A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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setting aside the claim Climategate emails were “hacked” as opposed to “leaked”, and the throwaway final line about “just a conspiracy”, credit is due to Fischer for publishing this article:
29 Aug: ArizonaDailyStar/ThisIsTuscon: Justices let stand order that climate researchers hand over University of Arizona emails
by Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services
PHOENIX — An organization that questions the role of humans in climate change is going to get access to the emails and records of work done by two scientists at the University of Arizona in its bid to argue that their research is flawed.
The Arizona Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a last-ditch effort by the Arizona Board of Regents to overturn lower court rulings that ordered the documents immediately released. While the justices did not comment on their decision, they effectively rejected arguments by the Board of Regents that release would be “contrary to the best interests of the state.”
David Schnare, attorney for the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, said the only question that remains is how quickly the university will surrender the documents his organization first sought seven years ago.
At the heart of the legal battle are emails and other documents from Jonathan Overpeck and Malcolm Hughes, who both specialize in research on climate change.
Schnare said E&E is particularly interested in their work since it became a crucial part of a report that linked human activity to global warming. And that report, in turn, has become the basis for policy changes that have sought to move away from the use of fossil fuels for energy generation because of the production of “greenhouse” gases like carbon dioxide.
What the institute wants to see, Schnare said, is the interaction the pair had with other scientists as the report was being prepared. He said that should reveal if there were comments from others “that were never included or never seriously considered.”
“How these reports are put together and how these comments are dealt with is a valid question with regards to reliance on this report,” Schnare said. “One has to ask, just because they claim they had a lot of experts involved, was it an honest piece of work or not.”
Messages left with Hughes, who is still at the UA, and Overpeck who is now with the University of Michigan, were not immediately returned.
Schnare said he is not saying that either scientists did anything wrong or even that their research is erroneous. But he said the only way questions can be answered is through full release of all the documents that were being considered.
Still, Schnare acknowledged that his client has a bias of sorts. E&E describes itself as a nonprofit that engages in litigation to hold accountable “those who seek excessive and destructive government regulation that’s based on agenda-driving policy making, junk science and hysteria.”
He said E&E does not doubt the climate has been changing. And Schnare is even willing to say there is some evidence that temperatures are rising.
The question, he said, is why.
“The globe’s been warming up because of that cool period we had,” he said, going back to the Ice Age.
“There’s only one direction to go and that’s up,” Schnare continued. “And at some point there’s only going to be one direction to go. It’s going to be down again.”
And he said the theories that increased production of greenhouse gases traps heat and is causing major temperature changes is not necessarily borne out by the research.
In filing the original lawsuit, Schnare said Overpeck was prominent in the “cause” of global warming, including “activism for environmental pressure groups.”
Schnare also said the pair came to his group’s attention after a server at a British university was hacked, disclosing thousands of email exchanges between academics and others involved in climate research.
Some of what was found was labeled “climategate” and is being used by groups to show that global warming is just a conspiracy.
Science tells us that temperature changes
cause CO2 level changes, with a lag
(ice core studies).
Science tells us CO2 acts as a greenhouse
gas in closed system laboratory experiments.
Science doesn’t tell us anything else — what
we have are assumptions and unproven theories
from government bureaucrats with science degrees.
These so called “scientists” make self-serving
predictions every year — dangerous man made
global warming — which they must study
for another year !
In fact, they realize the general public is
so stupid, that they predict triple the actual
warming with their computer games, and know
the media won’t mention the wrong predictions,
nor will many people realize that wrong predictions
mean their theory is wrong wrong
(CO2 does NOT control the average
temperature, with +3 degrees C. warming per doubling
of CO2 levels, because that theory results in
very wrong predictions — not even close to reality)
So why don’t the bureaucrats claim a CO2 doubling
will cause +1 degree warming, which would make their
computer games seem right (maybe for the wrong reason,
but the predictions would “look good”)?
Because +1 degree warming per CO2 doubling is harmless,
it would mean +1 degree global warming
in 133 to 200 years = totally harmless
… so you’ll never hear that … even though
the warming since 1950 fits that prediction !
The purpose of the global warming boogeyman
is to scare people and get them to demand a more
powerful government to save the planet — it’s all
complete nonsense “science”, but politicians don’t
care about science — they want more power
to micromanage your life.
Saving the Earth from an imaginary climate crisis
is getting them more and more political power
— the modern way to sell socialism.
If people believe the CO2 is evil nonsense,
then the slow economic growth that comes
with socialism can be “sold” as good news,
rather than bad news!
Real science shows adding CO2 to the air,
as greenhouse owners do,
is beneficial and should continue,
as long as fossil fuels are burned cleanly
(as in the S and Canada, but not in China and
The future climate will be …
no one knows !
Three decades of grossly inaccurate
climate computer game predictions
make that obvious.
Why do leftists support this hoax =
because truth is not a leftist virtue,
but gaining more power to tell everyone
how to live is their ultimate wish.
My climate change blog
for people with common sense,
so leftists must stay away !
In the ice core data, CO2 DOES lag temperature. For the reverse to be true CO2 levels would have to oscillate due to some unknown driving force, to drive temperature. (the ice core data is cyclic between ice ages). This is unphysical, therefore the CO2 HAS to follow temp (and it does) regardless of what Al (fraud) Gore says.
I wonder if we shouldn’t start calling the believers in AGW + Climate Change© + Climate Disruption© etc. as CALVINS.
It occurred to me last Sunday glancing at the comics (I never miss Sherman the Shark) and it seemed to fit; a child with a child’s mind scared of the boogyman under the bed. And of course the CALVIN of Geneva who decided the best way to be merciful to non-believers in his sect was to burn them alive.
Before being blocked on twitter, one of my favourite things was flouting/linking Al Gore and his Book of Revelations science.
“Every night on the news is like a walk through the Book of Revelations” claims the Goracle.
I would mock the believers saying my favourite night was plague of locusts night, just after late night shopping on Thursdays.
But, the 97% science came through.
Turns out emitting a trace gas (CO2) is a truely lousy way of killing locusts …
Ravenous insects may be coming for our crops in a warming world
Missing link:
Former Vice President Al Gore has a message for President Trump: Resign!
