Weekend Unthreaded

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220 comments to Weekend Unthreaded

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    This could be the “Who won the debates?” edition.

    But Aussies can be thankful: Not even our greens are THAT bat guano crazy.


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      This Yank is quite happy the socialists are finally being honest about who they are and what they want. IMO clear winner of those so called “debates” was Donald Trump and every American that wishes to defend and maintain our traditional system of Government and the values it is based upon.


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      I beg to disagree.
      Our Greens are no less crazy than the current batch of lunatics claiming to represent Democrats in the US.
      The lunatics in the US and Aus have the same influential allies – Google, Facebook, etc


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      I don’t think there is any debate who won the debates, and that is Trump.


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    Graeme No.3

    A little bit of history for you.

    1895 – Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again – New York Times, February 1895
    1902 – “Disappearing Glaciers…deteriorating slowly, with a persistency that means their final annihilation…scientific fact…surely disappearing.” – Los Angeles Times
    1912 – Prof. Schmidt Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age – New York Times, October 1912
    1923 – “Scientist says Arctic ice will wipe out Canada” – Professor Gregory of Yale University, American representative to the Pan-Pacific Science Congress, – Chicago Tribune
    1933 – America in Longest Warm Spell Since 1776; Temperature Line Records a 25-Year Rise – New York Times, March 27th, 1933
    1933 – “…wide-spread and persistent tendency toward warmer weather…Is our climate changing?” – Federal Weather Bureau “Monthly Weather Review.”
    1938 – Global warming, caused by man heating the planet with carbon dioxide, “is likely to prove beneficial to mankind in several ways, besides the provision of heat and power.”– Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
    1938 – “Experts puzzle over 20 year mercury rise…Chicago is in the front rank of thousands of cities thuout the world which have been affected by a mysterious trend toward warmer climate in the last two decades” – Chicago Tribune
    1969 – “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000″ — Paul Ehrlich
    1974 – “Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age” – Washington Post
    1974 – “As for the present cooling trend a number of leading climatologists have concluded that it is very bad news indeed” – Fortune magazine, who won a Science Writing Award from the American Institute of Physics for its analysis of the danger
    1974 – “…the facts of the present climate change are such that the most optimistic experts would assign near certainty to major crop failure…mass deaths by starvation, and probably anarchy and violence” – New York Times
    1975 – Scientists Ponder Why World’s Climate is Changing; A Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable – New York Times, May 21st, 1975
    1975 – “The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind” Nigel Calder, editor, New Scientist magazine, in an article in International Wildlife Magazine
    1981 – Global Warming – “of an almost unprecedented magnitude” – New York Times
    1989 – we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, means getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have.– Stephen Schneider, lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Discover magazine, October 1989
    1990 – “We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing – in terms of economic policy and environmental policy” – Senator Timothy Wirth
    1993 – “Global climate change may alter temperature and rainfall patterns, many scientists fear, with uncertain consequences for agriculture.” – U.S. News and World Report
    1998 – No matter if the science [of global warming] is all phony . . . climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” —Christine Stewart, Canadian Minister of the Environment, Calgary Herald, 1998


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      Graeme No.3

      I don’t know why I keep getting into moderation. Why, I even left off that bit at the end about “The Science is settled”.


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      Hi Graeme, do you mind if I borrow your list?

      BTW the only one you have missed is Christina Figueres statement regarding global warming/climate change being a social ang economic program.


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        Graeme No.3


        not my list. I’ve tried to reply twice and it has failed to get through.
        The original list I found in my backups although I editted it a bit.

        In case the link is fouling things the original link recorded said after (usual http// start) but now you know .net /those-who-fail-to-learn-from-history/climate-change-timeline/
        The bit after the brackets all ran as one word.


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          Bill in Oz

          I tried that’ link’ Graeme. And it went nowhere even using Duck Duck Go as my search engine.

          I wonder if WordPress has joined the Censoring mob along with Facebook Twitter etc.

          NB : Jo could that be the reason why a number of us are being put in Moderation !


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          Graeme, like you I tried to reply to your reply but it appears to have vanished into a black hole. Thanks.


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        Graeme No.3


        not my list. I’ve tried to reply twice and it has failed to get through.
        I tried again and all I got was duplicate comment.

        In case the link is fouling things the original link recorded said after (usual http// start) but now you know .net /those-who-fail-to-learn-from-history/climate-change-timeline/
        The bit after the brackets all ran as one word.


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      And..none of the predictions came true..says allot about science predictions


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        Heres a few more from “The Eco Fraud” part 1.

        1991 UN IPCC provides its first report – reputedly based on Bert Bolin’s Villach report. Claims global warming
        due to human production of CO2 despite no evidence.

        1992 Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the Earth Summit, Rio De Janeiro. Dramatically successful in creating a
        political issue by careful stage managing, media manipulation, networking and effective use of NGO’s reportedly
        cultivated by Maurice Strong. With no evidence global warming and human production of CO2 become
        political issue when NGO’s and other groups led concerted campaign that falsely appeared to be grass roots.

        2001 Third UN IPCC report to governments. Uses fraudulent hockey stick graph to falsely claim unusual
        global warming caused by human production of CO2. With no scientific evidence, the graph was
        fabricated to omit world-wide scientific recognition of Earth’s previous recent natural cyclic periods that
        were far warmer. Graph bypassed scientific peer review. Subsequently scientifically discredited worldwide. After the graph is seared in people’s frightened minds world-wide, UN IPCC quietly withdraws

        2004 UN IPCC scientist Kevin Trenberth and UN IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri stage press conference claiming link
        between global warming and storm activity despite UN IPCC scientific expert Christopher Landsea advising
        them their statement knowingly contradicted scientific data. After alarmist headlines are driven world-wide, UN
        IPCC quietly retracts statement. 2007 report confirms no evidence linking warming and storm activity. [the 2 crooks]

        ..and it goes on..and..on


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      Greg in NZ

      Addendum # 2019 – via your Channel 9 Cult Outreach Propaganda (COP) franchise sheet:


      “Climate change is the most critical issue of the moment… Yet it is not part of our school curriculum. Some experts say that has to change”. Blah etc.

      Amazingly, one dissenter’s voice was allowed to be printed: “Alwyn Poole is academic adviser of the Villa Education Trust, which runs three schools in Auckland. He says New Zealand’s influence on the global climate is tiny compared with the likes of China and India”. He said “climate change has no place as a core curriculum subject”.

      The now-closed comments section is overwhelmingly – dare I say 97% – against this brainwashing of children in our schools. There is hope…


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      Bill in Oz

      Graeme that is a great list.
      But what about Australians
      Surely there are a few Australian village idiots statements
      To add to the list !
      Flannery & Robyn Williams come to mind
      But surely there are others


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      Howie from Indiana

      2015 “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution. That will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change, be it COP 15, 21, 40 – you choose the number. It just does not occur like that. It is a process, because of the depth of the transformation.”
      Christina Figueres, UNFCC Executive Secretary


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        Amazing arrogance, wouldn’t you think that common sense would dictate that U.N. “leaders” would be drawn from those who have demonstrated great skill, care and concern in managing their own countries first.

        But no, it seems that freshness is preferred.



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          Greg in NZ

          That Christina Figueres woman is revolutionary royalty: both father and brother were Costa Rican el Presidentes while mother was Ambassador to Israel; she was educated in Europe and attended the London School of Economics (PhD in social anthropology) before marrying a German former World Bank ‘sustainable development’ head. Right-Left Royalty all right. Or is that Left? Right.

          No ‘lower socio-economic’ dirty reality for this little princess as she attempts to lead the masses on her ‘trance-formation’ marching forward to a shiny new world… or is that backwards?


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            An obvious sense of entitlement, with the family seeming to have done very well for itself.

            She ain’t qualified to tell me anything, least of all impose a false eco-morality, and yet because of people like her I’m being taxed and forced to work an extra two weeks of the year to pay for them.




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      And this should join the list.

      2000 – “children won’t know what snow is” -The Independent/Dr David Viner.

      A great list. Will it be OK to copy it for distribution among alarmist aquaintances?


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    Have been in Vietnam for the last two weeks and as always am impressed by the outward goodness of the people.

    What I’ve been thinking about is the striking examples of a few issues that seem to be at the bottom of the amazing spread of the global warming truth throughout the European/English speaking world.

    The two issues are:

    1. The power of the group or community to lock in compliance with the group view of things despite obvious harm, and

    2. The widespread profiteering from the group “acceptance” of a stated “reality”.

    Starting with No 2, there is here a serious invasion of solar electricity generation and some wind turbines that is highly suggestive of profiteering by somebody.
    And while it’s not unusual to have elites doing some skimming the first issue is the one that caused me the most concern: money is one thing but damaging your health to be accepted as part of the group is another thing.

    The issue is the proliferation of the idea that any celebration requires loud music and the louder the better.

    Several examples, but the main one was a large birthday party in a hotel.

    Heavy thumper music at an almost unbelievable level but the strange thing was that all the party goers just sat there and endured it to maintain coherence with the group acceptance.

    There were young babies, young children and, of course, adults sitting in a room with noise levels that Australian OHS standards would condemn as unsafe for exposures of anything more than a few seconds.

    One father escorted his young 5 year old daughter from the party bent over, ill and white in the face, the rest just sat there and endured it in order to be accepted by the group.

    Perhaps they’re copying the West and see Australia’s Rave Parties as the cool model for modern happiness.

    This type of groupthink “acceptance” of social dogma is everywhere, not just in the global warming religion and it illustrates just how much people want guidance from outside themselves rather than make their own decisions.

    Have we made any progress in the last few hundred years?



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      KK Does the Vietnam gov believe this crap? Just curios.


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      Sceptical Sam

      …the amazing spread of the global warming truth throughout the European/English speaking world.

      What “truth” would that be Kinky?

      “Truth” is not in their lexicon.


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        Kinky Keith

        There was some irony/sarcasm in the use of that word, after all, if 97% of the world’s population accept that humans cause global warming it must be true.


