A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Our Democratic party here in the states is debating internally the degree to which it will focus on climate in the next election.
It would be wrong to say we don’t have a green party. However, unlike parliamentary systems, small minority parties have little influence on elections except in extraordinary circumstances, and even if their small vote determines an election, they have no role in government at all compared to that of a small party that holds key votes in a coalition.
The Democrats have a number of factions that would be decimated by a strong climate change program. There is also the risk that such a program would have huge adverse consequences, such as returning to a high level of dependence on oil from the gulf states.
Expect lip service to a massive, expensive program that is ill defined, and understood to be aspirational but not a high legislative priority. It’s a tightrope. Don’t want to blow off the many blue-collar unions, whose jobs depend on fossil fuels. Don’t want to make the greens stay home, or actually vote green. A two party system forces a lot of compromise to occur before the election.
The greens will be very loud if they think they are being snookered. They may paint the democratic candidate in a color they don’t want to show in any competitive districts.
I dont think it will matter much – the Dems have shown themselves to be sufficiently unhinged enough to have sock puppets like Pelosi at the head.
People recognize the Dems are shifting to the left, the new greenist AOC who appears to be the new poster child for the Hard Left, but wrapped in Dems clothing to make her look palatable – if you put her out there by herself she’d be laughed off the stage in 5 mins.
Trump has the Left in a spin, and they will come back wanting political blood, mainly because they were expecting to have Comrade Hellary at the helm by now, but instead have been licking their wounds and also having to build a wall ( but not get over it…har har ). Thats gotta hurt, and then some….
The Left in the USA are clear and present danger to the Union, and need to be handled by the scruff of the neck and dragged back into line, or they need to start actually using the existing laws on the books to start prosecuting politicians for Sedition and Treason….
Interesting comment Steve. At first I thought; Yeh Man! Then I thought; this is perfectly crafted comment. Exactly crafted to hit every hot button.
Then I thought; Hmmmmm
I like to zero in on the core issues, even if people dont want to acknowledge they exist.
Some conservative political commentators suggested when Trump came to power, it would be a race to seewho went to jail first as the leftist insurgency was brought to book for previous “activities”.
It is what it is.
The concern I have is not so much if Trump can win the next election. I think he will comfortably. The real issue is who will replace him as President at the election after his second term? If as it appears likely there is no one else even remotely like him by then I see the left escape their well deserved punishment. There’s not much time to get them in prison where they belong. Perhaps Trump has a plan to deal with that situation later in his second term.
Richard, many of the reasons you have put forward as to why the Democrats shouldn’t make climate change an issue are the same reasons why the Australian Labor Party failed in our last federal election, particularly in Queensland. And it appears that, like our Labor Party, your Democrats didn’t learn from your last election.
P.G Sharrow
“@Larry Ledwick;
“The reason renewables can’t power modern civilization is because they were never meant to. One interesting question is why anybody ever thought they could.”
I was once in the alternative energy business back in the 1970s when it was a real business before the government put it’s massive weight on the scales of ROI. It was very difficult to justify the cost of these things except in very special circumstances. As an engineering person I ran the numbers, always with the same result. Wind, Wave and Solar could NEVER power modern Industrial Society. It always required far too much in resources to produce too little net energy.
This wonderful Idea that was being sold to the masses was a scheme to enrich a few while strangling modern industrial society and convert the masses into slavery to the State. First was the prevention of continued creation of massive Hydro generation. Then Atomic power plants were the target to stop, Later the push to destroy those already in operation.. Only if the real solutions to the need for Industrial power producers are eliminated could people be forced to use and pay for Wind and Solar generated power. A forced rape of society to enrich and empower the connected few being done by the Educated Elite by brainwashing “The People”.
“The world will be destroyed! if you don’t convert to our Religion.” The oldest con game in the book.
But the World Wide Web is allowing the truth to get out. There is no “End of the World” due to Human Industry. Humans create more wealth then they consume if the cold deadly hands of Government.bureaucrats are removed from their throats. We don’t need them…pg”
If you hear rumours that its the beginning of the end, don’t believe it.
I’m guessing that you would require a single massive event, like all the sea ice melting to signal the beginning of the end. But like that massive cruise ship in Venice, it’s more about momentum than a single event. I fail to see how the second lowest readings in ice extent are any cause for joy.
Said like a true believer !
Now will . you bugger off
And stop trying to distract us
From establishing the facts ?
Was wondering whether you actually looked at the curves EG provided Peter. Surely you realise that for global warming to have an increasing influence, then each successive year, the global sea ice extent must be less. But that is NOT what the curves are showing. And BTW, that’s also not being shown in the latest UAH monthly temperature figures.
Why does the decrease have to linear? I prefer to look at a the longer term series, not each individual year. If it was as you say, Then the slope of the graphs would be tending to flat or negative, but they are not.
As the graphs show the change of sea ice extent over one year, I’m not sure how you would expect that the graph lines would be flat, as surely the sea ice must always vary between summer and winter. My point still is that if AGW was real, then each succeeding year’s line would have to start and end below the last year’s line, regardless of slope. And that’s clearly not happening. So where is the correlation between sea ice extent and global temperature?
@ PF Ice is Not declining – that is simply eco-marxist propaganda:
Antarctic sea ice increased since 1978 to 2010 by 17,000 sq km a year (Turner et al 2016)- since then it has continued to increase (Jena et al 2018) and air temperatures have dropped by -2.4C (Zhou at al 2019).
Danish Meteorological data shows there has been No reduction in Arctic ice extent over the last 13 years, in fact there has been a slight increase.
102 – June 4 2019
Antarctic sea ice extent continues to climb toward its seasonal maximum, which is expected in late September or early October. At the end of May, Antarctic sea ice extent was very close to record daily lows over the period of satellite observations, previously set for the month in 1980. Unusually low ice extent in the eastern Weddell Sea and northern Amundsen Sea are responsible for the low overall total extent, with smaller areas of open water in the eastern Wilkes Land coastal region and southwestern Indian Ocean (Cosmonaut Sea). Slightly above average sea ice extent is present in the north-central Ross Sea and northwestern Weddell Sea.
Sea ice does not matter at all. The whole of Siberia, much of Europe and Canada and America are covered in snow and ice every year and it all melts. No one drowns. Sea levels do not rise. Sea ice is decoration.
The amount of extra snow on the Antartic high plateau does and that has been growing rapidly.
The sea temperature is also rising, in line with the growth in temperature predicted by Prof Weiss’s analysis. Now we will see the rapid slide into cold weather as also predicted. That’s why as Donald Trump says, GLobal Warming has segued into Climate change has segued into Extreme Events. It seems all weather is due to Carbon Dioxide caused by cars, planes and hamburgers and the only solution is to cripple Western democracies.
Of course.
Peter, maybe if every time someone in the past told us that ‘X will be Ice Free(tm) by year Y’, this ice free event actually happened.
We have regularly been promised Ice Free(tm).
We have yet to observe that, despite the fact we are all openly being told that we are not doing enough to save the planet.
So, what conclusions would you like us to make? That our ‘not enough to save the planet’ actually WAS enough to slow heating? That the predictions were wrong? That based on UAH figures it has been cooling rather rapidly for the last 3 years?
(also, Peter, if you don’t really understand engineering, or physics you may wish to stay away from the Venice/Cruise Ship metaphors. You come across as word salad. No one really likes a salad, so if you must use one then try to use them as side bar casual humour rather than attempting to reinforce your argument. Think of it like a freeway. It is not about the storm water drainage, it is about the lane marking. 😛 )
Fine Mudcrab, I understand that you do not do metaphors. So what would be a clear signal to you that there is a problem? You are very good at cheap shots, come up with a worst case scenario, if you can
Sir … Arctic and Antarctic sea ice is a variable depending on currents, so what is happening in the Southern Ocean?
Stop wasting your time Mr Fitzroy.
Do some reading and get yourself across the science:
Found this on the Arctic and apparently the real data tells a different story.
And yet if you look at another site, you get a different result
now assuming that the moderators let this through soonish,
You could say that my link for volume is in line with your link for extent (and my other NSIDC extent link). What is the conclusion?
If the extent is shrinking, but the volume is staying the same or slightly increasing, then the older ice is gaining volume. Now according to the NSIDC and NASA , that older ice is nearly gone, and so, it is not gaining in volume. Looking at the DMI site, I could not find any reference to the volume series quoted above, bit I did see that their extent data agrees with those of NSIDC and sunshinehours. I conclude therefore that notrickszone is not being honest.
‘More than 70 percent of Arctic sea ice is now seasonal, which means it grows in the winter and melts in the summer, but doesn’t last from year to year.’
Thanks for that NASA link, a clear explanation.
Feter Pitzroy,
There are three major issues here.
First, the rate of accumulation of ice is related to the vertical pressure acting on earlier ice deposits.
Second, that pressure, as pressure does, acts equally and undiminished in all directions, in particular Laterally. This pushes existing ice towards the land ocean interface where it may become sea ice under certain conditions.
Third, at the land / sea intersection the rate of breaking away of ice is determined by a combination of effects from ocean temperatures and air temperature.
Sea ice extent is highly likely, most probably, almost certainly directly related to the amount of ice deposited and therefore Inversely related to Temperature.
Reduction in sea ice is related to air and sea temperature and usually occurs in Summer.
I, like you, am mightelly concerned about some warming in Antarctic at present.
The current temperature of -57C is expected to rise to -54C in the nest few days.
I need your assistance in calculating how much water this will add to our oceans and the subsequent astronomic rise in sea level.
Can you please advise me of the latent heat when ice turns to water at -54C? I know it is 334joules/gm at 0C, but the -54C latent heat value has me stumped.
Hi el gordo,
I’m in modereation just above you for using the name that must not be mentioned. ie., the person to whom you and I were/are responding.
In addition to the reference you gave I also gave this one:
Perhaps the person who has the unmentionable name might like to read some science before he wastes any more of his time.
Fitz is a worthy opponent, he looks for global warming signals and I search for cooling signals.
The lack of sea ice in the Weddell Sea at the moment might be similar to 1823, by 1842 it was completely frozen solid and impenetrable. Which suggests this variability was unrelated to CO2.
“Fitz is a worthy opponent”
Obviously there’s something going on here that the rest of us are not party to.
Is China involved?
This whole thing goes from unusual to mysterious where a non contributing contributor can get us into a lather of pc induced frenzy.
Someone whose contributions have been little more than contrarian junk.
KK says:
Yes indeed. And, it’s not possible to use his name in any of the forms stipulated by the Mod without going into moderation.
The whole thing is totally disjointed as a result of his sabotage and inanity.
