Excellent comedy, if you haven’t already seen this. (Adapted from the Stage Play “Yes Prime Minister”)
Yes Prime Minister Global Warming etc Part 1 from Aris Motas on Vimeo.
Part II
Yes Prime Minister Global Warming etc Part 2 from Aris Motas on Vimeo.
Written by Antony Jay and Johnathan Lynn. BBC.
h/t Waxing Gibberish and Friends of Science on Facebook.
I thought the clips were supposed to be “Fake News” not “Reality TV”. The only problem is which reality is it about: this one or a parallel universe about 13 universes to the left?
The Australian version has Rudd as Hacker, Ross Garnaut as Sir Humphrey. They would not even have to rehearse as they already know their lines. I’m still thinking of parts for Turnbull and Freydenberg.
I think it TIME for a Butlerian Jihad like Frank Herbert and wipe out ALL computers and so called thinking machines.
We need Mentats.
Those Mentats will need Busta-Gusset training.
Hello Jo,
I just spotted this on Mark Morano’s blog, Climate Depot. A petition has been approved seeking signatures for removing Australia from the Paris Agreement:
Do you need to be an Aussie national to support this ?
Thanks Pauly,
Dave B
It’s open to everyone David.
True Clive,
But you do have to prove you’re not a robot. D
Thank you, too, Pauly, for this tip. I recommend we all sign it.
My son refuses to watch ‘Yes, Minister” because it’s too depressing… and too real.
In real life, you don’t get the canned laughter, and the blame apportionment is a lot more subtle.
In as far as the laughter to be real or unreal, the working party on the merits of laughter published a green paper study circa 1997 called ‘The Canning of Government Laughter’, recommended that when laughter is required in the house then real manufactured canned laughter was the preferred choice, as it improved the unemployment position. Though with current ongoing political, technological, and economic changes the government may feel it may be appropriate to review this situation in order to improve the ministerial efficiency, after all minister running this administration is no joking matter.
In as far as the laughter to be real or unreal, the working party on the merits of laughter published a green paper study circa 1997 called ‘The Canning of Government Laughter’, recommended that when laughter is required in the house, then real manufactured canned laughter was the preferred choice, as it improved the unemployment position. Though with current ongoing political, technological, and economic changes the government may feel it may be appropriate to review this situation in order to improve the ministerial efficiency, after all minister running this administration is no joking matter.
i watch comedy to get proper analysis of the news.
i watch the news for the comedy.
am i upside down or is everything else?
I was rather hoping that it would end with the reporter returning and apologizing for leaving his recording equipment behind – still running.
This is funny, but not ha ha funny. What’s funny about is that I don’t think anyone could write a more accurate and precise summary of the first level of global warming-political in the short-term.
For the long-term we would need actors to depict the UN climate organizations and Christine Figures (sp) and Agenda 21.
Great video clips, thanks.
I’ve found it problematic to make fun of people that have no sense of humor.
Good on ya Jo, have been looking for this clip for some time. Has to be one of the best explanations of how the scam works.
Truth disguised as satire.
Ahh, but does the PM have it on tape??
So anyway, serious question who ya’lll like to see in the big chair when Trump finally goes the mental illness defence and is replaced??
Issue with this will be how wide the contamination and fallout from Trumps various “episodes” reaches. Pence (who i think the Repugs actually wanted as POTUS) may well not be an option.
Donald’s mental health is not so unusual, one in ten of us are on the same plain. He won’t quit.
What do you think of his brilliant idea of solar panels along the Mexican border?
I’m waiting for that to evolve into solar powered laser cannon to fry those dangerous border crossers. Give the man another button to put his hand on and he may stop tweeting…….for 5 minutes??
We all have our addictions, give the man a break.
Donald builds a rabbit proof fence, with state of the art electronics and drone surveillance, then Xi supplies the solar panels for free, that is with no upfront costs. Mexican and US workers could be involved in the infrastructure build.
what if we have to set an example for trump?
as in, maybe you and i stop writing comments on blogs?
either that or we just pout about it…lol
Get used to stories like this as energy gets rationed to save the mythical “Gaia”……
“The SA Government is making a lot about the money and incentives being put into transitioning the state economy when Holden shuts up shop as a local manufacturer.
