Seen the Gillette “Toxic Masculinity” Ad?
A couple of weeks back Gillette thought it would pander to the #Metoo women who do the shopping. Uproar resulted. James Delingpole won’t be buying Gillette in a hurry, but “news sells” and a boycott doesn’t always outdo the mindless sales boost. If you’ve had enough of politically correct advertising, spread the word.
Egard, the Watch Company responds:
Just for balance, here’s Toxic Feminity:
Bullying is not a girl or boy thing, it’s just a bad thing.
Enough with the divisive cheap trash marketing, OK?
h/t Scott of the Pacific, and Stephen Neil.
enjoy,the cartoon
Since we’re launching the comments with OT here’s another cartoon to enjoy . . . .
Trying to be what you think others want you to be IS toxic for both a man or a woman.
How about being what you actually are and becoming what you can actually become? After all, what actually is and can be is the only thing that matters. Trying to be what you aren’t and can’t be reaps only failure.
But…but becoming and being is really hard work. Yes it is. What makes you think the easy way out is the way to go?
I’ll give you as many smiling faces in place of green thumbs as you want if you can tell me what your last sentence has do with anything. The objective is to get life right, not easy.
Far too many take the easy way out and copy what they think their “significant” others want them to be. Their purpose appears to be to avoid conflict, rather than to live their own life to its fullest potential.
The point is to BE something that fits what and who you are and to grow into being more like what you are every day and every way possible. Let others take their lives second highhandedly and live by consuming the shadows and echos of others who are doing the same thing.
No matter how many zeros you sum, adding one more still makes a zero.
Yes Lionel.Law of identity.
Not quite what I thought you would say but more than adequate,
“be who you really are”.
have some green thumbs the system can’t handle.
25 X (
A woman MP in London was found guilty of lying and perverting the course of justice recently. Her brother was found guilty of the same offence but had pleaded guilty and confirmed his sister’s guilt.
She BTW was also a solicitor as well as an elected MP BUT MAINTAINED THE LIE TO THE END.
Her brother was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment, as the judge said it was a reduced sentence because he had admitted his guilt. His sister, however was sentenced to just 3 months.
I’ve yet to hear a single Me too, feminazi or campaigner for “women’s rights” demand that her prison sentence be increased to give her equality with her brother.
Hypocrisy at its worst.
She should have had a longer sentence than her brother.
The brother had 10 months (a reduced sentence) because ‘he had admitted his guilt’; she had 3 months, despite not admitting her guilt? Where is the logic in that?
… maybe her brother should appeal her sentence? (Not his!).
do yu have a link to the judgement. This is just your word plus your bitterness.
And you have just pre-judged somebody before learning the facts.
it was how he phrased his statement not whether his comment was correct or not.
What was it about the phrasing that lead you to conclude “Bitterness”
Search Fiona Onasanya MP and you will find every single detail.
Sad to see that you conflate the exposure of rank hypocrisy with “bitterness”.
Presumably you assume that any exposure of climate hypocrisy is nothing other than “bitterness” ?
Do you consider that speaking truth and exposing hypocrisy can only be for some reason other than a passionate belief in truth and honesty for its own sake?
Do you not see the need to hold a mirror up to hypocrisy to make people think for themselves, and perhaps see themselves for what they are? Given your later comments perhaps you should invest in one.
BTW the Justice Secretary is so concerned about the leniency of her sentencing he has called for a full review of it with the intention of it being increased.
I did and my search revealed that you misled us
yes I looked this up. The brother was convicted on 3 counts, only one of which related to the count that the woman was convicted on.
Further, without court documents we don’t know what other factors went into the judgement.
They were tried separately and the sentences given at the conclusion of the female’s trial. Apart from the additional perjery charges surely being a factor in the sentencing I’d like to know, for instance, whether the brother was deemed to have coerced or pressured the sister.
PS I think Roger is an agitator Troll and did not visit to debate anything.
Ahh gee , gee ahh you would know how a troll works wouldn’t you ? Do I need to cut and paste your distraction tactic from your well read blog ?
Yes, I would have liked more detail about the actual offenses committed by each party.
Congratulations this post Jo. It is beyond time for retraditionalisation and an end to the globalist ideological affliction de jour.
The products of globalist neo-Marxist ideology, the toxic trinity of political correctness, cultural Marxism and identity politics, a so clearly nothing but a curse on nation, culture, custom, tradition, and faith, and beyond these, rationality.
There is no such thing as “toxic” masculinity. Maybe only in the warped anti-God mind of the Marxists.
These are the same numpties who have inventing 64 different “genders” in an attempt to create sexual confusion for kids, and make them easy prey for people of depraved minds that seem to inhabit the Left.
in the Bible, there are only 2 genders, and the roles of men and women are very clear. The Marxists, being Anti-God are attempting to overthrow Christianity by making the repugnant “normal” – and the normal outlawed. This is just depravity in action.
God has a very clear warning for the Marxists not to mess with His world, His order, His creation :
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,
who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
( Isaiah 5:20 )
God made man in his own image, a beastly character, otherwise humanity would have died out. Did you know that half the children born into a primitive society entered the world through rape?
You appear to have a problem with Marxism, I feel the same about the deity. Tell me what you know about the immaculate conception?
God made man in his image but man fell and that image of God in him was corrupted with the resultant ‘beastly character’ you refer to.
And the idea was that Jesus came as a way of neutralizing the natural sin nature we have ( the beastly bit you mention ) , to be reconciled to God through Christ, so that by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, God now sees Jesus’ sacrifice and righteousness when He looks at us, not ours.
My understanding is, based on faith, that Jesus was conceived by God.
Yes Jesus was conceived in the womb of a virgin woman by God the Holy Spirit of God the Father and Jesus is God the Son incarnate (made in flesh).
God is daily conceived by those who:
Figure out where God is in this situation.
Some atheists might say: “there is no God anywhere”, some modern Christians might view God as being “around abouts”, watching and waiting.
The point of the extract from the bible is that it remarkably suggests that God is within us when we acknowledge that gospel and work together with others who believe.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Extend this as you will.
So the deity gave marching orders to the Archangel Gabriel to organise a virgin birth?
This garden of Eden was a hunter gatherers earthly paradise, then this mob in Iran accidentally invented beer and civilisation began. It was a fall from grace and the rest is history.
Mocking God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit is a futile use of free will:
Romans 19 – 22:
“For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.”
“Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.”
Thomas Gray 1742
Darn! I should’ve guessed — all the clues were there in front of us … and I didn’t spot it!
El Gordo: are you sure it was beer and not cider?
There has been talk that China first came up with the formula, but recent sleuthing has given the credit to the Turks. Not sure whether cider or wine per-empts beer.
‘Troughs that archaeologists suspect were used to make beer were found at none other than Göbekli Tepe, the prehistoric site in eastern Turkey dating to around 11,000 years ago. Many archaeologists believe Göbekli Tepe is the first temple ever to be built.’
Cider is from apples.
Beer is from hops and vodka is distilled from fermented potato peelings.
If it has complex carbohydrates, it can be fermented.
Mankind has been very adept at developing that chemistry
Archaeologists have a problem with monumental structures covered in pictograms. It’s either a temple or it’s … a Temple. Much history has been realised from the translations of Egyption stelae. My thought is that Gobekli Tepe should be much more completely disinterred before any judgement is made. We have uncovered enough to ask heaps of questions but not enough to develop any real answers.
It could be documentation of, and a warming about, for the generations coming after, of the large comet impact which caused the Younger Dryas.
We can’t tell just what GT really is from what has been uncovered so far, but that disaster does seem to feature. It is fascinating. We would have to extend our archeaology out into the sea bed and excavate what is presently covered by the sea before we could definitively say that about GT. In the meantime: Insufficient evidence.
(Have you followed Ben Davidson’s current “Catastrophe” postulates?)
I think that Gobleki Tepi is evidence that civilizations just finally got fed up and went for the high ground.
In the 10,000 years before Gobleki Tepi the oceans rose maybe 110 metres. I can see them building on the shoreline and having to move up every few centuries.
Finally they built at the top only to find that the sea level started a big retreat.
I’ll believe in man made sea level rise when the harbour at Ephesus is useable again.
The same logic tells me that Noahs ark is probably hidden no more than 2 to 5 metres above sea level, if it was real.
The Younger Dryas cool spell came and went before the process of beer making began and with sea level rising again we had the Biblical Flood.
Possibly bang-on, so to speak, but citation required.
Largely irrelevant in the context of the Judea-Christian law abiding West, unless you happen to be at a pop concert in Germany or Manchester, in downtown Stockholm, Paris or Calais, be a cartoonist, travel by train or bus, or merely walking in a market place or standing in the street, or worse, happen to be a teenage girl in Rotheram, Yorks. Thank you for making the case so elegantly.
What does Islam teach about …
Islamic law rejects forensic evidence such as DNA in favor of testimony. An interesting situation thus sometimes develops in cases where a victim alleges rape but the man denies that sex even took place. In the absence of four male witnesses, rape cannot be proven. The woman’s testimony then becomes a “confession” of adultery. She can even be stoned, even though the male is unpunished since he never admitted to a sexual act.
Sounds primitive at best doesn’t it?
Define and quantify ‘appear’, and ‘problem’. Explicate your ‘feelings’ regarding deity and explain how you know let alone feel ‘the same’ about ‘deity’ that OriginalSteve feels about Marxism together with your bizarre posit of a non sequitur query.
EU Going Full Orwell
Wow! I’m going to have to keep an ear tuned to Nigel Farage. He should poke a lot of borax and have a lot of fun at the Commissioners expense(s) from here-on out!