But, a question: how come el gordo can us the diminutive (f.i.t.z) and not go into moderation?
that is indeed a very interesting question.
I’ve been looking at this “non contributing” contrarian for a long time now because it seems that in tolerating the abuse offered we are acting contrary to the principles that this blog nominally represents.
Perhaps the blog managers do not read every comment, but I’ve looked at a great many from the “person of interest” and made comments in the past.
IMHO this person has abused the blog: management and users.
Instead of eliminating them, the regulars are constricted.
Where, for example, is Andy, who took on the painstaking job of highlighting “non contributions”?
Andy who?
Oh! You mean the disappeared?
Ha! Perhaps he’s entered the walled cemetery in Buenos Aires? There they’ll find the “desaparecido”. And Andy?
G’day Sam, I’ve also been moderated, so we are in the same boat and no conspiracy.
I’m writing a script, structured on the radio comedy ‘Yes What’ and we are the naughty students. When the teacher wanders into class he is almost completely ignorant and it has a contemporary quality about it, in real time.
I heavied Andy with my considerable weight because ad homs are a fallacy and surplus to requirement. I like his robust style but asked him to ease off a bit so that ‘sir’ can tell us what he really thinks.
Anyway it seems he has taken time out.
Simple Peter.
As mentioned before the problem most people have with ‘Global Warming(tm)’ is that we have been told for 15 or so years that “If we don’t do X, then Y will happen within time period Z”
Now we don’t do X, time period Z passes and Y doesn’t happen.
We then look at this and concluded that not only was the prediction bogas, but that it was a good thing we didn’t waste all our money paying for X.
Now what we then expect to happen is for everyone one to sit down and discuss exactly why Y didn’t happen and if X really interacts the way we originally assumed. We could then go “hey, we learned something. The world is a richer place. Go everyone!”
I work in engineering. You are allowed to make mistakes provided you learn from them and don’t make the mistake again. If we are inventing the wheel, then we look at previous wheel designs and, well, don’t reinvent the wheel. If we are moving into a new area we look at what we know and progress in careful steps where we stop, access and if required, delete the entire design and start again.
We then test, because engineering is a profession and when you sign off on a project you are signing off as a professional. What you put your name against should be something you are COMPLETELY in agreement with based on the most current and ‘best’ practice you and your employer are aware of.
You see this is the problem with Global Warming(tm). Global Warming doesn’t work to engineering rules. It works to activist rules. We get things like those bold statements of ‘the rains will never fall again’ or ‘children won’t know what snow is’, and then, when children do know what snow is or the rains do fall the activist goes on to say that what they were saying was a possible outcome not a definite and therefore you can still believe them.
Understand? Global Warming(tm) is actually FAILING to provide examples. Everything is thrown up as ‘proof of Global Warming(tm)’ yet when, several years down the track this proof is actually shown to have never occurred then there is no revision of the original statement, there is simply a dismissive that ‘at least it was raising awareness’ before going on to make a brand new statement.
What do I wish to see in order to convince me? I want to see the problem be treated like an engineering task. I don’t want to have every failed prediction simply replaced by a new prediction while dismissing the old one as ‘a possible outcome that at least raised awareness’. I want to see the big name personalities take ownership of their claims, and revise and update their claims and assumptions based on testing and observation.
Remember, Peter, I am an engineering professional (order of words deliberate btw). Engineers build amazing things. Activists build division. State treating Global Warming(tm) more like an engineering problem and I will start taking it seriously.
Let me know if you have any more questions 😀
Very well said sir.
‘I’m guessing that you would require a single massive event, like all the sea ice melting to signal the beginning of the end.’
At the end of the Eemian interglacial there was a warm spike, I hypothesise we are there.
This is also a distinct possibility. Time will (as always) tell
Taking this a little further, there are claims the bipolar seesaw was non operational at the time.
‘Our record reveals a hitherto unrecognized warm period initiated by an abrupt climate warming about 115,000 years ago, before glacial conditions were fully developed. This event does not appear to have an immediate Antarctic counterpart, suggesting that the climate see-saw between the hemispheres (which dominated the last glacial period) was not operating at this time.’
But then, the quote is from “Nature”.
FACT 1: sea ice melt doesnt raise sea levels.
FACT 2; Ice doesnt melt below 0C.
Get it!
Fitz, I find it hard to fathom, that even though you trawl through these blog pages almost daily, you fail to learn anything. There is a wealth of information presented here on Jo’s blog, yet you walk away unenlightened, unlearned and pig ignorant.
Then the next day you repeat the same sorry experience. Is someone paying you, or are you a masochist who enjoys being wrong at every turn?
That loss of ice from the average means there is significant cooling occurring right now. Earths shutters are as open as they have been in the satellite era. The last time we got to a modern low was in 2016 following a significant ElNino.
The sea ice extent is now down to 21.9Tm^2 – three times the area of Australia; meaning a lot more cooling potential remains.
‘….. there is significant cooling occurring right now.’
We would need to see something more concrete?
Roy Spencer should give us a glimpse any day now.
0.32˚C and dropping.
Thanks Greg and with a modest El Nino in the wings.
‘Just as former US vice-president and climatic catastrophist guru, Al Gore, visits the Sunshine State to lecture Queenslanders on runaway, man-made global warming, the temperature plummets and the snow begins to fall.’
Mirage News
Yep, apaprently in QLD right now they have the regular left wing ccmedy festival in play….
world news:
Water on the ocean surface has a lower limit of minus 1.7C. That is the temperature where sea ice forms. Once the ice forms, it insulates the ocean surface to reduce the rate of heat loss from the water. Sea ice extent regulates the rate of loss of heat.
The upper limit is not as precise, however surface water in deep oceans rarely exceeds 30C. The reason for this is that the partial pressure of water increases rapidly above 25C. The linked plot shows the mass of water per square meter in a saturated water column for a given surface temperature”!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNgzHH3_zoyapHehla
For tropical oceans to increase the temperature above existing level the cloud formation must increase dramatically as the tropical air circulates to higher latitudes because there will be increased precipitation to remove the water by the time the air reaches the poles, where the surface water temperature will never be warmer than -1.7C. At that temperature the water column is close to zero. More cloud cover will increase solar reflected energy and reduce heat input. Tropical and sub-tropical clouds regulate the amount of solar heat input.
It is not surprising that area averaged ocean surface temperature is 16C. Close to the middle of the two possible extremes.
The water existing in vast quantities in Earth’s oceans have powerful negative feedbacks to control ocean surface temperature to a narrow range. What happens over land is weather and has little influence on global averaged surface temperature.
lower limit of minus 1.7C
I think you mean freezing point (of sea water) is -1.7C?
The ocean surface cannot be less than minus 1.7C and remain water. Below that temperature, the water becomes solid; thereby no longer a water surface open to the atmosphere.
Heat loss from water to air can only happen if air temp is less than water temp, heat flows from hot to cold. Not like the fake RGHGT which says the reverse. Also Rick the salinity of the water will affect the freezing point? (needs looking up). I havent looked at this.
Also I dont believe that feedbacks exist in climate systems.
The salinity does alter the freezing point of water. Fresh water freezes at 0C. Water at the sea-ice interface is at minus 1.7C.
The presence of water produces very powerful negative feedbacks. If the temperature of tropical oceans rises they have a much greater water mass in the atmospheric column above them. That extra water forms denser clouds as the air circulates to lower latitudes and shield the water from further heat take up. High ocean temperature results in thicker shutters to prevent further heating.
Near the poles, the formation of sea ice provides a powerful negative feedback on the amount of cooling. Once the water surface reaches -1.7C, ice forms and insulates the water to dramatically reduce the rate of cooling.
If there were not powerful negative feedbacks then all the water on Earth would have disappeared eons ago.
Big jump in wholesale electricity prices yesterday – Qld/NSW around $160/MWhr, while SA/Vic $140, compared to May averages $80-90/MWhr. Evening peak demand up to 31.6 GW compared to May average peak around 26 GW – winter heaters all switched on? Will await with interest Tony’s analysis of how that power was delivered. Solar nil, wind 2 GW. Ahh, renewables, what are they good for? Just imagine if the grid was relying on 50% “ruinables”, we’d all be in the dark, and very cold.
By accident last night I was listening to Peter Goers
On ABC radio 891
He was interviewing a recently appointed
Employee from “Business SA”.
The dope was proudly boasting about 50% of
SA’s power now coming from ‘renewables’
And boasting the by the end of next year it will be 70%
And this was an employee of an organisation which is supposed to
Assist businesses here in SA !
Oh yes, of course with very expensive & unreliable electricity !
Silly ideological idiot !
I switched off after only a few moments of this rubbish.
It’s poisonous crap.
Better man than me.
Most wind and solar needs to be not just cancelled but demolished and carted away. Where these things have a use and don’t interfere with the grid they can stay with whoever wants responsibility for them. Solar water-heating isn’t so bad and wind is an okay way to move water around in some situations.
Cost of removal will be phenomenal, but persisting with these clunky antiques and allowing them to mess with the grid is barbarous. Whatever new tech awaits us is being delayed and stifled by all this worthless green goo.
The most urgent measure is to ban diesel for long-term mainstream power. The ban should be federal and strongly enforced. Wasting transport and emergency fuel on backing up green nonsense is a huge security problem for the nation. (Three words: Strait of Hormuz.)
In the past week, the world has experienced chaotic weather phenomena, from deathly Indian heatwaves to snow inundating parts of Queensland. Now, the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Change has issued a report predicting the end of human civilisation as we know it.
The report, terrifyingly entitled Existential climate-related security risk, glimpses 30 years into the future to the year 2050 — and the results are grim.
I know I’m breaking my rules but I can’t resist the occasional glance at MSM “news” around Origin time. The above gem appeared at Murdoch’s giveaway site, in amongst the button-pushing, race-baiting, click-baiting and the ads for Aldi, Lotto, KMart, Krispy Kreme etc disguised as reportage. Don’t know what the ABC or Fairfax have to say about the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Change. Nor will I ever try to know. (Btw, why not the Breakthrough National Centre of Excellence for Climate Change? Aren’t they excellent enough? These days the bottom of your bird cage can be a Centre of Excellence, so why not our Breakthrough heroes?)
Seriously, have to wonder how you can get deadly heatwaves and snow at the same time…Hmmm, maybe this globe earth theory has something in it. That might explain all those record heat readings on the various northern continents (Asia 1942, N America 1913, Europe 1977) at the very moment it was so chilly at Stanthorpe.
Globe earth eh…Makes you think.
The Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Change?
I thought they were the National Climate Change Breakthrough Centre. SPLITTERS!