“In 119 days’ time Holden closes,” both Mr Koutsantonis and Mr Weatherill said. “We are losing our anchor tenant.”
The pair repeated those lines a number of times.
No-one is denying the state faces “headwinds”, and the $200 million future jobs fund ($400 million if the Commonwealth accepts the state’s generous offer to co-invest) is vitally important.
But there are a number of South Australian families for whom cuts to payroll tax, the beefed up job accelerator grants and a swathe of other initiatives won’t change the circumstances of their lives one bit.
That’s because they don’t have jobs now, and a number aren’t likely to in the foreseeable future.”
Yep. The green blob will make sure if givent he chance too, that it will decimate our country and make everyone dependent on the govt….a form of society-wide Stockholm Syndrome.
Countdown to Doomsday Update!
The difference between this prediction of doomsday and previous predictions of doomsday is this time he really means it.
7 Mar 2009: Prince Charles: 100 months to save the world (due July 07, 2017)
23 June 2017: Prince Charles says the ‘very future of humanity’ may depend on organic farming as he warns ‘fertilizers and pesticides mean the world has only sixty harvests left’
These MORONS couldn’t even count past their toes let alone to sixty.
It’s obvious why his sensible mother doesn’t want him to be King.
The last ones were just hindcasts to tune his compute model then?
He’s been consistent
Locals freeze amid firewood red tape logjam
Sue Neales, Bush Reporter – The Australian June 23, 2017
NSW pensioner Bob Starkey is angry, insulted — and cold.
After 44 years of hard work, Mr Starkey, 68 — who lives near the junction of the Murray and Edwards Rivers at Mathoura in southern NSW — was looking forward to a blissful retirement.
But now Mr Starkey worries how he and his wife will survive the cold Riverina winters ahead. Firewood lies at the heart of Mr Sharkey’s fears.
River red gums rise from the banks of the Gulpa Creek just in front of his home, but Mr Sharkey is no longer allowed to gather the plentiful dead wood littering the forest floor to fuel his wood heater, his only source of warmth.
The Millewa state forest around Mathoura and Moama with its colossal red gum forests was converted into the Murray Valley National Park seven years ago — in an unsuccessful NSW Labor government deal with the Greens to hang on to power — with Mathoura locals such as Mr Starkey requiring permits to collect firewood ever since.
A crackdown by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has further restricted available wood to timber thinned from the forests for ecological benefit, piled in designated-only areas.
Once it runs out, firewood may no longer be available at all, the NSW Environment Office has warned permit holders.
“Here I am in 2017 with a red gum forest 200m from my place and I’m not allowed to get any of the dead wood that is rotting there on the floor in piles to keep my wife and grandkids warm,” Mr Sharkey said yesterday, as a heavy frost lay on his lawn and the temperature fell to -1C.
“Now they are saying that soon no wood will be available at all even if you have a permit; it’s a big worry — am I going to end up with a cold wood heater, no wood and having to sit by the window to try and catch a bit of winter sun; is that what Australia has become?”
The final offence for Mr Sharkey came with a letter sent by the NSW Environment Office to all locals who have previously applied for wood collection permits, advising them of the “Stay Warm, Stay Comfortable Program”.
In an apparent bid to reduce the reliance of local residents on red gum firewood — three-quarters of homes rely on wood heating alone as the district has no natural gas supply — pensioners were advised wearing more clothes and opening the curtains would reduce power costs and “keep them cosy”. The offer of an “energy saving” kit was also made: two hot water bottles, a low-energy light bulb, some draught-preventing foam tape and two “snake” doorstoppers. “It’s insulting … How do think we’ve kept warm up to now — and the Aborigines before us?” Mr Starkey said.
