A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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It seems everyday now something new crops up that’s a concern to me but not to others and no I’m not a paranoid conspiracy theorist that’s become insulated in their own delusional state (I have a certificate to prove it) however the ongoing march of Agenda 21/2030 is dropping its mask with the proposal/legislated law of public access to Victorian crown land and national parks pushed hardest by surprise surprise the Greens.
In effect the new laws will ban public access to 525,000 hectares of accessible bushland and the Bush Users Group United (nice acronym) have been the most vocal but when reading through various posts or media items I haven’t seen one mention so far of Agenda 21’s wildlands project where public movement is restricted to a point of population regulated containment by the governmental authority achieving the goal of stopping freedom of movement within your own country.
I find this quite perplexing that so many don’t realise so few have the subversive power to greatly impact their lives.
If anyone here can help me with contacting one of the protest leaders or know what MP’s are against the proposal via message or email (I don’t do social media) it’d be greatly appreciated, I work full time and do stupid hours sometimes so time can be scarce.
Yonniestone, My understanding is that DELPH and Parks Victoria have been persuing this agenda for years. Started with bush tracks being seasonaly closed for sperious reasons. Accpording to the signs the tracks are closed to prevent errosion, environmental sensitivities and for our own ( bush users ) protection. Every opportunity is used to permanently close access,after fires tracks are dug up with the hope that regeneration will quickly make the track completely unuseable. I am sure part of the strategy is to force more and more people into smaller and smaller area so their impact can be seen and deemed yet another reason to close an area for “regeneration” in the middle of bush areas. Of course this lack of access makes people frusrated so they do things that are not desirable, and once again this is used against bush users to close more areas. Sadly, after being a law abiding person all my life, I encourage everyone to within reason do what they like. Camp where it says “no camping” have a camp fire following a sensible approach, hunt as often as you can, prospect where ever the gold is regardless. Make your memories. Make sure the grand kids know what a free life is about.
The flip side of all of these “protected areas ” of course, governments have no idea how to manage them. So fires, big fires, feral animals, the proliferation of noxious weeds all cost tax dollars to pretend to be managed. For a sympathic ear you might try contacting the state member for Eildon Cindy Mcleish
Remember MAKE THE MEMORIES, they can ban hunting , camping, fishing, prospecting, canoeing, bush walking etc. They can confiscate our gear, they can burn our photos but they can’t take the memories. My one wish is, when my grand kids have grand kids of their own, they tell them of good times in the bush with grumpy
Thanks Sambar I’ll give her a go….err email that is, sadly I think by the time people wake up to the big picture the frog will be boiled Aussies are often too fair for their own good its high time the mongrel was fired up in everyone and pointed in the right direction.
Sadly you are right Yonniestone. The proposed Great Forests national park is only to win over inner city greens. Lots of claims that these new parks will create employment and bring in thousands of tourists, is of course just BS. Where I live very close to the Alpine national park, one hardly ever sees many international tourists. None in the bush, the odd few at the coffee shop or eateries. If these parks are such great draw cards why aren’t the tourists stacked 10 deep? And my main gripe ( just one of many i suppose ) is the money. If i have access to the bush I spend my money earned over a lifetime of productive labour. i.e. real dollars.
If these areas are managed by government, the jobs created are not weath producing jobs where something is created for the the betterment of many, rather the shuffling of taxation dollars just moved in circles. The only hard things produced are signs telling us what we cannot do in this the peoples forests, parks, plains, deserts and rivers.
Remember the Black Saturday fires?, do people think how much un-managed undergrowth contributed to worsen the situation?, it bears thinking that while those fires burnt under extraordinary conditions how many since then and future ones will be made worse by mismanagement….and when I say mismanagement I’m talking about areas near private properties and reducing the risk of fatalities.
Ouch ! your really rattling my cage to day ! The last fire break was 80 metres from my house. As alway, when it all goes to hell, the locals do the grunt work. The rather portly CFA guy in full kit and 40 degrees running the line hanging tags for the dozer drivers to follow. This tag line went for miles ( kilometres). Up hill and down dale. Who was this guy, dunno, the dozer drivers sweating and working 30 hours non stop. What could I do to help ? As many bottles of warm water as I could throw to them while they just worked to save people they didn’t know. Still I’m comforted to know that controled reduction burns have taken place on the fringes of the national park, not in the park, which is managed by letting nature take its course. The nearby town is still rated in the top three or four towns at most risk when it all happens again.
Near where i live, huge numbers of roos are killed by cars every week as the local govt ( if you can call it that ) wont cull the rotten things properly, so the locals cars do.
Still, eventually the roo numbers will be down to managable levels….
i have seen the occasional delusional roo hugger with protest signs when the culls are going….
I have good friends in Gippsland Victoria and from pioneer high country cattle families using the Snowy Mountains for grazing for many decades past using the native grasslands that are now being overgrown since grazing was prohibited. They have told me about blackberry bushes and other weeds creating fire hazards and potential for very hot wild fires in areas that the indigenous people managed with traditional seasonal burning and allowing native animals to graze.
My friends are also recreational Horse riders in the Mountains and one catches Brumbies to train and sell, a member of the Cattlemen Association, bushfire volunteer and Centennial Trail volunteer maintenance of tracks.
Tony Abbott commented that there are too many National Parks to manage now and was not interested in creating more of them.
As comments above indicate UN Agenda is the problem.
This is the press release where Bishop announced she had signed us up for Agenda 2030.
Getting brownie points for your potential future bosses is a smart move for Julie, I’ve wondered how she keeps so trim while pigging out on the UN Hyper-Bowl.
Better download your official Julie Bishop portrait from the secondary link on that page before it disappears.
What manner of narcissist thinks the public would want a portrait of her scrawny mug? She’s as bad as her ex-boss.
The USA apparently signed on also.
We are not doing too well, though:
USA seems to hear a different drummer
It’s No. 25 out of 149 countries—behind Singapore and barely above the Republic of Korea. Of 17 goals, 2 + and 15 -.
This is a good video explaining Agenda 21/2030. It’s a blueprint for totalitarian world government and few people are aware of it.
Yes, David, Agenda 21 is a global octopussy policy being
implemented by both large parties and at all levels of government.
It shapes our lwegal system, our economic system, environmental
system, our political system and education via compulsory Core
Curriculum K-12.Rose Koire covers it.
Perth also has been quietly closing access to a lot of our foothills bush land over the years. Many of the recreational and picnic areas that existed, usually old timer mill sites, are now closed to the public. The official reason given in most cases is to prevent pollution to dam water runoff, but I suspect that it’s also to limit the increasing numbers of trail bikes and 4WDs tearing up the countryside.
Their map of the United States showing where no one may go, much less live, colors the entire country red, forbidden. Only small places you can hardly notice are left for humans. They are delusional and it will never be officially adopted. But many local jurisdictions are doing it anyway. And that’s how they win. Slice off a little skin and it’s no big deal. You heal quickly but you don’t have that skin anymore. Then they take another slice, then another… …and you lose.
I can’t say it strongly enough, the United Nations is not anyone’s friend. They think they’re the government of the world and in many things they already are. And they want th rest.
Last I knew of it a very vocal group in Colorado was fighting this. Florida has similar problems.
The UN is an evil monster not accountable to anyone and never should have been created. The advent of nuclear bombs is what created the fear that created the United Nations. And we would be better off staring down the fear than creating something new to be afraid of.
Anyone can read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. And they do.
How come it is that the good guys can’t also read Alinsky and know their enemy?
Ben Shapiro’s take on debating lefties. Point 4 (about 7 minutes in) Global Warming.
Because people are too busy following nonsense like the Kardashians…..
“Their map of the United States showing where no one may go, much less live, colors the entire country red, forbidden.”
Where does one find this map?
Map here….
Fyi – regardless of which web site its on, its the correct one.
After looking again it appears that I confused Agenda-21 with the Wildlands project, a biodiversity monstrosity that leaves precious little for us to live on. I found this which comes up with some maps and a number of hits on other documents. I must leave you to go through them all if you’re interested.
Roy, it strikes me as being far, far worse. The UN and its appendages have no intention to ‘governing’in any accepted democratic sense of the word. The UNEP, ECOSOC and the thousands of accredited NGO’s implement ‘management’ and ‘administration’ at the hand of faceless, unaccountable, unelected and unelectable bureaucrats. There was more than a passing glimpse of this under the Hussein administration who orchestrated faux-governance through bureaucratic dikat, intentionally very difficult to push back against, the EPA and IRS being premier examples of ideologically weaponized bureaucracies. Thankfully, POTUS DJT is unwinding this both at the regulation and at the judicial level.
Elsewhere in the World, globalism apparently still ‘thrives’ or is it that maybe it doesn’t realise that it is terminally ill with the growing wave of populism, desire for freedom and revulsion increasingly directed toward identity politics, cultural Marxism and political correctness. So, many organisations are going ahead with preparing, welcoming and setting themselves up for what they believe will be the creeping implementation of the UN “SDG” Agenda and Urban Habitat III Agenda. They do this, for example in globalist orientated New Zealand by creating a tax exempt ‘charitable’ corporate entity which then receives all profits from the parent company that is now tax exempt. The charitable corporate entity directed by an unelected board funds cherry picked projects / education / programmes of purported benefit the community.
The Rainbow Cult choses, decides and dictates. They tell everyone they do a better job than government and they deprive government of taxes. Most allow their blind altruism to suspend any semblance of critical thinking they might have had and support this process.
This is where it gets interesting. The tax-exempt ‘charitable’ entity then segues on to claim NGO status from the UN, become an accredited member of the UN Third Arm, the bizarrely named “civil society” and ECOSOC and in a matter of a few short years UN administration has been installed.
Doubtless it will run its cycle and eventually implode under its own corruption and inefficiency, but not before prosperity and security, freedom, tradition, custom and identity have been suspended and then wrested away once again from the Rainbow Cult at an entirely preventable cycle of huge human cost.
Latus, have you got a link on the NZ NGO? I want to know more…
Well picked up Jo.
I believe that this is the ultimate objective. They state that they believe they can do things better. Apparently, the majority of the altruistic members of the insurance/assurance society agree, though I doubt few have thought through the issue closely. What they don’t seem to realise is that as members, they will have no direct influence over the spending decisions of the ‘charitable corp’. The corp intentionally circumvents taxation, government, democracy and electoral accountability. Meanwhile, the parent company has aggressively adopted UNEP divestment strategy. There is no opt out. They have installed themselves as the uninvited moral guardians. They have also changed their letterhead from its longstanding maroon to turquoise green, which they now consider far more ‘appropriate’.
The NGO status is I believe their end game. I cannot see any other purpose in undertaking the steps they have taken without an over arching corporate strategy and destination. Merely setting up a national “charity” to disburse profits according to the Rainbow mantra of division, inequity and exclusion from the parent company seems a very long and empty ideological bow to draw without an wider embracing purpose. We are after all dealing with a very significant insurance/assurance company not readily given to purposelessness.
Thanks Latus Dextro (Widely to the Right)
You have identified a real problem.
Do you have references?
I would like to see a reference or two myself.
“The Rainbow Cult choses, decides and dictates. They tell everyone they do a better job than government and they deprive government of taxes. ”
Correct. The Occult New Agers are running all this, if you read New Age books written by the ilk of Alice Bailey, Blavatsky, Tofler, LeMesurier you will find the agenda all well laid out, although sometimes you have to wrestle with termininology a bit. Some of the books openly refer to offering those who resist their new world order push “a benevolent death”, as they have their own “New Age Christ/Matreyia” who they believe will appear and solve all the world s problems…..Christians know of this person prophetically foretold in the Bible as the Anti Christ. This anti Christ is also linked with witchcraft and paganism and is a smooth talker but will cause massive death.
“Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” ( 2 Thes 2:3-4)
This last bit is key – this person will have an ego the size of a planet, and a temper to match.
In terms of the UN not being any part of democracy see 29(3) below – amongst the UNs flowery words, lies death :
“Article 29.
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
I said this for a reason,
I have never seen a more arrogant mindset in any group or body wanting to control what others do. They are delusional in their ability to think themselves infallible.
I don’t doubt a word of what you say.
At their ultimate worst they sent aid workers to distribute food and provide other help in Africa “for the children” and they ended up raping those same children they were supposed to help. This is what you get for creating a body that was supposed to mediate disputes among nations so as to avoid war if possible. And I would like to know what war the UN ever avoided. Anyone know of one? I sure don’t.
And this African aid disgrace made headlines here and no doubt around the civilized world. As a parent I cannot understand why, when the first case we discovered by the children’s parents, they didn’t beat those aid workers to death on the spot. Instead they reported it to the UN I think. But they reported it instead of taking action. And look where that has gotten the Roman Catholic Church.
All it would take to end it all would be for enough member nations to stop paying dues to the UN. And I don’t know how to get that to happen either. And if we did accomplish it we would still be beset on all sides by the do-gooders who push the whole thing forward.
Latest mafia wind bust:
Offshore wind turbine silt plumes
If you have got to kill a few dolphins to save the planet its probably OK. No polar bears out there so carry on.
18 days to go ….
