Donald Trump quoted Patrick Moore this week — the skeptic with an ecology PhD who was once a Founder of Greenpeace. So Greenpeace leapt to do some damage control on their brandname and created more damage instead. They promptly tweeted that he was never a founder and is a paid lobbyist. (And what is Greenpeace anyway if not paid lobbyists?)
If they’ll lie about their own history, what won’t they lie about?
Thanks to Anthony Watts for finding the tweet and reminding us of things we posted long ago.
Greenpeace tweet in 2019:
Greenpeace history page in 2007:
Patrick was not only one of the first five, but he was their only scientist.

The Greenpeace site on February 25th, 2007. (Click to Enlarge) @Greenpeaceusa
For 40 years of Greenpeace history Patrick Moore was called one of the five founders of Greenpeace. He traveled on the first Greenpeace boat trip. Thanks to the Wayback Machine we know that sometime in March 2007 he fell off the Founders list.
Just Greenpeace copying their Soviet idols.
Other Greenpeace starring moments:
- Greenpeace is coming:“We know where you live.”
- Unintended Consequences: Greens protect coal deposits and destroy rainforest
- Greenpeace: witchhunters with $280m dollars to spend
- Greenpeace-gate: Lead Author on IPCC was Greenpeace employee.
- When is your Green Charity too big? When it loses $5m currency trading
- BBC secret exposed: Greenpeace, activists, BP decide what “science” Brits see.
It is disingenuous of Greenpeace to say this and they probably do so on the basis of a technicality that they can point to to back their claim. The early history of GP is a bit messy with respect to who was a member and when but he was undeniably present and active and was on the maiden voyage of the eponymously named vessel. The early web page listings reflect the fact that he was indeed a founder.
Also interesting that several women, including spouses of those 5 named, were as active as any of those 5 and were there at the inception. Not very Greenpeacy to write them out of the history.
Mostly right Gee Aye.
But Disingenuous seems a bit too polite.
Disingenuous:not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
I prefer some of the synonyms; dishonest, deceitful, duplicitous, false, lying, untruthful, mendacious.
Also Greenpeace have not pointed to any technicality that supports their claims. That seem to be an invention of yours.
Peter- it is an invention created by poor writing.
I should have written, “no doubt Greenpeace will point to a technicality”, or similar. This is not to let them off the hook it’s just that with something so public and traceable they should have done their homework. It could be along the lines of he wasn’t in the room when discussion x or document y blah blah
How about atrociously mendaciously disingenuous – possibly the worst sounding three words strung together. Don’t say it out loud.
Leftist have their own logic. All that does not support them is not and all that support them is.
Too late. I said them out loud – and a rotting tree appeared.
Good onya Gee. Peter C has a point too but there can’t be a dispute here; you agree with the central point.
That’s what Communists do!
No wonder Greenpeace no longer identifies with Patrick Moore …
I do believe that is the actual point of this blog post
Thank you
To be an apostate is by far the worst crime one can commit.
Moore is hardly an apostate if the “church” has shifted from pro-environment (for human survival) to one of pro-environment (for the destruction of humanity).
Moore describes the objectives of Greenpeace as “anti-human”. Greenpeace was founded by Moore, et al. to try to stop humanity destroying itself — with nuclear weapons.
Im fascinated by this, can you elaborate please? Is Moore just a trojan horse?
An apostate is defined as someone who has left behind his religious or political beliefs or his principles.
By that definition, Moore isn’t an apostate.
If anything; Greenpeace is the apostate.
Patrick Moore: “Ultimately, a trend toward abandoning scientific objectivity in favor of political agendas forced me to leave Greenpeace in 1986.”
Have you ever notice the cars with Greenpeace stickers? They’re mostly old bangers with smoke pouring out of the exhausts and oil leaking from the engines.
As I recall they were always that way, even when I was a child. Maybe that’s how they order them new..?
Or on Froggy Citroëns (generally the deux chevaux), Renaults and Peugeot but never on Venturis, Aixams, De La Chapelles, Ligiers, Panhards or Bugattis.
They wear the sticker to show their support for the Froggys’ use of nuclear power and for the Froggys’ sinking of the GreenPiss vessels “Rainbow Wanker” in NZ back in the day when Frenchmen were Frenchmen.
Oh, Moderation.
The truth will out!
Sorry. Which word was it?
Driving a car to the end of life is more environmentally friendly than the manufacture of a new one and particularly so if you count CO2 emissions. HOWEVER THE CAVEAT IS THAT THEY MUST BE WELL MAINTAINED. Meaning they should not be poorly tuned and belching smoke.
Thanks Rick,
I went to your site.
A lot of research there. Very good.
Tearing down the nonsense, one post at a time…..jump in now and have some fun….
50 minutes ago
Fantastico! Well educated and motivated young people sending a clear message to our elected reprentatives. Soon you will be courting their vote.
zz tt
27 minutes ago
I hope not.
Funny how the serious kids are still at school…….whereas…..”
1 hour ago
“Okay, the question below was obviously too hard.
The answer is.
Of the 0.04% of CO2 in the atmosphere,, Australia produces 1.3%.
Electricity is responsible for 33% of the CO2 Australia produces.
Coal power provided about 70% of that 33% of electricity.
Can some bright Climate Change Scientist please check my calculations:
> Australia is responsible for 0.0000052% of the CO2 in the atmosphere
> Of that 0.0000052% of the CO2 in the atmosphere from Australia, electricity is responsible for 0.00000001716%
> Of that 0.00000001716% of the CO2 in the atmosphere, that is from electricity, Coal is responsible for 0.0000000000012%
Can one of the school kids protesting check this is right, they are protesting about Coal & Climate Change.
COAL in AUSTRALIA is responsible for 0.0000000000012% of the total CO2 in the atmosphere!!!!”
What does maths and the current school curriculum have to do with each other?
If the alleged victims meet the emotive criteria check list then its declared factual.
I got a look of astonishment today when I multiplied
20 X 48
Had to point out that I was of a generation that was taught to do things like that
haha…i know my check out bill before I get to the counter…but then Im a Northerner from the UK
I wonder how many of these students, who say the future is theirs, will bow to the demands of their own children (if they have them).
Shades of “Tomorrow belongs to me”
Original Steve, your calculations are off by a factor of about 20, since humanity only contributes about 5% of the 0.04%….!
Actually, humanity has only contributed about 5% of the increase from the plant subsistence level of 280 ppm
So only 5% of 0.013%
Aus might be responsible for 1.3% of the global emissions. Not 1.3% of the atmospheric content.
If Murry Salby is right then Humans are responsible for about 5% of the annual increase.
beyond Orwell:
15 Mar: Daily Caller: Tucker (Carlson) Wonders What Jeff Zucker Did To Earn ‘First Amendment Award’
by Mike Brest
Tucker Carlson wondered aloud on his Thursday show exactly what CNN’s Jeff Zucker has done to deserve the First Amendment Award he was given Wednesday at the Radio Television Digital News Foundation’s First Amendment Awards ceremony.
VIDEO: 3min29sec (approx 1min40sec – Zucker (paraphrasing): whether you like Trump or you don’t, one thing we in this room can all agree on – Donald Trump has made American journalism great again.
Interesting post I came across.
New research by academics from the School of Art & Design (SOA&D) and the Australian National University Climate Change Institute suggest that winter will disappear and a ‘new summer’ will emerge in Australia by 2050. They predict that sustained temperature peaks well above 40ºC will become normal. The researchers created a tool to help citizens who are not climate scientists visualise and understand the implications of climate change for future generations. Even though the research specifically focuses on Australia, the issue of climate change is discussed globally.
Meanwhile in Sweden, 16-year old climate activist Greta Thunberg has just been nominated by lawmakers for a Nobel Peace Prize. According to those who nominated her, she was chosen because “the climate threat may be one of the most important causes of war and conflict”, and that the movement that Thunberg set in motion is “a very important peace contribution”.
Some interesting points here.
A few days ago, one of the “independents” standing against Tony Abbott said we have 12 years to fix climate change. In other words, the sky is going to fall in in 2030. A schoolgirl protester in the UK said something similar. I would have thought they would be waiting a year or two longer with nothing happening before they extend the time by a few years but it seems that 32 years is the new timeframe for the sky to fall in.
The other point is the 16 Year old being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. I recall in November 2007, Al Gore was in Norway to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for something similar and it seemed like a couple of days later he was in Bali for some climate change meeting. Of course, the CO2 that was added to the atmosphere from his travels did not get a mention. And 12 years later nothing out of the ordinary has happened, climate change catastrophy is still being predicted, and another Nobel Prize nomination has been submitted for work to stop climate change.
G’day Maptram,
Re your first paragraph:
There was an article on that tool published in “The Land” here in NSW yesterday, March 14, on page 17.
The article “New climate tool predicts end of winter by 2050 on mainland” has an addendum section “DATA SOURCE” which includes:
” It uses the highest global emissions pathway modelled by scientists, which assumes emissions continue to rise and accelerate.”
The only truthfull part is “assumes”.
Sorry I don’t have a link. Paywalled.
Dave B
They’re slipping.
They’re about 12,836 years too early.
link to the tool
So many pairs of crystal balls…
… and yet they STILL can’t even find any empirical proof that human CO2 has affected the global climate in any way whatsoever.
Its all NONSENSE, pfutz !!
There is ZERO-science behind any of this. !!
This pompous bit of nonsense was discussed and executed thoroughly in WUWT a few days ago.
No need for any of us here to disinter the corpse !
WUWT must be true /sarc off
Its all BoM ACORN2, a complete fabrication.
The plateau in temperatures for two decades proves beyond reasonable doubt that CO2 does not cause global warming.
why choose 20 years?
Because it has been two decades since the 1998 El Nino, temperatures have been flat even though CO2 levels have greatly increased.
Look for observation of global warming happening now. Do you think this is a signal?
Climate is 30 years, any less is weather. 1998 was a record year for sure but the following El ninos have been getting hotter and hotter with one exception, which was the next one after 1998. But choosing 1998 as your start year, knowing that it was a record is hardly going to give you a true picture now is it. You choose the one exceptional year and then say well look its way cooler every other year. What would happen if you choose 1999 for example, or 1996?
Let’s chose a few hundred million then Fitzy. Remember the Carboniferous age? Didn’t think so, neither could you have heard of it otherwise you wouldn’t be spouting such drivel. Back then CO2 was some 10x higher than today, probably more and obviously no runaway greenhouse or we wouldn’t be here talking about it.
Huge forests “sequestered” all that CO2 and died, turning to coal. We’re now putting that back into the atmosphere from whence it came, but we can’t keep up because current plant life is eating it all again as we make it. The oceans and volcanoes put out far more than we ever could, and that’s just for starters.
Lately there’s been a big kerfuffle about the ancient Siberian volcanic event. That likely spewed out incalculable amounts of CO2 and what happened..? Again no runaway greenhouse. Aww.. What a shame for you green Socialist murderers.
Ancient ice core data from many parts around the globe proves that atmospheric CO2 rise lags warming by some 800 years. There’s an excellent post here at Jo’s about it. I’m sure someone could supply you with the link, because murderous and profiteering Marxists such as you wouldn’t dare look. Besides, Socialists like you are lazy. You’ll wait for the state to “Neducate” you on it.
Fitzy, how many times have your ilk cherry picked a start point for their argument?
Every time. Look further back at what they’re hiding and you’ll see that the green blob Bolsheviks are deliberately lying again. From what I can tell, you have no sense of decency, fact or empathy.
So what Revolution. That is the asinine comment of the day. I’m asking why choose a 20 year interval based on one exceptionally warm year (1998), and you are off with the geologists. By the way in the 10X C02 era what was the dominant vegetation?
Oh, for Goodness sake Fitz.
Just give us your empirical evidence that shows how man-made CO2 is the predominant driver of global warming, and be done with it.
Stop prevaricating.
Cook’s escalator.
We should be looking at jet stream behaviour as the most likely candidate.
33 years of the last 40 have been during ZERO-TREND periods
The ONLY warming during the last 40 years has come from the 1988 El Nino event and the 2015-2017 El Nino transient, now basically decayed.
There is no evidence that “climate change (trademark)” exists
There is NO empirical evidence that humans or human released CO2 has affected the global temperature or climate in any way whatsoever.
A zonal jet stream created the global warming of late last century.
A wobbly jet stream will create weather extremes in mid latitudes, its a global cooling signal.
To: el Gordo
It is misleading to start any temperature
comparison with an El Nino heat peak,
such as the one in 1998 or in
late 2015 / early 2016.
An El Nino peak is local, temporary, and
has nothing to do with atmospheric
CO2 levels.
If you want to be honest about the
average temperature, you could start
with 2003 and say the temperature
did not warm as of the end of 2018.
That would be a 15 year flat trend,
based on UAH weather satellite data.
To AndyG55
No one knows what caused the
warming from 1975 to 2003.
Declaring it was not CO2 is
just as wrong as declaring
it was CO2.
Most important is there’s nothing
in the temperature record that
could not have been caused by
natural forces — nothing extraordinary
that even suggests human influence !
At the same time, CO2 has been proven
to be a greenhouse gas in lab experiments,
so assuming it had some effect in the atmosphere
is a reasonable assumption.
However, the actual warming effect of CO2
is unknown, ranging from mild warming
to no warming (aka too small to measure).
Real climate science has a lot of unknowns,
including the future climate.
The “Climate Change Cult”
seems to “know everything”,
including the future climate,
except their climate model predictions
have been wrong for 30 years.
People who make such wrong predictions
don’t know everything about climate change
— they know nothing !
We skeptics should NOT predict the future climate
… or claim we know exactly what does, or does not,
cause climate change, because they are
science questions still seeking answers.
My climate science blog.
with over 31,000 page views:
“Declaring it was not CO2 is
just as wrong as declaring
it was CO2.”