Local Mathoura sawmiller Chris Crump has enough timber too small to turn into valuable sawlogs to spare — and sells it for about $90 a tonne — but can make no sense of what has happened to his local district where state-owned “working” red gum forests used to add hundreds of jobs and $86 million a year to the economy. “It’s bureaucracy gone mad; the forests are not being properly managed and the advice of those who have lived and breathed the forests for generations is being ignored,” he said.
1/ Chris Crump, owner of Mathoura Red Gum Sawmill in southern NSW, and pensioner Bob Starkey. Picture: Aaron Francis.
Unbelievable. The level of legislation is stopping English fishermen from fishing and forest dwellers from burning forest floor detritus. All written by bureaucrats in Canberra and Bruxelles and Washington. Moral police, environment police, race police, joke police and now with banks, profit police and Malcolm’s Liberals are cheering.
Michael Portillo, the colourful and cheery host of Great Railways journeys learned that the beautiful manicured dales of the lake district are only that way after thousands of years of sheep and intensive farming. Left to the Greens it would be a ruin covered in gorse. While we in Victoria are paying $100million a year to severely prune city trees to prevent city bush fires, the build up of dangerous fuel litter on the forest floor is being mandated by a parliament which has one member of the Green party in the democratic house. It is beyond parody. These are parliaments out of control.
2,things in play here – UN Agenda 21, and Rewilding.
Rewilding means humans kicked out if over 95% of all land. Need wood to stay warm? Tough….hey what’s a few more dead pensioners eh? I’m sure they are referred to as”useless eaters”….by the ( mythical ) “Gaia” worshippers…
As to keeping the curtains open…yep about a bug as insult, but what you’d expect from Godless leftists….
…”as big an insult…”
For a moment there I thought you might have been a Kiwi
‘…advised wearing more clothes and opening the curtains would reduce power costs and “keep them cosy”.
Abusive. Elitist. Let them eat cake.
I heard some Dr Turkey from the CSIRO on ABC radio today stating that CSIRO tests prove that higher levels of CO2 cause damage to the River Red Gums, and decrease the amount of eucalyptus in their leaves> This must be a first , as every other plant on planet earth seems to thrive on increased CO2! CO2 Baaaaad, greeeeen goooood…..
On the grab for cash by South Australia, it shows that governments now feel they can do as they please, legislate anything. Like the RET this is simple theft. There is no precedent for this or the Federal governments ‘levy’. People and companies pay tax on profits, not assets. Now governments are deciding that there is no limit on what they can do as no one challenges the legality of new laws. The excuse is always the same, the concept of ‘super’ profits, an implication of unfairness and a desire to balance a budget ruined by secret subsidies to keep cities going in the face of the RET.
So save the country at least $6billion and with state subsidies $10Billion a year, $40Billion over four years. Stop forcing citizens to pay for windmills and super profits on doing nothing at all, not even supplying usable, timely, adequate or cheap power.
Never has the country needed appeals to the High Court more. These are parliaments out of control, bound by no scruples. Now we have retention of Metadata so every private communication can be tracked for years. The difference between Australian parliaments today and communist rule is almost zero. No one is fighting for democracy.
Repeal the RET. Surely after thirty years of this no one believes the seas are rising dangerously or the planet is warming rapidly? It is ban forestry, ban fishing, ban oil and gas exploration, mining, smelting, ban dog racing, ban coal and gas use, destroy the Catholic and private schools, ban the banks and make housing free. More taxes to pay for more public servants to demand more money. Raid the Future Fund. It is all unfolding as governments like South Australia and Victoria just want more and more cash for nothing while wrecking the joint.
Excellent comments TdeF.
definitely a bit of “Yes Minister” in this one:
22 Jun: SMH: Peter Hannam: NSW opposition leader Luke Foley’s solar plan eclipsed by state government
As reported by Fairfax Media, Mr Foley promised in his budget reply speech on Thursday to “massively increase” solar generation in the state if elected in 2019 by installing panels on the rooftops of government buildings including schools, hospitals and police stations.