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      Our daughter thought the Vietnamese lovely people when she visited not long ago.
      As to awful loud thumping ‘music’, where the bass sounds more like an earthquake, I can’t be tolerating it…it makes me feel ill. Years ago we went to see ‘Joseph and his amazing technicolour dreamcoat’ in Melbourne. We were in the middle of a row which made it embarassing but I absolutely had to escape during the finale. On reaching the outside I discovered I wasn’t alone. How the theatre management of the theatre weren’t sued for damages for work-related hearing loss by the staff, I’ll never know.
      Even longer ago, we unplugged the amplifier at a military party. How one can socialise while being damagingly deafened is beyond my comprehension. I won’t have a bar of it now. There is a film night occasionally at our local village hall but the sound volume is far too high so we don’t go. Loudness does not equate to clarity, especially with the over-emphasis on bass.


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        Kinky Keith

        Annie, the noise is damaging in so many ways.

        Besides loss of hearing there are the neurological effects that are not pleasant, as many have found.

        The very low frequency pulsing from many industrial processes and wind turbines is something that has been deliberately ignored in workplace s to keep costs down. Imagine the legal reparations that might be needed if workers were aware that their heart/lung illness was due to them driving heavy machinery etc.



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        “Loudness does not equate to clarity,”

        My High School Band teacher always said that the quality of a Band was inversely proportional to the loudness of the Band.


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          I wish he’d come over here and tell that to our local high school marching band, the Marching Koalas, which is modelled on US bands. Dressed in turned-up hats and capes, they look like Zorro minus the mask.

          They are bloody deafening. I had the misfortune to be shopping one day when they were marching up and down the street. It was literally at the pain threshold for the ears. Apart from the general cacophony, you could feel the concussion of every drum beat in your chest as they passed by. I don’t know how many shoppers they scared away. When I was at school the cadet band which had about 30 drums and 20 bugles wasn’t half as loud. They used to parade up and down the playground near us 2 lunchtimes per week and we could still readily hold a conversation.

          What that noise level is doing to the hearing and general health of 60 teenagers who are in the Koalas for a few years is questionable, even given that they go home and stick ear-buds in their ears with their choice of pop music at 110dB for hours on end.


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        glen Michel

        Oh, if it’s Wagner then OK.Getting a Wagner Tuba in your ear is enough to disassemble your molecular structure.


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        We have a band in town The Reclining Rockers. They are, as the name suggests, a bunch of oldies but they are also the towns loudest and most popular band. Status Quo style.

        I meet one occasionally having a few beers and he has to turn his head to the right to hear you, his right ear is shot.


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        Destroyer D69

        Here in Qld, if the source of the noise(music??)is from an “Approved Event”them the police cannot, or will not do anything about it,So when the local showgrounds, or hotels, are hosting an “Approved Event” even even if the noise generated is outside the legal limits , all limits on noise coming from residences are out the window as far as the police are concerned,the responsibility having been devolved to the issuing body, and good luck trying to get the council to address your shaking windows and nerves at 11PM…


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          Interesting bit of info.

          Industrial noise is damaging but party noise can do as much damage as it likes?

          Sounds like something from the PC U.N. workbook.

          Common sense??? What’s that.


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      Bill in Oz

      Very similar processes happening in the Philippines KK !

      Wanting to be part of the group even if it is personally damaging
      And the tolerance of loud noise in your face

      Terrible !


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        Ive never had a problem putting common sense in front of group approval.As a 20 spmething, i used to stuff bits of tissue in my ears when attending big nights out. My hearing is still excellent….despite being hassled over my tissues “Dolby” noise reduction…


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      This event sounds like the Glastonbury Festival at full revs.
      We could hear it even though they are 8 miles away, the far side of a hill.


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      It was pretty low-key as carrier visits go. Bit of a hiccup. The most low-tech piece of equipment on the ship — the gang plank — could not be connected to the dock for “several hours” while the Big Brass fumed, waiting to disembark. All of this under the embarrassing gaze of a horde of journalists.

      Incompatibility of US gangplanks and Oz docks got the blame. Apparently they had to use a crane to swing it into place. I wouldn’t have thought there was much about a gangplank that could be incompatible. Plenty of other US carriers have docked there without any issues.

      Wasp has headed north to QLD for exercises with Britain, Japan, New Zealand and Canada. It carries the first of the carrier variant F-35s plus the jinxed Ospreys, one of which crashed into the side of a carrier here 2 years ago at the same exercise whilst attempting a routine landing.


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        Lots of bad press on the Osprey even during it’s development. This former SF soldier will tell you though that we would have given our eye teeth for an aircraft with it’s capability.


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          There is an Osprey or two in the presidential wing but have yet to go “white top”. Aircraft must be unstable while transitioning.

          The Yanks did badly with the Harrier but it performed admirably in the Falklands for the Poms.


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            Talking of loud, you didn’t need to be too near a Harrier jump-jet when it took off! Phew!


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              I was at the Cleveland (Ohio, USA) Air Show many years ago sitting in a roped-off area near a taxiway when a Harrier jump jet that had just finished its routine went taxing by to get back to its parking spot; not only is it loud, but it tossed lots of small, loose debris around the taxiway at us. No serious harm done, but the next year they had the rope a lot farther back from that taxiway.


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            Part of that US Harrier problem was the judgment taken that as the Harrier could easily do a vertical take-off meant that many helicopter pilots reassigned to pilot them. A grave error as everything about the Harrier was designed as a fighter-jet, and nothing like a helicopter.


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              I assumed that the RAF pilots were trained in them straight from flying school, knew nothing else, but the US [Marines?] were prolly experienced jet jockeys who had to adapt so didn’t do as well. Maybe a bit of both.


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              Harrier, That was one of the best designs to come from British aerospace industry. Sorry to the US persons on here but it was known the yanks couldnt fly them, maybe due to what you indicated tomomason.


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          My bad: the Osprey that crashed here lost control and crashed after takeoff, not landing.

          I was looking at the list of Osprey crashes. It is seldom for the same cause. Most of the early crashes were due to various wiring faults caused either at the time of manufacture or during maintenance. A couple were pilot error. One was a software issue. In one the wiring harness had rubbed through a hydraulic line. A couple were engine failures. All of those issues have been rectified as each fault appears. Lately they have compressor issues that they can’t figure out.

          I know you’ll never find most faults until you really put a machine to the test, but it kinda looks like the Osprey might have been rushed into service precisely because it is so good conceptually as RAH says. The love child of a Caribou and a Chinook.


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            Most of the early crashes were due to various wiring faults caused either at the time of manufacture or during maintenance.

            Well waddayaknow, the Osprey is made by Bell/Boeing.

            The DOJ has opened an enquiry into issues with the 787, the USAF has refused delivery of new tankers from them until quality control issues are settled and if you do a search on “Boeing + quality control” you will find plenty of reading. I am amazed that Boeing’s share price is still higher than it was a year ago while it is still unclear if the Max will fly this year.


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            Flown in and jumped out of both the C-7 and the CH-47. The C-7 is retired but the CH-47 is still going strong. A guy that was a paratrooper knows he’s getting old when the a bunch of the aircraft in his jump log are no longer in service. Of the US aircraft that I jumped only the CH-47, UH-60, C-130, and C-5 remain in service. The UH-1,C-123,C-141, and C-7 are now museum pieces. The C-130 came into service in 1956, the year after I was born. My Father and I both jumped it and I’m beginning to wonder if it will still be in service when I make my last and biggest jump.


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        The irony….a simple gangplank caused much embarrassment.,


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        little snippet on the Wasp visit

        not all sailors heading in the same direction it seems



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    Travis T. Jones

    Turns out emitting an invisible trace gas (CO2) is a truly lousy way of turning oceans acidic, causing oceans to boil, decreasing winter and weakening spider crabs shells, causing extinction …

    Giant spider crab popularity boom causes rift between Blairgowrie’s divers and fishers

    “It’s renowned as one of the greatest animal migrations in the world.

    Every winter, tens of thousands of giant spider crabs wander up from the depths of Port Phillip Bay into the shallows to shed their shells.”



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      Greg in NZ

      TT.J, if I may paraphrase you: Every summer, tens of thousands of pasty human crabs wander out of the depths of their cold UK boxes onto the fields of Glastonbury to shed their inhibitions powers of reasoning…

      https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-48819335 or Glastonbury: Sir David Attenborough hails plastic ban

      … to witness a silly old coot mistakenly claim there are “seven great continents on which we human beings live”. HELLO! I happen to be living on the 8th great continent – sunken, and small, though it may be – but Zealandia has been scientifically recognised, for quite a while now Mr Attenbollocks, as the long-lost hidden eighth continent. Yet fools and horses and yoof worship this old, rich, white, male. Must be something in the water they drank…


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        Attenbollocks :D. Yep Im not a fan of useless bottled water, which I regard as a scam but, no plastic = no modern world. Dont wanna take this stuff too far ..
        And Yes Zealandia was nearly as big as the West Island here.


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    Heres a good article about another ‘greentard’ junkscience scare..
    5G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep itll kill us all! It a disaster!!!
    Good article,
    Having much knowledge of RF myself having been in the industry and research area on the subject..
    The 5G scare is just another anti development hobgoblin
    He points out, I agree that all the scare points mentioned are total garbage.Infact I have read the 5G layer 1 spec..
    “According to the article the thrust of the scare is that: (1) we are “constantly being bombarded” by electromagnetic radiation that “is not good for us”; (2) 5G towers will be so powerful and close together “it will essentially be like living in a closed radiation chamber 24 hours a day”; (3) “our bodies are essentially magnets for 5G radiation”; and (4) some male rats exposed to a different type of radiofrequency radiation had an increased rate of heart tumours.”
    “The bottom line is that there is no physics or physical evidence that 5G is anything to worry about. The scaremongers know this and have, in response, resorted to the “precautionary principle”
    “In some sense it’s just a natural progression of prior failed efforts to scare the public about electromagnetic radiation. In the 1980s and 1990s, the scare was outdoor power lines and indoor electrical wiring causing cancer. Just about the time that scare was debunked and died out, the first cellphone-brain cancer scare began. That, too, didn’t pan out.”


