Front page scandal today in Australia: BoM opens cold case on temperature data
Amazing, the power of the media. Suddenly, the Bureau of Meteorology needs to replace equipment and answer questions and set up an internal inquiry. But they’ve had weeks of warning. Lance Pidgeon and Jennifer Marohasy have been watching the automatic weather stations record very cold temperatures, and then astonished when those same readings either got entered into our national raw database as warmer, or simply disappeared. The BOM apparently has a filter set so that super cold temperatures need to be manually checked. Yet the filter is set so high, in Thredbo’s case, nearly five whole degrees warmer than temperatures already recorded.
Wow. Just wow. What does raw data mean anymore?
The lack of respect for real observations is profoundly unscientific. How much does the BOM even care about understanding our climate if they are so flagrantly uninterested in the data? As I have said, the Bureau of Meteorology behaves more like PR agency than an institute of science. Based on past practice their internal inquiry will find excuses, not answer the questions, and will not fix appalling methodology. The BOM needs a full external audit (what are they so afraid of?). The BOM admits temperature adjustments are secret and thus completely unscientific. If we had a team to audit the dataset, as we requested in 2011, or to replicate the data as I requested in Sept 2014, this erasure of cold temperatures would have been fixed by now. How much data has been lost forever?
The Bureau of Meteorology Budget was 365.3 million in 2015-16. The Australian climate is a national crisis, but the Bureau won’t publish it’s methods in full, aren’t doing basic quality control checks, and can’t employ even one person to answer questions about its secret methods?
On July 5th I asked many questions, and now nearly a month later, we still have no answers:
… this opens a whole can of worms in so many ways — what are these “limits”, do they apply equally to the high side records, who set them, how long has this being going on, and where are they published? Are the limits on the high temperatures set this close to previously recorded temperatures? How many times have raw records been automatically truncated?
Jennifer Marohasy points out that these stations are used to homogenize other stations which are supposed the best stations used in the ACORN dataset. So when the BOM protest that they are not manipulating the data, it’s obvious that they are.
Graham Lloyd, The Australian
The Bureau of Meteorology has ordered a full review of temperature recording equipment and procedures after the peak weather agency was caught tampering with cold winter temperature logs in at least two locations.
Bush meteorologist Lance Pidgeon blew the whistle on the missing data after watching the minus 10.4C Goulburn recording from July 2 disappear from the bureau’s website. “The temperature dropped to minus 10.4, stayed there for some time and then it changed to minus 10 and then it disappeared,” Mr Pidgeon said.
He relayed his concerns to scientist Jennifer Marohasy, who has queried the bureau’s treatment of historical temperature data. After questions were asked, the bureau restored the original recording of minus 10.4C to its website. A bureau spokeswoman said the low recording had been checked for “quality assurance” before being posted.
The bureau said limits were set on how low temperatures could go at some stations before a manual check was needed to confirm them. “The bureau’s quality control system, designed to filter out spurious low or high values was set at minus 10 minimum for Goulburn which is why the record automatically adjusted,” a bureau spokeswoman said.
A similar failure had deleted a reading of minus 10.4 at Thredbo Top on July 16 even though temperatures at that station had been recorded as low as minus 14.7 in the past. That temperature was still blank on the bureau’s website yesterday.
The bureau did not respond to questions about how widely the quality control system had been applied and at what upper temperature the cut-off had been set.
Dr Marohasy has evidence of the initial minus 10.4C recording at Thredbo before it was deleted for quality assurance.
“This either reflects an extraordinary incompetence, or a determination to prevent evidence of low temperatures,” Dr Marohasy said.
Would the BOM be doing anything if The Australian was not being so dedicated and critical?
Where is the ABC or Fairfax? Do they care about the climate?
The Australian has an editorial position on this also: Bureau clouds weather debate
That adjustment process, known as homogenisation, has got the bureau in trouble in the past. Again, the issue has been one of transparency. The bureau has made a series of changes to historical records across the country. It says it does so to adjust for the movement of a weather station site, changes to surrounding vegetation or results that look wrong when compared with nearby sites. Such homogenisation is not unique to Australia but the bureau sometimes fails to convince when asked to explain the specific local adjustments it has made, especially if these bolster a warming trend. The same goes for any practices that discount cold temperatures.
The official record must be accurate and trusted. Otherwise, claims of historic extremes — the hottest winter day! — only mislead and public policy gets corrupted. Even if the bureau does have all the answers, it needs to do a better job of taking the public — sceptics included — into its confidence.
Background Information:
Jennifer Marohasy has been laying out the evidence on her blog:
Bureau Erases Goulburn Record Minimum Temperature: Set Sunday 2 July 2017
Bureau Now Sets Strict Limits on Cooling
Bureau Still Limiting Cooling to Minus 10 Degrees
Bureau Misleads Minister Frydenberg on Goulburn
My last on this: On Sunday, Goulburn got colder than the BOM thought was possible (and a raw data record was “adjusted”).
The Australian:
BoM opens cold case on temperature data
Watch BOM and everyone else go into maximum damage control. Who to blame and how to work this into a climate catastrophe regardless?
No worries there, they will blame the equipment. Nothing here, move on!
The trouble with all this is that weather prediction has become a revenue stream in itself, so the Green Blob can fundraise and lobby off the dire predictions. The BOM forecast a drier and hotter spring last year in the Murray Darling Basin. They did this in mid-August. So the MDBA started stockpiling water in the Hume Dam, instead of releasing it. Then we got the wettest spring on record on the Border. Cue flooding and angry farmers, and calls for enquiries into the MDBA’s “management”. Nobody was calling for the BOM to be carpeted over its useless and highly deceptive forecasting. I see this year they are at it again – predicting “warmest on record” etc – and the MDBA posted it immediately on FB, I’m guessing so they can cover themselves when they get yelled at again.
They blamed the weather observers, the ones whose job it was to keep the quality high, they have been left to dry while the network flounders.
BOM stands for Bureau of Mythology.
This is the inevitable outcome when people throw out work ethics and replace them with personal ideology, no matter what endeavour is undertaken cutting corners or fabricating results will only demean the craft that’s interwoven into a proven system of skill sets eventually nullifying any undertakings as worthless.
Agree with most of your good comments Yonnie.
But I think in the case of taxpayer owned climate data, this is worse than useless it is destruction of public property just as if you were to destroy government cars, buildings, etc. Sadly while as awful as it would be, cars, buildings, etc. could be replaced. But destroyed data are gone forever. This is more like burning irreplaceable books, papers, pictures, etc. that the taxpayers bought and own.
Climate data irreparably altered are worse than useless.
Doubtless, the BOM consider that the end justifies the means?
It helps one to identify where the potential conspiracy to deny science truly lies.
Oh the grand irony of, “Recursive fury: Conspiracist ideation in the blogosphere in response to research on conspiracist ideation” Lewandowsky et al. (2013)
courtesy of the “academic” freedom of U. Western Australia.
Delightful to see Delingpole: Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Caught Erasing Record Low Temperatures also airing this corruption of the scientific method vigorously at Breitbart.
This is becoming a common theme when it comes to the Left:
Fahrenheit 451?
Celsius 232
Both wrong. The temperature was not recorded as it fell outside the accepted range.
The ignition temperature of ‘soft paper’ at STP is very well measured with tolerance of well less than 1° in both cases.
Michael Moore is that thick he doesn’t see it coming from his side.
I used to think Michael Moore was a decent fellow in the sense that he stood on principle. He was always coming from the perspective of the downtrodden such as those in his home town of Flint, Michigan. He backed Bernie Sanders (of course) until he got knocked out by Hillary Clinton, and then switched to supporting her.
You couldn’t find a candidate more opposed to the supposed principles Michael originally supported. Here was someone saying one thing to the stupid electorate, while confiding it was all BS to the Wall Street insiders, took money from foreign governments such as the Saudis … it goes on, the list is long. Michael Moore became a total sell out. He ended up preaching the “virtues” of HRC to his home crowd. Joseph Paul Watson does an entertaining video or two on the subject on Youtube… slight language warning
Trey Gowdy Votes To Appoint A Second Special Counsel To Investigate James Comey And Hillary Clinton.If this does happen,it will be a game changer.
“it will be a game changer.”
The game changer will be the appointment of R. Gliuliani as special ‘prosecutor’ for all ‘criminal’ activities of obummer, Bill\Hillary, and the DNC!
To elaborate: All criminal has been investigated to hell in a hand-basket. What is needed now are indictments, convections, and executions. All under current US Law.
Presumably it’s an ever ‘evolving’ mission as each Leftist generation retrospectively reinterprets the past and ‘purges’ whatever the present version of identity politics and Cultural Marxism demands. They ‘purged’ the Gollywogs we used to get with Robertsons Jam as kids, they purged Enid Blyton,and labelled Capt. WE Johns. The list is endless. And in spite of all their ideologically driven, wanton and meaningless destruction they are failing as badly as their political counterparts do in calling them out for what they are. Frauds.
Nothing good comes of book burning…..
Heinrich Heine — ‘Where they have burned books, they will end in burning humans’
Babelplatz, WW2….
@bemused … I can see the headlines now,
THIS JUST IN: “Catastrophic Global Warming found to cause quickening onset dementia rates in BOM scientists and statisticians. Warming proved greater than expected, much more harmful than previously prognosticated. Bureau budget increases necessary to treat these heat related health issues. Internal investigation established to assess the level of safe work related heat increases at BOM facilites, even more reason to keep warming this century below 2 degrees Celsius.” – ABC Exclusive!
Five simple solutions to this problem:
1) Inter-department emails sequestered and investigated to identify conscious motive.
2) Prosecution of those taking part in ideological driven scientific data process (RICO and racketeering).
3) Heads of BOM held accountable for their staff, relieved of duty, investigated.
4) BOM budget linked to an annual outcomes based rating, including negative outcomes ratings for data collection irregularities.
5) Annual BOM wage or salary increases linked to said outcomes based rating.
… but, like Germany and the UK, we don’t have a conservative party anymore, so I guess that’s all about as likely to occur as the catastrophic global warming thermageddon is.
Bring on the next solar minimum caused little ice age! I’m ready for it. It will be uncomfortable and bad for human civilization on Earth (as per last time), but this den of commie free market capital hating vipers is so entrenched we need some prolonged colder weather to put them in hibernation long enough to eliminate these vipers dens.
These people are fifth columnists attacking a working society from within.
God bless Jennifer Marohasy and Lance Pidgeon; Fighting the good fight against super crooks.
So what’s the business about half a degree? Only the entire man made Global Warming argument in the 20th century.
Removing 0.5 degrees from a minimum moves everything up 0.5 degrees and who would think to check the minima? It’s almost as if this was another Baldric cunning plan to fudge all the data upwards by changing the minima. Who would check? Many thanks to those involved.
As for Australian data, as we are so significant both currently and historically in setting the temperatures for 1/3 of the planet, it really matters. There must be enormous pressure from the Northern Hemisphere to keep the temperatures going up, by any means possible. At present 0.001C matters in keeping Global Warming going.
(At the same time, the refusal to include the Federation drought data prior to 1909 means there is no balance. That data exists. Has always existed and after Federation, it was assumed the new BOM would include it. No.)
In passing, in the same Australian, on the left of the Morohasy story continuation, a series of ‘scientists say’ stories about how we are all going to boil and ends with 260,000 people a year dying from Climate Change pollution. The first story is from a maths graduate statistician in a sociology department. Apparently a scientist. The only good side is that after thirty years of this, the ‘scientists’ have stopped talking about another 10 years to go for the end of the world and now are talking about 80 years from now and of course how CO2 hangs around forever. All made up science. They should look up Henry’s law.
Great blogging TDef-just keep this up ‘rub salt’ into the wounds of theses silly warmists. Surely a story like this one must make some of them wake up and question themselves.
TdeF, the majopr problem here is not only that actual raw data may not survive, but that in some cases the raw data may not have been collected in the first place.
