Biblical doom coming says prophesy

Limbourg Bros, Folio 108: Hell. circa 1416.
A new report by a “Breakthrough” think tank has arrived to leave no stone, or cliche, unturned in scaring the kiddies. Whole thesauruses have been ransacked: the threat is existential, lethal, and not survivable. The End Days include choas, collapsing ecosystems, with devastating wildfires. “Nuclear War is possible”. (Yes, just like it was in 1962 when CO2 was 317 perfect ppm.). Will zero emissions bring World Peace? Why not. It can solve everything else.
The Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration is run by two men from Melbourne who apparently long for the little ice age. To get back there they take the climate models that don’t work and amplify their worst guesses into an apocalypse. They pluck the most ominous quotes they can find to create a sense that the IPCC are just another bunch of bureaucrats hiding the awful truth. As if Big-government is on the side of skeptics.
It’s not about observational evidence so much as quote-mining. If a professor once said something ominous, suggestive of oppression or of censorship, that’s grist for the carbon-mill. Naturally, they focus on Arctic Sea Ice since it’s about the only thing the models accidentally succeeded on. Though if we adjust up satellite measurements of sea levels and ignore 1,000 tide gauges, hundreds of papers and thousands of years, then sea levels are worth mentioning too. Shame about the Antarctic, the Southern Oceans, the missing hot spot, and the missing heat. Shhh.
The new report is called What Lies Beneath, reminiscent of Jaws
Their job is to make the IPCC look halfway sensible
Even though the IPCC has overestimated the risks and warming of practically everything since 1990, the Breakthrough team want to create the fantasy that the IPCC are “conservative” and underestimate the dangers. In marketing terms, this team is the lunar priced vanity item that makes the obscenely priced standard model look like “value”.
ScienceAlert:Climate Change Could End Human Civilisation as We Know It by 2050, Analysis Finds
[Carly Cassella] Without immediate and drastic action, reminiscent of efforts during World War II, a new analysis predicts that by 2050, climate change could become an “existential threat to human civilisation” that can never be undone.
The new report, co-written by a former executive in the fossil fuel industry, is a harrowing follow-up to the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration’s 2018 paper, which found that climate models often underestimate the most extreme scenarios.
Endorsed by former Australian defence chief Admiral Chris Barrie, the message is simple: if we do not take climate action in the next 30 years, it is entirely plausible that our planet warms by 3°C and that human civilisation as we know it collapses.
And the lord sayth 55% would die:
Under this scenario, the authors explain, the world will be locked into a “hothouse Earth” scenario, where 35 percent of the global land area, and 55 percent of the global population, will be subject to more than 20 days a year of “lethal heat conditions, beyond the threshold of human survivability.”
I guess no one has air-conditioners in 2050. Probably can’t afford the electricity.
Humans survive from -50 to +40 C but a 3 degree rise will wipe us out.
So who are the The Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration? One of the prophets wrote a book, and he’s now The Research Director. His 2008 book, Climate Code Red, has glowing reviews on Amazon (all four of them) and sits at #252 for Environmental policy. Wikipedia warns that the group may not meet notability guidelines, though they did once win a Community Environment Recognition Award. Good for them.
UPDATE:Tony Thomas watched David Spratt (the “code red” author) promote his catastrophism at a council sponsored anti-conservative “non-partisan” event 5 years ago. Ratepayers and Ratbaggery. That’s Mooney Valley Victoria.
Here’s Spratt at his scientific best: “Climate denial is not about science. What interests me is that very few young people are deniers and very few women are. Very few are under 60, they are just grumpy old men.”
Not that their credentials matter. But The Guardian et al used to care a lot about that sort of thing til five minutes ago. Now if you can pair up with a Star Army man, you too could be a weather wizard and all over the media.
Someone’s going to have to part the Red Sea:
Ecosystems will collapse, including coral reefs, the Amazon rainforest and the Arctic. North America will suffer from devastating wildfires, heatwaves, and drought. The great rivers of Asia will be severely reduced as will water availability right across the world, affecting roughly 2 billion people.
Rainfall in Mexico and central America will fall by half and agriculture will be nonviable in the dry subtropics. Semi-permanent El Nino conditions will prevail, and deadly heat waves will persist in some areas for more than 100 days a year. More than a billion people will be displaced.
Everytime a scientist launched a Grand-Mal-panic in the last twenty years, they often started by saying that scientists were “staying silent”. The latest version of All-New-Panic, lines up the past admissions and pretends that all of those scientists said that then stayed silent as if we havent heard all this before.
Keep going with the panic says Jo. Only teens will fall for it and where can it go from here?
The Breakthrough National team (of two or three) also produced a 2018 Report: Existential climate related security risk — basically “War is coming”.
More fun.
Image from commons wikimedia
Is this what is known as “Out-Goring”?
Goring is something to do with Bull isn’t it?
I mentioned a while back as most people are now offically over the whole circus ( brought to us by the – Inter Planetary Climate Clowns ) , I wondered whether the Elite would decide to amp it up a bit…and it seems with the latest hysterical “the sky is falling” 2050 stupidity and the impresionable snowflakes running around with their hair on fire, you have your answer.
2050 – talk bout constantly shifting the goal posts…next we shold wait for it to move to 2070…then 2100…..antything to never debate it or have thier claims properly examined.
How can you tell something is BS? When they wont let you thoroughly check it out…..
I once asked for childhood disease data and was basically told to apply through 50 layers of beauracrateeze and ethics … and was basically scolded for having the temerity to ask….
“Ignore the man behind the curtain”
– Wizard of Oz.
Would they please make up their minds as to when this is going to happen. For over 30 years we’ve only had 10 or so years left before the calamity strikes. ‘Chicken Little’ and the ‘Boy who cried wolf’ are stories of reasonable individuals compared to the climate worriers.
At least acorns and wolves are potentially dangerous…
So 30 years and 10 each time gives us 60 years…….that reminds me of some type of cycle….hmmmmm
Back in the 70s it was an Ice Age to kill us all off, pre-internet trolls!. (actually it would be pretty disastrous but thats life). Now of course its the usual mantra of fake science or mostly fake data used to backup fake science. Not sure how long this type of insane crap will last in the public’s mind, hopefully too many other distractions good or bad.
For the temperature to rise so hot, by 2050, (Venus anyone?) from (fake) globull warming it would have to be already well over the worst case prediction levels. Of course the reverse is happening.
Hopefully this will just go away somewhere after the MSM has had it’s weekly dose of lunacy.
Umm, well, don’t throw that 70’s hype/rumour out just yet. Put it back on the shelf because it could come true and by 2050. We’ll have a better idea by c. 2027. Maybe.
If it happens, it won’t be Red Hot Climate but Super Blue Cold Climate — the exact opposite of what the Climate Reality Institute predicts. They do really well getting everything back to front. But as they are pedaling Propaganda and not Science, what can we expect?
However, we’re lucky: we have that superior (ptui — sorry, just clearing my throat 😛 … ) Great Climate Reality Leader to explain it to us. (Spoiler Alert: You know the mantra: Cooling is what you get from Warming, or nonsense to that effect. That’s just a projection, not a prediction — Warmists don’t do predictions so now, neither do I.)
Now, how it could happen, without, the pseudo-science, the superstition and the idiotic nonsense:
Our planet’s magnetic field seems to be shaping up to swapping its poles around. The last major change in the planetary magnetic field was the 400 year-long Laschamp Event c. 41,000 YA.
According to Wikipedia: the Laschamp Event:
There have been other smaller, shorter and less complete ones but the Laschamp Event was the last longish term one which made a complete swap — it is rumoured to have lasted c. 400 years and the magnetic field strength fell to 5% of it’s original value during the change. Oh wow. We’ll all be reminded of the Svensmark Effect in great detail, before then. Forcibly.
Our close cousins Homo Neanderthalensis or Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis or just plain Neanderthal Man, is now extinct. Before the Laschamp event, they were flourishing. They died, but they are remembered. H Sapiens Sapiens carries about 1.5% – 4% Neanderthal genes in the European genome. (Wikipedia, Neanderthal Man.) The scientific record notes a magnetic reversal coincides with an extinction but H Sapiens Sapiens didn’t seem to be affected. No genetic or population bottleneck occurred at this time. (The populations spreading H. S. Sapiens around the world 50,000 to 10,000 YA seemed to be small(-ish) travelling groups and not much evidence has been located.) Because of that lack of evidence, we have no idea if any traveling groups didn’t make it; we just know that some did.
Weird Weather happens during Reversals, apparently a lot. The patchy magnetic field gives the Solar Wind greater entry and that means a greater potential to muck things up. NASA and others have constantly reminded us that our magnetic field is our big protector. You will notice that they “forgot” to say: except when it weakens. So expect weird weather without any apparent forecastable rhyme or reason. But: remember Tropical Cyclones of all sorts are started and driven by the Solar Wind — trying to claim otherwise that will result in a big loss of marks and the ID-10-T stamp!
For more information on The Reversal, check:
In the meantime, I’m not selling my shares in wool 😉
A lethal hot house? Excuse me while I don’t panic … I’m sure that’s not going to happen. How? is showing our star’s behaviour is still within `normal’ limits — there’s nothing scary there. I don’t do pseudo-science, and apart from that, I have an imagination which deals with Facts, not Fantasies. I can only see three possible ways:
1. One or more of our Supervolcanoes explodes at full or near full power. They are Long Valley (USA), Yellowstone (USA) Campi Flegrei (Italy) — all showing signs and symptoms, Taupo (NZ) — fast asleep, thankfully, and any of a large shopping list in Indonesia ranging from Toba to Krakatau.
2. There is a really close to our Solar System Supernova explosion. Betelgeuse or Antares goes off, say, (or another star I’m not watching) Both are well within 100 LYA. Then we might cook.
3. The sun goes nova. That will be very quick. Homo sapiens? Who? We would all be too well-done to know.
But otherwise? CO2 just doesn’t cut it and we know the hot-spot doesn’t exist for those crooked CO2 hypotheses to work.
Nah! Their ideas ain’t gonna work.
LYA = Light Years Away.
Actually, I think the word Fra[ulein] is much more appropriate, and if Christopher Monckton of Brenchley is right
someone should take these shysters to court and sue them for every cent they have, and then some!!