Rubbish. There is absolutely zero-evidence it was from atmospheric CO2
Plenty of evidence it was from solar energy released at 2 El Ninos, one in 1978/79 and one in 1998
The latter half of last century had the strongest series of solar cycles in over 200 years
Its the SUN !!
“CO2 has been proven
to be a greenhouse gas in lab experiments,”
WRONG, it has been shown to be a radiative gas, that absorbs and emits at certain frequencies.
The atmosphere is NOT a glass jar.
Hi Richard,
One of the good things about this blog is that people will help fill in the gaps in our own understanding. It saves doing a lot of basic learning before we come to a fuller understanding of the thing being analysed.
It’s wrong to say “maybe”, “perhaps” Human Origin CO2 heats the atmosphere “just a little bit”.
Since writing my tribute to Rudyard Kipling, IF, a few years ago, I have been made more aware of the certainty attached to the mechanism of CO2 that’s the basis of the scam.
Will Janoschka and AndyG, for example, fill the “gaps” in the physical uncertainty of the supposed CO2 “heating” process.
Prior to that I had to rely on less sophisticated physical comprehension of gases to appreciate that the whole thing was a scam.
What’s missing in the UNIPCCCCX theory are two things: the acknowledgement of the pure physics just outlined and the absence of “process analysis” by the self appointed illustrious academic elite steering the good ship “Klimate Change”.
My own focus has been on quantitative analysis but have still occasionally mentioned the idiocy of averaging world temperature and dismissing the facts that the process involves Day and then Night.
Forget CO2, what happens at ground level could be done by alternative processes like conduction.
CO2 if it has any specific effect may accelerate the cooling of the Earth at altitude.
‘That would be a 15 year flat trend, based on UAH weather satellite data.’
Agreed, but we are up on this high plateau and unless temperatures fall below the UAH line and stays there, its going to be hard convincing anyone that CO2 doesn’t cause warming.
A strong La Nina is predicted for 2020-21, hopefully this will be the catalyst.
I never said CO2 causes heating.
CO2 has the potential to slow Earth’s infrared cooling,
based on the effects in closed system infrared
spectroscopy experiments.
The actual effect of CO2 in the atmosphere
can not be determined
because there are many other variables
that could cause global warming,
and have done so in the past.
To deny the results
of these lab experiments
is to act as a science denier.
To declare that CO2 will cause
+3 degrees C. warming per doubling
of the CO2 concentration, is also
acting as a science denier, since there
is no proof or evidence of that.
Claiming that CO2 is NOT a greenhouse gas
weakens the skeptics case against
man made catastrophic climate change.
There is very little science supporting CAGW,
but the little science that exists can not be refuted.
Claiming Co2 is NOT a greenhouse gas
is claiming that government bureaucrat scientists
are 100% wrong about climate change.
They may be 97% wrong, but not 100%.
There is real science,
and there is “climate change speculation”,
which I call junk science.
Real science tells us CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
Only fools will argue that it is not.
But the actual effect of CO2 in the atmosphere
is worth debating.
There is no evidence adding CO2 to the air
has been harmful, and much evidence
it has been beneficial for our planet.
My climate science blog:
A 16 yr old nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?? That prize has become a total joke. What life experience does anyone have at age 16 to warrant this??
I would recommend Dr. Moore’s great book, “Confessions of a Greenpeace dropout”.
Of course he wrote 8 years ago before he was told he had never been a founding part of Greenpeace in rubber duckies trying to stop a nuclear blast. Brave stuff. No denial from Greenpeace. They just hoped no one read it, bought it, recommended it. None of their friends in the media anyway.
He also wrote about why he left. The take over by the communists after the fall of the Soviet Union. Then the lawyers fighting over the very valuable name and trademarks. Then the business types who could see the hundreds of millions coming in regularly for nothing much which was accountable.
What he did not see is that he would be suddenly Twitter airbrushed from the history for speaking out publicly. It fits perfectly. Trotsky? Never heard of him. Perhaps ten million just vanished in 1937/38 under Stalin, not counting the mass starvation in Ukraine. What’s one ecologist? He never was one of us.
October 29, 1971: On the way back to Vancouver, Hunter and Metcalfe proposed that upon their return, they should reconstitute the organization as the “Greenpeace Foundation“. Hunter borrowed the term “Foundation” from Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy.
November 1, 1971: Jim Bohlen, Irving Stowe, and Paul Cote met to wrap up the Don’t Make a Wave Committee. They decided that Hunter should set up Greenpeace Foundation as a separate organization, but this isn’t what happened. The Don’t Make a Wave Committee had legal standing and a surplus of funds, so upon reflection, it seemed counterproductive to start over. Ben Metcalfe brokered a deal to keep the organization in tact and turn its attention on French nuclear testing in the South Pacific.
January 21, 1972: The Don’t Make a Wave Committee resolved to change its name to the “Greenpeace Foundation” and turned over $9,678 to Dorothy and Ben Metcalfe.
May 4, 1972: The Provincial Societies office in Victoria, British Columbia registered the name, “Greenpeace Foundation.” Patrick Moore was present at the registration of Greenpeace Foundation.
The above information can be found in the book, “Greenpeace: The Inside Story: How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists and Visionaries Changed the World” by Rex Weyler.
Rex Weyler was a director of the original Greenpeace Foundation, the editor of the organisation’s first newsletter, and a co-founder of Greenpeace International in 1979.
I have read the book and if you can find a copy in your local library I highly recommend it. It destroys Greenpeace’s claims that Patrick Moore was NOT a founder.
Also via WayBack, we have this (most links are still working):
NOTE: The page above no longer exsists on the Greenpeace site – Error 404.
a dreadful massacre has occurred (could be ongoing) in New Zeaand – four people arrested so far including a woman – and it’s all because of Donald Trump and Candace Owens!
just want to note a couple of bits here about the main(?) madman, Brenton Tarrant:
15 Mar: Australian gunman opens fire in Christchurch mosque terror attack
More arrests have been made after an Australian gunman went on a shooting rampage inside a mosque in Christchurch, where he live-streaming the moment he opened fire, killing at least 27 and injuring up to 50 others.
by staff writers
The gunman has been confirmed to be Brenton Tarrant, 28, who he wrote a 73-page manifesto declaring his evil intentions.
NSW Counter-terrorism police are now investigating his background after reports the Grafton man is the shooter…
***He goes on to describe himself as an “eco-fascist”.
***“I was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before becoming an eco-fascist,” he wrote…
15 Mar: Inquisitr: Alleged New Zealand Mosque Mass Shooter’s Manifesto Praises Donald Trump As ‘Symbol Of Renewed White Identity’
by Jonathan Vankin
A mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday that has left “multiple people” dead, according to The Guardian, was carried out by at least one gunman who posted on online “manifesto” stating white supremacist viewpoints and naming prominent Donald Trump supporter and right-wing American media personality Candace Owens as the person who most inspired him to commit acts of violence.
He also praises Trump himself “as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” But he disavows Trump as “a policy maker and leader.”
15 Mar: UK Sun: ‘REVENGE ON INVADERS’ Christchurch mosque shootings – Trump-supporting ‘Brit’ gunman wrote chilling manifesto before New Zealand mosque massacres
The white-supremacist shooter, 28, who was born in Australia, said he wanted to take revenge for the ‘thousands of European lives lost to terror attacks’
by Jenny Awford
Coincidence? Interesting timing….
Duck for cover: gun laws up for debate
Andrea Vance
05:00, Nov 17 2018
“OPINION: Forget the polarising issues of euthanasia, abortion and drug law reform.
Both Labour and National are drawing battle lines over another problem, and stirring a very angry hornets’ nest: firearms laws.
“The Arms Act dates back to 1983 and hasn’t had a significant refresh for 26 years.
Police Minister Stuart Nash has requested a review of the legislation. Police will deliver their advice to him next week.
But it does get heated, and more than a little toxic. Successive police ministers have been accused of bowing to the gun lobby.
Recommendations on firearms control by Justice Thorp in 1997 were never passed into law. An Arms Amendment Bill, introduced in 2005, languished until it was dismissed in 2012.
And every year since 2010, government proposals for changes to legislation have been drawn up, and then quietly dropped.
In 2017, a year-long parliamentary select committee into the possession of illegal firearms offered up 20 recommendations. Two-thirds were rejected by then-police minister Paula Bennett, who is a keen hunter. “
Condolences to my birth country. Its nothing with arms control. Theres probably more to this than is immediately obvious.
Those people will get arms of the required sort regardless of any controls.
When the public is disarmed, only the police and criminals will have weapons. Statistically, not much difference between the two. One in 40 NSW police officers have been convicted of serious crimes – NSW Police Commissioner.
[snip] worshippers don’t tend to carry guns as they pray.
as for original Steve’s bilious attempt to find a new conspiracy… I have no words
” I have no words”
I agree, you are renowned for having nothing rational to say.
It could have been worse…an armed local chases off multiple mosque shooters… note ……multiple, so why all the media coverage on just one guy?
Holes appearing in the official narrative?
“Witnesses said they heard multiple gunshots around 1.45pm.
A well known Muslim local chased the shooters and fired two shots at them as they sped off.
He was heard telling police officers he was firing in “self defence”.
“They were in a silver Subaru,” he told police.
“Gunmen opened fire at mosques in Christchurch earlier today. Four people are in custody – three men and one woman.
Police Commissioner Bush said “there have been some absolute acts of bravery” in the arrests of the four attackers.”
Congratulations on your promotion Gee Aye. It’s quite a step up to “the adorable Gee Ayeeee.”
Only in his own mirror. !
OS said:
I was involved with the NZ Police in the NZ Firearms Licencing contracted with the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council for the licence safety lecture and testing until Nov 2015. I resigned because of health problems.
NZ’s gun laws were/are possibly the best in the world. They have been adopted since their enactment in NZ, [1982] by both South Australia and Victoria. If you want to see what our laws are like, go look at the laws in those two States.
The article is just a re-hash of rehashed stuff and is pretty meaningless: inuendo. The Police have been pretty sensible about what has been put forward in the way of amendments in the more recent past, hence the stuff Stuff says `was dropped’ was dropped because it would have served no purpose other than get in the way or it was dropped because the politicians could not see the purpose of it.
New Zealand doesn’t have an NRA as America does. Instead, the Police have initiated good discussions with our shooters associations, so there has been good relationships and consultations between both sides. The politicians have been the ones to `get in the way.’ There was a proposal from the Police to bring all air guns into the licencing scheme. This was approved and supported by all except Parliament. Some MPs couldn’t see the danger in what they thought of and called `plinkers’ so that was dropped. A young man was later shot in the chest by a `plinker’ and hit in the heart. He died. The pellet had passed exactly between two ribs. These are the firearms the Police mostly face because no licence is necessary to acquire them; just a proof of age. Over 18? Sure, what super-power spring gun would you like? Compressed air? No, sorry. PCP (Pre-Charged Pneumatic or compressed air) air guns need a firearms licence.
Some proposals have been alleged to be “meddling from Japan” but I don’t know about that. One proposal was to catalogue each licence holders firearms. Police budgets wouldn’t have supported it (National government budget cutting … and cutting … and cutting) and shooters didn’t want to support the fees envisaged, so it didn’t get much if any traction. MSSA (Military Style Semi-Automatics) are tightly controlled. Want one; first get your general Firearms licence then apply for an E-Category Endorsement for one. You will need a good reason and much improved security to obtain the endorsement.
Illegal firearms imported (eg: by/through marine traffic — fishing boats and other foreign vessels) for people unable, or unwilling to to obtain a firearms licence and legitimate firearms, are difficult to police. A Napier shooting a few years ago was by an unlicensed shooter using illegal firearms obtained in just that way.
Today’s massacre could have been carried out by high powered crossbows. Firearms weren’t necessary. Crossbows can be just as fatal at the close ranges in such shootings and are easily manufactured in a home workshop. They’re quiet, too.
I will be watching closely to see what happens.
The NZ Police Arms Code is downloadable from here.
The 2017 Arms Code can be reached here.
The Firearms Act is available on-line (NZ Legislation). It lays out what you and the Police must/can do.
The Firearms Regulations are also available on line. They are `how-it-must-done.’
Here in NJ, mishandling a Daisy pump action air rifle will get you a firearms charge, just as serious as if it had been a Springfield 30’06.
Do they make semi-automatic crossbows in New Zealand?
Reported in the Herald Sun this morning. Arden demands changes to New Zealands gun laws.
Kinda related, and never to let a tragedy go to waste, Australia is getting the ban stick out for potential speakers in this country:
Yeah … he was banned, unbanned, and now he’s banned again. Clearly the views of a gay conservative married to a black chap are way too dangerous for Australia. Tommy Robinson was also supposed to be visiting along with Milo and Gavin McInnes… you can bet your last dollar that they will meet the same fate.
Is Morrison is a homophobic racist wet Liberal greenie?
He’s going to be even handed and ban the broadcasting of those calls from the minaret the stir some to action.
Poor old Milo, doesn’t know if he’s coming or going.
Personally I’d let him back in, and then throw him in the slammer until he comes up with the $50k he owes.
But then Milo would probably enjoy a bit of confinement with the boys.
And already the “facts” are being diluted.
Is he born in Australia and New Zealand bred or a “Brit” or what?
I hate the idea of guns in a community: but even more dangerous is the presence in communities of people who are known to be seriously unstable and violent.
How much did the courts know about his past?
A tragedy, so many lives.
Awful thing that has happened, just terrible.
Your point is similar – the whole thing made me stop and think “hang on, how did someone like this guy who had this history….”
Prediction – banning of semi auto weapons, strict gun control. No prizes for guessing who is driving it. Have NZs freedoms have been a thorn in the gloibalists’ sides? Did NZ need to be brought to heel like Oz in this space?
Steve, that’s confusing.
Do you believe that everyone has the right to own a gun?
A person of sound mind should be ok to own a firearm. In many ways they are no more dangerous than cars and probably safer than taking illicit drugs.
