2021 twice as deadly to this age group but less deadly to older people?”
Vaccination in the USA started with the elderly. Most working-age people didn’t get vaccinated until summer or fall of 2021, or later. If you look at the case numbers in the USA, in 2021 there were many cases & deaths early in the year, followed by a summer lull, and then the big Delta surge starting in mid-summer and peaking in January, 2022. When Delta hit the USA, most of the elderly were already vaccinated, but most working age people were not, so it should not surprise you that the death rate increased especially among working age people: because vaccinations saved lives.
You evidently didn’t read my past posts on the rise in excess deaths in young people which matches the timing of mass vaccination in each age group with a delay of 3 – 6 weeks.
In the USA during winter and the Covid wave of Q1 2021 the excess deaths in that age group were 129% above normal. But after vaccines were rolled out in that age group in summer deaths were 200% above normal. This is actuarial USA data. If vaccines helped the excess deaths should have dropped in Q3. If vaccines caused the problem we’d see the peak in Q3. See for yourself.–768×299.jpg

We see the same pattern all over the world.
The UK data is the best because it is high resolution weekly data. See Neil and Fenton Dec 15th 2021. There’s a strange pattern of deaths in the UK — where “unvaccinated” age-groups are more likely to die a few weeks after vaccinations peak in their age group. (Because vaccinated people are classified as unvaccinated for a while after getting the carrot we are not supposed to mention.) (Dec 2021)
Similarly we see the pattern in Germany. Deaths peaking in the same months medical experiments peak
In Australia there were around 15,000 deaths above and beyond the expected deaths plus covid deaths.
People in their 30s and 40s more likely to die in the prime of their lives, and no one knows why.
Despite the VAERS data attributing some deaths that were not due to vaccination, there is no doubt that most deaths due to vaccines would not have been entered there. Most people don’t know how to do it, nor recognise that a death a month later, or even four months later could be due to vaccines. Doctors were discouraged from doing it. Underreporting events is a given. The only question is “how much”. See one old example here. The underreporting varies widely depending on the vaccine, the group, the country and the side effect. I don’t want ot get hung up on the numbers, only to say it’s extremely conservative to put VAERS numbers as “a minimum”. That’s why Ed Dowd looked at other data, economic data, absentee rates, disability rates, insurance payouts.
It also wouldn’t have helped that people were banned from discussing side effects of the Vaxes on every social media platform. If they had been allowed to discuss it (free speech and the first amendment) they would have realized that the side effect included many things not mentioned in the “informed consent” explanation. Does free speech matter or not?
PS: Your simple arithmetic misses that by definition “Excess Deaths” already includes all the normal deaths we expect (they are the baseline). I don’t need to explain this again do I? You do understand what a fundamental basic thing this is yes?
3Q 2021 was the big Delta surge, and the people who were still unvaccinated were hit hardest. That is completely unsurprising.
Now, let’s return to the topic at hand, which is Dowd’s garbage report.
Blaming all VAERS deaths on the vaccines, which Dowd did, is just plain wrong. Do you acknowledge that?
Blaming Covid-19 deaths on the vaccines, which Dowd also did (albeit as an “upper bound”), is also just plain wrong. Do you acknowledge that?
> 3Q 2021 was the big Delta surge, and the people who were still unvaccinated were hit hardest. That is completely unsurprising.
Here in the Nordics we have entered the delta(+omicron) wave with at least 85% of all relevant age groups vaccinated, and still the results were the same – hospitalizations and deaths increased, more vaccinated were hospitalized or died than their proportion in the preceding waves. If vaccines would work well, it wouldn’t happen, we should have seen a sustained decrease in absolute risk for vaccinated instead.
Dave, it appears you need to believe in the vaccines. There’s nothing I can say, no data I can provide is there? Somehow a few weeks after vaccinations peak, deaths peak, and in every age group (but worst in the 25-44 demographic) and somehow in different countries with different medical systems, different doctors, and different timing compared to the actual virus waves. But this is a clever virus following people around waiting for their friends to get vaccinated so it can hit the people who didn’t get the jab and kill them a few uncanny weeks later, and it knows to hit the healthiest men in their prime, not the ones who are already disabled or out of work? Remember Dowd has already showed that death and disability increased more in the US among employed people, than among the unemployed. That never happens normally. Working 30 year olds are some of the least likely to die across the whole community. None of this makes sense until we realize that healthy young people were forced to get “carrots” then banned from talking about the effects they experienced, but sicker, weaker unemployed people were not forced to get the carrot.
