Good news. Children who don’t know what snow is can now ski in summer.
Heavy Summer Snowfall in European Alps – Austria, Italy, Germany & Switzerland Receive Up To 40cm
Matt Wiseman, Mountainwatch
Heavy snow fell above 1500 metres across the European Alps this weekend with a number of destinations reporting over 40cm of the fluffy white stuff.
While it is still summer in Europe, temperatures dropped over 15 degrees and dipped into the negatives in less than 24hrs
European heatwave comes to an abrupt end
Debbie White, Mail Online
There’s been a dramatic plunge in temperature across parts of Europe where searing heat has suddenly given way to heavy snowfall of up to 40cm – despite it still being summer.
About 25cm of snow was dumped on Germany‘s highest peak, the Zugspitze, where temperatures reached a decidedly chilly 19.4F (-7C) yesterday.
Even Italy gets snow and a minus 8 C freeze
A ski resort in northern Italy was coated with 10cm of snow on Sunday as temperatures plunged to -8C.
Snow is also falling on Calgary and Alberta too.
Locals are a bit surprised:
Monday, August 27, 2018, 9:59 AM – We know it’s Monday, so we won’t blame you for doing a double or even triple take of this August snow in Alberta. That’s right we said SNOW.
No doubt, climate change will be blamed for this freak weather.
Soon, children won’t know what science is.
PS: I see Anthony Watts has seen snow in other places as well.
h/t Pat
Now, now. Everyone knows that high temperature records are global warming/climate change, while anything having to do with cold temperatures is simply weather.
Pretty much
Then I hope we get the opposite (global warming) soon. It’s been so bleeding cold this Winter and once again 0C under our veranda this morning.
It was -4C at 0655 herein our part of North Central Vic and there was a good frost, still is where the sun hasn’t got onto it, at 0923.
We’ve had sun the last few days but had a perishing cold wind in the afternoons….brrr! Pilot son looking forward to a break from the 45C heat in the Arabian Gulf!
Frost everywhere here as well. I took our hounds for their usual morning run at a nearby park and everything still in shade was white.
Annie, here in the outer Eastern suburbs of Melbourne we’ve had frosts the last two mornings and our solar booster hot water service blew its top. I didn’t connect the two events until the technician just left having told me that he has had 50 calls this morning from blown solar HWS systems due to the frosts. Yet another benefit of beautiful, bountiful, free renewable energy! We’re going back to reliable gas HWS.
That’s a pity about your solar hot water system me@home. We have an evacuated tube system, supplied by people based in Albury (Wise Living) and fitted by Hydrospec (sp?). They are used to supplying these areas with colder winter weather. Our wood-fired stove was built by Metal Dynamics and gives us hot water in the winter and the roof system gives us hot water in the summer. The only electricity we’ve used for hot water since we moved in is for pumps. I can cook on the top of the stove and also bake in its oven. I hardly touch the electric stove and oven all winter long and we only occasionally use the electric kettle when we are in a hurry and the stove top kettles have been refilled. The wood stove also heats up to five radiators…it’s brilliant!
Nothing like good old burning wood and the occasional coal brickette for reliable energy.
“Children won’t know what snow is”. To the left, it’s cocaine.
The real problem in the world envisioned by the left is that children won’t know what science is.
We have seen the indoctrination running at full speed to prop up the green left Church of Climatology and keep the trough full.
Apologies, that should be:
What you get for copying from another screen. It would be nice to be able to edit posts for a short while after posting to correct mistakes.
“Soon, children won’t know what science is.”
More on this:-
James Depingpole “It’s not science I don’t trust – it’s the scientists”
And it’s been the best snow season in Victoria for around a decade apparently. Yep, the ski resorts will have to find some other way to attract customers as snow will never fall again.
We used to get nightly reports from the snow fields on Sydney T.V during winter. Haven’t seen one in quite a while. Is that because there is plenty of snow and they said a few years ago there wouldn’t be any or is it because there is no snow to report on? I know what i’ll put my money on.
They’ll have an indoctrinated and superficial grasp based on bullet points around policy-based evidence and precautionary scientivism. More to the point, they know little in the way of social, technical and geopolitical history, and are utterly incapable of distinguishing between race, religion, culture, and ethnicity. They are not taught to think or to engage in critical thought. As long as they have assembled a passable verbal repertoire associated with the Rainbow Cult, they’re good to go.