[Snip and a bit of humor] ED
Im still waiting for the trials of the glo(bull) warmsters….promised by Monkton, maybe the lawyers are too expensive, pity.
Then complain to the Swiss Federal Police and demand action. Lord Christopher Monkton explains how to do it and where to complain to:
The more of us who do it, maybe the better the chance of some action 🙂
Thanks ED that was almost a Freudian slip!! 🙂
But CMofB’s friend said
Its all about money printing and who gets it first. Climate Change is just an excuse. Without it they would use something else. Globalism has failed. At this point someone would usually start a world war. As we proliferate WMD capability the elite are more reluctant to finance their local nutters as they realize nuclear winter is not going to exclude them.
Can Farage become PM? A non-Brexit will go to a general election. Trump has another five+ years to run.
At home our economy is collapsing. No power, no water, no oil, no gas at prices business can afford. You could not write a fiction piece and grasp what we have done to ourselves. Our electoral choice is still very bad or taxation suicide.
The Reserve has set the cash rate at 1.25%. Its going to go lower. Normal is 5%. 1 or below and the banana will become Australia’s new dollar symbol. The ONLY reason we do this is to print money via the fractional banking scam. Other stated reasons are just bull.
All I see coming is even BIGGER government. More regulations. More “workers” pushing paper and making NOTHING.
For Australia the 2050 prediction has credibility. This is about the date of our economic destruction. The green fringe is not a bunch of socialsts they are nihilists ie the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.
I would agree with the nhilists holding sway….but they will have a huge fight on thier hands. Starving people will literally shred them in the streets, its a zero sum game.
You will know its going to get ugly when UN “peacekeeping” troops turn up from the USA ( or thier existing numbers are bolstered ) to maintain order.
‘At home our economy is collapsing.’ THEY know, Thats why they lowered the interest rates.
Where is the new Cromwell when we need him?
Nigel Farrage?
I met up with the report’s co-author David Spratt spruiking at my local city council four years ago, and wrote it up as “Ratepayers and Ratbaggery”.
Tony, This is from your article, I laughed..
” if the world’s
carbondiamond? charcol? OH be precise please (at the statement author) emissions continue unmitigated, a threshold will be crossed which will lead to the complete melting of the Greenland ice sheet. This, with melts from glaciers and ice in Antarctica will lead to a sea level rise in the order of seven metres.” Calculated? So what will exactly melt it all?Laughed at the sheer stupidity and total physical near implausibility of the statement. So ask them, Where exactly is your evidence?
Two years after my Ratbaggery article, a Fellow of the Academy of Science John Church backed up Spratt.
“A couple of local prizes are the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science ($A250,000) for ex-President of the Australian Academy of Science Kurt Lambeck last October, and in January UNSW Professor John Church pocketed a $A320,000 half-share of the 400,000 Euro BBVA Prize.
Both have done science work of international repute and their reputations in their specialist fields are deservedly high. However, Lambeck is a long-standing smiter of “deniers” and Church propagates via the ABC such lurid scenarios as this: “… if the world’s carbon emissions continue unmitigated, a threshold will be crossed which will lead to the complete melting of the Greenland ice sheet. This, with melts from glaciers and ice in Antarctica will lead to a sea level rise in the order of seven metres.”
Whenever you hear about Greenland melting, think:“Glacier Girl”
There’s good and really solid — as in hard ice — evidence that Greenland isn’t melting; it’s ice cap is growing.
The aircraft “Glacier Girl” is one of a flight of a flight of Lockheed P38s landed on the South-eastern ice-cap in Greenland, in bad weather back in 1942. A group of enthusiasts went looking in the late 1980s and couldn’t find the flight of 6 P38s and 2 B17s. They had figured they just needed to maybe “brush some snow off” but they were nowhere to be found.
They found them after searching with some ground-penetrating radar about a mile off to the east of the site and 260 feet down in the ice. That’s nearly 80m. They assembled an expedition and equipment to get down to them in 1992. By that time, they 4 more metres down. So Greenland was cheerfully building its ice cap at an average rate of about 1.5 – 1.8 m/year. That’s sure not melting. The B17s have been flattened by the weight of ice.
Another group went back in 2014 to see about lifting out a second ‘plane. This time they were down over 300 feet or circa 90m deep. That’s definitely not a melting ice-cap. Present plans are to start extraction of the `E’ for Echo craft this northern summer (2019). (Wikipedia.)
There’s all the evidence needed to show that Greenland sure isn’t melting. Those planes aren’t sinking slowly into soft fluffy snow: nor were they melting their way down. They’re buried in solid and so far ever thickening ice.
As usual, the Warmists have it back to front — all wrong.
Pseudo- scientific
Gore-Bulll warming propaganda
Not worth the effort of reading
Or understanding.
These two idiots
In Melbourne
Need to get outside more.
It’s Winter in Melbourne
Just as it always has been
In June since forever.
It is easy to understand why human life in hot and dry continent like Australia is already next to impossible. No vegetation means no food.
Here in the Arctic we were near the apocalypse few years ago when the average temperature in the satellites approached +1.2 C above the levels of Little Ice Age. Our reindeers ( do not eat grass. They are endangered ( See the counts. If tundra disappears, reindeers will come to roads and get killed by speeding SUV:s.
If true then there is absolutely nothing we Australians can do to stop it. The way the renwables crowd are carrying on they apparently believe we can. Time to call them for what they are; either insane and so in need of immediate medical attention or not insane and so in need of immediate imprisonment for distorting the peace and perpetrating a fraud.
If the end of the world was in sight why bother to have a transition to unreliable renewables?
That’s the response I use every time a renewables freak tells me we must save the world from a climate change catastrophe. After all the rest of the world isn’t doing much to prevent it so why should we even try and in the process destroy our economy? If anything the rest of the world in total is increasing their coal fired power generation in not much time far more than our total current capacity. So if we shut down all our coal fired power stations right now it would make zero impact on the climate even if the CAGW story were true, which of course it isn’t. I can understand why scam artists are pushing the CAGW agenda but I simply can’t understand the typical average day person who doesn’t benefit financially from he scam has to gain from it. They just have to be plain stupid and/or too lazy to do their own research and think it through.
If true then there is absolutely nothing we Australians can do to stop it. The way the renwables crowd are carrying on they apparently believe we can. Time to call them for what they are; either crazy and so in need of immediate medical attention or not crazy and so in need of immediate impris0nment for disturbing the peace.
Wind power reminder …
Looks like an epidemic!
“Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay and a pivotal moment for our planet, our climate, our wildlife. A government I lead would win our bid to host COP 2020, legislate for net zero emissions by 2050 & embrace the opportunity of green growth for the UK as a global decarbonisation leader.
— Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) June 5, 2019”
Better put ScoMo in quarantine for checking after his trip.
“Delingpole: Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Back Boris Johnson…”
But then
“‘A Yahoo From Yahoo News’: Trump’s EPA Chief Fires Back At Reporter Who Misquoted Him”
And (though he missed ABC, Fairfax, – – ”
” Stephen Heins
June 5, 2019 at 10:19 am
“Anyone who thinks that they can see the future with certainty has a bright future reporting for the Guardian, Huffington Post, Wash Post, LA Times, CNN, NY Times.”
Anonymous Heins
P.S. Fact checkers are forming a long unemployment line. ”
If the lying oaf Johnson does become PM he will have to sack the chancellor Hammond who has just told May it will cost £1trillion to met the 2050 target thereby taking money from schools, the sainted NHS etc. Johnson’s tenure will likely be very short as Corbyn takes over in 2020 to finish off what little remains of our economy.
“It was the spring of 2011, and I had managed to corner a very senior member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) during a coffee break at a workshop …
“Oh, I think we’re heading towards 3°C at least,” he said.
“Ah, yes, but heading towards,” I countered: “We won’t get to 3°C, will we?”
(Because whatever you think of the 2°C threshold that separates “safe” from “dangerous” climate change, 3°C is well beyond what much
of the world could bear.)
“Not so,” he replied.”
>> The home of academic rigour and journalistic flair does doomsday porn and fails to mention the origin of the 2° target, despite a link.
Here is the truth:
2010: ” … a group of German scientists, yielding to political pressure, invented an easily digestible message in the mid-1990s: the two-degree target.
Two degrees is not a magical limit — it’s clearly a political goal,” says Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).
“The world will not come to an end right away in the event of stronger warming, nor are we definitely saved if warming is not as significant.
The reality, of course, is much more complicated.”
Schellnhuber ought to know.
He is the father of the two-degree target.”
This type of dommsday worship reminds me of John Nash, way back in 1976. The only difference being that his prediction was more likley to happen 😉
My father read the prediction “waves lapping West Terrace” and rang the BoM (then quartered on West Terrace) and said to the receptionist “I have a silly question” and she promptly replied “196 feet”.
He realised he wasn’t the first to ring nor the first to debunk the prediction, but I agree with you that John Nash’s prediction was more likely than the one leading this article.
I was living in Melbourne and didn’t see anything about it until I came back. I pointed out that tsunamis need 3 times their eventual height in water otherwise they break. As Gulf St. Vincent is 70 foot deep at most, any resulting wave would struggle to get over the sand dunes.
Jo, climate change is upsetting your spell checker and choas results.
When I saw “Breakthrough”, I thought of Yuri Milner, and the Breakthrough Starshot initiative which would (will) take decades to come to fruition. Thankfully it seems I am wrong.
I think they made some grammatical errors in their title. instead of What Lies Beneath, it should have been “What? Lies beneath!” or even just “What lies beneath!”
Sorry about being off topic but with the US primaries approaching the formerly relatively lenient Youtube is cracking down and turning into cable news TV. Dave Cullen addresses it here:
Be aware that Bitchute is an alternative but Youtube is the 900 pound gorilla in this market so normies won’t even be aware of the former. Free speech is being quashed by US monopoly corporations and politicians are seemingly quite happy with the situation.
Or here is Tim Pool with his take:
Interesting. If we adopted the same rules as YouTube’s we would have to ban the ABC and SBS. Talk about backfires.