Everythin’s not up to date in BO-Meteorology,
It’s gone about as low as it can go, tra la.
I’ve seen misrepresentation by the BOM before but this time, I couldn’t believe how they were so impudent as to have the gall to comment about a day in Sydney last week they say was the hottest July day on record for Sydney when temperatures have been generally so low this July. Not a mention of some record lows by them at all and now we know why. The dishonesty is monumental! How can you believe anything they claim?
Where I live the anomaly for July ( minima) is – 2.5 : maxima +2 . Big deal!
Sorry. Point two of a degree Celsius .
Yes, Robert, and that reading was taken at Observatory Hill the “official” Sydney weather station. This station is at the top of the Cahill Expressway circular ramp which brings traffic up from the Cahill Expressway to the southern end of the Bradfield Highway, an 8 lane expressway that runs right past the weather station. Exhaust from streams of traffic circling around and past the station are well known to corrupt the temperatures on a day when traffic is heavy and windless conditions exist. And this station is used to “homogenise” all the other Sydney stations. This “the highest eva!!”
Would that be the “hottest July day on record” in the raw data, or in the homogenised (adjusted) data? Its getting to the point where the BOM need to tell the public which data set they used.
And now, does the raw data survive at all?
@beththeserf … don’t bet on it.
Just when you think these people can’t go any lower, they surprise everyone!
The problem with people who are ideologically driven, more-so than even simply corrupt people, is that they will never admit fault even when their ideology goes up in flames and becomes irretrievable.
The ABC and the BOM are now fully sold on the ideology — the blind virtue signal. Employees who were intellectually honest were ostracized, marginalized, nudged out, or chose to leave for lack of career prospects, a long, long, time ago.
If Al Gore was to die in 10 years during the quick onset of a new little ice age whilst CO2 levels were still rising well above 400ppm, he’d still have “savior of planet earth” inscribed on his frosty tomb stone, and his followers would still come daily to his grave to place flowers into the frozen ground, and to worship at the altar of Gaia (and Gaia’s unrequited $2Trillion+ carbon markets).
Why did BOM cross the road?
Because it was warmer on the other side!
An old one and a good one
As true today …
Go BOM, and I mean ‘Go,
*And take yr ACORN
homogenization with you.
-10C is less than 3 standard deviations from the mean. Rejecting temperatures below -10C as spurious is completely unjustified. This is not science; this is Lysenkoist madness.
It is utterly wrong, but the ongoing suspicion is that it is intentional. Limiting minima can have the same effect as exaggerating maxima. If it is intentional it is close to a police matter when so many huge cost decisions for Australia are being made based on these data collected and prepared by public servants who are paid to be scrupulously unbiased. We can only be thankful for satellites and now there is a real move to raise satellite temperatures too to bring them into line with the religion of man made global warming.
When you see the scale of this, now imagine what else is going on in other areas…..
Socialism is darkness – it festers and grows in darkness, and needs to be exposed to the light.
It is interesting that Weatherill, Premier of SA rants foully against ‘right wing’ skeptics, although he now denies what he said. Of course. Socialism masquerading as environmentalism is confirmed.
So Weatherill sees weather purely as a right wing/left wing argument? The truth, the facts are irrelevant. More like Union controlled Daniel Andrews of Victoria then, someone who promised that the EastLink contract was not worth the paper it was written on. We paid $1.2Billion for that misinformation. Upwards of $1000 a family not to build a road. The South Australian are paying many billions, as are we all for Weatherill’s extremist politics.
Socialists have an “end justifies the means” policy, which implies zero moral governor.
As such, its difficult to believe anything they say….
Except they’re not rejecting them. Somebody is pulling your chain.
Here is Perisher 2015, I can see 3 temperatures below -10:
Cooma Airport 2014, I can see two recorded temperature that are below -10:
Nimmitabel 1971 shows two that are below -10:
You can’t have frosty morning any more by order of BOM.
Their order was ignored here in North Central Vic. We have had a stiff frost. The washing was frozen boards on the line and there is a layer of ice in the chook water bucket.
It’s not quite as cold as some previous frosts, which left a very thick ice layer in the bucket and wrecked most of our citrus crop.
We had -10.1 C ( with wind chill ) recently.
I had to bash the car door lock to crack ice inside it to get key to turn ( we had rain, then sub zero temps ), then had to bash internal ignition lock to get it to turn too to crack ice inside it too…..
Shades of past winters in Surrey….and frozen car sun roofs….
I always used to like that about the Brits – the eternal optimisim of putting sun roofs in cars in the UK….
maybe the Met needs the BOM to declare its getting warmer in the UK too….
BOM advises to use less starch in the wash next time, and the citrus probably failed because the unseasonably June/July warm weather has caused insect infestation.
Yeah, right! Not.
Our old thermometer read 0C under the verandah but it certainly felt cooler here. Like the BOM, I must treat us to a new thermometer!
I really would not lament the temperatures that you are seeing when putting the clothes on the line. My mother put the clothes on the line when the temperature was -34 C and lower in northern Ontario. It seems strange but the clothes did dry somewhat in those conditions.
They did require further drying when brought in stiff as boards. The house looked like a Chinese laundry.
My good friend in California sent me a link, mentioning how it’s even news in the U.S.
Link to article at The Daily Caller
…And in some conversations.
This will blow their socks off.
‘Marohasey claimed at the time that BOM’s adjusted temperature records are “propaganda” and not science. She analyzed raw temperature data from places across Australia, compared them to BOM data, and found the agency’s data created an artificial warming trend.
‘Marohasey said BOM adjustments changed Aussie temperature records from a slight cooling trend to one of “dramatic warming” over the past century.’
ElGordo, this is the ticking time bomb in what the BOM have been up to. We have known for some time (courtesy of Jen Marohasy and others) that the BOM may not have been preserving the actual, unadjusted, raw temperature records. Now we find they have been applying arbitrary filters to the raw data as well.
It looks bad for them, but because of the pervasive nature of noble cause corruption (science, politics and media) BoM will seek an orderly retreat. its unlikely to get aired on our ABC.
9:00 AM, Tuesday, 1st August here in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Just saw the story on OAN (One American News) 8AM broadcast.
Jumped onto the computer and the Jo Nova site to see what is going on.
Here I am !
Chris in Hervey Bay in Philadelphia in Pennsylvania,
Good morning or good evening, as the case may be.
It is on Breitbart News Network site as well.
Already the BOM is copping a lot of heat ( pardon the pun ) across the interwebs…..
I wonder how Tony Abbott feels now after his recommendation to Cabinet while he was Prime Minister for an independent audit at the BoM, due diligence be conducted, was not proceeded with after a majority of Cabinet Ministers voted No?
I assume they were the same ones that later voted for him to be replaced as leader?
Greg Hunt and the Department of Environment were doing everything in their power to hose down the audit and they won by saying the credibility of Government agencies is important and must be ensured.
Greg would have convinced his cabinet colleagues.
In a World of scientific integrity and credibility, publication of the trusted raw data is the only correct course of action. Post hoc adjustments become a matter of legitimate scientific debate, justified, defended and challenged in open public forum. Meanwhile, the raw data remains as ever, raw and available to all.
In the eco-Marxist World of ‘settled politics’ ideology always trumps data, imaginative precaution excludes fact, climafiction supplants reality and …
confidence is just a trick.
Why should a thermometer be trusted and correct at -10C but not to be believed at -10.4C? Total fabrication, not even slightly plausible.
Possibly because the BOM bureaucratic ‘scientivists’ dare not publish the raw data for fear of exposing their a priori identification of the politically preordained ‘settled’ range for the temperature dataset. Outliers are unnaturally auto-excluded, like the raw data and adjustment protocol.
Talk about lies with short legs.
Nice revision here …
The Metrology of Thermometers
Anthony Watts / January 22, 2011
Even more so why should that thermometer be trusted when
T(New maximum) = T(some previous record) + a fraction of a degree)
Not just that, but any engineer worth his salt when measuring something keeps even the bad readings and has an edit column where the adjusted data goes so the errant measured quantity isn’t lost! Replacing the data with a limit just isn’t done. That way if you find you were using a wrong limit you can fix it. Input – transformation – output. What amateurs these people are.
I can guarantee that no engineer or “scientist” anywhere within BoM is “worth their salt”.
“I can guarantee that no engineer or “scientist” anywhere within BoM is “worth their salt”.”
The whole field of meteorology/scam (predicting weather) involve no scientific method at all. No science involves measurement to convince the proletariat. In all ‘science’, actual ‘measurement’ is only used in the effort to falsify some ‘hypothesis’ or ‘theorem’. Some of the most precise measurements ever made.
Engineering uses measurement to test limits of something in order to fabricate ‘what does not break under those limits’. Only the meteorology/scam uses measurements for the sake of measuring! What can the results of a ‘temperature measurement’ taken once a second, be except the thermal ‘noise’ of that instrument through a low pass filter (sine(x)/x) with a nominal noise bandwidth of 30 Hz? What possible correspondence does such a measurement have to the ‘temperature’ (sensible heat) of any mass anywhere?
It does not and can not! All is part of the same scam.
All the best!-will-
The pro-warming movement hasn’t been kind to scientists who have changed their spots. Don’t expect any attitude change to politicians.
Daily Caller has it all:
31 Jul: Daily Caller: Chris White: Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers
Australian scientists at the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) ordered a review of temperature recording instruments after the government agency was caught tampering with temperature logs in several locations…
15 hours since the Oz posted the original piece; still no ABC/SBS/ etc etc.
Don’t hold your breath, Pat.
Curses! Caught again! Got caught increasing the warm temperatures through homogenization (at last we have a definition of that word: A process used to change historical and current temperature readings to continue global warming through pauses and cooling spells and thus lend support to failed climate change models. Short definition: Criminal cheating and destroying public data to support global warming.)
Good science doesn’t stop the cheating and lying, truth in published books, blogs, letters, etc., threatening investigations, outright exposure… Nothing seems to make BOM stop destroying historical data.
Attention: Messrs. Turnbull & Shorten
Now that the man-made global warming climate change scam is being revealed when can your constituents expect your apologies for misleading us, for allowing government taxpayer funded departments and organisations to mislead us, for squandering taxpayer’s monies locally and gifting UN and others in the name of an unnecessary exercise in futility to save the planet from natural events?
Followed by the resignation of both of you and all of your colleagues responsible for this scandalous behaviour.
1 Aug: SMH: Peter Hannam: Australia blows away its July daytime temperature record as rain stayed away
The Bureau of Meteorology’s monthly reports showed average maximum temperatures were 2.62 degrees above the long-run average, beating the previous record set in 1975 by a full two-thirds of a degree…
VIDEO: Al Gore: ‘We are going to win’ over climate change
Former US Vice President Al Gore continues to tirelessly fight climate change with An Inconvenient Sequel.
someone might like to check the quotes from Marohasy etc in Daily Caller, as I don’t know whether or not everything they quote is in The Australian.
The whole global temperature argument using data that’s been “homogenized” as per the NCDC data set, used for the BEST temperature record, is why I do not and will not trust the OFFICIAL temperature record. “Results that look wrong when compared with nearby sites” could be any number of things site-specific. However, if there is a consistency in so-called spurious temperature recordings relative to other nearby sites, then researchers should know that the recording mechanism is in need of recalibration. Likewise, if a number of recording sites in a small area have been sitting under a cold thunderstorm for the better part of a day while surrounding sites have been enjoying fair weather, then homogenization of THOSE sites to the others will either be increased upwards, or eliminated. There are pros and cons to homogenization but as I see it, it’s the foundation for why the official record cannot be trusted—especially as the rate of “E” flags in the NCDC’s database keeps going skywards with at least 42% of their daily records being flagged as such.
Use the raw data, period. No more faking this bullshit, not when untold trillions of dollars are being spent to justify turning our modern global economy into something more reminiscent of the 18th-century.