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      There used to be theories around that living near high voltage power lines could cause health issues probably from the same people who now believe in climate change.

      However the Australian Government Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency has found that the scientific evidence does not establish that exposure to the electric and magnetic fields found around the home, the office or near powerlines causes health effects. Perhaps actual scientists did the studies.

      As well, given that high voltage power lines also connect solar and wind farms to the grid, perhaps there is a reason for climate change believers not to pursue issues such as this.


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        And like anyone would believe the govt after it funding the CO2 thing? A mate had his father die from cancer…he was a maralinga guinea pig.

        I recall reading russian research about low level microwave band exposure and its impacts, must try and find it again….anyway the point of the research was intensity wasnt the issue, as more the ammount of time exposed. If our bodies are electrical in nature, messing with biochemistry in an unnatural way must have some form of impact. The IoT is going to create a whole new field of research i believe. I would also be hesitant to use THz body scanners, as some research points toward potential DNA impact. I think heading full tilt into regulation effectively defined by the RF industry itself, is asking for trouble. Dont get me wrong, im not a luddite, but rather prefer caution over trusting the same people who advocate windmills and suck up to the UN who also tell you RF is 100% safe.


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      Bright Red

      Agree this is just another scare with no basis in reality. They are probably typing away on their iPads on their laps and exposing themselves to higher frequencies at higher field strengths and think nothing of it. (BTW there is no issue with wifi). Based on their own ideology they should stop using the internet and apply a tinfoil body suit and stop annoying the rest of us by showing their ignorance.


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      Unfortunately far too many people subscribe to the LNT model of radiation protection totally forgetting the radiation we all get from the local atomic furnace – the sun.


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      Our instructor at trainee techinician school back in the 60s used to brag about standing in front of radar transmitters briefly to get warm. He had a eye patch over his missing eye and a prosthetic leg. I think that had something more to do with something that went BOOM! rather than the alleged radar escapade.


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        Where did you do tech training? Did mech’s at Ballarat and tech’s at Laverton.

        10CM radar was pretty armless. 🙂


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          10cm is close to the new (low) 5G frequency. The others are mmWave.
          Of course generally the higher the freq the less the absorbtion, unless its a THz CO2 laser!


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    Our local paper ran an article on refrigeration and refrigeration gases in Wednesday 26th of Junes paper, because it was “World Refrigeration day” who knew? Of course it carried a fairly heavily climate impact bent to the story with this wonderful quote under the heading of “Not so Green. Global Warming potential comparison. If all 1.2 kg of refrigerant contained within a 3.5 kw split system in a small office or bedroom was released into the atmosphere it would contain 2,500 kg of C02 – similar to the amount of CO2 emitted by an average car drive 15,000 km.”

    So we’re now so smart we can create mass? How does 1.2 kg of refrigerant suddenly become 2,500kgs of CO2? I’m sure they mean that the refrigerant gas has the equivalence to 2,500 kgs of CO2 from a car but that’s not what is says. I wonder if a 3.5 kw unit not installed in an office or small bedroom would do the same? I don’t get the relevance of it being in a small office or bedroom. Poor journalisim.


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      Graeme No.3

      They probably thought that the refrigerant was 2083.33 times as potent as CO2 as a greenhouse gas. Why that figure? And how did they know what refrigerant would be in the split system?

      And that implies your car is using 26 litres per 100 kilometres. Your car, and the writer, need a tune up.


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    30 Jun: UK Telegraph: Investors in £350m Oxford tax scheme could be left with nothing
    By Oliver Gill
    One of the biggest funds to support a tax-efficient Government scheme to boost start-ups has shocked investors with a warning that investments have been rendered worthless.
    Oxford Capital Infrastructure EIS, a £350m fund that invests in solar panels, anaerobic digestors and energy storage, has written to its clients, warning them that there has been a “significant fall in the value of your portfolio”.

    There has been “a reduction in the value of some companies to zero”, the letter, seen by The Telegraph, reads.
    The fund, which services an estimated 1,000 high net worth clients, blames a series of “legislative and regulatory changes, as well as operational challenges”.
    Oxford Capital suspended…


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      Couldn’t happen to a better lot of spongers. Hopefully the same will happen to the wind industry when subsidies are removed.


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      Graeme No.3

      Nothing green, all red.


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      The most important thing is that the manufacturers of the solar panels, anaerobic digesters etc have been fully paid.

      I believe the factory is in China.


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    29 Jun: SMH: Road death toll should include victims of vehicle emissions: report
    By Nicole Hasham
    Cancer, asthma and other health problems caused by car pollution kill about 650 people in NSW each year, according to a new report, which advises the victims should be counted in road death tolls with those from car accidents.

    The Electric Vehicle Council and Asthma Australia report found that emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles in the Sydney-Newcastle-Wollongong area create $3 billion in health costs a year and unborn babies, children and the elderly are worst affected. It said widespread adoption of electric vehicles, which do not produce exhaust emissions, would markedly improve air quality as well as cutting noise and greenhouse gas pollution…

    It called for new policy approaches to improve health outcomes including greater electric vehicle adoption, better public transport, stricter vehicle emission standards and a hastened transition away from polluting fossil-fuel energy generation…READ ON


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      Bill in Oz

      Red thumb but not for you Pat
      Just that crap ideas like this deserves to be red thumbed


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      “Cancer, asthma and other health problems caused by car pollution kill about 650 people in NSW each year”

      Name just, say, 3, and prove that this was the cause.


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        I think the use the same logic as smoking related deaths. Cross the road with a fag hanging out of your mouth (can you still say that?) and get hit by a bus , and it will go down as a smoking related death.


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      Why don’t they address the real issues; Australia’s unenviable youth suicide rate, death and harm from “recreational” drug taking and road deaths.

      Trouble is that resolving those requires proactive law enforcement and that’s very unPC, and worse, politicians could lose votes.



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        Thats a bit much like hard work and reality KK. Much better to waffle about EVs and get reports published.


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      This report by the Electric Vehicle Council is chock full of falsities: https://electricvehiclecouncil.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/EVC-Cleaner-and-Safer-Roads-for-NSW_V3-Single.pdf. Let’s take one obvious example. On page 5, third paragraph, second sentence: “Air pollution from motor vehicles kills over 1,700 Australians per year.” Although it’s not clear from the reference, the actual reference is to an ABC “The Conversation” article by Robyn Schofield, Lecturer at Melbourne Uni. This article clearly says that there are 1240 road deaths in Australia every year (Appears to be correct), PLUS “…another 740 deaths due to vehicle emissions”. The 740 deaths figure is from an OECD report and is an ESTIMATION ONLY – no proof provided!! In any case, a possible 740 deaths is a LONG way LESS than the 1700 claimed in this report – it appears as they they have ADDED the 1240 road deaths to the estimated 740. They continue making this same error later by estimating 650 deaths in NSW due to emissions, which again is clearly wrong. And they continue to reference an ABC document as though it’s a scientific paper, which clearly it’s not.


      • #
        • #
          Bill in Oz

          The ABC’s village idiot reporters are hard at work – NOT
          Checking the facts should be basic to a reporters skill set.
          Instead now they check to see if they are in line with the
          Prevailing GREENIST IDEOLOGY.
          It is sad what the ABC has become.


      • #

        Its funny watching the tactics change and the contortions gone through to keep pushing the EV barrow.

        The market isnt buying it
        The election didnt go with “charge in 8 or 10 minutes” Bill and Co
        The mandates arent coming forward for another few years

        So what do we do? invent a new range of dire statements and claims aimed at herding the masses in the ordained direction


      • #

        If air pollution was indeed killing a significant number of people it could be demonstrated statistically.

        Survey a number of residents of smaller coastal communities where the prevailing wind is from the sea and where missing a set of lights is an earth-shattering event. Compare those stats to those from city dwellers. I’d wager any difference would be within the margin or error.


      • #

        Graeme#4, as with all the electric car hype they forget a very inconvenient truth – E cars being heavier due to the battery pack have this nasty tendency to grind more rubber from the tires and also grind up more of the road surface, it is this particulate matter that can cause health problems but we can’t mention that as it doesn’t fit the narrative.


        • #

          Michelins for a Tesla S cost >US400 a corner and wouldn’t last long, especially if you enjoyed driving in “ludicrous” mode.


  • #

    29 Jun: HuffPo: Oregon GOP Senators Return To Capitol After Dems Agree To Kill Climate Bill
    By Julian Shen-Berro
    Oregon’s Republican state senators will return to the Capitol on Saturday following a weeklong walkout over a proposed climate change cap-and-trade bill, Senate Minority Leader Herman Baertschiger Jr. (R) announced on Friday.
    “Our mission walking out of this building was to kill cap and trade,” Baertschiger said at a press conference. “And that’s what we did.”…

    29 Jun: OregonLive: How Oregon’s climate-change bill ran out of gas
    By Ted Sickinger
    There also was no lead spokesperson for the policy outside the Willamette Valley, and no effective on-the-ground counter narrative to explain on how the bill could actually help rural Oregonians. Ultimately, Democrats may have overestimated Oregonians’ overall willingness to be at the vanguard of the fight on global climate change.

    And, in the end, Democrats didn’t anticipate the sizeable backlash from rural Oregonians, perhaps overconfident that their supermajority would deliver the necessary votes regardless…
    Supporters claim they had the support to pass HB 2020 if that floor vote had taken place. But that’s far from clear. There was late waffling in the Democratic caucus, and Sen. Lee Beyer, D-Springfield, who was drafted on June 19 to help round up the strays, said it wasn’t just one or two.
    “At one point, we had as many as five, maybe six (Democrats) who had serious reservations about it,” he said. “In the end, we ran out of time. There weren’t the votes there.”…

    Losing control of the narrative
    Messaging around climate change is generally an uphill battle…
    Perhaps the toughest needle to thread was convincing Oregonians that they should serve as a catalyst in the global fight against climate change, bearing some immediate costs when the state’s actions will have a negligible impact on global emissions – and when some neighboring states are taking no action…
    The environment is not typically one of voters’ top concerns. Jobs, the economy and healthcare all top that list…READ ON


    • #

      Catalyst? Destroy the state to show others that you are concerned? That’s self immolation, attention seeking, virtue signalling and utterly destructive. As in Australia.