Jokes aside, who are these people? Get together with their otherwise worthless uni degrees, declare themselves a non profit organisation and then spend the rest of their lives flying around the world living off fear driven government funding while self reinforcing their own importance with their peers.
The Green Blob. Tis Real. Treat with caution anyone who claims otherwise.
If you can view this image, you may or may not appreciate it:
I am torn at the moment.
Here in South Australia our nominally Right state government has taken the problem of ‘Cheaper Power’ and reached the conclusion of ‘Middle Class Welfare’. Rather than doing what everyone secretly wants and compulsorily purchasing SHY’s house and building a coal plant on the remains, the Liberals are trying to spend money giving people battery systems to go with their solar.
Because this is such a wonderful idea my local member is going to hold a community meeting for those thinking of getting a battery system in a couple of Wednesday’s time in the local hall.
So the question? Do I attend? Should I stir the pot and challenge the base logic? Should I take notes and report back? Should I directly write to my member with a polite but rational letter? Should I stay home and cry for the future?
Honestly open to suggestions on this matter.
Write a polite letter on the theme of class warfare. I believe the best message is that you see the current schemes as highly divisive where those who own a roof can benefit but, those who do not own a roof, pay for those who do. The result is an unconscionable transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich via government decree; exact opposite of how a caring society should work.
Then attend, given the opportunity, table your letter and speak to it. Stay on topic to the point of reading the letter. It should be no more than a few paragraphs that you can read in 30 seconds. The first 5 seconds has to be engaging. Do not talk about climate change – that is a lost debate until New York is permanently covered in ice or water.
1 : Attend
2 : Take notes
3: Challenge the Bull Shit publicly.
4 State simply : “SA needs cheap reliable power. Not expensive subsidised unreliable erratic power dependent of coal fired power stations 1300 ks away as a backup.
Ask Bill how he stirs up the “Mayonnaise”
It’s clockwise I think.
I think it might be anti-clockwise for the Northern Hemisphere.
🙂 And the reference point is?
Correct, anything ‘anti’ always turns to the left…….
Thanks, MC. I really needed a laugh, and that hit the spot.
someone might be able to excerpt a little more – this is all I can find:
Al Gore to have dinner with Deputy Premier and Queensland movers and shakers
Courier Mail-12 hours ago
GLOBAL warming crusader Al Gore last night dined with Deputy Premier … Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington slammed the Palaszczuk…
The University of Melbourne paid for the dinner, with a spokeswoman saying the event was to promote discussion among business leaders…
GLOBAL warming crusader Al Gore last night dined with Deputy Premier Jackie Trad and a raft of Labor movers and shakers amid calls for the Palaszczuk Government to pull its substantial taxpayer funding from the “climate reality training” event he’ll headline this week…
(LNP leader, Deb Frecklington): “What a slap in the face for Queenslanders struggling to pay their electricity bills”…
‘Al Gore last night dined with Deputy Premier Jackie Trad ‘
The mind boggles ..2 cats at it.
I hope the chef didn’t put ginger in the curry.
The kids really loved that cat.
4 Jun: ABC America: Joe Biden’s $5T climate plan: Net zero emissions by 2050
By Bill Barrow, Associated Press
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is pitching a $5 trillion-plus climate proposal that he says would lead the U.S. to net zero emission of carbon pollution by 2050.
The former vice president calls for $1.7 trillion in federal spending over 10 years, with the rest of the investments coming from the private sector. Biden proposes covering the taxpayer costs by repealing the corporate tax cuts that President Donald Trump signed in 2017, while eliminating existing subsidies to the fossil fuel companies.
Biden’s plan — a mix of tax incentives, federal spending, new regulation and more aggressive foreign policy on climate issues —comes as he pushes back on rivals’ assertions that his environmental agenda isn’t bold enough. Climate activists largely praised his pitch Tuesday, although some said the Democrats’ 2020 front-runner still hasn’t gone far enough to challenge the fossil fuel industry…
“I will lead America and the world, not only to confront the crisis in front us but to seize the opportunity it presents,” Biden says in a campaign video posted online, warning that failure to act threatens “the livability of our planet” and will accelerate natural disasters that are “already happening.”…
But the release of Biden’s plan was not without controversy. The campaign was forced to amend the proposal because a handful of passages did not credit some of its sources. The Biden campaign said “several citations” had been “inadvertently left out.”…READ ON
TWEET: Joe Biden:
We are in a climate emergency and we must take drastic action now to address it. So today, I’m announcing my plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice.
VIDEO: 4min51sec
4 Jun 2019
Youtube: 1min03sec: 4 Jun: posted by Daily Mail: Joe Biden says he would rejoin Paris climate accord
Youtube: 5min50sec: Fox News: The Next Revolution: More links emerge between China and Joe Biden’s family
lol. check the replies:
TWEET: Josh Nelson, Vice President at ***@CREDOmobile. Previously @ClimateReality, ***@TheHatcherGroup and @NWF.
The paragraph in Joe Biden’s climate plan about carbon capture and sequestration includes language that is remarkably similar to items published previously by the Blue Green Alliance and the Carbon Capture Coalition.
4 Jun 2019
followup tweets:
2)On the left, Joe Biden’s climate plan. Source:
On the right, a letter the Blue Green Alliance sent to leadership of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in 2017. Source (page 96)…
3)Membership of the carbon capture coalition, where some of Biden’s language seems to have originated, includes Shell, Peabody Energy, Arch Coal and Cloud Peak Energy
NetRootsNation: Speaker Profile: Josh Nelson
Josh Nelson is Deputy Political Director at ***CREDO Mobile, America’s progressive phone company. His responsibilities at CREDO include communications, analytics, social media, videos and environmental campaigns. Prior to joining CREDO, Josh worked for Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, the National Wildlife Federation and The Hatcher Group, a strategic communications firm…
***The Hatcher Group: About us
The Hatcher Group is a full-service strategic communications and marketing firm dedicated to inspiring social change for good. We develop effective communications strategies that spur people to action.
The Hatcher Group’s 34-person team includes experienced journalists, expert communicators, savvy digital media strategists, and talented writers and designers. Headquartered in the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area, The Hatcher Group also has offices in Baltimore and in Maryland’s state capital, Annapolis.
Our clients include major national foundations, nonprofits, government agencies and other mission-driven organizations. We work proudly with them to build healthy, sustainable communities, support working families, improve education, promote clean energy, and advance social justice…
The Hatcher Group was founded in 2000 by Ed Hatcher, a former journalist and Capitol Hill chief of staff and press secretary, with the mission of using smart communications to advance progressive social change…
4 Jun: Politico: Plagiarism charge hits Biden climate change plan
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign came under fire on Tuesday for putting out a $1.7 trillion climate change plan that appeared to copy a handful of passages from previously published documents.
The incident recalled the plagiarism incident that helped drive Biden from the 1988 presidential race, though Biden’s campaign team called the latest episode an error that was corrected…
Josh Nelson, vice president at the progressive group CREDO, first flagged the similarities on Twitter…
News organization the Daily Caller also flagged other passages in the Biden climate plan: one on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from air travel that looked similar to language from a Vox story; another on aging sewer infrastructure that resembled wording from environmental group American Rivers; and another on the risks warming temperatures pose to native Alaskan tribes that mirrored government website…READ ON
5 Jun: HuffPo: Joe Biden Jokes About Inappropriately Touching Women — Again
At several 2020 events, the former vice president has turned allegations from multiple women that he invaded their personal space into a punchline.
By Marina Fang
“I want the press to know, she pulled me close,” the 2020 presidential candidate said Tuesday at a town hall event in Berlin, New Hampshire, referring to a woman at the event who whispered something in his ear after he handed her a chair.
The crowd laughed and applauded in response…
Earlier this year, multiple women alleged that Biden had inappropriately touched or kissed them and invaded their personal space during public events.
Biden defended his behavior as part of his style of campaigning…
not the first incident with a child:
28 May: Breitbart: Biden Praises 10-Year-Old Girl as ‘Good Looking’ and Holds Her Shoulders
by Charlie Spiering
Biden then urged someone in the room to take the girl to “meet the press” so she could meet some role models.
Some reporters found the exchange rather odd…
never mind:
Biden’s bounce stabilizes, leaving him in an enviable position
Washington Post – 9 hours ago
Joe titivating again?
How can we get real climate facts on the front page ? From an absolutely personal selfish reason , I don’t care . But for my kids and grandchildren I wish this scam would be ended .
Ditto, apart from the fact that I’m paying higher prices for electricity and gas than I should be.
The real concern is that when our climate brainwashed children/teenagers become voters we’ll no longer have any control of the ‘conversation’ or the ballot box.
I don’t plan to fall off the perch anytime soon, God willing, but once these quislings have a say in Parliament I fear the conservative voice and common sense will be relegated to the back of the bus.
Attention: Annie and other Brexiteers
The Brexit plot thickens . . . again. In fact it is now so thick with legal dishonesty on the part of the Remainers that it is the consistency of concrete.
The Tillbrook case against the 1st Brexit extension is ongoing and there is now a new twist in it that gives another point of law to uphold the contention that Brexit legally took place on 11pm March 29th. A very senior QC has noted a second fault in the 1st extension documents. (Includes link to a detailed legal argument.)
And the 2nd extension has been challenged by former shadow Attorney General Sir William Cash, on similar grounds to the 1st after extensive legal consultation:
Even if the 2nd extension was valid, it would appear that the UK also legally left the EU (again) by default on May 31st when one of the two pre-conditions for the Brexit extension until October was not met. This is of course meaningless if the first extension was invalid, but here goes:
The European Commission gave the additional extension until October on the express proviso that 2 conditions be met:
• EU elections be held in the UK (which has happened)
• The Theresa May Withdrawal Agreement be ratified by parliament by May 22nd (which didn’t happen and still hasn’t happened)
OR ELSE the decision to grant an extension to the Brexit date [until October] “shall cease to apply on May 31st 2019”.
As both conditions were not met, the extension should no longer apply and the UK was out of the EU as of May 31st — if it was even still in the EU after the dodgy 1st and 2nd extensions which were invalid ab initio due to the various legal impediments dealt with above. This has all been kept quiet by the media and the Remain establishment. Why would that be? The EU doesn’t want to enforce the agreement because that would mean an instant, automatic Brexit, so it is assiduously ignored by both the EU and the Remainers in Parliament.
Contrast the level of media reporting of these facts with that of the Gina Miller case in 2016 which sought to nullify or restrict the ability of the Brexit referendum to be implemented. There has been zero air time given to any of the Brexit cases and points of law some of which are so patently obvious that they should not even require a court to enforce them, compared with wall to wall coverage and cheerleading by the media for the anti-Brexit Miller case.