Thank you
Looks like you’re holding on to the “last post”.
Any clues on the software trick?
The comment on Dennis and last post was entered as a reply to his post.
This one is a reply to #76
I was wondering why he was always last .
Always last?
Details please.
Second mouse gets the cheese
On the thread your “thanks” post started at about post 19 ish and has kept being bumped down one , although it’s stopped moving now.
You’re post is a day out for the position it’s in , some of us wondering how you managed to keep that post in the last spot , but I think it’s just a glitch in the system .
Yes, I posted and the lengthy story on the United Nations went into moderation. I was then advised why and that another version was being prepared.
“Thank you”
Hi to all readers,
Lance Pidgeon found out this error by diligent and frequent inspection of public data.
Some of us have been doing this for some time now.
Some of us are on a sort of black list with BOM whereby we find it hard to get meaningful responses.
This is where you all can play a part.
Read Jo’s blog and learn how to monitor the BOM public data.
Visit the Jennifer Marohasy blog more often and keep current with how to do it.
Learn how to ask questions.
Be part of a citizen movement aimed at seeking truth.
Question is will Josh Frydenberg, the Minister for Carbon Con and Climate Claptrap, give the same dopey response that Greg Hunt gave just 2 years ago?
‘Environment Minister Greg Hunt has confirmed he “killed” the idea of a review into the Bureau of Meteorology over claims it was exaggerating estimates of global warming. “My answer was very clear: we have perhaps the best or one of the best meteorological organisations in the world. I have full confidence in their data and the idea was killed at that point,” he said.’
Of course he had “full confidence in their data” that just happen to support the alarmist narrative. Can’t let the tax paying masses have a peek at what’s going on.
To answer your question on what Frydenberg will do: Yes he will and yes he has. What a disgrace is this man.
Well who’da thunk it, Cookster. Like Hunt, just another pitiful lapdog led by the nose. And can you beat these weasel words re internal inquiry?
“We are treating this issue seriously and I look forward to a set of recommendations which ensures ongoing public confidence in the integrity of the bureau’s data collection and temperature records.”
Not too clever, Josh, announcing the outcome of an internal inquiry before it’s even begun.
Jesus wept.
Seems BOM and/or Josh F (same difference) are reading JN’s post. They’ve given me the thumbs down @ #16.
Paraphrasing an old tyrant who knew a thing or two about clinging to power….( Josef Stalin )
“He who votes counts for nothing,
He who counts the votes counts for everything”
Nuff said…..
Been an avid follower of Jennifer’s work and she really must be a thorn in their side .
As an aside , is Their ABC changing their tune ?
1 Aug: Weatherzone forum: Minimum temperatures at Goulburn
Interesting discussion on the radio ABC666 about possible manipulation of Goulburn’s minimum temperatures.
Goulburn apparently recorded a minimum of -10.4C around 3 weeks ago but this was changed back to,-10C a letter to the relevant minister was sent by the caller to the minister who then contacted BOM who said that the station malfunctioned that day.
The caller is saying like wtf? It had been functioning normally but was then told Goulburn can’t record such low temperatures?
If the figures on the BOM website are clearly wrong like for example somewhere in SA last month had been recording 17-20C and then suddenly records a 40C then fair enough clearly a glitch but ifs it only a difference of less than a degree.
Is there some hidden agenda going on here?
Cold and foggy this morning-1C fairly big standard for winter.
reply: EddyG: Any links to the story?
I’ve had a quick look on ABC Canberra website, but to no avail.
Teddy: Not sure if it has made the print media it was a phone call to the local radio station.
Be interested to see any follow up for this after all if BOM is being pressured to change things…
Steve777: …I believe the BOM, I don’t believe for one minute they would fudge the data. In any case, anyone wanting to do do would have changed it to -9 and probably no one would have queried it.
Be that as it may, anyone with concerns about that Goulburn minimum can ask the BOM if they wish. If someone does so and gets feedback, it would be interesting to see the result posted here.
No they’re still not our ABC , just watched a BOM employee being quizzed about the hottest July Evah and the cause of which is of course blah blah blah .
I wonder how many warmists in the southern parts of Australia are secretly enjoying the warm July (winter) sunshine.
The “Beetroot Advocate” cartoon has nailed it nicely.
Apologies for the trouble with the link.
Here it is in full
Morano also has Daily Caller coverage of BoM/Marohasy.
31 Jul: Climate Depot: Marc Morano: Mainstream Media’s ‘silence of the climate scams’ – The Australian newspaper Features Climate Hustle
small conservative site, but kudos for noticing:
1 Aug: AustralianMorningMail: BOM caught out with fake temperatures
A win for truth, Dr Jennifer Marohasy and the climate deniers.
The Bureau of Meteorology has ordered a full review of temperature recording equipment and procedures after the peak weather agency was caught tampering with cold winter temperature logs in at least two locations.
Dr Jennifer Marohasy blew the whistle on the The Bureau of Meteorology for their mishandling of temperature data. MM reported Dr Marohasy’s findings last week read here (LINK).
The BOM had to fess up and an official inquiry has forced the closeted warmistas to answer questions, with excuses of courses. Will anyone be sacked — you can bet not!
Source: News Corp (LINK)
If you have an inquiry into BoM you will end up paying for an inquiry AND BoM. If the result is a tightening up of BoM, BoM will find a way to tighten up on useful things while leaving the fairy floss. (Hey, maybe they could reduce access to weather records online and blame that on us meanies.)
The answer is, of course, dismantling the monster, strictly preserving/restoring all records, then starting again with a new charter, much like we need to do with the gorilla ABC. All stats and readings to be presented as no more nor less than what they are. Don’t know if that can happen, but it’s the only way. The current BoM has got more tricks than a barrel of NASAs.
this would appear to be the full extent of theirABC’s coverage of the BoM/Goulburn story. poor quality on Marohasy’s voice.
2hrs57mins26secs in: promos weatherwatchers/Goulburn etc. 2:58:41 starts…with Jennifer Marohasy, Minister has been misled, etc.
Dan Bourchier responds: why do you think the Minister has been misled. couldn’t it have been a malfunction of that device?
JM gives details
Dan: so you are not happy then with the response from the Bureau of Meteorology?
JM they keep changing the story. Thredbo too.
Dan: so why don’t you believe that this could be as simple a case as those machines, recording devices, in those two areas
were not working properly?
JM explains BoM letter re going to adjust – can send it to ABC.
Dan: why do you think that is?
JM names David Jones. ACORN-SAT etc.
Dan: what from here. what should happen.
JM enquiry, but not by the Bureau etc.
Dan: certainly many questions. I’ll endeavour to talk to someone at the Bureau. ends 3:06.34.
AUDIO: 1 Aug: ABC Canberra: Breakfast with Dan Bourchier
We knew about “homogenisation” but at least we thought the raw data was safe.
Now we know that not even the raw data is trustworthy so even if “only” a few items of data have been altered we have to invalidate the entire data set as there are probably not even records of what has been altered or deleted or why.
The only raw data that is salvageable is that data that existed before the process of altering it was known to take place. That specific point in time when this process started therefore needs to be identified.
This is an extremely serious matter as billions of dollars have been spent based on decisions based upon false BoM data and even worse the economy is facing ruin because of inappropriately high energy prices.
A Royal Commision is required. (For US friends an RC is like a Presidential Commission and has high levels of power to compel people to testify etc. within defined “terms of reference”.)
Why would you trust a Royal Commission? One does not initiate such an enquiry without having integrated, in the terms of reference and perhaps elsewhere, the required answers. Truth is not the point—nor has it been for many a very long day.
And that’s exactly why America voted for Trump, despite his idiosyncrasies.
They are fed up with fake governments, fake weather and pseudo environmentalism and humanitarianism.
The people are revolting, and I mean that in the nicest way.
YOu will know its a complete race-fixing when a govt dept turns up to physically collect all local paper based records in small towns “for safe keeping”……
Old Communist trick – collect all the info so no one can ever question the offical records becasue there is no no reference any more…….
Anyone who is a regular here should be keeping old records from their local area in a physcially safe location so some form of record can be re-created once the official purge of original data is done to maintain the Big Lie….
David Maddison, this is the key point.
If the primary, unadjusted, unclipped data is either not collected or not preserved then we are in big trouble, and so is the BOM. The BOM can also then do anything they like with homogenisation etc.
If that was the case, it would be a significant breach of the Meteorology Act and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act, and of the Public Service Act for individuals. What a pity we dont have an effective Competitive Enetrprise Institute equivalent in Australia.
If the BoM does undergo an external audit guess who will likely do it?
Why, the Chief Scientist of course.
The government and the BoM will get exactly the answer they want to hear.
An independent inquiry is a must, maybe they could knoble together a red and blue team to battle it out.
This from Jennifer Marohasy in the Oz 2015, doesn’t pull any punches.
‘It is so obvious that there is an urgent need for a proper, thorough and independent review of operations at the bureau. But it would appear our politicians and many mainstream media are set against the idea.
‘Evidently they are too conventional in their thinking to consider such an important Australian institution could now be ruled by ideology.’
It looks like the BOM has already been knobbled.
Why not the Kiwis meteorological bureau. Return a favour,if you like.
It’s not just Australia-
WMO – “Because the data with respect to in-situ surface
air temperature across Africa is sparse, a oneyear
regional assessment for Africa could not
be based on any of the three standard global
surface air temperature data sets from NOAANCDC,
NASA-GISS or HadCRUT4. Instead, the
combination of the Global Historical Climatology
Network and the Climate Anomaly Monitoring
System (CAMS GHCN) by NOAA’s Earth System
Research Laboratory was used to estimate
surface air temperature patterns’
If only need to estimate you can make it want you want.
Best to get a visual image of how big the continent is-
Africa is bigger than the land masses of the US, China, India, Mexico, Peru, France, Spain, Papua New Guinea, Sweden, Japan, Germany, Norway, Italy, New Zealand, the UK, Nepal, Bangladesh and Greece put together.
Add on that the WMO flag up that 70 countries have sub standard temp data.
To quote Don Chip “we need to keep the ******s honest”
Unless sceptics are happy to openly question govt agency tactics and demand transparency, and make a big noise about it, the sheeple will never know they have been systematically deceieved….
Mind you, the LIA will be a bridge too far for the even the Bureau of Meme-tology ( is that a new religion?), which I think is why the sudden rush to sanitize local temperature records…..
So now when you hear anything from BOM you have to work out the following .
Is it ?
Last ten years
Last thirty years
Since records began
Since actual records began
Have I missed anything ?, what a joke .
Bureau of Manipulation
Bureau of making stuff up
Bureau of mime
Bureau of self gratification
Bureau of memes
Bureau of many excuses
even Communist China is reporting on the story – shame on Aussie MSM:
1 Aug: XinhuaNet: Aussie Bureau of Meteorology denies it “sought to tamper” with record temperature data
CANBERRA, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) — Australia’s executive weather agency, the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), on Tuesday denied that it “sought to tamper” with sensitive temperature data, after two whistle- blowers noticed the agency was removing extreme temperatures from its records.
Earlier this year, meteorologist Lance Pidgeon noticed that the BoM was removing data from its website – notably a -10.4 degrees Celsius reading from Goulburn on July 2. He then told a scientist who approached the BoM about the claims, but when asked about the sudden disappearance of the -10.4 reading, the BoM reinstated it to its website, raising further questions about temperature tampering…
“Contrary to claims, the Bureau has not deliberately set limits on the temperatures it records. The Bureau’s systems are designed to flag unusually high or low temperatures so they can be checked for veracity before being confirmed,” the statement said.
“Through this process, it was identified that hardware at Thredbo and Goulburn was not fit-for-purpose, with outages occurring at very low temperatures below -10 degrees Celsius.
“Initial analysis indicates this has occurred on one day in Goulburn and on six days at Thredbo. The hardware was replaced as a matter of urgency.
