Gore’s a modern day soothsayer with powerpoint
Thanks to CFACT I was lucky enough to get to see Al Gore in Melbourne yesterday (and even luckier to see Climate Hustle the night before and meet some great people!). Gore wanted everyone to spread the word, but banned anyone recording him. (The staff actively patrolled for wayward cameras. We’d love to have helped share Gore’s message, but we would have been kicked out for doing so).
The intrepid Marc Morano even managed to meet Al in an inconvenient encounter:
Marc Morano kindly offered Al Gore a copy of Climate Hustle, (which might have helped him feel a lot better about the future). Gore refused to take it. Possibly, he’s not that interested in climate change.
What I saw was nearly a whole hour of primal weather-porn – gratuitous, non-stop, scenes from the apocalypse, glowing clouds boiled about incandescent forests, and giant drains in the sky emptied massive clouds in a flash. Glaciers crumbled before our eyes. Poor victims were stuck in boiling tar on hot roads, they crawled out of mud slides, and were dragged in spectacular rescues from cars being swallowed by turbulent floods. Biblical is the word.
Gullible, naïve devotees gushed, awed, and murmured collective fear as Al spun a story of record doom and disaster with a google hit-list of extreme weather snaps. Al offered almost no graphs, long term data, or paleostudies. Few in the audience seemed to realize it was just a grab bag of the latest disaster-fest, and if a million people had had mobile phones in 10,000BC, the footage from then might have looked exactly the same or even worse, as Gore milked pretty much every weather event in the news to sell the salvation of renewables. Few seemed to wonder how Gore could know that floods were not worse in 1598, or that droughts were not longer and nastier in, say, 1174, or during the summer of 2 million BC. But the all-seeing, all-knowing Al knew.
Through tricky double-negative convoluted sentences Al effectively sends the message that fossil fuels cause extreme weather (but whatever you do, don’t quote him):
Scientists used to say you cannot attribute any single extreme weather event to the climate crisis. But you have to say the odds of extremes increase, but now they are saying it very differently …
If you have a complex system causing a lot of consequences and you radically change it, every one of the consequences is different. With all this extra water vapour in the sky and all the extra heat energy in the atmosphere, every storm is different now.
And they are making advances in how much to attribute to the climate crisis but increasingly more of it is directly contributed.
This is what the reinsurance industry measures with climate related extreme weather events. The only plausible explanation of course is the climate crisis. —
— Al Gore in Melbourne (That’s the full transcript thanks to Tony Thomas writer for Quadrant.org.au, who must be a whizz at live-shorthand.)
Following in the footsteps of a million years of witchdoctors, the message was that the weather is worse than ever and he know how to stop it. His only effort to scientifically connect those dots was to quote a few scientists opinions, while ignoring thousands of others, most historical accounts and 2 billion years of paleohistory. Cherry-picked extremes.
The long tenous chain of cause and effect was glossed over repeatedly with handwaving. The system was the most complex on earth, yet somehow scientists know what causes what. The chain of influence goes like this: fossil fuels make CO2, CO2 makes heat, heat causes droughts and more humidity, which in turn causes floods, intense rain, nastier storms, stickier roads, sliding mud, rising seas, etc etc blah-de-blah.
Has there ever been a year on Earth when there wasn’t a drought somewhere and a flood somewhere else? This is a never ending game for Gore. Until we get perfect weather on Earth, on all 150 million square kilometers terra firma, he will always be able to say “boo”.
This video was typical of the scientific depth — “drowning dogs can be saved”:
I think the message here is that if you use petrol you cause women and dogs to be trapped in sinking cars.
If only she had driven a hybrid.
Roads are melting in India!
NDTV shows a video where this man’s shoes stick to the hot road and fall off. (Watch the video at the link). Call me a skeptic. I’ve bounded across searing bitumen roads here in Australia, and this man is not behaving as if the pavement is blisteringly hot. Would you put your hand down?
Note the “Highlights” in the NDTV story: “Tar on roads melts in Valsad, Gujarat, temperature was only 36 degrees”.
Yeah. yeah. That’s “body temperature”. Terrifying.
Most likely the melting roads are due to sloppy road construction and cheap materials instead of our fossil fuel emissions. Tar was melting at just 40C in India, according to the Times of India, due to “improper mixing of bituminous” materials.
“According to the UK-based Road Surfaces Treatment Association, most roads will start melting at a temperature of 50 degrees celsius. Roads in the United Arab Emirates are made of special “polymer modified binders“ which keep them solid up until around 80 degrees celsius.”
Watch as floods wash away cars in Spain!
I bet that didn’t happen 300 years ago.
Gore has a talent for finding spectacular footage and uses it to argue for renewable power (because mudslides are not about building codes or land management, and preindustrial mudslides were much nicer, right.)
Remember one piece of extreme-weather he couldn’t get? Gore asked for the Firenado footage of a mini-tornado sucking up a bushfire, but photographer Chris Tangney wouldn’t give him a licence to use it. Thank you Chris.
There was a spirit of salvation.
All ye peasants gather hither, for ye are the leaders, the chosen ones who see the light, only you can save the poor and downtrodden from the evils of fossil fuels. Unless we build enough windfarms we will never stop mudslides. Hail for a mudslide-free-future!
Your house will be washed away, unless you give up air-conditioning.
Gore had so many images, the onslaught ran at subliminal pace. He spoke of storm surges north of Sydney. I’m pretty sure I saw the infamous lost swimming pool at Collaroy.

Collaroy 2016, a storm surge washes away houses in NSW. | ABC News
At the same beach in 1967, 1945, and 1925, Collaroy houses were washed out to sea. Al didn’t mention that.
The speech finished by telling the world how renewables are cheap, competitive, and are taking over, which, if it were true, pretty much neutralizes the need for Al to do these tours, right? And who need subsidies.
Gore made much of closing coal fired stations, but unlike yours truly who showed the same maps, Gore didn’t show the massive number of new coal stations to his audience. The lies by omission tell you all you need to know about his interest in the climate.
Gore argues that renewables creates jobs, but Jo asks whether we want our electricity grids to provide electricity instead. If the aim was “jobs” first, we would create more if we shut down all the renewables, let industry “go wild” with cheap electricity and then use the savings to bury bottles of cash for the unemployed to dig up.
h/t Craig, Marc, Chris, Tony and Debbie, what a great trip.
The creating jobs thing shows he understands nothing. Ban combine harvesters and tractors and create thousands of jobs harvesting. Ban printers and create thousands of jobs copying. Ban doctors and create undertaker jobs.
“Jobs” are easy to create by going backwards, because much of progress is about doing away with jobs – usually the backbreaking, dangerous, low-skilled, low productivity kind. That’s why we are all so much richer than when we relied on the wind and the sun for all our energy.
You chose the wrong word. Progress is not increased by losing jobs. Profit is increased, and that has nothing to do with progress for the race. The trouble with your line of thinking is that “self” is the only thing important. Every case you mention, with the exception of your little joke at the end, was about profit. If progress happened, it was a by product, not the reason.
Pushing climate crisis is about finding a way to reduce population since the all powerful push for robotizing the work force doesn’t require humans. You have to remember that Kissinger is attributed the rather profound choice of words of “useless eaters” in reference to the masses of “scratch” living people – Hillary’s deplorables. Ted Turner was on record as saying the ideal world population would be about 750 million humans. Your “progress” falls right in line with that.
I’d rather buy a painting made by a human hand than one that was created by an electronic artist. I would rather see people feel useful and proud, rather than live as welfare recipients because “progress” eliminated jobs. And I will NEVER confuse the term “progress” with “the need for greed.”
You point out one discrepancy that’s bothered me. Why do the same people that promote the climate “crises” for people elimination also seem to be the group that want open borders and more immigration which will increase population?
Spetzer86. Good question. First, the overarching goal of the global warming/climate change movement is one world socialist government. Less people are easier to control and do not use as much resources so the elite will have more.
And, stable advanced countries are less likely to buy the ideas of socialism and world governance. So break down the West by massive immigration which will result in a population familiar with socialism and its rob the rich philosophy and give the those in power even more power for socialist world government. Please investigate the UN climate programs, Agenda 21, etc..
As to population reduction and less people on earth, ever notice that the “leaders” pushing for less people never, ever lead by example?
If I may…the lunatic NWO crowd, of which the Establishment is run by, has an insane idea I’d reducing population to a “sustainable” level of 500 million globally.
Think about what that means.
How could they do that? Well they have this idea of pitting one large chunk of humanity against the other, more than likely triggered by events in the mid east. I’ll let people work that one out. The fact that western countries are destabilized internally us part of the plan. Then add additional stresses and it will all kick off, by design.
500 million serfs remaining as slaves to the Elite…ponds that for a bit.
Oh and the same NWO writings speak of a manufactured crisis on the Korean peninsula that ” may threaten mans very survival.” The chap who penned that is John leMesurier. Look it up…
Have a look at this webpage to see what appears logicly the “elite” have planned. The website tells it as it is and also explains whats presently going on with the red herring they call climate change.
Link >>> http://www.globalresearch.ca/prognosis-2012-towards-a-new-world-social-order/17826
The banking system while complicated can also explain a lot and must be dragged down…
This item, using fable explains that >>>> http://loveforlife.com.au/files/I%20Want%20The%20Earth%20plus%205%20percent_0.pdf
Why the Clintons arent exposed worries me. Are the elite that powerful?
Woodrow Wilson once said what it true today: Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
Its time to ask howwe get rid of this super imposing dangerous force called bankers.
I am thinking you carry the political conspiracy theory too far here. Gore might just be a nutter or a very clever profiteer. You and others let the side down by not attacking the science enough.
Ann Coulter answers your question right here:
Progress is increased by losing jobs. Do you want to walk through a corn field, shucking ears of corn and throwing them into a wagon? Do you want to heat your house with wood? You can load the burner a few times a day, and shovel ash. How about making candles for light? Manufactured hand soap freed up too many housewives to teach their children to read. The invention of the washboard was about profit. There are plenty of streams and rocks.
The first Indian photocopier needed 5 people to operate.
That would be supervisor in charge, an electrical engineer to turn the machine on, an office assistant to fetch the paper, and two clerical people to argue over whether the top of the original should be aligned at the top of the glass, or whether the bottom of the original should be aligned at the top of the glass.
There are two large wind farms (not connected to the grid because they can’t get permits for power lines or buried cables LOL!) that have created no more permament local jobs than you can count on one hand. Meanwhile 50 miles away they shutdown a coal power plant that devastated dozens of families. The power plant is coming back online though, since Trump became president.
Example 1:
Crookwell Wind Farm originally employed 25 local maintenance techs ongoing… until 2016 when they were all replaced by a contract crew from parts unknown.
Hi Tim
Some good ideas here, except for
“Ban doctors and create undertaker jobs”
Check this out.
(I can’t seem to make this a link..maybe copy/paste, or search “Iatrogenic deaths in the US)
Most jobs for a kilowatt of power can be created by manually cranking the generators. When I was an electrical engineering student in 1980, we had a public demonstration of usefulness of generating electricity using muscle power. We cranked a generator 24 hours. We had some light bulbs and a blower to use the energy switching them on and off depending on the fitness of the student in the crank. The result of a total of 8 work days was about 2 kWh of energy worth of few pennies. 😉
Or you can go big like this event: http://road.cc/content/news/11779-cyclists-power-family-home-bbc-show-highlight-energy-wastage
Hasn’t that iceberg – which is the size of the whole known universe, I’ve been told – crashed into Australia and set everything on fire, including the Goricle Himself? If not, soon… very… soon.