Pfizer and the FDA wanted to hide the data for 75 years, obviously because the data was so good? Yeah? And Australia is shutting down the largest study we have on vaccine effects because the results are great, right, and they’re tired of bragging?
You’ve shifted your complaints about Dowd’s report without acknowledging you were not correct at every step, just finding a new way to say “100% garbage”. A few comments ago you said Dowd counted all deaths, then all excess deaths, now its unthinkable he might count all VAERS deaths? Look, it’s a terrible thing to lose faith in the medico industrial complex. This would be a very dark awakening and you have my sympathy. This is not the world we thought we lived in.
Underreporting side effects on VAERS is systematic, and a given in normal years. But, especially in the face of censorship in the media, sacking of doctors, banning people on Twitter etc, we know VAERS vastly underreports vaccine effects that doctors are not even allowed to discuss on the news without losing their jobs.
The placebo effect and faith are powerful medicines which help you. But I won’t lie to you so you can keep the faith. Sorry. There are plenty of other sites and people that will. Good luck.
Hlg, you’re right that the vaccines worked less well for the Delta variants than for earlier variants. During the Delta wave, people who’d been vaccinated still had greatly reduced risk of serious harm or death, but it only moderately reduced frequency of disease transmission.
The result was that, as measured by “new case” diagnoses, the Delta wave was, by far, the biggest / worst of the whole pandemic, in the USA. It peaked at over 800,000 new cases per day in January, 2022. That’s three times the peak from the original wave, almost exactly one year earlier. (check the “7-day moving average” box)
However, as measured by deaths from Covid-19, the Delta wave was less severe than the original wave, in the USA. It peaked around 2800 deaths per day, in January, 2022. The original Covid-19 wave had peaked at about 3500 deaths per day, a year earlier. (check the “7-day moving average” box)
There were several reasons that Delta was less deadly than the original Covid-19 wave, in the USA, in spite of being much more transmissible, but the most important reason was certainly that by the time Delta arrived in the USA, the great majority of the most vulnerable population (the elderly) already had at least partial immunity: in most cases by having been vaccinated, but in many cases by having survived a previous infection.
The USA had about 45 million diagnosed cases during the Delta wave, plus many undiagnosed mild cases. Yet we only had about 350,000 Covid-19 deaths from all those cases. That’s a mortality rate of less than 0.8%, which is far lower than the the mortality rate during the original Covid-19 wave.
Were it not for the vaccines, which protected most of our most vulnerable citizens, U.S. Covid-19 mortality during the Delta wave would certainly have been at least twice as high as it actually was, probably even higher.
I do not understand why some people feel the need to reject the overwhelming evidence that those vaccines saved many lives. There are plenty of real villains in the world, there’s no need to create fake ones. It is just plain wrong to smear real heroes, like the scientists at Pfizer & Moderna, who worked their hearts out to save lives, by pretending that they are villains.
> I do not understand why some people feel the need to reject the overwhelming evidence that those vaccines saved many lives.
Well, simply because I do not see any evidence of it. As I already mentioned, there was no reduction in absolute risk for vaccinated in my region during delta+omicron waves – to the contrary, there was a significant increase in absolute risk. Relative risk ratios are irrelevant when there is no improvement in absolute risk, but even relative risk ratio differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated have disappeared here in the most representative age groups at that time.
Even a single country where a vaccine failed like that is sufficient to invalidate the whole claim of efficacy. But such situation occurred in many countries. (That also makes statistics coming from USA very suspicious, you should know that there are many questions f. ex. to the classification of vaccinated there)
Also, there is evidence that the increased transmission rate of delta and omicron was in fact vaccine-enabled. For example, relative risk ratios for infection were negative in many places that reported them since September 2021 (f. ex. UK, Nordics). So the argument of the more infections variants is not particularly strong. Also, Covid-19 often exhibits hospital-born transmission mode (personnel to patients), and this factor (increased risk of transmission from the most/early vaccinated (personnel) to the most vulnerable (patients) could have played a very significant role)
(There are many other arguments against case-based explanation of the vaccine failure, but I’ll keep it short)
> There are plenty of real villains in the world, there’s no need to create fake ones. It is just plain wrong to smear real heroes, like the scientists at Pfizer & Moderna, who worked their hearts out to save lives, by pretending that they are villains.