“Don’t take it from me. You don’t even have to take it from me or even have to take it from the scientists, who are virtually unanimous, take it from Mother Nature! Every night on the TV is like a nature hike through the Book of Revelation.”
For your amazement (or not)
“New Jersey College Now Allowing Students to Minor in ‘Marijuana Studies’ ”
It’s come to this!
“You’ve heard of “the third degree”? Now you can have “the Mann degree” ”
Don’t miss the comments
““The Climate-Wrecking Industry… ” A nice encapsulation of Climatariat delusions.”
“Guest ridicule by David Middleton”
In comments some interesting answers to “How many warmists does it take to change a light bulb?”
“How many warmists does it take to change a light bulb?” A: At least 97% and the other 3% say “I-can-dissent”
Also note a light bulb is turned left when being removed which is a wonder warmists replace them as they’d never turn to the right for anything.
In Australia, three things demonstrate that we are no longer masters of our own destiny and I fear that it is already beyond repair.
1/ Population size is running at least 30 years ahead of supportive infrastructure.
2/ Govts are planning to rely on the whim of the weather to provide power for huge population increases and likewise…
3/ Have done nothing to provide extra water either to grow food or for people to even have a reasonable daily supply. (No new dams)
It is easy to label this scenario as simply outright ideological stupidity by those to whom we have given the responsibility of running the Country.
However, I cannot accept, that such collective stupidity can range across the political spectrum without explanation. I am therefore of the opinion that the stewards of our Country are being bullied or threatened or conned or likely all three by The United Nations, courtesy of their many compacts or accords or agreements etc. We are apparently party to some 3,000 such arrangements that we have not been given a vote on and no one seems prepared to own up to, except occasionally and even then in very general and benign terms.
Proposals are always dressed up in warm and fuzzy clothing using words like sustainability and equality etc. but the reality is that little by little we are handing over our sovereignty to the cause of Global Governance.
The way politicians appear to be seduced once they find themselves in some kind of position of power is intriguing as well as disturbing.
It is embarrassing, watching otherwise normal adults mentally squirming and grimacing as they try to rationalise the lunacy masquerading as policy. They are obviously being bullied into toeing the line or is it even more sinister.
I know that what I’m saying is bread and butter to most readers and contributors to this blog, but please forgive me, I find publishing my thoughts to be good therapy, and besides my wife deserves a break.
I had written the above comments prior to the announcements this week, firstly from new minister Angus (i’m not a sceptic) Taylor where he temporarily demotes Paris and Secondly from The CSIRO which announces dams in our North would be a good idea ( we’ve heard it all before).
That should keep the plebs quiet for a while, don’t you think?.
It’s difficult not to be both a climate sceptic and a political sceptic at the same time.
Taylor wont be minister for anything long enough to have much influence on the landscape. Govt will just flounder around being inefectual until an election sometime november 2018 / May 2019.
It’ll be in May, the Coalition need time to regroup.
Murdoch is a king maker, watch Sky News rebalance political opinion so that guvmint has a chance of winning the election.
Correction: Bruce Gordon is the owner of WIN, apologies for this brain fade.
Went into my local IGA super market yesterday, and, like Coles and Woolies they have banned single use poly bags at the check out. However they have changed the poly bags in the fruit and veg section. These “new” bags are about two thirds bigger than previously, are a heavier gauge and are printed with a loverly message.
“We care for our environment. ENVIROGREEN degradable bag. disintergrate by oxidation, heat and sunlight”. These of course, just happens to be exactly the same processes that degraded the check out bags that have just been banned to save the environment. Now if they will just put a handle in them, we will be back to exactly where we started.
We shop IGA all the time, the idea of Biodegradable plastic is a good one but as always the CO2 frightbats condemn it due to their failed hypothesis beliefs, surprisingly Wikipedia has a decent link on it if you apply the “normal person filter” some interesting facts are there.
Locally there’s a project on the table to generate electricity from the incineration or plasma gasification of rubbish/waste, good idea on paper but I’ll almost guarantee it’ll be stopped by anti CO2 zealots that’ll scream pollution even when scrubber systems are in place.
G’Day Yonniestone, Yes, certainly an intersting read, and as you say you have to apply the “normal person filter.” The thing with the new IGA bags is they are not biodegradable but rather mechanicaly / chemically degradeable. Of course no mention of what the material eventually degrades to, which just happens to primarily be CO2 and good old H2O. So regardless of how these bags eventually vanish, they produce the two most essential molecules to life on Earth.
I did, as instructed, tried the oxidation method and piffed a couple into the wood heater. Instant oxidation and a few free BTU’s to warm an old mans winter.
What’s a good deodorant for the car? As Mrs H’s health fails shopping has become a family affair and as we know something that is everyone’s job is no one’s job.
With the grey singlet bags they were all brought upstairs without fail. Now with the bags within bags and unused bags in the boot there is no such simple method. Three times now bags have been missed but the last was meat and yogurt. We don’t use the car regularly and it was five days in the tropics before the mistake was noticed, and WAS it noticed.
Can I have my grey bags back, PLEASE?
Phew…that meat and yoghurt must have been a little overipe! A nauseating job to sort out, like the freezer full of meat that someone unplugged here in the summer…yuk!
Cyclone Althea hit Townsville at Christmas when a lot of my RAAF mates were away with family. When they came back some found their service homes just a floor with a fridge standing on it. [They were heavier then] They got out the tape to make sure the door never opened and took it to the dump.
I don’t often see references to Cyclone Althea. The media seems to focus more on Cyclone Tracy. Althea devastated Townsville Christmas Eve and Christmas Day ’71.
As a teenager, I was out after dark and the winds were mounting. I remember thinking that this was unusual. By morning it was a full-blown cyclone. My parents woke us up, hurried me, my sister and our German Shepherd and pushed us across the fence to the neighbour’s house as they had a lower level room underneath their house. Not quite a basement, but as good as.
With two families and a couple of dogs huddled into that small space, we were able to watch as Althea took the roof off our house and demolished the brick garage, thus demolishing the Ford Fairlane. As often happens, our neighbour’s house was untouched by the cyclone.