“The CEO and Director of Meteorology Dr Andrew Johnson has established a review to ensure the matter is understood and resolved thoroughly. The panel for this review will include expertise from outside the Bureau.”
The BoM also revealed that Johnson sent a letter to Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg, saying the claims that the BoM deliberately set temperature limits were “not the case” and that a review would be undertaken to determine the cause of the anomaly.
“The review will be conducted by a member of the bureau’s senior leadership team and will involve independent external expertise where appropriate,” the letter said.
Thanks Pat. I believe Jo has confirmed before that the Chinese and Russians don’t share the enthusiasm of the IPCC that is prevalent in Western based climate science. The reports of Chinese media on this story would confirm this. Don’t expect to read much about the BOM’s shenanigans in “our” ABC or Fairfax media.
“The review will be conducted by a member of the bureau’s senior leadership team and will involve independent external expertise where appropriate,” the letter said.
What could possibly go wrong?
Who defines “where appropriate?”
I am happy to help.
“Alas poor temperature record, I knew him well….
He was data of determined accuracy,
He hath informed me correctly a 1000 times…”
– with apologies to The Bard
Alas, poor Temperature Data! I thought I knew it, Horatio, data of infinite accuracy, of most excellent enumeration. It hath borne my reputation on its back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!
Is there a new skill needed by our public servants? Fibber? ABC’s story on evangelical Christian husbands. BoM’s story on Goulburn temps. What are we paying for? Can we sack the culprits?
all of Haze’s comment on The Australian/BoM story has been crossed out:
Skeptical Science: Recent Comments
#18: Haze at 23:01 PM on 31 July 2017
Explainer: How data adjustments affect global temperature records
Tomorrow The Australian will be publishing a story about changes the Bureau of Meteorolgy has made to temperature records The opening para reads: “The Bureau of Meteorology has orf]dered a full scale review of temperature recording equipment and procedures after the peak weather agency was caught tampering wtth cold winter temperature logs in at least two locations”. (-Warning-)
Try as you might Skeptical Science does not have the fire power to effectively repudiate these claims and as is often the case, perception is reality.(-Warning-)
Moderator Response:
[JH] Sloganeering snipped.
[DB] Please note that posting comments here at SkS is a privilege, not a right. This privilege can and will be rescinded if the posting individual continues to treat adherence to the Comments Policy as optional, rather than the mandatory condition of participating in this online forum.
Please take the time to review the policy and ensure future comments are in full compliance with it. Thanks for your understanding and compliance in this matter.
So if there was a malfunction why was it just that specific day? Do you note on the official record an error was found and the data adjusted? Justification for that adjustment? What about the data around that day? Is not all the data questionable once a fault has been found with that recorder? Why/why not? When was the equipment last checked for calibration accuracy? If they know it gets that cold there why do they not have the right instrumentation in place to record these lows/highs? Any data after that date is questionable? How did they find the data to be questionable? What made them review the data and say it was incorrect? Where is the recorder information that shows the recorder was faulty? So many questions for someone who questions.
The equipment did not malfunction; it got malfunctioned – like “let us disappear him”.
HOORAY for Dr Jennifer Marohasy and our BOM Watch team.
What a stunning exposure of the BOM! They are squirming. I note that some Prime suspects from the BOM have not been quoted. The ones that have been over selling the Climate Change/Global Warming message for years.
This needs follow up at lots of levels. I think I will write to the minister (Josh Freidenberg) and tell him that his prime go to reference for all this BS has been exposed as unreliable (to say the very least).
Here, the Bureau of Mythology describes the operation of Automatic Weather Stations. There are a few gems in there. I suggest someone save the page before they delete it. (I can’t do it on my phone.)
Air temperature sensors are meant to have a range of -25C to +60C and accuracy of 0.3C so what’s this about not working below -10?
Also “algorithms used to derive meteorological variables should be meaningful, documented, and comparable between networks.”
And “The quality of the final data received by the researcher or farmer can only be as good as the quality of the sensors used. No post analysis of the data can improve the accuracy or reliability of the information obtained.” (My emphasis.)
Done if you need a copy
Strange that they acknowledge real scientific method.
If that page is allowed to stand it may give the inquisitive the opportunity to ask embarrassing questions.
I lost faith in the BOM when I asked them about their cyclone intensity/frequency chart that showed decline. They said they were thinking about new measure presentation (so of course you dont update the existing simple bar graph for years while your “thinking”, bar charts being so complex and all). The new BOM story is that cyclones would be of reduced frequency but increased intensity (fearless prediction). Perhaps the chart will miraculously surface if we have a year that fits the profile, a big one must come eventually.
They had trouble explaining why cyclones are on the wane, so they threw in the ‘greater intensity’ meme and hoped they were right. I think its a fabrication.
You think it’s a fabrication?
They’re making hopeful statements, no science in that.
They have a 50% chance of being correct, it’s so funny that they are 100% wrong 100% of the time.
‘You think it’s a fabrication?’
They invented the idea of distorting realty to gain more time.
It struck me that less cyclones may have something to do with cooler SST, which could be considered a regional cooling signal, but the jury is still out.
Is it possible to find monthly average temperature data, not max, not min, just average? I’m in Tas, and may be getting old, but it has been damn cold all winter – would like to know how ave temp stacks up compared to historic data
It’s warmest July evah, stop pretending to be cold you have a tropical climate .
Actually tassie I thought was below average , most of southern Aus was cold it’s only the top end of the country that’s warmer .
Jason, BOM has all sorts of historical min/max/mean temperatures by location on their website. Please share what you find.
“monthly average temperature data,”
Such ‘average’ hides the ‘is’. Much more important (useful) is the monthly extremes in every case!
its interesting to read some reader comments in the media after the BOM published their hotted July EVAH. Check out the BOMS Facebook page – there is some pretty heavy stuff there. There is a strong smell of distrust for the BOM and Climate change Its concerning though as if we (the general public) can’t trust the likes of the BOM, CSIRO etc, who can we trust to really do science?
I posted this on the BoM web page. They’ll probably delete it.
Was this “record” before or after data “homogenisation” or even worse, after you deleted raw data points that didn’t agree with your “global warming” narrative like you did in Goulburn and Thredbo? Your treatment of data wouldn’t even be acceptable for a school student. Don’t treat us like idiots, Bureau of Mythology.
We knew about homogenisation but at least we thought the raw data was safe.
Now we know that not even the raw temperature data is trustworthy so even if “only” a few items of data have been altered we have to invalidate the entire data set as there are probably not even records of what has been altered or deleted or why.
The only raw temperature data that is salvageable is that data that existed before the process of altering it was known to take place. That specific point in time when this process started therefore needs to be identified.
This is an extremely serious matter as billions of dollars have been spent based on “green energy” decisions based upon false BoM data to show warming and even worse the economy is facing ruin because of high energy prices due to “renewables”.
As for your “independent review” of your mistreatment of data, I see it will be by a member of the “senior leadership team”. What could possibly go wrong, LoL?
Very well put David. The BOM have no excuses. With all the money they receive from us taxpayers it is not too much to expect that all their instruments function perfectly.
We do not know just how long these ‘incidents’ may have been occurring for. Frydenberg (if he had the balls) would set up an enquiry immediately.
Good one.
Can’t wait to read the reply.
Likely “Loud silence was the stern reply”
If the temperature sensor is replaced it should be a simple matter to do a calibration run on the defect sensor to verify that it malfunctions below -10 C. I have never seen a sensor malfunction in this specific manner. Of course this simple test will not be done…
Am surprised there’s been no nickstokian ‘it makes no difference to the overall trend’ response to this post yet. And is there someone who devotes their whole time giving ‘thumbs-down’ to all responses on this blog which dare question hysterical climate change group-think?
I noticed one of our resident trolls “twotter” was accusing Jennifer of crying conspiracy on her site , it’s probably all he could come up with before his mum came in to tuck him into bed and turn out the light .
Actual data and FACTS never had any meaning to twotter.
A far-left anti-science idea-log at best.
I have not noticed any of the usual trolls posting on this entire story,we know they have no shame,but where are they hiding?
I wish I had been awake enough to the scam back in 2013 to take a screen capture.
I KNOW the AWS at observatory Hill register only 45.3C. (same as 74 years earlier)
I saw it the next day with my own eyes in the summary on the next day.
But somehow an extra 0.5C was added and it was recorded as 45.8C.
I even emailed BOM about it and, of course, got no response.
It was probably one of those defining moments, when you realise that something is VERY WRONG, and start digging further, thus uncovering the whole FARCE that is CO2 AGENDA-based climate change.
That’s why a few dedicated souls have formed the BOM watch team.
Look what they have achieved.
AndyG May have more info about what you saw.
Today right now you can see the same sort of thing in reverse at Thredbo. The minimum at the first link here shows the now allowed but still politically incorrect cold at -10.9
The second link instead shows a minimum of only -10.6 at a very different time. ALL the AWSs have this glaringly obvious fault. That is they record noise spikes instead of and on top of data. More accurately the problem is that the Platinum resistance thermometer device has a much faster response time than an inglass thermometer in an old large Stevenson. The noise spikes recorded by the AWS for maximum temperature have a higher amplitude because the device self heats more at higher temps and this needs to be corrected by calibration circuits or software that seems to be not predicting overshoot. Thus the record is warmed all over the country. So a large rapid change in recorded value occured between 428 and 430AM.
However. If what you saw occurred ON THE SAME PAGE but was changed. Please get in contact. Jo or the mods may help.
More info about the spikes here.
Peter C. Thankyou.
Lance Pidgeon
Something else remarkable: while other record temps were achieved in the Sydney region on that day in 2013, Wedding Cake West just a paddle away from the Observatory recorded an official 34.3, more than eleven degrees cooler than the reading on shore. Maybe this anomaly is due to the fact that the 2013 Sydney heat peak, unlike that of scary 1939, was localised and comparatively brief. Also, it is normal for the Harbour site to be a few degrees cooler. But 11.5 cooler? Not even very hot and not even the hottest for that month (the 8th of the previous week was more than 5 degrees hotter on Wedding Cake than it was on the day of Sydney’s hottest “evah”.)
What I sense is that nothing mattered to the BoM more than to get that T-shirt which reads HOTTEST EVAH. And until we get adults back in charge that’s all that’s going to matter.
This is terrific work by Jen and Lance. However…
A point to remember is that, like all stats, these measurements of max and min mean a bit but not much. For example, long periods of cloud (eg 1950 Eastern Australia) will result in low maxima and high minima. Once the numbers get crunched you get a period which may have the same “temperature” as a clear period with colder nights and warmer days: a perfect example of statistics telling you much less than “mere anecdote”.
There was a time when all stats were considered handy but a bit on the trashy side because of the distortions and omissions that are in the nature of stats themselves, quite apart from human error/manipulation. A record high reading for August on the first of August is a lot more remarkable than a record max on the 31st. A low temp on the last day of February makes it into the record books because it occurred outside a leap year; otherwise it would have been pushed into March and forced to compete with cool days which fell late in March in other years.
It applies to everything. Three centuries against the West Indies in the 1980s are a lot more remarkable than three against the West Indies now. And so on. What disturbs me as much as anything is the modern tendency to take stats and numbers as if they were a strict representation of reality. If we can’t find our adults’ commonsense again there will go on being the dupes of more intellectual stunts long after the climatariat has packed its bags and left in disgrace.
That said…Well done Jen and Lance!
It’s interesting that mosomoso means to muffle or mumble, in Japanese, according to my trusty Crown Japanese-English dictionary.
No mumbling or muffling there, Mosomoso. I must admit I hadn’t considered your well written explanation (especially the leap year point) before.
Ironic but idiocracy is on tonight , a prediction that is coming true .
1 Aug: Australian: Graham Lloyd: External experts in BoM review
Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg has rejected calls for an independent investigation of the Bureau of Meteorology’s temperature data collection and handling but promises to release findings of an in-house review.
