- JoNova - https://141765.qwpa.asia -

Hundreds of Consumers, Business people and Scientists say: “Get out of the Paris Agreement.”

A new grassroots group is forming to lobby to get Australia out of the Paris Patsy Agreement. The people who are fed up with us being The Crash Test Dummies of Renewables include movers and shakers, professors, farmers, MP’s, executive giants of the mining and medical research industry, engineers, and surgeons. It includes Larry Pickering (cartoonist), Hugh Morgan, Alan Moran, Ian Plimer, Jerry Ellis, John Stone, Peter Farrell (ResMed), Ron Manners, Gina Rheinhart, Geoff Bennett, Colin Boyce, Bob Bryan, Ron Pike, David Archibald, Prof Ivan Kennedy, Prof Peter Ridd, Bill Kininmonth (former head of the National Climate Centre) and so many more. Credit to Viv Forbes of Carbonsense.

My thoughts on why we need The Saltbush Club:

“Who speaks for consumers? Our elected reps are supposed to, but few are willing to speak up. There is a $1.5 trillion dollar global industry that wants Australia to accept Paris, but no debate about the vested interests that stand to profit while Australian consumers and businesses pay carbon taxes they have voted against every time they had the chance.”

 The opening press release:

The Saltbush Club


“The Saltbush Club”

Skilled and Thinking Australians concerned at the huge costs and unproven benefits of the climate, energy and infrastructure policies on both sides of Federal Parliament.

A new lobby group comprising scientists, farmers, consumers, small business and big business is urging both sides of Australian politics to put aside party interests and global agendas to focus on what’s best for Australian business, workers, consumers and the environment.

The Saltbush Club calls for Australia to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and to cease financing or supporting the international bodies promoting it.

It challenges the whole idea of a consensus on man-made global warming.

Jerry Ellis, retired chairman of BHP, and Founding Chairman of the Saltbush Club says:

“It is clear that Australia’s push to meet the Paris carbon dioxide emission targets is leading to higher electricity prices and unreliable supply. We have lost the balance between working for environmental outcomes and working for economic outcomes. These things need to be balanced, and this balance is missing with the Paris Agreement. The world would be a better place with strong economies generating money to spend on poverty, health, infrastructure and the environment.”

Hugh Morgan, CEO of Western Mining 1990-2003 and a director of the Saltbush Club agrees:

“People think the Paris Accord is just about commitments to lower CO2. It is really about transferring wealth via the UN to the so-called Less Developed Countries. It’s about advancing centralised control of people’s lives on a global scale. This climate alarm movement has got so far because of backing by Western millennials who have been indoctrinated during their education. Enjoying living standards unprecedented in world history, they have embraced alarmism as a new secular religion.”

Ellis and Morgan are supported by a large, skilled and experienced group of other Australians calling themselves “The Saltbush Club”. The group was organised by Viv Forbes (with a few helpers), from a country farm-house in Queensland with no landline, no NBN and less than $3,000 in financial support.

Forbes says:

“The Saltbush Club has over 200 foundation members, plus a bigger group of “silent” members. It will be a voice for those who are rarely heard in the climate and energy debate – those consumers of electricity who are concerned that the war on hydro-carbon energy has increased the costs and reduced the reliability of electricity for industry and private consumers.

“It welcomes anyone with a similar view, regardless of their political affiliations or leanings.

“We must reject the UN Agenda which is crippling western industry with high-cost unreliable electricity in a futile attempt to control global climate.”

“Our top priority is to have Australia withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and to cease financing or supporting the international bodies promoting it.”

Jo Nova (a well-read blogger and Saltbush Media Director) added:

“Who speaks for consumers? Our elected reps are supposed to, but few are willing to speak up. There is a $1.5 trillion dollar global industry that wants Australia to accept Paris, but no debate about the vested interests that stand to profit while Australian consumers and businesses pay carbon taxes they have voted against every time they had the chance.” 

Viv Forbes

To join, send an email to Viv Forbes <forbes AT saltbushclub.com>. Obviously replace AT with @.

Miners, scientists, farmers, business people.

The Australian mistakenly announced it as a “mining lobby group” because a few giants of Australian mining have added their names in support. But it is nothing of the sort. Indeed it says something that while former executives of mining companies are often skeptics, most current executives and industry organizations are avowedly not. Former executives have a freedom to speak their minds that current execs do not. Some in the media and in politics openly punish politically-incorrect views. CEO’s fear offending the likely next government and being called a “denier”, or pander to unscientific weather-changing policies because they profit from riding the Green Gravy Train. (Can we talk about the vested interests?) If there was civility about other opinions, and no renewable subsidies to skew the market, current executives might say something quite different.

Quit Paris now, mining chiefs’ lobby demands

Graham Lloyd, The Australian

Hugh Morgan, one of Australia’s most outspoken and influential conservative voices, has joined former BHP chairman Jerry Ellis to lead a new lobby group calling for Australia to leave the Paris Agreement and stop funding ­global climate-change efforts.

Mr Morgan, a Liberal Party member and former chief executive of Western Mining Corporation, said Western millennials had embraced alarmism over climat­e change as a new secular religion after being indoctrinated by the education system.

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