Crowder just had a livestream – it just finished. Apparently figs are racist, at least if I am getting that right. Bigoted at the very least :0
Yes, I am being facetious, and I am not sure that is actually allowed on the internet anymore…
US primaries – –
First 3:
Iowa/ Feb. 3;
New Hampshire/ Feb 11;
South Carolina REP./ Feb. 15
Yep that seems a long way off by Aussie campaign standards, but in the US political cycle there is barely a lull between primaries, the presidential election and mid-terms. There is plenty of commentary about the 24-strong Democratic Party presidential hopefuls already. And people thought the 16 candidates for Republican president in 2015 was crazy big. You ain’t seen nothing yet. And yes, many of the clown bus residents have endorsed the Green New Deal.
This is why YouTube is seeking to demonetise, shadow ban and demote videos from ‘politically incorrect’ people.
Admiral Chris Barrie wrote …
“As my colleague Professor Will Steffen has said of the climate challenge: “It’s not a technological or a scientific problem, it’s a question of humanities’ socio-political values… We need a social tipping point that flips our thinking before we reach a tipping point in the climate system.”
A doomsday future is not inevitable! But without immediate drastic action our prospects are poor. We must act collectively. We need strong, determined leadership in government, in business and in our communities to ensure a sustainable future for humankind.”
Ship of Fools?
Admiral Chris Barrie? Unusual career move — from comedy actor to naval officer. Rimmer did always want to be an officer.
I wonder if he makes use of his special salute.
Ex-ADF military Officers really should shut-up and talk sense and facts, or face being thoroughly lampooned, as they really don’t know what they imagine they know and assert. I’ve also seen Jim Molan say some pretty dumb and clearly incorrect and illogical things – same basic problem.
And then there’s that total knob dimwit who claimed and smeared we’re all really just misogynists at heart. Meanwhile, that same General chap was having a tax-payer funded ‘affair’ (someone please pass a bucket) with his male army ‘secretary’, who then got a sex-change operation, which was also at tax-payer’s expense, and who then took up a thoroughly gratuitous (profoundly unnecessary) position at the ABC, of all places, to read out the Cricket scores!
Free cricket holidays for the serial scammer. But once again it’s all at tax-payer expense. Seeing a pattern?
These guys love the public money and profile, and do and say whatever they can to sate the acute relevance-deprivation-disorder that sets-in once the mighty commander of a fleet finds he’s just some other bloke in a dinghy.
“What? You think this is a meritocracy?” – Tim Flim-Flamery
Nuclear fusion is only 20 years away. 11 years to spare. What a relief.
If you are certain of that you could tart up your cv and follow the potential job opportunity tips in #4.1.1
Nuclear fusion UK
Not news:
From their web site:
“This technology will form the basis for the commercial module that the company expects to deliver electricity into the grid by 2030.”
When 2030 gets here, the world will have already ended.
– – winking smiley face – –
Fusion power will be rolled out by 2050, according to Beijing.
Unfortunately, nuclear fusion power has been 20 years away for at least six times that 20 years. Break even has been only a few years away since then as well. We only need to spend a few tens of billion dollars more and it is all it would take to have unlimited freeeeeeeeeeeeee eeennneeergggyyy.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for it. Especially since the green blob don’t want us to use anything that really works and insist that we can only use things that don’t.
As was discussed on 2GB today wind farms do far more damage to the environment than all the fossil fuelled and nuclear power plants in the world. Yet the renewables mob want more wind farms? Go figure.
I love the photos on this site 😀
Especially this
About sums up what they are worth.
Where we work where parking *was* free, and then one day the local Socialist local govt decided it wanted to milk everyone for maximum tax, and so embarked on a highly predatory revenue generation using parking camera cars ( ANPR ) and a small army of blitzkrieg parking inspectors.
Interestingly, people went from paying $0/month to considering $100s/month for parking a “good deal”.
I considered such thinking sufficiently messed up….and its amazing how being done over by govt is somehow easily adapted to…..scary really…..
“First they came for the communists…” ( ha – if only…)
Socialism is like a cancer. It spreads until the victim dies then the cancer dies too. The better option of course is to get rid of the cancer before that happens. As demonstrated by history over and over there is a cure of sorts (not permanent) but unfortunately it will be almost as painful as the cancer.
Once again the question every person on this planet should ask themselves if all our elements on the periodic table haven’t changed from millions of years ago then why hasn’t the runaway greenhouse effect occurred before when co2 was over 1000ppm?
Going by the climate soothsayers reasoning we should have died 20 times over before.
Exactly, proof it is a null hypothesis.
It also seems that they seem to add 30 years to their disaster predictions ad nauseum. Must be a soothsayers event time.
This is a first. Normally when a green think tank writes a report they don’t tell you everything after the headline is lies. Such refreshing honesty!
I note that one of the authors once worked for Shell.
Shell has been using scenarios since the 1970s to explore a range of visions of the future. They include extreme possibilities. For example, search for Shell Scenarios and Shell Sky Scenario.
And good news, their scenarios extend to 2100, so no assumption of Armageddon in 2050.
Scenarios are not predictions. They are designed to push to extremes a set of assumptions. Scenarios usually include plausible, but unexpectedly important situations and problems that exist in some small form in the present day. Any particular scenario is unlikely. To encourage engagement, authors are asked to create some memorable headlines.
One could equally construct a scenario using their image of an iceberg entitled “The Coming Ice Age”, and develop an equally plausible and scary extreme scenario.
Only three events can end us as a species. Mutually assured destruction, a supervolcano eruption and a large meteorite strike. Anything else is noise and can be easily ignored. Two of these events WILL happen some time in the future, the meteorite strike may well be alleviated by technology.
To change the atmospheric concentration of CO2 by 0.0624ppm and nearly destroy our economy is just plain certifiable.
Re meteorite strike, all it would take is for a big one to sneak up on us from behind the Sun. By the time we knew it was coming nothing could be done.
Yes but life still survived the Cretaceous event. Then ‘we’ turned up 😀
When will a journalist actually ask these people straight out –“OK, in simple terms that we understand, what action should be taken?”
We all know they would never get a straight answer, but the question needs to be repeated over and over.
Journalists are too busy worrying about how to remain above the law, to concern themselves with questions Ross!
The report claims that 35% of the earth will have unbearable temperatures for relatively short period of time, 20 days per year or so, and my response is, so what.
Land area of earth . approx. 149 million square kilometres. Of this antarctica is 14 14 million square kilometres. Perma frost is approximately 23 million square kilometres and deserts approx 50 million square kilometres.
So we currently live on a planet where more that half of the land mass about 59% , is already either not used at all ( antarctica and perma frost ) or is marginally used. ( remaining deserts) There is still the possibility that global warming will increase the total useable land area to benefit all mankind. ( human kind )
” What Lies Beneath” with “Lies” being the operative word.
Off topic but I listened to Alan Jones about 1 hour ago on 2GB radio.
He interviewed Michael Shellengberger on the subjecy of renewables.
A must listen to, the man is so informed and extremely eloquent.
Great person to have on side.
He completely destroyed wind turbines like a hurricane!!
“One of the world’s leading global warming gurus says renewable energy simply doesn’t work and should be abandoned.
Michael Shellenberger once helped lobby for the US government to spend more than $150 billion on renewable energy, but now he’s fighting against it.
He tells Alan Jones Germany’s failure to power their country with renewables is the best example of why nuclear and coal-fired power can’t be abandoned.
“I think we’re at the beginning of the end of the big renewable subsidy push that began about 20 years ago.
“I do think that as the German renewables experiment comes to a spectacular failure, which is what’s happening, that people will start to see nuclear for what it truly is.”
He says it’s quite remarkable that renewables are put on a pedestal by climate activists when they actually have a largely negative environmental impact.
“Nuclear plants, natural gas plants, they don’t kill large birds… we would never let nuclear plants or natural gas or coal have that impact.
“The only reason we do for renewables is because we’ve all been bought onto this idea that renewables are more natural.”
Mr Shellenberger also took aim at those who campaign for clean energy when they use more power than anyone else.
“The funny thing is that environmentalists like Al Gore, they love to fly around the world in jet planes and stay at luxury hotels and luxury resorts.
“They consume more energy than anybody else. Environmentalism is sort of a religion of rich people.””
2GB Radio
Who would have thought?
If he is so smart how did he go so wrong years ago; and will he now be able to lobby to get that $150 billion returned to the tax payers?
Fair go! Some learn, others learn with experience
The trick is to learn from others peoples mistakes…..
The reality is renewables have never really been adopted that seriously, except here in Australia and a small number of other nations. The number and energy output of coal and nuclear power stations still being built or refurbished as we speak compared to the number and energy output of renewables being built is proof of that. Time to call the whole renewables industry for what it really is. The biggest scam of all time. Can’t be long now for the penny to drop and for the public to scream out “off with their heads” to the supporters of the scam, metaphorically speaking of course.
Average power generation per hour over the last Nine Months:
Total power generation every source in Australia – 22350MW
Coal fired power – 16480MW – 73.7%
Wind power – 1660MW – 7.4%
Solar plant power – 410MW – 1.8%
Rooftop solar – 1100MW – 4.9%
Tell me now how renewables are replacing coal fired power.
The only way I can see how renewables can replace coal fired power is if we had a totalitarian socialist takeover. I’m hoping by the time the ALP+Greens try again to win government more people will be awake to their disastrous policies on energy.
On those supplied figures of mine, that gives wind power a Capacity Factor (CF) of 27.2%.
It gives solar plant power a CF of 16.1%
It gives rooftop solar a CF of 12.9%
What that does is to give you the relationship between Nameplate and actual generated power, and the generated power is the relative equivalent of Nameplate multiplied by that CF. (So for wind power it’s 1660MW of 6106MW Nameplate)
However, think of it like this as well.
It means that they will deliver their nameplate for only the same percentage of time.
So for wind, that’s around six and a half hours in any 24 hour day on average.
For solar plants that around 3 hours 50 mins, and for rooftop solar it’s a little over three hours.
Needless to say, none of those renewables deliver their nameplate (as a whole total) at all.
It’s like buying a new car, and not being sure when it will actually start, or how long it will run once started, or whether it will get you to your destination.
If new cars were sold on that basis, none would be sold, and people would be (rightly) up in arms about them.