May be I don’t see them as villains (as I mentioned, I haven’t yet accepted the claims of these vaccines causing harm on societal scale, just don’t see strong evidence for it yet – though it’s clear that many people were actually harmed), but I certainly see them as frauds. Their products were advertised as preventing symptomatic disease and therefore transmission according to the results of the clinical trials, and to various public statements, but not only that didn’t happen, but they didn’t even work well against severe disease and death. And safety testing for some very important kinds of risks was simply skipped.
And those who mandated these clearly dangerous (on the personal level) products to the parts of the population who didn’t need it at all (who were outside of the very well studied and documented risk demographics) are villains (medical officials and politicians).
Dave Burton mocks!
So, riddle me this, Dave:
How many Covid 19 deaths were there, if you call the people killed by Vaccines and anything else “Covid 19 deaths?”
Here is the instruction manual from the CDC for the reporting of Covid 19 deaths on death certificates March 2020
I too feel sorry for whatever was the distress or difficult position you have found yourself in having ended up looking like the anatomical location of the horses tail you referred to in your rebuttal.
The definition of ‘vaccine’ had to be changed in order for the mRNA jab to be allowed to be called a vaccine. The change was from ‘providing immunity’ to ‘provoking the immune system’ [not the exact words, I’d have to look them up and it’s late]. Basically, they knew the mRNA jab didn’t provide any immunity, but they wanted the PR value of the word ‘vaccine’. And of course we all now know that the mRNA jab provides no immunity.
So the mRNA jab jolts the immune system into action, and that’s where the adverse reactions (including deaths) come from, because the immune system can attack anything including the person’s vital organs. I know, it happened to me. In a sense, I was lucky because I didn’t die, but my life has been disrupted for over a year and it has cost me many thousands of dollars. I looked up the government compensation scheme and it was a bad joke.
It may feel noble to protect the mRNA jab from criticism, but believe me – that’s a mistake.
Mike wrote, “The definition of ‘vaccine’ had to be changed in order for the mRNA jab to be allowed to be called a vaccine.”
Here are the definitions from my grandfather’s 1905 American Dictionary of the English Language:
VACCINATE, v.t., to inoculate with the cowpox as a preventive against smallpox.
VACCINE, adj., pertaining to or derived from cows.
So, yes, the definitions have changed, as the technology has advanced. So what? Would you like me to look up the word, “plastic?”
I’m sorry you’ve been ill. What makes you think it was due to vaccination, rather than to some other cause, like Covid-19? The nice thing about the new mRNA and protein subunit vaccines is that the immune responses which they trigger are extremely specific, unlike those caused by older vaccines made from whole viruses. That makes it much less likely that someone will have a misdirected immune response to vaccination. I’m not saying it is impossible, but if it does happen, then it is at least too rare to show up in the statistics which were gathered during the trials.
Sure, people die every day. It might not have been the vaccine.
But those stats for people dying every day are reasonably consistent and deaths are usually explainable. So why after vaccines started do we have a large number of excess deaths and those deaths aren’t fully explained? A junk are classified as covid related but a chunk are left unexplained.
None of them may be vaccine related. Correlation is not causation. But why are authorities and medicos not really looking at it? The numbers are large enough to warrant an investigation and explanation. Can’t rule the vaccination in or out and yet you seem as keen to rule it out as some are to rule it in.
Strop asked, “So why after vaccines started do we have a large number of excess deaths and those deaths aren’t fully explained?”
Because there was a pandemic going on, and Dowd counted Covid-19 deaths as vaccine deaths. There was no statistically detectable spike in deaths plausibly attributable to vaccination.
You left off the vital part of my comment. A chunk of excess deaths are classified as covid related but a chunk are left unexplained.
You’re effectively doing what you accuse Dowd of doing. You’re effectively attributing all excess deaths to covid while you accuse Dowd of attributing all to the vaccine.
I’m doing neither. There are a chunk of excess deaths that need to be investigated and attributing all to the vaccine and or all to covid without that investigation is wrong.