      Still the public servants in South Australia and Tasmania have their giant Government diesels and Canberra has its profitable windmills, so they can afford to shut the rest of Australia down and act as martyrs, catalysts in setting fire to the rest of the country. They get paid anyway when businesses close and they can holiday in Bali. Global warming is all about middle class hypocrisy. No one actually expects to make a difference.


  • #
    Richard Ilfeld

    Everyone knows a child who, upon receiving a small allowance or chore payment, had dreams of spending it ten time over then learned life’s first lesson in budgeting and fiscal prudence.

    Where did the Democrats find 20 supposed leaders who all missed this basic life lesson.

    This may be a silly question as we see relatively large populations who think there is such a thing as a free lunch.

    So many times, I find myself thinking “Do they really believe this crap?” My other thought is that “They know this is crap, but have utter contempt for the electorate”. Neither is pleasant.

    I find the following strange: Many “nations” in the world were created by colonial powers drawing arbitrary lines on a map. It is fair to argue that their have been no more destructive conflicts in our world than those between different tribes forced to share the same political space.

    Yet it seems that, in several countries united by ideas rather than blood, and with histories of successful secular governance, the forces of the left want nothing more than to divide us into warring tribes, with belief systems that no longer permit compromise.
    Whether climate, or attitude towards immigrants, or feeling about energy production, the basic message is “don’t compromise, hate thy neighbor”.

    In the Anglo-American tradition for centuries, one could boil politics down to “a chicken in every pot”. Few strayed far from the general welfare of the public.

    Not it seems fashionable for some to declare “sackcloth and ashes for thee, so some deserving others may prosper”. Those who buy this deserve the misery that will follow. They may be surprised to find out how unhappy their fellow citizens are to join them wallowing in their feelings. Our history of live-and-let-live can change to retribution, if the divergent stray too far.
    The climate change & open borders folks may well have crossed the line.


  • #
    Richard Ilfeld

    I’d wager most on this site feel the news media to be disastrously ignorant when reporting on climate matters, thus reduced to parrtoing the political taking points.
    I’d also wager a near universal feeling of leftward bias.
    But rarely is there a story that crystallizes this more than this mornings brief excursion by Mr. Trump into North Korea.

    When reporting an issue involving a political figure, and trying to judge the ‘fake news’ quotient, one should always ask “Would the story be the same if the protagonist were of the opposite persuasion?”.

    Every story I have seen this morning has emphasized that this is a stupid publicity seeking gesture, with little real progress made.
    Does anyone in the world doubt that had Obama stepped over the DMC, it would have been a stunning breakthrough on the path to peace, and a bold and courageous move by an extraordinary leader?

    The media are biased. The prosecution rests.


    • #
      Reed Coray

      Richard, You have (a) identified a very good test for bias, and (b) perfectly illustrated where the main stream media stands.


    • #

      It has been said that if Trump found a cure for cancer he would be attacked for it. The evidence is overwhelming that would be the case. The hate of the left for that man is palpable and the fear of the man and what he stands for is what drives their hate. Just as it drove the sewer rats to plot to destroy him before he had even taken the oath of office. You can’t miss it.

      But Trump just keeps on keeping on. The stamina/endurance that 73 year old man has displayed is astounding. These trips, one after another to divergent time zones with very long days and heavy work load would wear on a man half his age. And today, after the G20 and visit to the DMZ he stopped by the Osan AFB to spend some time with the troops and thank them and recognize people,from the Sec. State to US service wives, for their special efforts. Making such stops at US military installations during his travels seems to be an emerging pattern. And yet when he gets home, if he takes a little rest he will be criticized for it.

      Ten years ago I installed a 30′ lighted flag pole in my front yard. Usually I fly a standard 4’x6′ American flag with a 4′ x 6′ Gadsden flag under the stars and stripes. On certain holidays, like the 4th of July, I break out my 8′ x 12′ stars and stripes and fly the 4′ x 6′ Gadsden (Don’t Tread On Me) under it. For the year 2020 the Gadsden will be replaced by a 3’x5′ “Trump 2020” flag for all days except Memorial Day and the 4th of July.


  • #
  • #
    el gordo

    The reason Morrison supported the aspirationals and not those entrenched in poverty.

    ‘As the Productivity Commission has noted, our poverty rate has remained stubbornly high for 30 years, despite Australia being one of the wealthiest countries in the world and enjoying decades of economic growth.’



    • #
      el gordo

      The Robo Debt Scheme, which turned Centrelink into a Third World organisation, is all Morrison’s doing.


    • #

      I wonder what the acceptable level of poverty is? (given that there will always be some who do it to themselves. I wonder what “high” means? high vs some target? high vs NZ or Canada or somewhere thats a realistic comparison?


      • #
        el gordo

        Yeah, its relative poverty. There are four economic classes, rich, upper middle, lower middle and poor. In a free liberal market economy those on the bottom wrung are supported by a safety net, so that we don’t have beggars in the street.


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    Kerrie O’Brien, veteran jounalist, clueless idiot …

    “His next target was his own profession, which had to “share responsibility for the great failures of our time”, he said.

    The first of those failings was on [failed doomsday global warming].

    “We are still stuck in the mire of drab, dishonest arguments that will come at great cost to future generations,” O’Brien said.

    “We, the journalists, have not cut through the fake news effectively.

    We have not properly held politicians to account.”



    • #
      Bill in Oz

      Kerrie O’Brian ?
      The ABC’s own home grown ideological village idiot !
      The ABC has reported him at leisure as well on this.
      I gave it 2 seconds and moved on.


    • #
      glen Michel

      Red Kerry. One of the grand poobah’s of the ABC. It wouldn’t surprise me if the “luvvies” want a statue of him outside of ABC central with him clutching the Communist Manifesto.


    • #

      I totally agree with his argument. He and his alleged “profession” should be after Tim Flannery, Al Gore, Jay Weatherill, the BOM adjustment brigade, JCU and the ABC. Yay Kerry! go hard!


  • #
    el gordo

    Bill wanted to talk about the Bradfield Scheme but I think Roger Cooke’s idea is superior.

    ‘The Supplementary Water Scheme involves piping 7000GL pa from the Kimberley to the Darling where the irrigators get an additional 4000 Gl pa and 3000GL pa goes to environmental flow. This scheme costs $4.5 billion so it is proposed that the Government ceases spending $12.6 billion on buy backs and spend $4.5 billion on the Ord / Darling Pipeline.’


    • #
      Bill in Oz

      Ahhh EG I have been busy this weekend.
      And the Bradfield scheme dropped off the back of the ute.
      But I still support it.
      An engineer who designed and supervised the construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge
      Seems to me to be exactly the type of engineer who knew what he was talking about.


    • #

      Go with solar/wind powered pump for an extra $2bn and it will be a certain goer!


      • #
        el gordo

        That is covered by the $4.5 billion.

        ‘The proposal is to pipe water from the Kimberley to the MD Basin. This estimate is for an 1800hm pipeline with 15 to 20 pumping stations every 90 to 120 km. There will be multiple pipes required to convey at least 7000GL pa from possibly the Ord River to the upper reaches of the Darling.

        ‘Construction time (not including design and land acquisition time) could be less than 18 months as the pumping stations and pipes between them can be constructed concurrently.’

        Roger Cooke


        • #

          Run a small gas pipeline beside it and there’s your energy for the water pumps.


          • #
            el gordo

            Certainly gas would be a perfect backup, but we could retain solar and wind. This is the new three piece combo they are using in mining camps.


    • #

      The most important question is whether the water at the supply end is reliable and AFAIK the Kimberley’s rain is super reliable. If it cam be done at that cost – Go for it.


  • #

    Latest paper from Professor Valentina Zharkova



    • #

      At last, something well done by an appropriate group of individuals.
      Something researched and reported by true scientists rather than the bulk of the rubbish published by snake oil salesmen (and women) and arts-oriented left wing philosophers.


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      Long and complex but seems to be based on common sense science with a sensible time scale.

      It makes the IPCCCCC sponsored “models” of modern climate based on CO2 impact look positively juvenile and perhaps even disingenuous.

      Some people will do anything for fame and fortune.

      Good to see a contrary view.



    • #

      New grand minima 2020 to 2055 – not long to wait.

      But continuing gradual rise by 2.5C from present to 2600. May rekindle the CO2 debate after the minima. See Graeme No3 post #3 above.

      I am still lost in understanding how the solar “dynamos” are powered. Also what causes the magnetic polarisation. I understand the planetary tidal (gravitational) forces on the sun.

      The paper does discuss Earth’s tilt but does not get into the importance of Earth’s oceans view of the sun. A higher proportion of the Southern Hemisphere is covered with water so when the perihelion of Earth’s orbit aligns with the Austral summer there will be more energy collected than when the Boreal summer occurs at perihelion. At present the perihelion is the at boreal summer.

      Earth’s precession is also an important factor in the global ocean view of the sun. Present tilt is 23.44 degrees. Roughly middle of the range. Minimum tilt is 22.1 degrees. During period of minimum tilt there would be greater ocean view of the sun at perihelion than when the tilt is at maximum. That means more heat storage over the annual cycle than when tilt is maximum.

      The paper is aiming to forecast temperature based solely on solar processes and proximity to Earth. I believe it needs to consider Earth’s orientation to the sun to get further insight. Water and its distribution on Earth is the primary controller of climate on Earth. It is not a constant with respect to its view of the sun so needs to be taken into account when making climate predictions.