The UK powers that be are simply carrying on with the charade that Brexit is yet to take place by ignoring the legal realities and pretending that they are in charge and can still stop it. The Brexit farce has seen British democracy and the rule of law dragged through the gutter and spat upon by the elite and their gullible pro-EU camp-followers.
Meanwhile, the MSM is acting like 2 of the 3 monkeys — hear no evil and see no evil — but is quite happy to speak all the fire and brimstone evil it can dream up about Brexit.
That might be the right decision to end the chaos, if only they can find a judge independent enough to decide so.
There will be massive pressure by the Greens and the media but many politicians must now be thinking about their chances of reelection.
Just seen your comment Beowulf. Thankyou for that info. I believe Britain really has already left the EU but I remain ready to vote for the Brexit Party if necessary.
Last week I posted a 5G comment with a link to an article about a court case in Gateshead involving Mark Steele.
There were several replies, some very critical, and it was obvious that there are people here that know more about EMF than I do.
So, I thought I’d post a few paragraphs containing information that I’ve come across and have taken to be good info and see where it goes.
Here’s the first offering:
5G From Space
In November of 2018, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorised the rocket company SpaceX, owned by the entrepreneur Elon Musk, to launch a fleet of 7,518 satellites to complete SpaceX’s ambitious scheme to provide global satellite broadband services to every corner of the Earth.
The satellites will operate at a height of approximately 210 miles, and irradiate the Earth with extremely high frequencies between 37.5 GHz and 42 GHz. This fleet will be in addition to a smaller SpaceX fleet of 4,425 satellites, already authorised earlier in the year by the FCC, which will orbit the Earth at a height of approximately 750 miles and is set to bathe us in frequencies between 12 GHz and 30 GHz. The grand total of SpaceX satellites is thus projected to reach just under 12,000.
1. Look at the international human emissions standards that cover that freq band.
2. Find out the power generated by each antenna.
3. Find out the antenna gain.
4. From 2 and 3 and the previous discussion, determine the radiation level at the earth’s surface.
5. Check the radiated level against the appropriate international standard.
6. If the level doesn’t exceed the standard, what’s the problem?
According to what I’ve been reading, and hearing, research that has been done shows there are many harmful effects on biological entities resulting from the exposure to the radiation. Government is saying that the research isn’t conclusive, that there isn’t a reason to be concerned, and sets the standards.
Joseph, I can’t do anything to change your beliefs unless YOU make an effort to check and verify the science. We have tried to explain it the simplest way we can, by reference to the inverse square law, and I’m not sure that you fully comprehend the implications of this law on radiated energy. You can easily setup a little experiment with the aid of a CB radio and an RF detector hooked up to a digital voltmeter, to show how the radiated energy falls off substantially as the distance increases. Or you can start with an arbitrary RF value and just double the distance mathematically, just using calculations. Or draw yourself a graph of distance versus energy. Whatever – the results are the same. Over to you now – you have to convince yourself.
Graeme#4, what you suggest is reasonable. I’ve got an electrician friend who is only just beginning to look into this and he’s got the equipment and knowledge so I’ll no doubt be learning much. Of course, at this stage, I’m thinking there’s still a chance that what I’ve been considering has some merit, but, if not, I’ll be more than happy to adjust.
5 Jun: NBC: Trump meets with Nigel Farage, Brexit Party leader, during London trip
The U.S. president “really believes in Brexit,” Farage tweeted.
By Dartunorro Clark
The prime minister’s office reportedly tried to block Trump from meeting with high-profile Brexit supporters during his trip.
However, a spokesman for May’s office told NBC News on Monday that “who the President meets during his visit is, of course, a matter for him.”…
***Most experts*** have warned that a “no-deal Brexit” would have serious consequences for the economy and lead to shortages, and possibly trigger tensions in Northern Ireland…
***Most experts*** have been warning us about AGW/Climate Change/Climate Disruption/Extreme Weather etc. (have I missed any?) for the last 30 years. Their creditability is running out.
What my mother referred to as “The Great Anonymous They”
Farage really gives hope for the UK. He is a more polished performer than Trump but maybe not the business acumen.
Trump may be ordaining the next UK PM.
The cops are getting some Teslas as pursuit cars in Victoria. Daniel Andrews is still flush with cash…
“A Tesla Model S suffered a total meltdown after being connected to one of the company’s proprietary Supercharger stations in Antwerp, Belgium. While details are scant, local reports state the driver simply went to charge his automobile and returned to a burning wreck a short time later.”
These new Police vehicles will also come with the Magnavolt car anti theft feature
Gives a new meaning to charged by police. 🙂
How can Victoria afford to charge them with their failed grid :D?
The initial intake of breath (still happening) was from the purchase price. They haven’t got to the running costs yet.
Cant see how an EV can be fit for purpose as a working police car. Normally they are on the road most of time when not being service, handed over from one shift to the next. The other unspoken issue is that police cars are normally fitted out with a lot of kit and “accessories” to cater for tha variety of situations they face. Once on the road this would be a very heavy vehicle
The whole thing smacks of tokenism/posing/virtue signalling with OPM.
I guess the answer to having vehicles available will be buy more of them with OPM , just like renewables.
Anyone had a close look and checked the “Quick exit in time of trouble” feature?
Comments in The Oz were really funny. Obviously a lot of folks share our views.
no “former” in the headline, but there is in the opening line:
4 Jun: UK Times: Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier
by Lucy Fisher, Defence Correspondent
The ***former MI6 agent behind the Trump dossier has agreed to be questioned by US officials over his relationship with the FBI…
Mr Trump has tweeted more than 50 times about Mr Steele, calling him a “failed spy” and accusing him of spreading fake news…
4 Jun: The Hill: Report: Christopher Steele agrees to be questioned by US officials over his relationship with FBI
By Tal Axelrod
A source close to Steele told The (UK) Times (LINK) he will meet with investigators in London in the coming weeks…
The source told The Times that while Steele was initially reluctant to be questioned as part of the Justice Department’s inquiry, he reconsidered after reports said the investigation could ultimately criticize him and throw his credibility into question…
Steele will hire a top American attorney if the interview does take place, costing the former British agent over $38,000, according to The Times. He reportedly told the Justice Department that he was only willing to discuss his dealings with the FBI and that he wanted officials to obtain the approval of the British government before the interview.
“As far as we are aware, no request has been made to HMG [Her Majesty’s government] on this matter. Any decision to co-operate would be a matter for Mr Steele as this relates to issues arising many years after he left government employment,” a senior source told The Times…
Steele compiled the dossier for Fusion GPS, a Washington research firm tapped by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. He later shared the information he discovered with the British government…
“Wow! FBI made 11 payments to Fake Dossier’s discredited author, Trump hater Christopher Steele,” Trump tweeted in April. “The Witch Hunt has been a total fraud on your President and the American people! It was brought to you by Dirty Cops, Crooked Hillary and the DNC.”…
CT take:
4 Jun: ConservativeTreehouse: IMPORTANT Report: Christopher Steele Willing to Cooperate With U.S. Investigators…
by sundance
Once again nonsense in the Guardian today about the ” climate crisis “. This time it’s steep rises in CO2 levels. These idiots just will not give up.
Only by increasing the percentage take from the stamp duty cash cow as the cash cow sags under the load. RBA and federal government trying to help though by condemning even more young people to a lifetime of debt slavery.
Meant for the comment on Victorian Teslas.
Don’t feel bad, a lot of time and energy is misplaced on Tesla’s.
4 Jun: The Hill: Hillary Clinton’s Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
By John Solomon
The reason? Never before — until 2016 — had the apparatus of a U.S. presidential candidate managed to sic the weight of the FBI and U.S. intelligence community on a rival nominee during an election, and by using a foreign-fed, uncorroborated political opposition research document.
But Clinton’s campaign, in concert with the Democratic Party and through their shared law firm, funded Christopher Steele’s unverified dossier which, it turns out, falsely portrayed Republican Donald Trump as a treasonous asset colluding with Russian President Vladimir Putin to hijack the U.S. election…
Hillary Clinton owes us answers — lots of them. So far, she has ducked them, even while doing many high-profile media interviews.
I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Longtime Clinton adviser Douglas Schoen said Friday night on Fox News that it’s time for Clinton to answer what she knew and when she knew it.
Here are 10 essential questions…
4 Jun: Sara Carter: Wiretaps Of Flynn And Kislyak Could Be A Game Changer. Why Prosecutors Refuse To Release It.
following is the only video of this particular program I can find that works, and is in sync sound-wise. panel includes John Solomon, Sara Carter, Gregg Jarrett, Tom Fitton, Joe diGenova, Victoria Toensing etc:
Youtube: 37min32sec: Sean Hannity 5/31/19: The Deep State’s Day of Reckoning
Great interview with Cohen on Russiagate
The father of the whole corrupt climate change racket seems to be Canadian Maurice Strong, who died in 2015. In 1995 Canadian journalist and researcher Elaine Dewar published a book called ” Cloak of Green ” detailing the links between Strong, the environmental movement, governments and big businesses cashing in on the climate rort. It is long out of print, but some chapters can be read on Google Books, and there is an interview in 2016 on YouTube which can be listened to, the Corbett Report.
Dewar still seems to drink the Klimate Koolaid, and doesn’t seem to fully grasp the fact that Strong was an out and out crook. Was ye also a Soviet asset? I wouldn’t be surprised… Scratch a green, find a Marxist.
He hated mankind and humans, blamed them for destroying the planet. It was him I think who suggested that 90% of us should be eliminated. He was a true nutter.
While Strong was the one that started the use of world conferences on climate, the push to tie CO2 to temperature was started by others such as Paul Erlich, Hansen and Bert Bolin. It was Bolin that started IPCC. Strong was a well-connected UN official who saw that he could make this a world issue.
For a very good discussion on the history, look at “The Global Warming Disaster”, by Christopher Booker.
The father of the whole corrupt climate change racket seems to be Canadian Maurice Strong, who died in 2015. In 1995 Canadian journalist and researcher Elaine Dewar published a book called ” Cloak of Green ” detailing the links between Strong, the environmental movement, governments and big businesses cashing in on the climate rort. It is long out of print, but some chapters can be read on Google Books, and there is an interview in 2016 on YouTube which can be listened to, the Corbett Report.
Dewar still seems to drink the Klimate Koolaid, and doesn’t seem to fully grasp the fact that Strong was an out and out crook. Was he also a Soviet asset? I wouldn’t be surprised… Scratch a green, find a Marxist.