The general medical thought is that those under 50 of reasonable health are at very low risk of dying from covid. So much so that they probably don’t need to be vaccinated. So why are is there a jump in excess deaths in the low risk younger age group?
Is it that all age groups are at risk of dying from covid? Or is it that the vaccine causes problem for the younger groups?
I agree it’s wrong to immediately blame the vaccine for the excess deaths. But surely you have to at least suspect it and investigate. Yet you seem as against the notion that the vaccine might be a problem as some are adamant that it is the problem.
Here’s an article on the Australian Royal College of General Practicioners website. It’s only discussing results up to May 2022.
It says, while many deaths are attributable to covid, there are a number of unexplained deaths. One possibility they throw up is that covid may have a delayed effect, a delayed exacerbation of other illness. They don’t throw up the idea that the vaccine might be a problem. Why not? It’s either a deliberate avoidance of the topic, a lack of considering the possibility, or it’s been ruled out through whatever scientific means. If the latter it would have been mentioned. Hard to believe that such minds wouldn’t consider the possibility. So I suspect it’s deliberate avoidance.
They do attribute a portion of these other deaths to causes, but they’re still leaving at least 50% of them in the unknown basket.
Why are Australia’s excess deaths at their highest in the third year of the pandemic (2022) after the vaccine rollout in the second half of 2021 with over 90% vaccinated? Do the vaccines not work or are they the problem?
I’m not saying they are the problem. Just saying you can’t also say they aren’t the problem.
Strop wrote, “The general medical thought is that those under 50 of reasonable health are at very low risk of dying from covid.”
I guess that depends on what you mean by “very low risk.” The CDC has counted 73,801 such deaths, so far, in total, in the USA.
1,558 0-17 years
6,893 18-29 years
19,595 30-39 years
45,755 40-49 years
Were it not for the context being a pandemic which killed over 1.1 million Americans, 73,801 deaths would seem like a lot. The USA has twice gone to war over attacks causing less than 1/20-th that many deaths.
For comparison, the USA averages about 40,000 automotive deaths per year. That’s per year (rather than over the full duration of the pandemic), but it’s also from the entire population (not just the under-50 population).
There’s been no detected statistically measurable increase in deaths in any age group, which is plausibly attributable to Covid-19 vaccination. However, adverse effects are not unknown. Analysis of VAERS data found an elevated risk of myocarditis in young vaccine recipients, mostly males. Most such cases apparently resolve with little or no lasting harm. Covid-19 infections can also cause myocarditis, and the risk of myocarditis in that demographic is about three times higher from a Covid-19 infection than from a Covid-19 vaccination, so it is unlikely that overall risk of myocarditis is increased by vaccination, even in the demographic most likely to experience that adverse effect.
Secondary consequences of the pandemic affected statistics for many other causes of death. For instance, both automotive deaths and suicides increased significantly in the USA. W/r/t automotive deaths, I’ve seen it claimed that reduced road traffic led to higher driving speeds, which increased fatalities. W/r/t suicides, the mental health consequences of lockdowns, and of school and business closures, might have caused the increases. Strains on healthcare providers, and deferral of treatments for other medical conditions, surely also had effects.
> Analysis of VAERS data found an elevated risk of myocarditis in young vaccine recipients, mostly males. Most such cases apparently resolve with little or no lasting harm. Covid-19 infections can also cause myocarditis, and the risk of myocarditis in that demographic is about three times higher from a Covid-19 infection than from a Covid-19 vaccination, so it is unlikely that overall risk of myocarditis is increased by vaccination, even in the demographic most likely to experience that adverse effect.
Sorry, that doesn’t seem to be the case. The risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis is significantly higher according to many studies, recovery rate is low, long term effects and life expectancy are unclear, and some people died of vaccine-induced myocarditis. Since the mechanism is unknown, the fact that the highest rates were detected for young males does not mean at all that there is no comparable risk at least for some people in other categories.
Your age bracket stats don’t account for the health of the person. I did say very low risk for those of reasonable health.
Not considering other poor health factors, you can clearly see that under 30 is very low risk.
I’m sure that the 30-50 would too if filtering out those with health issues.
Some countries banned some of the mRNA vaccines for those under 30 because of the adverse reactions and the lack of benefit.
Dave, it is false to say people who had evidence-based concerns about the covid “vaccines” on offer were saying “vaccination is dangerous”. Nor are they “nutcases”, a classic ad-hominem statement.