With coal fired power, whilst ever you feed in the coal, you get the Nameplate. You can ramp it up and down as you wish, and you have certainty it will always deliver, sort of like how new cars actually do operate.
While ever power comes out of that proverbial ‘hole in the wall’, people will think that electrical power is, well, all the same, no matter where it comes from, because it’s always there.
It’s coal fired power that supports those renewables, and makes them look good, and the renewable industry rely on just that fact. I’m certain that renewables dread the day coal fired power shuts up shop, and people see renewables for what they. Why do you think they came out in droves after the SouthAus blackout saying it had nothing at all to do with renewables, when it was the loss of those wind plants which led to that cascading power plant failure in the first place. (See the image at this link which shows just the wind plants for SouthAus on the day in question)
Great blogging Tony as per your usual standard.
Everytime I read your stuff I learn a little more.
And often I have a lttle chuckle like today.
I particularly like your analogy of the new car that only runs or starts for 27.2% of the time. Priceless. Keep it coming mate.
And the power line transmission towers falling over ?
What role did they play Tony ?
Bit players ?
Or major stuff up due to no maintenance of old rusty towers ?
Bill – re tower failure
As I posted in a previous thread the Southern Cross guarantee on their three legged windmill towers was along the lines of “If your foundations hold so will our tower”.
I guess it would be similar with power pylons so not necessarily need to be rusty
Those tower failures contributed, and were the root cause of the whole thing.
They deliver power from some of those wind plants to the grid in SouthAus.
When they failed, that meant that demand overtook supply, and in a cascading failure across the whole system, they all went down.
Now what you need to realise here is that wind plants operating at their low Capacity Factor only had part of their (overall, as a whole fleet in SouthAus) Nameplate being delivered.
Had there been real power plants delivering their Nameplate, and not reliant upon part output from a number of them, then the problem would have been capable of being handled.
As it was, they all went back to zero one after the other across seconds.
This then overloaded the operating gas fired plants and the Interconnector, and they also then failed in sequence.
That is shown at the image at this link, and look at both images in conjunction.
See how wind was low at the left of the image, and fossil fuel was high. As wind increased and fossil subsequently decreased, they relied more on wind power.
Had it been just fossil, then a failure of towers could have been handled.
With regard to your further comment ( AEMO’s report on that situation showed that the pylon failures were not the “root cause” of the blackout. They failed just after the grid itself (literally seconds after). The grid failure was triggered by a combination of the abrupt loss of significant power(over 100 MW)from the wind farms in the central north of the state when they cut out due to too high wind speeds as a front came through coupled with the interconnection to Victoria cutting out to prevent damaging overload as it was already running over its rated capacity.
This was a textbook case of over reliance on unreliables!
You have far more faith in the rationality of the hive mind than I do. In my circles, I am almost a lone voice of dissent, or should I say ‘denial’, as they would.
Doing nowt is the best thing to do,
Not accepting the warmist breakthrough,
That in thirty one years,
Their worst climate fears,
Of a killer hothouse coming true.
I repeat. Publish, Ruairi. My copy would take pride of place, next to my Bill Leak volumes.
‘Semi-permanent El Nino conditions will prevail, and deadly heat waves will persist in some areas for more than 100 days a year. More than a billion people will be displaced.’
La Nina is more likely in the coming decades as the world cools. There will still be extraordinary heatwaves but it will be inconsistent and variable depending on jet stream behaviour.
Nobody will be displaced as we are only returning to the 1950s and 60s.
It was seriously nippy in Townsville this morning, mucho colder than yesterday. Soes, like, I goes to Da BOM site, like, to look at the local WX logs, and it says like, that it was ~2 degrees warmer this morning, than like, morning befores! Nopes, not a chance. It was about 4 degrees colder this morning, I’m only 2kms from that BOM site.
But somehow there was this mystery 5 to 6 degree difference (we’re both just above HAT) within such a short distance during the wee hours. Apparently this morning was not the coldest morning of the year by far. I apparently got it wrong, it was actually not cold and my shivering and frigid floor tiles and toilet seat were wholly imaginary.
Which is rather reassuring. I’ll not need to buy a new electric heater to stop these early morning shivering spasms.
Verily, a heat-apocalypse does seem to be a best-case if such anomalous heating continues unto 2050.
This cold air outbreak is caused by a blocking high which is too far south for this time of year, the centre should be hovering over Bourke.
There hasn’t been a lot of stubborn blocking effect for the past two months though, even that persistent Summer High over the eastern Indian ocean has been moving east of late. So most of this cold seems to be ECL related, which served to boost the 10k to 15k ft cold-pool advection further north, which then sinks as the land-breeze kicks-in at around 1:30AM. Hence these cold early-winter NQ mornings.
Sure was interesting how BOM’s sensors suddenly weren’t ‘seeing’ this morning’s cold air temps though, my toes and fingers had no trouble detecting the pronounced change.
Things that make you go, hmmm.
Anecdotal evidence is more reliable than BoM.
I want funding!
Heard today – a farmer’s thought process on planting. “Rodger Stone is predicting a long dry autumn/winter and he’s been wrong so often that I planted”.
Good blog WX ;couldn’t trust the BOM with a bus timetable !
However on a different note you got me thinking about keeping warm of a morning.
Well these days I don’t worry too much about how much electricity I use for my toaster and electric kettle because the excess heat just helps keeps me warm.
Oh, I don’t know. After all, the PTC here in Melbourne routinely make their timetables up. Could be a perfect fit, seasonally adjusted.
So what is their climate emergency or crisis? These fools have been telling us this nonsense for 30 years and even longer if we look at their idiotic forecasts in 1970. That’s Ehrlich and Holdren’s etc first Earth day delusions.
It’s not Polar bears , it’s not Antarctica, it’s not Greenland temps, it’s not dangerous SLR , it’s not droughts, it’s not cyclones, it’s not death from floods, it’s not our much longer life expectancy, ( see UN data) it’s not deaths from heatwaves, ( moderate cold is the big killer all around the world see 2015 “The Lancet “study) it’s not desertification, ( our world is Greening see last 30 year CSIRO data) It’s definitely not famines, but obesity is and could remain a problem into the future. ( just look at the data from around the world and OZ data backs this up)
it’s not economic growth, because the world economy has doubled in size in less than 30 years ( 1990 to 2018) . So where are their so called disasters that they keep yapping about, because nobody seems to want to offer us any proper data or evidence? Will they ever wake up?
Evidence of success just means doom is closer then ever.
The thing is all the stats, about weather extremes, are against them. Carefully hidden (not presented) to the pubic at large.
Geeeezzz I’m locked in moderation AGAIN. Why?
Its because we’re Purple.
‘The great rivers of Asia will be severely reduced as will water availability right across the world, affecting roughly 2 billion people.’
If the world got warmer there would be more moisture, but with imminent global cooling we should expect monsoon failure.
China is preparing for this future with their large canals from south to north.
Now if you can pair up with a Star Army man…
Barrie was ex RAN I believe. He was head of defence forces so was an Army man only in the same sense as he was Air Force as well.
Also, having read his bemusing forward to this ‘report’, I can only assume that lack of mental challenge in his retirement years has turned some of his brain cells soggy. This words are… entertaining.
given the pro-Adani, pro-coal election results in Qld, how could Qld taxpayer dollars go to this PR exercise, which benefits Gore’s business interests? truly shocking:
5 Jun: Fox News: Gore lectures Australians on climate change in taxpayer-subsidized conference
by Adam Shaw
At the event, Gore slammed the decision to build the Adani mine and claimed that financial institutions refused to fund it.
“May I just say. This is nuts. But I doubt [Adani] is ever going to happen anyway,” he said, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
Instead, he urged Australia to pivot to solar energy and said it would have hard time selling coal to the increasingly solar-reliant India.
“Since Australia has the best solar resource of any nation in the world, you would only have to capture 0.1 percent of the solar energy that God makes available to you in order to meet 100 percent of your energy needs,” he said…
The Courier-Mail reports that Gore will run the three-day session from Wednesday to Friday, and students ***as young as 8 will be encouraged to join a “Minister’s Climate Challenge” to help solve the climate crisis.
5 Jun: SMH: Al Gore slams Adani, tells Queensland ‘good luck’ in selling coal to India
by Tony Moore
Mr Gore, who in his post-political life has become one of the world’s most influential climate change activists, received a loud cheer when he told delegates at the Climate Reality Project conference that India was dramatically shifting away from coal as an energy source…
“This is what they have under construction right now in India for solar; 225 gigawatts. They are not going to continue with coal.
“You want to sell coal to India? Good luck with that.”…
Mr Gore said the statistics showed India was rapidly shifting towards solar and wind energy and not investing in coal…
“That is one of the reasons why not a single global financial institution, after doing the financial analysis, would put any money up for the Adani mine, not a single cent,” Mr Gore said.
“May I just say. This is nuts. But I doubt [Adani] is ever going to happen anyway.”…
“This is the future, we are getting away from these dirty fossil fuels,” he said, praising the recent push into electric vehicles in Australia and New Zealand.
He said Queenslanders were passionate supporters of solar rooftop systems.
“On a global basis we get as much energy from the sun in one hour as the entire global economy uses in a full year,” he said…
5 Jun: BusinessStandardIndia: Elections take a toll on solar; new installations down by 49% in Q1 2019
by T E Narasimhan
Auction activity also grounded to a halt during the model code of conduct period…
Bucking the trend from recent years, more new coal capacity was added compared to solar or any other generation source in Q1 2019 with 58 per cent…READ ALL
More Gore Bull
About Gore-bull warming.
Bugger off Gore
Back to freezing USA.
Here is my bone-chilling contribution to the fear of the air.
BOM results averaged over two twelve-month periods:
Highs June 2017 to May 2018 – Average temperature: 19.9
June 2018 to May 2019 – Average temperature: 19.7
Lows June 2017 to May 2018 – Average temperature: 9.6
June 2018 to May 2019 – Average temperature: 9.4
We’ll all be rooned.
Whoops – they did it again. At 7.19 pm (NZ-time) I saved BoM’s Canberra min temp for today: -3.9˚C (06:37 am).