Mr Frydenberg said on Tuesday he had spoken to BoM chief executive Andrew Johnson and instructed that two independent external experts be included on the review panel.
“We are treating this issue seriously and I look forward to a set of recommendations which ensures ongoing public confidence in the integrity of the bureau’s data collection and temperature records,’’ he said.
“When the review is complete I will make the findings public.”
Dr Johnson said he had initiated an internal probe with outside input after shortcomings were confirmed in recording minimum temperatures at a number of weather stations.
Scientist Jennifer Marohasy, who exposed the failure of two stations to record low temperatures of minus 10.4C, said a parliamentary inquiry was needed. “I have no doubt an inquiry would find major problems in terms of how BoM is dealing with temperature records and data handling,” Dr Marohasy said…
Dr Johnson said he had initiated an internal review of BoM’s Australian weather station network and associated data quality control processes for temperature observations. The review was expected to take several weeks.
Previous concerns over the BoM’s temperature data handling have caused deep divisions in the federal government.
Documents released under Freedom of Information have shown former prime minister Tony Abbott pushed for a forensic audit of its performance. However, the review was scaled back after lobbying by then environment minister Greg Hunt
the comments are scathing.
not sure if anyone has posted the bit about “four additional locations”:
1 Aug: Bureau of Meteorology statement on temperature observations
Contrary to claims, the Bureau has not deliberately set limits on the temperatures it records. The Bureau’s systems are designed to flag unusually high or low temperatures so they can be checked for veracity before being confirmed…
As a priority, the Bureau is also replacing this hardware in four additional locations (Tuggeranong in the Australian Capital Territory, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania, and Mt Baw Baw in Victoria) where the climate record indicates it might be reasonably expected to reach below -10 degrees celsius. It is important to note preliminary analysis has found no outages related to this issue at these sites.
still singing the same old “experts” song:
AUDIO: 1 Aug: ABC The World Today: Katherine Gregory: Climate experts explain why Australia has warmest July on record
If you thought last month was unseasonably warm you were right.
The weather bureau has confirmed that Australia had its hottest July in more than 100 years.
And an international study is warning that Australians need to prepare for more extreme weather events.
David Crock, Bureau of Meteorology
Greg Browning, Bureau of Meteorology
Fiona Simson, National Farmers Federation
Professor Roger Stone, University of Southern Queensland
AUDIO: 1 Aug: ABC PM: Melanie Pearce: Solar power offers solution to soaring power bills and poverty for Aboriginal residents in remote NSW
In the town of Walgett in far north-west NSW temperatures can dip to below zero in winter and climb over 50 degrees Celsius in summer, making it really expensive to heat and cool homes.
An Aboriginal elders’ group fears that people in poorly insulated and equipped housing are descending further into poverty.
Now the big city is offering support for a brighter future.
Clem Dodd, speaker, Dharriwaa Elders Group
Wendy Spencer, project officer, Dharriwaa Elders Group
April Crawford-Smith, The Valley Centre and Pingala
What’s it called when your occupation matches your surname ? I notice David Crock as an employee of BOM.
Somewhat O/T
I have a really brave ad in my collection
A dentist named Dr James D. Mangle
Earlier today the Channel Nine news site had Australia “sweltering” through its hottest July on record (but only since 1910). Now that s-word has been removed. Clearly some more senior editor thought it too absurd. They left in the bit where the country “struggled” through the dry month.
The language! The planet needs saving. It’s fragile. The country struggles!
It’s embarrassing, honestly.
When you have to change the data to match your hypothesis, it’s not science and you’re not a scientist.
comment in moderation, beginning:
not sure if anyone has posted the bit about “four additional locations”:
1 Aug: Bureau of Meteorology statement on temperature observations…
polarised responses on The Australian FB but, if u check it all, including the replies, more on the sceptical side. don’t know where this person lives, or if their account is true, but noting anyway:
Facebook: The Australian
The BoM has ordered a full review after the agency was caught tampering with cold winter temperature logs…
comment: Bryce Esdaile It’s true we had a frost so thick that a paint roller tray and paint roller and brush were frozen solid in the tray full of water left overnight at the job site still frozen solid at 9am and the official minimum temp was +1 this literally impossible cars were still covered in ice at 9am in shade areas my thermometer read -3 at 6.30 before sunrise when i left for work,it’s definitely a climate scam been very cold as usual this winter with more morning frost than i remember in a lot of years possibly since the 80’s
re Bryce Esdaile who commented on The Australian’s FB page. the only person with that name I have found online is from Dubbo, so thought the following was interesting:
30 May: Daily Advertiser: Kim Bartley: New record for coldest May morning in Dubbo
A record minus 4 degrees Celsius kept doonas up to chins in Dubbo bedrooms on Tuesday morning.
It exceeded the previous record for the coldest May morning in the city since 1993 of minus 2.4 degrees, held by May 29 2006.
The chilly start to May 30 2017 was 10.5 degrees below the city’s average minimum temperature for May of 6.5 degrees.
Tuesday’s minus 4 degrees led to a frost across the city and residents clambering for warmer bedding and clothing.
The Bureau of Meteorology puts the average minimum temperature for May 2017 as of Tuesday at 6.2 degrees.
The average maximum temperature this month as of Monday was 21.5 degrees, 1.5 degrees higher than the average 20 degrees for May in Dubbo.
Tuesday’s minus 4 degrees was the second sub-zero temperature recorded at Dubbo City Regional Airport this month. Residents woke to minus 0.1 degrees on Monday, May 8.
Another frost may be on the way with minus 1 degree predicted next Monday morning, June 5.
The bureau’s seven-day forecast as of Tuesday morning suggests more cold mornings are ahead. Wednesday’s predicted minimum temperature of 4 degrees is set to drop to zero on Thursday, the first day of winter, followed by 1 degree on Friday, 2 degrees on Saturday and 1 degree on Sunday.
The average minimum temperature for June in Dubbo is 4.5 degrees.
and another piece, which might refer to the period Esdaile refers to on FB:
12 Jul: Daily Liberal: Kim Bartley: Dubbo’s seven-day forecast includes minus 3 degrees on Sunday
Sleeping late may be the best option on Sunday when the temperature in Dubbo is expected to drop to minus 3 degrees Celsius.
Colder-than-normal mornings have settled into the city in the first half of July 2017
The long-term average minimum temperature for July is 3.1 degrees based on Bureau of Meteorology data collected since 1993.
In the first 12 days of this month the average morning temperature has been minus 0.3 degrees.
A six-day run of below-zero temperatures began on July 6.
Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers…
Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers…
Arrogance. Resentment. Deceit.
The 3 toxic elements you will find in every action of the Green/Left.
1 Aug: Townhall: Stephen Moore: Coal Is No. 1
Quick: What was the No. 1 source of electricity production in the U.S. during the first half of 2017? If you answered renewable energy, you were wrong by a mile. If you answered natural gas, you were wrong by a tiny amount.
According to the Energy Information Administration, which tracks energy use in production on a monthly basis, the single largest source of electric power for the first half of 2017 was coal.
That’s an amazing finding, because liberals, especially environmental groups, keep telling us that coal is a dead industry…
According to the EIA’s July report, “EIA estimates that the share of total U.S. generation fueled by natural gas during the first half of this year averaged 29 percent. … In contrast, coal’s share of generation rose from 28 percent in the first half of 2016 to 30 percent in (the) first half of 2017.” For the full year of 2017, EIA estimates that coal will generate 3.453 million kilowatts per day, while natural gas, because of a rise in its retail price this year, will generate a hair less, or 3.432 million kilowatts. Wind and solar remain niche sources of energy, providing about one-seventh as much power as coal and gas…READ ON
I got to make a fool of myself on 3AW radio Melbourne today. Link to the podcasts below August 1 and scroll it along to skip a couple of hours of other stuff begins at about 1:14
Did not get to remind him that the Thredbo incident was not the same day. It was July 16.
Lance Pidgeon.
Oooops got told to say scroll to Just before 1:14:00 not 1:14 Jennifer had a L-O-N-G listen.
Bureau of Manipulation?
Bureau of Misrepresentation?
Bureau of Modification?
Bureau of Makeup.
Take your pick.
Best of Mistakes?
Bunch of Morons?
Budding of Mendacity?
Building on Make-believe?
Thredbo Top Station has already been down to -9.0 tonight at 10:38PM. Is it all about to happen again?
Success for the data!
This morning I see they let Thredbo get down to -10.9. at 4:28 AM
Lance Pidgeon
But was it really -10.9 or maybe colder?
How would we know?
Now that the BoM has a reputation for altering data it’s going to be very hard to prove their future honesty.
Only the eagle eye of Lance picked this one. Plus a screen shot. As listed above, there are other cases of inexplicably changing recordings, minima going missing, peaks being exaggerated. The reaction of the BOM though indicates they have been caught red handed but how long has this been going on and how widespread is it?
In fact the only way anyone would know is that people should be able to see the data over the internet. How long before the BOM put a 24 hour delay in the automatic data so amateurs cannot check? The problem with losing the trust of the public is that you do not get it back. The very idea that the BOM would condone such behaviour or seek to hide it is extremely worrying. Where does this stop? Why is it being done? Why are people interfering with fully automatic data? With $6Billion a year in RET for nothing the cost is immense.
When will they add the data so faithfully recorded for decades before 1909 by schoolmasters, station masters and people who took great pride in their work in all weather and with great diligence, only to have it discarded. The true picture of Australia’s temperature will not appear until all the old records are added, without being altered, homogenized, fiddled. If Michael Mann can bolt thermometer data onto his tree rings with impunity, why can’t our BOM add early thermometer data to later thermometer data? There was no change in technology at Federation.
Or sell the lot. Automate the lot without the fiddles. Just the raw data. What do these 500+ people do anyway? Plus the CSIRO 350 climate researchers and the liason committee and all the other pretend Climate science. Sell the lot. The ABC/SBS too. Fake news and fake science at $2Billion plus $6Billion a year for the RET. For what? That’s $1000 per year cash per family. It is unconscionable.
This is what happens when Governments pay for Science and Science provides Governments with policy justification for spending the taxpayer’s money.
They are all scamming the Tax pool.
As a US citizen reading about Australia’s BOM, it is becoming apparent to me that not only is the BOM the DOF (Department of Fudgery), it is also the DOIF (Department of Incompetent Fudgery). Any fudger worth his salt knows that for every ten times you fudge data to support your cause, you fudge data once in the opposite direction. That way, when someone points out a fudged data point that makes your case, you can pompously point out a contradicting data point. You can bet the Australian BOM has a gaggle of gophers scurrying around looking for a temperature (even one temperature) that they adjusted down not up. A week’s vacation at some warm beach will be the reward to the lucky gopher. The acronym for arrogant and incompetent fudgery is BOM.
Five stars.
They heard raw data is like raw milk. You don’t just homogenise it but you have to pasteurise it as well.
Tho’ the best available milk is not homogenised. Thus the Jersey milk from Fleurieu Milk Company.
The Bureau will strive to uphold,
The warming the warmists foretold,
And will homogenize,
All the lows, not the highs,
As when temperatures read very cold.
Hello Ruairi. I do hope you are keeping all your limericks and rhyming couplets in a collection?
I believe Jo our good host is building a library of them. Perhaps they’ll turn up in a climate book one day.
Good idea Greg,
Ruairi’s rhymes coupled with some Josh style cartoons.
In the past homogenization was a process applied to milk to get the cream mixed in so it didn’t float to the top of the bottle. And that was the only reerence to homogenized I remember seeing.
In the case of official data recorded by government agencies, what business has anyone got doing anything called homogenization unless they intend to be dishonest? It’s a dead giveaway and so is keeping methodology or anything else a secret. After all, BOM works for you, not for itself or parliament.
You — and also the rest of us — need to dismantle all the government entities that are dishonest and replace them entirely with new people and then put a watchdog on all of them to see to it that dishonesty is caught, the culprits fired and the public kept informed about any problems. The threat of exposure has a very desirable effect but the system within which official organizations function has to have a no tolerance policy about dishonesty.