      • #
        Graeme No.3


        I haven’t been able to get the Milankovitch cycles to correspond with other evidence. There is no doubt that there are cycles in our climate, esp. lately but getting the predictions to line up with the dates that events have occurred is difficult without fudges. Some years ago I saw a reference to the 10,000 year problem in Wikipedia. It was actually a 17,000 year difference between the supposed interglacial and the geological analyses of a warm cycle (in the Devil’s cave in California from memory). That article with that title now refers to something other than that.
        The graphs produced to illustrate the cycles rely on variable cycle timings; the precession is shown as 19, 22 or 24 thousand years not the 24,800 from the astronomical figures (although they are also “elastic” – try finding the start date of The Age of Aquarius). The eccentricity of the earth’s orbit is listed as 95, 125 or 400 thousand years in one case and 90 or 110 thousand in another case. The 400,000 is presumably the fourth Milankovitch cycle due to the gravitational influence of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus? on the Earth’s cycle around then Sun (and recently heralded as 405,000 years). The phrase fudge factors occurs to me.
        Then there is the question of the SUN actually orbiting the barycentre (as first postulated by Isaac Newton) which makes the Earth’s orbit (with respect to the galaxy) as more like a square with rounded corners.
        Another factor is the Sun’s character as a mainline star therefore prone to brightness variation of 4%. Throw in the weakening of the magnetic shield allowing more (cloud inducing) cosmic ray penetration and the possibility of a magnetic pole reversal and I throw my hands up.


  • #
    el gordo

    A little while back Latus Dextro said Beijing promotes ‘a hegemony through their Belt and Road Initiative, in a kraptitudinous new-age economic colonisation…’

    Colonisation is a thing of the past, the new world order is neo capitalist with a desire to bring humanity out of poverty. Capitalism needs new markets to survive.


  • #
    Bill in Oz

    Why is Bill Birtles ABC journalist in China suffering from TDS ?

    A real mystery ! But he does indeed afflicted poor bastard ! !I seems to be a disease that is picked up merely by being in the presence of other journalists. This ABC journo needs to go somewhere remote for a long holiday to recover!

    Maybe Mac Quarrie Island !



    • #

      Couldn’t agree more. I’ll bet CNN and their ilk are reporting this hugely historic moment in a similar fashion.


    • #

      Most expats tend to go native to some extent. Sometimes they align with the culture they are in , sometimes they align with the dominaant culture of the expat ghetto. Bill is probably just spending to much time at the foreign correspondents club with his lefty septic/pom mates.


  • #

    We all know that CO2 is a trace gas. The way things are going with natural gas prices it too might end up being a trace gas for consumers here in Australia. That and the fact overall power prices are not coming down enough for all as promised by PM Morrison means this nation is still heading straight over the cliff in economic terms. What’s worse is more and more old people are ending up in hospital with hypothermia or found dead in their own homes because they can’t afford to use a heater. It makes me wonder if Morrison even gives a damn and is just another career politician who has lost touch with reality. He even is starting to sound like Turnbull in his speeches. I’m going to write a letter to him asking some very pertinent questions to check if he is for real or not.


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      He has not given any indication for anyone below the rank of MalEx444.

      Who was it that signed the cheque, surely not Scomo444.

      The only reason he’s there is that the others were going to be worse.


      • #
        Kinky Keith

        Indication ,,,,, of concern.


      • #

        Yes as often is the case choosing in politics the “lesser of two evils principle” still means failure. We need a Trump at least for a term but unfortunately we have no one like him in sight.


    • #

      Sorry to keep pointing this out, but as far as natural gas in WA goes, we are all right Jack…


    • #

      Sorry to keep pointing this out, but as far as natural gas in WA, we are all right Jack…


  • #

    30 Jun: ClimateChangeNews: ‘Revolutionise the world’: UN chief calls for youth to lead on climate
    Use social media and political organising to ‘force’ older generation to confront climate crisis, says António Guterres
    By Chloé Farand
    The secretary general was answering questions from global youth representatives in front of diplomats, private and civil society leaders at the opening of a two-day meeting in Abu Dhabi on Sunday…

    CAGW is harming the US economy, says Steiner:

    VIDEO: 1min02: 30 Jun: National UAE: UN official: Trump’s take on climate change not representative of US public
    Achim Steiner, head of the United Nations Development Programme, said opinion polls in America show a rising concern about the issue
    Speaking on Sunday in Abu Dhabi, Achim Steiner said recent opinion polls showed a rising concern in the US about the devastation wrought across the globe by climate change.
    His comments came following remarks by US president Donald Trump that questioned the reliability of renewable energy…

    Mr Trump was speaking at the G20 summit in Japan at the weekend where he claimed renewable energy could not be always relied on.
    “It doesn’t always work with solar because solar is just not strong enough, and a lot of them want to go to wind, which has caused a lot of problems,” said Mr Trump…


    • #

      ‘Use social media and political organising to ‘force’ older generation to confront climate crisis, says António Guterres”
      Sieg Heil! Climate Hitler youth.


      • #

        If only someone could force Guterres to confront reality, rather than running around the world promoting a manufactured “crisis”


  • #

    30 Jun: UK Independent: Trump dismisses need for climate change action: ‘We have the cleanest water we’ve ever had, we have the cleanest air’
    ‘It doesn’t always work with a windmill,’ says US president as he rejects green energy
    by Peter Stubley
    The president, speaking at the G20 Summit in Japan, also claimed that wind power “does not work” because it has to be heavily subsidised.
    “I’m not sure that I agree with certain countries with what they are doing, they are losing a lot of power. I am talking about the powering of a plant.
    “It doesn’t always work with a windmill. When the wind goes off, the plant isn’t working. It doesn’t always work with solar because solar’s just not strong enough, and a lot of them want to go to wind, which has caused a lot of problems.
    “Wind doesn’t work for the most part without subsidy. The United States is paying tremendous amounts of subsidies for wind. I don’t like it, I don’t like it.”…

    Defending his decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Accord, Mr Trump denied he was “ignoring” the problem but claimed that trying to take action on global warming would affect the American economy.
    “We have the best numbers we’ve ever had recently, and I’m not looking to put our companies out of business,” he said.
    “I’m not looking to create a standard that is so high that we’re going to lose 20 to 25 per cent of our production.”…


    • #

      I often wonder if his simple terms shows his sophistication in keeping things simple for his constituency or it he just prefers simple terms.

      It doesn’t always work with a windmill. When the wind goes off, the plant isn’t working.

      Compared with:
      Wind power is intermittent; no wind no electricity. His terms “windmill” and “doesn’t work” are simple language by comparison.

      He rarely uses extravagant terms in praising or deriding something; it is either good or bad and he likes it or doesn’t like it. For example Trump on Putin at the G20:

      “He is a great guy. I think we had a really good meeting. I think he is a good person,

      From above:

      “Wind doesn’t work for the most part without subsidy. The United States is paying tremendous amounts of subsidies for wind. I don’t like it, I don’t like it.”


      • #

        Trump appears to uses language carelessly, IMO it’s just an effect. He often does this to infuriate his opposition while reassuring his home supporters on thorny issues. He is adept at using different styles that he believes will best get his message across to his intended audience — the key is to understand at who he’s really aiming his comments.
        At heart he’s a salesman and deal-maker so he understands the nuances of language and publicity. Something that appears to be entirely lost on the Democraps.
        I remember watching videos of him years ago when he had some problems building a golf course in Scotland. The statements he made to the public were simple and direct. Later that week a recording of his speech to Scottish councilors and officials at a dinner was far more erudite, charming, and humorous.


  • #

    Macron Calls Climate Change a ‘Red Line’ Issue at G20, Rebuking Trump
    The New York Times-26 Jun 2019
    “We cannot, at home, be under pressure from our youth, and rightly so,” Mr. Macron said, referring to student marches on the environment…

    VIDEO: 34secs: 28 Jun: BBC: French police pepper spray Paris climate protesters
    French police have pepper sprayed at close range climate activists blocking roads in the capital Paris, before removing them by force.
    The protesters, many of them students, were trying to draw government and media attention to climate change.
    They complained that the police response was excessive considering that the protest was peaceful.
    The protest happened as France baked in a heatwave, with temperatures in Paris around 33C (91F).


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      Sounds promising.


    • #

      Macron is weird..pepper sprays Yellow Vests earlier AND then Climate protesters, what! Not that I disapprove too much of the latter..


    • #

      Methinks Constable Clouseau was a bit peeved at being dragged out in riot gear , in hot weather , to get some attention seeking millenials off the road. Some pepper spray in the face is probably the least of the potential evils if they had of persisted with it.

      Near where we lived in 2003 some protestors put a rope across the Lausanne Geneva motorway and suspended two climbers off either end (it was on a bridge). This was during the G7 meeting at EVian and there where police from all over the country in the area who may be German, French or Italian native speakers. A mix up ensued (or as I suspect a pissed of police officer ensued) and the rope was cut as the road was cleared. One guy had belayed his line around the railing and was saved by hos mates. Sadly the other dangler just plummted directly into a river bed sustaining severe injuries. He was stupid enough to try and sue the govt and was told by the magistrate that he was a victim of his own stupidity and to go away.


  • #

    Lord save me from feminists.

    Julie Bishop could be trading the political stage for the small screen with a new talk show.

    The former foreign affairs minister is reportedly canvassing the interest of major networks for a new television show called The Conversation with Julie Bishop.

    Leaked pitch documents, obtained by The Australian, show production house Screentime is spruiking the show as “pure conversation” between Ms Bishop and a cast of high profile potential guests, including Michelle Obama, Princess Mary, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Oprah Winfrey, Sia and Nigella Lawson.

    Townsville Bulletin behind paywall.

    It appears there are no men or rightist women in the world worth talking to.