However, the government already has the nub of that policy already under way, having issued a tender on June 9 for businesses to offer to deliver rooftop solar photovoltaics…
Winning bidders will be required to maintain and operate the solar PV systems, with the government buying the power they generate at no investment cost to the taxpayer. The tender closes on July 14…
“The NSW Government announced in July 2014 that we would roll out solar panels on government roofs with net savings going to the taxpayer,” Ms Upton said, saying it would save money on power bills, reduce emissions and improve energy security during heat waves…
Labor sought to blame the government for the oversight, saying it should have been more public in promoting its solar tender.
“If they were serious about this why haven’t they been shouting about it,” said Adam Searle, Labor’s energy spokesman, explaining the oversight. “It’s almost as if they are embarrassed at their inaction.”
Mr Foley’s speech highlighted plans to re-regulate the electricity market to help consumers cope with soaring electricity bills,
“Labor will not stand by and let family budgets be crushed and businesses wrecked by power price hikes,” he said…
Jeremy Buckingham, the Greens energy spokesman, said his party was working on a bill that mirrors one in Victoria that ensures the full climate, environmental, health benefits of solar power are taken into account when setting tariffs households receive.
“This legislation will mandate that Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) must factor in an implicit carbon price and avoided health costs,” Mr Buckingham said, adding the tariff would be boosted by 4.3 cents per kilowatt hour if such benefits were recognised.
“The Greens want to see 100 per cent of NSW government energy procurement to be renewable by 2020,” he said.
Pat, I’m happy to support the concept of government being powered by renewables. That should reduce the bureaucrats to about 4.5 hours of work a day, which should reduce the cost of government by about 40%.
Sadly, reality probably isn’t going to get close to these policies – and I always have a good chuckle at stupid phrases like “at no investment cost to taxpayers”. Free energy, no doubt. Just don’t mention that the levelised cost of solar PV is negative.
***and what about homes WITHOUT rooftop solar?
23 Jun: Australian: Andrew White: Solar panel customers to reap benefits from tariff rises
***Homes with rooftop solar panels are set to share in the boom in wholesale energy costs as retailers prepare to raise feed-in tariffs by as much as 140 per cent.
Following hikes of up to 20 per cent in retail electricity bills announced last week, those same companies — AGL Energy, Origin Energy and Energy Australia are paying to secure solar power that can be fed back into the grid and resold.
AGL said this week it would increase the feed-in tariff from 6.8c/kilowatt hour to 16.3c in South Australia, a 140 per cent increase. Victorian tariffs will rise from 5c/kWh to 11.3c, Queensland 6c/kWh to 10.6c and NSW 6.1c/kWh to 11.1c. AGL said the increase could be worth up to $332 for some households…
“These increases reflect significant rises in wholesale market prices and could help to offset the impact of higher residential electricity prices in Queensland, NSW and South Australia from July 1, which have also been impacted by increasing wholesale prices,” AGL’s general manager of sales and marketing, Sandra de Castro, said…
22 Jun: SBS: AAP: Fourth solar farm approved in NSW
A fourth solar farm has been approved in NSW with the Sunraysia project in the state’s west set to become the biggest solar farm in the southern hemisphere
It will have the capacity to generate 200 megawatts of energy, which is twice the size of the Nyngan Solar Farm – the current largest operating solar farm in the southern hemisphere.
“NSW has outdone itself in large-scale solar,” NSW Planning Minister Anthony Roberts said in a statement on Thursday.
The Balranald solar farm will power more than 76,000 homes and will create 250 construction jobs when it becomes the state’s fourth operational solar plant.
Other plants are operating in Nyngan, Moree and Broken Hill.
“Together they are generating sustainable power for 76,000 households, with a combined capacity (to generate) more than 200 megawatts of renewable energy,” Mr Roberts said…
Balranald could become home to a second solar farm if the proposed Limondale project is also approved.
There will come a time when people with solar panels are charged double for electricity, if they expect they can force people to buy their lunchtime solar power. It is a simple trap. They are making unearned super profits and must pay double. That will be the new approach of governments.
As government spending rockets, government employment soars, they will demand more and more cash because governments have no money. It is happening now. We now exist for the government, to supply government money. The new concept of government is that it is all knowing, all wise, all giving and so needs your money. Lots. Pay now or we will simply take if from your bank anyway. All Australian governments are now socialist puppets.