I think the chance of getting to that ideal is very small. The opportunity to profit from dishonesty is everywhere. But someone should at least be trying and I don’t mean just talking but working to get the right people elected because success starts at the polls on Election Day.
Surely homogenization of milk was done for only 3 reasons —
1. Government can easily mandate minimum milk-fat content in milk. Thus the government now controls it.
2. To hide the seasonally variable cream content from the consumer,
3. To stop consumers skimming the milk for whatever small amount of cream they might needed.
I can not think of any other reasons to do it, it certainly does not add anything to the milk either nutritiously, or to its flavor or taste.
And neither does the BOM.
[…] some strange reason that the BOM has been unable to explain, when temperatures go below a certain point it either […]
Old Question: Why does government fight organized crime?
Old Answer: They don’t like competition.
New Question: Why does government no longer fight organized crime?
New Answer: They ARE organized crime.
I once hoped the answer was somewhere between the old and new but I am not so sure any more. Seems that governments protect the the rights of domestic criminals more than the victims of crime. Worse, they meddle into the minutia of private citizen’s affairs and try to stipulate the how, what, and why of just about everything. If the trend continues, we will soon have to ask the government “mother may I” for permission to sneeze.
Remember Mark Twain’s observation: “There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress”. Perhaps it holds in Oz as well.
Methinks the laddie doth protest too much.
Yes they do, because Lance is a whistle blower within the BoM community.
[…] highs. But when the temperatures reach new lows it’s a different matter altogether.For some strange reason that the BOM has been unable to explain, when temperatures go below a certain point it either […]
Almost 10 years since the HADCRU e-mails.
No one cares.
Except for the few of us who aren’t cerebellum scrubbed.
No one will care about this one
We will just add it to our list.
The most amazing thing about the grandest scientific and political ‘misrepresentation’ in history is that nobody cares.
We are not even allowed to use the real word.
Delingpole: Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Caught Erasing Record Low Temperatures.
Australia might have only 1/280th of the world’s population, but it is a dominant land mass in the bottom third of the planet where only 2% of the world’s population live. So it has a massively disproportionate significance in the history of land temperatures in an area which is mostly water. A slight change in temperature in Australia either way is critical to the continuing warming story and the continuation of billions of dollars in cunningly hidden carbon indulgences which flow overseas. Careers and incomes are incredibly dependent on pushing the temperatures up. An investigation into who did this and why is critical and also how far up this goes. World wide it is worth $1.5Trillion a year.
The Inconvenient Truth after Al Gore flew home is that Australian temperatures are critical to the story. Is this the work of true believer activists or is this driven by more prosaic motives? There must be an explanation and a reason the measuring unit was ordered to be immediately replaced as if faulty, casting doubt on the reading and not the documented fiddling.
TdeF –
great to see Delingpole draw attention to the fact Australia ” has a massively disproportionate significance in the history of land temperatures in an area which is mostly water”.
from memory, someone posted about this on jo’s blog yesterday…and it is vital this fact gets out while the BoM review is in (some) news worldwide.
maybe jo could start a new thread on the review, beginning with this point.
That is a point, most of the SH is ocean.
For the SH south of 20 degrees (roughly south Townsville – Broome) the satellite record shows very little warming, maybe 0.2 (eyeballing) since 1979.
It was an innocent mistake due to scientists not fit for purpose.
BoM withdraws advice Alice Springs recorded its hottest day ever, blames faulty thermometer
“Plummeting August 1 Temperatures In The US”
Obviously BOM is rallying to the call to keep the world wide temperatures up /s
The irony of the BoM excluding data … “prior to 1910 should be used with extreme caution as many stations, prior to that date, were exposed in non-standard shelters, some of which give readings which are several degrees warmer or cooler than those measured according to post-1910 standards” is not lost on this skeptic.
O/T Paris supporters rally
” Union super fund signs Paris climate agreement – now employing Climate Change “Activist” to bring back carbon tax”
With the mention in various posts about caustic comments I’ll post the headline in that SDA thread in #73
“Y2Kyoto: Another Day, Another Fraud”
The Australian
Josh Frydenberg rejects calls for an independent probe of data collection, but promises to release in-house review findings.
Prof Weiss’s fantastic analysis and fit to the last 2500 years of temperature data not only gets the past right, but the future, the pause and the big drop to come. By Occam’s razor, you know he is right. It is so simple. There is really some urgency about this fiddling with temperatures due to plummet after the pause ends. (see the graph at 16:48). We can reasonably expect -1C in just 20 years. Even as much as -2.5C by 2050 when Al Gore is 102 and James Hansen is 109.
Link, please.
Click on the first words, shown as red on my screen. That indicates the link embedded.
No surprises. That’s the most depressing aspect of the story. Yet more data shenanigans at BoM comes as no surprise. Nor does the Minister’s decision to settle for an internal “inquiry”; a sham if ever there was one. Then, even before the “inquiry” is off the ground, the Minister issues an assurance, as predictable as it is goofy, that the sun will continue to shine out of his BoM.
I would think it would be in the interest of all major political parties to make sure there’s nothing to see here no matter what’s found .
The fallout would have world wide ramifications and the tar and feather industry can’t keep up supply .
Under extreme pressure Josh decided that ‘…two independent external experts be included on the review panel.’
We could be up the proverbial creek without a paddle, any suggestions on the possible experts?
Jennifer Marohasy for one!
That would be amazing but her history with the Department of Environment has been rocky, so she probably won’t get the nod. In 2014 Dr Marohasy wrote to Minister Greg Hunt to explain the cyclic nature of climate change.
‘As part of ongoing research into natural rainfall patterns in Queensland, Professor John Abbot and I have been studying the temperature record for northeastern Australia, as temperature is a key input variable in our neural network models. Considering the data from the late 1800s until 1960, a cooling trend is evident, followed by warming between 1960 and 2001.
‘In contrast, the last 12 years show quite dramatic cooling, All three periods have occurred while greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, have been increasing in concentration in the atmosphere.’
Delingpole is running with the story.
The IPCC said it best, that raw data is biased and must be adjusted.
This is the crux of the matter, the cycles.
‘….beginning in January 1856 and ending in December 2016. The individual temperature series move in unison suggesting they are an accurate recording of climate variability and change. But there is no long-term warming trend. There are, however, cycles of warming and cooling, with the warmest periods corresponding with times of drought.’
Jennifer Marohasy
Time and time again these warmist, so-called ‘science’ organisations are caught out making ‘mistakes’. Well we all make mistakes, but isn’t it strange, that every ‘mistake’ has the same effect – to make current temperatures warmer, historical temperatures cooler and reinforce their hyperbolic claims of global warming?
Can anybody point to any similarly-egregious mistakes that lessened their global warming predictions? I’m guessing the answer is no.
A seemingly harmless sleight of hand has produced a warm bias to match the models, which have demonstrably failed. BoM once had integrity but in recent times the organisation has become corrupted, I present exhibit A.
[…] For some strange reason that the BOM has been unable to explain, when temperatures go below a certain point it either deletes them as if they had never been – or it enters them into its records at higher temperature than the one actually recorded by its thermometers. […]
Another Ian posted Michael Smith’s blog on this, but here’s more:
2 Aug: Australian: Eli Greenblat: Vision Super looks for greenie to recruit members
Vision Super, which looks after nearly $9 billion of retirement savings for local government workers, is hunting for a full-time climate activist to sell its industry fund at protests, demonstrations and forums, arguing such a role makes sound commercial sense…
It is particularly aimed at attracting younger members, many of whom might be motivated more by social policy than market-beating investment returns…
Vision Super — which at a Tasmanian local government conference last week had a tarot card reader at its stand offering to tell the future of attendees — looks after more than $8.75bn in assets for 100,000 members, and is claiming an industry first as it seeks a person with a strong history of activism to join its in-house climate team…
“It’s unbelievable that a superannuation fund wants to hire and pay an extreme green, left-wing activist,’’ said John Roskam, executive director of the free market think tank, the Institute of Public Affairs.
“Vision Super’s members ***will be outraged when they find out what their money is being spent on.
“A job description like this has nothing to do with growing the retirement savings of the fund’s members. APRA must investigate to ensure that Vision Super has not breached APRA’s prudential standards.”
***given who Vision Super represents, I don’t share Roskam’s view about the members.
I live in hope the members of the CFMEU will wake up one day. what is this about?
31 Jul:Courier Mail: Sarah Vogler: CFMEU walks out on Labor Left over energy motion at state conference
The Courier-Mail understands the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union walked out on its Left faction during a Caucus meeting on Saturday in protest over a motion being moved by the Electrical Trades Union.
Senior Labor sources said the CFMEU quit the faction for at least an hour while negotiations took place with its boss, Michael Ravbar, in a bid to resolve his concerns.
It is understood Mr Ravbar was unhappy with the motion, which called for the establishment of a “Just Transition authority” to look after workers as the country moves to a “low-carbon future” and secures more renewable energy.
The motion also called for the Government to establish a Queensland Just Transition Plan for the energy sector by December next year.
In the end, the wording was changed and the CFMEU rejoined the faction, with the motion passing unchallenged on the floor of the conference.
jim: Oh – now I get it.
The Labor 50% renewable energy target is OK – until it starts to affect Union members.
No problem for all the rest of the community including pensioners who can’t afford to turn the lights on but if a Union member is affected by this unreasonable and unsustainable target, then we have to change the policy.
How community minded of the CFMEU !
Andrew: If I was a member of the CFMEU I’d be angry with them donating millions to the Greens who are against every thing they are supposedly for. The Greens are against construction, forestry, mining and only for renewable energy which doesn’t require massive amounts of jobs.
30 Jul: SMH: Sean Nicholls: NSW Labor backs new renewable energy corporation with Snowy Hydro
Opposition resources and energy spokesman Adam Searle says he “can’t see a circumstance” where a NSW Labor government would subsidise new coal or other fossil fuel projects such as the proposed $1 billion federal loan for the controversial Adani mine in Queensland.
The comments come as a package of environment measures were passed by the weekend’s NSW Labor conference including creation in government of a state-owned corporation, NSW Renewable Energy Futures…
The corporation, to be funded by the sale of NSW’s share of the Snowy Hydro to the federal government and green bonds would “build, invest, own, and operate large-scale renewable energy and storage technologies, whilst modernising the grid”…
It also commits Labor to maintaining its support for Federal Labor’s objective of 50 per cent energy generation and consumption from renewables by 2030…
***The motions passed following negotiations with the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and the Australian Workers Union.
2 Aug: Australian: Looming electricity crises split Victorian cabinet
Concerns over rocketing energy prices and the prospect of summer blackouts are driving a wedge through Victoria’s cabinet, with ministers calling for a solution to bring more immediate relief than investment in long-range renewable energy plans.
The Andrews government is in negotiations with energy giant AGL over a potential gas import jetty and pipeline operating out of a floating jetty at the Port of Hastings near Melbourne.
The $300 million proposal could boost the state’s gas supply by up to a third, with a potential to drive down power prices and safeguard operations in the state’s gas-fired plants.
Although the plan is understood to have broad support in cabinet, sources say tension is rising, with some members of the right faction — including Resources Minister Wade Noonan — frustrated by what they see as a disproportionate focus on long-range renewable energy initiatives over fossil-fuel-based options that could deliver a more immediate power boost.
There was consensus that the government had to show it was addressing power prices to shore up voter support before the election year. “The solution can’t always be to throw more money into renewable projects that won’t deliver any benefit for years,” a government source said…
AGL Limited are proudly advertising on television that their business future is with renewables.
A brain washing marketing exercise clearly crafted to convince consumers that fossil fuel power stations are no longer needed.
So BOM claims in its letter to JF that they halt release (using data systems implemented in certain thermometers) of data if it is at, what they consider, high or low extremes so that they can check the data.