Just re-checked at 9.19 pm and NOW today’s min temp is +3.5˚C (06:42 pm).
No wonder the whole shebang is gonna end in 10 years… or is it 20 or is it 5… maybe it’s happened? Funny BU$INE$$ indeed…
How can your politricksters in the ACT wake up to sub-zero temps then shriek FIRE! ?
We need an audit and quick.
But in Australia goes 100% renewables the temperature would be +3.488C
Whoops, couple of omissions fixed up:
Here is my bone-chilling contribution to the fear of the air.
Results for my local BOM weather station, averaged over two twelve-month periods:
June 2017 to May 2018 – Average temperature: 19.9
June 2018 to May 2019 – Average temperature: 19.7
June 2017 to May 2018 – Average temperature: 9.6
June 2018 to May 2019 – Average temperature: 9.4
We’ll all be rooned.
Where do you get the average temperatures on the BOM website?
I can only find mean temperatures.
I actually downloaded this little 12 page ‘report’ yesterday and had a quick read.
Several points to take away from that little exercise;
– 15 minutes of my life I will never get back
– The ‘report’ is actually not a report, it is a SCENARIO. They don’t even try to hide it. It is not a case study. They have not researched deeply and experimented with models, they have decided to set their own boundaries and then predict what will happen. It is a scenario. We could do almost exactly the same thing by defining our start point as ‘giant radioactive lizards exist’, putting forward a scenario where Tokyo is utterly trashed by said lizard and then using this ‘scenario’ to call for a ban on nuclear testing. The base assumptions being made here are almost exactly the same.
– This is an ADVERT! The entire report is 12 pages, formatted in such a way that it will print up nicely into a book. There is a bit of preamble, some word salad, some casual footnotes referencing a scientific paper (to prove this is also SCIENCE!), a few pages of doom and gloom and then on page 11 you get fully colour pictures and a webpage for Breakthrough. Flick back to page 10 and you will find massive word salad about how groups like their own are vital to understanding the future implications of scenarios like the one outlined.
To repeat, the entire document basically boils down to Please Like, Share and Subscribe and here is our Patreon.
I am still not sure which is worse. That this group can shamelessly publicity stunt themselves, or the fact that the MSM have been running this as news.
It’s an ADVERT.
Well you did that
And wasted 15 minutes of your life
I’m just ignoring the idiots
That’s a recommended course of action
Global Socialist brain-junk pollution-levels still have not been generally recognized as the major contributing factor to a spread of severe mental illnessed and unhinged apocalyptic doom-fantasizing addictions.
terrible website; find clip below main video, if it doesn’t work at first.
VIDEO: 1min24sec: 5 Jun: Network Ten: Former US Vice President Al Gore Ignites Queensland’s Climate Debate
Former US Vice President Al Gore has lit a fuse on Queensland’s Climate Change debate. If a new report is to be believed, the Sunshine State is facing a bleak future.
GORE: …of the 100 hottest locations on earth on Jan 24, 91 of the 100 were in Australia. ETC…
RICHARD MERZIAN, TAI: about half of summer could be over 35 in Brisbane and it gets worse the further north or inland you go.
PIPPA: experts say it’s a public health crisis, which could impact industries from construction to tourism.
MELISSA HASWELL QUT PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERT: more people have perished as a result of heatwaves than all blah blah…
PIPPA: the mercury is set to soar on conversations around climate change.
You can bet that Dear Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk in her undoubtedly private and fawning meet up with Al Gore did NOT tell him that the major finding of their 50% renewables by 2030 Inquiry was that NO coal fired plants in Queensland will be closed down by that date or even into the foreseeable future.
I have never seen such a waste of time and money on an Inquiry when the end result was already a foregone conclusion before it was even set up.
Queensland is actually proud of the fact that their coal fired power delivers 80% of the State’s power requirements, while it is closer to 70% Australia wide.
How long till you folk in Qld can give her a big boot up the bum Tony ?
She might just do that to herself. Hopefully she will ‘get the sack’ at the next state hanging (election).
News flash for Al Gore.
Australia is about the hottest place on earth during Summer and January 24th pretty much defines the peak of Australia’s Summer maximum temperatures.
And given Australia is hotter than just about anywhere else in the Southern Hemisphere, for most of the time in Summer, it should not come as any great surprise that Australia was by far the hottest place on Earth on the 24th of January.
But don’t let annoying inconvenient facts cause any disturbance in your farce of abject stupidity.
Also these idiots dont get that heatwaves or (mostly NORMAL high temperatures) have NOTHING to do with any warming (if it was true).
Its due to lack of circulation in the area often trapped high pressure zones, mostly over large continents.
Warming would be wetter.
Now that is just plain not true, an unprecedented lie. AOC says we have only 12 years and judging by the number of people who pay attention to her she must be right.
You would think at least one of these escapees from the Cirque du Soleil would realize that they need to give a range to account for errors. AOC would sound a lot better if she said 12 years +- 2 years. There, doesn’t that make her more credible? She might even fool a real climate scientist that way.
If you’re going to pretend you and science can get along together you need to adopt the language of science.
Roy its relevant you should mention AOC as in 31 years or less this will be the low level of critical thought that most people will have, with the current rate of social PC censorship by big-tech giants people who are already mentally lazy in fact checking information will accept even more outlandish lies presented as news, irrelevant rubbish as entertainment and cultural degradation as progressiveness.
A serious alternative media/ tech platform contender is needed to counter the rising left bias that presents as news, failure to do so will have a majority percentage of the population compliant to accept any ideology offered, and we know where that leads.
Well, Napster was a peer to peer media sharing platform, a news system that was distributed and able to cope with the Powers that be trying to shut it down, would survive, hydra-style….
Interesting history on Napster mostly used for music file sharing, not sure on hydra-style, my search gets some weird results.
The problem now is that the hole in the bottom of the boat has been unattended for long enough that no amount of pumping or bailing out the water will keep it from sinking.
Even if you make better grade social media available, what is the incentive to switch now? And you’re spot on the money about it. I don’t know how much opportunity you get to follow the “debate” about our border with Mexico but if you do, look closely at the level of understanding you see from nearly everyone but Donald Trump. It’s as if someone ordered up a suicide mission and no one balked, no one questioned, nothing, just follow the leader with the least interest in the truth.
check the comments:
5 Jun: BBC: Nuclear: Energy bills ‘used to subsidise submarines’
By Roger Harrabin
Energy bills in the UK are inflated partly because households are subsidising nuclear submarines, MPs have been told.
Experts think one government motive for backing civilian nuclear power is to cross-subsidise the defence industry.
They say nuclear power is so expensive that it should be scrapped in favour of much cheaper renewable energy.
Others argue that nuclear still plays a key role in keeping on the lights, so the military aspect is not significant.
But in evidence to MPs on the Business Select Committee, researchers from the University of Sussex said the government should be frank about the inter-dependence of the civilian nuclear programme and the nuclear defence industry…
from the socialist bible:
4 Jun: MorningStarUK: Why don’t the trade unions join the climate strikes?
At a recent Scottish TUC meeting two teenagers (asked?) why we, the organised working class, won’t join their school strikes for the planet – we should, argues STEPHEN SMELLIE
(Stephen Smellie is Unison Scotland deputy convener)
TRADE unions are gradually moving towards accepting that steps need to be taken to address the issues of climate change and debating what a “just transition” from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy will look like.
And left politicians are now considering whether a green new deal is a realistic, and vote-winning, project.
However, young people across the world have shown far greater urgency, organising a serious of actions including school strikes demanding more radical steps are taken to stop global warming and the climate chaos that will result..
Trade unions think about jobs in the fossil fuel industries and whether their pension funds invested in fossil fuels will provide workers with decent pensions.
The young people taking action, inspired by Greta Thunberg from Sweden, don’t worry about the short-term impact on the jobs of their elders or even the long-term impact on pensions…
Like many others I have been inspired by the school students’ actions. I have been impressed by the young people involved in the Extinction Rebellion (XR) actions to demand meaningful actions to deal with the climate emergency…
Scientists have told us we have 12 years to put in place the policies and actions needed to prevent catastrophic climate changes…
Developing the green new deal called for by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is critical…
The main problem is this :
Young people dont know what COMMUNISM and SOCIALISM is, how bad it is etc.
As such, they see no issues with AOCs lunatic ideas or the fact its leading things down into a black hole……
Jacinda’s nukular generation is no different here: scrolled through a few radio stations during smoko today and PANIC! the worst was 95bFM – Auckland University student radio – some green young thing reporting on humanity’s imminent soon demise because of a mythical 1.5 degrees of sumpthink.
It’s an illness, a malaise, a death-wish cult on the children from their
superiorsadultsgovernmentscorporationsowners. Thee older I get, the happy I yam.10
Young people don’t know a lot of things, like what it is like to have a loan that Mummy and Daddy are not going to help pay off.
Personally I do not believe in wasting time in chasing the ‘Youth Vote’. We are constantly told by groups such as The Greens that the youth are the future and by mobilising the ‘Youth Vote’ they are building a supporter base that will one day change the political landscape completely.
Except… it hasn’t.
It is pretty much accepted that first time voters trend significantly towards ‘the left’ when voting. However it can be shown that there is no sustained trend towards ‘the left’ when you consider the sum of the voting pool. The clear conclusion is that as voters get older they start to drift away from ‘the left’.
To be honest the reasons why should be blatantly obvious. ‘Youth Issues’ stop directly relating to you the moment you stop being ‘youth’. At a rough number the voter is going to vote in 20 something odd elections in their life, but only one of them will be when they are ‘youth’. Free Stuff for 17 and 18 year olds sounds wonderful when you are a 17 or 18 year old. When you are 21 in your second election you have to wonder why children get free stuff and you don’t. By the time you are 24 and start to understand that tax is real you are starting to become openly annoyed that children are getting free stuff YOU are paying for.
‘Youth Issues’ can be acknowledged, but should never be the absolute driving force.
4 Jun: BusinessGreen: We’re falling short on SDG7, but we can fix it
by Jeremy Leggett, SolarAid (bottom: Jeremy Leggett is the founder of Solarcentury and SolarAid)
Jeremy Leggett surveys global progress against SDG7, and considers what must happen to deliver on the targets by 2030.