PeterS – I personally think that DJT is already seriously thinking about his successor, and will probably start putting things in place once he wins a second term. He didn’t get where he is by being impulsive and not thinking things through several steps ahead. Absent huge dirty tricks by his opponents (on both sides), by the end of his first term IMO he will completely understand the whole US political scene and mechanics, will have a trusted group around him, and will know what his next term can (and almost certainly will) achieve. My bet is that by then he will also have a solid voter majority who will support his nominee for 2024.
That would be typical of him. I hope the Democrats implode and disappear from the political landscape as they have lost it big time.
It’s an epidemic.
Both major parties in the UK are now moribund.
Australia’s Labor is on the verge of self destruction particularly since Shorten refuses to take a back bench position which signals his intention to knife his way to leading the party to the next election; you’ve got to marvel that successive rejections by the Australian electorate have not extinguished his now surely guttering inner light –he’d be better off following the example of Paul Howes and going to work for the big end of town.
Although sh!t rises to the top on rare occasions it brings with it pearls. However, most pearls end up staying at the bottom of the sea. In other words, virtually all managers and leaders are scum. There are unfortunate too few exceptions.
Good article in Quadrant Online: ” Maurice Strong, Climate Crook.” The title says it all…
“Australian Federal Police are carrying out a raid on the ABC headquarters in the inner-Sydney suburb of Ultimo.
Three officers entered the Harris Street building just before 11:30am. The plain clothed offices have been met by ABC security and staff in the lobby area of the ABC Ultimo Centre.
“The raid comes the day after Australian Federal Police raided the home of News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst in connection with a 2018 story she authored concerning top-secret plans to expand surveillance of Australian citizens.
Hmmm…….if its warrantless spying its police state stuff…..
What could possibly go wrong?
G’day OS,
This report mentions a warrant:
Dave B
I think they are seekung warrantless spying….
Yes, bad news, for all journalism
More disgusting proof that the Greenies have hacked Wikipedia:- on Robert M. Carter’s Wikipedia entry, it says Bob ” was prominent in promoting climate change denial.” The Greeniacs truly are low creatures.
From good old Quadrant, here’s some sense from the late, great Bob Carter on the topic of AGW…
They haven’t changed his qualifications though, and as far as I can see, his qualifications put him miles ahead of Al Gore in what he says about climate change
I can recall the climategate emails exposed the fact that the alarmists based at UEA had full editorial privileges at wiki V the limited rights to edit granted to everyone else.
That was 10 yrs ago so the details are hazy.
My two cents’ worth from across the ditch in the Silly & Sillier Isles on this lovely, wild, wintry day –
There are only two (2) sites/blogs I comment on/contribute to: one is this fine site of Jo’s (thanks to her articles and fellow contributors’ links, my knowledge of all sorts of subjects has grown bigly the past few years; the other is a NZ-based language/grammar site which, having initially been enjoyable to be a part of, has gradually been taken over by the fem!naz! fun-pol!ce green-gang – GangGreenGirls for short.
For example, someone recently posted a link to yet another nutty alarmist wailing about the end times because of carbon: as I’d been vociferously accused of being a D3N!3R on a previous occasion when I disputed a wild projection from NIWA about cyclones, temps & sea levels, I held my tongue (keyboard) for a few days to see what comments ensued. Sure enough, the 97% consensus-think held true: everyone agreed it was getting worse and it was our fault – especially Trump’s fault – and who will think of the grandchildren, etc.
Being cheeky – some may say facetious or flippant – I uploaded a link to a 5-min interview with Richard Lindzen, from 2012, where he calmly and clearly explained why there’s no need to panic about man-made gobull snoring or temperatures or carbon dioxide or whatever bogeyman is next on the list, and that we should be more concerned about cold and/or glaciation. The next day, whoah! Comment after comment oozed vile and vitriolic name-calling alongside accusations of ignorance and being – are you ready for it? – unwoke.
I briefly contemplated putting up a link to UAH’s latest temp anomaly for May 2019 (a not-so-yuge 0.32˚C) or to ClimateAnalyzer’s anomaly (0.4˚C for the globe, 0.0˚C for the southern hemisphere, -2.0˚C for Antarctica) but they contain observed, recorded, real-world, scientific data – might confuse the poor, lost, literary souls of Jacindamania. Sometimes silence is the best medicine.
By the way, it’s warmer here today than Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide and Hobart. Meh, it’s only weather…
What’s the site Greg?, it’d be interesting to look at.
Unfortunately only time will turn some around and others not at all, in my years of growing up in Australia I’ve never seen such public/media support or coverage for any political or social ideal that CAGW encompasses in my life.
For most free thinking Western societies this has also been the case, I believe the root of all this is Communism and the certain percentage of the population it attracts or converts, my advice to any rational person out there is to promote the benefits of democracy and capitalism to anyone you encounter either subtly or openly as people relate better to what affects them rather than what might.
Yonny, the root cause is not Communism.
Sorry you are wrong on that one.
Unfortunately humans ar social animals
And so being part of the In Group
Is far more important than the facts.
History is littered with “Causes’
Based on complete BS
Which went on to become important ‘movements’.
Marxism and Communism is
Just one of those deluded movements.
Nazism for example or Maoism
Or dare i say it, the various fractious
Competing sects of Christianity.
Bill I understand the group nature of humans but in our recent 120 years of history Communism has been the enemy of the individuals liberty, I cannot think of any other political system that has used the collective nature of people in such a destructive and devisive manner.
The Nazis and fascists were monsters
But successful
So too was the Militaristic ideology of Japan during the 1930’s and 40’s.
More recently various religious cults have been very evil and successful.
Trouble is there are so many brainwashed nitwits to deal with, its banging your head into a brick wall.
See my comment below #30 about the stuff climate survey.
I’m sorry you’re unwoke Greg. Hope you survive…
Dave B
PS Jo, would you update spell check so that “unwoke” is acceptable please??
I think that is your browser and not in Jo’s bailiwick
Any climate change over there in NZ Greg?
“Huawei phones & networks can fix anything!”
more on China:
4 Jun: Scotsman: Hard-up tenants switching off heating as they can’t afford it, report warns
by Chris McCall
Hard-up tenants are disconnecting heating systems in their own homes as they can’t afford to use them, a survey of housing associations across Scotland has suggested.
The report was published ahead of a Scottish Parliament vote this week on the Fuel Poverty Bill, which will set a target on the eradication of the problem north of the Border.
Official figures estimate that over a quarter of households live in fuel poverty, which is presently defined as those which spend more than 10 per cent of total income on household fuel…
Wider poverty issues, rising energy prices and increased fuel debt were also given as reasons for increasing fuel poverty…ETC
a different kind of “heating”:
4 Jun: Guardian: Climate crisis seriously damaging human health, report finds
National academies say effects include spread of diseases and worse mental health
by Damian Carrington
A report (LINK) by experts from 27 national science academies has set out the widespread damage ***global heating*** is already causing to people’s health and the increasingly serious impacts expected in future…
Scorching heatwaves and floods will claim more victims as extreme weather increases but there are serious indirect effects too, from spreading mosquito-borne diseases to worsening mental health…
However, there were also great benefits from action to cut carbon emissions, the report found, most notably cutting the 350,000 early deaths from air pollution every year in Europe caused by burning fossil fuels…
The new Easeac report, The Imperative of Climate Action to Protect Human Health in Europe, assessed the scientific evidence of the effects of ***global heating*** on health…
He prolly means the “diseases” suicide and stress from being told from childhood that you have no future, that your parents and grannies are squandering it, that you will be dead soon.
No cuts in air pollution here in the Adelaide Hills. Owing to the start of winter being short of global warming there are wood fires burning everywhere, including my neighbours which must have been going all night (but they lived in Qld. until recently). Not the only house in the street.
With both sets of politicians striving to outdo each other in “Climate Awareness” by ever increasing the amount of renewables and forcing up the cost of electricity, burning wood is getter cheaper and cheaper, comparatively, much as it is in Europe. Soon we will all be burning wood in order to reduce CARBON and lighting our house with wax candles.
You have to season wood to get a reliable hot flame, but how long do you have to season a greenie before it burns well; or do they lack enough substance as to make them useless?
Graeme I have gas powered Nectre
Which I though was a wood burning
Combustion heater when I bought my home.
I prefer the wood burner.
Not only is firewood comparatively cheaper
It warms the house far better.
Lots of fumes in a wood fired combustion heater,
Are a result of Not running it properly.
Too much fuel and no air.
10 has a climate change survey. Nowhere does it ask if you actually believe it. So that tells the opinion of useless stuff (stuffed more like) I took it and told them in no uncertain terms about what I though about it. More kiwis on here please fill it in with appropriate comments, of course not answering the actual questions.
I imagine it will go to file 13 (trash can) anyway.
Let me say at the outset, their models are wrong.
‘Dr Watkins said temperatures across the rest of winter were very likely to be warmer than average for most of eastern Australia, and for much of the country.
“Our climate outlook shows most states and territories have large areas where chances are greater than 80 per cent for warmer than average days,” he said.
“Winter nights are very likely to be warmer than average in Tasmania, along the mainland’s southeast coast, and northern WA stretching through parts of the NT.”
Goulburn Post
E G I have just been reading a report on rainfall
Here in Mt Barker South Australia
In our local rag – The Courier.
It’s got his headline : “RAIN RELIEF MAY BE SHORT LIVED”
And goes on to state :
May has broken the region’s dry spell, bringing greater than average rainfall across the Hills.
But the relief could be short lived with little chance of the region exceeding it’s median rainfall through Winter.
After experiencing it’s driest strat to the year on record, Mt Barker has welcomed 112 mm of rain over the last month, 28 % more than the month’s average.
The trend was similar across the Hills with Strathalbyn recording 79,, in May -47% more than average – and Uraidla exceeding it’s may average by 38% with 180 mm of rain.
But that trend doesn’t look set to last with the Hills predicted to have a less than 35% chance of exceeding it’s median rainfall through June to August”
What’s wrong with this report ?
1: Well I’ve looked at the BOM’s rainfall records for Mt Barker.They start in 1861. The average annual rainfall is 765mm. The driest year was 1967 when just 382 mm of rain fell. And only 88.4 mm fell from January to the end of May. the year 2018 was a dry year with 639 mm but it= there are lots of other far dryer years.
2 : The good news of above average rain for Mt barker is over shadowed by the prediction ( unsourced but probably the Bureau of Misinformation ) that the coming months will be dryer than average. The problem with this is that the BOM at the nd of April predicted that May would be dryer than normal. So at the end of April BOM cannot accurately predict rainfall for May, but still expect us to believe that their prediction for June, July & August will be accurate.
so much for truth !
