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Save Liddell Coal: Event Thursday in Singleton with David Archibald 6:30pm

Liddell Coal Plant, NSW.

Liddell Coal Plant, NSW.   Image: Webaware, Wikimedia

UPDATE: 6:30pm for a 6:45 start.

AGL has promised to close the Liddell Coal generators early. Why won’t they sell this generator? Perhaps they want to save the planet (Corporate Saints?!), or maybe is it better for business not to have another cheap coal plant competing with their profitable gas and subsidized-renewables generators in Australia? Perhaps they like to feast off million dollar power price spikes and forced subsidies from the Renewable Energy Target?

How screwed is our free market when the cheapest form of generation is so “worthless” corporates buy it to “throw it away”?

Archibald is a take-no-prisoners presenter. If you can get there, do!

Save Liddell and keep the Hunter Valley working (not to mention our national grid).

Thursday 22nd February, Singleton Diggers Club, cnr York and Church St Singleton, NSW.

  1. The Science of Climate
  2. Power Prices
  3. The true story at Liddell
  4. The Lesson from the US
  5. What’s needed for the Hunter

Presented by David Archibald, Geologist, climate scientist and energy analyst.

Contact David.archibald AT westnet.com.au

Ph 0410 664 853

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