Yes indeed and it applies to everyone not just Marxists. Also the world is already messed up thanks to the great deceiver. The only way out is Salvation through faith in Jesus and the Great Exchange:
‘God has a very clear warning for the Marxists not to mess with His world, His order, His creation :’
His world is obviously laissez faire capitalism.
Heh. On the other side of the coin, the World Bank is going to be throwing conniptious fits soon. It has worked hard, nay, verily it has slaved, to free the Free World from Socialism and to wring all aspects, manifestations and infections of it out of the economies of the world’s nations. Welfare states: Socialist! Not allowed. Government ownership of monopolies: Socialist! Not allowed. Unemployment payments: Socialist, Not Allowed! Maternity Leave: Socialist. Not Allowed. Paternity Leave! Even more Socialist! Definitely not allowed. That’s just to name a few, but I’m sure there are many other facets I haven’t touched on.
The Bank thinks that that Capitalist Cancer of Markets is the World’s Greatest Cure for Everything, that Purest Capitalism fixes everything.
The conniptious fitting will start the closer the UN gets to setting up (a possibility so far, which I, for one, sincerely hope never happens) their Socialist World Government, and as its so obvious Socialism becomes Apparent. Socialist: meet Capitalist. The fight might be great fun to watch — the last great event of Freedom.
In reality we are talking about right wing communism, which is really fascism.
Over on the main island we have a history of socialism with Australian characteristics, a fair go for all.
You may have heard of the Banking Royal Commission. The ordinary people have always been distrustful of the banks, so it maybe time to bring back the people’s bank as a bulwark against free market excesses.
Ehh, no. Not at all. In fact that appears an outright oxymoron.
Fascism is the province of the Left. It’s one of those things Leftists loathe to have revealed about themselves, like the US DEMS and their devoted attention to slavery and the KKK.
Fascism is the product of philosopher Giovanni Gentile (1875), mentored by Karl Marx. He is considered the father of fascism, where ‘the government is the only thing we all belong to‘, and individuals willing subordinate themselves to the State.
Gentile was a socialist. He added national identity to the traditional Marxist class polemic. All private action needs to serve society. The State is the administrative arm of society, in all matters. The State tells one how to think and what to do.
Mussolini implemented fascism as did the Nazis, who were a socialist workers Party:
Benito stated,
“All is in the State and nothing human exists or has value outside the State.”
Gentile speaks directly to
ProgressivesRegressives who champion the centralised State and our version of State directed capitalism, which is soft socialism.Leftists never acknowledge their guy, Giovanni Gentile. Fascism bears a deep kinship to the ideology of today’s Left.
Conservatism and the Right desire small government and individual autonomy, and therefore bear no philosophical or ideological relationship to either communism, socialism or fascism.
Reference: Is fascism Left or Right?
Once the EU falls in a heap and is utterly wiped from the face of the planet, the next target should be the UN for virtually the same reasons. A much harder nut to crack though.
Why wait to dismantle the UN? Start NOW!
The ad was apparently created by an Australian, all female, misandrist company. It simply fits the Leftist pattern of destroying all that is good in the world in their quest for what they see as perfection.
I wrote about children’s adventure stories some time back, which reflects just another aspect of how goodness, or wholesomeness, is being destroyed by the Left. My wife found another pile of children’s stories in an op shop a week ago, which are more examples of a bygone era of innocence.
You forgot racist. Look at the apparent race of the men in the Gillette ad doing ‘bad’ things and then at the feminist ally types doing ‘good’ things. Notice anything?
This campaign has been dissected to the moon and back. It is now becoming apparent that this was a deliberate campaign by Gillette to attract a younger audience to their brand as they lose share to the likes of Dollar Shave Club. They are simply another dinosaur company suffering because of leaner disruptive online competitors providing a better service. Reacting in the way they did will not save them.
Bigger issues are currently afoot. I would strongly recommend people see both Lauren Southern’s and Stefan Molyneux’s speeches to the EU Parliament. The former spoke about her new documentary called Borderless and the latter about Big Tech censorship. Both are vitally important issues with the potential to destroy Western Society as we know and love it. Joe Rogan also had Jack Dorsey (Twitter founder) on the other day and got ratio’d (massive down vote versus up vote ratio) on YouTube for soft-balling the interview. Sargon updated today saying Joe will re-interview and there will be research and harder questions on censorship across Twitter.
I’d say the tide is slowly turning. The hard left politicians that have brains realise the backlash is coming and you can see the subtle shifts in tactics happening all around. Sure there are still the moronic screeching harpies like AOC, but they will look increasingly out of place in the next few years … IMHO.
Excellent comment Bulldust.
Check out Dr Steve Turley.
A new conservative age is rising.
This is the reason I now identify as a non gender specific mountain Panda !
A bit of a black and white solution.
Black and white should be only proportionally racist, right?
Being a mountain panda is somewhat exclusive don’t you think?
Just trying to corner the market Graeme .
For 2018 in Australia
• 38 women have been killed this year. 34 of these deaths were allegedly at the hands of men. • Three of the dead women were allegedly killed by another woman. One situation remains unknown.
• Out of these 38 deaths, 28 women allegedly lost their lives in family violence. And out of these 28, at least 23 of them are believed to have died at the hands of a man.
• 69 men have been murdered so far in 2018. It is alleged most of these deaths were caused by another man.
• Of those 69 men who have died, 11 of those are allegedly the result of family violence. It is alleged that out of those 10 deaths, five men were killed by another male, and six were killed by a female.
Looks toxic to me
So, in your view that now means every man is a murderer just waiting for an opportunity to murder? Have you thought about turning yourself in before you harm your family?
Will someone please release my comments with my new email address!
Hmmm, maybe.
Those stats confirm my points. By far the most violent offenders are men (these statistics are per 100,000, so male and female homicides look very small). Toxic indeed
“Toxic indeed”
Yes, You are.
I’m not excusing violent behaviour toward anyone, you do however have to relaize that men powered by testosterone, can be agressive. In fact, were it not for their testosterone drive boundary pushing behaviour, and the need to protect their women, that society would not have progressed to where it is now. Yes you get a few bad eggs, but they get sorted out by other men.
I’m not buying the whole “toxic” nonsense – its a feeble attempt at trying to socially castrate men for being men, and its quite frankly disengenious and dumb. The problem we have is that Marxists are trying to engineer society into a feminized state, where men are seen as a hinderence and always in the wrong for just being male, never mind that fact that the same people have invent fairy stories of 64 different “genders”, which is really just psychotic behaviour….
‘By far the most violent offenders are men …’
Nobody would deny our beastly nature, the survival of homo sapiens on this planet was a close run thing, and its not our fault that men are preoccupied with procreation.
Let us go back to the beginning, a large watering hole in Kenya. From our drone we can see two different types of robust apes and a group of gracile apes. The off spring of the latter eventually became spacemen.
Except the whole evolution thing hasnt been proven….they keep saying they have found the missing link, but its a mirage IMHO
I recently reacquainted myself with the church after a break of 58 years.
As mentioned previously the small group is going great guns at involving the local community but seems to have regressed to something like the U.S. bible belt churches in resourcing its “essential structure”.
The bible is full of metaphors that should not be taken too literally.
When I was a kid stories read to us from the bible were always followed by the instructor (kindergarten) putting the question for discussion:
What does this story tell us that we can use in our own lives?
Why can’t Evolution and the Bible coexist in the year 2019 when they did so quite comfortably in 1958?
I just look at the highly integrated natural world around us to take in well it operates. When i look at say the human immune system and how complex it is, or birth, or the earth sitting where it does, I find it mathematically impossible to rule out an intelligent designer and builder….
Either evolution is right, or creation is right, both cant exist simultaneously, as one precludes the other….
As to church, style is one thing, but substance is another. Style can vary, but the Gospel is the Gospel and doesnt change.
Hi Steve,
I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that in the last year.
When I left the church in about 1960 I felt that I had been given a view of something extraordinary that would guide me through my life.
I haven’t been disappointed.
The world out there though, hasn’t been quite so lucky.
Recently the concept of Creation being a point of conflict with science has alarmed me.
It is to me a non issue, creation is a story to guide us, evolution is the solid science explaining how over the last 540 million years we came to be where we are.
There’s no conflict : God sees no conflict.
Why does Man create conflict?
I think it’s because the gaining of real understanding is just too much like hard work and it’s easier to just bluff the way through.
KK, Regarding your metaphors, I’m not convinced that the church or “religion” especially the Christian religion can demonstrate a superior level of behaviour. And that goes back a long, long way.
Take Moses for example and his his Covenant with God. The 10 Commandments. The 6th being “thou shalt not kill”.
On returning from Mt Sinai what did he find his “people” up too? Worshiping a Golden Calf. So what did he do? He (and his brother Aaron slaughtered 3,000 of the heretical sods with the Covenant still tucked under his arm and hot from the breathe of God. That’s a metaphor for what exactly?
And Jesus of the New testament isn’t the man of peace that many would have you believe. Take Mathew 10: 34-37 for example: “Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth: I came not to send peace but a sword.” setting son against father, daughter against mother, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law etc.
If they’re metaphors I’m not too sure what they’re metaphors for. Are you?
I agree with you KK. I cannot see how an Almighty God can be limited as to how He chooses to create. I can see no reason why evolution cannot be used to create…they are not incompatible in my view.
I find it difficult to cope with the view that everything in the Bible is to be taken absolutely literally. It is a mixture of many writings originating over long periods, many from oral tradition. My favourite from the OT is the first book of Genesis…it’s wonderful, especially in the King James translation. Some of my favourite passages from the NT, apart from the Gospels, are from the latter part of ch8 of Romans and Hebrews.
Everyone knows hand on heart that the creation of everything stemmed from ‘The Big Bang’, eh!