True. Far more people are killed with knives, hammers, axes, shovels, screwdrivers, fists, feet, strangled, cars, trucks, trains, police etc. That’s just the general public and mostly not by accident. There’s only ONE religious group around the world that’s actively terrorizing every country it has access to. We all know who they are but we dare not say because we’re WEAK and letting grabbermint import yet more of those b_stards to commit yet more crimes against us innocent Austrailans so grabbermint can make yet more legislation to take our freedoms.
In recent years, we had to suffer bollards, concrete barriers and SWAT teams with automatic weapons (which we’re not allowed to have to protect ourselves) around streets where seasonal festivities are being held. That says we’re WEAK and fully accept what’s happening and therefore consenting to yet more of it. Seen France or the Eiffel Tower lately? You can’t get near it.
Wake up Oz.
I think the outcome from this will be strict Socialist gun control.
NZ will move from a country of great freedoms, to a political basket case overnight. They already have a hald left greenie PM, they just need the matching Socialist laws. I hope Im wrong, but I understand too well how these evil mongrels tick. Look beyond the convenient patsy who did this….
Just gotta look what happened around ’93 I think it was – called Port Arthur. Every other State was pretty much under the gun control thumb with an amnesty and thousands of “legal” and registered weapons were handed in by the weak-minded. Tasmania was the last holdout State.
So what happened, conveniently..?
A whole swag of stuff that was impossible for one dude that, authorities said, had an IQ of about 65. Somehow, he manages to slip the police “net” on the one road out of Port Arthur and be in two places at once – authorities said. Note that he also never stood trial.
But this kind of stuff has been going on for hundreds of years. It’s the slow boiling frog.
If any psy-ops have occurred and the people get real evidence of them existing society will be altered permanently.
this is deranged. What planet are you from?
People died and you try to twist it to suit your agenda. That’s disgusting
Yep, as usual, little nag, your comment is deranged.
And we know you are from the la-la-land of fantasies.
People die in NATURAL weather events, and the climate change scammers twist it to suit their/your agenda.
And yes, the AGW agenda and its supporters, like you, are truly DISGUSTING. !!
Look at what they have done to a bunch of NIL-EDUCATED, IMPRESSIONABLE young minds. Filled their heads with junk science and LIES…
.. and I bet you actually support this sort far-left child abuse and indoctrination. YUCK !! what sort of sick-minded person does that !!!
are you serious aye gee. not that anything you wrote made sense but your vitriol cut through
I see AngryG55 has chosen to provide further confirmation on what a nasty little piece of crap it is.
Ha! You guys are following us!
South Australia and Victoria both adopted NZ’s gun control laws wholly. They only changed/substituted [State Name] for [New Zealand.] Why? Because they work! Go read them.
The NZ legislation is available the Firearms Act 1983 here and the arms regulations 1992 here
Original Steve said: “ A person of sound mind should be ok to own a firearm. ”
Right. That’s at the heart of the NZ (and now South Australian and Victorian) gun control laws.
Enjoy your reading.
Sophocles, if you look over the last 100 years in australia, its only the last 30 we seem to have had problems, where a tiny fraction of society have become deranged. Why? I suspect there are a number of factors at work, but humanity doesnt just lose the plot overnight, so to speak……
Yep the AGW agenda and the totalitarian socialism that it is a crutch for, truly is crap and disgusting.
Those trolls that come here just to seek attention by pretending to support this agenda, are equally disgusting.
Is that you phlop.
Is that you geegee..
… are you both trying to get into bed with pfitz??
Do you really think that brain-washing semi-semi-educated gullible pre-pubescent minds with scary stories of bogus “climate change (trademark)”, is OK?
Do you really think that ???? REALLY ???
Look in the mirror, and be disgusted at yourselves.
Somewhat agree…but question about what kind of guns a person should be able to own. There is a good argument for semi-autos to be banned or seriously restricted.
Seems that one issue with the NZ shootings is the illegal high capacity magazines used. Very least there should be an amnesty on handing them in and then serious penalties for getting caught with one after that.
Phil, i suspect its not hard to manufacture in a garage at home, high capacity mags. No one bent on evil will be able to be stopped if they truly want to cause trouble. Banning such things is a feel good political pointless exercise.
I think we need to look past guns to society – guns are just bits if steel, you need a human to pull the trigger.
“There is a good argument for semi-autos to be banned or seriously restricted.”
What is that argument?
I got a red thumb just for asking a question…I guess its double plus ungood to ask questions these days.
Somewhat agree with you, Phil.
Violent people will do violent things, even with a rock or a stick. Firearms simply make the violence easier.
Firearms protect a great many people from a great many harms. Wild animals, snakes, and such. Violent people as well.
Even if firearms are eliminated, there will always be violent people with access to rocks, knives, hammers, automobiles, gasoline, axes, ice picks, ropes, hands, feet, water, poisons, sticks, etc. The point is that it isn’t the tool, it is the mindset of the person using it. That’s the real issue. Ignoring that issue is simply ignorant.
The idea that restricting magazines or firearms or ammunition will somehow lead to a non violent world is simply pathetic.
Bad people do bad things because they are bad people. That’s the question to answer. Not which tools they use.
All of this emotional focus on tools rather than motivations is mindless twaddle.
One of the concerns i have is the dim politicians kowtowing to the hysteria that always follows this sort of stuff.
After a while when people can sit back and look at stuff objectively, if they remove every type of weapon from society what do you have?
A- a Preschool for adults ( kindergarten ).
Life in the 1930s or 50s might have been tougher, but people also had backbone and gumption.
talking to friends no, no one has any right to protect them self, they should just call the police.
As the folk at Port Arthur did, allowing the police to arrive and hide. Remember that this has been tested in court, the police have no responsibility to protect anyone or risk their lives.. So they hid. For almost a day they hid – hid all night until Bryant accidentally set himself alight and ran to them for help.
According to these same folk, no one has any need of a weapon of any sort. I amused myself going about their house gathering up their knives and asked whether they had any hammers or shovels – they were not amused. Of course repro firearms are also counted as firearms actual in many of our states..
I remember my time in the Navy watching new recruits failing miserably with firearm accuracy. it’s something the British experienced after WW1 and why they flooded the country with air rifles, to allow people to learn to experience a relatively safe form of firearm and to develop the skills to use them and it worked. Needless to say despite being viewed in many parts of the world as toys, air rifles are considered firearms in oz – oh so are airsoft toys.
Next time you spot a police officer with a firearm in Australia, just think for a second you’re seeing a person who’s very likely never held a firearm license. How does that make you feel? Very very few police have them.. And yet the police are the ones consulted on firearms over anything the people have to say, the police determine appropriateness of firearm ownership (hence the farmer with 100 acres of cows being only approved to own a .22 !! See it’s all about property size according to the police..)
No, never mind you may live in an area with wild dogs or need to obtain your food off the land, of have feral pests to eliminate, as far as many (urban) aussies are concerned, no one has any need for firearms in our society and the firearms procurement process is so adversarial and expensive it almost ensures we’ll be ignorant about firearms for years to come.
Ever think about the police in WA being permitted to carry firearms in the 80’s? Think back and you’ll picture days of yore, the police had guns then – so what changed, how did they lose the ability to carry? Oh right yes, we gave them authority, power, big hats and guns and lo, seems they started shooting people a lot and so they were disarmed much as the British Police were under the formation of the New British Police Force. They were told (in the UK) that policing should be done with the support and consent of the public and not by force or intimidation. And thus the population was armed while the police were not – and it worked.. there as well as here. Of course now we regularly hear of people around Australia being shot by police. Tell me please as I do not understand.. What mental impairment, what crime, what conditions warrants an agent of the government to start taking lives? I see the kid with the scissors reported missing by concerned mental health staff was found by police – and shot – along with what was it, 3 innocent bystanders. And we think this is acceptable?
Or lets look at it another way, a report into illegal firearms I read was very interesting – the majority of them were home made. Oh and if you know anything whatsoever about firearms you’ll know it’s easier to make a fully automatic gun than almost any other kind. In for a penny, in for a pound. Gone are the days of knocking up a single shot for fun – if you’re going to make an illegal firearm, may as well go for broke. And the other – they were customs fails that slipped past our authorities or ‘lost from police custody’. ie firearms supposedly destroyed or under lock and key or somehow safely tucked away by the custodians of our safety.
So the result of the firearms control measures here have been more people shot and killed by police, more illegal firearms, more automatic illegal firearms and firearms concentrating in the hands of police and criminals. Excellent.
One final thought, in reviews done across the years on police it’s been found not once did they uphold the laws of (a) land when invaded or taken over by hostile forces – in every instance the police simply switched and did as they were asked by hostiles up to and including forming death squads. Never did they defend the country, ever. Every single time they were found to take the opportunity to increase their power and control over the population.
So yes, firearm control in oz has worked well with farmers being asked to put down cows with 22’s, school leaver police being armed with handguns, criminal gun ownership increasing and of course all we normal citizens are perfectly safe because if we see kids playing with water pistols in a park and get frightened we can call the police and they will swing into action.
Good think we’re the lucky country, we’d be stuffed if we had to rely on brains.
The really simple one that they have very little in the way of use for civilians…except for the nuttbaggers that want kill lots of people, quickly and not have to reload very often.
“The idea that restricting magazines or firearms or ammunition will somehow lead to a non violent world is simply pathetic.”
Lance, you are a fool.
“The really simple one that they have very little in the way of use for civilians”
That’s not an argument, thats just your opinion.
I had that put to me, especially as I have rated as a marksman and am quite adept at dispatching vermin one bullet per kill – and sure, if I only have one rabbit to dispose of fine.
But in the past the farmer who has a plague of goats was very happy that I could rapidly take down multiple animals cleanly before the rotten things evaporated into the bush. Wild dogs are especially tricky once they’ve got wind of you and being able to clean them up quickly beats having them lose and killing stock for weeks because you frightened the pack away with the first shot. There’s a reason for semi’s and it’s quite legitimate to have them despite what the media have said. Same too large caliber rifles, small, silent, slow, fast – they’re precision tools and you often need the right tool to do the job properly.
If you don’t think that’s the case then surely you’d be supportive of taking the 14 shot semi-automatic handguns from police?
Correct on all counts.
However, the red thumbed virtue signallers are hooked on their emotional high and cannot think it through.
phlop, your worthless OPINION is rejected forthwith.
It is the opinion of a butthead and a mental degenerate.
“It appears the shootings in Christchurch yesterday were the actions of a lone gunman, police now say”. Oh, that one again.
From another RNZ article: “Earlier today Jacinda Ardern promised changes to New Zealand’s gun laws”. Oh, that one again too, as well, also.
Have been working the past few days and thought I’d wait to see what the day after brought forth (see above, oh, that one again) before commenting. What did intrigue me was the high-altitude military plane flying south overhead Friday (to Chch?) and returning 2 hours later on the same north/south trajectory (a non-commercial flight path in these parts and huge ‘con’ trails are rare). Today, Sunday, the same thing.
Always thought it was an Antarctic-bound plane, from Hawai’i via Christchurch, carrying McMurdo Station crew/equipment, except, it only appears rarely, but when it does, things happen, ie. Christchurch earthquake 2010, Kaikoura quake 2016, Christchurch’s Ides of March 2019 (yesterday). No need to cue the spooky music – yet – working outdoors and always checking out clouds and birds and choppers and planes, ’tis easy to spot the odd one out.
I hate to tell you Greg in NZ, correlation is not causation.
You need to leave that sort of delusional alarmist nonsense to the like of Peter Fitzroy (Fitz), Philthegeek and Gee Aye.
They’re specialists.
This is possibly the stoopidest comment I’ve ever seen on this blog- and that includes AyeGees blather.
I’ve been waiting to see who will connect george Soros to this incident. You know his cabal is making people believe white supremacists messaging and then pushing them to do bad things so that the cabal benefits from the public response.
“This is possibly the stoopidest comment I’ve ever seen on this blog”
Proof that you never read your own comments.
Each of your comments is invariably stoopider than the previous one.
With a corporate memory like that no wonder thay never heard of the Streisand Effect
Today, my (school age) son didnt go on the ‘climate march’ to ‘save the planet’. His comment “good there’ll be no bozos at school today!” 😀
+100.. 🙂
Great young man…full marks! 🙂
Curiously the media stress the 2800 climate activists but never the millions who didn’t join a useless demonstration achieving nothing except publicity esp. on the ABC.
Did they not go because it was inconvenient but they were supportive anyway?
Not, just a bit more immune to the slimy far-left indoctrination.
The ones that didn’t go, probably have the ability to THINK FOR THEMSELVES.
You should try it some day.. if only you were capable !!
are you a bot?
probably not a bot, just a git talks through its own.
off you two go, hand in hand back into your sewer.
I hope you choose not to have children.
The number and vitriol of Mr G55’s comments seem to correlate with the minimum temp at the Newcastle (Nobby’s Beach) weather station. In short, the higher the minimum, the more vitriol, and greater daily frequency. As we all know, rising minimum temps have a deleterious effect on the well being of poikilotherms, as they do not get the sleepy time they need. I would suggest that this is what is happening here, and poor Mr G55 can not overcome his biology. (/sarc off)
When I was a teenager, I was thrilled to get notes with XXX kisses on them. But that was then. Not wanting to appear homophobic or anything, but do you think that this is the appropriate forum for such behaviour. It is coming off as creepy, and especially with a name such as yours, Kinky.
Em tasal.
Poor pfutz is having a mental breakdown.
Don’t know how… there zero mentality to break ! 🙂
I’m sure you will come “out” sometime soon, once you geegee, phlop get together.
Now, little incompetent twerp..