Yeah, we need an alternative seasonal forecast.
Normal winter rains have returned, the BoM is still talking as if the climate hasn’t changed. They have the old script based on an intense subtropical ridge, junk in junk out.
But 99% of punters do not understand that type of remark E G..
The BOM is their ‘Go To’ Expert for all things weatherish..
I argue that BoM is wrong, this southern hemisphere winter will be cool and wet. Climate change is cyclic and we are returning to the 1950s.
Has google earth pulled a swifty and made it so you need to use chrome to open it? That would be a pity because I think it is a terrific resource.
Not on my copy, though it has been downloaded a while
Some time ago I was forced to move to Chrome, and I only use it for Googlerth. Don’t use it for anything else.
Was mostly concerned about the elevation readouts so that I could see how high I’d climbed in some of my exploration.
e.g. Tomaree at Nelson Bay heads is about 130 metres up from the starting point.
I have no problem using GE here, but if you have issues and don’t like Chrome try Brave.
I use brave because safari made it too hard to run an add blocker. But it can’t run Foxtel online with brave. :sigh:
Hmm. I was using Foxtel Now with no issue on Brave. I’m not doing so now since GOT imploded so I can’t check it now.
Safari ( Mac Version 12.0.3 (14606.4.5) ) runs AdBlock Plus quite well here, but Brave does do blocking better. I have dumped Chrome and Firefox since they removed support for Gab, and more importantly Dissenter. I’m concerned that Safari will do so as well, given how Apple is “curating” news providers off their News+ platform if they don’t “agree” with their content.
I want you all to look closely at the image I have linked to here for rooftop solar power across all of the Australian AEMO coverage area, and I’ll explain it for you.
Rooftop Solar Power Generation – 04 June 2019
What this shows is the total generated power for ALL rooftop solar power for this one day, and it’s referred to as the Insolation Curve.
Note that there’s nothing before 7AM, and nothing after 5.30PM.
It’s basically (half of a wave) sinusoidal in nature, and this shape shown for this day is pretty much how it looks like on most days, so I’m not cherry picking just one day here. In Summer, it lasts longer, and the peak is higher, and keep in mind here that this is just the Start of Winter, so it gets lower in peak, and lesser in hours.
To find the average, I take readings every half hour across all hours of generation, add them together, and when I get the total, I then divide by the number of readings I have taken. That gives me an average reading.
From that I can then work out the total generated power for the period of generation, and from that the total power delivered by rooftop solar power across the full 24 hour day.
The average in MW across the hours of generation for this day was 1440MW for the 10.5 hours of generation, which equates to 630MW for the full 24 hours.
So, for reference – 1440 X 10.5 = 15.12GWH ….. and 630 X 24 = 15.12GWH. (so, there’s no fiddling of the numbers here)
Okay then, now the maths is sorted, note the peak for the day, and that was 2810MW. That’s from a total Nameplate of (around) 8500MW, so even at its absolute best for this time of year, the Capacity Factor is just 33%.
When you look at the daily average for Capacity Factor (the full 24 hours, remember the Industry Standard, so again, I’m not fiddling the numbers) that comes in at just 7.4%.
7.4% Capacity Factor for what is a pretty huge Nameplate. (to me that indicates failure on any scale)
Okay then, so how much does rooftop solar contribute towards ALL power consumption?
On this day, rooftop solar power supplied 2.4% of all generated power.
At the evening peak, at 6.40PM, the total power generation was 31700MW ….. and rooftop solar power contributed ZERO percent.
At its absolute peak for the day, 2810MW, coal fired power was delivering 16500MW.
At the evening peak with Rooftop solar power at zero, coal fired power was delivering 18300MW.
And you wonder why I have no time for rooftop solar power.
Tony can I share this comment & link on Mayo For Mayo ?
There are a good number of completely ignorant idiots here in SA
Who need this kind of information
Hey look, there’s never really a need to ask. Whatever I write is free for all to spread as far and wide as they wish.
It’s all based on data, so there’s nothing contentious in any of it, because how can you argue against facts and data.
I’m even hearing that because of rooftop solar being so high????? coal fired power is actually shutting off in the middle of the day. It has NEVER done that and never will, not even single Units at one plant. They don’t even ease back any more than they always have done.
Incidentally, as of Midday Monday, all four Units at that ancient old clunker Liddell are back on line, and I haven’t seen that for ages now. There’s actually some irony in that because no matter what they have said, the owners, AGL, would have done this to make up for the fact that they have two Units at the nearby Bayswater plant off line for maintenance. It won’t be for too long as I envisage one, and then the other being back on line pretty soon. However, AGL must have been losing money hand over fist with two of them off line. That’s almost 1300MW, so everything they can wring out of those dying Units at Liddell all contribute to their coffers.
Getting out of coal. Bah humbug! It’s their biggest earner.
Ta Tony !!
Please fact-check and likewise scorn this absolute poppycock:
further infiltration of IEA by the CAGW mob!
4 Jun: ModernDiplomacyEU: IEA hosts leading global meeting on energy analysis and modeling
The International Energy Agency is hosting the 2019 edition of the International Energy Workshop this week, the leading conference for the international energy modelling community. The three-day workshop has brought together 250 participants from over 40 countries with more than 100 authors presenting original academic work.
The event opened this morning with lectures from Professor William Nordhaus (winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics and Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University) and H.E. Dr. Kandeh Yumkella (Former UN Under-Secretary General and first CEO of Sustainable Energy for All ), and was chaired by Dr Fatih Birol, the Executive Director of the IEA…
Keynote speakers will include Dr Richard Newell (President of Resources for the Future), Dr Maria Neira (Director, WHO), Professor Pantelis Capros (head of E3M Lab), Dr Ken Koyama (Chief Economist, Institute for Energy Economics Japan), Dr Ritu Mathur (Director, TERI India) and Mr Damgaard Jensen (Chair of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change)…
The workshop is an occasion for the IEA to exchange with, and learn from, global energy modelling experts. Ms Laura Cozzi, IEA Chief Energy Modeller, provided insights into IEA modelling along with members of the IEA modelling teams in a series of deep-dive sessions. Participants are taking part in parallel sessions that focus on topics including: 100% renewable energy systems, pathways to net-zero emissions, flexibility in power systems, stranded assets, energy and the SDGs, energy demand in emerging markets. The participation of over 20 energy modellers from emerging and developing economies was made possible through the IEA’s Clean Energy Transitions Programme.
In conjunction with IEW 2019, the IEA’s Technology Collaboration Programme on Energy Technology Systems Analysis (IEA-ETSAP) is holding the TIMES training course (3-5 June) and the ETSAP workshop (6-7 June).
4 Jun Montreal MTLBlog: Montreal Just Officially Broke An All-Time Cold Weather Record
by Alexandra Toutant
It’s no secret that the summer is off to a rocky start: yesterday was one of the coldest June 3rds in recorded history. This colder weather was predicted meteorologists at least a few weeks ago. They told Canadians to expect a cold, damp spring and an equally cold June.
In fact, this is Montreal’s windchilliest June 4 since records began…
The Tweet clearly states that, with the windchill of 3.7 felt at 5 AM, today is Montréal’s windchilliest June 4th since records began in 1957…
This weather is a little ridiculous for early June, a month where the temperature normally averages a high of 25 degrees and a low of ten degrees…
4 Jun: CTV Ottawa: Coldest June 4 in 55 years recorded in Ottawa
by Ted Raymond
According to Environment Canada, the temperature recorded at the Ottawa Airport at 6:00 a.m. was 3.5°C.
That’s 0.4°C colder than the previous record low, set in 1964.
The average low for this time of the year is closer to 11°C.
might need checking out:
5 Jun: Electroverse: Bunbury, Western Australia just Suffered its Coldest May in Recorded History — Forecast is for more Anomalous Cold in June
While Central and Eastern Australia have claimed the majority of the ‘cold headlines’ these past few weeks, the city of Bunbury in Western Australia has rather snuck under the radar to record its all-time coldest.
The average minimum temperature for the port city through May 2019 was just 6.5C (43.7F) — busting the previous record average May low of 6.9C (44.4F) set in 2006 (approaching solar minimum of cycle 23).
And taking a look at latest GFS runs, the month of June won’t fare much better as wave after wave of cold Antarctic air appears set to engulf the West over the coming weeks…
***The BOM gives no mention of the record cold…
Weather patterns are shifting, and the climate is cooling — with low solar activity the root and cause…
4 Jun: CT Post Connecticut: Chilly morning shatters cold temperature records
By Jim Shay
Cold temperature records for this day in June were broken early Tuesday morning.
Low temperatures ranged from 40 degrees in Danbury to 50 degrees along the Long Island shoreline.
Danbury’s low – one of the lowest in the state – was reached just before 5 a.m. Tuesday, according to National Weather Service data at Danbury airport.
That temperature shattered the previous record of 59 degrees set in 2003.
Tuesday morning’s low temperature was more than eight degrees below normal, according to the Northeast Regional Climate Center…
Other low temperature records set include 50 at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, 51 in New Haven and 54 at Sikorsky Memorial Airport in Stratford…
PICS: 4 Jun: USA Today: ‘Wild,’ ‘woolly’ and ‘rare’: Parts of Australia blanketed with snow
by Ryan W. Miller
In what forecasters are calling a “rare” event, Australia saw snow Monday in parts of its eastern coast that hadn’t had a significant snowfall in four years…
The snow was seen in various parts of Queensland and New South Wales, according to forecasters.
“Snow is rare in QLD but does happen from time to time, mostly near the border. The last significant snowfall was back in 2015,” Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology in Queensland wrote on Twitter…
More of the same
“Why does Al Gore keep denying science? ”
Via “Tip of the Spear”
History will show Al Gore as tbe Barnum in Barnum and Bailey’s Climate Circus. A showman grown rich on entertainment at the immense cost to the gullible. To be fair, he is one of them.
I put this further up, but it bears repeating.
Sea ice does not matter at all. The whole of Siberia, much of Europe and Canada and America are covered in snow and ice every year and it all melts. No one drowns. Sea levels do not rise. Sea ice is decoration.
The amount of extra snow on the Antartic high plateau does and that has been growing rapidly.
The sea temperature is also rising, in line with the growth in temperature predicted by Prof Weiss’s analysis. Now we will see the rapid slide into cold weather as also predicted. That’s why as Donald Trump says, GLobal Warming has segued into Climate change has segued into Extreme Events. It seems all weather is due to Carbon Dioxide caused by cars, planes and hamburgers and the only solution is to cripple Western democracies.
Of course.