Umm, where did the ‘stuff’ that made up The Big Bang come from?
Yep. I don’t want to string you along, but there’s a theory about that.
Nothing is unstable.
Hi Sceptical Sam,
Good points but I’m not too familiar with the last bit about ” I came not to bring peace,,,”.
Like all movements there are leaders and to some extent they reinterpret things making modern Christianity differ from what it was originally in the brief period when Jesus led and gave guidance.
Hi Annie,
I could always remember the Minister of our church reading and discussing Matthew 18:20.
That was because it made me feel better about telling a fib when I had to declare that I believed in God the Father, God the Son and Holy Ghost.
Even as a 10 year old I had trouble with that.
For those who know and accept the principles of decency, honesty, integrity given in the bible the Matthew passage is a key to understanding God.
Too many seem to feel that having an exclusive contract with God is the way.
Problem is we live in a community where knowing and understanding others is vital.
God is there when we all know those rules and work together.
And Sam,
The metaphors. The comment quoted wasn’t a metaphor. The most obvious one is that God made the heavens and the earth in seven days.
I walk around and look up at the local cliffs and recall being told by someone that signs in the cut of the rock platform etc suggest that the oceans were 1.2 metres higher just 2,000 years ago. Records interestingly say that the harbour at Ephesus in Turkey was in use then.
The strata in the cliffs tells a developing story of how the Earth grew to be what it is now.
As Annie might say, it is no trouble for me to believe that God watched over and was happy as each step forward occurred.
I see those six days as a metaphor for the very long process that was the making of the Earth.
We prefer to use the expression ‘last common ancestor’ until we can finally prove the link.
I automatically assumed we are connected to ape like creatures because chimps have 99% of our DNA.
You will need to find more than just one link. Huge numbers of them would be required. Darwin himself expected it but was puzzled as to why he could not find them. Even to this day we haven’t found them because they don’t exist.
As for the DNA similarity figure more recent studies have indicated it’s about 89% at best. In any case it’s not necessarily evidence of evolution regardless of the figure. God would have created all land animals for example to have similar genetic information for a purpose – common attributes like legs, arms, eyes, etc..
Peter, I think that global warming is an easier topic.
This is our last common ancestor.
el gordo, these OT topics that generate some sort of discussion between the regular commenters here are sometimes a bit more interesting than the ‘we all hate the lefty commie marxists tree huggers’ topics where there is a 97% consensus. Maybe bring up the ‘man flew around the moon a few times in 1968’ topic and see how it goes here too. Just to keep the discussion going, I might point out that we have already disproved the traditional view of evolution based on Darwin’s thinking. Right now a species on Earth can actually dissect the DNA of pretty much any other species it can find and then mix parts of that DNA with another species DNA and voila – new species! If one species can do that now, who’s to say that a species could not do that at some distant time in the past? It actually fits the bill of a bit of a ‘god like’ skill, no? And how about science’s Schroedinger’s feline friend, doesn’t die but does die and goes off to live in a parallel universe heaven of dead felines – maybe?
Joe brings up a good point here about discussion.
Back when I was in the Air Force, and in the mid 70’s, a friend of mine in the Instruments Trade and I would like to have some, err, fun, euphemistically speaking. There were times on the Flight Line between flights after we had seen off the pilots for their sorties, and we were just sitting around waiting for them to come back, so we could go back to work again. My friend and I would occasionally start a discussion specifically about Dinosaurs. Others in that waiting room also waiting for their pilots to return would then join in, sometimes as many as eight or ten others, slowly entering the conversation. My friend and I would then not continue to engage, and we would just watch how many times the subject changed, and it always did as new people entered the conversation. Occasionally, it would actually go full circle and back to the dinosaurs, without any intervention from either of us. It was a lesson in life just to watch and listen.
It’s funny, he and I were the only ones who read The Australian. All the others were The Daily Telegraph readers. More often than not, the only comment they made about us, was not that we were ‘pseudo intellectuals’, but ….. How do read that d@mned thing, as the Tele was a Tabloid, and the Oz in those days was a Broadsheet, twice the size, and not as easy to turn the pages.
Those were good days.
Joe, what is your opinion on extraterrestrials?
Its just that the concept of the virgin birth and the way Jesus went up into heaven is extraordinary?
Thanks Tony, yes it would be good if there were a few more discussions, not necessarily way OT, but something to show we are not all group thinkers. Right now when someone comes in and expresses an opinion which is different, and you think, this will be a chance to understand what drives their point of view, people here start abusing them and calling them names and ultimately they go away and we never have a chance to share thoughts. It seems to be a bit unique to this blog too (and that’s not to blame Jo in any way, but maybe if she had a few more equally controversial matters of science in the topics we might have a few differing opinions among the regular commenters. So far it only seems to be the science of gods that stirs up a discussion). There is very little point in having a discussion when 97% of us have the same view.
And el gordo, you ask about my opinion of extraterrestrials. Well I have probably not met one so I can’t say I really have an opinion on them yet.
As a concept, I don’t have any problem with it. I don’t know if religious folk would have any problem with the concept either and perhaps the gods of past and present count as ETs anyway. Perhaps a bacteria on a nearby planet might be proven one day and would count as an extraterrestrial, that would not be too ‘extraordinary’. As for the enormity of the universe as we perceive it (and yes that is a relative thing compared to our 1.5m average) and the governing laws of physics as we understand them, yes it would seem reasonable and thus not extraordinary that there might be more complex ETs out there but the same laws pretty much put them out of our event horizon. As for whether those religious concepts are extraordinary; well I acknowledge that they are a widely held concept and that alone probably makes them less extraordinary. The point I was making in my post above, was that although scientists like Dawkins slam religious concepts, it is fair to say that many scientific concepts are equally as ‘far fetched’ or ‘extraordinary’ and in fact often have many parallels, hence the mention of the quantum uncertainty and the multiverse concept with Schroedinger’s thought experiment. We have virgin births right now too – again read up on stem cell research. Didn’t the God in all of the Abrahamic Middle Eastern religions, allegedly create Eve from Adam’s rib – stem cells maybe? Imagine if I was a psychiatrist and you came into me complaining that there were spiders crawling up your arm all day. I would be most remiss to simply take a video of your arm and say, look there are no spiders there and send you home. Remember that everything that is, including science and religion, are just experiences that have formed in your brain. The map is not the territory – your mind is not the reality. Some people can probably imagine more extraordinary things than others and that’s not such a bad thing.
Whatever you do, PFitz, don’t panic! We can help you!
Ok guys, now, who has the phone number of the Help Services?
El Gordo?
True that.
‘By far the most violent offenders are men’. Not true when it comes to domestic violence. Women are more likely to lose their sh*t and assault their partners than men are. It’s just that they are not very good at it. Men are more likely to cause injury when they do assault someone. Women are also a lot more likely to report assault. (Really, when a female loses her sh*t and comes at you swinging wildly and doing her best to seriously injure you, it’s kind of funny).
You have a unique way of defining ‘toxic’. Would you rather men be emasculated and women do all the work? Or perhaps do away with men entirely now that robotics are on the cusp of being able to squish spiders and chase mice out of rooms and lifting heavy objects and changing the oil and tires on your auto?
Nah, just define what you think ‘toxic’ is supposed to mean. And then I can pummel your ideological ranting just like I do to the fools who believe more gun control laws are going to stop criminals.
So you and Steve are saying that it is fine to kill or severely injure someone just because you are a man? Thats toxic
Toxic is YOU being a child-minded, attention-seeking troll.
Only people with a particularly toxic personality do what you do.
Re-think your life, and find something less toxic to do, pfutz.
To remove the toxins we need Soma, as a universal distraction.
Don’t you have a job Petulla?
You are going round and round in ever decreasing circles and will eventually disappear up your own black hole in a blinding flash of blue light.
Think, what do you want for your life?
Ask, is what you are doing here rational?
Are any politicians and media outlets misleading you?
is he really?
Will he?
Can we watch?
He’s a remarkably credulous individual. Toxically Gullible.
Sophocles, I hope that you aren’t laughing at me.
No, Definitely NOT you KK. At whomever it was you were calling Petullah – pFitz.
So basically Peter you are claiming that about 15 men a month should be executed as an example to others?
Yes, I know you didn’t physically say it at anytime, but AZ1971 and OriginalSteve didn’t physical say at any time that it was fine to kill or severely injure someone just because you are a man. Instead you claimed they were about to because it fitted in with your arguments that Toxic Men are BAD.
Following that logic I am claiming that you believe men should be executed, not because you actually said it anywhere in your discussion, but because it fits in with my argument that your entire discussion revolves around deliberate any point offered because you are more interesting in forcing your agenda on people rather than bothering to identify problems and discuss their possible implications. To me your agenda is clearly blood for blood revenge and I have just cut to the chase. Since you clearly believe that AZ1971 and OriginalSteve believe things that they have never stated, I trust you will be, by the same logical, perfectly fine with me making massive unprovable claimed about you.
Remember, you have set the precedent that actually proof is toxic when there are important social justice points to be made. Proof bad. These are your own rules and you must accept them.
Tis after all, only fair and we wouldn’t want any toxic disagreement now, would we?
(as for what I believe? Well, let me just quote John Fisher; “The Essence of War is Violence. Moderation in War is Imbecility.” Parabellum.)
No Mudcrab – I’m saying that no one should be killing, beating or terrorizing anyone.
And yet PC is exactly that.
I win….
“I’m saying that no one should be killing, beating or terrorizing anyone”
No-one else is saying that either.
It came from your toxic mind.
No-one should deliberately troll/antagonise other people, either.
Should they, pfutz!
Yet here you are.