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are nearly four years old, and 10.5 years remain before the 2030 target for eradicating poverty via sustainable development. Of the 17 SDGs, SDG7 – affordable and clean energy for all by 2030 – ought to be one of the easiest to hit. But a recent summary of progress involving the pooled efforts of the International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the World Bank and the World Health Organisation shows that we are already well behind the pace.
There are four sub-targets in SDG7: universal access to electricity, universal access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking, a substantial increase in the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, and a doubling of energy efficiency. Let me consider each in turn, and then discuss how to fix the shortfall in progress…
What worries me is the absolute gullible nature of a naval officer who has been brainwashed by Steffen.Science based on agnotology and pure alarmism.Do such people question anything?
Whether these people question things depends on who says them. A couple of examples.
A month or two ago a blog from Jo was about 100 (only 80 named) ways to reduce CO2 emissions. #6 on the list was educating girls, #7 was Women and Girls Family Planning. I assume it was suggested by someone from the Green side so nothing was said, but if the same things were proposed by the non Green side, there would be all sorts of protests about sexism etc.
This morning I saw a segment of a program on the ABC, probably Landline. It was about indigenous Australians in Arnhem Land burning off during the cool season so there is less to burn in bushfires during the hot season and the CO2 emissions are 40% less. An oil company is funding the activity as it received carbon credits. I’m not sure if it was a rerun of a similar program I saw 5 or more years ago or the ABC is trying to portray it as a new idea. But it’s OK because it’s producing less CO2. If anyone from the non green side proposed something similar, there would cries about loss of habitat, changing habitat, loss of species and other dire consequences.
An oil company is funding the activity as it
received carbon creditsscamed the gov and taxpayers.10
Banning fossil fuels by 2050 will certainly end western civilization. Which I think is the point. Beijing will rule the world in cahoots with Moscow. Who exactly is going to stop the Chicoms from burning their 4 billion tonnes of coal a year? What else will power the 400,000 factories in the Pearl River Delta region alone, not to mention around Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and Chengdu? Who is the world’s third largest thermal coal exporter after Oz and Indonesia? Oh right, it’s Russia. Anyone trying to stop a coal mine in Rossiya, say a Bobkov Brownsky, would get precisely 1 kilometer out of Moscow before running into an FSB roadblock and a big fat NYET.
5 “protesters” are sufficient for massive BBC coverage, with SIX happy pics:
4 Jun: BBC: Climate activists chain themselves to Scottish Parliament
PIC: Five activists chained themselves by the neck to the facade of the Holyrood building
A group of environmental activists chained themselves to the Scottish Parliament building to urge “radical” action over climate change.
The Extinction Rebellion group sent keys to each of Holyrood’s parties in a bid to force them to discuss policy.
They were successful, with MSPs including Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham coming out to speak to them – and unchain them…
They said the current Climate Bill being considered at Holyrood – which targets net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 – was “nowhere near ambitious enough to minimise the risk of catastrophic climate change”, adding that “a target of 2045 is tantamount to accepting ecocide”…
PIC: Scottish Green co-convener Patrick Harvie was the first party leader to arrive
The first politician to arrive was Scottish Green co-convener Patrick Harvie, who said “getting people’s voices into the debate” about climate change policy was “really crucial”.
He was followed by Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie, Scottish Conservative low carbon economy spokesman Maurice Golden, and Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard…
Ms Cunningham then released the final protester, telling him that a citizens’ assembly on climate change was “absolutely on the cards”…
UK Times is on board with all this nonsense:
5 Jun: UK Times: Climate change campaigners protest against net-zero emissions targets
by Tom Eden
A note told the leaders that they “hold the key to our future” and said the target for net-zero carbon emissions by 2045 was “nowhere near ambitious enough”. A report by the committee on climate change recommended that the UK should aim to be net-zero by 2050, with Scotland proposing to achieve the target five years earlier.
Patrick Harvie, of the Scottish Greens, arrived first to unlock Ellie Harris, 21…
why publish Harris’s ***senseless rubbish?
4 Jun: Scotsman: Climate change protesters lock themselves to Scottish Parliament
by Chris McCall
Another protester, Eleanor Harris, 21, said: “Right now is the most critical point in the climate movement in Scotland. It’s vital we get our message heard loud and clear by policy makers while the Scottish Climate Bill is being considered.
***”We need them to understand that the changes possible while upholding the growth economy are going to drive millions to extinction, and in order to protect the future of our ecosystem and the human race, far more radical changes are essential. We’re running out of time and options to get MSPs to listen, which is why I locked on today.”…
FakeNewsMSM loved this story, incl theirABC; will they report its end, or the clarification at Current+ below:
5 Jun: BusinessGreen: UK’s record coal free-run comes to an end
Perhaps Love Island was to blame? At 9:20pm last night, as the reality TV show pulled in its latest ratings success UK coal power came back online for the first time in over a fortnight.
The return of coal-fired power brought to an end a record run of coal-free operation that stretched to 18 days and six hours.
National Grid ESO tweeted a statement last night confirming that “due to plant availability and system requirements, our current coal run has come to an end”.
The firing up of one of the UK’s coal plants meant the latest record coal free run stood at 18 days six hours and 10 minutes, comfortably the longest period the grid has operated without coal power since 1882…
However, even after coal came back online it provided just a fraction of the UK’s power mix overnight. The @UK_Coal Twitter account, which tracks coal’s share of the grid, confirmed coal’s share of the mix peaked at 1.06 per cent overnight before dropping back down to 0.11 per cent this morning…
During the period coal was off the grid gas met 40 per cent of demand, nuclear met 20 per cent, wind provided 13 per cent, imports delivered 11 per cent, biomass eight per cent, solar seven per cent, and both large hydro and storage projects provided less than one per cent each…
5 Jun: Current+: More frequent ‘coal-free fortnights’ to be driven by GB carbon taxes, coal-fired imports
by Liam Stoker
Britain’s high carbon prices look set to drive more prolonged periods without coal generation, but the country is still reliant on coal power from overseas, energy analyst firm EnAppSys has claimed.
New analysis compiled by EnAppSys suggests that instances like Britain’s recent coal-free fortnight stand to become far more common in the future as the country’s carbon pricing renders such generators uneconomical.
However as those carbon taxes do not apply to other countries, which the UK imports power from via its portfolio of interconnectors, EnAppSys has further suggested Britain has essentially utilised coal generation from neighbouring countries.
Modelling conducted by EnAppSys during recent coal-free periods on the grid found that the largest share of coal-originating imports would have derived from the Netherlands, where lower carbon taxes – roughly half those seen in the UK – have allowed coal-fired power stations to continue to operate…
According to figures available via Drax’s Electric Insights tool, imports accounted for an average of 3.2GW of power each day in the week commencing 26 May 2019, around 11% of the country’s daily average demand.
EnAppSys’ data suggests that during the UK’s coal-free fortnight, the Netherlands produced some 535.8GWh of power from coal-fired plants. When taking into account the Netherlands’ exports to Britain (7.8%), the company assumes that around 40.4GWh of Dutch coal-fired generation aided the UK’s coal-free record.
Adding in other countries’ contribution – Germany, for instance, is assumed to have shifted around 9.5GWh of coal generation through the passthrough of its connection with the Netherlands – EnAppSys estimates around 50.9GWh of coal-fired generation from other countries was used throughout Britain’s coal-free fortnight. This implies an effect baseload production of coal of around 151MW…
Who is funding these clowns?
You could be if you were so inclined:
It appears they were cosying up to Electricity Bill before the election that he could not lose. Now they will take money from wherever they can get it. That is the reason for the hype.
You have to wonder how many chances these dingbats get to cry “wolf”.
5 Jun: ClimateChangeNews: Democrat frontrunner Biden says he will stop China spreading coal around the world
Joe Biden, who tops opinion polls in the Democratic primaries, pledges to build a coalition of nations to scrub dirty energy from China’s belt and road programme
By Megan Darby
In a detailed climate manifesto (LINK) published on Tuesday, the frontrunner in the US Democratic primaries said he would “lead a major diplomatic push to raise the ambitions of countries’ climate targets”…
The carbon footprint of China’s coal deals abroad threatens to overwhelm its domestic efforts to curb emissions. At the latest belt and road summit in April, Chinese firms inked new coal deals (LINK) while president Xi Jinping said the initiative “aims to promote green development”…
Climate change has become a flagship issue in the Democratic race, with New York congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and the Sunrise Movement demonstrating mass public appeal for action…
Biden last month characterised his climate stance as a “middle ground” between environmentalists and blue-collar voters, to the ire of climate hawks. The details released on Tuesday attracted more favourable reviews (LINK) from activists.
links to:
4 Jun: The Hill: Green groups praise Biden climate plan after pushing back at ‘middle ground’ talk
By Miranda Green
The Sunrise Movement on Tuesday called Biden’s proposal “a comprehensive climate plan that cites the Green New Deal and names climate change as the greatest challenge facing America and the world.”…
Greenpeace on Tuesday called the plan, which aims to transition the U.S. to net zero emissions by 2050, “A critical step forward for Biden on the climate crisis.”
Just last week, the group had graded Biden’s climate policies with a D-minus…
“We are in a climate emergency and we must take drastic action now to address it,” Biden tweeted when releasing his plan Tuesday morning…
Paul Barry is very concerned ONE ABC anti-Adani story didn’t go ahead!
VIDEO: 6min43sec: 3 Jun: ABC Media Watch: Paul Barry: Aunty denies bowing to Adani
Several sources in the ABC raise concerns that the broadcaster is being intimidated by mining company Adani.
But now let’s come back closer to home to Adani, whose controversial Carmichael mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin gets ever closer to construction, despite this scathing piece in The Sydney Morning Herald by Bloomberg columnist David Fickling:
“The numbers on Adani simply don’t add up” SMH 24 May 2019
And over at ABC Radio, Saturday AM thought that was worth a story.
But after being worked on by Isobel Roe, a young award-winning journalist in Brisbane, it never made it to air…
Well, there’s no doubt Adani did complain, both to the reporter when she rang and, shortly after, to her bosses. A company spokesperson told us:
– … we raised concerns with ABC management when approached to comment on a story that contained inaccuracies and was potentially biased …
– Email, Adani spokesperson, 31 May, 2019
Adani says it told the reporter she should talk to an analyst more friendly to the mining sector.