Later that day we went back to our house, to survey the damage. Mum, ever thinking, grabbed the Christmas presents from under the tree. Though the brick garage had been demolished and the roof had blown off, the Chrissie presents were still there, under the tree, soaking wet. I still have the water-stained copy of John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ album to prove it. It was then that our cat decided to make an appearance. I don’t know where he went, but he managed to survive the cyclone.
Perhaps due to my Dad’s position as the boss of a shipping company, our house was rebuilt by the time it was to go back to school.
By the end of January it was as if nothing had happened. Given the vast damage across the city, the tradies did a magnificent job of restoring normality to a devasted Townsville. Dad got a new Fairlane and life went back to normal.
-end of rant/reminiscing –
devastated Townsville
Wouldn’t it be great if we could delete our error-ridden comments?
I wrote ‘devasted’, I meant ‘devastated’.
‘Moving finger writes and having writ
moves on, nor all your piety or wit
can lure it back to cancel half a line…’
Found an interesting link on Whirlpool Hanrahan regarding car deodorants here with this suggestion being a standout,
“The very best car deoderiser available isn’t a car deoderiser. You can buy natural Orange oil spray or Lemon Myrtle /Orange oil spray in small plastic pump bottles.
They are completely chemical free , are not aerosol and made from natural orange oil.
I found that it actually destroys odours rather than covering them with a chemical scent and what I do is to just keep a bottle in the glovebox of the car and give one or two sprays when leaving the car overnight.
In this way the built up odours are neutralised and there is only a tiny hint of orange scent when you return to the car the next day. Because the bottles are not aerosol they are not dangerous to keep in the car.
Coles supermarkets have them for around $4 and a bottle lasts me about 3 months. They are also great inside your house for cooking smells and in the toilet.
Sorry if this sounds like an advertisment, I am not associated with them at all, it is just a great product and is Australian made and owned.”
The original “single-use” bags were also bio-degradeable. Try storing anything in them for a long time.
Be even more wary of anything WWF is aiming to save you from!
World Wildlife Fund kills eleven critically endangered black rhinos in publicity stunt.
Link at
Not really surprising that a green/enviro scheme would place PR/virtue signalling/ fund raising above basic welfare and reality. Anicely encapsulated example, a bit like the Hepburn Springs wind turbine in the energy world.
Until recently I didn’t believe heat could be trapped. Since the scientific consensus says that CO2 is a heat-trapping gas and the scientific consensus is never wrong, my belief that CO2 gas can’t trap heat must be wrong. I now accept the scientific consensus. My acceptance of the scientific consensus is so strong that I decided to obtain a patent for and invest in a CO2 heat farm. In particular, I recently leased 10 acres of land on the coast of California halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco. I divided the 10 acres into 48,400 squares each 3-feet on a side. At the center of each square, I placed of 2-foot diameter, transparent, spherical balloon and filled the balloon with CO2 gas. Now here’s the neat and patentable part of my CO2 heat farm. Using strings of various lengths attached to the inside of the upper hemisphere of each balloon, I hang 20 or 30 small flat circular disks whose surfaces absorb electromagnetic radiation in the visible band—i.e., the disks convert visible-band electromagnetic radiation entering each balloon into heat. Much like CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere traps heat, the CO2 gas in each balloon traps the heat absorbed by the flat disks.
For the purposes of ascertaining the performance of my CO2 heat farm, I assume that 10% of the solar radiation incident at the top of the earth’s atmosphere arrives at, passes through the transparent balloon surface, and enters the balloon’s interior where it is absorbed by the flat disks and converted into heat, which in turn is trapped by the CO2 gas in the balloon. [Note: I believe 10% is a conservative number so my CO2 heat farm will likely perform better than I outline below.] Noting that the rate solar energy impinges on the top of the Earth’s atmosphere is approximately 1,365 watts per square meter and using the above values, I estimate that the rate heat is trapped within each balloon is 39.81 Joules per second (watts).
Taking into account night time, cloudy days and “balloon-to-balloon” blocking of sunlight for a portion of each day, I estimate each balloon will be exposed to incoming sunlight 8 hours of every 24 hour period. [Again, I believe the 8 hours is a conservative estimate of the average balloon exposure time per day. Since at the end of this comment I am going to ask for outside investments, if I misrepresent the performance of my CO2 heat farm, I want that misrepresentation to be on the low side.] Using the above numbers, I estimate that in each 24-hour period, the CO2 in each balloon will, when rounded to the nearest 0.001 Joules, trap 1,146,533.256 Joules of heat. Thus in total, the 48,400 CO2-filled balloons of my 10-acre CO2 heat farm will trap 55,492,209,571 Joules of heat each and every 24-hour period—I took the liberty of rounding the actual trapped heat to the nearest Joule.
To present the performance of my 10-acre CO2 heat farm in a more user/investor-friendly manner, I assumed that to continuously maintain a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, a home requires a continuous input of heat at a rate of 100,000 Joules per seconds or 100 kw. At this heat input rate, for each 24-hour period a home will require 8,640,000,000 Joules of heat. This means that by injecting the CO2 from my CO2 heat farm balloons into homes, my 10-acre CO2 heat farm can conservatively supply the heat necessary to keep 6 homes (each requiring a heat input of 100 kw) at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
If any reader of Joanne’s blog is interested in investing in this or a similar CO2 heat farm, my anticipated patent will require royalty payments to me from those investors.
Important disclaimer: I’m concerned that the occupants of each home may suffer from “CO2 poisoning” –i.e., the CO2 level in a home may become too high for human habitation. Other than providing an inexpensive warning system to each customer (e.g., giving each customer a bird), I haven’t figured out how to overcome this potential problem. Any suggestions are welcome; and if viable, will negate the need to pay me royalties.
That was fun, reading that Reed Coray…full marks for inventiveness with tongue thoroughly in cheek. Loved it!
A good tonic after reading about the Distinguished Man(n) on WUWT.
Thank you Annie. You can be my first investor. Barring that, chocolates to Joanne are a good substitute.
🙂 Good idea.