That is WHY you are here.
I certainty don’t call it toxic but I do agree that some men, not many but enough to give me cause for concern, seem to think that violence is the answer to solving their problems. Its usually the weaker and defenceless that get caught up in it. I don’t know why this happens but it really has to stop. From someone who was beaten by his father and had his face punched in because he supposedly looked at another mans girlfreidn the ‘wrong way
Good comment.
You have clearly outlined the problem in modern society, and possibly in past times as well.
Inadvertently, anger, grief and sorrow are passed down and around.
Thankfully there is also joy and happiness at times.
One of the great difficulties we face now in making sense of the world is the mindless barrage of hard core media political and social comment.
I haven’t watched T.V. now for almost 3 years and only buy papers on Saturday.
Listening to the radio when I drive is interesting.
Yesterday morning I listened to an aggressive harpy interviewing a Victorian government minister about fires or electricity. She was appalling and I would not like to think that her performance was heard and copied by young girls trying to work out how they might be expected to behave in the world.
We need leadership that recognises that there is a better way because what we have now is not working.
One of the great paradoxes of the modern age is that a seemingly imperfect person like “The Donald” is turning things around at so many points of difficulty.
His efforts have seen so many people become employed and made to feel valued that it’s hard to criticise him. These new workers are no longer the victims that they were under previous social justice type leadership.
We need leaders and a guiding path.
Can anyone suggest a guiding path?
Abuse isn’t just physical, there is clear evidence that psychological abuse by women against men is significant and is a major factor leaving to some of the violent outcomes.
The problem is that this is always framed from a left wing perspective, the class war pitting people against each other lives OK, and the left loves a victim. We need to get past the political tactic of defining a victim and dealing with the real issues, including the feminisation of men and masculisation of women (most recent movies have women as the boss or a female violent lead). I refuse to feel guilty for being a man.
We need to get back to our roots, men and women ARE different, their physiology is different, their brains are wired differently, we are NOT all the same but we are equal.
Equal but different, let me say that again, because it applies to everything, religion, disability, class …. we are all EQUAL but we are all different and our differences must be respected.
Equal but different.
‘…psychological abuse by women …’
Women invented nagging as a survival mechanism, it goes back a long way and has had mixed results.
Again – if you define being a man has having a no consequence policy in physical abuse or murder. That is toxic. To the snowflakes who say ‘she caused it by nagging’ harden up. Murder and violence do not make the man
Rubbish, I didn’t say that at all, and I am greatly offended. What I said is that in most of these cases everyone involved is a victim, and we need to get past your simplistic victimology and deal with ALL the violence including the psychological abuse that leads to frustration and violence.
We should also stop trying to alter the natures of people and face the physiological differences. The solution is not to make men more like women or make women more like men, the solution is to foster love and a sense of mutual protection between couples instead of tearing them apart with rhetoric about how they should compete over every aspect of their lives. The best relationships have couples that compliment each other and cooperate to reach common goals, not compete for top dog.
This idea in feminism that women should do everything a man can (must compete and dominate) is the toxic part. Cooperation works, competition fails.
+10 “up” thumbs if I could, bobl
So in your precambrian worldview, everyone is immutable like a block of stone, and ruled by their emotions. Also in your worldview, everyone is born into their place in society and that can not be changed either. Lastly I have never talked about competition, or to make men behave like women – or visa versa. That is not my point, and I’m sure you know it. We are rational thinkers, we are not animals as you posit.
You? You are a rational thinker?
Go back, and read some of the stuff you have written.
All it says to me is
Blind Baiting Victimhood Driven Anger.
Rational thinking is about distinguishing true statements from false statements and that means regard to reality. Trying to twist an argument into something else is casuistry to divert energy of thought to engagement like the liar’s paradox.
You are ruled by your TOXIC need to disrupt and antagonise other people.
Are you a member of Antifa or GetUp!, perhaps?
But really, its just base-level juvenile attention-seeking.
And NO, you are NOT a rational thinker, pfutz
In all seriousness, methinks “Peter” is in fact Patricia.
The choice of language indicates such a probability.
in all seriousness you are wrong. He’s already been found… you need to look back.
On topic… do you think that because he has sympathy for women? Do you consider that men and women are on different sides?
Ah, pre-Cambrian. Got it. That so completely explains your thought processes and behaviours pFitz. You’re from the Ediacaran not the Quaternary, and certainly not the Meghalayan. Such a complete lack of evolution … it so fits.
Well said bobl.
Thank you Annie.
” if you define being a man has having a no consequence policy in physical abuse or murder”
No-one defined “being a man” that way.
Your mind is a toxic sewer if it thinks like that, pfutz.
Changing the argument to mean something that it is not is not honest. Believing that your ends justify your means allows any ‘noble’ lie’ to be justified…’Bye ‘bye to honest discussion and regard for truth to the data.
Think Peta.
What you are doing here is not good for you or those you may love or care for.
The regulars here on this blog have a concern for the future of the world and all its people.
We have an idea of what sort of world is going to be there tomorrow for our kids and are very concerned.
The likelihood is that the current trend in self centered leadership, e.g. MalExe444, Clintonian Style guile etc, will extend its tentacles and make life almost meaningless.
We need hope for the world and we need leaders who understand that!
Instead of the homilies, I’m protesting violence in our society as a toxic culture. If you dispute that then you think that violence, and in particular domestic violence is OK. All the chatter about masculinity being under attack, is not germaine the to fact that any rational person would decry violence. I present some facts, those were backed up by the link provided by Sam.
The facts tell the story.
I am protesting the toxic leftists who disrupt and antagonise rational people who they don’t agree with. Antifa, GetUp, you,
The continual twisting of what has been said, deliberately misrepresenting, to provoke a response.
You being here is a form of violence, that is your purpose here..
Take your toxins elsewhere, pfutz.
“If you dispute that then you think that violence, and in particular domestic violence is OK”
Come one pfutz, point out where anyone has said that.
This is the sort of toxic misrepresentation that leftists like you bring with you.
Yes they did.
my original post was about the numbers of deaths between men and women, with women most being the victims. This is the tip of the iceberg for all violence, particularly domestic violence. That is toxic. That is what I said. Now, if you had said “I don’t support that sort of violence’ I would have agreed with you. However, as usual, you are off on your high horse raving about leftists, misrepresentations and the like.
If you do not denounce violence, then logic says you must support it.
Patricia, no one condemns violence. One way to get a blokes blood up is inadvertedly witnessing another man hit a woman, the protector gene kicks in and it can get ugly fast between blokes, believe me…..
Men are protectors, its a hard coded role. Some men are mongrels, but other blokes will take them apart if they abuse wonen.
Logic Be Damned! You don’t seem to know the meaning of the word. Black and White thinking never solved any problem; it inevitably creates a lot more problems which is one of the big problems we have: too many Simple Minded Thinkers.
PFutz, you keep tripping over and falling into every logical fallacy ever invented. I’m beginning to wonder just what random clock-work you keep between your ears, I really do. I’m beginning to think you may one day create one Aristotle never thought of. One day you will land in one containing wet quick-dry cement.
If you’re not for us, you’re against us has been the cry of the mentally deficient, the morally retarded and the greatest villains throughout history. It’s the catch cry for all evil man can inflict on man. It’s the justification for all terrorists and madmen of all kinds, Stalin, Hitler and Guterres not exempted. Stop repeating it! Start really thinking! For Once!
There are always multiple paths, never only two. It’s a Reductio ad Absurdum fantasy declaring only Two Paths exist when there are always at least Three. The biggest and richest path is the third one because it holds All Other Possibilities. For and Against are the two minor, destructive paths. As an example: in the case you are trying to swing from there is For, Against and DisInterested. Disinterested also does not mean Don’t Care that’s just one of the paths in the third path. Now, here’s your exercise: go away, sit down, and think “Disinterested” through thoroughly and critically<– yes, engage in some Critical Thinking. How many alternatives can you peel out of that one term? I've given you one. Your job is to come up with others<—note the plural!
In a binary argument like this one there are only two possible stances. Unless, if I understand you correctly, it is ok to only do a little bit of violence, with the occasional death, disfigurement, etc. Maybe you should change you handle to Sophist –
So you admit you were misrepresenting, like you always do.
Your logic is irrational and toxic.
I NEVER said what you say I said.
“If you do not denounce violence, then logic says you must support it.”
Total and utter BS, that could only come from a TOXIC leftist troll, deliberately trying to antagonise.
That is your aim, isn’t it pfutz.
“”If you’re not for us, you’re against us” has been the cry of the mentally deficient, the morally retarded ……. “
That’s pfutz to a tee. !!
Well described, Soph !!
“Unless, if I understand you correctly, it is ok to only do a little bit of violence, with the occasional death, disfigurement, etc”
There you go again, deliberately misinterpreting and mis-stating another person’s words.
Its deceitful and slimy, and a disgusting attention-seeking ploy.
Its all part of your toxic non-personality.
I think people should realise that NOT ONE of the things pfutz has accused others of saying, were actually said.
They ALL came within pfutz’s little mind, all by themselves.
Patricia, no one at any time here has said its ok to practice violence against anyone….
Yeah: black and white thinking. While you think it is a binary argument, you are missing a lot.
Sophist: A capricious, fallacious reasoner. Quibbler.
If you had to look it up PFitx, you should have seen it describes you perfectly.
I stand by what I said. Obviously PFitz, your intellect is insufficiently endowed to understand what I said.
PFitz is fun to play with. He’s a pinhead:
-there’s not enough room in his head for a thought and any possible thinking. Consequently, he runs out of understanding and mistakes that for a conclusion.