Canberra Times, September 27, 1988:
MALE, Maldives: A gradual rise in average sea level is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation of 1196 small islands with-in the next 30 years, according to authorities.
March 30, 1995, The Canberra Times:
“The low-lying Maldives archipelago state is already disappearing into the Indian Ocean.”
31 August, 2018:
China-Maldives Friendship Bridge opens to traffic, making it possible to travel between Maldives’ main international airport to capital Male within 5 minutes …
photo here:
Another Maldive report to add to your collection, Mark.
Charles Darwin discovered that coral islands essentially float
on the surface of the sea formed around an old underwater volcano.
He recognized that the lagoon freshwater lens floats on the
surface of the sea and if the sea rises the atoll also rises.
Only of islanders overpopulate an island and drain its fresh
water or spear the parrot fish that crunch the coral and replenish
eroded sands will the atoll sink. Nice article by Willis Eschenbach.
No need to send more money.
Remember this?
“Hank Johnson Worries Guam Could “Capsize” After Marine Buildup”
So, following that “logic”
We have this
“According to Forbes, Pacific island nations and associated states make up the top seven on a 2007 list of heaviest countries, and eight of the top ten. In all these cases, more than 70% of citizens age 15 and over are obese”
Suggesting a way to solve both health and sinking islands?
(/s if necessary)
Not only the Pacific Islands!
“Weighty Matters.”
And comments, like
“Joe, no. “Obese” is an oppressive word. “Cellulite challenged” would be p-c appropriate.”
Links to
“Guardian World, where all things are possible.”
Comments there too
So many tipping points ‘n sinks, Ian.
“Climate Change,” yikes!
Wonderful find. 1988 report that the Maldives would be completely underwater by 2018. I have read they built seven new airports since, so someone thinks it’s not happening. Plus a bridge.
With no toll-booths!
At the time of the 1988 article, the Maldives had a population of about 200,000.
They were worried about running out of fresh water.
At the current time, Wiki says the population is around 427,756 inhabitants.
Will the Canberra Times, on this coming 30 year anniversary, look into the matter and make a new report?
What are they drinking? Oz or French wine?
Perhaps a Canberra local could ask?
Little wonder the BBC have canceled science let alone any counter-narrative.
Do you mean to say that those threatened islands were not being overwhelmed by rising sea level after all? What is this world coming to when the prophesy’s of disaster fail us? What is left to use to scare the people people into submission?
Could it be that telling them the truth might help? Could it be that not scaring anyone until you have a better theory than climate change and melting ice is a better way to do it? But no, the Maldives must sink beneath the sea to make it possible for a bunch of empty suits to stand in front of their mirrors every night befor going to bed and be able to say as they pat themselves on the back, “Look what I’ve done for the world today.” And they have done nothing.
Somehow, the mainstream media failed to pick this up. Must have been an oversight …
Icebreaker encounters most difficult ice conditions in 15 years
Back on August 22 (2018), a Swedish icebreaker on the way to the North Pole encountered heavy ice conditions and had to stop just before reaching its destination.
The Swedish icebreaker Oden embarked from Svalbard the previous week but encountered difficult ice conditions not seen in one and a half decades.
The Oden’s captain described the ice conditions as the most difficult in the past fifteen years.
What the experts said …
Flannery, 2006: Climate’s last chance
Before 2004, the rate of melt was such that scientists believed the icecap would melt entirely by about 2100.
At the trajectory set by the new rate of melt, however, there will be no Arctic icecap in the next five to 15 years.
5 May 2018:
A decade ago climate experts were deeply worried. Now they are terrified – Tim Flannery
> Flannery et al should be terrified.
Accountability please!
It appears the left believe in new physics that says global warming causes global cooling. So if one places a glass of water in a hot oven it should freeze.
How do you get a PhD in science with an undergraduate degree in English because you did not qualify for any science course? How do you get to be an expert in everything with a PhD in prehistoric kangaroos? How do you get to be Chief Climate Commissioner for Australia with no qualifications in meteorology? How do you get to be a celebrity science expert when your every prediction has been completely wrong? I’ve known comedians who were not as funny.
We know how we get to this point by electing (by the people and parties alike) the wrong candidate but it’s a mystery as to why. It appears mankind has a built-in drive to both self-destruction and the pursuit of survival and progress, and there is a constant battle between the two trends. At the moment we are “winning” on the former but time will tell if we have turned things around. The next federal election will be very telling.
When the majority of one’s time is no longer spent engaged in raw survival all manner of misdirected self-important idiocy reigns. Reassuringly it is as one might expect, self-correcting and heavily inclined toward self-destruction. Marxists have reliably proved that since 1848. Their dead-end Rainbow Cult progeny the eco-Marxist post-modernists are proving that now.
Well the LNP has failed 40 in this row
Gawd! It is much worse than that –
60 + if you include the row that justified sacking Abbott!
For the EV file
“We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”
In Victoriastan Dopey Dan is spending taxpayer money to the extent of $68 million for 24,000 homes plus an additional rebate of $2225 to install solar systems. Assuming two voters per household that’s only about $1400 per vote plus an additional $1100 per vote as a rebate or he his paying $2500 per vote using our own money.
Bring it on Dan! I might make my wifes craft shack energy independent. But i still wont vote for you.
I’ll see your stupid politician and raise you by one looney. South Australia is going to subsidise batteries for households. This follows on from the Liberal Govt. giving the green light to the solar heat project near Pt. Augusta.
I think you will find that both those projects were authorised by the previous Wetherill Labour government.
the Liberals have been full on gullible with the project since the 2016 Federal election when Turnbull promised a $100 million hand out. Yes, Koutsantonis is claiming it’s all a Labor idea with his celebrated imitation of someone with the intellectual capability of someone with a brain made of cabbage, but this was the official start of our tax money slowly sinking in the sunset.
AS I mentioned before “For the 500GW annual generation claimed it requires the plant to operate at 38% CF for 24 hours a day for 365 days. Alternately it needs to generate at 100% CF for 3333 hours per annum or 9.1 hours per day, every day. (more than the annual average).
As 38% is a rather high CF for this type of plant, and the annual hours of sunlight for that area aren’t quite that high, it seems that once again South Australia is buying another mirage. I think that the State is supplying $120 million subsidy and the late PM promised another $100 million.” Don’t ask for any change.
They either fully understand they will mess up the grid, stability, voltage regulation and reliability, or, they are completely clueless and push on regardless. I suspect its the first, using clueless and easily replaceable politicians to do the puppet masters work.
SA should be islanded from the main grid to limit any damage – let them poop in their own “green” nest and if they sink their own grid, we don’t care.
More and more this place is starting to look like the world of Mad Max…. maybe we need some MPD Interceptors on the roads……351cu big blocks with superchargers…..all good 🙂
For people who have followed “Save the Bilbys”
Pete McRae had another stroke and they shut off life support on Friday.
Rio Tinto has done more than anyone else in Australia to save the Bilbys.
But how can that be tolerated by the Greens – a mining company with a London head office!!!.
“NYT blames Federer’s U.S. Open loss on…’global warming’ ”
“As pointed out several times in the comments to the article, if the failure of Federer is to be attributed to global warming then too the success of Millman must necessarily be attributed to global warming.”
I was perplexed by this idea. I was wondering how the global warming changed ends between games to only affect Roger. More likely he just had a bad day or father time is slowly creeping up on time and chipping away at his elite edge.
and poor little Serena lost – due to “global bad sportsmanship” on her part.
Milman was very fortunate – he was standing on the cooler side of the net.
“Study – Global Tree cover on the rise – possibly due to CO2/global warming”
Apparently the “debate” on mulga for drought fodder the other night in the Qld parliament produced (again) “the worry of polution from the Warrego River at Charleville polluting the reef”
“If Albert Einstein applied for a professorship at UCLA today, would he be hired?
Better question is, would he want it?”
I doubt Einstein would be allowed inside any public University as he goes against pretty much everything they stand for on scientific grounds.
As Einstein said, genius knows it’s own limitations, stupidity has none.
I read this year that 48% of US Universities did not have a single Republican voter on staff. While I have no idea how anyone would know that, if true it would be amazing.
Why protest endlessly about equal opportunity for women and blacks and Latinos and diversity generally when by far the greatest barrier to employment in a university is political?
Conservatives are not employable in nearly half universities when half the country votes conservative. That would be true in Australia too. Anyone who votes conservative has to keep quiet in public office. I observer the same in the medical profession. To express conservative views is forbidden at work and socially. Global Warming is only one such subject in the long march through the institutions by aggressive socialists.
Consider that of all forms of discrimination, gender, age, race, education by far the greatest is political. There are simply no Republicans in half the US universities. None. That’s total.
98.3% of Washington D.C. Voted for Hillary. Total discrimination. Clearly you cannot work in the public service in Washington unless you vote Democrat.
So before anyone talks of gender equality or social equality or ageism or safe spaces or race, what need to be addressed is that side matters more than logic or facts.
This is also true of Climate Change. It is absolutely true for only one side of politics. Guess which side.
Yeah but leftism will sink universities – people will stay away and go to proper universities where they can actually learn and question stuff.
Only 10% of universities courses teach Science. Hopefully they are not affected. What is driving this is the attempt by the other 90% to control Science teaching, insisting that the world is going to end unless Western Democracies shut their factories so we can all be equally poor.
You can only have an animal feed on itself before it runs of of stuff to eat..
The animal in thus case is the Left. Like North Korea, cuba etc, once it collapses in on itself, it ceases to function. The dirty little secret of all failed Communist states, is that Communism us propped up by Capitalism. Where does all the aid come from? China? Nope. The West. Who buts Chinas products? Who provided the investment money? The West.
If all the world was failed communist states, nothing would function. Think of rusting leaking nuclear submarines in Russia they cant afford to cleanly decommisson, think of Chernobyl….
Evergreen College is an example of that. Downsizing and spiralling downward.
Sorry, the study said 39%.
However it also said
“There are more than 10 professors affiliated with the Democratic Party for every faculty member who is a registered Republican, according to a new study.”
““Indeed, faculty political affiliations at 39 percent of the colleges in my sample are Republican free — having zero Republicans.”
So the greatest problem at Universities is that the biggest equality problem is political. It is clearly impossible to get a job if you are a Republican in 39% of Universities. And 9 times more difficult in the others. Regardless of race, religion, gender or qualifications.
Perhaps universities should mandate at least 40% Republicans under equal opportunity?
That would be afflicted with the Democratic party. With it’s hot mess of sometimes contradictory litmus tests, it’s beginning to resemble a personality disorder. Perhaps they could change the name to the cognitive dissonance party.
I forget who reckoned that the US military was about the first organisation to not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, creed or ability
Might have been Tom Lehrer
There was a time when entry to study at university was a cash based thing. Either you got someone to employ you before starting, and they paid your fees in return for a set number of years service or you paid for it yourself.
In today’s new society the system is set up to fail with every second “student” studying a descriptive, non science course that can have little of use for society.
But it does keep the unemployment figures down.
The saying is those that can do,those that can’t teach. That would be why so many leftist idiots are teachers.
“How to shut down a protester.”
Utube linked at
As was stated if only it were that simple.
Deeds of Trump
A short time ago, I asked a friend what they thought about Donald Trump. He said that Trump is a Liar. I asked what lies but there was no response.
I said that Trump had done some good things. I have made a list.
Deeds of Trump
1. Pulled the USA out of the Paris Treaty
2. Restoring USA energy independence, promotes Coal and fracking for natural gas
3. EPA, appointed Scott Pruitt
4. Tackling unfair trade NAFTA, China, Europe
4. Reduced taxes.
5. told Europe to take on more of the financial burden of NATO
6. North Korea
7. Tackling illegal immigration
8. Climate change references removed from US Goverment websites: EPA, , Energy, State dept.
9. Appointments to supreme court; Neil Gorsuch, Kavanagh
10. Taking the media to task over Fake News.
Yet Obama has now come out ignoring all these good things occurring and so in effect denying they have happened. The evil left have not given up and in fact returning to continue their war on us with greater force. We can see it now in the Liberal Party with people like Turnbull and Julie Bishop acting out their true allegiance to the evil left by doing everything they can to force an election ASAP and give Shorten his best chance of winning. As someone said the democratic style of the West has been turned from something that worked for the good of the people to more like an evil corporation hell bent on enslaving the people instead.
Let us not forget while Obama is mouthing his platitudes (as long as the teleprompter keep working) that the US currently has the lowest levels of black unemployment for decades, which awkwardly includes all of Obama reign. Also awkwardly, those manufacturing jobs that were never coming back accoring to the big O, have come back. A million of them since the orange demon took office.
People like Obama, Turnbull, Rudd and thousands of other political sycophants is the game plan is not about creating jobs, prosperity and the like but simply to pursue a career for self-interest and power. People like Trump and hopefully Morrison (time will tell) is although they too pursue a career for self-interest they do so with the people’s interest at heart as well. The proof is in the results.
Obama had 8 years to fix things. 8 years to address gun control. 8 years to fix the border mess. 8 years to boost black employment. 8 years to pull back Iran and North Korea and Syria. Trump has done it in 18 months and Obama wants the credit? Really?