No one I know or have heard of, including independent-thinking medical doctors who were against the covid vaccines on offer were or are against vaccination. They are advocates for it.
They are specifically and ONLY against the covid vaccinations forced upon us and they are also in favour of freedom of choice such as allowing people to choose safe anti-virals such as Ivermectin for prophylaxis for, or treatment of covid, taken according to published protocols. They are also not opposed to people taking the covid vaccines on offer if they so choose, although would ethically not be prepared to administer themselves.
Dave, with respect (I’m leaning towards a similar opinion on Ed Dowd’s work at the moment), I’m not sure I can agree with this argument:
> So, just by random chance, you would expect 0.0023% of those jabs to have been followed by the jab recipient dying within 24 hours, from a cause UNRELATED to the jab. Do you understand that?
Why do you think that deaths should be distributed uniformly in this case? Isn’t it so that people close to death would not normally be vaccinated? Shouldn’t we actually expect significantly lower rate of deaths in the first days after vaccination because of that (as compared to the background rate)?
It is true that someone expected to die within days probably wouldn’t be vaccinated with a vaccine which takes over a month to be significantly useful. That just wouldn’t make sense.
But that’s a very small percentage of the population. It was far, far more common for the elderly and people in frail health to be vaccinated first, and boosted first, because of their fragile health. Nursing homes and assisted living centers, in particular, were near the top of the vaccine priority lists, and they often required all their residents to be vaccinated.
You might not realize how much that skews the numbers. On average, 70-year-olds have about 15× the daily risk of death of 40-year-olds!
Why do you think that it would be a small percentage of the population?
We aren’t counting the population in general, but the population expected to die within a month or so. I would expect that the majority of those who die overall would come from that category, and I would expect most of them not to be vaccinated within month of expected death – and as a result, I would think that it would be incorrect to use the “whole population” background rate to compare with the rate in VAERS, for example. The background rate should be much lower if we exclude the near-death population. (And on the opposite side of the effect, but in the same direction – I would assume that those near death would not be reported to VAERS if they get vaccinated and die. Is there data to the contrary?)
Hlg, most people do not get a month’s warming of their impending demise.
For those who do, they spend, on average, perhaps 0.1% of their lives, living with that knowledge. So people in that situation are a very tiny percentage of the population.
My estimate that vaccinating 70 year-olds results in a 15× higher likelihood of purely coincidental death shortly after vaccination, compared to vaccinating 40 year-olds, includes everyone in each age category, including those few who are known to have only a month or less to live. Presumably a higher percentage of 70yo’s deaths were predictable a month in advance than 40yo’s, but even if 1/3 of the 70yo’s deaths were predicted, and none of them were vaccinated, and none of the 40yo’s deaths were predicted, you’d still have a 10-to-1 ratio, between the likelihood of purely coincidental deaths for 70yos, and the likelihood of purely coincidental deaths for 40yos.
> So people in that situation are a very tiny percentage of the population.
Interestingly, I would expect the opposite – that the majority of those who die within any given period of time would be expected to die within more or less same period of time. What proportion of all deaths (in the whole population) occurs suddenly, and not as a result of a prolonged terminal illness? I believe that only such sudden deaths should be included when calculating the background rate; expected deaths should not be included because they 1) might prevent vaccination -> create bias in the denominator (overcount the rate), and 2) are not reported to VAERS -> create bias in the numerator (undercount reports) (the latter is probably much more important -if the majority of deaths count as background rate but are never reported to VAERS). I would expect the resulting bias to be very high, probably magnitudes. Do you have any data to show that this is not the case?
(If by mentioning age groups you mean that whole population rate is irrelevant, I completely agree (and that’s exactly what I mean – most of those who die are probably very old and sick and should not count in the relevant background rate), it’s way more correct to consider the background rates in each age group; but even then it most likely still would not be correct and we would need to properly match specific cohorts to get any meaningful results)
No. The Rasmussen survey is 100% nonsense and what is expected from a phone-bot survey of 1000 US households.
When I re-ordered some of your statements, the 100% nonsense bit made sense.
That’s in poor taste. Would you like to see the text messages which I received from my friend, Ron, before his January 31st death, from Covid-19?