It’s like playing with a child’s toy balloon: one has to do a lot of huffing and puffing to help him inflate himself and when he is squeaking nicely but still short of bursting, you let him go.
and he zooms all around the blog and falls flat on his face.
(Oops, shouldn’t have given the big secret away … ah what the heck)
However you continue to define violence as murder only ignoring the other victims of psychological or physical abuse as inconsequential. I assure you that it’s not inconsequential and causes serious consequences such as suicide. Your worldview precludes helping anyone except your favoured subset of victim.
In domestic violence almost always everybody is a victim.
Frankly I’m a bit tired of your attempts to twist my word to define me as somehow evil for being a man. Sorry I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty for being born male.
Hear hear! bobl. I totally agree with you.
Women are more likely to murder their children.
or husbands?!
Funny how there are always statistics kept of this; I wonder if there any statistics concerning the number of lives saved in dangerous situations, and by what gender?
yeah.. if every murder is balanced by a heroically saved life, it err balances.
Collective guilt is such a treacherous concept. According to crime stats, homosexuals and Aboriginals are over represented in domestic violence (and a bunch of other nasty things). By your reasoning homosexuals and Aboriginals are particularly toxic. My guess is that you would absolve these people of your collective guilt belief.
Peter, you missed a very important stat. Women are the perpetrator in 70% of all child homicides. Does that make women toxic?
Workplace deaths in Australia, male fatalities are 1200% higher than women.
Is that Toxic feminity — where women demand equal pay but also demand men do the risky jobs with little recognition or compensation?
Do women really want equality or just a free ride?
168 men died at work in 2016. Far higher than the number of homocides.
those comparisons are too bizarre. My mind is boggled.
For Vehicles
Males made up 72% of all road fatalities in Australia from 2013-2017, of which 1225 occurred in 2017. Studies show that women are better drivers, and this is shown in that statistic.
How about looking at the distances driven, pfutz.
Any data about deaths per gender per say 1,000,000km driven?
That would be far more pertinent, considering males do a majority of long distance driving.
you have the internet – look it up yourself
Women tend to drive mainly around town, men tend to do the long distance driving
Compare apples and oranges.
Lets here it for multivariate studies!
Equal Pay for Equal work.
As far as I know, Women drivers get paid the same for driving Mine Trucks in mines. And they might have a better safety record.
We have a few male receptionists in my company. I think they are paid the same. The very great majority are women. I presume that they are better at it.
A majority of sonographers are women but the ones that few men involved seem to contribute as much or more to the specialty. They get paid the same (pre hour).
My Bad.
I presume that the women(on average) are better at the receptionist job. The guys that we have do a good job.
Also multi mess ups in the final sentence but the intent is clear.
This video from Janet Bloomfield—Dammit, it’s Janet It’s a pleasure to hear/see realism …
Interesting point… brings up the concept of the difference between equality of outcome and equality of opportunity. My view of “different but equal” follows the concept of equality of opportunity. For example the institution of engineers has for 30 years now failed to encourage more girls into engineering mostly because girls on the whole don’t want that job. Equality in my view demands that everyone be given that choice and should decide freely for themselves whether that’s the right profession for them rather than being manipulated into it by some affirmative action campaign. For 30 years Women who choose to be homemakers have been painted as victims of a patriarchal society even though they have the perfect right to choose that path. Equality is not salary average, equality is the freedom to choose, free from ideological pressure.
depends what you chose to focus on I guess
not all of use are cause du jour bandwagon leaper on-ers
people die across Australia from all kinds of avoidable causes and/or at the hands of others
less would be good, you choose what you want to actually work on
Australia has approximately 25million people
Assume approx half are female
That’s 12 500 000 less 39 that haven’t been killed by anyone.
The deaths although deplorable are so small as to be statistically insignificant.
To try and stereotype all males based on this number is disengenuos
ah… statistics that ignore the severity of the thing being measured.
I mean I reckon that the 2 world wars get too much attention they are only ~12 years out of 2000000 years of hominin societies…that’s just 0.0006%!
Yeah, did you know ….
‘The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans.’
just one year in 2000000 0.0001%!
The point is?
Do you realise that in the US alone, ~1,000,000 babies are killed each year by women having an abortion. A vast number of these are not because they are medically necessary, but because of ‘choice’.
The killing of babies is now sanctioned in some states right up to the point of birth. Women’s organisations lobby for this to be extended to all states. The killing of babies and selling of body parts is a major industry for Planned Parenthood, run by women.
And you call men toxic?
And Virginia state now allows infanticide by allowing killing if a child after birth. Thats murder.
My stomach churns…..
OriginalSteve – if your stomach churns at that, do not watch this:
Read it …America under Leftist govts is going the way of sacrificing its young to Molech….i dont think the Bill has passed, but just to even try and get it passed? Wow.
“As the video spread online this week, Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam, contested that the bill being considered would actually lead to infanticide.”
“This all began when Democrat Kathy Tran was filmed discussing a bill she is sponsoring that would loosen the restrictions on late-term abortions.
“In the video, Ms Tran is seen telling Virginia House Majority Leader Todd Gilbert that her bill would allow abortions even when a woman is dilating.
“My bill would allow that, yes”, Ms Tran says when asked about the dilation scenario.”
Life is cheap under the Leftists….
Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.”
And now Mary Poppins is Racist As called by some leftwing US Professor and propagandized by the leftard SJW rag NY Times.
As with so many so called Professors these days they seem to gain their title with little effort. They are more like village idiots.
Racism is wherever you want to see it: ‘Old Photo of Soot-Covered Coal Miners is Racist “Blackface,” Says Offended Idiot‘
He’s a little late. Mary Poppins is a cultural icon loved by children everywhere. If she’s racist then I say, bring me more racists.
Interesting story Jo.
BTW this is O/T but Dr Roy Spencer has a look at OZ’s so called record hot Jan 2019.
Mostly weather not climate and some of Qld and Jo’s SW WA had a cooler Jan 2019 than normal. Same co2 levels, but he helps to explain how this can happen.
It’s not about toxic males.
It’s not about toxic females.
It’s all about toxic humans.
The prevailing Green view is that if you wipe out the humans, the planet will be saved.
What is really odd is that the politicians agree.
Toxic Green politics. Money hungry Banks, Insurance companies and Electricity companies and power hungry Green socialists in league with power hungry politicians. Toxicity starts in the boardrooms and party rooms. Including Gillette.
It’s about toxic humans. Yes. Those who see us just as parts in a group
in politricks of resentment manipulation. Hey there, we are lemurs, lemurs,
not lemmings!
But… how will they ever be able to prove that?
And to whose satisfaction.
Homo Sapiens have been around perhaps 100,000 years. Science as we know it for 500 years at most.
However the planet is 4,500 million years old, so 45,000 x as much time and look what they did with it.
Continents moved without permission.
99.9% of all species extinct.
At least three near total, near instant extinctions.
Very high levels of CO2, the planet very warm and covered in vegetation
leaving oceans of sticky, dirty oil and mountains black coal behind.
Useless pollution.
Then massive changes in sea level, whole continents rising and falling, sea
beds in high latitudes, cliffs of limestone everywhere. What a mess
and we are still suffering useless volcanic explosions
and now we have a problem with our coral and bushfires.
This planet should have had a safety rating.
However the Greens know the people are the problem.
Stop evolution. Stop all change. It’s all perfect right now, especially in Canberra and Washington and Brussels
and the beaches are fine. Just stop everything else.
The species has been around for about 150,000 years according to our mitochondrial DNA. A small group wandered out of Africa about 100,000 years ago. Every human in the modern world has the mitochondrial DNA of a woman in this small group—a mitochondrial Eve.
(so says Dr Bryan Sykes in his book “The Seven Daughters of Eve”). The movement around the rest of the world was slow, there were no big numbers.
There is archeological evidence of the arrival of that initial small group of humans in Israel about 100,000 years ago. Mt Toba went off about 70,000 years ago and is eyed as a possible cause of a genetic bottleneck at that time. The outside-Africa human population was reduced to just a few thousand individuals; they were nearly wiped out.
Too true! And a government health warning tatooed on every child’s butt …
finally some science
Very amusing, its social science.
Which bears no resemblance to real science.
I think gee-gee was trying to be sarcastic.. but failing as usual.
Isn’t social science an oxymoron?
Anything that is a social construct by humans doesn’t follow any natural laws.
By definition it cannot be a science.
ah, but the Normal statistical distribution fits all the time!
Any field that has the need to tack science on the end to legitimise itself probably isn’t svience…. anyone for climate SCIENCE.
el gordo The Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Mary and not the conception of Jesus Christ. The myths most people “know” about the Catholic faith and Christianity in general are brought to you by the same people who want to replace it with the Global Warming religion so it might be worth a re-evaluation of what you were taught.
I am a long-time lurker here but first time poster…how do you nest under the correct thread? This is supposed to be under #5.
el gordo The Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Mary and not the conception of Jesus Christ. The myths most people “know” about the Catholic faith and Christianity in general are brought to you by the same people who want to replace it with the Global Warming religion so it might be worth a re-evaluation of what you were taught.
I am a long-time lurker here but first time poster…how do you nest under the correct thread? This is supposed to be under #5.
Use the reply button to the right of the date stamp.
When it is there. It isn’t always.
Yes, there’s no fifth level of nesting so Reply does not appear at level 4.
As here.
I give in.
… just as you got there!
Thank you. I thought it was some formulaic thing, but…
At lv 5 where you can’t nest further, go up to the most recent level 4 and reply to that.
Does the Bureau use any Temperature data pre-1910? Anyway there has been so much obfuscation with site changes, positioning and measurement consistency that one can’t nail this down.
I know who my next watch will be made by.