The whole climate thing hoax will blow up in the worlds face sooner or later, the sun will win! Call it what ever you want. It IS getting cooler. No model can predict coronal holes, sunspots and other phenomenon.
Absolute predictions of complex systems are physical impossibilities, you can ascertain probabilities of some events but not the event. Nuclear decay is an example.
Chaos theory and the butterfly effect.
‘Edward Norton Lorenz (May 23, 1917 – April 16, 2008) was an American mathematician and meteorologist who established the theoretical basis of weather and climate predictability, as well as the basis for computer-aided atmospheric physics and meteorology.
‘He is best known as the founder of modern chaos theory, a branch of mathematics focusing on the behaviour of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.’ wiki
Meanwhile in Canada, in June it’s freezing
Ottawa is just 3.9 degrees Centigrade !
They desperately praying for more Gore-Bull Warming !
Suck it up NSW, Qld comes from behind….again.
For our American friends we have just played the first of three rugby league games between the two strong league states. Like your super bowl and taken just as seriously.
I take it so seriously that I didn’t even know it was on until I read your comment.
meh, its a code that doesnt really permeate the culture even in the States that care. Nothing like football in the UK or AFL in the southern States. When the start getting 50-80,000 for home and away games it might have some credibility. Probably help if the players stopped getting arrested as well 🙂
In league our black players are universally respected. Can you say the same? Townsville has two favourite sons, Matty Bowen and Thurston. Don’t come to town and bag either.
One of the difficulties faced by historians is portraying the texture of ordinary events in ordinary lives
in historic times. They seldom even try nowadays, and “history” consists of events, real and imagined, cherry
picked to support some modern dialectic (see Zinn, H).
One would suspect that climate change is not especially new in the sense of a delusion believed by the masses, and
known to be false by the elite, used when convenient for social control.
Climate change advocates are thus flogging the means to be taken to a glorious, but unspecified end.
To wit. the goal of a balanced budget amendment is to have government inflows equal outflows.
The goal of legislation to help the homeless, is to reduced the count of folks living on the streets.
The goal of a program of measles vaccination is to eliminate incidence of the disease.
But with “climate change” (now becoming “the climate emergency”) on looks in vain for the outcome desired.
Heaven forfend that we could actually measure the results of any climate legislation.
Heck, we don’t even do a ‘carbon budget’ for things that supposedly reduce co2, thus ‘green’ legislation
can make the supposed problem worse yet pass muster if the right palms are greased.
In the sweep of history, having to sell the masses on the ideas of the ruling class, however daft, is a recent
phenomenon. Facing a large scale democratic vote is but a sliver of time in the history of civilization; the more
common need was to prevent the peasants from storming the castle.
without commenting on the merits of any particular religion, use of the faith of the realm to deify the ruler was the most common technique….from China and Japan to the native Americans to Europe, the faith portrayed the ruler as God on earth.
Did any of the Royals, most plotting to terminate the life of this earthly deity, believe any of this crap?
Ah Ha. We sophisticated modern folks know the answer.
So do we sophisticated modern folks actually think the greenies believe their crapola (though, as with all such movements, they welcome the useful idiots who are true believers.) Of course not.
Nothing in how they live their lives suggests an iota of faith in their drivel, just as little in the conduct of the nobility of the past suggest any actual fear for ones mortal soul based on earthly conduct.
The reason greenism has all of the attributes of religion is that it is serving the same traditional role for the governors to manage the governed.
Some of the old religions died off. There aren’t many adherants today of Zoro-Aster or the Roman panapoly of Gods, Others had staying
power and become a part of the fabric of society, supported to the degree the contribute positively to civilization ongoing.
I suspect the latter is the fate of the greens. The basic idea of not despoiling our planet, now that technology has the means to do so, will survive. “nature is good and man is bad” ddoesn’t appear to me to have much of a future. “Give me all power, and I’ll make things better” continues to be the cry of would-be rulers, with little concern of he consequences to all of the means to that end.
THEIR ABC was at it again tonight. Anti Adani to the most ridiculous extent possible.
The couple of “experts” fell out the side of my TV – they were so far to the left.
***another name change:
4 Jun: Bloomberg: Companies See $1 Trillion in Climate Risk, but More in Potential Reward
An analysis of corporate disclosures to the nonprofit CDP shows advances in carbon dioxide reporting. The financial sector is ahead, but has room for improvement.
by Eric Roston
Some $2.1 trillion worth of potential good news is embedded in those statements, according to CDP, a U.K. nonprofit that requests information on behalf of a large pool of investors…
Some 6,900 companies reported to CDP in 2018 on the financial risks posed to them, both directly and indirectly, from climate change…
CDP, ***originally called the Carbon Disclosure Project, has for more than 15 years asked companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions publicly…
The group has tweaked its inquiry in recent years so that corporate responses are structured in line with recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. The TCFD, which was founded and is chaired by Michael Bloomberg, published a framework in 2017 for companies to address risks in a more structured and comparable way. (Bloomberg is the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP).
5 Jun: Reuters: Climate scientists partner with McKinsey to push companies to self-regulate
by Kate Duguid
Leading climate science institute Woods Hole Research Center is taking its first run at directly influencing corporate behavior on climate change through a collaboration with global consulting powerhouse McKinsey & Co, Woods Hole told Reuters…
“We’ve got to find new partners because the government is insufficient,” said Spencer Glendon, senior fellow at Woods Hole and the liaison with McKinsey.
Terms of the deal are not yet public, but it calls for Woods Hole to examine the effects of climate change on companies. That would afford Woods Hole access to McKinsey’s network of corporate leaders…
Some experts expressed doubts that company-led change would prove sufficient.
“Private voluntary governance initiatives tend to work in very narrow circumstances. They work when you’ve got a market actor that’s very susceptible to direct consumer perceptions,” said Douglas Kysar, professor at Yale Law School, citing companies with educated, affluent customers who make decisions based on things like fair-trade certification.
Investor pressure remains a useful way to influence corporate behavior, said Glendon, who has worked as an adviser to Wellington Management and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System on incorporating climate concerns into their investment strategies…
desperate times.
5 Jun: The Hill: Trump dismisses Prince Charles’s climate concerns, says weather changes ‘both ways’
By Morgan Gstalter
President Trump during an interview broadcast early Wednesday said that he appreciates Prince Charles’s passion on climate change, but dismissed the British royal’s concerns on the topic, adding that the weather “changes both ways.”
Trump told Piers Morgan of ITV’s “Good Morning Britain” that the prince spent more than an hour trying to warn him the dangers of climate change.
Prince Charles did “most of the talking” during their interaction, Trump said…
The president told Morgan that the meeting with Prince Charles was scheduled for 15 minutes but it ended up going on for nearly 90 minutes, adding that he pushed back on the suggestion that the U.S. must act on climate change…
“I believe there’s a change in weather, and I think it changes both ways. Don’t forget, it used to be called ‘global warming,’ that wasn’t working, then it was called ‘climate change.’ Now it’s actually called ‘extreme weather,’ because with extreme weather you can’t miss,” Trump said…
Trump, pressed on the environment in U.K. visit, says climate change goes ‘both ways’
WaPo – 5 Jun 2019
Prince Charles’s climate change passion wows Trump
Channel News Asia – AFP – 5 Jun 2019
(Charles’s) environmental activism has seen the 70-year-old modify his Aston Martin so that it can run on a fuel mixture that includes white wine.
He also told The Daily Telegraph last year that he tried to run the royal train on recycled cooking oil.
“But I don’t know,” the prince told the paper. “They say it clogs up the engine or something.”
5 Jun: UK Express: Climate change SHOCK: Solar minimum could help SLOW global warming
THE solar minimum could SLOW DOWN climate change in what might be a natural breakthrough in saving the planet.
By Sean Martin
The sun goes through 11 year periods of higher and lesser activity…
Using computer simulations, scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, believe that a “grand solar minimum” could help slow down climate change – although not stop it completely.
The research stated: “A grand solar minimum in the middle of the 21st century would slow down human-caused global warming and reduce the relative increase of surface temperatures by several tenths of a degree Celsius.”
***However, the research goes on to say that when the solar minimum ends, climate change would pick up where it left off…
The sun can effect the climate on Earth, with a prolonged solar minimum once leading to a “mini ice age”…
NASA explains on its website: “All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the sun.
“Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle.”
So now NASA is signalling an imminent period of rapid cooling, as every scientist knows and says it is a ‘good thing’, like the last ice age? Now the sun is all important, not CO2? When did that realization dawn? And just in time to save us from ‘man made Climate Change’. Lucky us.
This will allow them to push the bogeyman way out into the future, claim that its still coming to get us, and keep talking about it as if its real sadly. Stand by for “we must remain vigilent”
5 Jun: Guardian: Home solar panel installations fall by 94% as subsidies cut
Labour accuses UK government of ‘actively dismantling’ solar power industry
by Jillian Ambrose
The solar feed-in tariffs had encouraged more than 800,000 homes to fit to their roofs solar photovoltaics, the panels which generate electricity. The end of the scheme was widely expected after a series of cuts to subsidy levels in recent years…
The opposition said data showed the scrapping of home panel subsidies from April caused new solar power capacity to fall from 79MW in March to only 5MW last month.
At that rate it would take the government until 2092 to match Labour’s commitment to install solar panels on an additional 1.75m homes within its first term in power…
Trade unions said last month that the number of jobs in renewable energy had plunged by nearly a third in recent years because of a slowdown in the rollout of new projects…
Theresa May had intended to confront Donald Trump about his views on climate breakdown during his state visit this week. “But with her government actively dismantling the UK solar industry it is unclear who has the most to teach the other about climate change denial,” (shadow business secretary Rebecca) Long-Bailey said.
That would be a laugh. An utterly incompetent Theresa May on her last official action having destroyed the Tories, their leadership, their credibility, their parliamentary majority and achieving the lowest popular support in 200 years lecturing the very successful US President on politics, climate change and Brexit. Still that would be perversely consistent. The second lady British Prime Minister could not hold a candle to the first.
How on Earth can you say that??
Isn’t that exactly what she set out to achieve? Doesn’t that make her a success? /sarc off, if that’s needed.
A ‘fall’ of 96% is not a fall. It is a total collapse to 1/25th of the level. Subsidies, other people’s money to do something which never made economic sense.
5 Jun: Bloomberg: The World’s Biggest Solar-Panel Maker Is Seeing a Slowdown in China
Bloomberg with assistance by Feifei Shen
JinkoSolar Holding Co., the world’s biggest solar panel maker, sees China’s photovoltaic power additions slumping this year and a greater share of its revenue coming from overseas amid uncertainties over Beijing’s new policies.