Perhaps Obama and Clinton would rather talk about their Arab Spring? They made Dick Cheney seem like a pacifist with every country in the Middle East at war, sponsored by America. More freedom fighters like ISIS.
There you go. Seems the vast numbers of skeptics out there just waiting to tip any elections the Libs way had higher priorities in deciding how to cast their votes this time??
its paywalled!
Try outline and jump it.
A vote for an independent was a sharp move by the electorate, as they collect their thoughts.
Out in the bush we now get Cameron and Dean on WIN/Fox, the agrarian socialists will blossom under this influence.
Ie Russian Communism.
I’m thinking of socialism with Australian characteristics, commonly known as mateship.
Actually, Pol Pot….he emotied the cities and filled large mass graves….the fruits of socialism…
Death, misery, disfunction.
No, that is different, socialism with Australian characteristics has its roots in mid 17th century England. This was long before Marx and the corrupt dictatorship of the proletariat so popular in the 20th century.
We believe in the value of private property and have no interest in social engineering.
Dr. John McGirr – local, Doctor, Conservative (except about Global Warming like most Doctors) – has written articles, letters about the dangers of Climate Change. The rest is puffery.
Total Ordinary Votes ( ignoring informals of about 1100 votes )
McDONAGH Seb(SFP) 2,841
HAM Julia(LIB) 6,436
McGIRR Joe(IND) 7,262
FUNNELL Paul(IND) 2,988
HAYES Dan(CLP) 6,685
Also – they have suspended preference votes listings ( as its probably a real headache…… )
Apparently there was a huge swing against Liberals, but no surprises there.
The federal parties & the globalists must be packing it….this may be the trend of the future.
Humanity 1, Globalists 0
The next federal election will be the grand daddy of all litmus tests. It will demonstrate how aware the people are. Either we trust Morrison’s agenda to reduce power prices by removing renewables subsidies and create a level playing field, or we trust Shorten’s agenda to reduce power prices by increasing our reliance on renewables to much higher levels. That’s the choice we all have to make. Good luck fellow Australians.
As I said to Phil, Murdoch in the regions has started a conversation on climate change and the need for coal fired power stations. The Nationals should do well out of this.
Action speaks louder than words. Let’s see if Morrison’s new agenda on reducing power prices by slashing renewables subsidies comes into practice very soon.
In February 2017 Morrison said:
“Coal is a big part of the future under a Coalition Government and clearly that’s not the case under the alternative,” Mr Morrison told the ABC.
“It’s the Clean Energy Finance Corporation — it’s not the wind energy finance corporation.”
So I can only see new Hele coal fired power stations, subsidised.
The despair with both major parties is reflected in the recent Wagga Wagga by election with a phenomenal 30% swing against the Libs. It’s just another nail in the coffin of the Liberal Party, state and federal. It’s now up to Morrison to try and save it and at the same time keep Shorten out of the Lodge. Unless he does a Trump, which has to include spending millions on a massive media and public campaign, money they do not have, then all is very likely lost.
What if Morrison puts out tenders for three new coal fired power stations, to compete on a level playing field by using money from the CEFC to construct them. Do you think that would take away votes from the independents?
It would help to claw back some of the conservative base but I doubt it will be enough. What we need is a definite sign of power prices coming down fast and hard. The only way to do that is to remove renewables subsidies so that we can see an immediate reduction in our power bills. Then hit home the truth that a vote for ALP+Greens would be a vote for returning back to previous high levels of power prices as they reinstate the subsidies with much more to come as they increase the reliance on renewables. In that way it would not only claw back much of the conservative base it will also swing over some of the left and the swinging voters who are not completely brain dead. The abolition of the subsidies ideally would have to happen before the election but if they can’t be done then at least promise they will be ASAP after the election (akin to what Howard did with the introduction of the GST). That at least would give the voters a clear choice unlike the bipartisan support for renewables under the previous fake LNP PM whose name I don’t want to mention as I prefer to forget.
Imagine the queue of loonies queuing up the screw those projects along the lines of whats been happening in Newcastle recently. I imagine the unions will buy in as well.
Ignore the red.
I always do aprt from amusement, if you have nothing to offer other than pushing a red thumb button then you really arent worth a neuron.
by you I meant they(our closet re thumbers) KK , in case that wasnt obvious
Not the ones who oppose it…or the Greens, or the ALP. He should go for it, but if he’s going to keep the donors happy he will have to remember to do as Malcolm did for the GBRF and pay them all the $ up front into their accounts before the project starts or they have any clear idea of what the project will be.
That will go down well with the electorate wot?? 🙂
In Wagga Wagga it was a pox on both their houses and the Greens, it could be a precursor.
The CC zealots have already been brainwashed and are beyond recovery, so we’ll be fishing for the undecided.
If Morrison has a mini budget before Xmas, says we are in the black and going to invest in coal fired power stations and a continental bullet train network, would it adversely impact the Independents?
I have been hoping for a hung parliament at the next election before Morrison became PM to stall the crash and burn scenario a little longer so I can be better prepared for it. Now I’m hoping for common sense to prevail and both houses go to LNP and give this nation one last chance to avoid a crash and burn scenario. It’s a long shot given the scarcity of common sense in this nation.
Its crash and burn unless Morrison pulls a rabbit out of the hat.
‘Scott Morrison is the favoured PM but he leads a Coalition facing an election wipeout with the potential loss of up to 30 seats.’ Oz
el gordo
To pull a rabbit out of a hat you first have to put a rabbit into the hat
Malcolm put the bullet train consortiums in the bottom draw in preparation for the election and Scott reckons its almost time.
A good magician understands the theory of Schrödinger’s cat in a box.
el gordo, I doubt any magician understands the Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment (not a theory) and if any do they probably understand it incorrectly as most of the public do. I won’t go into the details here as to the correct understanding as it’s very lengthy and scientific so it would bore most people. Just like to say in relation to Morrison he has to pull more than just a rabbit out of hat. He has to pretty much resurrect the Liberal Party as it’s effectively dead, and at best near death.
‘Schrödinger devised a scenario in which a cat is both alive and dead …’
I think Morrison may surprise us, scrap subsidies and not pay our dues to the UN climate fund.
el gordo:
I hope he doesn’t. A far more serious problem than the climate change nonsense is our federal government’s eagerness to take power from the states. I’d love to see our federal government trimmed back to things states can’t do — nationwide things like immigration, defence, quarantine — and get the hell out of things the states can do for themselves. Leave electricity generation to the states — God knows, they’re bad enough.
I’m not going to get my way of course. The same Liberal and Labor parties are there at all levels of politics and, whatever their differences, they share a long-term goal of federal hegemony. In my darker moments, I see them as our most successful organised crime gangs. At least we get to vote for who’s going to shake us down.
I like the idea of diluting the financial hegemony at federal level and returning power generation responsibilities to the states.
The likely independent believes in climate change
Ok, so they are only 56/44 behind on the latest Newspoll TPP. Thats same same as the last which i didn’t expect. thought it would have come back to the libs a little once the obvious panic had receded.
PPM doesn’t matter….which is probably why the less than bright in the media ( Skynooze… 🙂 ) are spinning on that. Hope their bearing surfaces are well lubed. 🙂
Parliament will be fun today. I suspect teh Libs will go the rolling clusterfwark / omnishambles model they used so well under Turnbull. start the week optimistic and upbeat (ha!…polling_ ) but then have a series of screw ups each distracting from the last until people lose track and give up. Next week rinse repeat.
sorry, forgot the funny bit. 🙂
We have Murdoch on our side, its the debate we have to have.
‘The US and Australia have been accused of stalling negotiations on a $US100bn climate change fund, putting the Paris Agreement in jeopardy.
‘Moderates are fleeing Liberals
‘Tony Abbott downplay Newspoll figures showing Liberals trailing Labor, saying “we shouldn’t worry too much”.
“The US and Australia have been accused of stalling negotiations on a $US100bn climate change fund, putting the Paris Agreement in jeopardy…”
So someone doesnt want to fund global communusm through a trojan horse of a massive lie……
I recall as a kid learning right from wrong, good from bad.
Clearly the UN and all who would support it are birds of an Occult New Age feather….
Think about this – if those who support the UN agree with what it is and how it works, then most world govts have sold out thier own citizens to the Occult New Age globalists.
Really think about what *that* means….
The UN is badly flawed, it was a carry on from the Geneva Convention in hope of avoiding WW3. That worked pretty well, but in smaller conflicts like the Bosnian war and the genocides in Africa, the UN was found wanting.
Do you have an alternative model to replace the UN?
Who says we need anything like the UN?
That basic assumption is key….
I don’t mind getting rid of the UN and leave the world to its own devices.
As the US goes into isolation and withdraws their influence in the south east Pacific, would it be prudent to join the non aligned nations?
7 Sept: CNBC: Jeff Cox: Trump has set economic growth on fire. Here is how he did it
During his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3 percent-plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.
Friday brought another round of good news: Nonfarm payrolls rose by a better-than-expected 201,000 and wages, the last missing piece of the economic recovery, increased by 2.9 percent year over year to the highest level since April 2009. That made it the best gain since the recession ended in June 2009…
“I still believe the big story this year is an economic boom that most folks thought impossible,” Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council and a chief advisor to Trump, said in a recent interview with “I understand that he’s been in for a year and a half, but when you look at those numbers, this is not going away.”
Indeed, the economy does seem to be on fire, and it’s fairly easy to draw a straight line from Trump’s policies to the current trends…
Business confidence is soaring, in part thanks to a softer regulatory environment. Consumer sentiment by one measure is at its highest level in 18 years. Corporate profits, owed in good part to last year’s tax cuts, are coming close to setting records…
Each of those accomplishments can be tied either directly to new policies or at least indirectly through a brimming sense of hope from businesses that the White House is back on their side.
“When you look at those confidence indexes, they’re telling you something,” Kudlow said. “His attitude is, we’re not punishing business, we’re not punishing success, we want to make things easier to do business and to hire, and I think it’s had a very positive effect and a very palpable effect.”…
At the same time, the unemployment rate is 3.9 percent, just one-tenth of a percentage point above the lowest level since 1969…
But there are some more telling figures about just how much progress has been made under Trump.
At a time when most economists had been using the term “full employment” to describe the economy, 3.9 million more Americans have joined the ranks of the working during the Trump term. During the same period under former President Barack Obama, employment had fallen by 2.6 million. The economy in total, while still not in breakout mode, has grown by $1.4 trillion through the second quarter under Trump; the same time period for Obama saw a gain of just $481 billion, or a third of Trump’s total…
Businesses are investing, consumers are spending and innovation is on the rise as well…
The most recent reading from the National Federation of Independent Business was the second highest in history dating back 45 years. Small business owners reported aggressive hiring plans, the only obstacle to which has been a dearth of labor supply. The end of June saw 6.7 million job openings and just 6.6 million Americans classified as unemployed, an unprecedented imbalance.
“Expansion continues to be a priority for small businesses who show no signs of slowing as they anticipate more sales and better business conditions.” NFIB President and CEO Juanita Duggan said in a statement…
How he did it
On the tax side, the White House pushed through a massive $1.5 trillion reform plan that sliced the highest-in-the-world corporate tax from 35 percent to 21 percent and lowered rates for millions of taxpayers, though the cuts for individuals will expire in 2025…
On deregulation, Trump ordered that rules be pared back or eliminated across the board. During his time in office, Congress has cut back on the Dodd-Frank banking reforms, particularly in areas affecting regional and community institutions, rolled back a multitude of environmental protections that he said were killing jobs and took a hatchet to dozens of other rules…
During the first year of his administration, “significant regulatory activity” had declined 74 percent from where it was in the same period of the Obama administration, according to data collected by Bridget Dooling, research professor at GW’s Regulatory Studies Center…
The Dodd-Frank rollbacks have been particularly helpful to community banks, whose share prices collectively are up more than 25 percent over the past year. Small-cap stocks in general have strongly outperformed the broader market, gaining 23 percent over the past 12 months at a time when the S&P 500 is up 17 percent.
The Federal Register, where business rules are stored and thus serves as a proxy for regulatory activity, was 19.2 percent smaller from Inauguration Day until Aug. 16 under Trump than during the same period for Obama.
“You can think of that as turning off the spigot of new regulations,” Dooling said in an interview. She said more aggressive movement appears to be on the way…
Dooling said recent regulatory changes from the Environmental Protection Agency and the departments of Education and Labor will advance deregulation in an even “more meaningful way.”
In addition to expected deregulation benefits, there’s also anticipation that the true benefits of tax cuts have yet to kick in. Mick Mulvaney, head of the Office of Management and Budget, recently told CNBC that he attributes the bulk of new economic growth to deregulation rather than the tax cuts, whose benefits he expects to come later.
“It’s still too early to tell. We haven’t seen any of the multipliers yet from tax reform,” said Jacob Oubina, senior U.S. economist at RBC Capital Markets. “We have enough in terms of ammunition to put in 3 percent growth for the rest of this year and even all of 2019, but we haven’t seen sort of this spike in activity yet.”