I dont know if you have been following it, but there was a recent incident where a Inuit man from a fishing/hunting party got killed by a Polar Bear. I was reading the report and it became clear that the reporter was having a terrible time trying to weave in climate change change and still reconcile Inuit observations and reality. The backdrop of another Ship of Fools fiasco wasnt helping either. Lack of ice, too much ice, polar bears over breeding, polar bears fleeing lack of ice, but cant be rescued or escape because ice arrrgggghh! Its tough being journo and staying on song.
an extract:
“The men had left Naujaat, a community of around 1000 people on the shores of Hudson Bay, by boat two days earlier. A search and rescue team was scrambled when the men failed to return as expected on August 21 from their hunting trip. The two survivors, who had stayed awake for three days, were found off the shore of Lyon Inlet, about 100 km east of Naujaat.
They had been blocked in by sea ice that was making it dangerous to navigate out to open water.
It is the second fatal attack in the region this summer and has prompted fresh questions over how to handle the bears. Inuit communities have blamed hunting restrictions and larger polar bear populations, while biologists have claimed the cause is melting sea ice destroying the creatures’ habitats.”
You do realise there have been 2 Ships of Fools in the last week or so. After the first ship ran aground avoiding ice that isn’t there, a yacht sank after it was crushed by ice that also isn’t there. The Canadian Water-Mounties have been busy this week rescuing idiots. The North West Passage is definitely open for fools.
Link to yacht.
Never understood the warmists obsession with the North West Passsge. Its been open before and will be open again , doesnt say much except it opens and closes.
Perhaps a passage from Revelations would be more enlightening?, if they keep up the worshipping of false idols they might end up featuring in a new version.
We loathe the Australian Brainwashing Company for their blatant use of propaganda on climate change, so every chance to discredit the ABC newsroom is a victory.
‘Star reporter in a tight spot as ABC and Fairfax suffer a devastating setback in defamation case over Four Corners program.’ Oz
Assume this is the are you now or have you ever been a member of the Chinese Communist Party thing. They really need to pick their marks more carefully, they are unlikely to out lawyer that guy with public money.
Uh Oh
‘Coalition’s climate war risks damaging the economy after Europe declared the terms of rejecting a $15b trade deal.’ SMH
Yes, I don’t think Brussels has enough unwarranted power in the world yet. We should encourage it to extend its tentacles into Australian affairs by bending to its whims. After all what country wouldn’t want to destroy its economy and commit its future generations to penury to appease a bunch of unelected, unaccountable, imperious bureaucrats who will soon be out of a job in any case as their home empire collapses around them?
I cannot even conceive that we are considering a free trade deal with the soon-to-be defunct farce that is the EU as it is falls apart, let alone deciding our energy policy based on its destructive edicts. Britain is Brexiting while we are begging to sign up to the rank EU stupidity. WTF … as they say?
Perhaps that gives us an option to cancel those EU submarines?
Dave B
If the EU want to play hard ball, Belgium needs us more than we need them.
Loved this comment from “maggie” in to day’s Sydney Telegraph.
100% renewables – no dams – a population of 45 million +. We’ll all be sitting around waiting for a rainy, sunny windy day so that we can make a cup of tea. Let’s hope we can find a biscuit from somewhere to have with it.
Sorry, I suspect that intermittent ovens won’t make good biscuits.
Dave B
I think Maggie was saying the biscuits would have to be imported , maybe from some ghastly coal powered country that can actually make stuff.
And the latest bit of
treacheryoverreach from the EU – the SMH today reports that they will ‘reject a $15 billion trade deal with Australia unless the Morrison government honours the Paris Accord’. So Australia signing the Paris Agreement handed over our sovereign rights to the unelected supranational EU? On the other hand, if we had not signed the Paris Agreement, we would be bound by an EU resolution that they would ‘never conclude a trade agreement “without a reference to the Paris climate agreement and the implementation of emissions reductions”. So either way we apparently now cannot do trade deals with the EU whilst not abiding by the terms of the Paris agreement, which of course can only get harsher in the future as the ‘global climate catastrophe’ nears. I guess that the Germans learnt a lot from the 1919 Paris Peace Conference where they got screwed by the Allies – revenge is a dish best served cold! And maybe we need better lawyers on our trade deal negotiating team.100
There are plenty of other countries with which to have trade deals. Giving in to the EU collective blackmail is not the way to go. Their unelected, money-wasting, bureaucratic bossy-boots ‘leaders’ (ha ha) should not be allowed to have any say in Australia’s business.
The Sandhurst motto is ‘Serve to lead’. A pity a few politicians and civil servants forget that they ARE supposed to be our servants. Get lost EU.
Precisely. The EU won’t be around long enough to make a deal stick. The tide of dissent is rising rapidly. Even the mighty Merkel is faltering, back-tracking and giving ground to the reality of coal power for the next 30 years in Germany. If Merkel goes down — which is getting more likely by the day — the EU is toast. The opportunist Macron won’t save it. His standing at home is getting weaker too.
Brussels already has its hands full with Brexit and is having to put out bushfires all over the place. Italy, Hungry, Poland et al are fighting back. Brussels’ only response — as always — is threats and more threats: the heavy hand trying to be even heavier. This is the EU whose own member states have no intention of abiding by their Paris commitments, and yet they expect us to strangle our economy with their emissions targets? If our politicians make that commitment in trade negotiations they deserve to be hung up by their tricky bits from the flag poles at parliament house.
The EU will soon be a collection of independent states once more, although many will be so overrun by Those We Cannot Name and wracked with internal division that they will be mere shells, and not worth trading with in any case. Let us trade with an independent UK and pick up whatever scraps are left of European trade after the looming political crash.
Luckily, the “hellish summer” sure was short. Wednesday morning I had to scrape ice off the windshield. I noticed that the cat tails are already turning yellow. That’s a pretty strong indicator that the growing season has come to an end.
At least we got a summer this year. Last year we got 2 weeks of summer in September in Northern NY.
Sydney Weather
‘July was warmer than the rest of the season for the first time in 43 years, unusual enough. However, July was 1.4 degrees warmer than the rest of the season, the biggest difference in 160 years of records. The previous biggest difference was 1.0 degrees, in 1975. This year, July averaged a maximum of 19.9 degrees, 2.1 degrees warmer than June and 0.7 degrees warmer than August.
‘For the record, it was the 13th warmest winter in 160 years (days and nights combining to run 1.1 degrees above average) and the driest winter in nine years (gaining only 196mm, 63 percent of the seasonal average of 310mm).’