    • #
    • #

      ‘Michelle Obama, Princess Mary, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Oprah Winfrey, Sia and Nigella Lawson.’
      What a fem list, maybe they should all get together and make an all female version of ‘friends’ 😀


      • #

        I like Nigella, she cooks and eats rich tasty food and looks a million dollars, unlike some vegans.

        I have no idea about her politics.


        • #

          Don’t know about Nigella’s politics, but her father is very anti-EU and a prominent Brexiteer in the House of Lords.


    • #

      Oprah has apparently been nicknamed ” the queen of the New Age”, Adern…a hard left PM, Michael Obama…nuff said….the rest are lefty fluff.

      Reminds me why i prefer streaming over free to air….


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    In the satirical/cynical/witty style of comedian/philosopher George Carlin, RIP – Why are we here? PLASTIC!


    “The plastic bag ban comes into force today, and affects businesses from markets and retailers through to large department stores and supermarkets, and includes online sales”. Or face a $100,000 fine from Comrade Jacinda’s enforcers.

    Greens Associate Environment Minister Eugenie Sage’s Waste Minimisation Act would then tackle “lithium batteries which are significant problems“. Say what!? The mythical saviour is now a significant problem?

    If the great unwashed don’t fall for your gobbledegook, drown ’em in minutiae [small, trivial details].


    • #

      She who has been nick named “the pretty communist”?


    • #

      I guess Greg, how much proof do people need to realize the Left are a reactionary and socially corrosive dangerous idealogical and destructive force?

      If peoole dont sling her out at the next election, they might run up a hammer and sickle flag over NZ…


  • #

    30 Jun: AP: UN Chief Warns Paris Climate Goals Still Not Enough
    U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres took his global message urging immediate climate action to officials gathered in the United Arab Emirates on Sunday, where production of hydrocarbons remains a key driver of the economy.
    Guterres is calling on governments to stop building new coal plants by 2020, cut greenhouse emissions by 45% over the next decade and overhauling fossil fuel-driven economies with new technologies like solar and wind. The world, he said, “is facing a grave climate emergency.”…

    He spoke at the opulent Emirates Palace, where Abu Dhabi was hosting a preparatory meeting for the U.N. Climate Action Summit in September. Guterres was expected to later take a helicopter ride to view Abu Dhabi’s Noor solar power plant.
    When asked, U.N. representatives said the lavish Abu Dhabi summit and his planned helicopter ride would be carbon neutral, meaning their effects would be balanced by efforts like planting trees and sequestering emissions…

    He suggested taxing major carbon-emitting industries and polluters, ending the subsidization of oil and gas, and halting the building of all new coal plants by next year…

    I have a feeling the youth Guterrest spoke to were simply UN youth climate activists:

    Twitter UN Youth Envoy
    16h ago UN Youth Envoy Retweeted:

    TWEET: Achim Steiner, Administrator – United Nations Development Programme @UNDP. Former Director @OxMartinSchool / Oxford University, UN Under Sec-Gen & ED @UNEP
    As young people around the world demand to address #ClimateUrgency, @UN’s @antonioguterres, @ThaniAlZeyoudi and @jayathmadw engages w/ next generation & #UAE youth delegates in #YouthDialogue at #ADClimateSummit…

    16h ago
    TWEET: Thomas Lingard, Unilever Global Policy, Advocacy & Partnerships. Climate Action & Sustainable Development. Former Deputy Director of Green Alliance.
    The inclusion of youth delegates in the #ADClimateSummit is raising the quality of debate. They tell it like it is. The work of @UNYouthEnvoy @GretaThunberg and others has made this not only possible but necessary. #truthtopower…

    15h ago: TWEET: UN Youth Envoy
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.
    Men in suits.


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      First Greta, now the U.N. has Jayathma, a much more inclusive name.

      No doubt she is doing this for no remuneration.


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    Q. Remember when environmentalists squealed about peak oil?
    A. Neither do they.

    Oil supply to swamp demand, squeeze OPEC in 2020, IEA says



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    States can’t survive without “voluntary” taxes.

    I read today that: The Queensland Government’s planned crackdown on distracted drivers would introduce a $1,000 on-the-spot penalty — more than double the current fine of $400.

    And while I can’t find anything about it I partly heard on the radio that a state levy on dumping rubbish is also more than doubling. A ute load will cost abt $55 + the local dump operator’s charges.

    The other “voluntary” taxes on gambling, alcohol, cigarettes and traffic fines continue to rake in billions.


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      I suspect that the large majority of vehicle drivers do not appreciate they are in charge of a powerful weapon when driving a motor vehicle. This is an important consideration when driving and, making that realisation, gives meaning to “defensive driving”.

      I fully support voluntary taxes and never miss the opportunity to thank individuals for their contribution to general revenue when I learn of such contributions. In doing so, I hope they take it as a learning experience rather than building resentment for the collection authority. I do note that some people are slow learners and are poorer for it.

      I have had at least six near death experiences with inattentive drivers. In one case asking a taxi driver to pull over and let me out. In another case ending up in a Thai hospital for observation after a high speed incident involving loss of vehicle control when the driver was talking on a mobile phone.


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        You don’t drink, smoke, gamble or drive fast. Do you get out of bed in the morning?

        I have driven a million Ks and have been able to avoid bad situations. Two I can think of that startled me were caused by fuddy duddy drivers.


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          Florida is one of the worst places to drive a big truck IMO. Because of all of the retirees they call it “Gods waiting room” and some of those blue hairs seem to be tired of waiting the way they drive.


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          I have a glass of wine most nights with dinner. I do not smoke and never will. I have bought a draw in charity raffles at club events and the occasional race sweep on Melbourne Cup day. When driving I set my cruise control on the speed limit according to the GPS. Speedo shows 1 to 2 kph faster than GPS when set at 100kph so I set to achieve the designated speed by GPS. My current car does not brake automatically when on cruise control so I monitor speed carefully when fuel consumption falls to zero down a long hill. My last voluntary contribution was on the downhill entry to the Domain Tunnel not long after it was constructed when car overran cruise control setting.

          I am all for any means of encouraging other controllers of deadly weapons to take due care to maintain careful control. Cars do not kill, it is the nut holding the wheel!


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        Since I drive a big truck for a living I see it all the time. I can usually tell a driver is texting or playing around on their cell long before I catch up to them. Sometimes they can’t keep it between the lines or wonder from one side of their lane to the other but more often the dead give away is speed control. Distracted drivers, even if they don’t cause an accident, often cause unnecessary delays in traffic which causes traffic to bunch up and in turn increases the probability of others having an accident. In Detroit during high traffic hours one time I saw a guy with three kids in the car texting on I-94 as he sped by my rig. I’ve seen women trying to put on mascara or lipstick while driving down the road. I’ve seen guys with work papers on their steering wheel trying to read while their driving. And every great once in awhile I’m given little shows by a women or a couple that pull up beside me to make sure I can see their sexual activities. People are crazy! It’s a wonder there aren’t more accidents than there are.


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          I’ve never driven a truck but sympathise. Like Florida the grey nomads flock to Nth Qld to get warm.

          There was a stretch I travelled a couple of times a month with 13 single lane bridges. The rules were simple – north bound traffic gives way ALL the time. Following a 22 wheeler with a pan I could not see what was ahead when suddenly blue smoke billowed from his tyres. He swung to the other side, me behind him as he was forced to overtake an elderly gent heading south who stopped in front of him. Fortunately the northbound car followed the rules and all was well but the car driver was dead if the semi hadn’t been able to avoid him.

          He prolly swore at the truckie.


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          I saw one dump truck driver drift half way across a road into the oncoming lane from phone gazing.


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        I havent ended up in a Thai hospital but have needed a stiff drink at times after surviving the drive back to from our work site. One evening we arrived at a toll booth and the driver was doing the transaction, when the car in the next lane was hit by someone who hadnt noticed the end of the freeway. Reminded of that movie Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close.

        I’m happy to support anything that keeps people off the phone when driving.


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      Bill in Oz

      Surely this just makes Palachook’s demise more inevitable !
      Labor did the same here in SA
      And it was part of the deep resentment which created the March 2018 loss of government.


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      Yep more nanny state, although texting and driving is pretty stupid, but driver education would be a better spend than just raking in millions and doing nothing else.
      Much of the so called road toll is made from bad statistics or wrongly attributed stats to the real cause. Going over some set limit doesnt in itself cause accidents, its got to do with relative speed compared to the traffic flow, weve all seen bad drivers weaving in out of lanes etc. They dont want the real accident causes to be made to public as to justify huge fines.


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      Very wet at my place in central Indiana. The farmers throughout most of the corn belt have gotten a lot less corn in the ground this year than usual because of the rain. Some of those that did get it in lost it due to their fields being flooded later and had to replant. Past time for corn planting when the rains finally abated in my area. So more soybeans and other crops are being planted this year. What corn crops I have seen during my travels as a truck driver are far behind where they normally are by this time of the year. Used to be “knee high by the fourth of July” but in these times corn is usually well over waist high by the 4th. This year many fields that were planted with corn won’t be knee high by then.


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    29 Jun: OilPrice: Mini-Grid Revolution could soon power 490 million people
    by Irina Slave
    There are currently 840 million people around the world living without electricity. By 2030, this figure will rise to 1.2 billion as the global population expands and electricity grids remain the same. However, this could change by marrying solar with mini-grids, a new report (LINK 64-PAGE PDF) from the World Bank says.

    At the moment, some 47 million people in remote locations have been connected to mini-grids, most of them in Asia. There are 19,000 of these mini-grids, and most of them run on diesel or hydropower. However, in light of the global sustainability drive, diesel is not the best option. Solar, on the other hand, could be, according to the World Bank…

    According to World Bank figures, the cost of a so-called hybrid solar system, which means generation plus storage capacity, currently averages US$3,908 per kW. However, by 2030 this will fall below US$3,000. The cost of PV modules will drop a lot more substantially, from US$690 per kWp to US$140 per kWp. Lithium ion battery costs are also set for a dramatic decrease, from almost US$600 per kWh today to as little as US$62 per kWh in 2030. Finally, PV inverters needed for these systems, will cost just US$58 per kW in 2030 versus US$264 per kW now.
    The World Bank says these cost estimates are optimistic but not naïve…

    links to ESMAP TECHNICAL REPORT 014/19
    ESMAP is funded by ***Australia, Austria, Canada, ClimateWorks, Denmark, the European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, the Rockefeller Foundation, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, as well as the World Bank.