Ron was one of the finest men I knew. He was elderly, and in frail health, so he probably didn’t have many years left. He was a man of Faith, who is surely in a better place. Still, his passing is a great loss to those he left behind.
But Covid-19 doesn’t just hurt the fail and elderly. Are you familiar with the struggle of Dianna Cowern, a/k/a “Physics Girl?”
Covid-19 is no laughing matter.
Say an older married person with his/her own family, in-laws, kids and grand kids dies of the vaxx, that’s a lot of people who can honestly respond that they have had a death in the family. To me it DOES NOT mean that 10% of nuclear families have had a death.
That crossed my mind at first reading the headline.
The Rasmussen survey has a serious selection/response bias design flaw.
It is not possible that 21% of US households had a death from Covid-19 or the vaccine.
The pandemic and the responses to it are highly emotive issues and an unsolicited robot phone survey would likely irritate intended respondents, and was unlikely to elicit accurate answers.
Did you mean to write 21% or did you intend 10%? If 21%, where does that figure come from? I ask because I thought the suggestion was that 10% of people reported a death in their household.
I see the 21% is from the addition of the 10% vaccine figure and 11% covid figure in the survey stats.
Well Mr. Math, it’s not 100% nonsense.
Possible 99.99% percent nonsense.
But hey, I say the The Great P is 97% nonsense (mass formation) … that’s my consensus and I’m sticking to it.
“The last time a pandemic swept through the USA, in 1918, it killed about 0.65% of Americans.”*
Quite possibly many from lethal mega doses of Aspirin, the magic ‘science’ wonder drug of the time.
And of course there weren’t any other possible horrendous medical ‘mistakes’ to contribute … in frigging 1918.
*(You mean the thing formerly known as ‘epidemic’ before the mass production of scary words?)
BTW we have a new agitprop word in the US … ‘Deincarceration’ … it means releasing innocent victims of The Man from jail who are only incarcerated because of The Man and his oppressive ‘laws’.
But don’t mind me, I’m a victim of ‘dis-information’ and very likely ‘Colonialism’, Fox News, and some sort of supremacy. There wouldn’t even be ‘dis-information’ or Fox news if not for Colonialism and Supremacy.
And cultural appropriation.
Which is only practiced by Supremacists.
And a victim of Jo … Jo you wicked ‘dis-informationist’ person you.
Inquisitions are being formed as we speak.
Actually I never see Fox News … I think my DisInfo Victimization (DV) might be all Jo’s fault.
Thanks Dave.
The fiercest vaccine advocates are starting to admit the truth about the mRNAs
I am as shocked as you are
Alex Berenson
Even the New York Times can’t hide reality about the mRNA jabs forever.
Last week, the Times published an article headlined, “Should You Get Another Covid Booster?”
The article’s subheadline noted “Britain and Canada have authorized another round of booster shots,” implying the United States has somehow been negligent in not doing so.
And the piece was written by Apoorva Mandavilli, among the worst Covid reporters. So I assumed the article would be filled with the usual nonsense, especially since the first person Mandavilli quoted was Dr. Celine Gounder, who has loudly pushed mRNA jabs.
After Gounder’s husband died of an aortic aneurysm, she lashed out in January at mRNA skeptics (including me) who questioned if the shots might be linked to his death – even though doctors have repeatedly reported cases of post-jab aneurysms.
In her January piece, Gounder even complained Congress’s repeal of the armed forces Covid vaccine mandate “threatens military readiness.” (Nonsense, of course. Frontline soldiers and Marines are young, fit, and healthy, putting them at far higher risk from mRNA-related myocarditis than Covid itself.)
So I was stunned that Gounder offered the most tepid possible recommendation for further mRNA doses to Mandavilli.
Most people should not have boosters, even once a year, she said. She endorsed regular shots only for “immunocompromised people and people in nursing homes.”
The real tell there is “nursing homes.”
In mentioning them, Gounder was not suggesting that everyone over 65 – or even 85 – should get more shots. Nursing homes are effectively hospices for most residents. About one-third of their residents die each year, a 2018 study found; a 2010 study had even grimmer findings, reporting a median survival of five months after admission.
What Gounder was saying that only the very frail – who likely have little risk or benefit from the shots (or, in reality, any medical intervention) – should still receive them regularly.
In contrast, in October, Gounder offered very different advice, recommending boosters for everyone over age 50 “as soon as possible.”