Do you have ANY empirical evidence that humans or human released CO2 has ANY affect on temperature or the climate in any way whatsoever.
run away, and hide.. or run around like the headless chook that you are.
meant “global temperature and climate”
It does trigger easily into its rapid post mode. Obviously pretty close to the dirtier end of the spectrum, but, comes across as fundamentally frightened by challenges to what passes for its worldview. Should change its crust undies, get out into the sunlight more often instead of wasting its life as a gwumpy little online twit.
Phlop, still desperately seeking attention.
What a pathetic, pitiful little worm you have become.
All you have in your life is to come here to drip slime.
GET A REAL LIFE, little trollette.
Now, Do you have ANY empirical evidence that humans or human released CO2 has ANY affect on global temperature or the climate in any way whatsoever.
It must really hurt you, knowing you are so incredibly EMPTY. !
When you are all quite finished, its cosmic ray flux.
Aww looks like he’s failed virtual signalling 101. But great work young fella.
on jo’s previous thread, I mentioned I would look for this video. watching it is better than just reading what he says. what a day!
14 Mar: Real Clear Politics: Beto O’Rourke on Green New Deal: “Literally, The Future Of The World Depends On Us”
By Tim Hains
VIDEO: 4min36sec
At a campaign event in Keokuk, Iowa on the morning he officially announced his run for the Democratic presidential nomination, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke strongly endorsed the Green New Deal, saying: “Not to be dramatic, but literally, the future of the world depends on us right now here where we are.”
“This is the final chance,” O’Rourke said. “The scientists are ***unanimous on this. We have no more than 12 years to take incredibly bold action on this crisis.”
QUESTION: Your thoughts on the new green deal?
BETO O’ROURKE: The question is on the Green New Deal, and if you don’t mind I will take the spirit of the question. We face catastrophe and crisis on this planet, even if we were to stop emitting Carbon today, right now at this moment, we know that the storms we saw in Texas, Harvey, which dumped a record amount of rain on the United States of America, as long as we have kept records, that claimed the lives of too many of our fellow Americans, flooded people literally out of their homes and businesses. Storms like Harvey will be more frequent, severe and devastating. Ultimately they’ll compromise the ability to live in a city like Houston, Texas. The droughts experienced in the panhandle of Texas, five years straight. We got rain and went back into droughts again. The same scientists say those droughts will be more profound, more severe. At a town hall like this. A young woman came in with her two children. She was skipping her son’s basketball practice to be there to talk to a Democrat though she was a life long Republican. She told me what her grandparents planted on the farm, what her parents planted on their farm, she’s now trying to plant it and it doesn’t grow. She said climate change isn’t something to prepare for. It is here.
Let us all be well aware that life will be a lot tougher for the generations that follow us, no matter what we do. It is only a matter of degrees. Along this current trajectory, there will be people who can no longer live in the cities they call home today. There is food grown in this country that will no longer prosper in these soils. There is going to be massive migration of tens or hundreds of millions of people from places that are going to be uninhabitable or under the sea.
This is the final chance. The scientists are unanimous on this. We have no more than 12 years to take incredibly bold action on this crisis. My gratitude to them for the young people who stepped up to offer such a bold proposal to meet such a grave challenge. They say we should do nothing less than marshal every resource in the country to meet that challenge, to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, to get to net zero emissions, which means not only must we emit less greenhouse gasses, we must plant things that absorb greenhouse gasses and Carbon and invest in the technology to allow us to claim some that are in the air now. Can we make it? I don’t know. It’s up to every one of us. Do you want to make it?
[ applause ]
Your kids, my kids. Ulysses, who in 2050 is going to be just about my age, will be looking back on this moment in Keokuk in 2019 and every moment thereafter to judge what we did or failed to do. Thinking about us, his kids’ lives, whether they can even breathe, depends on what we do now.
Some will criticize the Green New Deal for being too bold or being unmanageable. I tell you what, I haven’t seen anything better that addresses this singular crisis we face, a crisis that could at its worst lead to extinction. The Green New Deal does that. It ties it to the economy and acknowledges that all of the things are interconnected.
It also recognizes some communities have borne the brunt of pollution more than others. The asthma deaths we have in the United States of America concentrated in some neighborhoods, some people more than others. It wants to make sure we do our part in making this more equitable, helping communities already hurt so badly. That we ensure there are jobs available for those looking for work for purpose, for function in their lives who are succumbing to the diseases of despair.
In so doing make sure the world’s greatest superpower, its greatest democracy, and economy brings everything we have to the unique challenge. Literally. Not to be dramatic, but literally, the future of the world depends on us right now here where we are. Let’s find a way to do this.
This has probably been said by every single idiot since either the upcoming ice-age in the 70’s or even the Spanish Inquisition. Trouble is, they always have supporters that are even more stupid.
Who’s more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him..?
Tell it to Murry Salby and give him a good laugh. How soon will the Green New Deal absurdity make its entrance in Australian politics? Those school-age bozos could do the manifesto before the federal election and create quite a ruckus.
TWEETS: Steve McIntyre, Climate Audit – 14 March 2019
the “radiant sun” iconography used by Brenton Tarrant (NZ mass murderer) is insignia used by Ukrainian neo-Nazi faction backed by US in Maidan coup (Feb 2014) and even in logo of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion
2/ screengrab of radiant sun insignia taken from Feb 21, 2014 video by neo-Nazi Pravy Sektor during US-backed Maidan demonstrations that led to flight of legal president Yanukovych.
3/ a few days earlier, Victoria Nuland of State Dept (a close Hillary associate and backer of Christopher Steele) had discussed composition of puppet government to be installed after coup. Exactly what happened.
4/ in this video … (note the spinning insignia at start), neo-Nazi Pravy Sektor meet with NATO
reply: Daniel Lenz 26min ago
I believe Azov dropped the Radiant Sun by now but still has the SS Wolfsangel as its core emblem…
But… but… reconstituting reality
requires truth as a casualty,
and every guru from wa-a-ay back KNOWS
that the ‘noble lie’ is a necessity,
by raison d’etat, and ‘the state is us’
and we know what is best for you and
we know what is best for us.
13 Mar: Popular Mechanics: James Bond Is Getting an Electric Aston Martin
The world’s most famous spy is going green.
By Nate Erickson
James Bond is not an activist. There’s the boozing, the womanizing, the license to kill. More than a few submarines downed in the ocean. That mess on the Russian border couldn’t have been good for anybody. But Daniel Craig is not a typical James Bond. And Cary Joji Fukunaga is not a typical director. With that pair teamed up for the next entry in the franchise, we’re about to see another side of the British super-spy: Environmentalist.
In the still-yet-to-be-named Bond 25, 007 is taking the wheel of a £250,000 all-electric Aston Martin Rapide E, per a report from the Sun (LINK). The choice was spearheaded by Fukunaga, a “total tree-hugger,” who really wanted to see Bond upping his green credentials.
“Everybody is afraid of Bond getting labelled ‘too PC’ but they all felt the time was right to put him in a zero emission vehicle,” an insider told the Sun…
Now they are messing with stuff they shouldnt….a green Bond….shall we call the new milk float “Kermit”?
I thought no-dads (Daniel Craig) had given up and last I read reported he said: “I don’t really care” when asked who should be the next Bond. Anyway:
Who the hell is “all”? Certainly not me. How DARE that fool speak for me! A PC Bond is the end of it, much like Marvel Studios who aren’t far off creating a role around a crossdressing gender-confused superhero, just to kowtow to that mealy-mouthed group. I’m just bout done hoping things will return to normal on this planet.
I mean, what’s Bond gonna do now – talk villains into submission on the couch and offer mint slice and coffee..?
Not Bond but
” Why this blog?
Until this moment I have been forced to listen while media and politicians alike have told me “what Canadians think”. In all that time they never once asked.
This is just the voice of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio – “You don’t speak for me.” ”
What about
I thought the next Bond would be Jane Bond, a black lesbian teetotaler who rides an electric bike.
Dont give them ideas…..
It was bad enough with Dr Who going all PC…
LOL.. That’s probably being considered too.
Skeleton Technologies Ultra capacitor manufacturers of Estonia, will be pleased with the publicity an Electric Aston Martin, (
Bomb’sBond’s favourite car, will do for their sales! 🙂50
the collusion of a RINO:
13 Mar: Breitbart: Exclusive — President Donald Trump: Paul Ryan Blocked Subpoenas of Democrats
by Alexander Marlow, Matthew Boyle, Amanda House, & Charlie Spiering
Trump told Breitbart News in an exclusive lengthy Oval Office interview that Ryan blocked issuance of subpoenas to people he thinks should have been investigated on the political left, and now that the Republicans no longer have the majority in the House, people Trump says Ryan protected may have gotten away with whatever they did that warranted investigation.
Trump said that House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and his predecessor and fellow conservative Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) wanted to be tougher with the left, but that Ryan would not let them.
“Paul Ryan wouldn’t give the right to have any subpoenas,” Trump told Breitbart News. “Okay? Now in all fairness, Meadows and Jordan and all these guys, they wanted to go tougher, but they weren’t allowed to by leadership.”….
the collusion of the MSM:
14 Mar: Daily Caller: John McCain Associate Had Contact With A Dozen Reporters Regarding Steele Dossier
by Chuck Ross
•David Kramer, a former State Department official, revealed in a court deposition that he had contact with a dozen reporters regarding the infamous Steele dossier.
•Kramer, a longtime associate of John McCain, was BuzzFeed’s source for the dossier, which alleges a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Kremlin.
•Kramer provided the dossier to CNN’s Carl Bernstein, as well as to several government officials, including Obama National Security Council official Celeste Wallander and Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger.
An associate of late Arizona Sen. John McCain described in detail his contacts with a dozen journalists and several government officials regarding the infamous Steele dossier, according to a transcript of a court deposition unsealed Thursday.
David Kramer, a former State Department official, said in a deposition on Dec. 13, 2017 that he provided a copy of Christopher Steele’s dossier to reporters from McClatchy, NPR, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and BuzzFeed and CNN’s Carl Bernstein.
He also shared the report with State Department official Victoria Nuland, Obama National Security Counsel official Celeste Wallander and Illinois GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger…
In the deposition, Kramer suggests that Steele and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson sought to use him and McCain as conduits to pass the dossier to the FBI…
Kramer said Steele asked him to meet with CNN’s Bernstein and BuzzFeed’s Ken Bensinger.
BuzzFeed published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017. The website made the controversial decision hours after CNN, in a story co-authored by Bernstein, reported that then-President-elect Donald Trump had been briefed on the salacious allegations in the dossier on Jan. 6, 2017.
“I met with Mr. Bernstein at Mr. Steele’s request. And I believe Mr. Bernstein had been in touch with Mr. Steele and so Mr. Steele asked me if I would meet with him and talk with him about it. Since Bernstein was in the U.S. and Steele was in London,” said Kramer, who was an executive at the McCain Institute.
He said he met with Bernstein on Jan. 3 or Jan. 4, 2017.
Kramer said he also met Mother Jones’s David Corn, The Guardian’s Julian Borger, and Washington Post reporters Tom Hamburger and Rosalind Helderman. Kramer also said that ABC News’s Brian Ross showed him a copy of some of Steele’s memos.
Kramer’s contact at McClatchy was Peter Stone, a reporter who worked on two debunked stories about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen that are based on allegations from Steele’s dossier.
Kramer said that two of the reporters, Corn and Borger, appeared to have inside knowledge about McCain’s plans to meet with Comey regarding the dossier.
Fusion GPS attempted to plant the dossier with various news outlets prior to the 2016 election. Simpson, Fusion’s founder, met with New York Times reporters, as well as Yahoo! News reporter Michael Isikoff. Corn and Isikoff were the only two reporters to publish stories before the election sourced directly to Steele’s reports…
***Kramer Deposition by Chuck Ross on Scribd
14 Mar: The Hill: The damning proof of innocence that FBI likely withheld in Russian probe
By John Solomon
If President Trump declassifies evidence in the Russia investigation, Carter Page’s summer bike ride to a Virginia farm and George Papadopoulos’s hasty academic jaunt to London may emerge as linchpin proof of FBI surveillance abuses during the 2016 election.
The two trips have received scant attention. But growing evidence suggests both Trump campaign advisers made exculpatory statements — at the very start of the FBI’s investigation — that undercut the Trump-Russia collusion theory peddled to agents by Democratic sources.
The FBI plowed ahead anyway with an unprecedented intrusion into a presidential campaign, while keeping evidence of the two men’s innocence from the courts.
Page and Papadopoulos, who barely knew each other, met separately in August and September 2016 with Stefan Halper, the American-born Cambridge University professor who, the FBI told Congress, worked as an undercover informer in the Russia case…
Page, an avid biker, rode his mountain bike on Aug. 20, 2016, to a Northern Virginia farm after being invited there by Halper for a casual Saturday visit. Page met Halper weeks earlier when invited by Halper’s assistant to a Cambridge academic conference. The two corresponded by email around the time of Page’s trip to Moscow and arranged to meet in Virginia.
By the time Page arrived at Halper’s farm, he had been rattled by media calls during the prior week in which reporters alleged having information that Page met with two senior Russian intelligence figures in Moscow. The reporters suggested his trip might have been part of a larger plot to coordinate with Russia to benefit Trump’s election as president…READ ON
Notice that there was plenty of evidence of Dummocrat collusion with Russia during the elections and plenty more criminal activity by them as per Hillariously’s deleted emails? But all we hear from the media is Trump and Russia. Once this schit comes unravelled, I’ll be pushing for the media moguls to be jailed for collusion and slander.
have seen this excerpt from the gunman’s manifesto but, so far, only OpIndia seems to be reporting it:
15 Mar: OpIndia: Terrorist who attacked New Zealand mosque said China is closest to his political and social values
The manifesto was uploaded on document sharing website Scribd by Matthew Keys, an independent journalist based in San Francisco, but the document was later removed.
by OpIndia staff
The manifesto was created on January 21st and was updated yesterday before the shooting took place…
The journalist confirmed that the document was not removed by him…
However, the terrorist says that he is not a conservative since conservatism is corporatism in disguise. To the questions of whether he is a ‘left-wing’ or a ‘right-wing’, the terrorist has no answer in particular and to both, he says it depends on the definition that people attach to it.
