- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

Please sign this petition to get Australia out of the Paris Climate Accord and back to affordable energy

It only takes a moment and it does help. It’s easy to be cynical. But in the world of psychology and politics, petitions prove there really are a lot of people who feel the same way. Sometimes these are the only numbers a politician will pay attention to (though we may wish it were otherwise).  — Jo

Australian Taxpayers Alliance.

Sign the Petition

Demand Affordable Energy Now

Government renewable mandates and future targets are driving up cost astronomically on Australian families and businesses. Australia energy cost are the highest in the world. Now the government wants more restrictions due to the Paris Climate Accord. It’s time to cut energy prices and get Australia out of the Paris Climate Accord! We need more free market solutions to our energy and remove government mandates to energy!

Sign the petition below to demand affordable energy solutions now!

 About the ATA

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance is a unique grassroots advocacy & activist organisation, dedicated to standing up for hardworking Australian taxpayers.

We oppose high taxes, wasteful spending, and crippling red tape that is hurting Aussie families and businesses, and provide a voice for everyone who opposes the big-government agenda.


PS: Edited to temporarily swap ATA image to correct flag position. Australian flag from Bob Linsdell on Wikimedia. — Jo

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