It’s just weather but the weather patterns, including the meridianal flow, we are seeing in the NH for past year are likely indicators that we are starting a global cooling trend. See Dr. Ball’s articles here:
Even the great European heat wave was set up by weather patterns caused by unusually cool waters in the Atlantic this summer:
It is not all that unusual to get snow in Calgary during cooler weather. It did snow a bit during the last rain. You can see it clearly, especially at night when the street lights are on, it reflects a lot. Never heard anything from anyone on that. But yes it does snow during summer time in Calgary.
Absolutely correct Gordon, I live just south of Calgary, we didn’t see any, but it was darn cool. 1992 – aug, we went well below zero with lots of snow that year (but that was just weather
How appropriate. Climate change has been a snow-job all along. The believing gullible world has been buried in it above their heads for years.
Now maybe can they admit they don’t know what’s hapening? Dream on Roy, dream on.
Hire power systems engineers, not politicians. But of course that would require the politicians to first decide they want plentiful and reliable electricity instead of climate change mitigation.
Ha. Ha. Ha. You have to see the funny side of Climate Change. We are all going to fry, when we are not freezing.
You’ll never see snow again. Starving polar bears. Vanishing herds of caribou. There will be no sea ice in Antarctica. That’s not climate change, that’s the weather.
The big one for me, the one behind the 97% of scientists story, is that meteorologists know all the science needed for weather predictions but cannot predict the climate.
In real Climate Science, only a science free ecologist or zoologist or anthropologist with no knowledge of meteorology or geology or mathematics or chemistry or physics or computer science knows about climate.
How else does anyone explain PM Gillard’s creation of a ‘Climate Council” with ‘Climate Commissioners’, not one of whom had any qualifications as a meteorologist. Engineers, administrators and the Chief Climate Commissioner an expert in prehistoric giant kangaroos.
Why Climate Change Science is not laughed off the air is beyond understanding.
If I wanted to know the history of climate, I would ask a geologist like Prof Ian Plimer, especially one associated with the fossil fuel industry as a profound understanding of previous climates and earth tectonics is their essential skill set.
However the aim of Climate Science is the destruction of the fossil fuel industry and the taxing of Western democracies. After all, no one else pays Carbon Taxes to the UN, EU and world Bankers. So the head of the IPCC Christiana Figueres is an anthropologist. The former head of the IPCC was a railway engineer. Al Gore is completely unqualified and a maths phobic like Flannery.
Science, brought to your by the Left in politics and supported by the political activists of the ABC, BBC, CNN, Washing Post, New York Times and the world collection of communist run Green parties.
In the face of snow in mid summer, why do such clueless clowns have any credibility at all?
TdeF, they do because they bully, threaten, ridicule and silence real scientists and anyone with half a brain who dares to question their ‘religious’ beliefs and greed for OPM and power. After all, they are the ones who know best for the rest of us serfs, are they not? /sarc
Cool, all three of us scored a red card from Thumbob – a first-year undergraduate Environmental Studies + Journalism activist/student-type maybe? Youth is so wasted on the young. Still, 46:3 is a bit of a trouncing. And yet another big snow on the way Friday for VIC & NSW mountains… epic!
Hear! Hear! TdeF. Having been raised and educated in the
Climate ScienceCatholic System – and walking away from it at 14 – I recognise all too well the familiar tricks, turns of phrases, ruses, threats and offers of salvation this latest re-incarnation of the Babylonian Cult Con possesses. Yet so many of my friends and family are believers, listening to every latest un-epistle, awaiting the next trigger-word of doom from on high… while this heathen-who-left-the-flock long ago is the first one they call for next week’s snow/surf/weather report. Little by little…Talking of, it’s been snowing all over the planet this week and will continue all next week too – same as it ever was.
For alarmists, a terrible blow,
As world weather forecasts will show,
That in each hemisphere,
Any time of the year,
Children could see too much snow.
Public university forbids students from throwing snowballs
So many laughs at the 97% basic physics science expense …
Don’t forget Greenland.,2018-08-30-06,64.187,-40.012,5,i:pressure,m:fsTae0T
At the minute it’s -1c in Geelong, Victoria. I haven’t checked the records, but by the end of August we are usually warming up and dodging swooping magpies (it’s their breeding season).