In April 2021, Offit had this to say about the mRNA jabs:
Certainly, no one would have predicted that these mRNA vaccines would have worked as well or been as safe as they are… I don’t think you could have devised a vaccine that appears to be more perfect.
Less than two years later, Offit rejected more doses of those “perfect” vaccines.
For everyone. Even the immunocompromised.
But even more stunning than Offit’s rejection were the words he used:
“Given the lack of data, I don’t think it’s fair to say to people, ‘Inject yourself with a biological agent,’” said Dr. Paul Offit.
(Perfection no more…)
But the failure of the mRNAs is now so obvious that Offit and his fellow vaccine advocates have no choice but to try to ring-fence it if they want to save other jabs
Despite some former proponents of covid “vaccines” claiming to change their minds, they were told the truth multiple times and called us fools.
Therefore, don’t forgive, don’t forget, and where possible, prosecute for the lies that they told.
It’s only 300 000 deaths- I mean, no-one will notice, everybody will be looking at their screens. (a quote from George Orwells 1984)
As Josef Stalin said:
10% is unfortunately a highly improbable statistic..
A full order of magnitude greater than what can happen and possibly 2 orders of magnitude. At least when one rules out accident suicide and known causes of disease.
One of those articles which needs a rewrite and introspection
Indeed, I added a line. Think of the 10% response as an emergency flare lighting up a crime.
Or think of it as simply false.
Ref: Luke 16:10
We live in a world which is awash in lies. The lie that mRNA Covid-19 vaccines are as dangerous than the disease they protect against is just one of many.
Top “scientists” in the field of “climate science” invent and repeat lies so absurd that their falsity should be obvious to a competent high-schooler. For instance, AR6 defines something called “TCRE” (Transient Climate Response to Cumulative Carbon-dioxide Emissions). It is based on the assumption, not merely that CO2 in the atmosphere has a warming effect, but that the memory by Gaia of CO2, which was once in the atmosphere, has just as much warming effect as CO2 that is still in the atmosphere.
Veterans’ Affairs Assn. in USA has shown a 45% reduction in self harm and suicide among vets who have supplemented D3 and the level of protection among black vets to be 64%.
This is a link to the paper.
And despite all the proven benefits, over a variety of health outcomes, of correcting common vitamin D deficiency, including providing resistance to getting covid or reducing severity of the disease, authorities remain totally silent about correcting vitamin D deficiency.
I wonder if silence of medical “authorities” (sic) and government is part of the contract for selling covid vaccines and the prohibition of alternative off-patent treatments or prophylaxis?
Hey Dave Burton.
So what are your world renowned cardiac specialty qualifications? And I suppose a real
grifter like yourself has published more than 600 papers on the subject. So now after
it’s known that these experimental mRNA shots(only put through 6 months of trials /should
have been 4 years) do not stop you from getting or transmitting Covid you think you’ve
got it all worked out! [snip. Let’s not get too personal – J]
Remind me to consult with you when the next pandemic comes about the best experimental Vaxes that big pharma will push onto unquestioning governments.
Cheers Mike Reed
Yeah, yeah. Very sad. But look at the profits the pharm companies made. Aren’t they great!
And we still see these lame gubermint tv ads saying you should get a booster to stay protected.
Baa baa Covid sheep, boy have you been fooled. 😁
Germany to receive enough Covid mRNA vaccine to last into the 24th century
According to the German Ministry of Health, the federal government at the end of February had amassed a reserve of 116 million doses of Corona vaccine. 111 million more doses, valued at around 2.5 billion Euros, are slated for delivery. According to an answer given by the Ministry on 28 March to a question by Thomas Dietz, a Bundestag member of Alternativ für Deutschland, EU treaties oblige the German government to take delivery of these doses. “In view of the current state of the pandemic, the federal government is working to make these EU treaties more flexible,” the answer continues.
Another paper does the maths, and notes that if vaccination continues at the current rate of 2,000 jabs per day, the 227 million doses which Germany will last for 311 years. Of course, all of these doses will expire well before then, so Germany will merely receive all of this useless product, store it at substantial expense in freezers for around eighteen months, and then throw it away. This hurts Corona.