There’s been another interesting trend that is peculiar to the Trump economy: a drifting of benefits from urban centers to nonmetropolitan areas, which are seeing their first collective population growth since 2010.
Trump’s tax cuts “should deliver greater tax relief to rural areas where there is a higher rate of small business owners who will benefit from the favorable pass-through tax rates,” Joseph Song, U.S. economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a recent note to clients.
Skeptics doubt it will last…
Trump skeptics rather than climate skeptics.
yesterday a google “news” search on “Trump + economy” had a single article at the top of the results, which was:
CNN: Why Trump’s numbers on economic approval aren’t as high as they should be
theirABC had nothing on the data, but did have:
8 Sept: ABC Trump’s America: Reuters/AP: Barack Obama gives scathing critique of Donald Trump and US ‘politics of fear’
Obama and Trump at odds over economic recovery
Mr Obama also jabbed Mr Trump on the issue the current president frequently heralds as one of his greatest achievements: the strong economy.
Mr Obama reminded the audience that the economic recovery began during his administration and defended his handling of the 2008 economic collapse.
“When you hear how great the economy’s doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” he said…
today, theirABC has the following, but you have to scroll down to about paragraph 28 to find this ***single positive line:
9 Sept: ABC: Households are now spending more than they are earning — and that’s not sustainable
Analysis By business reporter Stephen Letts
Markets hit by trade turbulence
A mid-flight media briefing on Air Force One from President Donald Trump on the likelihood of an escalation of the trade conflict with China was enough to see Wall Street not nose-dive, but lose some altitude…
Add to that the NAFTA talks with Canada going nowhere and Japan now being threatened with tariffs, it’s no wonder it has been a “risk-off” few days.
***US jobs data was strong, with expectation-beating job creation and wages growth hitting a post-GFC high.
While ****seemingly good news, investors sniffed a hint of inflation in the numbers, and with that, the prospect of interest rates rising more quickly than anticipated.
All the key indices dropped…
****SEEMINGLY good news, ABC?
should have added that, immediately under the CNN Trump/economy story was the MASSIVE grouping of hundreds of glowing articles about Obama’s speech, most of which included his boast about the economy.
Did you try
“Independent and unbiased search results with no user tracking”
Global Warming – Did we Pass or Fail?
A detailed analysis of global warming, in the different regions of the Earth.
– the Arctic region
– the Antarctic region
– the Land
– the Oceans
– the entire Earth
This article is very relevant, to the problem of global warming.
Can we save the Earth, and the human race?
Have the 1.5 and 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limits, become irrelevant?
More accurate to say can we save the earth from our politicians and hence ourselves. Climate change/global warming is irrelevant as no nation on earth is doing enough to make a difference to the climate to any measurable degree.
Or even more accurate, can we save ourselves from the politicians. The earth will be fine and nothing we do will alter the natural progression of the climate.
Yes more succinct too.
Voting for Trump is like playing country music backwards,
You get your house back
You get your car back
You get your country back
….. Charlie Daniels.
You get your first cousin back….
and maybe ol’ Yella
You clean up the bar room and have a drink with your mates.
VIDEO AT BOTTOM: 2mins44secs: 7 Sept: Daily Caller: Trump Stops Rally To Call Coal Miner On Stage. Miner Says Trump Brought Him ‘Back To Life’
by Benny Johnson
President Donald Trump paused a campaign speech in North Dakota to bring an unexpected guest onstage.
Trump was commenting on the resurgence of the coal industry in America and telling a story about a man who runs a coal mine thanking him for making the industry “vibrant again.”
“He said, ‘Sir, what you’ve done for the coal industry is incredible. Because we were dead, and now we’re vibrant again,’” Trump recalled.
The president then called on the man to join him onstage: “Where is he? Where is that guy? Where — shout out your name, please. Come up here.”…
The man told a story about the coal industry under Obama and how “the coal industry absolutely had the boot of government on its throat.”
“Many, many jobs were lost,” the coal miner said, “and many towns were destroyed by this. It was just a horrible thing. Horrible suffering happened in this country. Really for made-up reasons, I think. And what your administration does — has done — is bringing us back to life.”
The audience cheered.
He continued, “Jobs have been created, families now have an opportunity to provide for themselves and have a great future and education, and small towns in North Dakota and other places really survived because they’ve got a great coal mine — they’ve got a great power plant.”
“It’s what America is about,” the man concluded. “It’s great to see that we again care about those things. So thank you, Mr. President.”
Trump patted the man on the back and said, “I could stand up here and talk about coal for a half an hour. And I couldn’t do as good a job as he just did. Because, seriously, he’s in the business.”
The coal miner was quite emotional.
I expect Trump gains credibility when his supporters show such passion for his efforts.
for those who are wondering about “anonymous” who wrote the anti-Trump NYT op-ed, this is the most convincing investigation to date:
6 Sept: TWEET: CHILL, TheChillum
Oh, Fiona!
updates on the main Twitter page:
Twitter: TheChillum
meanwhile, what excites a headline at partially-taxpayer-funded SBS (this is their own piece, unattributed) but it does confirm one of the replies on the first twitter thread that Trump believes it is a female:
Trump mispronounces ‘anonymous’ during New York Times spray
SBS-6 Sep. 2018
Speaking during a campaign rally in Montana, President Trump launched a tirade against a New York Times op-ed…
President Trump said he believed the author was a ***female and suggested reporters at the New York Times should investigate the individual…
8 Sept: SouthChinaMorningPost: AFP: Global protests as key UN climate talks in Bangkok stumble
Delegates have been meeting in Bangkok since Tuesday, but have made little progress
Thai fishermen and labourers whose livelihoods are threatened by rising sea levels kicked off an international day of protests in Bangkok Saturday, where key UN talks are attempting to breathe life into the Paris Agreement on climate change…
The “Rise for Climate” protest movement – which has organised events in dozens of countries on Saturday – wants governments to end their reliance on fossil fuels and transition fully into renewable energy.
Beginning in Australia, a tall ship moved through Sydney Harbour in front of the Opera House as activists on board held up protest signs…
Blair Palese, CEO of 350 Australia, said that the country – heavily reliant on coal mining for its economy – has long suffered the effects of climate change.
“We are fighting bush fireclimats(sic) in winter, suffering a crippling drought, and scientists fear back-to-back of bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef this summer.”
Hundreds more protesters gathered outside the electorate office of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, calling on him to “kick coal out of politics”.
In the Thai capital, some 200 protesters assembled in front of the UN regional headquarters, where delegates were discussing how to implement measures agreed by world powers under the 2015 Paris Accord on climate change…
“The negotiators are not taking any action,” Ruchi Tripathi, head of climate justice at charity ActionAid, said.
In particular, the issue of how the fight against climate change will be funded – and how that funding is made available to developing nations – remains a key sticking point.
instead of the AFP’s 200 protesters in Bangkok, ClimateChangeNews has 40-50! probably just the local lot? plenty of laughs:
8 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: Bangkok Bulletin: Money talks
It’s crunch time at the UN climate talks.
By Megan Darby in Bangkok, Karl Mathiesen
Climate finance is not just about big dollar pledges – although those do matter.
It’s also about having the information needed to invest in a green future with confidence…
Finance is lagging behind other elements of the Paris rulebook, they warned. It is a political issue that ministers will need to engage with to get a robust deal in December’s Katowice summit…
TWEET: Ed King, freelance journo, ex-ClimateChangeNews:
One belated thought on the Like Minded Developing Countries press conference… it’s 2018 lads. You represent half the planet. And you couldn’t find one woman?…
US blamed for ‘hampering’ talks, shielding others
An AFP report on Saturday pointed the finger at the US for refusing to talk about how future financial commitments to the poor world will be communicated – Article 9.5 for the players – one of the most fractious issues at the last big summit in Bonn.
That’s partly true, but the refusal to budge is being perpetrated by the Umbrella Group, in which the US sits alongside Australia, Belarus, Canada, Iceland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, Norway, Russia and Ukraine.
Is this really a Trump wrecking-on-his-way-out-the-door dynamic? The US negotiators – many of whom remain in place from the Obama state department – are walking a difficult line.
***In private, sources close to the delegation say the US diplomats are trying to negotiate rules that would make it politically simple for a future US president to re-enter the deal…
US budget cycles make it difficult for the country to commit money much in advance. That’s a problem shared by other wealthy economies. Poor countries, with some grounds, say this is an excuse and they need clarity to plan…
A draft conclusion (LINK) for these talks, circulated to heads of delegation on Saturday and shared with CHN, notes “progress achieved in Bangkok provides a useful basis for further deliberations of parties on [the Paris rules] and their successful conclusion in Katowice”…
***Around 40-50 demonstrators, including local fishing and farming folk, made their voices heard outside the Bangkok conference venue on Saturday morning.
“What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now!” was the chant, along with calls for 100% renewable energy…
Climate Change is now synonymous with Weather. Data and facts are losing relevance.
On the Australian-Chinese dynamic and its longterm; given this context, to aid China via carbon credits/world socialism handouts is very crazy–except for the hardcore globalists and Commies: see
8 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: As he prepares to host climate bash, will California’s Brown bring gifts?
By Helga Timaroczky and Karl Mathiesen
On the eve of his big climate party, Jerry Brown is facing calls to bring his own gifts.
As he prepares to host a summit of business and political leaders in San Francisco next week, activists and allies are calling on California’s governor to sign – SB 100 – a law that will mandate the complete decarbonisation of the electricity sector by the year 2045.
On Saturday activists at are mounting “the largest ever climate march the US west coast has ever seen in San Francisco”, according to activists at
One of their key demands is for Brown to sign the law and commit to “a fast, fair and just transition to 100% renewable energy and an immediate end to new fossil fuel projects”…
Jonathan Underland, communications director for state senator Kevin de León who sponsored the law, directed questions on the timing of the governor’s signature to Brown’s office.
Underland said: “I can tell you the that SB 100 – if signed – will make California the largest economy in the world to move to 100% renewable energy.” He said the bill would create jobs, clean up the air and help beat climate change.
Brown’s office did not respond to questions on when he would sign the law…
California produces some of the US’ most carbon-intensive oil. (May Boeve, executive director of said Brown should “go even further by kick starting the transition off of fossil fuels while protecting Californian’s lives and livelihoods”.
Last month dozens of student protestors blockaded Brown’s office at the state capitol, protesting against drilling operations in California.
Kassie Siegel, director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s climate law institute and representative of the Brown’s Last Chance Campaign told Climate Home News: “Specifically, we have asked Brown to lead by announcing no new permits for oil and gas extraction, fossil fuel infrastructure, or petrochemical projects in California [and to] set a global precedent by becoming the first oil producing state to announce a phase-out of existing production.”
***AFP reduces their 200 Bangkok protesters to “dozens”:
9 Sept: Bangkok Post: AFP: Global climate protests peak in US as UN talks falter
The rolling, 24-hour protest peaked in San Francisco, where thousands snaked through the city chanting and carrying handmade signs and banners.
Many slogans were barbs from the heart of Blue America pointed at Washington.
“Alternative Energy, not Alternative Facts,” read one, while another — more blunt — said: “More Science, Less Bullshit.”
“Defend democracy: impeach Putin’s poodle,” read a third, taking aim squarely at US President Donald Trump…
California — by some estimates the fifth largest economy in the world — has committed ambitious goals for slashing carbon dioxide emissions over the next three decades…
But within his own state, Brown has come under attack for allowing the continued extraction of natural gas and oil under his watch…
In France, up to 115,000 people turned out in what may be the country’s largest environmental demonstration.
Clemence Dubois, the France campaigner for, an umbrella organization for climate activists worldwide called the march “proof that citizens are ready to demand commitments from our elected officials.”
A “catastrophic summer” of heatwaves and wildfires across the northern hemisphere made many people realize that climate change is already upon us, she added.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres joined in on Twitter.
“Extreme weather is threatening our children. The only way to protect our future is ambitious #ClimateAction now,” he tweeted…
***Dozens of Thai fishermen and laborers whose livelihoods are threatened by rising sea levels kicked off the day of protests in Bangkok at the site of the UN climate talks…
But sharp divisions between rich and developing countries — especially over money — have deadlocked the technical talks…
More than 10,000 people turned out in Danish capital Copenhagen, police there said, while 1,300 rallied in front of the European Parliament in Brussels.
– ‘Go fossil free’ –
“The idea was to challenge the elected officials and governments in the European capital,” said teacher Kim Le Quang at the demonstration…
In Manila, more than 800 people — including one dressed as a T-Rex holding a “Go Fossil Free” sign — marched through the streets protesting the country’s heavy reliance on coal…
Subnational governments, cities and businesses will gather in San Francisco on September 12 for the three-day Global Climate Action Summit, an explicit counterweight to actions by Trump.
Another look at protests and numbers
“Just like climate models over-predict the future, so do protest organizers and journalists”
7 Sept: EurActiv: Germany’s ‘strategic reserves’ for coal under fire in EU Council
By Frédéric Simon
A group of seven countries – comprising France, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Ireland and the UK – have issued a common position on the reform of Europe’s electricity market, saying “strategic reserves” for electricity should not receive favourable treatment from regulators.