Note how they go back 160 years when it supports their hypothesis. In climate circles the science didn’t exist in 1858.
The other point of interest, not much to hang my hat on but, the warm July in 1975 is attached to the 1976 great climate shift.
Could this be a precursor to global cooling in 2019?
Worth a read for the funny as well. 🙂
‘This government will lose under Scott Morrison, but rectionary Liberals won’t rest until their delusion is enacted.’
Peter van Onselen / Oz
You may have heard that Turnbull’s son is supporting Labor in Wentworth, something about best bang for your buck. This fall from grace is a bitter pill for the Turnbulls.
Really just the burning platform thing for the Libs. Certain loss with Turnbull vs possible loss with Morrison. Jrs actions in Wentworth are just confirming what many thought regarding what part Turnbull should really have been in.
Anyone suprised?
“”Best bang for your buck” Turnbull Jr soliciting $$$ for Labor in Wentworth”
Rex Murphy on dealing with ecofadists
” Whenever greens or their myriad fronts offer a mid-point position, a compromise, it is merely mouth-work, a moving of the lips for tactical reasons or spurious maneuver.
To my welcome surprise I see Fox News including Bolt and the others are airing from tomorrow on free to air TV , at last at least one voice will be aired on the Telly .
They are coming through on WIN, a brilliant move by Murdoch.
Actually its Sky News but it’s still a welcome change from the Propaganda of the Australian Bullsh1t Channel.
Against the odds, Murdoch will encourage the electorate to vote for the Coalition.
On our menu this week, we have something to offend everyone.
Global warming – how long do we have left?
Solving Global Warming is easy. _ (a do it yourself guide)
If the earth was an apple pie… _ (a delicious global warming desert)
Sorry, this is a re-post. The chef forgot to put the Links in.
On our menu this week, we have something to offend everyone.
Global warming – how long do we have left?
Solving Global Warming is easy. _ (a do it yourself guide)
If the earth was an apple pie… _ (a delicious global warming dessert)
May I suggest ‘Global Warming for Dummies” by Mann E. Quinn.?
on and on this goes, with TWEETS, TWEETS, TWEETS…
cleverly says his tweet “stunned users” on social media, because it then goes on to plenty of favourable response. in other words, no outrage! lol.
1 Sept: SBS: with AAP: Malcolm Turnbull’s son urges people to donate to Labor campaign in Wentworth
The son of former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has been soliciting donations for the Labor party ahead of the by-election for his father’s vacated seat of Wentworth.
Alex Turnbull on Saturday re-tweeted Labor candidate Tim Murray’s call for donations for the upcoming poll for the federal Sydney seat.
“Best bang for the buck you’ll get in political donations in your life,” the former prime minister’s son, Alex Turnbull, said on Twitter.
The comments come after Alex Turnbull blamed the coal industry for his father’s downfall…
Before urging his followers to donate to Tim Murray, he retweeted an earlier message from Tim Murray in which he announced his official endorsement as a Labor candidate for Wentworth.
Alex Turnbull’s position ***stunned users on social media, who probed him on whether he wanted to retract the statement…
Alex replied with a message saying: “Just the facts ma’am”.
Another user said Alex had their vote if he planned on running in his father’s seat of Wentworth, to which the younger Turnbull said he had no plans on entering the contest…
A number of social media users thanked Alex Turnbull for his “sage advice”…
Others were (sic) criticised his position…
Alex Turnbull later clarified his position in an exchange with a social media user, saying he feels compelled to speak because of his loyalty to his country of birth, Australia…
comment in moderation re: Malcolm Turnbull’s son urges people to donate to Labor campaign in Wentworth
26 Aug: SMH: It won’t be a clash of dynasties for Wentworth
By Lisa Visentin
If political intrigue had its way, the preselection battle for Wentworth would be an almighty clash of dynasties, with relatives of the two feuding prime ministers whose personal vendetta almost tore the Liberal Party apart vying to claim the bluest of thrones.
Tony Abbott’s sister Christine Forster and Malcolm Turnbull’s son-in-law ***James Brown have both been mentioned in the mix of potential candidates for Mr Turnbull’s soon to be vacant seat.
But the showdown is unlikely to eventuate, as the moderate branches of the Liberal Party – which overwhelmingly dominate the Wentworth electorate – are believed to be backing two other candidates…
Whoever takes up the mantle for the Liberals, will face a challenge from Labor’s Tim Murray, an investment analyst who speaks Mandarin…
Bloomberg: Mr. Tim Murray is Co-Founder since late 2007, Managing Partner and Compliance Officer at J Capital Research Co. Ltd. He also heads the firm’s commodities practice. Mr. Murray’s expertise is in resources, consumers, e-commerce, as well as traditional and new media. He also serves as an Iron Ore and Steel Analyst at the firm. Prior to this, Mr. Murray served as the Chief Executive Officer at Ringier China. Before that, he served as an executive at a multi-national beverage company. Mr. Murray began his career working at The Australian Trade Commission in 1994 as a Trade and Investment Consultant in the area of food and beverages. He has worked in the media, FMCG and government sector in China for the past 19 years. Mr. Murray holds a Master of Business Administration degree from University of Technology Sydney and a Bachelor of Economics degree and a Bachelor of Arts Honors degree in Chinese Political Economy from Macquarie University.
June 2017: ABC: Rio Tinto’s NSW coal mines taken over by China-backed Yancoal
By business reporter Carrington Clarke
“Long-term, China has always been interested in acquiring energy assets outside of the country,” J Capital’s Tim Murray said…
At the end of the day, Rio Tinto is probably the biggest winner from this deal.
“Rio would be rubbing its hands together thinking ‘thank God I finally got rid of those crappy thermal coal assets’,” Mr Murray said.
“It’s a great deal — if we can always sell our sort of crap assets, we need to recycle to Chinese SOEs (state-owned enterprises), why not?”
Greens announce Wentworth candidate as Prime Minister Malcolm …
Daily Telegraph-23 Aug. 2018
THE Greens have announced Waverley deputy mayor Dominic Wy Kanak as their candidate…
2004: SMH: Banned: pest who can’t win a case
Bondi councillor Dominic Wy Kanak has been declared a “vexatious litigant” and banned from taking any further legal action in the Federal Court or the NSW Supreme Court.