Meanwhile, across the ditch here in the Shaky Isles, some New Zealanders have discovered they are the first climate refugees EVAH! Roads closed, power down, sub-zero snow blizzards, food running out: some have found refuge with the NZ Army, being accommodated in the barracks at Waiouru till the road can be found… under the snowdrifts. However, a local midwife commented: “spirits remained high, with people snowboarding down the streets and having snow fights.” Won’t anyone think of the children, please!
“The town’s mayor, Don Cameron, was snowed-in at his house near Mt Ruapehu and said it was probably the heaviest snow he had seen in more than 20 years… Some of the trucks used to plow the roads were not four-wheel-drive vehicles and had come to a ‘dead halt’, he said”. I know – I’m embarrassed too.
“There’s not much you can do really but sit back and enjoy it” said another. That’s the spirit. And wait for the skies to clear then head up the hill for that bottomless, fluffy, beautiful pow!
Yeah, it was similar to the one in June 1977, when it snowed in Auckland.
So far, it’s not been quite as cold as that one, as it hasn’t snowed in Auckland.
Come on mate, stop whinging. That happens several times, every year in Otago. You are just miffed because our roads to the ski fields work, and yours don’t.
Good powder snow this year — eat your heart out.
Yeah, all the NI and SI skifields are reporting good quality and quantity of snow this year. Road to TNP and the Desert Road were closed over the last couple of days: too much snow. 🙂
[Snip], failed politician, never debated anyone despite repeated requests by many, failed predictor, spreader of doomsday fears with strong totalitarian streaks.
He will be remembered as the instigator of the decline of the west, re-inventior of socialism, destructor of wealth, creator of of the new term, the energy poor and mass murderer of millions from the cold.
He will be remembered on the par with [Snip — bit much]
Dariusz; the difference is that none of your suggested peers could be laughed at, although Attila had some good one-liners, some of which are very appropriate to the occasion.
You forgot to mention that he of the panic about rising seas, has bought several water front properties since creating his “magic climate bus.” And finally, you have done a disservice to the 4 “honorable by comparison” people mentioned in your email. I guess Khan wasn’t bad enough to make your list.
Those “waterfront” properties are on a high bluff overlooking the Pacific. I’m familiar with that area. Can we put that canard to rest, please?
For all the grandiose talk here on ad hominem’s and how its so unscientific to do there seems to be plenty of it going around, perhaps a decent human being like Al Gore simply doesn’t want to engage with the tin foil hat anti science brigade for he knows exactly the underhand tactics they will stoop to in any attempt to undermine his critical work.
You mentioned ‘ad homs’?
Typical and no less unsound than and claiming the spurious work of El Gourdo as ‘critical’.
Al Gore is the only critical thinker that’s been brave enough to question the unsustainable train wreck that is capitalism, all of his assets are carbon neutral due to offsetting emissions, this was explained to me during my climate reality leadership studies but I suppose all you qualified professionals know better.
So Julian and Gore are anti capitalism. Where did Al get his fortune from, again? – No matter.
The opposite of capitalism is socialism, and taken to an extreme it becomes communism. Have a nice day tovarich.
Ever thought of why Al Gore amassed so much wealth?, because he knew ignorant people like yourselves would not be open minded enough to be truly sceptical of settled science and was smart enough to use your own systems of greed against you, cry foul all you like but you’ll still end up on the wrong side of history.
Thanks Julian; you’ve given us a special insight into ‘climate reality leadership studies’.
Julian on closer examination you will see that Al is a pseudo Marxist, the architect of the ‘big lie’.
History will judge him harshly and you too.
Prove it, Julian!
Here is an example of how he got super rich,AFTER he left the White House.He wasn’t even a Multi-Millionaire in 2000,
Blood And Gore: Making A Killing On Anti-Carbon Investment Hype
Selected Excerpt:
Marketing Climate Alarm:
Of course this carbon regulation is posited upon saving the Earth based upon a “consensus within the scientific community that increasing the global temperature by more than 2oC will likely cause devastating and irreversible damage to the planet.” And where it comes to promulgating and capitalizing upon carbon-climate-crazed sociopolitical pressure, you would be hard-pressed to find two better authorities.
Gore and Blood, the former chief of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), co-founded London-based GIM in 2004. Between 2008 and 2011 the company had raised profits of nearly $218 million from institutions and wealthy investors. By 2008 Gore was able to put $35 million into hedge funds and private partnerships through the Capricorn Investment Group, a Palo Alto company founded by his Canadian billionaire buddy Jeffrey Skoll, the first president of EBay Inc. It was Skoll’s Participant Media that produced Gore’s feverishly frightening 2006 horror film, “An Inconvenient Truth”.
For a man who tried hard to invest in low to no carbon emitting companies, lives a high carbon lifestyle.
Who has the closed mind here? Look at these loaded prejudicial terms:
“…he knew ignorant people like yourselves would not be open minded enough to be truly sceptical of settled science and was smart enough to use your own systems of greed against you”
You can’t get more open minded than me. I agreed, promoted, supported the Gore message for 17 years. I heard the skeptic view and changed my mind.
Tell us, Julian, how much did you fork out for your “climate reality leadership studies”?
Yet another way Gore is fleecing those who are “lite-of-brain”.
And with that remark, and a flounce and flick of his hair, Julian leaves the stage.
The fun is over. Although I must say that the quality of socialist/communist fellow travelers, has seriously deteriorated over the last thirty or forty years. They are really no challenge at all, any more.
It is probably just another manifestation of, “The Gore effect”.
In the investment field its a bit like pump and dump.
I find it insightful that people like Warren Buffett realize very clearly that wind farms are worthless unless the govt gives them huge subsidies, which is, oh shot in the dark here …. like socialism, bread queues and state ineptness at running anything….
Julian- my uncle who escaped communism can tell you some stories about what its really like to live under the failure of communism, I suspect you have no damn idea, and like your trendy green carping mates with reliable power, regular lattes and your mobile phones, are a bunch if whining lefty wanna bes.
Grow up. Son.
Strange business this climate change thing.
Algore and Mr Suzuki have the same style of presenting science.
Aggressive bullying sees followers like the one we have here drawn to the apparent strength of the “science presenter” with no regard for accuracy of facts, science or common decency.
It seems that we are no more advanced in our capacity to function as a successful community than we were at the start of the twentieth century over 100 years ago.
Do they have a special school where you get taught how to be stupid,or are you just born that way?
Julian F.- ‘Al Gore is the only critical thinker …’ and…
‘… this was explained to me during my climate reality leadership studies’
Two critical thinkers for the price of one!
I’ve always wanted to encounter a true believer, someone willing to forsake the extraordinary liberty of rational and critical thought so readily and cheaply. Is it an issue of self-worth Julian or is it simply the desire to adhere to the comfort of order in ‘belief’ in a confused, spiritually vacuous world of consumerism and vicious cultural warfare? The search for self-identity and self-actualisation is life long. There are surely many blind alleys and the Climatism Cult is one. Pascal Bruckner the French philosopher describes the phenomena quite well in his book “The Fanaticism of the Apocalypse: Save the Earth, Punish Human Beings.”
Julian, with a bare minimum of research you owe it to yourself at the very least examine another counterpoint, that Al Gore is the doyen of carbon shysterism and your ad hom assertion that disagreement is ‘anti-science’, marketing climate alarm:
At the bare minimum, playing devils advocate in an exercise of due diligence may acquaint you with the counterposition and enable you to argue cogently, without resort to mindless repetition and ad homs to the legitimacy of your belief.
Look forward to seeing you back here armed to the teeth with everything except ad homs and credo.
“during my climate reality leadership studies’”
Funniest thing I’ve read for a while.
Next you should try John Cook’s climate 101. !
Propaganda for the brain-washed. !!!
I dunno, Julian, but did you ever wonder how a leader could be led by another leader?
If critical thinking were to the fore, I reckon you must, by definition, be a follower, no?
“climate reality leadership studies”
Oh my …
Did those studies include thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and radiative physics?
Perhaps an explanation of why 71% of this planet’s surface is an extreme short wave selective surface that would heat to 335K were it not for conductive and evaporative cooling by our radiatively cooled atmosphere?
Maybe an explanation of why “Tav for surface without radiative atmosphere” cannot possibly be 255K because the earth is far too close to the sun, and the snowline in the solar system is out in the middle of the asteroid belt?
My guess is those “climate reality leadership studies” include a bunch of pseudo-scientific drivel about CO2 “Trapping heat”…
It’s the beautiful gold-edged certificate with all the ornate and curlicued caligraphy, which proclaims the recipient to be a true klimate
serfleader. It dazzles the intellect which has been washed, bleached and blow-dried, and the eye. It’s important.Albert Arnold Gore seems to be a close adherent to the path taken by Phineas Taylor Barnum, if not a disciple, of whom Wikipedia has this to say:
with similar results.
Quote: … this was explained to me during my climate reality leadership studies …
Whatever you do, if you are offered Kool Aid do not drink it!
Hi Julian
Its interesting your last name , its not like smith defined from the background of blacksmithing or like collier defined from coal miners , your last name is just a disgusting take on what you and all gores represent , as you have promoted in your comments how to manipulate the populace by manipulating the capitalist system , laugh your way to other peoples money , typical of trolls of your low calibre and don`t forget protection on your tongue , given your occupation .
hi billy,
Two of the world’s wealthiest men are Warren Buffet and his business partner Charlie Munger.
Charlie Munger calls Gore “not very bright.”
Gore is bright enough to know he’s not very bright so he doesn’t engage in any debate.
You can’t be serious!
You make a good point. His work is becoming critical, in the nuclear sense, and very likely to blow up in his face.
You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. It is the ratio that matters, and which way the pendulum swings.
Have a nice day Julian.
Julian, with the vast amount of scientific data showing that there is no anthropogenic global warming, nor indeed any natural warming for the last 20 years, how can you be so indescribably ignorant? Unfortunately, people like you get to vote and you might even be a “teacher”, poisoning the minds of children…
You will claim my scientific data is adjusted as I will yours, who is right? time will tell, but in the meantime, http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-12/huge-iceberg-breaks-away-from-antarctica-larsen-c-shelf/8703238, it may take years but its happening agreed?
another comment avoiding Jo’s post. Don’t you have a counterpoint to offer at all,Julian?
Meanwhile your Iceberg link doesn’t prove anything about AGW conjecture.
Your feeble attempt to a fallacy is just more evidence that you are NOT a critical thinker,as he never mentioned adjustments at all;
“You will claim my scientific data is adjusted as I will yours,…”
YAWNNnnnnnnn…… Zzz….
You are a terrible troll.
Julian / silly filly / Craig Thomas…who knows…
One thing I have observed with the left is their group think and sea-gull like treatment of he truth….tear it apart and government it with guano….
Gotta love the loony left….
Ha….auto correct..meant to say “cover it”….maybe autocorrect knows the climate scam too….
Ice sheets don’t break when they are shrinking… they break when they are growing.
Oh Julian, open mouth change feet, eh!