Most advertisements are an insult to all decent normal men and women. I try not to see them as I find the depictions of both men and women are toxic. Heaven help the children who live with them for hours each day.
Have you noticed, in the breaks between the programmes on Sky News on Win, that good manners are a thing of the past? Children are encouraged to be all grabby and rude, their eating manners are disgusting and no one seems to be taught how to use cutlery correctly or even how to hold a pen or pencil correctly. They all look dreadfully inept and inefficient.
Today’s rant/ NB…Peter F…have fun taking this apart!
Long ago I grew tired, no, actually disgusted with TV ads that make men out to be dunces. Gillette and all the others have the same problem.
They will never solve anything.
I am proud to be someone who thinks a man is someone who does not want to send women into danger (combat). A man will protect women and children around him if necessary. A man is honest in dealing with others. I could put up quite a list. But this is my position for my entire life.
Gillette and all the others are playing politics for some form of gain. Earth will not be saved by any of it, there’ll only be more trouble.
So that’s what I think. Now what do you think? Nuts to Gillette. How many agree with me and how many disagree? All opinions welcome.
Yes Roy…the sort of ads that have smug, over made-up cocky bossy women keeping some poor nana of a ‘man’ looking a fool. Horrible.
Agreed. It’s not just ads though. Disney is bleeding money due to making the latest Star Wars movies about identity politics rather than character. Dr Who has followed the same path, but the Beeb can’t actually “lose” money. Ghostbusters 2016 flopped for the same reason. The new Captain Marvel movie is also headed for failure. ‘Get woke, go broke’ appears to be the expression du jour.
Of course, none of the above is true. They actually failed because the “haters” are all racist, homophobic, misogynistic middle aged white dudes who listen to Jordan Peterson.
So big companies must now broke if they don’t play a disgusting game of identity politics? It’s time for the sensible people to form a line in the street and say stop.
Funny you should mention Dr Who. I stopped watching it many years ago when it went off the rails as you described. Also due to that clown character Matt Smith. Star Trek went down the same plug hole. The sickness is spreading.
I got sick of it when two elderly ladies made a point if saying proudly “they were married”.
I mean….really?
Talk about clumsy, baseball bat forced gender politics….the Beeb and its marxist handlers are a complete joke
Peter, my family couldn’t stomach Discovery even though (maybe because :/ )we are loyal trekkies. Started watching The Orville and found it to be more true to trek even though it’s a parody.
My favourite TV series is Blakes 7. Now showing my age.
I really enjoyed that as a kid. Saturday arvo scifi was the greatest! Space 1999, Time Tunnel, Land of the Giants etc, etc
Don’t forget Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and UFO (loved the car at the time although the series was mostly bad).
I thought Servilan was a very good villian…and Avon was brilliantly bad….
Servilan – oh dear. At the time I feared her almost as much as the Daleks in Dr Who
I actually had a soft spot for Avon in spite of his treacherous actions.
About the same age as me then. Blake’s Seven was a fave of mine as well.
The reply button at * is broken.
The Seaview was my idea of heaven when I was young, and then they made a flying sub! And they paid homage to Jules Vern, although Lee Crane was no Nemo.
… just to upstage you PeterS, my favourite all time series was The Goon Show which always started with: This is the BBC. It was all downhill from there … alas.
The Navy Lark was the best of the also-rans.
The sickness is spreading, but people are fighting back. You can tell it’s getting through when the director of The Last Jedi starts abusing the people who he needs to watch his train wreck. Same thing from Who and STD. Shriller and shriller, just like the AGW mob.
People do end up fighting back eventually but usually it’s not without a lot of pain and suffering. Look at Venezuela. People are desperate and willing to die for some sort of democracy. Yet here we abuse it and treat it like some sort of joke by leaving our brains in the toilet when we go to the voting booths.
Indeed. Let’s hope we don’t need our own Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn before we wake up.
Years ago I acquired a “neighbor” who posted material outside her office directly across from mine that I couldn’t agree with. Fine, it’s her life not mine and she’s entitled to promote whatever she wants to. I don’t know what management thought of it or even if someone knew about it.
That went on for several weeks and then the stuff in the hallway outside her door grew too big and some of it showed up on my side, making it look like I supported or approved of it.
I carefully took down what was on my side of the hallway, took it to her and we had a short talk. She was militant about it but she had no viable defense so I thought that would be the end of the matter.
About week later her office was vacant as suddenly as it had turned up occupied. We did not work on the same project or we would have needed an introduction so I never found out why she suddenly disappeared. But we all can make a realist guess, I think.
If I may I’ll dare to say the words, the politics of gender and sexuality appear to be the worst politics on the planet.
I have only one thing to say to women who hate all men. Go to another planet.
They are already on another planet
share it with the men who hate all women. Or anybody who hates a large group of people for no good reason.
So, you agree with PeterS then?
Clementine Ford apparently hates all men; she has repeatedly written ‘kill all men’.
Recently sacked by Fairfax/Channel Nine, she has now been hired by their ABC.
I reckon that qualifies as another planet.
Indeed. So does the ABC but it needs to be so far away their transmission can’t reach earth.
Yes, I am no longer buying their products, I don’t like being painted as an abuser just for being born male. On the rest as a very protective father and husband I am right with you. However I do support free choice of career, if a woman really wants to be a soldier, then so be it, but it must be an unforced choice. I would trust that a good father might lay out the risks to his daughter and probably be worried sick the whole time.
“the dumping of toxic waste”
synonyms: poisonous, venomous, virulent, noxious, dangerous, destructive, harmful, unsafe, malignant, injurious, pestilential, pernicious, environmentally unfriendly; fatal, deadly, lethal, mortal, death-dealing; archaicbaneful
“they were killed by smoke and toxic gases”
About how my wife describes me… Opps! That’s sexist
Jo, I refused to watch the Gillette ad.
And Id not ever use Gillette shaving products.
For what it’s worth I use a Braun.
I did watch the video above.
But I was uncomfortable while doing so.
Why ? Because there is an excessive focus on ‘American’ men.
I am an Australian – proudly so.
Australians are not Americans.
We are different.
That is not a criticism.
It is simply a statement of fact.
A fact I know directly from having lived in the USA.
There are issues that concern all of us,
whatever nation we are part of.
There are issues that don’t.
This is one that doesn’t.
So, nothing more from me on this.
Dr Roy Spenser is a scientist who specialises in studying the climate of the planet.He has his own website with lots of interesting articles and posts. But today he has a post about the BOM’s press release that January was ‘the warmest on record for Australia’
It’s worth reading to gain an expert outsiders view of BOM’s work. The comments are aso worth looking at. :…/australias-record-hot…/
I get the connection. He has a beard.
Roy Spencer. NO he does not have a beard.
What do you mean?
I presume that the comment was OT
The weekend after Gillette decided to cut their market share I had a quick look in the razor section when I was in my local supermarket.
EVERY single Gillette razor was marked down.
Since then I have seen another report on a political style blog reporting that a supermarket in NSW (I think) had all Gillette at 50% off.
Anyone else seen this at their local?
Yes – still marked down in Perth. Seems to be at Woolworths, Coles and the Shaver Shop. Discounts vary but some are still half price.
In Melb too, but I still won’t buy them.
Ha….toxic or what?
I’d like to point to a different problem here.
Should “real men” be so easy to react?
It starts with Gillette, makers of trivial devices, deciding they can sell more trivial devices by appealing to a celeb-obsessed, media-enslaved demographic. It backfires, probably because their marketers live in a bubble. (How do I know they’d also like to save the planet?)
Egard, makers of annoying and deliberately off-centre devices promoted by – you guessed it! – celebs, think they know their demographic better. It helps that there has been massive rejection of Gillette’s effort. So Egard come out with a different cheesy, button-pushing commercial. In common with Gillette’s ad, it has nothing whatever to do with the device being flogged.
With our brains suitably drained, we then enter into a clash of, gawd-help-us, statistics…
Real men buy and use products on the basis of the product’s value and usefulness. Real men are not easily sold on anything and will not buy Egard watches because Egard pushes the right buttons after Gillette pushed the wrong ones.
Become a non-conformist today by conforming to Egard! Put something complicated and annoying on your wrist to show the world you’re an elite member of the Egard herd!
Nope. I’m much more a flawed human than a “real man”. But I’m real enough and man enough to smell out a cheesy manipulation and to say no.
I have to agree that I do not think any advert has ever persuaded me to buy something, however much I might like the advert (and there are – or have been – some good ones). However, I have seen adverts that have DEFINITELY put me off buying the product. Not sure that that is what is supposed to happen.
Ads rarely have a positive influence on me in the way that the company probably intends, but some can sure have a negative one.
It’s very rare for me to be persuaded to boycott anything of use, particularly because, as a conspiracy theorist, I’ve come to suspect that corporations like Gillette and Audi sometimes walk into these doors on purpose or under orders. You’d have to be pretty far-gone along the conspiracy track to believe that. Since I am far-gone along the conspiracy track, I do believe that corporations take hits to be good globalist citizens.
Consider Sarkozy’s truly outrageous declarations promoting globalism when he was president. He could scarcely have gone further. Staqggering that the Elysee wasn’t torn apart. Other leaders, including the oafish, empty-headed plutocrat Turnbull, didn’t go quite so far, but they went too far to leave any doubts. It’s clear that governments feel they do more than enough. Giant corporations are expected to do their bit for the destruction of nations, families and anything that smacks of the natural or traditional. Lack just a few percent of the full set of globalist values and you might, as a business, cop worse than just lost sales.
When there was a boycott of French goods after Chirac’s bomb (right in our backyard eight thousand kilometers away) I went to Peters of Kensington with my sister to help her pick out a full Cristofle service at nuclear markdowns. And if there are some blades going cheap at Big W I might grab a few.