The statement is a clear reference to Germany, which closed eight lignite power plants in 2015 and transferred them into a “strategic reserve” that can be used as back-up in case of emergency.
Berlin argues the “strategic reserve” is necessary to accompany the country’s transition to renewables and phase-out from nuclear power. The German scheme received clearance by the European Commission in February under the EU’s state aid rules.
But Poland has complained of “double standards” because the scheme exempts German coal plants from environmental standards, including the upcoming CO2 emission limits that are currently being discussed as part of the ongoing reform of the EU’s electricity market…
“Capacity mechanisms” are national schemes that remunerate power plants – usually coal and gas-fired – for remaining on stand-by in case of emergency. The Commission cleared a number of those schemes in February, leading to accusations in Parliament that it was pre-empting the ongoing negotiation to reform of the EU single market for electricity.
The Commission has since made clear that it will review its February state aid decision in light of the new rules and that Germany will not be spared from the review…
6 Sept: EurActiv: EU admits ‘mistake’ in state aid decision for German coal plants
By Frédéric Simon
The EU’s decisions to approve state support for emergency power plants in France, Germany, Poland, Italy and Greece will all have to be revisited in light of the ongoing reform of European electricity market rules, the European Commission said on Tuesday (4 September), saying it won’t make an exception for Germany.
A February state aid ruling by the Commission said support for emergency power generation in Germany – chiefly coal-fired plants – “remains uninfluenced by the future rules on the design of the electricity market” that are currently being negotiated at EU level.
The sentence, buried in a footnote on p.20 of the EU decision, remained unnoticed until now because the full text of the decision was published after the February announcement by the EU executive.
This raised accusations of double standards by other countries like Poland, which were not offered equivalent safeguards…
But the EU executive has now clarified that the German safeguard clause was “a mistake” that will soon be rectified…
Contacted by EURACTIV, the German EU representation in Brussels referred the matter to the competent ministry in Berlin, which declined to comment.
comment in moderation beginning ‘AFP reduces their 200 Bangkok protesters to “dozens”’
from the article in moderation:
AFP writes: In France, up to 115,000 people turned out in what may be the country’s largest environmental demonstration…
Clemence Dubois, the France campaigner for, an umbrella organization for climate activists worldwide called the march “proof that citizens are ready to demand commitments from our elected officials.”
while AFP cleverly writes “in France”, speak of “the march”. plus AP’s mention of the Marseille protest would suggest there was nothing happening worth mentioning outside Paris:
8 Sept: AP: Global marches seek urgent action on climate change
Elaine Ganley and Chris den Hond in Paris and Christopher Weber in Los Angeles contributed to this report
More than 18,000 people marched Saturday in Paris as part of an international mobilization to show popular support for urgent measures to combat climate change in advance of a San Francisco summit…
Police estimated that 18,500 took part in the Paris march, while organizers put the number at some 50,000…
Several hundred people gathered in France’s southern port city of Marseille…
The front-page of France’s daily Liberation newspaper featured a call from 700 French scientists for the government to “move from incantations to acts to move toward a carbon-free society.”…
There are very likely more homeless people in Paris than there were attendees at the Paris march.
More people have protested the move towards privatising the French rail network.
More people march on “May Day” each year.
More people were on the streets to see the FIFA World Cup winning team.
More people were on the streets to watch World Cup matches.
More people were on the streets to celebrate the legalisation of gay marriage in France.
More people have marched after the Charlie Hebdo, and Bataclan massacres.
…and the list goes on.
I went along to see what sort of crowd (numbers and ‘personality’) would be there. Same predictable people, with tired old slogans. Still, the weather was nice for a walk in Paris, with, or without protest signs. I don’t agree with their perspective, and I pity their ignorance, but I wouldn’t stop them marching.
A cat 4 hurricane is headed for Bermuda/Florida, loaded with Saharan dust.
more FakeCAGWNews:
comment #24 from ClimateChangeNews:
“On Saturday activists at are mounting “the largest ever climate march the US west coast has ever seen in San Francisco”, according to activists at”
yet the AP report posted makes it sound somewhat underwhelming, stating:
“Thousands of people took to the streets of San Francisco”
8 Sept: NBC Bay Area: PHOTOS: Hundreds ‘Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice’ in San Francisco, Nationwide
By Kiki Intarasuwan
A number of activists marched Saturday morning in San Francisco in what organizers call “the largest climate march the West Coast has ever seen” to demand action against climate change from elected officials.
Check out some of the photos from the event:
hadn’t finished the comment.
I found the “Hundreds” photo gallery LINK in the following.
note the “largest ever” meme gets repeated; “thousands” is mentioned at the start of the video, and 30,000 figure from the organisers is quoted by NBC reporter at the end of the video (how come? she’s there and can surely see with her own eyes that their claim is ridiculous).
then it’s “hundreds” in the photo gallery further down???
who would believe a word from the CAGW mob or their FakeNewsMSM enablers?
8 Sept: NBC Bay Area: Thousands ‘Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice’ in San Francisco
By Kiki Intarasuwan; The Associated Press contributed to this story
VIDEO: 2mins23secs: says thousands…ends with Christie Smith/NBC saying organisers claim 30,000 were at the march.
Thousands of activists marched Saturday morning in San Francisco in what organizers call “the largest climate march the West Coast has ever seen” to demand action against climate change from elected officials…
(LINK) PHOTOS: Hundreds ‘Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice’ in SF
Here in Tweed Heads, parking was available after saving the planet by car-pooling …
“Car pooling
Do you need a lift? Can you offer someone a lift? We will be car pooling from wildpace on the Saturday morning. Contact us at [email protected] for meeting arrangements.”
> I’ll be googling local papers this week for photos. Stay Tuned!
better than car-pooling … nothing says “freedom to breathe” like a fossil-fuelled bus to the demonstration …
Meet the Artist Behind the Freedom to Breathe Bus
0.38 sec; “Now that I’ve seen these issues in real-life, the pipeline and all the oil refineries are polluting the air and then it’s also polluting …”
Clueless they are…no wonder the arts has to always be funded by capitalists….
That’s all lovely and everything but don’t accept a lift from anyone with the last name Milat.
comment is in moderation.
am focusing on San Francisco because of the summit that’s about to begin, and because SF is allegedly so concerned about CAGW.
Tatiana has a wild imagination:
8 Sept: OrangeCountyRegister: Thousands march in San Francisco, other cities, to draw attention to global climate change ahead of world summit
By Tatiana Sanchez
SAN FRANCISCO — Days before world leaders descend on San Francisco for a highly-anticipated climate action summit, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets calling on those leaders to take action to solve the global climate crisis…
By the time they marched down Market Street toward Civic Center — banging drums, playing instruments, waving colorful signs and burning incense and sage — the crowd was ***30,000-strong. It was likely the largest climate rally on the West Coast, according to organizers…
President Trump didn’t publicly comment on the rallies Saturday…
PIC OF 7-9 PROTESTERS: Caption: About 50 marchers Saturday on Commonwealth Avenue in Fullerton demanded measures to fight climate change
The San Francisco rally — organized by 350 Bay Area — came just days before thousands of world leaders, environmentalists, celebrities, activists and researchers arrive in San Francisco for a global climate summit Sept. 12-14 spearheaded by the United Nations and Gov. Jerry Brown.
The summit aims to inspire cities, states, provinces, countries and corporations to increase their commitments to reduce the use of fossil fuels, increase renewable energy and take other steps to slow climate change…
Oh Tatiana, are y havin’ a late mid-
summer’s night’s dream? Show us an
Ariel shot.
” tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets calling on those leaders to take action to solve the global climate crisis…”
Did they clean up the s*** on the streets or contribute?
“New San Francisco Mayor: “There’s More Feces… Than I’ve Ever Seen”
“San Francisco has a ‘Poop Patrol’ to deal with its faeces problem, and workers make more than $184,000 a year in salary and benefits”
The jobs crap but they push on undeterred, from the link, “We have a motto in the pootrol, there’s no job too big or small,and unlike our targets there’s no backing out”
Inspirational and moving.
Reminds me of a “Tom Swiftly” that only other oldies could appreciate:
“I don’t are what they they say, I’m swimming Bondi.” said Tom undeterred.
With reference to the concern of pollution from the Warrego River at Charleville affecting the reef (Qld parliament vegetation management act and subsequent discussion on fodder harvesting}
By the time that water has got to the mouth of the Murray and worked its way up the east coast to the reef any pollution in it was likely picked up from that Bondi sewer outfall
There are a lot of faeces in California. They are sometimes referred to as politicians.
One media comment on our new Prime Minister and his Minister for Energy:
By Piers Ackerman in Sunday Telegraph Sept 9, 2018, page 95
An extract:
” Morrison also nailed the whole failure of energy policy by outlining Angus Taylor’s role – he is now the “minister for getting electricity prices down”. His job is to maintain a safety net on power and “to put the big stick in to keep the big electricity companies in check, and thirdly to provide an environment where you can get more investment in new, fair dinkum power generation”.
He drew a most important line in the sand, saying: “What I mean by fair dinkum? Stuff that works when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. That is the reliable power that we need in the system.” ”
(Sorry I can’t provide a link. It’s behind a paywall to me. I’ve rekeyed the above extract from the hard copy. Any errors in that transcription are mine.)
I like those words, and the fact that Piers had them published today, indeed at all. And say thanks to the Tele for publishing his views.
Dave B
To me he is acting and sounding like a leader rather than a show pony, I just hope he leads.
And not
“He lead his regiment from behind
He found it less exciting”
like the Duke of Plaza-Toro
what to make of this? can’t see it in any MSM:
6 Sept: PR Web: The Great Barrier Reef Shows Significant Signs Of Recovery
BRISBANE, Australia, PR Newswire-PRWeb: Queensland, Australia is pleased to advise a positive update on the recovery status of the iconic Great Barrier Reef. The Reef & Rainforest Research Centre (RRRC), a non-profit enterprising Australian organization, has reported substantial signs of recovery for corals affected by mass coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. A milder 2017-18 summer as well as cooperation between science, industry and government is supporting the recovery of the Reef in many important locations…
Tourism operators have also reported improvements in the condition of corals at their high-profile dive sites. Quicksilver Group Environmental Compliance Manager Doug Baird said there had been widespread recovery from the 2016 and 2017 mass bleaching events at the company’s regular sites.
“All of our sites that survived the mass bleaching events have shown strong signs of recovery, they look great now. We were fortunate that the effects of bleaching were very patchy,” Doug said. “I was in the water a few weeks ago at our pontoon site at Agincourt Reef and it looks stunning, there’s staghorn coral that’s budding out and regrowing.”
The Reef and Rainforest Research Centre (RRRC) in cooperation with the Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators (AMPTO) conducted detailed surveys of bleaching levels at key dive tourism sites around Cairns in 2016. While many of the primary dive sites were not affected in the 2016 bleaching, quite a few were quite strongly affected in the 2017 event. Fortunately, these are the same reefs showing strong signs of recovery.
“It is important to realize that bleaching occurs in multiple stages, ranging from the equivalent of a mild sunburn to coral mortality – so when a reef is reported as ‘bleached’ in the media, that often leaves out a critical detail on how severe that bleaching is, at what depth the bleaching has occurred and if it’s going to cause permanent damage to the coral at that site,” RRRC Managing Director Sheriden Morris said…
Multiple recent reports and images from marine tourism operators and from the tourists themselves show some sites are recovering quite well.
“Saxon Reef, for example, suffered some form of bleaching on 47.1 per cent of its live coral cover during the 2016 event. Fortunately, much of the bleached coral recovered thanks to better conditions experienced in 2018. However, this recovery is always going to be contingent on environmental conditions. It is critical that all efforts are made to promote the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef. It is clearly a misconception that the whole of the GBR suffered from severe coral bleaching and that the reef is dead. This is blatantly untrue” said Sheriden Morris…
Jeez now the bleaching was patchy, not the massive unprecedented tipping point bleaching that was destroying the reef and needed hundreds of millions spent on it.
7 Sept: WeatherNetwork: Canada in 2030: Climate change commitments up in the air (Part IV of IV)
by Isabella O’Malley, Climate Change Reporter
In a country where temperatures easily range between -30 and +30 degrees Celsius, climate change is creating a new normal of extreme weather events that Canadians have never faced before.
The forests, coastlines, and lakes are not like they used to be…
The dwindling focus on adjusting industries and economies to emit less carbon has caused Canada to fall behind its environmental commitments. An audit of Canada’s efforts to fight climate change and meet carbon targets was conducted between November 2016 and March 2018 by legislative audit offices, and Federal Environment Commissioner Julie Gelfand reportedthat “most governments in Canada were not on track to meet their commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and were not ready for the impacts of a changing climate.”
The audit also cited that most provinces do not have a clear understanding of how climate change will affect their citizens and natural resources, and the Canadian government has $66 billion in assets that are at risk of being impacted. Each year extreme weather events cost Canadian insurers $1 billion, which has significantly jumped from the annual $400 million in previous decades…
If Canada continues on a ‘business as usual’ pathway, how will clogging the atmosphere with carbon affect Canada by 2030?…READ ON
FakeNewsMSM is pretty much reporting the whole propaganda spin, without question.
imagine WUWT/ClimateDepot/Jonova announcing 1,000 CAGW sceptic marches in 90-100 countries with the biggest ever march planned for, let’s say, Novosibirsk.