Here’s a quote from an article on the same thing, (not at the scary scary ABC) and keep in mind that this is from a Glaciologist, so someone who actually DOES know what they are talking about: (my bolding here)
I’m also astouded by the number of scaremongering article which have said that this might affect sea level rises.
That’s the most basic Science that everyone learned in High School, you know, Archimedes Principle.
It’s now Sea Ice already floating in the water, so it will have zero effect on raising sea levels.
Julian, that Larson Ice Shelf is not only huge but is on the east side of the Antarctic peninsula. That side is choked with glaciers and masses of sea-ice year round. It’s not going anywhere let alone northwest to drown the east coast of Australia. Lol.
I was lucky enough to sea-cruise down to the Antarctic peninsula in November 2014 (springtime). We only cruised the west side because the east side is unnavigable, even in summer. Nonetheless, there were plenty of huge tidal glaciers, Antarctic animals and sea-ice to see. Recent snowfalls meant that at every landfall, deep snow went down to sea-level. It was great and magnificent to experience. Jo Nova posted earlier this year about how the Antarctic peninsula is now getting colder NOT warmer. But you wont see that reported on ABC news.
I strongly recommend that ALL readers of this site get down to see (if they get the chance) the Antarctic peninsula – before it’s too late! Not because it will melt and the snow & ice disappear BUT because as the peninsula gets colder there maybe so much sea-ice that craft will not be able to make landfall on the various islands and mainland. Ships may find it increasingly difficult (due to ice) to navigate the channels close to the peninsula.
To our northern hemisphere friends who have seen glaciers in Alaska and the Arctic: You aint seen nothing yet till you see the Antarctica. To those who may go there (Julian) and still believe in the global warming catastrophe story AFTER experiencing it, you would have to be a real fool.
Julian this new large iceberg is a sign of Antarctica cooling, brought about by a build up of snow and ice. As Peter points out, its in east Antarctica and has nothing to do with molecules of industrial CO2.
Julian we can have a chat about Length of Day (LOD) in regards to large icebergs in the Southern Ocean.
Its the opposite of what you imagine.
Justin, two books to get some reality into your climate leadership:
1) Heaven and Earth global warming: the missing science, by Prof Ian Plimer.
2) The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, by Climatolgist/Historian & teacher Tim Ball. drtimball.com
John Doran.
Julian.. you should look in the mirror and say the work “GULLIBLE” 100 times.
word …… not work !!
Julian doesn’t have to work at being gullible – it obviously comes naturally.
Step right up Julian, don’t be shy, you’re a leader. Test your gullibility here.
I had a nice bridge I could have sold you. It was in West Auckland, and spanned a tidal inlet. It was two lanes wide, a lane each way, It was a standalone bridge with no approach roads but that would have taken only a little investment to turn it into a richly paying proposition.
Trouble is, it was pulled down last year to widen the North West Motorway.
Al Gore doesn’t discuss anything without allowing direct feedback on a blog,forum or in public events,and refrains from debate because he knows people will quickly destroy his claims.
He KNOWS all this,that is why he avoids debate completely.
you have NOT posted a comment as a counterpoint to Jo’s post,not only that Al Gore has NEVER published a single science paper or allow criticism of anything he published,and give a counter reply.
How can you miss the obvious,Julian? How can you not see that Mr. Gore doesn’t interact with his critics in any way? He doesn’t directly address criticisms of his presentations,or allow question and answer sessions be taped or written as a transcript for the public.
The man is avoiding all kinds of debate,insulating himself from anyone,who doesn’t kiss kiss shoes. That to me is a sign of man who doesn’t really deep down believe the insane crap,since he is in it for the money and fame.
Al $$$ Gore is a coward.
In a bygone era he would have been tarred & feathered.Something about “snake oil” salesman.
That’s a fair cop, Julian. Ad homs don’t add anything to an argument.
Just as soon as you get Al Gore to stop comparing people to Holocaust den1ers, we can get on with that.
“failed politician, never debated anyone despite repeated requests by many”
He ducks like a quack.
How much did he charge? His fees got to the quarter million once.
I’d like to see a full financial audit of Gore to see how he is making money from his poison, including his financial arrangements with Al Jazeera.
David Maddison said:
Gore is reputed to have held a 20% share in the Current TV Channel. The sale of the channel to Al Jazeera was in the region of $500 million. (See below.) That would net Gore c. $100 million. It’s been reported as an outright sale. However, Al Jazeera is yet another adherent to the pro-CAGW line so there may be bit more there.
ON the other hand, it wouldn’t have taken much Real Estate trading with a reserve of $100Million to make it more substantial. Trump succeeded at that, why shouldn’t Gore? It’s really a no-brainer way of making money.
From Wikipedia [Current TV]:
Maybe that’s why Saudia Arabia and others are claiming Qatar is sponsoring terrorism and demanding Al Jazeera be closed.
“This video was typical of the scientific depth — “drowning dogs can be saved”
Then, you can eat the dog to save the planet:
“Owners should consider doing without, downsizing or even eating their pets to help save the planet, according to a new book.”
Hmmm….4x4s are useful tools, as are dogs….leftists however are tools that turning a good society into a wreck….
How many failed socialist states will it take to convince people?
So you were in the presence of Man Bear Pig and didn’t learn anything, Nova you Gore damn heretic!
OT but on a happier note Scot Ludlum the 2IC green got the chop today for forgetting he was born across the ditch .
One down the rest to go .
I hadn’t heard the new. Thank god for small mercies.
And better yet, the detestable Greens don’t get to nominate his successor, as they would if he had simply died. “Mr Ludlam’s Senate position is expected to be filled by a recount of ballot papers from the 2016 election.”, according to the ABC web site.
If he’s anything Al Gore is a nut lacking a suitable screw. If he just had that screw he’d be so preoccupied he wouldn’t have any time to mess around with anything else.
Whoever you are my red thumbed friend, I pity you for your your lack of appreciation for a little humor at the expense of a man who courts much worse things at his expense than anything I ever pounded on my keyboard.
Some people ain’t got no appreciation for talent I guess.
I thought your comment was funny.
I did not intend to comment, and the red thumb is not from me.
I will note that nuts go on bolts, not screws.
Thus, your analogy is slightly off, but still funny.
Cheers and thumbs up!
I could not resist the temptation. But you’re right, it could read, “…nut lacking a suitable bolt to screw.” But once posted it’s not retrievable. Sometimes hindsight is 20/20. On the other hand, maybe better this way in spite of hindsight.
Cheers back at you!
One could also write that all the nuts bolted to El Gourdo as he tried to screw the West to globalism.
And on machine screws
“Machine screws
ASME standards specify a variety of “Machine Screws”[9] in diameters ranging up to 0.75 in (19.05 mm). These fasteners are often used with nuts but also often driven into tapped holes (without nuts).”
True. I’ve bought numerous packages of 10-32 and sometime 8-32 machine screws with the nuts to put on them for projects around the house. They have lengths from half inch to at least 4 inches with 32 threads/inch and usually a slotted head. Should have told John Hultquist that but was rushed to get out of here so I forgot it.
Thanks for the reminder.
And now what can we say of Al Gore who is a nut without a 10-32 screw. Pretty bad off, bare minimum.
[knew that; have many]
How is Al Gore like an old machine?
Ans: He’s got a lot of loose screws.
I might have said,
And now that we’ve done our post mortem, he remains the same Al Gore bringing the same pain in the ass to every sane person on the planet.
I was going to offer to introduce him to some ladies of my acquaintance, but then I thought, nah, this is a family friendly blog.
You should have gone on ahead and done it. Jo laid the foundation for it with her headline,
Well at least something got laid.
The hidden ironies in this clowns gig are classic.
“Through tricky double-negative convoluted sentences Al effectively sends the message that fossil fuels cause extreme weather (but whatever you do, don’t quote him):
Scientists used to say you cannot attribute any single extreme weather event to the climate crisis. But you have to say the odds of extremes increase, but now they are saying it very differently …”
The “scientists” referred to are those of the IPCC in their special report of 2012 declaring quiet correctly, zero evidence of climate change causing current extreme events.
This is still the “settled science”.
The irony is that their report was politically motivated.
At COP18 Doha in 2012 the developed nations pushed for compensation for current weather disasters from the Annexe one nations, to be decided at COP19 Warsaw 2013. This was seen as a certain deal wrecker on the scale of Copenhagen 2009 and so the IPCC rushed out a report, sacrificing the “extreme weather” meme on the altar of “unity”.
Thus the “overwhelming evidence” of authoritative consensus
science is that Al Gore’s contributions are bullshit.
And nobody seems to notice!
Yup. If govts stopped supporting the climate lie it would die, but they continue to flog a dead horse…..
I was on holiday in Majorca last week. The Spanish news carried footage of the heavy rain that affected Madrid and Barcelona that resulted in the deaths of 10 people. But this was nothing unusual. My wife (who understands Spanish) did not notice and links to climate change, like you would get on the BBC.
When I was in Barcelona in November 2001, there were similar serious storms. On a family trip to the zoo, we had to take shelter as heavy rain caused branches to come off trees. When the rain stopped, the zoo was closed for safety reasons.
Was in Colorado one summer at a shopping center near Denver when a thunderstorm popped up suddenly and nearly washed the place away. Even the locals dove for cover when you couldn’t see more than about 10 feet through all the water coming down. And this one hung around nearly an hour altogether, dumping rain intermittently the whole time. I never saw a storm quite that wet during the rainy season in Saigon and they have some very memorable ones.
All of that was pretty much ordinary every year fare. But when you want to make something of it, the ordinary has to be made extraordinary and of course, frightening whether it was or not. Now if I had been on the road, rain like that would be a little different matter. But the only thing I ever saw take significant branches off a tree was wind, with or without rain.
I guess the evil power of carbon has no limits.
Lots of clouds here at the moment Roy but thankfully no rain yet. Staying at the Caravelle at the moment.
Isn’t this the dry season right now, about 6 months of no rain followed by 6 months that make up for those dry 6 and then some?
In New Zealand, we often get heavy rain, accompanied by high winds. The last few days have been like that.
The result of this is that a person standing in the open, gets wet on one side, but remains dry(ish) on the other.
Queues tend to form on the lea side of the fattest person waiting for a bus. But we are not supposed to mention that, of course, because it is not politically correct.
Well you do choose to live dead set in the middle of the roaring 40s
“…any links…?”
Thank you for all the hard work. I could not stand such a cult gathering.
Yes, it is quite amazing. Impossible scenarios, mad logic, every natural disaster blamed on CO2.
What annoys most is the idea that the world may not get warmer, but the weather will get much, much worse. Why?
No scientific explanation for that, just emotion. As Delingpole wrote, you are going to be so dead. That happens, to everyone. What are Gore’s promises for the afterlife? Billionaires like Gore should know. He will be cryogenically frozen and stored in Antarctica.
When you consider 2% of people live below the tropic of Capricorn, which is really much cooler, what is 1C? A holiday.
40% of people live in the tropics and thanks to the humidity, nothing changes. It is rarely anything other than 32C
58% of people live above the tropic of Cancer and most have to survive the most horrible winters. 1C would be most welcome. The Russians would be dancing in the streets.
As for the downside, rising sea levels, it would be far cheaper to fix our harbours than build windmills.