Boycott globalist values and the slave media which pump globalism’s infernal messages round the clock. Luciferian bargains are no bargains at all.
I would have thought men were the major customers for shavers? However Gillette’s toxic feminist marketing department has decided that women
are the buyers and this preposterous virtue signalling will switch women shoppers over to Gillette. Men who do their own shopping will switch off Gillette in an instant, so it is all a huge marketing gamble by Gillette. Nothing at all to do with reality, right, wrong, behaviour. Just profit from denigration and sexism presented as caring.
Anyway we are in a world where the Eurovision song contest winner is a man in a dress with a beard, so a big worry for shaver manufacturers. Perhaps Gillette could introduce a line of trans shavers which work as well on a beard as on your legs? It’s surely better than insulting your customers.
Uni-shavers? Or T-shavers? Shavers you could use on a tram, for tram s*xuals.
Has anyone noticed the tolerance and violence perpetrated in Hollywood productions of late? Man on Woman, where woman is a highly trained practitioner in the art but still! The violence condones that women can take it…I do squirm a big amount with this.
I agree with you Jonesy
I enjoy this website a lot more when it focuses on science and leaves this pap for other sites.
There were bugger all “statistics” just a whole bunch of single observations. If the green blob produced this rubbish we would pull them up on it for the rubbish it is.
You can do a lot better than this Jo, please do better.
Dean the green blob came up with this rubbish and it’s increasing by the day and will continue until someone starts to call it out for what it is .
I have never been violent physically or emotionally to a woman and therefore I have nothing to apologise for , I open doors , I let them go first in the cue etc etc and not from some misguided view that they are the weaker sex , but because I was taught manners .
so I object to the premise of toxic masculinity.
There is no excuse for violence against anyone including women and children .
Agree Entirely
“I have never been violent physically or emotionally to a woman and therefore I have nothing to apologise for, I open doors, I let them go first in the cue etc etc “
Ditto. !! (Only ever received one “get stuffed” look from a harpy)
As you say, Robert, the whole “toxic masculinity” meme is an invention.
Yet another leftist ploy to cause dissention, to split society.
Sure, some people are toxic, violent, and always seeking confrontation.
Domestic violence happens both ways, in different ways, not just physical.
It shouldn’t, there are better ways of solving “disputes”.
Physical violence is never an excuse. (Maybe in physical self-defence)
Intentional provocation and deliberately attempting to antagonise, have no excuse either. Right, pfutz.
I have no problems at all with calling it out for what it is, but do it in a scientific manner.
I like to think that, as is shown in countless surveys discussed on this very website, that the general public sees through the green blob hysteria. They think like you do – I have never done these terrible things, its just someones rant and I have nothing to apologise for.
How does putting up a bunch of horrible things perpetrated by women add anything remotely meaningful – except to people with an axe to grind or a jaundiced view of things. People rightly come to exactly the same conclusion as you do – I haven’t done that so I have nothing to apologise for. Its just ridiculous shouting at the other camp.
Collecting a group of anecdotes about a woman doing x or y is irrelevant.
Its descending into the mire the green blob inhabit. Please don’t let a decently scientific debate become hijacked by a bunch of irrelevant issues like the green blob has done with things like income redistribution and gender issues.
Dean you can’t argue science with this lot they are motivated by faith and ideology.
I’m with Dean on this, but the editor probably has her reasons.
More often a homemaker dad,
Is mocked in a modern day ad,
As a bit of a dope,
Too clueless to cope,
So let’s hope it’s a short passing fad.
Oh my….The Bill Leak of limericks.
Had a quick flick through the original add after mistakenly checking out the “newly released” version.
Not sure what the fuss was about. Did I miss something?
It seemed to give some good examples, very quickly, of praiseworthy masculine interventions.
You have a point there KK.
Has any actually seem the original ad? Not I, I have to admit.
I have, it’s not the imagery that is the problem, it’s the implication that men need to become this , implying that we are not already like that.
Real men are naturally protective, masculinity is NOT toxic.
Good point.
My comment was made too hastily.
I viewed it very quickly and took it as a statement, a lesson.
Trouble is that it’s an add and I wouldn’t sit and watch it.
It’s intrusive and condescending.
When it comes to brands that don’t align with values, I ask people to remember the Boycott on Kellogs.
It’s been a while since we’ve seen the King Gee man on telly. Now it’s just “Charter boat? What charter boat?” and other similar ads where the bloke is made out to be a DH.
Oddly, that King Gee TV ad is still one of my favourite TV ads of all time.
“Fill the bilge?”
“Yeah! I even wound up the winch.”
And the styrofoam dinghy.
Classic Ad.
Link to TV Ad
Thanks Tony, I hadn’t been able to get into either of the subject videos but “Don’t backchat me…” more than made up for it.
King Gee is my man
do they make XXS ?
King Gee.
Has a sort of symmetry with
Queen Aye.
Imagine this being made today.
I find a sick irony in how feminist have done their best to destroy traditional notions of masculinity where it was considered masculine to defend and protect women and treat them like ladies, substitute it with their own notions of what masculinity is, label it as toxic and then work towards destroying that. Masculinity is not toxic, it is noble, protective and self sacrificing. We don’t need less masculinity, we need a return to traditional masculinity.
Dont rant, just do something (as the liberal luvies like to say)
I have ditched my Gillete Mach 3 razor and refills in favour of an old school double edge razor and blades. I will not buy another Gillete or P&G product will my ar$e points to the ground. For those interested P&G products in Australia include:
Ambi Pur
Head and Shoulders
Old Spice
Oral B
avoid them if you can
I thought Cascade was now part of Coca-Cola. ?
Best to avoid Cascade beer, any way.
When I first started shaving, I made the mistake of buying Gillette blades. They didn’t last and always nicked my skin. So I tossed them. I found Wilkinson Sword (then made in England) to be excellent: one blade lasted three months and they never nicked me. In 1984, after leaving the NZ Territorial Army, I stopped shaving and wore a full beard until last year. I went back to daily shaving because of a developing skin condition.
I discovered very quickly that in all those years, Gillette hadn’t improved at all. I’m currently using some Made-in-China disposables which are about half as good as the old Wilkinson Swords. They last six weeks instead of twelve but at 0.8 dollars per razor, they’re still acceptable value.
We should be just one species, all identical. No race, no colour, no gender, no differences and all with exactly the same stuff. Utopia?
If nothing else, it would be exceedingly boring.
Like Dolly the sheep, but 7,000,000,000 Dollies.
I’ve said quite frequently lately: ‘If the Almighty had wanted us to be and act like clones, that is how He would have created us’. He didn’t and we shouldn’t be forced into sheeplike thinking and behaviour.
If we’re going to talk about toxic femininity, we should include its most evil manifestation. In America today, the Democrats are seriously suggesting that third trimester abortion is legalised. That’s right, THIRD TRIMESTER. That would, as the Democrat who authored the bill was forced to admit live on camera, include during childbirth. For me, this represents the growing power and influence of the ‘Sisterhood’s’ most evil leaders – the extreme feminist movement. For them, abortion is the ultimate expression of feminist power over men – the power to kill a man’s child, even if he wants it to live.
Oh and if you’re thinking third trimester abortion is only going to be allowed in extreme cases, such as massive deformity, the bill’s author also admitted that one acceptable reason would be that the birth of the child would “harm the mother’s physical OR MENTAL health’. Loopholes don’t come any bigger and I don’t believe this was an oversight.
Seen this last night and was horrified at what the Democrat was saying , as far as abortion goes it’s an issue for those with a womb and keep politics out of it .
It’s murder as far as I can see…a fully formed human-being, living and breathing. King Herod, here we come.
In the most recent episode of Star Trek Discovery, a baby was beheaded ( no, I’m not making that up ) so, Annie, maybe we are already there.
Why stop there? Toddlers can be annoying, as can adolescents.
Since Gillette obviously find men so utterly abhorrent, maybe they should stop making products for men. They can instead make products for women – at a premium price of course -since they obviously find female a far more acceptable gender.
The ad represents an utterly unjustified demonisation of 50% of society on the basis of gender. I for one will never under any circumstances what so ever, ever purchase a Gillette product, even if it the only brand on offer and I am desperate. And I don’t mean for 6 months or so, I mean for the rest of my life. It is necessary to take a firm stand against sexually based vilification and harassment.
They might as well have committed financial hari kiri.
The thing about the Left though, is they will throw whatever it takes into the fire to achieve thier aim.
Thing is, its gone off in thier faces. Serves them right.
graham dunton – comment #1
thought I posted the following already, but can’t see it on “Unthreaded”, so will post it here with updates.
2 Feb: WUWT: UK Climate Change Committee head, @lorddeben facing calls to resign over what appear to be ‘colossal’ and ‘scandalous’ conflicts of interest
by Anthony Watts
David Rose exposes another apparently corrupt green politician:
Tory peer in £600,000 conflict of interest: Climate Change chief John Gummer faces calls to quit over payments from ‘green businesses’ to his family firm… READ ALL
3 Feb: Breitbart: James Delingpole: Climate Alarmist Lord Deben Accused in £600,000 Conflict of Interest Scandal
Christmas has come unusually early this year for British climate sceptics thanks to a magnificent scoop by the Mail on Sunday‘s David Rose…
behind paywall:
4 Feb: UK Times: Tory peer Lord Deben in row over £600,000 green payments
by Billy Kenber
A Tory peer is under pressure to resign as chairman of an influential climate change quango after his private company was paid hundreds of thousands of pounds by green businesses. Lord Deben, the former agriculture minister John Gummer, is chairman of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), a statutory body set up by the government that has supported spending billions of pounds subsidising environmentally friendly technology.