In related news, Welt reports on the curious failure of Lauterbach’s Health Ministry to finish work on the so-called National Reserve for Health Protection, which Merkel’s government planned three years ago. The Reserve was supposed to be a massive depot for masks (but of course), other personal protective equipment and medicines, which would in theory free Germany from reliance on China the next time somebody is stupid enough to cry wolf about a respiratory virus.
So far, the only thing anybody has done to realise this Reserve, is put 245 million masks in it, a substantial portion of which are slated to expire at the end of the year. A Ministry spokesperson explains that the project has devolved from a Health Reserve into a National Trashbin for Worthless Masks that Nobody Wants, because it has received no funding. It appears politicians have lost enthusiasm and now prefer that the manufacturers and the federal states maintain their won “decentralised” reserves. This obviously means that they have quietly written off the project but hope that nobody will realise it.
Or Japan:
Jabonomics: Audit Board questions why Japan ordered 882 mil jabs
You mean to tell me that ordering over 7 jabs for every citizen had a “weak basis”? If only someone had noticed before now.
Japan’s audit board has requested the health ministry provide supporting documentation for contracts with U.S and British coronavirus vaccine manufacturers after finding a weak basis for ordering a total of 882 million doses in fiscal 2020 and 2021.
The report released Wednesday by the Board of Audit of Japan also found that at least 30 percent of the doses were either canceled or disposed of after expiring.
How much taxpayer money will governments everywhere have to spend in treating those made sick by Fakevax ™ in conparison?
Share these statistics with as many others as possible to wise them up. The authorities have played us for saps and been responsible for the horendous collateral damage to human health whilst learning how people behave in a crisis. The scuttlebutt says that these
same authorities are going to use the info for planning the next series of crises in order to gain total control over people. Conspiracy theory or spoiler alert?
To all those that “believe” in the Covid Vax is “safe and effective”..
Please keep taking your boosters.
And keep your fingers, toes etc crossed !
After enough jabs, their appendages will probably cross themselves.
And one of the mandate issuers has got herself a new job:
Dave B
Jabcinda need never work again in her life. I am sure there is more than a lifetime of income as payola for obeying the Globohomo Plandemic. I still question why there were no sirens in the mosque massacre videos until the
Her whole life in politics was one of leftist political extremism.
Will she be fighting herself ?
Or only those that disagree with her rampant leftist totalitarianism.!
And silly me thought the shim that told us “your only source of truth is from the government” would have retired in a stable.
And that’s not the only job Ardern has landed herself!
Anecdotally, but still valid for this 79 YO, is the increased incidence of heart and cancer problems in my age group. My heart attack was in 2018 and my recovery was going very well until until the 2nd vax shot. Where its direction changed dramatically. My wife has since been diagnosed with cancer, also after the 2nd vax shot.
Correlation may not prove causation, but when you go to an oncologist’s office and they admit not ever seeing so many cancer patients since the vax mandates, then you have to consider the causation.
That may be “just anecdotal,” as they say, but as many “anecdotes” as have been compiled to date, it can legitimately be considered “data.”
I know two people who died, allegedly from the virus. Unfortunately I don’t know what care they either received or were denied, or if they were vexxed, so I can’t weigh in on that. But, given what I’m learning about the virus, the likelihood of it being the cause seems low.
I have one friend who’s over 70 who went to hospital for a severe cold. He was told he had the virus. They gave him nothing useful. and they were about to put him on a ventilator because his O2 kept dropping. He decided he’d had enough so he detached all the monitoring leads along with the IV cannula, went to the nurses’ station and checked out. He survived, as did all his immediate and extended family who also over time allegedly got the virus and didn’t go to hospital. None of them ever took the shot.
I have another friend who went to hospital for the virus. He was given Remdesivir. Fortunately he was not one of the 20-30% who it kills, although he does have some kidney issues he didn’t have before that treatment.
I can’t remember where I got this link; from someone here or on another website, but it’s certainly appropriate here.
For the best source of Phil’s work – go to his Substack.
Seems there’s some concern about excess deaths in Oz
Government’s own statistical data confirms the excess deaths and correlates with the mRNA jabs.
[…]… […]
The Rasmussen poll surely reflects a protest vote, not actual deaths. All the people (from both sides of politics) who suffered harm, or saw harm etc.
That is better.
Just the lockdowns at the wrong times and the length they went for did immeasurable harm
[…] By Jo Nova […]