Most people do not live at sea level anyway, apart from Bangladesh and they need to copy the people of the Nederlands and build some dykes. It is a really bad choice, but who chooses where they live?
So what was the problem again? +1C is nothing, even if Global Warming was true. As for Man Made Global Warming, that is not true.
As for +5C and sea rises of 100 metres, that is now known to be wild fantasy. It has all fallen apart, but Gore Blimey, he keeps going.
The most catastrophic extreme weather events, in terms of loss of life in the last 50 years are cyclones in Bangladesh. I hope Al Gore showed the horrific impacts. The worst was 500,000 dead in the Bhola of 1970. That occurred after 25 years of global cooling.
Al is from Tennessee, a state which has had some bad floods over the years, including recently.
The May 2010 Tennessee floods are now deemed to constitute a “1000-year flood”. What I don’t get is how the deluges of 1927 and 1937 aren’t thousand-year floods? Or did the counter start again after 1927 then again after 1937?
Or is the term “1000-year flood” yet another cheap beat-up? We seem to be getting a lot of hundred-year and thousand-year weather events lately.
By the way, when you think you have a weather problem, just be glad it’s not this:
Weather is local; very local.
A hundred year (or thousand year) event is specific to that locality.
There are an almost infinite number of localities around the world so statistically “hundred year floods” should be common (today and yesterday).
The Al Gores of the world would have you believe the “thousand year” label applies to the entire country; i.e. only “once in a thousand years” would such a flood occur in the US.
It’s interesting that they can call it a “1000” year flood when records go all the way back to – 1870. And this quote – “Nashville experienced its all-time rainiest day AND third-rainiest day on back-to-back days – that’s over 50,000 days of observations” WOW – it makes the 140 odd years of actual record keeping look like an eon!
The Weather Service story on the flood has more exciting!!! information on all the broken records. Also bonus plus – comparisons to Katrina!
mosomoso: ‘What I don’t get is how the deluges of 1927 and 1937 aren’t thousand-year floods?’
Yes. To be more consistent with the ethos of climate alarm communication, recent floods could be described as ‘worst 1000-year flood in recent memory’. Of dubious logic, but much more accurate.
I guess the China Flood of 1931 (which came on to land baked by severe drought) would rank as the flood of the century. We know that Yellow River Flood 1887 was a giant catastrophe, in some ways the equal of 1931, but how much do we know about the previous centuries?
For eurocentrics, the St. Felix Flood (AD.1530) would likely rate as the worst flood we can know much about, though the Grote Mandrenke of 1362 seems to the biggest by geographical extent.
I’m sure if equivalent events were to occur now the climatariat would be all over them like a cheap suit. Nowadays you don’t have to own a full Britannica or have access to a major library to know how shoddy this “new climate” yarn is. But Al Gore doesn’t even need to try, since there is no fear of questioning let alone contradiction. Suzuki is as ignorant as a cow in a field, but people hang off his utterances. It takes moments to check, but the need to believe is stronger than the need to verify.
The drek media and its personalities rule minds because what was meant to be the Age of Information has become the Age of Distraction.
Ah’m sorry but them tales
of whether-unprecedented,
fire, flood ‘n inconvenient
sweltering-events are jest
MINNOWS compared to AGW warming!!!
Tipping points, sea-rise-engulfulments;
why, its Climate Armageddon, man(n)!
…Al Gore told me so, hisself.
Gore doing down and dirty…blech.
To really do weather-porn you need a science personality who has the inviting look, the exotic name, the bling…and the quintessential 70s moustache:
Al thinks he’s hot, but Al has very odd ideas on hotness:
Or just a female weather announcer (read, personality or star) on TV and dressed to kill. I have wondered how some channels manage to stay on the air.
Of course, current standards are somewhat less stringent than when I first started watching TV. Then you could let your kids watch I Love Lucy, except it was on past bedtime, and you never even saw a double bed. Ricky and Lucy slept in separate single beds. I always wondered who was fooled by that because there probably wasn’t a kid alive who didn’t know that mom and dad slept in the same bed, even if they didn’t know why.
Google Aussie bloke reviews Mexican weather. I bet very few males really know just what the weather forecast was at the end of her segments. Our weather girls are very modest by comparison.
I’ll take your word for it. Jo once told me in an email exchange about something that Aussies are — and I have to paraphrase but — less uptight about sex and profanity than we are in the states.
I have not seen any reason to not believe her. But now it’s going downhill here too.
The amount of climate alarm from Canada’s public broadcaster,the CBC, in the past couple of months has been especially pathetic. Johanna Wagstaffe (meteorologist!!) and her stupid 2050 Degrees of Change which is being promoted on every second show. Logic-free PC journalism! Here is a short example. Notice the use of ‘how things WILL change’, without qualification regarding the poor predictive power of the GC models: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTxsG1XHjew
As you alluded, a little bit of eye candy helps one swallow the BS, or so they think.
I fancy myself a decent person, as do I think most of us. But I admit to a nagging thought creeping
in….if i were on a boat this apocalyptic doom-sayer fell off of, would I throw the ring, or would mt
surgically repaired shoulder hurt too much? If the subject is faith, we do discriminate as a society between those who take sackcloth and ashes
and those who become wealthy. Also here. Those who disparage our current president should remember how close we came to electing this fellow.
A Nobel, if you please, for the researcher who finds the virus that has caused so many of us to lose our capacity for common sense, and a cure for same other
than the forcing action of true disaster.
It’s possible that, rather than caused by a virus, this pandemic of stupidity and insanity is genetic in origin. Some make a case for the release of teratogenic compounds during WWI’s gas warfare being at fault. Then, again, overwhelming evidence points in the direction of an insecticide sprayed on the ivy commonly found at academic institutions, such as, for example, Penn State University.
The 2000 election was truly close. Had Al Gore won West Virginia, a state that was reliably Democratic due to the coal miners for years, he would not have needed Florida. But Gore’s platform included clear language on how he would treat coal, and the relevant pages were stuffed into every West Virginia doorway. How wonderful that his climate obsession cost him the Presidency.
Richard Ilfeld #15
MinusIQ | The pill to lower your IQ permanently
Sleepthinker Films
I also consider myself a reasonably decent person. But nah, I would let him drown !
God people are gullible. Neil Diamond knew it when he wrote this song.
“Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show”
I am not a religious person, but every time I read about man-bear-pig’s activities I thank God for Florida and hanging chads. Every time.
Yes, there has been some elections that I have prayed and crossed my fingers that one candidate would not prevail, none more than this fool.
I do believe that Obummer would have to be THE worst President ever.Even the”Peanut Farmer”was better than him.
Going to the Goreathon Jo and her supporters have done science a great favour. They have come back with a first-hand impression of the manipulative,histrionic behavior that forces so much climate science thinking into a narrow conformist channel that does not tolerate any deviations from the accepted wisdom.
By contrast they have been two items in recent threads here that depict true models.
The first was about the analysis which showed that in our solar system the two determinants of a planet’s atmospheric temperature were;
1. the distance from the Sun
2. the size or weight of the planet which relates to the gravitational compression effect on the atmosphere.
A clean, concise, scientifically valid, assessment: a good model.
The second item was the last thread in which the post by Chiefio was reported.
The contrast between atmospheric temperatures in clouded and none clouded situations showed that the level of cloud cover has a major effect on atmospheric temperature.
The beauty of this analysis was that by using only a three-week time frame it locked out so many other potential factors from consideration.
This is true modeling, something not practiced by the ipcc and climate change scientists.
No time frame has ever been assigned to the accept politically inspired climate models used to frighten a gullible public.
The importance of nominating a time frame is evident to anybody familiar with the proper use of models and the absence of timeframe in accepted climate models is a good indicator that the authors of these models either don’t have a clue what they’re doing or are deliberately trying to mislead.
The contrast between browbeating and real science has been demonstrated by Algore and Chiefio.
Thanks KK,
I too would like to thank Jo for her dedication to the cause. I got lucky, in that I had the news recorded and only had to suffer for a few seconds before I could fast forward past the Gory section. There’s no way I could have sat through his whole movie.
But I will buy “Climate Hustle”.
Dave b
If you use Google Earth and search for
North Cove, WA
… You will see numerous streets that go across a beach and into the ocean.
This is called Washaway Beach. It has a long history of . . . washing away.
Go here:
Click on history and also gallaries.
For a discussion, go here:
This video is more relevant to a previous post and probably contains little that’s new to regulars here, but I thought it worth linking. James Corbett is not someone I agree with all the time but I always find him to be intelligent, conscientious, clear and on the level. A good man to have in the skeptic trenches for the war with globalism and Green Blob. He also has a big following, despite YouTube’s best efforts to squelch sensible skepticism while allowing any amount of the potty stuff.
David Suzuki.
Using the same scientific methods of debate as the AlGorithm.
Always they acknowledge a higher scientific being known as a Climate Scientist and then state that they personally do not measure up against this perfect being and then asking the person on the other side of the debate to state their scientific credentials.
Slick. Oily. Behaviour totally lacking in manners and science.
Roads are melting in India. I remember melting roads in Czechoslovakia. It is a question of a quality.
Come to the South Island of NZ and experience melting roads at <20C.
The surface is little more than a stone chip dressed tarmac slurry hardly lasting a year with minimal traffic.
It keeps the gang members gainfully employed, and mostly out of police custody.
Yes, and we were driving from Abu Dhabi to Dubai recently, around lunchtime. The temperature hit 50C, briefly 51C, but the roads and vehicles were fine. I don’t suppose the wide busy roads did a lot to reduce the UHI I guess!
That’s an important point. Roads in my part of Oz don’t tend to melt now, but they did in Sydney’s worst heatwave, that of 1960, many of them having been laid out earlier in the century.
Along with the floods of 1955, which formed an inland sea the size of England and Wales to the west of Sydney, those four days of heat in 1960 are my strongest-remembered weather event. They remain the city’s most severe heatwave, although 1888 brought the worst drought.
The truth is that there is a new climate, but there always has been. We are not living with our grandparents’ climate, that’s true…but our grandparents weren’t living with their grandparents’ climate.
Al $$$ Gore, is a coward for debate,even simple conversations with skeptics is too much for this man. He does this everywhere he goes too,to prevent being exposed as being profoundly ignorant of the issues,and that he has a long history of making highly misleading,dishonest presentations. He turned down a free DVD copy of Climate Hustle,he is always avoiding anything skeptics produced as he is an intellectual coward.
He knows that debate would quickly destroy him and his money making drives using gullible people,that is why he always avoids them;
“Gullible, naïve devotees gushed, awed, and murmured collective fear as Al spun a story of record doom and disaster with a google hit-list of extreme weather snaps.” to make money out of it.
His own lifestyle and the purchase of a home just one full block from the ocean shores in California,indicate that he isn’t really worried about sea level increases either. He is in it for the attention and lots and lots of money.
Always amazed at how easily people get so easily conned by the climate hustling Flim Flam man.
The meeting had all the trappings of a revival meeting. Moonies. Rapture. Swaggart. Jim and Tammie Bakker. Everything but the sackcloth and ashrams and the swami. Security. Information control.