He and his family own Sancroft International, a sustainability consultancy that has received more than £600,000 from businesses that have benefited from these subsidies.
A newspaper investigation alleged that Sancroft’s clients have included several companies and campaign groups that have benefited from policies pushed by the CCC, which Lord Deben has chaired since 2012.
Clients have included Johnson Matthey, which makes batteries for electric cars and paid Sancroft almost £300,000 from 2012 to 17. The CCC has backed electric cars and Lord Deben has called for the government to speed up plans to make all new cars battery-powered. Lord Deben’s lawyers told the newspaper that “allegations of conflict of interest and other improprieties are wholly false and misconceived”. He had “at all times, made disclosures in accordance with the advice he has been given by the House of Lords and CCC”…
so far nothing showing up online from Guardian, ABC, Fairfax, BBC etc:
Twitter: Bob Ward, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at LSE
TWEET: Bob Ward: 28m ago: It is rather sinister how @mattwridley, @wattsupwiththat and the other attack dogs of climate change denial are trying to put pressure on @RHarrabin to promote their propaganda.
TWEET: Bob Ward: 37m ago: It is very amusing to see a clown like @wattsupwiththat tell anyone else that their credibility is being tested!
Re-tweets Roger Harrabin:
Credibility? … etc LINK WUWT TWEET
from replies to Harrabin:
Clive Best: Why don’t you simply look up the accounts in Companies House?
Jonathan Bullock MEP
Roger – please play the ball not the man- @DavidRoseUK is, like you, a journalist so deal with the facts of the story @mattwridley
TWEET: Bob Ward: 1h ago: If anyone was in any doubt about what an enormous hypocrite @mattwridley is in his hounding of @lorddeben, they should read this official @UKHouseofLords report about Viscount Ridley’s failure to properly declare his financial interests: …
the only other coverage found so far:
4 Feb: EnergyLiveNews: Jonny Bairstow: Lord Deben hit by conflict of interest claims
A newspaper investigation claims the peer’s private firm has received £600,000 from green businesses
What amazes me, is in the opening line, that women do the shopping! I mean, really? You trust your wife to choose/buy your razor?
I wouldn’t! My wife would just buy the cheapest, sh****iest razor she could find!
No, I buy my own, thank you very much!
(Oh, and I don’t use Gillette!)
4 Feb: SMH: How Queensland is being soaked by an ‘unprecedented monsoonal burst’
By Peter Hannam & Nigel Gladstone
Here’s how it has happened – and why…
All up, that tally reached 1052 millimetres, according to the Bureau of Meteorology. (By Tuesday morning, that tally had grown by another 37 millimetres, while the nearby air weapons range copped another 176 millimetres.)
The total beat the previously weekly high from January 1998 of 886 millimetres although that event included the “night of Noah’ when a record daily tally of 548.8 millimetres fell…
“This event is just an unprecedented monsoonal burst,” says Grace Legge, a senior meteorologist in the bureau’s extreme weather desk, adding that many stations are likely to set multiple-day records…
What effect is climate change having?
The Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO’s latest State of the Climate report notes “northern Australia has been wetter across all seasons”, particularly in the north-west. Much of the Cape York region is also among the places getting wetter.
With global warming, the atmosphere can hold about 7 per cent more rain for each degree it heats up…
Professor Nott says peer-reviewed research is showing that in north-east Queensland, rainfall events are dumping more rain, particularly in storms.
“We certainly know rainfall variability is increasing,” he says, adding that means more periods of big highs and big dries for rivers…
One possible plus from the extended wet spell over northern coastal Queensland is that the risk of another coral bleaching event may have receded…
3 Feb: BBC: Australia weather: Townsville warned as floodgates open
Townsville has received more than a metre (3.3ft) of rain in just a week.
That is more than 20 times the average for the time of year – beating the previous record set in 1998, in what became known as the Night of Noah…
Josh Bavas, a reporter with ABC News, posted a video showing floodwater pouring through a shopping centre car park…
4 Feb: BBC: Australia floods: Crocodiles seen in ‘once in a century’ waters
“This is unprecedented, we’ve never seen anything like this before,” said Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.
“It’s basically not just a one-in-20-year event, it’s a one-in-100-year event,” she said…
January was the hottest month on record for Australia as a whole, with the southern city of Adelaide reaching a record 47.7C.
The heat has sparked bushfires, including more than 40 blazes on the island state of Tasmania which have been burning for over two weeks.
Extreme temperatures have also caused a rise in hospital admissions, widespread power outages, and reports of mass wildlife deaths…
BBC thought it worthwhile to post ABC’s Josh Bavas’s ridiculous video!
TWEET: Josh Bavas, ABC:
The car park at CastleTown shopping Centre is flooding in Townsville as water levels rise
getcha pluggers on: That car park floods every time there’s heavy rain
Lord Skelper: If that’s Australia shouldn’t the water be going up the stairs?
Kathleen Patrick: Ah the good old underwater carpark at Castletown. A classic water feature of the ‘ville!
TWEET: Allyson Horn, ABC:
Not sure that I’m super keen to buy land here at the moment. But you know, 1 in 100 year event and all …PIC
Fiona Lake: The sign advertising Elliott Springs isn’t sitting on site. Elliott Springs used to be more aptly called Rocky Springs – it’s on a hillside between Alligator Creek & Townsville. It’d be very well drained.
Jackie Fox: I dont know, your good for 100 years now…..or not
Nicholas O’Sullivan: @ABCmediawatch A bit eager to share a picture without confirming the location of the development.
laugh at Flanagan:
5 Feb: Guardian: Tasmania is burning. The climate disaster future has arrived while those in power laugh at us
by Richard Flanagan
Scott Morrison is trying to scare people about economic policy but seems blithely unaware people are already scared – about climate change
Five years ago I was contacted by a stranger, Prof Peter Davies, an eminent water scientist…
The night we met Davies told me that the south-west of Tasmania – the island’s vast, uninhabited and globally unique wildland, the heart of its world heritage area – was dying. The iconic habitats of rainforest, button grass plains, and heathlands had begun to vanish because of climate change.
I was shocked. I had understood that climate change’s effects on Tasmania would be significant but not disastrous; the changes mitigated by Tasmania being surrounded by seas that were not heating as quickly as others: the island’s west would get wetter, the east a little warmer and drier, but compared to much of the world it didn’t seem catastrophic.
But it wasn’t so. Tasmania’s sea waters were warming at two to three times the global rate…
Two years ago the then treasurer Scott Morrison picked up a large lump of coal. Perhaps he thought it was a great joke for Australia at the expense of a few weird outliers like the Greens and the global scientific community. Or perhaps Morrison wasn’t really thinking anything. Perhaps the greatest error of journalists is thinking people at the centre are more than they seem. The problem with people like Morrison, the true terror, is that they may be so much less…
He waved the piece of coal around like it was the sacred Host itself, he swung it high and he brought it so low that for a moment it was as if a wildly guffawing Barnaby Joyce seated next to him might lick it. How they laughed! The ranks of the Liberal party assembled around and behind, how they all laughed and laughed that day…
Scott Morrison’s proudest boast is that when the barbarians were at the gate, he stopped them. But now the truth is clear: the barbarians were never at the gate. They were always here, in the palace, in power, and they were blinding us with their lie that the enemies who would destroy our world were the wretched and powerless who sought asylum here. And all along our real enemy was them: those who held up lumps of coal in front of their throne, and laughed and laughed and gloated won’t hurt you won’t hurt you.
But it is…
Laugh at us all, Scott Morrison, you and the others who sit with you, grinning fools at the entrance to hell. Laugh and laugh as the ash falls soft as silent despair.
Since the Republican Comstock Laws of 1873 crashed the economy while making a chain-gang offence of so much as talking about birth control, mystical Republicans have marveled at the uppity reactions of the women so coerced. Women had no vote in 1873. Gratuitous attempts to rewrite the Constitution, bring back Comstock laws and force women into involuntary labor have garnered nearly enough votes to threaten the Libertarian Party plank that became Roe v Wade. These engendered an almost Newtonian reaction to the attempted initiation of force. Fully half of U.S. voters in 2016 supported planks to tax, prohibit and hobble energy generation every bit as ignorant, superstitious and drastic as Republican attempts to create new legislation to single out and bully women. Surprised?
The worst nightmare for Gillette marketing is the response to their ads of “meh this G shaver ad is so boring- I fell asleep cant remember brand name”. Enough people say that and those marketing people will lose their jobs and they stop the Pc. They want to talked about boycotts do their job.
I gave up on those overpriced Gillette products. Found cheaper brands that provide a great shave. So I can’t really damage them because they lost me years before they exposed their true colors.
Even though that Gillette ad wasn’t aimed at the Oz market, thanks to the net it may as well have been. It’s assumption that male = guilty annoyed me so much I wanted to boycott their offerings. So I tried Schick razors instead and found to my delight that they seem to shave better. All these years! I wish I’d changed sooner.
Brilliant post Deano! I feel as though I know you intimately.
Another thing – the Gillette campaign is an example of theory outscoring reality. As with global warming theory, it seems truth must be pummeled and twisted around until it fits some precious theory. In this case the theory is “No publicity is bad publicity”. So Gillette paid someone to come up with an ad that is sure to infuriate their core customer base. This gets everyone talking about what a bunch of so-and-sos Gillette are, which leads to more exposure and thus more sales.
Yes, the theory really is THAT stupid!
This weird principle is repeated in other spheres too. There is a certain Australian sports administrator who has worked as the ‘CEO’ of several different popular sports in Oz over the past 20 years. Everything he touches turns to crap. And yet more sports bodies are clamoring to get him.