At one stage, State Parliament was told that he had 28 legal actions afoot in the courts.
Mr Wy Kanak’s reputation as a self-representing plaintiff grew to such notoriety that former local government minister Harry Woods dubbed him “the Ally McBeal of Bondi”.
“This man is a walking, talking episode of The Practice,” Mr Woods told MPs in February 2001 before adding: “This joker has been in court more times than Rumpole Of The Bailey.”
During his serial career in court, Mr Wy Kanak, a Greens councillor on Waverley Council representing the Bondi ward, ran up legal costs of tens of thousands of dollars.
In 2000 he played a leading role in the residents’ campaign to stop the Olympic volleyball stadium being built on Bondi Beach…
Mr Wy Kanak achieved notoriety in the Rockdale Council area where he opposed the construction of commuter car parks in the St George area.
His case was dismissed, the council got a legal bill of $195,000 and Mr Wy Kanak is still paying off a proportion of it…
But be warned. Mr Wy Kanak is taking night classes at the University of Technology Sydney. He’s studying law.
Everyone needs a hobby, but perhaps they could take him down to the Mens Shed or give him an old car to do up? Macrame perhaps?
Interesting article about uncertainty over at Judith Curry’s site, Climate etc.: “The lure of incredible certitude”
Sheeple follows the most certain leader. They follow people, not the facts, because they do not have time or background looking at science. They select the most convincing person and believe what (s)he says.
You became an expert by certifications granted by others.You are believed because you are a doctor or a professor without looking at your data and reasoning. Sheeple will get confused if science is not settled and you do not know whom to follow.
That is true.
At a family gathering I was told that a new solar farm being constructed in Australia will power an aluminium smelter. I replied It hasn’t been accomplished anywhere in the world and its not possible, but they laughed in my face.
I then asked the assembled gathering may I speak on weather and climate, but was told ‘no’.
It might be time to pack my swag and clear out.
Climate has probably joined religion and politics in topics best avoided at gatherings.
Interested in the new smelter metric, I thought we had settled on “x” thousand households or lighting Tasmania as the only true meaningful units of intermittent power. Cant bring myself to use “renewables” any more, because they arent really. Same way “progressives” are in reality destructive and regressive once you get past the virtue signalling stage and look at results.
Solar farm powering an aluminium smelter? Did they perhaps mean aluminium smelter powered by conventional sources and decorated with a solar farm?
Sounds a bit like Marie Antoinette’s cute little farm at Versailles. All the ambiance, none of the drudgery.
So the IPCC just needs updating about “uncertainty”. The lady used to say their only problem was “communication”. (Before that she was gung-ho for the warm team.)
More navel-gazey circumlocutions and fashionable buzz words from Judith Curry to keep the climatariat on the rails and keep skeptics giddy but on board.
Sorry, but I’d prefer an old-fashioned ranting Savanarola to these tricksy lukewarmers whose main purpose is to keep the show going for longer by corralling the doubters using kindness.
Steel billionair S Gupta has loudly announced plans for 1000MW of “dispatchable” RE power from a series of projects to support his (and others) steel mills etc around the Australia.
Interestingly , details are vague , quoting only a combination of Solar, pumped storage, Batteries, etc,..with the only real detail being a 280 MW solar farm (proposal) at Cultana with a 140MWH battery, and pumped storage at a nearby disused coal mine.
The solar farm is intended to produce 600GWh per year (25% CF ?)
Now, i dont know what his definition of “dispatchable” is, and im not an expert on complex power systems, …..but i cannot see how they can get much more than 50MW average 24/7/365 from that Cultana system…even accepting their optomistic 100% sunny days every year !
So, will they plan on building 20 similar systems to achieve the 1000MW figure ?
Chad, I’m not an expert on complex power systems either. But something tells me Gupta will be keeping it as complex as possible.
I do know that after buying the financially busted SA steelworks (Craig Emerson sang true…no Whyalla wipeout!) Gupta bought, for an undisclosed amount, NSW’s Tahmoor coal mine, a long-term Whyalla supplier which is anything but disused.
To offset my Toyota 4Runner and consumption of elecricity, gas and wood I have some batteries in the cupboard, and a gravity feed cold tap into the house. There’s even a solar-powered vent on my roof. I’m almost as green as Sanjeev!
As Jack Benny proved, if you can get it right, the real money is in comedy.
meh, billionaires announce stuff and then reality happens e.g Musk
probably why some of them succed , they arent put off by failure and learn from it.
I doubt he thinks he will be powering his steel mills with RE, he may see others plundering the energy system and wants some of the action. A good diversification move.
get this then:
To be fair and balanced.
Yeah, those pesky little Opium Wars. The Brits pretty much created the China of today – for the peasants and ex-warrior class, anything was better than what they had, or had been shown of western-style “government.”
Soros funded programs are directed to the
Gramsci long march through the institutions, capturing the educational system, the media
and judiciary, and corrupting democracy by constraining free speech and critical debate.
Soros’ funded activism invokes attacks on a democratic pluralist media, and corruption of
the constitutional electoral process and legal system of non-arbitrary rule of law for all.
His Open Society Foundation and underground
network seek to bring down the United States
and other western democracies by promoting
illegal mass immigration, mostly hostile to democratic values. Other programs include environmental activism demonizing atmospheric
CO2 and promoting costly intermittent energy
sources to affect productivity. Further to
weakening society, activists seek to
legitimize illicit toxic drugs and provoke
hatred of police action that protects the
populace against violent drug offenders or
political acts of hostility by migrants.
Herewith links to organizations directly and indirectly funded by Soros Open Society
Foundation and link to OSF top 150 grantees
of 2011.
Well here’s a strange thing. That David
Horowitz ‘discover the I link
above is no longer available. I have a
hard copy used in my post on Soros…
but Google says no.It’s a comprehensive and
critical document by Horowitz, 15 pages long
and seems to me like a case of censorship
Hope not! I’ll keep trying.
Every Soros file that I could once read
is now coming up blank screen.Only managed
this discoverthenetworks link by going in
through a non-Soros article with an index
that lists Soros. Hope its live here.