People had no problem when the Beatles’ Swami Maharishi lived in a mansion, was driven in a Rolls Royce and followers dressed in bed sheets. How could they not see the hypocrisy, the reverse Gandi morality. Do as I say, not as I do. Even John Lennon eventually called the Maharishi a shameless old fraud and the Maharishi’s estate was over 2Billion pounds. No poverty there. Gore too is now a billionaire. How much did the Government of Victoria pay Gore for this religious event? Does Gore qualify for tax exempt status as the head of his own religion, primary promoter of the Ecopolypse. Unless you pay billions and live in energy poverty.
The meeting had all the trappings of a revival meeting. Moonies. Rapture. Swaggart. Jim and Tammie Bakker. Everything but the sackcloth and ashrams and the swami. Security. Information control.
People had no problem when the Beatles’ Swami Maharishi lived in a mansion, was driven in a Rolls Royce and followers dressed in bed sheets. How could they not see the hypocrisy, the reverse Gandi morality. Do as I say, not as I do. Even John Lennon eventually called the Maharishi a “shameless old fr*ud” and the Maharishi’s estate was over 2Billion pounds. No poverty there. Gore too is now a billionaire. How much did the Government of Victoria pay Gore for this religious event? Does Gore qualify for tax exempt status as the head of his own religion, primary promoter of the Ecopolypse. Unless you pay billions and live in energy poverty.
This is sort of OT but I can’t let it pass.
Remember how “scientists” got the Polar Bear on the endangered species list because of what they claimed “Climate Change” would do to them? Well now “scientists” are saying that Polar Bears are going to come and eat us because of “Climate Change”.
First off Polar Bears do not discriminate. If it walks or swims then it’s a potential meal. It’s the nature of the beast. No waders are high enough for this excrement.
I really do feel sorry for legitimate researchers that have to share the nomenclature “Scientist” with the oxygen thieves that produce this kind of stuff.
If there is a 3 metre white half tonne, 40km/hr killing machine near you, move. In the arctic, people have to carry high powered rifles and know how to use them, at least one in a group. Polar bears, a close cousin of the Brown bear are no more or less deadly than their cousins. Best not to have one as a pet, but the idea that they will form groups and drive into town to snack on humans is absurd. Add it to the list of silly Climate Change predictions.
I remember an advert for hired guns with experience handling heavy calibre rifles, to accompany a scientific expedition to Norway’s Arctic, establishing how far the polar ice was melting.
At first I laughed. Then I thought of the extinction of frogs predicted by scientists; who’d carried pathogens into the frog’s habitat.
Kiss a frog and he’ll turn into a prince, kiss a polar bear and he’ll turn into a head of ate…….
We just got back from a vacation to the Yellowstone/Teton National Forest area. Saw two Grizzly bears at Yellowstone. The nearest was just 30 yards away. A park ranger explained to me that the Grizzlies in Yellowstone don’t grow quite as large as those to the NW nearer the coast because they don’t have Salmon runs to fatten up on. But I found bear scratchings on a lodgepole pine at 11 feet off the ground. The trip was one to remember. Besides the fantastic mountains and geological features we saw Brown and black bears, Bison, Elk, Mule Deer, and Moose all close up.
Our world in data:
Natural Catastrophes.
In the following two charts we explore global fatalities from natural catastrophes since 1900:
. . .
That’s two charts you won’t see at an Al Gore Climate Epiphany Revue.
The roads are melting comment was interesting. Even Here in the UK it is not that uncommon for that to happen
Temperatures are always measured in the shade but that is a false reading when things
Iike roads are often in full sun.
A couple of weeks ago it was unusually warm for us here in south west Britain half a mile from the coast at 27 degrees centigrade in the shade. I put my thermometer in the direct sun and had to remove it at 48 centigrade as the scale only went up to 50 and would have exceeded this I think.
So adding in direct hot summer sunshine to any equation will do things like melt roads or allowveggs to be fried on pavements.
I suspect a thermometer in the direct sun would be quite meaningless too. You will just blow it up. A thermometer is a device which meters surrounding air temperature by convection and only in this way, modeled and calibrated to be heated indirectly by hot air. If you heat it directly, you are directly heating and expanding the fluid but there is no model for what that means. You are not measuring the temperature of the air but observing how the fluid expands when directly heated.
This is analagous to Michael Mann’s Hockey stick where he truncated the Briffa data and presumably his own data because it went down, not up. To create the graph he wanted, he then bolted thermometer measurements onto the data. You cannot do this as you are not measuring the same thing in the same way. However he did manage to ‘hide the decline’ in tree ring temperatures, a recent decline which also makes you question the validity of all his historic tree ring data as a proxy for air temperature. I also read in Prof Plimer’s book that Mann only used one tree. As a proxy for the entire planet.
We all wait for the results of the Supreme Court of Canada and his libel action against Dr. Ball. If Mann loses, he will unwittingly have established that his hockey stick was potentially criminal deceit. The repercussions will be world wide, raising serious questions about the primary Nobel Peace prize recipient, the IPCC and all the people who built their careers, fame and fortune on Mann’s hockey stick.
The use of polymer modified binders, which raises the softening point of the asphalt to around 80°C, better grade of base materials and thicker layered roads are all extra expenses that developing countries wouldn’t waste resources on, consider here in Victoria with a depressed economy and 3 years of Labor we have the worst roads in Australia, same thing happened under Cain come to think about it.
When AlGore, Leo DiCaprio, Tim Wirth and Tim Flannery start living the way they say I should live, then I might start to take them seriously.
Perhaps there should be a show called , ” When renewables go wrong” showing the bent over transmission lines. People by candlelight in houses, dead birds sliced and diced by windmills or fried by solar panels or houses with their roof on fire because solar panels have caught alight. Then a visit to the sweatshops in China where the panels are made or the environmental damage caused where the materials are mined or the waste dump of solar panels and batteries that have past the use by date. If it’s scared imagery that is needed I’m sure there is plenty on the sceptics side that can be used equally effectively to terrorise the ignorant population.
What is ‘our’ ABC’s Michael Brissenden doing in Al Gore’s entourage?
Another Chiefio
Al Gore is “dumber than a tomato”
Al Gore missed his calling. Should have gone to Hollywood. ‘Hollywood science’, these two just don’t mix.
I believe he has several lines of evidence to indicate something is changing.
Claiming to have evidence that nothing is changing would be much more controversial.
Have you actually seen that evidence? Or should I say “evidence”?
Dave B
So have I!
I have a line of evidence that indicates that the followers of Al Gore have been highly brain-washed.
I also have a line of evidence that indicates that Al Gore will go to great lengths to avoid having any sort of debate with anybody who has a science or engineering background.
I have a developing portfolio of evidence that suggests that Al Gore will say anything, and everything, required to maintain his Messiah Complex.
OK, your turn. What are Al Gore’s lines of evidence?
The falsity of E Gourdo and his politics is as obvious as the uncritical faith of his followers. To those watermelons that bow, consider that the UNFCCC definition of “climate change” attributes ALL of it to direct and indirect human influences on land usage and atmospheric composition. This sweeping, infinitely broad non-specific unscientific political definition was simply installed by political decree.
Furthermore, you may have noticed that such human influences are ALWAYS adverse. The greening of the deserts and indeed the plant, the taming of a river and the generation of electricity, the draining of a mosquito infested swamp are benefits that are ignored, much as “climate variability” is, the UNFCCC definition for natural variation (which may well account for about all of what we see).
To those eco-acolytes that bow, scrape a chant, notice also the timing of the installation of the definition of “climate change” was 1999 / 2000. It was realised that a key tenet of the faith anthropogenic driven ‘global warming’ was falsifiable. It UNPREDICTABLY and inconveniently failed to oblige. Such things cannot be allowed to happen again.
To zero “climate change” one needs the unthinkable (but I suppose with bated breath, not the impossible), to zero out humanity on Earth. UNFCCC “climate change” lays the repellent, inhuman justification for any and all ‘justified’ interventions to theoretically stamp out prosperity and humanity without end, forever. If this final solution is considered impractical (the green elite needs serfs and useful drones after all) then a politically agreed “sustainable” level may be decided upon, then agreed by those in the “Accord”. At this juncture it would seem that war between those in the “Accord” and those who are not is a likely outcome, with the familiar theme of ‘liberty’ being the reason.
This political dogma of inhumanity was witnessed before at the hands of Marxist regimes in recent history and times – Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Kim Jong Un – always ending in grotesque subjugation, tragedy and carnage, with the promise it will never happen again. It may very well. The calculating megalomania of El Gourdo sets the stage, his polemic betrays him.
Much of the landscape of Europe, from the rolling green meadows of England to the terraces, vines of Italy and the fact that Corfu is entirely covered with olive trees come from intensive agriculture over thousands of years. Rivers have been moved, harbours built, breakwaters, aqueducts and endless canals making deserts bloom, hillsides green and replacing forests with endless acres of crops.
All bad apparently. According to the Greens, we humans have wrecked the place. Northern England should be covered with boulders, gorse and thistles as God intended, impassible and much of France and Germany in impenetrable forests with little food. As God intended.
The Greens are giving environmentalism a bad name and none as much as Al Gore as he jets around the world telling people they should not do as he does, live as he does and spend as he does. Does he really believe he is saving anyone or anything? Or is he another ultra rich opportunist who cannot believe his good luck?
Question for American friends.
In reference to the “roads melting” due to “global warming” do you call the road material asphalt or bitumen? I understand asphalt is the common term but is bitumen also understood?
Another wonderful product from fossil fuels.
David I cannot answer for our American friends but a simple explanation for your question is that Bitumen is actually the liquid binder that holds asphalt together. The term bitumen is often mistakenly used to describe asphalt.
A bitumen-sealed road has a layer of bitumen sprayed and then covered with an aggregate. This is then repeated to give a two-coat seal.
Asphalt is produced in a plant that heats, dries and mixes aggregate, bitumen and sand into a composite mix. It is then applied through a paving machine on site as a solid material at a nominated or required thickness, relative to the end use. Asphalt results in a smoother and more durable surface than a bitumen-sealed road.
Thank you, David.
I didn’t know any of that. Now, at least, I have an appreciation of the difference.
You are welcome RW. Prior to retirement I spent a lot of time playing with road surfaces here in Oz and occasionally in your part of the World. The technology can be quite complex.
Here is a newspaper article from March.
It says Victoriastan taxpayers are funding Gore to the extent of $150,000.
What’s the term they use when one animal uses another to keep it alive?
Oh. look the foreign national US Democratic Party connected Al Gore interferes in yet another Australian Election as Labor tries to prop up its failing platform for the 2018 Victorian Election.
It’s OK for the US Politically connected AL Gore to interfere in another countries politics but not for Russia to interfere in the US election by I might add outing the TRUTH about the democrats and Hillary Clinton. As a result millions of Americans went into the voting booth knowing much better just what Hillary stood for. The current nonsense is about who exposed the Democrat Party’s lies. It’s almost like the Democrats think they are entitled to deceive the public without interference. Me, frankly I’d be sending a thank you note to Putin for helping preserve US democratic integrity.
At least the US leakers, leaked the truth, Al Gore is interfering in Oz elections by deceiving us with lies, in my book his interference is much, much, worse than the US leaks because he is spruking deceptive propaganda rather than exposing the truth.
I just LOVE the look of horror on the face of the girl on Gore’s right hand side.
Fancy, someone trying to palm off a copy of Marc’s Climate Hustle to Gore.
The absolute audacity of even just expecting the “Gorical” would want to watch it!!