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      Rachel Kyte, former World Bank Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change and previously World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development.

      difficult to distinguish Kyte’s work for the World Bank and for the UN:

      30 Jun: UN News: Keeping cool in the face of climate change
      As global temperatures reach record highs, providing cooling systems which are effective, sustainable and which do not harm the environment is increasingly essential for everyday life. That’s according to Rachel Kyte, Chief Executive Officer of Sustainable Energy for All, and ***Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL)…
      Yet as cooling needs rise, we must meet these challenges in an energy-efficient way, or the risks to life, health and the planet will be significant. At the same time, they provide equally important business opportunities for companies or entrepreneurs who can design and produce hyper-efficient cooling devices at affordable prices for this rapidly growing market…

      Based on the “Chilling Prospects” analysis, of the 1.1 billion people who lack access globally, 470 million people are in poor rural areas without access to safe food and medicines, and 630 million people are in hotter, urban slums with little or no cooling to protect them against extreme heatwaves.
      Nine countries have the biggest populations facing significant cooling risks. These countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America include: India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, China, Mozambique and Sudan…


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        Endless lies more lies more fakery to support the endless scams. Lets wreck the global energy supply.
        “Based on the “Chilling Prospects” analysis, of the 1.1 billion people who lack access globally, 470 million people are in poor rural areas without access to safe food and medicines, and 630 million people are in hotter, urban slums with little or no cooling to protect them against extreme heatwaves.”
        So what will happen when the minimum bites in with RECORD cold, what will the DEATH rates be like then..Ms UN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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      The World Bank says these cost estimates are optimistic but not naïve…

      Ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaa.

      They are worse than naive – in fact laughably so.


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      Graeme No.3


      I think those cost estimates are both optimistic and naive. Oops I see Rick Will is ahead of me.


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      Pat, the mini-grid cost reductions, according to World Bank, are “optimistic but not naive”. While I agree that they are optimistic, I think they are VERY naive, as I very much doubt that these costs will come down, especially battery costs.


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    BBC still anti-Brexit:

    28 Jun: BBC: Brexit ‘COULD leave UK short of energy’
    Marco Alvera, head of European industry body GasNaturally, told the BBC that EU nations could restrict gas exports to the UK during winter cold snaps in order to prioritise their own citizens…
    The UK imports almost half the gas it consumes via pipelines from Europe.

    Some 39% of the UK’s electricity supply was generated from natural gas last year, according to official government statistics (LINK)…
    He added that EU nations would also theoretically have the ability to impose tariffs on their gas and electricity exports to the UK post-Brexit…
    The UK has become overly dependent on imported natural gas to meet its winter fuel needs, Mr Alvera warned.

    He said this was because the UK’s own North Sea gas supplies had wound down, while at the same time the country had shut down much of its gas storage infrastructural capacity.
    “We see one of the consequences of global warming is more extreme temperatures in the summer and in the winter,” he told the Business Daily programme on BBC World Service radio.
    “In the week when we had the ‘Beast from the East’ very cold spell coming, the system was already under a lot of strain, and the UK was taking a lot of gas from Europe that was stored in Europe.”…https://www.bbc.com/news/business-48788636

    from comments:

    242: deadpansean: I see the BBC proof readers are still up to spec …
    European pipelines: 47% (of which 36% comes from Russia and 21% from Norway)

    241: chris noone: Theres that word again …’could’

    235: Think Tank: Let’s start burning coal again. We have 100s of years worth of supplies buried beneath Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire and parts of Kent…


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    Banks need to get ahead of climate change, ***or else
    Financial Times-17 hours ago
    Banks are where the financial system and the real economy meet. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate change agreement will be unattainable unless banks finance solutions to…

    30 Jun: REVE: IRENA Urges for More Climate Ambition through Renewables
    This central message is being presented by IRENA at the UN’s Abu Dhabi Climate Summit taking place on June 30 and July 1 in the UAE capital. IRENA will outline that falling technology costs have made solar, wind and other renewables the competitive backbone of energy decarbonisation and the most effective climate action tool available.
    “Renewable energy delivers jobs, delivers on sustainable economic development and will deliver a viable climate solution. It is the competitive backbone of global energy decarbonisation and an essential and ready instrument to achieve the Paris Agreement goals,” said Francesco La Camera, IRENA Director-General, who is participating in a series of ministerial-level sessions addressing the energy transition…

    To meet climate goals however, deployment needs to happen six times faster than it is today. IRENA estimates that keeping global average temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius by 2050, means two-thirds of the world’s energy should be renewable…


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    29 Jun: University World News: Creating tomorrow’s climate change leaders on campus
    by Shannon Lambie
    (Shannon Lambie is a masters student in community and regional planning at the University of British Columbia, Canada. She works part-time as an engagement specialist with the International Sustainable Campus Network ISCN)

    Universities, unique in their societal role, have the opportunity to employ transformational leadership to promote higher level altruistic goals and self-actualisation. This approach is necessary to tackle the most pressing issue of our generation: climate change.
    Climate change poses a global catastrophic risk. This means it could damage human well-being on a global scale, crippling human civilisation…
    The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), a non-profit association of universities in over 30 countries, presents a potential solution to this challenge…
    In 2009, ISCN, in partnership with the Global University Leaders Forum or GULF (a group of the World Economic Forum) developed the ISCN-GULF Sustainable Campus Charter…

    The first programme is the Ambassadors Mentoring Programme, which pairs ISCN members with mentee universities that are just starting on the sustainability pathway…
    The second programme is the Peer Exchange Programme. Through this programme, ISCN members will have the opportunity to host a representative from another member institution to take part in a robust peer exchange with faculty, staff and students.
    The third programme is the Peer Review Programme. This programme will facilitate a process where other ISCN members will review emerging plans and programmes with the aim of both improving the final product delivered and adding further credibility to the development of the document…

    The final programme is the City-University Partnership Programme. This programme aims to convene a cohort of members and city partners to develop a strategic framework for enhancing collaboration between cities and universities…


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      Its unbelievable……….”..designed to reduce emissions of the harmful gasses.” CO2 is a HARMFUL gas….? Yep CO2 is SO dangerous we dont want ANY in our air we breath ……
      Please send someone to the looney bin.


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    30 Jun: AFR: How Industry Super can help fix Australia’s energy mess
    Subsidised renewables and no political consensus have seen prices skyrocket. The super industry can provide a counterweight to the policy inertia.
    by Stephen Anthony and Alex Coram
    (Stephen Anthony is chief economist at Industry Super Australia and Alex Coram is partner at Lateral Economics)
    As one of the main custodians of close to $3 trillion of Australians retirement savings and a duty of responsibility to its members, industry super funds have an interest in working with government to help solve some of Australia’s more intractable economic problems.

    To say Australia’s electricity sector presents an “intractable” problem is an understatement. It is a mess. Scientists tell us that emissions must be near zero by the end of this century to prevent a possible catastrophic change in the climate, while at the same time, our ageing energy infrastructure continues to fall further and further behind the rest of the world…

    Something needs to give. This is where industry super funds come in.
    In the event of ongoing poor energy policymaking, far-sighted superannuation funds may be able to act as a counterweight. With the best interests of their members at heart, industry super funds have the purpose, and the capital, to work with the government to develop a long-term solution.
    To this end we stand ready as investment partners to help the government build the zero-emissions electricity grid of the next century, and to achieve abatement through orderly transition…
    In our latest discussion paper, Modernising Australia’s electricity sector (LINK), we set out how industry funds can play a part in fixing this mess…

    China apologists at theirABC are at it again:

    1 Jul: ABC: China remains the world’s worst polluter but did you know it’s also a leader in renewable energy?
    By Christina Zhou
    China’s growing renewable energy supply and dominance in renewable energy technology — including being the world’s leader in the production and sale of electric vehicles — has led some observers to highlight’s China potential as a global green leader…

    (IRENA REPORT JANUARY) “No country has put itself in a better position to become the world’s renewable energy superpower than China,” said the report.
    “In aggregate, it is now the world’s largest producer, exporter and installer of solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and electric vehicles, placing it at the forefront of the global energy transition.”…

    Could China completely run on clean energy?
    Sarah Ladislaw, director of the energy and national security program at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, said China’s is the largest market for renewable and nuclear power in the world but still heavily reliant on coal.
    “China alone makes up about 50 per cent of global coal consumption, and coal is about 60 per cent of total Chinese energy consumption,” she said…


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      Hang on to your Super folks, the loonies want to invest it for you, and make it work for the benefit of mankind.

      Mostly their kind I think.



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      Lake mouth blocking up?


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        el gordo

        There was an unexpected big rain and then it iced over, which stopped evaporation. It wasn’t in the script, so they are bringing in a couple of rewrite subs to explain this anomaly.


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          Kinky Keith

          Sorry, I was thinking of the lakes North of Newcastle.
          The great lakes are gonna be covered in ice eventually.


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    el gordo

    Ever wonder what the dynamical processes are for the duration of ENSO events. Timing is important.



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      Bill in Oz

      I’m curious E G. But that link is just a teaser abstract.
      It costs $35 to look at the full article as a PDF.
      And no doubt my email contact details will be passed on to others for further glorious profit
      Not this bunny !