FakeNewsMSM would investigate & smear the organisers, assign reporters to every town, take aerial shots, and mock the entire story. not so when it’s the CAGW mob.
9 Sept: SBS: Climate protests across the world
Source: AFP – SBS
Protesters have called for a major shift to renewable energy at climate rallies held across the world.
Tens of thousands of people across the globe took to the streets to demand that governments step up action on global warming, even as United Nations climate talks faltered.
Nearly 1,000 events in more than 90 countries delivered a two-pronged message: speed up the shift to a world powered by renewable energy rather than planet-warming gas, oil and coal; and protect the people most vulnerable to rising seas and climate-enhanced extreme weather…
The rolling, 24-hour protest ??peaked in San Francisco, where thousands snaked through the city chanting and carrying handmade signs and banners.
Many slogans were barbs from the heart of Blue America pointed at Washington…
“Defend democracy: impeach Putin’s poodle,” read a third, taking aim squarely at US President Donald Trump, who opted out of the landmark 2015 Paris climate treaty and has moved aggressively to dismantle the climate policies of his predecessor, Barack Obama…
In France, up to ??115,000 people turned out in what may be the country’s largest environmental demonstration…
More than ??10,000 people turned out in Danish capital Copenhagen, police there said, while ??1,300 rallied in front of the European Parliament in Brussels…
PIC: About 500 people gathered in Cronulla Park in Sydney’s south to protest against the federal government’s refusal to act on climate change (AAP)…
In Manila, more than 800 people – including one dressed as a T-Rex holding a “Go Fossil Free” sign – marched through the streets protesting the country’s heavy reliance on coal…
PIC: A supplied photograph of protestors mimicking various federal politicians outside Parliament House. Source:
8 Sept: Climatemarch Copenhagen 2018
Rise for Climate change and save our future for next generations
TWEET: Julia Krzyszkowska
VIDEO: #RiseForClimate from Brussels to the rest of the world rising today
REPLY: Chopper
I wouldn’t call 300 people a rising. More like a small church club picnic.
8 Sept: SBS: Climate protesters rally in PM’s Sydney electorate
Source: AAP – SBS
More than 500 people have staged a protest in Sydney’s south, calling on the federal government to dump coal and act on climate change.
Signs calling on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to put an end to coal mining and move to renewables were among the messages more than 500 protesters had for his government at Cronulla Park on Saturday.
Local resident Aref Taleb said it was time for Australia to change its ways and the protest was part of the nation’s youth refusing to “sit around and wait for our leaders” to act.
NSW Nature Conservation Council chief executive Kate Smolski said the state was struggling with earlier fire seasons and drought and pointed the finger at the country’s “addiction” to fossil fuels.
“It’s time to kick coal out of politics for good and re-power Australia with clean energy,” Ms Smolski said in a statement on Saturday.
Australian left-wing lobby group GetUp! warned Mr Morrison could lose the top job if he didn’t put climate at the top of his agenda at the next election…
The protest was one of several across Australia on Saturday organised by an alliance of environmental and activist groups including Greenpeace, NSW Nature Conservation Council, and GetUp!
8 Sept: BBC: Climate change: Protests held ahead of California summit
RIDICULOUS PIC, NO PROTESTERS: The “Rise for the Climate” march took place in cities around the world
Environmentalists have held protests around the world demanding stepped up measures against climate change, ahead of a summit in California next week…
The demonstrations have been organised by the group
In all, more than 900 protests were held in 95 countries, the group said…
PIC, 4 PROTESTERS: Demonstrators in Bangkok highlighted their opposition to US President Donald Trump
PIC, 6 PROTESTERS OF THE 800 REPORTED: In Manila protesters called for renewables to replace “dirty” energy
PIC, 7 PROTESTERS: In Peru’s capital Lima, activists gathered to protest against fossil fuel consumption
PIC, ONE MAN: Germany’s Tagebau Hambach mine has led to the destruction of large forests
German environmentalists protested outside the open-pit Tagebau Hambach coal mine in the west of the country.
In France, where popular Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot quit in frustration last week, rallies were held in several cities, including Paris, Strasbourg and Marseille.
Official estimates said 18,000 marched in Paris, but the demonstrations organisers said 50,000 attended…
PIC, ONE PROTESTER PLUS SPECTATORS: A “march for the climate” took place in the French capital
PIC 30 PROTESTERS: Estimates say between 18,000 and 50,000 people attended the Paris demonstration
PIC, SEVERAL PROTESTERS?: In Marseille, far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon attended a similar demonstration
PIC, NO PROTESTERS: Demonstrations took place across the US
At a protest in downtown San Francisco in the US, signs made to look like solar panels were placed on pavements near the protest.
PIC: Protesters in the US used slogans on “solar panels” to voice their positions on a variety of issues
Signs were emblazoned with slogans popular with Mr Trump’s Democratic opponents, focusing on immigration and social justice.
According to this guy GREEN can be profitable:
Ponzi schemes are profitable, but not for everyone.
If you are considering having Solar Panels installed on your home, You may be clouding your property’s title and unknowing have a lien placed on said property….
Read the fine print very carefully of have an attorney (lawyer) look at it for you.
When will Agenda 21 become recognised by the general public for the anti-democratic diktat of unelected UN bodies to interfere in every aspect of our lives, ostensibly for our own good?
This would be a fitting description of the NEG etc (IMO)
“DELINGPOLE: Boris’s Brexit ‘Suicide Vest’ Metaphor Was Perfect”
More here
“AfriForum: ‘Whites Stole the Land’ Narrative False, Farm Grabs Pushed by ‘Marxist-Leninists Drunk on Hatred’”
“Donald Trump Celebrates Second Anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s ‘Deplorables’ Blooper”
As one of the comments said “I would be happier if we were celebrating her second anniversary in prison.”
Should be about her 40th anniversary in prison greens after her Watergate court performance. Think what the US would have been spared.
IIRC there is advice that “When you’re in a hole stop digging”!
“Climatariat News Network: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke isn’t a geologist because climate change.”
Pointer that I missed
“Guest CNN-bashing by David Middleton (a geologist)”
Amazing. Then you get Flannery and Gore. What would a geologist know about Climate Change?
What is truly amazing is that while Climate Change is uniformly deemed a very bad thing as is any change at all, there is no explanation of why?
Then if it was a bad thing, the very idea that it might not be happening should be a good thing. Surely?
However any suggestion that life threatening Climate Change is not happening or not serious, that the world is not being destroyed and rapidly is greeted with anger and derision.
My question is why? Why would anyone want the story of world ending man made carbon dioxide to continue?
That is the real question after thirty years of nothing happening, failed predictions, doomsdays which has passed.
The world was laughing when the Rapture did not happen. Especially people who sold everything and disinherited the kids and waited in the street.
How many deadlines to Armageddon have passed without notice, ten years to the end of the world, twenty years ago?
Why is Prince Charles not even a little suspicious of what he was told?
Graham Lloyd in the Australian on the $100Billion Green Climate Fund. “A meeting of the Green Climate Fund in July disintegrated in acrimony over who should control the money”. Isn’t that what Climate Change is really all about?
“Today I received an email from the “Nuclear for Climate” organisation in Australia. The email is headed “We can give Australia a massive Economic and Environmental Boost with Nuclear Energy – A Plan for a Century.”, and its content is reproduced below. The link to the paper that they refer to is:”
More at
“Most Nutrition Research Is Bunk
Government nutrition advice based on decades of “research” by nutrition epidemiologists has now been shown to be mostly unwarranted scaremongering, writes Stanford University statistician John P.A. Ioannidis, who has been at the forefront of criticizing the misuse and abuse of statistics to justify the publication of shoddy and just plain wrong research in numerous disciplines.”
Link at
According to Bolt’s blog, Christopher Pyne claims the NSW Liberals lost Saturday’s Wagga Wagga by-election because voters are upset by the toppling of Malcolm Turnbull. With people like Pyne who needs the ALP to defeat them at the next federal election? I fear Morrison has an impossible task to convince some of his own people to support him let alone enough voters to win the election.
” This small baker’s power bill up from $30K to $112K a year – “Get out of UN, get out of Paris”
No wonder the main street is getting barer
Imagine managing a large manufacturing business, steel making, aluminium smelter, cement manufacturer, whatever.
Not only are electricity prices rising fast but so is the unreliability of the electricity grid, and to secure electricity for domestic purposes where the voters live governments are paying manufacturers to shut down production for hours at a time.
Recently I took a friend to a large NSW country private hospital to visit a specialist, the offices were in black out at the time and the main hospital was using diesel generators which did not obviously have enough output to keep all the power points energised. The receptionist explained that it was now not unusual for power to be cut, and also at the much larger public hospital a few kilometres away.
I was employed by a large metals industry manufacturing company part of a publicly listed group for 22-years and most of that time managing director. The company had a very large diesel generator, I forget its capacity, but we could operate most of the factory machinery using it and the offices too.
In all my years working there the generator was not needed and was started from time to time for maintenance purposes only.
My how times have changed.
prepare for the arrogance:
10 Sept: ABC Opinion: Australians are losing their trust in ‘the media’, but not in journalism
By RMIT ABC Fact Check senior researcher Josh Gordon
And there is the destabilising role played by elements of the media, blamed for blurring the line between commentary and activism, and for creating a sense of chaos and mistrust through the reporting of unverified and unsourced information, among other things.
The latest leadership spill, in which Malcolm Turnbull was deposed as prime minister has raised further questions about the role of the media in public life…
Communications giant Edelman found that people’s trust in the media in Australia now ranks as the second lowest of 28 surveyed countries. Only Turkish people are less trusting of the sector…
According to the 2018 survey, about seven in 10 Australians are now worried about the spread of false information and of ‘fake news’ being used as a weapon to mislead and influence public opinion…
Somewhat encouragingly, voters appear to be becoming more cautious and discerning…
Trust in “journalism” — a more specific subset of the media — has actually strengthened…
Clearly, Facebook and others have work to do, amid growing public alarm about the spread of ‘fake news’ and the misuse of personal information for nefarious political purposes (think Cambridge Analytica)…
A major poll undertaken by Roy Morgan in May tells a similar story of distrust. It found almost half of Australians do not trust social media, compared to (for example) ***only 9 per cent who distrust the ABC. So, trust in some news outlets remains high…
In the heavily polarised US, fact checking organisations such as Poynter are seeking to engage with non-traditional audiences, often with preconceived notions of mistrust…
FakeNewsMSM loves to focus on Cambridge Analytica FB data breach (never mind FB has multiples of the data involved to do with as they like).
however, FakeNewsMSM pretends to believe the data breach affected the outcomes of Brexit and 2016 US presidential election (never mind it’s not true).
check the stories:
Newsbusters: TechWatch
Never before have a few companies had the ability to silence the entire conservative movement. Now, a handful of tech companies can censor both the people and the ideals of the right through a dangerous combination of computer programs and deliberate censorship. It is the mission of MRC TechWatch to defend conservative speech online and expose efforts by top tech companies and their employees to silence conservative voices with Orwellian speech controls.
May 2016: Gizmodo: Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News
by Michael Nunez
Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section, according to a former journalist who worked on the project. This individual says that workers prevented stories about the right-wing CPAC gathering, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul and other conservative topics from appearing in the highly-influential section, even though they were organically trending among the site’s users…READ ON
Stories covered by conservative outlets (like Breitbart, Washington Examiner and Newsmax) that were trending enough to be picked up by Facebook’s algorithm were excluded unless mainstream sites like the New York Times, the BBC and CNN covered the same stories…
“We were told that if we saw something, a news story that was on the front page of these ten sites, like CNN, the New York Times, and BBC, then we could inject the topic,” said one former curator. “If it looked like it had enough news sites covering the story, we could inject it — even if it wasn’t naturally trending.”…
[Disclosure: Facebook has launched a program that pays publishers, including the New York Times and Buzzfeed, to produce videos for its Facebook Live tool. Gawker Media, Gizmodo’s parent company, recently joined that program.]
praising Poynter, without giving their audience some context, is typical of ABC.
16 Dec 2016: Breitbart: George Soros Finances Group Helping Facebook Flag ‘Disputed’ Stories
by Aaron Klein
IFCN is hosted by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. A cursory search of the Poynter Institute website finds that Poynter’s IFCN is openly funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and the National Endowment for Democracy.
Poynter’s IFCN is also funded by the Omidyar Network, which is the nonprofit for liberal billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. The Omidyar Network has partnered with the Open Society on numerous projects and it has given grants to third parties using the Soros-funded Tides Foundation. Tides is one of the largest donors to left-wing causes in the U.S.