And if you haven’t noticed, as we just rocket through $500 billion in debt, the Canberra politicians have awarded themselves and their appointees a 10% pay rise. The head of the useless monitor of Human Rights now gets another $41,000 pa to persecute students for facebook comments? Public service wages growth is unprecedented while the public are battling for survival. The new aristocracy with unfettered power is the public service and their compliant politicians.
I predict much social unrest in this country as the average person finally realizes they have been stabbed in the back by the Left,then charged for the knife…which is solar powered of course…
Just came across this quote from Ronald Reagan. It is debatable on how good a President he was (although he should be credited with defusing the cold war- “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall”).
I just loved his wit and truisms.
“Government does not solve problems. It subsidizes them.”
I don’t think it is debatable how good a president Reagan was.
He was one of the best.
surely our political parties are now completely inter-changeable, going by the quotes below:
23 Jun: ABC: Tom Wildie: Solar penalised, ‘death spiral’ for power grid, critics warn after power supply charge increase
Treasurer Ben Wyatt yesterday announced a range of budget repair measures that will see average households fork out almost $440 more each year.
About $169 of that can be attributed to a doubling of the fixed charge component of electricity bills for those connected to the grid.
Curtin University sustainability expert Jemma Green said the price rise could see households embrace alternative energy sources…
“The perverse outcome of increasing the fixed supply charge is that in the short-run you might get more money, but in the longer run you’re going to push people off the network and look for more cheaper alternatives,” she said…
Dr Green said while the increase in fixed costs was a relatively fair way of repairing the budget, the 25 per cent of WA households that had invested in solar would feel worse off…
(Liberal) Opposition Leader Mike Nahan said it was a blow to those who had invested in solar panels because they would not be able to avoid the increased supply charge…
(Liberal) Opposition energy spokesman Dean Nalder agreed and said the change in power pricing disproportionately affected those who use less than average power…
“It’s really discriminatory on those that use less power, and potentially those that have made the effort to go [to] renewable energy and put solar panels on their roofs.”…
The WA Nationals Leader Mia Davies accused the Government of targeting families in its bid to fix the State’s budget.
Ms Davies said rather than slug mums and dads, it would have been better to implement her party’s proposed mining tax…
22 Jun: WestAustralian: Miners face $95m rise in port fees to fill Budget hole
by Gary Adshead
Rises of up to 17 per cent will hit port charges in Port Hedland and Dampier, but junior mining companies operating from the Utah Point bulk-handling facility will continue to enjoy discounted rates.
The Government will impose a 2.5 per cent increase in port fees at Fremantle and 0.5 per cent increase in charges in Albany, Esperance and Bunbury…
“Everyone will share the burden to help pay for the Liberals and Nationals out-of-control spending,” Ms (Labor Transport Minister Rita) Saffioti said…
The Government also confirmed it was still considering selling the Utah Point bulk-handling facility in Port Hedland.
I just saw this story as well. Putting aside for the moment that she looks like she finished her PhD 10 minutes ago and is an “expert” according to the ABC, they completely fail to mention her interests (click the link on her picture):
Yeahno… no conflict of interest there at all…
I would like to know the following:
1) What is the cost of infrastructure versus the actual cost of energy supply.
2) Which element of the electricity bill cross-subsidises the other.
My suspicion is that the grid costs are under-represented in the connection charge and therefore recouped somewhat in the variable (energy usage) charge. I am happy to be educated on this matter. However, if it is as I suspect the solar panellists and other whingers should STFU. If the infrastructure charges is partially allocated to the usage charge then non-solar panel homes are cross-subsidising panel homes, and that is simply wrong.
Bwahahaha …. and I thought I might have been overly harsh so I thought I should check (it might literally have been ten minutes ago):
More interesting background at:
Read her background … you are going to have some mirth.
thanx for Jemma’s background – no surprise there!
funny how Jemma says people will moved to CHEAPER alternatives, meaning solar, yet everyone else in the article is saying it will cost people with solar panels!
here’s Jemma again,clearly an ABC darling:
28 Apr: ABC: WA to triple rooftop solar capacity, switch to 40pc renewables by 2030: report
CSIRO chief economist of energy, Paul Graham said the rapid shift towards renewable energy would provide choice for customers, particularly those in remote areas of the state.