He says that depending on the definition attached to Socialism, he could certainly be one. He says if the definition means workers’ ownership of the means of production, then it would depend on who those workers are and what their intent is and who currently ‘owns the state’.
To the question about whether he was a fascist, he says “The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China”…
He says that when he was young, he was a communist, then an anarchist and finally, a libertarian before coming to be an ‘eco-fascist’…
I searched for “shooter manifesto” and it came up, so I downloaded it to read later.
He explains his motives at length.
I read part of it on Michael Smith News. It struck me as rather too articulate for the way he described himself.
Somebody wrote it for him?
Is there an international back-lash starting?
Who is the Soros on the extreme right?
The ABC has described him as a “white supremacist” and condemned “white nationalism” and that’s the line the MSM are running with of course. That and gun control. A psychiatrist however is calling his motivation narcissistic, nothing more, based on his manifesto. No mention of white supremacism or nationalism. An enthusiasm for Communist China is hardly indicative of white supremacism.
Australian M****** leaders are taking advantage of the situation by condemning it as white nationalism and I****ophobia and calling for the government to crack down even further on anyone who calls out the excesses of their religion.
The standard excuse for members of that well-known religious group with a long history of similar outrages, following the dictates of that religion, is always that they were a lone wolf with mitigating mental health issues, but when an actual lone wolf Caucasian does it, it is suddenly white supremacism and white nationalism. Is the term “white nationalist” not racial vilification disallowed under Sect 18C??? Are whites not allowed to stand up for themselves? We already can’t say the “I” or the “M” or the “Ab” words without getting into trouble. A religion is a “race”, but an actual race isn’t?
Get ready for the cliché attack too: 3, 2, 1 — Je suis Christchurch. I can hear the insincere cry coming any minute now. Never let a good massacre go to waste. Like all politicians Ardern will use tragedy for her own political ends. Expect an erosion of real freedoms in the name of “defending freedom”.
Since I was a teenager and discovered the joys (or not, didn’t really appeal to me) of smoking alternative foliages, it pretty much dawned on me that the Rainbow Warrior’s purpose was really an excuse by the Greenpiss hippies to cruise the oceans on other people’s money choofin’ weed. I don’t believe they ever achieved anything of worth. I mean, fossil fuels saved the whale, the motor car saved the horse and us from the filth in the streets from dead horses and their leavings. The horse and cart age was awful.
All that really happened to Greenpiss was they were overtaken by the old Marxists looking to revitalise their cause and using green camouflage to hide their true intentions, all the while profiting from the experience. Parts of the world have woken up to this green terror, and removed their charity status. Now we just need everyone to starve them out too.
Spot on. )
‘….overtaken by the old Marxists ….’
Interesting perspective, do you have a link?
IIRC I read it on WUWT a while ago, likely came from Patrick Moore’s book or it was a connection Peter made because Marxists invaded the green movement as a camouflage for their agenda, naturally flowing into Greenpiss from there.
“..connection Peter made..”
Correction: “Patrick”. I’m so crap with names. Gimme a number any day..
I’ve found names to be easier to remember when they’re attached to boobs
🙂 +10 to you sir..
Worth reading
“The mechanisms used by the left to shut down counter arguments are at every turn, which is a large part of what Stephen Hicks discusses and explains. And there I was just having finished the book, sitting on the train exchanging points of view with a trio of school girls on their way to the demo on global warming – they were carrying their protest signs which is why I even got into this conversation since I don’t normally talk to anyone on public transport. My only point to them was that they have never read anything by someone who is critical of their beliefs, that they have only read people on their own side who mis-represent our arguments. (They tried the riff on me that how could I know what they read, but you know what, in this case I absolutely do know.)
“So who should we read? they asked, in their typically insincere snooty and scornful public-school-arrogant way. So I said, Ian Plimer, who was naturally an unknown to them. An Australian, I added. So who have you read? they asked. So I replied, Al Gore. And they said, who is he? You do have to laugh.
“And then, on top of everything else, they accused me of being “an old man”. I would have pushed the alarm bell and called the anti-ageist thought police but they had to get off anyway. A good time was had by all, specially me. And let me add that there was an Asian woman I was sitting with – half my age but twice the age of those young maidens – who laughed with me at them when they got off.”
Ian Plimer is a very fine recommendation but of course they’re not stocked in the bookshops, one must order them.
his books I mean
Seems hey made it to the Qld library system
There used to be copies of two of his books at the Mt Barker library here in SA.
Both were got rid of recently along with 90% of all the non fiction collection..
Pardon the length of this article; but here’s a comment I posted to Tamino’s “Open Mind” website on this very topic in 2014, in response to his attempt to erase Moore from Greenpeace history. (Emphasis added 2019)
Note I said ‘Posted to” not ‘Posted on”, the comment was never approved for the faithful to see.
I’m writing about your article “Who founded Greenpeace? Not Patrick Moore.”
Tamino, you say “I would love to hear him (Moore) explain this one”.
He did so back in 2010. (1)
You can easily disprove this claim by Greg Laden on Scienceblogs (2). Just go to the Greenpeace website,(3) or the Wikipedia article on Greenpeace(4).
Laden claims Greenpeace was founded in 1970. Greenpeace itself disagrees. On their website they claim 1971 as their founding year. (3 Ibid)
They identify the activists who sailed on the Phyllis Cormack as the founders of Greenpeace. Moore was one of those activists, on that sailing.
Their website identifies that trip as the birth of Greenpeace. Moore was on that trip. He provides a screen capture of the organisation’s website as of 2007, which lists the dozen people on board that ship. (5) There were journalists, crew, scientists and three Greenpeace members including Moore himself, explicitly listed as a Greenpeace member.
Laden’s fallacy is his identification of the embryo organisation that grew into Greenpeace with Greenpeace itself. That might perhaps be arguable; if it weren’t for the fact Greenpeace itself doesn’t think so. Or that the predecessor group had a different goal, membership and name. That goal was solely and explicitly to oppose the American underground nuclear test at Amchitka (6).
Moore has many achievements each of which entitles him to be called a co-founder of Greenpeace:
He was a director of Greenpeace International from its very first day.
He was one of those who conducted the negotiations that created Greenpeace International.
He was president of the predecessor (and subsequently subordinate) organisation of Greenpeace International, the Greenpeace Foundation, before Greenpeace International was formed.
He was a member of the Greenpeace Foundation from its very first day in 1972.
He was a member of the predecessor organisation, the Don’t Make A Wave Committee before it was called Greenpeace.
He was one of those responsible for the organisation calling itself Greenpeace(6).
He was one of the three people Greenpeace later identified as Greenpeace members who participated in the activity Greenpeace calls the birth of Greenpeace.
Even if we ignore all the above, and disagree with Greenpeace itself, and grant Laden his premise, it is still not inappropriate to call Moore a founder of the Don’t Make A Wave Committee, given that he was an active member (as a researcher) for the organisation before its first ever public protest action. (7)
Moore’s 2010 article was in response to the first draft of this Orwellian attempt to make him an unperson, produced by a naïf who did not appreciate the difference between the Phyllis Cormack and the Rainbow Warrior, which Moore was also on. This attempted rewriting of history is an affront to the intellectual integrity of those who practice it and those who are subjected to it. We don’t love Big Brother.'t_Make_a_Wave_Committee
14 Mar: Sara Carter: Former Obama Officials Ordered By Judge To Answer Judicial Watch Questions
A federal judge ordered multiple senior Obama Administration officials, State Department officials and former Hillary Clinton aides Thursday to provide answers under oath to questions requested by Judicial Watch after a roughly four year court battle.
Judicial Watch, a leading conservative non-profit watchdog group, announced the schedule of depositions in their case in a press release Thursday. The Judicial Watch questions regard two separate cases regarding the Obama administration’s actions during the Benghazi terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate and CIA Annex in Libya, and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to send classified government emails…
District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered senior officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap – to respond under oath and submit the answers in writing to the questions provided by Judicial Watch. The decision from Lamberth was made this past January…
Written questions under oath are to be answered by…READ ON
plenty now reporting a trip Tarrant made to Pakistan last year:
He appears to have made money trading Bitcoin, and then spent some time travelling the world from 2011 onwards, when he visited countries including North Korea and Pakistan as well as Europe.
there’s a Facebook entry/pic in the following:
Did Brenton Tarrant visited pakistan in October 2018???
Additional reading on a “black restart” scenario for the UK.
UK has taken notice of the AU grid issues and is at least having a conversation about how that might play out in the UK.
They estimate a minimum 5 day blackout. Unless there is a pre-approved and pre-positioned response plan with adequate training and commitments, 5 days is, shall we say, quite overly optimistic, bordering on nonsense. Especially if anything goes wrong and equipment is damaged.
It is a good read on some aspects of black restart issues. Just touches the surface. But better than continued avoidance of the facts.
If one is further disposed to learn more, might I recommend:
The Grid: US Blackout, 2003. Interesting to see how the cascading failure happened and how the grid is operated.
Black Start Preparedness and Studies
I suppose Australia does not have a Civil Contingencies Committee to give policy advice on the increasing likelihood of the need for emergency responses such as Black Start.
I daresay one could poll all the state and federal parliaments in the country and not yield a handful of members with any recognition of the term.
The figure of speech “they do their arithmetic in the dark”, typically descriptive of climate scientists, will inevitably become reality as the pursuit of ever higher renewable energy targets continues.
Ain’t life grand…
I just noticed this quote elsewhere, interesting:
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker tweeted that he learned of the attack “with horror and profound sadness.” “The European Union will always stand with (hash)NewZealand and against those who heinously want to destroy our societies and our way of life,” he wrote.
Pinnochio. So he’ll be standing against Merkel, the EU Commission and the UN will he?
The media coverage of Christchurch is appalling.White guilt.Christian guilt.Hearts go out drivel etc. I’m going fishing.
good…hope you hook up a mako. 🙂
You can’t make it up LXXVII – the internet never forgets (28 jul 15)
For years, contained the revealing statement
“Freedom of speech does not apply to misinformation and propaganda.”
Eventually, they changed this page to redirect to, which is currently an appeal for money.
But the internet never forgets:—the-internet-never-forgets
The Left treat “1984” as an operations manual, not a dystopian novel.
Quote from “1984”:
SYME had vanished. A morning came, and he was missing from work: a few thoughtless people commented on his absence. On the next day nobody mentioned him. On the third day Winston went into the vestibule of the Records Department to look at the notice-board. One of the notices carried a printed list of the members of the Chess Committee, of whom Syme had been one. It looked almost exactly as it had looked before—nothing had been crossed out—but it was one name shorter. It was enough. Syme had ceased to exist: he had never existed.
Hokey schtick huckster Michael Mann weighs in …
“Patrick Moore, who falsely claims to be a co-founder of Greenpeace, claimed that the “climate crisis” is “Fake Science” and that “carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”
If Mann somehow thinks CO2 is NOT the building block of all life, he’s thicker than I thought. Carbon has always been known as the building block but without atmospheric CO2, plants die and so does everything else, including him but excepting maybe anaerobic bacteria.
This is your future and it’s scary , also check the quote at the bottom which actively promotes a more radical approach to environmentalism.
So companies have adopted corporate personhood, notably in the USA, it’s not a stretch to give it to other non-human entities
Companies didn’t just adopt legal personhood, they have had it since Roman law under Justinian and throughout the West ever since.
corporates in roman times ?
Yes, corporate entities known as universitas, corpus or collegium.
Good news then, the environment could easily acquire those exact same rights.
Great, the environment will be able to sue those evil, demented people that are trying to limit its supply of atmospheric sustenance.
There is, as you well know, absolutely zero evidence that human released CO2 does anything at all except supply extra sustenance for the world’s plant life.
“Corp-oration” is Latin for “the dead speaking”. A “person” is a corporation and only exists in the legal system. Hue-man is the colour of man and likewise only exists in the legal system, also defined as a monster. They are all below Man in the heiarchy the legal system fully understands. Only God is at the top.
But the purpose of corporate person-hood was to hold a corporation accountable, at a time when one must be ‘guilty’ to be found culpable in law. If we give the environment legal person-hood, the deaths it causes will be murder.
Who do we sue when heatwaves, storms, tsunamis, lightning, wildfire, avalanches and cold-snaps kill people? The environmental movement in their capacity as agents?
‘…..the UN has described as an impending “planetary catastrophe”.
Bogus nonsense, that won’t happen, the planet is safe.
Humanity is endowed with a powerful brain and the only animal with a moral backbone. This is no coincidence.
Russian scientists have apparently reversed the flow of time in an experiment they conducted on a quantum computer.
The finding is unlikely to lead to a time machine that would work on people. But the team of physicists managed to restore IBM’s public quantum computer to the state it had been in just a moment earlier, according to research published Wednesday in the journal Nature Scientific Reports — a nuanced result, but one that could have striking implications for the future of computing, quantum physics, and our understanding of time itself.
The obvious nonsense comment is that the climatologists could go back in time to erase history.
Important questions are,
How much energy does a computer use to do such research?
How much energy do the supercomputers use the predict weather and model and predict climate change?
Do those supercomputers operate on renewable energy or do they require a stable and reliable fossil fuel energy?
There is no doubt Patrick Moore is a co-founder of Greenpeace, using Greenpeace’s own criteria. Here is the evidence, (gathererd from around an hour or two on the net-you can check the references below for yourself). You can’t and shouldn’t schange history just because it’s inconvenient.
The Greenpeace website still says Greenpeace was founded in 1972-the year after Patrick Moore joined. (Better save it before they realise their mistake, because they contradict it elsewhere).
