- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

I thought the laws of physics worked for both sexes?

Would you like racism with your results?

Therefore Science with Intersectional Feminism is Black Supremacy?

Lets jog down the road to Apartheid science?

What Does “Intersectionality” Mean? (I knew you’d ask)

Originally, intersectionality referred to the discrimination faced by black women that is not only sexism and racism, but an experience that is more than the sum of its parts (now referred to as “misogynoir” in black feminist and womanist circles). Intersectionality has since been expanded to include the analysis of discrimination faced by anyone who identifies with the multiple social, biological, and cultural groups that are not favored in a patriarchal, capitalist, white supremacist society.

i.e. translated: Intersectionality is the study of discrimination which discriminates against older white men.

Science used to be about measurements and observations. Seemed to work.

h/t Scott of the Pacific.

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