I read somewhere this morn, maybe Breitbart, that there are a million muslims in “reeducation camps” in Xinjiang province. I think they are the Uighurs.
Sounds like south west Sydney
Happy fathers day to those men that bravely or foolishly leapt into the natural state that is fatherhood and family.
Today may your breakfast be in bed and your offerings of underwear magically turned into gift cards.
I am a happy boy, I got some car shop gift cards! perfect
I got a pair of shorts and a root…they were both two sizes too big….
You can tell when there’s a grand dad in the house: Lights and TVs in empty rooms mysteriously switch themselves off.
get this, Aussies:
fear not:
I think Tibet showed nobody really cares, or nobody dares confront China when they decide to come for the next victims to dominate, as long as its someone else. They play a long game, I wonder where we are in the queue?
Just watching outsiders on Win tv and can’t believe what I’ve been missing all this time ,there may be hope out there yet now that there is a dissenting view available for those that can’t afford pay tv .
It must be time for Australia to renegotiate our FTA with the US. As I recall sugar was excluded and beef was still to be under quotas.
Trump cannot, in good faith, deny us.
Having raised the matter I thought I’d better check. DFAT did a review last Dec but beef is still taxed, much of it @ 4.4 c/Kg other products @ 26.4%.
Do you have a view on Donald Trump and Free Trade?
He says he supports Free Trade, if it is Fair. That usually means the USA wins.
However I have an issue with Australia opening our market to imports without suitable reciprocation from our trading partners. I support Free Trade in a fair market. But the EU, for example and probably also the USA also subsidises their own farmers. It may not be a tariff but the playing field is not level.
at 12mins, Peter “Clinton Cash” Schweizer on his new documentary, “The Creepy Line” (to be released 17 September):
Youtube: 41mins55secs: Tucker Carlson Tonight August 31, 2018 – Fox News – TECH TYRANNY EDITION
24 Aug: Daily Caller: ‘The Creepy Line’ Trailer Shows How Google, Facebook Threaten Society, Features Jordan Peterson
by Kyle Perisic
A documentary trailer released on YouTube Friday aims to expose how Facebook and Google not only exploit nearly every facet of their users’ lives for profit, but how they manipulate them, too…
The title got its name from an infamous 2010 speech by Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google at the time, who said his company’s policy was “to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it,” The New York Times reported on March 6…
“The Creepy Line” is a production of Wandering Foot Productions, is written and produced by Peter Schweizer, and is directed by M.A. Taylor.
The documentary was screened at the Cannes Film Festival in May…
31 Aug: Daily Caller: The List Of CNN’s Bungled Reporting Is A Sight To Behold
by Amber Athey
Unfortunately for CNN, the Trump Tower story isn’t their first fling with dubious or just flat-out wrong reporting.
The following list details 20 additional stories that CNN has bungled following the rise of Trump…
1 Sept: Newsbusters: CNN’s Bad Week: From Lanny Davis to Antifa
By Jeffrey Lord
Talk about a bad week!
One is simply gobsmacked at what has been going on over at CNN…
21. CNN claimed Trump lied about having a large audience at his inauguration and showed a pic of the grassed area in front of the Capitol nearly empty but you can use CNN to disprove this. They published a giga-pixel photo of the ceremony which showed the grass areas to be full at the time Trump was at the microphone.
If you haven’t seen this look it up. You can zoom right in and see the expressions on the faces or pan out for the big picture, Good stuff.
I wonder of there are enough people still watching CNN that it matters what they say? or even notice they exist.
The wags have fun publicising the programs that outrate CNN. Discovery channel, a cooking channel and sponge-bob square pants are all mentioned.
It’s been exposed for researchers again –
still nothing found online from ABC about Lanny Davis backpedalling on the CNN/Cohen/Trump Tower meeting rubbish, even tho ABC reported the initial fake story.
today, however, here’s Conor Duffy – who suffers from Trump Derangement Sydnrome like most of ABC’s staff – with CGTN guest Mike Walter, bringing up the CNN/Cohen rubbish (without the later corrections now carried by various media) and comparing it with Fox News coverage which focuses, he claims, on double standards! Duffy does not tell his audience what CGTN is:
AUDIO: 6mins34secs: 2 Sept: ABC Correspondent’s Report: The challenges of being a journalist in the Trump era
By Conor Duffy on Correspondents Report
One of the hallmarks of the Trump era has been his attacks on the media.
The press has had a revered role in American society dating back to the revolution, but it’s under attack like never before.
As North America correspondent Conor Duffy has found out, that poses unique challenges for journalists.
Duration: 6min 34sec
***Mike Walter, anchor, CGTN America
according to LinkedIn, Mike Walter has also been with CCTV since 2011.
23 Apr: Foreign Policy Mag: China’s $6 Billion Propaganda Blitz Is a Snooze
Beijing’s propaganda works at home, but it can’t compete globally.
By Hilton Yip
(Hilton Yip is a journalist in Taiwan)
In a world on the brink of chaos, China has decided that what people everywhere need is more good news — as long as it’s about China. China is creating a giant media outlet called Voice of China, combining the three state television and radio broadcasters aimed at overseas audiences: China Global Television Network (CGTN), China Radio International, and China National Radio. The hope is that by combining resources and output, China will have a broader platform to spread its message overseas…
Voice of China is the latest move in a global $6.6 billion media expansion campaign involving TV, radio, and newspapers that started in 2009 during the presidency of Hu Jintao, Xi’s predecessor…
The merger of the three state media broadcasters was also part of a significant government overhaul in March to streamline departments and centralize control, re-emphasizing the Chinese Communist Party’s ultimate authority. Voice of China will also be directly overseen by the State Council and managed by the Communist Party’s Central Publicity Department…
Large numbers of foreign professionals, such as myself, were hired at media outlets in Beijing, while China Central Television (CCTV) launched bureaus in Kenya and the United States. The English-language edition of the Global Times was launched in 2009…
CCTV even rebranded its foreign-language news channels as China Global Television Network (CGTN) at the end of 2016. The rebranding also included the launch of a CGTN app and increased social media presence on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, all banned in China…
However, despite almost a decade of overseas expansion, China state media are still widely — and largely correctly — seen as being editorially biased and full of propaganda, and they still struggle to attract large audiences…
CGTN pales even when compared to Russian state media, themselves no slouches in the propaganda game. Despite the strong anti-Western sentiment of RT’s reporting and programs, they at least feature some newsworthy content. This is something CGTN can hardly do, with stodgy news reporting and bland programs dominating its lineup…
As long as China’s leadership cannot differentiate between propaganda and journalism, the Voice of China ***will stay unheard.