And when she asked them to suggest someone, Adani’s PR team cracked it and went over her head to ABC management:
***-Adani complained that it was not reasonable that the onus for ensuring that ABC news coverage was fair and balanced should fall back onto the company and not onto the ABC’s well-resourced newsrooms.
– Email, Adani spokesperson, 31 May, 2019…READ/WATCH ALL
Armed forces folk need a scare to keep them in a high state of combat-readiness.
War games are fine, but child’s play compared to an “existential threat” and a nebulous enemy like “climate Change”.
In the Centre for Climate Restoration’s policy recommendations no surprise, then, to find this Orwellian gem.
We must:
“urgently examine the role that the national security sector can play in providing leadership and capacity for a near-term society-wide, emergency mobilisation of labour and resources, of a scaled unprecedented in peacetime, to build a zero-emissions industrial system and draw down carbon to protect human civilisation.
“Emergency mobilisation of labour and resources” would work well in a totalitarian state controlled by the “national security sector”.
No surprise Jeremiah Joe/Jill released this document on D-Day/C-Day.
Anyone who endorses climate chnage should be removed form any position of responsiblity, as clearly they cant discern fact from fantasy…..
Would that also apply to a climtae change endorsee?
To be fair the rather few ex-Mil officers who do waffle about such ‘nebulous’ world-ending hysterical fluff, are recently retirees or at the very end of their active career, and thus are prepping for a media or political position and a new chaff-bag to stick their noses into, given the jump to military contractor employment is being increasingly frowned on. The squeaky wheel gets the oil principle.
But it’s something we should not encourage for the simple fact that they thus derail debate and sideline facts with their gratuitous, counterproductive, ignorant balderdash.
“climate models often underestimate the most extreme scenarios.”
There is a reason for that, the climate models are like Nostradamus’ predictions. The climate models don’t actually predict anything except the end of the world, the end of humanity etc. They don’t predict bushfires, cyclones, droughts, floods etc but when an event like a bushfire, cyclone or flood occurs, after the event, it’s claimed to have been caused by climate change.
It’s extraordinary but the conversation is not about Global Warming because that’s not true.
It’s about Climate Change, Extreme Events, drought, plague and the four horsemen of the Ecopalypse all caused somehow by Carbon Dioxide, the devil’s gas, except that it’s only about Global Warming. And cow farts.
What warming?
Paul Barry needn’t have worried about Bloomberg’s Fickling story not getting a go at theirABC (comment #42):
3 Jun: ABC: Why would a billionaire persist with Adani when it will probably lose money?
The Conversation By John Quiggin
(John Quiggin is professor of economics at the University of Queensland)
***A recent analysis of the revised project by David Fickling for Bloomberg yielded a marginally more favourable estimate of $US16 per tonne, or $US160 million a year for the initial output of 10 million tonnes per year.
That’s a small return on $2 billion, before considering overheads and depreciation…
When the start of construction was re-announced last November, it was suggested the coal might be shipped by 2021. With six months’ delay, and the insurance problem noted already, 2022 seems like the earliest possible date.
But by that time, the current construction pipeline for coal-fired plants in India will have been worked through, and very few new ones will be being commissioned…
The Indian government has stated that no new coal plants will be needed after 2022, or 2027 at the latest…
Major banks in ***Japan and Singapore have withdrawn from funding new coal projects, following the lead of the global banks based in Europe and the US.
That leaves South Korea and China as potential sources of funding. Korea is already phasing out coal-fired power domestically and its banks are being pressured to divest globally.
The option of relying solely on China is problematic to say the least…
don’t think Japan is getting out of coal. more propaganda from CAGW-invested BIG FINANCE wanting people’s Pension Funds to finance RE:
2 Jun: Japan Times: ***Japan must exit coal
by Jan Erik Saugestad
(Jan Erik Saugestad is CEO of Storebrand Asset Management)
The choice between continuing to waste capital on environmentally destructive coal in the coming decades and ushering in a new era of clean energy that taps Japan’s huge solar and wind power potential should be a no-brainer…
***But powerful groups linked to the Keidanren business lobby continue to fight for coal. And the government seems to be bowing to the pressure: ***Japan is currently the only Group of Seven country that is adding to its domestic coal power-generation capacity, with roughly 45 new coal plants in the pipeline as of 2017. Moreover, Japan is among the biggest financiers of foreign coal projects…
To catch up, it would do well to take a cue from Norway, which, like Japan, has a world-leading government pension fund with assets exceeding $1 trillion.
Norway’s finance ministry has announced that it will divest $4 billion more from coal assets, which it began dumping in earnest in 2015, and that it will invest up to 2 percent of its global portfolio, or over $20 billion, in solar, wind and other renewable projects…
Rather than allowing Japan to be left behind, the Government Pension Investment Fund should pursue a similar course. Given the size of their pension funds and the reach of their international connections, Japan and Norway could help to drive change in energy policies worldwide…
Politically, momentum for such change is already growing, exemplified by a growing push for a green new deal … In the United States, progressive lawmakers like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are working hard to get their ambitious proposals to the top of the political agenda…
Not long ago, groups committed to direct action, like Extinction Rebellion, would have been dismissed as climate “extremists.”…
People have heard the warnings issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and others…READ ON
An $85 Billion Asset Manager Is Planning a Total Exit From Coal By Mikael Holter
Bloomberg – 30 Nov 2018
The biggest publicly traded life insurer in Norway, Storebrand ASA, is planning a total exit from coal by 2026…
Norway’s $990 billion sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest, cut its exposure to coal after introducing similar rules in 2015.
Oslo-based Storebrand, which has $85 billion in assets under management, already refrains from investing in companies that get more than 30 percent of their revenue from coal. Those restrictions will be gradually tightened over the next eight years, it said…
Storebrand’s new goals follow on from recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which in its latest report called for the near total end to coal-based power production by 2050.
“Coal is clearly the biggest and most pressing challenge,” Saugestad said…
There is an important point in this for anyone with money in a managed super fund. You need to have enough control over the chosen investments to avoid anything to do with intermittent power generation at grid scale. In fact anything to do with power generation at all is questionable.
Infrastructure funds have done well over the last two years providing they we not exposed to power supply. Parking, airports, sea ports and roads are worth considering.
If large investors are getting out of coal for political reasons then they could work out to be extraordinarily good value. My son continues to make a good return on money in a South African coal miner. Too risky for me but he is in a different stage of life and can afford the risk.
Ratio of Death by Cold events on left
Heat on right.
I must have missed Their ABC telling us this..
The narrative collapses..but it makes no difference to the bleating sheep.
Australia: 11:1
Brazil: 6:1
Canada: 13:1
Ireland: cold caused 9.34% of all deaths, heat caused 0%
Japan: 27:1
South Korea: 37:1
Spain: 4:1
Switzerland: 1.5: 1
UK: 28:1
USA: 25:1
The doomsayers don’t study the data. They don’t care about life. They want to reduce everything, they want to control everything.
The end game isnt climate – its de-population.
They want frightened serfs who after the big “cull”, will pander to the demented self-proclaimed and demented “Neros” who started the whole mess in the first place….
Reality could be a rude awakening though….
very interesting. read all:
5 Jun: Eurasia Review: China And India Will Watch The West Destroy Itself – OpEd
by Todd Royal
(Todd Royal, M.P.P. is the Managing Partner for Energy development, Oil & Gas, and Renewables for Ascendance Strategies, a global threat assessment and political consulting firm that is based in Los Angeles, California)
China and India will allow the west – led by the United States (US) and European Union (EU) – to destroy themselves through dysfunctional, domestic, and continent-wide politics. This isn’t a Donald Trump or EU issue, but electorates having a vague understanding of how societies function, particularly, when it comes to energy…
The “Green New Deal” is evident of that fact, which has no chance of ever working under current technology, taxpayer monies available, and the first “New Deal” was a failure…
Without energy you have nothing. China and India understand this better than the west since their citizenry and leaders view energy through the lens of what will help over two-billion-combined-citizens; join the prosperous, western, consumer-driven world. Most western, environmentally sensitive nations believe fossil fuels are evil. Instead, western countries strive for a renewable energy, carbon-free world…
China and India have never bought into that notion of energy, or economies based on supposedly carbon-free renewables that inspire their nations toward a cleaner world. I wish they would, but that isn’t reality…
Furthermore, Chinese and Indian politics, and increasingly Africa, will never allow lack of pipelines, domestic politics, or sensitivity to western environmentalists keep them from first world status enjoyed by the US, EU, and Asian nations like South Korea and Japan.
Naïve-thinking, bordering on western suicide, believes China and India will stop using fossil fuels, led by coal. Each country understands coal is plentiful (“estimated 1.1 trillion tonnes of proven coal reserves worldwide that at current rates of production will last 150 years”), and it is scalable, reliable, cost-effective to the end user, and has the best energy density of all fossil fuels or renewables available.
China is currently building hundreds of new, coal-fired power plants. To counter China, “India has 589 coal-fired power plants, they are building 446 more, bringing their total to 1,036.” These figures are after both governments signed the Paris Climate Agreement, and touted their green credentials.
Since the US, Russia, China and India have the largest global coal reserves, and each country is vying for geopolitical dominance, they will continue using coal in record amounts. Energy is then a geopolitical weapon. Europe does not understand this fact.
Only Trump seems to have gained clarity on this issue, with the US using their newfound shale oil and natural gas power, to their geopolitical and global advantage. Daily global, media onslaughts, US Democrats, and Never-Trump Republicans constrain Trump at every turn, and facilitate the US’ waning power. China and India sit back and do nothing, knowing the west is too weak to come to the US or Trump’s rescue.
Renewable energy advocates can speak, write and publicly lobby that solar and wind-produced electricity is the same cost, or dropping compared to oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear. This claim is false. Renewables cost more to ratepayers and nations compared to fossil fuels or nuclear…
Sure, India and China will use natural gas, nuclear and oil, but coal is where each economy finds its basic energy resource…ETC
This view has considerable currency when we witness the response in the west to the 30th anniversary of Tiananmen. Most western MSM had a program covering the anniversary – for example:
My understanding is,according to Chinese history books, that there was no event in 1989 in Tiananmen Square worthy of an anniversary.