Sorry – left DOH
Gore is basically getting rich by showing videos of natural disasters unrelated to “global warming” (since there isn’t any) to satisfy the voyeuristic interests of his uneducated anti-science cult followers such as Julian above.
You don’t need Al Gore to tell you about weather; just ask Wikipedia. The simple rules therein are just as inaccurate; but they’re free.
vis e.g. not the eye of a cyclone.
Well the eye of a cyclone IS an area of high pressure with respect of the swirling wind pattern outside the eyewall, in meteorology it’s all relative.
At this point in time the hypothesis of anthropogenic global warming is so disproved that it is inexcusable for anyone to “believe” in it. It is therefore unforgivable to forgive anyone that continues to promote this civilisation-destroying lie and at some point such people need to be held to account.
Could well be an unsustainable practice. One might anticipate a quickly developing shortage of lamp posts and piano wire?
David Maddison –
the CAGW mob won’t be held accountable by the MSM, that’s for sure. u can get away with saying anything at all, if it fits with the CAGW narrative:
14 Jul: Adelaide Advertiser: Peter Jean: Australia’s federal and state energy ministers sign off on measures to prevent summer blackouts but not clean energy target
With the exception of a clean energy target, the meeting signed off on all of the energy security recommendations proposed by Chief Scientist Alan Finkel’s recent review…
Federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said the 49 measures agreed to be the Council of Australian Governments Energy Council would make the power grid more secure and ***cut prices.
“In record time, Australia’s energy ministers have agreed on a significant number of reforms that will help create a more affordable and secure energy system,’’ he said…
SA Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said it would be feasible for the Labor states to introduce a clean energy target without the involvement of the Federal Government or the Liberal states.
Mr Koutsantonis said the Finkel report had outlined how the target and other measures ***could drive down power prices.
“We’ve got a report sitting on our desks now saying that if you implement these measures, you’ll have lower power prices,’’ he said.
“So the question for us is: ‘how do we ignore it’? Just because Tony Abbott, (Liberal MP) Craig Kelly and (Liberal senator) Eric Abetz don’t support it, that does mean that we let Australians and South Australians ***suffer higher power prices?”…
on Macquarie Network radio news this morning, there was no “COULD” drive down power prices. Koutsantonis was reported as saying a clean energy target WOULD drive them down:
14 Jul: SA Premier’s Office: News releases – Tom Koutsantonis
States begin work on Clean Energy Target implementation
Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis moved an amendment at the Brisbane COAG to begin the work on how a CET would work and how the States could implement it.
The Commonwealth Government’s own Finkel Review recommended the implementation of a CET, finding it ***WOULD drive down power prices, increase reliability and lower carbon emissions…
Since that time, a broad range of experts, industry groups and businesses have called for a market mechanism that drives investment in new electricity generation. These groups include: ETC ETC
The CET would require retailers to purchase a certain amount of power from clean generators, such as renewables and gas, thereby incentivising new investment in the market.
At today’s COAG meeting the Federal Government supported 49 out of the 50 Finkel recommendations, but did not support the most vital recommendation – the implementation of a CET.
Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis
There is now broad support for a CET from industry, business, climate groups and State Governments – that is a very strong coalition all calling for a market mechanism like the CET to ***drive down power prices.
It is incredibly frustrating that despite the overwhelming community support for a market mechanism, the Federal Government is still resisting committing to all 50 Finkel recommendations.
Australians can’t wait any longer, which is why four Australian states and territories have today tasked the Australian Energy Market Commission to design options for a CET that could be implemented by the states.
no wonder MSM allows Gore to say anything he likes – no matter how preposterous.
ABC’s Gregg Borschmann: within 3 years’ time, ACT will be 100% powered by renewable energy.
ACT’s Barr: ACT has amongst the lowest energy prices in the country. Labor, Liberals and Greens all supported 100% renewable energy.
the entire piece gives the impression an RET will bring down energy prices.
AUDIO: 7mins59secs: ABC Breakfast: States will go it alone on Clean Energy Target: Koutsantonis
Andrew Barr, Chief Minister, Australian Capital Territory
Tom Koutsantonis, Treasurer and Energy Minister, South Australia
Josh Frydenberg, Federal Energy Minister
Lily D’Ambrosio, Energy Minister, Victoria
Mark Bailey, Energy Minister, Queensland
Changes to electricity prices in Australia July 2009 to July 2016 as estimated annual bills for electricity regulated/standing offers. (Supplied: Tariff Tracking Project) …
Canberra residents on average will be paying ~$350 more p.a. from this month bring their electricity costs back to the pack, excluding SA, with more rises likely next year.
Yeah, I’m sure the ACT residents will enjoy being done over, based on a huge ugly lie…
15 Jul: Australian: Judith Sloan: Energy poverty and the threat to Frydenberg
From this week, retail electricity prices for households will rise by between 15 per cent and 20 per cent in most of the eastern states. Retail gas prices also will rise by a slightly lower percentage. We already have seen residential power disconnections rise by 140 per cent in the past six years. We should expect many more disconnections.
For businesses, the situation is worse; they are facing even steeper rises in their power bills. For those operations that use gas directly, their annual gas bills will be two to three times higher than last year. That’s if they can secure any deal in the context of a shortage of domestic gas…
Recall that the CET stipulates a benchmark for the emissions intensity of electricity generation below which generators would receive proportional certificates according to their emissions intensity. Wind, hydro and solar photovoltaic would receive a full certificate and other generators with emissions intensity below the benchmark would receive fractions of certificates according to the gap between their emissions intensity and the benchmark…
Why has the renewable energy sector, which is known for its skills of political persuasion, otherwise known as rent-seeking, been so quiet in the past several months? (The wind “drought” that affected one of the leading wind farm operators, Infigen, has been another reason to lay low; wind, it would seem, can be even more unreliable than the company assumes.)
Mind you, the renewable energy sector has been quick to endorse the argument that policy paralysis is contributing to a lack of investment in electricity generation (although not in the renewable space, it must be said), which in turn is leading to higher prices…
It should be noted that the impact of the present suite of go-it-alone policies of the states and territories is already distorting the market, particularly by way of the reverse auctions that provide the winning renewable energy provider with secure cashflows for long periods (most of the present investment projects in renewable energy are being driven by these reverse auctions) and direct taxpayer funding for storage. Examples of the latter include the world’s biggest battery in South Australia, cost unknown, and some smaller developments in Victoria.
If this sounds like a mess, you wouldn’t be wrong. Whether some of the states could or would run with a CET underpinned by certificates is unclear. While South Australia assisted the development of its renewable energy sector by various interventions — payroll exemptions, easing planning approval processes — the reality is that most of the renewable investment in that state has been driven by the national RET and the attendant encouragement provided through renewable energy certificates.
The bottom line is that energy policy in this country has reached the point of catastrophe…
the Godfather speaks…at length.
Obama bad, Paris useless, but Trump worse. shills for nuclear as always:
12 Jul: NY Mag: ‘The Planet Could Become Ungovernable’: Climate Scientist James Hansen on Obama’s Environmental Record, Scientific Reticence, and His Climate Lawsuit Against the Federal Government
By David Wallace-Wells
This week, to accompany our cover story on worst-case climate scenarios, we’re publishing a series of extended interviews with climatologists on the subject — most of them from the “godfather generation” of scientists who first raised the alarm about global warming several decades ago.
James Hansen is the former head of climate research for NASA, the author of the legendary early “zero model” for climate change, and is now the lead scientific figure in a lawsuit being brought against the federal government alleging complicity on climate change, which Hansen and his fellow litigants argue is a violation of the equal protection clause — since the costs of change will fall unequally on future generations…
Q: It seems like a lot of your advocacy over the last few years has been focused on focusing our attention on the future financial costs of not doing anything — on meeting that financial argument head-on.
A: Well, the tragic thing is that the solution actually doesn’t cost anything, if you do it sensibly. What the economic studies show — the Citizens Climate Lobby supported it — a carbon price going up ten dollars a ton each year reduces emissions 30 percent in ten years.
If you made the price of fossil fuels honest by including a gradually rising carbon fee, then it actually spurs the economy and increases the GNP as you shift toward clean energies and energy efficiency. It creates potentially millions of jobs. But you can’t get either political party to propose that…
Q: Food production seems a real worry.
A: Population is a problem. That’s why you want to have energy that’s needed for people to eliminate poverty, because countries that have become wealthy have the population under control. But if you do begin to lose major cities than the planet becomes ungovernable…
Q: And are you encouraged by the news out of India and China?
A: Yeah, although it’s misstated by the environmental community as if they’re solving the problem. They’re not closing their coal plants, and as I mentioned globally the rate of greenhouse-gas growth is actually accelerating. So you do have to have some carbon-free alternative energies to complement the renewables. I don’t know of any alternatives — you have hydropower, for a certain amount, in certain countries, but I think we should have been working with China to develop safe nuclear power. That’s the only way that they will get rapidly off of coal…
The more of this climate alarmist stuff I read, the funnier it gets…..seriously, their imaginations are impressive….
Some of them should be in the film industry….oh wait….
what would MSM write about if they didn’t have CAGW…and Russia?
14 Jul: NY Mag: The Uninhabitable Earth, Annotated Edition
The facts, research, and science behind the climate-change article that explored our planet’s worst-case scenarios.
By David Wallace-Wells
We published “The Uninhabitable Earth” on Sunday night, and the response since has been extraordinary — both in volume (it is already the most-read article in New York Magazine’s history) and in kind. Within hours, the article spawned a fleet of commentary across newspapers, magazines, blogs, and Twitter, much of which came from climate scientists and the journalists who cover them.
Some of this conversation has been about the factual basis for various claims that appear in the article. To address those questions, and to give all readers more context for how the article was reported and what further reading is available, we are publishing here a version of the article filled with research annotations. They include quotations from scientists I spoke with throughout the reporting process; citations to scientific papers, articles, and books I drew from; additional research provided by my colleague Julia Mead; and context surrounding some of the more contested claims. Since the article was published, we have made four corrections and adjustments, which are noted in the annotations (as well as at the end of the original version). They are all minor, and none affects the central project of the story: to apply the best science we have today to the median and high-end “business-as-usual” warming projections produced by the U.N.’s “gold standard” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…
The science says climate change threatens nearly every aspect of human life on this planet, and that inaction will hasten the problems. In that context, I don’t think it’s a slur to call an article, or its writer, alarmist. I’ll accept that characterization. We should be alarmed…READ ON
The Economist is full of it:
13 Jul: The Economist Editorial: A green red herring
Better to target zero emissions than 100% renewable energy
The goal, after all, is to curb global warming, not favour particular technologies
NOT that long ago, the world wondered whether clean energy could survive without lavish government support. Now the question is how far it can spread. The number of electric vehicles, which breached 1m in 2015, last year reached 2m; countries like France and firms like Volvo are looking ahead to the demise of the internal combustion engine. In electricity generation, too, momentum is with the greens. In June the Chinese province of Qinghai ran for seven consecutive days on renewable energy alone; in the first half of this year wind, solar and hydro generated a record 35% of Germany’s power.
Greater success is breeding greater ambition. California is proposing to reach 60% renewable energy by 2030; 176 countries have clean-energy goals. Hawaii, America’s most oil-dependent state, has pledged to be 100% renewable by the middle of the century. So have 48 poor countries vulnerable to climate change. This week the number of multinationals making a commitment to running their operations on 100% renewable energy rose to 100.