“Irving Stowe died of pancreatic cancer on 28 October 1974, aged 59 – only two years after Greenpeace was founded. ”
But they also say elsewhere that the entity that became Greenpeace was already in existence ‘for a year’ by the time Patrick joined-in 1971, as an entity called ‘Don’t Make a Wave Committee’, this entity was formed in 1970. (They say this to try and argue he wasn’t around when “Greenpeace” formed, which was actually 1972, not 1970).
“Patrick Moore applied for a berth on the Phyllis Cormack in March, 1971 after the organization had already been in existence for a year.”
“In 1970, the Don’t Make A Wave Committee was established; its sole objective was to stop a second nuclear weapons test at Amchitka Island in the Aleutians.”
The voyage Patrick went on was in 1972, and Patrick applied for it in March 1971, and was accepted. His application was to the ‘Don’t Make a Wave Committee’, so the name hadn’t yet been formerly changed to Greenpeace, (although it lists both ‘Don’t Make a Wave’ and ‘Greenpeace Canada’ on the reply).
Also of particular note, is they give special mention to 4 “founders” on the above “founder” webpage-one of whom also responded to an ad in the paper-David McTaggett. (This ad was also likely made by the ‘Don’t Make a Wave Committee’).
“Responding to a newspaper ad placed by a newly-founded group called Greenpeace, the Canadian-born former entrepreneur promptly renamed his sailing boat “Greenpeace III” and set sail to confront a French nuclear weapon test.”
So, David is considered a “founder” when responding to an ad by a newly formed group called “Greenpeace” (likely ‘Don’t Make a Wave committee’), whilst Patrick is not. Hmmmm………
Inconsistency anyone?
Odd coincidence the shooting by Brenton Tarrant occurred on the same day as the climate action march.
Beware The Ides of March.
The gunman did mention a “target-rich” environment … 🙁
I hate it at times when I’m right.
Pretty much as predicted.
And heres one we prepared earlier….watch how fast it goes through, which means it was ready to go…..ahem….
Yes. It’s always predictable. The knee-jerk politician reaction to be heard and seen to be “doing-something” has begun. I want to see/hear/read and think through what is going to be proposed, before I will comment.
I notice the PM (Taxinda) didn’t mention, in the list of dates of legislative changes which didn’t make it, what the changes were and why they didn’t make it It was all the stupid ideas which were dropped. The one the Police wanted, and which we, the so-called “Gun Lobby” wanted was dropped by the Pollies. (See my post above about “plinkers” )
Heh: I’m a member of “The Gun Lobby” whatever that is … 🙂
The main television channel is agonising over yesterday with repetitive analysis, repetitive anguish, repetitive apologies and other breast-beating. It’s disgusting — so undignified. I’ve fixed that by turning the telly back off.
The rigidity of views held by those on this site is amazing.
Yes! Anyone living away from the city on a farm or similar needs a gun.
Yes, if you were living in much of the US, you may feel the need for a gun even in the city.
Why conflate those obvious essentials with the general concept that it is better to live in a society where Guns Aren’t Needed!
The U.S. is a special case where the pioneer spirit of having a gun for protection is still there.
Australia, by contrast, has no such gun culture, except out back where police might be a long way away.
Guns in suburban areas mean death to someone, even if it’s a suicide.
Firm agreement on that on KK.
And yup, there are legit needs and uses for guns in some parts of the world. Type, quantity and eligibility to own seem to me the debatable issue.
Clearly, the situation in the US is way over the top stupid in terms of gun ownership. I can see, historically, where that comes form, but that doesn’t mean its not a fwarking stupid situation that shouldn’t be changed.
Something like NZ happens and its natural that gun laws would be examined for adequacy against current context…pretty much like any law should.
I disagree. If your a hunter and luve in the city, what then?
Like i said, we were fine for 70 years, so what has happened to society recently? That is the issue…
2012 Midi-Pyrénées massacre;
2014 Kano bombing
2015 Charlie Hebdo;
2015 Porte de Vincennes attack;
2015 Paris attacks;
2016 Brussels bombings;
2016 Nice truck attack;
2017 Westminster Bridge attack;
2017 Manchester Arena bombing;
2017 London Bridge attack;
2017 Barcelona attacks;
2017 Turku attack;
2017 New York City truck attack;
2018 Liège attack;
Maybe you can draw a conclusion or two from this short list that might answer your question?
No Politicians were harmed during the perpetration of these attacks.
No but their heads should have all been on spikes on the nearest bridge the day after the attacks for allowing and promoting the well known cause of the attacks, rather than excluding it and quarantining the west from the worst of 6th century behaviour in the 21st century.
When a disease is rampant you don’t deliberately import it into your country and then nurture it to allow it to root deeply, then blame and denigrate the public for their calls to eradicate it.
Here’s one for you rad lefties on here.
Yes, the person on the right, dressed in a khaki tent, with his security bag and token beard, looks culturally at home in Christchurch.
Methinks Greenpeace believes that their lawyers can defend against flagrant defamation. Unlike Australia, neither Canada nor the USA appear to have laws to protect the less well-heeled against defamation.
Never try to sue Greenpeace for anything less than US$100million. Anything less is “small change” for the enterprise.
Canadian logging company Resolute sues Greenpeace
Energy Transfer Partners Sues Greenpeace
I am glad that I live in a country with strong gun laws and restrictions on who can own or use military assault type weapons.
I strongly supported Howard as Pm to do this in the late 1990’s.
It’s a real pity that New Zealand did not do the same. Their current gun laws laws are slack in my opinion. And find myself in rare agreement with the ABC !
New Zealand’s homicide rate is lower than Australia (0.9 vs 1.0)
It’s gun related death rate is virtually the same (1.07 vs 1.04)
“I am glad that I live in a country with strong gun laws and restrictions on who can own or use military assault type weapons.”
What is the definition of a “military assault type weapon”?
..a rile is just a club. Sorry – “rifle”.
According to the Dummocratic anti-“**gun” lobby, anything that looks like an M-16 (Colt AR-15), looks like it belongs only in the military or has a pistol grip including a stock. But they’re cagey enough to not mention the Tommy gun which fits that criteria too. The Colt AR-15 is basically an M-16 but only has semi-auto capability, unlike the M-16 which has up to full-auto. The M-203 is an M-16 with a 40mm grenade launcher attached underneath. My favourite weapon. I also liked using the old Bren machine gun for its sheer accuracy during full auto firing. That’s why they got rid of it tho.
** – If the army taught me anything, a “gun” is artillery, like a Howitzer, not a “pistol”, nor a “machine gun” and neither is a “rifle”.
The ones that killed 49 people in Christchurch in a matter of 20 minutes.
You could do that with a semi-automatic pistol…is that an assault weapon?
The practiced could fire 20 aimed shots per minute with an SMLE (bolt-action rifle). That includes reloading (two charger clips).
A muzzle loader could achieve 49 aimed shots in 20 minutes.
Sorry, but it’s not the weapon that does the killing. Many lower IQ people – if they have it in their nature – will run riot with ANY weapon given the chance and I’ve seen it with my own eyes. But without ammunition, a rile is just a club.
It depends on the culture too. From my point of view, Americans are much more trigger-happy than Aussies, and so would Africans be if they could swap their machete’s and witch-burning beliefs for a decent M-203. In certain American States, it’s mandatory for everyone to carry and likely because they recognised their high gun culture and decided that mutually assured destruction would be a deterrent. Gun crime is rare in those States. It’s NOT the gun that kills, but the mentally lazy deranged fool pulling the trigger.
A voice of reason at last , Military style was supposedly meant for semi automatic firearms but didn’t go as far as to nail down a concrete definition and left the interpretation up to each state bureaucrat who was in charge of such decisions.
So there are firearms that are single shot only , banned because of a fixed picatinny rail or it looks like a semiautomatic.
Genuine reason for owning a firearm doesn’t include self protection for civilians.
Firearms are basically tools with various calibers used for various reasons it’s not a one size fits all which is why a lot of owners own more than one type .
You don’t use a hammer to remove a screw and you don’t use a screwdriver to remove a towball etc .
“In certain American States, it’s mandatory for everyone to carry…”
I don’t know of any US States that require everyone to carry a gun, but but I do know of a few US cities that have mandatory carry laws. Which states are you referring to?
I will be blunt. The Yanks are dopey idiots having & accepting a constitution that virtually prohibits decent gun laws.
Mass shootings in the USA are a matter of public record..
In Oz we have not had one mas shooting since Port Arthur in 1996.
Probably that is why Tarrant went on his killing spree in New Zealand and not here. There but for the good gun laws we have in Oz, could have gone us.
The only thing I have difficulty accepting, with regards to Pres. Trump, is his approach to firearms.
But maybe he sees it as an unchangeable situation and has just gone with the flow.
Human nature being what it is the communities we live in are better off without guns. The proviso there is that we have good, trustworthy governments.
And that’s a whole nother issue.
Yes KK but as in what’s happening in England you can’t ban knives and if you managed to do that it would be something else and so on .
Guns don’t kill people , people kill people and without availability to one weapon the disturbed and criminal element of society will just find another way be it knives , cars , bits of wood or steel , golf clubs , axes , poison , spoons and god knows what else even rocks .
Try banning that lot !
Ok, lets knock this moronic simplicity on the head shall we. Its a ridiculously irrelevant quote but often trotted out by morons.
Guns, particularly semi auto’s with large magazines FACILITATE and make possible the killing of greater numbers of people in a short period of time in a confined space. Pretty much what happens in when the RW nutbaggers OR religious terrorists decide to let their insane inner bitches out to play.
Gun control measures WONT make these types of attacks a thing of the past, but they WILL save lives by reducing casualties.
To compare rapid fire guns with:
in this context?? Its the mark of the loon writ large.
You obviously haven’t read my posts or if you have you’ve deliberately dismissed what I said.
I talked about the ideal situation.
I acknowledge that in parts of Australia the police won’t protect you or provide support until after you have been killed by people who should be in government sponsored seclusion away from decent people.
Areas of Sydney and Melbourne come to mind.
It’s largely a breakdown of political will to punish and isolate wrongdoers. Perhaps some of our present judges and magistrates could be locked up with them to gain some perspective.
What I’m saying is that guns aren’t the answer: what’s needed is for the courts to protect us.
Unfortunately, where that fails: as it does in the U.S. and invaded Europe, and parts of Sydney and Melbourne and Alice Springs only then might guns be needed.
It disturbs me immensely to see people advocating guns and ignoring the real issue.
The real issue is the absence of political will to protect decent citizens.
Do you think that votes are considered more important than our lives? Most politicians put votes before lives.
The idea that every household will have guns is bizarre because it ignores human nature.
Thank you. That needed saying KK. There are too many places where it’s been shown to be true.
I’d agree with that, but there’s more to it and it deliberately looks like that. It wasn’t long ago that a mass of Südanese in Victoria terrorised a neighbourhood. The police just stood around while one of their cars was destroyed, all the while these imported b-stards chanted “the police can’t touch us”. And they didn’t. Not a single arrest was made. You’d have to ask yourself why. It would have been a doddle to call in an entire force from neighbouring districts.
I believe it’s a deliberate act by grabbermint that when they import this jungle mindset (including Middle East) into the country it’ll create friction, hopefully civil unrest and retaliation (NZ anyone?). This would “require” a raft of new “laws” to control the “situation” (people), which will ultimately remove more of our freedoms. I mean, it worked with the US Patriot Act after 9/11. Once you have such “laws” they’re almost impossible to repeal because they’re just so useful and profitable for grabbermint.
Sorry to disagree big-time KK.
Protection AFTER the event is not protection, it’s mopping up and that’s all the courts can do. They can reduce reoffending if they have the will but they cannot now and never will be able to stop crime. They are the 3rd line of defence. By the time it gets to court it’s too late. You, the victim, are already dead.
The police are the 2nd line of defence and are mere political creatures who can reduce crime but not stop it. Where politics gets in the way as in VIC with police following the directives of Desperate Dan, they will do bugger-all to protect you, or British police turning a blind eye to ethnic rape gangs, or German police bringing just 3 charges against several hundred perpetrators of the New Year’s rapes in Cologne a couple of years ago so as not to stir up dissent against the perpetrating “refugees”.
And remember: when seconds count, the police are only hours away. Eg. an elderly woman in a nearby town was broken into on a Sunday arvo, rang the police; they turned up 2 hours later. The place was ransacked but she wasn’t hurt luckily. Note that — LUCKILY — not by good management of law enforcement.
You are the 1st line of defence for yourself and your family. Self-defence should be grounds for inflicting grievous bodily harm on someone who breaks into your house in the night or whenever. It becomes their choice to get injured/killed if they know what might await them. Currently our laws prohibit the use of firearms in self-defence, even in the unlikely event that you own one. Two police can shoot someone with a 4 inch knife 20 feet away and call it self-defence, but a home owner has to get stabbed and can then only use “reasonable force” to disable a crim.
I have already had one try to break in at night, but I stopped him at the back door. The coppers turned up half an hour later. I no longer own a firearm, but I do own a machete (until that becomes illegal too) and I swing it well. Anyone that comes at me in the night will go home minus a limb and I have no compunction about swinging it.
Like the old adage says: a man with a gun is a citizen; a man without a gun is a subject. That holds as true in a modern society as in a frontier society or a revolutionary society. You don’t need assault weapons with 30 round mags; a nice little pump action shot gun will do me. Be glad you aren’t living in the EU where gun laws are being tightened even more — now why would that be??? Lots of subjects there to oppress who won’t be able to fight back against Merkel’s paramilitary Brownshirt force currently being assembled, combining the German police and the Wehrmacht.
Beowulf @ 3 3 1 3
I don’t understand: “sorry to ,,,”.
Again, you haven’t read my posts and appear to be misrepresenting what I said.
Again to Beowulf,
Have just re-read your comment and am very concerned that you are misrepresenting me.