Any evidence that this occurs at the high end, or evidence that it doesn’t occur as claimed?
We may have to wait for the inquiry, a secret process within a secret society might take awhile to unravel.
“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.” Orwell.
Go back and read the whole thing again this time with both eyes open .
If thermometers they use are calibrated to work from -25-60 Celsius what’s the problem with one going below -10 ? And in the case of Thredbo explain why alarm bells go off at BOM when it gets below -10 ?
For the same reason they have automated processes to flag precipitation data that is out of whack with surrounding stations, conditions at the time, or historical records.
My nearest rain gauge has two historical results that are red-flagged as “dubious”. The BoM can’t prove it, but they strongly suspect that somebody may have tipped a bottle of water into their gauge on those two days.
a bit harder to chill things outdoors though.
Seem to me that -10C in winter is very low but plausible but for the coast is certainly worthy of investigation.
For Thredbo it is absurd.
Really, Gee Aye? I think you need to be careful of things you believe to be intuitively true.
Check Thredbo’s record and tell us how often it gets below -10 there.
I see one temperature of -11 in 2015, and one more -11 in 2014.
A datapoint that occurs intermittently on a sub-annual basis (so <0.25% rate of occurrence) would certainly explain why it would be treated as an outlier value.
I cannot agree with your assessment that its an intermittent outlier, have you considered noble cause corruption?
….and nobody’s noticed?
…and there’s no statistical anomaly involving too many values right on -10?
Temperatures below -10 are an intermittent outlier, it’s fact.
I meant it is absurd to be halting data publication of a thermometer reading -10C at thredbo when that is not unusual in the context of a winter night
It hardly ever drops below -10 at Thredbo.
So someone went up to Thredbo and put the thermometer in the freezer , how diabolical .
RR, I did read it with my eyes open and mind switched on. The reason all sorts of systems flag raw data for checking is the concern that calibrations are not right, there is some sort of fault or there is tampering. The performance range of the device is irrelevant and has nothing to do with the reason for the flag.
Listen here troll , either answer the question or go over to CT’s house and play with him if your mums will let you .
You have no rational argument except the ones preprogrammed in your little minds by your masters .
BOM have been caught out , deal with it .
Can you or the people who liked your comment please write it in simplified language
I think he simply doesn’t understand the idea of ensuring data quality includes flagging outlier values for manual checks.
more than 24 hours later and still nothing at ABC/SBS/AAP/Fairfax/Guardian/Daily Mail/commercial TV stations, yet the story has developed with news of the review, etc.
what happens when the review is published? how do their audiences catch up with this story? or do they simply continue to ignore it?
meanwhile, more US websites weigh in:
1 Aug: American Thinker: Australian officials caught fudging temperature data
By Rick Moran
1 Aug: Newsmax: Clyde Hughes: Australia Climate-Data Tampering Suspicions Anew
I mentioned Daily Mail because they are not averse to reporting every BoM prediction/statement!
Warmer days and nights ahead for August as Sydney braces for the hottest winter day in 27 years
Southeast Australia will continue to warm up with spring-like temperatures…
Some NSW towns are forecast to get record July highs by the weekend
Daily Mail-28 Jul. 2017
By Australian Associated Press and Daniel Peters and Nic White For Daily Mail
The Bureau of Meteorology rates the likelihood of above-average temperatures very high for the country’s north and southeast next month…
Get ready for a Sunday sizzler! Sydney braces for its warmest winter day in 27 YEARS – but make the most of it because rain’s on the way
Daily Mail-29 Jul. 2017
By Australian Associated Press and Nic White and Sam Duncan For Daily Mail Australia
The Bureau of Meteorology rates the likelihood of above-average temperatures very high for the country’s north and southeast next month…
2 Aug: Daily Mail: Flight chaos as dozens of planes are grounded in Melbourne after thick flog blankets the city
By Peter Devlin For Daily Mail Australia
***VIDEO: Chilly Melbourne has awoken to thick fog blanketing the city
The Bureau of Meteorology also issued a warning for the Melbourne area due to dangerous driving conditions…
also made Breitbart today.
didn’t find this in any search, but came across it by chance.
a mere 47-sec video posted on FB; plenty of comments:
VIDEO: 47secs: 1 Aug: Facebook: Sky News Australia: (Jones & Co) Dr Jennifer Marohasy is calling for a public inquiry into the Australian Bureau of Meteorology over claims it manipulated temperature records
in fact, it’s a 9-min interview, though I’ve tried multiple times and cannot get it to play at all. if anyone can copy it to youtube, please do so and provide a link!
VIDEO: 9mins01secs: 1 Aug: Sky News: BOM accused of manipulating temperatures (Jones and Co)
Dr. Jennifer Marohasy speaks with Sky News on claims BoM is manipulating temperature records
Yep, and on the news this morning they are reporting that the BOM has this July as the warmest on record! But which record? Obviously not based on raw data.
Massive orchestrated climate fraud . These people need to be put behind bars . Bureau Of [snip] .
This doesn’t just happen . People made a choice to fudge and manipulate the data for monitory gain
and to appease crooked politicians .
Guaranteed Australia isn’t the only country where climate fraud is occurring .
It’s telling when they won’t respond to enquiries .
So why isn’t the government demanding a full external audit ?
Imagine if some white coats claimed a cure for cancer based on fudged numbers .
every industry shut-down has a silver “renewables” lining, according to theirABC. ???:
2 Aug: ABC: Holden closure will help Energy Market Operator manage SA’s blackout risk, report finds
By political reporter Nick Harmsen
The exit of a once powerful manufacturing sector will see the state using less electricity, particularly during the all-important summer peak.
The information is contained in the latest Electricity Forecasting Insights published by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
“Projections for strong growth in rooftop PV and other consumer changes, along with closure of the automotive industry, are forecast to result in lower consumption in the next two years,” the report said.
South Australia’s forecast maximum operational demand, which usually occurs when air-conditioners kick in on very hot afternoons in summer, is expected to fall to 3,035 megawatts by 2021-22.
The current maximum demand is 3,116MW.
Nevertheless, AEMO is forecasting widespread shortfalls of reserve power over the next two summers, prompting the State Government to invest in temporary generators…
AEMO found South Australia’s heavy uptake of solar panels means in a decade’s time on some days the state will have surplus power without having to switch on a single power station.
“Minimum demand in South Australia is expected to be negative by 2027-28, as rooftop PV generation is expected to exceed customer demand in some hours,” the report stated.
“South Australia could store this excess generation or export it to the rest of the NEM [National Electricity Market] via the interconnectors, provided they were in service.
“This signals the important need for market and regulatory frameworks that support storage solutions and maximise the efficiency of shared electricity services for consumers.”
hilarious. plenty of fun comments:
2 Aug: Australian: Letter:
1 Aug: Twitter: ABC News: VIDEO: 1min15secs: It was easily the hottest July on record and Prof David Karoly from @SciMelb says this is becoming par for the course #climatechange
Taxed Enuff Already: Goulborne had record cold temp of -10.4C. @BOM_au caught out fudging the Data.
Phillip Darling: Great news of a warm July for all the pensioners who can’t afford heating because of insane #renewable policies of state govts.
Lellane: Did you leave something out about the government lying to us on climate change, in June? I came in late and only heard the last bit.
DMGA: Thats after @BOM_au found out for manipulation of weather data as exposed by whistleblower. Spare me
John Charles Manson: Using BOM’s doctored and manipulated data eh?
someone posted a link to this:
1 Aug: Daily Wire: John Nolte: Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Australia Weather Bureau Tampered With Climate Numbers
Wouldn’t “honest mistakes” result in an equal number of false warming and cooling readings? And yet, these “honest mistakes” always seem to show the planet is warming. Odd that.
The Daily Caller (LINK) reports that for the second time in a just a few years the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) in Australia has been caught red-handed tampering with climate temperatures as a means to make a “slight cooling trend to one of ‘dramatic warming’ over the past century.”…
There is simply no question anymore that Global Warming or Climate Change — or whatever these luddites are calling it today — is a massive fraud.
Why do the people and institutions like CNN, those who tell us the flooding of Manhattan is imminent, remain in Manhattan, or in CNN’s case, invest billions of dollars just blocks away from the “endangered coast” (LINK)?
Why do these supposedly innocent temperature adjustments always, Always, ALWAYS show the planet is warming
comment in moderation which wrongly inserts “2 Aug: Australian: Letter” between the opening comment and the Karoly/ABC twitter link.
it should begin with:
hilarious. plenty of fun comments:
1 Aug: Twitter: ABC News: VIDEO: 1min15secs: It was easily the hottest July on record and Prof David Karoly from @SciMelb says this is becoming par for the course #climatechange…etc
half-way down the page:
1 Aug: Twitter: Sky News Australia: Missed out on last night’s episode of #JonesandCo with special guests Jennifer Marohasy and Professor Peter Ridd? Catch up on the show here: (AUDIO)
(Jones begins his program, featuring Jennifer Marohasy and Peter Ridd, with his standard 6 or 7 minute anti-Adani rant. repeatedly uses the $1 billion loan figure which Adani denies is their figure; still quoting ABC & other anti-coal, anti-Adani reporting. tries to drag in Peta Credlin when he finishes, but she avoids the issue)
Abbot Point Supporters Group: Alan Jones, instead of believing the lies spread by the Greens about Adani, you need to come and chat with people who know the truth, such as us, here in Bowen! Coal prices and everything else you mentioned are lies spread by the Greens. The price of coal does not affect Adani, he is using the coal for his own use! NSW coal is not affected by ADANI!! They are not supplying coal for Adani’s power plants are they!! DO YOU COMPREHEND?? You , like so many others have been conned and believe the lies! Shame on you!! Come and speak to the people of Bowen and Surrounds who are relying on this mine going ahead. Shame on you!! I thought you were a reporter? Do your job and research properly! Come and speak with the local mayor of Bowen, before you do the bidding of the Greens , spreading their lies!
John Whyman: APSG how could you. Didn’t you realise who you were talking to. That is the GREAT Alan Jones. The only person above him is Jesus Christ. Go and say three Our Fathers and two Hail Marys and beg forgiveness.
Re Alan Jones
At times I’m sure that he uas never heard the comment that
“Vehemence and veracity are seldom synonymous”
I first saw it in a UK newspaper summation of Ralph Nader’s first speaking tour of UK
lol again:
20 Jul: ABC PM: BOM strike: Bureau of Meteorology staff to take industrial action for next three weeks
By Penny Timms
Staff at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) are going on strike for three weeks, after being locked in an ongoing dispute over pay and conditions for three years.
Workers said they had been left with no other option than to take industrial action, starting on Thursday.
“It will continue for three weeks, unless management change their position,” Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) deputy secretary Beth Vincent-Pietsch said…
“We’ve got a range of activities that will be happening, some of it will be rolling strike action,” she said.
“But some of it will be not responding to non-urgent media enquiries, not answering telephone calls, not responding to emails, the reading of a media statement when we do live media crosses.”
The CPSU estimated about one third of bureau staff would take part in the industrial action, which was not due to end until August 9.
BOM staff took similar action last year, though it only lasted for a fortnight
What if there’s a weather emergency?…
The CPSU and BOM said provisions were in place to ensure that if there was an emergency, staff would break from their industrial action and ensure the public was kept informed.
In a written statement, the bureau said it would continue to deliver forecasts and warnings in a timely manner…
“I question whether or not management will be able to deliver all the services they currently do because we have a lot of union members within the Bureau of Meteorology, and they’re committed to take this industrial action,” Ms Vincent-Pietsch said.
“It will be very telling.”
didn’t stop them rushing out with the hottest-July-ever rubbish, did it?