Even if such targets are never met, they galvanise effort…
But not every target is helpful. To see why, consider that goal of 100% renewable energy. It makes solving climate change seem deceptively easy. In fact, though wind and solar can generate all a country’s electricity on some days, renewables still account for less than 8% of the world’s total power output. Moreover, cleaning up electricity is only part of the battle. Even though gas-fired heating and cooking can be at least as big a source of greenhouse-gas emissions, renewable heating gets minuscule attention. Transport policy is erratic, too. Carmakers may hit their goal of annual sales of 10m electric vehicles in a decade, but battery-powered road haulage, shipping and aviation are dreams. A much-quoted claim that America could rely on wind, solar and hydro alone for its electricity has recently been witheringly criticised by a group of respected academics (see article LINK)…
subscription or registration required:
13 Jul: At what cost?
Can the world thrive on 100% renewable energy?
A transition away from fossil fuels is necessary, but it will not be painless
13 Jul: The Economist: Climate change and inequality
The rich pollute, the poor suffer
of course the poor suffer from CAGW policies. for a start, they can’t afford to pay their electricity bills.
WWF is full of it:
13 Jul: UK Independent: Ian Johnston: National Grid slammed after energy report fails to consider Paris Agreement climate change target
‘The UK can’t possibly be left answering ‘two degrees’ to a question about how we plan to … tackle climate change,’ says WWF
Gareth Redmond-King, head of climate and energy policy at WWF, said: “[The] assessment by the National Grid is disappointing and shows that the UK needs a better and more ambitious plan for how we meet increased energy demand whilst cutting emissions…
“It just fails to set the level of ambition necessary to deliver what we signed up to under the Paris Agreement – the answer needs to be 1.5 degrees.”…
“We need their commitment to support and grow low-carbon industries and solutions – particularly in the building and transport sectors where emissions are rising, not falling, and we need this quickly…
The report, called Future Energy Scenarios (LINK), said under its ‘Two Degrees’ scenario “increased investment ensures the delivery of high levels of low carbon energy” and “consumers make conscious choices to be greener and can afford technology to support it”…
“We see the highest economic growth of all the scenarios. There is a collective ambition to decarbonise the economy…
Under the business-as-usual scenario, the focus is on “ensuring security of supply at a low cost for consumers”…
“The emphasis remains on ensuring security of supply at the lowest cost. Consumers are very cost conscious and try to limit their spending and reduce their bills.
***“They have no desire to move to a low-carbon world. Innovation continues as it does today. Businesses and consumers take a low risk, short-term value approach.”…
***the vast majority will take business-as-usual, thank you.
NYT is full of it:
13 Jul: NYT Magazine: Arks of the Apocalypse
All around the world, scientists are building repositories of everything from seeds to ice to mammal milk — racing to preserve a natural order that is fast disappearing.
(Malia Wollan is the Tip columnist for the magazine. Her last article was about the quest to make a naturally blue M&M)
It was a freakishly warm evening last October when a maintenance worker first discovered the water — torrents of it, rushing into the entrance tunnel of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a storage facility dug some 400 feet into the side of a mountain on a Norwegian island near the North Pole. A storm was dumping rain at a time of year when the temperature was usually well below freezing; because the water had short-circuited the electrical system, the electric pumps on site were useless…
A few Norwegian radio stations and newspapers reported the incident at the time, but it received little international attention until May, when it was becoming clear that President Trump was likely to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement. Suddenly the tidings from Svalbard were everywhere, in multiple languages, with headlines like “World’s ‘Doomsday’ Seed Vault Has Been Breached by Climate Change.” It didn’t matter that the flood happened seven months earlier, or that the seeds remained safe and dry. We had just lived through the third consecutive year of the highest global temperatures on record and the lowest levels of Arctic ice; vast swaths of permafrost were melting; scientists had recently announced that some 60 percent of primate species were threatened with extinction. All these facts felt like signposts to an increasingly hopeless future for the planet. And now, here was a minifable suggesting that our attempts to preserve even mere traces of the bounty around us might fall apart, too…
A growing consensus among scientists holds that we now live in the Anthropocene, an epoch defined by humanity’s impact on planetary ecosystems. We are responsible for the current die-off of species, not some asteroid or volcanic eruption. The changes go far beyond animal disappearance: We’ve altered the composition of the atmosphere, shifted the chemistry of the oceans. In mere decades we’ve managed to distort a biological, chemical and physical reality that was ***relatively constant for millenniums…
But the world, ***as always, is changing — and now we’re fomenting and accelerating that process in ways we don’t fully understand…
13 Jul: NYT: Lisa Friedman: Climate-Altering Gases Spiked in 2016, Federal Scientists Report
Unlike most news releases accompanying the index during the Obama administration, NOAA’s announcement this year does not directly link human activity to emissions.
“The role of greenhouse gases on influencing global temperatures is well understood by scientists, but it’s a complicated topic that can be difficult to communicate,” NOAA officials said in releasing the index…
That is a notable shift from last year’s release, in which NOAA declared that “human activity has increased the direct warming effect of carbon dioxide.” In 2014 the agency, which is housed in the Commerce Department, said “the warming influence from human-emitted gases continues to increase.”
The current announcement calls greenhouse gases “long-lived.” It acknowledges those emissions influence the climate, but sidesteps the scientific consensus that humans are primarily responsible for them.
Theo Stein, a NOAA spokesman, acknowledged in an email that phrasing about humans causing greenhouse gas emissions did not make it into the announcement but noted a second news release that was published on the website of the agency’s office of oceanic and atmospheric research that lists “climate change indicators.”…
NOAA, however, continues to maintain social media accounts devoted to climate change and its website on Thursday says “U.S. saw second warmest year to date on record and warmer-than-average June.” The greenhouse gas index says the growth in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution is “mainly the result of human activity.”…
Neither Mr. Montzka nor Jim Butler, director of NOAA’s global monitoring division, would discuss the agency’s decision not to highlight human activity as the main driver of greenhouse gases. But they said the report itself stated specifically that carbon dioxide emissions were overwhelmingly generated by humans.
Mr. Butler said that the 40 percent growth in atmospheric greenhouse gases since 1990 was a noteworthy sign of human impact on the climate.
“If you start at 1750, most of the increase is due to human activity,” Mr. Butler said. “What this means is 40 percent of what has been emitted since 1750 has happened since 1990.”
13 Jul: ClimateCentral: Brian Kahn: Greenhouse Gases Are Rapidly Changing the Atmosphere
On Tuesday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released its annual index of 20 key greenhouse gases. It shows that their direct influence on the climate has risen 140 percent since 1750, with 40 percent of that rise coming in just the past 26 years. That increase is almost entirely due to human activities and has caused the planet to warm 1.8°F (1°C) above pre-industrial temperatures…
Michael Mann, a Penn State climate researcher, said the change in the amount of energy being trapped by all the extra greenhouse gases is roughly the equivalent of adding a Christmas tree light to every square yard around the world since 1982.
“(It) might seem small but it’s not. That alone is enough to raise Earth’s temperature by roughly 1.5°F,” he said in an email…
Jo, you forgot something, you know Trump is taking heat on foreign governments interfering in the US presidential election and it’s such a scandal. Al interfered DIRECTLY in an Australian election actually appearing with Clive Palmer! That delivered the guarantee mechanism ( Tony Abbott’s hidden carbon tax) and prevented the repeal of the RET. Al ACTUALLY changed the political balance which was a gross interference with our electoral process.
You should write a out that!
Sometimes I wish the US democrats would practise what they preach but as usual hypocrisy is strong with that lot!
During the visit to Australia he met with Clive Palmer at least twice and he also met with Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull.
Around that area
Remember the PM who proudly announced an extension to the Snowy Mountains Hydro electricity system? And who supported the closure of Hazlewood Power Station in Victoria, and rejected a suggestion from Tony Abbott MP that the federal government buy Hazlewood and keep it in operation?
The Weekend Australian
Malcolm Turnbull defends coal-powered electricity, saying those who think the resource doesn’t have a future are ‘delusional’.
He has more positions than a Yoga instructor.
In 1994, I spent a year in Washington DC living down the road from the vice-president’s compound at the Naval Observatory.
One of my American nephews was in the same class as Al Gore’s son – at the exclusive St. Albans school where tiny kids get serious interviews before being accepted. My nephew got invited a few times to do homework with Gore’s son at the VP’s residence which was a short distance away from his home. The only thing that really impressed this boy was the vast number of crates of soft drinks in the basement of the building – where the security people hung out.
I guess the physical shape of Al Gore – despite the expensive tailored suits – gives away the fact that is he a glutton for sugary drinks.
13 Jul: Edie.net: Tom Grimwood: Rise of EVs could add 18GW to peak demand by 2050
The growth of electric vehicles (EVs) could add up to 18GW – or 30 per cent – to peak power demand by 2050, National Grid has predicted in its latest Future Energy Scenarios report.
The 18GW increase occurs under the “consumer power” scenario that envisions a world in which there is high prosperity but consumers have little inclination to become environmentally friendly…
13 Jul: Daily Mail: Britain needs to build the equivalent of FIVE extra Hinkley Point nuclear reactors in order to power electric cars, National Grid warns
By Daily Mail Reporter
The projected bill for the new Hinkley Point C power station has hit almost £20billion and it is not expected to be completed until at least 2025…
14 Jul: RenewEconomy: Craig Morris: What people just don’t get about electric vehicles
German parliamentary elections are coming up this fall, and the German Green Party has adopted a plan for 100 per cent electric vehicles by 2030 for new car sales. But one leader of the party remains skeptical. His criticism showed that we have to get our heads around how fundamentally different electric cars will be.
Winfried Kretschmann is the Minister-President of the German state of Baden-Württemberg, home to Mercedes and Porsche. As such, Kretschmann is one of the most powerful politicians in the Green Party. But his stance on the automotive sector is not in line with the party’s, as recent comments he made privately to a party colleague (video in German, apparently covertly recorded) at the party’s convention reveal:..ETC
The Greens are currently ***struggling to stay above 5% of the vote in order to be eligible for seats in Parliament; parties that get fewer votes are not eligible for party representation. So Kretschmann is warning his party colleagues not to take such a “radical” (his word) position, lest voters be scared off…
But there’s a problem with his analysis: electric vehicles will not need filling stations, at least not the ones we have today. Fast charging is possible within 20 minutes, but it shortens the battery’s lifetime. So you will want to charge where your car stands for hours. People will want to charge quickly when they need to drive farther than the car’s range (so on highways), but the rest of time you will want to charge your car wherever you park it. Filling stations will die.
People will charge their cars at home, where possible, overnight. Otherwise, they will want to charge wherever they park: on the streets in front of their city apartments, in the parking lot at work, and in parking lots wherever they go shopping. It’s convenient to charge your car for 30 or 60 minutes while you buy groceries; your car is going to be there anyway…
We currently think of charging electric cars as an inconvenience, but in the future we will park somewhere and PLUG-IN IN MERE SECONDS. People will look back on making an extra trip to a filling station as a major inconvenience…
***Greens struggling to get 5% of the vote in Germany; got only 1.6% in the British election, and 1.07% in US presidential election, while in Australia we’re told they have 10% of the vote in the latest polls!
how many Australians would know how poorly the Greens vote elsewhere?