My earlier posts on this are very clear and I suggest that your comments need to be repeated Urgently to your local MPs.
In the meantime buy several guns.
Any politician who tolerates home invasions should be held to account , until they start doing their job, buy a few guns.
I’m not the bad guy here.
I can just remember a time when criminals were hung for crimes against the community.
Why has that stopped: to buy votes with faux compassion.
Re read my posts, including previous threads.
Many shootings in Autralia since 1996 Port Arthur killed only handfuls (3, 5 people), but are still classified as “mass shootings”. Then there was the January 2017 Melbourne car attack that killed 6 and wounded 30. Again, It’s not guns that do the killing and again, without ammunition rifles are just clubs.
But what if Tarrant in NZ was forced to stare back at 49 loaded weapons (they’re NOT “guns”) trained at his head? I bet the toll would have been far less – except for Tarrant himself. Those that died had no way of protecting themselves. If you disarm the populace then only the police and criminals will have weapons. Yet somehow you call those “good gun laws”?
Just wait until you suffer a home invasion from your favourite local Apex gang Bill. Let’s hope your “good gun laws” protect you and your family.
“The Yanks are dopey idiots having & accepting a constitution that virtually prohibits decent gun laws.”
The US constitution does not prohibit gun laws but it does prohibit banning private gun ownership for no reason at all. That provision of the US constitution exists because the US had just fought a war to throw off a tyrannical government and knowing how important private gun ownership had been to making that effort a success, they felt it was important to ensure that guns would be available to private citizens should the need to throw off a tyrannical government once again arise.
OK, I’ll bite. What would you consider to be decent gun laws?
The United States Constitution seems to bother you for some reason. Why?
Only let our guvuhmint masters and the criminal underground have guns ? I dunno about that, everyone in the realm should have the right to self defence. If I had to walk home at night down a dark and un policed alley, I’d be happy to have my pair of licensed silver duelling pistols with me… guvuhmint masters say ‘no,’ not even a capsicum spray to use in the event of an attack! Training for gun licence should be mandatory, lock up procedures to protect from the kids, other than that, I’m a John Wayne ‘n Gary Cooper fan. 🙂
Good on you serf , the criminals in our midst just won’t register their guns no matter how many laws are passed and trying to stop one lunatic with a gun is as impossible as trying to stop one lunatic with a car .
I didn’t hear one person demand cars be banned after what happened in Melbourne, not one or France or any where else .
Plenty stabbing but no one standing on a soapbox arguing for a knife ban .
Note that registering anything, let alone “guns” (firearms, not Howitzers) doesn’t make anything safe. But you’re right, the group that don’t carry or own firearms are against them. The group that have cars can’t demand them be banned or they’d look like hypocrites. Criminals will always find and use a weapon of ready availability and those with better contacts, money and maybe patience will acquire a firearm if they want.
Look at the stupid legislation we have:
If I walk down the street with a Swiss Army Knife, brand new and in its box bought straight from Aussie Disposals, I could be done for possessing a weapon. What happens if I do the same with a block of kitchen knives I just got from K-Mart..?
Nothing. Not a peep.
People have the natural right to protect themselves. When seconds count, police are minutes away. Our masters don’t want us armed in any way and we can even be arrested for using pepper spray if the blue-lighted policy enforcers decide – ask yourself why. I’d be happy to carry a 30-shot tazer but some b-stards REALLY deserve a 50-cal, if you’ve ever been confronted by a group of louts itching for a fight so their b@lls finally drop – and that’s the only reason – to prove their virility to each other. Pathetic.
The State Police Service is exactly that – a SERVICE and a private company, just like the Ambulance Service. The High Court ruled in 2015 that if you have an ABN (Aussie Business Number) and employ people then you’re a private company.
I’ve been giggling about that decision since I read it, because that means police, courts, VicRoads (also an illegal monopoly according to the Imperial Acts Application Act), local Council (who have NO power whatsoever and are NOT a 3rd tier of grabbermint) are all private businesses and therefore require signed contracts before they can do any business with you, unless you’re causing harm or loss to another living soul and/or disturbing the peace. They’ll surreptitiously use your signature somewhere after the fact to use as your “consent to contract”.
But if others are causing you harm then you have the natural right to use whatever force is necessary to stop the attack. Although policy enforcers don’t like to admit that, because if they can’t lay charges they don’t make money for grabbermint – which these days is literally the only reason they exist. Protect the Crown’s property (YOU – if you have a birth certificate) and be a glorified tax collector.
I respect them if they respect me and sure, their jobs are difficult. But I didn’t make them sign up and they should have known what they were getting into, including the corruption within their ranks and above.
‘Nuff said.
Bill remind me what was it actually stopped the shooter in NZ?
Was it the police? Hmmm, no there were no police in there to protect anyone.
Oh, it was when one of the victims managed to wrestle a weapon off the shooter and shoot back. How about that? Arm the victim and they no longer need to be a victim.
Makes me wonder why their mighty skydaddy didn’t stop it at the door.
The comments on this topic are concerning.
What’s happening in Melbourne is symptomatic of the decline in personal safety Australia wide.
This is a serious political issue, complain to local MPs and buy a gun for protection if you are in the danger zone.
That our current idiot President, Morrison, is supporting a censure motion with the ALP against F. Anning is a tragedy that shows that ALL politicians are influencing voters like A PC drones. I don’t know much about Anning but he has the right to immediate response in reacting to the cowardly assault by the egg and phone wielding Smug Thug.
Politicians seem to side with the boy? If they don’t come down Hard on this Smartxrse then it opens the door for this type of assault on All of us.
It seems that no adults are in charge anywhere.
AOC drones.
Does anyone remember the stalker incident at the home of Bob Carr.
None of us in the same situation could have hoped for the same strong police response and “treatment” of the stalker.
One law for them and none for us.
Politics needs sorting.
All of the above – agreed.
Michael Mann’s main twitter page is full of it – check it out, but noting a bit here:
TWEET: Michael Mann:
Ooooh deniers. Did I touch a nerve? …
I’m sawee
15 Mar: ClimateDepot: Marc Morano: This is a fascist tactic’ – Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore on kids school climate strike: ‘This is child abuse of a psychological nature…Mao would be proud’…
Moore continued, ripping the adult promoters of the kids protest as “projecting your own psychosis on the children.”
“You are clearly projecting your own psychosis on the children. Self-loathing is a heavy burden. Why don’t you express it through adults rather than abusing innocents?” Moore asked…
Moore’s words were in sharp contract to former Vice President Al Gore’s comments. See: Al Gore: Kids climate strike from school was ‘extraordinary’ – ‘I don’t have words for the pride and joy I feel’ (LINK)
Sounds good.
the rest of the Michael Mann tweet comment which somehow got lost!
Frank McDonald, Former Environment Editor of the Irish Times and author of several books…
They’re becoming increasingly hysterical over the Green New Deal, and especially about the very articulate AOC and even the marching schoolkids, as they lose the argument over climate breakdown. Preserving capitalism in its raw unadulterated form is now their only agenda.
Dave Reay, Dog-fearing climate change scientist @EdinburghUni and novice Carbon Farmer.
Michael, sometimes you feel like the big brother who taps the bully on the shoulder and says ‘How’s about you pick on someone your own size’. Thank you.
on his main Twitter page, Mann re-tweets:
TWEET: Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam
Today is not just #fridaysforfuture but also the 20th anniversary day of the famous “hockey stick curve” by Mike Mann and colleagues. Here’s how this reconstruction of past temperatures stacks up to the latest paleo research, the PAGES2k project. LINK NATURE
15 Mar 2019
reply: Michael Mann:
Thank Stefan. Indeed.
TWEET: Michael Mann:
Students demonstrate around the world today to demand #ActionOnClimate. On this 20th anniversary of the Mann et al (1999) “Hockey Stick” article etc…
9h ago Mann Tweet:
P.S. Thanks kids! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate this birthday than changing the world…for the better!…
TWEET: Michael Mann replying to a tweet:
Oh, I think Trump will be served soon enough…
Mann is shifty and utterly dishonest. One of the first to be jailed in my book.
check Macron in the pic – shifty? more “most vulnerable” propaganda:
14 Mar: Reuters: World Bank, AfDB commit $47 billion to African climate finance
by John Ndiso
PIC: French President Emmanuel Macron sits among delegates at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) in Gigiri within Nairobi, Kenya March 14, 2019.
The World Bank and the African Development Bank will together commit more than $47 billion by 2025 to help African countries tackle the effects of climate change, the banks said on Thursday.
Many countries on the continent, especially those on the coast, are among the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change such as rising sea levels and coral reef deterioration.
Others are prone to more frequent droughts, desertification and floods.
The World Bank said in a statement it had pledged $22.5 billion for 2021-2025, while AfDB said it had committed $25 billion to climate finance between 2020 and 2025…
AfDB said the funds would be used to increase investment in renewable energy projects like solar power plants.
“The share of our portfolio that was in renewable energy generation between 2013 and 2015 was 59 percent but from 2015 to 2018 we moved from that to 95 percent,” AfDB president Akinwumi Adesina told Reuters on the sidelines of a U.N. environment meeting.
read all…full of ironies:
15 Mar: Scientific American: U.S. Blocks U.N. Resolution on Geoengineering
The measure called for a report on carbon capture and solar radiation management
By Jean Chemnick, E&E News
The United States joined Saudi Arabia to derail a U.N. resolution that sought to improve the world’s understanding of potential efforts to lace the sky with sunlight-reflecting aerosols or use carbon-catching fans.
The two countries were joined by Brazil in blocking the resolution at the U.N. Environment Assembly conference in Nairobi, Kenya, earlier this week…READ ALL
It’s obvious they want to destroy all life on this planet including themselves, but they’re too stupid to know. Or they know the ideas won’t be taken up and are just pushing for Socialism.
disgraceful piece of propaganda – use of children:
VIDEO: 59sec: 15 Mar: UN Environment: President Macron sounds the alarm at the fourth UN Environment Assembly
Ahead of global climate strikes on March 15, French President Emmanuel Macron spoke at the 4th UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, calling on the world to act, and fast.
Related Sustainable Development Goals
Bring on Climate Nurumberg Trials….
It’s all about Them.
March 2019: Agora-EnergiewendeGermany: European Energy Transition 2030: The Big Picture
Ten Priorities for the next European Commission to meet the EU’s 2030 targets and accelerate towards 2050
For example, the overall renewables target translates into a Europe-wide 57 percent share of renewables in the power sector by 2030, implying that wind and solar will shape Europe’s power system. And the greenhouse gas target implies that coal will need to be cut by half, gas to be reduced by 30 percent and oil by 25 percent – asking for socially just concepts for this transition.
The European Energy Transition 2030 is a political project that concerns us all…
15 Mar: HeraldScotland: Eyes in the sky will be in charge for Electric Vehicle roll out.
Scotland currently requires new EV charging points on a mass scale.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are fast becoming part of everyday life. If we aren’t using one ourselves, odds are we know someone who is, or are considering one for our next car purchase…
The growth in utilisation over the past 24 months has been startling – in December 2018 cumulative global sales passed the five million mark – and forecasts suggest that growth will continue at pace over the next decade, with the worldwide EV market worth $122 billion by 2022, and up to 40 million charging stations installed by 2030. But sustaining this rapid growth isn’t without its challenges…
One of the biggest is ensuring that charging infrastructure is installed at a pace that matches EV uptake, and in the most beneficial locations. Electric Vehicle Charge Point (EVCP) roll-out is not happening fast enough to sustain EV growth at current rates; in some areas we’re now seeing ratios of over 30:1 EVs to public EVCPs. The EV charging market is forecast to be worth £45bn by 2025, but more needs to be done to ensure the charging infrastructure is in place to enable EV growth to continue. While destination charging is – understandably – often-preferred for stakeholders and installers, it’s becoming increasingly clear that EV users prefer home charging…
14 Mar: Councils stall on adding charging points for electric vehicles
by Fiona Harvey
At least a quarter of local authorities in England and Wales have put a brake on the expansion of charging networks for electric vehicles (EVs), the Guardian (LINK) has revealed.
More than 100 local councils say they have no plans to increase the number of charging points they offer. Campaigners and politicians fear this could hinder the expansion of the UK’s electric fleet…
The findings come from freedom of information (FoI) requests submitted by the Liberal Democrats, and were shared with the Guardian.
Ed Davey, the Liberal Democrat former energy and climate change secretary, blamed cuts to council budgets for the lack of investment in charging points.
“Unless there is urgent action to tackle our out-of-control transport emissions, our environment and the health of future generations will suffer,” he said. “People deserve better. There is no doubt these councils are being hamstrung by Conservative government cuts, crippling their ability to tackle climate change…
Greenpeace UK’s head of politics Rebecca Newsom added: “The government has been far too content with cruising in the slow lane when it comes to tackling transport emissions. The car industry is restructuring around EVs, and this is an opportunity for the UK to be a leader in EVs and bring in the good jobs that come with it. But the UK needs to be a much better place to make electric cars.There is need for a new initiative to get momentum.”
the children made us do it:
13 Mar: BBC: Gas heating ban for new homes from 2025
By Roger Harrabin
Gas heating for new houses will be banned by 2025, the Chancellor has said, although gas hobs will still be allowed.
The homes will keep warm with devices such as heat pumps and with “world-leading” insulation standards.
***It’s part of a bid by Philip Hammond to address the concerns of children protesting about climate change…
15 Mar: New homes will no longer be heated by gas from 2025, government says
Fossil fuel heating systems banned in bid to tacke emissions
by Chiara Giordano
The move was one of a series of environmental measures unveiled by the chancellor in a short Spring Statement ***as he sought to address one of the major concerns of young people ahead of a second school climate strike later this week.
The Treasury also announced the protection of all the waters around Ascension Island in the Atlantic, where no fishing will be allowed.