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    read all:

    30 Jun: NoTricksZone: France’s Fake Record: Weather Agencies Can Alter Datasets, But Can’t Rewrite The Newspapers
    By P Gosselin


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    28 Jun: TimesOfIndia: The warming effects of CO2 are benign
    by Sanjeev Sabhlok
    The problem with climate “science”, however, is that the data – which are telling us to relax – fly in the face of the strong tendency of its advocates to bully us into a panic. We are asked to drop all common sense and to accept that CO2 – a monumentally insignificant fraction of the air – is the control knob of the climate…

    Donald Trump walked out of the Paris Accord and is reportedly setting up a committee to review the current state of climate knowledge. He is on the right track. In addition, he should seek abolition of the IPCC or at least make it clear to these gravy-train bureaucrat-scientists that until the science agrees to a single model and makes a single medium-term prediction that actually comes true, they should stop drumming up bogus panic and scaring small children across the world.

    India should take it easy and focus on more important and urgent environmental issues. The only clear effect of more CO2 has been a greening of the Earth and of India in particular…READ ALL


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    The variability of wind power.

    Two consecutive weeks.

    Two weeks ago, wind power had the worst week since I started collecting this data almost a year ago now. The average CF for the week was 14.6%, and wind power generated just 161GWH of power for the week, and that was 3.83% of the total generated power from every source for the week.

    This week just gone, (ending Sunday) wind power had the best week since I started collecting the data. The average CF for the week was 40.31%, and wind power generated 454GWH of power for the week, and that was 11.17% of the total generated power from every source for the week.

    However, look closely at this.

    The total generated power from every source was 3.6% lower this last week than it was two weeks ago.

    However, coal fired power was only lower by 1.5%, so in fact, coal fired power delivered a greater percentage of power this last week than for two weeks ago, while wind power almost tripled its output.

    The difference between the two weeks.

    Wind power – UP by 293GWH

    Natural Gas (NG) fired power – DOWN by 201GWH

    Hydro power – Down by 123GWH ….. (total NG and Hydro – DOWN by 324GWH)

    So, wind power is having no effect at all on coal fired power, no matter if wind is having a good week or a bad week. Wind power is being ‘moderated’ with NG and hydro power. Wind up, and those other two down, wind down, and those other two up.

    Coal fired power just does what it always has does, hums along delivering 70% of all the generated power, no matter if wind power is good or bad.

    It’s funny how the data always seems to go against what we are being told.



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    el gordo

    A close look at the solar dynamo and planetary alignment which eliminates spots.



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      Bill in Oz

      Thanks EG !
      Interesting and possibly a good explanation of the sun spot cycle !
      Of Course
      Sunspots are now at a minimum.
      And in history such minimas correlate
      With cool periods in the Earth’s climate


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    forget all those headlines & articles about the following prediction:

    “Britain set for hottest February day in 178 YEARS”

    30 Jun: UK Independent: UK weather: Temperatures drop by up to 10 degrees as heatwave loses grip on Europe
    ‘Temperatures are back to where they should be at this time of the year,’ says Met Office
    by Alessio Perrone

    ***After Britain experienced the hottest day since 2017*** on Saturday, with the mercury reaching 34C in Heathrow and Northolt, the Met Office said it will be noticeably cooler today and tomorrow as Atlantic air coming across the UK brings fresher and breezier conditions…

    Ms Kent said high temperatures would be around 25 in London and the southeast, 20 in Wales and 18 in Carlisle.
    “Although this might be disappointing for those that were hoping for more heat, temperatures are back to where they should be,” she said…

    Massive wildfires developed in northeastern Spain and ***southwestern France in the last few days…

    30 Jun: TheConnexion: Heatwave wildfire in south of France was arson
    A wildfire has destroyed more than 600 hectares of land and 11 houses in the south of France, with one man arrested for allegedly lighting it deliberately.
    The land was set on fire in the ***Gard (Occitanie), and spread quickly due to the intense heat and dryness on Friday June 28. At the time, the department was one of four on Météo France red alert for heatwave (canicule) and had reached temperatures of 45.8°C.
    More than 550 firefighters and 180 emergency vehicles worked through the night to put out the blaze, in temperatures of around 30°C…
    As well as the 11 homes, four barns and four mobile homes were also damaged, firefighters confirmed (LINK LE FIGARO – FRENCH).
    A man from the nearby commune of Quissac has been suspected of starting the fire. He was arrested on Friday and is now being held at a psychiatric hospital after a psychological assessment…

    29 Jun: Sky News UK: Europe heatwave: Firefighters battle wildfires in France after temperatures hit 45.9C
    Dozens of fires have burned about 1,500 acres of land in the ***Gard region – destroying several houses and vehicles.
    By Tania Snuggs
    Hundreds of firefighters and 10 aircraft have been battling to contain wildfires in southern France after a stifling heatwave brought record-breaking temperatures of 45.9C (114F).
    Dozens of fires have burned more than 600 hectares (about 1,500 acres) of land in the Gard region – destroying several houses and vehicles…
    ***According to local reports, a man has been arrested on suspicion of deliberately starting fires ***in one village…

    “IN ONE VILLAGE”? sounds like an attempt not to connect the arsonist to the large wildfire.

    30 Jun: news.com.au: Reuters: Fatal Euro heatwave ***prompts fires, power cuts and sets frightening record
    In the ***Gard region, where France’s highest temperature on record was registered on Friday at 45.9C, scores of fires burned some 600 hectares of land and destroyed several houses and vehicles…
    ***A psychologically unstable man was reportedly arrested for deliberately starting fires in one Gard village…



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    1 Jul: Daily Mail: Sir David Attenborough makes surprise Glastonbury appearance to praise festival for going plastic-free – despite revellers blasting the water shortage and ‘disgusting’ amounts of rubbish piling up
    •Last night festival-goers slammed the Somerset farm site as ‘disgusting’ and shamed their fellow attendees
    •The crowds were also accused of ignoring Glastonbury’s hard-hitting ‘leave no trace’ eco-campaign
    •It comes after the festival was rocked by a water shortage when showers were shut amid the heatwave
    •This afternoon, broadcaster and environmentalist David Attenborough appeared on the Pyramid stage
    by Jack Elsom
    In addition to inviting Sir David to speak, Glastonbury has been keen to burnish its eco-activism credentials throughout the festival which saw an Extinction Rebellion march on Thursday…

    He revealed that a new BBC series called Seven Worlds, One Planet will begin ‘later on this year’ before showing the gathered ‘a few glimpses of what awaits you within the next few months’…
    But festival-goers have claimed that this environmentalist drive has started to unravel as reports of discarded cups, cans and old paper plates flood social media…
    But the masses have been branded hypocrites in light of pictures revealing the pigsty site, with Ronnie Charles writing on Facebook: ‘I thought Glastonbury revellers were the green environmental friendly type… We used to be.’
    Lauren Scott wrote: ‘I have to say I’ve been really disappointed by the sheer amount of rubbish everywhere. It’s not hard to take it with you, there are bins all over the b****y place.’

    Signing the Green Pledge was mandatory in order to register for festival tickets this year and forced people to commit to do their ‘duty’ to make sure the farmland is looked after…
    This morning, revellers woke up to closed showers as the organisers’ bid to curb water usage continued into its second day amid soaring temperatures…


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      Greg in NZ

      “Signing the Green Pledge was mandatory” . . . consensus by stealth . . . sounds all too similar to ‘the polls don’t lie – how did we lose!

      Radio airwaves here have been overdosing on Slur Attenbollocks’ plastique non-fantastique self-promotional soundbite nonsense all day. Child psychologists will no doubt be rubbing their hands with glee at the anticipated (gold)rush of disturbed and depressed young’ns bangin’ on their doors…


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    el gordo

    Coral growth in the South China Sea was greatly hampered during cold epochs and flourished when SST was 2 degrees warmer.



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      el gordo

      During cold epochs sea level falls and coral is bleached by exposure and not warm water.


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    30 Jun: Reuters: Protest in Madrid as conservatives suspend ban on most polluting cars
    Reporting by Elena Rodriguez, writing by Andrei Khalip and Joan Faus
    Thousands protested in Madrid on Saturday against the suspension of curbs on polluting cars by the new conservative city hall, raising fears that environmental rollbacks seen in the United States may be spreading to Europe.
    The first reversal of environmental policies by a major European city comes despite soaring global environmental concerns and is a fresh sign of growing divisions in Spain after a series of inconclusive elections in April and May.
    Last November Madrid’s then far-left government banned most petrol and diesel cars from its center to tackle high levels of nitrogen dioxide…

    “We have to save (the planet) starting at the local and small level, the first thing is Madrid’s center,” said Laura Martin, a 39-year-old actress…
    She added that she was concerned that the new Madrid government might have some similar ideas to U.S. President Donald Trump’s rollback of environmental policies…
    People of all ages rallied despite a scorching heatwave in Spain and most of Europe…

    The new city hall run by the conservative People’s Party suspended fines on cars entering the currently restricted area of around five sq km (two sq miles) from July 1, while it reviews the plan to make it “compatible with citizens’ mobility needs”…

    The European Commision has warned Spain that it would face sanctions and a possible lawsuit if it fails to meet air quality standards in its largest cities of Madrid and Barcelona.


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    poor Brits. they spends thousands of pounds on holidays in the sun, but can’t get to enjoy a day (or maybe two) of warm weather at home, without MSM attempting to spoil it. plenty of sweaters/jackets at the cricket in Birmingham Sunday:

    1 Jul: UK Sun: COLD SHOWER UK weather forecast – Britain to be hit by rain and cooler temperatures today after baking in weekend heatwave
    by Jenny Awford
    Temperatures will be “rather cool” in the North, according to the Met Office, with highs of 16C expected in Newcastle…
    This may come as a welcome relief for some after temperatures soared to 34C on Saturday making it the hottest day of the year.

    The mercury hit 34C in Northolt, Middlesex, as Britain basked in a heat wave.
    Brits made the most of the sun by firing up BBQs while others headed to the beach and gathered in beer gardens…

    Alex Burkill of the Met Office: “Scotland saw some lovely weather last week but temperatures are nowhere near what they were.
    “The first day of July on Monday will see a damp start, quite windy conditions which will make things feel rather cool.
    “On Monday night, the temperature could get down as low as 4C (39F).”