“Greens struggling to get 5% of the vote in Germany; got only 1.6% in the British election, and 1.07% in US presidential election, while in Australia we’re told they have 10% of the vote in the latest polls!”
It’s because of the ranked-choice voting system.
more like a film for BBC’s “HACKS”. what an absolute disgrace.
(funding from Danone: Danone is a French multinational food-products corporation based in Paris. It has four business lines: Fresh Dairy products, Waters, Early Life Nutrition and Medical Nutrition – Wikipedia)
VIDEO: 3mins33secs: 14 Jul: BBC: Cutting flatulence to save the planet
Emissions – belches and farts – from cows’ digestive systems have a big impact on global warming. This Kenyan farm is doing something about it.
A film by Richard Kenny for BBC World Hacks
14 Jul: EnergyTransition: EU climate laws undermined by Polish and Czech revolt, documents reveal
by Energiewende Team
East European EU states are mounting a behind-the-scenes revolt against the Paris Agreement, blocking key measures needed to deliver the pledge that they signed up to 18 months ago. Poland and the Czech Republic led the charge, Arthur Nelsen of Climate Home explains…
But documents seen by Climate Home show that Visegrad countries are trying to gut, block or water down all of these efforts, in a rearguard manoeuvre that mirrors president Donald Trump’s rollback of climate policy in Washington…
The effect this could have on the EU’s overall emissions has raised concerns among those in Brussels who wish to see the EU maintain its leadership on climate.
“We cannot allow backward-looking east EU states to destroy the EU’s credibility on the Paris agreement,” said Claude Turmes, the European parliament’s lead negotiator on climate governance.
“A successful and ambitious energy transition is one of the few remaining positive stories for Europe. If we allow that to be drained by vested old interests from east Europe, our international credibility – and the last remaining trust of our citizens – will be smashed,” said Turmes…
Existing loopholes in the EU’s energy efficiency law already cut the real 1.5% annual energy saving law to around 0.75%. But the Czech proposal, seen by Climate Home and largely accepted by the Maltese EU presidency, would slice off an estimated 0.4% in real savings by trimming the target itself and introducing loopholes…
An article ensuring at least one electric vehicle charging point for every 10 public parking spaces has also disappeared from the commission’s proposed text.
“It is clear that the east European countries are only thinking of cheap energy and nothing else,” one informed source said. “That applies to Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, all of them. The problem is that Germany is not taking a leadership role.”…
Documents released by Greenpeace Energydesk on Sunday show the UK government has also been lobbying to weaken the energy efficiency target, despite its intention to leave the EU…
Another opinion
” Roger Knights
July 14, 2017 at 11:19 pm
“I have had the task of trying to arrange a climate debate between both sides and I have to say that of the dozens on the global warming side that I contacted, all ran a mile.”
I’ll re-use a comment I made about Gore’s similar evasion: “He ducks like a quack.” ”
I first made that comment several years ago on WUWT.
Seems to me that when Climate Hustle has finished its Australian tour we may have a discussion about it on Jonova.
I’ve just attended the Brisbane showing. There was time at the end for questions in the foyer. I ignored the star of the show and talked to Craig instead, which was interesting.
Did anyone else here go to the New Farm event?
How can anyone speak against Al Gore? He’s the Nongawuse of the modern era!
Oh, that’s how. And why.
Incredible story. Never read it before. A prophetess. In Australia, blow up all the coal power stations and we will be saved. Clearly Weatherill has heard the story. There is no other explanation.
Did you say he’s a Nong and a Wus ?
14 Jul: DailyCaller: Chris White: Black Activists Call Out Al Gore For Comparing Climate Change To Slavery
Horace Cooper, a former assistant law professor at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, criticized Gore for appropriating the moral fight to end slavery to lend credibility to the push against global warming.
“When Al Gore, Jr. associates these moral movements of history with one grounded in questionable data, he gives climate change activists unearned moral credibility they haven’t earned and don’t deserve,” Cooper wrote in a press statement (LINK) Friday…
Cooper is the co-chairman of Project 21, an initiative within the Conservative Black Leadership…READ ALL
14 Jul: NY Post: Jonah Goldberg: Climate-change fearmongering has turned totally unhinged
Maley’s article (read it all) is astonishing, given the CAGW mob has repeatedly suggested we will all die if we don’t do what they want immediately:
Really? There’s plenty of evidence that says he’s right, including this:
‘Two hundred people, most of them elderly, will die in Britain of cold-related diseases every day this winter, according to calculations by Britain’s leading advocacy group for old people, Age UK…
The charity’s figure of 200 deaths a day follows sharp price hikes by energy companies, credited with driving inflation to its highest level in 20 years. At the same time, a report by Britain’s leading academic expert on poverty and inequality, Professor John Hills of the London School of Economics, found a deepening “fuel poverty gap”.’…
His G20 remarks weren’t widely covered at the time, but French president Emmanuel Macron apparently believes we can defeat Islamic terrorism with a carbon tax.
Seriously…READ ON
comment has gone into moderation.
14 Jul: Vox: Game of Thrones is secretly all about climate change
Summer is coming.
Updated by Christophe Haubursin and Zack Beauchamp
15 Jul: CleanTechnica: James Ayre: European Public Is Nearly As Misinformed About Climate Change As US Public Is, Research Finds
A recent opinion poll of 10,000 European Union citizens on the subject of climate change has revealed a number of interesting things…
The new poll, which is published in Frontiers in Marine Science, is according to those behind it the “first in-depth study looking at public engagement with marine climate change issues across 10 European countries.”
As noted by paper co-author Professor Carlos Duarte, the Director of the Red Sea Research Center in Saudi Arabia, “a surprising number are poorly informed, and even misinformed revealing a major failure at communicating climate change science to the public.”
Something that’s particularly interesting here is that apparently 26% of the poll respondents think that the Arctic Ocean has already in recent years experienced complete summer sea-ice loss.
So, those who are expecting that an “ice-free” Arctic Ocean during the summer is going to be some kind of wakeup event for humanity might be quite mistaken.
Something that’s particularly interesting here is that apparently 26% of the poll respondents think that the Arctic Ocean has already in recent years experienced complete summer sea-ice loss.
So, those who are expecting that an “ice-free” Arctic Ocean during the summer is going to be some kind of wakeup event for humanity might be quite mistaken.
“This is hugely disturbing because if these changes have already occurred in their minds, what incentive do these citizens have to demand action to prevent such changes?” Duarte continued.
Interestingly, the poll showed clearly that awareness and concern increased amongst populations closer to the sea, and also with age, and also that it is higher amongst Southern Europeans than amongst Northern Europeans.
The press release (LINK) provides more: “54% of European citizens believe that humans play only a partial role or no role in climate change. … The European public perceive ocean pollution as the most severe human impact on the ocean, however they are not well informed on ocean acidification caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Melting sea ice, coastal flooding, sea level rise, and extreme weather events were also of concern. Interestingly, nations that have already been coping with problems, such as the Dutch with sea level rise and the Norwegians with sea-ice loss, are the least concerned with the impacts of climate change. Citizens declared very little trust in government institutions and their scientists and have the most trust in scientists employed by universities.”…
Despite what some may now be thinking, once mass famines, mass migrations, and rapid sea level rise pulses begin, they will be no more controllable than they have been at any earlier points in time … and yet people seem to be content to sleepwalk into the coming problems, as the poll discussed above shows.
[…] the CFACT team in Melbourne is widely respected science blogger Joanne Nova. She wrote a powerful article about Gore’s speech in which she […]
Global warming fraud for the brainless masses to consume!!!!!
“Gore refused to take it. Possibly, he’s not that interested in climate change”
I just don’t think he would be able to understand it.
Four days of this Ecofest and I haven’t turned off the central heating once, and I will bet neither have they.
“full transcript thanks to Tony Thomas…….who must be a whizz at live-shorthand”
Not for nothing is Tony Thomas’s book “That’s Debatable” subtitled “60 years in print”. He was working BC (before computers) and as a cub reporter had to learn things the hard way!
Just check para 2 of the transcript of Gore’s lecture – “…all this extra water vapour”. Why oh why aren’t we realists doing a reality check on this absolutely critical feedback component of all the GCMs?
I believe that I read a short piece on Icecap a couple of years ago about a satellite that measures water vapour concentration & produces a value in mm of water at 1000’s of global sites where this is the height of the column of liquid water (base 1 sq cm??) that would be produced if the vapour condensed.
As I recall, there was no indication that there has been any significant change in 25 years or more.
In other words – rain (!!) – Nature’s perfect -ve feedback mechanism.
Then of course there’s clouds – which can’t be modelled.
Just sayin….
“I believe that I read a short piece on Icecap a couple of years ago about a satellite that measures water vapour concentration & produces a value in mm of water at 1000′s of global sites where this is the height of the column of liquid water (base 1 sq cm??) that would be produced if the vapour condensed.”
I think you are confusing WV with total ‘precipitable airborne water’, a totally different concept! Clouds are water condensate, much more dense that WV (the gas form), yet still suspended aloft, still containing gobs of latent heat (up to 2.3 kJ/gram) always carried outward, never to return inward! This compares with gaseous CO2@50° delta C (of 0.042kJ/gram) sensible heat carried outward.
Total average ‘precipitable airborne water’ varies from 0.5 g/cm² (0.5 cm depth) at the poles (dry poles) to 5.5g/cm² (5.5 cm depth) in the tropics (wet tropics). Annual average is calculated\modeled as 12 cm at the poles to 200 cm tropics. But is measured at at 88.4 cm in Milwaukee of precipitation, with a yearly average snowfall of 133 cm.
“As I recall, there was no indication that there has been any significant change in 25 years or more. In other words – rain (!!) – Nature’s perfect -ve feedback mechanism. Then of course there’s clouds – which can’t be modeled.”
All can be modeled to the extent of “min\max vs latitude” and “average vs latitude (if that has any meaning whatsoever). Any group of aeronautical engineers could\would do it. They design aircraft to survive that crap! It is your Meteorology professors and fake “Climate Scientists”, that use ‘fantasy rather than science’, for predictions of gloom and doom!
All the best! -will-
Precipitable water is only the water that does measurably precipitate (reach the surface for recycling). The actual airborne water in all 5 phases has never been measured but is the major mass constituent of Earth’s atmosphere! This non-precipitating water produces most of the transfer of heat outward. Such merely cycles between low density colloid sun-wise to high density colloid night-wise. This action is nowhere considered in any model used by the Climate Clowns!
All the best!-will-
Ahem, that 50 million square kilometers of land on Earth should be 150 million. Fixed!~
so only 45^6 km² to grow crops… When will that become a problem for the land critters and varmints?
h/t Drew Curtis:
What’s the difference between a porcupine and a BMW?
The porcupine has all the pricks on the outside.
This article clearly shows that Al Gore has much less knowledge of Earth’s workings; than the very youngest zentral AU natives!
How do you get a word in edgewise with so many Antarctic icebergs hanging about?
[…] Every year there is a long list of disasters somewhere (aka weather-porn items for Al Gore […]
This description of Al Gore’s latest performance reminds me of the scene in Cape Fear when the character played by DeNiro is ranting away in the middle of the river with his chin just above the water line just before going under for good.