Another significant Poynter Institute donor is the Craig Newmark Foundation, the charitable organization established by Craigslist Founder Craig Newmark. On Monday, just days before the announcement of the Facebook partnership, Poynter issued a press release revealing that Newmark donated $1 million to the group to fund a faculty chair in journalism ethics…
Newmark funds scores of liberal groups also financed by Soros, including the Sierra Club, the New America Foundation, and the Sunlight Foundation…
Newmark also finances the investigative journalism group called the Center for Public Integrity, where he serves on the board. Soros’ Open Society is another Public Integrity donor…
Poynter’s IFCN code of principles for news outlets, meanwhile, reads as follows:
as for bragging only 9% of Australians ALLEGEDLY mistrust “the ABC”, that should be considered embarrassing – given millions of Australians apparently don’t even watch/listen to/or read ABC material!
Dr Tim Ball over at wuwt proves that temperatures lead an increase in CO2 level.×6111.png
That is not new el gordo but it is always forgotten or ignored by the alarmists.
True, not a bad idea to have a little reinforcement for those who may have missed it.
Good, but frankly everyone knows the flat beer effect. What is puzzling is that people ignore what they already know to be true. The idea that the oceans are turning acid when they are all alkali? A simple check will tell you. The idea that there is another explanation for CO2 going up, like warming oceans? The idea that a blanket heats the oceans but not the air? Even the idea that warmer water around the Great Barrier Reef, bleaching, forest fires, floods and droughts are all due to a 0.5C degree increase in air temperature over a hundred years. You can get a bigger temperature increase just standing up.
The whole thing is quite mad and after thirty years of deadlines, all expired, nothing has happened.
Does anyone actually know a beach which is underwater now and was above water when they were younger?
How much longer do we have to pay for this?
That graphic would be even more effective if it were reversed and presented in a more “conventional”. format with the date axis running Left to Right with the most recent data on the RH side.
Its easy to mis read the event sequence if you are not a day to day geologist.
Agreed, we need better graphics, but at least we can say with certainty that temperatures first have to increase before CO2 can be liberated from the abysmal oceans.
The crux of the matter, time to pull out of Paris.
“Developed countries are responsible for the vast majority of historic emissions, and many became remarkably wealthy burning fossil fuels,” said Amjad Abdulla, the head of a negotiating bloc of small island states.
“Yet, we face devastating climate impacts and some of us could be lost forever to rising seas” without progress on the Paris deal by the end of the year, he added.
Yahoo News
I agree but we as a people are too immature to realise that’s the right thing to do. The next best thing to do is just ignore Paris as pretty much every other nation is doing and dump the renewables subsidies ASAP, preferably before the next election.
Also, Morrison still has time to lay down the law but he has to act very soon to stop the leftist rot eating away the Liberal Party from within. If he doesn’t Shorten will become our next PM in a canter. If that happens the Liberal Party should split and the leftists can either become independents or join the ALP. Otherwise the LNP will be unelectable and it will gradually eat itself to death. However, Morrison is facing another major challenge; voter apathy. It is rife and so many people I talk to admit they don’t even know what happened over the past few weeks with the LNP leadership let alone why, and those that do know what happened most believe nothing has really changed. Morrison, pull your finger out and do something solid instead of just talk, talk, talk. We have had too many years of just talk from your party and we are fed up with it. So much in fact I know one long term LNP supporter (not me) would be happy to see ALP win just to shut your lot up. That’s how bad things are with the LNP. Last chance, do it or lose it. Be brawn or be gone. Your choice Morrison. Tick, tock tick, tock….
Paris is too much of a political hand grenade to just drop it.
A decision on that could either win the masses over , or blow up in his face internationally.
SMorrison has repeated that they will NOT dump the Paris agreement …most likely to retain a negotiating position for Trade agreements with Europe….but he claims we will easily meet the agreed 26% emmissions reductions using existing plans.
Unfortunately, he has not revealed what those plans are or what technology will be used , so i suspect he is just going to let the current show roll on with more Wind and Solar projects at least until the Gen Election when it will either be out of his hands or he can review the situation and impose a harder line to boost coal/gas generation for base load.
When John Howard was Prime Minister a journalist asked him about international law/treaties and if they could be enforced in Australia. Howard replied only if the government of the day accepted enforcement.
Back in the early 1950s when the United Nations was formed Australian Communist-Labor Attorney General Evatt recommended treaties be used to enable compliant governments to get around the sovereignty of their nation (Constitution) by referring to a UN Treaty. The National Energy Guarantee (NEG) the Turnbull Government proposed contained a clause that effectively would make “emissions” (CO2) reduction mandatory by law in Australia. This would reinforce the Paris Agreement/Treaty which they signed in April 2016 and then rushed to New York again to ratify it in November 2016 when it became clear that President Trump intended to dump the Treaty, as America has now done.
Many will know that the local political and global political ambitions of Malcolm Turnbull go back long before he became an MP, the following extracted from stopturnbull website is interesting to know;
“Upon the death of former NSW Labor Premier Jack Lang, Turnbull wrote an article praising his socialist depression policies, and attacking his conservative opponents as “inhumanly cautious”. He also backed Gough Whitlam during the constitutional crisis, and called the Liberal Party “political fascists”. He added that he thought our Australian Constitution was “a woefully undemocratic document”:
“…the current fracas in Canberra has demonstrated what a woefully undemocratic document the Australian Constitution is. Of all the ill-conceived anachronisms sprung from that tortured piece of late-Victorian prose, the Australian Senate takes first place. Alone among the creatures of our Constitution, it has been a total failure form its first sitting.” 6
Turnbull has particular scorn for the Country Party and rural Australians, saying “For 73 years the rural interest has perverted the electoral system…”. He proposes changes to the constitution that would facilitate a coalition between Labor and Liberal, shutting out the Country Party.””
It’s sad to see LNP crashing in slow motion ever since they allowed Turnbull be their leader so long ago when he actually would be more appropriately placed in the ALP. Although he is gone the problem still remains because they still have many others like him who are going out of their way to make Shorten the next PM. It really is time to bang heads together or just let the LNP die through white-anting and termite infestation.
The moderates will fall into line when the PM tells the Party Room we are pulling out of Paris, scrapping renewables and building new coal fired power stations.
The new broom at AGL must have got the memo.
‘AGL is quitting its “non-core” rooftop solar installation business, incurring a $47 million loss in the process.’ Oz
‘It’s sad to see LNP crashing in slow motion …’
Its an unmitigated disaster.
***ClimateHome is really, really desperate:
9 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: ‘Everyone was frustrated’: US-China stand-off holds up climate talks
A week of climate negotiations in Bangkok proceeded unevenly, as old fights about the firewall between rich and poor countries resurfaced
By Megan Darby in Bangkok
The US blocked a Chinese bid to insert two-tier standards for rich and poor countries, leading to deadlock on guidelines for the national climate plans that underpin the global pact.
Parts of the climate finance debate also stalled, prompting calls for political intervention ahead of the December deadline for completing the rulebook in Katowice, Poland…
There are various chances for political leaders to engage with the issues in the next three months, including a dialogue convened by UN chief Antonio Guterres in New York, governor Jerry Brown’s climate summit in California, a G7 environment ministerial and pre-Cop meetings in Poland…
The stickiest aspect of the talks concerned what information countries should be expected to include in future updates of their climate commitments.
China and other emerging economies proposed that some elements should only be compulsory for developed countries. The Umbrella Group, which includes the US, Canada and Australia, refused to countenance that suggestion, even as an option for negotiation…
***Sources suggest the US delegation is keeping the door open for potential re-entry into the deal – and holding China to account has been a consistent concern across administrations…
9 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: Bangkok Bulletin: Countdown to Katowice begins
Our final newsletter from the Thai capital.
By Karl Mathiesen and Megan Darby
Clearly, that could have gone better…
This result leaves the Paris Agreement, and it’s potential to save us from our selves, hanging in the balance. Every decision in few months before talks start in Katowice, Poland will be critical.
Climate Home News will be there, reporting to you from the inside. But following this juggernaut around the world is expensive. So to keep bringing you this service, we’re asking our readers to help.
If a few hundred of you are prepared to give us $5 a month, it would make an enormous difference. So we’ve set up an easy and safe way for you to give…
Double counting?
Let’s say Norway pays an Indian wind power developer to prevent a tonne of CO2 emissions. Norway can credit that against its emission reduction target. But if it works, India emits a tonne less than it would have under business-as-usual, like if that energy came from coal instead. So can they both claim credit?
Some say India should add a tonne of CO2 to its emissions inventory, to avoid double counting. Others, including Brazil, say those emissions never existed so it makes no sense to report them.
Confused? Join the club. It is a logic puzzle they need to solve if there is going to be a functioning market: you need buyers as well as sellers…
They talked about the need to fill two vacant seats on the Green Climate Fund board – nominations are due by the end of the month for two-year terms starting January 2019 – among other matters…blah blah
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to McDonalds to get a veggie burger.
10 Sept: Bloomberg: Climate Talks in Bangkok Hit Wall on Rich World Financial Pledge
By Natnicha Chuwiruch, Dan Murtaugh, and Mathew Carr
Delegates did produce draft negotiating texts outlining options for new global carbon markets under Paris. Countries will be able to voluntarily trade emission-reduction credits bilaterally, or via a new international program, known as the Sustainable Development Mechanism…
EU carbon allowances, which trade in the world’s biggest emissions market, surged on Friday to their highest in a decade…
In Bangkok, the envoys proposed to create new supervisory bodies to oversee the planned markets. They listed four options for structuring the body overseeing the SDM, one of which would see it fashioned like the existing Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board…
There were five options for rules that will govern how nations choose the projects or programs that would be allowed to generate credits under the SDM. Under the CDM, for instance, China generated credits for cutting industrial emissions and building windfarms — those reductions were purchased by utilities covered by Europe’s carbon market, cutting the cost of compliance.
Carbon markets will incentivize the private sector to find emission reductions wherever in the world they are cheapest to deliver, reducing the cost of climate protection.
Envoys still haven’t decided whether or not existing UN credits will be eligible in the post-2020 regime, with both those options among those still on the table.
9 Sept: AFP: US, allies roasted as UN climate talks end in Bangkok
A senior source within the African nations’ negotiating bloc told AFP the US and others were reneging on pledges made in Paris by refusing to discuss future climate funding.
“It’s as if we started from scratch” in Bangkok, the source said.
Paris deal ‘on brink’
Harjeet Singh, global lead on climate change for NGO ActionAid, said Sunday the Paris deal was “on the brink”.
“Developed countries are going back on their word and refusing to agree clear rules governing climate finance,” he told reporters.
“If they remain stuck in their positions and fail to loosen their purses, this treaty may collapse.”…
Activists also called out the European Union, Britain and Australia for falling into line with Washington’s position…
10 Sept: Latin American Herald Tribune: Paris Agreement on the Verge of Collapse due to Funding Disagreements
British activist Rachel Kennerly said at a press conference that a dozen countries, led by the position adopted by the United States, were undermining proposals to make progress on key funding mechanisms that were negotiated at the Climate Change Conference that ended Sunday in Bangkok.
Kennerly, a representative of Friends of the Earth, called on the leading countries in the fight against climate change, including the European Union, to step up and set aside the US’ political ambitions.
More than 1,400 delegates from 182 countries participated in the Bangkok Conference from Tuesday to Sunday…
Jesse Bragg of the American non-profit Corporate Accountability said that US President Donald Trump and pressure groups from the fossil industries cannot be allowed to break up the Paris Agreement while the US withdraws from it…
Philippine activist Lidy Nacpil, of the Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development, hoped that developed nations would realize that their actions represented a denial of their responsibilities…
NYT: Rich Nations Vowed Billions for Climate Change. Poor Countries Are Waiting.
“The Atlantic: Address Climate Change, or You Might End Up in a Cave Drinking Urine and Eating Radioactive Insects”
this is farcical – & paid for by taxpayers:
4 Sept: ABC: Navigating the News: Is greater transparency the answer to combating distrust in modern media?
The conference, staged by the ABC and the University of Tasmania, is the brainchild of journalist and academic Dr Joce Nettlefold, the ABC’s manager of Media Education Partnerships and a former local radio manager and 7.30 reporter…
This is an important conversation for the ABC to lead in Australia, as it is the trusted source of quality public journalism, specialist information and educational resources…
We’ll hear from a range of media and academic experts, including ABC Managing Director Michelle Guthrie; Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania Professor Rufus Black; Director of ABC News, Analysis and Investigations Gaven Morris; UNESCO Chair of Journalism and Communication at the University of Queensland Peter Greste; Chief Executive of The Australian Nicholas Gray; Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald Lisa Davies; Editor and General Manager of Buzzfeed Australia, Simon Crerar and National Children’s Commissioner, Megan Mitchell.
The keynote speaker, Dr Claire Wardle, is an international expert on social media, user-generated content and verification and Executive Director of First Draft, which is dedicated to finding solutions to the challenges associated with trust and truth in the digital age…
ABC Education’s new, engaging, Media Literacy site which contains videos, interactives and activities to help secondary students from years 7-10 navigate and analyse the news is a really useful and important contribution…
‘Navigating the News’ (LINK) is the flagship event of the ABC Media Literacy Week (LINK) from September 10-16, which involves the launch of exciting new resources and tools from ABC Education (LINK), special ABC News, RN, Local and Regional radio coverage.