China and India will do as they please to lift their populations out of poverty.
Yes, never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake…..
Paul Barry needn’t have worried, Pt2:
5 Jun: World Coal: Adani respond to ABC report on Coast to Country’s claims of illegal work at Carmichael coal mine
Published by Naomi Holliman
On 5 June 2019, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s 7.30 Report contacted Adani with claims of illegal activity on its site, ***and also raised questions about the viability of the Carmichael mine.
Adani have responded as follows:
“Regarding false claims of illegal works on the Carmichael site:
“We are 100% confident that all works conducted onsite are legal and in line with our stage 1 approvals, including all footage and imagery in our videos, which we regularly share on our social media channels.
“The claims made by Coast and Country have no factual basis and are nothing more than an attempt to damage the reputation of Adani and the Carmichael Project.
“If people have genuine concerns they should raise them with the regulator. We have nothing to hide.
“Adani Mining has not been advised of any formal investigations into its operations being undertaken by the Department of Environment and Science at the request of Coast to Country. If an investigation was underway, the regulator would have formally notified us.
“Regarding questions about the viability of the Carmichael mine:
“We announced that finance is in place for the Carmichael mine and rail project in November 2018.
“The Carmichael Project’s low-cost profile, the quality of the resource and forecast demand from our target markets of India and South-East Asia mean that the project’s economics are strong and are projected to stay strong.
“The International Energy Agency and other respected independent analysts such as Commodity Insights are forecasting an increase in demand for seaborne thermal coal, particularly from Indian and South East Asia, which Carmichael is well-placed to meet…READ ON
There is one prediction we can be sure of. Sometime in the next few years, when nothing has happened, the new prediction will be that the world will end in 2070 or 2080 or something similar
video featuring James Longman (ex-BBC, now ABC America) from Antarctica ends with studio presenter saying: “If you want to hear more about this story, you can check it out on Nightline tonight” – so there’s more to come:
VIDEO: 1min59sec: 4 Jun: ABC America: Climate change could pose ‘existential threat’ to humanity by 2050, advocates say
By Julia Jacobo
Climate change represents “a near-to midterm existential threat to human civilization,according to an analysis by the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration.
The paper, published by the Australian think tank last week, gives one scenario in which by 2050 “accelerating climate-change impacts pose large negative consequences which might not be undone for centuries.”…
The only way to avoid these results and restore the world to a safe climate would be “akin in scale to the World War II emergency mobilization” that would include implementing a zero-emissions industrial system “very quickly,” according to the analysis…FULL OF CAGW NONSENSE, GREEN NEW DEAL, ETC.
Overheard on ABC radio that Victoriastan needs to urgently look at agriculture and transport to achieve the pledge made by the socialist govt to reduce our emissions .
The report was made by some quasi trough gouging committee that’s name I didn’t hear but the one in charge of the committee was Greg Combet which is a name that should be familiar with socialists.
And this gem about a “Castle” style legal stoush brewing in Tasmania over a company wanting to compulsory Aquire property to run high voltage lines from a windfarm across their farms .
Switched on the car radio to get the news headlines from the ABC and heard the announcer claim that it was Thursday January the 6th.
I switched it off before they could launch their boast about it being ‘the most trusted new source’.
even if peer review is mostly pal review, thought this was worth posting:
5 Jun: Science 2.0: Climate Change Will NOT End Civilization By 2050 Or Make Humans Extinct – Australian Report Had NO Scientific Peer Review
By Robert Walker
This is scaring so many people and is running in so many online news outlets, but has no scientific credibility. It’s written by a couple of businessmen, with a foreword by a retired admiral, and no scientific peer review…READ ON
Where is the Queensland Premier hiding?
Her Government paid for the Gore Show, surely photo opportunities are in order to show him off to Queensland voters?
The Palace Chook has realised her State literally runs on coal. A photo op with Gore would doom her electability. Clive Palmer lost a serious amount of credibility (some might say he has none to lose) when foolishly taking a photo op with Gore a few years back.
She would get a huge boost if she feted the Queensland Origin team to a State lunch.
the Brisbane show doesn’t start until August the ninth. I assume you expect him appearing in the BULL judging.
Bob Brown’s convoy and all:
5 Jun Updated 5 Jun: ABC 7.30 report: Drone footage ***shows Adani doing illegal work*** at mine site, environmental group claims
VIDEO: 8min31sec
New drone footage ***allegedly shows evidence of illegal work*** being done at Adani’s Carmichael coal mine project, according to an environmental group. Adani denies the allegation.
Read the full response from Adani here (LINK).
am so ticked off by theirABC, I’m posting the horror Q&A on RN’s latest Big Ideas program, broadcast ironically on D-Day and to be repeated:
AUDIO: 54min06sec: 5 Jun: ABC Big Ideas: Anna Funder – Stasi legacy thirty years on
Anna Funder reflects on life in the former GDR under constant scrutiny of the secret police – the Stasi. Has the Stasi left a legacy that people still feel today?
After the Fall presented at the Perth Festival Writers Week. 24 February 2019
Anna Funder – author
William Yeoman – Perth Festival Writers Week curator—the-stasi-legacy-thirty-years-on/10867684
listen to the Q&A only – 39min44sec to end:
Q: parallels between what u have been writing about and what’s happening in our “best friend” nation, Donald Trump and his “wall” – are you seeing all those parallels?
FUNDER: anti-democratic Trump defies all her imaginative powers.
Q: Trump’s perversion of the national identity; have to be careful, another example is Nazi Germany and the concentration camps & the like.
FUNDER: agrees completely. Trump has, let’s face it, absolutely anti-democratic instincts, and there he is leading this weakened dinosaur of a democracy in the US.
FUNDER THEN praises Jenny Macklin – she was really fantastic on institutions when she was running for Parliament.
in US, threat to institutions when you get Trump – a thug in charge – who wants to undo them.
(the second question attempts to draw attention to Trump being democratically elected but, unfortunately, says by a majority. Funder, of course, can point out he didn’t get the popular vote blah blah)
Pat, Ann Funder’s book has been out for years on the same subject. I don’t have 54 minutes to waste listening to her repeat herself on their ABC Radio not National
In the winter of 1962-63 the Thames froze.–63_in_the_United_Kingdom
E G There have been other cold snaps in Europe.
I was in Paris from late January to July 1979
We travelled over from London by train.
It was very, very cold in both cities.
And in Paris the snow was 4-5 inches deep on the footpaths.
There was snow around for 2 weeks.
I remember us all having to check our shoes whenever we entered a building
For dog poo trodden on in the snow !
The Seine did not freeze.
The water flow was too high and fast for it to freeze over
It did indeed. I went skating on a frozen pond near Reading.
I do not like to criticize Jo, but there has been a parade of posts recently on the blog that focus on the stupidity or nuttiness of various global warmistas ‘science’ writings.
I feel like we are always pulling down these idiots.But may in fact be giving more oxygen to their fake ‘religion’.
And in the meantime there is good science being done in Australia or in other countries, which is ignored.
Please let’s read some posts which are positive !
And this post about “How deep-ocean vents fuel massive phytoplankton blooms” is an excellent example.
You can almost smell their fear. Their desperation to get things totally screwed up suggests they must know something is coming to bring their scam down. I find it funny that we can actually quote the warmist bibles – the IPCC reports – at them as opposing their claims. The reports are supposed to be the best of the best according to them but their claims are going well beyond anything scary they contain.
The UN knows their global warming scam has failed, that’s why just last month they planted the seeds of their next big fear campaign.
So far this century alone we have had various Ethnic, religious, political, scientific groups and a fair share of other nutters predict the end of the world in 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019 and now 2050.
And some bloke called Ronald Weinland predicts that Jesus will return on this Sunday and the world will end.
Seriously do these “Australian climate experts” believe that anyone would consider them scientists? But like the pseudo-scientist Tim Flannery they can pedal their snake oil for years, sell their books to the gullible and never be held accountable. Because who is going to remember them in 31 years?
Yeah, you’re right of course, but the big story here is that we have a biblical connection: Revelations and Millenarianism.
Historians in 2050 will be amazed at how western culture embraced madness and put on a sack cloth. The klimatariat high priests acknowledge their models are wrong and cannot predict the future.
Without getting too worked up about the whole thing, here is my concern.
The average maximum temperature in Darwin is a whole 17 degrees C higher than the average maximum temperature in Hobart. We live fine in both cities – and that’s limiting my analysis just to Oz. The average temp difference is way greater across perfectly habitable regions worldwide.
So who cares if temperature is, or isn’t, going to rise by 2 degrees over a century?
My other concern is, as a student of human prehistory, the well established fact that human numbers have slumped to almost wipeout levels a number of times since our Out-of-Africa event. Each one of this instances coincides with massive global cooling.
So why do I care about global warming – it has been universally good for the human race.
Those RE capacity factors are why there would have to be a truly massive overbuild of wind and solar farms and storage- and that’s when Renewable energy starts to eat itself alive.
BNEF:’The challenge for regulators and policy-makers is twofold. First they need to figure out how to pay for the bulk, cheap renewable energy units that run at close to zero marginal cost and all generate at once, cannibalizing their own energy prices. At the same time they need to figure out how to pay to keep conventional thermal plants online and available, and to build the new facilities needed to provide back-up as the older plant retire.’
Re SA:
AER’s the only org saying that the turbines were feathering and the SA system could not be said to be in a secure state in the lead-up to the event.
‘A key issue identified by the AER was that during the period leading up to the black system event itself, rapid variability (“feathering”) of wind farm output in South Australia caused flows on the Heywood interconnector to exceed secure limits.
For this reason, the AER found that they could not conclusively state that the power system was known to be in a secure operating state during the pre-event period’.
‘While the AER did not find AEMO to be non-complaint, it considered that the overall security of the power system may have been reduced during the pre-event period due to wind feathering not being identified as a contingency event with action taken accordingly’
Ok, we all know California is weird, but sometimes weird makes sense…
This might be one of those times.