Mr Hammond outlined a call for evidence on whether travel providers should be required to offer “genuine carbon offsets” for their customers to reduce the pollution from their journeys, and proposals to boost green gas in the grid…
Campaign group 10:10 Climate Action’s director Max Wakefield backed the move to end fossil fuel heating in new homes from 2025.
He said: “All our homes and buildings must be made efficient, affordable and zero-carbon within the next two decades to address the climate crisis. Ending the scandal of poor quality new homes is a no-brainer that’s good for everyone.”
Mel Evans, a senior campaigner at Greenpeace UK, said the plan to end fossil fuels in new homes “is vital” and welcomed the measures to protect wildlife.
But she warned that tackling the climate “emergency” required much bigger thinking.
Ms Evans added that “issues like the shoddy state of our existing housing stock and rapid adoption of electric vehicles require serious money behind serious policies” – such as banning new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030.
Dave Timms, from Friends of the Earth, said: “The nation’s children are calling out for tough action to cut emissions; Mr Hammond must listen harder to the lesson they’re teaching him.”
He added: “The chancellor should have announced a massive programme of investment in home insulation and public transport, instead of pushing the false solution of carbon off-setting for aviation.”
we’re supposed to believe non-voters and the unelected are driving this political madness!
13 Mar: UK Telegraph: German-owned Big Six suppliers plunge into the red
by Jillian Ambrose
A pair of German-owned Big Six energy suppliers have plunged to a loss as the cap on standard energy bills takes it toll on supplier profits.
The owners of Npower and E.ON UK both revealed losses for their British supply arms, which also face unprecedented competition from a growing number of nimble new entrants.
Innogy said it has been forced to cut its dividend after taking a €1.5bn (£1.29bn) writedown on Npower, which lost 650,000 customers last year.
In a seperate set of financial results, E.ON UK plunged to a loss of €1m for 2018, down from a €108m profit the year before, due to “persistently challenging market conditions”. Innogy warned investors that its UK supply business would continue to drag on profits in the year ahead after failing to offload Npower in a spin-off deal with SSE in 2018…
Thank you Jo, after watching Greenpeace Fifth Columnists for decades, I have come to the conclusion that most of them ought to spend the rest of their lives in the maximum security psych wards for the criminally insane.
our “media” still not happy EPA’s recommendation was turned down by WA Premier:
15 Mar: 9News: AAP: EPA denies carbon pressure from WA premier
Dr Hatton rejected the suggestion Mr McGowan had leaned on him to back down.
“He did not ask me to withdraw the guidelines. He asked me to consider whether further consultation was merited and I agreed with him that it was,” Dr Hatton told 6PR radio on Friday.
But the scientist admitted no premier had ever called him to reconsider guidelines in the past…
Dr Hatton said he was worried it may appear the EPA’s independence had been compromised, but stressed that was not the case.
He said the guidelines would be reworked over the next few weeks.
“Our consultation was insufficient in the first instance, and I take responsibility for that, but that doesn’t mean the direction we’re heading in is wrong in terms of advising the state government on the serious increase in emissions,” Dr Hatton said.
The WA government is not bound to accept the advice of the EPA and has gone against the body’s recommendations in the past.
16 Mar: ABC: EPA’s carbon emissions backflip after Premier’s intervention raises questions of independence
By Jacob Kagi
CHIMNEYS Photo:Rules requiring major projects to offset all of their greenhouse gas emissions have been scrapped.
But Dr Hatton admitted defeat just two days after that firm defence of his board’s decision, which had recommended major projects be required to entirely offset their carbon emissions.
“Our guidelines and our advice would benefit from further consultation and we are going to do that,” he said on Thursday.
“There are significant issues that have emerged.”…
How industry heavyweights exerted pressure…
Less impressed though were environmental campaigners, who were left questioning who was actually running the state…
But with the EPA having so quickly and dramatically reversed its policy after his intervention, questions are likely to linger for some time about how autonomous WA’s supposedly independent environmental watchdog really is.
15 Mar: AFR: The EPA boss has set the scene for a renewed clash on carbon in WA
by Angela Macdonald-Smith and Brad Thompson
Speaking after the EPA was forced to withdraw a controversial zero-carbon requirement on large new resources projects, chairman Tom Hatton said ignoring offset targets and so-called scope 3 emissions would create increased legal uncertainty around projects given the current judicial climate in Australia.
“The most immediate and obvious and historic legal challenge available is if advice coming from an authority ***like mine or a regulator or an authorisation from government is shown not to have given due regard to a factor like greenhouse gas,” he said…
***Dr Hatton said he regretted not consulting big LNG companies directly on the new guideline, a situation leading to industry claims it was “ambushed” by the new ruling…
Firebrand union leader Christy Cain attacked Mr McGowan’s intervention with the EPA after meeting the LNG giants.
Mr Cain, the WA branch secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia, said Mr McGowan was too willing to do the bidding of the big end of town…
funny how “further consultation” boiled down to not having consulted big LNG companies.
I don’t like Fraser Anning but what he’s done here is not only justified it’s hilarious.
Good, what that video highlights is the dis-proportionally violent response from Anning and the guy who put a choke hold on the kid.
Something for the police to look into.
Even that lowlife scum Anning has a right to defense, but that’s not what this was. It was retribution and the right to that outside of the justice system is questionable.
The guy did the choke hold?? The idiot will find himself in the manure over that.
And all this when RW violence is the issue? FFS is it mandatory to have a lobotomy among this lot and their fellow travelers??
With you all the way.
Back or front.
Disproportionate my butt , and I’m talking Anning here , he was assaulted and defended himself period .
The Millennial has obviously been taught that anarchy has no consequence and Anning taught him it did .
As for you Putz on your faceache page when you got your “team” sacked you feined a bit this sort of thing did you not you hypocrite of the highest order .
I’ve passed this on to the team, along with your contact details
I’m amazed they still speak to you after you got them sacked .
“I’ve passed this on to the team, along with your contact details”
You aren’t seriously trying to threaten someone, are you pfutz.
You are too much of a coward to get away with that.
Team needs a heads up so they can get the 12 round magazines of the deadly threatening eggs into the sun for a few days. 🙂
Then you can have them for breakfast, phloop.
Help with the effluent you already regurgitate.
Just imagine what would have happened if everybody was “packing”.
The fool got what he deserved and probably should have gotten more than he did.
This is Australia 2019 where cyber drones can assault their elders.
I hope Frazer Anning sues the kids parents for a wrongful nocturnal emission.
Food fight. 🙂
In Annings case he may be less offended if they had only hit him with the whites.
So you DO condone this leftist violence against Anning.
I thought so.
Making a joke out of it..
What a disgusting piece of **** you really are.
Now I’m interested.
Don’t stop there.
Accept that.
ALWAYS the leftist initiating the attack.
The guy got ht on the head with an egg, that hurts.
And the stupid little pr**k got everything that was coming to him.
Do you really condone attacking people from behind, and expect nothing to happen.
What a COWARD you are, phlopthegoop, and little putzOC is no better.
Condoning violence then complaining about the response.
What disgusting cretins you both are.
Angry, i have in no way shape or form condoned the assault on Anning. The person who egged him will no doubt suffer whatever consequences the police decide to inflict on him under the right and proper application of the relevant laws.
However……Anning and his racist scum mates have also left themselves wide open to the attentions of the police because of the response they freely chose to enact at the time.
Particularly the bloke who was NOT attacked or under any threat from eggboy who chose to assault him and put him in a choke hold. The police rightly tend to take a dim view of unnecessary violence from vigilantes.
So they shouldn’t have restrained the attacker after the assault not knowing if he had a knife or a gun or some other weapon .
Not unless they had some evidence. That’s the way to get caught by the first syllable of the word assumption which seems to be a trait of yours rr.
Assumptions and fear do not justify violence.
Restraining an attacker is not violence.
Good thing it wasn’t a leftist union thug that was egged, the egger would have bee thrown to the ground and had the s**t kicked out of him.
The method of restraining this violent 17 year old thug what actually quiet restrained.
You were rally poor debate participant in school were you?? You probably need to take a step back and chill AngryG as your seem to be going the unhinginment path on this.
Good to see you have NO response to the facts, as usual.
Restraining an attacker is NOT assault. !
No matter which way you stepped, you would still be demented.
“The guy did the choke hold?? The idiot will find himself in the manure over that.”
What for, restraining a violent cowardly attacker?
He did exactly what needed doing, take the cowardly little pr*ck down.
Interesting to see so many leftist thugs actually condoning the violence committed against Anning.
The leftist way, attack then whinge about the reaction. PATHETIC.
Thugs like that 17 year old activist should ALWAYS be restrained, preferably in a straitjacket.
The kid should get an Order of Australia and Anning’s seat in the Senate.
Anning and his thug mates should be charged with assaulting a minor.
Total BS, the 17 year old THUG perpetrated a violent act, and was then restrained.
The only THUG was the guy with the egg.
A Smug Thug.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl who has inspired an international movement to fight climate change, has been nominated as a candidate to receive this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. She was nominated by three Norwegian MPs. If she were to win, she’d be the youngest recipient since Pakistan’s Malala Yousafzai, who was 17 when she received the prize. Thunberg tweeted that she was “honoured” to receive the nomination.
“We have proposed Greta Thunberg because if we do nothing to halt climate change, it will be the cause of wars, conflict and refugees,” Norwegian Socialist MP Freddy Andre Ovstegard stated. “Greta Thunberg has launched a mass movement which I see as a major contribution to peace,” he added.
The Nobel Peace Prize was well and truly discredited on the day that Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) leader and terrorist Yasser Arafat was awarded it. Arafat was responsible for mass murders, the hijacking of airliners and other atrocities, yet he was declared to be a man of peace by the cretins who decided to award the Peace Prize to a mass-murdering terrorist. The man who was known as the Butcher of Cairo, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat also managed to get the Peace Prize. And then the Peace Prize was awarded to former US President Barack Obama. For what? He did absolutely nothing to foster peace anywhere.
But to nominate a kid who’s completely delusional and misinformed about this bogus “climate change” really brings the Nobel Prize into considerable disrepute. Even with her best intentions, Thunberg has no idea that her push for school children strikes for this “climate change” is based on a monstrous scam – and she fell for it, hook line and sinker.
If Thunberg had more than half a brain, she could have figured out that any “climate change” on this planet isn’t caused by human activity, but by natural phenomena as well as solar activity. If Thunberg wanted to make a difference, she should study how to curb volcanic emissions that are millions of times more causative of atmospheric pollutants than anything that mere humans can emit.
Thunberg should also have read the admissions of Ottmar Edenhofer and Christiane Figueres of the UN, who confessed that the whole UN “climate change” policy had little or nothing to do with global warming or climate change, but was a scam that was designed to redistribute wealth and cause the collapse of the capitalist system. Thunberg didn’t do her homework and in her ignorance, has caused stupid schoolkids to disrupt their education to go on strike for something that can’t even be achieved.
But this is religion at work – the new-age religion of Climate Change, where gullible people bow and scrape to a bogus philosophy instead of facing reality. It reminds me of that infamous guru Bhagwan Shree Ragneesh, whose followers made him obscenely wealthy. Having grown tired of his scam, Bhagwan confessed on TV that it was all bogus. But did his followers drop him like a hot potato after he had admitted that all his preaching was bullschit? Nope. They begged him to continue to scam them. And that’s how the new religion of Climate Change is working.
Truly bizarre because her mother started her daughter’s protest as a publicity stunt for the release of her own book on climate change.
And on Friday we had 1000’s of bludging brain washed delinquents walking the streets when they should be at school protesting natural climate variation and demanding governments stop the planet from doing what it does. They may as well been protesting against tidal motion, we have no control over that either.
The King Canute school of tide control. 1,100 years later, incredibly people still believe we control the tides and the temperature and the weather. While some in the human race have scaled the heights of technology beyond the dreams of the Roman empire, we also seemed to have reached peak stupid, especially in the education system where students are asked to study ab*riginal technology and mathematics and why amazingly brave and competent Captain James Cook was a white supremacist who met his end in the Sandwiches.
Ah, the technological wonder of the Humpy. Why aren’t all skyscrapers engineered thus..?
Al Gore has publicly praised the Green New Deal of Ocasio Crazy. Change the direction of America, save the planet and create millions of new Green jobs. As always the only thing missing is any logic.
The only Green jobs in the windmill and solar business is in selling the things and collecting the money. There are a great number of jobs in the full time protester business though.
How else do you get a job in something which does not exist? How does stopping tree harvesting create jobs? How does stopping manufacturing or the use of electricity create jobs?
I have never understood any scientific basis for the alleged massive increase in ‘extreme weather’ from a 1C degree difference in an average temperature over 100 years nor any idea of how closing businesses creates jobs. Then as Ocasio Crazy says, you just print more money. So simple. It’s a wonder the world’s economists and business leaders missed it.
Worked well in energy rich first world country Venezuela, now a third world country where the people are openly starving and the power is off and even having a job means being paid in money which will not buy anything.
Still Nobel Prize winner Gore is never wrong. The real question is how he managed to get a degree from Harvard when his marks were so bad? Perhaps rich parents and captain of the football team, but how does that work?
Those of the Ocasio Crazy group, if’n they were’nt so crazy, might perhaps surmise why,if printing money is the way to prosperity, yr impoverished nations like Venezuela and those poor 3rd word countries don’t just do it, print, baby, print!
Technically the tweet is true, Greenpeace USA was not founded by Moore, Greenpeace International and Canada, yes, but not the USA arm.
Greenpeace lies as a matter of standard operating procedure.
Here in Sydney they are running radio ads saying that bushfires that were once one in eighty year events, now happen every year.
I am reminded of a bumper sticker that was popular in North West Tasmania some years ago, which simply said: Greens Lie.
If what they say is even true, it’s largely their fault (green lobby) for not allowing controlled burns or people to collect firewood. It builds up over the years and suddenly we have another Kinglake, which happened in the area around 1965.