I am yet to experience my first swooping magpie*, perhaps it’s too cold for them to procreate. This is very unusual for the tail end of August.
*bicycle riders will understand
Further evidence renewable energy can not prevent climate change:
July 2018, Sweden to reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year …
“Sweden is on target to meet one of its renewable energy targets years ahead of schedule, and it’s thanks in part to wind turbines.”
July 2018, Record-breaking heat hits Norway, Finland and Sweden …
How many windmills must Sweden, Finland and Norway install before Sweden, Finland and Norway prevent their first record-breaking heat wave?
Don’t panic – the worst is yet to come!
“Claim: global warming will make El Niño and La Niña event impacts worse”
Based on “muddles all the way down” though
They will say this chill in south east Australia is just winter weather, but I reckon its a sign of regional cooling.
I base my hypothesis on the fact that the high and low pressures are behaving like 1950s climate, a period of global cooling.
PM belatedly discovers that this Quilpie dry spell is not unusual, well within average range, but fails to inform the electorate.
Our leader is pandering to ignorance, pathetic.
Chiefio on Californian solar power – wider application IMO
“Only government can arrange for so many people to be so stupid in unison… All the local advertising is about the subsidy not about power independence. That’s your clue right there.”
My wife has been in the UK visiting family and she reported that the heatwave finished there in the fist week of August. Will we hear anything from the ABC about this latest weather change? Somehow I doubt it.
Absolutely, Geoff! When the weather confirms the ABC bias you won’t hear the end of it. When there is counter evidence: deathly silence. I’d love to express my true opinion of ABC journalists and ?science presenters but let me just say the palm of the hand and five fingers come to mind.
It appears the global warming alarmists and those who have been blindly conned into believing this BS are making claims that if kept up will end up with egg on their face in truck loads. For example, recently someone on TV announced that spring has come early in Sydney. Funny, we are experiencing some of the lowest temperatures for a very long time. Today it’s freezing in Sydney and the overnight temperature was around 2C with a similar reading expected tonight. Who is stupid enough to call that spring? It’s like someone saying it’s bright and sunny today yet if one looks out the window it’s pouring with rain.
Im concerned those 40 turnbull voters still have sway over our Paris commitment. If Paris still lives, so does gerbal verming! Im shocked to learn that farmers in the Goulbourn River irrigation area cannot afford to buy water…if there was water available to sell…yet, farmers are still being forced to pay their 25% of the water allocation. Eildon is 65% full. Something smells bad about this. How much of Eildon is now held for environmental flows, indeed, how much is kept for Adelaide or just keeping Alexandrina nice and full?
Irrigation was designed to drought proof the Shepharton area. Diary could flood irrigate for fodder no matter the climatic conditions…so what the bloody hell has happened since we got signed up to agenda21? When are we going to wake up…water has no charge and is not a transferable commodity. The only charge should be for the use of the infrastructure where the water resides and then only charged not for profit. Our taxes pay for the infrastructure!
Your outline goes to the core of the current problem; MALAdministration and its predecessors.
Sadly, Government Administration at all levels has been turned over to serve the interests of the administrators.
Dams, in the situation you describe should rightly be seen as being there for the support of the farming community.
When that use is frustrated by a Politicised Administration perhaps the Administration has outlived its true purpose and the administrators should be removed from the circuit.
Environmental flows in the Murray/Darling are to fix another government caused problem (low water levels in Lake Alexandrina). Lake Alexandrina would have lots of water if the sea barrages were opened!
England: Where kids won’t know what snow is.
Calgary: Where adults still don’t know what summer is.
It seems to me that the only way for sanity to return is to elect labor with a massive majority, have the LNP provide no opposition and watch the destruction of Australia from the resultant effects of a 46% renewable energy target. Maybe then when the ignorant socialist supporters have lost their jobs, homes and savings they will realise that labor is never the answer. However some will never change no matter how bad things become.
-2 in Cessnock, . -1 at Toronto and 0 at Lake Macquarie nsw this morning. Nice winter mornings still here.