The conference will be streamed live (LINK) and available to watch on iview
not surprised about the interference in the Brazilian election mentioned in the following, given the Trump-like Bolsonaro is the front-runner (even though he’s recuperating from an attempted assassination):
10 Sept: ABC: Media disinformation era a ‘complex jigsaw’, expert warns
By Leon Compton
Managing “information disorder” in the era of fake news and the corruption of social media is a 50-year battle, according to an international media expert.
Dr Claire Wardle, an expert on social media from the Harvard Kennedy School, is one of the guest speakers at the Navigating the News Conference in Hobart.
The two-day conference is focusing on the difficulties facing journalism, and is being attended by some of the industry’s biggest media players.
“We are at a moment of crisis,” she warned…
Fake news now ‘weaponised’
She said the term had been progressively muddied until it had become meaningless.
“It became weaponised and it was being used against the news media, not just by Donald Trump but by politicians around the world to describe reporting they didn’t like,” she said.
“We need to be more sophisticated in the way we discuss this.”…
“In fact it’s a global problem,” she said, pointing to the elections currently being held in Brazil.
Her institution is working on a collaboration between 24 news organisations to find and debunk information around the election.
“The reason Brazil is so important as a testing ground is that it’s more polarised than the US and has incredibly high levels of WhatsApp usage,” she said…
Panel members discussed the challenges of publishing public journalism at a time when revenues and audiences were disappearing with the rate and consequence of an arterial bleed.
“I don’t know if the Australian public know there’s a crisis in public journalism here in Australia,” said Louisa Graham, chief executive of the Walkley Foundation.
The ABC and established commercial media are racing to find their audiences in the new media spaces.
The ABC’s news director, Gaven Morris, highlighted the changing audience.
***”Forty per cent of our audience for the 7pm news service has disappeared in a decade, the average age of our audience for 7pm is 73 years of age,” he said.
Brazil’s democracy is quite literally under assault
CNN-18 hours ago
Known to many fellow Brazilians as the “Brazilian Trump,” Representative Jair Bolsonaro, one of the frontrunners in October’s presidential election, was stabbed…
Bolsonaro: Brazil politician’s health ‘improving’ after stabbing
BBC News-1 hour ago
Doctors at the hospital where Jair Bolsonaro is being treated say the far-right Brazilian presidential candidate’s health has “improved markedly”…
***so serious, he will announce yet another summit “in a year’s time”! lol:
10 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: Secretary-general to throw entire UN into fight against ‘suicidal emissions’
Antonio Guterres to outline personal and institutional crusade on climate change in ‘major’ speech in New York on Monday
By Karl Mathiesen
In a speech on Monday, the world’s leading diplomat Antonio Guterres will outline plans to accelerate humanity’s response to climate change.
The UN secretary general will announce details of a summit of global leaders in New York ***in a year’s time.
He will use his own office to compel and corral world leaders, heads of industry, finance chiefs and local actors to cooperate on climate change, both at the summit and as an ongoing programme of engagement.
His aim will be to stimulate the investment of trillions of dollars into clean energy and low-carbon development by putting local and national decision makers into direct contact with investment giants…
“It’s time to get off the path of suicidal emissions,” Guterres said in a trailer for the speech, released on Sunday…
Guterres will make what his minders are advertising as a “major speech” during the build up to another climate summit, to be hosted this week in San Francisco by California governor Jerry Brown…
TWEET: Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN
On Monday in New York, I will sound the alarm on the global emergency that is climate change, and outline how we can win the race for our future. Watch live…
10 Sept: Guardian: As New York and London mayors, we call on all cities to divest from fossil fuels
Together, the world’s urban centres can send a message to the fossil fuel industry: join us in tackling climate change
by Bill de Blasio and Sadiq Khan
(Bill de Blasio is mayor of New York City and Sadiq Khan is mayor of London)
This summer it seemed as if our two cities had changed places. London was hot and dry while New York had days and days of rain. According to leading scientists, the heatwave in Europe over recent months was made twice as likely by climate change resulting from human activity. There is also growing evidence of the link between climate change and the frequency of major floods, as well as the severity of hurricanes.
It’s clear that what we think of now as freak weather in our cities is likely to become the new normal, and that climate change poses a huge threat to the futures of our children, and many generations to come…
London and New York are two of the world’s most dynamic, innovative and forward-thinking cities, and we are determined to push ahead with the goals of the Paris agreement – stealing a march on many national governments…
***We believe that ending institutional investment in companies that extract fossil fuels and contribute directly to climate change can help send a very powerful message that renewables and low-carbon options are the future. If we want to fund the scale of transformation the world needs, we must foster sustainable investment and use the power of institutional investors, such as ***pension funds…
Already, less than 2% of the London Pension Fund Authority’s investments of £5.5bn ($7.1bn) are in extractive fossil fuels – this year, the authority has rid itself of a further £700,000 of fossil fuel investments, including stakes in Shell and BP, and has plans in place to divest its remaining investments.
In New York, divestment is under way, with the goal of total divestment within five years. This will mean removing some $5bn (£3.8bn) in investment from the industry…
Of course, we acknowledge that divestment and accelerating green investment is not always straightforward. The major portfolios held by public entities are typically ***pension funds, which aren’t generally under the control of mayors. But we can make progress if we work together with a range of partners – including ***pension funds, local authorities, campaign groups and the private sector…
10 Sept: CarbonPulse: EU Market: EUAs scorch to €25 as bull run accelerates
European carbon prices jumped by more than €2 early on Monday, extending their 10-year high and accelerating a bull run that has caused prices to triple this year.
7 Sept: CarbonPulse: Q3 RGGI auction clears at premium, pushing secondary market to 2.5-year high
This week’s Q3 RGGI auction cleared at $4.50/short ton – a 7-cent premium to the secondary market – as compliance entities upped their buying following the previous speculator-driven sale.
7 Sept: CarbonPulse: France, Germany vow to develop carbon pricing policies for all sectors
France and Germany will develop carbon pricing policies for all sectors over the next six months, their respective environment ministries agreed this week, extending the already extensive coverage to more areas of their respective economies.
neither link is working for me – page not found:
Labor offers a $4838 battery bonanza for homes with solar panels
The Age-5 hours ago
Labor offers a $4838 battery bonanza for homes with solar panels
The Sydney Morning Herald · 6 hours ago
10 Sept: ABC: Six new solar, wind farms to be built in Victoria to help meet renewable energy target
By state political reporter Stephanie Anderson and Richard Willingham
New solar and wind farms will be built in Victoria, generating enough energy to power 640,000 homes as part of the Andrews Government renewable energy target.
Premier Daniel Andrews will formally announce the results of the special “reverse auction” on Tuesday, a system where the Government has asked the industry for bids to build new energy generation.
Under the scheme, the Government enters into a “support agreement” that sets a minimum price for energy guaranteeing revenue if the market slips below a certain price.
The Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) is designed to lift energy generation from renewables to 25 per cent by 2020, and to 40 per cent by 2025.
Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio said wholesale prices will drop with more power generation.
“The quickest and the cheapest form of new energy supply that you can produce in this country right now is renewable energy, and our government is absolutely committed to delivering this to Victorians,” she said.
“That will mean that households in Victoria, families and businesses will start to see the benefits of reduced power prices come through.”
She confirmed six wind and solar farms will be built across regional Victoria. These include…ETC
“Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio said wholesale prices will drop with more power generation.”
Lily, has nobody in your entourage ever mentioned capacity factors and intermittency (both predictable and unpredictable)? Carry on, nothing will change until we have some creative destruction.
Yes, the 928 MW total of wind and solar is all “Installed” capacity” So real output about 250 MW equivalent …but still intermittent and unreliable !
And will be guaranteed a minimum (wholesale ). selling price of $56/MWh by the Vic govment.
Cost of all this RE is approx $2 bn ..which of course could funded a 1GW continuous coal or gas fired plant.
To add insult to injury, somehow they say this 250 MW equiv of RE is going to reduce emissions from electricity generation by 16% ???
Quite a magic trick as it only represents 4% of electricity generation capacity !
I reckon the with a 50% subsidy those batteries would almost be self funding if you beleive the savings, although you would wonder why you would bother.
I wonder if these thousands of households expect the taxpayer to be there again when they need replacement batteries in 7-10 years?
10 Sept: RenewEconomy: Australia could be 100% renewable by 2030s, meet Paris targets by 2025
by Sophie Vorrath
Australia could reach the equivalent of 100 per cent renewables for its electricity needs by the early 2030s by doing nothing more than maintaining the current pace of wind and solar development, a new research report has found.
The report (LINK) – published by a heavy-hitting team of Australian National University researchers, including solar PV and pumped hydro expert Andrew Blakers – says keeping up the current rate of renewable energy deployment would also meet Australia’s entire emissions reduction task “for the whole economy” by 2025…
It’s an impressive set of numbers, particularly considering that just three years ago, much the same ANU team forecast that Australia could reach 100 per cent renewables by 2040 (LINK) by adding just under 4GW (4,000MW) of wind and solar capacity a year.
The upwards revision could be partly due to what the report calls “an important recent development:” the rapid growth in deployment of solar PV on the roofs of commercial and industrial enterprises (see Figure 6, below)…ETC
20 Aug: ABC: As battle for power heats up, Victoria Labor pledges more for solar
By state political reporters Richard Willingham and Stephanie Anderson
A day after Mr Andrews unveiled a $1.24 billion package to pay half the upfront costs for rooftop solar panels for 650,000 households, saying it would cut $890 off their energy bills, he has pledged a $60 million fund for hot water rebates.
Under the plan 60,000 households would be able to access a $1,000 rebate to install solar hot water. The scheme would be open for a decade…
10 Sept: Washington Examiner: Trump’s energy policies are driving Democrats crazy
by Rupert Darwall, author of Green Tyranny: Exposing the totalitarian roots of the Climate Industrial Complex
The EPA’s recently announced Affordable Clean Energy rule, replacing former President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, is the most significant shift towards energy sanity in more than a decade. And it’s driving Democrats crazy.
California governor Jerry Brown, whose state is legislating for 100 percent renewable energy by 2045, blasted the rule change, calling it ” A declaration of war against America and all of humanity.” Delaware Democratic Sen. Tom Carper said it would send clean energy jobs to China, oblivious to the reality that Democrats’ war on coal is already doing exactly that…
***Climate scientists are also losing their minds. Forget the Mueller probe, Ben Santer, an atmospheric scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, blogged. There is no doubting the Trump administration’s complicity in a much more serious offense – “the failure to acknowledge, address and mitigate the risks of human-caused climate change.”
But Santer got his facts wrong. There’s no scientific disagreement. The impact assessment accompanying the affordable energy rule does indeed acknowledge that greenhouse gas emissions impose costs on society. The new rule’s real and important change is that it finally constrains the scope of power station emissions regulation to within current law.
The Clean Power Plan was based on a legally questionable expansion of the Clean Air Act…
The problem is that, as polling has long shown, Americans just don’t rate climate change as much of a pressing concern. This is why, just as happened previously with the acid rain scare, the justification has to be shifted away from alleged damage to the environment toward concern for public health and safety. Right on cue, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., tweeted straight from the People vs. Polluting Corporations progressive playbook that the Trump administration has “chosen the profits of polluters over public health and safety.”…
And EPA is cleaning up made-to-measure studies to justify regulatory activism with a new rule requiring regulation be based on reproducible science.
All this shows that Democrats have yet to understand the contribution of their war on coal to their loss of the White House. Americans want cheap American energy, and that’s exactly what Trump is giving them.
A draft report commissioned by energy secretary Rick Perry on boosting coal exports by the National Coal Council points out that the U.S. has one fourth of the world’s coal reserves. Last year, American coal exports leapt 61 percent, overtaking Colombia as the world’s fourth largest coal exporter, though still lagging behind Indonesia, Australia and Russia…
It is hard to think of anything more damaging to the interests of the world’s poor than denying them access to cheap, reliable energy. Gov. Brown and Democrats have declared war not just on coal but on humanity. The sooner this truth is widely understood, the sooner Republicans in states that Trump carried in 2016 can win in November and end the war on coal.
Bring Barnaby Back
“We are already more than meeting the 26 per cent that was set down in the Paris agreement,” National Party leader Michael McCormack confidently told David Spears on Sky News, though when pressed, he was a bit unsure about what information that claim was based on.
“Well it’s er, based on, er, the figures that er, the data that is, er, produced by those people who measure emissions, as far as I’m aware,” he said.
McCormack is like most of the other Pollies….ignorant of what hie is talking about.
The Emissions Target is a reduction of 26% of the 2005 level BY 2030. ….Of all GHG emissions.
So, there is no way you can say we are meeting that target,..infact you have to be a clairvoyant to even speculate that we will meet the target in 2030 !
Currently all the focus is on electricity generation, with no comment on the same expectations for the Transport, Agriculture, or industrial sectors.
Most of them are ignorant, which is why I’ve put together a Blue scientific team to explain why an increase in CO2 is a huge asset.
McCormack is meant to keep the seat warm until a more worthy person turns up, besides Barnaby.
Pluto seeks reinstatement, story at wuwt.