How the Bureau of Meteorology won’t allow an independent audit of it’s data.
the laughs keep coming:
1 Aug: The Hill: Top EPA official resigns over direction of agency under Trump
By Jacqueline Thomsen
Elizabeth “Betsy” Southerland ended her 30-year run at the agency with a scathing exit letter (LINK) in which she claimed that “the environmental field is suffering from the temporary triumph of myth over truth.” She last worked as the director of science and technology in the Office of Water.
“The truth is there is NO war on coal, there is NO economic crisis caused by environmental protection, and climate change IS caused by man’s activities,” Southerland wrote, directly rejecting many of Trump’s claims.
Southerland said that since EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt took over the agency, dozens of regulations designed to protect the environment had been repealed, and Trump’s proposed budget cuts to the agency would devastate its ability to enforce existing protections and create new ones.
She took aim in particular at Trump’s demand that two federal regulations be struck from the books for every new one added…
She added that in the past the EPA had been a “guiding light to make the ‘right thing’ happen for the greater good,” but that the Trump administration has hurt the agency’s ability to protect the planet…
“It may take a few years and even an environmental disaster, but I am confident that Congress and the courts will eventually restore all the environmental protections repealed by this administration because the majority of the American people recognize that this protection of public health and safety is right and it is just,” Southerland wrote.
An EPA spokesman questioned the timing of Southerland stepping down.
“It’s hard to believe that Elizabeth Southerland is retiring because of a budget proposal and not because she’s eligible for her government pension,” EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox told Environment & Energy Publishing in an email…
The -10.4 was widely reported at the time:
And the BoM has clearly recorded -10.4 in its July 2017 monthly stats:
Another storm in a teacup…
They correct it when caught red-handed, but don’t want an independent audit (what are they afraid of) and won’t answer the basic questions, nor explain how many times this has happened before.
Jo, The word is cover-up, the last resort of the dishonest. And who would want to admit to dishonesty?
I’m sceptical of this narrative.
We all remember McIntyre & McKitrick claiming to have found flaws in Mann’s old statistical models. Turned out those flaws had already been documented and the models superseded, long before M&M got involved.
This story smacks of the same kind of desperation.
And as I have shown elsewhere – if you go through other BoM station data, you can clearly see temperatures that fall below -10 being recorded at other times and places.
Craig, Science has nothing to do with it, it’s a cherry picking fest here.
And on the subject of avoiding basic questions – Jo has failed to address the skeptic’s failure to get any evidence to fly in the real world, hence this alternative science zone.
Well lookee here! Here’s Frank once more demanding that Jo do the impossible by proving a negative, that climate change doesn’t exist. That is what you mean by
isn’t it? Do you ever pay attention, Frank? I guess not.
Trying to prove the negative of something is a logical fallacy. Here’s why. It would be easy for you to prove that I exist. All you have to do is find me, take my picture, show it to the world and as if by magic you’ve proved that Roy Hogue exists.
But if you set out to find me and after the most exhaustive search you can do you fail to find me, that does not prove the negative of my existence, that I don’t exist. Why? Because I could simply be moving around and always manage to be somewhere where you’re not searching. So all you’ve proved if you can’t find me is that your method was inadequate, leaving the field wide open for someone else to come along and find me at some later date thus proving that I exist. Or once again, fail to find me and prove nothing.
So I’ve had it with seeing this demand from you and now I have one for you.
Get real. For more than 30 years disaster has been just around the corner according to the IPCC and all its hangers on, yet not a single prediction of the global warming theory — or call it climate change if you must — has ever come true. Not one, Frank, not even the most harmless prediction is to be found anywhere. And since skeptics know that absence of evidence of climate change is not proof that it doesn’t exist all we ever do is ask people like you for your evidence that supports your position. And for more than 30 years no evidence has ever been provided. Instead we get lies, doctored up data, diversions, refusal to debate with skeptics, character assassination and even threats. We get everything but evidence.
So Frank, it’s finally time, put up your supporting evidence for everyone to see or shut the hell up.
Don’t follow Craig Thomas around, Frank. He’s almost as bad off as you are.
You’re both as exposed as the Emperor in his new clothes that only he and his tailors could see.
Oh Roy,
More reverse demands for evidence, just talk to any reputable institution outside the bunker.
What’s all this crap about proving a negative? ( btw, I do have a nice photo of you ), that’s yet another lame excuse for your failure to engage with reality.
The science is based on empirical evidence, so the burden of proof is with you and is the reason why you’re stuck in this knitting circle.
[More useless drivel. I could delete it but I think I’ll pass it on through so everyone gets to see how you respond to a challenge to support your convictions.] AZ
Then you must be the only one in possession of it. So out with it and prove me wrong.
As for having a nice photo of me, put that up too and prove your words are more than hot air.
Hello-o-o-o, Frank. Where are you? Quick to condemn then absent when he can show us he’s got some substance.
Sounds like CT works for BOM , that’s what they say when caught with the hand in the cookie jar.
At least his troll mate was honest enough to recognise -10 limit for Thredbo was absurd .
Your unpleasant comments are, I am sure, against company policy.
Sorry to put this onto other people but how does the timing of the Canberra times article check with the other times ?
The -10 was not a “limit”.
Maybe re-read Jo’s article, Robert, and see if you can try to understand it.
Dear Craig,
Changing raw data to “suit” models which have been demonstrated to be incorrect is lunacy.
The basic premise underlying those models that CO2 is a “nasty” is also lunacy.
You must feel at home with all this lunacy.
What are you on about?
Ensuring data quality has nothing to do with any incorrect models.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, do try to understand that. Roy Spencer explains it here:
“Downwelling IR from the sky continuously maintains surface temperatures well above what they would be without greenhouse gases… Surface temperature is a function of energy gain (from the sun) and energy loss (which is reduced by greenhouse gases).”
Asserting the opposite is the lunacy.
I worked in calibration for 13 years, where you did NOT fool around with the recorded numbers. To do so would be worse than having no calibration facility at all. What the BoM is doing is disgusting. What grubs.
***more cheating?
1 Aug: ClimateChangeNews: Coal lobby threatens to sue over EU clean air rules
Euracoal accuses the European Commission of using air pollution legislation to implement climate policy, in breach of procedural rules
By Arthur Neslen
Under a European Commission review of permits, power generators must clean up health-harming emissions by mid-2021 or face closure.
According to the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), 82% of coal capacity expected to be operating in four years is currently in breach of the standards. Compliance could cost up to €15.4 billion.
Coal bosses are threatening to sue the European Commission over the move, citing “procedural irregularities”.
Green lawfirm Client Earth showed equal determination to make sure the laws are implemented, saying it “will not hesitate” to sue any coal plants that fail to comply.
***The legal manoeuvres follow a European committee vote in April, which approved new clean air standards by the narrowest of margins. Germany and Finland joined coal-dependent eastern European states Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania in opposing the new rules, arguing that the proposed limits on nitrous oxide emissions were unreasonably stringent. But they were beaten in a “qualified majority” vote.
Euracoal, a coal trade association claimed that decision was “null and void” because of “procedural irregularities” in the vote, in a letter sent to the Commission on 31 May…
He said: “The European Commission has abused process. That’s for sure. They tabled an amendment which no member states had seen, took a vote early in the meeting, and then had a discussion afterwards. The whole thing was rigged to knock out coal and meet the Paris [climate agreement] targets. That is not what the legislation is for.”
Ricketts referred to an email newsletter from the Commission saying the clean energy package “will be crucial for the implementation of the Paris Agreement“…
Client Earth’s energy lawyer Dominique Doyle said the Paris Agreement was highly relevant to the future of the coal plants under the new rules…
“Is it really practical to shell out millions to update a plant that may shut down almost as soon as it’s refurbished?” she asked.
“ClientEarth will be watching carefully to see how Europe’s plants comply,” she added. “We will not hesitate to take action if they try to shirk their legal responsibility to protect our health.”…
Twelve of the EU’s 27 countries already face European court action for breaching air quality limits, and nine have asked for permission to pollute above a cap that should have come into force in 2015…
All eyes will now be on the position that Germany takes after upcoming elections are out of the way. The country has pledged a 95% cut in emissions by 2050, but still depends on lignite for a quarter of its electricity…READ ALL
1 Aug: TheLocalGermany: More Germans fear climate change than terrorism, poll shows
A new survey ahead of the national election in September shows Germans are more concerned about the future state of the environment than they are about more headline-grabbing topics like terrorism or the refugee crisis.
The survey released on Tuesday conducted by research group Kantar Emnid Institute on behalf of publishing group Funke Mediengruppe found that 71 percent of respondents said they were most personally concerned about climate change. This worry ranked higher than the possibility of new wars, listed by 65 percent of survey participants, and also above terror attacks, listed by 63 percent.
Crime was noted as a worry by 62 percent of the 1,000 participants surveyed, who were able to list more than one fear.
Less than half of those polled (45 percent) said they were anxious about the immigration of refugees into the country, while the lowest concern was unemployment (33 percent).
Though climate change was the biggest concern named by Germans, the topic doesn’t seem to be winning any more support for the environment-conscious Green party, which is currently polling at around 8 percent…
The analyst also noted that because Merkel’s conservative Union parties of the CDU and CSU are considered competent in the area of security, this makes them “well-positioned” for the German parliament (Bundestag) election on September 24th. Therefore Merkel herself has an advantage over her most serious challenger, centre-left SPD leader Martin Schulz…
Unfortunatly, misguided ‘climate change mitigation’ measures will kill more people than climate change or terrorism.
Must give it to Murkel for her consummate skills in manipulating the thoughts of the populace, no doubt through the application of targeted suppression of comment. Works on the migration front as well.
That’s strange, none of our friends whom have been touched by the sun have arrived yet to defend this mighty institution.
If you can’t even do simple math, you darn well can’t be in charge of something as important as weather measurement.
Modern weather science is pivotal to healthy insurance markets, agricultural investment pipelines, city/town planning, and human safety (ie, investing in dams and levies instead of multiple billion dollar un-needed desalination plants for a drought that never comes, and surely could have been abated with some flood water storage infrastructure).
Rout out these saboteurs … which will start when Malcolm Turnbull is ousted from leadership of the ‘conservative’ party.
What really happened: there are 2 types of interface card interfacing the sensors to the AWS computer. One type is only specified down to -10.4 deg C on the temperature channels. Obviously should not be used in cold areas like the Snowy Mountains and Goulburn, but there was no procedure in place to tell us poor techo’s that. So, when the temp dropped to -10.4, the AWS could not report the temp; no valid data was removed by the BoM, there was no valid data to remove, the AWS was not reporting the temp. Why has Thredbo reported below -10.4 in the past? because it had the “correct” interface card at the time. Why was it changed? because it was faulty, not for any bullshit conspiracy reason.
It seems that a renaming of the Bureau to Bureau of Misinformation.
There’s something about the label “scientist” after receiving an official PhD that makes modern scientists (and my wife is a physicist, who actually is skeptical, and I exempt her from this by way of observation not necessity) more cultish and credulous than they otherwise would be—to be fair, humans being humans, otherwise is probably a lot—believing expertise and those with the official, socially recognized title “scientist”.
On the other hand, engineers, with that label, are at least more skeptical, because by definition they are always dealing with the problem of catastrophic material or systems failure, rather than pretty equations; published, peer-recognized papers; and giving each other tongue baths.
“Climate scientists—but they are SCIENTISTS!”
Uh huh. Sure they are.
Remember fifty years ago when science and media insisted the ozone would block the sun’s rays and earth would freeze?
[…] Flashback – Scandal: Australian Bureau of Meteorology caught erasing cold temperatures […]
[…] Australian Bureau of Meteorology caught erasing cold temperatures. “Amazing, the power of the media. Lance Pidgeon and Jennifer Marohasy have been watching the automatic weather stations record very cold temperatures, and then astonished when those same readings either got entered into our national raw database as warmer, or simply disappeared. The BOM apparently has a filter set so that super cold temperatures need to be manually checked. Yet the filter is set so high, in Thredbo’s case, nearly five whole degrees warmer than temperatures already recorded.” […]