***except on taxpayer-funded theirABC!
ATM both NSW and Qld are simultaneously generating hydro power and pumping water uphill. What is the logic in this?
Makes sense if you have an excess of wind power (pumping) but still need real eeliable power for customers (hydro)
2 Sept: France24: AFP: Can crunch talks bring the Paris climate treaty to life?
As the pace of global warming races ahead of efforts to tame it, diplomats from more than 190 nations begin crunch UN climate talks in Bangkok Tuesday to breathe life into the Paris Agreement…
The pact also promises $100 billion annually from 2020 to poor nations already coping with floods, heatwaves, rising seas and superstorms made worse by climate change.
“The Paris Agreement was like a letter of intent,” said Michael Oppenheimer, a professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton University.
Unless detailed rules of implementation covering dozens of contentious and unresolved issues are agreed upon, he and other experts said, the landmark treaty could run aground…
The most persistent sticking points in the UN talks revolve around money…
This tension flared spectacularly in July when the UN’s flagship climate finance initiative, the Green Climate Fund, suffered a boardroom meltdown after members could not agree on funding priorities…
An even more daunting — and arguably urgent — task facing diplomats in Bangkok and Katowice is ratcheting up voluntary national commitments to cut planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions…
Under the Paris accord, countries are not required to revisit these commitments until 2023.
***But waiting that long could doom the planet to runaway global warming, scientists warn in a UN special report obtained by AFP, to be officially unveiled in October.
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1.5C report will show the need for increased ambition if we want to have a functional human civilisation in the future,” said Wael Hmaidan, executive director of Climate Action Network, which groups hundreds of climate NGOs…
“We need to see announcements of increased ambition from some of the big countries that put out 2030 commitments — China, India, Brazil, the European Union, Japan,” said Alden Meyer, policy and strategy director for the Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington…
“Businesses are looking to countries to build on the commitments they made in Paris,” said Jennifer Austin, policy director for We Mean Business.
“Strong, clear policies are what give businesses clarity and confidence.”…
Wael Hmaidan (CAN): “The bottleneck for a real transformation is political will at the national level — heads of state,” he said…
Just over at American Thinker reading an article on ethanol in fuel. I thought this comment was a nice summary of something I try to convey to people about scratching another layer below the MSM headlines and learning some fundamentals.
“Environmentalists are what I call “surface thinkers”, they support anything that supposedly supports what they want to believe and never bother to investigate the reality of what they condone.”
A good phrase.
Another bit of “surface thinking” maybe in the assumption that Renewables incur less CO2 production per kWh produced than Coal Fired.
Renewables are so inefficient that from start to finish, i.e. Construction of plant to demolition it’s hard to see them being CO2 “savers”.
For a detailed discussion of why biofuels fail, read ” Twenty-First Century Snake Oil” by Captain T.A. ‘Ike’ Kiefer.
Cane farmers, with Bob Katter at the van, want us all to use ethanol but never use biofuels in their tractors and harvesters themselves.
woo hoo, 2 red thumbs, I am back on track!
Just a hypothetical thought: If all the interconnectors in the national grid were disconnected, which states could survive on their own 24/7?
I presume QLD and TAS could, perhaps SA also. But what about NSW and VIC?
I doubt NSW and VIC would survive a hot summer. SA might given all the belts and braces bought in before the last summer election, although I understand one of their main older plants shuts in the next couple of years.
QLD OK unless Palacechook shoots the State in the foot with RET. TAS OK as long as it rains as normal, and now they have tested worst case plan (better than most States).
For a giggle check out Steve Hunter’s latest Snowy 2.0 cartoon with Viv Forbes at Pickering.
***I’m not saying Speers didn’t include “the impact of climate change” – Sky is as CAGW-infested as the rest for about 22 hours each day – but there is nothing in the quote included in this article by Holly Byrnes:
2 Sept: Sky News political editor David Speers issues election warning: ignore the bush at your peril
DAVID Speers and his Sky News team earned record ratings for the remarkable rolling coverage of the leadership spill. Now he’s got a hot tip for election victory as the news channel prepares to roll out across regional Australia today
by Holly Byrnes
SKY News political editor David Speers has pleaded with the two major parties to make the run up to the next election about “policy and not personalities” – or risk the rise of a Donald Trump-style Australia.
As the news channel rolls out across regional Australia today, on the free-to-air WIN network for the first time, Speers said political parties risked electoral ruin if they ignored the issues affecting the bush…
Not having a policy plan around the drought, immigration, ***and the impact of climate change on the environment would spell disaster at the ballot box, he predicted.
“We’re seeing debates around the drought, around immigration and getting more new arrivals to want to stay in regional Australia … how best to maximise the potential of different farming areas … and these are all really important debates to have. And let’s hope we can encourage a bit more of that through our programming.”…
Daily Telegraph profile: Holly Byrnes is the National TV editor and a former Sydney Confidential editor and fashion columnist for News Corp Australia. She has more than 20 years experience in journalism
“She has more than 20 years experience in journalism”
Is that a credential or a condemnation?
One of the great things about living in rural Australia is that when immigrants do come , it is in a slow gradual way and they really want to be there. They participate and generally thrive as well as anyone moving into a new community. Pushing numbers out and starting a regional ghetto-ising program is probably counter productive.
Always be wary of the coronary mass ejaculation!
Albo will pick this up and run with it all the way to the election.
‘The prime minister won’t confirm or deny Malcolm Turnbull approved an $8 billion road and rail package to be rolled out across marginal seats as part of his re-election campaign.
‘The blueprint, leaked overnight, included a high speed rail link between Brisbane and Melbourne, and a north-south link in western Sydney.’
Was Bill Shorten asked? Surely the Beloved Windbag kept him in the loop.
Climatology is a “Joke” – Nobel Laureate Dr Kary Mullis
Posted 4 months ago