China may add 30 to 40 gigawatts of solar power in 2019, down from 44 gigawatts the previous year, Vice President Qian Jing said in an interview in Shanghai. The potential slump will come despite additions accelerating in the second half of the year, she said.
China is shifting to a more market-driven approach in the solar power sector to reduce financial burden from subsidies and cut back on unused capacity. But there’s still a lack of clarity on how it will develop non-subsidized projects, as well as delays in regulators determining which proposed projects can still receive subsidies, which has left some developments in limbo.
The company expects more than 85% of revenue this year will come from overseas markets this year, up from 80% in 2018, Qian said, adding that there are bright spots in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa.
JinkoSolar’s outlook is similar to the uncertainty-driven slowdown seen possible by other Chinese solar power firms, which are gathering this week at a conference in Shanghai. LONGi Green Energy Technology Co. President Li Zhenguo forecasts installations between 30 and 50 gigawatts this year, while GCL System Integration Technology Co. Chairman Eric Luo sees them as low as 20 gigawatts.
5 Jun: BusinessStandardIndia: Elections take a toll on solar; new installations down by 49% in Q1 2019
by T E Narasimhan
Auction activity also grounded to a halt during the model code of conduct period…
A significant development in the first quarter of 2019 was the decline in rooftop installations, which dropped by 33 per cent y-o-y, after four quarters of solid growth. Most of the decline can be attributed to the difficulty faced by installers in getting the required approvals due to general elections…
India’s cumulative installed solar capacity reached 30 GW at the end of Q1 2019. However, rooftop installations still only make up 12 per cent of total solar installations and the country has achieved only nine per cent of its targeted rooftop capacity addition of 40 GW by 2022.
Tariff caps have been another contentious issue as government agencies have been cancelling auctions after they have been conducted and winners announced. This has led to a lack of interest in some of the recent auctions. Over 800 MW of solar auctions were canceled in Q1.
Payment delays have cropped up again in the first quarter in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana. Some instances of payment issues have also been reported in Madhya Pradesh and at a DISCOM in Karnataka…
Bucking the trend from recent years, more new coal capacity was added compared to solar or any other generation source in Q1 2019 with 58 per cent…
Larger domestic manufacturers are faring better as they are reducing their prices to capture business. Smaller manufacturers meanwhile are struggling. It is unclear how the market will shake out after the safeguard duty drops to 20 per cent, said the report…
lengthy investigation. read/watch all:
VIDEOS: 5 Jun: ABC6 Philadelphia: Troubleshooters: Investigating allegations of shoddy work by solar companies
by Nydia Han–/5330007/
With the world probably up to 500,000 giant bird killing environmentally awful giant windmills, billions of solar panels and the destruction of the idea of cheap, reliable and adequate electricity in countries including Australia, where are the reports of success? Where are the paybacks? Who has benefited? Where are the success stories? How is anyone measuring success? What effect has the expenditure of $30Billion a week had on the world CO2 level? How is Australia better off?
Isn’t it time someone asked where the benefit is from all the billions on windmills, solar panels, desalination plants, massive electricity bills and statewide blackouts, all the massive sacrifice comparable to WW2? Cui Bono?
Just go over to Renew if you want some gushy success stories. There are plenty of Youtube channels along the same lines. You just need the stomach to listen to it all.
Sorry, but that’s “commercial in confidence”……
What is up with this paper, and the people who wrote it? Is this meant to be a movie script for a televised late-night B-grade apocalyptic horror show? A believer in CAGW sent me a link to the paper to bolster her nightmare visions (as presented by the advocates of doom,) and as it was to a paper, not the latest round of headlines, I wondered why, and after a 5 second look at several news engines I saw that it’s making the rounds on the internet, used as factual, scientific writing to bolster scare-mongering headlines in the usual places. The believer has caught on to the fact that I won’t read certain sources, which are best used, if printed, as liners for bird cages.
It seems to be a bad dream written up by a group of people who are True (CAGW) Believers. Or onto a good way to gather more research funding.
“Existential climate-related security risk: A scenario approach”
Written By:David Spratt & Ian Dunlop
Foreword By:Admiral Chris Barrie AC RAN Retired
Breakthrough – National Centre for Climate Restoration |
Is this considered science now? Please tell me it is not.
USA Today is a “leftist” newspaper in the United States distributed nationally five days a week (Monday through Friday). To promote World Environment Day (June 5, 2019), USA Today ran a propaganda piece entitled: Energy Sources Are Changing by Elizabeth Weise. The article is one of the most biased, misinformed, propaganda pieces imaginable. Four of her “bullet points” are: (1) “Coal is over”–tell it to China and India, (2) “Natural gas is almost over”–tell it to the companies building natural gas pipe lines, (3) “Renewables are cheap”–tell it to the marines or to Australia, and (4) “Batteries work”–and on this I have to agree, I use batteries all the time.
Reading the article you would conclude that Ms. Weise doesn’t know the difference between megawatts (power) and megawatt hours (energy); and yet USA published her article–I suppose because in the pool of USA Today journalists, she IS the expert. For example, she wrote:
“For reference, the average U.S. home uses about 10 megawatt hours of electricity each year.”
“Some [utility-scale battery installations] are even bigger. Last week, Utah announced an initiative to launch what will be the world’s largest energy storage project, a facility that will be able to store 1,000 megawatts of power. It would be enough storage to completely serve the needs of 150,000 households for a year, said Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, which is developing the project with Magnum Development.” [Bold emphasis mine]
Aside from the fact that it’s an “announced initiative” to “launch” a project (translation, we’re begging for many to do the ground work for building a system that will cost a fortune and be available who knows when), at 10 megawatt hours of electricity per household per year, to store enough energy to service 150,000 homes for a year will require 1,500,000 megawatt hours of stored energy. According to Ms. Weise this requirement will be met by a project that can store 1,000 megawatts of power. Say what? You don’t store power, you store energy.
Talk about an environmental hazard. If all that energy somehow got got dumped on the environment in say one hour, it would be like being near a 150 gigawatt generator gone amok. I’m not sure, but I think that would be a tad worse than a motor bike’s lithium-ion battery catching fire []. I’d rather live close to a nuclear power plant than a “battery” like that–come to think of it I do, I live about 10 miles from Diablo Canyon, a nuclear power plant in California.
Oops–We’re begging for money not many
I’m getting tired, or at least I was when I wrote my comment. In one hour a 1,500,000 megawatt generator will generate 5.4×10^15 joules of energy. At 2.78×10^(-10) megawatt hours per joule that’s 1.5×10^6 megawatt hours. So, in the parlance of the AGW community, it’s worse than I thought. It would be like living next to a 1,500 gigawatt generator that runs amok for one hour. I’m tireder now that I was when I wrote my original comment–so would somebody please check my math?
Dont worry Reed, Diablo Canyon nuk plant has been shut down for some years !
Chad: Not yet. It is scheduled to be shut down in the near future; but as of today it is still outputting power. When it does shut down, the local communities are going to lose beaucoup tax dollars, of which the school system gets a fairly large share. You should hear the education community squeal. They’re no different than most socialists, all they want (no, all the believe is their due) is their share of other people’s money.
Stickers appearing in public spaces around the Surf Coast, saying ” Big Oil Don’t Surf “. Greeniacs are against hydrocarbon exploration in the Great Australian Bight. After all, OPEC can’t have us finding any oil.
Prince Charles’ scientific credentials are what, exactly?
Ask his plants…
Internal combustion engines are not giving up to EVs without a fight.
Strangely for such a mature technology designers are still wringing significant economy improvements out of them. I have mentioned electronic valve timing, which allows constantly variable valve timing and compression ignition of petrol engines which also has the potential of improving economy.
Well everything old is new again. Engine manufacturers are reworking the old Commer Knocker, an engine with two opposing pistons in each cylinder. It is a two stroke which does away with the valve train and it will run on petrol, not diesel.
There is a drawing early in this otherwise PR video.
I am impressed with reliability and durability that come built in these days. Look really odd to see a smoking exhaust these days, and despite the EV fanboys trope about numbers of moving parts you dont see broken down cars littering the side of the road. A mature technology, well designed and given basic service seems to work pretty well.
I ran a servo in the ’60s and the difference between the junk being sold then and what the cars are today is stark not only mechanically but safety-wise.
There are far more cars doing far more miles but only a fraction of the mechanics working.
Commer Knocker? Now there is a blast from the past. An extraordinary engine for its time. Of course, most people used to 1342 or 153624 engines ran a mile, as they couldn’t, or more likely wouldn’t, understand it. Right up there with the “W” engines VW use in their high end cars today for its mysticism, if I can use that descriptor. Most modern day mechs think they are witchcraft, when the principles are actually simple. Don’t ask me to work on a Bugatti W16 though. I’ll only break it.
Err, I think you mean it will run on petrol and diesel. The ones I saw were predominately diesel.
BTW, engines that run on multiple fuels are now quite common. A great example is the choice of engines available to the HMMWV.
I may not have been clear, AFAIK all Knockers were diesel. Today diesel has a bad name so the new iteration will be petrol. Not sure how that is done but Mazda and Nissan are close to having a conventional 4 stroke compression ignition petrol engine on the market.
Techies are scared sh!tless with new cars. I took my hybrid Camry to a battery shop to have my 12V battery tested, it is 8 yrs old and you would think I pulled a taipan out of my pants. Because it doesn’t crank the engine it may not give much warning of imminent failure. Just checkin’. Will have to find the mechanic doing this stuff for the taxis.
Some Dakota p0rn for the plane buffs.
These birds look better than brand new.
As much as I enjoyed the video, I recall that I didn’t like flying in them when travelling north. Slow, unpressurised noisy beasts, and a 10-hour flight from Perth to Port Hedland wasn’t pleasant.
I flew in a DC3 in New Guinea back in about 1970.
I really do not know where else to put this one. I live next door to an old mechanic same age as me seventy four he still has big shed servicing and fixing cars. He is the go too bloke in my country town for older cars
the new young mechanics have trouble because they have no computer to ask. Talking too him today and knowing my interest in science he had a car with a weird one, a 1982 ford F150, he noticed that the fan belt on the aircon pump was upside down, he removed the fan belt and the drive pulley started spinning so he removed the power lead to the clutch and it just kept spinning. He could not stop it by hand and jammed it with a screwdriver to stop it. Removing the screwdriver it started spinning again?
This is just a winding to make a magnet to lock the clutch to drive the zircon pump with no power connected, it is just a pulley that the engine drives full time and when powered locks the engine to the pump to turn on the air-conditioning ??????