The high temperatures evaporate the water of the rivers and oceans, that becomes water vapor that on combination with an increase flux of solar protons. precipitates as snow. Bulk evaporation of oceans coupled with CME’s result in ice ages.
quite funny:
29 Aug: ABC: How drought and a stellar snow season can happen at the same time
ABC Weather By Kate Doyle
The story of the season has been of widespread drought, but if you have spoken to anyone who has come back from the ski field, they are raving about how much snow there is.
It may seem counter intuitive to have such diverse events in the same states, but this year is proving it is possible…
While the New South Wales Government has announced the whole of the state is in drought, Bureau of Meteorology senior climatologist Agata Imielska said this year is “probably the best snow depth we’ve had since 2004. So the best in 14 years”.
It is not just the NSW snowfields getting the white stuff either.
The Victorian high country has been icing-topped, there has been snow on Bluff Knoll in Western Australia, and Tasmania got snow down to 300m over the weekend.
Time to get to the bottom of this meteorological conundrum…
The fronts that have made it to the snowfields have generated snow through a process known as orographic forcing…
What about the rest of the season?
Ms Imielska has not just been keeping an eye on the snow depths for purely academic reasons — she has been making the trip down to enjoy the good season.
“I’ve had about 20 days on the snow this season so far and it’s been fantastic,” she said.
“Just coming down and most weeks there being just a little bit of extra fresh snow or even bigger amounts of snow.
“I’ve been camping down there. So coming down and actually setting up my tent with 20 centimetres of snow on the ground, and waking up and seeing snow on the tent, it’s pretty great.”
Looking at the forecast it could get even better.
“We’re expecting some snow on Friday and Saturday this week … generally during September you can still see some good snowfalls coming through,” Ms Imielska said.
Drought in NSW. Meanwhile over in the west–
“It’s raining in Western Australia, with reports Perth is experiencing its wettest month in 14 years. They’re headed for a top of 17 degrees, with rain and thunderstorms continuing all day.”
It’s called weather Hanrahans and numpties and a 15 year old schoolgirl worked it out over a century ago.
NSW is experiencing global warming (even though it is cold) and WA is experiencing weather.
‘The president of the National Farmers Federation, Fiona Simson, has declared that climate change is making drought worse in Australia and says tiptoeing around the subject does not do regional communities any good.
“It is the effect of climate change we need to be aware of that makes the impacts of a drought even worse,” she told the National Press Club.’
Wrong! The culprit is BREXIT! Get with the program! You don’t want the chilly winds of reality to go further, do you?
that’s weird. So the weather is changing in anticipation of BREXIT?
I meant to thank you for your assistance in helping me find the start of the LIA, without a doubt the Lombok explosion in 1257 AD precipitated large icebergs floating in the North Atlantic.
This is important because the quiet sun didn’t start until 1280 AD and remained that way for 70 years. There were a couple of smaller volcanic eruptions before 1300 AD, but by then the trend was already obvious.
neat segue
While you’re there, what caused the Pacific sea level to fall in 1300 ad?
The problem is that the Scottish tree rings are telling a different story to what I believed happened.
what caused it to fall about 5 years ago?
Surely we are supposed to blame President Trump and Tony Abbott aren’t we?
I watched a news report recently.
It came from somewhere in Siberia where the locals had come out to enjoy the “summer” day and party.
The temperature was minus 10 or so, and all the locals were wearing bikinis and budgie smugglers.
When interviewed they said words to the effect that they didn’t often get hot days like this, so they take advantage when they can.
The women were all easy on the eye, and TOUGH!
Great!!! Maybe our snow will get deeper and lighter, unlike the cement we have now. Bring on more climate change!!!
Best snow that I ever saw and played in was on Zugspitze in early June. The staff thought we were weird but you rarely get such nice snow in Australia.
If the Little Ice Age conditions really set in over the next few years as some are predicting (and we see signs of), we are going to be so ill prepared due to this crazy ideological persecution of all reliable sources of energy and heat that even more people will die than the number that would have.
I recall my trip to the Zugspitze back in the late 90s, in August or might have been late July. It rained all the previous day in Garmisch but next morning there was sun and….about 4ins of snow at the top and it was freezing. You know, so cold your ears start to hurt. At that night’s gasthof it was on TV. So not unknown, unusual, TEN inches though! And in the warmest time on Earth evah!