“High levels of rooftop solar and other distributed generation will enable networks to deliver services efficiently but this will also create operational challenges, with the potential for ‘reverse flow’ in parts of the Western Australian power system,” Mr Graham said…
WA ‘perfect for solar’
Jemma Green is the co-founder of Power Ledger, A WA start-up company which uses its blockchain-based software to allow peer-to-peer energy trading…
She said the report showed WA was perfectly positioned to lead solar up-take.
“We have very high electricity prices here — relative to the national average,” Dr Green said.
“Plus the amount of sunshine we have, nearly 300 days a year, means the pay-back period for installing this is faster for consumers.”
She said it helped that WA was one of the largest producers of lithium in the world — one of the main materials used to make solar batteries.
“I think there’s a real opportunity for Western Australia to lead the way and show what the energy system of tomorrow could look like and sell that technology to other parts of the world,” she said.
And she said while the notion of going ‘off-grid’ was often romanticised, the traditional power grid was still integral.
“The transmission network may be less utilised … as we turn off coal fired power stations and rely more on distributive energy and storage,” Dr Green said…
Correct Pat – I have been saying for years we have a 1 party system, as by empirical evidence, no matter who you vote for, the same agenda moves forward.
This by definition is what a consp****cy actually *is*.
Interesting part 1 of a two part interview with Charles Koch (yes, the antichrist of the left):
It is interesting to see people in the comments flipping out that they would even talk to Koch.
Fantastic! I sent a link to Andrew Bold and Tony Abbott. If nothing else they will get a laugh!
I wonder what goes through the “mind” of Red Thumb Troll? It never debates, just gives a thumb’s down.
Like most warmists I guess it’s incapable of cogent debate.
terrific interview:
AUDIO: 11mins: 2GB: Ian Plimer slams renewable energy lunacy
Power prices go up, but energy reliability goes down. Professor Ian Plimer joins Michael McLaren.
Thanks for posting pat. I (and others) appreciate your “roundup” of the news.
can anyone recall MSM describing Obama admin as ***left-wing?
21 Jun: TheLocalNorway: AFP: Norway offers oil firms record number of Arctic blocks
The Norwegian oil and energy ministry offered oil companies 93 blocks in the Barents Sea and nine others in the Norwegian Sea, all located beyond the Arctic Circle.
“New exploration acreage promotes long-term activity, value creation and profitable employment in the petroleum industry across the country,” Oil and Energy Minister Terje Søviknes, a member of the ***right-wing government, said in a statement…
“This shows that Norway’s government has no respect for the climate goals they signed onto in the Paris agreement,” the head of Greenpeace Norway, Truls Gulowsen said…
Norway opens up record 93 blocks for Arctic oil exploration
Financial Times – Jun 21, 2017
Norway has infuriated environmental groups by opening up a record number of blocks in the Arctic for oil exploration…
unlike when it’s offshore wind, NYT carries Reuters’ concern for the birds:
21 Jun: NYT: Reuters: Norway Offers Record Number of Blocks for Arctic Oil Exploration
The oil ministry proposed 102 blocks, comprising 93 in the Barents Sea and nine in the Norwegian Sea, despite calls from the Norway’s Environment Agency to remove about 20 blocks near Bear Island, an important nesting site for Arctic birds…
23 Jun: Bloomberg: Justin Fox: Americans Are Back in Love With SUVs and Pickups
The car as we have known it appears to be doomed in the U.S…
Technology analyst Horace Dediu is betting on bikes. And I’m not willing to totally count out the possible triumph of buses or jet packs…
But until that glorious day comes — whichever kind of day it is — it appears that Americans will be driving around not in cars but in sport utility vehicles, minivans and pickups…
Then there’s climate change…
What a classic, I loved it.